........" . .;1 I:..." •••• 1. � i. _ _ . ,#..... _1iI .. � ... II .. ;�·._Dr .. CouJter, Mr. Gillrey. Mr. Mer-. . . ...... ." 1 ':> ·c:: C!.� �eld'i o( the D:ePart�nt of New· . -,. � �), _ �"1 ,Testament History, Mr. O. E. Pense.) ·.;seimt.!tlif�'I'IiD"· "''''..... . . .... .' '!'.I' .�,:� .•• � ..... "rt .. ". • "") • [tate Student Secretary' of the Y. M... '. -:"������:lt�:.:· c, A., Wi,liam C. Miller and Ernest!,.�.� ,,��-:�j7''.��'�,!$''�!'' .�o.r�s, heads of the t University Y..••• .. '.' .� ,� • � r .. '. .:�:;. � )I. C. A. extension work in South,llIadisoD. !�_,�:: Mar -:�Tbe "�rc- . D�ring will speak at the annual din­',' ·liniin.�·eDtr7·liita ;for. the westeria. ·Ile� .. 'a�d joint meeting ,of the Uni­.• T •• ·C�nte.:e�latm�t'-whicb ,rio be held '�e�ity Y. M .. C. Ai-bodies tomor­."�f.�Ca!!p� .. R;;�� o� June 6 aDd 7 . .row.· at 6:15, in Hutchinson cafe.I :./ .:. under' ·�ice. 'ot tbe.·:U�it;'. of President Judson haS been asked to. '�_."'" .��W�c.o��).�!'�fll.:39s;SWDes\ot:-the. 'd�ttend the dinner a�d give an ad-· .' hl • ..-.lie h ress . .\'.";' . �_�;,I!c�t,�t(, e��. �."!-"'. ges -,vest of t e· ,...... �l:'� i - •. �,egh� •• :,.��D��.!lf.�OO�,:wi!! .The general theme of the evening'�I'" ') L Ja�: .l"eprc.ted jD die:! ,!"�.e� -: �hifh �1f be Some Problems in the. �or�l... ' ._: pi-Oinise •. � �Upie a:tl;pr��o� .<;o�-: an4 Religious Life of Our University.. ':rerence trade·events. , '.' "., � C()aimunicy, and Their Possible Sol-• -. ' .. # '. � ••, ' ." - i()hio'<S� hu.�f0o/�· �trje.. lution. Dr, Coulter will preside ati" '�'··WisConsl"�f0rtY ... fiv��. CiJ�o..:Pf" the meeting. Chairmen of all the. tj":nlne.' � _. .. ci .... an� pro.fessio�1 school b�dies. .. " '_" .. '" ._ •. ", :. I -:--r-'- ".,' ,'_' . .'" ;.:�I��.�t"���[� '.��, '�� :�.�m�rize t�e work of their.. '.•. ,. �lnte,d.l.::.�.:.�ne�:��S"1 ��; ,�mDUSslons dunng t�e .year, as fol­.. � " .... so" :,�e�. �!Ot':-df; \h��.���� .)oW'S: Chester Bell, fo�' the Seniors,,) ,l .,: ;,!J!Iil� .. ,!f.P.':'- :��ltT :j.c�::� _�,lIiam Lyman for the Juniors. Sam· the meet. '.: ,I. '1,....... -:�i!' ��lIs for the Sopohomorcs and'Craig"-�ht:' eutaie. aft the-follOwiDg. - ·:�n�f.tbe Freshmen; Ben Bills.... , � �.'-- u�*i- oT�' _.. .. of -the '4w commission; Harry Hu-� &1Lfi: CA�. � l�'; CQ_u�chle. 1C. f. '. be� 'o�. the Medic commis.sion:, .a�d'.. ' ��;�cI, ,.. :- � (nfS J�r�ea.�!. -. lfarqws Shattuck of. the . DIVinity- " 1!�1,. •. F. JII, "� tj .. acaa. 'A. vo - .' . �. "J. ..." ...campbeB. 'l.-.��-., � H 1t " c�19n.·.:; . ��.c.���·-.�1.'�wU1 W .. T�' ' .... \ .... ,��: .' : .� . �.�." '.� �- ��.& ... � "._" �� �:���L':'''';;;:'' •• �.. '=" -:..-., .. � ���·:.c-l' .. �.i:eiB_e� . a:�'NS'" .:·-�'�··lIaft�·�;':�\d·'<·- .r. I.� -. ,., �'''''�' .. ....--. • ... a y. slgm lec .;. .��H��;IL;}-;::':· �.�:::..t.e.jasoa. G���\.·:' '�r inteption,of �ttendin� the din-... � .."j;) �"".!.�� ..;.'II�. � I). I ....... B· k'h h· -., .! JCDicht.-D __ .,�..... ·Nor.re.. N.: H.. ¥r. .....r .. IC. a� � 0 IS arrangmg�. Ku",·.G: : ..... -..... � • .:.c. 0.: ..the proJnIm for the'· 'affair. expects:- .' ""'.�.:.':Le'Due.!�. E.>-_···'}teicJ;-·L_ Ie.: fifty more to tum O\1(i.-� �taiD8;.:.� R.:·Thomas. E. ,. '1 '. >_Wanl..F;- I,:, ·:.White. R.. .: �4'::':: ,��.! .: .�� ·l1l1i •• aity.· .�. "''''''.·Bt1n7.�·HorKe··'' Db-Volney �t .... �. �� .CI'O�JL :N.n'" Dyson. �mettCrilD.·.u;ns,· 1;" (;eneser. Joseph, .. , : �.� .. ;R�lS��". ,1':, .��,ri. ��.." . Me HenlY. Harry S Gage.. . ·Ovler. D:'';d .. ; snDoU; Glen. ·W.tson. Leo. . . .Uiii •• ai� of JlIiDaia..' .. ' . "Bebb� )(�"Rz .. _ CIaaT.- a· A. •Belnap, N •. D. Cope. W. A.Bolander •. R. B. Corris. f' B. .�'�'l ' J!ulJaccJ.li� W. Costar. Uoyd •.f. ; ,. • Bum;' Kalpli Goelitz, Wm.L.··t-·Butt. H. II. .'1Griflin. ). lI.Case. J. � H .... mitt. A. B.Henderson. Fred Nevins. A. 9.. _---. _._ Hildebralld,-- NI�-.�.-J.Hanter. J. A. OdeD. A. A.Husted. G. H. Plaelps. J. C.KeD�. C. A. Rae. O. .MeJCeo� J. L. Sanden.. R. : L..)father,. If. B. SchobiD�r. ItTapping. C.,.H. TiI� L D.'Thompson� H'� W�n.·�.· It,;.... -:1aiIaiIa V�,.altY. � �.�Bose. Don Ere1la1t. 11. G.Barton. R. R .' Graessle. H. P.Danie, J. c. _.�: 1oM-.,:,1t: �·1 .'Day; .. E. C. .' )onei.:- W�ter aKnase. A. C. . :PbhrIPS..c. A.Malott. It 1. . '& • Prielaanl'" W�terKorrisono.. Clyde''> Ro1rinfOn. - J� 1..Nichol .. O. W. ·ThomplOft. G .. D.. :� � .'> .'Tolle ·O.�:. .. ' Wint�.·.II:i � .... lowa"State.,Cotlep of Ap-;t.a. .edLArtL# Oatter; James '. : p�",,,- II.' C..f ..... C'o�n� 'Linn '" '.J Grasi. 1. P.· ."'Cnwforcl. A. J. 1faq,.rrI. C�nirJri.nM'l Ray . " .. lm;c� ·.1� _j '.IftI'If)n. G. )f�W1t�. R.·Jnhnson Tg:te )load. Bnon·K:Ii!'er. William Rait. Do.· � ,'.,.Manning, M. . �mith. Ran ..'"F.nyderll nibs n. Ward. H�fI1'Wilson. FAiwaref l '. .. �.'., - �.,::. '" Valiaaft;: '�lfawa.. �.i ·L � .B:tD:trd. Fred. De� A. :.B'1the..Fn'cI., R..� :Fa'k",. W: A.- ........ J 1JO�.