" ••,!. ' .•• •., �1m t ·Iuily .urnnuVoL XII. No. 6. UNIVEBSrrY OF OBIOAOO.WBDNB8DAY, OCTOB�"B 8, 1913.•LINEMEN ARE DRDJIDIN LONG SCRIMMAGE., in Manuel. Atteudauce is required 0Director Sta�g ga veHAVE ANNIVERSARY SERVlmCOUNCIL m HAVESONG BOOI PRINTED• MARGARET RHODDTOPRF.SIDE \ SPEAmS m lEUPresIdent or Y. w. o. L. Will Be I OF UNIVERSITY LIFE l� .. �dent Judson And Dr. Henderson.Toastmistress At ADnual Fn8hma.n I WID Be SI*'kers-The Late Prest-l'roUc Supper Tomorrow NiCht.- dent Harper 'Was Loo.der At Chap"Tickets Have All Been DlstrtbU1led.1 Dr. GoocIapeed, Director Stagg October 1, 1892-I Mr. Robertson and Mr. .)'Iargnr, � Rhodes, presldent of the M---!.e.-'d WCD'IUa ill Talk. President .ludsou anti Dr. Heudersoi .. "nolNT" SYSTEM IS T.l. .,.ru UP Y .w. C. L., will be toastmistress at' '11 b tl kr A&Ll� - WI e ie Kpea ers at the tweuty-firs.the Freshman Frolic supper tomorrow TO HAVE GINGER ALE CONTESl auuiversary chupe] service at lU;11 dACKS At\U �.,S GIVt.N RESTat 5 in Lexingtou lunch room, before -the play ill Kent theatre. The other:• I Howell Murray WID Lead Oboespeakers are Katherine Covert Ruth. rs-. ' I Oommons Orchestra. To Play SeAllen, Charlotte Viall and Caryl Cody.i vII iss Covert will speak on "What I' era! Selections.Chit.'ago songs, catchy pieces fro III the League means to the Freshmen";!Blackfsiar produe tious and tho best of R h Al I �hort talks on the life of th;� t "ru- doors 011 October 1, IMI2," said A..,ut len, on "Have the World forYour Hol.b v" and Chadotte Viall on versity by Director Stagg, Dr. Goo.I istant Prof'essor Robertson ycstertla..". buckfield und ��Il.l&� la �r�..Jpit.J frJ.n"The Co1Je�e 'Woman in Country Life speed, AIJistant Professor Bobertsou, ill reviewing the history of t Le .:.lal· :>erilllUlage yesterday, hut put the Iii ... 'Problems". Miss Cody will speak on and Mr. Merrifielu; cheers and SOllb�. sorviee, ··all classes were eoudu ·t.· .. men through a long M(.'&�ioll. '1'lil' I •.• -n.b th �,' ill the Iiue failed to work II tmembership. I musre y e �ODlmons orchestra,:tll lD Cobb hall, at that t.ime uucompl », we o-Ti::1:ets Are AD. Taken. : a program of stunts and contests, Will ed. The first chapel servcic was hcl. gether ill the Jndiana g:UIIl' Satu.t1�l:.The tickets for the supper, 450 in. be the bill at the annual Y .. M. C. at I�:�I.) noon, the same day, in �.lu and it was in this that tl�l' tt_':1111 �HI'A sta.· th R I'" 1 tlOWIJ. }'or over nn hour th e fr{':-;hm - nall have leen given out and a large' g an e eyno (I.:) e uh t.heak.. dlU\tcl at th» north eud of -.:.,:,1).number of women have been disap-. Friday night. Doors will not b. where the Deans' offices arc a.t l,r",. and Varsity teams were kept : .. t wo kpointed. On account of a new rulingi opened to aunlit men to the club tl.ea ent." . the Varsity 'Winning from the firstp'lSSCU by the University, preventing'ter until shortly before 8, when th •. ' President Harper In Char.:e. year men hy two touchdowns.lany were appointed chairmen to take meals from being served any place J -ogram ht scheduled to begin. The late Presideut Harper was i&l I From proseut prospects the lIlell illother than the commons, extensions I The :":olllmons orehelttra wl'll s .... -t 1 f tl fi t . I' .' the forwartl wall will have no rest fo�I l&.I.I l' large 0 Ie rs ser\"ll'CS, w lIcn Ill'('nnnot. he ma(Ie into the Neighbor· I the l'rogralll with two or three sel.ec- . cluued the usual hyllln::f aull pra� (l :i� the next two weeks, but will be 1" n­hood rooms or the gymnasium. There tions, after which ··Howie·' ��nrra P . _1 t J .1 t th t t' 1) m�red at anti workeu un'til the lin:!... Y.I. l'OSluen UultOll, a a 1I11e ··.lI.campus work. A list of committee.. is a l,ossi:' :!ity that a few tickets may I will lead cheers and songs, in orde. oi the �'acultios, god-ve the :::icriptur" presents an evon front. The troublechosen from the stutlent body at large be turnoo back, and Freshmen anilll to familiarize the new men with thew reading. Other members 0: the LC..l.L. may be traceu to the fact that pmc­to 8st4ist them will be annouced ill now women have been asked to apply I Mr. Stagg will give a talk, emphasiz· who took part wer'c Profot:sor GalU.,',:. ticaUy every man in the line is a vetin the Lengue room tomorrow morning. ing the Unh'CJJSity's growth as a een Anderson, since retire,i, auu \.Uw 1 .... _ eran. They are aU brilliant, hardRellenrsals for tho play are. being'ter of clean athletics, untl Dr. Good Dr. Eri B. Hulburt, then Dean of tit. working,_ players, but ha"e been work·held evary (lay in Kent theater under I speed, who retired thJ's year no the ing :\8 individuals anu not ns n ur.iteuI ...... Divinity school. Since the dea.thll o.the .lirection of Miriam Whalin aud University recorder and secretory of Pr'd II 'Wall. The first touchuown of the Var-�l' - "1·":"" .'