•.."..It"•... , m e laily !larnnnVol. XII. No. 5. 8001: FIVE C.&!h�SUNIVBR8Ifi 01' OmOAGO, "rUBEDAY, OCT<:'BBB 7, 1913.TWO WEEKS OF HARDlORl FRONTS VARSITY WIU GREET NEW lIEN ATSTAG WIll . HAVE FRESHMANROUC ON THURSDAY DISCUSS DEBATING THURSDAY WANT COURT TO TRYSTUDENTS WHO CHEATJoadl H. G. Mou.i.ton Will Speak 3.t10:15 Rally-l'irst Tryouts l'or Tea.:sD1re(.tor EtaC& Dr. Goodspeed, Assist­� Professor Bobert8on And Mr.lIerri1leld Will '.reU Of Umvenlt7Tl)aditioDS l'rlda,. Night. n'tlut'Ctl tc twelve, '!'he jtlu:';ml for til" Honor Sentiment Auociatio.Appoints Committee of Fourto Draw Up Plans •Stag. Will Seek To StreagtbenLine Before Iowa GameOn October 18. English Militant SuffrqgmWill Be Featured In PlayBr Janet Flanner. Tuition.P':\IIl1 for the year's debating seasonUniversity traditions w,ill be ex-INDIANA CAE !IIOWS FAULTS plained to Freshmen at the annual TICKETS FOk ti1tf.SHM£N Fin will be tlis�uSSthl at a rully at" 1(1:15Y. M. C. A. stag in the Reynolds club Thursday, in the west room of the Law OTHER C( Llltf!:) HAVE SYSTEMChicago Defeats Indiana 21-7. But Gen- }o'ritlay night when Dirccotr Stagg, Dr. 0'_ co cted Lar (,- . I bulldiug, Coach 11. G .. Moulton, wi:!�ve �e ge U«I.l.U8-.£ .)Ut- In So�e "':'1:ilat Si...iia.t l:'�.L.oJl H"u""reral Sho1riDc Disappoints Ooaches Goodspeed, Assistant Professor Robert- announce the details of the autumnlights �e oro Be 1..nstal1ed In Kent Court Is EsW,blh;hed at Minne&lta..&.Dd. 8m4eJd8. son and Mr. Merrifield will welcome the tryouts, Several speakers will discuss'.rhe�ter. And -=isconsin.new men with short talks on campus Chicago's chances for a ehampioushipWith two full weeks of practice boo h!8tOry. . year in fo�en8icB. All eaudidates arc '1'.1 t t ti I fMrll Cordelia �l':ml�hur:;t �tgcorg�ll. 0 uraw up en a 1\0\! l' an� or afore the Iowa uame on October IS Program Not FiDiBhed. expected to attend this meeting. etud ttl .. t ti. e. ' , uragon, late of Englund, her attempts � uen court, or un 3( 11111118 ra U·,!Coaeh Stngg is sure � put tho Varsity Tho program, full deta.1s of whic.h I to rorce the Illinois .Ie .. isluture iuto Tho flrst tryouts for the two \�al"8ity body of students to pass 1l1'uu CUSl�:ihave not been made public will be- . _ ,. �. teams will be held in Mandel F'r idav . heati I II .through SOUlC of the hardeut trrulling . ' subuussiou by English uuhtaut tactics, • , w of e eatmg, t re on or s .. ut uuent eorn-gin in the club thoater at 8, and later h f I night, October :!4_ In the prelimiuar- mitteo SUIHla" ui!!ht uuuointed a com-that the team will get this season. t e attempts 0 lor twin ehihlren to .; � rrthe men will go to Hutchinson cafe ies, the number of candidates will he mittee of four. The members of theTh It f th I .1' gain fame of their own, bombs uuu-e resu 0 e nurana gallle Satur- for refrehments. A f tu f oLh ell to t 1 TI - I f then re 0 e I .1 • !"f't Ut.'I!t we ve, re JUt ges or C new committee are- W,(ti3:tl I".\·IIIUI',pOWt er uuu Infernal muchiues, uU tea-day, although frurly sati8fying aa to cvening will be the annual ginger-ale trvouts -have not yet been announeed. 1 t··· F" a It . S I Iture the .. Vot6:5 and Devotees,' the .e rtra -:- e, �own.n • tep rensou antFreshmen }'iua.:s Iu November. If I 1) 11 k 'rl - . . Iplay to be' given ut the Freshman .C CII o: a r, 11:; euuu.n ttue WII.... I. T Finals for the selection of both u.eg3- meet today at 1·.30 in the 'la1"0011 If-.J: ro re hursday uiJ;t.·, it: l' ·;l;t thc:·.ter. -J.-'ootlights will be Installed in Kent tfve aud uffirmative teuuis for th flee,Conference trtaugulur debate, will i,... The plar s for the court wheu .lraw nthoater to improve the lighting whicbf heM tllr,-\C weeks after the l,relimiu up will nJovitie for a hOll.\· of :\\"( l\"t!ill ormer years has been inatlCtluatc. .a.N" one will be allowed to enter thescore, developed the fact that the Chi- drirrJ.ing contest betweeneago machine is certainly 110t a finish- and Sophomores. and keen rivalry ised product in any particular. With expected between the representativesnine veterans in the opening Iineup, of the two rival elQSSC8.the tea.m was countet.l on to showpossibilities of a Conferenec cbam- Y. w. o. L. WILL HOLD 'rEA �rieB, in the middlc of Novemuer. The nlembers to try all stUI12I1T..'i a:pih:'!alllluul Conferell,ce det.,.-..tte will tak.! whom COl! plaints arc JOII;:I� I, aU11 tofe.w minutes before the -I.lace on the third Friday in .January. �Il'ntence a.1 th�e fOUlhl l.._'u,II.\' I,f \.1\ ... -.Last ycar all the best .