,1\r1'.I'\, j'i'i!r , \:, �II'II(L:1.',"1\r'\I, I,I"II� f·,�r 'II:<., 'itI'. !I �I' ,• : II)'of li",iIf I'\' I::\"�.f ,1,1.! iI,' \1\I,I, tf-,; ,'I'1,I,'�,I \ I \r(. rr'rJ,1\I\\V, .. • •• 4,.."'�"'.'" � ..... , - ...i .... lailyVOL. xr., No. lSI, UNIVERSITY QF CHICAGO. Fl�IQ4¥. ":AY 30, 1913. PRICE FrVE CENTS�0UTL001t1S FAIIt CHiCAGO,TllillJIEN". ·CO�CEIIENT�JUNE,a MARTIN STEVUS TO ',ARE IIIIIP-FINALS conv�ation Suoday COlDIDeDces' 'HEAD DAILY MAROONFinal Week for Seni�1aaa DayExerPses Will Follow 1I0oday- cea ..... Is EIedM, ..... Ea. ...Gequ AtWetic Ea.LutlfiPtMembt:_rs of the Varsity track team � Commencement week commencesTOPIAYW�NSIN SATURD�l aretaking it easy. with anotherweek FIND STELLWAQOMD�OUS with the Convocation sermon in IlASTMADEBUsntESSlIlNACERill which to prepare for the Confer- � Mandel Sunday, .June 8. Preceding,Chicaco Can Clinch Confermc:e ence, The track classic which closes Minnesota Man SAA�i� �lassy Form this, the Convocation prayer service Lyman and Coleman to Be Assist-Championship by WinDiDc To- the year will take place June 7 at -Varsity Meo Af' In FiDals will be held in Harper assembly anta-Seven Associate Editors and'Morrow's Game. the University of Wisconsin. of DOIf�"'" room at 10:30, after which the mem- Four Reporters Chosen.Four universities., Illinois, Mis-- bcrs of the faculties and the candi-Stars of former Varsity baseball souri, Wisconsin, and California, arc Prospects for w'm'"� the .Tnter- dates for degrees ,and titles will Martin Stevena managing editor,teams will play their annual game thought to have an even chance for collegiate Conference' Tf:IJPis Cham- march in procession to Mandel. George' Cottingham, 'n�s editor.b h the the title, .Coach Page's men are . I' k "I " Monday will he Senior class day, 1-' Gwith their yo�nger ret ren, pions up too on a l ... ��,m.p e appear- rarry orgas, athletic editor, Bur-present Varsity this morning. Ac- c�edited with the ability to score ance in the matches )'�'�I:rday when and Seniors will gather at the flag dette Mast, business manager andold between ten and fifteen points hv , 'I ' pole at 10'1- for the annual flag ex .cording to latest reports the' ." Squair and Green bQ� f ":P-SI y won . ;,, ' -��illiam Lyman and Thomas Cole-stars have been getting in consider- the followers of track affairs. \Vith .I.cir matcher; -In the ij,,�.,:s'arid'en- ercises At 10:45 the Senior class man, assistant business managers. willable practice, and they may give their an even split between the stronger rercd the semi-finals. They also qual- play will be .presented in Mandet manage the DAILY MAROON foropponents a hard game. ' teams, this shoul� give Chicago a. rfied for the finals in �hF "p'ubles by The Senior frolic will, take place' in i914- The board was elected at thefourth, or possibly a third. '. I' W· - Sleepy Hollow at 12 .and the classThe ranks of the alumni include defeating the Iscon:;m 'FltJll. annual meeting held yesterday.No Fir1r.:s 'Certain. , luncheon in Hucthinson cafe at I_such .brilliant lights as Schommer, As a general rule UHf,: class' wasClass .Ex-'":''' a' t 'C BencLNo member of the squad is a proh- ' ..... "'-.. u.Steffen, Orno Roberts, M�Carthy, displayed in the ma��h�i yestenJ_ay.able first in any event. Parker ,in the .Sauer, and Iroyle. T.hese 'men,,' are Squair won his ma.��JJ m ltJe prelim-, ,'das, hes is the strongest, and may ",t: M" Senior bench at 2:30, when Presi-Practically all in first class, condition inary round from Af"�PF, tP mne-nose out a first. Kuh has a. chance ' ,dent Kuh will give an address; Rutnd d t . d t sho up their ' 'sola 6-3, �/-5, this being the only' closean are e ermine ,_0, ,_ w for first in the hurdles, but Nichol- ·f ,. Bozeli will read the class' �ist�, tr.t match' of class. ' Squair 'also won his ", 'younger opponen s,son of Missouri. Beeson of Californ- Hiram Kennicott the,', class P,' ,o,e,rn..' and_R '• II h F h • match in the first round defeatingBy a �I�tb inning ra y t e 'res - ia, and Case of Illinois are thought Charles Stewart will give .the class.V . '-'1:._ b'a}' Lt 4" d f t d ' Icaisen 'of Beloit 6-0,' 6-0. Gree�' hadman- arsrty oase eaJ1_1. � e ea e, to have a better' call of the big: score.: oration, ,Virginia Hinkins . will pre-.. II • I'd' ,-- ..... _, nearly as easy a, time' winning" fromthe Varsity ID a we paye ga�� \Vaict'and Knight are conceded sent the Cap .and. Goum to the class ofyesterday on Marshall Field. Th� good chan-ces for places in the Hinman of Wisconsi�'(H); .�3. '.914 Sarah 'Thompson receiving itFreshmen. a�thou�� ���r t� t�o �e-, dashes, but a first is �ought to be '. Squair: 'and Gre� Wm., 'for the Juniors. Harold Goettler1 • h '- ': . Harry Gorgas is also a Sophomorehind ill t re srxt , came up strong at bey, ond 'them_ N�l'gren in the ham- Sqnair arid Green bad an easy "time will make the presentation - of thF,d bl b h lJr7 ' , " '.. 'f . �Ul4 has served as associate editor for,tl.le e.ml an were a e to, eat t emer ,is. the .'y weig. ht rna. n' who has ill their doubles match' iii the a te.- hammer to Rollin Harger, custodianr _ '" S' �, 'hF o�t year. He is, a member of\ arslty out_ a lOO�1D �n the scGrmg WIth the pos- noon defeating Hinman and bvers of the class, of 1914 and Sanford f'P k f h· I .'J . . 