_ VOL. XI .. No. 145. PRICE FIVE CENTSm r laily :!Iarnnnlee. Cr •• Iaa.Ja Es,ectetI Betweeaea., 1M, ........ SaIw-_, AfIaoa •••FIELD EVENTS WILL BE CLOSE.Team Is Expected to Hold IUinoisEven in AU Events ExceptDis�ce Runs.Close contests in the dashes, hur­dles and field events are expected intlu.1 1 Uinois I track meet Saturday.The distance runs are generally con:ceded to the Illinois runners, andthe losses in these events are ex­pected to give the meet to theorange and blue team.The ke�nest com�tition wiU prob­ably be in the hurdles where ,Cap­tain Case of Illinois.: Captain Kul­and \Vard will be the most prominent contenders. Case is one of the'best men in the �est and was on theOlympic team, He won the hurdle:at the Indoor Confc renee at Evanston this winter. Captain Kuh habeen showing good form this springwinning both events in the North'western meet two weeks ago. Warlis ,practically as fast as either 0,'these men" and' if the track 'is fastshould imakc good ,time. This wit';be the, last appearance of the twr ', , . captains in a dual meet, and mucle , �illtere�t fs"attach��_ �o th� .' m�eti,ng 1'..:::-..:_"",'��\-�' •• ::; :",.�����:=-' '_�', The dashes 'are also likely to resulin' close contests. Ward, MatthewsKnight and Parker are all fast me,and proved superior to the North'western dash men. They will finC:their hands full, however� witlPhelps, McKeown. Casner, Wilso.;and Kellog. Preliminaries will btrun in the JOO yard dash. IlIinoi:,I�I·1I1 UN LYEl{Sl1'Y OF CHICAGO, TlfJ.l��pAY, MAY 22, 1913.Four straight victories, a cleansweep in all matches, was the resultof the tennis team's trill into Ohiothe .Iast four daya, Squair andGreen made up the team, and ac­cording to Dr. Reed, played excel­lent tennis in all their matches. TheEast End Tennis club of Cleveland,Oberlin College, OhioOhio Wesleyan . wereplayed �n the trip.The match with the, East End clubof Cleveland was the tir;t on theirip, and Green lost the only matchof the tour here to, Pettee, 2-6 and5-7. Squair beat the city champion,,�asht in straight sets 6-2, i-5. Squairand 4reen won, from Reed and Koy­an in the doubles· 6-3, 6-4, giving thevictory to Chicago.Win in Straight Sets.State, andthe teamsAt Oberlin Squair defeated Loth-, ,JUNIORS AND. SE;NIORS :DECIDE TITLE TODAYhas a star bunch of quarter milers ,.cam winning two out oi 'threebut Parker, Matthews and Breathegames �1I be the ��tors and rc,-should give them a hard race. AI _eive the baseball shield. The Sen­places in the mile, half mile and tw� ,ors are particularly keen about win-mile are conceded to the ,JJlini.CHICAGO HURDLERS TO TENlfIS" TEAll HAS GOOD TRIP OFFER REPUeK(j �TESPUSH ILLINI CLOSELY Squair and Green Return From Sue, \TO CHI�AGO 6TUDENTScessful Ohio Tour�!!en Play Ex,. --=:: 'ceDent Tennis, and Take Four May See Micm.H U",-s �ticMatches From Opponents. Club Play, �R.tflJie Marie,for TWR D8tIiPSchobinger is the favorite -in th.po!� va�1t �ecause of his recent per·formances. He won' from Thoma� Women's Baseball>Teams Meet inCbampioDSbip �laSb' This Af�er­nOOD in L�on Yard.Junior and Senior women will':lash today for the championship_ .>asebalf trophy. The' game, whidl",·i�1 be played, in Lc!'xington yard atj:45 will be the t�rst �f a series. The..ing the championship and are outior "blood" as one member of th(.senior team expresse,d it. Althoughno such inducement as Mr. Brat-ill, the Indoor Confere_nce, c1earin� rish's ha� been offered to the women,'�wclve feet. Thomas may, be able te.. they are going to break all recordscome back and tie' or win from hi: ki h ,1\11by rna �g seven ome-rulls. ':l-old rival, Cox, De� Jardien an·, u niversi�y people are invited. A,Gorgas should take the high juml- signed *ket is required of the m'1!'n.as one of them ca� ·usually clear fiv\ The lineup for the game is as fol-,eight or better. Oair is .the best llIi, lows:nois man, but he is erratic and it isimpossible to say what he will doKuh has been ,going w,ell in thebroad jump. Norgren in the shotand Goettler ill the discus arefavon')es in th� weight events. De�Jardien, Parker and Ca!lning shouldalso show up well.To Have Frab� Tryouts.Coach Page has urged all Fresh.men to compete in the track tryoutsfor Freshman numerals next Thtws­clay at 3:30. In the Winter twelv('men were awarded the emblems andwere included in the picture. Theelection of a capt-;n will follow themeet. This is the only chance whichthe Freshmen will have to win theirtrack numerals this year. All en­tries should be turned in to CoachPage at once. The Freshmen weight(Continued on paae 2.) Juniors:Janet Flanner. PLaura Walter, CDorothy Llewellyn, 1 b.Dorothy Bent, 2b.J..ouise Mick, 3bHelene Kenny, Capt., 'ss.F.sther Sutcliffe, rf.Alma Parmelee, cr.. �race Hotchkiss, If.Substitutes:Tena CarlsonJulia DodgeIrene TaylorSeniors:Cornelia Beall, Capt, pElla Luedeman, cFrances Houston, IbMarian Martland. 