�Chit.'ngo will have the affirmative 8i.lh� lating tbe honor cOtle. Retor! helllgof. th,c queKtion: "RctSolvetl; tbat the adoptetl tl,is plan will lia\"! t.o hI! :;�b�(rnited :states sbould esta,hli8h a 8t'11Ctt mitteu to the f8o('ulty antl- St'ltiCllt'3 ! orThe skit which was written by Janet ule of minimum wages for all uUBkilletl aJlproval.Flanuer, wit.h music by Dorothy Lie·in which to bring about iml)rOvements 'l'he Social I::)erviee committee of the wellyn, is the belit 1,lay wbich has been workmen," agaiutSt Michigan in Man· Idea Originated Lab"t Yearl.ctore the Iowa game. In general it Y. W. C. L. will have charge of the tlcl; and tlte negat&.ve sil� again�t. The iclea of this court 'J;:�ill:ltc�given. bef.ore the Freshman Frolic inmay be saitt that, in spite of. the warn- tea . to be held tliis afternoon Northwest('rn, at Evanston. last year in the meetings of the Hoi�.'Ttngs of Diredor . Stagg, the showing at 3 in the League room in Lexington. several years aceortliug to thc COnKeD- "Prospects for a succemsful year arc association committee, an.1 c1urio� theof the line W1UI a .di�ppointment, th,� WOllleu of the Unhiersity' who lu!-ve ti�· of o'pini�q among the �utlienee at ""ry l,right," said Mr., Moulton yester- a;ummer letters were writtcu to �he l>lIi­�d eame up tOexpeetations, aDd done -SoeiMl Servke work will expl&a� the .rebearsal. ii. Kent y,esterday. It tlay. "We have three of last year's ·:eisitics of Wisconsin ·an.l .llinJao�ot:\the work of the quarterbacks elearly the l1eedK of the coming year at the laas an unusual amount of plot aUtI Olen to try for the 1914 team, in Cook, where somewhat similar pla!ls havedemonstrated their inexperience and various seltleuleut houses. All womell good ConraAl anti Hamman, antl a possible I (·en tried. The IQtters explaiDin� d.elines, .they s�y, �nd. with hard . . .1a�k of generalship. o( the UJlI\ers,1.y intl!re8ted in SOCIll.4 fourth, in Baar. In alhlition to that, systems were submitted to the Honoryork by the .cast shoultl be in. good . .Line la, Weak. tIt.nice wurk ha,'c be\!u asked to at- a large lIumber of new men have dig- association committees Suntlay night.With six of the seven men in the tend. sllape by Thurstlay, nifietl their intention of competing for TI�e court will be different from ei-line veterans it was only natural to The l�eague teu have bcen more sue The chorus which has becn sclectetl places on the tealOS. As the 1913 ther that of Wisconsin where all C3.SL"8,look for a forward wall that woultl cessful this �ear than ever before, from so far foll�ws: Dorothy Far�ell, Ruth collcgiate tlebate endetl in a tril,le tic. not silllI,ly those of cheating, at'\! triell'ernmple the attacks of the rather light 75 to 100 women attending every ai- W�l, Alta }o"'isher, Margaret }'cnton, with tile home team wiDJling in each l,y the Swclent Government ('o,mdl,Indiana baeks and open holes easily ternoon.- Mrs. Walter Payne antl ..Mrs_ ea..CJC, . the interest amI tbe rvialry ill nna that of Minncsota where the bOtlyRuth .Agar, Nancy Millor, Mary Cam-for the fast beavy Chieago backfieltl. David .-\l1ao Robertson poured, tea 00 the January tlebatie shoultl be e.xccp ('nllnot aflministcr but can simply rec'eron, Katherine Covert, Uclen Rick-Thursday and }'riday_ tionally keen."etts, I.ois Sutherland, Eugonic, Willis· Award Tuition.Tho Lcague hand books have ncarlypionship; nevertheless Chicago tlid not IN LEXINGTON '.rODA� hall until a.display the drive antI strength with pcrformance.Social Service Committee Will BxplaiJlbOats wcre takcu by outsiders.Sa,. Play Is Good.which it was cretlitetl.Needs of Sett1ement HousesOf Coming Year.The game, howcyer. has' onc gootlrp.sult; it has lIe\-ealed the weak spotand Director Stagg has two long weeksOn the eontrary, with the exception ofDes .Tardien, at center, the line wasweak at nearly every point. Indianagot the jump on Chicago at the startof the game and had' no difficulty ingaining for tho first ten minutes. Thenth«.' men seemed to get togcther andfor a time the Indiana attack could Members of last year's teams art' "FACING HARD SCBBDULB NOWaU been distributcd, and }'rcshmen wt) tOll. Gertrutle O·lIeara, bahel Mae­Murray, Margaret Rig��, ){argaret;lnot guaranteed positions this year, butGreen, Agnes Sharp, Rutt. Swan, Helen must compcte for places on an equalfooting with all other aspir3.Dts. PoTimberlake, Margaret C.,I('_ Lou i s('sitions on the team are open to allmen who have not obtaineu theirs haveheen askcll to call at the League roomimmedta,teJy. Badgers To Meet Jlarquette And Kich­igaD Ag!1es Next_Rowlantls, MaUll Bozwell, Ruth Morse, students, men and women, exeept stn .Rpecial to Daily Maroon.)'fOKOBEOW PllyJ1is Fay anti Lynno s"m \. an. (lents who haye recciv�II a doctor's t"· -�In,lison, Wis.,' Oct. 6 __ With theHave SU!'"%)er First. gree, and Freshmen. Members of ei· 0r,cning game. out of the way, Wis-A supper in Lexington win prceet1r. ther of the two Varstiy t.cams will ht consin fat-os one of tl¢ hart1�t st'hcd-thc play. Tickcts' for uppf.Telas.,,· wom- :,wartlctl $�O tuition each. nlf'5 that a Ballger team has eycr play-make no headway. But at timcs Call ro LBO'l'UBB BEBBtUn Davis. Erhart, aod B. Whitakerpiefted the line with seeming eas�. Sir WiiillJ,!!l llitdl,,� \Iam_" �W1l.:.On the offensive the linemen t.lisplaye,l Be Speaker.good form at intervals. but every tim(' en may be obtainOtl :my clay until OOUNCIL WI:!:L JIBE'rexcept once Indiana managed to stiffen Sir WilHam Mitchell Uaansay will 'l'ilIS J'.l:'.iEBNOON TO Car.linal clc,'cn will meet thr('c power-Thurstlay noon in Lexill:Itc.n for ·10at her ten or fifteen yard line and Chi Iccture Wctlncsc1ay at 3:30 in Uaskell :MAKE YEAR'S PLANS ful tCaJllf', the last of the trio beingcent&. Tickets for }o'resbmen anll womencftgo's att.aek was 8top�t. Only one Assembly room Ul)()n the "Recent Dis- Minncsota, ,,·hosc cleven ('omcs tof Ch- _, too hd '1'1 N '1' ta t." Ilew in tile Unh'ersity aN free and R 1 1 N b 1 Mo tcagu s e owns came as a t:o\"eri'Cs atIlt lC ewes mcn . Plans for the coming da.'