� .. -I.�Idti8Ai.s "1liiY usr BRWs RECORD HAVE ·mulL 'SPRlNGAPPOunm·101IiAb ." .... , -. FESnYAL'ON-FllD!i_ at i ..... �:B- �)''t1.. .wewiAiT'· ,.eet�W-all Be, Bigat Ever Held-..,....., II rIlUIUBn EDtertaiDmeDt of Visitors Will Be--.. .,. ,:,i .cia W.ith:Co� ill Mandel Fri- SeceM ·3U .. '" s., WiD Be�.ehe)I���;.�(j�:-'�; . " Aa " ;day-Ticketa Are Free. Faa.e---_ ..,_: 'leC�II'. � ...... .: ..... '., - Haft Fiiat. M __ .:.._ • _&_ £ntries for the Interscholastic'-- ...... Frances Houston will receive the.meet ,which' will be held Saturday are F' A. ,CU' '"' WILL' p' A 'J SENIORS OLD IIft!iu .'ft&!IP BV'� .& ftWl ,&"'ON- - :- oft: LII Lft \V. A. A. silver tennis cup at the W. ...... L""I 'I UlUUlVAIiIlitHODOFi:HOitt�il'i.ADIII) rushing in: and from indications the � .�• -.meet will be the biggest that bas ev- Interfraternity Rc'1Q l,iDals Will Be A. A. banquet-tonight, She won the Squair Wall'Be: OD1y veteran Backer .been held on Marshall Field. Last Run-V� :hi::'.iDa'�o Be t:ophy yesterday by defeating Cor- FreahDian: ilaterial,Promisedyear athletes from over 102 schools Queen of F�.ti�aL nelia Beall, 9-7, 6-4. She will .play Well for Nat Year.t competed, but a' greater, number of_ _ a challenge game', this morning on_'scboos' lhave already sent in their The Senior-Faculty baseball game, the Walker court at 10:30 with Dor- Alex Squair .was elected captain ofentries··this year and more are ex- :.flC Interfraternity relay and the All- othy Llewellyn, winner of the trop�y the J()(4 tennis team' yesterday,I neeted today, A fY1"eater percentage ,last· year, for the University women's S . IBcnjamm V:actor, Cob_: I"'" D- University sing will be special fea- quarr las been a member of theMule Crowe Coulter oi teams: from the far Western ures of the Spring Fest 'val celebra- championship. tennis team. for two years and hasW�· PettiD&ill �D. ,_' states are entered this year than �il)n on, Marshall Fiel4' r riday after- Twen�-ScveD Pins Given. been the runner up for the ConferJohn AsbbeU Greeae - ever' beore, Twelve teams from noon. As usual there'!, w.11 be the Twenty-seven pins will be awarded ench championship both years. ThisErline: HjorthOC � South' Dakota alone are entered. :)rocessio� of class flo�ts and a nnm- tonight for excellence in athletics. y�ar he won the doubles championW� Her�� Ljmaa, .. I , . George Parker and Carroll Gruns- her of special dances. ': The only or Thirteen of the women receiving '�hip playing with Greene.Rudy Dole Matthews ,. 'ki ffool Stockton, California will ganization to have a float this year pins are recipents for the first time. Squair has 'had several years ofHe��H� HorP- � lin�e:, a determined effort to bring -wbich did not have one last year is Th epins awarded are as follows: hard competition and is rated as oneRoderick � _., '.the banner back to the Pacific coast the DAILY MAROON. Hockey: -Juliet Ames,: Grace of the most promising' young playersErnes-; �1Mirt Rcicblnenn: ",. 'and':foUow the lead set by Whitted Virginia Hinkins, represenftng the Hotchkiss Lorene Kitch, LOuise in tIle West. At present he is theEarle �.SbiltoD ... '��, ���)ackso� 'of Azusa, California last Spirit of Chicago, .. will be Queen of Mick, Nancy Miller, Ruth Morse, Wisconsin state champion .. In 1910A1�der,�,� ,"" 'year� -The Stockton men have won the Festival, and will ':ride in a char- Gwendoyln Perry. Waldine 'Schnei:" Squair: won - Stagg's InterscholasticAIDES, I.. \he' ,S.ia'nford interscholastic from iot representing' the University seal. tier, Eleanor Seley, Augusta Swawite� tennis tour'nament�"and he' has heldComclia .�Orpa BeaD .... '(I:Ver � schools. The coast athletes Her attendants, one man and one Lillian Swawite, and Margaret �atk:' the' South' Park championships forArline H� Browa I I 'l.��e�'be�n cutting a big figure in woman from: each class, will be: er, four years. "He is amember of Sig-Suauyae Risher .: ;iiill�tics:"during·the past year 'and Helen Gross and Donald Hollings- Baske�bal1: Margaret Bingham, �a Alpha Epsilon and the·'�mnastic1Iuy- Letitia F�e . .( ;tt.�y· �a,,-e, impressed all .high school worth for the Seniorsj-Sarah Thomp- Phoebe Clover •• Dorothy Llewellyn, kaaLRuth 'HOUch �in�n :w'ith their ability. "son and Earle Shilton for the Jun- Ruth' Prosser, and, Margaret 'Rhodes. � _Three PlaYa:--Heleae'PoDak " ;. s, , Hoyt Is Entered. iors; Grace Hotchk�s and Hayes BaSeball: Cornelia BeaU� DotothY Squair .will -be-the only 'veteran of��,�:_ Charles Hoyt of Greenfield, Iowa McFarland for the Sophomores; and Bent, 'Florence Foley, Grace Hotchr tbi. �r's team eligible 'neXt year as'IIargUet?RbOd. who won the 100 and 220 yard dashes Margaret Cole and Leo Hay for the kiss, 'Frances�Houston, Helene Ken- �tain. Stewart, Greenej- and Sellers.' Harriet· :1IcKe7; T.ubm � .�.' l �� ',y"� is ,again entered. He has Freshmen. ny, Helen Leonar� Ena Leademan., wm, be IQs� by. graduation. Doctor'C�' � '•• L... done the century dash in :1\1\ 4-5 and F1' Be Pi . �,. ',� '" y�;, I... � oats to �ue. llorothy-' Ltew�nYI\.· ,Manon 'Marr, R�, belie.ves.:that :there:is; a . greatNo head manhal was .appoin�d.:. ttJ� � i�,.:22 1';'5 in the Iowa state ,The class floats will follow in t11«.' la'nd,: Louise Mick, Rhoda' 'Pfeiffer deal_of. good· tnate�.'iR�tbe Fresb-\. L·1.I���'��¥�e-... �,�;��:, ... :tbat. i-ilac pl;et,a:nd��:put uP.�, great fight order.'of�tank, ',the �embers',in_;�':' · .. _",-u:,-garet R�S:' .', .. -: n,an:.clas .. ::aaddt'�s�Ibe4-easy-t()r": .......... :--- --.. --���;�"�:·,:::-::'-:-:,;-r....