VOL. XI.. No. 149. ,.!'.: '.. �... .. . .. .... .iatl!: .,' ,. I'' ... - ...UNIVERSITY -OF CHICAGO .. WEDNESDAY; MAY 28, 1913.Junior and Senior college womenwill meet for the second time in theb�seball cbampi�nship race this af­ternoon at 3:45 in Lexington yard.LaSt week the S�niors were victorsby' a 41 to II score and if they wintoday the bariher will be theirs. 'Ift��_y los': the deci�ling match will heplaYed'Monday.. Offm SUit�e for Home-run,chairman of the committee. ex.pccts�very fraternity to have made at.least one exchange and. ,if possihle..two. The plan is to be carried on inthe early part of the Autumn quarternext ye�r in such a ,manner as to getthe Freshmen more or less ,intimately¥quaintJed with their classmates he­Jore' the year has past. .,- �. <t. -" '. , •PLAN EFFECI1YE liD AUTUIIN-E1ecti�n of Memben fa to Be 011Merit Basia-WiD '=IaooseNoaw.BeaD Defeats Amory in Tennis.Cornelia Beall defeated Rosalie: Amory. 6-4, 6-2, yesterday in the. preliminaries in the women's tennis P:��.F'iV_.& CENTSrule in the elections. For every in­subordinate act of the neophytes a.,�()mmittee of the club will awardMack marks. Those displaying thehe!;t· spirit will receive preference.There is to be no beating on the'ampus. in the loop district or elsc­·".here, or any physical punishmentwha�soever inflicted upon the candi­dates for membership.Plan Coming DaDce..The club made final plans for theannual dance which is to he givenA� BACK FROII CONVENTION in the club Friday at 8:30 to the• .' tlppercl�smen. The club expectslIathew., Barton, Henderson., Price from sixty to seventy-five couples toaDd Gilkq Attend �eeting. he present. Music will be by Fuiksand programs by Spies., The chargesDean Shaner Mathews of tht" Di- will be met by an assessment from,.init,. school, Professor: Burton, Dr. the cluh members of each fraternityHendenon and Professor Price r�- npresented.Reorganization of the Three Quar- year in Calcutta as the result of the All University Y. M. C. A. bodiesters dub along the lines suggested campaign carried on by the women I will hold a, joint dinner tonight atby President Judson and the Inter- of the University. f:t51n the Commons cafe, The chair-fraternity council was effected at a. Play Last BaD GaDle. men of the commissions will talk.meeting of the freshman honor so- The last chcacmpionshjp game of Assistant Professor Robertson andciety held yesterday altern'- on in the the women's baseball series will be. 'Mr. Bickham. have charge 'of theReynolds club. .played off on Monday. and in case' progtalb.The plan adopted by the Three- the Juniors win today's game, it will' .: Ever,. . man in the University whoQuarters club men. which'· will be be the deciding game of the season," .is fnter�sted in the work has been in­used next fall, provides for election 1 n other years, tennis tournaments' • vited It» atend, There will be a pro­to the club on the basi. of attend-' and hockey games have been features' , gram of songs and music in addiance and spirit shown by· the neo- of the fest as well as baseball, bat: . tiOJI to. �I!e addresses, The heads 0phytes 'in the stunt's that· are to be on account of the distance from one: tk-cotOmissions, who will give talksput on during the 10:15 period each field to the other the interest lias' ;ate. ,Iday and at . the ,Minnesota-Chicago been scattered. and it hat· 1IiH .. • The Speakers. .football game. thought best to give up the olliff ""'ssor Coulter, University _y, Will Elect Forty.: t:ames: ill, .: 1:, A. administrative council;Forty freshmen will be:'a�tomati- Miss Wayman has offered a sun.tiJe:; ICtMtMt Ben. Senior; William l.yrally elected to the club as' follows: to every woman making a hom�'''' ..... "mio�; Samuel Wells. SophoEach fraternity' niay noininate four or over-the-fence· hit. MUKuet � .. ; ''''.J Csaig -- Redmou. Freshmancandidates for Three-Quarters. Four livan last y�ar lost a �J. 'd.nlre iJ· '�jIMi� Bills .. ·.�w; Hany Huberlion-fraternity 'candidates' 'will be of the President's boUscf, Ihus ... ' '�$ and Morris Shattuck; Divinchosen by the n'onffateriilty mem- .onstrating the, pos9ibi];tY ot,the r�t.: _Ihers 'of the club. ". ·M8rgaret Riggs &'� .. - .' .. ... , ..On . the day 'of the Mirinesot�game . After the bali sa-:. a. ',���. � tiATa ,�O�, ��INA�IOti .elections will be .annoY:C;eCl:;·�vro; wi.I:be.'.�d:iu."""'''' •• � tJ-;-:';�'�:',�·';·t�·:;·:' -s-��.:..' .