, \I ·IfI·I.II�1!'It. ,'1. .,1: Butly aarnutt·:VOl. XII. lfo. 8. 1JlOVBJUJftY OF OBIOAGO,l'BIDAY. �BBB 10,1913 •.IIF.SIIIEN COIftlE IN PREDICTVlcrORYFORCHlCAGO NINE,HUNDRED. WOMEN.GINGER�ALE cONtFSr ·l'orty Oandidates � Debat1D& Bal- PRESENT AT Floue1,. Ycstercla,. JIom1D.g In Law Build;.Oftices To Be FUled A't Meettq 'OfBoud ot DiRctors In�,..�&ed Pa1.iOg aDd Poor O1reulvb.Work In The L1De Karb ScrimmageIn Which Va.rstt,- Is Able To Scot"VARSm 'PRACTla IS POOR START COIPEnTIONFOR' ·BIJSINB'·sTAiiFTwetYe FInI:.Y ear Men Are En­tered· ID Amlual Speed.DriDkiDg Bout.CO_ONS ORCHESTRA TO PlAY iDg-Ooach Moulton And ftree Var­sity Debaters Are speakers. ·CCV oles And The Devotees"Makes Hit With FacultyMemben Last Night.JANET FLANNEilS GlVlN ROSES JUDGI; WORK ON MERIT· BASISBUl Once. Must Fill .� ..of· Basi-eMMaaqer·ADd On:uJatioD,Manae_:Neu··Year.·:Y esterday's Varsity-frcshmen scriUJ'mage developed some of the poores.oftcllI.i\·e work 011 the part of the Va!Nity that has been seen this year.'tbc strong freshman team praeficallplayed their opponents even and wet,'only scored upon after an hour's harwork. The freshman offensive is nat"nrally weak as the backs are eontanually shifted, and the men do not hs,\'t'COllfitlellce ill Chicago's chances fora ehumpiouship year ill debating wastilt.' key noto of every speech at the de­batin:,! rally yesterday morning ill theLaw building, Sherman Conrad, Wil­bur Hamman and Arllolel Baar, mem­hers of last year's Varsity teams, spoke'encouragingly of the present outlookfor a vieot.rloua year, and Coach IL G.'l'",eh'e Freshmen will engage ill the .:\Ioulton eommented on the I-orratifyinJ!giDger-ale clriDJrjng contest at the Y. Interest that eundidates wore display­M. C. A. stag in the Reynolds dub in,,;. Forty candidates atteuded thetlieater at 8 tonight. A pint bottle meeting. ... ix Hundred Are Present At Supperln�nBeforePerformance.Coach Stagg. Dr. Goodspeed And Mr.Jleni1leld oro Speak AtStag.Niue hundred women of the Univer-sity witucssed in Malluel last night the C ta chance to become welded into a per ompet tions tor p08it1oD8 On thoelaborate play given at the larg\..':it f r· ._-ect machine. The VarNity offense, 011 )USIDMa IlWUA of the Daily Maroon hasFreshmuu ""roli� ever held sillce th ... ·, .v the other hand, should be workinl? now begun, Two pOsi.tions will be �va-"Tn "1',.,... of the un I' t t custom was exhibited. Six hundreu thl h' - f -eant ,t tL .1 fwill be given each Freshman who will '-.. usua 111 eres smoo Y at t IS fime 0 the year, an-l '- .e en .... 0 the year and "tireb. that is beiug .. hown in debating this women Mat down to 8ul'per in Lex- -. -.be placed on a pedestal, to e fimed ZSlI <> .the linemen ought to be able to oP'" Sll('ftC8S0rs to the preeent officer'8 will.• "oar," .... id 'Ir ...... oulton, "I am looking ington before the play and then circled h J ith 1 f be cho· sen f tilin lull vlew of the audlenee The men' .........on up () es ""I some I egree 0 ease and ,- rom e men; who ,go oUt--':1.1 drai thei b I . forward to a su ful season, A the call1lJUN ill a lnnteru parade which rtainty II ow .&ny .0 . hi .wu. aID elf ott 08 one at a tame, U ,-uoo _, ee.. . _" ne w� JOg t.o. try. outI of ended at Manuel hall. h ld .tIie .,eecliest drinker to be dVeD & arger number men of known eat- LIne. Weak On Offense. f1 on .",eo the busineas, manager. 'atprize. iber is out this year than has been for Jar!ut Planner, author of the play Coach Stagg has been eoneentrntin- 10:15 in the Maroon ofrice, Ellis 12.'LAst year, quart-bottles were given years, and the foundation work for the -'Votes and The Devotees," was presen- his attention on the line durtng tho Any ai_dent in the University,.m8-J.the Freshmen in the eompetitton, but season has progressed better than e,'lJr ted w�th a bunch of American Beau-' wholl' week, bst no noticeable impro"t'e· ·try out for either of these .p08itioua,"BiIl". Lyman, who is managing the before. With the enthusiasm displayeel ties by the cast, Miriam Whalin, the ment has been manifest a." )·ot. Th" hnsh,�s manager .nd eireulatiQ mau­anangements for thl' stng, after esti. by aspirants for the team, I feel safe musical Ilireetor, was given a bouquet freshmen tackles and entls brokfl a!l"1'. COJite .. ta.ota are jU41ged. on &. l' t' d of yellow roses. b ... .mati.ng the probable capa.eities of 80mt' ID I,rel IC ,lllg a rccor year." through almost ·at will antI wore able . limB OJ;· lIlerlt pureJ"y. At. the aDnuaIof the volunleenl for this year's eon Allow Speakers Five Minutes. Praises Production. to nail the Varsity b�ks before thl'.'