1 '. \lr' • 6- 6-3 6-' a.' "Stellw'a' gon SC'lers w'l'II' present tlte S'enl'or ',Be�.:cl.,·, 'hF er�ck team, basketball team, ;tn4age e,pt most 0, IS regu �rs .on ::;p. ception of De. ard,len In t Ie 01 n IsconSln 1,1 , •• H,T ". , ' " . " " h' . .. - ,. ,.... IfW,'mming 'team, and Phi Kappa Psi,the bench and gave his second stnng ,(' s. ' " of Minnesota' appears to be',- t � the, response being. �;t.d� by Ho. r-..J:� ,f��, Ptn club and Skull and Cresce�t. ,men a chance; even getting-into the ,"; - strongest contender in the singles Fitzpatrick, P'J4. -....president JuJison,, , ', ' , '... , H ,'- " ft"fllf:�te, Mast has been servin,?' a.s. -ga�e !1��_�","a l��[t J,h! .�!�!.�Y..!.���� ..,_ ��!�!� ��_!�����c����, ��, ,--..e w.�1 �ake t�«:;.!es��!�,���� , .'� _ - �'Freshmen' will . pray the VarSIty . r' ROUSE AT�5125.KIMiARr won hIS matCli'm di� ,tiitt�Ui1 " e�� .. :':"Xrtc:r �ec'a�:�nJ; '�ft'p�i��yea;�d �'��cili:-';':-�-'-' ""--scrubs Monday, and the result of _-'from Coulton of illinois. 6-1. 6-�. ,the, exercises will close with Jr.,!'. 'b f Chi P - d th Pthis game will determine the award, Law FraternitY Moves' ID�o New Stelhvagon and Magee'in the doubles Alma Mater. ' ," ,. !�,. mem er, 0_ ,81 an, e en_, ,.. f:hd). Lyman IS ,a mem»>er of Beta;ing of the numerals. S_!tull in the 'Home-House Is Large .Thre� also appear to be' the stron�!!s.t rivals The ConvocatiQn .Re�eption wiH �, Theta, �i, ,the ,.�en ,cl�b, ,Skull �nd-box M-cConnell on- diird, and Cavin Sto? Structure. of Squair and Green. held Monday evenmg from 9 to,.p, C' -d I'b' f th, '. " � ,- ', .,� . resc�J1t. 4ln ",was I ranan.o ein center field played best (or the' -,The sem, i-finals- ,in the 'singles" Will ID Hutchmson ,haI_I� wlten PrcsICl,ent. ,R' -.Id .,I I.. i, ,d . d't'1t -' ": '. '." eYIJP... �_C,ULt..)ln m�aglng e I orFreshmen. Delta Chi the ,law fr�ternity, as be, :played off today, and ,the finals and ,�rs. Juds�n ,wt11 �ecelve. ·1'he of ithi!J year's ,;,C{Ji' and Gown. Cole-'01",_ WiscODSlD,,. Tomorraw. purchased and moved into a new tomorro.v.t afie�DoOn. Finals' in' the gest ot honor WIll be .Hlls Excellency. " ." - b' f Ch' P' d� AA3 "' man IS a melll er 0 I Sl anTonlnrrn ... 's f'r.:IO, m'" WI'th Wis, consin hom, e. at 5125 Kimbark avenue. The doubles wili be played off this af- Jonkhe�r John L,oudon; th� ,Nether- " b' '-,' -f th' 1913l'" pn e,.. � • • .' ' was, USIQess, manager ,,0.. eis liable to be the, clinching game in J1ew house i,s:a.· . three' story frime ternoon. �n ,th� semi-finals ,in the lands MlDlster to 'he 'Vmted,States� 'c' d'C' , -the race for the' Conferenc� cham- strt.cture with a five foot s.-one foun- singles Squair w�ll play Bebb of 'The eighty-sevenh, convocation, will . �e:� ';;:y.', -imss Halling, Robert,lat'l·on. T' he house contains 15 rooms. G '11' St II take place' Hutch'nso court . -pionship. If ChiCago_ can w,in this a !Jlinois, and reen WI meet e -',' ID,, In, " Hatcher,' N�na, O'Neill, George Shaf-.f . I '11 b t d Tuesday at J. Ca�d!dates, for' 4e-game the Con erence tit e WI e rHE�, DELTA CHI HOUSE wagon 0 aye, fer, Au�st!L .Swawite and Dorothypractical))- cinched as only one game Yestel'du's results. grees and titles. will �cet, ill Bart.lett. Weil, were: el�cted associate editors• h ' gymnasiu'm at 2, while official gUestsis to be played. Wisconsm as a Singles: Squair of Chicago _ defeat- for neltt, year on, the basis of their, , , and members of 'the faculties willstrong team but has nof shown very ed �Iagee of Minnesota. 6-3, 7.-5� Hin-much winning pow�r this year' owing man of \Visconsin' defeated Ryan oft� the loss of several '-star" player�. Beloit, 6-4, 7-5. Squair, defeated Rai-Chicago will meet' Purdue at Lafay- sen of ncloi�.' 6-0� 6-0. Bebb of lIl_i-cUe a week from today, in spite of 1I0is defeated Stivers' 'of Wisconsin,the fact that the game must be played 4-6, 6·( i-5. Green �f C!ti�ag�. ��-the day before the Conference ·meet ' f�aleci Hin�an of Wisconsin; 6-0,6-3., Dr. Jonkheer John Loudon, minis-at Madison. and the track men on Stellwa"'oon of Minnesota defeatedter of the Netherlands to the Unitedthe team will be handicapped severe- Colton' of lI1inois, 6-1, 6-1.Iy. It is probably that Baumgartn�r Doubles: Bebb and Colton of mi·will twirl the two remaining games . d R fnois defeated Ralsen an yan 0of the year. although several of ,the Beloit, 6-3, 2-6, ,'5. 3-6" ().4. Squailnth"r twirlc:rs l1la�-be given' a C��.�e._· 'H- .Iv .. ., -- and Green defeated lOman an.Law-Medics Play TOdq. �tivers of Wisconsin, 6-1, ().3, ,6-0.ALUDI WiLL OPPOSE,vARStrY tuat'TODAY Track Team Is Thoacht to HaveChance for Place-Illinois, Mis''aOuri and Califonua Are Contend­ers for Title. �Squire'" GieIi Aft ,...., Va.. iaTWr' .............ow Stan a. Atteapt a. c..e Back iaTWa ..... '. GU.e_...... ,.... Final Ceremonies on Tuesday.class of 1914 and is now doing lawClass exercises will .be h�ld at the' ,Martin Stevers is a member of the'meet in the Reynolds cluh at, �::I5·The convoc":tio'n ��'.:vi�e �is' open _:tothe University public. but -�dmis5iontC' resen-ed sections will be by ticketonly. I n case of rain the Convoea­t;(ln will be held in Mandel.Great secrecy s�rrounds the Law­Medic haseball tussle this morning.The Law school men have been thca��gressors in demanding the' fray.and while the Medics have accellte.dthe challenge, they are saying �o��-,ing concerning their intentions. AI­susscer. captain of the Med�c tea�.is expected to do the twarli!l.g. T��lawyers are almost equally unsettledhut the squad has played several. games, and selections wi1l not cbehard to make. Slates, will deliver the Convocation'address, after which President Jud­�on will confer the degrees' and titlesupon the .candidates. 