-' �_, . _. -, ,.. __ .Oi':the'Caliardat�s ;;C;;:-eachha�;.u_· �-Varga�et Riggs- i.--e�·· 6f: tiN � .0:'1 ....... �� xS. Set, for E��ty .and the non-fraterni� four hav- fete' a�·d ���. '''�b.�.'' )�,� _ : :�fOi-.���;�iU8hip.ing the ·best· attendance ·records are Reynolds and 11.,...,. - • .,... •• ' : .-- .first· elected.· There will th�n be 'six on the. e���"iu��t . ��"cfH. ' " = ;��ment"baS': j�t' been· madememberships 'open to "tbe' 'siX men -. ' �. - - '.. ".::', ·:t .. • .. e-'·office' 'Of President Jameshaving highest attendance mark�. In SIGMA CRr I •. WI .... C)j' ,"� '.$..: U. �i,��f�t(of'��li�ois that'the. BASE' B' A' LL' . ";'d Ji(��""_.U. ..tX4dJij.,-.nation·�, for capdidatesthis way six. . fraternities may 'seCure � .. v .... ft... ._ " '�: ..- ' •- . -" -. .' � r� �.' O�forcl' 'RhOdes scholarshi ....f hree representatives in tbe club.. or._,... •.three fraterniries four each. Def�ts neita 'v,....' *' � :�J -� ... ·�elcl· ?cto�r· f4' 'aDd'. I�.¥ust Attead lleetinc. day 'II� '. --11M .Wp;'/L .. ;'�:-. \}t�� fhe �clidates who .Pas� �h��o candidate is eligible to mem- � � - :: .... ��. ·�ti�D "th�.ooard �� select onehership if he has more .than twenty- �." : 'sf�Hr"who·wm be apec:ted' to en·-percent! of unexcused absences from Sigma Chi WOR tire. JDfnf,.,. � ,o..Iord a year later, Octobetmeetings. When a number of candi- haseball challl��, -.... ..,: I�' : ' ."_ ,. .. .dates have the same· attendance rec- morning by delainiir Ddt. � . � �e�, :at pres�nt a m�m­ords. the system of black marks will hy the score of 21 t(J 4- � kabit.: ·"":t9I'th�Ju�lIor c!�s 10 .tru: Vni-f th tt. '��� _I v.,." �on' .the sc�olarshIP.tn theo e, game � n� I' ...... INII� 05 .. ". .,.';:t h ... S' .' r:c... ".. • .-........ rf}l� Maminatiol{' and wiD enter Ox-� ep enson lor 19i'n2 "-Itl. .. VTI'IIJ""':' • ,. .. ... '. .t'·t h d· '� .� .. � ... ';; 1M. .act-October. The'ac»pomtmenson Pl c e a 8UUU' � mr u. 'U.. J� . .' •'b t • d � r��_ MI!ww·a·th1"�e. years' scholarslnpu receIve pdOr .... 1'1"'. IW .o7'lIlC'P"'I"I=--- ......;. .. � ,: ",,' tl.I. t k �.:.._ '�.:. ..... �jOO .... ' year.- 'A' part of eac..on s rue out I. WIIC'H'e fWftr .. nuwnp- � ....• I'. ., r-- . to· be spent m·traTe Ing on th�son. seve�. "e�t. .. No'· University men a$The box score follows: .,., ··1IIJJe 'announ�d ·th�mselves �nelta Upsilon R Jf � A -t-T I , e ..... es'· for the 1913 scholarshipo man .. I) ••• '••••••... 0 �." & I'Vflrton� 2b, 3b .... .> ..... 0 (J. 0' 3: � .. ,Thompson.. p .:.. .•••• .;.0 r l 2; ,., .,. ..... Y' CHElnSTRY FINALS.'Y""1;nl!swortll. 3& .. " .. e 0 , 0 � •.l�=-l"win If •••••••••• �. f' 0 0 0 2- � -McVicar, c .. ' 2 I ,. G· 8"." ,I e,-· .. 'BroiarW-To Play for�': .. l rF , 0 fI tI e·... •. '!j�' -sataidq.n=-\ .. �. ss t fI 3 fI �_ ."night. d ' .;.� 0: a 6'"&''-' ....__d·· Ha' m· p. '--e'" dftf t .. d H!l:tn d. 2h •. ·.•.. .- .. .; .. 0 1 '(1 � iT . � n.- I .... - ... . al"-Totals ...... H..... .. !(�. "1 f't 611·A6ms, .�I,· 6-2. and AI1�rt�;rrma Chi 1l H P It r .... " .won·_from .John GlattfeM.Miller. ss ...••.• " .•• 5 2 f 6 2 �. 6t-f, ,in the semi-finals of tIlt!'VasYoner. 2b .•.••.••.. 4 1 2 r 0W::n:"Il1S C ••••••••••• t f'3 t I 6,. "a.m., ... ,. department tennis tour-5.tephenson. !\ •••.••••• 2 2 t 5 6' .�. Humphr.ey and Brokaw,,-m'nt,,.l�O'l. Ir. T'f •• we •••• T 2 C)·o 0 ._ � ...... _ f th K hTon .. s. rf. c£ .••••••••.. J I 2" 0 r .'.-;r �ar� or e ent c am-H �n hi. 3h 2 2 (j 0- T·: pie.1Iip ·.prize!Newhy. cf, rf ••.•..•.. 2 t f 0: f" lit "'e elimination round of theBicklev. 'h l I ., 0 I' � - d :.._ t tTotals ... , � .•. :n: 13."1 1 �,� .. epa.�n ourn�y.�i�a rhi � .. S·T02 �.� .' .... ft1: ....... :resulted·u.follows: BruceDe'lta Upsilon 0:2 0 , ()'� �,cp � of "'Ie ,defeallecl Lbais' Roark. (.... -4.Two ha�e hih-Tohna ... 't� U: W'1ber £II bUr fl.:ttl.. hit-l(nudsoB.. Ro� n.,,�� .. I' I 'am 111 won romWilliams, Wagonr. lb�1 on .,,� ;1'0. �ofield .. 7.� ·�2; ·Alben BTo­.... ff Tf,ornneon. ::t:. off �t4!ObenlllJ!F.. 2. ....., tldfeated Frank Herald. 6-1 (.... ,.Hit by pitc:}Ied r.n-Ronfn.,...-o"''' '. . ' '.'W:uyoner. Wi11i:.ms. Miller, Ne_,. • ... ']oeep. Rnner defeated Rod�r-Donble pl:.v-W:ag?,,� .t;:, . ,Bit:Ii:Je.-. t idf. .. �, '6-4.', 6-2� Se1ni-finalg willP3;.,sed ball-MacV1ca" �truck .opt�, � p.d � saturday and the finalsby Thompson. 