· mp.etincJ of tlle Board of :r>ireeters .beldteRt, decided to cut tlown the allow In the preliminary tryouts, Friday, "This has been one of the most cn- got started. Beshles thi. the Varsit� 'in lb:r 00 wor. 6� 8at'h ·'hee1er" I.ant'e of 80tt drinks. October 24, candidates will be allowcll i joyable }"rolics I have ever attendeel; interference was edreJDely' woak� TIll tile.· ·bu:sfneee department is gone OY�0rcJIest;ra Will PIa,-. five minut08 for their arguments, antl saiel Miss Breckenridge :LIter the play. men did not work tud�IUy t.ogethf'':' Md· the pMilions awarded to thoee menth . tc f b ttal th "1 think. the pl�:y remarkable clover . h f· h who· haTe· �... ·tL· .. ......The program of the stag will begh' ree mlnu 8 or re u .. ey may an many' times t e re8 mn ends,· who . U.6Oe .e moe. 1ror_ , �.at. eight, in the C!lub theater, with mu. choose either side of the question, "Rf .for. any affair, regardless of its bp.ing shoultl bave been smother:ed, ltroke 'Ta t!ompeUag l'br the position ot.:bn.·solve 1 that the 8tates 8hou1 il Mtablish a student production. ",liss Flanntlr through an 1 . d ""e I· Th r in888 lDUatJer, the stu.lent eoIi�i';_ '.:e! ::��=. ;::-:.:' a ":���i. of mini.in.m·�.g;;.. for ";ii -Jrli;,r'\vh"ibl' .... -;y.C,·iD ....;.r.iJ: f.;U� � ����o-;:�;;: h';;,/:: '1i'8"I;;-'�";'i.';; ii.�ii;,"""P�o·Of· =_ .:c'USS the progress of Chieago, along the unskilJed labor.' The eanClidates will .it.. ,; ''''1any size�· .The Vars�ty succeeeded in his .. ds ·mDB ·thp paper. Jp adllitioll')�n:e of elean athleties, antI Dr. Gooel draw numbers for their appearanee i� Dean Talbot, Dean 'Wallaee and ot •• - negotiating only. one successful tor- to tit", 1ke t •. given �8Dty per cent'..-cI will ,speak ot the old Ohicag: the preliminaries. Judges for. the tIy- e'£ m�mbors of· the" la�tr expressed war<1 pass throughout the whole sess- 01 4)\.my." aave�eDt .e gets.University. Mr. Merrifield anel Mr outs haT'e not yet been iumoun�ed. themselves as ·being; very. much pioa.. ion. Couieh�, Rnssell, and Nor«ren TJa�db.� ·this J'" f�ision, it til w:onh'Robertson will give informal talks o. The number of eantlielates wiJI be re ed. The audience showed its ,�pre. pulled this off in the latter par t ot 1rhd� tor llloat.· a.y student, w�the ..features of university life, afte' IluC!ecl to tweh·e in the pr�lim�naries. �iation jby contipual applause and reo tho. scrimmage, and it was good for a: ·be lriU be "In· eo1lege De� year o� n�whif'h Bowell Monay will lead the m�" Three weeks later the finals will 1)('· .peatel� calls for encores anel author: thirty yard gaill. 'l'b� (!oaehes werl' to 80licit ads 10 .. the )laroou. ,in all the cheers and songs. heM in Mamlel, to select the two Var-' �. BImdred. wOmen. Bat. thoroughly disgustecl wjt.J: the wo,.lr ..• , AbiUly to obtain lIUbse,fptioDS··wiUAt· the sul'per in Lexington before the team in general anel kept the·mc:--, ·hfo . ttle baSis of jbdging 'eaD���the· play six huntlred 'Women. wert' on on the field until 10l!g ·after dark, for eireulation manager.1rvell. Tables were set in the luncl. attempting to remedy S01l!C of'the cle-: There i. still a good elaalle� for.menfectli- ' 1Vho -Wis. '&0 eome out for the ,ec!ito�a1The Varsity !'(!'Jre·l iT.:J only' toueh·! en(l of 'the �r. Now is ·the 'bestdown after ." lonst series c' bueks nr-�i ;time lor' a .tn��t·tO eom� .01]t. fors>lunges w�:eh lmrriecl tl.e bal: froll.: tIlJa pan Of 't1ae -work 'lUI cCmiIDC. o.dthe freshman forty yard line aCTCt.'!" 8enral .