'the servicewill close with a' recessional of thecrtndidates to the' Reynolds cluh.Convocation day will' Close' with' asl'ries of social' functions' whichdraw h1lndreds of alumni annually tothe campus. A dinner for all Uni­versity men will be given at 6 atthe H(ltel Del Prado. while a similarTENNIS TOURNEYS AT ENDFif'.als in GeoloU. and HitchcockMatches Begin Tomorrow.The Delta Chi fraternity wasfounded at' Cornell university Octo­be� • i3,' 1890. The University' o�Chicago chapter was, �ounded 011May 23�d, t�3: The" f�ternity �\tpresent c()�sists of 22 active chap­ters, and II alumni chapters_ Thecl�apter here has an enrollment of 2.1active members. Bruce Stickle and \VjJhur Cham·. dinner for the women w.iII ta,k� placeberlin will play in the semi-finals oi in Lexington: The �nnual U�iver:the G('ology department tennis tour- �ity Sing will be held in Hutchinson"�111ent tomorrow, the winner of the Court at i:30. and will he followedIr.atch then meeting Albert Brokaw hy the Alurn�r vaiutevme' in' Mandelfor the Walker championsbip. at 8:30. Convocation day last' yearTn the Hitchcock tourney. Clyde drew an unusually'large number of\Vhite defeated Maurice Markowitz alumni and other visitors to the cam;'in the finals of the section two series. Jius on account of t,he 'dedicati()n of(: ualifying for the hall cbampionsbip Harper Memorial Lihrary wltich took�ompctit,on between winners, in the I place in the, m�rrii�g� �n' Ha.�erfi\"e sections. 'Play in tbe finals he- court. 'wbere the convocatIOn servIcegins tomorrow.' was held in �he afterri�il.' .' ,WiD PriDt Results of BaDot.Final reports as to the vote on thepoint system which. wa� ta�en th!S � � Mot .M� Today.week i'n chapel �1f hie pu�h��ed, .. 1ft . As today IS a UnIVersIty holidaytbe MAROON' Wednesday. • tbere will be no classes. work, He is a member of Sigma N u,the Pen dub and .was the managingeditor of the 1912 Cap a"d Gown:G�orge Cottingham belongs to theF'�.s of 1915. He has served as night'"i'Qr of the DAILY MAROON for�hp '�st ,.ear and is a member of ChiP�j, 'lte'Pen club-and Fencibles,"Gorgas Is Sophomore.work, done the pa�t year as reporters.Mary Girling. Harry. Murchison,Fl�relJce Sh�rp and 'Max Sickle werepromoted _to reporters.. The ,board of directors -compris­'IJi the executive �ditors and the as­sociate. editors.,met at the Tea Housefor dinner, �nd later adjourned tothe office. It was decided that theDAILY, MAROON should have afloat in. the comi�g Spring Festivaland .D�rotby, ,Williston. HaskellRhett and Samuel Kaplan were ap­Jlointed to make" arrangements. Thepaper was 'published for the last timeyesterday 'from the e�itorial roomsin Ellis, � as the office will hemoved to the rooms formerly occu- ,pie� by the deans in tbe north oftbe build�ng next Monday.FINAL INFORMAL OFYEAR TAKES PLACE;USE THREE FLOORSThe fourth and)a;t Reynolds cluh'informal' of th� qua�er took plac�last night. The patrons 'and pat"�n�'e�ges were' Mr. 'and Mn. Wil1iamLyman: Mr. and Mn. D_ W. Fer­guson; ��d -Mr. and Mrs. H. G.Moulton. Fot1owing the precedent�r' the last rew d�nces three 'Roorswere (\pened,lo tbe ,�cen..- ,. -- --�.,_------ .... "i-·-�· -pThe Daily Maroon�.tW"",Nida1 �Jr ........• .. ... .KcIIa. ..... K_1eett111... Ed1&or JIaItIa S&eY ..AaIeIIe.Kdl&er - - - v.....,.............. - ...£88OCU'I'. &DO'O". -... .K.aPaD JI&n7 a..uGeatp QoWapam .BMbK .IUaIU� WUMatoa LMD .....JUU'Oa'I''''• � m-sferGeorp Ckq. .A� S"."Ur� Ba.tc:II8r...... &lie � ... _ • .._ ......... .... �_ a..a..&:�-..,...... ...,..._ peIa&. a. ... Ie.,....._. .. --a. L. ..There seems -:0 be no partic:ularreas�n in the nature . of the - thiDcwhy student maIdac­tors Showef be· judged. either .!'y' &cul� mem­bers as at.: pr�t; orby a student court as': is ,ProPoSed.Neither in the great: 'inajority ofcases would be unduly prejudiced.an� the cheater, for it· is Jarcely forbUn that ·the court would be estab­lished, does on the nole as little in­jwy to student as to professor. Itshould be said, however, that becausethe sMdent court would be closer tothe malefactor than the deans itmight be able to do more coocL 'Butthere is at least one other consider­ation. The student coun;.. 1ike allother interclass bodies typical ofwhich is the present student council,could serve only ODe year. A new'group succeedinc it would· not onlyn9t be in a position to benefit by itspredecessors judcments (and as time'Went on this evil would increase),but would be utterly lac:IdDc in theexperience necesary for the intelli­gent handling for a case. Such acourt would be almost at bad as aU�ted States Supreme court recon­Stituted each year of men just erad-''Wlted from law schools. Quite thecon�ry is the condition at present.The deans. Who judge student con­duct, have both the experience ·nJJandling such cases and a 1m wled Ir _=-:1_ 0 ceo .... ·lUiIr ones on which to baset�eir judl1DeDts. A student coalt­might be sympathetic, but bareDjust. yStuden�Ju1tges.(L. 8.)-NOTICE. .�� of the fact that � is:'::_nnelilty hOIida7, there Wl11 be noof abe MAROO. toaaorruw.. . -_. __ __,.. .._ .. -- ..THE DAILY KAROON, FRIDAY. MAY 30,1913---' -, ._., 1--Bulletin. and Announcements.University Holiday Today.Southern Students in UDivenity­Memorial service, 10, Oakwood cern­etery,Baseba11-Chicago vs. Wisconsin;tomorrow, 3. Marshall Field.Reli&ioua Edocational Club-MQJ1-day. 7. Haskell 12. Dramatic Club-Electlion of offiurs­Tuesday. 