v-m· t laily fllarnnuVoL XII. Ho. 2. UlfIVBB8rrY OF OBIOAGO, OCfOBEB 2, 1913. PBIOB FIVE OENTS1m IIPROVEIENTSIN CLUB THIS SUDER NEW MEMBERS WILL, spm NEW STANDS m BE�: lOJroSrPoNE--MiwA:nTAG PAGE'S ERESHMEN TIEAssociate Professor Cross, Associate DEDICATED SA11JRDAY WiD Be Held A;V;;; From Tomorrow VARSITY IN BAntEProfessor Lyman And Professor HiD- In Reynolds Club-Commissions Areton To Make Address At Annual BiG' Parade and ElaborateFaculty Homecoming Dinner. ..Ceremonies are Planned-Three uew members of the faculty For Fint �e A postpouemeut 01 a week in th,'will speak at the annual Faculty ,'nte of the annuul Y. 11. C. A. F'rosh-SPEND THOUSANDS OF DOl LAR, Horueeomiug dinner in Hutchinson OLD CAPTAINS TO BE PRESENT IIInn Ktn:,: has been uuuouuce-I by wiu INDIANA ELEVEN SHOWS WELL('OIllUI01I8 Priday night at 7. These _ I inm Lymau nnd Sam W ('�hl, jointnow I.emlle_ ot the faculty are Ano· M.a Wlao Ha". Led Claica.o T.aa:. i "uirmen of the committee 011 urruug»­P .. o ...... Mad. Towa .. d Lib .. a"7. P .... i.T H elate Professor Tom Pee to Cross, wbo To Wila ... CaplaiD No ...... a'. nts. The stll!!, \_\'III'ih wu .. � to haved.Dt Pa .. kiDaoD Expecta 0 a". ... (4 " ",_100 Volum •• Of FictioD will gi\'(� eourses in Coltic; Associate Fi .. at Gam. II held iu the Reynolds club to.Professor Rollo M. Lyman, who will I row night, will Lc stage.l therePractlenlly a new UCYIlOItlS club will have charge of the new courses in de- Over a thousand undergraduate mel! .t Pri.lay. Plans for tllC eutortaiu- Pat Page's freshmen bat.tlod the Vur-greet the Univendty men by the eu-I bating, aud Professor Edward W. and women are expected to tako part ... cut nrc progrl·ssillg rapi.lIy, and SO\'· si ty to a standstill last night anti real-ot the week. Extensive Improvements, lIiut.on of tho Law school. hi the parade that will open the dedi- ('ml speakers have been already se- .iy clllergcll 011 top in a long grucling1nvol\'ing an antray of thousands of eafion ceremonies of tho new stadium cured, RUlly .Matthews will lead Sl riulllluge that resulted ill a seven todollars, will give the club rooms a galJL Dr .• He�derson to Speak. before the Chieago-Indiana game Bat- d)( e . " uurl captuins of several Univcr- seven tic. The f'rcshmen secured theappearance when the three floors are urdav A mass meeting will be held Mit� . ,'alliS will speak. A program in- lead ill the early part of the scrim-.. 'In ndditlon to these speakers Dr. ' •iirst thrown 0l'e� to the use of memoreturned from Friday at 10:15 around the C bench to trc-h.: ing the Freshmen to all phases ma�o by a well earned touehdown andHenderson, who has justbers • work up onthusiasm for the game dedi- of 1'11i\'ersity life, is the aim of tilt' �oal, anti only succumbed to tho su-a yoar in India as Barrows' LecturerTho club's 8y'stem of ventilation has cntion.on the Haskell Fouuddtion, will talk.been gone over, anti a new elrinking The undergraduates will meet at The l!ll-! "C" books are now boing au hOlll"S hard work. Huntitl!!tou'sProfessor .J. Lawrence Lnuglalin, head �water system Installed. Drinking foun- 2:15 Saturday just inside the south e'iitit!i'�uwtl from Mr. Bickham's offico goal tied the score after the Varsityof tho 11l'partmellt ot Political Bcono-hins will be pla�OIl on the three .... OrN gate of the new field and will ga���f � Cobb SA. Every man is entitled ha.l made his only touchdown in the. my, who has been out of residence forof tho bu'ilding, as soon as tho design In elasses. The .,resjden$s 9f tq� �l�- tl) ore of the small volumes anti mayt he past two years, ,,·m also spllak.ot tho' fountains tor other campus es will arrange banners for oach ClDilIi obtaln it hy caHing nt tho office.Proftl�90r Laughlin lias been at thetuildinglt is sel�teel by the Uni\·erNity.head of the new curreney reform work henring their numerals. The parnde Want More Members.'11 I' It '11 b lAd by tb'" two teams followed l'lan� for a comprehellsi,'c llltHubol'-Lnrge Tung�ten ,.,Iow la,Plns WI Ig I W1 c... '" J,,�... among the bankers.by the alumni of the oltl Chicago Uni· ship campaign were laid at the meet· qunrter and putting pel) and energyup the clu..b this year. R Id I b 1'1 . 'I I 1-1Prnctie!'!l�· a new oyno s c u W I versity. 'l'he alumni of the new Uni- illg of the administrative counCI, Ie � into tho freshmen. From I.resent pros.Fix Up BUllard Boom. gr��t tho Ullh'ersity men by the end versity of Chicago will follow and th� in the commons uinning .room 'l'ucli.lay I.eels tho yearlling7' ,,"ill prove a s.The -entiro bnseme�t floor has been of the \\'�k. };xtonsi\'c improvements, undergraduates will fall in noxt. The night. Daily lunchoolls for uni\'ersit� rious l)ropoMition for _tho Varsity 8.'Jdone O\'er in white ena.mel. The wains· in1'oh·w.g 3.11 outlay ot thousands of Fr�hmen bringiDg up the rear. Th.! nll.n will bo hdd during the week SOOt) as tho men get into contlition.eoting .anll wool1 fixtures nil over the .lollar�, will give the club room a gala emn.ju.e"ef_�of:_lr�ch G�l��� ,��_ o.c_tob�\..l�}� .