-eels .lro_in _ no� would entailthe goaL Pil'r�,-' 'Went OVP.T for tb-: mifi."ing Hie 'beneBt ·«_Il··th� I��r� onSC!oro o� a buck off tackle. .Williams, newspaper. ;-ork ne� .me��n will bewho WIU' in at ta.ekle, kit-ked tin t":\!'y gi"en ROOB. 'Thoee 'wiping .·to -beeomogoal. The Froshmel( tat'!kles and M"� reporte1. boQa IDen aDa w�en, ShCMiladid the best defensive work of tlt' see the Driwa editor at '.,:15 or at 3:30dav Alberts, Jackson, and Gowan" 'in Ellis (I.8hi�ing in 'Parti�ular. Coat'b StBgsl-ve practically every regular wbo w� LBOi'UBB OM' � ,::Ot onthe hospital1ist a ehanee at on.. p�' PBJtiiABaftUKtime or another in the effort to brin�about an improvement in the work ofthe. Vanity.The men will then adjourn to HutchiD�n, where aeve� lively stunta willbe staged. ane\ whel'l' FrCflhmen win sity teamll.WID Bece1ve �tiOD.The six men who make the two Var-Rity teams 'Will each rCl!oive $80 in room, in the two �eighborhood room.tuition fees, to be available in any and in the League room. llargarettwo RUt't'ooding quarte",- Plares on .�hodes was toastmistress. Catht'rinethc two teams are open to any student Cov-ert gave an outline of the meaningin the University, i�elnding both :men of the League and its funetion in stu·antI women, and members of all elas."· elent life. . Ruth Allen toM of theduee '·the now ·men to ODe another, anel es, int'luding Freshmen, who have not 'ork planned by the League this year.to the speakers of the evening. reeeived tho dOt'!tor's degl'ee& Charlotte Viall spoke on the "CollegcWomen's Contribution to the Countr;y'rO 'rBLL OF 8BfttdIJIBB'f Lifo Mo'Vement," upon whieh a numberA'r SBBVIOB BBX'f 81JlO)AY' ·r prominent workers will talk in theeaguo's eourse of study during thenext two weeks. Caryl Cody in herKIss IIcDoweD aDd Profeaor 'ruftB �alk on membership, <1welt upon the�\C1vantage gained by .1I1ebership ino,c League aad urged every womanin the tJnlvenity to join.6ip of a' f'oUege woman ycsterelay "Scttlement Sund.y" wi1\ ht� dl��rv· .-'fter the supper the women formc.lmomhiy at 10:15 in Lexington. Speak- eel Sunclay at thc II o'e1�k scr\'ic'!S a proeeeaion, and mafthecl with Jap:Ing on "The Open Minctt' "he urgell in ManllcJ. }:ntering I'itulent.", ft'Ip8C' "ne80 lanterns around the ('ampll� In DEAN 'rALBO'r WILL. h SPBAK A'f WOMBN'Sthe woman to C!ome to 'e League ially, hn"e heen askeel to he pro."<'nt in UAJ'IWI!r court they formed a "C" anoi -1'- MEETING ON' MONDAYmeetings antI to e\'eryth ng elM af· ortler that they may obtain I'Ome Mng the Alma .Meter. The paralll'forded by the Unh'ol1'ity in '" spirit knowledge of the SettJement anel the then wound around among the buile"of open·mindednf'IM. She e1illiu8."t'd th(' Settlement work. I)rofe�r }'loyel·Rll-· . . " wl·tn G thl..� WI IllIr8 anel mto _andel to .,..meaning of I'e)igion to a girl in ('01· 8011 Met"hem, pl"Cftillent of the Board play.lege, Ib nec-�Ity, an" whnt· It h:\11 of Dircdonl of the Settlemnet,' will. gurgle for the year'a r�ortl in Ihink­_ pqer-ale. A eorps of walters wiD__ bit ..... tlllpeslDg frait. sand­.ida., eotree aDd cookies with M r. Bieldram; �retarY of the Y. M. C. A.,·the idd· of upperelasamen, will intro-._ &Bi'mG IBBfBBDAY�argaret Rhocles, presitlent of theY. \V. C. 1..., delivered the first of a wm Be Speakers .... · ProfeR..·wrMechun 'fo PresIde. GrlIin'aDd 0._ or JIftaleaHIi __ -IaD4 to .• ' Blplainea _., ..........weries ot League bIb on the disdple·meant to hoI'. The �ond lee-ture ·'�r· pr(OlCiele, anfl Professor T\lfb, hea.l of,'Iee" will be giT'eD hy Rnth All('n next the Philm.ophy elepartment, will "penk'l'hundBJ'. on "Settlement Work 8." a SOC'ial Neee\ C(\ftt� to the llltatanient matte ina prmiod!i l&"me of tit" lfsroon; KMt.­fOriM R�ith. who it' to ·Wk on ·F�:chSnfrlilge 'rom Ute I'taiufpcrint of .f'."noon Talhot wlil spenk nt. maM·ma-t- mi1itan� At th.. So ff'1'ft.JEl' , ·tea to heIng of ntl off·('ampo" WOl11 .. n Monela)' at gi\"(ln 1.y tht- Y. W. C. L. at " today,1(1:15 in K�nt theater nneler the au!"· I Mift yel't .... r.lay tbat "b� illl not a �r­pit'p.� of t.11r. �MJ.!hl,01'h()()CI c-lub!'.llI&Onal frienrl of M1'I'.