'WIt IVY li:iWtPEl TOWEl FiWIDa _·HOtioitS�··L;J�:�,� . ,:,:�,'.� ',"- . _. . � ; .. 'l IT·SPUlfI£sTWAi.Kd1rard . Kb,,,,.'I .... 'W-lelda Spade i., I ' .. . . , ;,I � '0; JOb B�d.eci 'Wli� Is I' ,: ' �-?'1?:":'...:,:�'\ With .·B�.: Tam-lri.· S� �eEOW.��'" �� Ny .. AdcIraL' . _;"". I '..w&e A.... Prize ..! , ....... ;. The. planting �ivy,. the annual: --. ----.a ·t "World'i' G�ate,f .:Meet.;' Enterta�eDt· -and·�· -LecturenYE COIJl.GES DYE· CJWICE �.to� carried out by '.the Sopho- SMALL C� ·1. BE��.NS CommenceS' ·at'1:30·With· : Given·High SChool Men_ _. : more dasso'took'place 'yesterday noon T. 1_ '.Splittin& Up ScorirC:,oifti, vanity at the base of the east tower of Ha-r' Freshmen Attempt �: Rtscue E$gy � Brilliant Prospec� for." : �IB-�d�r�_� Last-Show to Capture Title- Parker j,er;;memorial· Library, Edward Kix- From SophOm:0rti :=§�oa:-Fac� . Broken Records I .'- ',�ii�t' "�"Ia. Bat. �iiler 'Rlanted' the' ivy, in' place·' of 1 ullY Bali GaIrlf '1:0. .. iiclud��· h ---" . � .. ',, _ John Breathed, who is out of town.: - � NO.CIiAN.CE·tOSELEqWINNER �E-tALKON-OLJMPICGAMEsConference W-1.IUIUa .. ··Picked by with' ·.the'-,baseblaU· team.. Iris '. Spohn 'With one. of the! (,st executed-ief-_the DAILY - "ROON.· i. Ina.. de the� ivY ��idress.. When she. hatl Iects ever SC"II at a' L� nivers itY" ;fes-' ", --. D .M� " II U nknowii Athlet� :Have Chance to r ouilaw l;>escribes S' n£One hundr' � __ ..a '__;". __0#0 .'_' L- __ fiiUshed, �Kixmillerj handed the. spade rival, the Freshmen r.Ut.: ;:J�d off �'t".'the : . ,. .' I - eries .. ·Q& .uu .. -�. I"� UIK I . �reak �nto Scoring�FiftQen ' . StereoDticon 'Slid�Dean 'LinDdl N• h ,_..:...:..' -:--..:.�-, .1'---- U· .: to 'Dan .Brown, representative o. r, the first honors at the '1;'I':fth' "i ·iual s·-p;':n":.' ' .' . . .,. .� '\ .-.es- IC Omuu. - uun;.'�. - � - , ." I & Points Should: W"m... ! , S!!eak� 'o,.n .Unive.rsity�." �.Jinois;"K� :ciucaao.! l'reshman cbs.. . ' .' f�·stiva�· held'Ye�terd':�:�·�t,·tnoon �"on'-! � .. , ... '. i '.O� hl1lldrCci yard' �Parker. t���D;adenUimes:� said iris Spohn, �ta�sh�1I :Fieli'Tii� affili� Yester�ay. DiN�ER�ND�STqNTs:'END:DA:Y' f Dejt�'U��ilo'n'�\v�rd�d the ban'Cbicag�; 'Apptepte� �e;:Kaiaht. +t!i� :i� ,�presented,t"e:,spirit of rev- �1;'I;o�at� in the pre��titti(Jh speuttup . . �ler:.Jor. the best decorated -fraternityChic:a�o. ._. �lrY�):":�:.iD: �ediev;L.t. England , the on it hy the clas5e's�iHhi'Jj; 'the peo� ; .crlic�go today �1t be' host to+tbe �ouse last night at the University of". One mile' nm-TI1()�n, ' N��h- ��;.:d�o�iig·, the :cat��drals and �lc eonce.r·m;d,:·:i�d)�, tlie ent.e��in·' greatest' higij sch60i 'trdck and 'fieid �hj.cago. P�ep Night exercises in�eteni; Kraft, No�';!yj�;' churChes .and·'tbe· tombstones, carne ing program; of 'dances ·:tft:lI1ge(i' bj .. meet ev�.� .h�id irt. th�· �ol�l�ir.r .. Ath- Mandel: Beta Theta' Piirece1ved secCalifomia.·· ,.. '7.--:: '..;: .: �o -bv'�'� '�mb� and �d sign;fid�·��. �fiss .Hinri1�ri: pr���d 'ib��f the ��ual )etes from' one hund'fed' and four �n(i'··pl�ce� with Delia. ia'ppa Epsilon· Quarter �rtis� liiiDoIa;·sa. !o Us, the ivY mean,s neither of :�ese bf. any oC the similatr .fe�tiv.alsj. of scho�ls scattered over the country �11�L�lph.a··�a� ·�.mega weii::ti'ea forden. IlliJiom,. Scott, � ;. :'';'", �"ngs! Her:e at t�e .. �nive.r�jt�: we previous year� T�tJ· ytats agoJ the from' Peimsyl\-ania to California. and �hjrd,'.... .·TwO.·hUDdRctaDd..�:'''''' �ili add':a �ignifi.cance· to ·tli��'�:i�i' s'atri(":�between th� W�ed� ani'the fonr hundred.aiid siXty nin� stron'" 1.D��' W:J,.· ·M9nilaw. o(the' Athletic.'. �er, �cq.o: 'Appl�\��: W�!f.� .. �iI�.� air-our. own."_ ::.'.". -rarshy teamS. drew a large cr�wd.· �i1I .. stru�gle . ro� . sup�em�cy 0:' �epart�ent; �a�k�.� :o.� .}�� .. , re�entWard. C�o. -:',;'.' ... :_ ,'� �� C� I�., . .;�.. 'Yesterday,' the'" Seniors. pla!ing �arshal1 FiCid t.his cifternoo'n,' _. �.JY:n�lc _���.�� �� �;�����tp ;a�d, Bread jump-Nicholion' _1IiAoari:' ; ':"Tb��� .. IS. on� q��lty of, the, I�. the agains\ .. the . Faculty, played·.to: an l K ot only in numbers but in class f����)���d.a ,.sen�.s .i C?J., :,�te.r��PtlcqnR�ted.IwnOis;' N�,.:DHi.oiL '1_.:. . cl��I'l"'bit,- whic� )R.· . �tr �ulate. �\"e� larger and more � ,enthusi��tic does tOday's ';m�et 'exceed ali other y!e,-,,�� -Dr: �,o.nil��llo�ed, the- fo�m. " D�n.atCbei·· �. M: .Wh_i�� � are �. in -the Un�versitv.' crowd, . -'.' : ,,:�, intersciiot3stic ! contests': Wi";ners . o� �r some of_'the' w��id�s greatest. aUI. ne�"Purd1ie;�i����:':�� ·".line '�"a� 'under her'. care and. j 'The Fre!lhinan' float"which carried �tate meets from all o�er .'tlle. touri� �(:i�-�.,a�.�-:�,ern�'nsi.r-':�ed. th�ir move· High Jm:n�'ficho_II"II�' gu!�c�·.' �e·. will, �ling t�:; her for off the -first prize,', consisted of'an�old �rv' win' 'h� .on I;and ·to 'tr;, and' bring; im!n�s bY"a ·�e·E:i�.·of. vi.ews.-The 'GleeWahl. wiacOaia,. Scbneder;:Iowa. . �j»pO.-:t:; 'af��r we have 'gOn� we 'w�n �tage coa�h on which were. seated a���her' i�a��e� 'back' t�� tlieii schools: rfiib rt"ilde-red s,�ve� se_Jc�tions wbjle, Shot �7Tbat.di��·J!i�;.�aia' ���(_��i� � ..her �n affe�!i�� �n(I:�in me!1'�nd" wo�en' ·dressed in: the Fifte�·I;'.PlJi�t� .ShO�lid·'be-��u·fficient �<; .��n �ay�e �a�g�t,-vo""-s�l�s .. DeanQhau:,. WiIcolllliD;. Blchad-b;: io��. �e .Ivy': ��anted !ter�. gr�en. �Jothes'Of one hundred years' ago.�·On �aPt\ir' the 'meet 'as ne,.e�·.!mori/ t��{ �Inn gav-e an Illustrated.talk ·on the·. .� �,:;: ���e ��,� . " �:_;_'�>:{:',' �:�; �.� ";-' ·��t������Ii.��� .�� �e�� pres,cnt.. ih� �!��� .tb�:.��a�h. �.��te�� b��. �e�ept:�n .h,,"e .... be.en scored ;by ,�n� F�iver5ity.;and: Un���.sitY':'·lj�f'He�:��:.-.�..,:.: .. �,::\�����,,,������I ��-v�f�:..��s.P��!�J5,:.t� .. i)I���letters.'�\t�e"�at���)�h6.\��. schoci!�9f. the,I���w;.Y.c;a��.; ._.Ii�: .po,�t�,C?ut.the ���lOr.�enc� � one�fonWa;': Coo�' -CaBromIa·�: .. .iL�II-;"': '.''I�.: .. �� .. � lirn"#1�eiii"'br<ttiiirY�� ��"'::��:!�:���.-.!V�' ���QlUtP1CJl.ts.,e�.. &. ,-. --.' �..;a ...... .' �. : � .� ....... ·�-Ia ;1...:. h· b···..,"·; ... '. -- ... � .. ".. � ': "�o.�:: ... ��t:H��-'����lf� ·t�>��:�:,;.��, ... �:t:':t�C���� �,., h't."" WISCODIIUL'" - ..' . I ... .,..� of p n�ng � .