...... eSl el!t arper anu Dr. llulbu."t :1, ..Janet iFlnnner. the University Board f T tee. �ity ,,,,as matle by a sensational ;) 10_.. � ... '.' . . .... . ._ o. .rus .• 5, the r.etirement of .professor Anuers..,,,,______ :wfIIt;- -I.. __ • _. Ll.. yard run by Des Jardien tl-r�:t -::11 '11.,I' 1'. ...:t:We� .. :"u. d(lnt- Judson 18· the ..QI1}y member,.old '�"'ieago University; at which he . .. . wJ!ole .Freshman team. T __ :-:·_··.:'b.,.�l.of that group now remaining with the h � .·sh·'lI h V .OOIlMBllDAroBY �:was' a student. Assistant Protessor . . au pu eu t e arslty back through_ I Roberion:- and Mr� Merrificld will UnlVm:slt�·. th� field of mwlAo the ·one fOGt line,At the opening of each AutumnlIicerB of �nf:ra.t;toD Bec:el-n � ,give short ·addnuea. �here the Varsit, heM stubl.ornly a.1,1,,&.- quarter an anniversary chnpol sef\'i�ll.nll' W-'-- FroID Heazen OIl 'l'o Ba-n Bet! t Inta, &. ok the ball on downs..._, &_..... :8 held in Manael, utm.ally t.he firl"Paci1lc Oout �p. After several novelty musieal nuw. kith -A... 0 t f"!'fflC 0 e qnal'�r. n 8I("("onn. "hen, the erowd will adjourn to the ton1lietiDg engagemen1ia aDd 1IJl1IIID&]1T Des .Jardicn, who b.atl been Vb •. ingThat the Glee dub trip to Los An- 0lllDlon8 eafe, where refreshmeuts antl hea.vy work in the registering dean's ceuter drol'petl back to PUlIl ('ut t.fthe annual ainger-ale urink' ttl�Ics last Spring was a ueciuC(l suc., • &- 109 con e.� offiees IUHt week, the service this year tlanger,. but (iacttier matle a batl p.&.-L"4.eRS is shown by the testimonials print- !� be. features of the en�rtainment has },cell arranged for the present Shorty reco\'eNtl Ule ball anti lul'�11d below, whieh are only tWo of a I Th18 �In be followed by an informal week. otT uown Ule fieM toward the .• 'resh·of the Blackfriar scorce, manuscript. dozen similar notices whieh the cluh reeeption by lIr. 'Biekham, the Y. M. man gold. Half the }'rcsrullen team-h' h be . · .... 1 h ". d. �. A. 8eet'etary. , f .... l� may lnat�C6S1u e to t e eom eeelve 1 we,llEN' PREPARE W. A. A. PARTY had hoM 0 hiDl at one time or an-mitt.ec." The first is a personal. letter to Lor: IDBAN WILL pA88 UPON other, but the big boy shook tlU.·':tP Upper Class Etudents WID BDtenain i .LiHUt and masuscripts for the song ayne, who was a member of the dub PLAB' POB ftUDBN'l' OOURT nIl off and planted the ball lO th� • eu·J FresbI!len Nut Tuesday.hook Hhoulc} be sent to box 280, facult,) R�t year, from Mr. S. E. BU88Cr, Suo ter of the Freshmen's goal post. Shu::'.,x�hange, before Fritlay, care, Musit� p<'rintendent of t.he Santa Fe Reading Committee '!'o SUbmit Draft of Pr..poc lTl,pcr class counsellors ha.ve heen ty seems to have adopted the t.wi�tEditor, University Song Book. Rooms, under whose auspices the Glee ed Cod. for lnTeaUp.t1on by Dean urged to bring their Freshmen to the' and whirl that is thought to be P\.>f't;·Want _t .. ApprovaL ,1ub made the trip. ADpIL W. A. A. re •• ption next Tue .. lay {rom I Har to the b...... for he uoed it toDorothy .}'arwell and Roderick Pcat Railroad Official Oonpatulates Club. 4 to 6, in the NeighborhOO4l rooms it perfection. Goettler iailet.l to kic!{ :UItie were nppointed a committee t,� At L<M' A ngeles, Calif., May 16, 1913. Tentative plans for the institution Lexingtn. easy goal. lleConnel made the \ a.··to pl'Ct'ent the "point" system to the "ll�· Denr llr. PAyne; of a Student eourt will be submitted ·'l;,·eryt.hing promises fair for :I �ity's second touchdown on a quaf[,� .. -Prceitlent for his appro"al. Thc point I )aA"C your lotter in forwarded mail to Dean Angell for tliseussion an" ape greater suc('e8..� than any other W! A. b:t.ek run. Gocttmr missed goal �al",d nnrl haltten to drop you a line to ex. pro\"al, todAY. .After I'':'" return from A. party," sai.l Ruth llonm, gene.' and the scrimmage entled with th�system, n opred last spring, by the ""press my ap�rceiation of your kintl the Dean's offices .t.he draft of IlI."n.u, ('hairman of the ('ommittoo on arrnn:! Varsity leading, ]2 to O.tttuuent body, aims to limit tho amount •• � If I . . . 