••f', m t maily iflarnnnVoL XlI. No. 3. PRICE FIVE C.Blft'8UlUVBB8I'rY OF 0BI0AOO, 0Cl'0BBB. 3, 1913.OFFER RECITALS BYPOWEU AND SLEZAIlx-rs of the faculty are expected toAWARD FOUR SCHOLARSHIPS MEMBERS OF FACULTYCharlotte Viall. Mabel De La r.u.ter. TO WELCOME NEW MENNEW SECRET ARI TALKS ISIED'ING TODAYWill Hold Vesper Services SUDda7 !ROU NO THE -C BENCHAfternoon In LexiDgto�To HaveTea Tuesda7 For Women Interested Gathering Will Be Held AtIn Social Service. 10: 15 to Stir Enthusi-asm for Tomorrow Ear�c E,hilton And Edward BottclterMadame Julia Culp WillSing Here Under Aus­pices of Asaoc:iation Will Receive Henry Strong.sllips Of $250 Each. Hcllolar- Will Have Annual Home­coming Dinner Tonightat 7 In Commons CafeMiKS Geruldine Brown, new secre­HAVE SIX SYMPHONY CONCERTS tary of tho Y. W. C. L. spoko at the URN AND NORGREN 10 SPEAK Ellw'1rd Itct ickcr nud Earll' 8hiltoll1irKt League meeting of tho year yes· �'-Lku6u..in. Cress. Ly�:.:.n .. \.nd Hillton.1' • L . have !'CCIl uwnr.led the IIl'J1ry Stroll;,{Special Eeason Tb:ket Bates Are Given tcrday mormug at 10:15 In eXlngton., P.uwa l·or Dedication' Will Be An· Chur lut.t e "iail, l1alwl De La :\lah·l'.DR. iiEl-lDiRSON TO BE SPEAKER8dlOiarshil's for this yeur by Presi �so Are Down On Program ToShe urged all tho new students to useth L03guO room as a center of theiract ivit.ies. Margaret Rhodes and eev-Etudents--Over TJlousand l.'iCketsSold Last Year. :UOWlccd And P �ge \'I uJ. '.fell 0 iIlcltt .JUoiSOIl. Thc Uuivcrslty has bl'CII�1\"CIl f�\lr of these scholarships, each One hundred and twenty-five meta-Recitals by Mautlc Powell, the violiu- era 1 uieu, .b ers of the cabinet spoke. Dean I .. iun, 1'at i'age, Captuiu Nor [of wlrivh runounts to $250.Suuduy ait'!rlloon at 4, vesper sere Ie;1 ,,", CiUU \ a,·"'''us UICU'U"CS ". .Hi'" Chnrtuttc Viall is :L Senior aud acr. anr Leo Slezak, tho teuor with tho \ ices will be held by the Y. W. C. L. in 1 _l ulk t t" t Le present at the Auuual HOlUe Coni-team are S.lateu to t;.u a no ll"�t. tllli\'l'rsit�· aide. .lliss De La �latel'"'1 t I' 0 'I 1- Lcxinutou 14. All women of the Uni-· lug Dniner of the tacult"· ill Hutehiu-JJ c ropo rtan pera company, WI I ue II:> J:ootball ,lIl.ads-��tilig 01 t.uu ye.sr, J, 1 'I.' h . �t·'" �- is nlsu a l':'l'uior. �hc was one of tillthe features of tho fifth season of versity, t 10 .J: res men In pa Icu�r, Which wHI be herd to.lay at 11J ,1<) 1,011 ent'e tonight at 7. All the facultyhave been invited, Mi88 Brown will cditors of the Llli"crsity of Chicugotho University Orchestral ussoeiat.iou, ,arounll tho ··C"" beueh, UUlly �!aL- members in the colleges of Arb, Lit.!t·hi h T speak on "What is the Abundant Lifo tJlewtJ, the University cheer Iead-r, womeu''s edit.iou of tho Chicago Even- uture, �dence, Law, Divinity am 1 illlV lC starts uesday, October 21, in for a College Woman?"To Have Soollal Service Tea.ist, Madamc Julia Culp, the Iieder sing-'alld t'rullcis \\ ard, his aseistuut, wiunave charge of the meeting. PluusSix aftcrnoon concerts will be given Tuesday at 3 thero will be a social fot' the dedic.o.IItion and furtner direc-in Mandel by the Chicago SYllll)hony scrviee tea in the League ro,om. Alit:!h department while A�8ociate Pro·Post,iug the eoltege of Education have been::M andel hall.Give One To Sipho!I!.ore. mv ited to attend, aud to niuke theItetic ker Is a �ophomore. dinner a rousing welcome to the newwas :l. member of Iast year's members,1'rc:d:mau tlcuatillg team. Shilton i:.Uhairnlan Mathews of the under-tions for the formation ot tho paralic J I l'crehestra on Tuesday afternoona duro committee, headed by Suzanne Fisher, will be announced at this time.will meet all women at this toa whoing the season. Lectures on the or­aro inter.ested inchestral programs will probably be give Cllivcrsity .llarshal am, l·i\ c members of the faculty willspeak, three of whom will "'0 II"Wmcn. 