�.IVY r bile beanng'on the 'slde' the figure' '. ._ :'" , .. _, . '.' �.' '1JS� ... �J..:.:I •. oIi�.:-:,,·;--:-�,:.r." ;.�� 7tr,'. . :' .. ' .'. .' '... � .. _.,. �h I' Sop'.J '.1.: ,,� l' , ·h....' b' f 1- . f .. Jt� IS practically: ImpOSSIble' to'IPICk .'.',Th.. ··· .. p· .' , .. ,.· TWo: baiIdred aac1.tweDt7 ,-ant�: ; '��'" -. �omo� � ass_. was, ehe�. 0 1�)J6. .' \ the winner,' 'The>entries': i�ticitide""�' "T:" hl . - . I,. '. �. .���� �.' .. ,dl5-KirbeY,' ",�;. Kala;:' Chi- �o� ,at the UDlv:er#ilt� for t e .past IDiviDes Are Sec:o,.Dd, . -: .,'. " -'. /. : '"" .... ;. 1, e. pro����.�,��ol1o�s:.' '. • . ·gbt • rs T .... o yeaTS a"'o many ath��tes .. from s. mail.. '. sch90ls The _ Qlymplc" Gam. ('5' Dr" W �"�-.·caco; ,Case, m;am.. �I or.�lne yea � .. ' . ... • - '. , .,' ,.,. - . ....... ;'.. - ... - J�.: HaIf:��' ---A�. .NoitIa- �he� present ,Senior :cliss a-s1.Sopho' I The diVIDes, who took �cond pnzq �hose p�owe�s � IS. praclical1y, �n-,: : Monil�w,,;At}ll�tic':DepL Univer�ity.•.' � a�_' . � ..'. h .. h' f ;. r �ere - dr�ssed as begging friars with knowll· that It IS unsafe to predict .' H- h 'S hi.: . '. '.western; . Murphy .. �;:�' ;U��s pl�te�, t e .1.� �� � t". �o .0 .. .',..',....' .._ Ig coo". .. ,'.· : ... ' .....,-•• . .. ".. ,'. ..' 'h"'Y-:":' 'L:...!ld· g . Last vear. _ the. cowl·and staff. The Seniors'present' what pomts any school ",111 be �ble Selections. by·th·c .. UniV'ersity ofcChi:l..�::_��, ..= "�..J: �ia�s's'�owf'Ir:4 '�:d the ·d. i�ti�cti�n"Q'r ed the most unique. spectacle in the to 'win, University Hig.h; �inner 01.. ' ·�aO'o.Glee .Qub:';. . <t�.· .... 0 IDiIe nJIl-oWICIrh= .....,uu& •• ' Y '. . ... ,.., . d A fi 1 h' M' h' I '1 . �. .. a .,. - ,p.;'K- .' '. ..). - � hein . the' first' to pl$t:ivy at· tile base para e. t rst· g ance . as t ey. the IC I�n ntersc 10lastJc . se<:_ms 'Presentation .()f_Banner :for' Best tie�-raft. Northw_tan. S�_ .K:'''- g.. � . . '. ..' �larched . down . Ellis avenue they b hr' - f J - ..· Pole .' '�t�: :'.w.�; �f o�e o( 'the HarPa�·,li��ry:·to�er�. 'J k d I'k _ f. . d- I . to e! � .. a�on�e 0 t 1e CIty teamsI , .orate� Fraternity:Ho(ls�. ' �!.· ,.. .: ,. ..'- . """Ini . ._ ,:' ,,�,;' . : ,." . .: /O;�' " Q.O e . I e a set 0. tltamc' ,IP omas although Oak Park has.·a large fo' .' . , . Erling H .. · Lun<!e�omaa, Cbicaco; Schobiaca'. � i -.:' .' .. '-::. '.' '.: ;.�:� . ./��:-::.: i'�" ;gliding along the.·street end up. Ev- lowing. The city men ha\'e the ad- ,·C v·" M' ]-,'-ir L" . '9,-'naiL . ' �RESH""'TAKE' CUSS" .,._, _ ; . a'mpu.s I�WS','. r_.; - n __ .. ·.mn.�• :, ..., _'..v! ". ":'.' -' e�y .occupant .of a dlplo�a. car:rte� m ;vantaJle. o,f .. being· familiar with the -According to present tonference IIE� 1M �§I�����I�� Ins hand 'a toy baloon;' supposedly track'�nd not having to travel a long :;TUDENTS �T6AST Mii: ..... ·�···· I'. ". '. '.'" . ' ' . "'�. HO)CIE' AS'DINNE-R.-'prospects, the big meet of the Wcst-·. .' .. '� .... �:-r... ; '\:; �:.: n-presenting the waitimt world ready distance to get here.ern .Inte·rc�lIe�te Associ�tion to,cia,. SCo!!.�. Poiata and. S��»����ed to 'bg conquered liy. the ne.ar gradu- The 't('am �f Stockt.on. California, : GUES?-,"YESERDAY• ! ,I ADd Two-Twea�JuniOJlJ:: . :�. �" " '. .at Mad'ison maY'be won by any of the ... . .' '.. -' .at�s· ., ,. c(.onsists of two men. but �hey won Forty :o1embers of Classes in 50-five strong teams entered, Every Se-:oDd·,�:' : .�.' TIi� -] unjo� jloat represen�ed a, jay t he 'Ca1ifo�nia state mee� and are l'ialism and· Trade 'U n'ionism underevent contains m�n as good as any in � __ ,.,:.' !circus' wjth '�II 'the freaks. and . per.. countc'd t,pon to sco.r� he�v,ly here. Associate Professor H�xie·· of _ thethe country and if the track:-. is: in ; Freshmen upse� .�I�·�ope' ye�tc,r(�'l� !ouners"...-iding on the 'c�ach. wh�le the ToJc�io. Evanston Academy 311d Iowa. ,Politicai Economy ·department. 'gclVegood condition -several records should morning when tbey, r:a� up _ �1."� : country crowd in sunbonnets and all J�ave !'trong tea�� �h.. at .may' ca. r' 'a din'ne'r'iri :L('xin(ll'ton�i-esterd�y" m.Hr.h - t . -. th 'terj!lass m'ic t') ,, "J.t to> -go by the boa, rds. .t.� pom S In. em. ..: .: ,•. ;:.,'� straw h�tts trudged �o..ng at the sl�e. I y off the hanner. I-fo.· 'of ,Green- !\f H'· '. 'h" ,.: .' f h' .-. - ·V··" . h J. - h • t . i11 m" ·tllelr· . - - r. OX Ie. as·t c guest '0 onor.·· IC-'lIIiriois Wisconsin, MissOu� Cali- t e unlo ..... Wlt nme een. C ..., A wheezy- band. a bearded lcady, a 'fieldfi�Jd Iowa. seemsljmictically cer' 'tor Bruder :,\�as ·;tbastmaster.' . Toa�ts,. . " 'dosest competitors ,The meet was' k h . ..I' .' I C�.. • . , .,. .. . • . .fornia. arid Chicago 'are all expected ' ':" �' _ sl:a e carmer, anu..severa· IrcaSSI:tll IClin to land his learn ten points in iw('re responued 'io and �ddres�esto sho'" w-II, and the m�t may 'go 'one-sided throughoUt, the 1· reshmen ',catltl·"S .w"'r:e s-a't-d '.• -n tllA ··'anon. 1 I '," ..I' ·Cah 'r.. ..I . '. , >.n ,,"" . � " "" ... n h .• ,e (as lCS,' anu I e can nnn a cap- �iven by the. :fol.lowinr:: Associate'. 'taking lirtts in most" of the event!' wlll'le. Hora"'e' FI·t7.ft!106":"'k and 'Vii· ." ".G c. ldto anyone of them. Each one �f the . - . ,,-. __ u_ :thle teammate or two recnlle may Professor HQxie,' Paul 'Vander, Ed-''''anlS lIas '---n ..w..nc-ded !IInpr' ""wI'_' land sl�mnWng i� the hundie(1 and the 1,"r'l I'Dckftr". on. gor·'a..ous l-n th-. rl�f- . ...,... .... IK... ""'... _ v.A . . •., .. • " " �- " ("arry- otT the ",�et: win S.utherlan. c( 'Edwin Eicendrath'two--twenty,' Hardinger amt'Whiting '.'" _. - ,mately twenty points. and the in-·· .. !lcs� .cutls 'and . flounces' of barehacg- Entertain Visitors. :tlul Mis's Freeman. The committe� in(1l'vl'dual ",,.,nd,'III'on of one man mav... 'were the individual, sta.. rs. of the. nu;ct. I �l!.�ers.' p' ranced ' '0'" an'd down th<' r' .; h' .I I I I . ,I' f' 1 I' .... "'" 1'. rep mg t was ce e )rate( . a.!':t l' mrq"e 0 t Ie (Inner was as follows:swin. g the meet �o one or the ;;.t�r: 'ea�h'wiiining twO firsts: ... , .' ;:', -:: ;I�ngth of the whoie procession. 