(� (;tcctior.: Camp anc a I on .I �em cr .' ..: ar-rewlt of straight football. Russell Sir William Ramsay unt11 recent'ly may be ohtained in the teaguc room. anll for the l,ra.<'tieal allal,tation of tht· quette unh'cM'ity of Mi1,wal1kel� i" onwent over on a quarterback through \\"38 Profu:sor of Humanity at the E"ery woman in thc Unvicrsity h:\." '·l'oillt·· �y�tclll will he c1i!4Cu�-.ctl at tIlt' hill for o<-tober ·11. the �(j�higancenter play behind Des Jarllien for l'ni\"crsity of Aberclccn, �otlan\t. In hccn a."kcII to attenll. tho tin,lorgratluatc c·onnl·jJ mcutin; A�gieg follow t.he nc�t w .. ck, anll thenthe second score. NOTgren matle th(' "rtlcr that he might earry on archacol· this aft('rlloon at 3:30 in HaT}lCr ltW. t'ome the Gopbcrs.first touchdown by a �ixty yard n111 i('al work at Anti<K'h, Phrygia, he has WID Have mtchcock JIeetin!. Thl' clc{,tion� will I,roh:-a.hly bc hel In �['ite of· the o'·('f'wh.-lming N'oreafter intercepting a forward pass, anll r\!tirect from his profes.-rorshill. lie is The first meeting of lIitc'hcO<'k hon!'le withill a month. Thc' point .. ��-�tOI. by which Wi��on�in. llofeatel\ I�n.w-the third around Indiana'� right en.l. e:41lCciall�' intcrested in thc cx('a\"ations . II· I \.· ... s.· "Illollt'�11 h.'" t.lw �t.nllc·nt hOlh- a: r('n('(', 58 to 7. th .. ('oa('11(\� w('rl' far_ will be heM at 10 tonight 111 the I .... t- ..."' -Backs PIa,. To Form. ill the Biblical sit-es of Asia Minor. lie I 1 I .. �t y. nrl·'lg h'lt dcfinit.e from rl('a� ... l ,,-it.h :4howing: of t.h..;..... c('Ck lihrnry. A��i�t.:lnt I'rofM4!'10T Oa- a \\ HI � .,. � •.The back field dif'play(!ld all the lUrm Ita." Jluhlishcc1 3 8Cri� of book�, among I'lall� for itl4 workin� nut tJli� �-c:- tc'aTn. The ,,·ork throu�hout W':l� C'x-t}1at couh} he expected anll really dill which are "The Church in the Roman ,id Allen Robert�on, l1(1atl of Hit('h-hnye yt.t to h(' ma.ll'_ The ohj('('t .,' ('('rt.ionally {,MlIle, t.he ti('kling in('f·m08t of the work. Norgren, Pierce, };mpirc;' and "Citi� and BishoJ1ric� coek, will preside. tNs ��-!Ct('m II' t.o limit the n.mou' fe(·th·(' �n" cCl"lopr�'," the work of theKcnne<ly, and GMY repeatellly matle of Phrygia." His most famous work of l'xtra- .. llrri .. ulnm n .. t.l"iti('l' a l"t·: 'ill(, �Iow. wt il(" th(' m('n hantl1('ll tl,.,ten and fifteen yard gRin8. Captain is fCSt. Panl the Trav.,!er." lie W..l President .JU�D Will Speak. .1etlt .. an engngc in, antI t.hul' enah' "nll in. poor �tyl(' .. fnmhlin!r innllm('r·Norgren "hone partc-iularly. lie scoretl knightc(l in 1906. 1 II I "-J. 'l""r 111'". t.rihntlon of t.hem. hit' t.ime". .I'rclliclent JUI son 301111 Dr. ent erson ',:\ ... ,two of Cbicago'8 tou�hdowns and was Orl�' the. '[lOW(,f of th� ('1(,\'('n,will be the 8['eaker� at the twcntY-1 1 thin the game every minute. nis �k- Cow:cs '1'0 Sp�ak B{\fore Club. -f'l'�h me th.. work wn� 1'.:-11'1('1 eling wa... hard and accurate amI 1lQ one Choir Ken wm Meet 'I'oJ!!OftOW- 6,-,.t annual Commcmorath·t� Ch:'I,('1 \ �('orf' to nHe "n. Thp. tt'nm 1"how ... l. A�l'()('late Prof('l'sor Cowlc� anll ll· I· I·fPR. t around him. All choir men will meet for thcir M-n"fCC3 tomorrow at to:}!) in �nnlh·l ....... 11 ·11 k t th t' f th' thAt it hn.." latent ahility nnll may... _ I r ,1 er WI spea a e moo .11lg 0Pierec gained eonsil"tently on his final ,tryou' tomorrow at .:30 i.IThe a�tcntlan('e of all memi·lt.'M' of the: Rotani .. :tl f'lnh Ulil' afternoon at 4·�·(Contined Oil page 3.) Mitehen To" .. Studi... t (!niv .... ily.h .. been r"'luestt,l. I ito Botany 13. eel. Within thc· next three wecks thcIt------------ _ ..(Continuetl on page 3.)IftIB DAILY JIABOO., ftESDAY, �BBB 7,1913.BULLETIN.The Daily MaroonLexington,1l.i.,�.i" .f f;�ic ...�l •• .bftd � ... ,.," Today:Junior Chapcl-Women, 10:15, Man·del. AtbleticBreri6es f Waterman·Dolly Grny wrenched the hip that- �.' JI onor Sentimcnt�arooll office. Committeo-1:30, bothered him last year in the thirdbothered him last year on the thirdUudergraduate Councll-3:30, Harp. quart d f ed to � D.. er an was ore ret .. re, oeor M10. Johnson will have Dolly under his careSocial Service Tea-3 :30, Lexington. for the next two weeks and hopes thelIasquers-Election of officers, 3 :30, hip will yield to his therapeutic trent·Managing Edltor •••••••••••• Martin �tever sNew. Eaitor ••••••••••••• George Cottina;ham Tomorrow.