VOL. XI. No. 154. mailgPRICE Fl VE CEl'TSUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY • .TUNE 5,1913.Tue of War Substituted-JuniorsWill Advertise F"estival at 10:15 Beaia IatencJ.Iutic TOIII'IIaIIleDt ODToday. UlliYeniIJ Co.ts nis After-... at 2WILL ENTERTAIN THE VISITORSB� Strid�y ! .lfonnal-Me!l,Will Wear Wbi .. e Trous�rsand Blae «, ats. , sor Gale. Associate Professor Harveyanti Mr. Merrifield will be the judges Prep Night Is Planned for Tomer-of the floats in the parade at the, row in Mandel-Tickets Freetht Assistant Professor Field. Assist­ant Professor Flint. Associate Profes-Spring Festival tomorrow. In choos­ing the committee an effort wasmade to have as many departmentsas possible represented to do awaywith any question of favoritism.The Juniors have selected Walter.Kcnnedy as guard from their class totake th� place of Earle Shilton whohas left the city to take up his sum­mer posrtron, Examinations inter­Iere with a representation from theMedical school. and it is possible thatthe !\[edics may not even be able to on Request.Starting this afternoon the Univer­sity campus is to be converted intothe scene' of the biggest interscholas­tic meet ever held since the idea wasfirst introduced twelve years ago.The field and track events will beheld Saturday and are expected tocontinue during the greater part ofthe day but this afternoon and to­morrow afternoon will see the ten'nismen battling for supremacy on thehave a relay team. If they are un- University courts.able to appear. the race will be run Play Tennis Today. -�between six men from the Law school In all more than one hundredthighand six men from the Divinity school. school men representing thirty' dif­Each man is to run 100 yards on the: -ferent schools throughout the Unitedturf since the track cannot pe used as States are to start the tennis match­it witl be rolled fo� the Interschoi- this afternoon and, \\·itJ·conc1ud�':·i.hem.astic. .when the finals _ are.ito hc' staged to­morrow. States, as far cast as Pennsylvania. as far south ns Tex�� andos far west as California arccto berepresented. -The larger number ofthe tennis play-ers are however iromschools closer' to honte snell as thep'rep scho�Lof�.lll�iana �nd _��inne-sOc3.'- . _.. ...... J .. -,-This will however be" only the be­ginning rif wh�t' is considered theIa..gest interscholastic meet ever held'as the real 'battle comesioff Satur-day. All the candidates who are tocompete in Saturday's big go are ex­pected to" be on hand' by 'Fridaynight and the University faculty' andstudents are expected to unite 'in a.bOdy to show them "'hat real stuff_Chicago is �ade of by holding whatWill here':'after b� known as Prep nightin Mander hall. ,. Previous to' thepresent' yca'r the entertainment com­mitt�e IJas been accustomed to takingthe' new comers off the campus tooffer' them amusement 'but this yearthe old idea is to be discarded.Prep Night Tomorrow. 'The program which has been an­nounced for tomorrow night: start­ing at 8. will be featured mainly byDr. Monilaw's illustrated lecture onParade to Form at 1:30.,The parade' will form promptly atI :30 in front of Cobb, will go' toLexington avenue and then to themain entrance 'of Marshall' Field.passing before the crowd ,and, jthejudges. Then jt will form a semi­ci�i��-;-�- background 'for \he dan�es._These dances will take' �bout -forty­five 'minutes. and wil] be followed bythe Graduate school relay.The push ball. contest . betweenSnetJ and Hitchcock has been Can­celled. and a tug of war substituted,As the nearest push ball is in IowaCity it was thought inadvisable: totry to get it. Entrants for the tug­of-war should be banded jn to Ull­man- Ferguson and Arlt in Snell. ,andto Rogers Shuster and Roe in' Hitch­cock. A dozen men are wanted fromeach hall. Helene Pollak 'is arranginga potato race for the' women of thedifferent halls. Each contcstant \vitl.run about fifty feet with a potatoI halanced on a spoon.'Women to Play Ball.Council Elects OffiCers.'1 '11 I The Freshmen and Sophomor wo-The U n�ergraduate counc, I WI I, men are to have a baseball game inmeet in Har:per 10, today. 12:,H -, •to eJect officers for next year. (Continued on page 4)- . -- /FOUR liD 01 MmOR. i ··VAiSmPLlYSPURDUETODAY· COLEMAN WILL LEAD FACULTYMEMBERSWILLJUDGE HIGH SCHOOL TENNISTEAiIS GET 1IAJ01· 'C' Tam Woll �� � at La- JUNIOR WING AT HOP Push-Ball COllt� Cancelled bat MEN COMPETE TODAYiBuN .. c.....a Gins ... · .......T--.G,......· ...F .... , .. ·AWARD TENNIS lElTEImt*o-. IGreene, Squair .. ParldDaon aDd MerrillAr� GiVal �mb1ems for: IDcli- Ividual Work .Vote in Favor .f Point S�tem.Four.hundred and and eighty-se�envotes were cast in favor of the Pointsv�"em at the ballots taken at the�Ilapel assemblies during the lastk C'-venteen voted against ,thewee . ..,.; fQette in FiDal' Game of Season-Maroon Team Expects Easy Vic- Noqrea WDI PIa, .. .......---CUtory. Not Get B.ck. T.