�� ..... T.., ... Foley� ,.. teD�.f" m�ng of the RockefellerCarr •. wIle L Gabri .. lson. G. n.Coolrt W. G. H.1Il11toa, 'K. C. Foaa"'�D board. of whicb be is(Coatiaae4 . o. ...,.._ .. , IS � at sSI7 Monr�To:Que Hoasc9wanDingFriday.. ''Sigma .Alpha Epsilon moved into�r pWD home at 5817 Monroe ave­. n�l . ..saturday. The new home was�ied by the fraternity from 1908".Rh .;. 1903 and is now celebrat,­Inc he; ,entb ainliVersary at Chica­� It has .� enrollmen( of twenty­fi.e' actiye ·members.,.A, hO"lelrorming tor the Alumni' .. �, ..Wlll be given aU day Friday.•• � 'Jadaoa, � From., East.. President· JadS\)n returned yes\er­dQ" fro... New York where he at .... of the incoi-porato .... CENTS, ••• ;.:...". �,' .... '\ I' \CONSIDEIt.TIAIJQIG IWNOIS WINS': �O. V� � CONfElENct;J L �IIIIIN II, CUSTOMS Weakness in Long DistaDce Ra:: "�': :;,/ Tn'LE NOT CERT4JN�: -Leads � Defeat in Track Meet. .78 1-2 to 47 l-2-CaptaUl--r1in c. ••. r u.av-.-, 0..,St� in Low Hurdles. ' ," ..... �; let t-.. '. ;. ..c..�"J...I"''' NpTADtGV�_�SYSTEII inT!;:eb:::!:::' �a�3:1!0::!I.�:�;, ����OIGEST IIVAL. � r j mile events proved too much for theStudents B�tiDf 'U�. Pfpposed Plan Varsity track team and, .IllinoisIn Chapel-Vote �"' J.le Countedcame out on top in the Iast.dual me�.W�it':· of the year Saturday by a score' ofTIle committee which had the re­modeling in charge consisted ,.,fDcan Linn for the faculty, Hays Mc­Farland for the UndcrgrnduateCouncil and Richard Mattbews forthe Thr�e Quarters clu';'. Announce Third Roaad Players.Players in the the third round ofthe golf tournament 'have' beenmatched as follows: Daly vs. Spon­sel; Goodman. vs. Owen;' ChandlerV9. Davis; Baldwin vs. Grim�s.. ../�.- Knocks in. lVlDIIiPC--- RaiD-inClose 'Tweift IDDiDc '_1.... ,,' .... ",._� ... "� .;..I·.. _-I;:.,)�. . . Game Saturda7 AfU:mOOD.�Educating FreslmJfU.;� Universityt raditions was conlfjm:r,:,:i by theCouncil yesterday. 'fJU:'. problem isof interest to studep.t� who do notbecome. active in qQ4�r�i",duate af­fairs, and thus fail to gt:� . in touchwith tradition. •In this connection, ,p,': �pper-classcounselor system wa.t; plf,:red as asolution, A cOI1l�ulJi�;f.�j�p. describ­iug an elaborate sY!Jt,:m ,p, counsel-.ors-at, Harvard � r�iUJ�' The mat­ter will be' in aber�"t:f: � .. hort time;pending reception of opjnions fromstudents. Speedy expressions of opin­k'n are desired in ordel' .to enabledefinite stcps to be taken' before the(:n<1 of' the year.Honor System Included.rhe. Honor system sentiment is in­.c1u.ded in the traditions wh.ich are tohe implanted in the Fr�shmen. ac­cording to the. trend taken by. the.disr.ussio� .. In devising .way,S .andmeans of �a�lng :out th�: ed�cativ,epr�es!!. .. t�t;·, pre�enL. edu��t _as­pect of the Honor movement has be­c('m'e merged in the new ;u:tivity., The new work is being taken upby' .some organizat!0ns.· . The Y. M.C. A .. is planning a series of meet­ing�. at which the tradit�Qns of theUniversity will be explained by the. S. A.. B. .�� TO NEW HOUSE students.Vote on Point System.A vote on the point system is be-ing taken in chapel' services thisweek, the vote being registered onthe hack of . the attendance slip.The' ballots will .be counted after theSC'nior . college assembly Wednesday,deciding the fate of the point sys­tem. A favorable vote· ,is expectedby those in charge of the movement.t9 1911 .bile 1365 east 56th street Elliodor Libonati was chosen chair�. beeD. the fraternity home. from man of the Interclass track meet by19,1 to t1Je present date. The new the Council yesterday. He is in fullhODe is � twelve-room frame stmc- d:arge �.f the affair.tare '�t" stone tfim:niingS and f�c�s .�� '�EET TO ACCEPTthe east �ntrance of the Emmons NEW CONSTt I OTtON�DlaiD�. h. .i� Ids 'one..oL, �he three FOR 'FRESHMAN CLUPpieces of property in tbe block which� not:owned by the University. The Three Quarters club wi11me('&: The Jl&tional organization of Sig- this afternoon at 2:30 in the Rev­"'. �AJp •. Epsilon 'was found�d at no1ds. club .for the purpose of reo". ganizimt. . in accordance witb thethe �niversit,..of Alabama on March �solutions passed by the Inter-� .�I��� ••. ,!,�e. Chicago .cl!a�t�r,�, I�t-, 'f�t�i�r �Counci1 the club con situ­lOis : Tlleta, receiver ber charter tinn has heen remodeled and. it willhc submitted to the members today. 78 1-2 to 47 1-2.. The meet wasreally much closer than the score IQ-' .' _. - . ·Conference StaDdiq.dicates, and Chicago led until the 2hkago ••.• � .•••• 'X. I; ���slams in the distance runs at the end Indiana ••••.••••.•• 5 2' .734gave the meet to Illinois. Ciiicag� Hlinois .••••••••• 8 4 .f:LJ7-made a much better 'showing than Purdue. • • • • . • • •• 3 3 ·500. MinJJcsota •••• : •• � 3 3 ·S5Oexpected. NoitJaWestern •.•• 3 5 .375The feature of the. meet 'was' "the Wisconsin -...... 3 5' ·375victory of Captain Kub over Case of Iowa •••••••.••. � I 5 .167Ohio, �. 0 4',.000JIlinois in the low hurdles. -This' was J." ,pite of the sensational twelve-the last appearance in a . dual . meet iQJJimr vi�tory oVf!r Illinois Saturc!;ayfor both captains and the .race was CQ�ch Page' do��. �ot .regard � ��etightly contested. Case led until the Ccmf�rence base bail : title as s��"'cfinal hurdles when, .Kuh c;un,e �p. by �J' means;. At 'Ieast two '�dwith _a great msh �nd pas�ed Wm: up�jJJJY� .