'l'he thrce new fa.eulty memLerasocial service work. .graduate end of the affaIr has announe-For the ncxt three consecutive ., l�d that the' three upper classes wll1t'n by Mr. Stevens Monday afterlloon �h·1 . t' th dis, ur�uay wornlDg mee lDgs.. e .be directed by the' three upper classl)receding each concert, as in past sea· ciplc::;h:ip of a college woman will be reshlea.ts. Assistant Cheerle�er Waruiliscussed. Margaret Rhodes, president will take �herge of the Freshmen.of tho League will give the fi.rst talk' Th ilI'd b b' esc men w provl e anners ear·Special rates are offered to students 011 "The ,First Stcp,..The Op�n Mind.." ing the nUDlera.IJJ of each class, and willOn October 16, lLuth Allen Will ta.lk ODarrange the detalis of the" undergradu­··'j'ho �econd Step,---Service," 'and the .' "'d8� ��t Be.ieh.DUw will leadfollowing week � Br!_wD � � � p�.;� Debuay the Jun-th" � of talb wi&A �.�" 'I'iaal ",. - .; \ -t;--·· �'" ,;:..,> ';", "'- -- ... �- .� , ". "I Ion, � "1q_"tho��om01'�".auddered to stullents at $2.25, $4.25, :ind Step,,-The SUpreJDe �rieQdShip." Ward the :Fr�� . The· order of the$6.25, while the rate to the general The Y. W. 1 ... L. program for the prlrade will be ai follows: the' alumnipublic is $3.25, $5.25 and $7.25 •. Tick· rest of tho qlULrt4er follows: of the old: Chicago University willets may be obtained now at the asso- Quarter's Program. lead, folowed by the 8J.umni of thedation's office, Cobb 9Ao Last year October 30. Jesus the Creator ofn(!w university, 'Of' Chicago. Tho un-the Social Problem-Mr. .James Mul· dergracblato c'''_-- will foUow ucord.over 1000 season tickets were soM, anti ..............lellback. :L ::;cII ior, a\\'a�: t orutcriy :& mcuu.er oi the Unllcigraduate Coollcil. He is a member 0::who ftre seheduled to talk are A8:tO-O!fer Special Rates. the Sigma All)ha 1":})siloll fraternity.La::;t year there wcro fivo Strollb sociatc Profe::;sor Rollo M� Lyman audmembershil)s awarded. They were gi ,.'{'ll'"i'rifessor Ellward \'1. Hinton. -e� to Donalc.l Breed, LeRoy Campbell, oluer members of the f�ulty will 1J4tMartha Green, Ro"'ert Pretmcll anll represcnted "'y ih". lIeudenioll, Uhi\"Cl·tility_ Ch�J.llaJn, 'Who hu just r.eturn�.l__ .' ...... � _-.. __ ... ' •• a·. _sons. cia.to profes�of Tom Peete Cross, All·mishing to tako advantage of the cam·pus concerts. Season tickets admittingthe holder to tho nine concerts are William Shirley.HUNDRED f.TUDENTS PRESENT £10m u year in India as Barrow� i�co:t·urer on the Haskell }'onnc.la;tion, andby Professor J: :-'L8JWrenc'e LaugWinHead of the department of PoliticalThree 1913 GraduateB Attend Cand ADinner Yesterday.C:l�OUOlJ1y , who has bcen out of fll.:ilOne hUIHlred students attended the lienee for the past two yean ••ing to rank, the Seniors leading and Commerce ann Administration collcg,"..Novcmber 6. Our' Uhailen'ge fa So- the Freshmen bringing up the rear.dal Ser\'icc-Social Sen-ice' Co�it·. The' two' teams will precede the paradeCJlAHGE DATE 0:£' Y. W. O. L. tee. onto the field. 'Novem"'er 13. Recognition service Pnsld8llt wm Speak.FROLIO FOR NEW WOJmN fWD mberaCaryl 'Cody 011""" Dcan .l[arshal ureshled.or no 1C --- .' The parade after circling tbo field t· '0 .... • rNovember 20. Thanksgiving service__ Bc.,i.les Dean lIarsbal and the actiw" fessor Lyman is oBering �ourses in Il<!·will stop' iii front of sections four anti " ,Dorothy Davis and Helene Pollak Are .Mr. }'red Merrifield. 1"'e of the new bleachers, whcih ha\'e shlllcnt.'i l,rescl.t, Mr. lierrincill an;1 t)ating, studies which unm the prescntGiven parts in ··Votes and the N\'cmber 27. No Service. been reserved for the p'articipants. three 11.11:; students attended thc tlin- date have never been in the currieulu1aan even larger domand is expected 'this Are GiVing New Com&es.dinner last ight in the commos. Theobjed of the dinner was to get beforecourses in Celtic LtieratuN � nth .. En,,·the Prllshmen tla,e :purposes pf lit,season. _-\K8ociato Professor Cross' is ginn&!Devotees.., December 4.Letitia l··yfre. Honor A88ociation- President Judson will address the gath· or the Univeraitynero 'file mcmhers of the class of l�):, " •ering for the' University, A. A. Staggwcre :.Martha Green, Leonidas Painc was formerly tleanChristmas Meeting- will speak of the significance of thl.':tud Edwin Eisendratb. School. of Iowa. La\\"Prorc�sor lIillto.December 11.Freshmen women, and uppcrclasscounsellors will meet for the }'rcshman Song service. stands from the athletic end, anli Wm.