-:WOUJcr:-�,'3:�taIiIeqt.:�ter.: tci annex these events-Saturday: lUme:=The'class' pre�idents havi'li6-'< . - p.�;a;4�,�"'-<";:;'->,::'1: ' ..• -.fin.d a·.paitne�, for 'Scjuair ... McNealbut deClined. to' �Y,'whelt-.or! to ;giyC )�.. ·�nt.ertainment : fc:»r' the�, interschol divulged the nature of· their respec- anti. Collier' :a�: to! be ,the best.., .• f1 b . T 035... , tmistres,s � .• :.' �. � Corne,lia B, wI'a reason for failiDg'to .'make thC -ap- :astic' men :will begin· Friday night live oats yet,. ut many pIcturesque men among. ,tbe: Fresbm�n.:·:M�Ne31. 1 • d Th DAILY (ireeting ..•...•.• ,-. Pr:esident Judson'llointment. :.. with a' concert by the G.lee., club in )arges are prormse . e -: ' . , . ,. was, the. runn�r up in ·�t:year's In-. ' M "ROON ·11 b h fi Id . h Athletic in India,: Method of! All " .. -.at. � .;., Mandel at 8. Stereopticon slides ot:\. WI e on tee WIt te-n;c_ ,holastic '. tonrnament, .• ; and: Col-, ' Mrs. C. R Hendersoii-Following' is the;'method: of I·en. 'campus 'views and ,of the Olympic an exhibit all its own, in which the . ,.' li-r _played WIt_· h 'Hyde. Park for two- A Basketball. Ertthnsiast ' -- �I'ointment: �es at:Stockhoim last summer will whole staff will take part. The order ye�rs .and reached the semi-finats inh d r II . ,Asso�iate Professor Stan-'All students of the Universityiwho :orm a 'part of the entertainment. of t e para e 10 o�: Stagg's tou. ma.ment last year.. ,... U Prese":tati.oD of. Tennis Cups ...have at the end of 'tbe Winter quai-· Dean Linn will lecture as the slides nversity band.. . . ., Q fI Margaret . R�es .". .:ter not less than'''eigbtee,n' or not 'are 'being shown.' Tickets for the ueen's oat. 'DRA� O--.aRA SUYE ""'DPresentation of: Baseball and, ".r nu.·' � '.m.LI C .&.=.Dlore than twentrseyen m�ors are entert:Un�nt will be di�tributed 'at Dancing girls. TO HEAD +w..D&._a'TlC CLUBPresentation of Baseball an.d Hockey .,': 'U.&UUI&ft.eligible for consideration {or the . the 'lnforination offce free of charge. Signet club with Maypole. Bant:lers •. Miss Agnes· Waymah ' . _': .marshalhsip. The Marshal of 'tbe All smts' will be reserved and the Class floats.P.eauty and Athletics ' �: �� Is'-�· B�University then confers'· 'With' the best tickets will ,be given first. DAILY 'MAROON float. Dr. Dudley B. Reed- . � �iai·., VaD�two deans of the.Senior colleg� and The entries in the tennis tourna- Have Maypole pance. Presentation of Basketball. Cup· ' '; sCbedutect.··'." f� ec;.;.,i,;g':!iridQ.ti:e' several deans of, the Junior 001- After the parade at 2:30 the Sig- •(Continued on page 3) I· M Miss, Gertrude Dudley' .' _-.-leges" the dean of women' and: the net c ub wdl give a aypole dance,other members oftbe'facultie. whose. (oached by Miss.Hinman. with music Awarding of Pins... !""rank, O��a�' �_ p��i�ent 'of thework brings thelli doSe.,. 'In touch KASAl AND GILBERT WIN. by the University orchestra. James Teh sale of tickets will' close at Dra�atic clu�, for_ �hc: c�)1ning year.v.;th the 1'I1eU;-bers�of 'the a�derBrad- PUBLIC SPEAKING PRIZES Ilyrenforth and Blackfriar chorus 10:45 today. 'The tickets will be on He was elected yesterday at a meet-uate body.' The' rUuttant" list of _ wll give a dance. W. A. A. women sale inLexington gymnasium untii ing. of th� ��u�,:.��e� �R�bert Allaissome tllirty -or forty for marshals and. Wilbar Hamman and Ilona �ayle will put on a new dance and eight that time. The event is the bi.mest �as chosen business manager, Emma• -I '�tr ' - ,,"'" ,1 h L_ athletic year for the women. A -0" '�r� s"cr-tarv,' an' d' 'Jos' IOfth If""-arya simi ar number-lor aMes is then l!in Seconda in Rosenwald and men, w lose names ave not .n:en an- .. .. OJ -r �submitted by the maniiat'of theiUni-� Adams ContestL':, l'otlDced, \'iill give a sword dance. number of faculty 'members have ac� lib,rarian. .versity to the preSent manbalS and'"_ The big athletic event of the after- cepted invitations. The 'an_nual stunt 'program will benid�s tllat the �nde�duate judc-� 11000 will be the baseball game be- given Friday in the:. Little Theater.George Kasai, speaking on The ,im-nt Mth --s�t to -_..II·dates "'....... tween the Seniors and the FacUlty MISS VOSBURGH WINS A' �& � Tic.kets ma'" be obtained of Mar-.:llr-.. ...... "'� r-- �... --v lfastery of the Pacific, WOIl the 'first vnan .I 1I:!f-� expressed. prizer of one hundred dollars in the team. A choice line-up' has beer _ et Fento,n, Hany'Bogg,;·Mona Quayle, The report, of the marshals aDd "Dnm Julius Rosenwald oratorical piC'ked for both teams and the ga'l" "3 Univenity Teanis Cbampion-Lle-· and �onaJdo BreecL Modestie. b� PaWl�1111'aides is tIIen considere"d·b .... the dean promises to be a close one. Othc", Herb.- ginn two years ago" , . J criiitnt in Mandel last night. Beryl weDyn Playa HoatOD Today. . --" ' ,of �ite faCultieS. ,the dean of the, Sen-, athldic features will be potato race� " be repeated.I·or c'oll';'� 'O.,::"_..I:·t,,::' .:.:__ of th- Jun- Gilbert won the first prize of seven- , f h h II I -�e .. ..,..... ;In: � .... ,·etween women 0 tea s, a pus 1-ior collegeS '.iii' �n�ioD �th the t:r-five dollars in the Florence James hall contest betwe�n teams from Isabella Vosburgh recaptured theAdams cont-st for artistic readin.... t"nnl�s ll'tle of th U' ·t b L_ t'aforementioned: members of the f�� ...I-.':I.