••• \r�rI�f•,.,tr• ,�,t.9 {)�� .', !.'• '.1• I• •, � :c......., .JtJ•.:•"{/ 6; ,'J'J• ,t.• \"I'(,• t. laity maranuVoL XII. Ko. 7. PBIOB FIVB omrn�. OP OBIOAGO.· ftI1JB8DAY �BBB 9, 1913.nnthropie channels, Dr: Henderson, whois president of the Uniteu Charities of HAVE TRYOUTS' ON ociOBER�Chicago, will givc a ser-ies of addresses.upOJl soclologieal topics in M:lnllel this -. N'11IIiber . of' Oandidates win' be Bro�htEverything In "Readiness For Annual quarter, Believing that studunts arethe New Testament. In a lecture be- Down to betve inA1fa1r-.Supper Will Commence -Iuterested in learuing about Chicago'sProDipf.i,o At Five. social nnd philanthropic agencies, Dr,h�n(Jer!:'on has planned his talks inMantlel hall instead of Kent will be Mandel with the view of enlisting themteams and all students Interested inthe scene of the annual Freshman Prol- first III the campaign for a betterment. forensics will meet at 10;15' today ill.ic to be given tonight by the Y. W. C. of coudifions,a Iong signal urill,. the lowly fne�h the Acts, not only can well 'be credited the west room of the L'a\\' b'iiildiiig.L. 'l'he use of the hall will enable the All men and women of tile Universi;men, whose duty it is to be trumplt�tl to the fir�t century but could not pos- Coach 'H. G. Moulton will addrees theLeague to en�n many more than ty have been Invited to attencl theupon by the Vn.rsity were given 110 sibly be of later composition than the aspirants, advising them o'u' the' serc'c'could have aocommodated in Kent, and talks, Professor Henderson says herest. 1>at Page is doing his best to "ery early second eentury, tiou of their' rererences, nnd on 'Dietl.,"\ general invitation is [ssued to all hopes to bring the students over toU 'f I th �- . ods of work to be fblfowed out in pre-8lJ1g or examp e e e ........ eme 101- University women to attend. The Prol- a broader interest and a wicler eompre-b biti f d 't,e -.• hi h' Iiminary drill for places on . the" tc'ani"s.pro a. I Ity 0 a mo ern wrl r rnves- ie is not open to the public. hension of the SOCial problems w IC.' '· .tl '18 d t'l f'l . Several speakers will discusa tlietIgabng re mmu e ai s 0 I'8.l ,,'ay Arrangements have been made are todav vexing Chicago.· bl f t tift _.' '.. prospects for a championship SePOn.tIme ta ell or y or y years ago, wherehy 150 more can be aeeommodat- Special syllubi will be distributed at·he argues thta the evangelist's inti- ed at the dinner whielt is to precede eaeh of his talks. The course of seven Members of last year's debating-·tenru.:tmate knowledge of conditions at the frolic. .Tiek.. may' be obtained lectures to cover the fall term was will also give brief talks.points in St, Paul's itinerary estab- at the League room, until'U :45. Tick- announced yesterday as follows: Oe- Tryouts In Two Weeks.h. th Preliminary tryouts for the teamsIishes IS presence ere. eta will he available for one hundred otber 14, "Groups of Misery;" October will he held F'riday, Oct.. 24,.' at w ... i '.....Moreover, many statemen.ts in the upperclwwoinen. 28, "Tile Family in Peril;" Novemberthe number of candidates will be c...;t,"'ospel and the Acta which were' dis' TJ, .. 'nlo,v, ·Vnf'" ..... 1 n ... De, 11, "The Meaos' ,of Family Restora,to twelve. After seyeral more weeks�rctlitetI by the eaJculations of surh votees,' written by Janet Fla.nner with tion;" Novem.ber 25; "Sickness antIof drill antI coaching the twelve -m ... '11eminent authoritIes as Mommsen hll .... musie by Dorothy Llewellyn, relates Social Help;" December 9, "Neglcctell will contest in the finals for the l'ixbeeu substantiated by exeavation thE: attempts of' the University Stiff, Childhood." The lectures are to beVarsity places, about the middle bf:lnlong the ruins of andent Greek 'cit- rage League to obt.ain the' passage of, ghet!. untler the auspices of the Y. W.i.es, �he<�8a�' . ,--' . �- _-: .•. '.__ -,_ �·bm...:-��aiwrg'",before the (! r.: .. iLicl the Uiliv8rsity Y; M; -(r. :A;, - �YembCl' .... .No .. ju",gas"a:'_��� ha,ve_,�O\!n. __ .� .......: aIInouneed, although It IS .e�t"JBxc:l.va18 in � 'LegiaIatDn..- . lIl'IL. Cordelia. SpanJiluintt . �fILLINOIS REPAYS Kt:NztiCri .i ��t �r. Moulton will 8Dnou�e someof- . them::; at today�s ra1Iy�pound the men into shape in orderto give tbe Varsity strong dpP 0::1 i ,tion, and he put two yearling teamsthrough a hard hour of scrimmage.Director Stagg gave the first undsecond teams a long session of Kign:ldrill anel handed out a number of newplays. The Varsity, up to this t irueha.& been using nothing bu! straiplunge!l, varied by an occasional ,to the ends, nnel is just beginningto receive some open football form ...tions. Running' down punts and a num­ber of winel sprints were the otherfea���e.!