}t'rolic :'li!'per :It 5 in thc J.t�ague room, ._ Scott Bond will speak for the alumni.Thursday, October 9, instead of next STATEMBlfT OF TUB OWKBB- As the game is scheduled to start at l·B.A'l'EBNlTIEE AT CORNELLFriday as was announced a few days SHIP, IIAlfAGBJIBR'r, 01&- three, the ceremonies will be made 3." RUSH IN TWO PERICDSago. OULAftOlf. ft� short as poesible. ,According to pres-Several changes ha,'c been made in ('nt prospects o,'er two thousand stu· Rushing of 1'-rc8hmcn hy fraternitic.the east of tho play "Votes and .thc fivc dents aDd alumni will participate in at CuJ"lIell hi :lolle in t"·o pcriolls. ThlThe Daily Marono publisscdDevotccs," which is to be given after the parade. I�I �t �)eJ"io.l, Iluring whi,'h there canK h D th times per week at Chicago, Illinois, The aabIetic department --t In.lianatb.. supper in eDt t cotre. oro y ••Davis will take the part of Sall�' r('quired by the Act of August 24, 1912. has been planning for this event for !,,' ui I'lc1!gillJ,!, exh'nlls from Ot·tohc: of tho department of Political 8eine�o,Chicago, lIOme tinlc and pans ha'·e been malte � to O .. tol,er 16, :11111 the 8ccon.1 I)criod, and Miss llary F... M .. _Jo'wcll, hcall ofto eend Be,·era! bundred stu.tent."I to l"rom Odul.cr :!O to O('toher 2a. All tho Univcr�ity Scttlement, will makeClapp. and Hclen Pollak will play lllinois, BQSinC8S ,Manager, Burdette P.Chicago on special trains. Thc 1100· �Icll llIay be ple.lgc,1 .luring the :oct"onl; &peCt'hcs at t.he eighteenth annual Con·.o\unt Jeremiah. P. C. }'Iower replaccs }lla�. Chi�ago, Illinois. Publisher, The -t·('.fS ar .... "'onfident that the tc-m wI'Il ))"'I'I·c,.I. .' f I' C . 1'.'" .. 'U " ..... , lU\'Jt,ataolls or t atcs arc III ferent'c of Charitj,c� an.l 'Orret·tlon,Floren�o Rothermel. A chorus of Daily llaroon (Not Inc.) Owned and I,ut up a stiff fight and am Mid to be \\fiting. Rockiorll, Illinois, from Octoher II totwenty·two will be selected next week. controll�ll"'y the students of the Uni. willing to back it to the limit. -+-!4. �liss .llcl>owell will he the pri1 ... i.All new "'omcn have been invitc.I That Co�h St.ilgg il'l taking Inlliana UNIV�ITY OF IOWA HONOJU:D h' 8e.�sion f)Dv('J0sity of Chi�ago. Ilnl �)I('nkcr at t c °l,enangto atten(} both tho �tll'pcr anti the 8eriou8ly is shown by the tad that the the afterlloon of Ot·tob," 11. The t·cn·1 T'lckets for the (o'reshmcn may Yal'8ity was kept out on Ma�hall �11."rill!" thC' honor with 01 Iv th"pay. A vcrage number if copies of each il'l· n.. ,.. I• I tral tllclIlc of the conf('rcnce, ·'l'rtwcn·he obtrune(} in the Lcac;.lc room or Fielt1 la.-n night until long after Ilark. (. :h(: Ameri('an in�titutiolU" the {:ni"ue of this publication sold or distribu· A ·al tt tie 't th tive Charity through Chile \\' t'lfnro:',,�t a �n on was gIven 0 0 ('('fsif,Y of Iowa 11:1:4, h('t\n c'ho�'11 by PROI1ESSOR MBB.BIAJIAND MISS McDOWELLWILL BE SPEAltBRSProfc�80r CharlC3 }t;.lwar.l Merriam,. Prudhomme, in place of Marga'I"Ct }�Ilitor, Martin D. Steven,from the �oun8Clors. Tl�ket. .. for 19'0'tecl, throug" h themailsorotherwise.toft.rwardwall.adnthelinemenwere�wC..It.l. :IS olle of thc univcn4itiC'l4 illh h been in the Universitym�n w 0 ave k�pt buBY' for over an hour hoMin;::paitl subscribers (luring the six month" ,'"hidl �wC'Ilish :41·hol:lr:4 will �tnlly thi�for kicks. Norgren, Pierte, and Gray 'Ire Pinnr Con'in, of 8tOC'khohn, who The 8('concl elnt-ion of the Ah1111Dit,rccecling the date of this .tatement. took turnlt booting the hall and thr'"ear. In hi:4 r<'}lort recomm('n,ling lown. Ih 'f h r tte t d t • :ltiTf'ctory will appcarJ)('('cmherl:;.ea� res man Ino a mp e 01"AmCriC':'Ill ('ollC't-:t':4 for 8\\"('11(,11, ... l:nra('·1brock the kicks. Tho Val'8ity heM I t I tl '. t,' f' r ftl' r lJarion Skinner, es·'15, Who WOIII'c,n. III' I'! Il' un (':0; 1;::1 IOIll4 0 'Ifairl,. wen in spite of the fa("t thnt I tui?C'll Iowa ... � .. thc Iral1in� ('cnter; hi� "C" in football hlMt year, i. nowat tim� the fretthmen were ablo tOj in the Unitetl Rtat� for the stully ofj "oahcing :\t Princeton, IlliDOi ..Cc..tiDlIed .. page 2) experimental psychology:' PubUsh Al�n1 Directory loon.l-('fore cost forty cents.Dr. �. B. ADpll. (This information is required from, (Iai·Iy new81lRPCfS only.) 1000It was reported last night from Dean,\ngoll'a office that Dr. James Burrill",.pIl of ADD Arbor was better.