'Words and the general rcsultl!J of the will be nQb1i�hC(.l in full, -long "'I·tl. ment.'4, �·cstertla�·, '"as nil the eomm;t· I'at I'age oruereu the }'re�hnlcll t"o . Btuc cnt actlvitie:l a person eali a' iU .,engage in. ri!). the mJg�tion8 of the Dean. teeH hnve hoon appointrcl anti ar,� op4�n up all the plays they had anll asI a�st1rc you it was. a pl�re to On t.he eommittee whi('h i" hoa.lin'. workir.g harll to pr('�nt a lIni'll'" t .' f:u- as po.."8iblc on the muddy fieldTho problem before the couneil is th,· t k th I' 1 ,... t rt . 1." I '.. e you on e me, anf a more de· ,the movement to 8tart the I"tuclent tri- e :unmen the yc."\orlings pIa-yeti open footh:�Il.�nfore('ment of the system. It is plan, illell 111('nHure to rC('ch·e s\1ch exeel-: hunal :u-e W Lvman C Stc h Ln .. �t )"l!nr more thnn :lOO wom�n 1': - 'fhe Y .. n;·t I' t'll I' I Ined to have the Bureau of Re('or(IH I·. ,. p enRon, ... I Y IDe .'! 1 I I�I' a,·e. P.' I'i'nt n'Jlorts of your work. E�ially Helen Pollak and Letitia F�.ft"e. The". ten.h,.l the nnnual 1':\.1".ty, whi('h. i� the Ilences of ,,·eaknc8..'4, for til; }'re:-�l·keep in touch with the {'xtra.cnrri�1\ I " fi t t to th t t h II:- it grntifying to learn that your . met yesterclay in the Maroon ofTiee tc r� �e· �e er nice IIlg n "" 1(' �IP- mel, hn�l no tiiffi('ulty in gaining 1':1lum work of each st,,,lcnt. Fraterni· ('lu"� to a mnn con 1\1 t 1 th I I . r(�r .·In..'(� wont('n nm·\" n1l.'('t enterllllo: J J)'. •• c (' cc em� "e8 write the finnl ("Iaul'('� int.o the propo"" • many }I ays. lredor �t... gg i� tryill;!ties ani! other organi7.ntions arc to bl� "tl I th h f I Prt'�hn'l·lI.as ",(m ('men an( won e eart8 0 l'(l c()(le. __ to improve the ta('kling of the tC"lntrequired to turn in a list of officeR heM 1!lr emp oye8. Following itt. rt'tllrn .from the nfftn'!'I Deans of Women £peak at Chapel. whieh in general WR.'4 poor Snttar.I.,�·.hy tlleir momber& Th ftoe h f .c a rmat 0 your trip � intlecel of1i('("c, th� (lraft will he placed before 1)(>:111 Tnlltot., n('an Wa)lnl'c an,1 The lII('n l'Iecmc.1 to follow the lla�lPlan For mectiODS. t' f"ery 8A 18 A('tory. th(' f&c"nlty And the 8tllcl('ntH for finn' \D('an Rre('kt'uhrlllge l'Ipokc :It .'" i "'cll nn,l hit th(' 0pl'0nent� fairly 1::. .. ·1NominationH (or class oft"ieers will he J ani en('lo8ing to you "orne rennr1.'4 �·--·t· " I b t th kl' h'a'� or:.l"I.�.1 ,on. ."'omen� C Hlpel yt'Mtt'r,lny, nr�in: U c f' mg "'as too Ilo:h ..n::\(le at meetings to be heM one wc('k which caine to my ofriee, ""hid,' art' I I TI_ Jo'rt'�hlllcn wonum to f'o�pornt,e wit.'. Ie mcn were kel,t at the Ilumm�·f.fter the paHting of the cla.�"i'cation upcnoonal" to me And which may he d Leda:n to WOIDeu on �g1ene 1 •I r Y ...... nrr. ·11 d I' h fl I. a.1 the orltnlll7.c1l mO\"('llIcnts 0·( th·, for pntt of the nfternoon·s M��ion.f inter�t to you. �. 'n' f't WI. e n'Ct' er m Ct" Itu tod Tnh·erf'ity. , I.ill(,up:Will yoo kindly show th('m to ih(' i : I ay at 9:15, in lfanflel, on Per. __ . Vnr.-it.y-nalfha('k�( Rehm, )-'0 lt�:hOyH with the letter to your nresident. �n r.y�ene to - Frt'8hmen women. Dr. eowles Addreaes Bo� Club.Mi� Edith lIuner of South End I' I A Fnllhnf'k, ..t\('ker: Quarter, l'f'Ct)nnt'�L""ith n.y complment8 anrl thank& tt('nrla�c., if' required of all entering Tlr. Co,,"l� �poke at. f.h .. fi�f ntr••·C�ter WR.'4 the g11� of honor a.t. F h Th h 1. 1-:nll�, 8tC'gcman, lloulton. Ryan; Tack·CJlicago Unh'e)"1'ity ha!' a very CIM� • ret' men women. � ot �r �". n� of thr not:ln�' Cinh �'cl'lTcr,la�' :ti'the S�ial Scr,.i('e tea in l..exin.,.nn I f h I'-H, Guettler, 8hlll1, "�i1Iiaml': Gnarlls,t;"'" erft or t e I'Mt of the quarter will t"'tnoon. The led.nre w:t." on th., •yr.sterday.Dorothy Uewellyn And DonaldDelany Placed In ChargeOf New Venture. Director Stagg Pub Forwarcla'fhrough_Long Hard ContestWith Freshman Team.Will A.c;k l'or Presidont Judson's Ap.proval-Class Elections Are pJaD.ned For. Scnior college stu.leuts, but ali oL:.�1 Varsity Beats Year.iJ.ngs By Two T�1:.L..rembers of the Uuiversfty have bee downs, 12-0, l"J'!:i!e Des Ju.:!1Juinvited. Stars With 110 Yard Bun."Wh"'ll the Uuivcrsity) opened it:-.>his regularthe fro.ternity SOUgH will be compiledin a Uuiversity song book by the Uu­dergraduate council before Christmas.'l11� d8l�sion was :r\)30�h&l at Ute.first meeting' of the �ouncil lAlis yearypsterday af'ternoou at 3 :�O in Harperll.10. Plans for the working of thepoint system and for the coming elaseelections were also decided ul)on.Dorothy Llewellyn and Donald De-charge of the song book. Delany willmnnage the husil1CSS enu and Mil'SLlewellyn -wlil havo charge of' tilt!few days.Has Felt Need of Book."The University has long felt theueed (If a complete song book", saitlM_ LlewellYIl yeat,erda.