10:15. Cobb 9B.Christian Science Society- Tues­day. 8. Lexington.FreDcIi Club Picnic-Wednesday,'" Lexington, iW. A. A. Dinner-Wednesday, 6,Lexington. 'OR RENT-Fumish�d summer eet-.tage ; 10 rOOD!S and bath: venndasdirectly' onrlooking Lake Michi­r.::an:. large wooded lot. perfectbeach; grocery delivery. � Frank­fort. Michigan. Rental $150. Ad·dress C. K. Chase. Hamlton Col­Ic:�c. Clinton. N. Y.AUTOMBILE OWNERS-We havethe finest tire filler ever producedand to introduce it we will give.enough to fill one tire absolutelyfree to University students havingmachines. Care of Maroon.TROY'SBESTCOLLARSFRESHMEN END YEAR WITHDANCE AND VAUDEVILLEMiss Margery M�lcher spoke be- Fraternity House' Thief WID Serveiore�t�, Y. W. C. L·, -·yestttday' on Out OiigiuaJ Sentence.�hcr .. p�e�t . religiou_s- ��tian' ill�ttte :'Orient The people of Japan and! TOllY MMtipi. the' Kappa Sigma.China, she says, are spiritually thirstyt fraternity ho�s� rebbpr, ill sent ba-ckand have rejected their former. nar-:� to the state penetentiary' at Joliet forrow, rituals to seek a higher anc� a term· of eleven years a�cording ·topurer religion. Their very life and: a decision reached by the grand juryhealth depends upon their having a;�: recently. Th� term is the remainderrel�gious faith, she declare� and tbere� Rf his original· sente�ce for a dia­is an Urgent. 'need for workers who mond rob�ery, l-fartini being out onwiIl.�and together in .a:world union. parole.. �t ��v�mb�r' M�rtiniMiss: Melcher stated i�': concluding �went through several of the Greekthat while we are working (or Chi- letter houses a�d· took se�eral_ �ver­c."lgo and Calcutta we must expand �oat8 and various' articles of jewelry.so that we work for all the world. ' Martini w.� ·,cpmered ·in the Kappa. Sigma-- house' aD�' was r�IlP�ured a�- .ter escaping.Last Social Function Given .This Af·ternoon in Reynolds Club-Up­perclasamen Invited.Today at 2 the Freshmen witt holdtheir last class dance and vaudevilleof the quarter in the Reynolds club.Dancing will begin at 2. and continueafter' the vaudeville. In an effort toWORKERS NEEDED IN,' ORIENTMiss IIdcher UrgeS Earnest' Workfor World· :Union.BEGIN MATCHES ·INSECOND ROUND OFGOLF TOURNAMENTMatches in the second round ofthe men's golf tournament will beplayed off starting today. The pre­lIminary and first elimination roundshave· already been finished. The«.Jlowing matches in .. the secondre.und. are scheduled for tomorrowarId Monday: �aymond Daly vs.Kenneth. Sponsel; Arthur Goodmanvs. William Owen; Ralph Davis vs.Panl Russell; Kent Chandler vs.fohn Baker and Charles Grimes vs.Stores Baldwin. TEN YEARS AGO TODAY2 for 25EARL It WILSONSHIRrS Slg'AND MORE . WIDOW WANTS WORK-Wellrecommended Mrs. FrederickBrown, 5485 East End. avenue andMrs. Charles S. E:lton. 5744 Kim-'1 bark avenue would call. y�ur at­� �cc:�tlOn-' to tlie 'needs and skill ofI,��, Epstein. She, does plai" sew-1<:;,Jftg and relines and repairs' coats.:... �er children will call for and' re­-':l�r:.� al� garments.'. She. deserves.. you-: interest-and needs _your. work.Address: -'Mrs, ; Epstein, 5436· Lakeavenue •. (Jrd floor) opposite Hyde._ Park-Center, Send a 'post card:__ __ • J ... •YA:N�ED-A b�g representati'weto sell a-popular-p�iced room ·dec­oration. 'Especially suitable for .coLfege dens, . ·I..ibe.l'al . commissiQll·Only' �rie . student' at each school,- so write for (uli partiCular. at once.,The' Moskin' '(:�.�pani, I.� ·_.St.-'-"Louis' 'Av�iiue: Ch;ca� Ill. .1Iwind up their social activities with a The Freshmen defeated the LawlIIiIIIeftcI .. eeoon4-c .... ma1l _ tM ��c». CII!oIa'o. IlL • .ilardi us. � lID' grand finale the Freshmen have ex- scbool in baseball by a score of II to LOST-Sma11 field glasses, on cam-oier Act of Ka.rc:Il .. 18U. tended an invitation to· all upper 9. pus. Reward if returned .to In-classmen to attend, After two weeks The annual conference track meet fOrJDlltion Qfficc. or' phone Midwayof strenuous work, George Patrick. will be held tomorrow. on Marshall 6zI7..... cur.l ... �60 • �: 11.00 & qUMMl'._ maI.I. aoo • rear: fl,,2$ • quuter. chairman of the program committee, Field.has lined up' the vaudeville stars. The Hamilton dub has offered two FOR RENT-For summer-Pteas-acutori&l-B� � .:w. ..TeIephoDe -K14w..- 800.. The program .is as follows: annual prizes. of $roo and '$50, forHyde Park 15701 (atur • Po IL) r .. Orchestra Overture. the best orations on Alexander Ham-lIa1l Bolt ·00" .I!'acuJq Erot ••• 2. Cabaret Sketch. by Pete Russell. ilton.3. Tragedy. The Irony of Fate.CastHero •...•.. ;..... Denton SparksHeroine ...•....... Gifford PlumeSherlock Holmes .. George PatrickWatson. _. _." ., .. � •• Joseph GearyHerald ...• _: Gale Willard4- Quartet _ .••. Adams, Russel, !loe,. . and Lundberg5. Something .. Redmond and George6. Five Minutes by Zeddies,7. Orchestra. DAIl.Y MAROON. Friday after- rnoon, May 29. 1913.- The Street Gamin quartet, the band 'the Medics and the Freshmen joinedwith lhe 'Senior sin a sing held lastnight on the steps of Haskell.Forty-eight men and women, themajority of whom are members ofthe faculty, have been elected toSigma Xi.. Preliminary indications point to a.record attendance at the InterclassHop: Chairman Lyman of the fin-ance committee has collected the liststhat were posted in the different frat­ernit1P..s, �P fi�.ds the number offraternty �n whp �e goi.ng to beover 100. 