�5, _!o� ���y_!r�� ..�_ ���� ..��_jp.��._mt. S�l PTftt'-: _ .. :.buiIdiD ha'\"e ��n��� .... �._ �p��r�l_1e.�,!��n tbe three...!!� �. i2r cit_Ix......, -exp81..'tB··at-tlUf-£ �¢n�g lllt:lU�eni ant( ���c�al SUI)' tree nnd a.fter fifteen nnnutes work---- _�_,JL_. -� ,- �. . . ��OO h first thrown open to tbe uae of mem- t't:.ou8&Dd graduates to turn out. port. lhe variOus CQlllnllSSlons will are all in. The fl'e8hmon scoretl first, ..... bed. In the btlbard room, "p" asL._ .'� .'....ucrs. d. wage contests fo� the most new men whell a long shoo �tring forward passI' fittincr up the tables .Panda. AzouDd Fiel�n expentlel ID ., alld the largest sums of money. brQught the ball to the fi"e yard line.P 1 I Tho cluh's system of '"entilation has The parade will march "round theanll buying new nccessoriOS. 00 anI A seeontl now foature for the (Iuarter One plunge w=--"' enoogh to take it.1 l'een gone over, �ne1 a. new drinking fierd and will stop in front of 8ectit;�laillinrd tnlbles have been r�o'�r"� �.... '.. . will be t"at of n series of discussions c,"er the goal line. Winelrow, who has",'ater syste,m instRlle.l. Drin�ing fQqn- five Qf t�e n� .... 1ItNd& The band wiU'I -.� beJs ' .".on rolif·ious �ntl ethical problems, to I,t'on elisp_Iaying exceptional plaec kick-s:.nd rccushioned, ane new SI,UtWC11th th fl l1I I 'I. ..... d d tb 1 "tnins will ho p neee on 0 ree 00 be located n tMe 11_ a an e spoa ��be- heM in the different fraternity ing ability, al1clell th�: �xtra pointpl .. ed un m ... t of them. New sets of of the huH,lnig, as soon as the desill" era will .ddreu tile pthorlng he...,. houses, dubs an,1 bnn.. To ;ntor .. \ by kieking gOo,I. From that time the' balls appear on every billiard of the fountains for other campa President Jud80a will 8nAAk tor thef I,vory ... -- the Freshmen, it was Ilel'itleel to hoM rt'� IDlen heM their opponents on C\'cntable. Copper humidors have heen huilelings is selected by the University. l':"nlvorsity, A. .A.. Stagg wUl reprC86nt a series of class lunl'heons this quarter, term!', until the Varsity rushed the ballbuilt on top of the rac1iators in the Lnrge new Tungsten glow lamps will t.he atbletie department, -and William :lIIcl to hnye n program of weekly all- Ilown tho fieltl in the darkness ami. . t 'n light up the club this year. Seott Bon(l 'will apeak tor tho alumni. elre-sses b,,- l[r. Gil k e.,·, on "Porsonal Pitz()atriek I.lantetl it across the goal'-001 room, to ;keep the 'alr DiOlS, I.-.."D--odelecl Basem ..... • Sections four and five of the nell" grant} Problems of a Freshman:' line. Huntine"ton tied the S(>oro b'l."'t the ivory balls from � VAAIhJortlcr to proven �tand h""e been resen"ed for tho par- Favor Social Work kicking a fairly elifl'�eult goal.�ra.cking. Four new pin·setting rna· The entiro basement 1I00r has been ticipants of the parade, an(l the com- The (."oDimis."ions will make speC'i:l1 Indiana Is Strung�J.ines bavc been set up in tile bowl, tione o,'er in white enamel. The wains· mittoo in �harge wish it understo0t1 ('fI'orts to attract men to s()('ial anI] 1f the strollg showing of .the 1I00si�ring alleys. ('(,ting an.l wood fixtures all over the that everyone will be sure of a good philanthropic work, nnel they will keep elc\'(Hl against De pauw is ta�en intoTho club library is well uncler way, buiMing have been painted and var- seat. Thc ceremonies and speeches will a special eorps of "ohmieer work('rs :Lcconllt, Jlltiialla will pro\'e a danger­attOrding to a statement made hy nishell. In the billiard room, $BOO haa be very 8hort, as tbe game is sehedule-d hll�y in the SoutJa Dee-rin,:! mill !,�. uus 011)1onent for Chciago in tho Opell.,I The hf'CU (.'xpenelefl in fitting up thc tables to 8tart promptly at three. tion� Ille'r �':Lmt) of the Conference sca.-.onpJ'C8idont Pnrkinson yesterl ny. 1:1:,",1 huying new accessories. Pool and Rudy Mathews i8 chairman of th��w library will �onmin 1000 "olum�sbilliard tables. bavo been recQvered ,,01l1mi�ttee on t�e undorgra.ctuato pap.1 � t' Thf' FRATERNITIES RUSH 1H TWOof lato, reada�le, sel eete I l1.C Ion. -'an'l rAn�ls)Jjoneel, and new slato beds tIA'p"tlon. S'" --Id yesterday.' .. It i8• "'- " --PEUIODS 'AT CORNELI,. nt any time. The Hoosier eleven rnndub ;. no ... engall",1 in the work of pl.ce,1 on mo.t of tbem. No .. ..,to a .... lutoly n ry that all nnder·up forty-eight point. to their opponen;preparing complcte bounel volumes ot of h'ory balls appear on e\'ery billiard grnduates do tbeir best to mako theForty N�tionaJ and local OT.;aniza three. 'all thc YW>rl· ..... ll· .. al .. taken ;t,.v thc Re.\·n· tal)I..... Conn4'r humitlors bavo bee'l d ...... 