..•:�..:�.,. �\... ' lIuil!J-� flarn.®, • •• • I . 1VOL. XI .• No •. 152-. �. PRICE FIVE CENTSUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TOa,-p�V. JUNE 3, 191J.lWlc:.stAf�� '!::�=. QU:==CED'tHltAGO MEN GIIAMPIONSIN. BASEBALL AND TENNIS-"24, _.,.................. ,' . .,........... � '1ateR1_ Hop-Dccorat-.ii.c. WiD Be, Doae � Wittboldt- Fift H lIIIr·f Cali-To '1Ine TwIlt7-Poar D� ,aies fa In· ...r · ...Mrs .. Harry Pratt Judson.. Mrs:�s·-R. -Angell: _ Arrangements far Jh@ quarter-end. Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson exercises and festivi,ftt. have been Baumgartner Pitches Steadily-Will Chicago Men Meet in SiDc1es Finals;Hiss M:lrlon 'Talbot completed and the UFPI'''P1 was is- Meet Purdue at Lafayette Tburs- Minnesota Pair �ea� in-.tn. ""L-eon Carroll Marshall d d f h n id 'been preempted b7 the deans alid to- sue yester ay rom t tr ,. resi ent s day Instead of Friday. Do�l� F�Mrs. RObert Andrews Millikan office. How Holland M .. mages Her_. day is ·the ·last that It he . MAROON �1'8. ,..Frank Justus Miller C I . . h .... h Cstaff wiil spend in their .hilitoiic" 0 omcs IS t e SQ�J�F� Qf t e on' Chicago clinched the Conference' Albert Greene and Alex Sqair,, ·Ilrs;-David Allan Robertson . d . .b H'quarters, .Mts. 'Thomas F. Bell vocation ad ress to JJ, �V�n y IS baseball championship Saturday by Chicago's star net men, had every-Ac; unearthed' by the "scoop" .:- Jim. William E. Rothermel Excellency Jonkheer JphfJ Loudon, defeating Wisconsin .by a six to two I thing their own way in the semi,perts 'Df the Gory Tribtna�·1tbeD· tbei Mrs. Axel Norgren the Dutch minister JQ ,he United score. The team has lost only one �nals and finals of, the Conferencegot out the MAROON last ·quarter. ..._ J' States. game an·! has one more to play will. Tennis Tournament Friday and Sat-. '-'-1II. aIDeS Agarand as known for sometling·JiIr:e.& ,;Iha. William .Lyman Convocation thi� '�ltf i. 'a be held Purdue at Lafayette Thursday. Even urday on the University courts.year before that by those interested. '1In. James Ford in Hutchinson (:our� ,"��,,;uJ of Har-. if Chicago should lose th!..; game the Greene and Squair easily annexed thetile fact is that the JlIIlior llead& � :.n. C. E. Williard per court as lalt y�ar, where the Conference title would be secure, as doubles championship in a fast match.longee desiring ·their <light ,tO�be b�· .. . �rs. I.George M. Von Evera. afternoon heat became oppressive. Illinois and Indiana are too far he- 'with Magee and Stellwagon of Min-den under a 'bushel �haft determia;d ..WDJ ,Dance TaD!!o. . There are 564 candidates for degrees hind to overcome the lead. npapta Saturday morning arid in thetc have the advantageoa·j;oeition �... . 3l1le �taag... wh�n danced in the and titles.. Pat Calls Title Sa!e. ",.�rJ1oon Greene beat his teammateE!lis. so. long occupied �by �:x+- troper way. will 'not . be barred as it Events Started Lut Night. Even -Pat Page, who has been fQ, .• he singles title in' an uphill fiveROON. Hence in consequ�1IR ·,t. � at.other universities. There' Last night's contest in reading was darkly pessimistic in his hopes and .It�· ma_tch.administrative .vi", .61 �, �lae .is no need for such drastic action at the first of the scheduled events ami extremely averse to . giving out even Chicago Men Play ·Well.deans will :step·. fonru4 .. wIIiIe. �. Cbiawo .according to a statement of tonight's' program of oratory and a hopeful statement .during the ye,,..;· fiqnair 'and Greene both reachedMAROON wi1l step �ek ck _0 Chairman Bell yesterday. artistic reading will be the second. at last confessed ithat the 'bear thlt semi-finals in the singles Fridaythe comparative.gloom ad remotIe-' ;Ho�er in ord�r to call attention to Tomorrow the Senior college final stories' were no more, and that the itmi entered the finals' by defeatingnes.of :Ellis·g_ .It,is·u�oo4··tlat: e� Tact-that the extreme 'forms of exercises will be: held in Mandel at title was safely annexed. This is P"hh of Illinois and Stellwagon of'the: MAR00N sbalf. ··wiII: l1IIOfe!.Iie CiIUIf;c;:shouJd not be indulged in, 10:15. .. ! . the' first time that Chicago has clettr-; MinPltsota. . Sqnair easily, defeatedfrom .its tempora...r.. -e .... �. :�.> ,: I.�.·' '.:..:., ... '��;,.w·i--.··. J�',""', r' 'has. be. en.. sen. t to Th . tho ... :. f 'Iy won a. basebeJl ... tle·since �M .... :� .r": ....... Ul·�·. i-:nw.,,;, ·y.e·r.···-m· ...... ::.s.�.o...:.:..t:-:. s�·t?.;hl.t·"<· ."-"- tile .IUP"! -p... ,,.- �rogra�.for .. 1 �q��r..,a ter., .. :-"': __ " .... �- _--.... ... - >_�_ .. �, ......1iA .. � .... �,.: ��,;rs.�tO(the.·����� .. � (�!��� �.-� women's' clubs: t('mo�ow foii�� ,_.. . Pos��e. � Gami.'. t. �'f.· t).:-i, '6-1, 6-2.' Squ;li" was. in., .. fort:ible "EllrS�'12, 'DOW . .,..,!It- .tk:..roliaeiis'.l.alls:' ... . .