-! of the p��ti��._:I��e i�_ t(".:IoChiDg. the FreshmeD to specialize, an.l:h,e gave the ball to one team for thewhole serimmage. The ofromUve tea.m A fortun� incident at· the, city of StgeGrge&iaCtiiagOn �vea nt�··l 'tbe. . -. .'. .' h : seeDe with ·her twiD ehildren' Tht .. t :'\11'1'manageel to Sieore lone toucl1down Iconlum ID �e year 19 to ga \ e to.• , . ,. 1 '_1 bI' ... t' 4\metltist and prepans to eo,,· Ba.tk.pnst the strong defense of their eX}) Mers some v�ua. e ID->cr1l,UOII:l'O i .. '. ... ., f d' '�' . house .Tohkl - Bbaky' Diu and the ..... g-op(lOnent& A tnple pass, Carolan to h.nng a solution 0 a I'Llcult vel'B8... '. .... . C' lslators mto' _blllJ,SllloD. Pl.)U areShafer, to Berger, was the play that 10 the EpIstle to the OI08laD8.. &&itl to blow 'up the PfteideDt's houSt.did the work. TlIrl�;gh custom is t, e1eava1e lhf' Champaign-Urbann Ill .. Oct. 8 ..... j!and after tbe' eDd is gaiDed, Mrs. -, I't01U�b of Grecian buiMingJ lllst.:,:ul .Stgeorgeanaragon' ·settles . down in Jir.ois uefeated Kentucky last Satu�cl�)'peaee . and "proSperity' UpOD ·the Univer- by the score of 21 to 0, and ther�!)yhangs a tale. In the fall of 1908, tIle"The e'lCR'a� .,.,_ ,ike ·cl.�kW'�'rk gtlcflb from Chicago and North'We�terll� AftBRD SJIOKE& 11> _And ·t.e· �hel1l8 and the east have work· other than 8traight foothall. No 01''-11ed h�. TIle pl�y ought t,) he .l �\le' pJay!" wero Att.emptetl, encpt three for,All Masons in the University ha"eeftIII: f. "at re'n". if fOi 110 othcr," wn�d pp.� from 8impJe formation�been al'ke<l to attend a smoker tomor- aid' ·"ailet. nail "'r yest.!r,!ay. "We two of which were !mc('e�dul anti rc'snlted in touehdowns. Coach Zuppkcrow night at 8 in JliteheOt"k. club l.ave' .(:,nte oar ','!$' in the: �hort tune, n13yed two rlitrtinct team!', one in th�Tooms. The idea of the entertainment we have ,ad. All we neecl now UI aD 1"'fl..,.t half, and anothcr in tltt· I'c..'onel.is to get the MaMn8 organized anti to ftppreeia_t_h_'e_au_d_i_en_t"_e._", _plan a program for the year. .�FRESIIMAN SQUAD IS 'PROVESLUKEIS'TRUSTWORm SECURE 'IANOEL IW1LARGE AND P.ROMISING Sir William aamse� sa,.. Ezcan.tIolia FOR "FRESIIIAN PRoue;..ThreeFuU Teams From One ofBest Fll'at-Year SpuadaSeen Here. Made In Greece Show fta.t BvaD!'e­list Was Accurate BistortaD in Bookof Acts. New PIaCe·'EDabJe. 'Leape ToInYite AU UDiYenity WomenTo . Attead.VARSITY GIVEN SIGNAL DRILL Sir William Mitchell Ramsey, formerprofessor of Humanifies at the Univer­sity of Abcrdeen, Scotland, places theresults of Investigatdon covering a pc-! OFFER· MORE SUPPER ncsnsrlod of thirty-three years in contirma-Ition of the writings of St. Luke inDirector Stagg Gives OUt New l\mna­tions �e Freshmen TeamsBattJe In Mud. foro students and members of the fac­ulty yesterday afternoon in Haskell.Although Director Stagg elimluate.. assembly room, he declared that ex-scrimmage from the Varsity schedule haustive study of original sources es­yesterday and put the squad throuJ.: tablishcs the fact that the Book ofSquad Is promising.of (It : .. rrying new r�k for construe­�eeording to Page the Freshmen rep, Lio" vur:ri:. By ofreri: i': to ll::1earlhresent some of the best material thatt:." Hreek structures , .. t thea ·owr. es) sity eampus.lias been seen in yoars at the Uni- , f air .. lfew;1IUical :]fUiDben.I'!IJ� :.\ml untler the lj,,·,·,rvI:uOI, ,").. .' . .',·enity. Three full teams, th� largest..,_ 'h . 1.'-' 1"';-'''', 1"- v The mUSieal numben, words of which• l�rJ,:.: engIneers, 11 ... L -' ...... _'.' .number that has ever appeared eonsist-wa� ".nabled to examin� tbe illl-o':-II" wel'e'1nittell by' Janet F1anDer are:ently before, run through signals every ti(JD:s whieh had been i"h1. f(.'r .:,,1:.' opeliillg chbraa-tl)(aiden Graees";alternoon. The majority of the men "The 80Dg , of the pessimist," by Ger-tt;jj ,,=,,-are heavy and have had lots of foot,,. ' &ldiDe--GIoolliy; "A:)'amous lIa,17 byball experience. Thore' are half a d9zen Th" spe�er Bald that In a book The Twiaa. '-A lIiIitant SD1rraget,"husky linemen who weigh over 200 I"JI u:-.ht.'(} several years ago )�e I'!�'lkf: by ''1fI1l.·.8�ndragon; "Id Loveand 1"0 poun.d halfbacks and ends (r t �, Luke as a 0"" H,t 'I.storl .. :;.T :..!. . 'D: .17 bAt J 'a• ' , , ._ to �ve a � annnaD, y un eC\1maare plentiful. Sherl.aw'of EDglewood &holasllc cntlclSOl (ron {"p.r·lIan1 ud·1OWeDaolyn. and a Dew' Alma lIa-is the ht"aviest man on tho 5')11:1'1. 11(" ehallenged him on the basis of a threeter. Miriam· malin is the �eomp­",.t"ighs 240 and is a. tackle �.lallhtnte. verse account in Luke's G�pel, that� ofaaist.",\Ibertl' of Wendell Phillips rur.i IIi::: Augustus Ca(\Sa,l"'a deeree wmmonln, Thoee· do' have beeD add.:d to theD cl('S8 tlC.cond. Albert2' weigli� 2:!O :10,1 hto world to a census, an en.tirelY dis- e'-II" �(e Votaw, lIargareti .. o"er :,.!x foo:; tal:. �le' is :,'. f:l�l cretlited statement at the �me.