1i .. ation a grand success. Ovcr " ,uIII'le 1)0 hau ..... •s ele"en I'S not of.:- '" ... .. ,- .-J'_ .0' "tions Are Members of Interfrater-" .I."huilt on top of the radiato", in the thousand alumni will be pr('8ent, antInity Association. COnfe!rOlICe ranking, the team is u."Jual.pool room, to keep thc air moist, in we have got to show them that we t�· a (a�t onc, anti: uch a one�i.le.! SC()roor"(.�r to prevont thc h"ory balls from '!till ha\"e the old lInirit. We want an th t I I' h I te ..Presidont ParkillSOn saitl he exp('(·tr -a' Ullshin,:! of l-'r"s!:nu'n lay rrntt'rniti.�s me. sane mo.", as a gOOl •• m.cra("king. Four new pin'Betting mn- e'·�ry student to be on hand -- Jt is certain that tho lloosiers wlilf th luI '!01 at Cornoll is .Ionl' in two perio,ls. Th('to annonn("c ·the winner 0 e (' J...hinos nn"e been set up in the bowl· Miss Talbot will ad<1rcss .n ofF.cam.motto contCl't in a week. The inm-ril)- inJr allt'y� Ins .women at a mas8.mooti!,g Friclnytion pickell will then be ('nneel in tht' ,'he club lihrary is wcn .n(ler way, at 10:15 in Kent theatrc. Thc ma."8·granl'to wnll of the lobb ... ·, on the ciuh nC'�orlling to .. statcment JORde by mootin'" 'Will be heM undcr thc au:,·.- � rio,1 from Oc-,tohf'r :!O to O .. toh·r :!�.Presillent Parkinl'on yesterday. The piccs of the ncighborhood clnh8.new lihrnry will contain 1000 vol· Theso duhs "re organl7.ed for PUrpO!'(,8miles or Into, rea.lahle, RelectC)(l fielio1\. uf lodabl1lty ft",ong all 'Wom�n Hying�re in tniting.The C'lub is now cngagcd In the work otr thE! enmpul'. Tho mooting 18 in l'('('n:s to han. het'n onc of the' .Iom.Tho I'ompll'to rull'!'4 a.lo}'t ... l It\· thl'0" nr(,naring ('omplete bound ('bart7A of the tour Jlrc81dC'n� t'lor· 'II inant (adors in hi14 nttnl'k an.1 pro\,c.l,- ,. e- Tnter(rnt('rnit\. nSl4oc'iation of Corn ..'ohlm('s of the pcri00 i(."a18 takcn cnee Fol�.v, Nan�e MillC'r, Miriam Wha·· 'el4p .... iall\, ef1'('C'th'(' ngainst n(' Pall"'.uni\'er!'it\' (011 ow. The as�o('iation j".�hy the ReynoM!\ duh sinre its organi7.a lin an(l Ruth Vldorson, w,ho i� �r\'in� . Has Sunday Pra.: ,Ace.('ompol4c.1 of rorty national nn.1 10(':\1ill pla(!� of Lynne Sullivan who has, fratt'rnit.i('s. Thf' rule,,::regis�'red �n �count of_illnC"-,,- "l"le minutc for prnC'tiC'e this �'I'ar ntThe' Npighborhood clubs aim to pro· i'Rloomil1;,!ton, nn.l the tf'am has hnl1vide �11 o«:C;�mp�s women with a ('am' :\fr, P:llliel �t. .rohn (;on�h. n�.! �lIn.ln�· :md (,"ening prn('t;C'e this ('nr-I)U8 home' that' u. thei", for purp�!' I !'Ii!'tnnt !-ltt'wnr.l o( tht' RI'�'nol.�� f'l1If) IJ�' in t.he sea.."on. IIi" t('nm I'la�'e" inllln�t �'o:lT, i" now stew:lf.l of thc Boy.'P 4) duh ot t::'nh'ersitv high 8Cb� 1 (Continued on p,age 4)(CoDtiDuH OD age • JPlalming Strenuous Membership Campaign.Ventilation Is Gone Overand New Drinking WaterSystem I. Installed Freshmen Show Good FormAnd Hold Varaity ToSeven-Seven DrawSlaeldoD'. Team Ea.iI,. Beata DePauw.48-3. aDd Di.pla7. SpeedaDd Str.Detlaeemmittee, lll'rior cun.litioll of the Varsity aftersemi-darkness, and Mr. Slagg''S whistlethcu put an OIltl to the scrimmage.Pnt took a purt tn the scrimmagellim�elf playing his oM position ot�atllrllay. Intliana overwhelmed �P:&t1W anel hatl no difficulty in scoringolds club since its organ i7:ati on.To '.ADDounce WInDer.!ca1. I'ornc to Chicago prime.l for this game,fi�t perio.l, .lurni;! whl·hi tllt'r(.' C'an'\\ hidl is rankell ns the most importantlIe 110 ple.lJ!inJr extt·1I.1:-\. from Odoherof the �('a�on, out.ille of the final gnme.. to Odobt'r Hi, n.' ntho 1't'('on,1 P(" with PlIr.hl('. .Jimmy �heltlon, ,I'np'fnin of the Fnh'�r!'ity of Chi('J,!ao dtw·All 011'11 lIIa�' he l)lt',lge',l .IHrill� the'�e('t)J1I1 pt'rio.1. Invitations for .Iatl'� I'll in 1!IOI an.1 1!1():!, il" ('oat'hin;,! the1 n.liana ell','('n. Thc for" __ T.1 p:\��ShephardsoD Is Ovien HonorAt the triennial ('oun('iI of Phi Betn'Kappa heM this summer in �ew York('ity, ."raneis Wnyla.nel Sh('pharllson,.AW!M)Clato Profes.. .. or of American lIil'·tory, w&." c1Ct!too onc of the scnatorsot th� Uni�e1 Socicties for thc term tion.The nnnuni ehapel sen'icc commem·or3tive of the founding of the Uni·"('",ity; Mandol at ]0:15 WednCftf1ay,Ortoher 8, Presi(lent .Tuel80n an (1 Dr.JJcndeJ'30n 'Will speak.1913 .. ]900. Profcs.... or Shephnr.lson issecretary of the Beta of minois chapterof Phi Beta of Illinois ehapter ofhrdor �Jai Beta Kappa.