7: by 5teph�nsodl. i2� �-._ ...... - 1Time-2:15. Umpire"';_Kei1nedy� : .oHI�'"'"V'. aile 7.Miss ,Margery Melche r WilLbe':theguest of honor at the Annual JUDeFest to be given by the Women'sAthletic association Monday at -3:30in Lexington gymnasium. Miss Mel�cher, who has been secretary of� theY. W. C. L. this year will spend next -Ic:iwuEN. ww. BE SPWERs-Profeaor-Coalter and Chalter Bellto T.�. Robertson and1Ir. 1Iiddiiim, in Charce.aI_=.. ::-:PIA� =: m:r:&UzE'�,:=-�:�:: f.�f=tr..k--- Siria wm 8j'� This After- - .. Secretary Will Be HClct After.W. I -lWI:WhiIiIi; •. Gieik .. ,.i ,DooD" iD- i..e40D Yard-Each F ...... Secidr .., __ ('lia'ctei mea's' Annual Fat·�. Alta- ........ Haft Ieea luitedto�- 4:TiIl,.......· side 'cOnfid� Of Winning.. . AI.., u.. I. 1 • I, noon-To Play. Last Ball.Game. 'ae PiIiUi at t..i. •••• Cafer... .".J.__ "'i..:L.t ..... · ._ at ':ISAs an jneentive to the players. Miss\Vaytn�n �as offered a sundae forevery home-run over the fence. Sen­ior women declare that they will eas­ily win to�ay's game while the Jun­for; women are equally as positivethat the victory will be theirs.The line-uo:Seniors.Ilarion Martland. pElla Luedernan, eFrances Houston, tbCornelia Beall, zbMargaret Riggs. 3bMargaret Rhodes. ssRhoda Pfeiftielj rf. Florence Foley. cf. Helen Leonard, 1£Juniors.? ? ? DLaura Walter. cDorothy Llewellyn. rbDorothy Bent, abH.- Louise Mick. 3bTICKETS ARE ON -SALE .. . "Helene -Kenny, S5 .FOR FEaTlV AL COSTUIIBS.· ;, .. �!J'?�� �O:�hkiss. � ._·�..Ac'-��_iOD'ib�{St::t";'��"�:'�I�,\��f.,!f...�'i�",-;'"orCbatra wm PlaY ai'SpnDC' . '��T��IES --SWAP!' MENFestival- 'FrftIuneD Are Bntenained by One-Costume tickets for the Spring .. ,'.U� VISit Other.Festival were yesterday distributedto the class cotnmittees. The sale of Sigma. c�r and Sigma Nu Fresh­these tickets will indicate the num· :tn�n t�diy e�t, lunch at the Sib'111aber of costumes to order, and win Chi house while the Sigma N u uro>er­furnish ready money to the class class men are hosts to \he upper­chairmen. Tickets will cost twenty- classmen of Sigma Chi. in accordanceJive . �c'uts each�· They may be, ob- with the plan drawn up by the I n­tained from the following: tcni'ate'mity Council for the int<;I"'". Harold Goet!ler. Kent Chandler· �'ha�g� (If Freshmen among the frat­Martha Gano, Margaret Greene,. ernities. A similar exchange willGeorge Kuh, Winifred: Miller. James. take place between Sigma Alpha Ep­More, and Josephine Reichmann. siton and: Phi Kappa Psi. BeforeJuniors-Thomas Coleman, Ruth 'the�nd of,the year Lewis Norton,Morse. Isabel Kendrick, 'John PerleeHelene' PoUa1c. Ruth, HougJ4 Blis!'}-falling, and ,Warren Leonaf4I.,-Sophomores-Paul Des JardienRuth Allen, Dorothy Bent, Frederidr.yerly. Kenneth Coutchie, EdwardKixmilJer, Geoffrey Levinson. Doro,thy LleweUyn.. Marion Skinner andJoshua StephensoaFreshmen- Williain Ewart. Fred·�rick, Burcky, Dorothy, Davis. ElsieErickson, Dorothy Farwell, RowlandGeorge. Isabel MacMurray. RoderickMacpherson, Harry O'Neill, <icorgePatrick. Gifford Plume. FrancesRichardson, Dorothy Vanderpoel,Grace VanEvera, and Frank Whiting.J t was decided yesterday not tohave the dedication of .the stands theafternoon of the festival. The com­mittee, beaded by Associate Prores·!lor Bliss had considered this forsome time, but it bas been thoughtbetter to dedicate the new stands ata time when Mr. Stagg can be pres- turned Monday from Detroit ,";�l"-­they attended the annual convenlio.lof the Northern Baptist. association.They were on the program of theSunday night session.. and report thelargest attendance in the history ofI tournament.the association. Dr. Charles W: Gil-eut.The University Orchestra will key, aSsistant head of Hitchcock and· � CIaaa Hear HoaItoILfurnish tbe music for the dances in, pastot of the Hyde Park Baptist Professor F. R. Moulton spo�e be-place of the usual piano. The danc� �l!a�,;_al.!J9.-,vas a 'delegate to the �.fore the Astronomy, I· .classes lastmusic to be ased at tbe festival is convention bu� returned ,in time for. J night in Haskeli: illustrating his talkbeing rehearsed no". ! his Sanday services. I : with stereopticon slides.", ... tu.s .: '. toNtiS··DGIIT,.: . . . AlE to TPlan 10 "ave FoiII'. Fratenlitiell in, raws WbicIa ,AIe,8dIecl-uled for jane 6.-Semi-finals in the Interfraternityrelay will be run off this afternoon at4 on Marshall Field. The teams elig.:ible for th� semi-fiaals are those!which won either first or secondplace in the ·preiiminaries. The fourteams qualifying from the first twodiv.isions. and running the first racethis afternoon, are Delta Upsilon,Psi Upsilon, KaPpa Sigma and Alpha.Delta Phi.