g; ••••UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY. MAY 29, 1913.VOL .. XI ... No. I.SQ. �: , ... PRICE FIVE CENTS'olAno_TO .]ijDl�:: ��J;��. �IONSHIPS COMMONWEAi.TIlEDISON jSENIOR WOllEN ARE 'WINNERS: VARsITY TEAM WILLBY $.C)J1I._�� �J�.�D",-: Teams ill Con- DEFEATED It- VARSITY D�eat J�nior Team 31 to 7 ill Cham-. PLAY ALUMNI STARS., •• , -, : I. • • fereiICe � aDd Doubles to Be - plonshlp Baseball Match-HaveIuai, � "'��. ; .. )�,;ea:::)��caa:o, Team Baumprtllir P .... Gicap to a Six F.sy Time Throughout-ProfessorApW�c.!:e:�'�"'fI'-:- ,���:�,�� to Two V:_1a Practice .Starr Is Present.WILL collPiTl-mdtiAibl I,.P�1 : � t�,e: begun this morning,�� t�e.,l.?��v�r�ity courts in the IIJI3_ Conference tennis championship,Oratoria! CoDt_taa4�J .. , }���nq.�:���� ��wir:tgs will'oe hddAdams Ardstic: Rea�.·.CoateIit ; ��is-����i�;.�� ten, a�d play will he"to Be. Held To8etber. �Pf.r�W?��ia�\�r· ','- ��,;�e.�. Yfil�. enter two playersHirsch .S�ble·s . spee�h has beeni t�. �!le� ���es and �ne team ill. theprot�sted by three of �he four other I double. �hu� insuring snappy playcandidates for the Juhus Rosenwald, �ct(����U�g the long drawn. ou,.oratorical. prize, in a petition,_ whicbj J,qp��� .that have resulted here­was sent to Dean Marshall yesterday.: tQfore., Annstrong and StellwagonThe petition is as follows: : :o;�"i(i����ta �o� the doubles cham- usual strong game hold ug his op-The Petitfoa. : ·pi"_lU!h.ip Iast year. defeating Squair pr.nents to three hit.. The Varsity"We the undersigned contestant� :SlDd .Green of Chicago. Armstrong displayed strong batting ability andhereby protest the speech of Jlr1 . ....q� �o� .the. singles. after an excit- clouted out thirteen hits, includingHirsch .Soble., in tbe .comiag � ,inc .tc� with Squair, As Armstrong one three base hit 'and Ii two bagger.Rosenwald contest for the. roUo"i� ·�ill ,ot" p.ay this year, Chicago is ex' Mann. Norgren, Catron and Baum­reasons: • peded to prove a strong factor in the gartn�r led' in the hittll1ll' each get-I. �e unde!'5�� tllat. the purpOl4i [·dlaJpp.ionship.· Northwestern. Chi- t mg' two hits. The fielding was good.of the contest is not, merel,. to 'kiY; i�09 Illinois, Wiscons.in, Minnesota only one error being chalked againstan op�rtunity for publi� �� add JJ:eloit have. entered teams. the team. Lefty struck out eight ofbut to encoura� o,:,.t.o� ���.ttut j/ :" . The Entries. his opponents and allowed them tomembers o� th� ��0r.�., \ ,- 'Chica&o: Stewart, -Squaif.. Green. bunch hits only in .one inning. Chi'2. We have le�.-:ned that the ora� seiler., -G<)rgas,' aad' Bohnen. cago scored in' the last half of theentered by .. M.r. Soble J,as ,� �, ')IImiaota: McGee, 'Smith, Stell- first. Scofield' 'singled to center.�lsed by him on two.r9�e�occ:asi9D� .�..: .. ,.. Norgren followed with a single past Professor Fredcrick Starr, ·who was Coach Page is in a fJm,ndary to s('-In the last two years, that. IS. �:qIii t: .�: Hinman, Hammond, second, and Mann catri� through with viewing thc game with interest, an.1 Iret a pitcher for the Varsity squ:HInois State and: the. Interstate .cOD1 �f.bei;."Rundell, Twitchell. Kcmp, a hit past first scoringiscofield. asked if he was Cornelia Beall'� baumgartner1s hein� lO:I\'cd fO.r \\'ir:teat. and Yion. p�e.. j J>yh. PfiSter, Stivers, Peterson, \Val- Visitors Lead. ' ruther. Mr. Starr ,appeared unawarl! conlin Saurday. and CarpenterWe. believe. therefore. it· is unr�� :C�tt: . The Commonwealth ,Edison tool: of the family connectioon. worked Tuesday. Kixmiller is co·,·for Mr. Sob1e�t� use t�e .sa�e 0�1 .;IJIaoIa; AtkiDson� :Bebh, Claflin. the lead in the second. when Lavir The Senior team entertained their lidered a likely choice' for the twirl-tion in this �o�te.t. . i �a�' KUk·ow •. Salazer, Simpson, singled to left fiel� Gr,egor>: walked opJ>()nents at a. ehafin� dish dinner inK )0'" . '.·(SigDed):W. It. Hamma",,' ! 'WJaiti . '"., . _,;' and Alduous attemptea.::.:t� win. ��!""' a�.te.r die ��e �n ����on _ �gy�: ... � .�.���i!l.g ���y_.�r:��.r1·1!:_P.r���-·'.At,:,� .. "::G.';�:'�' .. � .... � ; .: �"'Bme;"·OOrett[�.I!fi#t._rea� own-snm-�- �mi'-a.·'I('� 'dotilii;;"o�e! l:d�hllll; TiI�'JUli}urS Will De-'lt08u�_� iRd 'for .... the alumm. "Schommer., � c: Stmrr.··. '!3Ii, �Hy.�·· "Rai�eri, GiI1ies� Ferris: the centerfielder's head scoring Lavir Monday after the third baseball' Steffen, Omo . Roberts, McCart I",.� I���,�·.�., . ��.• ;., -RYan: .'Ham. mond: ·Marr. Clnd Gregory. In the fifth Chica.gc !�ame. "Sauer and Boyle are ,promiged for"lId h The lincup for the' ....... ft'le was as bat· l' A' d fi't ).v.:0�, .. �ot .car� . �o ��., �c'l Barker, 'Habbel'Stadt. . tied it up when Stains.singled to cen b-···t e umm lDe'np� ,e 1m e me-upabout the pe�ti�n." ,said, .�i�� .. ··,�oniiwiitei1i: 'B'randt, James, CUIl- ter, stole s::cond and came home or follows: has 110t -heen announced.Soble last nighJ� .. "1_ have bee� iDt�i "Diiiahaiii\ roJeii.aii�·· Catron's single to center. Seniors.' ; Law-Medic' Tussle Expected;t d• th #lOa ti � . Marion Martland':p The 'Law school has issued a fierYes e. In. �_p��.- ..q��� .. �D:: '9r;s�vi 'Yn the' sixth Norgren s:ngled t( Ella Luedeman, c.eral. year� an� �tu�11Yl it ,!o�ld � "RATRlI�' CHANGE MEN right. Mann struck out, but Der Frances HOt1ston� Ibthe th��g �_ would. c:a.-:�J��� too �"",\�- ��rr�7r-=-�: ··r -., " Jardien tripled to left over the field Cornelia Beall, 2b .I t h nd" , ' Margaret Riggs. 3bon .. can .