;,III"'.II III '.. � I,�:: ' ...I 'j'II ......:Irnntt.-VOL. XJ�, No. 139. l.J1\IVERSITY UF'CHICAGO; WED:\"ESOAY, 'MAY 14, 1913. PRICE FlVE CENTSWOMEN ARE TO EDITMAROON FOR TUESDAYhands of the printer a11(1 the l'ditor�expect to ha\"e the hooklet r('ady forfIRST SING TO BE TOMORROW ALPHA TAU OME(i�.1SSCHOL\RSHIP" LEADER VARSIU-MEETS rUROOE1:0DAY TWENTY -ONE CHOSENBY FRIARS YESTERDAYMea Will Vacate Ellis Office for ThirdTime I. HistOl"J of the UBi­'l'enity Daily ,�usical Organizations and the FourUnuergraauate Classes to TakePan ill Afternoon Gathering. An- Delta U, Alpha Delta, a.d Beta Arenounce Program Yesterday. !mODI Fint Few ia FntemityStaaclialMISS WILLISTON TO BE EDITOR Members of the four classes andthe uifierellt musical organizationsof the L uiver sity will rake part' inthe program 01 the lirsl Uuivcr sity�ing tomorrow from 5 to 6 in Hutch­inson court, The band will alternatewith' the musical societies and theNina O'Neill and Dorothy weil WillBe News Editors-Augusta Swa­wite Is, Business Manager. .-�REPORTPUB�H£DYESTERDAYGeneral Average Is :-!igher.-DeanLinn Says Shows 'Initiation Re-quirernent T,)u Lo\i·.' Team Will Fight to Hold FirstPlace 'in Conference Race-Strug­gle Seems to Lie' Between Chica­go ancf l1linoi� for Honors.Chicago will meet the Purduebaseball team 'this afternoon onMarshall Field. and a victory wilit �sult in the Varsity holding firstplace in the Conference race, at leastuntii the 'Jiiinois game Saturday. Aglee defeat will mean the relinquishing ofI he lead to Illinois.Alpha Tau Omega leads the fra-- Coach.c.Pagctcrnities in Scllol:lrstliii"-for""tllc \Vin:' Twenty-one men were yesterdaywill; .proha_hly_ .use.e lectcd to the Blackfriars at a meet-For the third time in the historyof the paper women students oi theUniversity will_t_�,��_ full, possessionof the otiic� allO 'edit a woman's edi­tion oJi the DAILY MAROOX, Theedition will appear Tuesday andpromises to be the best edition oithe year, according to the women.The women's edition will he underthe direction of thc women membersof the, staff who will he assisted hyspecial correspondents and cont rih­utors from all departments of theUniversity in which women arc in­tcrcsterl, This edition is thc one1.uhlil·ation of the University in orchestra will uccompany theclubs in their songs.The program was announced yes­t crday by �l usical Director Stevens.who is in charge of thements. arrange- tl'l quarter according to the list justmade puhlic hy De:lII Linn. BetaTheta Pi. the ieader. in the Autumnquarter h:1S dropped tti r.."rth place. Baumgartner on the slab, as he hasshown by far the_ J)e�t form of anyof the pitchers this year, winningevery Conference game he haspitched. Purdue has had a fairlywhich the women havc complete I. Concert numhers hy Iland.;.!I. Chicago songs. and old fuvor itcs· by Glee club, accompanied byorchestra.3. Ban,t4. Songs by \\' omen' s Glee cluh.=; .Band� .. J 1111ior class songs.j. Alma M;lter., t ro m . Pranks oiPaprika, by I_{ol_a_!ld George andBlackf'riar chorus.S. Hand.9. \V. A. 1\' chorus. in Chicago SOI1)of Campus Follies.10. Alma Mater] leu by Senior class.Classes to Assemble. ... \. T. CJ. was second 'in tltl' Autumn successful season although they havequarter. Delta Upsilon a ml Alphn (lilly played a few' games;' TheyDelta Phi arc ll�e ot iier iralcrnitieslost to Illinols,Infield Is Unchanged;The i'nfield wilt remain unchangedwith M�11111 behind the hat, Norgrenon first, Scofield on s�cond. Catronat short and Des Jardicn on third.quarter. 'The lowest .avcrage For the Gray will play right field, and StainsWinter.' quarter, made hy Phi Kappa.center. 'It is uncertain whether Har;Psi; was 1.83 w hiie in,' the .. \utumn g-er or Bohnen wilt he 'used' in left,quarter Kappa Sigma.. who had the hut the chances favor Harger be-The Program. .control and may g-ive their grie\·­ances anti their activities full pub.Iicitv. "mung 'the top four.The hig hest aye�agl' I 11I� quarter is..1,3 grade point higlll':r than it waslast quarter, A.' T.' .0.. ha\·ing . ana verage of 3.30 to nc��'s 3. 15 of last, ...... west average, made.·only 1.23. The, ,�, -cause of his showing in -the North-Tile Seniors will assemble at the marks of active men. and pledges_. . western �mc.Sh'PS of Hutchinson court ncar were counted though the �larks Chicago wilt meet I1lin'ois'at Cham-Mitchell tower. Juniors wilt meet at made by law and graduate studentsWilliston Is Editor.Dorot hy Williston will step intotht, m;ltIaging t',litor's sanctulll in theJ1ortht'ast corncr oi the ollice for thc.'day, Xina O':'\citl and Doroth!