�ve Finala 011 JaDe' ••The four fraternities qualifyingfrom the third and fourth divisions.and running in the second race thisafternoon, are Delta. Kappa Epsilo�Ph·i G�mma Delta .Chi Psi and Phi.Delta Theta. The teams taking first.and second place in the two races to-.day qualify for -the finals. The finalrace is scheduled for June ,6. the day:of the Spring Festival., (W. H. L.) A SaecestiOD.It has be�n suggested to us by •promin�nt alumnuc of tbis univer­sity that some method of interfrat- ,Jahn It Ollier Engraving Compt\lly.554 W. Adams Street: ,... �.- .-"-------. ,r'" ----- _ _. r" r . ,.mer camp location for sale. Tenvery desirable lots each SO ft. front­age on the Eagle chain of 27 lakes.Splendid loCation for club. Owner,E. S. Coleman. Eagle Rivet'. Wi&. FOR RBfi"'Furnished summer cot-. lag e'; 10 rooins and bath; VenD"directly oyerlooking Lake Michi­gan; large . �ooded lot. perfectbeach; gt&ery delivery.· Fi-aDk­fort. Michigan. Rental $ISO- Ad­dress C. K. Chase. Hai:altOG Col--lege, qiJiton, N. �.Bulletin· and Announcements.The Daily ·Maroonllau.n·ae -' 4i!u...tNIUial -� )t ..... ,n ,: -, ,. ..Senior Colleces . aDd' .Co�q� of Womm'. Glee Club-Busin�ssand Administration- meeting, 4. Lexiagton 4-CommerceJamor Mathematical CIu�:30,Chap'cl. 10:15, MandeLRyerson 3i.Sophomore Class Meeting-I�:15, UDivenlty Public �ture-Mr.Kent theater. W. M. Salter. 4:30. Harper M26.Miss Hinman'. Friday DaDciDc Current Topics C1ub-i:15, HarperClasses-Special practice, 11 =4S and I. Mn.Interfraternity. Relay-Semi-finals, Y. W. C. L.-Tomorrow.. 10:15,4. Marshall Field. LOST-Sma11 field glasses, on cam­pus. Reward if returned to In­formation office, or phone Midway6z17..Lexington, FOR RENT-For summer-Pleas­ant seven room furnished house.Rock Island train' 0'1' street car tocity. $30 per mo. L. B., 10750Armida Ave.� Morgan Park, lUi. AUTOIIBILE OWNERS-We havethe finest tire fil1e� ever produced.:and to introduce it we .wiU �¥.eenough to fin one tire ab�lutely"free to University. studetlts .haw�a. -;m�C:bi�es. Care �t - Ma�oo�'" __ . #"� r I ernity scholarship eomp�tition wouldI be a good. thing {or University schol­Scattering One's. Energies. i arship in general, in the Same wayThere are a good many Seniors in � t�at �nt�rfrat�rnity bas��a11 �omp�ti- WANTE�Room and board' to���&��w!�..!'0:t'� the university, who, as they look I tron IDdlrectly helps university base- young lady at Michigan SummerUDiveral.ty ,-.&r. back over their college course can I ball. There is room {or debate in Resort for assisting with !)jningcall to mind the many things they I that, but it is certain that such com- room work. Refs. as to character� .. �D4-u.. mall &l (hoi ��£UC4t. �u. LLl •• � la_ l� am- have tried to do, or have done. after p�tition in the matter of scholarship required. Phone Kenwood 2U.I2..l�r AC&. of .\t&rch .. ltrILa fashion, but none of which they :would be a good thing for fraterni-BUBaK:IUP2:IOJl IUS&II have done thoroughly. Part of these, ties.Hy c:an'i«. f:L.OO & ,_,-: tLw • Cl�. at least. will have some feelings of In the recent fight against frater-1J;r WU&. �w • 7CU: f� • qW&.r'leC.regret, perhaps, that .they did not nities in the legislature,. it was point­c�nfine their fields of action more ed out that the a�erage of fraternityl:.�olM �;:e�l!= 6iOi (atter 8 p. m.) closely, and do thoroughly a few men was about 2 per cent lower�&11 !$OX '-0-' FacWQ- � things, rather than scatter their en- than the average of the rest of theersries over. a multitude of activities. university in this school, That thisJlaDac ..... .Kdl&or .IliI'aIaa H-,leetl ,.".Ae .... �. .IIad1D Ij&eYeD As it is. if a man has been more or is true would certainly point to frat- NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-NineA&ia1eU..IW1IluC - �,,� less active or prominent in univer- ernities as ·harmful to a man's best h Easas..u.... Alaa.a&- - - - BanIe&&e ...... rooms. $2000 cas _ y terms.sity affairs, by the time he is a Sen- Interest in school--his studies. Address G. Maroon.AabUU.�.IIi .IIiII'&�U"" lor he is dividing his time among a If five or more fraternit.ies togeth-�17 � dozen or more different things. and er agreed to enter .into scholasticJ:IUkeK. J:iDeU the result is that he cannot do any 'comparison, with, Iet us sugg�st. a.