�o sc;e. w; atf�qp, ... � .. �nYl er's· head scoring Norgren. Baum Margaret Rhodes. ss-one can. �av� in o�j�c�i�g�t� a ��e�� 'Three ·B-h� ... Are Made Yester-g-artner followed with a single to left Rhoda 'Pfeiffer. rfhe ha.s .. n��r hea�4". ," '�:Betweeu Greek Societies... �coring Des Jardien. Lefty too� Florence Foley. cfHold' CoDt_ ..... _ .......... ' Helen Leonard, If... � second on a wild : pitch and scored . Juniors'-Tea of the Sigma'Nu's underclass, on Harger's single to center. Janet Flanner .men w.ere· pests at' the ,Sigma Chi Tn·.the cighth Baumgartner singler' Laura Walter. chouse for lunch yesterday while ten to right field and stole the keystone Dorothy Llewellyn. Ib. Dorothy Bent, 2bSigma 'Chi upperClaSsmen lunched at s:lC'k. Leonard drove him home witt; H. Louise Mick, 3bt� Sigma, �u. hp�s�. Sigma Alpha a single to right and ended the Tena Carlson, ssEpsilo� ae� hFr Freshmen to the scorinrr• Helcne Kenny. pco Ruth Prosser •. rfprize in �i Kap� .Ps.i. �9use, and in rcturn Box score. Grace Hotchkiss, cfi�DtmainecJ �e upperclassmen of Chical!o R H P A E Alma Parmele. If�hi Kappa- Psi .. A similar exchange Catron. ss _ 0 2 0 0 0.� eff�d. between Phi Gamma �cotl('ld. 2h .- •.... I I 2 1 0Delta .and Delta Upsilon also. Norgren, 1 b ..••....••. 1 2 10 0 r�r:inn. 'e .. � · 0 2 9 0 (' w·n H Id R • Af- MD PThe da7,.of the nex� exchange has T)es Jardien. 3b ." .••. 1 I 1 3 TIC) ecepUoD ��.. o.Jlot been determined as ye� but Da:tmgartllcl), p 2 2 0 ::; 0 Jew� . CODtest.Si� �� exchanges with the Beta:; Harger. rf: _1f •• � 0 I I 0 0 Alpha Delta Phi and Chi Psi wilta�:S. A.. E. with D. U. the, early 1!;t�1�:r:f I�.:::::::::::� : � � � Five Divinity students will' com' mn for the Interfraternity rebrpart.: of next :week. Lewis Norton r:_ohn.c·n. 1£ ....•.••.... 0 O. lor retc for the Milo P. Jewett prize of championhsip on June 6 as a rC�I11tcbail'll)an of the committee !n charge I Kul\'lIlsky, rf ...• :._ . ._ .. o .!!_.:_!!._ r fifty dollars for artistic Bible reading �f the semi-finals yestcrftay onof:the.CltChanges, hopes to have ead1 I Totals ...••.•..••.•. 6-13 27 9 1. iil Haskell assembly room Monday 1tfarshall Field. Alpha Delt finish:',lrrat�mity make two exchanges be- Com'w'th E(Jison R H P A E r.ig-ht at 8. The contestants are: first in' its division: only aftcr an ('x­fo� the end of the year. ,'�t1lcr, ss .........•••. 0 0 1 3 I Charles Curtis, He�bert Ford. Jacob citing bnlsh 'with Psi lipsilon. D"" �,1�gal1. 2h 0 0 0 I 0 nal7.er. �\shcr 1t�ather and DonaM Upsilon and Kappa Sigma fini�h�f'I Jarllicka, 3h · 0 1 1 0 0 Grcy. Professo.r Coulter, Miss Myra in the order named. The time ""'1SSchccnl.;e. c: 0 0 12 4 0 R i t I R D' Ch I1 '�3\'il1. Ii I I 0 0 1 ,cyno ds all( t le eVe r. ar es 1 :40 1-5.N .Grcgory. cf .•...•..••. 1 0 0 0 0 Bayard Mitchell will be the judges. Chi Psi ruled the favorite in the'BY DIVINITY!.! 'S Entress. rf 0 0 0 0 0 This year's competition :will be the !;ccond division and the men ran ;11S:nith. rf .........•... 0 0 0 0 0 fourth annual contcst for the Je�tt . d f D 1 'l.-• 'ollTlson. Ih 0 0 9 I 0 the exi>ecte orm. e ta "apr;'On� .. htl�d�d. guesLc; are expectcd AJduous, 0 ••••••••••• 0 I , 2 0 prize. Last year. the winner was Fpc;ilon finished second. Phi G:1f'lTll"at t� ��.J1� )a�CJuet of the Divinity X c1sou. J) ••••••••••••• 0 0 0 0 1 Daniel Blocker.' now Professor of Delta third and Phi Delta The!:'��I ;���ci�, in. �he �ining room of -Totals .=........ 2 3 24 I, .3 PhilosopilY in Stetson university. at IMt. Chi Psi won 1n 1 :39 flat.� �h�J. of E.ducat.i9n today at 6,. Chica�o 1 000 , 30 'x-() Deland, Florida. A reception win be The finals will be, nlD off in \'(\1'�'�o�ai.y .will .include the stu· : Edison 0 200 00000-2 held in Haskell reccption room after n�ction witt. the Spring Fcc:.ti,·;·'ft- ... _tL � d' . ", 'h' 'd' ," .d b - I Two hase hits-Manrw Alctuous.a.n. Bartoo to &� at � . � e!,�.q ... t �. ,�an",:men� an. mem er� i Three basc hit-Des Jardiel\. ,Pitch- the conte:it. when the members of Th� men of both teams have en"�r("Professor Ernest D. Barton ...11 4!'f,��.�a�ItY,.:a�d. their wIves. Dean I;:;r rccord-off Aldtlotls. 2 runs and i tl1e Divinity school faculty and their 5trict raining and very close comp"�a1c at the �eelcly chapel semce �r. '�I'"�a��e.l':� win be toastmaster I hits in .:: i�1I1inffs; .off Nelson: 4 "'!1s I wivcs will receive infonmll1y. A tition is looked for. The orf'rr .; ..the Divinity school in. HulceR ..... , of _,ettasiqn. and Professor Foster �nd G hits In J ,nnmgs.· Sacrifice h1ts. t::cn('ral invitation has been sent out which the men will run is hein� kenftmbly..t:�ia'·this ��!� at 10;1(: ;,�1("·��.,:sh�tt ta� . .,.j .' (Continued on page 4) 1 Ie the Unh'ersity public to attend. a close secret'by the rival captain:'.six to two score ill n fnlt game 011Marshall Field. Lefty .was in thebox for thc Varsity.and :Jitched his- By defeating the Junior womenJ 1-7 the Seniors captured the base-CHICAGO HITS IAU HEAVILY BueWI Teall Ie Meet Picked Squadof OW Stan r ..... ow. ....,PITCHER IS HARD TO SELECTTeam Makes Thirtec!t Hits Off Op­posing Twirlers-f.!" 'Hl, Norgren,Baumgartner. � 1_-.trOD Lead. ball game yesterday. The Seniorsplayed a snappy brand ofo ball and Page Saving BaUmgartner for Wi!:;'were able to clout out two and three consiD-Carpenter Has Workedbases whenever they pleased. The -Law-Medic Battle ExpectedyearIings played better ball than inChicauo defeated the Common- t he first championship game. Marion Alumni players wiII cross oat swealth Edison team )'�.tcrday by a Martlaud pitched a good game for with the Varsity : team tomorrowthe upper class women. morning. The game is the first oiLaura Walter ,catcher on the Jun, the kind this year a previous attemptior team, was the only one whotook abvantage of Coach Wayman'soffer of a sundae for a home-run hitover the fence. It was the end ofthe fifth inning when Miss Walterwent up to bat. With two strikesand a hall against her, she sent .thesphc·re over the fence in t);e direc­tion of the women's dormitories.Cornelia Beall, Ella Luedernann andFrances Houston made five runs re­spectively while Janet Flanner scoredtwo runs for the Juniors..Professor Starr Present.A spectator pointed to AssociateFIVE COMPETIN'G FOR PRIZE, I Win. Divisions .YesterdaY and WillMeet (or IDterfraternity RelayCham!)ioDSld!) Jane 6.The Rose�w�� .c���est.,. tog�t�efwit� th!! Flor�nce J�e. �d��� �oni'test i� a.rtisti� rea�i��.,�� .