-e foro...e_ Chicago is the fav�rite in today'sball game with Purdue at Lafayette.The Varsity will leave early today forLafayette and, will. return tomorrowmaking the train from there at fourFriday morning. Purdue was beaten,by I ndiana this week and does' notappear to have a strong team., Nelson Norgren. star first basemanfor the last two years, decided to sac,rifice pleasure for duty and will ac­company the team to Lafayette in­stead of leading the Junior wing ofthe Inter-Class Hop tonight. Thegame with Purdue was originallyscheduled for Friday, and it was'thought that Norgren would be ableto be' present at the dance.wm Not Affect Title.The result of today's 'game willhave, no bearing on the Conferencechampionship as Illinois arid Indianaare too far behind to overcome Chi'cago's lead even though Purdueshould win from the Varsity. Purduehas played only a few games thisyear. and has. been beaten easily b�llinois and Indiana. : I'�ear-Book Is Dedicated to �rs.CharleS Hitchcock, Donor of. Jim'. Dormitory.On the heels of the Snell hall Cool:rissued recently comes the equally iJi­teresting ,Hitchcock Annual which�JJ be out today. The A�In"'al is af�rty-eight page booklet. attractivelyprinted. illustrated and bound. I t isdedicated to Mrs. Charies Hitchcock�Whose generosity made possible oucampus home."An editorial column opens the pub­iication. There are poems and art·icles, including To Our Lady of For·eign·Lands, a poem by Raymond An-r,,derson; Historiae Nostrae Aulae, by.Thomas W. Goodspeed; and an interview wi-th Associate Professor Roh­ertson, bead of Hitchcock house.A communication from PresidentIJudson in the book reads in part a�,f�lIows: ""The institution of th,,',I ,�House Year Book' is another out-'I,,crop of that spirit' so gratifying tcMrs.' Hitchcock and all'of us interest·•c:d in Hitchcock house.' Many of VOl.1 h�ve had the pleasure of mcetin� il�your library on Sunday afternoo;l,To all of you I am now glad to ex'te�d'through the pages of this A",wIlJ,,my �rmest good wishes.Very truly yours.Harrp Pratt Judson.Brief histories of the life antiachievements of the members of th.:hall form one of the book's most in'teresting fe�tures. Various squibs- �r('intenpened with the more for�lalmaterial'that constitutes the publi·�ystem.Will Have No 1I0re P. C. Cl_-:- cation.Men's Physical Culture classes wdl Hermann Deutschchief of the ", .. "fUJI.For the first time in the history: ofathletics at the University four major{:'s' were .awarded to athletes 'inminor sports at the meeting of the'Athletic Board of Control yester�y.The major 'C' was awarded to twotennis men. one member of, the gym­nastic team and one fencer.George D. Parkinson, captain of thegymnastic team, is the second mart toreceive a' major Ie' in gymnastics... Pink" Davis was given a major Iet­ter'two years ago for winning the 'in­di\;du�1 'Conference cha.mpions�ip.I arkinson won the highest honorsin the gymnastic champioriship meet.held by the Western ConferenceAthletic Association' at Madison ;nMarch. He has been on the team forthree years, and has been the main';;lay of the team for two years. Hehas won points in the various dua: Baumgartner or Carpenter will s .arimeets with Wisconsin and 1Ilitioh in, the box. Carpenter has been dis­during this time. Squair is �n all, playing good form although he hasround man but specializes in tu�b1, not been used in many Conferenceing, the'horizontal bar,'and the ririgs; _games. Cl.eary and Kixmiller will be. 'Greeae' WiDS'. Leuu. ,I I, / �,: reserve.. !l!�c�r�_,.._ .!�e _ .�eg���_-AI6�rt�L':-:'G���:win'Dei 'of-'� 'thf'· �liDeup<)'WiU ·start·tHe'pme atthoughWester� I rit��c�ll;�te champ�on' Page)Vi1l probably give a number orship -in tennis ,singles. � aWardee' 'th� substitutes a chance,the major letter. together with Alex· HITCHCOCK ANNUAL W,ILL. ander Squair �th whom he wOn tht I, APPEAR'ON CAMPUS TODAYConference' championship. in thedoubles. Green has been on the te;au;for three. years and was captaiD: in1912. He defeated Squair of Chicagcill· the finals for the singles championship. Greene was also the runnelup in the Wisconsin state cbampion'ship last year.Alex Squair was awarded the majo:letter for the second time in tennis.lIe· won his HC" last year for Iri�good work in the singles being .de­feated only by Armstrong of Mi�ne­sota in the finals in this evel!_t. Halfa dozen major letters have beenawarded to tennis players 'in the his'tory of the sport at the University.Gardner. Carr, and Gray, the _nrierso( thc Conference championship attimes, have been among those giventhe major letter.Merrill Is FeaciDc Captaia.Robert V. Merrill, captain of the('ncing team, was awarded the majorletter. He won the Western lnt�­!Collegiate championship i� th� foilsthis year, and also got second placein the saber. He has won in dualmeets against Wisconsin and Illinoisin the past two years. Merrill.ls a,senior in the University and has beenawarded the Rhodes scholarship. for1913-16.DOt meet tomorrow. was cditor·in"START'DANCE AT I:IS SHARPWillThomas will lead(Continued on page ,3.)library Committee toHold Its Final Meeting TO HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE-Will Unveil Tablet to Dean BelfieldThis Aftem�n.The J{evloIds dub library commi: f(·scnlative. The committee as con- Dr. Henderson. :Mr. Nohle: Judah.tee will hold its annual meeting 0: stituted witl probahly serve through Jr. and Principal Johnson of �h� l"ni­the year early next week to decide n�xt Autumn quartcr. after which' its �ersity high school will spcak �t thehow hest to,advance the plans for a. pl'fsonnd /'Yill be changed., It is. Memorial service ths afternoon at 4-lihrary for the Reynolds duh. The I pJ�nned to have an alumni represent- i�1 Mandel for Dean Henry H()lme�dub has appropriated $.200 to he paill ativc 011 the cOIl)miuee in the future, Rc:1fic1d., President Judson will pre­Decemher I, H)13. on condition that I Thc tihrary wiJl illchure works of side. A commemorative tablc� prl'­Sf.oo additional is raised before that contcmporary fiction. Contemporary sented by alumni Of �he .. Chic;lg"otime. The committee expects little orama and ('ssays, biography. travel. Manual Training high school will he(iiitlculty in raising the amonnt studies in society and economics, ath· unveiled. All fricnds of Dr. Bclfiddnecde(t. It, is thought that a goofl letics and sports. education and Uni- have been invited to be p�e�e,nt.start can be made with $1000. and it versity of Chicago material. The Mr. Belfield was dean of the Chica­is planned to have the library ready hooks wilt he iml11ediatcl� availahle. go Manual T�ai�ing high sch�!