��'rcc:: ��s remain - tQ beChicgo 'scored its only sl�m in �Iut· p",'4� al_ld. t�e si����t. slip . may100 yard. dash when Parker, K�igb�.. .BI8fF. .. dis��r��s �: Iiuliana. wbichand· Ward finished in the or4er , •. M, p��sent sec�Dd' ilL' the Coqfer­named. �"'It-.taDdiD& ·haS . only lost twoIllini Strong in Fiel4 E"en� . - • ..,.... and .has two more to play.'.' _.- - -wi'''' .f-ul:due.. a .comparatively W'�Illinois prov�d stronger. in 'JIc '"keld �vents. t�an • e����;d, ���p� ""'" �y Baclcen Nezt./firsts In the hIgh JPJIID.. bro�6 Jump, Wa..;.. . '11'.' Ia\ "rJ.i ... f!' ... '._ '. - - ,...onsln- WI (J Y at 0shotput, and hammer tl.fQW. Our .'£: da a' �. "'·4'.!t. , ... " _.' _. __ t .atur y an -a ..... e IS 59 _succeeded in clearing fi� fe,,*- �iqt �. . '. .' .'., . ..!F', _ . - -'. -. uJ .... lIflth··PUl'-due- at l.afveue 'ftr·inches; beating Q"t.·�·�··Cor- r. I!'W .W-. '-:- , .._ -.;;:.� ',:,.::.:' �_..---"• . , I •.. --� .. '.: ':"'.' _ .,,,.. June6..�,Th�IS'aIso a �,.,.w�o �Ied f�r sef:I)P� .P�._ �9!�_.pJ _"",,,,!gazne with-W�at N.d­IllinOIS won the �bQ� P'g�. �,� .�Rr"- -MmJr,.mch.the.Badg�· wish to p�)r"gren second. M�du:r(i _="! __ I�!"'.:��. ,. �J.time tlus�� but 'it iswon th. e hammer tbrQW .tb �1I�r· � .... 1._' tha.·t --=,. '. '.t:. ·be'." .Ia' .... '. ." • _ ... - ,:1. ,..,""I"u; ,.,.-1 w� no. P y�" asand Cannmg of CbJcagQ $et;$.lp4.JP4 ;_ ... ,- date' . ill' '-'.:.._. d' ·fti I t. ." .....- - _ ... "'�"""HJ-. -w. II.:; I CU � 0third • Thomas sprang � SenR.liQP j" 1:. _ D. . t-..n.... i" �__ ",L ...... . -.-. -. - - .... ...,..,. Ue..lS ..... .,..ng TO Cwuage ... ethe pole. vaalt, whe':.l. �e._ ��c:are.�.� .dale-with.Eurdue.as the game � 'attwelve feet four incJ!es beating t}le �. L-dal.l 'fi' t-h'" da "'_.I:"• .._ -'." -._:.. p�_,.sc:au:; eu- Gr· e. y �Ioremucb touted Schoblnge� of Ilhno� �L_ r:..._.1:' ... .._:_i_ ., .. t" -., d' Id, � ... _..... ���_.uou;a, mee an wooLater. be barely missed breaking the'_ .. ..:. .t. _1- t' ..' ·bl �.I:' the; '. __ • .... �.J • ...,uos .. unPOSSI e lor.ChIcago r.ecord ?f twelve f�e�, r01�r pJa7as,�.who_.wiIl . .compete at �_and five -eIghths 'lncbes. SOD . .tJJe next... cfa;J, •. to reach there .S1llDllWies. ne..t;llUe .wi� Purdue at Chi�9100 yard duh-Won by. �ur. --,rbiCh .. �_pos�oed wiD pro�y�icag.o: .Knight •• Chi�a,:o,. �c���; ,,,ot.be pJayed off •. '"ard, ChIcago. thIrd. Tnne. :10 2-�. u_ 'D __ . DIiDi Twice.One mile. nm-Copd.· TholUpSOD', .--.J,. :���.aT'ld Odell, Illinois,. tied . for _ .first. _. �Jaicago�s. t.WO yictories over 11Ii-Tim�: 4:50., ... _. Dog,.tbi�:..seasoll � _a ;feat which hasDiscus throw-W �n by Des Jar- cI .1:'. '-.,.: Th lastflien. Chica�o; Batts. T1Iinois: sr�ncl: .. �QQt.���rre ",or .. �rs. e.Goettler. Chicago. third. Distancf4.. time. Pl� .ca�· -doR to tileT 16 feet 3 1_2 inches.'. :... �. .CJult��I1$� J. baseball championship220 yard duh-Won by. Parker, _. ip J'nnn �Le� Jimm,. llei�'Chica�o; Ward. Chicagot 'secoh"; .. U ..... 1 ,; .7"?I1 .�!! -'.. --Matthew�. Chica�o and' Corti" }lIb, ,.,!,-fjms�� JJt.a_ �le tie for firstnois, tied for third. Time. :22, .�-5. .witJa .r�.rd�:.:.Ml�. : Wisconsin. Be ..Cy:o I�II. o·�Kh b.IaarCh'�� no �s°..'!�n,bd� (1}J!J��) .. ;:��;�.89s. and<.l8g6 Qi-:t .. c. In IS. a Ica ... o, 0;""" • th L __ • h' threeM:-thcrs. Tlinoi .. third. Time. :16.·. .c;fB9:.l[Og-_ � .. c.��lons 1p for. Pole vault-Won bv -rhomas ... q.i� 1�a�, �traight.cago; Schobinger. I1Iinoi�: sec.qnd: .Frobabl" tl.,. I"-st crowd tha.t.Griffen. TlIinois, third. Height,) I� ," "ft., ••• ., .'!"!".:'��"'--baI1',.,. • ..t in�hes. � .. �,,�r�.s�n_�:!J:� game on'16 pound sbotpat-Won by:B"t·.Cl;� .��"'IP-I� fje!"J!��.IDinois go downT11inni�: No�n •• Chic�� ��ond;, i"J�ef!�� �tur!la..1�.�� • twelft inaincS�hobmgcr. I!hnms. tblrd. Distan�. pitcher's bat�e. Baumgartner andm f�et t T-2 Incbes. ... .. -. ." ," � ... :. - , ..440 yard nm-Won by ; Gof01i�": �a�. �.th p,lt��e�_ great ball a ....T11innis; S.an�ers .• T1Iino!s. seco�d; t�oall�. <:.I!ic�. �� seft1l hits andHunter, IllinOIS. thIrd. Time :::;t.. . t.-o runs wl.i1e the best tbe IOiniTwo mile nm-Wnn by ·Tbomp- ... " or .. �.son. TIIinois: Bnl:tnrler .. T11inois. �ec- .e� .. �d �� .?� .. l:e!t7;, cunes was twonnd: Rul1ard. Illinois, third. Time, hits ;and. one run. Lefty was dee­r , =t)� 2-5· ., '. ti�e . at all, ti��� �itiDg off the ransRunninst Jdrb julnp-Won' bv .•. � .. ' .. �-' ._...•Claar. l11inois; Cox and Gor<ras a.,.. h'�RJ,(, -..:�n .. err�� b,. hIS team ..cago. tied for second. Height,s .feet �.���.I!a".�_i.� �.n a bad bole,.8 i"che�. ..� -.or •• �,,� fa 8Isth... �ninr:.� �wo,! �v . ···.Qica� ··���cl'Qr.t in the lut ofNeVIns, illinOIS: Husted. IIbnn's. .' '., .... i; �.' .!.; .1. � .5ccond; Tilton. Illinois, third. Dis- the �th .•• :.����S,,�! the end of thet:mr.e. 22 feet 6 inches.'