2bMargaret Riggs. 3bRhoda Pfeiffer, rfMargaret Rhodes, 55Florence Foley, dHelen Leonard. IfSubstitutes:Lillian SwawiteKatherine NathEdna Bell 'Effie Shambaugh._- _ .. - -- ---.---- ,.. ":' "' •• �:&I SENIORS PLAY FACULTYTOp�i ANNOUNCE mtANCIALRival Nines Will, com�e on Jw.- pLANs _FoR 'FESTIVALshall Field at 4 in Attempt to Set­tle Question of Superiority­Steinbrecher Is Injured.Edward McConoughey'was electedpresident of the Religious Educa­tional club for the coming year at,the annual election. Josep�ine Cham­I�crlain was selectcd as vice-presi­dent and Marquis Shattuck, secre­tary-treasurer. The officers will serve,during . the summer quarter and allnext year.Seniors 'and Faculty will disportONE HUNDRED M�N TUEPART wml. � A-i .... hcept top� Net c-a., ia"c-.w'Have Twenty-five H p�chestra-IsProduced Upder 4H�[*es of Chi­cago Alumni 1i:��Pf:iation. themselves on the diamond today to WILL 4QVERrJSE �TEMSIVELYsettle 'the question of superiority ofthe two nines; This struggle by To Send Postcards to Alumni and tothe two factions has a long historyand it was. only after much dicker­ing that Manager Linn and CaptainSteinbrecher were finally able tod f h fi Every person who does not come.pick today as the ate or t e irstbattle. The game will take place on to the Spring Festival in costumeMarshall Field at 4 today. Further will be charged twenty-five cents.details were not given out.The enterprising sporting editor class committees for twenty-fivespent much time' yesterday in en- cents each. There will be no otherdeavoring to get the correct dope on charges. Each 'class will be requiredthe game. The sum total of the i",- to p�y fifteen dollars for the classformation was the fact that the Fac-· flo�t.-Scats may he Sl:�·�rf.:f' by Univer;sity students at rclillt:HJ rates for thet we-act musical CQIH��.y, Contrarie�Iarie. which will b.c f�rpduced bythe Michigan Union �nHJlatic clubuudcr+thc direction o] Jhf! ChicagoAlumni association o] �J!f.! universityof ?I!iclligan Saturday night at the. ,,- '\Blackstone theater. Mr. - DavidSt cvcnson, general chtlirm�n for thealumni. has made this r�fJ: as a man­ii('station of the frifH�'y feeling�lichigan has for §�H4�'��_s at theL'nivcrsity of Chicago.The regular price of. three dol­lars received a cut of a dollar at his ulty are thinking seriously ,of pro­testing Boyle and Steinbrecher oft he Seniors in case the score shoul�go too heavily against them. Th.�Seniors are in turn thinking of FfP.­testing Coach Page.Steinbrecher Out.Captain Steinbrecher may fool �hFFaculty as he will not be able Hlplay on account of at twisted -.n.lflfiH is injury has kept him from P'!t-��ing ann will probably keep him qutof the game today. In this evep],Freeman will be captain of the ��H;iors, Steinbrecher insists �h�� �Q¥!�is able to playas he is still a SJ:�'pr.he ,f.QJ:IJ1.�rj�e�lL£�tMI!. Jl�_notyet received his degree .. ,,4 '� §flFhwill be technically eligiqlJ: Jfl· fl'itJ;Captain .Reed of the f.�f:H't:V· ifl�Coach Hoffer had an f:x.ci�h.� Hmt!yesterday in. settling �s ,� "hiF"one should be behinc:t th� hat tq fe-FACULTY FIRST :JJA�EllA_N Enclose Dodgers in 15,000SprinC Announcements.Costumes will be furnished by theThis system for financing the fest­ival was decided upon yesterday by�h.e committee in charge. The comm,t�e� wishes to call attention to thef�F� that there is 'an advantage inh"fi"� a costume as the costume an-Iilffmi�sion c_an be secured fo� the�ifm� price as admission without :­fR�U',"o. Last year each costumeffl�� Jwenty,_.five cents and there wa:ill.A a charge at the gate of fiftyfFftf§JtJans Extensive Advertising�fJhilirman Dickerson of the ��!ufti§Ing and finance committee ifJlimning to send post cards to 250"��hi�o .... �duates telling them 0'thG 'f�stival, and" to have it' advern.�d on the campus, by means ohi\,,��ills, posters' and sandwich filet:fl� �so 'pla,!s to enclose a, dodgerip, nl� 'a�nt1a1 ·Spring,announce�ent ;'�ep.t -�ut from .the, President's office,T�Ff� are 15,000 copies, of these al�·'lo,'HlcFments mailed, each year.T�� finals in the Interfraternity rl'lay lVHI be run in the morning as tl �'track. will be rolled .in ,the afternoo 'f9r �he .Interscholastic on the di'�:fQni-lriJlg. .The interhall. the grad�� _. �t� ��d the women's feature reta'"win J»e run on the �urf instead of 0 �.ta� ����er t�ck. Th� special danc-'fQf the festival are 'being rehe�rsr .,;;p�.'" it i�' sti.1I do�.btfuf whether r­nQt tfle stands will be dedicated C':t�F �fte��� Qf the festival.v .... ty Unable to P!ay Ball at I!a':isola y�.Be�use of prolonged rain in �{� J,�", the baseball team was unaL. _tc. aped .Wisconsin yesterday. Coa ::rage and the team were ready I �le�ve when they received a telegr;­frprq the Badger authorities, stat: n­,hat �he playing field was a sea 0,mud and that the downpour was c .peeled to continue all day,A practice, game with the Cc'tr;Qmteal,th Edison team was pla�" ,�m ¥arshall Field. The Varsity J,-. �!1� trouble winning by the seore f3 to I� Baumgartn,er,pitched a ste: .