'fhese ,nl!� spppl�mCDtedby beneral attendance, Wi .. � k. isthought, make the attendance wellover ISO' couples.RETURN MARTINI TO JOLIET- CLASSIFIEDDVElTlStJlENTS-MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS ant seven room furnished house.Rock l$lilpd train or street car. tocity. $30 per mo. L D., 10750Armida· Ave., Morgan �ark, nn,noia.... - .. �.WANTED-Room and board to SALESME� .: WANTED-Summer. . - po-sitions open, See H. c.... Thom�s.young lady at MichIgan Summer . 60 'EI'I·· ........ - . 0-' ,.. . ' .... :.: 51. IS'"2"lI;nue,-momang9 J JJ •Resort for assistmg' ,with D�nll.lg:, �tefttodrt'-2s:i. :'Phone for appoint-room work Refs. as. ,to c�r;lctel' ments, MidwaY·7906. Do not de-required. Phone Kenwood 2U42. lay.'---WANTEJ).-ROp�:·'··and 'board t� c-;;:YOu�� �fln' 'fl� ¥icJJ'�;' - $���erResort OLmp for .assi�t��� ..... with �,_ .. _-:-�-�.-�.:--:-.--:.-; ':' .. :�kitc:Jtc:n w,?rJc. Ope: whQ can h�- PATIiONIZE- MAROO}tldle a sail boat preferred. Phone, ... Kenwood 2042..... '. ':-1 -:-). >._ .Al;}¥ER;I:1SER$-.- I, ._. , . .... -� _ �;"'_ .,,,,,."oJ.' " •_, .'__:-"'NEW HOUSE' FtOR 'SALE2Nine: i ��r�rooms. . $2000 casb_.· Easy tc.rms. l....... _ •• J .... ,.,�_AddreSs G. Maroon. .: . r': . :, :. j...... .;' .. ,"-STUDENTS. dCliring to .' makeGOOD MONEY by. selling anartiCle of real merit,' 'write us. at"once. EasHy handled' on "spar�time. O�-asco Supply Company.Box No. 235 Auburn, N. Y: : . : ....... : IJ Ij'l'Jr1J'rrr1J.frII'I........ \--FOR SALJ-=N9rtb \yisconsin S�m- !' ;: mer ��; location for sale. TeDvery desirable lots each SO ft. front­age on the Eagle chain of 27 lakes.Splendid location for club. .owuer,E. S. Coleman. �gJe River, Wis.. I .MAROON AD��LOST-A good 6ar pin 'at last Rey-,nolds club cJance. Plepse return to28 Beecbel I : " ' ! r � (• J : ' _:.:�, B�ING �I;SUL':rSI ...t. 'tSPEAKERS NAIlED' FOR W.AAAnnounce List for Banquet NextTbursda7-President Included.-. Speakers at the W. A. A. banquetto be held at 6 Thursday in Lexing­tC'n have been announced.' They willinclude: President Juds�n, who prob­ably will· speak on the women's newgymnasitml� Mrs. Henderson. Pro­fessor Starr, Dr. Reed, M�ss Dudley,Agnes Wayman. Alice Lee Herricltand Margaret Rhodes. Tickets ar�on sale da.ily in t� gymnasium for jODe dollar.. . J� & ORier Engraving Company. I554 W •. Adams Street:ArtistsElectrotypers Designen 'Engr�versCommercial PhotographersColor PlatesOfficW EngravenThe Cap and Gown The Daily Maroon$ THE DAILY IlAROON, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913--, '---'-'_.-----------------------------------------'MOTTO COMPETITION·.BOOK'· N'EWS FOR =���LU�PENThe Reynolds dub is still lookingfor a motto to adorn its seal. Mottoesthat" were submitted to the judgingcommittee, eonsisting of ProfessorMiller and Associate ProfessorBeeson, have not been consideredsuitable. Members. of the Latin de­partment have been asked to an­nounce the competition to theirThe literature· ·of coUege life is classes and in this way it is expect-comparatively small. An' interesting .ed that more definite results will beaddition to it is The )lan Who One obtained. The award for the sue­Day a Year Woutd Go "Eelin."The author.· Charles HaI.ted Mapes.is a Columbia man who has longSOUTHERN DEAD TOBE· REMEMBERED IN· :MEMORIAL SERVICESAsk JUDion '�o SeDd in iIoaq •.All Juniors who have old -class tic�ets have been asked to send in anunsold tickets, all money collected.and a list of persons to whom tick­ets were sold to Harvey Harris be­fore Wednesday, .care the DAILY�MAROON. box O. faculty exchange.u{oRFOLKDhARROWCOLLARHIGH IN 'THE BACK..ANDLOW IN FRDNT 2: for2ScCIi:aett.�aCo..""""" lin. Leblanc's latest narrative ofthe prowess of the detective is TheCr:Ystal Stopper; and it is a thriller.(The Crystal Stopper by MauriceLeblanc; Garden City, New York.Doubleday. Page and Company; $1.25ncO.. 1I- , ..IIel'S FurnishingsFine Assortment ofSummer GoodS at Another Clever detective story isby that most clever woman. Carolyn\\-ells. It deals in a style that leavesnothing to be desired. Rx.-Take iton the teain, (The Maxwel1 Mystery.),1' Carolyn Wells; Philadelphia, J. BLippincPt� Ce�pany; $1.25' net).'Co ","hey'�$e. Eaa,·C.,r. 55tb and QqBASEBALL RBTVRNSB7 IaDiDp.j been interested in college athleticsand college life iD· gene.tal. his inter­est dating back from :ott active par­ticipation in college athletics in hisundergraduate days .. ,T��e little booknow' published by Mr. Mapes in-Hugo M unsterberg, professor ofPsychology at Harvard. �as thought­ful listeners whenever he speaks.American P�triotism and Other So­cial Studies show this advancedthinker at his best. ·P�ofessor Mun­sterberg's studies· incladed in thepresent collection of essays numberfifteen and range in interest from a;chapter on Germany of Today to an­other on The Household 'Sciences. wellyn. defeated Cornelia Beall, 6-2,8-6. The winner in the finals willclWleuge Isabella Vosburgh, lastyeW'. champion, for the U niversitycllampionship title_The Undergraduate title will bedecided by the finals between Cor­nelia Beall and Frances Houstonnext week. Dorothy Llewellyn whowon th"e Undergraduate champion­ship last year, will be challenged forthe Undergraduate championship for191J.