�-aAer"At WIt through the efrorte of theC!ouneil it appears as though st..ulentmay be able to purehase real, liveChicago song books for Christmas presents. Howover to make the book comJllete anu representative only of thos\.' Des Jardien Runs 110 'Ya:dJ.!'Onss which aro the favorites of thp.undergraduates, the student body isaaket} to submit lists of songs repre·sentati ve of Chicago and if possibleto send in the manuseript8 of snappysongs out of print or in old numben'lila RoDer Is GUeft at 'rea.(Continued on page 3.) 1---teTnational Phytogrnphieal F.x�l1",i01·. (Continued on page 4.),be- annoDneed later.,ftIB DAlLY IIABOOK, WEDRESDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1913.BULLETIN.The Dally MaroonAthletics Brevities I--------------------------------1l.i.n.it, .f t;�ic ...�fnrl.l $1 •• ,.1 �,...,.,_ Anuual CouuueDlorath'O Chapel Ser­Yicu-l0:15, Mandel Senior college He rge r, the Badger football au«I men required to attend. basket ball star, who eutered the Uui­, Jl�'gicuc 'falk to F'reshmen Wowen versrty this i".ill, ha:s beeu w.orkiul;--!l:1;), llaudcl, Dr. Young. c:ut with the F'reshiueu for the last fewW •. .:\ •• \. Entertainment--Entcrt:llll' days. -meut counuit.tee, 1 :30, Noighborhoo,l1 •llichigau claims .1-'. lL Y Otit to han!the greatest football record of any ae-. T'niveraitv Open Lecture-by l:)ir t' h. Th 'I..' h' D '1• rve eoae 0 .o.u.1C loan D.l Y says ;Sir Wi!liam l1itehell Ramsay, on "Re- "The greatest football crocord of .anyi-urnu:rly vent Discoveries uad the Now Te8�a.- _.University ur Chicago Weekly. adl\ e coach belongs to "'ieliling U.• M . S nnnt," J ;:W, Haskell assembly room. Y H h 8- 'th hi .l'n;lr.z;lng Edltor............ artlD rever s ost, e as won 'gaIlleS W1 1�:';C\\,. Edltor ••••••.••.•.. George Cottingham 'I'rvouts for Men't5 Choir--4:30 Mit· .. .A�::!ctics Editor ..•.•...•..•••• Harry Gorga:. I,' tIl' , llu:hlgan teuuis 1U I:! years, last U un.I I' '\ It' tower conservatory,Business Mana!;er ••••••..•••• Burdette Mast, tied 7. Tho Case gume Saturday wusCi.I:Lllation Manager .••...••••• William Lyman I '1'omorrow t ,. ,�. h'• the 104th game or a .I. 0�t-.o.u.1C 19a1ll':lblishcd daily except Sundays, 110ndays I Div inity �dlOOI Chapel-l0:15, Has- hi"and holrdays durin. three-quarter s of the Imac ue,c! .\t:r�tt, year. I kdl assembly room. . . h";�Iltcrcd as scccnd-cl .. ss m .. il at the Chicago 'I' _ The �\l1l1llesotn. band, Yo' ich 11IUtl-l 'o- iomce, Chll'agu, Ill., �lal.:h rs, rsos, un- Dcbnt.iug H:uh'--10:1", west court '.1 b th Athl't' D t tJc; Act 01 .March a, 1�73. " . � JUCu ecause e e re epar men- ' room, Law buifdiug, f d h \\,. . .SUBS'RIPTlON RATES I' er use to grant t e ISCOllS1Jl trll',1:,' car.. r ier, $���O • Yt:,ar; �l.OO a ·quarter. C. aU11 .\. Frcshmnn Luncheon, .12:31" has returned to the fold and will beIJy mail, S3.�O a yea�; $1.�5. a .�uarter. Couuuous cafe.�:dt!ortal.llus�ness Ultlce. ElliS �...,• on hand at the games for the rest ofI'e lc phone l1u.lway SOO. I )lasIJlIcrs·Elcct officcrs 3:30 Ne1-gh-1 ",tJle year. The men were somewhnt ai"borhood rooms.. .I • peased by a free admission ticket toGlee Club---Spccial business meeting II .1_ I b all the home games this year.for all old men, 3 :30, Reynolds cu.There is a. tendency on the part of'. ( dd P f Thirty candidates responded to Coa,·1tI } reuch :lub---.A. ress by ro essortIl" ', ... - .Maxwdl's first call for Varsity bas-the large ma:orhy of ns here at .. )\It..:l.:. 4:30� Lexington,. ketball at Wisconsin. Captain Va.uUniversity to confino' Friday: .II ". " "E . t Ref h t Gent, and Sands are the ollly veterans• �i. •• .::1.. lltertainmcn -.- res ruenourselves solely to the I. _? • of the lU13 toom who will be back._ eOlJllltlttce, 10;1", N'Clghborhood rooms...uj.·purtullity four S·luare b�ocks com-I S iI' T T� 'k E I' h ''''Ii Coa(:hlllg 111 football, baseball al1l1u r:l"e ea--- &.U on ng IS ..u,1-prisinp' the cam�.JUS and I t bO 'I' K 'tl 4 L 'ngto track athletit.·1.i will be t;wght in rebrt:� ancy y...l ISS e1 1, , CD n.tllO adjacent territory, i!!noring com-I, ..