-- 11,.. Rh-01 • d t f tI Professor Churh-« I:idllUOlhl Heu.Icr-brary ; for one or two wl"t.'ks-; boo:t>i .l.unrguret oues, prNt'1 en 0 re,.. ,.. C L 'II WOlt'DlOO the U(',," sou, will ht' Olll' or th., sponkers ut the\\ 10 ieh are retaiuo I ill tho librury for L. ". • "Wif 1 U· t' t tl f t r.m.uul t'ou,'t·.:ti')ll of the Amerreunl'�e in "ulluedio,1 wit:l eertniu vlasses, women 0 t re urvers Iy u 1(,' lf�who is (;U his vueutiou. Mr. aud Mns.. f 1 thi , t l ! '�ou :1 ;st);'iUtH)II t" b(, held iu In.but which may be drawn by members IUl'C.'tlll:': or t re year us mormug uItobertsou will remain us heads of the11'::' th Le Suzanne .ii::II:'lloli� frolll Odui't'r � 1 to Hi. Dr.of these classes i ... r over-night use; aud 10: ''In e ague room. 0house aud )lr. Gilkey as the otber10" h '" II Th J C I C I\' JI":llll'r�:. IJ:6L' ht"'11 l'rt'::i,lt'nt of thebooks that are reserved solely for eon. _ ltl er, oa y ODlptlOn uu ary. 0',I :tt':,ist:wt head, "ill talk on The League and Campus IlIh'rllutiou':ll Prison ('OIl;,!rt'SS, anti in- sultation in the reading room and ca'i'The first llOUSC IIll'cting will beAtr· .. 191 f "C" book" 111U." be ob- ,B'O; wns t he l�llit.('.1 8tuh� rt'pn'S('uta.not be drawn at all. Various means airs. 't .. � vheld Tueslay uight uud the first Sun-. taiued in the League room every morn, li\'t' 011 till' Iuterunfionut prison "OlU.f 4 t 6' the are employed to remind readers thatduv uf'teruoou tea rom 0 In.inz. There is a book ror every womuu m issiou, of whh-h body I .. , wus t.ll'dl'.101 ' 11 t they should not attempt to remove �library. After 'I'uesday souse mee .I iu the Univcraity, Jlr":-;i,l�lIt. lie is IIO\\" head of the'II from the library rooms books, reserve.PubUIIIIMd cIa1l7 uoepe s� lloDda) ... jllg the regular "Ten O'Clock's" Wirllitt'll ('h:lritjl� of Cbi":l:!o.&DII �� 4unac em- quanen of &.beft I use in the !'�:'lli'l� rooms only. �IIJUIIII...a&7 � be held e �ry Tuesday night. Theshould see that all hooks whcih Uw.'·Lreukfust room WIll oe opened under:'. '-_ u woooo·c:-. mall a& lb. �.... om... Cdcaco. lIol.. 1I.&.1'dl lb. 1008. un· tho salllc manugement as last year,6Ir ACII. of Kuda .. 18'lL that of :!'.liss Colburn, Thursday morn. take with them from the library burl-t- the most progressive business metLil,g nr.� proverly �:imrl!c 1 her�1fc h·illgr.mo\"ed But Oll�;' by a IIwthu.l of "', •.i.o:ejng the ruk'S uf tile lihr:ll'iCK wh. ,Itcould not be otherwise than t1isa�rc'(' 0able both to the lil?rary stutr and to tile."roaders, can the uni\"ersity a�tually__ -IThe Daily bi d- is m-- ...1"_11 rcc ms, attendants a-r.l book" • }o'c.t Cat,,'conditious in a g "I a UD" n�,. th b...l .. - .1 _ general good, tho books of the- bbraryone. Aside from e 0 y ... O - ...ill are divided into three classes: booksProfessor William Gnrduer Hale \\"tI'at are loaned fur use ')utt-i,h� the Ii­be assistuut head of 1iitcheoek housethis 'luartl'r to take tu place of As­sistunt Professor Jnmes Alfred F'ieldMaroon.ai1unIiIt .t ��u ...��� ... ,.,nal1B8CIUrTIOK a&TUB7 CIMThr. �GO .. �: '1.00 .. QuarteI".Br mall. "'00 & :rur: '1� .. quarter. i!lg.Mr. Bramlmll eOlltiuuC'S as head of�nell uud Assistant Professor Wright:H, hend of North.�Bum.- o� &llie 2A.� KldIIrQ 800.Hrd4t Park G'iOl (alter 8 p. m.).Ka11 Boz "0" Fa.cu1t)' � prevent the remo"al of books withoutThe following item clipped from the (,harging. 'It must rely to a large "�x·II.aIUa 8teY .. Se .. Ed1&or.XABTL"'Ii STEl'EKS •• llaDaclnc Editor Daily Iowan is a good sug�estion t., tent on the honesty and sense of t�li!'.GEORGE CO'1TL"'-iGILUI Sews J::clltor Ifraternities and other or- ness of the stu'okll:'J to (lhs<'r ... c th,'Barry Gorgas Athletic Editor A Good organizations of Chicago r('gulations whieh aro matIe for th�...._ - - - Daniel&. llasl 1 dCirculatioo lIanager .•••.•••.• William Lyman Suggestion The Daily Iowan sug- g('nera goo •gests that each frateroi- Every student who removes a book...... ... npon. .... aa oatce. aad ty and sororit7 appoint one of its mem- that is reserved for a ,,'hole clas.'i, orwbIa .-w e;r- aDd laoaa& .......... e. IIIIA7 bars to report news items to the Dally w),. carries away a book reser"ed !t)r_nil ID,J.... .ad polDa Uae WQ &0 ...,.._..."-a. L. S. 'Iowan. Every effort will be mado tho common uso of all, is manife'JtlyPriDte4 br Marooa �. IiGU 0cIUap Grove. to see that all items' of news value taking an unfair advaDtago of his fel·shall be honored. We expect you to low stuul'nts. And e,'ery unfair a",To The New Stlldents.co-operate. with us. It is impossible of this kind tempts ano,ther !ltudeutAll new students are welcome to the d h th" 1 tofor our reporters to gather little items it" 0 t e same 109 'in ort er pro·advantages and to the life of theof news and personals from all of the teet hiOlself against the 8'Dtairnees otUniversity. It is desirable for themorganizations, every day. By this the first otrender. So the ovil gro1\"3to become familiar as soon as !)racti- l'k b 11method every organization will be rep- 1 e a snow a •cable with the customs and the stand- It is not reasonablo to ask that theresented.arda which prevan here. Chicago ideashave been deTeloped at Chicago andcan not be inferred from those whichm&J' be supposed to exist elsewhere.Above an it should