----SENIORS WILL GIVE LASTBANQUET AT WINDEYEREcessful motto is a year's membership Leave. for Hotel Immedia�e1y .Afterin the Reynolds club. Interfraternity Sine-NormanTO PLAY FINALS NEXT WEEK EIms�om Sellinc Tickets.+.SJ US illU ItIUtMDIII L It.U 1 .... LBroactwaJ. .. Cor. �8ecODd St.Hew York..Oar Represmtatift Mr. Lauer .. will be atCoapea AImez' . earl7 in June.With latest SpriDc ..at.,. 0YeR0atS.: ridiDc aDd motor prmeDtaEncJiah llaberdahery,!Iata and shoe-.'B. WITTIOLDDecoradve SaedaliStSelect Cut Flowers for All OccasionsDisplay Rooms and OfficeS6 RANDOLPH STREET CHICAGORandolph 4708 . � ..... ,Southern students of the Universitywill hold a memorial service' for the "1 .• c-> f. you . have lost your hope of I thoughts are urged to read Mr. 1l!1I11-ad this mormn at 10 at .. : .' :, .. . '. ., . .Southern de gS. ty . hapPIDess, get It back. This can be potts' latest amazlDgly told story ofthe Oakwood Cemeterya IX -5eY- ha .. . hi D (W.d.G e- • a ppy nation In your time. T IS J the artmoor coun�f7_ I ecombenth street and Cottage rave avcountry is for. you. It is big. It is Fair by Eden Phillpottl; Boston,nue. rich. It is all you need. But you Littl,i Brown and Company; $".35have to take it. and the easiest way' ned.to take it is with ballots." These arethe stirring words with which AllanL Benson closes his prefactory re­marks To the Disinherited in his tre­mendously powerful book. The Truthof Socialism. I t is a book likely toconfinn believers in socialism inth�ir beliefs, and to make others seethat there is. at least. some truthin socialism. At all events, the bookshould' and' will h�ve· many. manyreaders. (The Truth About' Social­ism by Allan -L. Benson; New York.B. W. Huebsch; by mail $1,10 net). The Senior men win, have a finalFrances Houston and Dorothy LIe- banquet at the Hotel Wiindemerc.ellyn Win in Semi-Finals. Tuesady, June 10 at 9 .. The SeniorFances Houston and Dorothy Lle- me� will go to the Windemere im­wellyn will pla l' in the finals of the mediately after the University sing.University women's tennis tourna- This will be the last reunion of thement next week as the result of the Senior men. The tickets will costsemi-finals yesterday,. in which one dollar, and will be on sale dailyFrances Houston defeated Madelyn at the C be1l'Crt or can be procuredWoodntff. 6-1. 6-1,; and Dorothy Lle- J from ���n Ehnstrom.Suits, "Scotch" ad "Irish" Home S�UD&. for Norfolks and the greatestline of Flannels for Trousers we have ever shown.J t wUl be many years before con- Tn a most engorossing chapter onjectures, its and ands cease to. be ex- The Case of the Reporter Professorpeon'ded in re the Titanic disaster. M unsterberg complains of the mis-I' •••••••••••••••..••••••. The Truth About the Titanic is likely {epreseni���.;;.�f ;�)�!=�,!re. ,.given at. _---------------�&�II���Q �d �b. awom��ro.�-�aro.�������� ••••••••• �.� ••••• ��� •• ��.�lear rQn,y things hith�"o' �nknown· porter for a metropolitan newspaper,to the vast majority 'of Americans His concluding .. paragraph containswho wiD, never cease to remember the foJJ�wing: "'But the alarmingthe greatest calamity of their: time. feature i�. that j�st these best and(The Truth About the Tit��ic by cleanest and finest specimens of the.Colonel Archibald Gracie; New news-gathering profession were justYorlci. Mitchell Kennerley; $1.25 net). those-the ones who 'in hours of frankeludes a dozen papers on such mat­ters as �ike Murphy-College=,Maurice Leblanc writes cracking Trainer. Poughkeepsie Rc"-:atta. andgood detective stories. Arsene Lupin Old Grad Dinner. (The M:1O Whois a detective character destined toPatronize. our adYertlSera. Tlaq 8ftthe most progressiye buiaae ...IIIj'l'JfJ'rrrII.frII �he Insect's Homer:' is the titlegiven 1- Henri Fabre by MauriceMaeterlinck in his introduction tothe former'-s work on The Life"of theSpider. N� one reads the book butto leeJ.the· title earned by the writer.To the student :who rightly feels thatit is his duty as it will p�ove to behis pleaSure to spend no little timestudying nature, here is a book thatshould be Jnvp!uable. Here is a bookfull .of faets so Increduluous that one;"be his eyes and reads them over,thinking perhaps he has not readaright. Here is a book for the li-br:ary one expects alwayS to keep,Maeterlinck decries the lack of honorthus far S�WD by the world atlarge to the man whom his native.Italian Vl11age I�ng has �elighted tohonor, and calls him "one of themost profound and inventive schol-�:===========:::I:=iiOi.lars and one of the purest writers,"(The Life of the Spider by J. HenriFabre; New York, Dodd. Mead andCompany; $1.50 net).- SHOE REPAUUNGBRING ALL THE WORK!OU CIJf -BETWEEN��lV "ND .JUNE 14 ��� COUPONS �R��� AUTO WE ARBGIVIN� �W4Y.The Smlth-GooUear Co.IUI __ ..........Op"'te PMt ....MAROON ADS PAY.......�� "-. 'l� .