· Poe lfaDllriet, Rele. Perry, Ruth W�,aggressive guard. lIardinger, who de· iOh'e proof haa since been lOtrodu�ed Ruth�P'NII8P.r; Adele Frankel and EdithIICrtecl Jllinois for Chicago, weighs 215 confirming the writer's account ellowSftlitla. The eUt followa:anti is also a line eandidate. Windrow, ._jng that a eensus waa ordered by �t1. lin. 8�ragoD Corneliaformerly of Lane, who tips the beam' gustns an(1 that the people were D�m· Bean.' Bamet Happytelt, Suoat 200 and Jackseon of EVanston Aea· berell in Egypt, Asia, Thra� and' in 'ZUlU: Fi ... ; Geraldine Gloomy, Isa'demy, 100 poun(ls, complete the list of Borne other minor plscce. Wlth suchben 'K�ndr1ek; 8al1y Prudhomme, Dor,the Dlost promising linemen. testimony in conlrmation of Luke, Dr.othy; Dans; Dotty Doughty, Dorothyf f Ramsc_v regartls 'him as an exception'Carolan of Oak Park, Sha er ormer, LIeW'eUy .. ; Aunt Jemina, P. C, �owcr,]y of Ottumwa, Iowa, Dob�n from ally :lc(."urate and tTUstworthy histor'HeJelJe Poll'ak; Tbyst, Janet }'anner'Macon, Berger the former Bactger Star, ian. Amyl.hi�t, Hilda lIaeClintock; Gwen'Wilkinson of Morgan Park aeademy, dol;",· Cordelia Valetta, Mattei Beck·GortIon of Wendell Phillip!', Clark of ALL F&EEIIA8OXB IB' en.Sioux City, and Agar and Loo quRl'- UNIVBB8I'fY UJDIDtorbaek8 are some of the first string.baeks. Stutsman of Peru is playing�nter regularly. Aecortling to Pa�('there are a number of star foothallmen among the F�hmen, who ).a,'eDOt come out as yet."-IN UDeup.Lineup of the Fl'88ltmen game.�--------------------------(CoD tinned on page 4.) (Coalbl1led OD pace 4.) WANTS SUPPORT OF sroDENTS WIU HOLD"DBATING-RALLY THIS �IORNINGDr. Henderson'wW Try 1"0 EDUst MenAnd Women Of University In BitJ, Oampaign l'or Betterment Of Chi.cafrO. COach H. G. MouJton and- Mem­ben 'of Leaf Year'. TeamIn conjunction with a dty,wide cam,paign of publielty in soeial and phil-Candidates for the two Varsity:Old 1908' SCore Wiped 'OUt IiI. Satur2 ,- The qllestion for this years triaRgu­Jar" Chieago-Northweetern-Miehigan .tle-b��_ is ,'�·nesol.ved.1· that the states"homel estalllish a schedule of minimumW�ge$_ f�� l,ln8kille� -labor, eonstib.iiO)�­alit-y, �Qnced�d�". Chieago . wi� de�eldfiJ:Dlap��ly. �n!lt :�{i.chig.n in, .��­clcl,. a�d negatiyely' against .N�rthwes�­ern, _in the third Fri�y .night in Jan-(Speeial to Daily Maroon).boys from the Blue Grass state. jour­neyed northward as far as Urbana, ual'):,took the Suekers unaware, and suc- ¥a7 Secme Biblio�Cant1idat�. may �ure eomplete bib-liognaphies _ of books, �mphU:a. "'r.,1Eagazipe articles fro!!, .Miss Oetti, �in the Harper .r�Dg roo�.eet.·detl in' giving the lllini a trimmingthat has not been forgotten y� FromLexington to Frankfort the victory,,'as hailed. with delgiht,. and it tookseveral years for the "Colonel" to calmJlESSBNGBB ,8TBQ:B. OAvaBS ILLm'OIS .8OBOBlftB8 - WOJlaYdown to Dormal cOJldition.It was with no small uegree of 1'(­taliation that the Kentucky team wu:�pl�ed on t:Jae llliDi schedule. Most -of the students that were here in 1908 (8perial to ,Daily )larooD).have iong since departed, but the fae- Champaign�Urbana, ID.· Oet. 8.-uUy, coaches Dad tOlVnspoople caD tlis, ;The' strike' of & fnr boys 'on tbe Dies­tir.ctly r�all the incident as it alnlost lleoger '&erVic,) iii Champaign-, Saturday,jarred the top off th� library tower. nearly' eiusea 'sorority- pledge day· toLast Saturday, howC"er, the Blue be continued untll'·Monday. ' After theGrass boys tleparted from UrbaDa fecl- bi.ls had 'boon- dclinred ·to the· pr0B­ing a little. more depreSSOt.l than in 'pedive pled� the' boys refuiled tothe fall of 1908. The Ora.nge antI Bluo return the- answers. It is the customroo�r� eli�pla!c>l jubilation o,'cr the for tile 8Orori�' to lIlenct theiT' h, .'''iciory l'qual to triumph over Chic:,· to their "soon to be" m�oo"" by mt!.c;,go or. Wi8Con�in. It was a rcpaying "senger hoY'S who arc l'Iupp�1 to 'W:\.:tof' oM c1ehts, and now t�c twin ('itie's �nel hring ha('k thc an"'Wera. Aft�rr\�l'It �tjsficd. mm·h ('onfol'lion on the part of the �r'lIIill(lil" Ilefea�el the KeRtucky team orih· -1D('mhel1' anlt the prOApCC'th'ewithout oi8playing anyt!ling to the p'(',lgt''' the matt�l' 'WU finally broug�tto' a ·ron('lnl'ion. Kappa A1ph� The�'le(l in point of numbers, pinniDg tbir·t('('n rihhons.l'nDch Ol1lb IIeetB �.Tfie .·renr.h Club will � in Lex­in�ob ·lIall at .. :30 �.�. Thu��1.Pror�or Nitz(' will add� the m�'(Continued ou page ... ) ing. ..1ftIB DAILY -JIABOON, 21IUJt8D.AY, �BD 9, 1913..The Dally MaroonCoach Hoffer hi begiuulug to rahyformcdy his g.)