-'-� ..... ---.-- .-� .. -....-..-. _--- .. -- !-BB DAJLY VAPoOV, acMBBB 3, 1915. _.--.-._-_......... - -- ... - -.__. - ..(Special to The Daily l£aroon.) HOW FBESJIJIBN JlUft AC'tAT OOLOBADO UNlVEBSl'fYThe Daily Maroonllai.n.ilt .r ��u ...W&rial � � ...... pn RECORD FOB L088E8 INWISOONSDrS BAOK! lELDCfbftGtfal Van Gent WID Be In Game Again­New Material For LineIs Str0AA. Following are the rules for the con­duct of Freshmen at the Uuiversity ofColorado;1. Every Freshman shall on and af- Only the Iountainpen with the curvedink reed can be cleanlyter October 1 of each school year pro­.lludison, \\' is., Oct. I.-The bears ana ,jde himself with and wear whenc"ertLo bulls are having a merry time of appearin� on tho campus or in any ofi; at Wisconsin. tho buildings, a postage stamp (dinky)With the gridiron season well under blue cap with a gl'een button, providedway, Badger forecasts are varying from that if tho Freshmen win tho annualtho blackest sort of "bear" stories to class contest witb tho Sophomores thoypredictions of another challlpionshi� shall be allowed to discard their capsw alkawuy. Every follow or of tho team at the beginning of tho second somes­has his own pet theory and forecast. tor,'I'he truth of tho matter seems to be 0 The Freshmen must organize theirthat no one, from "expert;" to "frosh," combined class and elect officers notknows anything definite about the Inter than the third week of the firstCardiual prospects, Thero have been semester, PARKERLUCKY CURVEFOUNTAIN PENSFormerlyUniversity of Chicago \Veekly. so marly upsets in the cump, so mall)" 3. No Freshman in tho university ofkaleidoscopic changes, th:lt matters arc Coolrado on and after October 1 ofManaging Editor. _ ••••• _ •.•. Martin SteversNews Editor .• __ •••• _ • _ •• George Cottingham���Ii���: �����e�: ':::.: -.: .:::_ B�:ditteGM��� well up in the air. Four veterans, all each year shall wear or display anyCirculation Manager .•• . William Lymanl'ullhshcd l1all)" except :::.undays. llonl1aysand holidays during three-quarters of theUniver sity year.Entered as second-class mail at the ChicagoPostoffice, Chicago. Ill., March IS, 1905, un-der Act of llarch 3, 18j3_ timer. On the defection of this quin- ors.SUBSCRIPTION RATES.By carrier. $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quarter.By mail, $3.00 a year ; $l.:!5 a quarter.Editorial-Business Office, Ellis :!4.Telephone Midway SOO. nine "\V" men left over from last forms on the campus,"Even the reporter has an office. and with , hi f f them All West .1;;_ -11.11 Freshmen shall eive r."iht ofclear eyes and bonest language. may unveil year S mac Inc, our 0 - -OJ �� r- ...counted on for the HH3 machine, have high school insignia of whatever de­railed to return to school, and iueligt- scr iption either in the form of rings,Lifity has laid hold of another old pins or nhtletic letter, numeral or col-tet the "bear.s" base their gloomy fore- 4. No Freshman shall indulge in thecasts. On the otbor hand, eight or uso of tobacco, in any of its ordinaryern selections, together with the best way on the sidewalks to professors, in­freshman material of years, give the structors, graduates and upperelnssmenoptimists plenty of ground for a cham- 6. All Freshmen shall give right of FOR SALE ATWOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St. T�::,::;:,!:t.