011 .:t - M ..I I I h I ri : G'I h .. ' ,�. .:, rwe�ftlaT team of Psi' Upsilon WQIl 1 h k '''�Ilt I� anue anf .1 e usua a.uto- o� or« 011. -c aIrman;' �'Iet()r Bnlder'Illinois' is strong in the middle arid ltlte fimilii.11tfte inter';f�terility re1ay� �crseSa�' . U . Tn' .. 'nohile parade of. the city., wilt t�"e. and' �aul ·Wanders. . c ..lO.g dista�ce runs, 'and has � fair -" ,..;' �_1 '. • . ophomores R. ctor. p'Iace thi� .1l10rninJ:'f, . Norman. Paine ,.',_. _. --- . c�,_. 'edting-�b�-ue1ta Kappa Epsllo hy·a .... _. '. ,y ;ENIOR WOMEN WILl; ,chance in the field events. especiall,.. '. ·:"I�""\"'. • _ '• 6 :_. The Sophomore float. a chuggmJ.: has 'charge of .this e'�nt �I nl d expe::-ts" T' EY-,L'''OF BE' T' ROTHA' L-.'. alTOw margin, The time was '·3 l 4 .:'I" .,the broad jump and pole 'vault_ Wis- . ,<, .'. -f II . ',m!=otine tractor decorated tn yeJlow. tr. il1ake it the' l)i�� ever. He .has ..censin is strong' in the higbjimip:.�;'� The summanes 0 ow: aJmost created a riot. Marching in �('('. lIr�(1 p' r.o�lis.�s,.-of twenty,five au- .. 'AT... COMI��LUNCHE«;>.�;.. � . Wh' . (rnput. and distance mns ••and tt{e.lJk,lt . 100 yard dash-first. ,Itmg •• ;Hlnt' of tlle ToJler' were a' nttmber' of tom.oh.iJC'!'.· TI�r p. ;trad.c will s�.a!t Twl'."·c Senior "'1!Ol�n .'Will. an'econd Davidson (Fl tlurd Mah�n-. .vault. ". nah (Ft time 11 :1, .' '. " .·:(-.pl�o'nnres dragging effigies dres5ed from the .gymnasium �t �:JO and th!' nOllf1("e. 'heir cngaJlements at 'the Sen-Miuoari Is StI'OaC.·, .r Mile mn-Sanderson (Fl. Clr'P. �.. Ihe n'arron, hlnc' anft gr(.en· of the:- !11;_t('h.imo!,: will 1)(' <ie.�orat�d with 'aT'ge-. ,o� � �·.c.n:cn·s. luncheon \Vedescby at" ., dl (SOph), Pa�li�ek (Fl,. tim.e' :;:;;2.:'�,· .• ,:l'('r el ... �fts.. ,\t ·frt>niicnt inlen'als 1 I J" g the Int"rschol no 'M'" J II F' Id' I h'MISSOUri should wIn �oth hur es, , Sh -. 't � frn� 'fFI 'C-aflnll1<1 " ... '. lanners ;u vcr Ism " . " ", .' C'J!I m. :\. s 1a 'Ie s unc room.·" h' h • d t ot ,,0 - ar I �'. .' ._ i I.C· Qi tile' stuffed �ffigies' waS drop- astic .. The �o;ite' �;II be thr.ough the Mary Ann Whitcl.e.y, .who will act' =' �the. broad,Jump, the' Ig Jump. an. "�f',"ior). Hamd (J). di5tah·� 34:f",� . .place in 'the distance runs. Califothia 'irtches. . .... '., '"{ �ed in the tradc' of 'the steam''rOlicr South Park .�yste.nl �'ong .the lake toast ,mistress, WiU.c�It-'�n the' t�h�e. I.has been handicapped by the loss of ; nt.CUlt throw-Kennedy � T'. 'Spatk� �nd� cClille otlt ·af'ihe."ot� 'erid�; flat 'r�()nt a'HI.· l{i�hilZ'an avcnm.·, Tbe! to n:sponsf to '�HOw t Did I�" ....' .d·' .�� .(F). Brown (F). Distanc� n.l feet ',n·..II in"'rt. Thc ·Eres. hm.m :sta�d··3. nl"n �··I�II·· r"�t·t1.:r·n·· 'for "n Aar'ly lunch ' -Beeson. ,the star Jumper an, .��"':O::--.9 't 1�2 1· .... 11. .'. . II.... " n.. . ". .,.... ". -: tp--"-ne 'Hitchcock DiDfter:•.L:j�_: -- .� 1� :c:m' all SI'1;Ad "'las' s ..ras"· ·.·bu�· :did .not t th C' a d tl.- meet ' -"I'"\\'ho had' to fttUrII· to Caliro� Thet � ;':Pole: ���Moore IF :=:�" :lc �r· " " " ('on a .. e. ommons, n nc, '. d;wing, to the difficultY;'�f 'fi.ndiFacific coast scllobl.is coaa, ted.!'11PO. � it" tieef.!,r ��,·a!,.d P_��·.{{::�L�t�·' ·te5C11e the effigi�5:--'� � .,. will. st�'rt',at, 1:..t5� The finals in �th('�' 'a suitable' time, th� Hitcbc�k' dinn:�:� 'iftmedt (1) tied for fh rd he·" 'Fotlo"'�ng' the: proeessiol1p �"i�i1 t '. 't' me' t. both s· gJes andfor .points· in the·hammer tIa'oWi, � ')"", ..• -........./:.. ..... ", '.: .... '., ',' • en.!'ls. ouma n. . In. bas : been iridefini�y postp�ned. InI .. L--.I v ..,.,. "f • ','circ' (c(l the c.inde.r trtdc.',_ of the., field, ;doubl". will b'-' I.eld thl's morning.tances and the dashes.' t ......... � f 2Z"" ctH1t-Voniton-'(FI' Ma:- '" -. .. '" �� . : ..... , ail probability it win 'not take plate(CoDtiDaed�OD""'" �" .. ·�Heo.�D.ted:oia:Page' 2)·;... i (COlitiDaecI 011 pap 4):, ,; ._: (Continaed on'page 2)., thi. ,.ea�.' ",'. . '.: p•. �� •• �._""; �.,'- ' .. :.).:.� ..t�(. "l� -4.,. .'j.\ '01'.' ,.... , ... 4' : � .: 'J;._. :: t 1 : '.: � ." ., . .,..� ..',. . ;::.a J._' PRICE FI VE LENTS.. _. .....,'..' I.., ,;'" ... "*..... \­. ;,' "t,, ....�.:.- .'j., .'. '..'.",..l. ..�."..... f•• .,"'>,' .' . ""j .. ,' ... � .... '" .. , ,.. . .. , ..The Daily Maroon-".111 •• 1, ... -a __ �... -... �DL.""'u. ............ .,� .. sa&.��-- --- ,... IlAI • .- � ...... �."'ted aI � c--. ...... IL'1'1·1' � ...B7cIe Pam am �. Po .. )-..u"-V-,�_t •.... ... --- _. ---.. '1 IIM ... • • ..........�--- ... - -........,.............. _- .........&ftOAe .. -Be .._.. � •••• 1IMI7�..... Oractta.,..= •• • ....... ....----......... '-� ...... �� ......... 1IaIaw� O"lWIl�'W ........... �, 'I11e day of "ova.-oqanUation,. aDd"'er-purpose" in 'GIIderJradute lifeat tIHt UDi�ty. Japast. The time ....come wIleD IlOthiDccaa· ai8t without �. ,.,-,.... ,.,.".! ".1.·'1 1_.t'ae ..... .. ... ..... oN'",,"_ .. DfTBR8CBOLASTlC T&NIIISPIIIALS PLAYED TODAY' -_ ....� .. f. .".);a- .•• - •••••••••••.Or ••• I ..... EI ... .. Lat Yean Champion '.ladeaer of _' _Eaclewoocl'ls RIIImiDc up inSiDclea TOIIrDC7....... __ ......... ., .... ,....-Pretiminaries--James and Denneyencourages us to make this standing defeated Carter and McCarroll,offer. in the feeling that the MA- Owensboro, Kentucky. 6-0. &1; Carr FORROON itself will be put another step' and Farrant Hyde Park defeated- ant seven room furniShed' 'house:on the way toward becom�ng the .cJarke and. Lewis,. University high. Rock' Island train ;�r: str�et � 'to'best college daily in the country. 6-2,' &2; Kirkpatrick and Salladin, city. $30 per m&.··· 'L ; a, 10750Cordially youm, Morgan Park academy defeated �rmida Av��,.· �or� . Par�. nuFrederick W. ,Carr. Charles and Wright, Evanston town- noia.Managing Editor.auo.... GIU7 TribtI"e. ship,' &2� 6-3; Wtilliams and Little.". ; ... ..,�:;'" ;. a........ Evanston academy, 'defeated Hitch- WANTE�ROom and ;board to�� FRESHMEN TAKE CLAsS cock and'Terhune, Hyde ptuk, 6-3. young lady at .MichigaO. SUmmer8-6; . Pretikin and Sladek, Crane Res6it for !lCtsisting wiih.:,-.rn.·ningMEET IN EASY FASHION ,.,. ,.Tech., defeated G. and A. Wiegland. r�·wo�k.. ·�.a8,tJ ciian.�erLane tech, 4-6,6-1.7-5; D'Ancona and req�r�d. Phone ����,�.:: .Taylar University high, defeated ".' " '-.'" 'Woolf and Noble, University high, FOR mT-Fum��d s�mer dot-6-4. 