be remembered that students thomselves co-operate with themanagement of the libraries in an ef·fort to de,'elop a sense of honesty anela. habit of regard for the equal rightsThe edUDr Ia ao. rapOlMDle for fteIDa __of otherS, which will s�ediIy 0 ',brlnli"C",,,,,,MccltIou .1Id ..to an �nd the practice of which Pro·modern methods of efficiency, which areutfl l&ere.are revolutionizing many public and ""Md _ CIA � 01 Iloo4 loUL fe�r Judd's correspondent justly COOl'plains?private activities, are based. on thee1im1nation of � 'aDd that theLibrary Abuse.lI10at expensive waste of aU is the.To the Eclitor:waste of time. A student of the school of EducationBarry Pratt Judson. last summer addressed to Professor..Judd a letter containing the followingI,aragraphs:�esday, morning witnessed the "A custom exists of taking booksadvent into Universit7 of. Chicago from the libraries without having themcircles of several hun· rc('ordetI, and then returning them atdred. new men and wom- somo indefinito time. without the Ii·en. Some of them have brarian's knowlellge, of coursc. This isbeen to other universi· tmol I bciicve, esp ;ecially of text booksties; but the greater part are start- of very gcneral use as well 3.'J. of otherinc on the college part or their edu- hooks w}lil�h are in more or less con·caUon:il career for the first time. stant (lcmand.Kan7 of the men in this number are "ThiK must (":IlISC a great .leal of p"r·'facing a novel situation" in that they l)lexity in the Jibrary administration,Me thrown on their own judgment I :md is not pleasant to library USCI'H.completely for the first tim� To them, Ewn the of!"clI.iers, I bJlicvo, wouM i�it Is no unnecessa17 caution, to GO glad to ha\"e it ended if they couldBLOW. U they possess the advant- '":'.1 that e\"ery one I)r that e,'en theages of family and personalit7 that. nanjority wouM stop the practice andmake them desirable fraternit7 hma- thus equali7.c the chances of all at gct· Cornelia Beall heads the ea�t selectc�lErnest D. Burton,Director of the Libraries.e'itodal BU'LLETIN'roclay.All classes meet at scheduled hours.Divinity Chapel-.l0:15, Haskell as.S<'Dlbly room.Y. W. C. L.-IO:15, Lexington Leagueroom.All pla7B in the annual BlackfriarCompetition must be in by Ostober 15.A Word tol'reshmenPICK CAST OF MINE FOBFBESlIJU.N FROLIC PLAYY.W. C. 1.. WUl �nt ·�otea Andthe Devotees "by .Janet FlannerFriday Week.wr1a1," they will be besieged by dlf- ling a hook. II, yestorday morning for "Votes and the'ferent fraternities; and they will d6 "Woulcl not a little agitation against Devotees," the Freshman }'roli� play.wen to remember that it is wise to go the ofTen�e, through the general �am· The �ast will mcct today at 3 in Kent.slow. '.riley need not fear that such a, pIS lit('raturo nntI in the library; bul· rrhe play will be gil'cn at tho nnnu.dcoune WUl lose them their chance ofl )(�tin�, ct(".� c'lo rnu('h towarfl alleviat· cntertainmcnt of the Y. W, C. L. forc"IDaking" a fratemit7; and they will, hlg n ('onflition that thc stuflent hody the new womcn, to be held f'ric1ay, Oe.Deed time to consider whether the par-I ,,"ouM glaflly haye en.lcfl, anfl which toller 10, in Kent thcntre. It ws." writ.Ucular chapters rushing them are com· I thc librarian� ('an ,10 little to stop, ten by Janet Jo'anner, '16. The ("n:04tposed of their kind of fellows, whether un,lor the l�"i\"f'r�ity'!' prCKent liheral follo,,'s:the7 can meet the financial ob1i�a'III;Ct.110'1 of ('onflllf'ting its lihraries,." Harriet Jlappyfelt .. So7.anne }'i24herUOIUI, and other considerations or the I ThiK I('UN pllt� succinctly an.) from GeraMino Gloomy Isahellc Kenclrif'kldDd. And In the larger and more iJD.1 the pOInt of "jcw of the shulent a Sally Pnlclhomme .. Mnrgarct Clappportant aftairs of life, new men willI matter that :d(,SCT"C8 fj('nou8 attcn., Dotty Doughty .. Dorothy Llc\\'cllyndo well to go slow.. Making friends is tion. lfy ohject in writing to you is .Aunt .Jemimah P. C. Flowcr, FJo"m�ean important element of the new man'S to cnlist the assist... ncc of tho "campus Rothormelproblem; and he well hesitate before: litf'ratm· ... ·' and of the studcnt bOlly inaelecttng his associates. The men ne: gt'llf'ral I n th� nttcmpt to cradi�ate theI�hOOMS now for his friends may make ,.radil'.' to ",hi .. h the lctter refors, andor mar his entire UniVersity career, to: to .l.-\'plop th!' r,f/,"il dc' corps whir.hM� nothfng of his after life. And to: will I.-a.i u� nll to flo that which isDeW men unacquainted with urban life, "I:lni(c!4tV for t.he ;1.1 .. :u:tn�� of all.1M problelD of adJ1I8tment to living Th e Univcrsity provides l'eacling Mrs. Cordclia Spankhurst Stgeorgen.dragon ... ,....... Cornelia BeallThyst .......•.•..•. Janot F1anncrCordelia's Jewel!'J, twinsAmethyst ... ,.. lIilda MacClintoekGwcndolyn, CorJolia's Valette MabelBeeker .... -- .