· \Vei!will he news cditors, and :\u�ust ..Swawite husiness manager. l.illian--'-S\va"\ri,,!""'\�·;;r-tr�,'(.""'chat"��'!.Gf."'·iic:!'W(»men's athletics.: and Dorothy LIeweilyn will 1001:c after the men's ifthere is anything of sufficient im,portance in that deartment to he'gl"en space in the women's ellition.GraCe Hotchkiss, Sarah HcinwatdFlorencc Sharp and Mary Girlin�associat�" editors, will hc assistc,l hya staff of reportcrs headed hy Mis!''Vayman and Miss Melcher. ..\mon'·the others arc: Janet Flanner. Charlotte Viall, Miriam Whalin. Lynn. Su11i\"an. H. Louise Mick, Mary Mac·Doni,lel, RlIth Gartland. Marjoritl"hlman, Patty N ewhoM, Ruth Retic'ker. 2\{ar�lIerite Swawite and Mih'Aoi, t hc southeast steps ncar the tenni�courts. Sophomores at the north,west steps, near Hull court. ;11)1'Frc�sh11len on the steps opposite tlltSeniors.' It is expected that facult)J�!.�!���� __ �!tJ:!�rru)nt in forc� .• ,A grand piano will be rolled to th:oll�n wiridows of Hutchinson cafe.fhe balld and orchestra will he stalioneu in the middle of' the sunkel'd "tchinson court. l\I r. llIancliar(,.wel .M r. Stevens. ··-wilt uirect th�,llllsic.1s Outgrowlh of Movement... I hclie\'e that all students will at­.t."nd the lirst Cni\"ersity sing, the,utgrowth of a spontaneous movc­.Il'nt ·ior a grand "mixer'" to hring,ogether the mcn and wom�n of all.lasses:' SOlid Director Stcn;ns la: .. t,I:ght. "The Cndergraduate Councileariy took up the ielea of a Cniver­,ity sing Olnd all the organizationsarc now cagerly cooperating." Th"111� will really hc a great one."NAME SUZANNE FISHERAS W. A. A. BANQUET HEAr iJ RS. JUDSON TO BEAT HOME...TODAY TOUNIVERSITY PEOPLEAppointed General Chairman of A£fair Takin'5 Place June 4-Com-'mittees Are Named. l\I rs. J uelsCln will he "at ht)ll1c"· hIS aiternoon from 3 to (. to 'mcm­ill�rs of 'tlie l'nin'rsity for the last· ime t his yl':l1� She will he as!'istell:11 rel'l'i\'ing lIy :\Irs. 1'aul Short·),.\ Ion will spend next year in German\"• it h Dr. Shorey. who will gi\'e till'�flnl'n'dt Ic.'ctures there,SnzatltW F,;sher has hcen appointett!-T('1wr:ll chairman of the \V' A.:\. han(lnct which ",:II he I1('M JU11l' 4. RuthBozcll Is Bl1sin('ss :\1<t11a�er.The committees follow:Menu-ll1liette :\nh's. chairman.Lillian Sil'ini�t'r. l�l1th :\forsc atH'�E1tnicl' \Vorthen.Program-Anna Irrim('s. chairmanPhoC'hc C10vcr and I' c1('n l.co',;>r,'Toast!-Doroth\' \Villiston. chair·man. Florcnce "othermd and Jan.::F1:mner. 'Decorations-Dorothv nent, chairm:m, Ruth Pross('T. I liMa MacClin'tock and Margaret Riggs.Publicity- Dorot hychairman.Ml�sic-�firia11\ 'Vhalin, chairma1'Ruth Agar. JUDSON, GOODSPEED·AND ANGELL WRITEFOR HAL� BOOKLETLlewellyn :\ history oi t he hall hy Dr. Gonet.�pecd .11 1ft letters from Prc!'identJudson :ll1d Dean :\n�ell will featurethe tirst edition of the /life/,encl'.·1 ",,,,al. All material is now in theBaseball Game Is Postponed.The hasehall g-ame hC'tween .. \1r)ha ,Iistrihution a \�'eek from Saturtlay,Ddt and D"lta U has heen post- .M('mhers of the hall will he asked toponcd until Friday afternoon. subscribe this week paign Saturday in thc' first game of awcre not counted hecause they were.tlot a\' ail:, hie.. Kappa· S!gma .Ri;;es. �eries' that w'iW probahly determinethe Confcrence championship; If'the Varsity can win consistentlyT�he �reat('�t increasc in scho�ar-. from the 1Ilini the championship�hip !S shown. in. th� c.ase �f KappaSigina whid� ,rose 'ir�tII sC"�nt�,enthin. the Autumn qllar�er with an, aver­age. of .L�3 to ele\"en�h in the \Vin-ter with �.I.3;: Chi Psi .rose f��m six­tt:cnth with an average of I..t8: _t�11111th with an. a\·erage of .2.32 .. D�1t�l"'psilon �aised its � a\"Cra�� �f 2.49 in·the .Al1tu�l1n to. 3,02 and A!pha DeltaPhi frol�l: 2.25, �o' 2.f)G, The. onlymarked' d��rease was in. the ,.case ofPsi· Upsilon which ft'll from 2.48_ to1.9(, I and o�' Det�' 'rhcta pi �bich fcllfrom 3.!5 to �·70.''"From the tahle it is plain' t!lat th�'-!c"neral scholar�hip of the fraternities's much higher in the'. \Vinter quar­ter than .in the Aut\t1l1n." says DeanLinn in his report. "The _differe�ceis prohahly due almost ent',rely totwo thil1�i: rushin�, and the ThreeQuarters clnh. ,The �eneral testi­mony is. howc���r.. _tlla_t_2tudying ise:t!'i('r i1� the �\·i!ltt:?t: _th�n at· ��)'_ otherSt'a50n of the yc�r,"Discusses Scholarsb,i�e."Thc rank'rcally is of' little \'3Iu('in many cases," tht' rcport conlin,ucs: "hctween sixth' 'place atl·'twelfth one 11I:111- �ftcn dctt"rmin,',he Jlosition. :\�:ti1\. Delta' "all.,:Epsilon which ma.1c: an average gailof . .?