1-6, 7-5; Neis and McCullough tase; 10 rooms and1bat&; 'yerUusUdefeated !(cConley and Kraft. EVans- directly ov�rJooking' I!ake;"Michi-'ton 'township, 6-1, &2; Weber and gaD •. � •.• �e�. k;t. :.2crfecl·Weber, Harvard' school, defeated beach; groc�ry' ·deIiyer7.;:,.FraJak-Kahn and Heist, Lewis institute, 6-1, fort.· MichiPu:.: RentaJ *I�. :A�:�I; Cone and Keller, Morton town- d�;C�'K.·�'::H��:��,r.hi d" f, ted H lara d Yea I rw:_ ""'111 v· .. d·, HI·,·.I -, _-,SIp, .. e ea_ umme ; an. '':_ . �e, �����I. 'h:,�',!' .' : ... n'II"t�, ger; - prhVis() t;'wlisbip, 6-1� 6-2'; Lar- . . _. � '. � > .. =� . -- c;�, :��.' � .'. � .'kin and Weibkenant, LewiS Institute, &Ai � ����Umm�\\"WOn by default; Hubbel and Koc:hs" :-' .,outiOna opeiL'··see a:b' Tbomu,!.. ¥o�n Park' academy. defeated ' 6oS1"EIliS ayeaae_ .�i+P -.IO-II�'Teter',and WU:Jer, MediU high, 6-2, t aftemooU2-4-' '.Phcmo'·fpfappoiDt--6-1; .c�y' and Fargo, Evanston menta, lIidway �.:.� Ilo.t �e-Itownship defeated Liska and Vern. lay. - :� -: :'�_'-_i; l..-::- :':_ier. Cra':e Tech., � 6-1; Cudney WIDOW 'W��. ���v.:��'and Hart Hanpnl school, defeated . rec;o�t!nded. . ��_ ��s +re���t ,- Bro-n .. "°5 Easf' 'End ._ lltIe 'andCohen and lsacoWitz. John Marshalt: ... �, � ·�·,r.·�',;·.", .• :' I• ,t '6-'"',,-'&1. '- IIrs. �les.S._�n.,'744"��-.ST-AGE INTERSCBOLASTIC�·.·.· i �secoQd � d F t, bark annue would � ro,,:,". &1-,IIEET THIS .:AFTE�OO.,":·.···�N -' - an arran tentioD (0 the neecb>aad: skill Qf.-. defeat� Kiirlcpatt:ick and Sallac1in, Mrs. Epstein.. She" dOes' ,,.: sew;(Contiaaecllrolll pap ODtLf " -. Morgan Park" academy. 6-:1, 6-1; ing and relines anel.�" �Oats.. . . '.':- Weber and Weber Hariatd .chool, B�r chDdrea WI,.·' c�JI. for: and re-Af�er. �h� meet the men -�:���. ! defeate� Co�e;�� �,' �cUer. Morton hmI at! garments. Sh� ��a SWl� In the �� and at 6 �_��. !townstiUJ.�:,���; 6-4�;' Hul>bell and your interest and needs y��r work.nual dlDner WIll take place ...... The 'Kochs,' Morgan Park aCademy, de- Adctre..: lira., Epstein, S436' Lakefraternity house. will shut dQ�, t,heir. .feated· I.aitin· and" .Weihgenant, ayenae_ (3M floor;- oppo�� -Hydetables tonight and the Glee du� and : �Wis Institute 6-0 M· McKay and 'Park Center. Send a poCt .carel.:�'band will furnish the mas� EaCb' Forgo";E�nst:n ,t�wnsiup, defeated -, '... ;,; :'_point winner will be taken care of by Cudney -and -H� .Harvard school. \,AllTED-A hast�C ftpi�Dtatiftone man and both will be alloted, to :6-:2. 6-1.: .to sell • popaJar.pric:e4 t04nD. ��reserved seats at supper. Coach oration. Eapeciany aai�le � .�'Page .111 preside at. the banquet., GLEE ,CLUB: 8LBCD Ictre flea. IJbenI COIIIIIIi_oa-Vadnille GiwD Toaicht- IIORTON PRESIDEHT_ Only ODe atadent at each· Kllool,After the dinner the alanul 'Qude-. . ... - - -AWARD B¥aLEliS .., write few 'faR particidan at oiaca.The lloalda �, ,l164. St.valle and praentatioft of the prizes ---- Loaia Aftllae. CbIcaao ID. 'and cups to the winners will' take Oakley Morton Was elected presi-place. Each point wfnner will gift dent of the Glee club a�imouslyhis high school yell as he comes ior the coming year _t a meeting-beldforward to rcceift his CUP. At this a£ter the sing at the Prep Night ex­time the ffC" _ blankets will be pre- ercises last nigh" Bolger LoIJcsgardsen ted to men who have finished their was made manager with Edwin Zed-..... - _ ...... .,.. PI __ (Continued from pace I.)� - ......�"-a. L. & hannah (F). Sanderson (F). time-- 28: Q-S •..._� "! ...... � au. � ar... Running broad jump-Kennedy (J)GutwiUig (F. Wille (Senior) distance21 feet 6 inches. ., Half miJe-.COldweIl .(F). Chap­man (Soph').· Newcomb (F),. -time:2:1&120 yard low hurdles-Whiting (F •Kennedy (]). Gutwillig (of). time::t33-s. .-' .. -:.- High jump-PoJabw (F). first,Bro ... (F and. Kennedy (J) tied forsecond; height: 5 ft. 8 inchc$." j_l- .tiOu. Fanher- 'Hamme�Harclinaer (F) first,more. aQ orpaizatioa wbaae aiD.. S�rks (F) and Scanlon (Soph) tied� purpose is !lOt pateat. mast !or second; dinstance lor ft.. 3 1-2vOluntarily • . Inches.". or ottaenn.e make 1r:aoWn. , In�rfiatemity relay-Psi Upsilon�: � UDiYenity., _ '_"-. ita __ Delta Kappa Epsilon: Alpha Del�9d paI'p08es. Othawi8e, .. orpa- Phi. Chi Psi. KapP. Sigma; timo-iZatiOil will ..e laid opm _ ,cbaI'ges ':36 4'$ , ._hich perforce maat: be met, 01' theOIpDizatiOD subject to saspkioa addiaaepcate_ 'l'bere is • powiDc CCIIl-scio at tile Uaiveaait)' _ tm.� is a ("OM i,.jt, wbicb es:­� for � bme6t of �.indmd­aal in it: that DO iDdividIIal or poup'of iDdividuala am ai8t in it Qeciti.mately) anIaa that iDdividaal 01'CI'01IP of iadividaaJa does Ilia fallduty by bimself ami by his fellows.Ia otba- words, the spirit of daD­ocncy is rife at the Uad ••• t, ofChicaco. It is deaeed that oan abaIlbe· a- comilla.lily denid·of pri'tIilep....obisJj._ ad wortblsVUI Now,is the time (or vaIaiac aad ...,me,Let the members of eftq .....­tiOD coolly aocI jadic:iaIIy wtimatethe real worth of tbeir oqai.Iadoa.to tbemIema aDd to tile Viii •• .,pablic. U tbq &ad that the tater'­prise jaati&ea itaelf.. tbea let tbeIIIprepare for • bic � ataftiN ..atAatama.. OD the other baDd, if theyfind that they caD fiDd DO acae ferthe contimJaDce of their orpnbatioD,let it be lAid away dec.eatly aDd quiet­ly. And, farther, let them noid rea­soniDc, Q priori, that IiDce their 01'­PDbatiOli aiata DOW it mat COIl­timae to edat. The pat 901amea ofUDiftni� pabIlcatioaa aN faD Ofthe ...e. of � DOW ....aDd lODe. � tIIIIt ,..... tojaatify. the........ ADa ..more rfaId ... tbat w...Virile, cIemoaatic... ..tIl .1dIei&::dtu .... __ be pam ........ -_Ibeaat at tbe Vllimllt)'. AD.......... .., C8DIIOt blip .,...