. . '-ttiq, Ji'v�rted, it with • dean220 � !Cftr �a:-Won �hy " •• �tq_,�"t;;ca�n·ronowed withKtlh. ChIcago. Case. IIImols, second; hi'" t leUU' t ·gIIt hicbTilton. Illinois. third. !fime, :22 I-So' .!t ...... ",. .•. �, ... , ,. �� 0 n "(Continaed on page ., ., '.. :(Coliiimle'd·OD pap .)- -- -- � -----.--,--r--,.,FOR RBIIT-FW1liabed nmmer cot­:�roolQf aDd bath. weruadudir��erlookiD8 Lab IIicbi­. �aaa; '¥P wooded lot. 'perfectLOST-A good bar p_in .. at I:ast Rey- . beacb;f:poceJy deliYay. Fruk-Golds club djl��e. �. �i�� .. retl� ito: �o..",��gan. Rental $150- Ad-28 Beecher; i.: .;': .. ' _�.; : :":� t.': ' :_: '. - .� Chase. Hamltoo Col---:- r �. _:.. .'. • .; . Iq�:"'C:1lAtob. N. Y.FOR REliT- '�For ��-s���R�:' -. i' ':}. oJ' � -ant seven room' furniSbet-'boae. 4�"BiLE OWNERS-We hayeRoCk Island �n"!or� sthe,.�.i�· :dI� ibeit tire fill�r ever produced'city. $30 per mo •.. � L f �� 1�150 :',:and \;�isa,,:�o�e it �e will &iYeArmida A u' ·�ft-·P..� �JUi.' ._eno)gh.. t!o» fiU one tire absolutelyve., .. or D- .. ---, . . . 1".:.::..: ........ "noiIL" .'_ ..• � _ "1.: : .�. '1 � � ��.lit_�_;,!nivenity stu4ents baving- " '- " . - .�.� . y. : .• �J.:. Care o,f Maroo ...--- .WANTED-;.RoO,ljl'·'.�.d.· b'oard·� ·to· -. .- : ; ..... I.� • .:�. �..young lady at 'Mi�higa� s���i M.DOw:... ...dAdNT&� WORKF -;�eDR f'· '.-' • D· '. reco�eQ e. ..ra. re�ckesort or· asSIStlDg Wltb.. Inlng B .... .. .it E tEd d. . ,'. , -,'. . ,_ rown. �5 as· n a'Yen� anroo� work' R�,i. as. to character_ �s. ��i�s' s: �tori. 5144 Kim­required, Phone Kenwood 2042.. bark avenue 'woUld call yoar at-- '. tentij,'o,:to ::the Beech and Ikill ofWANTED-�ooai�!�d l�u;t;: t�· .. '.:� ���.�n. Sbe does"'" aew-·1 young man' at· Michiiiaji" Suiiimer' .. ilii�'aod� relines and r.epatn coats. -Resort Camp for f aSsisting with - Her �hildren will call for and 1'&kitchen work One who can han- turn all .garments. She deaenesdie a sail boat preferred.·· Phoae - your interest and needs your work.Kenwood 2042. . Addr�s!J:: '.a. Epstein, S436 Lakeavenue, (3rd floor) opposite. HydeP�rk Cen��r. Se�d a poet card.rooms. $2000" cash. ,Easy terms. V ANTE�A hu.itinc ftpreMDtatheAddress G. �faroon. . '� to NU a p�pa&.r..pricet roo. dec..STUDENTS.' de.siring . to make oration. J!apecwly - .... for coLG9PD . M9N�Y : by' .• �lIipg <an'.' . Ieee deue.. Libfnl eomaa�. article of real merit. :writo u.-:at Only' 0Qt" student at each ichool.one.. Easily handled:' on. spare'.' 10 write for fall partlculan at 0'"tim� OWasco' Supply. ·Company.. ��'-KoeIdD' Comp�, • .s. ...Box No. a25 Aub·um,�N.,Y. Loai8 Aw. ... CIIIcaao III'_: '. �, '., .,_ •• t' __ •• �'... .- '," ; .. , .. '1 --POR ���� W�O�ln.s��s.u.ESIiBN' .WAHTBD-S1IIDDIeI'; 'mer camp I�D f.o� .Ul!- . �el!", .J: positio¥s open. See·s. C. Thomu.nry desi��le lo·t. e..C�1sO 'ft. ·f.roD."t- 11 .. 6oSi-"EI.! Irs' avenue, mornings 10-11,. age c:'n the BaP. chain of 27 lakes. . afte.-nooU.2-40 . Phone for appoint­, Spl�ndi.d �ti!lD for club. , 9�er, .. .:. _; I\1c;n,�,;.. ¥;dway 19D6. Do not -de-E. S. Coleman. Eagle Rint', WiL. lay. .. ,.' •. . �.. .The Daily Maroonlluh,n.lte .r �1fU ...Q)£iuiAl $Id..a �,..,.,nDramatic � wm Ho14 FbMl1leetb1: of Year•Dramatic ReadiDc �3:30,5148 Madiosn avenue.Semitic C1ab-8, Haskell 26.Seaior CoDee_ aDd .CoIlep ofCommerce ad Adminiatndoa­Chapel tomorrow, 10:15, MandelJunior Mathematical CIDb-T01morrow, 4:30. Ryerson 3'1·BuHetin and ADDounccmeD�Junior Conege\ WOlD." Chapel-:10:15. Mandel 4. Senior Float Committee-lG�5,Cobb gB.Kent Chemical Society-4:15, KentJ4- ' j: .: • UB�tanica1 Club-4:3o. Botany 13-'University. . �blic Lectare-s.Physiology, 25 .. Dr. B. W. Sippy onCorbral Localization.Stud�t Volunteer Band-1, Lex­ington 3.Three' Quarters Club-2:30. Reynoldsclub. Univeni� Lectare-To-morrow, 4:.10. Harper 1126. Mr.Willikm M. Salter on Nietzsche'sEthical, Social an� Religious Views.Y. W. C. L-Thursday. 10:15.Formc'l7Th •. I1wverslty of ChScqo w .. Jr.l:t.Publ�N 11au,. �. s� lIona,..and boac.aya dL&riDc three quan .. of CAeL u; vcrolllUy year. Elect Dr. Gould V"ace-Praident.Assistant Profesosr Chester N.Gould of German and ScandinavianLiterature, was elected vice-p�siden�of the American Society for the A4:va'ncement of Scandinavian Study atthe annual meeting held recently.it}Rock Island, Professor Elmquist,of Northwestern university, waselected secretary-treasurer.CHICAGO HAS ENTEREDTWENTY�NINE ATHLETESLn�� u a.:oond-clua mall at ·-&.hlt ��Ql-oni�. �, lll •• l1azcb la:._ � wa·.1"r A.cI. u! llllrch a. UJ7a. (Continued from page I)IEIr Chase, Sumnert;VWiC.BU»'J:J.Olll .BA%U Dick. Leo.. .. Hanson. H. D.uy carrrer, .::.;,u & )'dLZ'; fl.UU & quan.er.by uuW, N.W & year; fl� .. Qu&ner. Holloway, E,Jone� E. K.Korf, E. O.Krakow, � C.J.' "'.1."'�Oll" .l.I.!d.W&7 IIUU. Mak, Lco -ti,)'t.&" £"il1'k uiOI la.f«.r 8 p. IlL' Mather, Anders.llall Box ·'0" Facult:t �.. Streeter, StanleySumner, ManvilleUtz'- Carl.1lo&.wa;� .t:dltUE' - - � JllraIa JUDak:oh University of Kansas. !