� �rade points. actually sank fr011lthirteenth plact' tf) ionrteenth. nnt:iw ri�e nr ialt oi gC1lt'ral pel"centaJ;:e.:S oi consi.lt'rallie intert'st. ' A studyoi thl' itHli\"ielnal t'haptcrs secms to!,-how condu!'i\"cly that t1.tc. present"tanelare' ior initiation, (th�(' maiorswith an avcr:t�e of C-- for every sec.ms 'sure ,t� com� to', Chicago.'- Will- Give Free' Hair 'CUts.' .'Men :on "the . h�airi . \�.i1I 'ha�e' anadded incentive for' spectacular ,yorktoday f�r Mr.' Bratfi�h of the' Rey:'rujids cluh harber sh';p :yesterday an�'n�unce� tha-t he' w';tild gi�'e free hair':Cllts �o al1 �akiitg- h_Ome-r1t�s: Men�makin'g two hcnners' will 'r�c�ive' aha"ir-cut and massage. Mr;·· Bradishsai(� in' ��no�ncin�' his 'off�r:"The hoys can't make me mad: rrl. ---he overjoyed to se� them make sixhome runs, �ven if 'it ,vould caiis� arun on the S110i>: This �ffer will holt}good 'for the' remainder of the con�ference season."·FLORENCE. RO.THERM�L ANJl'CHESTJ;:R BE�L·WIx..L LEADRuth ·Agar. Sall�uise FordGrace Van Evera' Are toLead Hop. andFaib, DJreaforth, RedmoD, Doney,--rattIe;C-eoqe uir1"erwilliiai--Are fint SueDWILL ELECT FOURTEEN TODAYOfficers for Coming Year Will BeChosen at Mee:ing This After­noon at 3 :30 in Cobb 6A.ing of the active brothers at 3:30 inCo';l, (0 • .\: - L�\�-is l'�uik� I�ead-s-' thelist. Fuiks composed most of themusic for The Pranks of Paprika andplaved for every- rehearsal.' Theothersix men composing the 'first sevenwcre aU- in the cast.Ordinarily twenty-eight m_en areelected each year from the authors,cast and chorus of the show. Yearbefore last only t�\·ent)·-onc were se­lected .. At yesterday's meeting Itwas decided to make up for '"the de­ticiciic):-th�t year-'hy 'dectf�g th�ty­live 'm'cn'-fhiS'yc�ir:- -Tlie other twosevens and the' next year's officersof -the order w!1I be elected at, a meet­mg. this: afternoon at 3 :JO� in -Cobb6.-\',E!c:ven Are. Freshmen.Of ,t.he twenty.,o_nc lIIt'n chosen yes- .terday, one was one .. of the ,COtn-Florenyce Rothcrmel and Ch�ster:�!�11 ,will .Iead the Interclass HOllTlmrs((ay. June 5. Ruth A�r -and:\ nrg-re11 will lead thc Juniors: Sally.. ollise Ford and George Lyman, t-he<;_'ophollwr('s: and Grace Van Evera. flfl �;llc. 'Villard .the Freshmcn.The program will 'contain twenty- INTFI?SC�OLASTIC-:-i;!ht dances and no extras. The .Ho" COMMISSION �FGINSwill he held in Bartlett Gym. Xo WIDE ADVERTISU:-fl('('ora�ol1s. programs, or rcfresh­me1rt� ha\"(� yet hCt'n dccicteil 011,The ,lance will he very informal. themen wearing white tlannd tronser ..:,l11et hlue coat!'. Final plans wilt hl'made at the next meeting of the ar­r:tnJ,!ements committee.An unnsnal1y'large nnmher of mcn;,net women are expccte(l to he pres­Dcan Sumner to Address Y. W. C, L. ent this year. Letters 1la\"e beenDean \\'alter Sumner ,... iIl .g;\'e a �('nt to all the fraternities enc1os.in�lecture on the n:twninJ:' Consci,ouse t;ckets for those who e�p('ct to at­n('ss of \\�omen's Loyal,ty at the tenrl. The money for the tickets11leetinf! of the Y. \\e. C. L: tomor- l1111st he pai(1 to George Lyman byrow morning. June 3. Jlo_se_rs •. sey�n .were members of the":lst.andthe re,st were from the:.chor- -\1S. �w�, Qf. th� members of. the('as�, ,Sh,�lI. _a�d_ M_orse,� .had beenel�ct.ed ·.lJ1er:n.her,S -oJ. : BtackJriars inpr�yjo�s, .years. or. _t!I� _ new mench���n. �Ic;v��, �r.� Fre.s�men;The !l!e!l, elect�d _ are:_'"_ _ ,. �i.q;.t. Seven..___ �e,wis, , f�iks-: ·J�.l1!.es Qy.re�rorth,Cr,aig �e�monGf!orge QorseyRO.t>er.t _Tuttle�oland: George.Harold Tenviltigar,S�.nd ,�_ev�IT erman KopalclHarry Bogg_George LymanIra. RussLaur�nce ,H�rpole�alph G;lr�lnerfIas�el1 RhettThird Seven.Lorin OwenHarold T� MooreDan BrownHazen HaggertyPhilip MillerRicJ1ard :\fatthewsLewis NortonPosters have been sent to eif!