· 'PankisurM. Shc"Nant'y lli11t'r, ltirial'" \�h:\1in,· atl.1t IUd. how-''ter. attelll'l ·the mfICtinp ofVi('t.Ol'son nnel FlOf('II('f, Fol�y, wiil the �-omt'n'" SOC"ial and PoIitif'al ·Un­«peak. Th� N�i�hborhoo,l ('lnh�· .. �"" ion wbile in F1n�and anet IMoard- ,bothWith MUlllit' by Dorothy 1.lewf\lIyn an,1 in"ited all Fre�"mSin WC"f.' n )jvi'.� otf I �,"'- ·P3ftkhuf'Wt aDd Mi", A.nie ·Ken·�Ch�n Ithe ('ampu� t." :lU .. nd ttill ",ny. , ney '�'". -----. i Sinrl' ·her �"' to �eriC"'" VinBeauty I Dramatic SocIety wm Meet.• Kf'ith ha.� " .. 1ive� ... ,talk.. egJaiDingTht' Dramatic- R�Slelinl[ f'Of'iC'ty wInE I'" '1' • Ch 1 '. .. ... h'... ng I.. "" ,tanC-T tn ar eY01S, MIC- -_______________ 1 mM't to C'1C'('t ofticol'l'l' TuNW1ay at :l :10 i •(Continued OD page ".) , in (lCxington. (C01lUIlUed OD pap 3., -The program foOo .. :A COYIC OP}:RA TN TWO 'OP8.By Janet Tyler �an.ner ....of the Community."Thf' .prlndpal "lllrflN' will he delh'­The SoeloJogy· elub will glT'C a .lin· Cred b�" MJM Mary Mt'!Dowe!ltJhl'ad 01ftH Monday night at 6 In the (':\of" 'OP T.··l.iving Room in Green lIAlI.ot t.e Huuhinf'On eommon& Ticoket8 the Settl('ment. The Mt'omp1i8hmen� ,()P. IT-Aunt .Temaimah·f'of the PRRt year and the pl'C1'ent need"C!OfIt fitty c!Mlt& Studt'nb intcnlling of t.he institution will be the 8ubj�tto go "hou1d "i,:tn up at tht' library�ak in the eut tower of Jlal'pCl'. P:tr) or.(Continued on page ."').. 21m DAILY JIABOON. PRIDAY. OCTOBER 10. 191�lIrIEET WITH NORTHW8STERN I' has done much to pop�lIarize this Hank. It w�s or�aniz.ctl a lit�)e o�er oneycar ugo and opvuc d It s drvrs �'q\�t ht.1C;1� "1111 �;II.f«(l ({rc!"Jt� and. -, 100 depositors. It now h:t� ovvr $';'111).1 tIC) de posit s. thus ('st:lhlishing- are-.First Long Distance Contest In . .cord In local bank inu.Years Is Arranged ByCoach Nichols.Th� Dailr.Mar?on I Athletics Brevities I1l1li.n.ilw .t, t;�u�.. , __ ___ - ........ _--!.• (ftdal "I.�... �,..,.?n ,Moulton, one of the most versattt«. "men OJI this ,yt'ar',,_ squad, �\'ho has been theater,working :llt<'T!lah')y at fuJI back, quur- Sunday.tor, and end, has juined tho hOSl)ital Iist, dean and quiet, $2.50' per week, 602;�\:'}th a badly "rcnched klie('. lIe will i;rexe! avenue.'l,roLaLly be in shape by the midJlo Setttemeut Sunday' 11, 'Mandel.of next week. Monda,..BULLBfiNlJ:lthelJlatit'a) Clulr-4:l5, llycrsoll 3;Y. M. C. A. Stag-8, Iteyuolds dtPL81JBSCEIBB FOR'1'BB DAILY MAROONp.oo.Sociology Clnb Dillner-6, C0I111110118Shorty Des. -Jardieu is the only mem- cafe •ber of the hospltnl squad who is not SCHEDULE CROSS COUNTRYrecoveriug rapidly. Shorty's shoulderwas gi ven :1 bad' '�e!lht' It scverat day'sago, and he has L('(.'11 forced to givoway to Whiting iu the scrirurunges.•" l'urmn!yUniversity of Chicago WeekI,...llbn�.in� E.!itor •••••••••••• Marti.il SteyeraNew. Editor�:� •••••• : ••• George CottinghamAthletJea Editor., :. flury' GorgasBu.ainclS Man<lgcr •••••••••••• B&Udctrt MalltCirc:ulatioa' Manager •••••••••• wiJi� LY!DlU1l'ULJli:'!I�1l li4&1!Y C:l>cc,l)t Sundays, 1l0nuaYIiauu lW!I!l"y:; !luring three-quarters 01 WcLi Ulvc:r';uy year. ' ,J:.:utc:rc:tJ .Ui :.C�onU·!o=L1SS DI:£il at the: ChicaguPosromee, l.JIH;.�O,. lJ!.. Moirell Ilj. l!lUb. uu­dcr Act u1 .M�l',?u,;:$. 1�7a. ' " Captaiu. Dav is, of Judiuna, may notbe ':tlJle to play. iu auother game thisyear. Davis went out of the Indiana­Chi(:ago gumo with au injured knee'ufctr ]�ierce and )'Iorgan had broughthim down 011 a tne kle around play.The injnry has not dispayod any im-provemcnt sice Saturdny. n Xorthwestcrn and Chicago will DI('etin the first cross-eountry meet, which•has been staged here in recent years,on No\'emher 8 in connection with the�Ol·tJm·esterJl·Chicago football game onthis date. Hitherto the annual Confer.('�IlCO meet has been the only inter_col.legiate long distance run of the sea. ISITBs.c�lPl·lON HAl·ES.',0,. carrier, �.;:�u ;i .)'C"I; �J..IIU "" quarter.lIy wad. �J.UII.� yc:4&r; �l.Z'-' a quarter,.i:diaoual-.l:SusmC::i1> Ulliec:. J:.:UIS ;; ...'l'c:lC:,l)!lullC' .ulu�"iay bllU.<lCOilDriair • One of ,the happiest ideas concetveuby the Council' is .the �ompilation or• a new song boo.K. J:�t;ec..