\C\\b .a:;IHtur . llaKLl&a Ii'eWeb Black, .F. D. . Davis. E. W!.AUUe'h: .,t;WLur - .IIeraanl v� T. h HUuaw_. ..u..w&5d _ »unIeU.e ...... D!lrn am, . E. Edwards, Ray F.Cissna, V. J.. Greenlee!t", C., Crane, A. B. Gribble U. A.... ..t,;WeA ,� ftpu&'ler ....... eII_ ..., Hilton. Kirk E. Malcol�son, W.W'Ul ".,,:11&' e"'at MDd Ilouea& � .. DIIQ Johnson, Amos Patt 0 W· ..... ell uaJUItLlc:e IUld lHIIDl lboe WQ ... K r R person......... &'.,. .... _� L be ee 109, oss· erry. A. C.Ross, A. �.' Schwab. J. W.Umversity orMinn.esota.· ,', ... " ..... � .Maroon ..t"r" .... 6C.1l 0gU.ap aa..... Anderson, E.D. Glad, W.�O"iJtldt Anderson. ). W. Husby, I.. "J.'�'�U:'. A �iewpoint toward a college Boylan,F: Hull, B. J.lourse is not an absolute nccessity. Brown. R. ' Hodson, W.Whatever a man Coady. LJ,; J{;ar�ofsky-i H.· Vocation thinkS his purpose � Fritsche, J: L. �efte Pt...· :.1'.: .• :;_ �_��:;.�;�: and. �ollege to be .. tht: fac- Lambert,. H Orsin�e; it..Av���on. 'UIty 'Will provide- tb� . I;o�ering, H. D. Ostergr�, J.._ _. _._� stimulus to a cert.am Merdink. H., G. Peterson, .R.· extc:nt. No matter if college to bi� 'McKeown, J. Robertson, A.� ;;, . be an avocatioc-that is, hiS studies .Moore, Allen Robertso" L. ..: ':��:;� .: - :'. seem sUbsidiary. to other loterestS- McKeon, George Stoner, H. 1,;... �'. '��'�:: the faf¢� llrovides c�· 'prods, '�awyer, E. W. Spink, H. W., . ,-ipL cert�n st!��tllat will" cC!lmpe1 the" Tallmadge ,E. Wedster Ben.� '�-Lf� : st�eyt.to get certain results. But Wilcox,�. W. uest, Ie. 'F... : %. this� is an unsatisfa�ory �:hOci to 'Wilcox. L. W. Wuest, K. F._{ . all' c�ncerned. It �ses-a b�en Univeni:7 of MIssouri. .on t�e faculty and it minimizes the Breckner, EI L· Floyd. F. W.�cfit to the studea� by �. a De Vi�na. Ealy B. Groves, Roben D.ta�k . of a pleasure and a necesSary Drumm, V. H. 'Hill· . S . R. 't:\'Il of a. benefit. The vocational �ton, Lucian A. Hu:Seli"w�. H. �,vk��point �. the on� satisfactory in .F�nlY, A. McCay Hyde, Harley c.'every way to the U:D.ivetsitY. la� I\emper, R. Nicho1s6n Johnty, and student body. Going to col- Kirksey, Guy Porter, c.' Clege should be regarded as a business Knobel, E. W. Sang:' P. S�by the s:Udents just as teachi�g is Lake, Floyd H. Shepard, p. H.regarded as a business by the facul- Murphy, G. Talbot, Y. W.ty.· Business perhaps is too Terry, C. W. Thatcher. H. K.tcr . h . crass a W·. !Il�1t as �Oo much of the quid pro Ickham, Rex(1'1U Id�a t� fit the noble ideals of NorthwestetD UnhaJtl:du�al1on-but it conveys the idea of Blakeley, F. James, ;.�.effiCIency, effo� relati· . Babbittt, L Kraft, w..vo·' . on, which thecatlOnal Vle\\f·pomt predicates.. A Bnusby, Ed�rd McCulloch Hman who has business . . Eaton, R.' Osborn H.' •,. 1 0 f h' IDter-er.:a ap- G) r Ions. IS time and effort, as they '. annon, R. Pierce, C.�.re required and rewarded b Robbins, F. J. Smith, Ci�terest. This should be do II these Ray. L. C. 'Smithers I. A.student. Estilll4!o· De by the Schwartz, 'D-'ph. ;mg the value f his n4U Traxler, DeanstUdies, of his activiti� .an: his Shenk\ Arthur Tahyer,_ Bruce�eans. of self. suPPOrt, he . .Staffo!d, R. W: B.Ipportlon his ... should Warick W �rren, •"0 arne and effort. If ,. White, Paul.... me one of the th (T B Cl' ree Ca!s irbo 0 e ontinued)et hIm consider whether his • me,nlcmt is correct. If adJust­So ac�. .�not, readJ'ust If. I -I''' It; Iii-.. .' In his '.Ius StudieS are not JUd&IDeDt�h worth the timas to take from other' e he'�hc studies J·ust . th1DCa--stop. . .• as a .....mercial hous� d . � .. eat com-. '_ . • rops an.Wihne or a bad ; : Pro&tables l' - a���cy •. If. the Deeds f_ l' I-SUPPOrt prev'enta '.. 0�top stUdy .It' .' stQdy ; .... • IS a 10 -..-does a man 'Who.... , ss-bUt just 80,. . . _n t afford(ar. lose Som--L• • motor-'. ","Y1InC. This·CClhonal vicw-po. IS the YO-Int-the oDl •g��t· basis of goinlP t 'Y lDteJU.;• 0 coUqe.<M. D. 8.1 ... _ _. \Hansell. W m. WHotz, HarleyMcGinnis, R. A.O'Connor, E. 1-Overbold. S.Parsons, Chas.Reichelt, W. I;.Shrader, Edwin· READING CLUB MEETS TOi5AYStevens, F. A.. .Stubbarci_ IraTyler, Sam NEW HOUSE POR ,SALE-NineJ ;,The Dramatic Reading Soclecywill hold its final meeting fot' theyear this afternoon �t 3:30 at thehome of Mr. and Mrs.. William Gor­such, 5128 Madison avenue. Anum-,ber of new membiers will be taken.into the society, in addition to giv.-ing the. usual program. .The society expects to expand, itsmem�ership, beginning next autJplln.quarter and to take its place as ��­ognized college activity. While- the�tudy of the drama is the main pUr;.; '.PB� pf tbe organization the r�� .., . l' '.ings 'are iQ � �1 f8 Jle limited:, tp .. ; ti.:such SpbJlcte, . :' ,) . l.J .. '.PROFEESSOR 'JlOUL'fOH :.l ... •TO GIVE ATRONO�· .'�TONIGRT_- ,:;t�, .Professor Moulton of the Aeb;oil�omy departmen� will give � addresson general sub!jects of 'interest inutrDll8lll¥ at 7=30 in HaskelL He:will leCture 011 the aspects Af comet!\,and' on Mats, Satum and' Jupiter •..The meeting wiD � open, and hisclass Will attend in a body. ..l :,'-,,. �J.J�ROON ADS•• I '�.to> ).'MAROON ADSBRING' RESULTS_ ..... -..,_� ._'�-, Jahn .&t. O�er" �gt�-Yutr· .. �mpany. ,Ss4 W .. � •. �: Street:'�:��:'... � ':. . . ... . .,.' -'",.I '. d_.