-Athletics Editor ••••••••••••••• Harry Gorgas ing, and Walter Eckersa.ll were someBU5iaes:o Manager •••••••••••• Burdette Mast I' 1 H -, L t t'''' . hCirculation l.1anager •••••••••• WiUi..':.m Lyman ersoua ygreno oc ures 0 n om- of the old timers who took In t eJ:'ULlU:.llcU Uollly .e,Xccpt cu IlI.la.> b ... \lvlluaYb lon-9;15 and 2;30, Mandol. dedieation exercises.an� holu.Jays dur ing three-quarters oi tuc I U ..Umver:lltl yc:u·.. _ . Auuual Commemorative ehapel·-10:15Entered a� second-class mall at the Chicago ' The old timbrs probably wondere(lPostotfice, Chicago, Lll., lIarcll IS, 1908. un- )'[andel.der Act of Marcll 3, llS73. whether they had blundered into Wis-SUBSCRfPTION RATES. \Y. A. A. Entertainment-Entertain-By carrier, ,::.50 a year; �l.UV a quarter.}$y mail. $3.uO a year; $1.::5 a quarter. l ment committee, 1:30, NeighborhoodEditorial-llusiness Utiice, Ellis :!4_ ITelephone Midway SOU. I room.�==================�=========II Choir TryoutsI conservatory.University Public Lecture-Sir Will·I Botanical Club-4;30, Botany 13.Student Volunteer Band-5, Lexing­I ton 1�.Ch -istum Science Soeicty-7:45, Lex­ington.�,. 4 -Last clay to pay tuition.Hitchccok House Meoting-10 to--. night, Hitchcock Library.l:'ormc;rJyUniversity of (.;hicago Weekly. 'Dent.Breathed, whose knee wont back onhim about a week ago, is out in asuit but has not yet ventured intoscrimmage,Walter MacCormack, 'Vallie StetTen,Mort Cahill, Clyde Stevens, Fred Ma·Ioney, Kellogg Speed� Lawrence Whit·eonsin or Minnesota. when thl'Y sawtho army of substitutes on the Chicago2:30, Mitchell Tower benches. . In the old days there were(ifbitDtial never more than half a dozen.Pete Russell got a bump on theLast Saturday brought out in defi- iam Mitchel Ramsey, 3:30, llnskell aa- head that ma.d.e him forget his signalsnita shape the true mea.ni11g and pur- sembly :r:oom. in the second quarter and Stagg sentpose of Chicago S.i,lirit. in Boyd in his place.The stands, "'dedicated memories in after years, tha.t much'to the spirit of youth at moze precious. minois rooters 8J'Ie rejoicing ovorits best," accepted asaffording a. greater opportUDity to fur- Owing to a typo�phical error. the Orange and Blue eleven trimmed Ken-ther the best interest of this spirit, and item in last Tuesday's Maroon in re- tucky, 21 -0, in the iirf't game of thenamed as a tribute to the man who gard to the Score club year.has built up this spirit, are a tanztbleCorrectionmonument to the idoal of clean sport.The exchan�e of courtesies between of Error officiai report Is: western is planning to provide a largerthe rival crowds is evidence of the, At a m� ot the band and also have decided to eutstrength this spirit has attained. Chi- Board of Student ()rga.nIza.tions, Pub- the numLer of eheerleaders from_ fOUl"cago spirit in few words, is ·'the gazne Ucations, and ExhibitiDns held on Sat-- to three.. The establishment of thefor the game's sake." No f(i�g, no urday, June 7, the followi.l18 motion minor N. and eertUicates to old N men.. 1. ...... tricks, for the sake of Vlctory ...• • •oiK&A&.A'_ D. was adopted. entitling them to �hletie admiSSIonare tolerated; the whole a1lD of lI'ec� •tor Stagg is to play as good a game as That all social activities of the Score for life are several of the improve-possible, and victory, altboUZh desired, club be suspended until October 1. ments eonte�plated.is reallY incidental. • This is the man· 1914. The Indiana band was brought toU' • 4" irit as seen on the ath- rm.:_uestation 0.1. sp ... � action was taken as a result ot Cheiago by popular subserition as a1 ti field. It would be well for thosee c-t al the action of the Score club· inholding Conferenee ruling has prohibited thewho are not athletes to adopt 1 SG._One can "play the game fair" With a_ dillner-dance on Tuesday, Kay �, in Athletie Department paying the way.studies as well as in footbalL "Pas- direct defiance of University regula- to any Conference eon�· of anyone� should be secondary. and foul tious (without registration and on an not directly eonneeted with the team.tac:tlcS, crlbbin& blu1fjng, and loafing,I evening specifically forbidden by the Class football is Jriooting with l!1'ea.tch deSPised as slug- u· - ftshould be as mu. _ I DlverSlty rules); and in Part as the PlIeesa at Paraue. Over twenty- ve,- A major's credit 15 •.glDg aD oppoIlen..._ consequence of an attemRt upon the eandida.te& turned out for the Jumorsach a sacrifice of prmdple,DOt worth Membership in r.an of the club officials to evade re- team and in previous years all gameshonor and self-re:� worth it. U spollSibillty by saying tIla.t the dance have been wen supported by the stu-the l1niversi� -SIlch tactics are necessary to stay in Was not given by the club, but as a dent body.co11e�e--Jt "ere better to drOP out. Private party. The first ea11 for Freshmen basket-'Nor is the claSS room the onlY place The lJn1v""""_ Becorder..be shoWn- --"I ball has been issued at Wlseonsin.when Ch!caiO sPirit caDthat maD come in contactEverywhere f�" In.t. a place to -'PlaY the �e· Professor Nitzc will address thelC01DJIlerc:1al circle&, t.be rule is para- Prench cluh at·t fi t . _ (lcvelop into a machine even moro_ ... _......... to read, -pay for what you• . S 1 I S rs meetl.ng of thepowerful than the championship team�- is "orth." Driv- j{ar 10 pe man house rooms In Lcxing·pt, azul pay "hat ittt7 aDd mean; ton, TllUr�day at 4. of last year._. 