---_._- - ... ---.- -- --- 1BOLD FIBSr °LBAOUEJlEEftHG IN LEX·INO�H ROOMS DR. HENDERSON TO 8PBAXAT AHH1JAL P.B.ISOHCOHVEln'IOH.Patronize our advertisers. They anPatronize Maroon advertisers; theyOnly the fOuntainpen with the curvedink feed can be cleanlyPARKERLUCKY CURVEFOUNT�IN PENSFOR S.lLE ATWOODWORTH'S B'OOK STO�1311 E. 57th St. T;t'::::�!:The Secret of Good Battingb similar to the secret of good business-it happens'" lOme and just misses the others.If there ever was a commercial home run it· sFatima, the Turkish-blend cigarette. The expertwho conceived this blend was some batter r Fatimawas 6rst lined od in the college towns-the student!!odY quickly proclaimed them winners. TodayFatima is the I:iggest selling cigarette in this country.TIle � is-pure, good, choice tobacco-noes� in the pa�uality all in the smoke-"Twenty." ., �:tMsew. e,•;'I.'IIj'I :NOtch COLLARA Graceful High IBand N�t�� �lar I/1 for 25 cis. Ia..u. P..a.o.ty 4 Co •• lao. MakenFRATEBNITY SCBOLAltE,EIP 'IFOR SPRING ANN �'UNOED I. AJ!,}ta Tau Omogn J('II ttlt' : r'� l.rultt�:ilit schulntltic mllklug for tIl.' Hprlllgquarter for tht} litH-oUII '-:_',-,:'utl\"(l'- ..",tlm� ncta Th�a I� re�iu�i i� lK�� ����-.��������������������������.-,tion of seeoud. Thero was hI JS-l ofthe chumpiouship, he writes, but he a point Iliffcrenee between t:W '::ll!1 nndr-xpevts hurd fights when he moots seventh place. Thirteen {tSl�('ruiti�'�A "Square Deal" Arthu r Bmlonoch's ('02 eleven repro· have a. grade better than C ill thl:-"lItillg Nevurlu State University and standing of tho �b�atCSJ '\Tash;1I ;tOI1 Ia:I,YIllOIHI L. Quigley's squad from the ho�se. 104 "'�!\l ;L grade of B. ! .�al1lunlversity of Arizona. B�d�pll\cl\Pf I.run \n speaking of the Spring �:lI:�rt •• t'fwas "aJ,taill of �h8 loq f9q�b�H flle'f: standing stated that he WWt .U(tUr:�tlv:.• Iell: .• \. t't:'l': i. pleased a* the jmprO\'4�lll"U� .� I),� rra-IScott Donohue, ox·112J m�r�ie� Mis!, ternity grat1�� .• ' r'-" .. -'Hazel Nell, of Chicago on J\ln� �5. 1. "\l,plla Tall Omega, B minnaHiram Kennicott, lVIii, managing i?� Beta Theta Pi, C plua".litor of tho D;tllr �{arqon 19��'l9l3, a. Delta Siglll� Phi, C plusA. G. Spalding & Bros. is now editor of the Rl1ilwa? R�cq�t1 � 4. Phi :Pelt� T)t�ta, C plusSend for 01l1' Oatalogue Chieago, , ,. , ...... j, .. 5. l)eU4'. 11'p8i1on, C plus28 S. Wabash Av. Chicago William ah�k('l itl workh'g tQf \\\0 6. Sig.na Alpha Epsilon, C plua8htrtly Deeorating comVt\n1 qf Clt,ea' 'f� �I{lba :Pelta Phi, C .,lusS. De\ta �u l>eUa, C plus9. P-,i Kappa Sigma, C plus('x·'16, on August 27 at Lake Geneva, �O'\ 8l¥�� :Nu, C :plusWhlt'onsin. 8chn�ring ttl co�nee�\l4l ·11. Phi Ka{lpa Psl, C :pluswith' tho Bent Music aQ\l� � Ch�, i2. !>elta lCappa Epslh�Jt, C plusago. :Mr. and Mr� ikhller�n& �� l\v- ja.. a.,ma ell., C plus L Lill� at 5447 Greellwoo.d �ve�\l� l� •• "'1''' Sipla, CJam('l( Lane is with .A11D�f �1lt1 ('am. 15. P'aJi Upsilon, Cpnn�' at their Utall 'p'_QSl\'_a� 1Dtn09. l8. Phi GalDma Delta, CHalst('cl Carpenter, Captain of tbe j i- Chi Psi, C:!l12 football telUD, has accepted a po- Washington Housee SiS em 55 , .. ··_zm,�..!..:�w:: .111 �·;'::�_:::4F__ ::"'Y:=""'::�::�:::�-:::� �,,::,;-::-;�:�::�::�::"'::::'-:":::::::::�:::1.:"':::::::'�__;:::::".Autumn quarter, B minusWinter quarter, B mimlf\Spring qua.rter, RLincoln HousoA-qt\lp Cfua.rter, C plusW\nter q\1�uter, C I,lus8:pllltg quarter, C plusATHLETICGOODSRegulation "Gym"Outfit$2.50Special PriceCAPS BOOKSFountain Pens Note BooksTheme Pads, Pennants & SouvenirsGymnasium Suits, Shoes, Etc.)Iay be Purchased atSifa n - .,Woodlawn Trust II& Savings Bank I----190-8---120-1 E. 63d Street, OhicagoCUI,it:ll '" $:!oo,UOO.UU8urpJus-I'rofits '" HlU,1I0U.tIl1UN1TED STATES DEPOHTCR�l'OR POSTAL SAVINGS FO"NDS�.A\·J�GS ACCOel'TH of $1.UO ormore rt·t·,·in·11 011 whie h int erestis a II 0 wed at tho rate of :: l'l'r!'t'r t'l'llt l'l'r unnuur.CII i-:CK I xo ACCOe �'I'� i nv i t ed Oilthe most f'a vura hll' terms con­",istollt with sa ft' l.uuk injr.11 i:.:h ;,!r:acil' Gold Bonds and Mort·gages for salt· Ill,ttill:! !ill:: and6 l't'r cent. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSRool( lOG EllllOXS BL.UXE HALL�---.-------.------------�Our re!lresent�tive, Mr. Walker,will beat theOongress Annex, Chicago,October 16th to 1Rth inClusi.ewitbFall Styles in Slits and 6'f&coatsSportnig and Moto1: (JaTm@msEnglish Habcl'dasiietfHats and gh�s�-.--.--- ...•...••• -.