- To the Editor:Recalling with pleasure the adven­eures of the DAILY MAROON staffin editing the Gary TribtI"e last win­ter, I would lik� to place the' paperat the disposal. of the University ofChicago men and women again nextFall, in fact making the MAROONissue of the TribtlNe an annual event.I would suggest if this appeals toyou at the University that the tripbe made about the middle of Novem­bee,As to a "swap" of staffs such aswe had last time. that is incidentaland can be arranged or passed by asyou choosoe. The main part· is theIChance that the editors and the"cubs" could have to help turn thereal wheels' round. The highly sue­cesful MAROON edition of March Finals in the interscholastic tennistournament will be played off thismoming. J. H. and J. M. Weber arermaking a good . showing in thedoubles, and have a good chance totake the title. Their opponents areCarr and 'Farrant of Hyde Park:Hubble and Kochs of Morgan Parkacademy, and MacConley and Kraftof Evanston township. Lindaaer of:Englewood is living up· to form inthe singles, and is a good choice forthe title. The other men in the run­ning arc Raeder of Merca'sburg,Pennsylvania, the Webers of' Har­vard school, Hubble of M_organ Parkacademy and Carr of Hyde Park, ,The results of yesterday's matchesare as follows:DOUBLEScompetition on the Varsity t�ams, and dies as assis�t business man�r.the He' s1Raters will be given to the Car} Weimaa was chocsn as librarian.mm who have won them d the A vote of thanks was tmder�d theyear. The only thing "hic:tl · be. ,retiring officers for their work forlacking is the track tea� wlaich wiD tbe dt&b for the euaiug years. Fif­be uftable to return from the Confer- teen men wae awarded solid sold em'enn meet at Madi�n in time. '. ;;t»lems iD � of their worlel:·�H the.8ecoacl�, men ftCeiftd anemblem. The· treasarer . reported a.balance ill _Ike 'r,..� ....lars for tile, comiJIc ,ear.U.-cau.I for.1IaiLMail for the foUowiaar pe�ODl isu...w·.lor at tilt (aca!ty ezc�:eeo,"Wm. � Anpiine, BerRey,Prof. if:·E. Bierly, �r1 Booc1clen.Katherine ��" Hen.,. D. Jordan,Prof. FraaCil- W. IC-raclcer, Fannie. Pillcllq, F.· C. � SftaflaPD. Karie CVOD Daia.baI& ParaoI W....... .WiD the party who tOok a p�,from the Maroon oflice yesterday: af­tiernoon lriadly retarD .. me to lIis,Leota SmitIa, � lIoaroe AftDiIe? " "WANTED-Plain and'. fancy sewingat reasonable. rates. Universitypatronage especiaily solicited. Mrs.C. �yan. 5659 Drexel avenue. TodayLOST-Between the School' ofucation and Ellis Ave and 618t St.,about' the hour of one P. M. �on­day, a gold broach' with three opals.Fi�d�r please return to MidwayStudio, 6c)l6 Ellis 'avenue, -REMINGTON TYPEWRITER NO,7-ln good mnning order. Willsell for less than one fourth of costto prompt buyer. TeL H. P, 2871or Address S. G. lJOO E. 58th St. IsLOST-Small field glasses, on cam';'pus. Reward, if returned to In- The'formation office or phone Midway6211 •� .,.lnter-'-" . /.��,::a�". 't' "I-�,r':-U':-;\1': ., �\I','1' •..... _ ... _-.:',,:,"B�.:.·'n band. ..nd .elp;we lite hi"se.ool lien a';IPNI i.pres­•• '01 Cbieagl'FOR 8ALB-North Wisco ... -5-­mer camp locatioD for sah.; �Teilftf'7 desirable lots each SO ft; frOnt:age 011 the £ape' chain of :r, .laIceaSplendid location for club. OWuer\E. S. CoIemau. Eagle RiYet'. w:.... _,IT is up II- every IoralC.i�all ••to eOlDe out.drush lor Chi-eago"STUDENTS. desiring toGOOD KONEY by .... iag. anarticle of real merit, �te as atonce. EuDy, haadled. O�. apa�time. Ow.co Swpply Campuy.Box No. -s' A���)f:y_ ',.' ':. �. ". ... ,,-),". ,'WARTED-Room aDd .bo8rd·, toJ01IDC DIaD at Kidd_ SummerResort Camp for auiitiag' 'WIth', .. � work. One' who: caD iuiia-die ....1 boat Prefeired.· '. PhoneKeaWOCHl .... ,• ,:, �i�(, �.; ._:\. � �>�::-�JMTERSCHOLAsnc . � ��.;���:no�:., B'" ;Hi1l� maD. -Cr�� '��i; H. R� i.��;• �., s; . {"1'-; iL..:A_ ...... D. ;_'St� V.. Bates. R .. Seward, RaYlDOaci;"'E ·4� .. twe"..• � '.. '!,� iIIIdaIe,'Mich..--; 2: Sbattuch. Geno;.a: R. ��a£t, R.,Corbett.·p_ Sh:Piey, .:�:�(Continued from y) : : .1': TrUQ li� IUce. Fond du Lac; C. Park high; I -; Hanrahan. SL. la:n::hlis;Shot Plat. ; i i�J: Moore, 'KoatrOIe. Colo.; W. "·or-d.n. B. Minteer. PrOviso; H. Bassman. A.P. Prins, Wbipple academ:r� JilC ::.. Bement; c.' Haymond, Springvil.e. Schardt, .Soutb Division. Milwaukee;60nviUe; R. Loss. Montrose. CoLi: ". Utah; A.,Carte •• Casue Hesgbts, � .. - R. Ziegler. Fairfield, Ja.; L. Curr,Ward, Cortland. Ohio; W. F� IIaaoD.. Tean.: G. Benson, Whnin..:. Marlin Tex:.; A. O'Meara. EvanstonBement; W. ;Bohm. Caatre HdjIi� ADd.;.J. GaJlagh�r, R. Schneider, Kan- Acad.; .J. Brow", JledW: P. Schoen­school, Lebanon, Tenn.·' E. VateJ;. a:KJC.tC; .J:L Stanle�, Genoa; Hall,. feldt, R Shirley, W. Slwlk. Central,Whiting, Ind.; c.' Tuttle. ::II(omeb"e; Gice, '1.oiiIon: u Grimes. C. 1"I.0I.y Toledo; F. Welfare. St. Ipatius; J.. R. Wadsworth. Lit�e }�ock, A�" c. dell. .u�e; C.- Kip�. Rock l�land; .. Cooper. Hyde Park; H. Clark; P.Kellebren, JacksoDvllle: ,F. Be� W., �beu.. Schurz; H. Snuth. J. Spink, Uni�ersity bilk: R. Mueller,Iowa City academy, Iowa Citj�· l� LieWrIiaan; Marshall; F. Kavanaugu, W. Painter; Lewi. IIlIt.· B. Moore,F. Heaney. Cedar Rapidt. lo.a�,H ... J.' )(�, . Keopple, L!ttle R�k, Crane; M: Spenser.1� Rif'e, Tonkawa,Ward. A. Lemenger. Grand � Ark.:J: \..aIUlot, j aeksonville; J. GIV- Okla.r A. Chapek L. Eddy, Lane; T.seninary, Onarga; W. Scott. Oreaoia; arcf. Bum�t� (;reek. lnd.; J. rowers Glass' A. Kayse�1 De. Plaines; P.H. Bitterberg, Raymond: H. �itz. ceciU:;Rabids. I .. ; G. Parke�, .Stock- Stege�a� Hope Preparatory. Hol­Oak Park;' H, Null. E. Glosser. Pr� ton cd.;},.; Walto'- Noblesville. In<l; land, MIch.: G. TenDo1. West. Desviso T�wnship.· �gh, MaywoOd:'£" J .. Bi&cly. Crown Pbint, Ind.;.. E. Moines; 1<1. Smar, P. Sherman. LaVail, Central high, Toledo. I Obio: A�,.S. Landers. Oregon; J. lush, Grange; L. Hirsch •. Hammond. Ind.:Smith. Hyde Park;. A. Wadi ..... ' G. Oak. Park; .J. Tierney, :,t_ Ignatius, N. Cone MortoQ hlah. Cicero: D.Sears. O. Field, Lewis iDstitl*:, 'F... 1luahes. South Division. Milwau- Emigh, C. Barr: ttatavta: W. Gou­Besta;, Crane Tech. hiah; H. Dale. ue;L.. .Kitfo,... it. Zeigler. �'aJrll '�t wens, Harvey; J .. AII.nb, Ukih, Cal.:Mount Vernon; R. Becker •. '-Lane la.:· I. Curry. F. Betts, Marbn.. Tex.;. H. Cross, .Central, Mlnneap()lis; P.Tech. high; O. To_nscar, West high. o.'Meua.. Walker.' Anderson, Koch. Farnham. North. Minneapolis; J.Des MOInes. Iowa: E. Caugbex. J. Eftbston Acad.; .H. i-aye, 1\. Frank Duggan, Hyde Park: E. Rogers, C.AlIenby, Ukiah, California;.,.t{: Yr-. eaburg. Medill; E. Vail:, W. Shan .... J" 'Schwartswaller, EISIIl··. P. 'Hake,rit-a. l\:orth high. Minneapolis, MinD.; .t-luhrer. Central, Toledo,. 