>{fromfior usc January I. to the mcmbers of the club: there its, founding in 1886 ,t� the time itThe Reyn�lds 'club library commit- will hc no red-tape in connection \\;th 'ne�ged with the .S�mth ,�ide academytce includes the follOwing: Hiram The to form the Unh'ersity high s�hooJ.using the l)ooks in the club. ' ,Kennicott, chairman; Frederick ]:-Ie became 0!1� of, �h.e .. two de.a�s oflihrary" wiil he put upon an honorCroot. secretary; Cowa� Stephenson, the ,new high. school a�d served inlibrarian; Clyde Joice; Earl Shilton; hasis and free aecess and no restric- that capacity until 1908. His' death,Percy Holmes Boynton, faculty rep-. tions will be the nile. t, .occurred a year ago today. -"{ , A',ColemanJunior wing of the annual Intlerclasshop tonight in artlett in tbe place of:\ elson � orgren who is:.� illg to playhall at Purdue this aft I noon �ndwitJ not be able to get back in time.The leaders for tonight are : ChesterBelt and Florence -Rothermel, Sen­iors; Thomas Coleman and Ruth'\gar. Juniors;' George Lyman andSally Louise Ford. fophomores:Gale Willard and Grace VanEvera,Freshmen.Have Twenty-Eigb� Dan:es.The dance will start promptly at8:15. There will be twenty-eightdances and no extras. I t will bestr ictly informal throughout. and themen foilowing the usual custom. will'Wea� white tro�ser� and blue coats.J 50 couples will attend.DOCTORS 'TO :MEET 'MONDAYPresidene Judson to Preside at 'As­sociation's ��, :r.Ieeting�,Members of,the University, association of Doctors of Philosophy wil.hold their an�ual .luncheon and election at the Quadrangle club Mondh.ynoon. President Judson will be hostat the luncheon, in accordance witl.the custom established by the latlPresident Ha'rper, founder of the as­sociation.F otlowing the luncheon there wit.be an open discussion of the rece�t(.ommittee report relative to the se­curin� of teaching positions for themembers of the association. Fullyninety per cent of the 700 d�ctors ofthe University are 'holding teachingpositions.THE DAtLY MAROON, THURSDAY, JU�E S. t9t�'STEVENS SCHOOL OF IIUSICTO COIIHEliCE RUT YEAR CLASSIFIEDDVERTlStJUNIS .The Daily' Maroon.......... 4Pa .�"""'JI , .. morrow, 12:30, Hutchinson-Bulletin and Announcements.JUDior CoUece CUpel-Final exer­cises, 10:1.5, Mandel.UDdercra�e Council-12:45 Har­per Mlo.Y. W. C. L. Senior Heetinc-lo:15.Lexington.Cbicaco Eveninc Post-Women'sSupplement staff, 1 :15, Cobb lIB.lim's Glee C�3, Reynolds club.Hitchcock DinDer Postponed.Sopbomorea--Class luncheon to- llaaical Director Win Laaacb Pri­vate Enterprise at the UIIi­venity.Com- WANTED-Plain and fancy sewingat reasonable rates. Universitypatronage especially solicited. Mrs.C. Ryan, 565� Drexel avenue.�O.a&�..,. aGO. ,...; SLGO • CI--.,. aoo & ,_,.; a.a • ClDUUr..auocu.� aoft'O"..... � •• -•• '&n7�ca-... (WI ... .,... , • � BbeU� WIIIIIIIIaa z... ....� • W&u.Iaaa 141ua. . mons.Spring Festival-Tomorrow, 2:30,Marshall F1leld.Intencholastic We1come-Tomor­Dramatic Art will be the most im-The Stevens School of Music androw, 8, MandelIDtedc:hoIastic lleet-Saturday 1!45Marshall Field.Seniors--Get costumes, tomorrow,1 :30, Ellis 8.No Men's Pbyaic:al Cul�ure c:luaea portant addition to the University'sworld of music for next year. I t isfelt by many members of the facultyand the student body that it will fill:l long felt want. Instruction will begiven in piano-forte, organ, voice.YioIiD, theory, public school music...and many other branches for which a.demand has been emphasized. Thiswill be the' private enterprise of Mr.Stevens, and will have no. direct �f­filiation with the University, but wiihave its favor, being directed by a.member of the faculty, and havingmany on its faculty ·who are associat­ed with the University. The work 0the school will be so arranged as: tcfit in with the University schedule asmuch as possible .The prospective faculty· of-.,th,School of Music and Dramatic Art isas follows: Assistant ProfessorBlanchard of the Public. 'SpeakinJ;department, band instrumenits; .--.lIr.M. J. Brines, Tenor Soloist of theFirs� Presbyterian church of Chicagovoice; A�ociate Professor fClark 0;the Public Speaking department, pub­lic spe\':i.tg; Miss Jenn) Dufau f)the Chicago Grand Opera company• I ,J;..vorce; Hermann Felber. ;:sr.. of theChicago Symphony orchestra, violin'cello; Herman Felber Jr., of the Chi­cago Symphony orchestra, violin:Mrs. JanJes Hilton, violin; Miss Hin­man. with her school pf gymnaSticand folk dancing; Mrs. Mary R Kerr,of the School of Education. lectureron Pedagogy and Psyehology of mus­ic; Konrad of the Chicago Sy;m7•_.' 1 •;.