&ACID ...of them entirely conscientiously or cup to the one whose men bad thethoroughly, including his studies. highest average, there would be anIf a man is ambitious opportuni- immediate upward t�nd�ncy in the. - - .. �s: ties and honors are likely -to come averages. It would utilize tbat com­.&IIP*& a .... n· his way. 1£ he is ambitious merely, petitive instinct whicb is so well de­ FOR SALE-North Wisconaitr.Sam...Uobd1.·� .the glory that comes from position vel opec! in young people and it wouldwill be his final- goal. I f he' is bot� spur to those laggards in their workambitious and conscientious, he' will who do not . uphold the scholasticfeel -the responsibility that goes with ideal whicb should b� in �very frat-bis position. If a man of the latter emity. Besid�s this it would r�move• i .iltt."Cl by l.larooa. h� 6Gl1 Co&Cap 0.....: class can look bade over his �ol1ege �uch of th� false importance wbic�<ourse and feel that.he has complete- bas been attached to otber tbings,- ,�bito�" - 1, shouldered all the. responsibilities Md place It_�IlL.�e p.1'Iim�ry purposeProfesor �epardsOn rec:Cntly pve b� has aecep�,d; that: what he has of ouor atte���� at th� university.a talk on some of_JUs eZperience5.at done th�ro��y or to the best of his We sUllgest t�t steps be taken im-the Jiime ,of -th�; found- • ability. he" ought to be able to grad- mediat�ly to bring sucb interfrater­Traditions. � of �e �U:niv�ty; 'll�te with' a- feeling .or" satisfaction. nity competition about immediately.and . ::lie :currcni 'CaP: :Qlli ;But men of tbis sort are indeed the It ne�d not. of c�urse. be confinedSongs. G��� :!:��. an'art- exception._ to frat�mities.· It wonld be spl�ndidide on� �e B� :rhe _young and _ambitious college indeed if every �mpetitive scbol�'of Things �t the Univ�ty of .Chi�-: man is almost' certain to attempt astr� spirit.-Wiscorrnrr Dail, N ntJs.go ;and W:i1l J. Cuppy has �tten a moroe th�n he can do .. He is willingnovel descri�tive largely: of the � to sh�uld�r .responsibmty. but usual-dergraduate life at the University. ly he tri�s to should�r too mucb; andTheSe efforts to keep from oblivion amid . all th� glories or' graduation. i�facts concerning the traditions and be is of conscientious nature. be willearly life of our University are laud- feel that be b� �eft behind bim a.ablel but they nei�er are corre1at�d debt �hat be' � nev�r pay.-Dtlily,nor in lasting ·form. If some action IDirri.SOMETHING TO READnois, WIDOW WANTS WORK-Well.recommended. .Mrs. Frederick"Brown. 5485 East End avenue -and .Mrs. -Charles S.- Eaton, 5744' Ktm-.­bark avenue would call' your _ at-. -tention to the needs and skill ofMrs .• Epstein.:-, _She,·d�s P.1tJia .��:::ing 'and' -relines . and repairs coats: �:Her children will call for and re­.turn all garments. She deserves'your interest and needs your work.: Address: Mrs. Epstein, 5436 Lake·avenue:.· (3r4: floor) opposite Hyde; Park Center, Send' a post card.VANTED--A hUltlina repl"tlSeDtatiYe! to sell a .populu-price4 roum dec:.!oration. E..,eciaJty lui table for col-­�Ie"e de'ns.. Ube.ral comini.ion.! Only one Itudent at each .I���: so write for full particulars at once.iThe Moskiu Company, 1m. St.� Louis -AvenUe. Chicqo In. . � IWANTED-Room and board to. young man at Michigan SummerResort Camp for assisting withkitchen work. One who can han­dle a sail boat preferred, PhoneKenwood 2042.STUDENTS1 desiring to makeGOOD MONEY b7 lelling anarticle of real merit, write us atonce. Easily handled on sparetime, Owasco Supply Company.B� No. �s Aub.u�... �. y�. :.. ::i :.' SALESMEN WANTED-Summerpositions open.. See H. C. Tboldat;! 6051. Ellis avenue, mornings, 10-11,I' -'. - .af!e�QOt:Ji .2-4-.- _ Phone for appoi�t- •.merits, Midway ,906- Do not de-1ay;_.� __ �_.L ,. _ <._- .. -__ -��.;£ ... ��w� "�LUIl\\1 ......... .L.o1W� ••-------.. .kw_ &lie' � ................Wi clear q_ IWU aa..-& �e. ....,tbl.Csil jaJ II1I4I pWa& 1M WQ &40. .;� .. -M.. Ii. ,j ... �. -, ·tiOST.i..�: gooll:'bar pin at last';'*�� ;nolds clab dance_ Please return to28 Bee�h�r. .-. '.'�', .. -.-'" ...- : .. _. � i'l 'JI:-'.. �-•. 