0.: J. Car-: Gary. Ind.; M� Gulfer� H. Felton.A. Feder, Gary, Ind.; Fisher. Water- betty, St. Ignatius; ··W. ! Carteri B. W. Nichols. West, IMit�Qukee, Wois.:town, S. Dak;.: L. Rerlek,: Lake View Xoliftg. University high; .J. Donoho, A, "Young Menomin�. Wi •. : Blake-hiah, ." Jt'� Zoellin. Lewis institute; D. WoJe- ley. Brookings; S. D.: R. Wilmarth,Hiah Jamp.. , bea C. Maguire. Marengo; B_ Moore, C. Fischer, Lake View: ' F .. Stager,J. Lane. Green6.eld ,lowa:.Ci AUeq Jones. Crane; C. Renfrow. Ton�OI.- Lake Forest.Clinton; R.�ook. W,. Ward. A. .a. qkla.; L. Bott, Desplaines; W. ---Smiley, Boswell. Ind.: C. Pollen.. F. La Grange; R. Mette, : Hamm�nd, Y.M.C.A. WILL GO, TO QENEVAShepard. M. Katzenmeyer, Hillsdale.' Ind.; C Mathews.' ,Morton high, .,' :.Mich.' T. Abraham Genoa· F. Kor.- Cicvero: McDermott.. Newtton. :'a.;- �rison:' Whipple a�emy,' JacksOir rison,; 'C�uncil�. Batavia; � L .. Kline. Twen�-five M�n ,l,VW Att.id Con-ville; R. Townsent. .F� Goode. MOat- "Ri�e 'Lake,_ Wls.;J.�eter�n, CenL�al.. �erence Jaae Ia.rose, Colo.; L. Ervin. Par�er. S. Dak.; .Mlnne!lpolis; G. Landy. Northr. M�n-A. Petersen. Momence; F. Ka!3D- ���lis; C. Forner ... tMedo.; �. Davld- ,. . '. �naugh.. H. Lenon. Little ROciEa. Ark.; son. Gary., Ind.; �. �f��engc:r, M. Et-.. T'w��t����e l!niY.�r�it1 mon will at-J .. Buckley. Longmont, Colo.; F. Be- teoken, West pDVISIOn, MIlw�ukee; tend the con{erencoe of co'!eJle Y .. M. Every machine guaranteed iol�:iD 1ine �,?_�order,dell, Iowa City. academy. Iowa City, Gieb ... �berdec:n. S. D.; L. Donovan, C. A. �en which wijI.' b. held at Lake. and . Wl·n he kept .l.;.:.•,. -,dun''. _."n· g' term of. rental. ',' � .. '.- '..Iowa; C. Greensks' Stockton, l.L.. Lake View lil&h; ,G� .�to�dard, Lak(: .'. . .... . �_H. CottinglWn,. Noblesville. IDd..·; H, View High;' S� McMenemYi T� H�tch- �eneV'a June 13:.�;�. They.will be '.. '. . ',.' .. Ward, R. BoclllaD. Grand Prairie �on. Lake Fores$;OL .. , "i hooded by fo�r .m�mber, :of the fac-. W��4�)ive'r.'lh� '"tri'i"l�hiri;:'�d all .. for it at � end 01·setni�. Onarp;R. Wade. H. urL- ' .. '. 440 Y�·RJm.!·. ulty who a� to speak . on: the: pro- the rental telm W�<aho�hcne 'for salc;;��fiile . Ime."of Fae-wright, Orqon; W. Ames. Oak Park; R.' Spainhour. �nton; �:_"Ne"son, Th "f l� ..,;_ ... _ .- .- . o-,t- � ... - .,: .. ' ",,' .',." ;". '.'-R. Robertaon.:..Marlin. :Tesas; N. Ardmore; Okla.;-J.·Galloway.1:to ... a,. gram. e. acu .v·.·�lIIlJ'lE;rS are .;.�,�Rebuilt maclPDCs Ql·:an:, ...... ���ch.... .Y.ou � saveRakestraw. D. Dorey. Central ,hi� uJci':; W.;. War:d,; !Boswell Ind.: �. pean Shail�r Mat�����·.,d!� :rr�,�der-: . ...- . -f; l' l' � . .Toledo' Ohio;;ShepaicL Hyde Park 'Plumbc, Interlaken; Mondett�!JDavls. son, Professoz:-, Menifield' and Dr., .-.' 50Jo·75-per,ci.n�"·; .. ·��· __ :�?-�_��.:.,:,�·.,f..)i;:<.:.�:·.,hi,gh; J: Donoho. G; Seats� � i�- .B�nJt.(�(H�1 ��j\".A.c;��, tEl�:Lyons, Charles W� Giikev.· '... ".. '." .. " '-""f';�!"�' '.::� ,,\-"':- �.�.:..��; " : .'stltute;;J� Wolebeq, MarellgO; .. Howse. -. 'D. ' 'Stewart;· . y. - ·'Bates. ; ,Hills(iale, '__ . .'... ._. ..' ':.:. �.'.. ·e.le. ...:'l...:::':�:- -. fG:nilOP--638fP.:!6..'''' 399. .,Crane Tech. high; H •. Schinid�;..Lane Micb.;- ,D_·:.PatterlOQt!cO.;E.: ��ttuch, Mr.; ��c�ham.., he.�� .. 9.£ the Umver-)' Pf-K.. Te.ch. �igh: F. Smart, ��ons T.��', A.Gen�;. _F.· &rc�· _b'�l,\d 4� �c; .�. sity -V:.'�. C. A:. ��! be unable to' at- AMERI-'C A .. W'iItITIN·,. .ii�·C::;:B';.:;;:i;IN�� �. COMPANYship high.. �G�e: a:' Barr,. w·_ �� M9�tt:OS�.;�01�. � �l. tcnd the. Geneva con.ference. He left. an .. rift a:.. Barr.�BataVla:· G. Thompson. Centra' .iSement; C_ H�y��CJ:- �pnngvllle, '. " .. . t,.·• ' .' .• "••. ,'" , .... , . . " '.""' ,.high, Minneapolie. Minn.;. H. Carrier, Vtah; A 'Grt� <;as,ire H�ig�ts:,.�e- }est�r_��y for the .;�ky Mountam I .:. ..... :;'�':. '����.. �.���T. ED), ".; ".": '.. I:' .North .hieh,' Minneapolis� '�.'. ; .j...... �.� .. T_Q;:�. G:; Ben�on, Whiting; S�ud��t conferenc�: ,at Estes peak.. _-'Davidtan, �,.lnd.; C. �D. §�_ '. �,�;·KaDbkre':; �; . Green. l'Colo�do. w�ere .he will �emain at" 431 So •. DeULO_."Ot, !�,-S.. � ... '._ ... , ··'l"'!..-' ..•. _... : ...._., fJai.,.,.·:�.. _,. o. m,George.·.·Utata. W,._,j"·u1lel\' Lake V.e� �. Tow.o�.� .. lGpP'i Rock Is! � ·f ... '.' J,;, 'lr .. �" '.. •_, -r- -- .. .--J �h.h;:H. HA�-EJtL.Di�n �:·H.;·uDoD.·J.'··MnrrtY;_Littlc. the�!l�et,school,ror.se.v,n��ks., '... !.' ... ,,'. t-·, .i-.".·,.,t ."1·�""')�hi&h, ·JIilwaukqe.· Wi ... - ';.. �. :R.otk;.-Ar£; W· .. C���, ,H�tol1 ;\. .. . .. ,.; -', .. ',.� '. • i.. �., .' ........ ' .' '. •.; ... _�:_::. -1GO"Yd. ��__..� ... �;�..- .. ·�.ct&h�ci;;·Barnetts C!eek, .. : . '. ; .. ' ,'" :C. Hoyt, Gree·n6eict. Ia.'i.c.:,l� JD�;�J,; .• p�.��iiar·. Ra�i� !a.:; '....� ... -.,',. -' I 'Ointo, Ia.; C. Neilson.:_ �rlC, :�,�J�D.�:St P,hilliPs� G. "'.-' MA'ROON·At>�.·. Olda.;- 1.r.::�Ga1Io�. - Hobart. ·Old.,·; _t:'ar�. f •.. 1::: Gruns.• \' .�.� �k.. �n;, �.; .". 'lBIuNG » ...._CmT:rsR. Cook. Bos1n:ll,lDd.; �radl�,l6;g- ·�"-!l�toD��.COtl!��am, .�o�es-. ,,;'.�. '.' '. :-� ..... -gao, Bunker HiD A� A.; � Stewart, ,.tiC· -hld.; J. B�., .z:own ; PPm�, .,' .. .�V.. Bates. Hillsdale. �icb.; T. Abe I�\L; � �� On�if.!;_�H.� .' Bitt ... -Tabam. D. Patterso, E •. Sb'at.tueh, ·bierg. R.,se�c1, Ray�ctlB. Cant­Genoa; F. Ellison, Fond du �; C,.; we;.c. �.I1&J.-: :oOak rm:k;. J.Moore Montrose CoIo.··II.'- Ward.. Wnl$t. Pro�; F.. �ughe� �u.nCortl�d. 0 ... E. Hill.., w: Fo� .B�� ·Di��.· �il��e:;.L. �fp3#. R;ment; C Haymond; $PrlngvilJc;Utah; Zci�.· F .. rfi�l� Ia.; �. C�rry. F.A. Carter.- Castle .H�igbts. Lebanon, Be_t�· R �be�� .• �al'bnf;: Tex.; E.Tenn.; R. Schneider. J. E�ortbs . Williams. �. 0 l!IeaAt· J.' W:.at�eI\o .LJ.KauJcakee; Hall, TOulon: L. Grimes., ,:\nderson, 2vanston A�d.� A .F�k­C. Hayden. MOIDeIlCe;. \\1. Camp- enbcrc.J •. Brown. F;. Safank, Medlll;bell. Carl SchUrz' H. Smith, J"'Lic- W: .�baDk, J •. Fluhre�,. CentralJ, !o­berman. Marshali·· F I,Cavanaugtt. ledo; 0.;' P .. Carberry; S� IgnatiUs;Little Rock, Ark.; }.' Cannoa, Jack-' c. . S.ctt. 1tep.lin�. . Re�m. . Hyde,. sonville; J. Powers,: Cedar Rapids, Park: . F. SbiVUlck .. �·: Gil�rta _ W:la.; M. Gearon. St. Phillips; G.. Park- Cooper, �.f�, U�lversl� bign,el'_ StocktOD, CaL; P� Walton, Nobles- O. · ...... lcL .��. Ins�� . �chle.ble. 