�� .. elfTues��y at 8 in lIandel:The contestants .follow:CoatestDta...The Julius Rosen�ldpublie spealcinl':'George . �asai� subjec� The Mastery6r the Pacific.Hirsch Soble. subjec�, �e�ce. T�evi,·able. .Charles Stewart, subject. The- Vitali-ty of the Dea� 4n.�.ge�,.·· tWilliain J-ramman,' subjeCt, The Con-� ��l of Credi�' . . .Benedict Goodman. subject, Ain't.Got No lob ..The Florence Jae Adams p��e inart i_tic reading:Mildred Peabody, extract from Tb�Little Min_ister.'Mona Quay'e. Termy.so�'�, In theChildren's Hospital.Beryl Gilbert. A,i�d Noyes: A.Night at St. Hele�a..Esther Bernstein. Tennyson'. E1alnc;.Brr edict Goodman. Extr:\ct' 'rro�The Rubaiyat:.qf Onta.r ��Jt��� . UPECT A HUNDREDt AT 'DINNER GIVEN to 'arrange such a contest havin.rproved a failure. The game is ex­pected to attract considerable inter­est.Quite. a number of the alumni arceither playing or coaching, and arcin excellent physical condition. T'his.together with the 'fact the numberof former Varsity men in the cit yenables the selection of a stellarteam, gives the Grad aggregation a namount of confidence which is on'v1t1rpassed by' that of the Varsity. Th:younger squad expects .111 easy t'imeVarsity Pitcher Problem, ,'challe-nge to the Medics which is ex'peeled 'to ·produc� result� tomorrow.l\' baseball- game is on the cards fortoday.�;but little has ',come of it.The Law challenge conta�ned in­vidious. references to th'e spirit ofthe--M�pics. One hot shot stated th:ltthe La�s understood WIlY the "sti!T'stiffs" are kept on ,the nortl1 side ofthe campus. A relay' race or h(\.:;�·ball game, tomorrow is expected tobe the. first fruit of the chal1en�t',ALPJlA DELTA. PHI AND. :CHI PSI MERT IN FINA �- �'_ , ".,...' t..:.. -....: ... -; . ftm DAtt.V MAROON. THURSDAy. kAY. '913, 0;:" . ,,'I.' ... '. ' .._ .-- ....... 1-". � •• _� ........... ...___.. __ .....W:lY it goes. The rooters realize that FOR RENT-For summer�leas-in baseball as, in everyhing else some ." .ant seven' room furnished .house,players think .. faster than others. ,. . .Rock Islasid tnin or street car tofhere are, the mechanical players • .. city. $30 'per mo, L. "B.,' -10750\\' ho use their mental faculties. Asr nother example let us consider cut- Armida Av_e., �o�ga'n Park, llli.eng bases. I� it all right for a playe� . noi�tc cut bases when the umpire Is not . --looking.. or does ethics compel hi� WANTE�Room' :lad ... _board to�areful1)' to touch every sack? Is it .young lady at Michigan Summercheating to do so? And does the : Resort .f�_r assisting with DiningyouthfUl mind. get the impression 'room, WQr� Refs. as to characterthat if it is justifiable in baseball it required. Phone Kenwood 2042.will be justifiable to cheat' :�t eve�y,other gam.,. : WAHlED-Room and board toWhat part'should 'ethies play in It has never been looked upon as 'young man at Mic:higan SummerBJ' e&n'Jer. $2.GO a ,..ar; fL. a q...... b II? H Jf i I • _ R CaHJ' mall. auo & 7CU'; U.2I a quuur. Course Boob. aseba ow ar sap ayer Jusb' cheating in the strictest sense of the. esort mp- for assisting withEd!torJal-Buao.- o� &&at. M. To -tbe Editor: ....;.� fied in using what is known in com- wordf� Players are of the opinion ,kitchen work. One who can han:TekphODe �-Q 800. Course books should be left at the mon parla�e as "the 'tri�ks of the tha they have.a right to cut the bases dIe a sail boat preferred. PhoneJ:i7de Park' 6701 (itcier. Po m.) trade"? Are "dirty" tactics ever sue- if th e It t b .h . ." Kenwood 2042 ..lrl&1l Box "0" � Eub sa. Bureau of Records, or, in the College ey an. may no e c eating, : ' .of Education. at .the Dean's office, be- cessful in the long run! . What. in- but it is a dangerous practice. .Tt �fore the end of the quarter. Those of flue�ce do they have upon the morals may result in the loss, of a game, ro'r� NEW, HOUSE FOR SALE-Ninethe .new curriculum,. (1912), must of �oung players who see them work there is always a chance that the um- rooms. $2000 cash. Easy' terms.have, the courses properly ent�:ed as in college games and in the leagues? �ire' rhay be looking. Chan�e", the Address. G. M3.rooo.·'• • ha h - These are question. which coaches, manaeer of the N-w York Amer] 'directed on page VI In order t t � e'" r. -.:.- '"...'• " -grades may be added. particularly coaches of college teams, cans, . Instructs, .hIs· players to, tpuch STUDENTS;" desiring to makeStudents under the old curriculum have to determine, for along with the every base and only the other day ,_ '�OOD �ONE�' by selling aneffo,'rt to place college baseball on a ftned Derrick, his .,sho,rt . stop . for article ,'of real .merit,. write us atwill also use grade cards if they ,wish to know their grades. clean basis and to make' the sport failure to do so, ;Most' playe�s":"in' �nce·��:'�t��:-���Qn .. spa�If students going, out of residence am�teur in the broad�st sense of the tlleir failure to, touc,. the bases' �re,;; tlm�f -. 9��0:-= ��frr.ly .' C�mpan�.HI� �!onlD� • .• � m..tr.l wish to have their books mailed they term,' they play an important part. not deliberately, ,attem�ting to, fool ,�o���. :��, A��uo �� �'. Y.�Q& O'�eiil Georp CkQ I h" J -lJuNdI{Wei1 .&. ....... �.&.