-�. _" - The date WIth fUr«Jqe t�t waJ .p,ltt fonD and Bebb' never. had adeans. But 'tbt·WiII �:-.ft� the ·mhe:Letter. (Continu�d �D ·paact 30J. originally scheduled fQr Fri"." Itt �h.Bcc';-'"Greene 'displayed some sen-. present st�ff.has stepped .oif. .Ail � � meli and .women who Lafayette has been shifted to' Thq ..... ·, "UQPal teimis"in hi!i .mltc� with the- Tan ·AIe .... t1'ClpeCt Ith� iAlma <Mater take .pride ·WlLL HOLD. ORA TORJCAL ·day owing to the fact that· th� Cop·' M'PI,esota star, whQ is tated as oneAn� so it is tha' .the fiaal ,�: in the· �t of conservati�m' and CONTEST F�NALS TONIGH� fer�nce . meet comes Satur4"",· ;l.... of. file "c:st . plat�rs . in 'the' Con_fer-'ories or ·the many .t..- tbe ..J9I2-4I3 good b ... eding whi�h characterizes that it it would have been iinpo .. ible� �nc� •. · Gre�y.e 'however, Was clearlyBoard will carry away. will be tof .... - ��!lr col"ee �Iife. If t.his sp�ri.t of Ten Students wm Be Contestants for the track men on the b�eball' the' superior' of the twq; 'and' his fast ,.'.moval-eold, hearties .�d �1 liS 'ltiijsenalJsm 'anCl 'good taste', con- in Mandel for Rosenwald and team to reach Madison' in time for. smalilhes· gave - him the match' inthat accorded .the Acadians iQ Lq"- "dis oar dancing at··the Interclass IAdams Prizes. the meet. The confl�t with the ·Il:"tc. straight:.sets, 6-4, &3,' 6--3- . '.fellow's Evangeliae. 'But no :I)artl- �fIop we �1I"be saved' from such a of the -Interscholastic, the Spnng.. . TeamawiteS"-Jl�singS'dhe sad epic of' college .:j<ntr-' Sit1ialido·as 'eDsts, at Minnesota. Festival and Junior College Day also TI.'__, Ch··: :.: . t' ilihfl' Finals in the annual Julius Rosen' f ·te u,,'O ICago men me II}.I Cnalists. ProbaDty no one woUfd ast;ea whefe as ,be result of extreme dane· combined to render the shifting 0 fi I .. tb • gI "S to d _IlL... . d . I d th FI na SlOe SID es a r ay iLner-if he should. FreahDJen mastlbe.tne ill', th� Vniversity suffered unpleas· wa oratonca contest an e or- the date necessary. ' , .'.. ."'i.,. e:nce James Adams contest in artistic noon. Greene 'did not play· up toto find their; dqp·s : oSee, � .the an� pu'blkiw through press com'. Today the Varsity will lIleet an form'· in' the first. two sets and lost• I t \St· 't" d � b·dd· II reading will be .held tonight at 8 in "11 S d f fdeans must enJoy a· P evan 0 - me ... s 0" an or er or I 109 a .. , '.. tar team compose 0 Qnner. ""t.h, but in- th.e :third his smashesh As· � . tL 'fi" �f ·t'... - Mandel. Five students will compete V . t' P F T··look on t e calQPus. .lor "e Qrma" De ... ngo. arstty p ayers. age, reeman, �'-. JiJld well placed Lawfords took ef-MAROON staft, :akylighta �bdo- .: '. '�i� is a matter lying entirely with in each contest. Admission to the bonati, Boyle, Sauer and Steinbrecher. fect �nd he' :O"r!>.dually' overcamecontests will be free. The Univer- '11 fbi f hAll ,.. e.--WI orm' t e n�c eus 0 t e -S. fJQair's handicap and won the Con-sity public has been invited to at- Stars. Today's game wilt' be the. . . .t d fere�e-title 2"6, .;6, 6-4, �;-S:�I.eo • last appearanee. on Marshall Field of \ -..' - '.. ,� '�Ul' in Doubles. .The speakers and subjects are as Catron, Scofield,' Carpent�q, and . �follows: 'F Ca _11· h � Tn the do�b1es the Chica� pairrecman. rpenter Pl,tc or re�ched··the"finals'bf·�lealing Hin-Jasi� Roenwald Contest: the Varsity.man and Stivers of. �i�c<>nsin, 6-.George Kasai, The Mastery of the Game LadEs Pep. 6-3, 6-0. Stetlwago� and Magee ofPacific. Minnesota also: quaJifi�d for the finalsby winning from �bb and ·Coltonof Illinois 6-1, 6-1, 6-2. Squair andGreene both - s�med' off in the firsttwo sets' of the finals, and they playeda taatious defensive game ins�ad oftheir nsual brilliant smashing style.They won the first set 6-3. but theGopher players came' back in thesecond and annexed it by a 7-5 score.Greene then seemed to recover hisusnal aexu..ate smashing and theChicago team took the' next two setsrather easily 6-2, 6-J.Summaries..'- Sixteen patronesses have been an­DoUnced for the' Interclass Hopw��h wiU be. held Thursday night at:ISdn' JBart1trtt. According to. pres'-iudicaflOils' at· least 150 coupleswill attend. :T-he -patronesses' follow::'DIe Patnmeaes"Goodbye Ellis 24 rThe front room in Ellis, overIook--­ing the campus, for years .used as tile:office of the DAILY 1(kROON bias.."�. :', - -.; '."Members of the dcpartmeat," �0Id. .. tonicht will touch upon Profes­and new, will gather -abcMit "t_1' aor :Starr·s coming trip to Korea, inprofessor" at his quarterly.pt £\agast 'or- .ur.y september. Afterof "his young people·' tOliight ,�t ,8; tt.e lectare, .there will be informalill Haskell assembly room. .ProfeS-� :eatel'taitnneat as the contribution ofsor Starr's party" 'quarterIY attraCts .