-n.ng A�lfr"d Noyes' NTI'g�'t ;n Set. S!1ell and Hitch('ock, and a relay " e DlverSI y y ud -WIO ..... .. •• ir.g· Dorothy Llewellyn yesterday,lIhies and a list 0(- some forty names . race run hy representatives of the, .. .'., . Helena. The second prize of fifty dol- 2'6, 8-6, 6-4. Each player coftred heris snbmitted to the President of the tr'!"arlllate, Divinity, Law and Medicallars in the public speaking contest cottrtwell, and the clever placing �fUnivrsity. Or-these the President dl'partm�nts.('hooses usually ten mantaats and � won by Walter Hamman. TheRun Intuf�emjty Relay_ tl,e haJl� on both sides brought forthsec�nd pr:ize of twenty-five dollars ill C?pplause from the spectators.ten aides. Appointments·are m;lde on h' . d' b' MOlla Finals in tl�e Interfraternity relay• t e rea lOgs was won y , Miss Llewellyn won the first setthe baSIS of character. - '·scho1. arship", ',� I will also be run ofF Friday afternoon. ' -lorU.y e. ('asily., but her oppor.ent tightened upevidences of abilitY for leadership, J d f th t t The team� entered in the finals are:• '• • i. " . u ges or e con es s were as . in the second and ,third sets and, ·by,nd probable effiCiency- m Ulllftnlty.·, �ollo-: tL- Ros-nwald cont"st- Delta Kappa Eps;1on, PSi Upsilon ,"-I' .,..'" II'C.. ... c�reful placing won. ,Miss Vos-service. Professor Breasted, Mr. H. G. Moul- _a.lpha D�lta Phi �nd Chi Psi. Run- burgh defeated Dorothy LieweUynScbolanhip 1s.Blab. nert;' from aD 'of these teams-, have•• '. . ton, Professor Cook of the Law last year for tbe same honors, butB�nJamln C.oben_ls, a. member of ."hool. th- Adams contest-Assl'st- been pracm-ing ever' 'since tbe pre- . ,.-_ .... th� playing this year was mucb' bet;.the Junior cI�s and is. o� of ��� 'ant P;ofessor Flnt, Mr. F�skc, the lirriinaries several weeks ago andter. Undergraduate honors will bebe!lt students �n his sectiOn.: I.Ut Assistant � �ecordet\. and. AssOciate 'thci eaJ)tains predict a close . race. rle("ided today between Dorothy U�-Proressor Clark. (Contiaued OD page .). l wdlyn and Frances Houston..VOL XI.'-No '153- - - : '"� . . - � ... - - - .. - - --.......... ... L �_. :.-.fUNIVERSIT.Y OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4, 19I1.- . PRICE FIVE CENTS- FRANca : 'HOUSTON' WIIfS aJP AI.EX SQUAlLIo.., ._CAPTAIN TDfttIS.TEAMWill ReceiYe Prize at W. A. At. BaIl-,quet Tonicht in LezinatOD-Prea- -ideat Judson and Auociate Pro- Star Net · 1'14fessor Starr on List of Speakers. ·T ·� D ln____ aw�:.-IlARSBALS : .Process Co�-;-��!;atiou-Hoaon'·of' ApWcMnt •••S�'.CCoutiDaecI oa � a.) The . program is -as. rollows:Stunt-The Slezak SistersFlorence Rothermel andAlice Lee HerrkkDance-The Lantern SlideJames Dyrenforth andJanet FlannerDr.-ma in three acts-We Should.Worry-by Barrett Carle-.Performers: 'Barrett Oarle, Roder­. ick l'eattie� and Lander M cC1in­. to'Ck. .Sketch-Fida's t:teev�written andacted by Elizabeth Spence andDorothea Wasbburne.Stunt-Martha·�. -Play 'in : one act�Modiste-by Paul .Herbiea. " 'Perf'ormen-:.WI1iam' . Hefferan, Ef­, 'fie -Hewitt� 'Domald' Breed.fnterpfttat1ve· da�Hany Bo"aad: Jama' DyreDfortll... - f"""'_ ,_ ...... .-J : ;:.::s..:-:.-..-- __ .., - ==The, Daily Maroon� .. crpa...tN&rid .................EDlend .. ..ooDd-dMa maI1 _ tIM �Peet-oUJee. �. DL. IIAn* 1M. .... lID­J.,r A.et of K&ftIb .. J8D..UIl8CIUl"l'IOIf a&�_By curler. $Z.:iO & �: a.GO & Q..ur.n,. malL 11.00 & ,_,.; a .. & Q-ner.Edltor.l&l-B ....... � &lit. a'l'lrieI)ho_ � ...H7cSe Park G'iOl (after • p.. .. )llaU Box' '-0-. JI"ac:ulC7 Ezcb=np� .....l\�w. Ed1Ier •Athletle..u- -BuaIMM ...... - - ...... 'U• • 1IAItIa .....- - ww..Q--- .....&88OCIA':r • ..,� ..Samuel .KaplaD • _ •• Ban7 9Grpe\O�rp Ootunpam •• • JIUkeIl.BIaIUDor0th7 WlWatoll '. •• 1.- ...WUl1&m 14maa. _ • ••�bitotjaJ•{l "The City White ba� fled theearth", we sing every time the Dean• 0 ' calls itor . th� thiqI.Inormation stanza of the AlmaWanted. Ma�u_ and the notionsof a Eood many stu­dents in regard to the meaning ofthe ""city white" are at: tiincs startl­i'1i and "mnusing. ·One"jumor"thoa..-htit meant the Universi� buiIeiineswhen new:_ and the "city gray" theirapp�anmce after they had been �­ing for some time. One studentthought '·city whee" was some ����lo�' �� ,really didn·t meaJ1�tlling in particular bU:: was just putinto the sone because it soundedpretty, while another .. accordinc ·toMr. ·SheplWdson. thought it°.was anallusion to a saloon oD SDr::y- Thirdstreet near Cottage Grove a�Such miSinfoimation °and ignoranceis sigruficant How J3!tle we do knowof the University's f01Uldinc andgro�" and" imlCss some instructorhazards ,::he information, how hard itic;' to find out aJiythinc at all aboutour history. Everyone rec:ognizes the�ue c;{ ttadition in developiuc afe�ling of loyalty. and yet few realizethat if we are to have a tradition, orif we are 'J:o develop a feelinC ofdeepo reverence for our Alma Mater.we must �ve somedung substantial,some Jaiowledge of oar history aDdgrowth on which 'to base these HDt­iments. ,How. then" to spread thisknawledce? The aDSWeI" is an easyone. and of sewnl sagestioas �arise the one that coald most easilybe adopted is the foUowinc: Almostevery Freshman on eDteriDc bas totake English L During ODe or twoperiods of that c01U'N, le«ares OD thefounding and incidents CODDeCtedwith the growth of the m.:ltatiODcould be giVell by the Eqlish I in­�tructors ':0 the newly arrived stu­dents. These lectures could bo penseparately by each instructor. or bet­ter still, to an the studar.s assembledfor the purpose in Mandel ball,wh�re lantern slides could be effec­tively used. This experimar. bas al­ready been tried ,� ODe 0 or two in­structors in the Eqlish: d�t;.and what it meaDS to 'the stadeD&who '�e hard these. tala... the iD­stnICtOI'S tbemlelves will Defti' 'real-.