\I�thcmatical Club---Short addrcs- lhr class this this year at Michigan- � ,-,'er the direction of Intramuralpl.1tely the i.:mnonse city tee.!!line with i l;CS, ·1:1:1, Hyerson 37.the unusuaJ. a.nd the interestin.1 all! TO .PRESENT. MILITANT IDEAS<lbttortalOur"tout us. Fifty candidates for the PurduoerO:5d country team are working dail)Coach Rowe.The possibilities of this, � city, "gigantic, willful, young," never £nsUsh Suffragettes' Viewpoiut Will t LaF�¥ett.!.have :been revealed to us, anti tllo Be Top]):: at Tc� Coach Zuppke was welcomed at aspirit of exploration evidently 8ee::!lS lonsfer mass meeting bfore th,e X(ll'to be lacking. Chicago has never ac- Katherine Keith will speak of Eng· tucky-Illinois game last Saturday. lJ.o. d litlh Suffrage at the Suffrage tea to aill, "You can't throw me out of D-rJ.Ulre the reputation of being worth. be given by the Y. W_ C. L. l'riday at linois now. I'm he1'e to make good,while to the !!lere tourist, but in its '4. While in Eng�d last summer, .Mis� nd I'll make you a chaml,ionship teamway it is more interesting than Lon- i Kcith IDet ..Mrs. Pankhurst, who asked n time."don ana. Pa.� for even these two great I her to present the point of view of Iowa rooters are· encouraged by theforeign cities, wholly English and. the English suffragctte to thc wom.!" :L'Iy victory over the State Normal. wholly French, cannot boast of' the be- I.Gf the University. ..chool eleven Satur.y. They claimwildering cosmopoli� that the I Speaking of the tea, Miss Geraldine that the work of the Iowa backfield is,Brown, secretary of the Y. W. C. L. specially briliant and look for. a largedty about us possesses. For instance,! said, "We do not mcan to countenanceeore in the Cornell college game game� StllUiay night walk down Ha.lstod the criminal acts in the name of equal his week.�trect from Eighteenth street to Mil- suffrage in England, but as a part ofwa.ukee avenue should prove to the one the femiuist movement, it is interest-\ h ha.s tak th· . ing to know the reasons for militancy.' SIB WILT.TAM BAM8A T� 0 never en e trip one Ofl WILL 8PBAX 'rOUT-ilia !!lost st.imulatinZ and interCS".ang SHOREY LEAVES FOB. BBBLIN' 0. BIBLICAL 'rOPICczperiences Chic.ago has in store fol:' Ihim. During the course of two hours!1 Is Roosevelt �e Professor AtSir William Ramsay, who has been. German University.one traverses, apparently, the territor,]_ recognized as an eminent authority onof half a dozen �L'�II;ge l;col,h!;..;, cadll 'Profcs�'!Or Paul Shorey, head of the bibli<,al matters, will lecture at 3;30ODe separated qui� shcuP'-Y .lrom Cle; dt'pa.rtment of G)"cck, lett Monda.. ill Haskell assembly room on Recentother, and each one po�ssi� its OWlll night for New York from where he Liseoveries and the New. Testamc�t.• Iwill sail today for Gennany He will As he recently returned from a ttll'strange features-...Jlere a 1l0isy, SOIltiliy I '..• I be the Roosevelt exchange professor to Antioch Phrygu&, wh�re he eon·kafte.niOD, there a B.ussian cafe, here I d d d di . d h· 'l_'bi at the university of Berlin this year. ucte an �te rC:l�rc es for ula. nickel theatre with entertain.!neut Dr. Shorey is the first profes50r of I cal sites, :)r. Ramsay wi:l :,p-.:1k cnin a strange tongue, here a push-cart..1 Classics in the United States to be ap- mattc..rs (.j origim.t inkrc ;t. I ,.� "'�u,Piled high With shirts, ahoes, .wd �C:.k-l pointed to this professorship and th., formerl�'_ J lofessor of HUlm .... 't�' at t.ht­, •• r sold by ·.. wildly ges�i,:u1ating f .::_ ; first representative of the University Unh,-ersity of Aberdeen, Scotlan·I.d - I of Chi�ago. The appointment is made, \' �a:r, an \'''<:1'1W.aler� noise, s=,!t\.i, i •: hy Columbia university, which maln- MURDD OF FOBIIBBc.. J. <ireD, and -uirt. It! i ;';ard to 1',: � : tajn� this exchange of protCS8ors.':?e tha.t all .lIis an.: Ollr own .��i.:�1a:'\l digni4ecl jl·-:,iJ,Hica.noo, is an tus-,u-j LARGB BIBLIOGRAPHY1n!t one. Tha city is n.t: �, ::�;,:= I IS OATBJ!B.BD FOB. ---I VABSl'l'Y DEBA'rEBS .Miss Ida G. Lccgson, the young art5,�ts and attractions, le .." '!Ji.ucr·} per· i, stUdent murdered last Sunday morni:.e.1 aps, �iIt ec.vaol7 :D�.:'UDc. fteI An cxtcnsi\'e hibliography has been who was reported as a former studl."l't.WharVes, the slums, the settlements, prepare.} for candidate8 for the Var· at. the University, w� in rcsidl�lI"'.the museums, libraries, theat e .. and' sity (lehatin� team and it may be pro· during the summer quarter of 1Um,:p:..rks make up a partial ca.ta.!c .. ile of 411red from l:i�� Getties, who has taking only one major. �he came h('rewhat Uea at our dooa at our di pO:al.: ch:tr�c of the rea(Hn� room in Harper. :liter obtaining a degree at t.hc Mil.,'All hook� on the list are kept in the�'he point is, however, In letting away f th l'b d ft.ml waukee Normal 9Chool. While at tll�w<'st tower 0 c 1 rary, an m�_'!roJ!.;. tho campus, Ifttiq away from; 7.in��, pamphlets and other mat.crial University, she gave her home addrc2S2Sthe campus, ptt1q &w&7 txom our' at the south end of the la.w reading