1\ is not taken in the near future, ac­curate facts as to the bird1 and earlydays .of the University of Chic:acowill be lost forever. The Cap andG�w" does well enough for recordingpr�eu:: events.. but there was noCap and GO'a'�I; in the early nineties.Doctor Goodspeed has the facts ODthe material· side; �ofessor SheP­ardson and others have _f�ets OD th�traditionai side. Their combinedknoledge would make one of themost interesting and valued boob aChicago student could PGSsess. TheU ndercraduate counell is directiDcthe compilation of a University fC. 0hicago Song Book in an effort topreserve our songs. Tbey find thatthe songs left by tbe various classesupon being graduated leave about ugood a record as anyone could wantFor example. our- Alma Mater basreference to • city white. and 'thesone of the class of '93 .-'-- fD e1"d �oarex. onn" that would baveothenrise been fOl'gOtteD. It is thehope of the COUncil that eacb dauwiD leave half a dozen .1wwI..:-_ soup �-;""1&&&& t�e atmosphere of the par-tic:alar period when it was master ofthe campus;. It is' throagb ncb ahistory aDd ncb • SODe book that'tre can keep alive oar traditions andaoan. .... ,4 •• MAROON ADS PAY -- ·B� WITT,BOLD. Deter.dve ,SveciallstSelect Cut. Flower s :for All Oc:casioJ)sDisplay. Rooms and OfficeS6 RANDOLPH STREET CHICAGORandolph 4i'08HeblWhy. can't some sort of opposition'be offered to the indiscriminate useof cabs for escort purposes? Whenthe function is formal, cabs are ap­propriate; at informal affairs' how-. ever, the necessity of su�h . conv�rances is imaginary. Most girls ownrain coats, umbrellas, .. and rubbersThey ell.p�rience. no' great difficultyin ca�ing out th�ir: .u�ual conc�mseven in unsettled weather. I t is' a;mistaken idea to think of the ordin­ary party as on' any other plane.Back home, unl�ss in tbe country .where the young B�au Brummelposcsses bis own .hol'se and rig, n�such need is recognized.A scrutiny of the GOsts of the var­ious items that make up such anevening, contributes. further to dis·play the absurdity of th� promiscuous:cab�.' �ilt fol' dance. fifty cents toon� dollar; bill for supper, twenty­fiv� c�nts to fifty cents; bill for trans­portation, two dollars. Did you ev�rsee a tail that wagg�d its dog moresurely? Why ·won't som�on� punc­tur� th� bubble ?-Michigarr Dail,.�.I'" .., .AltistsElectrotypers Designen EngraversCommercial Photographe�Color PlatesOfficial EngraversThe Cap and Gown The DaDy MaroonTIlE. DAIL� MAttOON, - WEPN��A Y, MAY 28, t9tj.-------------, ,SHOE .'AIIDIGBRING -ALL THE WORKYOU CAN BETWEENNOW AND J�E 14 ANDGET COUPONS: PORTHA� AUTQ WE ARB.GIVING AWAY. '.TbeSmith-GooUearCo.lIM ..............Oppo.ite. Pa.toMc&Where do YOU do. :Jour Banane?VND_ 8TA� aUP&&VI8ION.Oft'ei-s an" the Safet;r and FaciUtiesof the dowq-�WD BUb._ 3'per ceat-Oll SaviD&&�pital and Surplus $:130,000.00The 'AccoUDta of PrOfessorsand Students invited.. .JOHN A.' CARROLL. PralcJebt. _�HOIIAS JANSEN.·t:a.ibieHeat . ReguIati�_ TIlE JOHNSON. PNE�rIC SERVICEr'_ .. :·· ... ·� � ... ��. ";'. - -,_ ...; .. �.! . ...;,. -. �. TRE��Q�Dt���� �:�. .'��!'..;� .... r:.� .. �"�-}�,lnat;Ued' In' the ( .UDiYetaitj�i' ��o B.di.ii���.· " :�ete. ���� ":'!�r_ "aU· Methocla of .Steam :. �� � 'l :. �, " -; �-.aDcI-·HotWater.Heauq_�_�·�f ���, ,tteduc:iq. Valves fo-:·� s :Water. and Hot Water TankReaulato�J�hn80D Servicecs,B.J •• �N."""".t-�.;IIn NO. DEARBORN STREE'Ine UDlYersIU BaDrIa Aaotber N... for tileWoodIawll Trut_ Sa.a- .................... �Like it, it is the __ad Old_ Iastitatioa 01its kiD4 ill tIIia � 0(the �.It is tile H'" StateBaak to tile Valter*,E� BenJdpICoa.laI.8.1...... CQUIlts ..c1wHn1 accouata arewdcaaIe � appredated. The "list of entries for the WesternConference meet at Madison onJune 6 is continued fro� yesterday'spaper. The follo�ng names makeup the list to dalt: ., �.' .Universitj of '"I bUDe.Birder, CeciJ U: "Ii'au� R.Duggan, Ed",. �ti b MDefries, Erich ijij Ir J;'hn'Hogan, Wm. �WWhg. H.Lequerica, A. 'Neill T.Miller, R. sUit. JohnDockne, KnuteObetua@fdi&eBaxter, B. It: ClifflS;' R. A. .Carten James T. fiHtBtb, LeRoyHarvey, Chas. RijtHier R.Yocum, Frank A. •Ohio State tilllHiiiiy.Briggs, M. . FrilliHHg, W. O.Barnhart. J. L. GeiSAHiitti. 1. W.Buchner, J. F. Greg(j L, A.Criswell, R. B. HutHt!f It G.C:rellin. �H. M. Jo��s.: . .