• �,Tbie feel. the tbriB of aefaaac:eand- iusPirCioD as ODe au- ap atthe tm aetecl waDs of the City GrayODe mast kDow°.ometbiD& of theirstory,a aad to spread tbr. st� isthe daly of tboM that bow it.i'� It't 5,_0.' , =;: __ 0 ',.Bulletin and Announcemcnts.Sealor CoUece aDd CoDece of Com- Final Junior CoUece Ezerdat,,-IDCI'Ce aDd AdministratioD-Cbapel, :Men and women, tomorrow, • 10; - 4'10:15. Mandel Mandel Attendance is required.DonaIcI HoWncswortb. Hays, Mac- Y. W. C. L.-Tomorrow, 10:15.Farland and Leo Hay have been re- Lexington,Quested to be present at a Spring Interdau Hop-Tomorrow nightFestival committee meeting, 1':0;15, 8:15, Bartle�t gym.Cobb 6A. Interclua lleet-Friday, 9, MaroF�� LuncbcoD-I, Hutchin- shall It''idcLson cafe. Ivy Ezercises-:.Friday, 12.W. A. A.-I :15, Lexington. Sprinc Festival-Friday, 2:aO•W • Miss'. Marshall Field.omen an• HlDIIWls C� Faculty-Senior Baacba1l Game--Costumes until l Lynne Sullivan, F . d M hall F· Id.L . nay, 4. ars seeXID�oD. Reception to 1D!encb0laatic Con-French Club PicniC--4, Lexington. testants-Friday night, 8, Leon Man-Mathematical Club-4:15, Ryerson del assembly hall '37� Candidates for decrees and titlesUnivennty Public Lecture-Mr. can obtain Convocation invitationW. M. Salter. 4:30 Harper M16. blanks at the President's office be-Divinity Chape1-Tomorrow, 10:15. tween the hours of 10 and II, and 2Haskell assembly room.. and 3.UNIVERSITY MARSHALS lthe Senior basketball team. She isAPPOINTED:,NO HEAD a member of the Y. W .C. L. cabinetNAIlED BY PRESIDENT and basketball representative on the- \V. A. A. advisory board.__ (Contillued from pa�e I.) Letitia Fyffe is a member of Mor-quarter he established a record by re-: tar Board. She has been an activeceiving twenty-four grade points. 'J \�'orker for the honor sentiment.Merle Coulter is the son of Pro- Ruth Hough is an Estoric:. She isfessor Coulter. is a Sophomore and a -member of the Undergraduatea member of Beta Theta Pi. council and prominent in her class.Willard Dickerson' is a member of Helene P01lak Named.Alpha Delta Phi, was -a business Helene Pollak is chairman of theSpring Festival and was secretary ofher class last year.Margaret Rriggs is a member ofMortar' Board and has played base­ball for three years.Margaret Rhodes is a Sigma andvresident of the Y. W. C. L. She isa member of the basebalJ and basket­ball teams and of the Dramatic club.Harriet Tuthill is a Sigma aswl a.member of the Dramatic club.Charlot� Viall is prominent in they. W. C. L, holding the office of\ ice-president. She is a meDlher ofo he hockey team.manager of this year's Ca" and Gown.and was president of his class afterHorace Scruby left the Universitylast year.John Greene is Blackfriar Scribe.He' is a prominent 'member . of theGlee club and of Tiger's head.Erling Lunde is a member of' Al­pha Tau Omega. He is a leadingmember of the Undergraduate coun­cil, is chairman of the Interscholasticcom�issiOD ..and --was treasurer' ,ofthe Fresho��lD �I�s: -, - '- 0Lyman Is Honored.\Vifliam Lyman was editor of thisyear's Ca" anti' Gown. is a member of.Beta Theta Pi, was recently' electedassistant business manager of theDAILY MA;R,OON, after serving as'associate editor, is chairman of the�Op�ng 'festivai and 'a member ofP-Iackfriars. He is a Y.:'M. C A.leader and president of the Mandolindub.Rudy °Matthews. is, 'Universitycbeerleader; a 'member �f the trackte-am for two years, and prominentin class activiti�s. He is' 0a memberof Psi Upsilon.Nelson Norgren is captain elect oftIle football team. a member of thebasketball baseball and track teamsand a leader of the Interclass hop.He is a me�ber of Phi Kappa Psi.RO;derick Peattie is a� associateeditor of the Li'erary Mont"'y, ;tr.lember of Alpha Delta Phi and a:1eader in the Undergraduate council.He was co-author of the Pranks ofPapnlca, and is a member of theDramatic dub.Earle Shilton is a member of theUndergraduate council., of SigmaAlpha Epsilon, was speaker at theJ anior finals of his class. and is aleader n t:ndergraduate life.Alexander Squair is also a mem­ber of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and amember of the tennis and gymnastictcams. He0 has a, major "C."Athlete Is ChoRaLCornelia Beall is a prominent ath­lete, holding ,the record in the high­jumP. She is pre�ident of the W. A.'A. and is a member of the Seniorbaseball and b�ketbal1 teams.Arline Brown is a Wyvern and issecretary of the Junior class. She isa mem°ber of the Y. W. C. L cabinet.Snranne Fisher is a member ofMortar Board. She is vice-president. of the Junior class and a member of SOMETHING TO, READ"New Natioaalism-' in AthlcQcs."The mil�walk was Harvard's."