l!." Oshkosh, Wisconsin. }"urther thanawn little in� &114 the life in room. the discovery of an abandoned aut •. "books, to the lite .'boU 11& The fact' Notices have been posted, urging a mobile and a torn garment, near l'al0)8largp. turnout at the debating rally .., ..that we an • U'DlTenlty III • big city' 'Id' ]lark, where the cnme was eom1U't�t... I,i in the west room of the Law bUI Ingshould be more to - tIaa&. men empty! at 10:15 Thursday, when Coaeh H. G. DO clew.as to the murder has �u.Phrase.. !, ! : iJ Moulton and others will speak. found. ': 1!, ."I� I ..1.. :ftUJ)BN'1' IS BrILL.i8YDY TO POLiCi� By J. A. A�er, u, Ener.,�!L Co.These Tables are tor the dra1tLlan and designer of &tee). mucturea cO=-3»iled fro:::. the �_KBBlCAN BlUDG E C(J'� Green Book of£tdds., with new actded material.. lt is just the book for the detail­er, designer, architAK t, en=weer, and mel CO..LpallY. and will savethe user t1!ne, expense, and worry, and would soon pay for itself inany drafting room.'Bound in a Black. l'.exible Lea.th er, Loose Leaf Book. It is full7indexed C'An�les" is found under '·A;'· "Beams," under "B;" ete.)and thus any table or d1agra::! is readily turned to (the drafts­cau's cbief point.The price In Black is $7.00, strict:)' uct, The pric.e In Red is $6.00net. Unbound-Loose Pia.t,s-$5.00 net. Post!laid, cash with order.W. T. HUNT. JR.ENO.r..Nr.EB.ING l\N D MUC�LL1'_NEOUSTECHNIJ.' L BOOL.8,15� !'lAS t'. U ST.. N. Y._ •• _ •••••••••••••••••••••• *Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th StreeLNear SOUl Street Subway Station andS3rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue Cars from Pennsyl­vania Station.KEPT BY A cnT.LBGB MANIIBAnQUARTERB FOil COI.LBGB UBNBI·ECIAL R.U'ES FOR COLLEGB TBAJIRTen Minutes' Walk to Thirty Theatres-HARRY P. STIMSO�. MANAGERHEADQUARTERS t",R CHICAGONew. Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.. _._ ,- .. --.-.-.- -�H'ERZKA BROTHE·RS.··:-: Tailors :-:'1[45 East'S3rd StreetFashic)n Decrees for your Fall Clothes ... 'Jheyare here. Ccme in if only to �(e the {afrect'fabrics' for the season.Open I. "fDlnp and Sunday Morning- .. --.- .... � .... - .... -- ....There are a hundred ormore varieties beckoningto you from every smokeshop but there is only onetbatis.. Dlstblctir1e& llUlh1illlllll"the purest and best of to­baccos-delightful Savor'-mild and satisfyinglYour coUege chum.r»-JJtClGAbhilS t.••..•: 1�,• MBlUtTAM 18 OHAT,LBRGBD2'0 DB! Bi'lD PBOGBBS81VB8There's never any trouble withthis real fountain pen-just dipit inanyordinaryinkwell, pressthe "Crescent-Filler," andit fills itself in four seconds.GLD aLUB ODS � ,._:_ . ..: t---�PN.peeta tor- the. coming y.r, for.OOIllDDlDA�BY Lftt'Bll£ I'.he .Mandel services and the concertwork, are exceptionally prOlllit4iug, at',�'ording' to Musical Director Ste-vens.Mnny old men have rer.orted CO! I'WC':'(Continued from page I.)YOUDg BepubllC&Da Ask Him -ro JIeatne1r Bepreaentatiye, lIan'7 IhraD,in Debate. It Fills ItseH!! place in the hearts �f our employees. ;.in the' 'choir, and a number of gootlWith best wishes I am &8 ever, �ew voleee have also been tested.Very truly yoursl)rofe88Or Merriam, as a representa- 6. Eo Busser. Supt. Beading Rooms.th'" of the P,rogressi\'e !>arty, lhas A clipping from the Wayonka, Okla-Be b -'�ma Daily follows·heen challenged to a debate on pu' I' .Iieanisen and the third party move, ' "Ch1c:ao G_ Olub.", ··The Chicago University Glee !lIJmeut by the Harmony League. Tbe- ftr d I' I b that ' ..•�an 0 In e u was prevrousayletter of challenge r.eads in part:.. Ilated to appear '&t the sc!lool auditor,.. ]t is our contention that the crlBlS juw on Monday night, appeared as :lll'Iexists demandiug a radical departure nouueed and waa Btagl}� at. � o'elo 'I�I ,t\·ow \�cll ctitaUlitshcd :1trinciplO1t of l:to one of the Jarge.st erowds tha.t 6\' -rall party during the PWJt half a cen 8Sl'embled for a liko eecasiou, Thisth .. t 'jolly company of thuty 11\" w.!:,·, i ... ,tury batl C!tellll)lified in practice fAth 'Idc�d artists in their chos-su i)rvCC'I'.':I.1l.rogreKti which g04.'S to make up antI kept the crowd pl'!.l-40! I an I &&Il!.'real usefulness of a politleal party. I, k h t ' t. 10US to now w a was ·!Olll1l1,; .,.:\ •�ocial reform problems and oth( I ,.. - '. ··'thou 8Jnglng waa perccer •. &1.) LIlt.�I;measures which have grown up durmg. ,�JDandobn selections. E\·Jri'�.lIl1" 0'1 t:wth' , I the more recent example 1 .as peflOt, program was above th) a \ !r '. �_, · .... 