8haZ'P})argafD is pc The work of 'Van Gent, the 200_ .... � .. "" frOJD the gt,her fellow theIt as -..-- off rt. It is lrfasquers Will Keet Today. pound half back, was the bright spotthiS labOr and C)• I� 0 University Ma�q\1ers will hold an election of of the game. "Van" is one of thef� De-� form 0thU ].eSSOn-to have its I (ltTJcers today at 3 ;30 In Lexington H. speediest men on tho team, and al-aIm8 to teac:h All f I though bo has never p\."1yed the half_ 'ft'" the game faU." 0 'I Kelly Freshmen Are Entertained.� 'PMIY Up- , back position before, he should devel-....... _ ... ..t: 1D tbiS p�. ,} rcshmcn womcn living in Kelly hallU Jaave v_ ,,_� til rule else 01' under the special coaching he is r.e'._dmllm. _ftod o1)S8rVe e , I werc cntcrtnincd at n beach t -»er'CJWr"--- �.1 will be a1>-1 r rOM 10 ('eiving into one of the stars of theof �elr es;amp e • ackRon l)nrk yesterday by the old West..the force of c1evclopiDf1':,_ .... 1 to hOpei -: mcmhcrs of the hall.� fa- rresJIDlcn can re- i Tb; fluke touchdC1Wn scored by Law-� 7oUDi� .-fatr," Jl they dol Lecture to Women On Hyden8. renee leaves the Badger goal line al·... DOW' to �ee � 1fill not; Dr. Young will give- ih�fir8t of 3. ready crossed, but the Beore was made... DIIfI, � to....... .-.Plt be- i serics of leetur-- on P _ al II _ when not ODe of the regula", wa... in�, .AZJ4 Sf ....- JIII_. i V<J e."",on ygtcne.... Jaar4 Jat8f. "od*I ill- aU of1 to tho worn en of the University to- the game, substitutes having ftplaced� � �t:1"sJ11Mt thatjmorrow a.t 9:15 and at 2:30 in Kalldel all of the ..... aeD.a, life at tile VJd __.�; aDd haiL �.._ ... __ -t... -"'-�--. •. .-_ �-- .... � f·�·...... ..._- ,,_-_ • .� .. �, - ,a .••...... _ ....... �� ." ....ChicagoSpiritwas.� ,'( :, ,• I� j".'"I.,Nitze To Address Trench Club." Zuppke's first snecess at IDinois. TheThe Athletic Association at North- The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf- FillingTypesountainPen �;..II;J '1• t", .t· "· '.•· '.lI.I.j !I•..• "\, f';Ji•Itt,I�1, It· .,· !.,;1.... -1•The Waterman's Ideal that is suited to your hand will do!leater, more uniform a.nd qu.icker work than any other writingI�plement. S��h c.fficlency IS of the greatest benefit in studentMe where wntmg IS a_ part of �'lJtry study. The continuoususe of one, pen dcvel.Clps character of handwriting. The sameWaterma!l S Ideal Will I�st for years and is always ready. Buythe genuine, the: pen �Ith. the famous Spoon Feed and Clip­Cap. In many Sizes, SCientific shapes and points of every degree.Sold by All the Best DealersL. E. Waterman Company, 173 Broadway. New YorkThree Reasons Why you should Eat at the leo's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen.3rd •. A Miaimum Price for Hlth Qualify FoodClub Breakfast lSe up Cafeteria at LQi1�f1-Dinner A. LaCarie MUSIC Come inlUST the smoke a&er a wLidJ in the gym. The best leafiDthe land-aged over two years-pedectmaturity-all barsImesseIimioated-not a bite in a th0u­sand pPes_ Bavor delightfullypd-wondeduIly SIIlOOIb. Notobacco ever received such care-DO other tobacco is so IIDOOthI;y oa wiD delight in its goodnesaeaouab-ask your dealer.���(I,. THESMOOTHEST"TOBACCO•One Oaac:eBap,See.t..eoa.euieatforOprett.SIll ....FaD TwoOaaceT..�iI Iit } '), .t.,. ..•'.II'...•,.� .....•. .1· I• .1· 1--1.....1•• AD�CT PROFESSOR-ro WEEKS OF BABD WORK Captain Davis made fitteeD yards on aWORK FROlft'S VABSl'l'Y tackle around play, Norgren then in. '1. E. ••.••••••••••.•.••...... Krouse ment, and business.tereepted a forw� p888 and ran the Q. B. . 1· .F. Whitaker,. }'leming "In art free discussion has securedl·al1 b k to th "to ..a__ L E B.. . • . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Trc<lt . I .u ae e \,181 rs' iUM�en yard . Ilractll'a agreement lJl respect toT.I .1 G line. }'rom this point the ...... aroon B. 11. B� ..• • . . . . . •........ l-:rdmrt I" Ir unges, anu ray and Kennedy eirel- oW. Greek sr-ulpfure, tuliau p:untin:,!, theeu Indianaos ends repeatedly, Russell Llacks carried tile oval lor the second I'. B................... • . . .. . .. Scott wurthjest poets," coutluued Dr. Hell'and Bovd 'Were somewhat of ·a .11•S' touchdown. Huntington kicked goal. Touchdowns--Nor<�ren (2), Itussell, derson, "1 I" .."u ...