\V e were glad to hear that. But weriidn't quite agree that "by far then.ost exciting event of the afternoonwas the two-mile bicycle race" be­cause every one was agreed that ex­citement ran most high when "Col­t!mbia pulled Pennsylvania 8 inchesill the t�g-of-:war. nI t was only back oin the ninetiesthat the above phrases appeared inthe CrimSON reports of 'the Mott­Haven games, which correspondedto our pres�nt intercollegiate meets.They indicate some changes in trackathletics, but hardly the most stnlc­ing of the developments. Today thetbirty-eighth annual track and fieldmeeting of the Intercollegiate asso­ciation of Amateur Athletes of!America attracts instead of seven,twenty-seven colleges sending in ov­er 1200 entries. The men comefrom every part of the country andthis year the west is unusually prom­inent. Nothing could demonstratemore clearly than this the ral!id pro­gress and development of intercol­legiate athletics in the la!'t few years,unless indeed, it be the fact that noJess than 18 of' the 23 present rec­ords have been made or equalledsince '902.By all odds the most signiffcantfeature of the present' meet is theenrtance of the California team. Forsome time Michigan has taken activeinterest'in eastern athletics and theappearance of these men from thefar west brings that section of thecountry into still closer contact withthe east. The CriflUo" looks forwardto the time "hal tile Inten:oIlegiatei THIRD ISSUE OF,M9NTH!..YWILL BE OIf"SA!.rE TODAY REMINGTON TYPEWRITER NO.SALESMEN ,.�WANTED-Summerposi,tio�s ,open.' See H.. C Thomas,'l'0 HAVE CHAPEL TOIIOR�o.w: 0 6051 Ellis avenue, mornings 10-1 I_ '0,. afternoon"s �2-4� - Phone for appoint:Sop�omore Class Will HO��'.. �: ��., "-,ents�,:�id-:a;V'� :o� not d�eoll' Co . IaT '.III IDIDOU Pridiay;: '. WiDOW' ;WANTS 'WORK�We1tTh . _.,. 1:: I' � : .'r��inm('J1ck'd, l"'" Mrf.!"� FrJderick. e JU�llor college final Chd�. . e»-0 ,: I n,-own,�54.8so :F.!lst End aven�e anderOl5eS will b h Id -rri"'l"o - 0 • .�,• � ,. e e. tom�o; at:, '0. M�s. .charl.es .s�, Eaton, 5744 Kim-10·15 lR Mdl ,-,' ".. an e ... he ' caD� I ates; barlt a�e�ueo woul4· ,�all your at-for the. btle of associate have:!been ' (en�io.n 0 to �he needs '3Od skill ofasked to meet in Mandel COrridf' r at �'M�s, �p�te��',- She 'does"'plaira sew-10:15. Attendance is requi�; at ' ing 'and �,elines and repairs coats.these exercises. ' 0 Iler chil�r�n will call for and re-H. Louise Mick will talk foJ the .' .. �urn' all �rm�nts. She deserVesassociates. Mr. Charles F ni your'i�te,r�'t_a�d needs your work.. rown Add 0 ,0.... E • 6of Chicago will speak. The I v� ex- ���,s:: .L��� psteln. 5� . Lakeercises will be held Friday at noon aven�e, (3_r!l floor) opposite Hydeafter wh·lch th S hl_'·. Park Center. Sent! a post card., e op omorc c ass Will 'hold its last class function, a I�nch­eon, in the Commons cafe. . .-Association of Amateur Athletes ofAmerica shall be all that the namei�plies, including in jts organizationI�Ot only the northeastern collegesbut also those from the southern andwetsern states. Present dC\'e1opmentsf.;oint to one outcome--the nationaliz-lion of inte!:_collei.riate athletics-J !art,'Ord Crimson. ." 0•-i..iterary Maauine for June ContainsEleven Articles ill A11-Three' ,Are Poems.-The third number of th C'"1 '. C "'('ago_., :rur)' !.f omld). wiil be on ato .. s e to-.l:�'. at 10:15. 'The' issue, �contaipstwe.ve numbers, inclUding th di. e e itor-ial : : d thrce poems.Doi othy Whitney· Hel G. . ., en rossI'auh LilIv Raymond Ad'. . • n erson, J.H. 1\'1(' ore, Lula Laubach, MitchellDaWS01!, and Sanford Griffith h 'h . are t e,aut ors of nine of the art· I T'.. IC es, woare anm·ymous.Dishw&lshing. by Doroth Who ,ney e., • I' y, It-, Is tt.e eading article. It "stud 0f IS a.y 01 arm life. dealing with .. . a Crt-SIS In a woman's life and hb II· . , ' er re-e Ion against the dullh' monotony of.er exlstenc�. An Egyptian Wedding.by an eYe'wJtness, Faith Lill .h y, IS an-ou er feature of the number. � The�fagic Ship by Raymond AndersonIS a fantastic imaginative work. S �ford Griffith has an article on �::bussy and Impressionism. T�o of thepoems are by Helen Gross d h ..tb· d by J ' an t Cjir' •• H. Mopre., The a�ony-mous arudes are entitled SockS andA Legent of Old Hawaii. The P .b L'I La "�e,y u a ubach; cOl1lP.letes the,'num-bees. . I-� URKISHBATHS75 CeDtL PWa B'ltIIs .5 CestOpen nay alld Night.SARATOGA BA�BER SROIJ. H. Hepp, Prop... loath Dearbonl StreetExpert lluaicurist.Sciati6c MannnEapert Cbirop«Mlis580E REPAIRINGBRING ALL THE WORKYOU CAN BETWEENNOW AND JUNE 14, ANDGET COUPONS FORTHAT AUTO WE AREGIVING AWAY.The 5mith-GoodyearCo.·..................Oppcmfe Postofice. LOST-Betwcen the School of Ed­ucatiou and �Iis, A ':_C and 61 st St.about the' hour of one P, M .. Mon'day, a gold broach with three opals.F�nder please return to MidwayStudio, 6016 Ellis avenue.7-ln I;ood running order. Will, sell for less than one fourth of; costto prompt buyer. Tel, H. P, 2871or Address S. G.- 1360 E. 58th s-,LOST-Small field glasses, on cam­pus. Reward if returned to In­formation office or phone Midway6211.�()R RENT-For summcr-Pleas­ant seven room furnished house.Rock 'Island train or street car tocity. $jo per mo. ,L. n., 10750Armida Avc., Morgan Park, Illi.nois..W�NTED-Room -and board toyoung lady at Michigan SummerResort for assistIng with Diningroom' work. -Refs. as to characterrequired. Phone Kenwood 2042.FOR RENT-Furnished summer cot­�t;tge; ,10 rooms and bath: verandasdirectly' overlooking 0: Lake Michi­gan,: :arge., .. wooded lot, perfectbeach; ; grocery delivery. Frank­f9!t., Michigan. �ental $150. Ad-o o'dresso C� K�" Chase, Hamlton Col­lege, Clinton, N. Y.VANTED-A hustling'representatiTeto sell a popUlar-price.! room dec-, oration. Especially suitable for col­!Iege ,denSo' ; Libqal : coommissi�D',Only on� ��t1��nt at each school,SC) ,write- (or J�l particulan at onee.The . M�kin��mpany, 1264 St.: �,S.