�··,liiJcrent railroads hy the Tnt('rschn'astic puhlicity committce to hc ,I" �trihllted hy th(,111 in their "ariol1s el 'f.,ots. The T nterscholastic watch-fo'have heen ordered and w1l1 he offf'r" ,for sale to the 5tl1cients next W(Of I�,A rontine meeting of the commissi '11was held last night.Dr. Hall WilJ ralk Here ToniJ�'·Dr. Winfield Scott Hall will t ',.on Sex Hygiene .tonight. Ail r··:­"ersity men ha,·c been invited to at·tend.:-.THE DAILY KAROON: WED�ESDAY. MAY 14, 1913-The Daily Maroo n10:15. I son, Esther Sutcliffe, Edith Burg­! hart, H. Louise Mick and Irene Tay­lor.As the first championship game isto be played Wednesday the womenare practicing daily. The Seniorshave an excellent battery but have1lai1an.Uc J 4Ific ...tKIUiaI �1dftII � ..... pn Bulletin and Announcements.MAROON ADS·BRING RESULTSSenior Coilleges and College of Dramatic Club-Tomorrow, 10:15,Commerce and Administration- Cobb DB.Chapel. 10:15, Mandel. Y. W. C. L.-Tomorrow ..Blackfriar Electioll&-3 :30, Cobb 6A. Lexington.Mrs. Judlson 46 At Home"-3 to 6, French. Clu�Tomorrow,Lexington 14-University . Sinecat�Tomorrow. few good hitters. The Seniors are4:31), particularly anxious to get thischampionship as they were beatenaDd Band Con- out in the other sports by the J un-Sl Hutchinson iors.l'Ubl_ed d&U7 � SIIIIida,Fe. 1l0Dda,...&DoI1 bolidai. duriDc CbI'M Q.nen of cheUlkVeswU7 ,... .� .. �D4·c"" mall _ th. OhlC&&'OPo&t�ce. .� 1lL� .Ka.n:h lbo 1908. Wl-46r Act of llarch So 18'lI.lillB8CJUrrIOK 'a&TUBy CllllTlec". f2.:10 • )"eU; 61.W .. Quan..r.BJ' mall. $3000 & J'Vo1"; '1'» & quarter..t;d1torl&1-Buame. Omce. lWI8 26-T"�� lt1dtW&)" 6OQ.Hyde Park -6701 (at.ter 8 p. m.)�all .Box .'0".. Facult7 ETCb-DS' President's bouse.Freshman BabyNeighborhood room.Unive� Baseball Game-Chica­go vs. Purdue, 4. Marshall Field.Jl!Ilior Mathemati� Club-4:30,Ryerson 37.University Public Lecture-Mr. W.M. Salter. 4:30, Harper M16. xDr. Hall's Talk on � Hygiene-S. Kent theater.' !Divini� Chapel-Tomorrow, 10:15,H askell assembly room, court.Religious Education Club-Tomor_row, 7:30, Haskell 12.Philosophical Club,- Tomorro�, Give Students Special Rates.Instructors and students will hegiven one dollar seats for fifty centson Wednesday nights this month atShadow)" Waters .. which is being gi\'.en at the Chicago Little theater inLexing- the Fine Arts building.'7:30, Harper M12.Reception to Peace Delegates­Friday, 10:15, Mandel.German Club-Friday, �ton 4 and 50University Public Lecture-Dr. WH. Wilder, Friday, s. Physiology 25. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSM,o"n.. Ed1*-, JIInwa K_.'eo'& The edUOI" U 110' reqOlldbI4J 101" t1feto, ..l'ewa Edl&or MarUa 8&eYenAUaJ.IIe.K4llor _. - - ..... y� D"Ued here. Co..uMcGtCou..........._ ...... - BIInIe&&e JIu&dolled CIa GI& ertdetlce 01 11004 foULThe Freeman Case.Baa7� .. JlaaJr.eIl BbeU To the Editor:LeaD 8tola Our attention bas been attractedto a Iettter in today's (May 10)MAROON concerning the eligibilityBU. HalIblC Georft Sbd.er.N!n. U·�.w •• Georp GI'&7 of Mr. Freeman, the captain of theDo ...... ' ·Wei1 - -.. A.,... l:twa.Ue_ baseball team .. All our+knowledge ofJIobert. .u.a.t.c:berGeort;o Oow"pemDoIodI7 w�• • WiWam 14manasrua'rKUCfllitodalE1aewhere in these columnsnouncement is made of the "women's: edition" of the DAILYMAROON., appearing��OPlen's. TuesdaY). The termEcUtion. .used in naming this·special edition, of theMAROON �. rather a misnomer:ev.ty edition of the DAI� Y MA­ROON is in a large degree a.·"wo­men's edition." One-fourth of thestu4ents emplpyed on the .staff arewomen. A large proporoon of theDeWS stories in the paper are of realinter�t to··die Women 'of the Uni­versifY. In other da� the MA­ROON -had a "women's editor" 3Ddunder her a 9I� of women.· ,·Todaywomen work upon'.�e DAILY 'MA- .ROON exactly as men do. Theirwork is the same- .their ehanees ofadvancement are � ·same. 'h es­pecial effort • made to see �t ev­ery campus activity· in which womenare concerned is given the same pub­licity and attention in these columnsas the activities participated in prin­cipally by men. Tuesday's MA­ROON, dlen,· while fo·r want of· abetter name called the ''women's edi­tion," will in reality be no more a"women's ed!