�l. should leave-them in addressed en- �aseball in ,the big leagues during t e umpire .but ,to, �ke ,an �tr:a: FOR 8ALz_.:.Noi-lh:Wisc�nsin' Sum-Hobert JiatdIer 'veJopes bearing four cents postage. the.last fe� years have become more base. Only�, fe'!l �i�es ,is it; �el�� , .mer·'calftp'::"�·,,1or Sale. . Ten....... &he _ . .me.. ..... Date of distribution cannot now be I refi�ed than'it was a decade ago. erate� It isJ1a �anger��s, practice7': '. ve.y,'1ieSirabl� �Qta'�a�h ·So·ft.'rront-.ltll .... e.J'_ .......... � announced. As there is nei recess be- Th.. l'�1d·�me �Iayers who resorted how�ver. an�.one t�at shoul� ,���,b.c� age·Ott..the Eagic,!�D of'27;�ea.:'::':��L. � .... aM WQ a. tween quarters and the summer is � to: dirty tactIcs to win gaJl!es have followed.,. ,..' '" . ,,', . �plendid location'lor club. Owner,, specially busy 'Season, it may be im- be�� largely ,tC!illlinated. This has .Trying to disc.once� th� oP���i.ngt � S. Cole,man,. Eagle Rivet', Wis.l'r&Ul .. ·.:��<�·;�QawIIIi;, ��ib�e:.t() post, thC? _b�ok!; ,��til _Iat�. 1ie.��n (�ue in a measure to the grad� �I�cher. bas always. been. tb�:.p!llC:�ice ' �; ,�,ill the summer.' , ' ! . :nat filhng of the ranks by men of. a. 10, baseball and�part��larly. in the in- F�R RENT-Fqmishcd .ummer cot-' _ Tb;, University _'R�corder: .:. C'OlI�ge training. ·It -has,. also been .terc�Uegiate game. Th�' ,I.a.n!l', ,.J�� '" :,��e; 10 rOG� �d..ba� ye��das', brodght abo�t; �y ,the s�cter super- gett�'bg, tile u�S��fs�llft,s�il!. �f, it. du:.ectly o'ftrlookmg ����J rM�h�-". '1"A Word from ChiDa. vision of the 'Ieague presidentS 'wh� are Intent :only ��� wiri�ing 'an('hhe� .. �gar; large � ���,'� I�", perf�et• The, fo..lowing communication haS see that the ,s;&I�ti�n of the game result is cheerin� "h�tiDg' 'arid' d�' ., �C?h; .. ��.? � : ���ivery., Frank­been; received by Assistant Professor depends upon-,the' elimination of the' riding. There 'is, 1I0w'ever, a distinc- ". Jort" �ichjga��. ����� _$150. Ad-R�rison' from Pan Hui' Lo> � clement of un�rtsmansmp. The don betweeu' -friendly rooting-:anci' dr.ess C. K. Chase, HamitOo Cc»l-alumnus of the University, who&, game must be kept entirely free that which bor�ei-s' on the vulgar 'or �e�e, Clinton. N. Y.with'other alumni. is DOW in Canton. fr�m pmbling'and from brawls be- ill-bred .; . #.. ,':.• t'· '. � ., J. -•T .' . "��UtOIlBILB OWNERS-We haVeChina: tween .players· of opposing teams or he 'guestiou is, asked ,"Wili the ,My Dear Sir: else �t will lose the support of the custom to: cheat obi a ball game grow 'tlie finest tire filler ever produced" It was, very kind of you to have public who in�e it not only- a bus- on a player and' the 'rooter :arit1 lead '.;. ��d to introduce it We wili givesent me y�ur lette� dated January 28, iness but a highly profitable one. to chf'ating in· other ways. "Jf:w� re-, ,,�nough to ,fill one tire ilbsoJutely.1913, cODveyi�g t� us, sons of the "DirtY" ·ta�tics neVer win games. gard quick-thinking as cheating,.:f w� '[ (',fre�' �o U iliversity 'students �viQg,University, the very kind 'wishes of The player who' makes a deliberate regard "plaYing· the game" as. cheat-: ". matliines." Care of � Maroon.you all. I' have shown the same to attempt to i�jure an opponent loses in�. It· will; but is it - cheating?"­every fello� alumnus here, and we the respect of the" rooter, and once Wiscoruira Atlaktic' B�'ktl,..have all consid"ered it a stimuius to. a player becomes unpopular with the - '-(rur further activites, which we' hope, fans his usefulneSs to a team· be- GOod 'Work .Sustained. .,"will reflect, some credit on our Alma ('omes a negligible quantity. There The report, �n the SoCial '�rviceMater. is a fine distint;tion between' hard .work don� by' Harvard '�'en: in theDuring Dr. Henderson's short visit playing-playing, the game: for all past year' shows th�t "t�e Uni�ersitYin the city we were fortunate that we t�ere is in . .it-and "dirty" plaYingz. still leads in the nuinber of' ine'n en­did not fail to have been honored by The fans worship 'the player who gaged_ in this brance 'of' colkgiate' en" 'Ilis presence at a dinner speciaUy ar- tries for everything and �ho plays deavor. In general the 'nature- of theranged for him, though it was ex- the game aU the time but they hoot work done· haS .been the same as Intemporized to a great extent on ac� the ma� who makes a deliberate 'at- fClnner y�rs. There' haS, 'h6wever,count of his almost immediate de- tempt to impair the usefulness of l;een more differentiation and divers.;.parture. a fellow-player. This is lai-gely the ifiC'ation �aking it 'passibie 'to reachMr. Paul Harper, however, did result of the spirit of fair play for more remote conditions: than! . when 'not give me the privilege that Dr. whicb America is notect, all the workers were massed on' ('neHenderson has occorded me. His When it �om� .to resorting' to or two pro"\lems." More' Intimatesojourn here was so very short tbat tricks. however� a new element en- sndy of particular phases and situa ..he could not even find time to pre- tel's in. It is generally accepted that tions has been the result. ESpecial­sent Professor Freund's letter of in- tricks are not only useful in base- Iy significant in the 'increase in juve­troduction written for the'very pur- hall but things ',highly desired. For nile court work, a kind of social en­pose of liis intended calIon me. instance the player who. in a crucial deavor for wbich the college student. Any time it happens that a Chica- part of the game, works tbe "hidden is pre-enlinently fitted by .reasOD o�g'Q man .or woman who comes over ball" trick on an opponent, or who his age and generally hopeful out­to this part of the world, and wants by his ability to think quickly gets look upon life.to look up a fellow alumnus, kindly the put-out that enables his team to There Is one particular detail ofgive my address. I will render wbat- win. is applauded by the fans. Take the report which attra�ts �ur atten-ever sa:yices I am able to. as an example the quick thinking oil' tion and that i. the fact that the ma-With best regards to yourself and J·ority of the m- . . I .'Johnny Evers now manager of the ,"II In socia sen:lceFresident Jadson. I remain.' Chicago Cubs. in that famous pme a� Sophomores and Freshme�. ThisY01l1'S truly, with the New York Giants. By out- ('ondition may be explained as 'dne i�Paul H. Lo. witting Merkel, the 70ung New York most cases to the, Increasing demands,------player who was in his first cbam- on time made by otber actfvities to­pionship series be pft Chicago the ,1Vards the end of the college career.The Daa17 lIarnon is for ale at deciding pme.' Would it haft been tn some instances i� is doubtless due, 1{AROON ADSmore sportsmanlike for him to haft to a frank cooling of ador for thc" 'BRING RESULTScaJ1ed Kerker. aIlellt10a to die pia,. (CAt.n •• ,011 pap J,) '-_._._ ..