°o� y��� J:1ticago 1110o ',�FOR SAL�No�tlJ ',Wisconsin Sum­mer camp locaticn for sale. Tenvery de,sirable lots each SO ft. front_age on the �gie chain of 27 lakes.Splendid location for club. OwnerE. S. Coleman,' Eagle Rivet', Wis.'.. ---�STUDENTS. 0desiring to makeGOOD MONEY by selling anarticle of real merit. write us atonce. Ea�:ly handled on sparetime. O\\"asco Supply Company.Box No. 225 Auburn, N.o Y.WANTED-Room and board toyoung man at Michigan Summer. Resort Camp for assisting 1I.ith. kitchen work. One who can han­dle a sail boat preferred. PhoneKenwood 2042-PA TRONIZE MA RO(_)NADVERTISERSTHEY, ARE RELIABLETHE DAILY.MAROON, WEDN'ESDAY�'1UN'� � 191J:.'It It. It .. It .,It .... II. �. .... SIXTEEN GO TO CONFERENCEIlea's F1IndsIdags 'CoKb c-tock aDd Squad of Six-teeD Track Men Will. Leave forIbdiaoD Frida,._Director Stagg to.R8aaia Away IDdefiDi!cly.Co�hey's. Sixteen track men will representSo. East Cor. 55th aacI EDia· the Uni�ersity in the ConferenceBASEBALL RETURNS meet at Madison Saturday. Coach,��...........................RegulatiOnTIlE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SERVICEHeatTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDInstalled in the Universityof Chicago BuDding.Complete Sy.tema foraU Methocla of Steamand Hot Water HeatingControl of HumidityReducing Valves for Air.Water. and Hot Water TankRegulatoraJohnson 'ServiceCo.H. J. GILSON, Kaaapr.Chicqo Office.177 NO. DEARBORN STREE'I�=================�======;ILLINOIS CENTRAL 1t·1lDIRECT TOLMtle Roell. .A,k.Beumom. Tesu.Hot 8prI .... Ark.Ban Ant.a.. ,......BimU ........ Ala..lacboDyl1le .......lI"t. Wartb. 'ra.&Waco. Tau.DaI .... Taa.Cbulea a�. I ..1JheIcIoD. Iowa.0m8ba. X ...�"" Or ..... La.H __ • 'I'd.BIoa 0It7. Ja....... �.�ckets mel aleeplac car raer,atloa76 W. Adula St., Pboae CeDtnl h70Aatomatic 6t47S••••••••••••••••••••••••••READ THE ADSIN THE DAILY "AROON Comstock will accompany the teamas Page is obliged to remain ill Chi­cago to run off the Interscholastic.Director Stagg will not return illtime f�r the Interscholastic meetand will remain ill Colorado for allmdefinite stay.Owing to the large; number of menentered in the meet it is practicallyimpossible to predict what pointsChicago will score. Over a hundredmen are �ntered in the hundred yarddast alone. Parker, Knight, Breathed,Ward and Matthews are all enterediii the one hundred and two hundredand twenty yard dashes. Parker isconceded to be the' fastest of theLunch, and he is expected to showwell in the meet. He is counted up-011 to place wdl in both events,Thomas Is ill Vault.Thomas in the pole-vault, Kuh illthe hurdles, Goettler and Des J ar­dien in the - discus, Norgren in theshot, Sellers in the hammer throw,Cox, Gorgas and Des] ardien in, the:.high jump, Ward in the hurdles,Campbell, Goodwin, a.�d Reid in thedistance runs are the men who willn: alee up the team. .The team will leave Friday at 12:45from the Northwestern station. Theofficial track picture will be takenMonday, June 9,. at 1 :30. All menwho h�ve won points this year aree1igiblt1 for the picture.Repairs at �P Randall..The repairs at Camp Randall, theWisconsin athletic field, have beencompleted. The track � .h� been�idened: so as �o allow for SIX. Ianes.:��d' the posi'tion o'f� tlii Jumping' pits"has been changed so. as to give thespectators a better, view'. of. theseevents. Trials .will be held lD thequarel' mile' Friday· afternoon.��mY LISTiREAKs RECORD(Continued from. page one.)ment wlJich. will begin tomorrown�orninc follow:TeDDis SiD&les.A. Williams, Interlaken school,Rolling' Prairie. Ind ..B. Gates, Interlaken SChool) Roll-ir.g Prairie, Ind.e. Pullen "Hillsdale. Mich.F. Wilso� Hillsdale, Mich.'E�' Shattnch, Genoa.' Ill.A: Hubbell, Morgan Park Academy.W.· Kochs� Morgcin:Park Academy.. H. Kirkpatrick, Morgan ParkAca:denur. _ .G Salladin' Morgan Park ACademyJ: H. Web�r, Harvard �!=��l, Chi-c�=o. -;'.1.�M: Weber; Harvard, �cboo\, Cln°casto. .H. Cudney, Harvard School, Chi-r.�2o.A. Hart. Harvard S'Chool, Chicago.A. Carter.. Castle Heights Scho�l,Lebanon. Tenn.H. Huges, Liberty, Ind.C. Pedusen. Whiting. Inft.S. Pahl\er. Schurz High. ChicagoM •. Cohen •. Marshall H�gh. ChicagoC. Lyon. Little Rock. Ark.C. England. Little Roclo Ark.A. Lindauer. Englewoorl Higb.W. Becker. Englewood High.S. Carter. Owensboro. Ky.S. McCarroll, Owcnshoro, Kv.C. Martin. Oregon.'·III.E. McKay, Evanston, Twp. HighC. Fargo, Evanston Twp. Hh:hJ. Chal"les, Evanston Twp. Hi'ghK. Kraft, EvanstonTwp . HighH. Yaeger. Proviso Twp. MaywoodJames. Evansto nAcademyDenny. Evanston AcademyWilliams. Evanston AcademyNelson. Evanston AcademyLittle, Evanston AcademyL. Goldstone, Me�1J HhthJ. Saperstein, Medlil HighRosen.' Hyde Park"High -A Carr, .Hyde Park HiSthF .. Tanant. Hyde Park HighDrake. Hyde Park High.. NiceIT� HTde Park High Chaffee, Hyde Park HighChidborne, Hyde Park HiKhT. Lar"in. Le,wis. lost.R_ Weihgenant, Lewas lnst.H, Hall. Lewis Jul.,.H. .Frank. Lewis lnst.J. Kabn. Lewis IDSLJ. Heist. Lewis' Jut. - _.H .• .Mathiessen, UDivcuiy Hi':hJ. Woolf. Unveriaity Hi'",x, Kuh, Univeraltj listlhA. Loeb Univeialt7' Hi'"H. D'A�cona: UDiYer.U.r Hia:hH, Taylor, UniYedity high.Peirikin Crane Technical HighSladek •Crane TeciU ... :a1 HignH. M�Loughlin. Lane TeChnicalHi!.!b ,.N. Cone, Morton. Twp. High. Ci-cero. ..J. Heath. Parker Hiah. Chic.ago.W. Winterble •. Owatolllla. Mmn.N. Hitchcock, Hyde Park HighMay Hyde Park HighH. Hitchcock Hyde i atrk HighTennis DOIlba�A. WillianlS\ Interlaken SChool.Holling Prairie. Ind.B. Gates. Interlaken i:.choob, RoU",:n!! Prairie. Ind. . .C. Pullen, Hillsdale, Mich.F. Wilson. Hillsdale. Mic;h.A. Hubbell, Morgan l'ark Academy.