>h?ny orc.hest� �ola; Mrs. �ew';a�Mdler, plano and harmony; Miss�aomi Nazor, soprano of the St.James M. E. church, voice; MissHelen .)l�lecek, �children's depart�ntof piano; Mrs. H. E. Slaught, wift ofProfessor Slaught 'of the Mathem1uical department, piano; Mr. R E.Stevens, piano-forte and Organ; MissLyrraine Votaw, public school musicand voice Miss Barbara. Wait, �on­tralt.o; Julian Worthington, bass 'Ofthe Imperial quartet, voice; . Mrs.Young, Piano; and Alexander Zukow­sky of the Chicago Symphony or­chestra, violin.Another possible depa�ture of nextyear will 'be the production of one ofthe light standard operas. under thedirection of Mr. Stevens. It willprobably be produced out of doors,and the cast will be chosen from. thecombined men's and women's" Gleec1ub� with particular stress laid onthe vocal qualifications, instead of on. the dancing and acting ability as informer years.I t is also possible that next yearwill see the students orchestra handlethe work of the Blackfriars for thelirst time. I f this plan meets with theapproval of the Blackfriars the or­chestra will be trained with that inview from the first of the year. Inany case it is thought that next year'sorchestra will prove exceptionallystrong.] t is hoped that the beginning 01next year will see a weekly Univer­sity sing in wlrich all undergraduat('swill participate. STUDENTS. desiring to makeGOOD MONEY by selling anarticle of real merit. write us atonce. Eas:ly handled on sparetime. Owasco Supply Company.�x No. 225 Auburn. N. Y .LO'ST-Between the School of Ed­ucation and Ellis Ave and 61st St.,about the hour of one P. M. Mon·day, a gold broach with three opals,Finder please return to MidwayStudio, 6016 Ellis avenue,tomorrow.4- ••• "jceti_ •. DOROTHY LLEWELLYN WINSREMINGTON TYPEWRITER NO.7-ln good running order. Willsell for less than one fourth of costto prompt buyer. Tel. H. P, 28jlor Address S. G. 1360 E. 58th St.. Telephone Service.To the Editor:After 10:30 at night it is impossiblesuddenly in the night. Before a doc­tor could be called, it would be-necessary that some one dress andgo over to North or some buildingon the campus that has a telephonenot on the local exchange.If there is a hurry call from a tele­graph office, from the long distancetelephone office or in case of an....,� ...... BaIIIDc • • o.r.. ......... a'lIJeIIl • - •• 0.... Cka7aMtoda.J Wd .A.� .... 1'.. emergency there is no way of reach-Kabat .IIatc:bIa- ing a student in one of the halls lateIWc.W-s � ....�' bMC'�'"H7de Park G701 (after. Po IL)lIa11 Boz .'0'. � _at . to get anyone on the University ex'change or to telephone from a num­..... --...... ber on the exchange. Suppose a stu·-.a...... dent in Hitchcock were to take sick................'� -.....i ....The Undergraduate coUDCil is ptr­Iettinc a plan of iDstructi�e taDr:s i forthe CIltIeriDc Freshmennec year. It hoPes tol'hshrnen, have these taJ& madebefore a required �­tendaDOe in Kent theater' every Wed;DeM1ay mbnIiDc. Widely known iu­stnlCtOrs and Uppen:Iasamm willapeak 'to the first year students onuaditious, the houor smtimeDt.atadieB, fratem£ies. campus actiri�es, and other' propositioas, informa­tiOD about which most of' as getthrough ;:we, or more years of thehial aad error method. The Y. I(c. A. and the men's committee of thHoaor association OIl '* other' baDdare taminc their atteDtiOD towardpenonal lilies of COD� of upper­dzmnea with FpsJgnen. Theyhave writtea other Universities foracJviu:. aDd are now prepared to patinto operation a qstem of personalgaardianship for an newcomers.. bic:h 40es DOt differ' IDateri..aJlyfrom the system used by the Y. W.c. � ·this year. The co1lllCi11or holdscoasaltatioDS with his ward 01' wards,pides him throach the mass of redtape necessary to m� intro­duces him to others. answers the bundrecl and one qaestiODS the Frabmanhas to pat, and eets him interated inhis stadies and the whole CbiQIOpropoai:iOD. To eet eaoacb upper­c1aamen in�erated to get advisorsand wards who are coaceaW, to ft)�bid &1l uppercJaaman raabiDc hisadv*e for a fratemi� are aome ofthe problema to be met. The resultsob:aiDed by the WOIIleD make theseobjections seem trivial If the menare touched ear17, they wiD have abettIer' Chicap spirit. and there willbe fewer dismiaal. at the _" of thefirst quarter for defidenq ill studiesaad for fau1� ataDdants of �ODea�,tbaII heretofore.(W. B. L.lNOTICE TO STAPP.AD members of the DAILY MA­ROON· ... iDast attfDd the fiaa1... IaDdIeoD todq at 1:1=45 ill8II1II" _ale.. I Entries in Interdua Evea:s Mast to decide which women will meet In'Be Handed in Today. the final round. Herald on Mondaydefeated Bernard Schockel, 6-2, 6-1,Entries for the I nterc1ass meet 6-2 in the semi-finals.must be turned in to the captains orto Chairman Libonati before noon to­day. The captains of the teams are:Seniors. 10hn Canning; Juniors, RudyMatthews; Sophomores, Paul Des­lardien, and Freshmen, Frank Whit­inl'.The meet will be held tomorrowrooming. There will be fourteen('vents. Any undergraduate is eligiblewho hall not won Ii flC" or numeralsin the neat he is eataecl ia.at night. The ordinary person wouldlook up "University of Chicago" inthe directory and when that did notanswer would despair of reachingthe student except by messenger.Then again there is much incon­venience toorganizations which havetelephones on the University ex­change. _ After 10:30 there is no way·of reaching even persons' not on thecampus as no connection is estab­lished with the central telephone sys'tem.Even-; if the University feels thatthere is no sufficient reason in theabove statement for keeping the ex­change open later at night, mightnot some arrangements