- 11 rc rgron e,'<'I1 agnosticismappointment at quarter. Bussell dis- Score: Chicago, 14; Indiana, O. Time Scott ('0-1- fr III touehdow s-IIu t, ;r iUD 0 U .. n n .accepts a 'cosmieul life' 8..'1 the originpla�ed little of the speed credited to was called shoJtly ro.tterward, �th ingtou (3), Erehart, Refc..reo-Knighthim as an opon :field runner and did 'Chicago having the ball on Indiana's of all we kIlOW, and the idenls of(Dartmouth), UlJlpire-Snow (Michi-not shine as a field general. Boyd was twelve yard line. .J,,-sus arc coming to rally the faith ofunlucky, in that his only fumble re- IfIhlrd Period. gan), Head lineman-J)a\'is (Priucc- mankind."sulted in Indiana's touchdown. Both Huntnigton kicked off for Chicago ton). 'l'ime of periooS-15 minutes.need a lot more experience and coach- to S�ott, who ran through the entireing before they can be regarcWd as Maroon team for seventy yards. He DB .BENDBBSON PREACHES Professor 'l'uf.tH will preach :1IIcl Missfirst class quarterbaeks, was caught from behind by :Vruwink ON THE tJNrrY OF FAITH .Indiana played a plucky game but on Chicago's thirty y3.l'd mark. In. I :\Jary lld)owelJ, resident head of thothe men were in poor condition diana was penalized 1itteen yards (or Large Crowd Greets Chapl;l.in At First I Univorsj ty scrtlement, will present the Queu. Peabody &: Co •• lac. Mallenand this was one of the main factors use of hands in the interference. A II('CI]I! of the institution.Sunday :Morning Service In Man-in their (ldeat. forward pass, Erehart to BarnhartCaptain Lavis, Erhart, Krouse, F. netted fifteen yards. Then a trip); del Hall..Whitaker, and Scott displayed the best pass, with a forward throw on theform. Chicago had no plays worthy of end, took the ball to Chicago's eightf DOING RESEARCH ATmention. Acording to Director Stagg's yard line, but Barnhart fumbled and 0 the sermon of Dr. lIendcrgon� Uui-GOVERNMENT BUREAU }.fjss Plorence A. l\IcCorllliek, tech-policy, he gilTS the team nothing but Chicago recovered the oval. versity chaplain, at the first servicestraight footbnJl, varled by a forward The ·Maroon back field punctur.ed the of the quarter ill Maudcl Sunday morn- nical assistant ill the Department ofpass or two, for the first throe or four Hoosier line for 'Consistent gains and . . Botany, has been appointed Adjunctmg. It IS the custom for the chaplain Assistant Professor Crocker of thogames, and he will not open up his took the oval to its forty yard Iine, h I Professor of Botany at the Ab'Ticul-b .1 f to preac at t ie opening service of Dopurtmout of Bonanv is doinz snecialnew ranu 0 football until the Illinois In attempting a quarter b k run the 01 O�· t I "I.' • t t t.i f tl ."' the Year and a I rrre a.tt� I t ura cxperuucn S:1. IOn 0 re um-game. Indiana made use of the for- -, a 0 • em : .. uee gree - rescnreh work at the Bureau of Plantball popped out of BoydOs arms and cd him on this occasion. versity of !\cbra.,ska.. Miss McCor-Industry at Washington in connectionmiek, who has been an assistalLt in"-ard pass many times aud was fairly Scott grasped it in the air and ran Isueeeasful, Of the second string men • Agreement in religion is desirable with his work on seed germination.who got into the game Baumgartner fifty yards for a touchdown. Erehart to prevent friction, waste, aud loss" IDe k ,. .. fI r, roe rer S Iuvesttgntsons are. 0and Moulton did good work. Moulton kicked goal. Score: Chicago, 14; In- said Dr. Henderson, in his plea fori �. 1 . . I .went in for Pierce and took the ba11 diana, 7. pra(!�lCU Importance III rastcntug the,religiolls unity. "unitccl test.imonv isfor fi t f th .' 1 t I " germlnution of seeds,ve ou 0 e SIX as p unges. Huntington kicked off for Cheiago, better evidence than conflicting re-.... t thelIe was good for five yards nearly ••to Erehart, who was aowneel on his ports. Unity cannot be sccured by ter.(Continued from pago .1.)Next Sunday the annual settlement :NOtch COLLARA Graceful HighBand Notch Collarevery time. Baumgartner has the mak­ torty yard line.ing of a good end ancl will un<1ouLtecl- service w:ill bo held in Mandel, when2 for 25 cis..BOTANY ASSISTANTIS AT NEBRASKA AS·Unity of the Faith ""11.'1 the theme }'ACULTY MEMBER ISBotany at the for fiveyears, began her work at Nehruskathe first of October, where she will .le­lie wil returnvote her time to tNu-hing :lIlcl researchheginlling of the winter quar· work.1y get into tbe later games.Summa-ry After Indiana hael Ic.·gal eomllulsion, or social l'ressur�.failed to gain on two attempts time The method of science must be fol-ton uneler tlfe aUSl)i;c;-of the Y. W. C.experimentation, Miss Katherine Keith To Talk.Score:was called for the end or the third 10 1 b cr, t' nwet; 0 S 'a 10 ,In· human reI a- rJ. Kathc�rine Keith will Sl)oak on tho:\1 iss I�citb, who is a stullent ill history of suffrage in England wtihChicago, 14; Indiana, tliSt'o"ery of causes.tions agreemcnt is not perfect, hut is the Ullh·crsity,. stud�u the suffrage I,arti('nlar reference to the reasons for'.raetil'all,., sufficient for a permanent qu(,stion w)aile ill Englan(l last sum· militancy il� that country at a suffrageHuntington kickell off for Chic�ngo to .l" 01·Winters, 'Who was downed on his thir- . When play was resumed an attempt- hasis of family, school, law, govern- llIet.ty.two yard line. Drives off the Ma- ccl fonvard pass was intercepted byCapt. Davis of Indiuna, \Von the I,eriocl.toss and clefen<1ed the south goal, giv- .1.lng the ad\'antage of a strong wind. Founh Period.tea to Ito gi \'on Jo'riday at 5 in Lexing-�.