£). S.Cress, 1-. C. KesiH: G.Dawson. C. A. Kut:tkt�i T. F.Dupre .. J. H. KeiU;fu�. E.Davis. W. �. Lee.. W; F.Ferree, R. W. LarHti�h \V. H.. McKinley, T. W. k(j��,f�i.. G. W.Maxwell, E. P. S8,f�: \.,. A.Miller, T. W. Seid� !t F.Minor, R. H. StniUt, .d. L.Magee, 13. R. .: . StH�iiL bn, J. S.Millington, E. C. SH.tlh�f� V. K.Nevin, K. StfUij�I;' t.N.orton .S.E. SzeH Hr, L. E.PIckrel, L. E. Strlll ' E. C. .Pavey, R. M. SimrllUU,itcher, H.Shelton. R. R. . Ro�g; ti.: F.Rightmire, E. '. ,Vtjgelr K. R.Thomas, G. W. '. tttjijUHbon, G.Ward, C. P.. '. .Purdue U�lY.Ankenbrock, R. Dillon, A. J.Aldrich, H. J>. .Egler, . C. E.Applegate E. L. Eddy� B. S.. The Daily 1IarooD. for _ sale- at Bowman W. S. East. ·C. M.Busby, P. L. Gardner, R.'h-- 'D--_ . Cunningham, W. . Garoutte. P. V.'iiO ... � ,• -...." Cleveland, R. E. Johnson, L. H.l:.1,ibker, F. B. Phelps. M. W ..LaPorte R. p. Ruffner, H. V.Mann. V. J. Schmedel, R E.Meeker, H. R. ., Stackhouse, A.Mosher, H. H. Sayler. J. E. D .Miller, A. L. "Sjlver,' H. R.Oliphant E.. Q. -.' Spray, R. S.Schuyler, E. S. Stahl, C. Rr�aYlor� .D. J." Whitcomb. H. S ..ki��s"L .. : Wa�. ��::� C:; :B� " ....Gavit, B. C. .. - Hu.��,-c. C,Hoover Wm. S�erFr, G: M.Staggs. Alva Wolcott. R. C •. University of Wmtonsm.Bassett, N. D.' Farrand, 1: W.Baum, G. K. Graff� .M. C.Becker J. A. Gold. J. K..Bresnahan, G. T. Goldie, W. B.Brown, H. B. . Gonyon, H. L:-, :� Butler, R. P. J;i�3:1�XJ .C •. S� ".__ Chritzman, G. Hedges, R N..J": Clark W. E. Heymann,·W. M.",-:'_"'. . . ':". �.t-, Downey, F. E. Hildreth, W. S... ·PATR.ONIZE MAROON Findlas, W. A. Kerr, S...\.. . Klotsch, K W. Nelson. R. F.- Knauss, O. A. Novak, F. J.Keeler R. M. Ofstie, H. S.Knudson" B. Perry, . C. S.Lambert, W. H. Bickett. R. C.'Lampert, H. M. Ryan. E.Leeming J. Schley, p. G,Marsh, C. J. Sherman. T. B.Moody, R. E. 3bemick, F.�)'rlapd, A. L. Smithson. P. B.�. Termansen, H. Tonney, A. R.Van Gent C. E. Wahl. R. C.White. 1. A. ,University of CalifOndaBeeson, Ed. Crabbe, EarlCollidge, H� . Shattuck, KarlStanton, Ed. . W ood, Harry .Todd, James Wood G. D.Wiley, Esmond Young, Fred".- Pemlsylvania-Seniors at Pennsyl-vania have revived the old custom of·wearing the academic cap and gownabout the campus. They will wearthem at the Senior Sing and at thehaccalaureate sermon.••••••••••••••••••••••••••�••L MAROON ADSBIWIG RESULTS - '�:r ..;. .. ... t.,. .......MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS.", ...'. -.\ ..' - �VERTISERS. ':'::',', - .-A New Line Just Received. .leave Orders "or Deve�Plng _ PrioUogThe University of Cbir,ago Press5751 nus Aft. loom 116 Emmons BlaIne HaD)lAROOR ADSBlUNG RESt:JLTS WESTElNcollfElEIilCE ENTRIESMen's funisIdRgsFine Assortment ofSummer Goods atCo ",hey'sSo. East Cor. 55th and EDi.BASEBALL imTuRMsB� InninaL, .PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS . t TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00. for Three - MonthsEvery machine guaranteed to be in fine womng order,and will be kept so during term of rmtal.We deliver the machine and call. for it at the end ofthe rental term We also have for � a fine line of Fae­,tory Rebuilt machines of all makeaon which you can save50 to 75 per cent. -Telephone ihrtilOli 6388-6399. . . -.. .AMERICa wm11M' NACBom coKPAIiYI �CORPOIAf&D)437 So. Dearborn St.• • • .'" t 1 .. • ,. • ':I' • • • • • £ •qucuo, mCool and moist from top' to.bottom. �There'� DO dried-up tobacco in the 5Cent tin or· Stag becaUse you buy onlyHALE' 'aa MUCH at a time.UEVER-LA$TING-LY cood'ST�Ci. F� PlPI, AND_CIGARETTEPatro*e ••• 1 AdvertisersTIlE ·DAILY·.IIA.oo1i WEDNESDA¥· MAY .. 1913.'� ,. • .. _" •__ .' '... '. II _, •.•• _._WHAT ORGANIZATIONS·A RE DOING HE REMr, Webster will talk on Green's at a dinner in the Commons cafe to­Functions at the meeting of the morrow night at 6. Sixty guests areJunior Mathematical club today at expected.4 :30 in Ryerson, Skull and CresceDt Initi3:ion.Miss Hinman·s Classes. Skull and Crescent initiated twentyDancing .classes being taught by men at the Hyde Park Hotel last DR. B. W. SIPPY GIVESMias Hinman will meet today at 12 night. TALK .¥ESTERDAY·,OH'PHYSIcAL DIAGNosiS.Kelly Beach Party.Senior women living in Kelly hallwere entertained by the other womenof the hall with a beach party inJackson park yesterday,Botanical Club.M-r, Rose gave a lecture on De ...Iayed Germination in Economic Seedsat the meeting of the Botanical clubyesterday,Dramatic Reading Society.Members of the Dramatic ReadingSociety were entertained yesterdayafternoon at the home of Mrs, W, RGorsuch, 5i48 Woodlawn avenue,Junior Mathematical Club. and at I instead of Friday.Cosmopolitan CIab.The Cosmopolitan club will electofficers at a meeting tonight at 8 inEllis.,IIR. HOWARD ELTING I INTERiCHOLA�TICGIVES TALK LAST COMJItSSION ,MEETSNIGHT AT DINNER , TONIGHT IN CLUBI\(r. Howard -;;:g. president ofll Written repo=m all committeethe Chamber of Commerce gave a. chairmen are to be turned in to Gen ..talk last night at a dinner of students era! Chairman Lunde of the Inter ...of Commerce and Administration inthe Commons cafe on the Attitude ofDUliness .Men to College Men. Aninformal discussion followed thetalk. Dean Marshall introduced thespeaker. Seventy-five persons werepre.ent ,_ r'�II�r' .... - .