--_Tomorrow's gaID8 is 'the beginning pionship forecast. way on the sidewalks to professors, in-o! Chi,cago's fight for the Confeftnce The big "if" lies in tho backfield, atructors, graduaites and upper-class­title. It is customary at Last year's quartet is shattered com- men.1'omorrow's this time to urge every- pletely, with only Captain Tandberg 7_ No Freshman shall remain seatedGame Tailoring Means ClothesThat gille you distinction alJd indIvidual good stylt-Prices $30 to $60 litone to "g� out and at full back to represent the old guard. whilo a professor, instructor, gt'aduateback the team," t!:l "Buck': Bellows, counted on as a sure 01' upper-classman is sbaneling at any"show your college spirit,,, ,etc., etc. successor to Gilletto at quarter back, gnthering of students at a universltySuch areuments are well enough bas failed to return to school because funetion.for the untbinkjng; but they are super- of the death of his father. "Ole" Mof- 8_ Freshmen must present themselves1icial and unconvincing. "Why back the fet, one of tho most promising backs at the :Main building immediately aft­·team." Why show college S!Jirit? Camp Randall has seen for years, has e1' an intercollegiate victory in Boul.ierNobody knows. But back of it aJl, entered Pennsylvania. "Norm" Hinman or news of Victory� either athletieback of the rooting, the riot of colors, counted on to do tho kicking from a or debating, from a!brPad and ring thethe .clash of teams, the bands, is some- half back position, has entered Mariet- chapel bell for 'at least thi�y minutes.thing which appeals to everyone, and ta Colleze of which his father is pres- 9. Freshmen shall gather wood ando ,which affords the excuse and justi- ident. "Heinio" Berger, another regu- build bonfires for :any demonstrationfication for rodtfDg f()OC;ba.Us-tevery Iar half back, is also lost to tho squad, o!. tho .A. S. U. C.thing that goes with tomorrow's ea!!!e. and may enter Chicago for some special 10. F'reshmen must always bring up-It is the sheer joy Of life. The waving courses not included in the Wisconsin t he .rear in every parade and demon­banners, the shouting crowds, the tense curriculum, Those few men alone form stration of the A_ S. U. C_enthusiaSlr .. ';}rute the blO\I� ron faster',a very formidable backfield and so 11. _ Any Freshman who violate3 any. ,the step brisker, and put a sparkle m their loss is a heavv one. It leaves to �tion, or clause of thiS Act or itsthe eye that can hardly be gqtten Coach Juneau the necessity of develop- SI,iri't or letter, shall, upon convictionelSewhere. &'College spirit," and '·Back ing a quarter back from green material t·y the proper tribunal, as provided inthe team,'" are good arguments be- and of finding half backs who can the judiciary act, be deprived of mem-tll- furnish an incemtive to do- S U C d all Itcause -., '.plug" the vacanCies. . bership in the A. • • • an I 8this. The nAlLY J[ABOON urges The rush line is not causing any privileges, or r�eive such punishment'"'"one to _ out to the game and_ _ .,eve • ., worry. New material IS so strong that a� the Court; may uecm proper.jump "_.:to ...... e spirit of the affair with .. - -d be.u&_ W& tho prediction IS .f1ree1y made that� 12. A Freshman is defi� to any-a wholesouled interest, biccaUSe it issoIDe of the veterans have an eqnal one who is entering this Universitygood to do. Put an.:ago � band 0: dtance of 10Bing their positions to ne.w for the first time and who has notthe coat, join the parade, clJ,eer a.nn�en. "Gene" Van Gent, a tackle who CGme from an institution of collegiatet to the limit, follow the team withrooth j t has been kept out of the game for two standing.breathless interest, throb wi fOYd a;years by injuries, may be shifted fromevery gain, drop into the �byss 0 es-•b1 and tho hne to the backfield. Although _aaa JlilBmING �ODAYpair at every loss. Forget trou es �And after "VanY' weighs 205 pounds, he is one ABOUND 0 BBHOB('ares for the afternoon. ._ .. _ -oti- ...... 0 flf the speedJest men on the squa .. l,it is overS count the gtNUo � ..... �•... __ 1 -I , in brisk as a record of 11 seconds Oat In t'hegain in plain p&&,1--- y .. gor .tal f--'ties. '.rhere 100 yard dash, woarmg complete un i-and aggressive men ""''"c1usion-foQtball form,. testifies.will be onlY one conood things for the � Almost any sort of prediction will 'el"erygames are g . 