� __ .M _ .....instea'd of' the Umpire's?" 'The Giantswere eeaeeded to have the be,�terteam.and to' have the game practical·....------------------------------1 Iy won but lost it on, a technicality.Y. w. c. L. -10:15. Lexington. mten:Jaa Ho�Next Thursday, It might have been' but it is gen-DlviDity CbaD4--!O:IS, HaskelL 8:JG. erally conceded that the trick.)VaSassembly room.. ,Cmdid._ for Decrees aDd Titl:s one of the greatest feats in basebalj.:.Frabman Social Committee-IO: 15 ,..._.convocation invitation blanks may ;Evers was Jauded to the �kies whileCobb pB. ' be obtained in the President's office. Merkel was proclaimed country-widePbilbarmoDic Society-7:30• Mitch- 10 to 11 and 2 to 3 daily. the "Bone-head." And that' is theell tower studio. ReciatratiOD f« Rooms for Sam·Re7nolda Club lafo�:30. mer �Before Monday ..BUeban-chicago vs. Wisconsin. �ible 'ReacJiDc Contest for IIilo P.'Sat-uday, 3, Marshall Field. Jewett Prize-Monday, S. HaskellFrenCh Club PiCDic-WednesdaY., assembly room. Informal reception4, Jackson parle. after contest."w. A. A. DiDner-Wednesday, 6, -Freshman .Women·. Party-Tues­Lexington. Tickets on sale in .WO· da� 3:30, home of Marpret Cole.men's gymnasium. 4730 Greenwood avenue.•Bulletin and Announcement&. . �. '!The Daily·:·Ma��o1l��'-!� ...ffiriaI � .Jr ..........LOST�mall:field' glasses; o���­pus. Reward if returned to In­formation,'oilice.�, or phone Midway6217.. . �By Frances a Boutin00 ...... "... ...... (Captain Wisconsin Baseball Team]The Ethics of BasebalL.-- '(. ••• "Iftlli-. SOMETHING TO REAl)--SALESIIEN WANTED-Summerpositions open. See H. C. .Thomas,, (jo� Ellis aveJ:1ue, mornings I�II,afternoon! 2-+ .Phone for appoint­ments'- ·Mid1r.l1 7906. 'Do not de-�. ' ............. .KcIl&or ...... , K_leettl\�" Kd1&or • • 'JIaiiIa 8&enn&UlIetIo, JWltor - - _ �.. � ......... - - �:a.n..u. JI..&A81H)CIA�. "'J�"8am_ KaplaA JJaft.i. g.....li� (''uUiocham .B.MbIrl aa.u� WUUalOD I.aa 8IIaIa• -• W.iUUuu LJ'maa. •ClfllitotialAt�thiS·biDe""'orthe-iear WheD In·terscholastic fobs and Iatenc!lol­. :: �� ;'as:ic � are' ch.. - ... ,.- �� ......AttractiDi "'c' in: ev�'inc) , thanDesitabI� ", on.}-1I:"�t t .�1.� tJquestion the ftIue ofthe day for contestants and the uDi­versity. No doubt the purpose of themeet is to draw desirable students totlJe University. With much 1heameobjec:ty the aDDaal examiDations for8C.holarships are held, �. ,coDDection\Vlth the Conference with BeCOu,dary,schools. Those who iniuatJed boththe Interscholastic and the en .• 'lUna-tioos believed, wisely we thiaIr. .if th •. high school bon and &iris �once lDtroduced to the ',will b � they.. e eager to .� the UDiver-�lty • Intetes� in- this CODaectionL� the foUowin ... D- •,� �-. Itelll· ,Graduates of lIecmi .. ·.school now in the U.erai hipentertain the cradaaq ty willthat school _ ... =-_ c:Iaaa of ...... a U&IIIIer. .Commons caf... t lQ the... ODlOrrow •at 6. Six-..... llilbt"I ..... eats are �,Many another siDUlar -�"well do liJcewise. 0 &roUp Could:0 be gained by inVif. COurse Dlore isOf �ak Park and II �the SeaioraUn:versi_ H' h' c � than of'I l&. and '11Which are alrnos � Park.lOt' •. t 011 6Le �IS SI-:fi ' ,WI B110·'" cant that ' ' �stUdents in th . IbaIIJ' of the L-...e City hiIb �1:to ou: of toWQ. • • 8CbooJa ComUch "'"th the • lIlatitatiolla Ilot sofrom 110m idea of Ietti...- .e or of �::...--... awaystruction as a.. '- ...... better ia-�f' College lit � by the 1'''_not e, -bleb til &4IIIIIorto be EOU1ld . � 'beIie.e isPerhaPs a • OIl OUr ClQad •Ph'll' dinner to 6L_ -�es.I IPs s� UIC '91:-Onld ba ", 1'1 a ,_ endeDthe ve dra_' to . � acoboy "ho three the Universitythe -.orld' 7eara ,_It! • record • -� brokearc \Vrj ht III the Pol"1IIt 1 c�. e vault.M� the InterscJao'� the pole,Piel4. ... uc llaeet OD WI�\v' . W�NTS� 'WORx"-:Wellf'recommended Mr�' FrederickRrown, S48s East End avenue and'Mrs. Charles S: Eaton,' 5744 Kim­b:ar:� ,_-avenue 'would: call your at-, lention to the need's 'and skill ofIIrs,.::Epstein. She does ,liIi .. sew­ing and relines and repairs coats.Her children will call for �nd re­turn aD garments.' She deservesyour interest and"needs y�ur wprk.Address: Mrs. Epstein, S436 Lakeav�nue. C3rd floor) oppo�ite Hyde, �ark Center .. S�nd a post card.VAm� hustling represe�tatr.eto sell a popular-priced room dec:.oration., Especially suitable for C()Lle�e dens. Liberal comml.lon.O'n!7. one stadent, at eacb school,so write for full particulars at once.The MO!llrin Compan7,' 1264 St.Loaf" A Vfti.e. C1t�sro Tn,LOST�A good bar pin at last Rey­-nolds club dance. Please 'return to2S Beecher.. -- .i. __ ,.,I nnovation in the curriculum: inthe 'way of 's�veral courses on relig­ious topic.. were announced as" ae­tive probabilities for next Autumn.by Mr� Merrifield in an address be­fore the annual meeting of the" Uni­v�rsity Y. M. C. A. bodies last night,a.ett.