�. . .....J• roon tackles and a cleverly executed Pierce on Indiana's thirty-seven yardforward pass, F. Whitker to Barn- line. The Midwayites took the ballhart, placed the oval in the center· _. •to IndIana's 8lxteen yard line, whereof the field. After two attempts to. h nl.1" ,Ii had Pierce fumbled and Indiana recovereflgam throug tho ...... aroou' no. .failed and a forward pass 'had gone the oVal. .After two attempts to ��namiss, Erehart punted to Russell, who had failed Sc!ott punted oct of boundJwas brought to earth on his twelve on his twelve yard lin.,. On an at­yard mark. tempted end rul' Kennedy fumbled 2UldAn exchange of punts left the ball Indiana again reeovere�l the ball.in Chicago's possession in the conter The Hoosiers could not gain consist-of the fielel. Norgren failed to �in,cntly and Scott punt�tl to Kenoc!(ly,Lut a foJfWard pass, Russell to Vru-wink, netted twenty y3.l'els and the who made a fair catcb on Indill11a'sball r08ted on the Hoosiers thirty yarcl thirty-six yard mark. From this pointline. Chicago failed to make the re- th(." Maroons nlade a suecCi\.�iul ntta�1cquired <1istance in four downs and the on the Indiana goal, which rt"Sultcd �noval went to· Indiana on its twenty- Capt. Norgren being s.!Dt around tll3 •five yard line.Ereharl, & ott, and B. Whitakermade first down by drives off thetackles. After two attempts to gainhad failed, a forward pass, Erehart toBamhatr, w� iutcrcepteel by CaptainN orpn. The Maroon leader ran six­ty yards behind good interference forthe fint touch'down. Huntington kick·ed goal. Score; Chicago, 7; Indiana,O. Time for first period was called.Second Period. Iloosier right end for th.) last scori! ofthe game. Time was ("ailed shortlyafterward with the ball on Indiaua'sfifteen yard lino in Chieago's poAe8-sion. Final score: Chicago, 21; In·diana, 7. Line1lp:Chieago 21.I) It. E. • . . . . . . • • . • . • • . • •. Huntington.. .• • ••••. .. .. •• ••.•.• Baumgartn-:rR. T , ••• _ ••• , •••••• , .••.••••• Goettlf1!l'Erchart kieked off for Indiana, to. R. G. • . • • . . . . • .• • . . . . • . . . . . Harris1Iarris, who fumbled, anfl Indlllna rc·• C Des Jard!(:ncovered the oval on the :Maroon thirty· •••••••. , ••••..••••.•iive yard line. After three attempts L, G................ &anlon, L'1acnto gain had failed thc Infliana cen· L. T ••.••••.•.•••....••...•••.• Shulltcr maele a poor pass for a kie�k, anll L. E Vm"';llkit was Chi�ago's ball on jt.� fort�· yar.l J' II '·1 )�.B... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ,UtlSC, I: oy·line. Norgren and Gray, on an off·hR. II. D ..... Norgr ..m, (Capt.) (":r:IYt.ad Ie )llay, carried the ball to t 0�cnter of the fic1el. pier<!e lmcke(l cen·ter for ten yarflR more. By Rhort hut }', n............... rICJ'ce, MoultonRn-aely gain" the Maroon" carrieel theo\d to the vi"itol'8' twenty yarel line, L E. .......•••.... n�rll"Rrt, �ker�hcre Indiana. held. Vmwink at- L. T. ••..••.....•..••...... Wint(:rstcmpted a place kick from the tMrty·all t I .. G •.•.•..•....•.•. }'. nling, Wal�(·rfonr yard line, but the:b '·wenC ••••.••.•••••...•••. ,.� Goodll1a'l "First Aid" for the StudentHere then, is a fountain pen designed especially for the student-and forthe professor as well-Self - FillingFountain Pen·for classroom notes or home study, the Self-Filling Conklin is "firstaid" for the student because it is always READY-just dip it in anyinkwell that's handy, anywhere, press the little "Crescent-Filler" withthumb and the Conklin fills itself instantly! All done in -t seconds!The same operation automatically cleans the pen so that it neverdOis or uball<s"-but always writes at first stroke.The University of Chicago Press1ii.iO-.:;8 ELLIS AVENUE andVVood�o .. th's Book Store TRADE MARKREG. u. s.PAT. OFFICE........................I SII Ea.t 57t. Street::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::��:;c::::::::":':J:.:':':':.:':;:::::::::::,,:�c:,::�:�:�:.j::_�Indiana i.wide.Indiana put tho ball in play by:? o. . . . . . .. ,., . Di�c.erilUll&g8 on ita tw'enty yard line. � T. • ••••.••.• i>:avi� (Capt., y�---------- ---- - ----- -------------%HE DAILY IlAB.OON, ftESDAY, �BBB " .191.S.Maroon'2.00is a lL\BlT_ju:-;t cxue tly Iik c :<l'l'u(l­iug it is a habit. exce,t th:.'l; the S:l ..r ;in{!s habit builds CHAR.ACTER __ Sl ... �­ISF ACTWN and pEACE OF :t.nXl>,while spending jt_usclesslv -�!�:1.nsjust U..: c!.l!)ositc.You !'!::-n a Declarattou 01 lllC!eyt.:uJ.-g euce wi.:cn you o:>en a SaviuJ:; Ac­count, :;.nd it is the best r..:l'cre!lce you could have. It doesn't takemuch ::onoy-$I.OO-is enouzb.