-,.., ':. - "':.. � ..... ;: . . ,\' --- CommeldaJ PhotOgraphen�'CoIor - Plates.EVELINE PHILLIPS .'\¥ILL MARRY ELMER. CAMPBELL JUNE 4 '. t,. �h� marriage of Eveline MaudePhillips and Elmer Ca bell •. mp wIn·take place on the evening of June ..,�t. the Blackstone hote. Miss PhillipsIS a graduate of 'the class of 1911 and ...a member of the WYvern. M. ,.�c. p" ISS �n��eve hdhps, a cousin of the bridewdl be maid of honor .... r d ...Ca • m. an mrs.mpbell "m make tbei b •OeftaDcL r ODIe IDf. . Official�veia .....The Cap and,Gown �··DaQ.Maroon. '(,1::,...�. ',.' -'Committee ffi)pe to Select Best By �� .Dail,y iIaroo. II .... on aleWeek End. at �e Pre8&.Carrea.t' HmDbec of Chicago Liter­uy )loathly Ezpected Tomorrow •.� .:The ctJlTent ·idUe 'd the Chicag Lit-erary MONthly WI'''''' be out tomorrow ..... �or Thursd�! .·A>fe3.ture of'this issue. 'Patronize� Maroon Acivertisers, ..will' hie . An �tian" Marriage. by. �. I .,:ie,Oj. ' ... "'CQwh'ey?!' ���tb Li1I�' �.�;spent. s�vera1 y�rs •,4 . ..' '.. _ . bat codnli"JI as· a mISSlo.nary. . .... ;., . .. ��".:: I .'t�1l "o'__-�f -..: . -,- 1 •. - . •_ ,- ._,'.. : ...... _\o_. �tlo \, �!",.;;.. '�.;';'.' . � •• : "7- '. "'-:-'j', ��ng file other items are: ThO. :� .�: !" " :;.','. : �':_':: ". So���l'�r!55��;.� :i��'·bY ��Ia �bac� ��S�Y�· i.. : ,"�L Iqt'PJ..I, .. ' � 1»1' Rodenc:k. P�at�lc.�' DI,lt: :;.:;. t-..... ,. -. o;h .lE,. D.IL,. <.tIF .. '�:.;.�: w:.,s�ng bY, Dorothy Whitney, De .. �'. 'I•• '• ''': ,I ,"-�.... _;, r*:,. i' i, '. . ........ I.. . ';', _. 1 -, :: :; �. bossy and .Imp�oionism by., $anfQ!4 , 1� .� . ,... ,'�. t: � '.�!\�\�,"'" .•.• p;�.'.� �_�'�;' .. � ���t�'��d' several sh�rt, poe�. �n-.... ,., ''''r�L�:i�\,'''' 3;:' _' .. ; !'" �. �b�t�(by H��cn Gr9s,S, MargaretRhodes �and' Mi�cbell: Dawson.I � .,,- �. .... . .•. ,_.. •... .:. "� ..-...arin>UU:um-·,I. /;PLs.ABD WITH SHOW::: ;-:\ "":" OIlIlICHIGAN UNION:.. �) ��� '� -,-��,. ... .# -A number of Chicago students. tGok advaatage of the prices offeredi''''' .tJ.e �ement of. the ChicagoiAlumni aSsoCiation o( t�e University�f Michigan, and sa'Y .t�e Mimes of!the Michigan Union. present Con­trarie Mary at t.he: Blackstone theater,Saturday night. . Tho 'attitude �f 'the' .association was friendly to the stu­den� and may -be taken as an in­dication of the • abolition of theronner hard f�l�g :that existed be­tween ,.ichigan and Chicago. Stu- .. , .dent opinion on 'the campus yester- ,.day Was that the- - two-acf musi&aI�· ..comedy presented �w�s one of "diebest ever staged by a college troupe.INORFOIKn+... ,ARROWCOLLAR... HIGH IN 'THE BACK.ANDlJlW IN FRDNT 2- far2Sca...t. .... abAeo.. ...........l .1'WI�L ·PICK-PO!. SCI WINNJ:!,;1(,.()trera, all. the Safdy. and Facilitiesof:the dOwQ-toWD �LllJ Open Saturday �, .. Gladstoac. Prize-winners in the Political Sci­enec . Theme- competition will be' an-.nounced "by' the �n�. of .the week. Mr.Bramhall, one of the judges,' has al­ready read all of the papets,; andthey· are- D(;w:.in·· the, hands of 'Pro­fesoers Merriam and Freund. Thelatter � wlilt: gal over the �ompositi�nsseparately. a�d will meet together...rith M'r; Bramhall to decide the win-. 3 per' cent OD SaviDp. .,.... Ij . ., Capital ana Surpl .. $2�_.. '.J .� •• )IIt ", 'I. •... :ne accouDts- 'of Profcuors� . '�.:" . �� ,tadeDts. �tecL .1 .. ' .'JOHN A. CARROLL. Praideat. ... ' .... v:··;.-rRb.w� JANSEN •. � . ,__'IIi' .'_; ••: •.. __.__ •••• ..-r ..·.··I ¥AG�NE· TO ·APPEAR SOON·" -, .... • ':: 1·nero�'. '. --� � -� .. r- ".,, I � :�..• 0.-- ••• ·i.·.· •• : •• It .. ·., .. l ' ; ". . .. , .... lienis os,'. t. \ .;_ ��, -il �. ::fdao.ftmen\ of. �. '. - \. _.� -) .'- � . j'�..l ltliimier Goods' .; � '..c­..(:' , ...I _- __ ...• r.'�.:!:, ... t.' ..'f .'''�•• 'or''''" '.(. .PA'tRONIZE MAROON .;":' ADV:£��I$ER�• .". � ...... :. TROY'SBBST� _ '.. ' ., Heat ReguIation'TIlE JOHNSON..11N£OOTIC SERvicE:' k. .1 • :.��RS._ .'.-';. '_'q' -·TJIB RIICoGNlZED STANDARD�" ,,:,--:-:: i ........ i . .'. •.... �, �'� J.!ni,�.tYof Chicago BuDding.cCd.,iete S,.tema ,for ... • It.' .•'aD MetIaOda. �f Steam�H�t Wat� t:rea�.- F .: ,c.troI of-· HumidityRedlai.a. �aI.�,.�or��r, .W��t �ater Timk'''�.':; :'i�� .�� ..JOhDIOD" Se�e� .. -.'. \ ..tic-. ........... c..."ope. 0.; .ad N""'t.SARATOGA BA.BBa IBOI- : J. B. Bets». PrOp;..... IMalNaa _: .� lI .. icarIIt..ScIeatiIc .......� 0ir0p0tiI.. "',:�,.. .,._" ' ...... � ' .. ' <�1:.'� � .. ;.� .. iPATRONIZE JlARoOlf �.:� '�·i.,�; .-: ")" ... .•ADV£R�ISElqf "<,"'- . �:!>.. . QlI.��I.� .� .',. '.. .' - ... : lit .• o� DBAIUIORH STREEt'···.. ''.. ,". :�.��..r .. ,.,:, , __ . ..I' ;1.'.1 ''''. ... rl � '" .....�._":... ,.' . '., . .:,_" .. ,.�........'� �.!\. !-� ..'r 0>. •to·· "_.,. �""'.�'":,.!�I"'�j:�. �.�.' : ... '. ,;.... ............. !.,...._ .• !, JlARO()N ADSBRlN(i RESULTS_.1:'"I·'"0',, .�- - . I .;: M�ROON ADSBRING RESULTS; .JI• ••• lit ., � ",": ..... '- r � •. : nf .. ' .and better dODC. �d brightas a dollar-quick u a flash •.That's how.: will -'help .'Jou:·: It is so cheerful. wholesome and���. sarisfyinlt a drink. . GoOd for both body and brain.. Deiiciou8.