1\( d' 'I h- k htors at least. Oollege sylrit is .a goodll pass 111 .. a Json untJ t mgs ta e more rougthing_"BacJdng the team" is anotber'l tle:fin:te shape._ Only on� thing seems.b lesson of lo-".r that, certam, that With oxceptlonally strong 'l"he quarter hACk pMition is stillBoth t�ac a J ...... J I 'hbringS out player and spectator, and i teams expeded from Chciago anll Min- a prohlem. Rus....ell seems to ha"e t ethus dONS the opportunity to enjoy! n��ota, the ]!H3 fight shoulel be one 0011 as he ba.'J hoo" ronning the team&_ ...... ...- are a feW ofi or the mo�t �trenuous ,'et rO<'orfted. r.tost of t'he time in pra.c-tire. 'Moultonthe game. -... ...-' 101M;..,'. •• f.b n of uSI Pr"ctl""e .. t C"mp R"nd"ll <lurIng th" 'hna, bAlOn used at times in "pite 0 w __ �._ 6_ .. ". A..the real big reasons w y, a .• " .... ...o. ",,, "" -=rr-"""r-lIfIf..· �sbould be on Marshall Field tomorrow;1 fir�.t days hal'! been "ery light, and the fad that 'his 1'('flUla1' pMition il'l at..... . t'll 1 d if fu1l. Boyd, and M�Conn�l arc oth�1'afternoon, ·'whooping 'U' up for -.ue I �cfJmmage JS !OJ 1 sel"era ays 0 • - 7 North LaSalle St.25 W. Jackson Blvd.71 E. Monroe St.Three Stores in Chicagothree Reasons Why you sbo�d Eat at the Men's Commons f1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspe�t the Kitt'hen.3rd. A Minimum Price for Hi ... h Quality FoodClub Breakfast lae up Cafeteria at LunchDinner A. LaCarte IIUSIC Come in(Continued from page 1.)".find big hole& The rsct of the RCssionwas de"oted to signal pradioo, an(leffort was made to smooth overedge&Quarter Is Problem.Dedication of at'hleticwancll'ltanc1, Mars'hal1 Field.Faculty Home ComingfTotchinson cafe.Football, Chi .. agoJf arshan }'iclc!. field nna )(il'l.'J Geralc1.ine Brown, the new secre­tary, will speak on "What is the Abun­Dinnnr dant Life For College Women?" Teawill be ftCrvcd after the meotnig. Ev·..... JDdiana, 3:30, �ry councilor has been urged to comeand bring her Frcshmu.New League 8eeret&r7 to Speak.At the firl'!t Welcome Ve�r Meet­in� of the Y. W. C. L. Sunday at ", ossihilitirs. Brcat'hed W:a" .. ounted llP­on M I'uro to Iret in the ""me forn. time. hut 'his injured kn� will keep'him out of scrimmage for a.notOOr�'c�k at lea.'Jt. Redmon, the 200 pound8Op'homorn guard 'has heen guiningspeed and endurance, and hR.'J beenused a largo part of t'he 'time in t'heregular lineup. He will probably getinto tb'e �e at some time. . (JVarsity."BtJLLETIN'.To-.orrow.' ...'F'ive members of thp i':1<"ult,,\· uC t.h,· �'l·a.r, under the drleetoiu of Robert W. In SouJP, with Ii�ARkY :M'AtiBlIALLCeolog�' department 1m',: �P('lItDO FIELD WORK IN s1hnIEB...Five Members of GeolrJg"J DepartmentFa.culty Conduct 01a�';ei;CAPSBOBEB� W. afEVBN8 OPB1f8CO�VA�OBY 01· � MAJESTiCrLOBENCE HOLBBOOKAtriliutl'd with the Uuiverstly thisK'luaU,lor couduetlug d:Uil"; illin lliiTercut l'�trt� Ilf the Stl'\'l.'lUC, iN n new school of music,{it'111tho known :1S the Ste\'ens CQtler\·d.ory ofCHARLE8 GRAI;E\\'JN WJLL OAK.lillsic uud lJrumn.tic Art. at the Piaho,G�ologyUnited Stated. . Ass()('iut.· "roilos.,.,rThe sl,lwol, .whieh is Ioeated at 5828""nUBec A twood , who is now teadlill:,!nt Harvard, and :L clussmnto of twelve \'.'oOtlluwll uveuue, just back of Lex-did ndvaueed work in th� Sun Juan il'gton hull, hug been established for LAND &: CO., 4; At.lN'A Vii Axe I':DIAMOND &: :gRENNAN. flit �., In;y·N'ARD, THE I.E ontUtF. W ATSO�&: SANTOS, nANUH,. t1i�AN &HANLON, ll'HtU hUPHEZmountnins, of Pennsylvunln, where vhe serv ice of students who are in,tht'y diseovered an old ::Iw.'inl pertod. "(oCrclStell in musle u.s I,art of a generalllr. Brokaw took a small ('laR!' educution as well as for thOMC Whothorugh the mines of Colorado, whileA",is.<itant Professor Tower conducted tll·sin·c1 to make any ot the branches l&professlon. Preparatory and interme­a number o!'