1of whieh arc the ehild labor burear 'd tr t d uu -... tll.temous 8; e very eou • it ','direct elect.iuu of senators, parcel p0l:S1 i. , ,• e.mtlnued practice under 'la'.; .:.' .. lionund tilt! postal sa.vin�rs bank and tht .,. , . " of a master Instructor IImt�\!.i It\::!··'_:uuoptrou 01 tbQ8C measures lnto lei I' � f . t t'"The prograa was tine rom !o':.alr I)isJation have been met and solved withdi I I t·finish Dot a jar or rseor«, .:t l""r-ill the Republienu ranks, :'rfeet in every detail. Sante. Fe mnDR'v Wt' OIO.9t decidedly ta�e iSBue, with 'I;Cr, Paul Scott, is unanimourly H.l(·tl'" our spokesman tha.t outslde credit fOIl card of thanks by Wayonka's ��lJtif(.tbe ndvocacy of those measures Iies '. , ., _" bzenshlp."elsewhere than WIth tbo RepUblican I Tbe first Glee club mooting of th.:-])arty and that further earrying ou* • .!&80n will be held Thursday at 3;::1)of 8u(�h enactmellts mUllt be met and in the Reynolds club. Th:s will 1.(boh'ed through the third party move I businoss meeting, and it is impera.·ment." _, • ,'tive that alI of last year's regularHarry Swan, eandidate of �. �_ :members ",,'ho intend to be with th .. •. I elub this season shall be present, . aNO1ony I.eague for Aldermen of the 7th I, �le plares of those who are absentWard anll a. former pupil of Professor'Thursday will be filled by eleeting:Merriam's political science class wiJ1IJ).'�. D\(.ml;,ers.rel'l"I!6Cnt the young Republicans inuebate.ed "to ucertain his OP,i,D ions ·of. thet)eeausc he was speaking in the �ity W�aWD . "Trust'" �savings Bank: liM Il -.� Street, ChicagoCapital ., •• , , . , . , ... , .. $!!QO,coo.ooSurplu8.Profits , .. , , , .. , ICII,tlCO,c(t1iN":�ED .1.�ATES DEPOf.,ITC'RY'}'OR �OSTAL SAVINGS FU':�:::;A YINCS ACCOUNTS of $1.00 ormore received on which illtcr.;.:tBY VOIOBS FOB CBOm TODAYProfessor Merriam when called up atlIuteal DinctOr. 8teveDS wm JudQ .his 'honae last night could not be reach,Final tryouts for the choir will �Mrs. :Morriam pr.ofessed'- hersolf unac'l held today at 4:30 in the Mi�hell Tow-·fJuainted with her husband's views. er eonservatory. - �Self - FlllingFountain Pen.'/i1U itself and eve::.'Y time it doesthat it cleans itself at the sametime. That's W!IY it doesn'tdoe, Dor balk. nor act mean.It always writes smoothly andit never leaks.$2.50. ,13,00. $3,SO. $4.00. $5.00DIId up. For Sole b�ill allowed at tho rate of 3 perper' cent per annum.CHECKING ACCOUNTS invited or.the most favorable terms consistont with safe ba •. king,Hi�h gratle Gold Bonds anj. !.Icr·gages tor sale uetting 'iY:: and6 per cent. THE UNIVEa8TTY OFOmCACO PRESS,5750-$ Ellis AvenueWc.·Or::'-:-:�(;RT:L·S BOCKf.trec.t, !311 E 5', '�h StreetThe Conklin Pen MfR, Co.Toledo, OhioA STATE BANK��������������������� . �I� SaieSrTl8I'l ·""a�t'�d �itr We have a good opening for the tight:J � Young Man of good family and connections; trIt who has selling ability and knows h?W to A� wear good clothes. . "-rIf This ccnncction would be of �reat ,future If� value to a young man of good fundalIlent�1 �: education and some business training. :� Good salary and rapid advancement to the lr• right man. �� �',t Herzk3 ,a'J:£ Q$j trl If ,1545 East 53 .. d Str.eet·; " - : IfI.;'�����.�� � � ����;,��� � bSubscribeforThe DailyMaroon'2.00.,.\ _, ..... � ... - ..... _...-..,,_- ........ --....-All N�ew Men InvitedI• , ! ,I---·1'0 ATTEN·D��),• TIE. Y. 'M·� {;. A. STAGReynolds Club;Theater• '.. '\ -.�riday, Octo.�er 10, ,� .p. ·m.._ ., ...... !. � .; ::-.... 1 !.� -:!ftIE DAILY JlABOON, WEDNl::SDAY, OCTOBEB 8, 1913.A New Collar I AJror� _.. BLACKSTONE�,. -�................ _ .... - .....Now in our Ncw Hom"_Jnst across from our old locationI MAGINE, if you will,the combined skill of the Irishweavers at Ballvmena and Athlone, theEnz lish weave�s of Huddersfield and:::-.Bradford, theHighland Crof­ters of Scot­land, the mast­er weavers ofNew England,the weavingskill of theFrench, Saxonsand Belgians.IMAGINE,too, the corn­lJlu�d desig ningand tailoring tal­ent of ihe greatAmerican manu­facturing centers-­Chicago, Rochest­er, N ew York. Phil­adelphia and Bal­timore.IF you realize the importanceof these two points, you can't butrealize what this store means to you-allthese weavers and tailors and designers "hada hand" in our displays-they're world wide-limitless.REr�!)Y now with splendidex\imples of our leadership in men'sapparel-thousands of suits, overcoats' motorcoats, slip-ons, etc., at$20, $25, $30, $35 CFFICBB.8 CALL OFF -ruBCLUB IIOftO co�No I1lscription SUitable sa,.. PresidentC 11 A R D BEN NET T P-...rkinaon-Amlouncetl Club's So-And Co- Workers in Brleux'sDA:\1AGED GOOD8GARRICK'MR. WM. HODGE inTHE ROAD TO HAPPINESS"Gelluiu(' successor to "TilE MANLong on Good Points }'ROll HOlIF.:'_Jut('r OCNln,By the M�kers ofTroy's Best Product C ORAN'S GlANDfor everybody is the "SpaltlingPolicy:' \Ve guarantee eachbuyer of an article bearing theI Spallinig Tracle Mark that suchurt.icle will eive sntisfne tionI and a rensonahle amount of ser-I vice,\ A. G. Spalding & Bros. Musi::al Comedy for Young and Old MEMBERS OF HITCHCOCK MEETl Send for our Catalogue"Square Deal"S. Wa1:ash Av. ChicagoSUESCRIBE FOR THEDAILY JrlAROON$2.00i.. - .. -_ .t r-'" :Patronize Maroon Advertisers John Canniug was unanimously elect­H0-wsrd's Theatre C\l seeretary-trcaauree for the year.