��e a1lo�ng only five hits wl '.Ih� fanned five of his opponey' .'Aido�s waS touched for ten .r"hits. three bei�g: ,made by Gray. �fi�lding work' of the Varsity was r; .fee&.rop, 6,..1, 6-0, and Green beat Grif- hands yesterday when approached­lith 6-0, 6-1L In the doubles .Grecn by a number of Chicago studentsand Squair won from Davis and wishing to see the show. The mat­Buckley, 6-2, 6-4- At both Ohio I er .was put in the hands of HowellState and Ohio Wesleyan .the men Murray. and tickets may be 'hadwon all their matches in straight 'from him' or by sending a mail ordersets. to 'box 286, 'faculty exchange.' Ablock of twenty-five seats in - thebalcony' has been set aside' for Chi;cago students,_ I'Has Large C�t.� ..--' to· ' ..... -�- .........The show' has an unusually largecast consisting 'of 100 members, andan orchestra of twenty-five. Thelyrics are by Robert C. Besk and themusic by Earl Moore, Willis Diek­ema, Rowland Fixc1 and K. 'c. Hav­en. All reports fr,om Ann Arborprinted in both town a'nd universitypapers. praise the show for its clab·oratenes, catchy music and plot.WATKINS RESIGNS POSITIONCap and Gown Will Elect Successorin a Week.Clyde 'Vatkins has resigned fromhis newly acquired posiiton as man­aging editor of next year's Ca/, a".1Go'",,,, 'York in the Law school andon the Undergraduate Council will.he feels tnke too much time to al­low him to give the Cap and Gm(.'IIt�lC� proper :lttention. His successo"will he chosen by the old boardwithin a wc'ek.Haskell Rhett, the other man�g­ing editor, has commenced his wo'"for next year by getting his photographic staff busy with the Spril'work. Rhett and Owen, the ar'(�ditor. plan to get much of the artwork out of the way during the sum­mer • cc:ive Page's speedy lin�r�. Dr:' R�e4.,ppeared in his faded gray uniformand was allowed a first trial byCoach Hoffer who was nattily at-(Lontinue� on p�g� 4'PREStD!!:NT JUDSONLEAVES TO ATTENDNEW YORK MEETING MCCONOUGHEY: .AD�President Judson left yester<!_ay PRESIDE�T OF CLUBFOR CO:J!l��G YEAR:ior l'\ cw York to attend a meetingflf the Rockefeller FoundationBoard. of which he is one of thelJine chartcr memhers. The Boardwas refused the right of incorpora­tion by Congrcss, but was unani­mously granted a ch3t"ter by theXcw York state legislature. Presi­dent Judson will return to the Uni­versity Sunday.- .--__,"----r-:-r=-l' 'tHE nxrt, \' MAROON. 'rHURSDA Y. MAY 22. IQtj. , .... ,_ .... -- .. , .. "tsu. BallADs • Geor&e � phytes. Each n�w member was then• .• •• GeoI'p � made to tell what he expected to getAUC\*& Ii.a.it·from Fencibles. Thirty-seven menattended the dinner.rH4l� �y �_ ft.... GUll ODWIP GloM.Administration Salaries ••••••••••••'Entertainrnent •••••.•.•••••••••••••Janitorial Expenses ••••••...•, .•....Fuel ...........•.•..••.•••••..••...Repairs and Renewals .•••••••......cots uerts and gateau de princess were Gas and Electricity ••••••.••..•....Good I 'Would have heaps anauntil the dishes appeared. I nsurance •••••.••.•••••••••••••••••If.Uowship. mines of gold.' Sub- - Telephone ••••.•••..•••••••••••••••ana Paving Gross Avenue •••..•..•.....stituting ho��r SPEAltERS COMPETE JUNE 3 Kindergarten •••••••.•..•..........preferment for gold, one CODStruc� :: '. . __ ,_ ' Boys' Work ••••.•••••••••••.••••••a ata;em, ent that Should bethe mo� R.�_'_l'd aDa A��_:_.: P�,)_ Wall: ��:Nurses*-c:Work ••• - ••.•..••••••..•.••..- '11� - _:::-:i - �, ,�SumJlier Playground •••••••••••••.•... folloWed by every college man wIic\_ ":' .. $·.B.�-(1]rar�:Th�?', t. �Miscellaneous •••••.••••••••.••.••••" embarks on the tumultuous -sea of';.. . .... :.�!-;; '. , ___;_ �,The Daily Maroon1IaiwmIe .t 4I!u...��� .... ;.,nEII&erecl .. �-au. mall M ell .. 0tUc:&c\.� �. 1ll.. M&rc:Ia De l»W. uu·oier A« ot ll&l'CIl .. lASZI.MIJBllCIUPS'IOJl &&r_a, CIU'I'.lc. �fIU & J"IU; fl.W & qUU'CAl'.B, ma.U. f3.W a �. '1� & qUMrt.er.J£4J.tod.l-B� omo.,. � 26.r.� lliG.Q tIOQ..ti,-Iie l'ark 15.01 (� • Po m.)lIaU Box ''0'' .I!"acul&.7 � ,llamuel �U-..ul'Ke Ou"lnpamDoroda7 WWiatGll, W.LU.