-----,'. .... ..Patronize Marooo AdvertisersAND COLLEGESpecialties)IakersPeon ants·-P illowsEmblems .. Officiai "C" Pins. ButtoRs25e.GOWNSALUMNI�cd �lorrialll, H'U� ,·C" lUan in botbi ravk und f'ootbutl, who bas been farm'I"� in Wisl'ollMin for tho patJt threeyeurs, has accepted the potJition ofdirector or uthlefics at the Iowa tJtate"ollcgc at Ame», Iowa, Merriam wast out'ereuee champion in the quarter; c'lIfl'n'm'l' ,·hallll.ion in the quarter inn-Ile ill HIOS.1910.Arthur Hoffuiau, HHO, eaptalu of thei!IJII «oufereur-e bnskethall champion­�ltil' tvn-u, has heen ninde head coaehof uthlet k-s at Tulane university, NewOr-leans.A STATE BANK 1912S�eaters--Jers€ys--Freshman Class CapsEverything for the Athlete:Track Shirt, Sleeveless 'Vhite Sanitary Cotton •••• RunningPants, Fly Front, Lace Back, Extra Quality, Special Cut •••Supporters, Highest Quality E1astic ••• Hose, Heavy RibbedShoes, Canv�s Top, Rubber Solen.Chicago Seal Pins ••• FobsBelts ••• Hand Made Jewelry •••P:trk Tmpro"ement �iation.Rohcrt Tuttle, ex-'13, itt with 'l'lte RBW LOOA'1'IC'NAm('rcoian Rac1iato1' compan1 in Chi· ����7§��TZ"�K�>��'����J 'q�����.�. __ .�'A�'� ���1331 East Fifty-Sever;.thAutnmn 'lllartrr h(':,:in)4 to,lny. �oth·jng clefinit(' ('an he allnolln('ccl ahontthe �17.e of the ont.erln,: c-1a)4� a!\ nofigures ha\'� l�('n ('ompil('(1 hy the)leeorde1"8 offiec. ('ago. - - CHICAGOChar4's �l. Rudemueher, 1912, is theI riree tur of Physical Culture at the.� ew �i exico .Militury Instltute atHt'O:-;l'\ elt New .\texico. Rademaeber'aI f('utLall tcam has bright prospects forfor o\'l'r�'''()cly is the "SpalciillgPolley." We ;,!ll:tr:lIltcl' (':1I'hbuyer of all artid" hl·arillJ.; t hu8!':tl(lill� 'Prado �tarl\ that sue hnrth-Ie ,,,ill give satlsfuvtionnml a rensonnble runount of ser-.�ition Uo.'4 «"oach at a Washington statesc�hoo1.Howarti Keefe of the Chicago Tri·hun,�, is ('Ilitor of the Foreigri News Do·partment.i)onalcl Breed i. DOW a teacber ofF.riglish at the Freeport, TIlniois �ia\It<c·hool.F.clwarfl M�nc1'- is Wl'itillg advertisintf('opy for UIS Continental' �<lv��s\niLoag on Good PointsBy the M�ers ofTroy's Best ProductPREJ·IMINARY TRYOUTS TO BEA!_!cuc''y, Chicago..,HELD � NCVE�l}B� Clarenco Free�an • .,� IIlP i. ))M&-,I'all antI football is with his tath�Minimum Wage For Unskilled La-.or . . '•. • -' . - - 10 the automobIle businees in C\ie�WUU Be Discussed In Ann\lal Tri- •.- Chester Bell 18 travehDg in Europe.pgular Deba�. .. .. ''-'' . F('ll was hood marshal 1M. ,-ea ••- Thurber Cu .. hln�, e%·-)3, i8 wltll tilel'relimhlnry tryollt� for tho Fnh'crMi· City Pre�", Chi�ago.ty ,lchatiug h':LJII will 1'0 lwlcl ahoutSntunlay, �o\"\,llIh\'r J. TIItI '"Illual Chi· Sanford Sollent is teaching at theWent�·orth Military A�a(lcrrc:V, Lexing·cngo-Northwl·�t,\rn-�I idligan cll,hah' ton, 1\{i&.CW)uri. lIe is C!08cotaing in ath·:·A'iIl bo heM th� thir'l w('ck in .Jan- letirs.\mry, allli a.c',·()r.lill� to .:\��c)l'iatc Pro- William &hncider i8 ,10ing r�art'hfC:4.'4()t l�yl1lall, t"� ncw ('oac'h, por�pcct· .'Work in Chemist.r_:·, ha· .. irl� r.�t"n-� :th'c OI"I11I1,'r::; of tilt· tt'am)4 will he start· �c-hola1'l'hip at t.'oll:rnM" \'1iivel'8t�.nwiltht naU � �II�� In the tn-eccl to work ri�ht awa:·.Thl� sllh.1cc·t of thc :uHllIal triall�ular tlUrlWry b\l"hlc.·$� sat l>c>s !foint'� Io·��.Fr('cl 8teinb�rhC'f, 8 "CO, man �\I··U(.sol\'C\cl: TIl:l� ,It" l'llit,\cl :-\tat,·� t :l�f'han is in th! r"a' c,talc bu"ine:'-.1441IOul,1 t'st.ahl��h :1 ::Ic·htlllnill of lllinimullI with hi� hroth"r ill (' 1(lago.• n,'!!o� for lln�kiUr,1 I;Ihor, rOIl�tit.lltil)n' h J� •. h h 1 tl . F.lh�wort ),'Y ;, 18 m t e onc ,t&·f\lit.,· ('ol1('(,cl<"I:' I'I:w('s 011 th" two .�.j •. �!\ tn (.J11('�'�l�.JIir:nn T.lowic; i. a ,,;..tI,icr in a h",n�:1' Wirhita, K:tnsa..ocYar1(it�· t('1\ms arc O},(,II to :111 l't II 1 it'll t:-.Classes Will Begin Today. Yctner Lo,...('�.is 1rave'ing thrOtl·�nAll t·1:'1(':4.q in th� Fui\'l'r�ity will Cttl.:tlln for :\ ROlla ron� 'Rln firm. -,""Ieet a� the �lC'h�llul('cl hOl1r� tOI1a::. Pnu1 F.lie1 is doing re!'eart'h work mrrn('tic'all:' nil 1(hlcl('utlC ha\'t' h(,(,11 r('lt· Politic-a1 F.c-oTlomy at London, EnglAn·l.i"tere,l anll t.he r('gular work of th(' .r nnle�s Donovan Is with the South_ :JSee Our New Sporting Goods Dept., Subway FloorTHE@IIDB�(6J!!1!llm 'IIif£J1lJ,Now In Our New Home, Just Across From Oilr Old LocationHERE IS THE COLLEGE ROOM, the mostinnovation of the decade, a salesroom for YOUNGCLOTHES, with the "atmosphere" of the campus. COWLES LEADS BOT.ANIft [presented Profe880r Cowles with a largeTRIP ACROSS CON'fIHBN'r!t>ih'er tray.- I Tho Europeans expressed themseh·esI AESCKi::.lte. Protu.sor Conducts Inter· as delighted with the trip and greatlyI l!atiOllal Ph�t:�':-:lphic Excursion impressed with the magnificenco of theI Through Anleri�a This LastSummer.IWt'Mt�rn forests. Tho trip was endedI at New Orleans after 2L "i8it to thoI Associate Prof'ossor 11. c. Cowles and Grand Canon. Accounts of tho tripA ... sistuut I'rufvssor C. D. }o'ullor of the will be given at the meeting' of thol·','p:,rtlllt'llt tiC Botuuy who conducted Botauical dub next month.stirring I the l uteruat.iouul Phyt ogruphie exeur- .. /Il'lOIl from Xvw Y ur k to Sau Praueisco, PAGE'S FRESIDIEN TIEMEN'S! n-turuo.l this W4.'