'S.ville. lnd.: P. Pohl� Pa1atiJae; W. Moore. HlckitOn. C�!!: C .. Ren:'Scott, S_ Landers ,Oregon; J. Irish; frow_ Toakawa. O�la.: A._ KrumOak Park; J- Tierney. St. Ignatius; ho1z. Lao.; J. Harns. Desp1aine�; A.A. Bernstan,; ProYiso; u' Kilf07. •. MeUor. J .. Evans. West Des. Momes,Fail'field, .Ia.; I Curry. F. Betts. liar:, I�; A. Sweet. La. �range; M�Der­lin, Texas: J. Walker. Koch. Enns.,;· m�tt. N�� �cknson. BataVia: L.ton academy; H. Fay4. A. FrankeD�' kti.nc, Rice Lake. Wis.: M. �bert,�nl'Ker� Medill: E. Vail.' H. Rab-. 1. �es. H�y;. K;.,ILahart. Cen.­straw, J. F1uh�. CeDtral, Toledo; F. raL IIln�b •. �Inn.! :P. Farnham,Pershing, � H� Hyde Park; W. No� �IDneapobs, )lann .. ; P. liake,Carter. B. Young. University high;. F. F. WiUiaDas. Gary. ·.In�:_'� Felt<!n,Zoellin. Lewis institute; D. Woleben, M. Ettenke... West Dlvlslo� �a1- , •••••• ·f •• 1 �. I.' ,.C. Mapire, Marengo: Jo� Crane; waukee; A.' Young,. MenolDlDcc,C. Renfrow, Tonakw;a. Old_; L Bott, �; Blakeley, B_rookings. S: D.; J.Desplaines; A. Mellor. J. EYUIIIt :A�ruster.�. Lalit.. Lake V�ew; _D.West, Des Moines; \Y. Frey. .La I!mlllall, PnVlso; Tobey, UniversityGran�. R Mette Hammond. In4-; ·hiP; F. Stager. Lake· ForesLC. Mathe,",. M�rton bigh. Cicero; 110 Y" Raa.. /McDermott.. Newton, Sac:kriSOD W. E1Qenoa. Interlaken;. R�e.Council, Batavia; L Kline, Rice LaIc .. MonDett. Tho ...... Bunker HIll··�II. Co "",heV'sWis.; J. Peterson, Centnl, Minne-, AcacL; � Lyons, F. Shepard, ,HillS: eTapolis; G. Landy. No"b Minneapolis: dale' .lItCh.; E. Chalk, Rock Island,C. Foran. Aledo; S. Schwengu, West �. BIrch, Fond cJa Lac; F. Go�d�'Division. M.uwau� Wi .... �. lloatro� Cal: Green, Walker. Tou-Aberdeen. S. D. . .": �' Ion; G. Jlolt.. Ma�hall high; H.no YaaI Dalla. . Leno .. J. Kurrey. Little Rock. Ark.:C. Hoyt. Greenfield, Ia.; C. Neil- W. Cammings, Hector, Minn.: C;. • •••••• � ••••••••••••••••••!Ion Ardmore. Olda.; J. Ga11ow�, Showalter. R. Tam, Bumetts Cr- �Hobart, Okla.; R. Cook. Boswell, Ind.; J •• Powers, Cedar �apids, la.:Ind.; W. Roberts, Intel'laken; Brad- H.' Cottingham. NobleSVIlle; J. All '..'': .�:' .. tt."( .•\----'w{oRFOlJ(fNiw� -l­. ARROW·C"OLLARHIGH IN' WIE BACltANDLOW IN I'RDNT 2. far2Sc.. ' .' "-! a..a.�aCo.. __ "'"Mea's' Furnkblngs...� ... - ' ..... ".. - ""� ., ".�. .Fine Aaortmeat of.Ballilila' Goods .. atSo. East Cor� 55th aQd EDi.BASEBALL RETURNS.87 IDDiDp.TO STUDENTS ENTERINGADVERTISING WORKWe baYe aD aceDeDt open­ing for ODe who 1m make amoderate inftStIIleDt. BaaiIlea ia atabIiabed � a pro­fit-pQer. IDqain careDAlLty MAROON XY-3-PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS'.'�, in' the �room as well as o�,the campus are only won. bytrainiD,. Fit yourself-get the last ouncc that', in you., '. D�in� :,' "aDd you·n be able to do better work.. \'igor-deliglltfully'whomme. .. ..... -Iem.w.,�·1Wnt ..........Demand � Ceiauloc-Refue SabldlIIICa1BECOCA.coLACO .. � c;..you see anArrow thinkof Coca-Cola.. ,'t . �.1 .:. ........ I •$5.00 ;.f6�,::lnree Months�. . . .,. i �I,:� ����.�.,. ','"';.',),:" ; :� : .. ':, .. ";'• .' '. It',",! ':. ,� .� ... .. � .. � ��. - � .1IIah Mari'ow.u •.. �eat.�� .. b1IiI4er�.' .it is reCoDmi�e(rb� P��� - �.:, " t,•II,- ...... ' ..I�. 'Druggists sen It.. ," �': ...l 'I ���·.of � .'" _. ,ALMA 'MATER· .. ,.'o· ·'10," •IICA!�J lalt l�t8i· DepartJneot2304-8 Somh: Park Avenue.,Pho_ �S401,-------------------------------------------------------, .� a. ..4 L.L.I ••••�.D.D.aA���M�•••_� �.�.a.a.a.aL .•We are abcnriDc • smart line of "British" Tweeds for Eaa1isb �Saits, "ScotCh" u.d "Irish" Home spuns for Norfolks aDd the patestline of Flann. for Tro�ers we have ever abowo.spec:\at values r. $30 for suitsand $8 for trouse rs or Knickm.',�. �""'- ---,.J 1. ,.,x. La .. � 81 .....n .' a. JI4!'ftI'Oe Street........... a..... TAILOR FORYOUHGIIBRA. N. J�REIIS. lluapr.PatrOnize larooD Advertisers,, '"" .........,. \ ...-�-�---------------- ,�. . ' .. ' _ .. ,.. : ..... .". ,..,TRB·:DAILY. :JiAa�X., sATriRDAY. JUNE i: i�i3 -(Continueci from paae OIl,,) th� faculty, b�sebaU team. was forcedto walk off the' field in the eighth in­ning after having the game won forover half of the' entire session. Thescore was 5 to 2 in favor of the Sen'iors. The faculty easily played thebetter game up to. the sixth inning,when poor fielding gave the Seniorsfive funs. In the seventh the facul­ty made a struggle and barely missedtying the score. Nichols. Page andShockel were heavy hitters. Nicholspoling a home run and Page andScheckel hitting for three bas�s each.I n the. eighth innina. due to in'juries. the faculty was unable to mus­ter a nine, and the game was called.The Score.Faculty (2) R HAP EMerrifield. lb 0 1 0 0 0Reed, t: ••••••••••••••• 0 0 2 4 0Nichols. 2b : .. 2 1 1 6 IPage. I> •••••••••••••• 1 2 9 0 0Kyes, ss '..•........... 0 0 I 0 'J>Moulton. of 0 2 1 2 0Gale. rb •..•.•.••...••. 0 0 0 8 IMcKribben. rf 0 0 0Chamhertain- If .•...... 0 0 0 0SchockeL If ••.••.••••• 0 1 0 0. Totals ......•..... 3 7 4 21Seniors. (5) R HAPCatron. ss .•.......... I 0 1Scofield, ab •• ' .•••••••. 0 0 3Boyle. xb, lb I ( 2Freeman, p •.......... 0 0 4 0.. of California and Cope of Illinois are (Continued from page one) Steinbrechea, c I 0 I 9 0bo h Ill' • Goetrler, If .•....•..•.. 0 0 0 ( 0.t good men. IDOlS seems to h Hunter. d. lb .... : ... 0 0 0 I 0ha·'- the edee in the naarter where came t e program _of dances. The Pai� '" 1>- - I' b J arne, Tf •••• � ••••••••• I I 0 o . 0Cortis �d 'Sanders look good for most app ause was received y ames Carpentez. p, cf ••••••• I I 8 0 0first and second. Scott of Purdue will Dyrenforth in the Spanish dance of Totals. . . . . . . .. . . .. 5 3 20 23 0the Blackfriflr show and by the ten Faculty.. . .. 0 0 2 0 0 1-3'7-3give them both a close race. Senior 0 0 0 0 5men who took ·part in the' sword r Ho�e' :':'n--Nochols.o ThreG-e 5b-a3-:'eParker and Applegate will meet .