&aw. J,41D&D. •e .. itGtuil'"I would rather have the affection­at. regard of my fellow JIlCo," saiaCharles Dickens, "thanextra-curriculum activities. In col�Ieee parlance it �t be: "I'd ratherhave fe1lowa·,like me·than vote for- -!mo." There is yet � be found a col":lege . �Vity that is. worth sacrific­inC the respect'� � of friendsfor, any· mor� -tb�j there is eztant a; . '-I.college 'activity � :Morth sacrific:iDgone's Sc:bQIaatic:;� for. If toachieve "success'" iii an undergradu­ate enterpriSe' it: is necessary to act�,'in sUch' a: way that one loses the re-spect' and rCCard of his f� then(.ne shoDId· choOse. to stay out of thecame altogether.' 'In that Case thecame is Dot worth the candle. One".college days are tOo fleet' and ODe's���tiaofmUmgf�t�precious to waste any of the ODe orjeopardize to the slightest extCllt theother for the sake of so epbemeraland often empty a thing as a "coUecehonor." Ten years from DOW one,.alumnus meeting another OD the.street will not remember 'Whether orDOt he was president 'of 'this or man­ager of that. .He will remembervery distinct1)', however, whether or. not he was·a good fellOw-friendly,genero� companionable. Ten yearsfrom now many . an undercraduate'Who has won his way to the "front"throu,h "�UtiCs" and trickay willbe denied th� love and eSteem thatwIiI be the precious ProPet't7 of lIOmefen ow Who WaS iDdeecl • "load fel­low," even though' he· bad fewerlinea after his name in the annualUndqraduate activities are 'tre­mendously worth wbil� wbaa theyhave ceauin� educational or leaiti­mat. fan-producing value--.and 'Whenthey do Dot cost friends.. AacI theyare wo�.h nothing ader aD7 othercoaditiOllll..: • � h ,,_ �..._,,_ '--..._" CARL DEFEBAUGH ELECTEDNEXT YEAR'S PRESIDENTMen Initiated Into Fencibles Last.Night Seleo� Officers for theComine Year.Carl Defebaugh was elected presi­dent of Fencibles for next year bythe newly-initiated members lastnighn Paschal Benson was electedvice-president, Lorin Owen, secre­tary-treasurer, and Donald Craw­ford. chairman of the executive COIll­mittee, The men were initiated at 6in the Commons cafe by this year'smembers.I n audition to the new officers theFreshmen initiated were: DentonSparks, Rudolph Moritz, EdwardReticker, Robert Hatcher, MartinHorrell, Lawrence Salisbury, EbertDunsworth, Lenus Lundberg, Rob,ert Harper, Lawrence MacGregor,Howard Adams, \Villiam Roe, JamesDyrenforth, William Goodman, Ern­est Cavin and Charles Miller.Clyde Watkins acted as toast­master for the evening. Toasts wereresponded to by J ohn Perlee for thealumni of the organization, Presi­dent Robert Allais for the society,Verni Blackett for this year's menand Lawrence Salisbury for the neo-The menu was written entirely inIFrencla Those in attendance wereconstantly 'guessing as to whatwould. be next. Even students inFrench 6 could not tell what laari.-t.. Tu;;Sday, June 3, is the tentativedate for' the finals in the RosenwaldPublic Speaking contest, and the"FI�ren�e Jane Adams contest ill:Artistic Reading to be. held in Man­del haIl. Any candidate who hasany objection to this date should'conS�lt Professor Clark at once.CHICAGO HURDLERS TOPUSH ILLINI CLOSELY(Continued from page one)men have ·been working out ;ithDr. Monilaw daily from 4 to 6. Themost promising are Presnell, Win­drow, Redmon, Brown, Hatcher,Sparks, Hardinger, Whiting andMoulton.,DEUTSCH ELECTED.MENORAH SOCIETYPRESIDENT TUESDAY-. ""1Hermann Deutsch was elected pres-ident of the Menorah society for theensuing year at a meeting of the so­ciety Tuesday night. The other of­ficers selected arc: Samuel Leviton,vice-president; David Livingston,secretary; and Goeffrey Levinson,treasurer. President Judson gavean address and was the first oflt�nty-six to subscribe for the Men­orah - journal.Junior Class WUl Meet TodaY.The Junior class meets today at10:15 in Kent east to discuss the. poi�t system. The Senior class willmeet tomorrow for the same pur­pOSCI. It is expected that some action",ill be taken to show the sentimentof these classes toward the pr()4posed system of distributing campushono .... tem.Kent Chemical Society--6:15, din-ner, Hutchinson' cafe. Lecture 7:IS.Sigma Xi-Tonight, 8, Quadrangat.club.Y. M, C. A. Administrative COUD­cil-Annual dinner, \Vedllcsday,6:15.Commons cafeScandinavian Club-8., LexingtonBulletin and Ann�unce�ents.Senior Beach Party Committee-10:15, Cobb 9B. The following peo­ple have been asked to report: Myra.Reynolds, Richard Granquist, HelenHagee, Howard Keefe, NormanPaine, Cora Hinkins and NormanElmstrorn,Dramatic Readinc .Society-Beachparty, 4.Junior Class-Meeting, Kent 10:15.Freshman Class MeetinC-iO:Is,Kent theater.Interclass Hop-Meeting, chair­men of committees, 10:15, Cobb 6.'