. students 1hrough themountains of Pennsylvnnia. Associntc tli:ttc depurtmeuts as well as a pro·f('M.iolial department for artists antiProfessor "Yl'ller spent the RUIIlIll('r inSouthern Illinois and )o(issouri with a teaeherrs are offered, Courses in pi.hulloforh', pipe orguu, viotin, voice eul-tun', and orchestra arc offered. Tberw\\ HI be e lnsses in harmony aud theor-collecting pnety,UNIVERSITY WOMENHAVE EIGHT HOCKEY The fneultv of the new school illCLASSES THIS YEAR . .rludes Assistaut Professor Clark am]Assist:lI1t Professor of thc University,Eight clnsscs in hockey are ofT('r('tl �Jr.;. l\Inr�' R. Kern, of the Behool ofwomen students this quarter. SOl'h. f<�lhH'ation, .M iss .Jennic .Dufau, o! tltl'more women will 1)1.' n.110wetl to sub- Chic'nf!o.Phiiatlelphia Grand Opera com­st itute hockey for r('f!ulnr g�'mnnsism 1l:J1l�', Herman .Felber, Sr., Herman Fel­classes Iluring the fir�t six weeks. 10H, .Tr., '''iIlinm Conrad and Alcxan.Horkey may he taken by the lower Ir('r Zukowsky of thc Chicago Bym·rln.",s women until �f!ulnr 1'!aSS work phony Orr-hestrn, lliRR "Mary \Voocl Hi -,hegin� Th(' first 1Il('('t.inf! of tho hoek- man. )Oliss Naomi Nazor, MI't'J . .Ja.mel'�y clasReR will he )Olontln�·. AR the Hilton, )Iiss Helen Paleek, Mrs. Hnr­('In.",ses nrc limited. nl] women who lI('rt 1-;. Sln.u::ht, Mrs. 'V .• T. A. Young,wish to come out for tlt(' tenm shoult' �fiSM Bnrham 'Vait, Mr .• Tullan 'V(fl'th.I I_"... --�.--. ---.'- IBLACKSTP. :�. E !RIC II A R D B � N .: E T T iAnd Co-WorI:ots In :iI!1" "'S ! IDAMAGEll C; 1nHetical work. GARRICM·'Genuine 8\1eC'essor to "TltFi - -" 'rFROM HOME."_Jhl�t tb''';··..regist('r imm("1in.'tel�· wit.h �I iss Agn(,R F.lJa )or. Wells nnll Miss Lueilc Ste\"cn·'VnYlllnn, the nthl('tic' c·C'�\C'h. SOil. ti••i �I'LEW Fn�LDS In "ALL ABOARD."Thc l,... ... iotls of ,instrul'tion llre divide('tl into qunrters c'orrt'5ponlling to thoseofthc University. Tuition ill fromA snlall pursc ('ontollining about flftel'n to onc hunllred dollars a termtwelve clollars wn." lost in Hnrper F. 8('cortling to th.e teachers ana amount10 auring the 8:s1;, dnss yestertlay. of chlSK ir private instruction taken.,.ho money belongs to scvern] stuc1ent'or�nizations. If founll, it shoultl he SETTLElIIEN"l' HEAD AftBNDSiI'�turnCII to tbc Information offic'e in�fiKS :'\{ary y.�. MaeDiwell, head ofCobb. Bert }'itzgi!>bons, Six RUs..nan Dnn('crsth(' University Settlement, reprt."3ente,1CO--lssiODS 11'0 --et �- .... Wee'" the Wom"n's Th1.c1e T�i&ons a.t the--- .&. .aag .PUA"'" .. 'LIP .Too &; Lew Cooper, Kcnnc,ly & RoOlw,YAll of thc .class nn(} professionnl three ,lay suffrage convention heM inPURSE IS LOST.sCLASSIFIEDDVERTlStJlEN1SI.It sehool commissions of thc Y. M. C. A.'Will mcct for formnl organization carlyn(,xt week.Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 Eo 63d Street, ChicagoCapital ..••.......•.... $200,000.00Sllr[llns· Profits . . . .. . • .. 100,000.00'UNITED S'rATES DBPOUTOR"\FOR POSTAL SAVINGS FUND;.�AVINGS ACCOUNTS of $1.00 ormore reccivcll on \\'hieh interctltis allowc(l at tho ratc of a pt'rpt'r ccnt per annum.CHECKING ACCOUNTS invit�cl onthc most f3\'orahle tt'rms eon·8istcnt with """fc hanking.High gradc Gold Bonds and Mor,gages for "" .. Ic nctting ;;% nncl6 per ccnt.A STATE BANK,I�t... �5.49 Drcxcl a\'c.57"'Drcxcl a\'o., aa flat.(J.' � KEENAN It COMPANY4M::��-=::::: -.:-:-�';:·:::::4F';:�:::���:-:-�:::�-�:�;.--··::¢i �--:--�=.:---�����::-- ..... --- .•o'�.---;ct-.:"'_-�:-�-�-.-------;.c,GRANb8 TOP 52.' nm_tr p ,An AT&1�t:he of Lau:!lt�pALACE JnJSI� HALlLILLIAN LORAINE\\'3shington, D. C., in A"ugust, was one)C the leallers of thc (!onvention to apepl'nr before thc t"ommit.tce to urge the. rcatiollof a Congre�",ional committeeJII �mfl'ro�e. Liebett & Co. ,Bison City 4Hanlon ancl IInnlonWallet Expected Back �7·Prof'es!'or IIctbert L. Willet of theDi\'inity Rehool, .ho ha.", spent the pa.a¢yr.nr in Inllia Rtdtlying thc 80Cial probe1!:ms of that ('ountry i8 expt'{'te,l :\tthc linh'crsity TUl'sl1:1y. ATHLETICGOODSRegulation a-Gym"Outfit-$2.50 _B_O_(J K�S_IFountain P£ns Note BooksPRC·FESSOB SHO'BBYLEAVES FOB BEB.LIB'OK BBrr WBDlfESDAY. Spt·cial Price Theme Pa.GS, Pennants & SouvenirsGymnasium Suits, Slices, Etc.11 :!y be Purr hascd atIHE UNIVERSiTY OF CHIC1�GO PRESSrrof�AAor Paul Shorey will lea"e forRerlin \Vcdn�(lay, wherc be will flll I • ., liijG.i;i l�H �:U.iIJ."3 11".., U��:J H.:��.J..t J- ... � .. "�--------.