• .._dance. The rest of the program was hits-Page and Scheckel. Two bas xagain in the two hundred and twenty a series of folk dances. English.' Hun- hit-s-Carpenter; Stolen bases-Moul.yard dash) and here Parker is given garian,' and I talian, arranged by Miss hon, Paine. Base on balls-off Page. the call because of his strength. Ames' . I: off Freeman I. Struck out-byHinman and performed by members Page. 4: by Carpenter, .5'. by Free­has a. good man in Kaiser and Illinois of her classes and by women of the man c, Umpire--Anderson. '99. Timei:l well represented by Cortis, Ward University. The Maypole dance -J :15. .ane! Matthews of Chicago have a. was the concluding spectacle.chance for places. Athletics End Program..Missouri Is Broad Jamp Pick. The last half' of. the festival wasT'h� broad jjump shOuld be easy occupied with athletic events, thefor Nicholson of Mi�uri� with Medic-Divine rela., and the faculty­Husted arid Nevins "of Illinois' Dext_ senior baseball game. The'1'elay raceCHANCES BRIGHT· POR Thatcher of Missouri. Van Ghent of.RECORD CONPERENCB Wisconsin·, . Eichenlaub of NotreDame. and Norgftn of Chicago have:chances in the shot put.Kuh of Chicago should .take sec-predict what points Chicago willscore, although the Varsity bas achance to place in all events exceptthe middle and long distance ruDs. ,.The hundred yard dash is likely tobe a dual race between Parker of Chi­cafio and Applegate of Purdue. ond in the low hurdles with Kirkseyof Missouri first and Case of Illinoisthird. Osborne. the star Northwest-ern runner, .is the favorite in thehalf mile. Murphy of Missouri andHenderson of Illinois will give hima hard race. Wickham. another Mis­souri man. is slated to win the twomile run, Kraft of Northwestern isChances however. seem to favor theChicago man. Parker has never beenpushed in this event this year. and he nearly as good and Spray of Missouriappears to have lots of reserve a close third.strength left for the final spurt ... He Gold Is Favorite.has won the dash easily i� all meets Gold of Wisconsin. who vaultedthis year. Torme� of Wisconsin 'and twelve feet six inches in the IndoorKnight of Chicago look good for. Conference. should win the polethird and fourth positions. vault. Eddie Thomas, who made a.N"'lCbolson Picked. record of twelve feet four inches iitNicholson of Missowi is generally the vault . two weeks ag�. wilt givehim a hard fight if he is in shape.conceded the one hundred and twen­ty yard high hurdles. His closest Schobinger of Illinois. who has beenrivals are Case of Illinois and 'Kuh of handicapped by a bad ankle, sbouldChicago, but the. Mis�our:ian ,seems vlace third ..to have the edge on both of them.Thorsen and Kraft of Northwestern FRESHMEN WIN HONORSIN SPRING FESTIVALseem to be the .best in the mile. butThorsen has the -ktter record. WoodSeniOI"R Give Dinner.The Senior men will give a din' i,ncr. Monday - �igbt at the Wind!!r_�.: !mere hotel. after the University sing., !.�orman Elmstrom. i. in charge of Ithe arrangements "�or the affair.in' line. . Little is known 'of the men .�. won by the' Medics. . The .mem­'in' the discus. Thatcher of . Missouri bers of the two teams were Di·is given first, Ruffner of Purdtle sec- -rines-Sbatt�c� Mather, Conrad,ond, Des Jardien of Chicago third. Anderson! �cCoughy, and,Walrath;and Butt of <Illinois fo�rth.: ,-.:' Wahl Medics,. Molande", Montgomery.of Wisconsin, Nicholson of Missouri. Nichols, �unte,., and Stout.and Scnraeder of WisConsin appear .FaCulty Loses to Seaiors.to be the best in the high jump. With nearly an their men crippled , ...PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS_. .' AIIuBJOIBRTa. 1 AIIU8 BIDII__TS_JEFFERSON I'PRINCESS. ._ s1net':'" LUe A� . I tint Chicaco AiPaa- .. 5 �________. Lew'Yaelda'� Pracata: : -, . '".WILLIAII -COLUER.. in ....-evei- � me.. ..EIIPIESS•I·!I TIlBATal........, .. c. ...... _SULLIVAIf a cORamum ROVBLTt PHOTOPLAY�IC:KSUllllDeI' Prica: $I.so. No Hicher!,edDaday "'tL, $I.oc:»WHEN DREAMS COilE 'i'TRUEwith J«*pIa Saatley . _,,� • Splea61 � aad ProdDctIc.PRODUCIRO ··DKP�.' ''IOIUGIITsEVERAL GOOD REELS,ADIllIlUO. 'AIIIIOUIIC8,In New Soap aDd a lIonolope OIlHeakh aad Beauty.BELL FAMILYIn an Artistic: Musical Act.Hugb J, Emmett ct Co .. ; ThreeGIinHrettis; Smith. Cook • Bran­den; Hany BreeD; AsaJd; TalkinlMovin£ Pictures.J. .: .... Plow, aD __ •••••• Ie-DB MOHDBMAJ�TICLILLIAN RUSSELLMOVIIIG KlIIY GORDONPlCTURBS Homer B. IIaoa ct IIarpret Keel­ei'; Wood • W�e. Primao&e Four;ROIDaDO Bros.; F1J'an • IIcLaaab:;liD; Rea17 L:ewia; 1I0YiDc T'aIIdagPictara.EVENINGS ONLY'�"':l1pmca- THE WORLD IN CHICAGOExposiitoa aDd Paceaat now openCOUSEtJlIlWay Weekday 12 noonto 10 P. II.A WORLD'S FAIRAdm ..... qci CbiIdreD, lsa.AUDITOItIUIIPAOBART OJ' DAItDBSS. AND LIGHTPInt TIme .. CbIcqo; a llaaal&ccatIpect8cIe..pc to 'LSO; ..... r .....TEN CENTSCOlO'S ,lADCORTII. B. WARJlER'(Tbe' 0riaIaal � ValeDtiDe)ia "Th. Ghoat Breaker." .,Fenn'g. I: Sat... �� SOC '��so.W .. 1Iat. SOC; '1.00,THE TIE TOE lIAR OJ' OZ, '. EzceDeat c.tA WldaI.W of IIowIdIa... ' --. -I o' ,. •• _ .,' - ..' . '". - .",�.��� .. ��� .. � - -,TO 'SELF-SUPPORTING '.. STUDENTS. "INVESTIGATE,THE PHOTO MACHINEA DIME - A 'MINUTE .; A. PICTURE..w.'. .MONEY MAKIN G: OPPORTUNITYFor student workers at .Summer Resorts or inthe Home Town dllring'\y�cation or at Collegeduring term time. Price' oi. Machille Witb 2500, Plates, $Z58.00� Easy P��ents.PHOTO MACHINE· COMPANY, Inc,,30 East 23rd Street •. N�w·York. -f.'1.\\\I N V E S' T' M. E N T' SWe bave two �.OOO � ave-,._r 6 ... � on two P�I� w1tbln • r�wb:oca of CIbe UDiv«1tit7. 'l"bt buU41np 00 wbleb (.ben hus are made are h� cr.uS"Income propertJea of tile bat coo«ru0t4on ttmJuahout. and -located tn the bMl 8rOlionof HJde Park. '. !, .• '.'Property ya1uatSoD In eadl ca_ S. at It''tWt tw4ce the amount of ttle loaD.We ..., _W OIl band ottMr blab lrJ1l�mOnP8K 'and Real' Estate banda OIl 80�Bide pr"OP8R7. & .. 01. wbIcb we woules bep:fUieod (0 8eOd upon app11c:ation.PW parUeu:an: .dd�Fort Dearborn Trust �·Savin2s'BanllRE4L ESTATE'LOAN DEPARTMENT '.' J ,1I0!'fflOIl: A.�D '�RK, 8';rR&ETS •.Telephone: Randolph 4301 : F. A. Myren# Mer... 'Aristotle calls mem­ory "the scribe 'of the'-soul, ,Happy will yoube if somewhere onher tablets she writesfor 'youVelvet is n<;>t easily'forgotten. after you. have once knoWn its,delightful fragrance. and tasted of its deeprichness. And its r�membrince is nevermarred by thoughtsof burn or bite.. .'.<o!.'.. �IIICAG ••IIll oa.ap an... ...... '!,' -w� Ride '�ir'�fn" .,', ",'It. : ....... ,. 't... ---------------�------------��-.-�.-�}�.--'-,------------ - :'t."� -r,,. .PatroEe · Olll c··Advertisers·•