·W. Kochs,: Morgan Park Academy.H. Kirkpatrick, . ldorg. ii ParkAcademy. . .G. SaIl ad in, Morgan Park AcademyJ. H. Weber, Harvard Scl.001, Chi­C<li:O.J. M. Weber, Harvard Schooh' Chi·cazc-H. Cudney, Harvard School, Chi-ca�o. .A. H art, Harvard Sehoo], Chicago.M. Cohen, Marshall High; ChicagoH. Isacowitz., MarshaU High, Chi-cazo.C. Lyon, Little-Rock, Ark.C. England, Little Rock. Ark.H. Raeder, Mel'Cershurg: Penn.A. Lindauer. Engfewood High.W. Becker, Englewood High.S. Carter. Owensboro. Ky.S. McCarroll, Owensboro, Ky.E. McKay, Evans��m, Twp .. HighG. Fargo, Evansto Twp. High·J. Charles. Evanston Twp, HighM Wright. Evanston Twp HighJ. MacCauley, Evanston Twp HighK. Kraft. Evanston Twp. HighT. Richardson; Proviso Twp. High.MayWood ',': .H. Yeager, Proviso. Twp. 'High,Ma¥woodB. Minteer, -Proviso r�.. �liight'lfaywood f -, '.i K Watters, Proviso Twp. : 19h,Maywood .R H ummeland, Proviso WIP.High. MaYwood . :L. Yeager, Proviso" Twp High,Maywood. .Williams, Evanston AcademyLittle. Evanston AcademyL. Block. Mcdill HighS. Klein. Mcdill HighH. Teter. Medili HighS. Waxler, 'Medill HighJ. Saperstein. Medill HigbA. Carr. Hyde Park HighF. Tarrant. Hyde Park HighNeely, Hyde Park HighT. Larkin, Lewis Inst;:R. Weihgenant, Lewis I nst.if. H all. Lewis I nst.B, Frank. Lewis Inst.. J. Kahn, Lewis Inst.J. Heist. Lewis Inst..I Woolf. University High,Noble. University HighA� Loeb, University, HighC. . Oarke. University HighH. D'Ancona. UniversitY' HighH. Taylor, Univer.isty HighPritikin. Crane Tech. HighSladek. Crane Tech. HighLiska. Crane Tech� HighVernier, Crane Tech. HighC. Wiegland. Lane Tech., HighA. Wiegland. Lane Tech. HighN. Cove, Morton Twp. High. Cic­ero. III.G. Keller,' Morton Twp. High .Cicero, ilLJ. Heath. Parker High. ChicagoN. Hitchcock, Hyde Park HighTerhune. Hyde Park HighMay. Hyde Park HighH. McCullough Hyde Park HighB. Hitchcock ,Hyde Park HighGEORGE PRO:SSST ISWINNER ()F MIDDLED TENNIS TOURNEYGeorge Probst won the Middle Di.,·inity tennis championship yesterday.defeating James Hayes in a long­('rawn 011t match. 6-2, ;-5,.2-6. 6-2.'Miftdlc n roun(fed up its pro�m ofrocial activities for the year with a.hig' stag and banquet in the cluJ;.room last week. I mpromPtu addresses1 songs amI musical namben by astring quartet were features of theaffair. i�����-Pre-Eminen�eon track or campus depends on tbe 1Jp-to-the­minute fitness of proper traininC. Make0Jr£IaG• part of the ayltem. It w!D. help over tni:li:1!! trialt.:meI do J:OU goodbesides. A healthful, debclous be"eragc-full of life aDd "lIor.Delicious - Re,freshiagTbirst-Queaching ...Demand the Genuine-Refuse SubstjhdeaTHE COCA-COLA CO..ATLANTA. GA.you see :nArroW' thinkof Coca· Cola.I TYPEWRITERS RENTED. $5.00 for Three MonthsEvery machine guaranteed to be'in fine workingorder.and will be kept so. during term of, 'n:ntal.We' deliver the machine. and' call for it at the end ofthe rentaltesm We also ba�e for sale a fine line of Fac­tory Rebuilt" machines of all mabI UD which you can saYe50 to 75 per cent,T �lephone �b 6386-6399. AMERICAlt WRITINC HACBIN£ COMPANY(IHCORPORAft�)1437 So. Dearborn' SL Chicaro, m_ .. :-. ,Hotel·. 'Cumberland.. ' . . ..·REWYORK� at 54th �tRet.,N� som,,� s� s�....s·.53Id Street Elevated."BrOa� cars � Grand, .'. CeDtral Depot.Sneath AftIIIIe Can &om PeImQl- ,,StatIaa. IKBPJt BY OOLUQ. 'IIAlI,B.ADQUA.'l'IIIlB.,-o1l OO�Q. 'II"BPBOIA£ ur_ 1'0. OO£I&Q. 'I7I�.Tea Mi� Waik to !l"birt:y TheatresH.A.RRY P. STIIISO!f. MANAGER IBBADQ1JAIlTICB8 W\iB CBlCAOOMew, Modcnl aad FiI'cpl'ooI,�� Batb.lLso aDd ap.------I•ITIlE TONIC OJ' TIlE AGE1Iah --.now is • great braiD 1nI1lCIer-.it is recommended by phydciauProdIIc:er.ofAiKANADR.cAvoy laIt larro, DeparlllatISM-8 So1dh Park Aven1le.".Pboae �5401Dnaaish Sen It.WHAT ORGANIZATIONS,"A R·E DOING HE RE nament Saturday. He wi:' meet At·bert Brokaw, who was rUI. ner-up iiithe Kent championship match in theWalker tourney Saturday.lIA VE ANNUAL SPRINGFESTIVAL ON FRIDAY(Continued from page oneAfter the festival the second •..University sing will be held i �Hutchinson court. where groups w ml-."3ther to sing their class songs. Th ,.University band will playas befor Iand members of the Blackfriars an _,the men's and women's Glee clu'r ,will siJlg special numbers. The Aln13 I (Mater will be supg as the closin jnumber,,Have CoiDmittee Hee!ing.Donald Hollingsworth, Hays Mc­Professor James W. Tufts will be Farland and Leo Ha)' have beenthe speaker at the annual dinner of asked to be present at a committeeFreshman Luncheon Today.The Freshman class will hold aluncheon today at 1 in Hutchinsoncafe. All members have been urgedto attend. IW. A. A. Meets Today.'