---BROADWAY HONEYllOON-- __ Heads of the vnvions �('(·thr.!1 �'�T"with elected as follows: Section One, W. H.STOP THIEFAn Ava1a.nch� of LaughterA UDITORIUl\II,. Best I'I:L�' of Sl':L-son:')lr, l.ittle in The Examiner"Big !'tuIlJljn� melodrama." - RecordIIeralll.Tonight at 8 O'Clock Sharp.THE WHIPLASALLEA TRIP TO WASHINGTONA �ERICAN r.:.���Theatre Unique-Dining, Smoking.LEW FIELDS in ""ALL ABOARD."ILLINOISMON'lGOMERY AND STONEatu 1 ELSIE JANIS inTllJo1 LADY OF THE SLIPPEREMMA CARUSJOE HOW.ARD-KABEL McCANEPOVVERS... _ae_ _ __ ._ �ATHLETICGOODS.Regulaticri "G)'m"Outfit$2.50Special PriceTrack Shirt, Sleeveless WhiteSanitary Cotton.Runn� Pants. Fly Front, L.'lceBack, Extra. Quality, Special Cut.SuPPoIt.crs, Hi�wi;. (C\1.-..:.it", �..:>.sitcHosc. Heavy Ri":Jbcd.Shocs, Canvas Top, Rubber So�c,EverythingFor TheAthlete COLLEGE_l�pecialties c1a1 Program for Quarter.OwillJ: to tilt.' uusuitnhility of ull theLat.iu mottot:; submit.t e d iu tho Ul'Yll­OIUM duh eunteat for "II nppropriute.nscripriou, :L new t'ollll'l·titioll will bebl'�un in the lll'ar future, :U'l'Orllill�to un nuuouncemeut h�' Presideut Purk-11I�01l yesterday. The jUII�l'� Ill't'illt'tithut none of the Ilhr:L"l'� 1'Ilhlllittt,.1 illlast �prill�·s motto 1·IUI .. -st were titones,.\. �t�I'i,-,� of five l'lItt'rt�lilllllt'lItN ha: ..been planned for thc uutumu l'o:'ialprogram of the I'lult, 'fhl' l'roJ!ra:u101l0w::I:Ode 1.. Jnfur nurl Lnuce, Liu.ite.lto lI'l'll' hers,o«, 31. A uuual }·rl·�"III:11I-�Oi.,lw-;11 or .. ' smoker,Nov, H. Luf'ormu], Lilllitt·t{ to 111,'111·hers,Xuv. :!S. �lIIokl'r, Limi te.l to uu-ur­hers. ••· 'It..., (Lel·. re.hers. Formal. Limite.l to mr m-Absollltt'l�' 110 t1111' will ht' pl'rllliUt'.1to ·ellter the vlu h rooms for any ofthese cnter tniumeuts without .lisl'lny-ing his memherahip .. nrrl, t'XI't'l't at tht'Freshman smoker, according to n state­ment of )Ir. Jo:ngliMh, steward of the W l)I,� 0'f !':• a.t•• I• •, t:•......,club,Resident.'I of Hall Elect Officers andBear Adresaes.Si"-ty Hitchcock residents met in thelibrary of the hall la.-.t night, in thefirst house mooting of te year. As.Istaut, Professor Robertson, head ofbe. house prcsidcd, and abo gave ahort talk 011 the history of Hitchcock.Professcr' Hale, who ill to sl)Cnti theyear in the bouse, also spoke Lriefly,giving hia Impressione of life ill Hitch-ock..Sper:( cr; Section Two, Benjamin Bills;Section Three, R. A. Anderson; Sec­tion Four, Rudolph Moritz; Scction PiveSteJ,)aC'!n Schustcr. .."GIVES };XCl:LLENT V,ALUF..··_.THE GO V ERN 0 R'S LADY DR. HENDERSON WILL •James O'Donnell Bennctt, Recoru·llcrald.MakersPennants--Pillows CORTEmblems.Ofli�ial"C"Plns,ButtODS T BED 0 U B L J;2Sc.Chicago SealPinsBelts ••• FobsHand MadeCAPS ANDGOWNS lectures on Social and PhilanthropicAgcncies in Chicago on alternatecaoss 'fucsday evennigs in Manllel hall, un-Emmett Corrigan, Arnold Dal)", Flor. dcr the auspices of thc Y. W. C. L.enee Boc:kwelL and the Y. M. C. A. The first talkSTUDEBAKERKlaw & Erangler present DBLIVEB. LECTURES ONPBILAN'nmOPIC WOBltf",Dr. Henderson will give a seeies of,."j., (,Yill be gi ven ncxt Tucsday, on TheGroups of Misery. The progr:a:n ofothcr lectures is as follows: Oct. 28,'.ahc Family in Peril, Nov, 11, llc.:a.ns • ,I.• \""( .THE WINNING OF f )o'amily Ucstem.tion, Nov. 25, Sick­n�s anft Social Health, Ilec. 1, Ne­B A a B A It A W 0 R T H glectetl Childhood.Auspices Chi('aao 'l'heatre SociotY.princessDORRIS KEANENew Location, 1331 East Fifty-Seyenth Str�et FINE ARTS LINJ:IIEN ABE DB,U·T·EDIX LONG SOB.DDIAOE•Jewelry T B E VB L LOW � A 0 It B 'rCHICAGO In Edwar.1 Sheldon'S Love Drama•••• - ••••••• - •• � •• -- •••• Q ••••••••••••••••• ROMANCE (Continued from page 1.)Redmon, lIarri,,; Center, Des .TullieD.Fresbmen-Halfbacks, Gowans, Wil­kinson; Fun back, Dodson, Qlla.rt��Willet, Agar; En(l� Kcn(Jall, �patcr,Rit"b, Clark; Tackle!', JackROn, Alhert,Willdrow; Guards, Ayers, Sherbro!'gh,lIar.Jinger; Ccnter, StutzmaDD.