�ac............. Acording to tbe statement of Mr.Merrifield. the' faculty has had suchdeparture in mind for rears. and allIlle � bdlaDge latioa.t k8k preparations are now made "for theof Cbicaca. inauguration of a broad' new' policy. of emphasis and 'stress upon re-Ca�ta1 'JPOOP?"- ligion. Individual members of theSurplus •••••••••••• s,ooo,oao - faculty and the administrative bodyUndivided Pro&ts ....... l,oooponoo of the University which has beencontemplating the 'action for twentyyears. will take active parts in push­'ing the new movement at its start.. "Underneath .the undergraduatesarface there is always a' -great dealof good. solid religion, in. the broadsense of the word:', said- Mr. Merri­field, "and from riext year' on' a con- Albert' Brokaw yestel'daJ defeatedtin�al effort will be made to bring Joseph Runner, 6-0 .. 6-1 •. 600 in thethis serious side of the men more and .. Geology department tenu.,· semi-more into the open. It -is-hoped and finals. In. the Chemist� .departmen�expected 'that every man will be en- finals,' Edmund Hump,,", and Alb.ertabled to take' s�ine: of·�·lthe· -new. Brokaw will meet Satul'd.,. _.curses." �. .'" In the Hitchcock. tournament •. win-iPraideat JudsoD 'SpeakL ners in' four of:the five sections haveOther addresses be�ring"on the re- already been decided. .Karf Lewis isligious and moral acti�ties of the champion of section on�.' )osephmen were given by Pres.ideot' JudSOh. Brody, of: section three.. CorneliusDr. CC;wter, who presided' at the Teni?1ga of. section-four and :M��ri��leeting; Mr� Gilk�y and ·Mr. Bick- 'Rogers of .section five.. a��� \yhitp.ham 'and the' 'chairmeri' of the" class and �aurice Markowitz. wilt, 'play fo�75 ceDts. .' PlaiD � :as CeDt . and �rofession�t"sch�1' commissions, the" championship of section two to-O Da d N· .... t. The.... referred. to vanous phases of day. r Contests. between win�ers in.pen y ad la" . J: . .•SARATOGA BARB.ER SBOI the ev'!nmg's 'general 'tOPIC, Some the Wffert'nt sections. w:ill �egin. i�;J' H H .. p Moral and"Religious P.robl�ms of the mediately to: decide th�.}laJl, cham-• • ���. U.'ier�ty':'C��ty·��d T�k·��... �.. .... i.II�·�·�.���.�.������.������ .. �����ag'SoathDearbOnaStnet ., ....j!... ';.bJ"·Solti" ·.. Ii �;)h.ii.:·.·.··;, ,_'. :JI"." U.. _":.;"'''i�''''1t_-rt')I·i:._. '.J •.•. Ii' , .• '. . .•. ,OSSI e. q .�n. .•. .. .'!!lIIi1:,C.i :<;.0 1�_. " __ •• _� __ ,. �.t_� ... _I .... Y ... r..... .:' ,"-- -j-''Z.-'' _ .. : .,)-4.:..,. ..... .l .... �:1IOoA� auICUnK·· .,.,• ..•.. '; !:J :"i"'"" ·r· ;.:; .. , ".- ri" n-'/ : ,. ." : .. ,. "Scieriti6e II� .. . .;�'Th(a�jts��t�; .. n���:r�!igio��. ,.' _'. '�9�BING TO READ"__ �.__ . __ .M .'. s· .;. '.'. �. • � . '. 81.. . ExPert CbirDpodi •. dec�red ��id��t)�d���� ��t re-, ..._ .. � .,... .. ..... \f,1 .' .,.. .. \" . 'ligion .is c-.:er:- ptesen� ���c�lng .out, . '. CC:0nti�ued from pag�'tWo) ··f· AL'T' "MA" �RO' win different forms and exerting an', .' . M -. '\..,. ,-. .: ' "�t'· ··:t ';' work after the enthUSIasm of the first. ".inftu�nce upon every ac I� y-.. '. '.. ... • .,. '. • � _. . .'.MAROON ADS �" .... _._ ,_ .. ; ... ' tWO years ThIS we do not regard as_r .' �mt Rm�aaizes RcUgion.. ari �fI11i�g --iact. Enthu���� a:�d' . � ., . ."It � . : _ .BRING RESULTS The' Prmdent emphasi�ed:. the. sincerity are absolutely' essential toenofm�us :part of. constant �i�dividual,. real � worth. 'in social service.. 'From a:persona!.l'elipon. in affecting the ac-man wh� does not carrY interest 'and---------------- tivities of·daily life, statiDg,.th�t;re-. conviction' in his w�rk.-a club 9f boys• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • •• ligion in the· broad sens�,:. waS ,.the will. seldom derive much ���fib 'andsoune of all other things. ,�r. Gil- it i� frequently a mistake for' such a: ,.key compared·religion to the i�divid.. ir.an to continue. The Cri;'UOfl be­llal'S' philosophy of life. '.' lieves that the loss in numbe'rs of up­Adual problems of religious nature perc1assmen engaged in 'social servicein the everyday campus, lif�. were is mo�e than 'c9mpensated'. by theC .. h . , d,'s-"-d '- ,chairmen �f the differ-. .h h • .tyO ..... 7' ey s ..... - 1103 ('am est ness of·t ose w ose achv,.'. . w_w, ent c�mmissiGns. 'Chester- : Belli;' has not declined with the conflict ofSo. East Cor. 55th aacI EDia speaking for the Seniors. �ermed'the' other: i�terests. Soci�l se�ce isUniverlsity an irreligious co�unity.. proaressing on' its merits to' a. posi-BASEBALL RETuRNs f • "'.d�precating especially the lack 0 10- tion of recognized importance in col-teres� in th� Sunday services�in .Man- 'ege lif'!.-Haruard CrimsOfl_ I............................. del'.S_eats Reelect Services. ..Ir'ISS Melcher to Talk TOday."When I have attended the Man- Miss Margery Melcher. W111 give,del semcu," said Bell. '''the only �n": her last talk at the University at a IPat.ronize our adftr6sen. Thq .. .. L h' _------------ -4 _del'gl'adaates . I have been able ,to see meeting of the Y. \V .. C. . t 1<;����n�e�rs��,,' �om���ro�S����M� ---------�---�----�---------the most �roltRssift baiaea8 -- Winiam L:jman spoke on the work Mt'lcher �xpect9 to Temain"at borneor the Juniors during the yeaa:'; and ,hi-; summer and will meet an theasked. for the present Junior com- deleg:lte� �t' �neva in August. She• nds�ion the task of setting .the in- �'il1 start' (or Tndia 'tbe last of Sep-:;......�.;.-.------------�oming "Fresbmen right �ext fall.Sam WeDs Teviewed the work ofthe Sopbomores and told of how theY. M. C. A. commission was com-batted by class .political mac�inery if'holdinR its luncheons and .dinnermeetings....,D Speaks.forthe�RFOLKDh.4.RROWCOLLARHIGH IN 'THE IJACK..ANDLOW IN FIUlNT 2. far�ER�BST A. HAXlIILL. Pral4eDt.CHARLES 1.. HUTCHL�SON. Vlce-�CHAU�CEY J. BLAIR. Vloe-�lckIlt.D A. 1I0ULTON. Vlce-Pr.-14eDt.B. Co 8.UUIO�8.' VIce-Pr.Ideat.FRA�K W. SlIlTH,. SecrttaI7.J. BDW ARD' lIAA& CUbS_..JAllES G. WAKEFl1!:LD. Aut. CUIl�.LEWIS E. GARY. A .. llltaat Cubler.EDWARID F. SCHOm.