� RefreshingThlr.st-QuenchiligDemaDd the GenWne-RefuIe SubatitutcaTHE COCA-COLA CO.. ATLANTA, GA.you lee anAnowthinkof Coca-Cola.t DE YOU LOOIIIIG fOR A PUCE rl Ell 1(jwe THE COMMONS a Tri.'Ask the Upper Clasamen .Al;K)ut Our FoodYou'll Like the Clnb BreaIdaat and CafeterialIu.;c at Nigbt Good foo� LDw Prices�'.I"'_'d.D Dr &We are showing a smart line of .oBritWt" Tweeds for ED&1iah SackSuits. "Scotch" aJld "Irish'" Home IpIIII8 for Norfolb'and the peateatline of Flannels for 'l"�usera ... • lane ever showD. '......�peclal val-.es at .. for suits. and $8 for troaIIe .. 01' Knickers.�---,, T�. ta: SaMe 9tnel.n· B. lf� Street.... JadaIaD ..... TAILOR FO.YOUNG IIltIIi.... Sing, the· Praises of Stag!For FRESHNESS.' for FRAGRANCE, fix. that IJANDY �ttle tin, for that CONVENIENtlittle price. .Ii 'EVSTAG�FOR PIPE AND CIGAIIETft----------------------------�---------------------caICA •••.'lIe ..... .a.. ..Patronize. IUOOD AdYel1lsersr •• ,;....•'.-,;.;- ........ , ... -.�;:.. � - - ... -.... , --BELIEVES COHPERENCE -... � .. :,"_ JJ,.LUi01S DBPBATS VARSITYTlTLB IIOT CItP.1AIH� . (Continued &o� paQ ��e,.(��.'�ued frOm pap one.) ' ..... _ _..... �W' b T ., •. "________ _;"._.;.;;'.,.;....;•. �, .�:.7-U � on y .applng.neither the- right fielder or 'first ,base- Illinois: Henders-on. �lIinois."second;mad could quit reach. �field sac� Hunter. IUino",-,third. Time. 2:06..• ..• ' Hammcr- throw-Won by Math.ers •. ,:tiiced with a perfect. '.J:»lIAt·,' S�JlC!i� lU�ois: Sellers.' Chicago, second; !R E' 'S�5. �o third and �troo :to $�ocl. Canning. Cbic�go.· third. Di'stance. Norgfen hit the first. :baU pitche4 124 feet l 1-2 Inches.------------------------------------------------�Bo�cal Club. Rock Island'train at the Engle� and sent a hot grounder, to Nevin"Mr. Rose will lecture 00 Delayed atation. An members of the b�d' iat_'third, w�� 'threw him·.Gut· �t..fi�Germination in Economic. �� at.. and frie�ds who are interested io its Stai� scoring. Catron,.was .' cought·the meeting of the Botanical c1u� to: . work are iovited to be present. •• at 'the piate for the third out!. Errorsday at 4:30, in Botany I�. by Catron and Scofield gave Illinois.Univ� Public Lecture. .- JUDior. a- PicDlc. .� 'run in the eighth. . , . .....,.CAPTAIN GEORGE KUH,':I �.".. ". ;. .,WHAT ORGANIZATIONS�. ·A· RE' DOING I HEDEPINES IIINISTERS'. RIGHTS AND DUTIES..I� SECOND LECTURElAfinisters' :rights and duties underthe � law tow�rd their i congregationsand toward other ministers' formed -the subject for the second of theRev. Mr. William Barton's 'lectures.ou ·Ecclesiaslical Law yesterday.'The talks were an experiment in re­viving the . study 'of ecclesiastical lawwhich has been inor� or Jess ne­glected .in Divinity schools 'for �­most fifty years according to thespeaker." Cerebral. Localization will be the Juniors will. picnic ncar the Ger- . From then on both'. pitcherssuhiect of Dr. Sippy's talk at 5 today man buildi�g tomorr�W' afternooD at' �p.itcbed air.tight '1)al� until .the .lastill Physiology 25. . This is' the' 'ninth, four if the weather Win permit. Ruth· of the twelfth, when Watts let looseof a series of lectures given: by the jAgar has. charge ,of the refreshme-nts a Wild pitch which Struck Mann· inmembers of the' clinical faculty of and has promlsed the class hot chick- the head. He went: to: third 'OD aIRush Medical college. en pie as, th.e tiece de resistance Pa.ssed ball and Gray's out.' Des ..Semitic Clnb. Erling Lunde. has cbrge of the Jaimeit {strock: out, b1it� Baumgiirtner., M f. Thomas will speak on A Pro-. stunts. Last' year the women played WOD h.is game with a hot single togram for the Study of Prophetic the men a game of indoor baseball, left that rolled clear to 'the 'fence.' :Psycholoogy at the meeting of the Another game is expected today.' Box Score.Semitic club which will be held ta. The picnic will end the class social Chieago R H P A Eday at S in Haskell 26. program for the yea'/ ' Catron e . 55 •••••••••• :..0 ::2" 2 ',3 2:Junior Mathematical ·Club. �.,! . '"_ i SCofield, 2b ••.•••••••• 0 0: 4 5 I.Vohmtccr- � Norgren, Ib '- •••.••... 0 2 10 0 ,0 Old Blackfriar ScOres Arrive.The topic of Mr. Wester's lecture ,... n e , .1 0 I' 2 4 0at the meeting of the Junior Mathe-' Mr. Merrifield wilf b� the speaker n-:.. j�rdi�� . 3b: .:::: :'::0 0 ')1 .0 J: Scores of The Sign of the Doublematical club will be Green's, Fune- at the monthly meeting of the S�.� Baumgartner. p •••••• .o J. 2 ,2 e Eagle and The Lyrical Liar have ar,- ·Woo Last. Race 00 IIaraball Fieldtions, This meeting will be held to- dent Volunteer band in Lexington',3 :�nen.:f ••••, ••••.••. 0 1 � 0.:0 .. ,0 rive� ,and may be obtained for $1. Saturda,y.tonight at IIy ." ns, e •••.. � •••••••• I.. -I ,2 0,0 Req;'csts should be sent to box � �. -f·.-�.,-#".,�.-.' ... ,-.· 1 .... 'morrow at 4:30, in RyersoB 37. I. Totals. � v ", '2 736 i4 '4 '\�. ·. 'l.; • I {' r, ..,.I';"",�� " . ';1Mr. Salter to Talk. 4� , . 