be made tohave tbe operator at the Midway sta­tion answer the outgoing calls fromthe University after the local ex­change is closed.Respectfully.A. G. M.SENIOR lIEN WILLDINE AT WINDERMERECONVOCATION NIGHTThe last official gathering of theSenior men will be at the Winder­mere Tuesday night. The Senior menare �ted to adjourn to the Win·_dermere immediately after the U ni·\,ersity Sing. which will be overabout nine. The dinnt I' will be en­tirely Inform� with vanous informalspeeches' and songs in the way of aprogram. It is expected that overone hundred men will attend.TRACK MEET TOMORROW Dorothy Llewellyn became under­graduate tennis champion for thesecond time yesterday when she best­ed Frances Houston in a. challengegame 6-3./6-2. Miss . Llewellyn playeda . superior game, her shots beingswiftc:r, her serve better than her op­ponent's and her net game was goodAt the beginning of the first set the.two contesants played evenly, but to­ward the end of that set and duringthe next Miss Uewellyn tightened upand had her opponent guessing. Byrecapturing the tennis title, DorothyLlewellyn wins the silver tennis cupfor the second year. This cup is athree year cup and if the winnercaptures it next year the' trophy willbe hers.Isabella· Vosburgh won an indiovidual one' year cup when she defeat­ed Dorotb'y Lle-weUyn Tuesday forUniversity tennis honors. The cupswere presented to the winners. lastnight at the banquet. LOST-SItlClU field glasses, on cam­pus. Reward if returned to I n­formation office. or phone Midway6217.FOR RENT-For summer-Plea.s­ant. seven room furnished house .Rock Island train or street car to. ci�y .. $�.C? .per mo. L. B., 10750_: -Armida Ave., Morgan Park, - Illi.nois, - t_· ••·v.t:A�r��Room and board. to��o�.�g-Ia�y. at. Michigan' S�in'merR�sort' for 'aS�i;ti�'g '�ith:- 'Di"iting.. � . .. . .... r�om, work.. Refs. as. to character, .required._ Ph�n� Kenwood �2.,._FOR .RE�T-Furnished s��mer cot­. tage; 'io room's and bath, verandas.' ',' ..· �Irec�l'y o:ver1oo�i�g Lake Michi-gan •. .:arge wooded. lot, perfectbeach; grocery. delivery. F;ank­fort; Micbipn.:';"RentaJ_.$iSlL.'.Ad­dress C K. Chase, Hamlton CoI­.lege, Clinton, �� .Y.w. A. A. .PRESS AGENT'CAMPAIGNS TO GET�MATERIAL FOR SHOWA .. W. A. A. production will be giv­en next year provided 'that suitablematerial is handed in at the begin­ning of the- 'Autumn quarter. . Thisplay was decided upon at a, meetingof the association yesterday •. JanetFlannel' was �bosen press agent and\\.oill writ�>-i�tters t� the, WOJllen whoare contemplating writing sketches.During the :Summer she will keep intouch with them and know exactlyhow the work .is progressing. ����': �ANT�umuier, positions open. See H. :c.--Thomas0051 Ellis 'avenue, mornings 10-11:afternoons 2-4- Phone for appoint­ments. Midway 7906. Do not' de-. lay: 'WIDOW WANTS' WORK-Well·recommended: . Mr��. FrederiCkBrown, 5485 East End avenue andMrs. Charles S� Eaton, 5744 Kim­ba�k avenUe would call your at­tention to the needs nod skill ofMrs. Epstein. She does ,lairs sew­ing and . relines and repairs coats.H('r children will call for and re­turn' all' gannents. She' -deservesyour interest and' n�eds your work.Address: Mrs Epstdn.· 5436 Lakeavenue, (3rd floor) oP(1Osite Hyde�ark Center. . Sene! a post ��\.\' ANTED-A hustling represeDtatiYe. to sell. a popular·pri�:! toum dec:­oration. Especially suitable for coLle�e dens. . Libm.· comm;lSion.Only. ODe student at each· school,so write for fun particulars at once..The Mos1cin 'Company, 1264' St.Louis' Avenue. Chicap ID.MR. LOUDON TO, BE"GUEST AT .MfNUALRECE?rlON MONDAYHis Excellency Jonkheer John Lou·don. minister of. the Netherlands tothe United State� and the convoca­tion orator; will be the guest of hon'or at t�e annual Convocation recep­tion Monday night in Hutchinson11all and the Reynolds club. TheUniversity marshals and aides will bepresent. All members of the U ni­versiy have been invi·ted.·Three Place ill Walker PiDa1s..Wilbur Chamberlin. Alben Brokawand John Herald will play in . thefinals of t�e Geology department ten­nis tournament. Lots will be drawn FOR SALE-North Wisconsin Sum­mer camp location for sale. Tenvery desirable lots each SO ft. front­age on the Eagle chain of 27 lakes.Splendid location for club. Owner,£. S. Coleman, Eagle River, Wi ..Post Supplement Hold lleetiDc.The last meeting for the Post sup­plement board will be held today inCobb liB at 1:15. Final arrange­ments for the edition to be issuedWednesday wiD be decided upon. Anthe editors are asked to be present. • ,r. - ,READ THE ADSWANTED-Room and board toyoung man at Michipn Summer• Resort Camp for assisting withkit.en work. One who . can han­dle. sail boat preferred. PhoneKenwood �IN THE DAILY \fAROONTIle Dally Karooa .. DOW OIl ..............'al• I.,(THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. JUN£'s,19tj.,.'HIGH SCHOOL TEMJIIS cap really has 0 somethiDg besidesliEN COIlPETE TODAY athletics aDd that none �(its stu­dents are backward in showing thatCConti" .. ed from page'.., 'they are right in" the true Cbicag��e Olympic games· held last year in spirit. The Interscholastic �mmis­Stockholm Sweden. The men's glee sion has all. the honor of introducingdub has volunteered to furnish the • the new .idea, Tickets may be se­music and James Weber Linn, '97, • cured at !dr. Dinsmore's office and atwill speak to the st�gers in an il- the Information bureau.lustrated lecture on Campus Views. l-ioUowing