- Fi ve of the Wisconsin futbal] squad,less to say, that ola Sl..� .including several of tho �rst strtucDO\l� is hopete.s.;aY "in:ide- "players, arc on the edge of scholast!cqua�, It contains 'i�eligibility, nccordiJlg to the Wiscou:scarcely one of the songs .heard at sift Cardinal. The squad at present num­every .t::ootball game; it is .tilled :with: bers forty-four but will probably bematonal, music, �d .verse, �hi:c� r�al- �'t �ithin a few clays.ly can be inc1tlded' undef n.ei�er ;term,, '. 'tin. Aby any stretch of the imagma. 0 AU records for candidates for earlynew' song book, that will enable more :bnf!ketball p�tic'e ,at Wisconsin weregeneral �g by the ���ts of Uni- broken ;this 'week when forty men re-.� ,l f' Chicago !longs, a1fords a ported for ,Varsit,v and sixty eight forvel'Sl.,,,, �, ;. thiest Ofchance to 'develop od ot the heal,, Freshman basketball. Brit two veter-- '· ... � .. '·campus. Student I ': hases of ,life on ..,,_• . I ;&ns were'::out, as Van Gent the otherp . b;';st should 'be spon�eoUS, old, man .back is pl"'ying football.life at its. ,e . " : "WlJjeh ..':'he overorganitation ", ·h �eanwen ATftects over a hun_free from. �. ' ' .' cti�t!tea" • • -r:' ' ,. -th :.D1an ''in au" clred 'm' cn to turn out f th Frat present bblds. e.' _',� ts- or e esh-gid :;orm-' . of. action. ., .. _.en m nn teamto a ri. � .. :. ,��,;,:". '; 'L. uld be free " •, :' d W'omen SUOyoung meJ;! an '1'. .' us life and .., ditioDS Of_camP , " '," ..._to varY COD• I .. ' �;of im- Tho WISCOnSIn Cardinal is agitatingactivities--to feel ,theUowfDg thiS -a .. proposition for a post-season gameeloP through 'fO ,-pulse, to dev, , d musi.c aC- stage� between the W:estern Confer-impulse. �� ,or�e ��U'h;. .... ROrd eD�e � footbatl �hampi'Ons �d the win-'. �e Gle¢. w 'n'''_' ,tivitil!S, such as.' " stndent, to ners of the Eastern title., . to the �verageno chaDce . siJlging �e, 'the pleasure of_ ' • ,""obtain.• ' ' ,�i � mater, and )jut ��nlis\Of'hiS, ; , ... � -Be': 'BoJu1.... " to . hear aouem.opportumtY' '. .in the. right 41-book is a long steP, '.__ • __ ,J;.-�I iI " 'nate Council is busYTlie Under� �"' ... '" macJliD-tiJIle dev"'_'_'at ibe present earn out the .. ' erY to }aSt MAsONIC CLUB WILL SJrfOKEint system adopted IN :un-po student body. ClICOCX '!l'ONIGHTyear by theas adopted1'he system the, tfice8 amongd different. 0__ ... 'h aevaluate. assJ,gDiDg �'d nt activities, ftftIvid-stU e " and theD " .. -bGr of ''Points , old otfices -nWD ouId h C '. -that no student cthaD ten ards have been sent out to all montug alue to DlOre in th famounting in vesa.mPle, Dlem))etSbiP e acuty and student body Whopoints. Thus, foras value of seven aro �ilin.tcd with the M;!Sonic frater­on:the footbal team. hutumD quarter· ,�t. 8 In HItchcock clubroom. Tho com-iuts d� the Ais on the nuttee .�n arrangements, consisting ofpo man who W C II C.conSequentlY, aother otfice worth • � }m, , W. MilJer, and H. F.tdDl, can not hold a:ts. The seheJl1e :TO�8� is expecting at least fifty, many.' thaD three, po _..:II to hit of them new men 011 the campus.,more It is allDeu •.•. sPlendid one. ore stu- Tho Umverslty MasoDJ(, "lub was or.is a" nd allow m.''honOr grabbers. apate in activi- ganlzed some years ago, but owing tod .ts a chaDce to partid soDle weU- tho changing personnel of it� TT'�mher.en d, to keeP h'ti's and secon burdening � tp from year toyear, it is found nec-e from over'__ � ... g soulS • officeS, to es�nry practically to reorga.nize a� tho�e� less11 with •selves bope stS COlD- opcmng of each scnool year.theDJ f tho Inureb detriment 0 ....,die9, and The elub'8 annual propnm iD('luae�t e., their ;p.... .:tt�d to tueir c .. re,bas been ape montlJJy smokcrs and dinners, and also� � ��e .L� ir bealth. ... .... c.. bY the a scnes of lectures on Masonie historyt.uC evaluateYfproved, the offices problem teDlain hy mcn prominent in the Crntcrnity.Gte lnst year;the onlY plan?,And In tho Sommer quarter of 1912, Prot'os-V force the p� is, hOW to enbO are wfSe �or ound 0 marvard, formerly on thomg those w .., -,tho meantime, at IDacJllIl· Unh"e)'8ity Law School faculty, ga,-ein f thIS form - /.ed not wait or_ft �e a Bcnea of wcekly lecture�, nntl latel"ne �_..A '!'hey � ,/' -: h ' .to be de�' -ell ba.e to In t 0 yea.r Mr. Ora D. Chnpin, n prom-er1 (' -"'nn theY ... "..