� ..... and ic:e-cream as the. '. . :.. ,Ilot only those taking' .coanes .with� tnDatlon· of the professor. By theItim 'in the Department, of ADtllrop-t time, die refreshments have arrived01010' but ffold melftbers of ,die 4It- .1""'" ,will have become lively,p:artmenl" as tlte i_stmdm cIetC- �:to the judicious seating systemnates those who preTioasl,. haft doae � follo�d by Profesor Starr.work with him. Upwards of :fif.,. IIIIiII as • result of which conversa'are expected to attelld from .tllei tiaas betwee:a:those seated conti�t-. classes in' EfllnololY ..aad IItIidcci aft1y � ;iaevitable. There will hethat Professor StaIT.ta offering .this ainging of CIIicago songs by thequarter, while at least a SC01'e 0' pnts. following ·the program of in·former pupils Wl11 :undoabtedty � tlirillaa1; ...... ben. The party will un·present. As usa( .the·.irst .,.n of. "'btedJr conclude with the depart·the evening will be deyoted to intnr tHlltaI.�n.duct ions and the �tion of. tlte' . ·.• 'Et�oIogy!guests by their host. TheIl .Profea AtdaeoIo I�or Starr will probably spelik.� fasome phase of anthtGpo1oP:al ··or:. ".thropo)ogy!ethnic work. It is poaa"We\tIIat.dII Slanl StarrrStarrr' NETIIERWtDII TORSPEAIEIBADGERS ARE BEATEN, 6 TO :2 BRIWANT TErOOS IS PUYEDBaD Teaa Defeats Wiscouia Albert Greeae W-... Confer-in �ritical Game Clinch- see Sm;tes, WYe _Deing Tdle to Confer- and 8faaair Wia Tdieeaee Champiouhip ia Doahlea�Convocation Will at Ihl&! in Hu!ch'mon COurt-P'9��1fP of Ac­tivities Pv�","-Hirsc1a Soble, Peace Inevi�abe.Charles Stewart\. The Vitality of the(Coati .... __ t-'Saturday's game with Wisconsinwas of the pepless variety ,and· inonly one inning did the Varsity seemto wake up and start anything' bor-Dead Languages.William Hamman, The Control ofCredit.Bent-diet Goodman, Ain't Got N ..11ob. (Continued on page 4)..HUMPHREY RETAINSTENNIS TITLE BYDEFEATING BROKAWFlorence James Adams Contest:Mildred Peahody ,extract from TheLittle Minister. 1n the final round of the KentMona Quayle, Tennyson's In theChildren's Hospital.Beryl Gilhert Alfred Noyes' ANhtht at St. Helena.Esther Bernstein. Tennyson's Elain .... ��r.n('dict Goodman. Extract fromThe Ruhaiyat of Omar Khaiyam.Kasai's speech is of especial in­terest as it deals with the Japanes�Question. It is a plea for the Ameri·cans to give np the 'ffoolish thoughtof war" between n�tions which"Grant declared should ever befriends." tennis tournament played yesterday:Sternoon Edmund Humphrey de­cisively defeated Albert Brokaw inthree straight sets. 6-.1 6-3. 6-1.H umphrr.y displayed remarkableability in following up the ball. vol­leying, and playing net. and in all ofhi!= matches won with great ease de­feating his opponents in straight sets.Hnmphrey is a member of Sigma Nufraternity and has captured the Kenttennis championship two years insuccession, winning from IsabellaVosburgh, last year. Summaries:Singles: 5emi·finals: Squair or Chi­cago defeated Bebb of Illinois 6- I.(>-T, 6-2. Greene of Chicago defeatedStellwagon of M.jnn�sota 6:"4. 6-� 6-,3.FINALS: Gftene of Chicago de­feated Squair of Chicago 2-6,3-6, 6--4,IS. 6-1.- .--....._ -- ·_......-.._�-- ...i .......,.-.. THE DAILY MAROON, TU�SDAY. JUNE 3, i9i�'�The D"aily Maroon1l.i.n. ... d� .(DU'uiaS .� JI ........ Bulletin and Announcements.� _ �n+"'" mall ��L�mc.. � 1M.. lIaI'ca � � ....s.,r Act of llarob .. J8ILalJB8C��"By carrier. f2.GO a J'IU':; 11.00 a 41 ......Ii,. m&Ll. $3.00 a rear:; 11" a 41..ur.E4lLor1:i.l·B� o� &WIt M.TcLepboDe ll1_Q 800.llyl1e l'ark 6.01 (au. I Po 1Do)�11l.1l &It "0" Facult7 Ryeb II�='eW!i .t;d1torALhleLlc.&d1tor .. EYeDiDc Post Supplement Staf[-1:15. Cobb uB.Junior Womm's C�lO:IS,MandelDramatic Club-IO:IS. Cobb gB.Freshman Womm's Gardm �-3:.30. 4730 Greenwood .aveuue.Botanical Clu�4:3O. Botany 13 .University Public Lecture-Dr.Wedster, 5, Physiology 25·Romance Club--8, 5749 Kimbarkavenue.ington. Ma�cmatic:al Club-Tomorro'N.4:15. Ryerson 37.W. A .A. Banquet-Tomorrow, 6,I Lexington •Univenity Public Lectur�Mr. "-."f'Fine �o�Dt'ofSummer Goods at<fbitotwTha� period of the quarter has ar- SELECT DANCE PATRONESSES JUNIOR WOMEN ARE VICTORS SO. East Cor. 55th ancJ;EUisrived when the grind coines iDto his BASEBALL RET.YRN�own. Campus ae- ,Continued from page one) Defeat Seniors In Last Game of By Inninp.The Other ti'VI'ti'es are at a 1··n Championship Series. - t t.• t ..... II t It It •• II It II It •. � the individual. No one can say, "Thusand undergraduates, all far and no farther shalt thou go."sen·o.us --� so\..�:-d- D f h k k J upnior college women sprung a_ cauu � ..:;.ut i eac one ta es care to ceepwell within the bounds set by h is surprise yesterday when they wontheir first game from the Seniorown good taste then no such situa-.. .: d th U' it ·11 baseball team ,13 to 12, 10 the lastlion can arise an e mversi y WIb .d h I bli I match of the championship series.e spare t e unp easant pu ICltY. lAlthough the. upper class women putwhich would accompany a state ofaffairs like that at Minnesota.Respectfully,Chester S. Bell........ • .tt Julius Rosenwald and -FlorencellaI1.Ia 8tnen...... Ya.a..Q James Adams Contest-8. Mandel... Christian Science Clu� Lexing--·-·,E-"-·ea--&a.e--ft-pon.--- --_--.._-- -ton. I ; ;: �I'-with dear eJ'_ aM Ii � Senior Colleges and College ofqun'U laJu.tkle aM peIa& aM ..L.ro:.;r�5."-.H.. L. 8. Commerce and Administration-i'nut .....! uy llarooc Pr--. GGl1 � a.... Chapel, tomorrow, 10:fS. Mandel.FrenCh Club-Tomorrow, 4. Lex-Side.cd, are hurrying across the campusfrom class room to library .. wherethey are trying ·�o cram four weekS're a ding into four days. where theterm paper that is due t���must be prepared and written � today.WhQ. in such crtiinel wouJ.d·,�t· bea grind. The camPus belle.·, �w j tcily '�rough two hundred paK�of back reading glances enviouslyacross the library table at the plainand complacent fea� of the girlwhom but a few weea ago shescornfully' dubbed. a "greasy grhuL"Sh� envies the repose and calm thatlies behind those spectacled eyes. Sheenvies the pleasure � tak� � pU�the finishing touches to a. 'WeD PlJ=­pared and executed term pape.. sheemries the self satis&cti� withwhich the "grind" prepareS her iaKfew assignments,:the�pQoe of mindthat is hers as �� .�� to � sayat ten o'clock. �. the song. in herhart that merrily mara time as she. �walks to class in the morning. Whob such a tim� .. would Dot be a grind?Who at all time would Dot be •grind. The· deep .�d_ intense gro;Inof the Average/ S�dent �es ourear. A grind, .; a �d, ,an awfulgrind. one pursuing' the Phi· BdaKappa key so relentlessly that hecoes not stop a minute for someneedful recre2:ion or pause to makea friend or two. Appalling th01l&b:!The Average Student edges away indisgust. But stop a bit. Why not befair? Do you at the bo� of yourheart, 0 Average Student.. feel thatthe grind is the one who is truly en­joying his college life... because hehas rightly inferred �at he comeshere to learn, and who takes keel!f;l�asure in his class room work,every hour of which broadeDS. his.... i cw of some bewildering and en­chanting field· of knowledge? Doesroc do this at the expense of maldJigfriends? Not at all. True he doesnat approach Cobb hall and boister­o'L1.sly slap half a dozen men on thel::ack and shou� their first· namesalouod; but the quiet and illuminat·ing smile and finn hand�lasp withwhich he greets his friends indicatessomething deep and lasting and true.But what of recreation? Lut us looka little deeper. We find that some�how the grind finds time to read anddiscuss the best books, see the goodpJays, li�ea inteIHgently to "c:luai-I'" music. He leads a fuDer, ac:a•more complete. a more truly enJoy-"bIe life. We aD feel that ,and. in ourrare moments of contemP1atio�somehow envy, him and say.. 0wouldn't be • piDd'" qDRFQIKfNtw�RROWC:Ok'LAR:HIGH IN �HE BII�NDLOW IN FRDNT 2 tur2.S'c I machines. Care of Maroon..Claett..eahcKf�ACo..J:le •• MQheft !WIDO�· WA� WORK-WellI recommended' Mrs. Frederick--------------- , Brown. 5485 East End avenue and..+t •••••••••••••••••••••••. I Mrs. Charles. S. Eaton, 5744 Kim-M "F • bin .' I· bark· avenue would call your at­en s or·. . .. OS.' ,.tention to the needs and skill ofMrs -. Epstein. She does plairs sew­ing and relines and repairs coats.. Her! children. will call for and re­turn all garments. She deservesyour interest and needs your work.Address.. Mrs .. Epstein, 5436 Lakeavenue; (3rd floor) opposite HydePark _ Center .. Send a post card.\\t. M. Salter" tomorrow, 4:30. Har­PCI M16.Divinity Chapel-Thursday. 10:15.Haskell assembly room.Final Class Exercises of the JuniorCoUege&-Men and women, Thurs­day. 10:15. Mandd. Attendance isrequired.Y. W. C. L-Thursday, 10:5. Lex­il'�ton.Interclass Hop-Thursday night.8:15. Barrett,Applications for Henry StrongScholarships-Must be filed in Pres­ident's office by noon today.As yet it has not been announcedwhet"er Norgren will be present at . Must File Applications Today.the Hop to lead -the Junior wing. Applications for the Henry Strong'The baseball· team will be', at Purdue scholarships must be filed in theCst the time of the dance, but nothing Presidept's �ffice before noon today.official 1las been :)iven out as t�w ... ··r er he will ro with the t:.:\1:1Mona QuayleHelen GrossNelson H. N or�enGeorge S. LymaaG. Gale Willard.DecoratioD by Wittboldt.The decoratiing is being done byWitt bold twho had charge, of thed�corating at' the Washington Pr�m­enade. An: 'It�lian scheme of dec ora.-�. . .. ' -: .. Ition will be used, As' in former yearsWhite flannel trouserS 'and 'blue coalswill prevail7Cor men's co:st�me. Th���WI'I be twenty-four dances and noe..�tras. An effort will be made· tohave the dance start promptly at8:15.BRILLIANT TENNIS IS PLAY I£D(Continued from page onel)DOUBLES: semi-finals: Greene andSquair of Chicago defeated Hinmannnd Stivers of Wisconsin 6-1, 6-3, 6-0.SteJIwagon and Magee of Minnesot3idefeated Bebb and Colton of Illinois6-1, 6-1, 6-2.FINALS: Greene and Squair ofChicago defeated Stel1wagon andMagee of Mrinnesota 6-3, 5-7; 6-2, 6-3-Dorothy Llewellyn Wins.Dorothy Uewellyn became chal­lenger in the women's tennis tourna'"ment by defeating Francis Houston,("'3. 