� ...... ,'. -._._ ..'The VDlversItY BaDrI. An� N_ for tileWoodl4lD Trat• SariDu .... � �Like it, it is tbe ....ad Old_ IDItitadoD ofits IPa4 i1a tIda ,art 01the q�.It is tile H__ .....Baak to tile Vul ••• ,Bftr7 ...tw nSniDp acco.1S ...cbecIdDa aceoualS ..welcome .............. Anythiftl that Eden Phillpottswrites is .try apt to be siezed eager­ly by mlny thousands of readers­and not all of them are regulardyed-in-the-wool . "novel readers .,either. HI. last boo� WidecombFair, will disappoint no one" Itshould win thousands more to tilesfde of this eminently great novelist.to whom eftrything in life i� veryreal. everyene very human, and ev­� litaadon very interesting, Uni:.enity students anxious to observehow English '-an be' made to repro-1b_==============PICIac:e lialalS, IOaIIds, emotions and One Day a Year Would Go "Eelin ",by Charles Halsted Mapes: . NewYork. G. P. Putnam's Sons; $1.25 ..........._.._--.... ......._....net).We are showing a smart line of "British" Tweeds for English Sack,discussion complained most ··bit�erlyof the public forces which against.their own will push them tm pathsof exaggeration and sensationalismand train in them instincts which are­sapping thei� finest impulses. (Amer­ican Patriotism 1)y Hugo Munster­berg; New York," Moffa, Yard andCompany; $r.50 net). Special val�· art 'so (or suitsand $8 fOr trouse·:" or Knickers. .TAILOR' FORYOUNG MENNot a few of us: have dreamed ofvisiting Hawaii. There is a fascina­tion clinging about even the nameof this newest of our territoriesthat is as strong as it is vague. Andthe fascination only becomes morepo�nt �hen �e s�1I of va�ene"II�.� •• �������������� •• �� •• ���.�is removed. Hawaii, Past and Pres-ent is the book to read. if one is in-terested in our island territory.enough to want definite information-something more than dreams­about it. The author, W. R. CastleIr. has lived all of his life in Hawaiiand his family has been there since'�.36. Hence he Is amply qualified towrite a work combining the history.ceography and sociology of the ter­ritory. The volume would serve ad­mirably for a guide book for pros­nective tourists . There are twenty­fh-e capital Blustrations from photo­Vr'aphs as wen as a map of Hawaii,(Hawaii. Past and Present; New 1 •• 4 ..... � .... � ..... 4��� ...... � ... " ..... � •• 4��" .......Yor� Dodd, Mead and Company;�'�25 ned.The Daily lI_ooa .. aow 011 �at the PreIS.'fit! DAILY KA�O�N. i-RIDAY. KAY ��·19I3. -:'.. - .... ... "" .... '" �- -. ..WHAT ORGANIZATIONSiA RE DOING ·H·E RE'Which was to 'lave been given beforethe Religious Education club Mon­day at 8, has been' postponed owingto the speaker's absence in thc East":wherc he is attending the Interua­tional Students' Christian Federation,Anthropology Party.Anthropology students wilt �tertained at Associate ProfessorStarr's quarterly party to membersof the department, past and present,Tuesday evening at S in Haskell as­sernbly room.Chemical Society Picnic.Persons who expect to attend theKent Chemical society picnic Tues­day have been asked to sign up onthe bulletin board in Cobb.Senior Dinner Committee.AMUSEMENTS.55th �treet aDd Lake Avenue.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYDean Shailer Mathews was toast­m .. ster at the annual dinner of theDivinity school council in the diningroom of the school of EducationIasrniJ;ht. The guests included studentspf the Divinity school and members The ticket committee for the Sen-pf the faculty and their wives. ior dinner which is to be held JuneEntertain Medill Alumni. JO is composed of: Norman Elm­strom. George Kuh. \Vimam Heftler·Thirty members of the University, an, Kent Chandle�. Charles Freeman.who are graduates of the Medill high Harold Goettler Fritz Steinbrecher,I-=hool entertained sixty Seniors of Th S fi Id' D 1d H 11'. om as co e ona 0 mgs-th� high school at a, dinner last worth. Milton Morse. Richard Gran-lliiht in the Commons. cafe, Mr. quist, Martin Stovers. Theodore FordJliJlI. principal of Medill. and four and Robert Tuttle.pfJter high school instructors were.fr�sent:' Halls Will Not Give Reception.The women's' halls will not givetheir annual Quadrangle reception�lr. Kate's talk on The Psychology this year because is falls on the day�f Oriental Religious Experiences. of the' Spring Festival.Volunteer Rand picnic.The Student Volullteer band \\'!illgive a picnic today at Beverly Hills.The party witt leave the Universityat I, taking a Rock Island train atthe Englewood station. All mem­bers and friends have been invited.Three Quarters Club Dance.Miss Marion Talbot, Mrs. D. H.Brown and Mrs. C. E.' Willard willact as chaperones at the Three Quar­ters club dance tonight in the Rey­nolds club.Divinity Council. Dinner.Ka�o's Talk Postponed. the visitors a welcome that they willWe often wonder if the student remember.-Dail.)· Ioum«,realizes how much of the Universitytion before the public eye as no othert1:ing could have done. The student' As the academic year draws near SOBLE ALLOWED TObody has proved itself worthy of he- to a close it is well to call attention -GIVE SPEECH FORIng sons .and daughters of "Old to the many petty debts which wc PRIZE ON TUESDAYGold." But the fight is not yet ended. may owe in and about college. debts Hirsch Soble will he allowed toT II fact is is only begun. The sav- �hich may have been accumulating compete for the J ulius Rosewalding of our engineers and the homeo- all year. and which hefore exam ina- oratorical prize Tuesday night inpathic school of medicine was only tions we shoufd endeavor to cancel. Mandel. The petition sent to Deana preliminary jo the work which is The Union Lunch ROQm. the book- Marshall requesting that Soble'syet to he done. stora the pool room, the barber I speech he thrown out because he hallAn opportunity that every student shop and several other places,' an �iven it before. was disregarded byIn the University must grasp. is have fairsized accounts against' stu- the authorities on the J!round thatabout to he offered. It is this: Next. dents. Then Union dues. Liber dues. some of 'the students who signed theSaturday there wll1 he at least 