� ...... t Ch"that, the f��. tal to e-ngage U& tnen tcngo lawyer and lodgcman,nf(J!'!D, and be care, the ta1F. at· gave a number of talks before thoCO a.ctlvitfel '1llaD�_ ""� ��lQb ••no more .. son.The scheduling of this meet is' ti;'�first step in Coach Nichols management of the cross country team. Chi­eago has been lamenably weak in thiebranch of track athletics during thepnst few yenrs, and it is only by suchiner-collegiate competition tha theSIlort will e'·er be sraightened. Thisdual meet will, in all probabiity, beonly the :first step, in the arrangementof a complete cross-country schedulewihtin the next year or two. .Coach Nichols has a hard task be­fore him in the building of a success­ful team. From present prospectsNorthwestern will probably decisivelybeat Chi('ago, as the Purple is alwaysstrong in long distance runners. How­ever, if enough interest can be devel_oped this year, it will be only a ques­tion of time when Chicago will be rep­resented by a first-calibre team. Allmen wbo are intrested in this workshould report at once to Coach Nichols':\t �resent the regular squad lea'\"'eBBartlett gymnaium 'on MondaYs, Woo_The Song\--The Cardina] refers t w·· .i,. a ISconSln astho leafllng university in the C�enc " Th ,. onfer_e. ere s nothing we like betterthan modesty.The inter-fraternity bowlingb seasonegun at the University of W' .'IsconSln. nesdays, and Fridays a.t 4 :30. Of Hours And LocationIt is a State Bank with the sanu- Inspect ion and Supervlslon of th edown town banks, with F.'!llal Safety and Protection. It is a depo s: ory forPostal Sa v inus Funds of tilt' Gove rn mcnt and funds of t he City of C, :agof):�r<l street and Lake / cCon vcul cnt location �o thc Unlvcrslt v,nue, ncar I. C. de pot-Convenient hours: 8:::0 p, 111. to -1:00 p. m., and every Sat urdav evening from 7 00 to 9:00 p. m.Do Your Banking In Hyde Park3 Per Cent Interest On Sa"lngsHYDE PARK STATE BANKCORNER o� :!t3 � ST. lSI LAt<E AVE.: . -0::"" '. 0 •••. ;... �• __ � .o • __ •• �For 1545 East 53rd StreetFashion Dec.rees for your Fall Clothes. Theyare here. Come in if only to see the correctfabrics for the season.Open El'Cuings and Sunday lloming'HERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:those who eannot run a.t this time a. . _ _ .. _--- .squad bas been organized to leave at12:15.Invitations Have Been Sent To AUFaculty And Student MasonsTo Attend." There are a hundred ormore varieties beckoningto you from every smokeshop but there is only onethat is" Dhl;nctif1el, I"diuitllllll"the purest and best of to­baccos -delightful flavor-mild and satisfying!Your college chum.20for15¢Mon Fati",a sou I" tills tf) •• rr, ,_ .", .tier d� I -••I� DAILY v'BOO]I', FBlDAY, GCrOBBB 10, 1913. - , .. ---Subscribe for (Continued from page 1.)lgan, and as a subscriber to the Union'sorgan "Tit,· Suffragette" she has beenasked lly Miss Joan Wickham, Ameri­can organizer for Mrs. Pankhurst toassist in paving the way for the mili­tant leader's reeeption in Chicago. Tothis end, she asked Geraldine Brown, .Beeretary of the League whether someof the League women woultl not con­sent to serve as ushers at Mrs. Pank­hurst's Chicago meetings. Miss Brownfooling that the wom .. n should havea clearer unclerstancling of Enf,!lishmllttancy and its significance 8." a partof the feminist movement arrangeclfor ,!\fi�s Keith's talk which nll Uni­versity women arc pri\"ileg(�l to nt­tend,Professors Will Speak Today.Professor Dickson and Bliss willspenk this afternoon at the first meet­ing of the lrnthematiC'al club in Ry e r­son :'7. at 4:1!;' Professor Dickson willtalk on F.l .. mentnry Proof of the Fun­flarnental Theorem on the Alehm ofQuaternions, nnd Professor Bliss on,"An Example in the Calculus of Vu­lations l11usvatin::r One Siclea Yaria-,tions in Spnec."