4-6, 6-3. Miss Llewellyn willplay I sabella Voshurgh of the Olem­istry department for the w�men'schampionshi.p of the University at! :30 today. Cornelia Beall will play·Frances Housto� in the finals for theundergraduate championship todayat 2:30.To Talk on Metical Subject.·Dr. J. Oarcnce Webster will givethe tenth of the series of lectures bymembers of the clinical . faculty otRush Medical college today at 5 inPhy�iology 25. e win talk on Men­stryation from the Biologic Stand­point.. in three substitutes. they were un­able to pile up a higher score.A t the end of the third inningSeniors lead, IO·� but towardclose of the game the Juniors tight-ened up and did not allow a score.Dorothy ent played a good game atsccpn� b�se, while Laura 'Walter andElla Lucdeman; the two catchers didexcellent work. Profesor Starr wascn deck as usual and applauded theJunior players. After the game theJ���r� e����i�d their �ponentswi_t� . at chafing-dish diilner: in 'theNtighliorJ{oOd rCiOb. .); . \!'.'.Wom�· Editors to-II� Today.Ed.itors of the women's supple­ment of the Chicago EvcIling Post",·ill meet today at I :15 in Cobb 9B.ILLINOIS CENTRAL IlllDIRECT TOUttle Itoc*. AlII:. . Da'baQ-. Iowa.Beunaoat. Tesu. �eId. nLHot 8pr1..... Al'II:. lit. Loa... m.SlID bt_1o. ora.. at. Paul. ....BIrrnJqtIem. A.... Dld.tur. III.J8ICboa�11� ."...._ � WIll.k Worda. TeD& � lIlna.Waco. T.... lhd.... w_DalJM. Tau. �U1e. lad.OIulea a�. IL RoeIlfOl'4. nL8hekIon. Iowa. BlDomlDCtoo, III.am--. Na casn.. IlLN .... Or .... La. Cedar Raplck, 10'"IJoatGD.. "lid. 0Jiabcl1 BhItb, IowaSIoux �;.... . 7'N8poIt. IU..__. 'lW&Tickets and � � I'eHl'fttion76 W. Adams St.. Phone Centnl 6170Autqmatic 64472R. J. CARMICHAELDivisicD PUHDCeI" ACeDt.••••••••••••••••••••••••••IFrances B._d.en SlIiDnerTEACHER .OP SINGINGPupils eatered at allY time..,... ....... 1.,.. .ilyde Park Studio.. 1435 E. S3fd St.Cor. WasbinctOa.Aft.,·Tel R. P.IIHII I READ THE ADSIN THE DAILY MAROON Co "",hey'sr, .� URKISHBATHS75 CalL·' Plain a.tha 25 Centthe: : Open Day alld ;.NiShithe SARATOGA' B A R.B.E:R S HOIJ. a, -Hepp,' Ptop. .2g South Dearbom StreetExpert Manicurist.. Scientific Masseurs.Expe� ·Cbi�8Po&CLA,SIFIEb .ADYEIlml.MlNU :'LOST-5mall. field: glasses, on cam-'pus. Re�d if: returned . to In­. ·formation� o·ffice.· or pbone Midway6217.-FOR RENT-For ... stiinlfcr-P1eas.ant seven roogi )ur��lP.Jled bouse.Rock Island trai� or �eet car tocity. $30 per mo. LB. 10750Armida Ave... 140rgan Park. Illi.,DOis.WANTE�Room aKtd·. _ board toyoung. lady. ;It .. �ic�ip.� SummerResort for aS�isting .. with Diningroom-.work. . Ret.. as to chuacterrequi�ed. P.bone Kenwood 2042." .'.:OR RENT-Furnished summer cot­tage; 10' �ooms and bath; verandasdirectly overlooking Lake Michi ..gan, .. arge 'wooded lot. perfect.beach; grocery delivery. Frank-"fort. Michigan. Rental $150. Ad­dress C. K. Chase. Hamlton CoI­I�ge, Cli.nto�. N. Y.- --AUTO�BILE, OWNERS-We havethe finest tire filler ever producedand to introduce it We will giveenough to fill one tire absolutely. free to Uni�e�sity students having..YANTED-A hustling representatieeto sell a popular-priced room dec­oration. Especially suitable for col­le�e dens, . Liberal commission­Only. one -student . at ·each school,so .�rite for -full particulars at once.The Moskin' Company. 1264 St.Louis A venue. Chicago III.SALESMEN WANTED-Summerpositions open. S�e' II. C. Thomas.6051' Ellis· avenue, mornings IO�I1,afternoons 2"'4 . Phone for appoint- _ments, MidWay 7906.' Do not de-'Jar - " " �,-' '. ,.. .LO�T-A good}�:_tr pin at last Rey­nolds club dan·ce.,. Please return to� Beecher. • ;"'.F� SALE-North Wisconsin Sum­rter -amp locClti�n for sale. Ten�vfrY(�eSi��lo.� to�a. ea� SO ft. frQQt ...¥e'·o'n t1t.e·Ea�e cha�n.:l �f 27 .�ak.e�. �!C{tMl!�p.l��n for 41lb." Owner,f . S.: ?>I�man., �gle, River. Wis.SIUDE_NTS. desiring to. make·GOOD MONEY by selling an���ticle" of' teU ·merit. write 'us atonce. Ea·s:ly. bandied on sparetilU�. Owasco' Supply Company.. Box No. 225= Auburn, N. Y •,.:. .. __.NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Nine. TQOt:JlS. $2000 cash. Easy terms.Address G. Maroon.. --WANTED-Room and board to.young· man at Michigan SummerResort' Camp for assisting with.kitchen work. One who can han­dle a sail boat pr�ferred. PhopeKenwood 2042.:� ..•.......... - -.-.-�TO . SELF-SYPPORTING 'ST'UDENTS. INVESTIGATE 'THI; .PBOTO MACHINEA DIM£ _'- A � MINUTE _� 'PlCTUREMONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITYFor student workers at Summer Res�ns or inthe .Hor:ne Town during vacation or at Collegedunng term time. PrIce 01 .acbine WItb Z5IIPlates, $ZSUI.. Easy PaJIIIIds.PHOTO MACHINE' COMPANY, Inc,30 East 23ft! street. New Y orlc.