'IlIinois ,'.,.' ��R'�H --pr�:ArJ.E..: J�� (exchange. : ., -, rs .••• ���,� ..... i- �PhelpS.' e ' •• : .. o�' 0 3 0' 0 . �. ,: . •suter. �if ••.•••.••••• : •• 0 0 . I 0 0 .' . .r' I�'V 'E" S· r' H' E' N T 5 .0Jl Nietzsche's Ethical, Social and 'Profesor .MiIlikan Nevins,2b ••••••••••• :'1 "'0 '3 4"0' .',: ::: '1. .,,:�.�� . &.' Ii' .Religious Views wu11 be ginn by Mr .. president of .the local --:ShaP;!;ct:� �rin�ville, Ib ••.••• � •• o 0 I� 0 0 =. ��....of"':� .... �::.a:=::-r-beee�",;,� .::.-=.. • ..=William M. Salter at the UniversitY" ,et .er;'c : ... � •• .;.J .. o 0 1--0· -u,de!V1r. ; ��u.ooapouc. &a4 located tD die .... --Sigma Xi at a �eeting Friday night. SIlianu. If ••••••••••• ·.0· J ') I'!'O�O .�. ftIIaadoD tD eIIdl c..e � - ........ tile ..... - -- ,,__public-Iecture tomorrow; . .:'_ Profesor Cowles was elected vice- Ruah.-Is ••••• · :.:0 1 o�·'6·-o '':�_::: � ..=-=� aDd Jl� B;;.t:bc.. GIl 8IMIdlFreshman·Vaudeville. ..' Kay. 2b 0. � a :I 0 . " .;:; � __ ,...!� ...s upaa "IIPlDdoD.president' and Profesor Chamblerlin, W :W:' � ----� vaadeviHe and dance ..n11 he secretary. Five ncw members 'were . Tt�.: •••.••••.•••••• -:0· 0 :I'� '\ ') .• �, .• -: _;-aw�. eaPhnPn· Trust .-Savines Bank"g1¥l'nbymembersofthe Freshman .0, �.:1"a351 I. ':-0: .: •. �.=-:: __--.. L·BSTAH.tOAtJ·DEPAfiIlENT·elected to membership� .. I Chlcag(J<..l�O 00 00 I 0000 0 I�, �OIII�.;.AlU):CLA'BX ft_aa: .'. � , !fJ�ss Friday afternoon io tho'Rey- . '.' -. ., :.J,.,. ·,t. I1Iinoi.�,,�.oooooo.l.o C).()...O::� Tel".�ac: �1ph 4301 -'_';��' .' ". P.'A. .7r- ......f!Q,ds club. -, .,.. T. ,? Eatcr1aiaL Stolen bases-Rush '(�)' Pri';di.- _. _:' -�-l. !-'_'_- ._. _. � - __ ---------Volnotcer Baud··PIcDie. Presid� : Judson ; and' Pro'fCS$or �i.e; _ �eriDS; FletC:he�;.t:'Pii�ii>�'" .sac-: " ...Th Std VI t Band·' M'i1c��"" ."'.,: �.� �e:fu��� S���::������-�----�----��------e .u �nt 0 un ee� , IS �o. I � ·were gu� a� ·tlM AI��. BaiiJiiPrlDer, '5: by ·Wa;tt;'-'7:.� . "'or" ,> .. " __• .,.' ,rll�'fe a P1C�lC on Memonal Day at Tau Omep house �t mght at an tn- on bal:ls-off �er, ·.�h�()!f ' .' "Ii't"l .i " .' _ ,;,�p'F!yerly HIlls._ The m�mbers "'!II' tomDl·...,itiDner. �Prcsident ..... �Judsoo· ....'Y.a�-3:- �ild Plt�W�t� _H,�- _. . , I . 'I_�.l.�JeOJve the U�iyersi� a_t I �C.. thc. t�l� o(,brs ,recent. kip tiJ. New York.. � -{V�:�r-:y BU��:.��1i; . ;;� ,. :.r;' 34,- S'£ d81!:-wr DADV··-",VS;':, NY-. . '" " . -r ann.. ""'tIM ��ett.}-, n L I ,_ T'.a:� ��.. ••, •• ". 4. . • ." ,-" •• _ ,�•• , ...,. J'. AllUSBMBrrn .•... r. ." � "F�":': :'.: .�.;�.__ :!'-:. �. ·Attbefoc:al, ,·�··.o;:citi .. (· . '. ';':'ootbe';_ ,_ ........... 1......... � - �. 01 r)MdOt .. zone,• J' �'''' .. '�'. ," . ;�.��.�- .,�-;�.;.�. • ;.�·:.:;:�:d,;2ut��..:t;...,,;:�D�E.-:::RD·'·'.I');.{f,�,,::,.',_:!... m.'�!:,':�,;. !'!_�ON p�INC�&S "�. __ ._ '�'fA�I"�' _ __.,-, ;__ � _' . __ ....... FIntCNnco.Aw •• �.:�$-�� - '�'IbL"""· ��� • - w ••- -, -� '�' • �:"'!I,�.c�'__' �. , t· LeW PIeIda I • J.'*'i�'l': �'f.:ii!1kPP¥'\: ��� - ,. - ' --, TIIB&Tat, '. ..�., '.', '11""'0' y..... PB'OTOD'r"" I'.�•• 'yy'.. _ soo", 11,m..i.T;'7CG :_:.' ,� .. alUl , ;::P!l1e'.. 'J.. -� r'.' · _._!--�,.s •." && ... �. 1lIJ� ---� ...... ...,.,. .' ���.- .•• �.�fo!:�. � �tftet ��� F.:,� &-. ' ,�; '''_'' GC·!M......... , .; ia� __ 8qDle.. ,. ." , ,', .. "S�"'.a.tJiJI8 ..-. _.c,.i. ........... tT.IOOS�AH a colWD�' ,_;.'�' , . ·:..··�����ICK: '. 'TOlllan ' - -.-')��-- ��� 1'. �'.:� GOOD RRBlB Sa.e, Prtce., Ko BIeber.-� �_.: :"AD.�o. W......., Is_..... ' _ WBB" 'DRBA" � .. TRUE'. �.,._ .. ��c� � '......... • . witbJoMaib ...... · . ---_ ":f .. , :l.t' _ .. . aad. SpIeDllld c.t � ��daa.. _� .. p"... � _� JW.LProl Anderson pres ••. LittIe·Hip .- ·C"ECIL LBAlI a: CO. iD. .. � -rIIe.mac- Pictan .....Smallest pcrformiDc clephat ia the ..... atewe. • I IIIJe4 by 'liDa AD CIIbp Ie 1 ..... 11_ WitIi. �'. llwiatmp iDrlgBpC Bar- BLANCBB '.0ry t Fena,_� Ihitla- aad Her ....... � ......�. Bdwarda" ZoeiIer Trio, , 'DIe � CcIaaf. � -.a. GIrII:TIiIe. IQIIems, Fre4 SaatleT � t------_,;;.._----The �orld' •. Wiaat clrimpea_ a4 � SberidD. ... • BIlla. M�-=- .ilCThe ninth of a series of lectures Sjpaa 'Xi EIectioDa.�. ! •.. PRODUClHG 'DBPARTIIDrI' '-,'ILLINOISHapolcon the GreatFive Other Stu' Acta. - ': I �.TBB WORLD IN CHICAGO. If i �t* aDIt PIcWDt .... opea.:� cOu8BuJl�W�uDOOll- .. _. __ -" . .....to 10 P ...A WORLD'S JPAIIt- 7'.... 'laB'4_ , 'i�' a �n enjoyed' by'. dlscerning,.smokers.··-����t." !D fra��e-tempt­. In�lv nc;h m Bavar-- ,laUsfyjogly-smooth­free from bite. A8Qloke of supremequality.. .�'" L_ � .. "�' N1.�:;O""'''''_&,=-- 1:11Pltlca Aim!! loa. .; CIIIIdra, I",:AUDITORIUIIPAGEAIfT.OP DARDfESS1 AJID Dlon� .,...'� CIIic:IIP ..... �.:-J' �Ie:', _" ...... � .. ue,-.-: I 1k-2tc lieCOUI'S 6IAIII_A STAR AM» fLAY .WL-') t=O� .OF A •• ""_ ___. _lL.1L .WARllEltG50RQa .. OOIlAll AIm" (TIle 0rfIIaaI � 'Y.J-I."'). "'<X>IIPAlfI! Rf ....: �"( , - ·1Ii � ca.a.t :-- .......- ' .... .: ''';0; Sat. • ., JOe ".JQ.aBOADWAT JO" ('.. Wed. � .......