---------------------,CLASSIFIED :ADVERTlStJIENTSMAROONTheFOle RENT-Front room with sep_nrato entrance, pleasant, comfortable,52.00. �' j.- Patronize our advertisers. Subscribe DRiDL PHARPIACYJMft .... AlrY, B. PIa.Comer � aDd Dntei 0Mcac0�e1ep� �wa,. lUI'WIlen tID � ,.... 4Dp UId toUet�Ell JmMiq. FRARXAOY0Ig� ad �'!'he.� of pan � cbeadcals:wei .. et MtIdea."forThe DaHyMaroon'2.00_ • ' .4 0' '�' :d - . -', ..... f";'". � JO$&II8 °5CIIKIDT1!ht>�lI�)l�y ,cmfwy mnL8'lI��r11B.Y, �ILET ABTWIaiKS�� 'J;tl'(E Qt� OANDIES9f)6, a � • 0bS0ag� ru,� abtl Dome8tSc LillIe ofItFillsItselfAad jasi ODe s'nnpie thumb­�. cJoes � too.Tbe:re�s DO fountain pe;n like a.(Adbkllll, for .iJilpliCity. Metely �prewar., oa, ille. �.FiUerand it tl}'b. fUel!.at -y iDkweIL, Self-FillingFountain Peneteans-'''.u while it·mr. itself. Tha�s(lie t.eaSoD it peVer cIog!J. oF ,ubaIq."° ,I$�.S6). .113:00,. -$I8.lfO,. $4..00.$5.09 � For Mile byoVnt.1fUSIty � Cbieago �J'1600S �A ___'W�'BOOR�-.at 8. 37th �Patronize Maroon· Advertisers�, .- - . .... ..' . ..... � ..Reynolds Club Theater •All_,New Men .InvitedTO ATTEND,• THE Y. M� C. A. STAG ,•Friday, Octoberte, 8 p. m.11I i ,II • '#1."..BIB DAILY M'tooK. FBJI)AT. octo .... l0.191S.II__ J��������� ����j:p�j:p j:p j:p &BOD: :'=�TI::r WEEKIf ' .« : '1� Salesman Wanted � Echedule Includes LaUD, Greek And, � EngUah But Oh&ncter ADd Ph7-� w_ e.: , have a good, ope.ning for the r.igh t It. si�ue Are CoDSlclerecl..� � Instincts to lead 8l1�' take an Iuterest� Y oung,.td.an o. f �ood. f.amtly- and connections, � in his schoolmates.� I bid k A TIliuois state Examination for� who has se ling a 1 ity an nows how to This examination is not compe15.th·e".' .'. Rho.)m� Seholarship at Oxford uuiver-d I h ., but correepouds to the entrance exams... \lITear goo .c ot es .+i sity, fo�It".laud, 'will be held Tuestln.v+i 'Y,. ' •�... required by nULIlV of the unlversities... .T'his connection would be of-rea tfuture <Ii univeraity building on the corner o� and colleges of ·Anlerica. Prom the+i. 6 "'1 Lake and Dearnborn streets. Candl'. ., .... '.f darn 1 -Ii eaudidates who pess this exanunatton a� value to a young man of good un amenta "'1 dates are expected to send written ap- scholar will be selected for Illinois� .. d some-busi . . -Ii plicutious at once to President Edmund. .., education an some· usmess trammg. .... .. . . Tbe student so chosen wll1 begin work-Ii, 'I� • ." •• '....._ -Ii J�mes ". of �e university of IlhnOllJ.at Oxford in October 1914.� Gop_d' salary and rapid advancement to the If WIll register m parson between S nu-lPresident Edmund J. Janl(� of the... " , If 10.. f.. righr' man. - .,�. . Uuiversity of Illinois is chairman 0� 11. E�mainations will be given in Latin,� , • � '. ... the Rhodes Scholarship Committee of-Ii Greek and Mathematics, but tho GreekH . k Bros If lllinois.l1 � e"'z a examinations need not be taken until.• • Tuesday, October 14. 10 A. M. to 12If July, 1914. All candidates who passlr�, 10_40 Ea. st 53rd Streetlr in Latin and Mathematics will be elig. Noon.-Tran!llu.tiolls from Latin into Engiblo for scholarship. A Rhodes sehoar����jpJp�tPj:p j:p ��������� � � is appointed t= a period of thr -e Iish,2 P. lr. to 4 P. M.years receiving hte sum of $UiOIl e:1(·11Latin Procscs.year. The canaiJates mvst btl an un1D�i6d male citizen of tho United 5 P. M. to 1 P. M.his fondness for and 8Ucee� in .DaulT -- - .������������� NINB HUNDRED WOMEN����.���������#�����==�.===.====��==� PRESENT AT FROLIC- .•... - - •.......... � .'.II�:;:;:::;;;;:--oudoor gl'ortlJ (3 hilJ quali!.il·d 01 I:r:l.I,·hood truth, courage de\'otion to Jut)tlyllll'uthy lor and protection of theweak, kiuduess, unlJelfbhnctIB, and lel­Iowship (4) Hia exhibition duringschool of moral force of character uudArithmetie.Wedheeday October 15.10 A. M. to 12 noon.Translation f'rom Greek into English2 P. M. to 3 P. M.Latin Grammar.5 p. M. to 1 P. M.Algebra or Geometry.II (Continued. from page 18tates with at least flvo years resi­dence; must by the tl:"3<; of -:'l!tober� �)13 have completed his freslnuau year::. t r'ome recognized university or col­Iego, The committee in .s�I .. �ctiTig astudent for appointment t·) a seholar­ship takea into eonaiderazio-, ,1) hsliterary and scholastic attainmeuts , l2,SUBSOBIBB. FOB. THE DAILY MAROON-..