� .................•....... ,QUARTER-END BYBIITB 6 �. if�' N�ni Dinner. Hotel DelFORMALLY "HOUIIC� 949."6 P. 't(. �I.mnae Dinner. Lexington1!11J"7:'¥l p� ·11. University Sing. Hutchin-�" y>UI't. ,8:30 ". M� Alumni Entertainment,CloUDc EftIlIL HOlt JefaJldell Assembly Hall.T 11 lJ lC,!J.t\ l{;' j"U.l'.l E S. • '10:15 A. M. Junior College Chapel: IIAltOON STAFF KOVED.Exercise.. Leon Mandel �1y DEARS TAKE OFFICEHall. . .9 1'. M. Interclass Hop. Frank Dick­inson Bartlett Gymnasium.FRIDAY. JUNE 6. •Junior CoUep Du.9 A. M. rmerelass Atl11etics. MarsballJ.-ield.12 M h.v Exercises.2 :30 P. M. ,lo'acutty-Senior Baseballliame Marshall Field.6 P. M: Annual 1)inner of the LawSchool Alumni Association. HotelLaSalle.S .P. Id. 1<.eception to Contestants inInterschotasuc Meet. Leon MandelAssembly Hall.SATURDAY. JUNE 7.Intencholaatic DQ'.9 A. M. Automobile, Parade.I: 45 P. M. Annual InterSlCholasticTrack Meet. Marshall Fidd.6 P. M. Interscholastic Banquet.Hutchinson HalL7 :30 -p. M. Interscholastic ,Entertain­ment and Presentation of Prizesto I nterscholastic Winners.Presentation of "C'� Blankets' andSweaters to Varsity Men.SUNDAY. JUNE 8.Convocation. Saaday.10:30 A. M. The Convocation PrayerService. Harper Assembly Room.'Members of the Faculties will meetin the President's office: cancli�esfor degrees and titles wiD meet inCobb hall.10:45 A. M. The Procession.11 A. M. The Convocation Religious.Service. Leon Mandel AssemblyHalL ' ;The Convacoation Sermon �l bebe delivered by the Chaplain of theUniversity, The Rev. P,rofessorCharles Richmond Hendersoe, Ph.D.• D.O .• Barrows Lecturer � In-dia. 1913. . I .MONDAY. JUNE g.Claa DQ.10:15. A. M. Flag ExelCises. FlagPole. " . ,10:45 A. M. Qass Play. LeQn Man-­del Assembly Hall,12 M. Senior ,Frolic. Sleepy HoUow.1�:30 P. M. Luncheon and Meeting·of the Doctors' Associatioo. .TheQuadrangle Club. _...;12:30 P. M. Divinity SchoOl AlunuULuncheon. The' Parlor, Hutchin-son HalL1 P, M. Senior Luncheon. The Caf�:Hutchinson Hall ' '2:JO P. M. Oass Exercises. SeniorBench.Address by the President of tbeClass Qf 1913. George Kuh. .Class History. Ruth BozellClass Poem, Hiram KellnicOtt.Qass Oration. Cbtlrles StewartPresentation of the Cap qd G9WDto the Class of 1914. Virginia.Hinkins, 'Response for the Class of 1914-Sarah Thompson. .Presentation of the Hammor to theClass of 1914. Harold Goetder.Response for the Class of 191'"Rollin HarKer.Presentation . of the Senior Benchto the Qus of 1914. SaladfordSellers. 'Response for the Class of 1914-Horace Fitzpatrick.Presentation- of tbe CIus Gift.Chester Bell.Response on behalf of the Univer­sity. President HarJ'7 Pratt Jad·SODClass Sonlt.•• Alma Mater"9-11 P. M. Convocation Reception.Hutchinson HallGuest .;f Honor: His ExeenencyJonkheer john Loudon.' Nether­I.nds Minister to the UnitedStates.TUESDAY. JUNE 10CoD.oeatioa »..3 P. M. The BightrsCftDth COIIft­cation. H utchinso" Court.Candidates for de�es a" titlelwill meet in Prank DickinsonBartlett Gymnasium at 2 P. II.Official guests and members ofthe faculties will meet in the Rernolds dub at 2=45 P. M.Admission to reserved sections wiDhe by ticket. The namber oftickets issued will be clolety In.ited so that in case Of rain allholders of tickets may be ad"­ted to Leon Mandel assembI,.hall. Application for ticbtsshould be made to the Secretaryto the President' before J-.e 6.The Proeession,The Convocation Address: Hil Ex­�cllency Jonkheer John LoudonNetherlands Minister to theUnited States: How HollandM'an;uzcs Her Colonies.Conferring of Degree •.The Rec:essioa. I I:: : ' L (Contilluecl from pace I.)UMclenchoq Details. IThe IIAROON telephone will re-,main in acqon and, calls will be at-,tended to without delay. Those de­siring to reach the office are remind-Ied that it is now Ellis 9. not Ellis 24-as. for many years. Those unable to Ifled the MAR09N office will be metat the door by polite guides who willpilot them through the intricacies of IEllis corridoros to the melancholyhaven of the ejected staff. . .&19P.. 1& THE DAILY JlAROON. TUESDAY� JUNE 3., 1913-Wbeft do YOU do - ...... 11HYl!!��S.�_•.TROY-sBESTCOLLARS(ContiDuecl froll\ pace GOA) THESES'DISSERTADOlfSESSAYS, ETC.'promptly aad � doDe.SborthaDd cIictatiQa II ftCWired.UNIVERSITY �YnWIQTINGBUUAVNo. 9, 1130 ........ Itreet.(Cor.·�.) VNDICa 8'l'A'l'B 8I1PSSnuo ..Often an the Safety and Facilitiesof the dOWII-toWll Baab.s for ss-EARL It WILSONSHIRTS SI!!'AND MOREREAD TH Ii AP$IN THE DAILY )II\ROONMAROON ADSBRING RESULTS3 per cent on Saviap.capital and SurpluS $230,000.00P':\TRO�IZE M.'ROO�ADVERTISERS� crt-lEYARE RELIU!.I�! The accOUD!s. ��. �oressora,and· Students -invited.The Men Who Put the Fun IntoY our Daily LifeMAROON J\r.,�BRING RE�';vrS JOHN A. CARROLL, President.THOMASJANSEN.