\.Divinity Chapel-Io:IS, Haskellassembly room.Y. W. C. L-IO:15, Lexington.Y. M. C. A. Sophomore Hike-3, J4Senior Class Meeting-Tomorrow.)0:15. Cobb 6Dramatic Club--;.Tomorrow, 10:15.Cobb 9B.Junior Luncheon - Tomorrow,Commons cafe, 12:45.Brownson CIu�Tomorrow, DanceReynolds club, 8.Interscholastic Fobs-On saledaily.Interscholastic Commission-Meet­ing, Reynolds club, 7:IS .Cobb IA.Frenchhouse. Clu�4:30, SpellmanTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SETTLEMENTReceipts and Ezpenditures.FOR THE YEAR ENDI NG APRIL 30. 1913.R�p:sSettlement League .. ,', .. ,.".,., ..Mandel Hall Collections ••... , .. , .•Faculty Subscriptions ••••••.•.•.• �.Other Friends ..•••..•••.••. , .•..•.Benefits , , •••.••••••.....Settlement Dance , .•••.•.••.•... , 636 �5Fullerton HaIl Lecture ..•....•. ,. 724.b4Entertainment at Settlement •. ,. 78.45Room Rents ••••...•..•••••••.••..•From Settlement Clubs ••••• " •••.• J760.001 63S.26866.503802·S61439·54.. , .527.;'0: _�}����510181.61�enditureS2194.8644.1017S428676.69739.14430.69150:72J�·7000·40720.00066.752OS5·2560.00136.0710179-65i·, Surplus for the year ••••.••.•.•• :.Report of George H.. Mead. �.-: ....AlE YOU LOOIBIG fOR A PUCE .11 EAI?Give' THf ,COMMONS;� 'a Tri.'Ask the Upper C1us men ·Af?out�.� FoodYou'll Like the Club Breakraat mid CafeteriaMu,;c at, N;gM Good fOo4' Low PricesHave you raised the lid of thatlittle tin of Stag .and smelledthe FRAGRANCE inside? Shi)�oD : TaIb at Seab ChapeLEarle Shilton spoke at Seniorchapel yesterday on the point sys-Professor Theodore �. 'Soares ofthe Divinity school wiD speak at theDivinity chapel assembly at 10:IS to­day ill Haskell assembly room.CLASSIFIEDDVERTRIItlnSLOST-.l_lhi Beta Phi sorority pin.Lost Friday afternoon on the cam­pus. Kindly return to Georgia P.McElroy, Kelly Hall,.FOR RENT-For summer-Pleas­ant seven room furnished house.Rock Island train or street car to.city. $30 per mo. L. a, 10750Armida Ave., Morgan Park. llli.noiseLOST-At Florentine Carnival,February rrth a long willow traysuch as florists use, about J4 incheslong. ,. A reward. is offc3d for itsretur� to S�S �t End� avenue,3rd .apt, Tray'" is vaJuea ,'as heir­loom.NEW H�E FOR SALE-Ninerooms. $2000 cash. Easy terms .Address G. Maroon.STUDENTS, desiring to makeGOOD MONEY by selling anarticle of,.real merit. write us atonce. Easily handled on sparetime. OW'a5CO Supply. Company.Box No. 22S Auburn .. N. Y •FOR SALE-North Wisconsin Sum­mer camp location for sale. Tenvery desirable lots each SO ft. front­age on the Eagle chain Of.. 27 JakeLSplendid location for dub.' Owner,E. S. Coleman. Eagle Riv�1', Wi&.LOST-A black silk muftler at Black-1.96friar pedormance on May 3rd.N otiiy Maroon Office.SALESMEN WANTED-Summerpositions open. See lL C. Thomas.60SI Ellis avenue, morninp Io-n,afternoons 2-4- Phono for appomt ..ments, Midwa,. 7g06. Do Dot de­lay.'FOR RENT-F:;;;ed,s�iner cot­tage; 10 rooms aDd bath; 'Ye��directly oyerlookinc Lake MIchi­gan; large . wooded lot. perfectbeach; grace..,. delive17. Frank­fort, Michigan. 'Rental $150- Ad­dress C. K. Chase, HamitoiD Col­lege, Clinton, N •. Y.AUTOIIBILE OWNER�We bayethe finest tire filler ever producedand to introduce it We wiD giveenough to fill one tire absolutelyfree to University students havingmachines. Care of Maroon.WIDOW WA�WORK-Wenrecommended. Mrs. FrederickBrown, S48s East End avenue andMrs. Charles S. Eaton, 5744 Kim­bark avenue would call ,.our at­tention to the needs and skill ofMrs. Epstein. She does ,l4JifJ sew­ing and reline. and repairs coats.Her children will call for and re­turn all garments. She dese"esyour interest aad needs your worle.Addres.: M .... Epstein, s436 Lakeavenue, (3rd floor) opposite HydePark Center. Send a post card.\' ANTED-A bastling representatiftto sell a popular-priced I'0OIII dee..oration. £specian,. suitable for c0l­lege den, I..I� commillioll­Only one student at eacb school,so write for fun partic:ulan d once.The 1I0slrin Company, I� Sf.Loam Aveaa .. Cbic:ap In. IITli£ DAIL 'Y MA�o6M, THURSDAY, MA \' �, t�tj. , .�AORFOLKnwRROWCOLLAR--HIGH./N �HE BACK.AND. LOW IN FRONT 2. for2.Sca.eu.p�.,.aeo..lDo.."'"•••••• ++++++++++++ ••••••••. Men's FurnishingsFine Assortment ofSummer Goods atCo""hey'sSo. East Cor. 55th and Elli.BASEBALL RETURNSBy Innings.••••• II. II ..... It ••• II II ••(: URKISHBATHS75 Cents. . Plain Baths 2S Cent. Open Day and' Night.SARATOGA BARBER SROIJ. H .. 'Hepp, Prop.� Soutb-'�bom StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert ChiropodisTIle' cora ExGhauge Nation&l kDk�. . ... I;, ... ·1_. '. "• " "'J�. ';.!:' .� of.·Cbicaco.tt�"it:1 �-!"'tjta1";.II. �' :." -l ...• �." ..\.OapA ••••• � .•••••• � • • • • a.,ooo.ooo -,,·:l:: 'SUrP1- .. :;:�.:.� .. ::' •• "s,ooo,ooo.. Undivided �fita .:..... z.,ooopoooo. OBic:en.ER�ES'l' A. HAloDIILL. Pral4eDt.CHARLES L. HUTCHL�SO�. Vlce-�CHAU�CI!:Y J. BLAIR. VIoe-Pre.kIf1It.D A. lIOULTO�. VIce-PresI4ent.B. Co S.uallO�f!t..ylce-l'"'Iwl4e1lLFRA�K W. SMln�,SecntaI'J'.J. 2DWAlU> X44& CUbl ....,JAllleS G.