('k with a fino collee- VABSI'l'Y IN BAftLEIIt i(," of Sl'l't in ouu, '1'�Il' party whichI":adl' t.h.. «oust t U vcust trip was COIll-l,c:",,,d of surue of t lie most noted bot- mid-season form Suturduy, and be ",inContinued from paste I.):lllil'lts of biropI' n ud Amcrica. undoubtedly huve the rough etlg('li"Olll' lIf t ht' IllOl'It striking foaturos smoothed over before tho Chicagoof t l.e trip. s:dd Profl'sl'Ior Puller yes- t,::Ul1c. Sheldon has �ix men in thetl'r"a�', "" a:. tho liLl'ralit�· with which Iino w('it:hinJ! over :!lO pounds and his\H' we-re eutvrtuiue.l all aloug the way, ·hal'kfieM is fast nnd experleneed.\\"t� Wl'i'U tendered l·\·,'r�·thillg in the Krause is a star at left end and will,"":I�· of tliullers, from a dinner in tile '1(.> retied upon to atop Chicngo plays"Iumbor camp on tho slul't's of Mount hround his side of the line. CaptainIlih!lier to an eluborut.e hauquet at till' Davis, Erohart, nad Derry ,,9hita)(erU uivorai ty of California. Thero was Jllayell a fast game in the backfieldnot a slip in the program which in- for Indiana. In spife of tho weighteluded tripl'l to all the typical plant of tho wei:!bt of the line tho menformations of Anierica," are fast and seem to have rounded in-J)urir,g tho week which the plant to good form. De Pauw got no closergl'ogral'l1l.'r� spent at Chicago tr ips were than the thirty yard l�ne to Indiana'staken to the dunes and r, oarby lakes. goal.Universitj- students were given an op'portunity to moot tho famous botan- I.'"EW STAND WILL BEists, Prom Chicago the party went out DEDICATED SA'l'UBDAYthough the plains of Nebraska andColorado ana up into Washington to (Continued from pag� I), I study the northern forests, Down theof study and pleasure. This is thewest eoa.�t stops were made to "isit, N�ighborhootl room opposite the LeagueTHE STYLES THE COLLEGE ROOM DISPLAYS are ��:: r:::::':::l :::::t: aa(�;�\'::ir::::tro:: room in Lexington. The clu b arrangesINTER-COLLEGIA TE---they're lively, distinctive, smart, youthful, but. of lightning. enabled the party to ob- to seo the women home from all Uni-I 1 1 \ ersity nffain at night.not immature. Smart greens, chalk stripes, fall browns, high ro led ape, t�int sped.,fuens '�F'ithoutccll�lfnbi�g theThrough their frequent meetings antttapered waist., patch pocket seam, with $20 to $3 5 !�:I�rSi:�:�:t:rs�entrOt: th: 1 :::;:ts t:� p�rti� they provide social diatraefionE 1 h .. for tho girl8 who are Dew to tho.narrow ng IS trousers at Am:onn where they experienced a•eampus and ita ways.temperature of II!) elegroos. At 'flOC· •----------------------- sun the botanists were entertained at ----Talloring Means ClothesThat give vou distinction and indlvidl!al gocd sPrices $30 to $60 CLASSIFIEDUVERTISD1ENTS a dinner colebrating the tenth anni- Millington F. Carpenter, '11, former­versary of tho founding of tho desert ly athletic editor of the Daily Maroon,Iaboratortcs, anti Professor Adolph En- is DOW head of the department of Eng­gler of Berlin, on behalf of the· party Iish in tho Houaton, Texas, 'high school.WAJtTEn.._Roommate, man, to share ----------------------------very .go�t! room at $5 eaeh per month. Ibr R I 'I' '5; 49 Drexel ave. ee easo� Why you should Eat at the eo S "O_ODS;;;4'Drexel ave., 3d flat. 1st. Good Food Properlp Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen.]rd. A MiaiJoum Price for High Quali� FoodCafeteria at LDa�h7 North LaSalle St.25 W. Jackson Blvd.7' E. Mcaroe St.Three Stores in Chicago TO RENT-Large, furnished, lightroom-for one or two women students.. .... Club Breakfast lSc up-qUIet family of 2 women. lIrs. A.,61(4 Mallison ave., 2nd ftat. ' Dinner A LaCade 'Come InMUSIC.�--------------.- .. --.--.HERZKA BROTHERS ...{(1545 East 53rd Street (Fashion Decrees for your Fall Clothes. They :are here. Come in if only to see the correct (fabrics for the season. (r: Open Eveninp and Sunday ]Ioming �.............. ....,... ':-: Tailors :-: SECOND HAND BOOKS.... AND ....UNIVERSITY SUPPLIESr�������������������If Salesman VVa�·� .:·d t.If We ··have a good opening for the right �t Young Man of good family and connections, tIf who has selling ability and knows how to �If wear good clothes. �If This connection would be of great future:� value to a young man of good fundamental IfIf education and some business training. l{If Good salary and rapid advancement to the l{� right man. �t Herzka Bros. tIf 1546 East 53rd Street If, . �t.p��jp1.p��� � �1!r�"������ � � �L. _,We carry a complete line of Universi­ty Text Books both new and secondhand. We can save you money. LawBooks-Medical Books-UniversityStationery-Parker, Conklin & Water­man Fountain Pens-Candy-PromptService.Woodworth's Book Storei. Our Xew store1311 East 57th Street, near Kimbuk Avenue, South Side ofStreet, Opposite Old Place, Two Blocks East of the Tower ..., .{