�on' 'than any other,except that i� will contain featurematerial not run in ordinary editions.The MAROON Tuesday will be runexclusively by women in" order thatreaders may realiZe bow imponanta part the work Of' women ptays in:he conduct of their DewSpaper, 3:ldthat they· may judge lJnw favorablyit compares with the work of themen. A further reason for the pub­lication of a Hwomen's edition" is adesire to advet'!ise to thE. women ofthe Dl'ldergraduate student body thefact that women are becoming en·I!r.usiastic workers upon the MA­ROON. Tha� their work is appreci­ated is shown by· the bet that the�taff un. in hopinlt that a largernumber of women will enter the stall"competition next year than this. Theadvantage aad opportunities offered�em are predseIy \he ��me as thosethat yearly induce dozen!' of men toenter the long, hard aDd ever de­lightful nee for staIf pc,sitions _the IIAROON'.The cation, and if we are iri. error as to are able to understand. The pagesfacts it is because the ones there also wish to defend "Attendant" instated are inaccurate._ his assertion that the "Ladies of theAs far as Mr. .Freeman personally Post" did not stick to facts. I haveis concerned, the case -appears to us consulted the evening elevator man,a lost cause. To·ali arguments Dean and he denies he is colored, and I;Marshall has only to answer, "It's .really believe him, or else I am col­not so nominated in the bond." And· or blind. "One of the Ladies" saysthe elevator man was readingThompson's Social Origins, while intruth, Thompson did not write sucha volume. However we have aThomas' Social' Ori�ns. and possiblyshe means that he Was reading this.Why attempt to claim things that tenout of ten persons declare to befalse?nation far trascends that of the ques- Cornelia BeaU has been electedlion whether Mr. Freeman is or is captain of the Senior college base­not to appear on the diamond this ball squad, and Helene Kenney hasSpring. \Ve suggest that the stu- been picked to lead the Junior col­dent body and the MAROON for ieJ;e women .. Blanche Mason hasthem protest formally against the been chosen manager for the Sen­present vicious and arbitrary regn- iors and Ruth Prosser for the under-lations. dassmen.(Signed).. The following are the Junior andGraduate Students ancl Alurimi. Senior squads for the present:Seniors: Cornelia Beall. Ella Lcud-Defense. eman, Frances Houston, MarionTo the Editor: Martland, Margaret Riggs, MargaretIn regard. to the editorial which Rhodes, Florence Foley, Rhodaappeared in the last Eve"ing Post Pfeiffer. Helen Leonard, Lillian Swa­�pppleme�t, and the communications wite. Effie Shambaugh; Anna Grimeswhich ,have. been published in the and' Edna Bell.DAILY MAROON concerning the Juniors: Helen 'Kenney, Lauralibrary service and denouncing the Walter, Dorothy Llewellyn; Doro­pages, I wish to rlefend my fcllow thy Bcnt, Janet Flanner, Alma Par­pages and myself. Weare neither. mele Grace Hotch ... ;·... Teua Carl-l' .......,the affair comes from this communi-an-no one c�n gain,say him.But the incident has. called atten­tion . to a state of 'atbits' which weconsider rankly uhj·ust. The .�'di�cre­tionary power" �bich'- ena�l.ed :DeanMarshall to exact an agreement suchas Mr. Freeman signed is certainlytoo powerful an instrument to be en­trusted unchecked to any man. Itplaces the right of the student tocompete in athletics at the whim ofthe head.of the department to whichhe belongs.The scholastic standard which ev­e� competing athlete. must, attainsho�ld be set .by the University andapplied to one and al{. without .fear,favor, or discrimination.Under the present regime we haveno assurance that Dean Marshall oranother official invested. with same"discretionary' _power" will not sayto some promising Junior athlete,.-.U nless you make Phi Beta Kappaby the end of the year I shall de­clare you ineligible next fall.' Forought .we know there may be twen­ty or a bundred men now in theUniversity [who are under agree­ments like the one signed by Mr.Freeman.Surely the importance of the sit- uncouth. noisy, ignorant, nor fiends;and although pone of us possesses a LOST-At Florentine Carnival,college education, we are not block-heads. Possibly it would be a great February r rth a long willow traysuch as florists use, about 14 incheslong. A reward is offered for itsreturn to 5485 East End avenue,3rd apt. Tray is valued as heir:-help to us if we had an accurateknowledge of Egyptian, Hindu andseveral other languages in order thatwe might decipher some of the slipswe receive from students and "La­dies of the Post." The pages canalso read and are able to distinguisha three from an eight, and know thatR. R means Reading Room, whichis more than many of the kickers loom.NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Ninerooms. $2000 cash. Easy terms .Address G. Maroon.STUDENTS, desiring to makeGOOD MONEY by selling anarticle of real merit, write us atonce. Easily handled on sparetime, Owasco Supply Company.Box No. 225 Auburn, N. Y.. YouDidNotsubscribeYouCanBuyACap.' "':� r:, d'·.. �. ,an(j''. O.wn.WhileTheEditionlasts----AtEllis 14AllDay• '(III"; """':' .. - ...