are the entries for theTo wiud up the evening Erling Lunde field events as announced by Mr.will present a banner to the frat- Dinsmore yesterday:ernity which has shown enough Po1e Vault.Chicago spirit to have the best dec- F. Reavis. FaUs City. Nebr.G. Russ. Falls City. Nebr.orated house for the arrival of the R. Cook. Boswell. Ind.interscholastic teams. W. Ward. Boswell, Ind.The winner of the fraternity ban' A. Smiley. Boswell, Ind.C. Pullen. Hillsday, Mich.ner will be chosen by a committee M. Katzenmeyer, Hillsdale. Mich.consisting of faculty members. The T. Abraham. Geonalucky fraternity wrill be allowed to / C. Blackburn. Montrose. Colo.keep the banner for one year only, L. Ervin. Park. S. Dale.E. Hill, Bementunless the committee sees fit to re- M. Edgeworth. Kankakeeaward it next year. The fraternitY A. Petersen, Momence.holding the banner three years in sue- H.·Ward. John Marshall hIghKeopple, Little Rock. Ark.cession will be allowed to keep it J. Buckley, Longmont. Colo.tpermanently. Keen competition be- J. Cannon, Jacksonville, .tween the different fraternities is ex- L. Dutton. Anamosapected to result. J. Givard, Burnetts Creek. Ind.·H. Cottingham. Noblesville. Ind..Purpose of Entertainment.. K. Boeman, Grand Prarie semm-The purpose �r" Prep night is to ary, Onar£a. .show the visiting athletes ,that Chi- E. Adams, OregonS. Landers. OregonI. Curry, Marlin. Texas .....Gilbert. Evanston a(:ademy •• Evan-ston ..M. Hole. University highJ. Flisher. University highF Foss University highF: GiUi�s. University high. ..G. Sears, Lewis InstituteT. Larkin, Lewis InstituteKolb Crane Technical highK M'arlin Mt. Vernonn: McLea�. Lane Tech. highL. Howell. Central high, Minne-.apolis, Minn. (G. McLennan, Gary, Ind. 'I. Elser Gary. Ind. '-W Ayr�s, Lake View highJ. McCarthy, Wendell Phillips highF. Haugh. Lake. highM. Chafin Lake highH. Raym�nd,' East �Division· bigh,Milwaukee, Wis. -�;t -, i':· :.(-. Hammer.- .-0.J. Lane ,Greenfield. Iowa.II ' Fur'-. -kh· � Davis Bunker Hill Military acad"o ' •• eo, S D�mgs e�{' :e���:r ��� Ba�, wis.P. Manee: Hillsdale, Mich -.C. Adams. Hillsdale, Mich_.F. Walson, Hillsdale, MiCh,.c. O· ..... 7hey's E. Sutherd, VirginiaWW P. Prins, Whipple academy. ,Ja.cksonville . .So. East Cor. 55th and.EDi •. E. Traut, Fond du Lac, Wis.R. Loss. Montose. Colo.e. Blackburn, Montrose, Colo. .W. Bohm, Castle Heights scho�lLebanon. Tenn. '.•• ••• ••.• • • • • • •• • • • ••••••• 4 R. Wordsworth. Littlc Rock. ArkF. Bedell. Iowa City academy, low�City. Iowa. . •.H Ward Grand Pralne semInary.On� , .C._ Landers, Oregon.H. Goelitz, Oak' Park h1ghP. Trier, Oale Park highB. Stenberg. Lewis instituteR. Becker, Lane Tech. High,.E. Ulughey. Ukiah. CalifFisher. Watertown. S. D.Rust, Elk' Point, S. D .Wagoner. Belby, S. D.P. M�hel. Lake View high 'S. McMenemy. Lake Forest acadr.DlV. .K. Bunch. Lake Forest academy; Broad Jamp. '.'e.' eilson, Ardmore, Okl ..C. Pullen. Hillsdale, Mich.D Stewart, Hillsdale, Mich.F: Ellison, Fond du La�IW�S.L. Ervin, Parker, S. Dak •H WaFd, Cortland. Ohio:Q. Block, Kankakee .'.F. Kavanaugh, Little Rock, Ark.Koepple Little Rock. Ark.·J. Cann�n, JacksonvilleL. Dutton. Anamosa, IowaW. McKeon. St. I goatious academyG. Parker, Stocktotl. Cal.P. Walton. Noblesville. Ind.G. Humphrey. Pal�tineP. Pohlman. PalatIneW. Scott. Or'egonW. Ames, Oak ParkH. Goelitz, Oak ParkJ. Irish. Oak ParkR. Robertson, Marlin. T�xasBrandt. Evanston Academy, Ev:-n·stOD •e. Nemecek. Medill highS. Kabl11ar. Medill highD. Dorey. Central high. Toledo, O.• Annan Hyde Pa1'k highC. Co";'. Unversity highA. Wallin. Lewis instituteJ. Donoho; Lewis instituteO. Fielcl. Lewis institute- \)elVUA�OIKn., RROW-COLLA·R'HIGH IN 'THE BACK..ANDLOW IN FRONT 2. for2Sc•.•••••••••••••••••••• i ••••Fine AuortmeDt ofSummer Goods �,�ASEBALL RETURNSBy IDiUDp.. . � URKISHBATHS75' OIatL�' > .... -5 CeDt.. Open na,. adel Nipt.SARATOGA BARBER 8ROIJ. H. Hepp, Prop..,Soatb� ...ExPf!r' Manicarist.. Scieatific llaueanCapital ...•.....••..••.. � ..�imI ••••••••••• , ............ -UndiYided Pro&ta ........ 1.000.,000-08ic1n.ER�F.ST A. RAKlIILt., PrnIctnt.CHARt.ES L. HUTCRL�80:'(. Vke-PnLcnAU�CEt' J. BLAIR. v ... Pna .... t.o A. lItOtTLTO:,(. V1ce.Pr.steM.B. C. 8A.lUIO:'(8. VIoI-�FRA�K w. tn"'t1t. � ,.",.J EDW ABD JIAA& OIIM&JA)lE.� O. WAltKrlS'LQ. Aat. CaIIahr.• :SWI8 &. OARY, A ...... nt QlllWer.EDWARD P. 8CIIOaIICIt � CUIder.III M.,Dulany. Lewis institutePeetr, Crane Tech. highF. S�rt. Lyons Township mgl-.LaGranlle ; . ' ! i -·mW. Fey, Lyons Township high.LaGran�eA. Sweet, Lyons Township high.LaGranltC .L. Kline. Rice Lake, Wis.J. Peterson, Central hiSh. Minneap-olis, Minn. •E. Bryson, Central big� Minneap­olis. Moina.G. Landy, North high. Minneapo:is,Minn.R. Musgrave. West Division high,Milwaukee. Wis.Jensen, Sioux, Falls S. Oak.Rust. Elk Point, S. Dak.L. Donovan, Lake' Vew highDiacaaJ. Lane, Greenfield, IowaMonnett. Bunker Hill Militaryacademy. Bunker HiltDavis. Bunker Hill Military acadoemy, Bunker HillP Manee, Hillsdale. 'Hch.C. Adams, HiIlsda1e. Mich.F. Wilson. Hillsdale Mich.p. Prins; Whipple a_ademy. Jack-sonville 'E. Traut. Fand du Lac. Wis.R. Loss. Montrose. Colo.H. Ward. Cortland, Ohio.W. Foran. BementW. Bohm, Castle Heis;' ts schoo",Lebanon. TexasE. Vater. Whiting, Ind.R. Wordsworth. Little' Rock.' Ark.L. Dutton. Anamosa. IowaC. Showalter, Burnetts Creek. Ind.J .. Givard, Burnetts Creek. Ind.F. Reaney. Cedar' Rar-ids. IowaH. Ward. Grand Prairie seminary,Onarza�A. Lernenager, Grand Prairie sem-inary, 'Onarga . , ,..W.Rci�art�ra�����m�:I� • ._.ary.Onarp .W. Scott. OregonH. Bltterberg, Raymond. H. Goelitz, Oak Parkc.' Corey, Univer�itl'high·E. Miller, Uniyersitw ... h�ghA. Wallin, Lewis" _in:.tituteB. Stenberg. 