------------------------------------------��-------------------------------------------- ":,1. '-___AllUS__BllBRTS 1 ... � �.�J E:FFE R'SO N pR.JN�Ii:S�·.'f '-street ... wb Awaae. Firat Cbicaa., � �. 5 '�� ,» ,, .,' .r., ,�·,F�.'��"" �'��:' ,) :NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY' 'WILLIAII' C.OllsQR.. .. ....- ",.., ...� ... -:-.- -n.e � aIPtI7 oo�. � � ,in "'Ct� � Dk�','I.EMPRESSTBEATBIl...... Itnet ... c.nap .... AftSULLIVAN a CONSlDIRaPRODUCING DEPAR�AMNOURa,_.DE MONDEI,f MOVING"PICTURES. .;..-- -'-1EVENINGS ONLY7:Je'" ,:ISPltlca-.,.... .�-TEN CENTSTHE TIE TOE MAN OF OZBeaatIfaI 8ceaic: Pi�esTaaefal II ...Excelleat Cat• A �1.iwJ ollfOftltiaI." scholastic commission' at the meetingtonight at 7:15 in the south room ofthe Reynolds club. Each chairmanhas been asked to submit his workon a single tyPc:.wntten sheet, Thiswill enable the commission to seeexactly what has b�it done and toplan the r�st ofthe \vode..... ' ...rollIOUSEVBRAL GOOD "RQUI" "�ADluWo"·-"IIaiD FlooI'. aU _"-.'. • • • • ..�.�,�-II_I!IIIII-.' •.•• � ••••••p�iACB' IIIJIICc',�JOHN BARRYIIO� • COSam MaJID aad Co., Mary aDd Mort­imor, Schooler IiDd � Eag­lish aad Joimsou. 5 lIaibl Girls,Miller aDd L:r1e., J_lIlle D'B.te.. .THB WORLD IN CHICAGOEzpaeiitaa .... PIc- ,..,.- cap-.COUSEUII �W� u DOODto 10 P...A WORLD'S PAIRAd""''_' -SCi CIdIdna, 15&AUDITORIUIIPAGEANT OJ' DARKNESSQfD UGHTPint Time Ia �; •• aan1k ..I,ic:tacle.JDC to ..... ; ..... 'lUG.. B. "ARIIE� ,(TIle 0rtpaaJ J�' )III -rile -GIIo.t B .; $NNRn1r TC)ADDREsS CLUB' PoST SUPPLEMENTOPPERS IMAGINARY,TALK WITH HERRICKFIVE CHOSEN POR,FINALS IN ARTISTICREADING CONTEST. Wi11 � Soci·l;" Today Be-fore � Topics Membed.Mildred Peabody. Be�1 Gi�bert,INVEST KENTSJuniors will hold .their annual pic­nic today at 4 in Jackson park behindthe German building. The" picnic, itis expected wiU be the. cro�ing so­ciaJ event' of the year for the' class;Ruth Agar, who is In charge of the ' 'refreshments, Jet sl,ip hints-'of 'Cried' , REAL ESTATB LOAN DEPARTMENTchicken, The rumor was 'not eon- , 1IO:m0li: .AND CLARK ftWIW.firmed. 'Telephone: Randolpb 4301 'F. A. Myren .. lIer·w. ...... two tuS.OOO � Che-7eu' Gnt� GIl tWIQ pl'QPel'ta. wtdIIID a tWblocb of CIbe UDtven!tT. 'ftIe buAlcJIDtDI 00 w2IIIcb c-.. ..... aft made .,.. h1&t1 ......�PI=-� of (be bIlK ooa.trucaoDtbn»ucbouc. -.I located in UM be.- _olloo.PI'opert)- y"'_tdoD 4n -.ell __ .. -' ... tw60e tile uno_t of � 1oatl.w. __ "'ft OIl _Dd otber hlP .,acSe � aDd Real &tate boDda OIl .,...1M. PI'OpeI'ty. • .. or wtdab ... woukJ be p� to ....t upQD �k:IMIoD..ftIr��'Fort Dearborn Tnist .,'saVini!s-BankHo.te' ·Cu","erlandHEW.YOUBrOa� at 54th Street.Near SOUl Street Sabwa:r Station ...., . $3rd Street Elevated."Broa� can from GrandCentral Depot.Snenth AftllUe car. from PeaDaJI-� "StadoL : IKIlP7' BY oj, OOLLJfO. JlAN "BBADOUARTBRB'roa COLLBOB JIB'BPBCIAL RA'l'BS PO. OOLLJfOB 'l'.AIl.Ten Minutes· W_ to '11Urty Theatres.HAaRRY: P. STIMSON. MANAGER IBEAD4UARTII1BII "Nil CHICAGO'�"I,':' ��,II�,_� F�oofR� -rth B� �SO,aod ap.,�------------."�"Dr. B. ,w. -. �ippy of the clinical rac­ulty of R�sb Medi� �oUe�'l�tu�d: :last night':in . Physiology' 25' olfPhys;., •ical Diagnosis' and -Cerebral' Localia- 'ation. He demonstratedon a p��ly­tic subject and diagnosed-the Variouspossible' ail�ents, "Dr. J: -darelice' -'iW ebster �ili' give' the last ,of � . tii� �series' of lectiires: by mem bers of, the "Rush faculty -;t;!i��d�y. " .'� ...Patronize Maroon Advertisers�'{. - <' 'atropize ODr ,AdvertisersG�KS1IIIIIDCr Pric:ca: 1Lsa. '110 BIcbt*,.,W�:�""�l-�, ,-'.WHEN D�8� COMB '.T:1lUB :with JORPIi 8aDtIey ,,and a spIe:Ddid:� IIIICI,���':, Iflf! rltILL.NQPiAD Cbbp Is �,Witb,BLANCHE R1RO' ",-waM...��"HU17 Coaor; .... ..t GirlsM��T�JAMES It. HACKETTin "The 'Bisbop�, �"IlIKE BERNARD •WILLIE WESTONGreatest. Ezpoaems of RaItbDe.JILL£. LA TOSCA • COA European Trio of - Reacnna.'20-.��"""l5tliKllvJd�"