�t;Dl1.{TT.(Jr1,LOS_T-A black silk muffler at Black­friar performance on May Jrd..Notiiy Maroon Office. .FOR SALE-North Wisconsin Sum­mer camp locaticn for ·sale. Ten·very desirable lots each 50 ft. front­age on the Eagle chain of '27 lakes.Splendid location for club. Owner,E. S. Coleman, Eagle River, Wis.The library is conducted by someof the foremost' librarians in .c\mer- SALESMEN WANTED-Summerpositions open. See H. C. Thomas,6051 Ellis avenue, mornings Io-n,afternoons 2-4. Phone for appoint­ments, Midway 7906. Do not de­lay.ica, and the· staff, attendants andpages are a very efficient force.A little tact and patience is ex­actly what the "Ladies of thePos,"and other kickers need. ·Why· do theynot present their kicks to the men.in charge instead of howling. so muchin print? Possibly they. wish to bewitty and notorious. If so, let themcontinue; as we wt1l to do our best,as we always have done.(Signed·)Harry.R. SwansonFor the Pages. FOR RENT-Furnished summer cot­tage; 10 rooms and bath; verandasdirectly overlooking Lake Michi­gan; large wooded lot, perfectbeach; grocery delivery. Frank­fort, Michigan. Rental $150. Ad­dress C. K. Chase, Hamlton Col­lege, Clinton, N. Y.·CORNELIA BEALL HEADSSENIOR BASEBALL TEAll WIDOW WANTS WORK-Wellrecommended Mrs. FrederickBrown, 5485 East End avenue andMrs. Charles S. Eaton, 5744 Kim­bark avenue would call your at­tention to the needs and skill ofMrs. Epstein. She does plain sew­ing and relines and repairs coats.Her children will call for and re­turn all garments. She deservesyour interest and needs your work.Address: l£rs. Epstein. 5436 Lakeavenue, (3rd floor) opposite HydePark Center. Send a post card., -Juniors Pick HeleDe Keaney to LeadThem in Cbampioaslrip SeriesNat Week.'I ANTED-A hustling representativelo sell a popula.r·price.-! rOom dec­oration. Especially su�table for col­lege rlens. Liberal commission·Only one student at each school,so write (or full particulars at once.The Moskin Company, 126.$ St.Louis Avenue. Chicago Ill.THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESD�Y, KAY 14,1913-(Continued from page onc.)major taken' is too low. Very fewmen, who are adnsitted to fraternitieson such an average remain more thanone year, some not even for the en­tire year; their effect is consequent­ly one of demoralization."The Standing.Rank inFraternity \Vinte rAlpha Tau Omega ••..•....•••... 1Delta Upsilon •................... 2Alpha Delta Phi ••................ 3Beta Theta Pi 4Sigma AII)ha Epsilon 5Phi Kappa Sigma ...........••... _ 61-' hi Delta Theta •.....•.......•... 7Phi Gamma Delta 8Chi Psi .....•...............••.• 9Sigma Chi ....•.......•... "'" .•.. 10Kappa Sigma .•.•.....•.......... I IDelta Sigma Phi ......•.....•.... 12Sigma Nu ..•.•.•..•.........•.... 13Delta Kappa Epsilon ...•...•.... 14Delta Tau Delta ............••... 15Psi Upsilon ...•.....••........ ,.: 16Phi Kappa Psi ....•.........•.... 17Grand total .....•..............TENNIS BOO�SBICK� PUBLIS!lES REPORT ALPHA TAU OMEGA IS 1 MARsHALS PETITION TO-Y. II .C. A. Booklet Tells of Work SCHOLA�IP LEADER HAVE F� ELIGIBLEDoae b7 CIau CommjsaJODLSo. East Cor. 55th 'and EDis Wright and Ditson's Hints to Be-ginners, Spalding's How to Play•••• t •••••••••• '- •••••• �.... Lawn Tennis and The Strokes and FINISH PRELIMINARIES'Science of Lawn Tennis are devoted. IN CHEMISTRY TENNISalmost entirely to the teaching ofMr. Bickham of the Y. H. C. A.bas just distributed a resume of the�ork done during the year by theclass commissions I n regard to thework the booklet says:_ "Only a few of the tangible results.can be shown, such as records ofmeetings, etc. The intangible resultscan be' seen in a higber .. moral tonepervading the student body. and thehigher moral and rcligjous idealscontrolling individual students. Suchresults can be testified to by manywitnesses in the University �ommun­ity."III, 'The U.uv�ity Banll"Is Another Name for theWoodlawn Trust• SaVintis BankI.. But ISrcI atreet.' Claleap.Like it, it is the largestand Oldest Institution ofits kind in .this part ·ofthe city •.It is the Nearest State-Bank to the UniversityEvery Banking ,. ConvemeaceSavinp accoUnts andchecking accounts arewelcome and appr���I'��===========��'====��SHOE REpAIRING-).jBRING ALL THE.'WORKYOU CAN BETWEENNOW AND JUNE 14 ANDGET COUPONS FORTHAT AUTO �:_WE ARE). • _.!,.I"."1' - .