-1JU1a�t�. Ouly uue mau of theUninrsity of Chicago Weckly.)I successrul team last year will be lostanaciDc Editor •••••••••••• Martin Stcvcr. 'News Edito •••••••••••••• Geora:c CottiDa:ham and J'urkiusou, Iudi v iduul (.;ouforcllceAtbletic. Editor ••••••••••••••• Harry Gorga5 chuuipiou lust -B� Mua&cr •••••••••••• Burdette MUl year, I::> counted uponCirculadOD lllan.gcr •••••••••• William Lyman to repent,l'uLWJlc:d dally uce:pt :)unu.yli, .uundaYIl --tf�v��;a�:.u.�urin� thre:c·�uOU"u:rlO ui We: Outdoor practice will be the order niectiug, 'i :45, Lexiugtou,J::nlcrcc1 as eecond-class mail at the Chicago for the Vursit.v buskctbull caudidutes Tomorrow,l'OIoLulliCC. �hlca,"u. lil •• .uarcll lb. ll1Ub. uu " U U '" •der Act of ..\lan:u a. lb.;). for the next two muuths, Jimmy Two. :llathcmatical CluL-·4:30, Ryerson.SUBSCRIPTION RATES. hig Is preparing a roll ed field and two Y. M. C. A. S,ta!!···S, Reynolds club.By carner, J;!.UU ... year; �.l.UU a quarter. � J U!Sy, mail. U.vu a yc:af; '1.�� ... quarter, baskets at tho south-cast corner 01 ll:l�oJJic Smokcr-··S, Hitchcock (.j.l:.diturw,!SuSlllc56 Uilicc, J::llili ;!i.Telc:phoDc .MIdway �oo. tho ",Athlctic F'ield,1'hc Vursity ho�pita1 list is growing LOST-Sunday afternoon between�aiJy. Scanlon, Des Jardieu, Breathed, Cobb Hall and 6030 Grccllwooll· avenue,.Fitzl'atrick, Kennedy, and Gray are a gold watch, open face, green euame;•. A d(.bat.iJlg rally is announced for tu- :Lll under J ohuuy's care. back. Pleuso retur'; to ..Martha---.i durL..:. ..... _w._oJ ... .a-1U\o. ....... _... ,,/,,::.1.McKim, a formcr member of the7'he Debate :a:lle lllCCtllli will 110' .te- 'MBS. mTCHCOCX WRITESUuivcraity of Lllniois teuuis team, W011:;emLlle t.l1� �-1h'.;. the tennis chumpionship of Japan this HALL RESIDENTS LETTERthat preceaes GJJ. cAoiM.U.C\r summer, This Is our Idea of zero inIc (..ontest; thtlJ."e w� be .ilt.tl� 0.1. tw. occupations.ca.rt:J.UJ..1.1 ::'�lWitca: UU\;ClllC11t a.wounlr� cw...alost to mob hysteria.,· that cuaa- Ono of the most unique customs atacterfzes the gigantic 100tba.ll raJJ..Y purdue is the annual parade of upperit Will be mOJ.·1:) cusniess-uze- a caLn• • classmen before the opcning football Mrs. Charles Hitchcock, best knowhdiscussion of the work ahead of the �amc_ The seniors make their initial to Ulliversity members through her Jmen to be selected for Chicago's de- appearancc in corduroy aud the juniors: presentation of Hitchcock hall in mcm I j' ",'bating teams. �l1.is fundamental Oil- ,._make their dcLut in ucw class haUJ. ,Jry of her husL3.llu, has rcturneu f 0: ; ::/:' ,ference gives rise to two thoupts, on� - Ch· I {I ,- it___ lcago aftcr a year's sojourn in Eu· �'�;':! :,' - rrelated to what might be ca.lled t.he " 'd" ;;,Thrce of Zuppke's fi.rst striug back. ropc. .Mrs. Hit\:,u<;\h.A in 3. letter from ':;, :"" �'"philOSOphy" of the matter; and the G �'i"" iffield arc track men. Pogue runs the eneva uated July '1, sent her appre· "�t�.h,;.',,,,�.other a practical consideration. The �I " 'hId· 10 2 - d b d· :)Q elation of the first numLer <Yf thc ' ":,,'first is pointed by the difference in the un( rc 1D :'0> 3.n roa Jumps:.. ..feet 10 inches, Schbbingcr is an all lIltchcock annual, a copy of which was \�size of Ule crowd that l1(ill a.tteDd thisaround track man, 3.lld Rue runs tho! mailed to he-r in June. The letter fo�momiDg, and the mob that will jam.Mandel when it comes time to "get hundred in 10:1·5.behind the team" for the Wisconsin Dear Friends:�e. Both contests are for the hon- According to aD articlc in the lkl- I want to thank you most heartilyor of Chica�o, and the debatinjr, as IIC.SOta Dui1y, tlhH-t. :1: t chances t1,at fo r sharing with me so many of thcan example of intellectual power, per· l\hullcsota will resume athletic rcla- Itn:l tarcsts and privilcges of Hitchcockhaps the more representative; and yet tions with Michigan. Resolutions ha\·c H all, during the gracious administra·'the average undergraduate misses this bccn dr3.wn np by the Univresity sen· t'. Ion of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. Thecntirel7. • He will yell himsf"lf ho?t'Eo iate 1D answer to those formulated by final gift of the Hitchcock Annual reoa.t a football mass-meetWg, and will the Michigan board.By a popular vote of the two lower There has always 'i?ecn � lurking sus·JDa't'k of no� of a cheer-lead�r JiU1l'P- classcs it was decided to retain the piing m.lhusia.mn into him, befo.:a lIe (.at� cion that comfo� wcre not good aC·a.nnual class scrap, or pipe·rush, at companimcnts of s,tudentJ5· lives,' thatsee th4.t his loyalty is due. It w.Lll h� Xorthwestcrn. It is probable that this �hardships and earnest �ork WCl'e nee·a J �.p:'ly day when U!ldergr·-\'.,:.,T.C!; .