· W AftES'IELD. Aut. Cubler.LICWUI 2. GARY. A_l"nt Caabler.ZDWAJW F. SCHOm.�BCK. Aut. CUbler.Qabrl_ B. Waebr Olyde K. carrlIanhl A. R,tnoD EdwID G. ForemaJICbaUDce, J. Blair _ Chalea 1.. Huu:btD8OllEdwu4 B. BQUer Wataon Eo BlairCbUlea H. BQlbar4: Edward A. SbedIl� BuckID&IWD lI'rederk:k W. cro.b7BeaJamJa CUDeDt_ �eat A. HamUlCHOOSE H. LOUISE··MICK TO SPEAK ATCLOSING EXERCISESH. Louise ,Mick was yesterdaychosen to speak for t�e, candidatesfor the degree of Associate at theJunior college ,closing exercisesJune 6, Ninety..eight -out of 160candidates were present at the meet­ing. Dean Lovett announced thatthe present deans of the Junior col­lege students would continue to bethe candidates' deans throughouttheir undergraduate course.Freshmen to Meet Tins MominCTalks on the projected point sys­tem, and on arrangements for theclass float in the Spring Festival will!be made at a Freshman class meet ..ing t�is morning at 10:15 in Kenttheate�. William Lyman will speakon the festival. Plans for a finalclass dance will also be discussed atthe meetinK'.Golf Matches Are PostpoaecLOwing to the inclement \Veatherthe golf ,matches which were sched­uled for yesterday were postponeduntil today�' . as an intuitive, sense. points; the position of his oppon.. Wei. so' is it the natural tendency ofAn expert player has hit the ball cut's feet and the direction of hi. your opponent's back-�d to falland his opponent's return will be balance; the glance toward a por.. in JOur left court.hack in an insrant.: But during thatinstant. the expert has been prepar­ing, -in mind and body, for the re­t urn; he is figuring, figuring. figuringell where his opponent's return islikely to go and what kind of a shotit will be; and, as his analysis ap­proaches swiftly its conclusion, heis moving, partly consciously andpartly unconsciously, toward thatplace in the court which his swiftstudy has told him will he the ob­jective point of hia opponent's re­turn. Some of the many detailswhich have flashed though the ex­perfs mind and have influenced hisdecision arc: the speed cut and placeof his own shot; his opponent's out- shot; and, as a left-handed batter hall and was prominent in the affair..standing weaknesses and strong I naturally "bangs 'em" out to right 0; Greenwood house.ANTICIPATIONtion of his court; the angle and CARL EXSELSEH .. '10,sweep of his opponent's racket; the AND IIISS LOUISEtemperament of the opponent. Bypert's anticipation of the next shot. In Peoria. They will reside in Chi,-A handy little idea tiiat helps in cago where Exselsen is engaged inthe general anticipation of at least the practice of law with Smith andtwo shots is one which may be well Wallace, 1703 Majestic building. Ex­illustrated from baseball. As a right; selsen graduated from the Lawhanded batter is more likely to bit school with the class of 1912. Whiletoward left field, so is your oppon- in the University he was prominent­cnt's front-hand more likely to fall ly identified with the Glee club andinto the right-hand side of your Blackfriars, Miss Helmbold was on'court, from the natural draw of the of the first residents of Greenwoodone of these considerations, variouscombinations of them, or the resultof the whole, may be the decidingfactor in explanation of the ex- HELIIBOLD TO WED. --Carl. Exselsen., '10, and LouiseHelmbold, !12, will be married June28 at the residence of Miss HelmboldTUXEDO is the logical smoke for million­aires because it is impossible to buy abetter tobacco. .Tuxedo iJ the logical smoke forthe ceo­nomical man because there are 40 pipefulsin a ten-cent tin - making the average costper pipefttl only one-fourth' of a cent]To buy cheaper tobacco .means to getless pleasure out of smoking, because it isimpossible to make a tobacco as good asTuxedo at less than the Tuxedo pricel("".eo. CDfI'Y. ex-Governor, nnd ex-Con­In'Oaaman from New �kxico. say!':IfTraeJo appeal:: lo me 3trongly .on .IIIII" •• _ .......-#'""oct»Unl 0/ ib cool, mild, plecuantflaWJr. (JTberdn lies ib wpcriordy 10 all otlrerIo6Gc:cos. "�-;" ��. -- -.The Perfect To6cfcco 'Ior:. Pipe GIIII aa-.a.Tuxedo . is made of only the finest,choicest, selected leaves of perfectly agedBurley tobacco. It is made by the originalTuxedo process which takes all the "npleas-- antness out of tobacco and leaves all thepleasantness in!Tuxedo has a deliciously mild, fragrantaroma, thatis pleasant to all. It is the onlytobacco you can smoke in a room full oflace cu rtains without leaving even a traceof an odor,A trial will convince you that Tuxedo.issuperior to every other tobacco you have eversmoked. Buy a tin-today. .YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHEREFamous greeD liD, willa pld 10 CODYeaieat , •• c., imIer- 5cletteriDg,carvedtofitpoCbt C lin_willa •••• ...