��_.:,:-: -." "GIVING AWAy. ��ti:����:?t. :':s:� ;j' ,_. ¥ Tht§mith-GoobearCo..-:!:�IIH'" ... :�.Opposite PostofficL '••••••••••••••••••••••••••,. �' ,:- �:� t �.Base BaiI Remns�--.. .BY INNINGS� AT'Cowhey'sH�t ' , Re�tioDTHE JOHNSON 'PNE�TIC S_RVlCETHE 'RECOGNIZED STANDARD_1 .. W1� in the U .... enityof Chicaso BuDding.Complete Systems forall Methods of Steama�d Hot Water HeatingControl of HumidityReducing Valves for Air,Water, and fiot Water T�RegulatonJOhn�D Se�ceCo.H. J. GILSON, 11...-. this round will be finished tomorrow.found in the magazine section of the The second round will end Saturday,Law libral7. the semi-finals taking place earlyThe chief value of these books next week. The final match will bewhich aim to teach theory' is found played Saturday, May 23.in the numerous diagrams which il-, Six preliminary matches of the- ,lustrate ful�y the various strokes, Geology department tournamentfrom beginning to end. The Law- have been played. The prelimin­ford strokes are shown with dotted dries will end Saturday, the first andlines following. the path of the ball second elimination rounds will takeand of the racket; the many different place next week, and the semi-finalsserves. and particulariy that most Saturday, May 31. The final sets willdifficult and effective of all �erves- be played Saturday, June 'j.the American Twist-are faithfullyBy Charles Stewart.(Captain Tennis Team)IHERE seems to be anidea quite prevalentamong tennis players_ and players of other���:� games as well, that1§t�'�1 reading and hook-study on any sport isworse than uselessand: even a trifle silly. They seem to.think that t* study of pure theoryis of no value once they get uponthe playing field; they trust thetheory and the correct form (if theythink at all about theory and form)to come of itself, while they arepracticing.Such 'an Idea is) of course, wrong;for,: while all the theory in the' books\vill not allow a man even to ac-quire a correct grip without earnest�/ractlice. the absorption of correcttheory and the holding of it ever be­fore the mind in practice are neces;'sary for progress. Articles written­by experts and critics contain manyhints and suggestions, the fruit ofexperience, which the novice �ould'co well to heed Such books as_the game while such great tomesas those of Myers and Paut includemuch history and many stories. ofthe game as well as theory. R. D"Little, one of the great Eastern play­ers. has been writing lately for theO.,i"g a series of articles on thefine points of the game. There isalso published a magazine calledAmcrkm. !.Aw" Tennis which may becaught by the camera; photographs.many times magnified of the gripsare shown; there are acc�rate pie­tures of lobs, pick-ups, chops, etc.Spalding's ,The Strokes and Scienceoi Lawn Tennis is probably th� bestbook for this purpose. Ten Sign Plea Addressed to Presi·dent Judson' Recardinc Base­ball Captain.To the President of the Ualvenk7:We. the marshal. of the .Univer,sity. do hereby petition that Clar­ence Freeman, captain of the Uni- WRITER OF ESSAYWINNING PRIZE ISFOUND YESTERDAY- ....... �Bernard Stern proved to be theunknown whose essay on The In­fluence of Judaism on Mohammedan­ism won the $25 prize offered by theMenorah society for the best essay---------------_.----'---------on a Jewish topic. Stern's paperwu awarded the prize but beforehis name was recorded, it was lost. Astory iii yesterday's MAROONhrought the news to Stern that hewas the winner. Another prize ofthe same sort is to be offered nextj IRank in Pet. in Pct. in No. inAutumn Winter Autu,nn Chapter2 3.30 a.,o 1 �3 3.02 249 218 2.96 a.as 251 2.70 l.IS 177 2062 2 . .10 :.!65 2·45 a·40 1412 2.37 1.90 IIJ 1 2.36 ,.gB 2316 2.J2plu8 1 ... 8 H�6 2.32 a)8 1317 2.3lplus I.;JJ 1410 2,31 , 99 16 .14 2.12 1·78 1513 2.08 ,. �o 249 2.01 2.00 174 1.98 2 ... 8 2]15 1.83 I.sa 182.39 21:10 315I. versity baseball team, be made elig­ible to play' with his team. 