• ,5 \\"111 be tho last affair of its kind asa body, d"':_'el0Il i'.1t\!H.ct enOL .... 't to see eesa.ry to each other. But Mr. Hitch·.a rcsult of the recent agit3.tion against k h kedthese Ui)IlCb without the n�-; :.;'�ly 1)1 coc , w 0 wor all through his foursuch class rushes. .a "ra:' r .. ..1·' label; who they ,;J.a �::,;. yeaTS In college, always disapprovedt.Jmt theory, and said that if a studentgen .... �\) &l.leasure in :1 c�ar.}1 �! ,,11: �juullect, ;.s well :Li in t:t\! cnD)l"h, }�ive minutes before play was callcd haJ. to spend half his vital force ineDlCltion of the football game. And for the W�sconsin·-Lawrence game merely living, he had that much lessthe Ih ... -i. cal Idea is thiS-a,; lOll� as Saturday, a faculty ruling was issucd force to put into his study, and wasthe Ulldergtaduate ll&1lld is cousti1.U"'-,," prohibiting Buck and Keasenick, Bad· hindered from making as successfulas it 13, :lll� needs some ··ra,!l ral�" ur- ger first string men, from playing. attainment as he was capable of unclerie; t." ::�!:.r it into a\,;tion, _Nby l'at Dr. Anlell Is ImproviD& less hard conditions. So, I have had5Upp1:t the touie? lt is Wldclliab�c t� ... t great ploasurc in putting into the hallJ. B. ADgell, President emeritus ofth-= iCCl1.l.all iaDle per Zk! is tM least. .9verything which I p()S8� th:\�the Universitl o� Michigan who hasmight assi!:St in fitting you for lire,boon seriously ill with pneumonia, ismentally and �pirituany.reported to be improviDg �tcadily.-.s.n f ��u ...tHIIdal l( ....... pnroom 01 tne �w �.uvv_not give ten minutes to su.,po[t or thedebate team. lIe needs the ::n'de ha.ll-� ... r;A.cUUn �1. a gr�t in�rc.;)llllotiat.tcontest. ne thousands that aowd .:. 0);admission to the "bii game" WOUld not.be there, were \hey to sit s1J.ent, a�witDess the contest. 'rile chl:�;':.iu�, UlCmob enthusaism, stirs the blood, qUi..:k­�._ -. � --' , � -us int.cr�t. '.rhe SiWlC e':'­teet could be had at debates. The suoperficial -'\lliderb"�" couid s..;e Ula.t thecontest is for the honor of Chica':o,and that "coUcie spirit" demands thathe suppon it. And as to the loss ofdlgnity-1n orciinar7 phrase, what'S the1188 of dignity? at least digDity of thecold, lifeless, formal, rep' eBnl sonthat suits ver7 wen for churcb, claa&­room, congress, and court, but II Just,a Uttle bit out of place in a conteSt•of ioung, hot.-blooded undentraduate& B1JLLBftNI 2'04&7: � •••• e. ._ •• _ •• _ •••• __ ._�Divinity Chapel-lO:15, Haskell 3,.s- I I________________ ..! sembly J·OOm.Debating BaUy-lO:'l5, west courtroom, Law building.Y. W. C. L.-I0:1,j, Lexington,C aud A l"rCtihlUa�l ..Lun('heou-12:30. I..ummons cafe. I.(:1t>P• CluL-dasil.c� .. meeting, 3: ;1., •IWYllOhls club.Athletics BrevitiesIICoach White of the swiuuuiug teamIs lookiug' lur a successful seusou iftho dcan� and l'1"Ofl·s::>or� are good toa uumucr 01 his most l'romisiug uatn­tors, 'l'he tirst \·arsity-.r'rcslulluU dUl'.tmeet wiJl be held withiu the uex , �_ £STA8USHED 1818·�/u�nk I tItIIdIweeks,.- .. - .. - .. ---.---�_ F'reneh Club-4, Spelman house, Lex-iugton. I IJUllior Womcu's Choir-4:30, Mit. I.ehell tower studio. IIIIIIIINew YORK.Our representative, Mr. Walker, will be at theCon cress Annex, Chicaeo. October 16tll to 18th inclusivewith Fall Styles in Suit. and Overcoat.Sportinc and Motor GarmentsEnclish HaberdasberyHat. and Sboe.Latin 51, tcacher� training course,meets today, 3:30, Haskell. IIIF'reshmuu }'rolic·-·5, Lexington.Christian t:;cicucc Club··-llu8inc:;sj Ilrooms. II�--- ••• - ••••• -- •• - ••• _ ••• �IGreen, CoLb 3A. Three Reasons Why you should Eat at the Men's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2ad. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen·3rd. A Miaimum Price for 81th Quality FoodClub Breakfast l5c up Cafeteria at LoochDinner A. LaCarte ltlUSIC Come inReward,Expresses Appreciation Of Annual AndDescribes Purposes In GivingBuilding To University.-_.-._ .. _-_ ..... _-� Tailoringthat means clothesgive you distinction and in­dividual good style. Prices $30to $60.lows:"To the Residcnts in Hitchcock Hall. '. •TAILOR FO� YOUNG MENTHREE STOR ES: 7 N. La S:t.llc st.25 E. J:lckson Blvt1. 