150 ,1Od lI�rfJId subscriptions are yet un- petition were not cognizant of thehigh schoolers here, Among this paid 1>), many. Examinations witt fu1l facts 'in the-case.number there witI, be a great manywho will enter some college or uni·veraity next fall. Because of thisfact it is necessary that they he giv­en a warm welcome. Show them thatthis is realty a democratic institu­tion. We know of instances' duringthe past years when high schoolershave come down to the meet andgone away with a fre1ing of disgust 1I0ml02 .L�D CLA� STREETS.because they have not been sriven Telephone: Randolph 4301recognition by the students here,It is to be different however; thisyear. as the Uinversity authoritieshave made arrangements to entertain'the athletes. Even though the Uni-versity has made plans to take careof these men, the opportunity is here.'SOMETHING TO READMeet the Fellows.spirit and welfare depends on him.I t is certain that he feels it to a.certain extent but when an oppor­tunity to boost the University is of­fered him we are at a loss to knowjust how far he takes this opportun·ity into consideration.Every student here knows whatthe spirit of the University has beenthis year. He knows that this hasbeen one of the best years that theUniversity has yet experienced. Heknows that we fought and .won afight which has brought this institu-WIn Hold Contest Monday NiCht.\ at 8 in Haskell assembly room.' AfterThe fourth annual contest for the the contest a reception will be held.Milo P. Jewett prize in artistic bibl� The- Univeristy public has been in­r,.ding will be held Monday night. vited.· . I .: f;· �AJlUSEllENTS ,�-------;JEFFERS.ONEIP-IESS·TBBATKJl.... Itnet ... c-uep ..... A�SULLIVAN a CONSlDIHBPRODUCING DEPARTIIKHTAMHOURCK-DE MONDEMOVINGPICTURES-- �.EVENINGS ONLY7=10 "'1:15pueDTEN CENTSCOlD'S GIAIDTRE'T1K TOK MAN OF OZBeaatifaI' SceDic PiO!UresTaDefaI MaskEsceDeat CastA \VbirhriD4 of Hoftltia Summer Prices: $I.SO- No HieberWednesday MaIL, $1.00llaiD Floor. all aeata • • • • • • 10 WHEN DREAIIS COilE TRUEBalcoDJ'. all lleata. • •••••••• 5Fin Beela n1chUJ' of the latNt IDOYlqCO!De andbear 001' .... $'1.500TONIGHTSEVERAL GOOD REELSADIlISSIONpAUCB II1JSIC Il&LL.JOlIN BARRYMORE & COin "AnatoL"Sam Mann and COoy Mary and Mort­imor, Schooler and Dickenson, Eng­lish and Johason. 5 Musikal Girls,Miller-and Lyle, Jeanne D'Este.THE WORLD IN CHICAGOEzposiiton and Pageant now openCOLISEUM Every Weekday 12 nooDto 10 P. II.A WORLD'S FAIRAdmission, 25c; Children, ISCoAUDITORIUMPAGEANT OF DARKNESSAND LIGHTFirst Tillie in ChicalO; a MagnificentSpectacle.SOC to $1.50; Boxes, $10.00CORTR. B. WARNER(The Original Jimmy Valentine)in �e Ghost Breaker."F.ven'gs A Sat. Mat, SOC $1.50.Wed. Mat. soc. $1.00 AIlUSEIlEHTspRI�C��SFirst Chicago AppearauQ; i.l 5 yearsLew Fields Laughingly ·PresentsWILLIAM COLLIERin "Never Say Die."with Joseph Santley, ,and a Spleam. Cast aDd ProdactiODILLIN���AU Chicaco ts LauchiDc WithBLANCHE lUNG''Wllea Claudia SmOa"HarrY CODor. Soap ad GirlsMAJESTIf;,'JAMES K. HACKEnin "The Bishop's Candlesticks."MIKE BERNARD •WILLIE WESTONGreatest Exponea� of Rqtime.MLLE. LA TQSCA & COA European Trio of ReaoWQ.Brenner and RatcUfr, Bizlq andLerner, Job aDd Winnie HeDDiDp,Polzin Brothers., Gmette'. Animals,Kinodrome.POVVERSOliftr Mol'OlCo aad Cbaa. L. Waperpresent THE MONEY. MOONGeneral Admisaioa: seats 1IIIS01d at• enaiIIp ...... du •• at SOC .... have arrived in .another week. andthen we are only too prone to forgetthe outside world, and depart. toother regions as soon as they areover, with but little thought of ourfor the fraternities. the other organ­izaitons and the individual to showfinancial troubles . Xow is the timeAn Editor-Defined.By an uncuccessful contributor: A to straighten the innumerable smallmalignant person. utterly devoid of accounts that have been heaping upliterary discrimination or taste. A all year .• md leave a clear financialplayer of favorites. An unjust judge. slate before entcriug upon the com·By an "Interest" he opposes: A il17, ordeal. At least, we should bedog in the manger. A mule. A pin- considerate of others who have beenhead. A. father. An ignoramus. A lenient enough to entrust us. and inbreeder of popular clamor. return should not inconvenienceBy a rival editor: An accident. A them by any further delay. Let thepersonification of conceit.-I"dia"a present week he clearing' week fromDai/). StudNiI. the monetary standpoint.-Rru��"J.Dails: Hailid. .'�Before We Forget.lNVEST ME'NTSWe bawe two fl!i,OOO " ftve.,._r . ftratmortnl"t. on two Pro,","l ... wi1bln a tt!'W.blocb of CIbe UDivenlt'7. 'RIe bulktlnp on wbleh tbeM ')Jo1UI are made. are hlat1·..-:.do!Inoome p� Qf tbe � OOMtrUcdon tmouShout. and located tn the bNt etotlol1of Hyde � ... ,"PropenJ' v&2uatkm '1ft _ell oue � III I�_ twfce tile amount or t"� loan.We alao ba.'ft on and odla" h1ch KnlcSe mortpges ond neol Elltate bond8 OIl SolltbSide propei'tJ' •• IIIIt. of wtIld1 we would be p:� (0 send 'upon ap&.allcadon.Fclr pardcu:.ra addreaFort Dearborn Trust � Savines Bank�L ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENTF. A. Myren. Mer.AlE 'YOU LOOIUIIG 'FOR 'A PLACE TO EAT?'Give THE COMMONS a TrialAsk the Upper Clasamen About Our Food•. 1. ' 'You!ll Like the Club B�ast and CafeteriaGood foo� Low PricesMa.ic .t Nig'"AI fIae Alrmmi DinnerMake the oid grads f� atLame. They smoke Fatima .. too. IWOi8tlnctlvelyIndivldu."·P atroDize our Advertisers..