�ECIC Aut. CUblu.Directors.oahrl_ R. WackerKanm A. R,U'&ODCbaUllce1 J. BlairEd.u.s B. BUllerCbUI ... H. H1l1bur4 .etaNllce Bucklaataam'BeDJaIUJla C&rDeDt_ Ol)'d. II. carrEdwlDG_�a..I_ 1.. HUlcbtlWOllWataon Eo Bla1I'Ed.u.s ..L SbeclllFrede.r1c:k w.�,. Em .. A. IIamJIIC URKIS�lBATHSMen's FnrDisbings.Fine Assortment ofsUmmer' Goods atBy 11I"j"1LI,IIIlit\ I", I \ \H� ',� \, .., " I.. \ ...SHOE REPAIRING'BRING ALL THE WORKYOU CAN BE�ENNOW AND JUNE 14 ANDGET COUPONS PORTHAT AUTO WE ARBGIVING AWAY.The SlIlith-GoobearCo.II ........... -.OpPMite PwtoIk&.' "i. -__ f�TO ADD RELiGIOUS COuRsES cessful "series of the· commission din�_. _· .. ··:r':· r>. �. nera.�'"1Ir..... i6eId Aa"ClGDtea AdditioDS Harry Huber told of the work of.to c-ricaIam at AaaaaL lIeCtiDI' 'the medical school bOdy' and' Karquis t\\��.�Pr�Emjnenc;.e .'on track or campus depends OD the ap-to-the­minute fitness of proper trainin,. Make�.a p:ut of the syStem. It "ill help oyer trainint' triala ucI do JOU IoocIbesides. A bealthful, delicious beYerage-fWl of life aDd yicor.DelicioWl- Re6-eshiDg -Tbirst-QueDchi�g 4 .Demand the GenuiDe-Refuse SubstitutesTHE COCA-COLA CO.ATLANTA. CA.. /_; •. ��.- ..� ..t.;'of Y. II. C. A.' Bodies Praicteat...... Md Commiuioli Chairmen·Ipe&' . Shattuck spoke on the part taken. bythe �ivinity' c�ion. �special1yin aiding the divinit, at1llleats to getout and mix' with othOI' ""ats. Hedeclared that the ..... of.tM Y; M .C. A. men had bee •• M Peatest fac­tor in dispelling tM atliloaphere ofmummyfiedness, aft.-eaess· andfogeyism with . whie" . the divines'were formerly" rep ......TeD of S.'II.V ....William C.' MilleI' alMl It. C Markstold of the important ... k done inthe South Deering' .Ule_nts. theformer speaking' of·.1w classes and"night school instructiora ftt men 'mill­:·\\iorkers. ;�d -the "ait�; 'Of the boys.125 in numb�r betwecoft the age� �feight and twenty. �ho ftte cared forin their work. th�ir p1., and -theirmoral and religious eduta.loit.Craig Redmon. speakingFreshmen, summed up the year'sw�k of liis body. laying stTeSS on.the part the commission played inacttaainting the lower c1assmen witleUillftnfty Iif4t introducing them toone Hot her' and to . the facultytlaroalb the medium of the,most·suc-_. MAROON ADS WtieneYeryou see :nArro" thinkof Coca-Cob.BROKAW DEFEATS aVNNERD�de WIDDer in .8eGoe! lection·Hitchcock T�t �y.�-,=OJij"jL�.ntltm� fiimi."tn9�.k.- "_ ... - ..... "Broadway, C •• �� St..' .. :; •. ', lIewY_;'"�.. ,�.,' ...COqress Annex early iD . ..:, .... � '.. ;{With latest Spring ��,. ��� �_ ·:ancJ. motor cu:men�... �.��t�·�ocUe.·r'· ..·:-c--­....'. -! _, Tim TONIC OF TIlE AGE1Iak Marrow is a great brain builder­it is recommended by phJBicia1usDraaiata sen It.ProdacelaofALMA KATER.•tIcAvoy Illt larrow Depan.e�t.2IM-8 South Park Avenue •'er:lbcr.1�t BRING RESULTSPatronize 'ar�n' Advertisers., . -._ .Socialism is bound to bea success, ,- J .. 0 ,-.... according to John C. Kennedy' in aWHAT ORGANIZ./\ TtONS talk before the Current Topics club,.·A R--'E: DOlNG HERE ;last ni�t in.. H�r Mil. Mr. Ken-... . , . -, :nedy said Socialism is a real live: is-_____________ ------- 0__,sue because it affords an opportunityMcdill �tea DiDoer; -: o. iog Will � leave the ,:University at I. .. �'--., . for giving a.n indicidual a chance toGraduates of the Medill hi8h. ��oo� taking a Rock Island train at the" ,�. •• �. � .. I' . ,tind his own Ievel, It puts every mannow in the University will' entertaiia . Engle1l(ood station.on the same' plane. The Socialistthe graduating class of that sCh�l" . v�:-:__ Education CIDb..._..- party plank, he declared to be noth-at a dinner in the Commons cafe to: Mr" Katom,:a candidate for a doc- ing but.a means to an 'end wherebynight at 6., -;'101 i' tor's degree' in the .Unive·rsitr will -a way may be paved to a higher civ-Cosmopolitan Club Olicen. address the Religious Education club ilieation, M� Kennedy was formerlyWilliam Bosworth < ; Was; , �i�c�d' Moncby in the Haskell parlors on the . instru�tor in th� department of Polit­president of the CosmoPoli�� c1�b subject of The Psychol�gy of Ori- �icai Economy and a recent candidateat a meeting last n�g,h:t� W1I��� ��h.(. �nt.�i. Religious' Exp�iienco., A gen-. for go�ernor' on the SOCialist ticket.was elected vice-president; D. Grant eral iilvitation· is extendedcorresponding secrctary:-'A' 't�wui:ei: -.' , ;� G� �arty. NAIIE SOPHOMORE SPEAKERSwas not elected, bat will be chose. Freshman women will hold a gar- -.. t :. .' � '.'at the next meeting. A shott' Jmo�er ' den p�rty Tues�y' afternoon at 3:30, Iris Spobn and Johii o'Brea�ed Classpreceded the election. at the home of Miss Margaret Cote, Day Representa!iv�Score Club lDiti.atio�. 4730 Greenwood avenue. ' ,.Edwin Zeddies � elec:t�!1 p�si- Kcn� -CheqUca1 Society Picnic. Iris Spohn and -John. Breatheddent of the Score club for the,coInlDg Th '. K trio.'. .' I . t '11 were chosen at the Sophomore class• • •, 0 .• - (.,• '" A" e en ",�.eDUca' �ocle y WI n ...y�.r at the thirteenth annual InIWL- '1· ld It ,. al··· '.T d t A mee't'l�n'· a ... ·esterday to represent t,he_ :. "... ,. .', 10 1 � annu picnIC ues ay a or � �nen and banquet at the UlUversi.t7.' The 'p�ty ril"assf'a�le in front of Sophomore class iri the ceremony ofdub last night, The other OffiCCf.S"K 't"- nd . . t"] k k' a the Ivy on Jun'e' 10. President Del-. •. . ..o_ en an go· 0 ac son par 10.eJected are: Benjamin Ball, ... ice-pr�s:- b' d .M 'mbe' .h .' t d t go aney 'sp:"oke on the p.a. rt the Sopho-'• . ....' I, ". • " 0 y. e rs w 0 In en 0lant; Haz�� Hagge� '. SCf�ta.!Y;. have -'been �ked' to sign up on 'the mores were supposed 'to" play, onFrtnk Whl�mg, treas�e�: Ja�n. Ke�t . bulletin board and pay Oscar St�dents Day.: J��e I�. ·It· is.p�annedTowne, ch31�man dance cO�DUttee. Hedenburg thirty cents each. to ba�e a t�cheo,n"for ·the class iin-Talks w�re made by alumni of the mediately ··aft��·tbe.