'Lewisittstitute o· •• e- ..Cerrnack, Crane T�: high :.' 'f'�-:"·R. Becker. Lane Tech high i;'O. Toownsend, West high, Des'"Moines. Iowa', . .E. Caughey. Uki�a1. _. � ... : ---,;\ ':'_'[�._- . "o. T�i.�R' FOR .>; H. Carrier, North'�high, Minn�ap�: 1 x, � :5aJ.Ie Sl� :�'.. ." Iolis.. Minn. ;'.' ' ... :�.,:: .._ n E: iI,""r� StrMt.� ':... �j'. .Fisher. Wa�ert.own;'S. D�- .;.··r . '( " . YOUNG lIEN .Wag�)Der, Selby;'S: Dak._l'k" t <. �., � .�.�� �-- .l J.£- .�,;-�� V'''''''.-:-- .- ----p. MIchel, Lake View higb .. '. 1 -, .-� r". ' A.·N: JBRRBlIs.llUacer.-· .L. Kahn .. Wendell Phillips high .' . ': ): . . .. . - ,.: K. Burch: Lake Forest ac�de�y , ( J -- D'd •. b . .N. � J ........ ...__ ."Shot Put. . :.: :�:. .-.J. Lane; .Greenfield, IoWa .G. Allen. Ointon ,-Oliver.: Bunker Hill Military :acaf-r -erny, Bunker Hill .'_ .. � 1" •P. Manee,. Hillsdale, Mith. > .' �.I, ..C. Adams. Hillsdale, Mich.· .. .F. Wilson. Hilisdale,-1fich :':".:�:.. E. Traut. Fond du Lac, Wis.. (To Be Continued)1 ••W. A. A. FOBS ·AND PINSPRESENTED LAST NIGHT. Presic!ent Judson HiDti' at Interest-,ing Announcement to Be lladeat ConvocatiOD.The annual .W. A. �. banquet, atwhich the women's athletic insigniaand p1'izes' are distributed, was heldlast' night in Lexingt6n commons.O�e hund�d and ten women attendcd.The speakers of the 'evening werePresident Judson. Mrs. JUds'on. M1's.Henderson Professor Starr, Dr.'Reed 0 and 'Alice Lee Herrick, Cornelia. eall officiating as toastmistressTile W. A. A.pinsand fobs and theb.asketball cup were presen�cd byMiss Dudley, the tennis cups by Mar­�rct· Rhodes and the hockey andhasehall banners hy Miss Wayman.Florence Rothcrmen received a bou­quct in recognition of her work onthe Campus Follies.The interest by Pres:dent Judson'sstatemcnt th:lt be wouM not spoilhis convocation address by makin�'lny announcement conce1'ning thebuilding tp�ans for next year. 1'ose tolever heat owl·: n Mrs. Judson de­clued that an announcement of greatmoment for University women wouldbe made next Tuesday. M n. Judson'hinted that this announcement wasconnected with bet' wedding anni'�ersar.r. I Broadway. Cor. T1In:Dty·Seeoad St.Hew York.Our Representative Mr. Lanzer, will be atConcress Annex early in June.With latest Spring suits. overcoats, riding and motor garmCntsSend for mustrated Catalope..AlE YOU LOOKING fOB A PLACE TO. EAT ?(ji"e THE COMMONS a TrialAsk the Upper Classmen About Oor FoodYou'll Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at '''igM' Good Foo� Lo", Prices. We are sho� a Smart· line of "British� Tweeds for English SackSuits, "Scotch" and "IriSh;· . Home spuns for Norfolks and the greatestline o�· JrJanneIs for Trousers· we have ever shown.Special values· at $30 for suits .'and'� for tro�' rs or· Knickers..; � ( .MAETMARROWTHE TONIC or THE AGE" .Wah Marrow is a' great brain lnI1I4er-it is'recomm�� by physiciausDruggists Sell It.Prodacen 0(ALKAMATERleAvoy ·Ialt larrow Departlllent.:!3M-8 South Park Avenue.Phone �5f01 :,.. ']hs.VANDERBIEI' HOI'EL't" '341a S& EAST Ifr PARK. AVE.. N. Y-" . �.,,__At the t'ocal point or the terminal zone, on the.crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Soutbem breezes fromthe ... anifidall1 fed by chiDed air, &00 _DIit 1'00II&TARIFF I •.. • ... ,e rocnn - - - - "r "tJ'-tI. ... ts. •• •• arft�� Double I'OOIIW - - - es." 17,...... nu.ftI'P'U Doable bedrooms, �doIr ....,.,...... "·""'nc·room .ad betb - •• III _. __ 1lMInW hltft-Pulotr, bedroom .DCI beth -' • -. tIS •� E«A roo. .". lade &,NeW ndU tor'-"�- .• �J•• al 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 .. 11 ��Patronize Maroon AdverdsenTHE DAILY 'iiAiiOON. TlttJttShA�' \"�.�J�UN�'��S,�t�gl�3-�' �"�f' ��������=�=�=7==��., ••••••••••••••• a ••••••••• ·,SELF-SUPPORTING STUDENTSINVESnGATE THE PHOT� MACHINEA DIME -. A MINUTE - A "PICTURE�r� .. 1::iili �t" '� •- - - � ", T' •. ......, ...:. .. .. '.. ;;. .l ;.. '''.,.,' tl�I'S"1H� Louise Mick will speak on S u­dent Government at the Junior c l­Iege finals this morning .at 10:15 ::1Mandel. The subject was suggest' 1by the recent point system agitati« 11The I vy exercises will be held tcmorrow at noon. John Breathed an !J ris Spohn will officiate for the Sop}:'onsores and Dan Brown will repreIIISS JlICK WILL SPl:.�KAT JUNIOR FINAL TODAYWill Disf;usa Studmt GoVCI'Ib. l'!Dt­Dr. Heodenon Addftaes S�i rStudents in Chapel Yestcrda7,WHAT ORGANIZATIONSARE DOING•••• 1HEREY. W. C. L. lleetiDc.'Martha Green will preside atSenior meeting of the Y. W. C. L.meeting today at 10:15 in Lexington.The speakers are: Mona Quayle. Vir-·ginia Hinkins, Beryl Gilbert, Myra.Reynolds, Anna Moffet, and MurielBen.Hitchcock Dinner Postponed. Isent the Freshmen. I564 degrees and titles will be COIl- iferred at the Cenvocation Tuesday. Iwhich will be. the climax of theweek's acti�ties. 234 bachelors willreceive diplomas, togoether with sev­enty masters and twenty-three doc­tors of law and of philosophy each.Dr. Henderson was the speaker atthe Senior college finals yesterdaymorning.-I- He addressed those whowill lea"'e' the University next week,and told them what he hoped he(Continued from page on4)FACULTY MEMBERS TO JUDGE SALE OF MONTHLIESIS BRISK; EDITORS had taught them in his capacity asARE MAKING PLANS u niversity ·,c:�aplain.