71 E. Monroe 81.reveals your satisfaction in a modestbut very real way.U you had not seconded this effort,i� �ould have come to naught, but youFuneral of Mr. Eckels Is �oda7. have lived in such sympathy \\;th theGeorge Eckels, Senior, father of ideals of the HalJ, ,-tha.t, a standarcl(;eorge Eckels, '15, and an intimato ba:t been cetablished by which yonrfriend of ?rcsident ��dso� died su�cessors will profit. And SO I am'J'ucsuay at his home on w:oodlawil gi\"ing ),ou thanks today, tha.t yon haveAyenue. Dr� IIendcrson will preach at shown that no feature of )litchc�kthe funeral. The funeral will be huM Hall has proved "nndosirahle or, un·at 2;00 today ut the residence. heCes.",ary," for if they had "0 prov!"l,.1 would h:wc been obliged to con�entto their bcing dropped or changc(l.So, all unconeeiously hy making goodDean Angell wlll speak to·day at th"use of every mean8 at hand, you haveC. aud A. luncheon for Freshmen upon strengthened and C8tablishod the hah·Tho Psychology of Study. The lund,·its of Ritt-hcoek beyond que5tion, andcon will be held in the Commons cafent 12;30. L (Continued on page 3.) ·1'f�.t�.�.i1fJ'),.-1.I'.ft',.�.>;•f�.t.�'�'illJf}f,., j 1lA1ii8 80IlG BOOK COIDllftBB Professor Burton Adche.e. ChapeL(Continued from page 2.)Subscribe Proressor Ernest DeWitt Burton,head of the department of New Testa·ment Literature and Interpretation,will speak at Divinity chapel thismorning at )O�15 ill Haskell assemblyroom, '.:JIOtchCOILARA Graceful HighBand Notch Collar2 for 25 cts.aueu. Peabody 4 Co •• lao. Mak ..1 am glad you have had such a good'�iJUe doing so. Miriam Whalin and Lewis FuiksI have grown stronger but slowly, have been appointed members of thehut 1l0W am hoping to sail tor home eomudttee to collect and publish a bookHOl'temLor firHt and shall hope to l» of representat.ive Chicago songs by thecouncil. Other members will be addedat the Ullh'orsity in early AutulUn.hope I will see UULny of you then, butlater. A contest for cover designs torwherever you go, I hope you will ear- the new book is to be hoM; designs tory a warm recollection of your life inbe sent to the Editor of the SongHitehcock Hall, ant] I shall never for·Book. 8tutlents have boon urged toget vour kind thought tor me. I am" hand in hy Friday names and copiesof the songs they think should be in·eluded in tho new edition. Songsshould be scnt to Dorothy Llewellyn,always,Most RinceJ"('1y your frien(l,Annie Hitchcock.Box 286 ..(o'aculty exchange. JOSEPH . SCHMIDTPROFESSOR MEOHEJ[��. PRESIDES SUNDAY. BLAOXFBIABS SBOUBE ROOKWill Oonduct 8ettleni"ent 8ervi�tJMcDowell to Speak On OonditionsBehind Yards. Have Permanent Quarters Cobb Base.ment �tiDg 01fice. 'l'heDrexe1Pharm:l.(·y yemfwy mflSTATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLESProfessor Floyd Russell Mechem,f The Blaekfrfnrs have secured a per-President of the Settlement Board 0Directors, wiU preside at the annual mnnent call1pus location in Cobb 41E,settlement s�vice in Mandel Sunday, formerly the typewriting office in thebasement of the building. Within theProfessor Tufts, head of the Depart-ment of Philosophy, wiU speak on set- next few days �ll Blackfriar furnituretfomcnt work as one of the agenci�R will be Instafled, The offices of the1 f th {,rtr:l'liZ:ltio', wrll JUl'·'! • "tlr Ih�sl;:-: I",r",by which the soeinl nee- s 0 e corn- .,.:,11.1 four :." ..• t!' of have been seeure-I t:· forThe DallyMaroon'2.00 }'I�E LINE 010' CANJ)l �S956 B. 55th St. Chicago, J11.Imported and Domestic Line ofCigars and Oi!:Uettesmunity nrc gauged.f t11'" store old costumes, An inventory isMiss Mary Mc'Dowell, head 0 ,Univeraity ROtt,lement, wi1J givo t110 being taken of Blackf'riar stock at theprincipal address, telling of the present time.aehiovementa of the institution Ifback ----------of the Yar.ls" during the PaRt year,and of its present needs. MiM Mc·Dowell's annual report is of in,teresttotbe many members of the 1'n.c-n1t.'·and Brotlent body who support the F R B S H II � N. FRO L I 0phi'lnnthropy either by direct eont.ri­lmtion or through fhe annual settle· It Fills Itself!TONIGHTmont (lance.A feature of the program will bea new hymn written by Associate Pro­fessor Martin Schutze to the sottingof "The �I\n of GOt) Goes Forth to'Vu." Professor Stevens announcesthat the full choir, whose members willbe selected today, will sing for. thefirst time at the Sunday service. II AND B L H. A. L L There's never any trouble withthis real fountain pen-just dipit in any ordinary inkwell, pressthe "Crescent-Filler," andit fills itself in four seconds.Self - FillingFountain Penfills itself and every time it doestholt it cleans itself at the sametime. That's why it doesn'tdoe, nor balk, nor act mean.It always writes smoothly andit never leaks.$2.50 • .13.00. "3.50. "4.00. "5.00and up_ For Sole �THE UNIVEB.SI'rY OFCmCAGO PRESS,5750-5H Ellis AvenueWOOO�CRTH'S BOOK�TOR:::'�. 1311 B. 57th St.The Conklin Pen Mf�. Co.Toledo, OhioPatronize Maroon AdvertisersAll New Men Invited.-. �'-TO ATTEND,• THE Y. M� C. A. STAG ,•Friday, October 10, 8 p. m.Reynolds Club Thet'.