- ....illllStrati.",ar,obo"t ."t­"all ,;�, ./r,ollllcloKU.Why Should I Smoke Tuxedo?JAKES WILL!Altl PATTISONJUDea WRllam ) attlson, ar tl .. t.lc:llll·rIn lllaaIclpal art. : nd DOW ecJitur of theJtIDa Alta JolU'lUll. l.:hlcaco. sa), 5 :·-44 � a 60:-�, and an open /ire.TAe. � tIure C:t.1;ght� I can rrcom­,,_J .. � man. &1 he sure th« pit�bl/ltJ IIIIh mild, f ragranl T uxeJo ;f �...,. ...... ,hc,h;-,;ein lhehigheslxnse..�ll��STANTON WARBURTONStaatoaWartmrtnn.C�l'ImaD from.... Slate of WashID,-cton.s:arl'l: .•• M,..". �ent:e letzth me 10 6e­IaJellwrf aJng dQ/rtlble qaailly is�''" T ...... T obaa». Ills lire ksI-keI .. W.;·IRVIN S. COBBInt. S. Cobb. weD.lmoWD ba!!,�ri 'and sholt1'tory writer. :luthor of I.a(Home_"-AD:llomy.·'ctc •• IUt)''': .--, am 'I think � ang reII#I ",;'p�', .'.y i li1(e TV%eCo-�C.;·I.,.., �".J,. II�.,,_, J �.•IIBy Charles Stewart.(Captain Tennis Team)1:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5T the risk of enteringthe territory of finepoints of the game, 1wish to say a word011 that part of theheadwork of thegame which is knownby the general termof "anticipation." By that term wemean the figuring out in advanceyour opponent's next shot-thc out­witting and outguessing of the manacross the net. Successful anticipa­tion, being so important a part oithe game, demands years of cxpcr­ience and a careful study and analy­sis of shots, styles, etc .• and. perhapsafter all, what may best be describedGEO.CU'RRYL. S. BROWNL. S. Brown. Gc�r'nl Agen� or theSootheI'D RaIlway at Wasblni:lon. S3Y:l:--Taeclo htu gained and maintained... ,." .,..,Ialion for auperiorily. 11$---. _Idness, ant! genuine aooilling.",tuIa arc fUlrioalliil. ".�HENRY STUCKARTCb'L� Stackart. City Treasurer .r...._u ... ,..--I � T aeJo as nol only a6-..,.1WrmJeu, hul genvinely 6eMfidai.T"'1Oa Into my pipe alUHIgs. "THE DAIL y")(AROON, THURSDAY, KAY 22,. 1913.'time,'is the opinion of Hunfy DzahyuLe�, a Chinese student. Lee spokebefore the Current Topics club inHarper M26 last night. The Out­look for the New Chinese Republic.was the topic of discussion. Thirtyattended the meeting.P�ogical Society.Profesor Merrill spoke(Continued from page I)WHAT ORGANIZATIONSARE DOING HERE on AnIdentitication ill Cicero and Dr .Gronow OIl Anzengruber's Relationto Naturalism at the meeting of thePhilological soci,ety last night atthe Hotel Bismarck,Y. W. C. L MeetinC.An upper class counsellor meetingwill be .held in the League roomsthis morning at 10:IS.Beach paey Committee. yesterday at the home of MiriamWhalin, 6056 Kimbark avenue, inhonor of Miss Robiusou of the 1I0us.­ing Bureau, who was the organizerof the Neighborhood clubs. MissSENIORS TO PLAY FACULTYThe Senior beach party committee Whalin was assisted by the threewill meet this morning at 10:15 in other presidents, Kaney Miller,Cobb 9i.:!. The committee consists Lynne Sutlivan and Florell�e Foley.of Myra Reynolds, Richard Gran- Handicraft Exhibit.quist, Helen Magee, Howard Keefe, Members of Foster hall held anKorman Paine, Cora Hinkins and exhibit of sewing and embroideringXorman Elmstrom. done by women of the ball.Interscholastic Commission. Fencibles Initiation.Chairman Lunde has called a Fencibles initiated twenty-one lastmeeting of the Interscholastic com- night in the Commons cafe.mission for next Wednesday. The Freshman Vaudeville.meeting will be held in the south One of the features of the Fresh-room of the 'Reynolds club at 7:15- man vaudeville to be given in the Rey-Scandinavian Club. nolds club Saturday afternoon willMr. Christian J. Bay of the Crerar be a dance called The Lantern Slide tired in a white suit. Then Hofferdecided that his presence was neededon the tennis courts and left Dr.Reed to secure the position by de­fault. The latter claims that Hof­fer's courage oozed as he saw thespeedy liners that Coach Page per­sisted in sizzling over the plate.The lineups follow:Faculty.D. B. Reed (Captain) C.H. O. PaJ!e. P.H. G. Gale. IBC. Kinsley. 2Br. Keyes. S SF. Merrifield. 3BOutfielders.H. G. MoultonR. W� StevensG. A. BlissSubstitutes.R. T. Chamberlain\V. KuhC. W. WriJ!htSeniorsCarpenter, PSteinbrecher. (Captain) CScofield. 2BFreeman. IBCatron. S SBoyle,3BPaine. C FRell L FGoettJer, R FSubstitutesKuhSellerslibrary will speak in Danish before by Janet Flanner and James Dyrcn­forth. Those who can give anystunts have been asked to give theirnames to Marjorie Coonley, JanetFlanner or George Patrick.Kent C�emic31 Society.Members of the Kent Chemical�embers of the Bronson club will. society witl meet at their last regu-�;ye a dance Friday night in the lar meeting tomorrow night at 7:15-B�ynoJds club. in Kent 14. Dr. \V. R. Smith, the. Dranlatic Reading Society. first Ph. D. of the Chemistry depart,the Scandinavian club tomorrowcvenlng at 8 in Lexington. The sub;�f!