-The \V. A. A. will meet today atI : I 5 in Lexington to decide whetherto continue the custom of producinga comic. opera every year. .French Club Picnic:.Members of the French club' will try home of Judge Goodwin, nearNaperville, and have invited all Kan­sans and ex-Kansans. The party willassemble at the Union station Satur­day at 12:45 and will take a specialBurlington train. George W eods,president, and Rena Stillwell, secre­tary of' the organization are incharge, , ILaw School Dinner.give a beach party today dn Jack- the Law school alumni associationson park. Those who are going will which will be held at the Hotel La-Meet in Lexington at 4. Salle, Friday, June 13. The date ofMathematical Clllb. the dinner was originally placed asMiss Hazlett will talk on Hyper- J une t� but it has since been post­Complex Numbers, and Mr. Krath- poned a week. Tickets may be ob­wohl, on Modular Invariants of-Two tained from Rudolph Schreiber,Pairs of Cogredient Variables at the Man�oEn Club Election.meeting of the Mathematit:al club to- William Lyman, president Haroldday at 4:15 in Ryerson 37. Wrighr.. manager; Howard Adams,Hitchcock Semi-Finals. leader; and Hugo Swan, lbrarian areI n the semi-final round for the the newly elected officers of the Man·Hitchcock championship, Cornelius dolin dub for the season 1913-1914-Teninga, winner in section four de- The club held a final dinner andcisively defeated Joseph Brody, the 'election last night in the J)rivate din­section three champion,' 6-i\ . 6-3. ir.g room of the cafe. The club au­Other matches in the semi-finals are tborized the purchase of a silver fobscheduled today and tomorrow. for th� retiring leader, Edward Mil-Intadass Hop. Ier, as a token of his work for the!Students have been asked to help last two years.decorate Bartlett for the Interclass Snell Hall Matches.Hop tomorrow night., In the dec- Several matches in the Snell hallorations the general plan ,of prev- 'tournament have already' been played.ious years will bet followed. There HarTy Getz and Joseph" Goldbergwill be twenty-four dances, the won from Mr. Bramhall and Wilsongrand march beginning promptly at Miser, the old Snell champion, 6-2,8:15. 'J. 6-4, 10-8 in a bitterly-fought matchHitchcock Dhmer. . in' the doubles semi-finals. Miser de-Hitchcock men will have their an- . Ieated 1. M. Rapp 6-1, 6-1 in thenual dinner tomorrow night in singles semi-fin�Hutchinson cafe. The Hitch�Octc an:- . GeOlogy Tournament.nual will appear at' the dinner.'Kansas Clllb Piaiic; . ' Wilbur Chamberlin won from:Broce Stickle 8-6, 6-4, 6-� in a hard­Members of the Kansas Club will fought match in the semi-finafs oftold their annual picnic at the" conn- the Geology department tennis tour- meeting this' morning at 10:15 inCobb 6A. Women in Miss Hlnman'sclasses can get their costumes fromLynne Sullivan this afternoon until3 in Lexington gymnasium. The cos·'tumes wlll cost seventy-five cents.Gr�' Is Awai-ded Jewett PriR­Donald, Grey was awarded theMilo P. Jewett opri:le of fifty'dollarsin artistic Bible reading 'Mondaynight. Professor Coulter, Miss Rey�nolds and the Rey., Dr. Charles B.l\fitcbcil wer� fht jpd�t�- . -Five Have Not Called for !!alLMail is uncalled for at the facultyexchange f6r the following persons:Dr. R. G. Cole, the Rev. G. W.HarveY) Mary O. Hoyt, ThomasN ass and the Rev. Vernon Phillipps:Gften� �ti� Is �er.Ethel '1lnUard, who b� been con·fined to her 'room in' Greenwood" forthe last week with German measlesis doing nic�ly and is expected soonto be able to resume her studies.AnDoUoCe GameS'in sean':Ymals. ' 'The '{olloWing games are schedule iin the semi-finals of the Universitygolf tournament: Daly·vs. Goodman;Chandler vs. Grlmes.EIPRISS.. TIlBATBItIsnI l-.t ... � ...... AftSULLlVAKa CONIIDIRBPRODUCING DBPAIlTIIDTAHHOUHa-DB MOHDBMOVINGPICTURESEVENINGS ONLYTEN CENTStft :., ....��. �'".I CODl'S ,lAIDTHE '�.TOK lIAR Op'OZ�;�.�:..ExceDeat c.tA, ....... of 1f0ftltia NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY,nft- BeeIi DlPt17 � tile Iat8t ..m.cplctan&. c_ ....... oar .... ..,.GOO� .....TOIIIGIIT, SEVERAL GOOD REBI SADIIISSION.. Floor; aD ..�. aD IKITTY GORDONHomer B. Muon a Marpret Keel­er; Wood. W)'de; Primrose Foar;ROIIIaDo Bros.; F'17mI • McLaa&h­liD; HeD1'7 Lewis; Moville TaIkiDCPictara.THE WORLD IN CHICAGOIbposiitOD aDd Paceaat DOW .OpenCOUSBlJII EYe17 Weckdq 12 DOODto 10 P ...A WORLD'S PAIRAdmIaIoa, .SC; CbiWrea, 15CoAUDITORItJIIPAGRAIfT OP DARKNESSARD LIGHTPInt 'lime III Cblcap; • KaaDl&ceat8pectac1e.JDC to 'I-50 ........... GARRICKSummer' PriCea: 'LSD- No lliPerWedDe8da711atL, '".00WHEN' DRBAIIS )COIIB TRUEwith, JOeepIa SaatIeyand • Spleaditl" Caat.' ..... PI'odactIoIaMAJEsTIC,LILLIAN RUSSELLIn NeW SOap·and • MODolope oilHedliand�.BELL FAIDLYIn aD .Artiatic:' Masical Act.Hagb J. Emmett a Co..; nreeGlinserettiar Smith. Cook • BraD­den; HU'17 Breen; Aaald;' TaDdncMoYiDE 'Pic ......CORT:a; a. WAiUmR(Tbe OrIPnal')IaIaai vahDtiDe)III '-n.e',m.o.t' .......Feyen' •• i: Sat. :M�t., � 'I�so... We.:' 1Iat. soc, '1.00 SELF·SUPPORTING STUDENTS,_ INVESnGAT£ THE PHOTO MACHINEA DIME - A MINUTE - A PICTUREv-''1\fONEt' M A KIN G OPPORTUNITYFor student workers at Summer Resorts or inthe Home Town during vacation or at Collegeduring term time. Price 01 Machine With 2500. ... 'Flates, $258... Easy Payments.J PHOTO 'MACHINE COMPANY,30 Ea$t 23rd Street, New York.INVEST KENTSWe "ave two $1:5.000 "Che-year ftnt'mot'tgacu on two propertlf'S within a t�wb:ocb of Uae UDlvenilty. ".l'Ibe bulJ4lDp on which (h� ').;en. art" made are hlK'l1 �\).,Incom. P!Or"1'1Ie. or the beat CODMrU�pn throuChout. and locatl"d in tb. bdt �Ionof HJde P�rk.Propeny \';Ilu:UJloll tn eedI � '- at I�8t t�oe the amount or th� loan.W • .., M\" OIl _114 otber b3Ch crade mortPOeS ond Real Estllte bonda on South$kJ. J)ntpen, •. a HIt of wI*::h we would be p:� to send upon application.,� parUc:u:uw a&!reaFort Dearborn Trust � Savinsis Banll'REAL ESTATE LO AN DEPARTM1?NT. 1I0!lmOll .A..�D CLARK STREETS.Telephone: Randolph 4301:'Ai �'Alrmmi DinaerMab the Old grads feel at'home. They smoke Fatima .. too. ', ,WOiSlinctive1y,IndivJduarInc,��-' ... -.... _ . '_,.�"ICAGCi).Tf!�� R�� l'lIrlr r.;n1" Paft.Blle our Advertisers