••• ., OpeD Saturday NiahtTI:ME·...A. Few Week's Before the PasI a ing of the �utrrage Bill By thlllinois State Legislature,CASTI I Geraldine Gloomy.. lsa.bellc KendrickI Harriet Happylelt, Suzanne FiaheDotty Doughty, Dorothy Llewellyt Sally' Prudhomme, Dorothy Dav� I M� Cordelia Sl'ankhurst St. George1 dragon Cornelia Beall, Thyst, AmI thyst, Cordelia's Jewels (Twins, llildI I Mae Clintock, Jat:et Tyler FlanneI I Gwendolyn-Cor(lelia's Vallette (Mast in England) Mabel Beeker, Aunt JemI I imah 1;>. Co: _ Flo,,·er--Yrop. LadieI Beanty Parlor, Helene Pollak_II_ SONGSI I 'OPe I.-I Belong to the PeHSimist �1I IGeraldine Gloomly, Hark the SoundI t Malden Graces, Sally Pru(lhomme aII Chorus.I II'm the lIilitaDt Suffragette, Mrs. Cdelia S. St. Geo'rge an(1' 80 forth.I I'OPe :U_.'!"d Lp\'e to Love a FiII I man, Gwendolyn and Aunt JemimJt'. a Terrible Thing to Have a FdI. mons Va, Twiu, Onr Lovely Alma )(I. ter, Cast ad Chorus.Chairmu, Leone Hemingway, M1l8iDireetor lIiriam Whalin, Stage Mager, � Hired Girl, Hired Girl, �aI I Flanner, Property Man, Graee HoteI I kiss, Property Kanfwyp and tbenI 1 kiss, EleetrieiaD, See Candle YanageCandle Yuager, Frantes BoeenthI Ward�be Kisb'eBB, Arent Any, PressI I AgeDt, Daily J&roon.I ...., INow fa Oar' NEW HOME---Jast AcroD FrG. Ou Old Locatio.Your Heayj, Overcoat---. It wont be long now be-'fo�� baseball" corlve�sation gives way to "coldest day in 20years" and "froze my- ears" and "skating at the park"-in otherwords it's time to thin� of your heavy overcoat. You shouldn't. think of overcoats without thinking of this store-we've done a.Iot of thinking.a�ut this overcoat question, we've solved 'it asno other store can. Ready, with shawl collars, belted backs,ulsters, ulsterettes,� £onvertible coats, double and sine1e breast­ed Chesterfields, Raglans and a lot more. Every styleis right. .-narrow tight-fit�ing London coats or baggy, capelikc modelsare equally smart and the wollens are wonderful. R:ch, warmbrowns in checks, plaids and overplaids-attractive grays, blackand whites�' mi�tures, blues, blacks, etc., plain or fancli weaves.'..-_A coat for ev,. man nomatter ·what price hechooses to pay. Fourthfloor. $12, $15, $18, $20,$25,�$30,_$35, $40 to $85.\Every ColleKe Man whowants to· establish or m' �:'ltaina reputation for good dr:: _ ing· ·d' 1requires our al -we re re-.'']with suits that guarantee t'1�gaining or perpetuation 0' t!: 'l�reputation. Greens, bro·.7 1!i,grays, black and whites ::-.''ldmixtures, English or reg!: tarmodels, special values at $20,$22:50, ,25. II I � 1'BLL 01' BBft'LBIIBlft'I A� SBBVIOB ltBX'f 81JlO), I(Continued from page 1.)College Men'. Suits-of her talk, but she will also putI Ihistory of tho work before theI Idents aDd givo them BOlne i(lea ofassistance they eaD render by enteI f'a1'I I tho field 0 soc I 8el'V1C!e.The new ehoir will be (!omple...,.l,: wiD siDg for the Int time ateerviee. AmoDg the hymn" wiD heInew ODe written by A�iate ProI Isor Schultz, to the tune of '"TheI I� •• 44���H"�������� ••• �I�_ ............• �G�G����"'. \1 R I.'..."RiII!i.C8 ;Lr, Iu,is,n·e·ar,'d-s'-nl·ofnilor· l're·ah:a-a·ea1Da-Deth-tbTaI,AYthestu··theringantItbil'a(cw·Sonj BLACK$TONECHARD BENNETTADd Oo-Worken bl Bdeux'.DAMAGED GOODSGARRICK-lIB. WJI. BODGB blGenuine Successor to "THE MANFROM HOME."_Jnter Ocean.C OIAN'SGIAIDs-rop TBIBFAn ATalaDche of LauahterAUDITORIUM'Best I,lay of season."Mr. LittJ" in The Examiner,g stunning melodt8ma." - Record·Herald.-romcht at 8 O'Clock Sharp.TIlE WHIPLASALLEwdeal Comed7 for Yoa.ug &lid 014A�ERICAN MUSICHALLTheatre Unique-Dining, Smoking.EW FIF�8 In "ALL AlIOABD."LLINO�IIOlnOOIlBBY' Alm ftOlIBaD() ELSIE JANIS in,.,THE LADY OF TlDI BLIPPERBIIIIA OABU8JOE BOWARD,... MABBL IIcOAKBPOVVERSBEG 0 V B :a X 0 B' 8 L,A D Y"GIVES EXCELLENT V·ALUE."-James O'Don.Dell BenDett, Beeord-Herald.CORT�BE DOUBLB 0.08.STUDEBAKER:Klaw and Erlauger preHnt .TBB W�X.I.G opBABBABA WOR�BFINE ARTS'1'D. YBLLOW JACKB�p.ln�DOUDKBABBBOil A· N C 'B