�t of his speech will be the Peasant�� a Type in Danish Literature.Bronson Club Dance,The Dramatic Reading Society will ment, will lecture on Geo-Chemistry.f:h'e a beach party in' Jackson park The meeting and lecture will beJp,JIlorrow. The chaperones will be preceded by a dinner in HutchinsonMr. and Mrs. Gorsuch. Those at- cafe at 6:IS.f�pding have been asked to meet at Current Topics Club.fhF German building at 4- That the new republican form ofNeighborhood Reception. government in China wil! work outA farewell reception was given successfully and pass the test ofAllUSEIIERTS AMUSEMENTS. AIlUSEMENTS!JEFFERSON. .f 55th Street and Lake Avenue. pRINCESSFirst Chicago AppearanQ: iat 5 yearsLew Fields' Laughingly PresentsWILLIAM COLLIERin ··Never Say Die."EMPRESSR. B. WARNERTHEATER... Itftet .... Cottqc .... AftWeek startlDg Sun.llat llay 18SULLIVAN 4 CONSIDINB NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFin neew n1Cht17 of the late8t mOYIDCpictures. Come ao4hear 001' new $7.5OC'pipe oqaD.TONIGHTSEVERAL GOOD REELSADIlISSION Summer Prices: $I.so. No HieberWednesday Maa., $1.00 -WHEN DREAMS COME TRUEwith'Joseph Santleyand a Splendid Cast aad ProductionPRODUCING DEPARTIlEHTANNOUNCE llaiD Floor, all acats • • • • • • I.Balcony. all Rats. • •.••••••• 5Prof. Anderson presents Little Hip pAlACE MUSIC BALLCECIL LEAN & CO. in ILLINOISAU Chicqo Is Lauchinc WithBLANCHE RING·'When Claudia Smiles"Barry Conor. Soup aDd airJa-rhe Moving Picture Man."Smallest performing elephant in the Edwin Stevens assisted by TinaNapoleon the Great Marsball,4 Buntings including Har­ry S. Feru. Amy Butler and HerBoys, Ed�ards Zoeller Trio, TheThree EUisons. Fred Santley andEileen Sheridan, Rose" Ellia. MAJESTICworldThe world's wisest cbimpaD%ee andTHE WORLD IN CHICAGOExposiiton and Pageant now openCOLISEUM Every We(kday 12 noonto 10 P. M.A WORLD'S FAIRAdmission. 25c; Children, ISC­AUDITORIUMPAGEANT OF DARKNESSAND LIGHTFirst Time in Chicaco; a MagnificentSpectacle.SOC to '1.50; Boxes, $10.00 A Laughing BiD ThroucboutLOUIS MANN a COin a Comedy Gem �Elevatinc aHusbancL "MACK.ORTHMelodious Fan MakersBedini & Anhur-A Laugh EveryMinute; Hany Leichton. Co.-in aBreezy Farce ;Ra1ph Smalley-TheGr",� Cellist;Tbe Jordan Girls­Wondelfu Ware Walkers; DeRenzo& LaDue-The CIOWD and the Comic:New Edison Talkinc Pictures.Five O�er Star Acts.PRICESI Oc-2Oc-3OcCOlAN'S GlANDA STAR AND PLAY TYPICAL• OF AMERICAGKORGE K. COHAN A·ND HISCOMPANY IN CORT POVVERS(The Oricinal Jimmy Valentine) 01ivu Morasco and C� L. Wapert in --rhe Ghos: Breaker." present THE IIONEY IIOONGeneral Admiaioa: Rata 1lIII014. atRven'gs &: Sat. Mat., SOC $r.so- • eftIIIDp ..... ......_ at pc ....• Wed. Kat. soc, $1.00BROADWAY lOND IN. EST MKN '5,'We bewe two $15.000 U", .O\_)·e-ar nra·1DOI'(ga1U � '''''0 PI'OPft'tI .. wttbIa •b:oc:k8 of tJhe Unh·"".t.,·. The blllldlnp on which tlM-se .. � .� mach ..... bl&tlln�. pro�" of .t.M beolIt . c:oo.truodon lbrouCholll. �. Iocaltcl to the belt ..attoaor .. � .!>ark. ..._:PrOPerly' ,v"".tkni 11\ eom es.e Ie at 1t'ft8¢ ttrice tbe arnouat 0( __..:;a.:.o hav;' bIl ;baoo oltl�r blch Imld<!n)()l"fp� and Real Estale bondII oe 8our.baide. pr'Opelt1:-. lW 04 wbIclt we would �p:� to 8OD4 upoo appllc.doD.. '." F\Jor parlicu:.... acJd�Fort De�r�orn Trust CA} �arint(s BankREAL ESTATE LO AN DEPARTMENTllO�ROE A�D CLARK STREETS.Telephone: Randolph 4301 P. A. -JND .. -cr·.. --- .. -- - � .."'It U........_ __ • .... � .... t tit t 1& L L L.We are showing a smart line of "British" Tweeds for Eqliah SackSuits; "Scotch" and "Irish" Home spuns for Norfolb and the createstIine of Flannels for Trousers we have ever shown..Special values at $30 lor suitsand $8 for trouse rs or Knickers.TAILOR FO.T !'J. La Salle S:t'Hit.11 Eo )I..-n� Str�l.25 1C. Jadaloa Bltvd. YOUNG lIE.A. N. JERREMS. Manacer.: I. II hir ! IBTABU5HEO 1888"Broadway, Cor. T�ty·SecODd St.New York.Our Representative Mr. Lanzer, will be a�Congress Annex f'.arly in MayWith latest Spling suits, overcoats, riding �pd motor carmaats t"�Ii,� I'.:. ,. IIf !I·':t ,.J ,I ,English Haberdashery� bab5 ftfl� �oea.Send for mustra ted Ca�ope.---------------------------------.�,��,�.�--------�------­"\ \.'I,:1!II,The Man of Avonpictured meditation'as "chewing the cudof sweet and bitterfancy." We modemmeditators smokeVelvet, and.·achewthe bitter fancy. • 01Ii,Ir\I,Fill your pipe withthis choice �wth ofBurley_ leaf and­think kindly of those. who know not the de­lightful richness andsatisfying smoothnessof Velv�t.AIle.,,'- .=-:..........,.." . IiPATltOIflZK IIAROOR AD� .. �