�erftm DAILY MA1tOO1I, muBSDAY GCm)BBB 9, 19U.ILLINOIS REPAYS XENTUCltY I Ruth Allen and Katherine Covert wi;' COIDlE1ft'S ON PBOGBBSSspeak. IllWleiliatcly after the speeches UNIVBB8I'rY HAS JlADEa proeessiou will forw whieh will'T f I march around the ea.wputl and eud at Presiden· Judson aa"'8 Chi""_"o's A-aU-he work 0 t io second squad was C�· .. ., � "Kent, theatre at 6:30 to wituess the able Assets Amount To Fortyplay. The doors of Keut will be closedAll of the men got through the �aUle . h JlWiOD Doll&n.,_ uut11 t 0 procession reaches tho thea-in good style, but Rue a.nd Sehobill'" I� , tet�er, two of the regular backs, are still Ticke� for tho supper may be ob- Progress the Ullh'orsity has ma-Ioiu tho twenty-one years tJince itHfounding was roviewed at the COlll.mernoratdve chapel exerelses yesterdaylllornjng by Pn"Sident -ludsou, Dr. Heu­derson Ied tho prayer at the serviees,.\laude! was crowlloo, although attend:111("0 was not taken."Since that first day of October ISH:!when the (acuIty and studeuts mot at12 :30 in Cobb ball where the deans'offices now arc" said President .1ull­son," the faculty has increased froUlIOU to 4(lU, the students in re!'idencefrom 594 to 6,802 at the close of Iastyear, while we now have 7,056 alumnlA like increase bas taken place in till'buildings and resources of tile Instltu­:tiOll.", "Our orjginal grounds -consistetl ofthe twenty-five acres between Lexiujr­ton and Ellis aveuuos and betwoonDEBATE CHAT.TLENGE }Oiity-seventh and Fifty-ninth streets,"he continued. "Wo now qvvn 100FRES.lIMAN SQUAD IS Owing to Professor Merriam's ab- acres on both sides of the Midway ex-LARGE AND PROMISING �ence from the city yesterday, his all- tending from Cottage Grove to MacH·swer to the challenge to defend the 80n avenues. In 1892 our campusbuildings were Cobb hall a d thProgressive party could not be learned. n ethree dormitories south of it with the"The entire matter looks extremely foundations for Ryersonthin," his secretary said when call- Now they arc forty in number, Our�d on the telephone, "and I would putno faith in it until Mr. Merriam him- .original foundation was $925,000, :1111) Musical Comedy for Young and Oldour paid in resources in October :�l:;were $35,086,836.45, while our �vr.il·under the weather with !1�U1erl.U_8 tuiued ill tho League room uud will bebruises. 1 t is expected tbat those mennecessary for admission to the �ul.P\'I.and a reasonable amount of ser- I (Contniucd from page 1_)vice. 01'1'llcnsivc-Center, Stutsman; guards,I Jackson, Alberts- tackles, Traut, Fish­A. G .. Spalding & Bros. I Ol'; ends, Gow'a�s, Clark; halfbacks,ISend for our Catalogue I Berger, Carolan; fullback Shafer.I self can be intcrviewed."Defensive-c-Ends, Foster, Painter;Cbicago· •I tackles, Windrow, Sherlaw; guards,GIVE CREDn FOR LEC'.fUB.ES---------------- I Ayers, Taylor, Tufts; center, Patter-_ however in millions of money, i:l t;1,1- A l\;IIERICA;N '1.�l�I son; halfbacks, Lee, Wilkinson; full-Hygieno Talks COllDt For English And eious buildings, or extensi \'0 hrou!lclrl Theatre Unique-Dining, - Smoking.DREXEL PH ARM A C Y bn&k, Boddy,. .1."'1 G)'IIlDaBium Work. ::::i:� �� S;::�::\:f :h� n�:�:�lit��number o'f hei splendid men and WOIH-ANew Collar (Contluuod irom page 1.)tremely disappointing.will round into shape by the hl;s:;tlurigame next Saturday. The g.ulle withKentucky showell further tIn fad HUltI the Jllinois line is pitifully ""!:lk n:1'lmust impruve if the opponents :l.11� to11Jl' held ill c hec k, The work oi t:.�---------------- bad\.s 011 the other huud was veryLoa� on Good PointsBy the Me.kers ofTroy's Best Productthat has earned Lim such an euviablepkasing aud i ndicnt.es htnt .).1:.::1 \ie­par tmcnt is well taken care of.Zuppke will 110 doubt spent a greatportion of this week ill teaching, thewen some of the complicated playsA reputation as a high school mentor.I '1'he "Show Me" Iads arc greatly fenr­led and "Zup" realizes that ho cannotI uso similar tactics aginst them asagainst Kentucky. Illinois's first con­D I" . fcruce game takes place on October 18ea with Xorthwestern as tho opponents,"Squarefor everybody is the "SpaldingPolic�:' Wo guarantee eachbuyer of an article bearing theSpaldnig Trade Mark that sucharticle will give satisfaction28 S. Wabash Av.MATT McANANY, B.. Ph.Corner 55th and Drexel ChicagoTele)!hoDe Mid.way 1411Where to buy your drugs and toilet SECURE MANDEL HALLFOR FBESlD4AN FROLIC(Continuod from page '1.)articles.THE DREXEl. PHARMACY A rehearsal will be held today atThe House of pure drugs, chemicals .1:30 in Kent theater for both cast andchorus. I ., ! t :and tau-et articles. Margaret Riggs will preside at thesupper, whiell will be held promptlyat 5, and Charlotte Vial, Caryl CollyOf Hours And Locationhas donc much to popularize this Bank. It was organized a little over oneyear ago and opcncd its doors A \Igm·t hot, J912 with fW,CCO deposits and100 