-£STABUSHED 1818Cur rc:,r:s ·l:�.:4t1tc. Mr. Wl!._i:cr.Will be A� ttl ..O::mrrr zz _: it; �� L! i _:- :-c.Octobc:- l::th t., � .�,� .. HE:t·U; cv:ithraU Et::lcs in E\lts tibtl tTct'::oatsEportlli: and M� tJi tlih tsEn: is� H::b' �-.�: riHtYHat!; nco r·btJt8 IPatroniZe Maroon A·d\'ertisers:;h�a"t'!ItPeiin8�t�'-'QP�. '1(\ ;�sA�l·�·· �-�,_ .... 1..-ti"' GOVVNSS�eaters--Jers<,y!S- .. F!. ,=�hiTIan C-1S8S Capsthfl UooSC\'clt pl'Ofes.�",hip in tho uni·\'(.rsity of Berlin. His ,.-ork will .. on·- - • cmCALOn seminal' of Aristot.lc·s "Dc Anima".l'rof�sor Shorey ha!' hecn �onnCt'tCtIwith the Greek clt'partmcnt of thc lini·W ANTED-Roommatc, man, to share t ... �\ ('r�ity sin('c _ fonncling.very good room at $5 eaeh per month .tilE DAILY JIABOO., ocroBBB S. 1913.Subscribe forThe MAROON52.00Open Saturday NightNow in Our NEW HOME---Just Across From Our Old L_ocationI Smart Overcoats I' YOU. I?robably �ttend��. '. our living model display thisweek-the crowds were so great that we doubt if anyone missedit. You saw some mighty smart overcoats there-c-wonderfullystyled and tailored, perfect fitting---yoU have our assarance thatevery coat was from our regular stock and that we can fit youas� well a� we did the models. Attractive coverts, vicunas, worst­eds and cheviots--single or. doubleb;�asted Raglans, belted back coats,fall weights priced 'as low as $12 oras 'high as $40---winter weights at$12 to $85. Silk lines that nostore in�:;::r��:l 12.0,', $25, 130roung"Men's, SuitsThe young fellows find this areally wonderful store--a store withan unending number of youthfulideas. Smart greens, rich browns,lively stripes and checks, subduedmixtures in decidedly English ormodified English cuts+-high peak lap­el coats with slightly tapered waists.Especially fine -20 22 50values at fII, •$25. UNIVERSrrY WOMEN HA. VB IEIGHT Hoom OLASSEsEight Classes 'In }lockey AI., 01ler�dWo!!!eIi This Quarter..�,]•\�---•,I!1,Since the chumpionship hockey gameswill be pl:l;'l'J the latter part of thisquarter competition for positions on theteams will be keen. Th Senior collegehas an unusual number of gootl playt.'rsout und it would be hurd to predict whowill laud positions. 'I'hose who willcome out for the Senior team are:Xuuey .:\liller, Gruee Xui riu, Augusta,I Swuwite Lilltiuu Swnwrte, CuthertueIe..; .,I. Hvsson, Ruth .:\Iorsl', Gran' llot�hkiss,F'ruules Itosou thnl, llargaret \� ulker,ipattie Xewbol,l, Lorene Kitch and AI- ITower Heads Geography Four. Tomorrow3:30jI�, ' ,.I •'.'lImu J'urmelce.Eight clu ...... Sl·S art' hdng olTeretl inhockey, this quurter, two of them ad­vunced aud the rest, Ll'ginller clusses,As the classl's arc Iimi ted stullell1. ...,w ishi ng to enter them should registerinunediutely with lliss Agm's Wuymau,athletic coach, 'T'his quurter the SOI,h­omores will be permittell to take fourhours of hock ey for the first sixweeks, The 'Freshmen muy take thesame number of Jays of outdoor sportuntit regular cI:lSS work begins.Hockey will meet for the fitst timeMonday. Classes will be held every tlayexcept Frid:lY, at 1 :30, 2:30 and 3.30. IndianaGameAssistant Professor Tower of theGeography department, and five stu­dents spent a month in the Applachianmountains this summer., This .fielc1�tripmny be repeated next summ.er... _ .. _._ .•. _._ .•. _ ... ._1HERZKA BROTHERSoj:-: Tailors :-: ..-_ 1545 East 53n1 StreetFashion Decrees for your Fall Clothes. Theyare here. Come in if only to see the correctfabrics for the season.Open Evenlnp aDd Sunday MOI'DIoc•••••••••••••••••••••••••••��������������������� A� Salesman VVanted IfA We have a good o�ning for the �ght :� Young Man of good fa mily and connections, �: who has selling ability and knows how to A� wear good clothes. -AA This connection wouldbeof grea tfuture :A value to a young man o� good f�n�amental AI � education and some business trammg, A': Good salary and rapid advancement to the AIt right man. : .A Herzka arOS. A: 1545 Ea_t 53rd Street A��������������������