-the morning at 9. The Interfraternityrelay will be run at 10: 15.Handbills were yesterday distrib­uted to all parts of the University.Tbese handbills, the postals 'Writtento the alumni and the Spring an­nouncements will constitute the ,!Wlkof the advertising. Several JuniorswiD go around at the 10:15 peiibd 'to­day c�1Iing attention to the FestivalSeniors Predict Victory;Because of the fact that th� base­ball game with Purdue will be playedtoday Pitcher Page of the Facultywill be back for the Faculty-Senior-.me and the battery will be' Pageand Reed instead of Reed andScbockel as otherwlise would be. thecase. I� -spite of this chang�:.J�eSeniors are. unusually exuberant,,and Captain 'Steinbrecher is predict.;iug a vi�tory of at least 9 to 2 .G!·:3�!:After the ball game which Vitl1"becalled at'3:30,' the second Universitysiag will be held. Seniors wi� meettomorrow . at I :30 in Ellis 8 to re­.ceiva their costumes for the parade. lromlOlll .L'''m CLARK ST�ETS.nament yesterday, II-9, 4'5. 7-5. Getz Telephone: Randolpb 4,:101and Wilson Miser will play in theThe CI.;ca�o Literary MOn/lrly for END S€MI-FINALS IN TENNisMay is now on the campus and the,sales were brisk all day yesterday. Getz andl'Miser to Play for Snell"We look upon next year as the Championship.Afontlrly's first year." said RoderickPeattie yesterday. "The three issuesHarry Getz defeated James Arnoldof this year were purely experiment- in a close and exciting match in theal, and were of the greatest value to semi-finals of the Snell tennis tour­the editors in determining the char-acter that the Iiterary publication ofthis University should have. Thesingles finals today.editorial staff of next year will beIn the Hitchcock semi-finals for theselected on a competitive basis, house championship, Maurice Rogers.based largely on the amount of ma-winner in section five, 'Won fromterial that the various contributors Clyde White, winner in section two,have had accepted. In the future the6-3,6-3. Rogers will play Karl Lewis,managerial board. will be selected ,in champion of section one. today. Thesome such fashion as the Cop tJIId winner of this contest will meet Cor-�� managerial board, and the elec- I' T' ti four cham'-. . " , � ne IUS emnga, sec Ion'tion of officers WIll be put on as fixed • f tb fi at• I pIon n e n 8.and fair a basis as possible. It IS ex-pecfid-ffiat this Will be an added in­'�e'Dtive to the students to offer ma-,terial, Contributfions for the first is­sue of) next year should be written Sophomores Hold Luncheon.The Sophomore class will hold itslast class 'function, a luncheon. to­morrow in the Commons cafe at one.,\ ...this Summer."EMPRES$TBBATal.... _ .... c- ........SULLIVAN. COHSlDDmt- p�PRODUCING DBPAItTIIUTAIOIOUHca ..". ... �. - ....DEIIOHDEV-""-i� 1 .�":.' ...IIOVINGPICTURES- ..EVENINGS ONLY7:" .. ,:IIPalcaTEN CENTSCIIII'S 61A1DTHB T.IE TOE IIAN OF OZBeaatifal SceaIc: Piotara� • .cEzceDeat catA WldalwW 01 Noftlt*,'1... AIlUSBIIBNTS.·JEFFERSON pR�NCESSFint ,Cbicaco Appearauc:.; d 5 yearsJ Lew Fields LaucbiD&ly PresentSWlLLIAII COLLIERill -Hefti' sq Die.·NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYn .... Bee .. DlPt17 01. tile Iatst -ftIDcplcturea. Ccae aDIbear our ... ..,.500pipe ..... �I�KSIDIIIDG' Prices: 'I.so. No Hi&bcrW� Mats.. $1.00WHEN DREAIIS COIlE TRUEwith JOHPh SaDdqand • Splea6i c.t aDd Prodat1ioDTOMIGIft'SEVERAL GOOD REELSADIIISSION." 1'looIr. aD __ • • • • • • 18�. aD _.. •••••••••• JMAdESTICLILLIAN RUSSELLKITTY GORDONIn NeW Soap and • lIonolope OIlBean aacl Bea�.BELL PAIIILYIn aD Artistic: lIusical Act.Hugb J. Emmett a Co .. ; Three<:W1inserettis; Smith. Cook '" Bran-­den; B� BreeD; Asaki; TaIkiqMovinc Pictures.Homer B. Muon a IIarpret ,Keel­er; Wood '" Wyde; Primrose Four;Romano Bros.; F17nn '" McLauch'lin; HaI17 Lewis; Moville TalkingPi�,: THE WORLD IN CHICAGOExpoaiiton aDd Paceant now openCOLI:lEUII Every Weckda7 12 noonto 10 P. II.A WORLD'S' FAIRAdmiaioa, 2SC; CIdldreD, 15C-AUDITORIUIIPAGEANT 01" DARKNESSAND LIGHT CORTR. B. WARMER(The OiipaaJ � ValeDtine)ill "'The GJao.t Breaker." MONEY M A KIN G OPPO,RTUNITYFar student workers at Summer Resorts. or inthe Home Town during vacation or at Collegeduring term time. I Price 01 Machine With 2500Plates, $250.... Easy Payments.PHOTO MACHINE ·COMPANY,30 East 23rd Street. New York.INVES'T MENTSWe be\"e two �!i,OOO � �1ear ftnt-rnortpK'M on two propenl� within a fe\\"blocka of t.he UDlver8l.t7. 'l'be bulldlDp on wbicb daeae' ,Iilona are made ore hlgb grod"Income PI"OIPt'rtlee of U. Ilea ooaet.ruddontbrouchout, and loc4ted in tblt be8t �Ione( =n��:u3doD til eufl c..e i8 _ Iftist twJce the amount or the Joan.We &180 ban 011 _Dd � blgb crade moncqoea and ReuJ Estate bonds on SoUltbSide pr.,pen1, • I1iIt of wtIIcb we would be p:� to ltend UpOn appllca.tton.ftlr pal'dcu:.... addreaFort Dearborn Tr,ust � Savines BankREAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT'F. A;. Myren� Mer. ,I,.J�';'" ,)c. � : "•• "'> ;,'. IAristotle calls mem- Iory the scribe of thesoul. Happy will yoube' if somewhere onher tablets she writes. for you.', \, \i. �-;'.,. ", ;} -; ;':�Velvet is not easily. :�!� :forgotten after 'you, ; \:have.once known its":delightful fragrance'_;. .and tasted of. its deeprichness. And its re­membrance is nevermarred' by thoughtsof burn or' bite.';.11, Il,.' ��-, ,1�i,,'4•\ �. !\.tr�H.lCAGG).�� H� Park ImnPatronize our Adverti'! ( I �