dcpositors. It now has ovcr $iOO,OOO deposits, thus establishing a rccord in local banking--It is a State llank with thc same Inspection and Supcrvision of thedown town banks, with .':quaJ Safety and Protcction. It is adep03�'.)ry forPostal Savings l<'unus ofthc Government and funds ofthc City of C __ ;agoConvenicnt location t.o the University, 53rd street and Lakc Lienu� nearI� C.dcpo�Convenient hours: 8:;�O p. m. to ,l:OO p. m., and e\·cry Saturday e vcnlAg from 'I 00 to 9;00 p. m.our Banking In Hyde ParkDo3 p �r Cent Int�rest On SavingsHYDE PARK STATE BANK.QORN .... orr &3� ST. & a..At<E AVE� _iFF: � Hygiene lectures, delivered by DI e�"Beed to the Freshmen men, commencedyesterday. One lecture a. week :I. He NICHOLS TO COACHthroughout the Autumn quarter IsScheduled. These lectures' ar.J 1>aI_"t ofthe gymnasium work, and attendancecounts as. one period of the !�ur re­quired each wook. . They :m� gi venduring the English I honr, and part oftho English work will be based onthem. An examination will be gi \'enat the end of the quarter, snd. to re-LINCOLN LEADS W.A.8lIINGTON -ROMANCE i \}. \\I'.'i,'.I.II�1..IItI.'/Report Regarding House StaDdinesPUbllahed Last Week Wrong.Owing to a mistake of tho Bureauof Records, the grades published la.. .. tweek for the fr..Lternities and h; 'sosshowed Washington house Ieadiug Lin­coln. The reverse was the actual ease.The house grades follow:Lincoln hou�utum.n, B minus;Winter, B minus; Spring, B.'\"�hingtoll house+-Autumn, C plus;Winter, C plus;: Spring, C plus.PROFESSOR ME'R.RTAMHAS NOT ANSWEREDceive gym credit, a passingmust be made. The lecturclt will �held every Wednesday at 9:!5 in Afonttheater.Intra-mural. �eama wm Begin PractlceWitllin 'rhe But Two WeeksUnder Pace aDd Sauer.Intra-.mural basketball will get anca,:rJy start this year as the elasses areto be organized this week. Freshmen BLACKSTONERICHARD BENNET'TAnd Co-Worken in BrteuraDAMAGED GOODS----_..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._...--�GARRICK'1m. WJI. HODGE InTHE ROAD TO HAPPINE88·"Genuine RU(,(,l'!I!lOr to "TilE MANFROM 1l0ME."-lnter Ocean,-----._--_..._...-_..._...-_...--C OBAN'56IAMBS TOP T HIE FAD Avalanche of LaughterA UDITORIU�,,. Best play of season.'Mr. Little in The Examiner,"Big stunning melodrama,' - Reeord­Herald.Tonight at 8 O'Clock Shup.TIlE WHIPand Kent. LASA'LLEA DIP TO WASBING-roN'able assets are $42,541,536.LEW FIELDS in ··ALL ABOAJU)."ILLINOISKOftGOIlE&Y .AND 8'l'ONBand ELSIE JANIS in...THE LADY aF THE SLIPPERForm� Oberlin All Around Athlete --------_...----_...----_...----_..._..._... __Will Have Charge or I,I)ugDist:an.ce Ken.mark J. H. Nichols, formerly of Obt'.'!iucollege, will coach the cro-J�:h:ou otr)team at the University thi:J fall. H{'is taking a medical course in the Uni.versity and was secured through Dr.Re�d, Meuical Examiner 'of the {j !li­,,-ersity, who is an old Oberlin mfl! ..Nich'ol�' was rated as ono of the bc:;t� round athletes ever at Oberlin. 11"won his letter in track, basketball,football and baseball. He is preparing Ho�a"d'S Theatre----BROADWAy HONBYJIOOH-_withEIIIIA OARUS:IOE HOWAB.D-lIABEL IIcOAlfBpOWERST H iB G 0 V E RHO R'S LAD Y"GIVES EXCELLENT V·ALUE."-J ames O'Donnell Bennett, Record-Herald.to take up' coaching as a profession. CORTHo refereed 80veral of tho Confer­ence basketball games last year.Croes country prospects are, to saytho least, dubious, and Nichols has Emme" Corrigan, Arnold DaIJ. Flor ..a hard tnBk before him. The team has ence 'Bock1nl1.----------------------------------'l"HB DOUBLE OROS8ean be transfered from regular gym- 1inished last in the Conference racenasium classcs to class basketball onapplication to Dr. Reed or H. O. Page. for two years.. Bishop, who was theonly first class man on the team 138th uld rt to S _. d th tho next month, and the teams 0 repo auer _ once an ead ill be . t" h t l� F not be !licked .untdl.Jater in the sea- T H B .YB L LOW Z A 0 It B �sqU 8 W gin prac Ice s 0 r J' • or .. - '�_',the past two yeara tho schedule games 'IODthave been hard fought anti some goodb88ketball has resulted. Rivalry is Esther HODer Is Jlasquen Head.particularly keen between the Medics Esther Honor was elccted president princes.and Law mcn, who playa curtain rais- of Masquers at the meeting yesterday. DOaaI8 EBARBer to ono of the Varsity gam� The The othcr oft'ieers elccted are: Mabelsehodule will be arranged and eaptains O'Connor, '\'iee prCfiiclent, Treva Mat­elected sometime within tho next. thows, treasurer, and Ilene Knisley,month. secretary. STUDEBAKERKlaw and Erlanger presentyear, is out of sehool, and the newmaterial i. unknown. About thirtymen are out training with the squad THE WIN NIH G 0 FBARBARA WOR'fB·FINE ARTSIn Edward Sheldon's Lon Drama