· Interclass meetclua, ,;':. � .0 ': 1 ��r. starr's party.I-n a··dd·l·tl·O· n to··,Oth·e v-a' 'rl.o.· D's e,vents al-. .J. Pi· . I. Asociate Profesor. Starr will enter�1ID10r CIUC. •• t._ _t.o_ f h' d' t ready �·:�chedule4. ·.:Th�' report ofChicken patties furnished by.Ruth ,taiD tile meuuicrs 0 IS epartmen '. ..h· I c:... • T d Treasurer Baumgartner, was. hear4·Apr' proved to be the- feai'lare' of at,.:. u�, ��Il� 7n�g· party ues �y and the clas� m��b�t� were urgc:d ·to:t ..... ·. Junior �.·cnic· he1d·-·����.�.ia,.. '�;af<o-·at S.in:Hasketl assembly room. ' - ,. .." '"..- J.', .. buy .cos�".u.· �e!J' " fo� . Spring_ Fes�ival.temoon behmd the German buildlbg. . .. . KledB .. Ne1! ¥emben. ' <,Fifty members of' t�e c�ss.·_'tu��d Ma�1. �'Con�r, Mari,iret Hess, .D;t7... 1-.9tlt to the laSt ·sociai���uC?lf\c��he1'.J! laa Pet:ei!o; 'Yaria Keteham;" };l1ep �viDcs Ileet>at ·Sunrise.,ear, . and' were �c�per:QtI�:�·:�� I:��!��� 'YaI�et. Spencc;r, Edward1 '. M.emb,�rs· of the. oljivinity schoc_>l.ft" Mrs. Webster. ° Shambaugh, ° Donald Mather and coun-eif'held':a meeting at 6:30 tlus. ..... .. ,Volunteer Baud. � ThQm� .Goodwin were elected melJl-. morriiiig. in South .. Divinity parlor toAD thembers of''the,Si1iderit V�I�- . be�s �rtli-e 'Dra,matic Reading society' cOlriplete "arrangements' for 'the an­te..- band' and their 'frielids �y.e :�.', �t.�. ����.nlt *��sd�y,O at the.. �ome .of. nnal banquet of· the council whic�ia.ited' to"attend 'a '.'pit:nie':touiorrOw � )frs...\Villiam Gorsuch, 5728 Madison will· lie �beld -at, ,6· . tonight in the.�t ����iy ,HJlls� Those who are.&O: :tv:�� ,. . I -q. School df;Ed"ca��.1! �!n���._�.m.PRODUClHG DU�, _,o�. "\'#�:TOIIIGIIT-. ":". J ,�'- �. SEVERAL GoOD RREI SAllIIOUIIC8 ... ��. "')1"_ ·ADIlllUO.- .. ��.aD_·:····-i.��IlJ'.,.' �. --. • •• • • • • •• J;��!������"4�· ,.' , �i J9.� .��O� .� COill "ADatoL"DE.OIIDE,�.OVIIIGPICTURES . .SIiID IIaaD aDd Co., IIu7 aDd .ort-iaaor. Schooler aDcl DickeDsoa, Eac�� .. �_J��.5 �� �IIiDer aDd L7)e, Jeaaae D'&te.- ......·r .•,EVENINGS ONLX ,TBB WORLD IN CHICAGO:��7.��"::2:::•• ,. �"""" ...... �. $, •. \,' .' ,'. to 10 P.",A WORLD'S PAIR: A�,!!,�·.�;�· � 15Co-.'�"'-i:l'•• QI..! :AUDITORIVJIPA�'i)j'-DARKNBSS. ".• 'AIID LIGHT�.,... ill CIabp;.�'. - -',' •. Ipectac:Ie.JIC at 'I.SO: Boa., 'IMOIbceIIeat C.A Wid d .... of .0 ..... , I ftftD' .. & Sat. Kat.. SOC 'I.so.Wed. Kat.. soc. $1.- A.N.�S."""'.;1=SAYS SOCIALIS •. YIILL COIlE. '��������H �ISONDEFEATED BY VARSITY MISSES LLEWELLYNAND BEALL CONT�STI� TENNIS TOl>AYJolm c. KeaDed7 SQa PbU� IsCertaia to . 8Gcceed. ,Dorothy Llewellyn and Cornelia.Beall will play in the semi-finals ofthe women's tennis tournament to­day at 2:30. Cornelia Beall defeated .. Edna Kantrowitz, 6-4. 6-3. yesterdayafternoon in the preliminaries, andMadelyn Woodruff defeated LeonaCoons 6'4. 4-6. 6-3..�o �cidr� Hi«h School Students.; 'Dr. Charles H. Judd, head of the\ school of Education, will speak on The Daily lIarooD is DO" OD sale: Individual Initiative at the com-: mencement exercises of the Molin\! at· the Press.,high school tonight,--C;('�field. 'Epn. Stolen bases­Stains. 'Baumgartner. Lavin. Struckout-by Baumgartner (8), by Aldu�us(7, by Nelson (4) Base on balls­off. Baumgartner (2), off Nelson (I).�Wild 'pitc�Nelson (2). Passe'd ball:--SCheenke. TimC-1 :55. Umpire-Ho�m.•INVEST KENTSw. _" two tl!i,OOO "ftve-". ant � Oft t .... "O pl"OPf'rtlN within a few. b:OCD of die Uaivenlty. '!be budktlJSp OIl wtdcb t.beM bna art' made are bl&t1 .... .se1Dcome 'pl'Clil)a't" of t.be be.t coa.tnacdon tbrouchout. and located tn tIM bNt 8tOt1onof H)"CIe Park.� va:uatkm 'In � cue W K kat twJoe tbe amount of die loan.w. &1.0 ba,'e on baDd odlft' bleb crade mortcaaes and Real Estate bcmda OIl SoutbSki. propertY' .... of wbIc:h we wouM be p:� to 8IIDd upon 8C)pllc:a.t'40n.F\lI' part4cu:u. � ,Fort Dearborn' Trust Ci} Savines BankREAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENTlI0:s-R0JI: A...�D CLARK STREETS.T,-l�on�: Ra:1dolph 4301 F. A. Myren.. Mer·AlE \ YOU; LOOIDIG fOB A PLACE TO EAT?Give 'riff -COMMONS a Tri.''Ask the. Upper Clasamen About Our FoodYou'll Like the Chtb �reakfast and Cafeteria. Mulic at IIlglJt Good1 foo� low Prices-----------------------------------------------------I f�·;S.lri_H��E,���...... �-&&u..r·W� �e;._..��a; smart � of �British" Tweeds "for EllItish Sack:S��� ��" aD� "I�'" HOlDe SPUDS for Norf9lks and the createst!line of Flannels for Tro� we have ever ahown. ','. 1 "":,Spccial values � .$30. f��. saltsand, sa for tr���:� or K�ers.�AILOR FOR, N_ ta aile 8tnIILtic-&. ��.8t�': .... �BW.····�I,.,.·"Fortune is paintedblind, with a mufHer: . afore her . eyes."Maybe. Fortune IS. blind. . Be, that as itmay;, het devoteesneedROOd eyes if theywould grasp a prize.ILLINOIS; - -.. ., � .. � ..- - .,-All Cbbco Is ' ........ c With'-BUHCBB BlRG _ ...___ .CJaa& ........IIan7 CciD-.' ·8oiap·IIIid' G&ia.' " ' •• ,'. ., 0-=mw. is, a' boon enJoyed. bydIscerning smokers.Choicest gI:owth ofBurley leaf, delightfulin. fragrance-tempt..inglv rich in Bavot­satisfyingly smooth­free .ftom bite. A,smoke of supremequality. '. '.� .. .L4M��U�oJ�K..�CKBTT._ in -rile B��. ��"IlIKE, BERNARD •WILLIE WESTONGreatat Jhpoaea:s of Rqtime..LLK. LA TOSCA • COA Evopaa Trio of ReaowD.BI'eIIDU aad RatcH, Bblq aa4Lerner. J� �. WJaaie Henm�Pobia BrotIIen., GiIlette'. A.·\ii. . I'� ..po�0 .... � ... a-. L. W ......... TBB IIOIIBY .001f Ia...J Ah' •• : __ ......,Ci, 7 ."._n' I •• �" PatrOD our Advertisen. ) i,, .1_ • ,IIr ,rI,,�,.':<..I, ,,\t .: I�I. )-\, �I t.�fl,\., �,I' ;; I',f l., jI', I �ItI':\ r.:iI�Ir� _I;":\I !,I.1!II'II.,,:1,II��,