�; .WINSOR McCAYWIDsor IIcC.,.. -wen knn'A'D cartOODlsta1t4 o�lDator of the "Little Nemo IDSlamberlaDcl" Series."78=··,IftI� T��ICGft"'"• ....., le« 0/ fonpc life. - ...,I. � lito, II •• � ...,..w /tw ".",. .,., IIIIIlJrtaJ. ••��� .'THE kOlm·wltted cartoonists of the most keen­witted nltiPft on earth have to possess a mightybig func;! of never-failing cheerfulnesa+-elsethey could not give you, day after day, the higbquality of good humor which they do. And theyhave to kee'p ·their minds sharp-to say much inlittle space IS the main rule of the cartoonist's art.Wits well sharpened and minds in good humor.The man who 'has these generally knows what he i.talking about. Read the testimonials on this page.Here are some of the greatest cartoonists in thecountry. They all smoke and endorseT. A. DORGAN ("TAD")T. A.lJol2aa. the famous ··Tad." orJitl-___ 01 abe "Ddydlls:' sa1s: .··T...d.:t CIJII', Ie equlleJ In soolJ,..... �. qaa/illea. Ib mildM:S.... • plaDllrtl � Ib coolnas_ all c:Iaarace of loIrpe 6iIe. '!." .� .: .• "',:J.. 't,_ T ::'.1,. �q...��-�/�..�. \.� �� .. �e�·...;IP"" �They wouldn't smoke Tuxedo if it didn't keeptheir minds alert and cheerful all day long, day inand day out. A tobacco that can do that stands in .a class by itself.. Tuxedo does stand in a class by itself. It hashad many imitators but it has never been equaled.Tuxedo is made of the very highest grade of. choice mellow sweet Kentucky Burley leaf-treatedby the original "Tuxedo Process", which removesthe sting so th;tt it cannot hite your tongue-granu­lated so that it smokes freely and uniformly-packed40 pipefuls to the tOc tin.Tuxedo deserves every good thing that bas everbeen said of it-and to prove it, Tuxedo seDs bythe millions upon millions of tins annually.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO ANYWHFJtEIlllUtrllti.",are 0"'" ."t­h alf si,,, ./r,ol paclot's.- .. � ...1 .. 01- •O· • a \ IWHAT ORGANIZATIONSIOtA RE D-OING HE REFreshman· Garden PuV. dames John - Card, Edgar Good'Freshman women will give a gar- speed, Edward Garraghan. John Red­den party at the home of Margaret dy and Miss May Carey and Mi:;sCole, 4730 Greenwood avenue this af- �ary Phister are in charge of theternoon at 3:30.' entertainment.Botanical Club. Senior Women's Luncheon.l.!"r. A. G. Tansley,·F. L S. of the Senior .women- will hold a luncheonUniversity of Cambridge 0will talk Wednesday, June II at noon atbefore the Botanical club this after- Marshall Field's lunch rooom, Thosenoon .. t 4:30 in Botany 13 on The who intend to go have been asked toDevelopment of Ecology in Great give their names to Cora Hinkins orBritain. to Mary Ann Whiteley •Christian Science Society. Week-End Houseparties..The Christian Science society will The Wyvern club held its annualmeet tonight at 8 in Lexington. houseparty at the' Hinkins farm inRomance Club, -Vaparaiso, Indiana, over the weekProfessor Jenkins !. and Assistant end.P"lfcsor Wallace -will speak at the Members of the Esoteric spentmeeting of the Romance club 0tonight Saturday, Sunday and yesterday atwith Assistant Professor Wallace, Eagle Lake, Wisconsin.'::749 Kimbark avenue. The Quadranglers held their house-French Club Pi�c. party at St. Joe, Michigan, leavingThe French club will give a picnic � Chicago Thursday night on the boattomorrow afternoon in Jackson park and returning Sunday.Those who are going will meet in Several residents of Foster andLexington a 4. All m�mbers havc Greenwood halls spent Decorationbeen invited to attend. Day at Miss Reynolds' cottage atSigma Alumnae to Entertain. Lakeside, Michigan.The alumnae association �f the S. A. E. Tea Sunday.Sigma club will �ve a card party at The Sigma Alpha Epsilon frater-the Hotel Del Prado Thursday night Ility gave a tea Sunday afternoon forfor the benefit of the trades school alumni at its new home, 5817 Mon­of the University settlement. - Mes- roe avenue. :·1 ' ,�-:-!o CHICAGO MEN CHAMPIO!oIS Norgren netted four runs andIN BASEBALL AND. TENNIS clinched the game, Baumgartner_ pitched his usual steady game and. (Continued from page one) held the Badgers to three hits, a1- ,0'" dering' on the sensational. This was though five errors behind him re-in the eighth when a rally started by. snlted : in -Wisconsin scoring _ two �ns. Des Jardien starred at the bat U •• -- .. ----- .. ------- .. -- ....... ---.for Chicago. making four hts out offour times at bat. Harger and Nor­gren both succeeded in' annexing twohits. Catron got a three base bit andDes J ardien and Baumgartner bothgot one good for two bases. Therooting of the crowd, according toCoach Page, was one of the potentfactors in starting the eighth inning.-:lily. It put the Chicago players onedge and keyed' them up to a higherpitch. A large crowd of which agre-at 'part were women turned outfor the game.Box Score.. Box score:Chicago R H P A ECatron. ss .•........•• 0 1 0 0 0Scofield. eb ••.• 0 •••••• 0 I 0 0 2Norgren. Ib .•.•..•... I 2 12 3 2Mann c •...•..