=or much ti!!lc--5 :::.illutcs will do-to open a Savings Account and provide a Bank Bcolt in this STATEBank. The location is convenient-at 5ard St. & Lake Ave. and thehours are libcr�1-S:30 A. M. to 4 F.M. and Saturday e ... ·cnin!!s fro�7 to 9 P. M-All you need is $l.CO cash and five minutcs �e-and a.l:!!ost any­one has these. It also needs decision and then action-but not somany people have these. Have you?3 Per Cent Interest On SavingsResources Over $900,000.00HYDE PARK SrATE BANKCORNER OF e3"!P ST. � LA'-<E AVEOpen SaturdayE"eningsKeep Your Savings In By"e Park, II Tables For S�e-:l_ ��taili�� A��.__.By J. A. �:"UIi.ugerl 1.:. Lu,:r.,--.A... B. Co.These Tables are for the drafts..nan and dt;signer of steel structures cO:='lliled lro=. the AMERICAN BRIDGE OU'S Grecn Book ofStdds., with new added materi.al It is just the book for the de\;ail­er, designer, architect, enztneer, and steel c.ompany. and will savethe user time, expense, and worry, and would soon pay for itse1! illany drafting room.Bound in a Black, Flexible Leather, Loose Leaf Book. It is fullyindexcd (,'Aneles" is found under '·A;" "Beal!lS," under uB;" etc.)and thus any U;.bil! or dia&Ia!;l is le�y turned to (�e drafts­man's chief point.The price in Black is $7.00, strictly net. ·.rhc price in Red is $6.00. net. Unbound-Loose Fiates-$5.00 net. Postpaid, cash with order.,-'.'I•.... ". w. T. HUNT. JR.ENo_r.. NT.ERING £\ ND MISC!:iLLAA.""n:ousTECBNIQ', L BOOLS,15;) t'iAf 1\ n ST.. N. Y •.. ; .' AlOfOUNOBS W. A. A. OOIDllftBB8A Ne�.·��llar BLAcKsTONEICIIARD BENNETT Aeropi.ane Baces Win Feature Enter­tainment NNext bead.a7.And Co-Workers in Blteux's Aeroiliane races will feature the Wo·men's Athletic nssoeintlou entertain-ment for incoming Preshmeu Tuetlday,DAM AGE D GOO D S Oetober 1-1. Ruth Morse, general chair-man, has completed her list of commit­tees, They nrc ag follows: Entertain·nu-nt+-Suzanne }o'iKher, cbairlllall; RuthAgar ,Elizabcth Sherer, Dorothy Will­iston, -lauet Plauuer, Rcfreshment­Aut;ugta Swawite, chairman; LouiseRowlauda, }o;mma Low, Caryl Cody, Lil­lian Swawitc, Margarct Chaney, RoseBeery, Ruth Prosser, Lynne Sultivan,Ruth Sandberg. Postcr___,Helen Leon­ard, ehairman, Helen Carns, MargaretHammett, Margaret Rhodes, RCCCI'­tion. Miss Gertrude Dudley, Mrll.Charles Richmond Henderson, MiNsWinifred Pearce, Mi1\S Ag�s Wayman,Miss Dorothy Stilos, Cornelja Beall,Margaret Rhodes and Phoebe Clover.Suzanne Pisher will meet her en­tertainn.etrt committec to-morrow at1 :30. iJl the Neighborhood room.GARRICKJIB. WJI. HODGB inTHE ROAD TO BAPPINBSS"Genuine successor to "TIlE MANLoag on Good Points FROM HOME:'--Inter Ocean.By the MaJlers ofTroy', - Best Product COlAN'S GlANDSTOP THIBFAn Avalanche of LaughterA UDITORIUlWA "Square Deal" ,. BCKt play of season,':!\lr. Little in Tbe Examiner: DRAMATIO <mUD TO BLECTfor everybody is the "SpaldingPolicy." 'Ve guarantee eachbuyer of an article bearing the�pa.ldnig Trade Mark that sucharticle will give satisfactionand a reasonable amount of ser­viee, "Rig stunning melodrama," - RecordlIerald.Tonight at 8 O�ock Sharp.TIlE WHIP MANAGER 'AND SBCBBTARYFaUure of Bob(�Alla1s And. BmLAClark to Return NecessitateSlKlcia1 BlectlonLASALLE .A new business manager and -eere­t:-ry of the Dranlatie club will beG J.luaical Comedy for Young and Old elected at the regular metin� or the· Spalding & Bros. c-ub which will be held at the end ofSend for our Cat:,logue A TRIP TO WASHINGTON this week. Both Robert AIl.,� andS. Wabash Av. Lmma Clark have faile.t to return tcA ..... ERIC N MUSt college this quarter, thus cau s Ii( tilt;J.W'. A HAL� vaeaneies,Chi::agoTheatre Unique-Dining, Smoking. The regular tryouts for membershipwill be condueted on the same plan asformerly. The blanks will be dis­tributed by the elub in a 8hort time,gh'ing the eandidates for membershipIull information of the tryouts.The Dramatie club plans to hold 3competition for original plays to which'all students of the University shall heeligible, If enough plays arc eonsid­ered praiseworthy, the club plans toHo"",ard'S Theatre rresent one each quarter._--BROADWAY BOHEYJlOON--withLEW FIELDS· in "ALL ABOARD."ILLINOISSUBSCBIBB FOR 'l'BBDAILY KAROONS2.00 MON'fGOIlERY AND S'fONBand ELSIE JANIS inTHE LADY OF THE SLIPPERBMKA OABUS.JOB HOWAJID.= MAB'BL JlcCAl_fBPOVVERS.................... - �or HE G 0 V B B NOR'S L.6. D YATHLETICGOODSQeguiation "Gym"Outfit$2.50Special PriceTrack Shirt, Sleeveless WhitoSaDitary Cotton.R11IlDina Pants, l'l7 Front, LaceBack, BDza Qualit7, Special Cut.Supporters, mghest QuaUty, ElasitcHose. Bea.V1 Ribbed.Shoes, Canvas Top, Rubber Solo. COLLEGESpecialties Jamcs O'Donnell Bennett, BeeoroSubscribeHerald.MakersPeonants--Pillows CORTEmblems,OflleIalMC"PIDs,ButtoDs or B B D 0 U B L B25c. OBOSS forEmmett Corrigan, Arnold Daq, nor· The DailyChicago Seal STUDEBAKERPins Klaw A; Eranglor present'fHB WINNING OFBelts ••• Fobs BARBABA WOR'fBEverythingFor TheAthlete CAPS ANDGOWNS Hand Made FINE ARTSJewelry If B B YB L LOW .J A 0 It B 'fS�eate"'--JersEys--Freshman Class Caps'tD.N!������N .. LocatioD, 1331 East Fift7-Senntl!. Street princes.DOBBIB EBARB••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••CHICAGO In Bdward Sheldon·, Loft DramaROMANCE •,,..••• I •.," >•• •.,