• o ••••• 0 0 C) 0 IGray. rf .............•• I. 0 1 0 0Des Jardien, 3b ...•••• 2 4 0 1 0Baumgartner, p •...••. I I 3 3 0Harger, If 0 2 I 0 0Stains. cf ..•.•.•...... 1 I I 0 0Totals ....•.••••... 0 6 12 27 7 5Wisconsin R H P A E.Mereness, 2b ••.••.... 0 0 4 3 QBoutin. ci .0 ..•..•.... 1 0 0 0 0Hoppert. 3b 0 I 1 0 0Herzog. ss ........•.•• 0 I 0 3 0Match'ka. rf ..• 0 •• 0 ••• 0 0 I 2 0Lampert, If . 0 ••••••••• I I 2 0 0Bragg, rb .•.•••.•••... 0 .0 8 I 0Hoskins, c ...•.•....•. 0 0 8 0 0-Savage. D .•••••••••••• 0 0 0 0 IIsabella, p •••••••••••• 0 0 0 0 0Totals ...••.•...• 0 ••• 2 3 24 9 IChicago •...... 0 0 I I 0 0 0 4 x-6Wisconsin ...•.. 0 0 I I 00000-2Stolen bases-Lampert. Boutin.Catron, Norgren. Stains (2). Twobase hits-Des Jardien, Baumgart­ner: Three base hit+-Catron. Sacrificehits-Boutin, Scofield. Hits-offSavage, ] I in 7 1-3 innings. Struckout-By Baumgartner. 9: by Savage,9. Bases on balls-off Savage. 2;off Baumgartner. I. Hit by pitcher-by Baumgartner. I. Time--I :58.Umpire-Pickett.READ THE ADSIN THE DAILY MAROON We are ahowiDc. smart IiDc of . "Bri�" Tweeds for EnClish Sacko Suits, "'Scotch" ad -Irish" HOme sp� for Norfolks �d the createatline of Flannels for TroUsers we have ever shown.Speclal values E $30 for suitsand $8 for trouse - rs or Knickers.� ..nne .TM.1& .....n &. 1I'!DI'08 at ....• &. Jac:a.. B ..... TAILOR PORYOUNG liENA. N. JERREll&. l18.Da&er.-'7lW VANDERBIlT .HOI'EL+. 34. Sf. EAST Kr PARK. AVE.. N. Y-o S�E .. �At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the.crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breezes fromthe sea, o�da11y fed by chilled air; 600 sunlit rooms.TARIFF:81ncle "";'me .-. per day-l3. 14, 15 ••Doubl. room. - • •_ 85. S6. 17. 18T.ALHilliard Double bedroom •• boudoir�� drHlllnc·room and bath - 18. 110. '12VIIIIlrwH.N.nW Sultn-Parlolr. bedroom aDd bath -' li�. '1Z. '15•� Eoda room with bGda - SI1«lDl ratu for SummerINVEST-MoE'NTSw. blue two $!!i.GOO 6� Ch'e-year nr.t� on two propenl� witND .. fewbIocb of Coho UDtveralty. T1be buUdlop on w!deh (.beae .. ria are made are hlsh &nIOO:oo:� � of .�"-t �on tbrouchcnat. and IocatN io lb. bMt etotlonProperty valuadoD in eadI CMe • at 1«aM twJoe the tUnOlIDt ot the loaD.w • .., have OIl band odJer bleb crade mortPOetl and Real Eluate. bcmc!a oa 80lltbSide propert,.. • .. 01. 1It*:h we would be p:� 0 co 8eOd upon - applleadoo.PW partlcu:an addna 'Fort Dearborn Trust '& Salines Bank­REA� ;ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT- XO:s-ROB .A.."lD CLARK STR:mETS.Telephone: Randolph 4301 -. F. A. Myren.. Mer.AlE YOU: LOOIING fOR 'A PLACE TO EAT 7Give THf COMMONS a Tri.'Ask the: Upper Cluamen About Our FoodYou'll -Like the Club Breakfast and Cafeteria-.ulic at Night Good f�iI Low Prices:;.., .EMPIESS 'JEFFERSON pRINCESSI-F· ,. .. :-_ A -55th Street aDd Lake AftIIIIe. irBt �o· ppeaI'aIIQ:" 5 7earao• -• Lew Fields LauchiDcly Preseats-.j : JCORTHOVELTY PHOTOPLAYPin � 1lIPt17 of tile· IatNt IaOf'Iqpldura. CCIIM UICIbear oar .... f'l.GOOpipe .....Isd Itftet .. c-a. ...... '&_SULLIVAH a CORIIDDm[- PRODUCING DBPAJlTIDIIT, .'. .. TORlGBTSEVERAL GOOD REEl SADKlS8IORANNOUJICSI 1 I • ., • •• .. Floor, aD -u .... " . _�, aD _.. •••••••••• J-,P.IL&CB.IIIJSIC IUD,JOHR-BARRDlOD. CODRIIONDEIIOVINGPIC'l'URES Sam 11_ aDd � Mary aDd lIort­imor, Schooler aDd DickeaIoa, Eac­IiIh aDd Johnaoa. 5 111IIibl Girls,lIiDer aDd 'L71e, )eaaae D'Eate.t . "'-. J •.. r)Ji]J�EVENINGS ONLY THE WORLD IN CHICAGOExpo.iitaa aDd Paaeaat DOW openCOUSEUII EnI7 WecIaIay 12 DOOIlto 10 P. II.A WORLD'S PAIRAdnaiaioa.25C;CbiIcIreD,I5CoAUDITORlUliPAGEART OP DARKNESS·AHD LIGHTPint TIme ill Cbicap; • IIapi&cat8pectac1e.SOC to 'I.SO; Boze., '10.00'�"':l1PItIeD-TEN CENTSCOlAN'S GWtDTHE TIK TOK liAR 01' OZ WILLIAJI COLLIERin "'ever Sa7 Die..GARRICK Aristotle calls mem­ory the scribe of thesoul. Happy will yoube if. somewhere onher tablets she writes- for you:\, 'Velvet is not easilyforgotten after you .have once known itsdelightful fragranceand tasted of its deeprichness. And its re­membrance ,is' never., 'rnarred' 'by thoughts'of bum or bite. -Beautiful Sceaic PiOlUraTaaefal 1Iasic:Ezcelleat CatA Wldilwiud of Ifowltiea II. a. WARJlER(The 0ripaaI � YaleIltiDe) Oliftr lIoroKO .... a-. L. Waperill -.rbe Gboet Breaker." .praeat THB MONEY llOONRftIl'p. Sat. Jlat.,·soc $r.so. 0eaenI Air· 1_: .... .-oId atWed. Kat. soc, ".00 ... F I ... 11 II. JDC _.Summer Prices: 'I.so. No HieberWedDesda7 MatIL, '1.00WHEN DREAIIS COIlE TRUEwith JGHpb Saatlqand a Spleadii Cast aDCI ProdactioDILLINOISAD Chicap Is '.euaJrinc WithBLANCHE RIRG�eD CIaadia SmDea"Har17 Coaor, Soap aad GirlsJAIIBB .K. BACKEnin -rile Babop'a �.MIKE BERNARD •WILLIE WESTOHGreatest Ezpoaeca of Rqtime.IILL£. LA TOSCA • COA � Trio of �WD.Breaner aDcl Ratditf, Bbdq 0 adLerner. Joim aDCl WiDDie HeDDiDp,Polzin Brothers., GiDette'. Animah,Kinodrome.�HICA •••lUI � a....... � B,rIe IWk I7el