'rve makethis petition on . the totlowinggrounds:(I) . Mr. Freeman is clhlible ac­cording to all regular L; uiversityrulings;(2) There is no question IlB to Mr.r'rssman's graduation 'at the end ofdns quarter, according' t� DeanMarshall, regardless of �hcther ornot he participates in athletics;(3) In making �r. Freeman in­eligible the attitude of the adminis­uuuon indicates a machinelike, un­.:oyml)athctlc relationship . with thestudents, a relationship not" at allatune with the sentiments of the {ac­uity publicly 'expressed at 'the har­mony banquet, for such were thesesentiments that the students have-come to expect of the fa�uity· thatC!· it-they • understand and appreciate tosome degree the student. point ofview.(Signed', Varner Bowers. Donald Breed;, Halstead Carpenter. Kent ChandlerHiram KennicottGeorge KuhHoward McLaneN orman PaineSandford Sellers. Jr.Chester BellSix Matches Have Been Played inGeololY Department To�ent'-Announce Finishing Dates..Preliminaries in the Chemistry ) ear.More Workand better done. Mind bright.as a dollar-quick as a flash.That's howIt is so cheerful, wholesome andsatisfying a drink. Good for both body and brain.Delicious - RefreshingThirst-QuenchingDemand the Genuine-Refuse SubstitutesTHE COCA-COLA CO.ATLANTA, GA.you see anArrO\V thinkof Coca-Cola.department tennis tournament havebeen finished, Several matches inthe first elimination round .-we�eplayed yesterday and Monday, andHave Two Innovations in Club.A mail box has been i�stalled inthe Reynolds club on the first floornear the bulletin board. The sched­ule of hours that officers of the clubmay be found in the executive cham­hers on the second floor has beenposted on the bulletin board. I Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near soUl Itreet Subway Station uulani Street Elevated.."BroadwaY' cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh AftIlUe Cars from PennqI­YuDa Station.K."" BY A COLLBGB JlANHBADQUAar.as FOR COLLBGB •• NBPBCIAL ... ".8 FOR COLLBGB T.AJlBTen Min" .. Walk to Thirty TheatresHARRY 'Pt ITIIiSON. MANAGER··HEADQUARTERS �R CHICAGONew. Modern and FireproofRoOms with Bath, $2.sO and up. IHALFihetobacco.IlAU'theprice.TWICE· as fresh.so TWICE as nice.-EVER-LASTI NO-LY COOlS;,rJr{ ',f- �,.�............................................... ------ .Chicago Office.177 NO. DEARBORN STREETRUN FIRST RACES TOMORROW I Phi, Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha.-- Tau Omeara.To Run Four Races in Interfratemi-l Fourth race-Phi Kappa Sigma,ty Relay Preliminaries. Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi and Chi____ ps.· track meet, men who are members 'J:the Freshman or Var:.;ty squads forthe current season.MORE TIME GIVEN·TO REGISTER I -:- �READING (. . NTESTPreliminaries in the Interfraternity Two teams will be selected in eachWHAT ORGANIZATIONSAR� DOINGhave six men and each man \\;11 run�:'() vards. There will be four races ternities represented in the Intcrfra- enter the Florence Adams expres-.,in the following order: ternity Council wether pledged, in- sive reading contest have been given Facui� Baby Party.Firs trace-Delta Upsilon, Psi Up· itiated or members from other col-. another day in which to register. Forty children under seven yearssilon, Sigma Xu anti Delta Tau Del- lIeges shall be eligible for, competi- The contest will be held early in oi age attcuded the annual baby par­tao , tion on the relay teams of their fra- June. the winner to receive one bun- t,)' given to. children of the facultySecond race--Phi Kappa Psi. Beta , ternities except men who have won drcd dollars in casti Senior college I,y Dean Talbot in Green hall Mon­Theta Pi. Kappa Sigma and Alpha the major athletic "C" in track. men students only are eligible. They U:..y.relay will be run off tomorrow at 4 race to compete in the semi-finals.on Marshall Field. Each team will The elibigility rules are as Iollows:All resident members of the fra, Senior college students de airing toDdta, Phi.Third race-Sigma Alpha Epsilon.Deb Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma may register either at the Bureau o"Records or at the Public Speakingoffice in Kent.who have won Chicago Freshmantrack numerals, men who have everwon a point in a Chicago varsitySEE OUR NEW SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT, SUBWAY FLOORNow ill our new home. Just across from our old Iecatlon,_l�l �'q II. SOME .stores pers.�st in .m�.k�ng � y�ungIrrnlT !:) dtt� man Jump the twenties m his life-«. �, 1_', .-as his father. We don't operate that way-we've1'\1 a special salesroom for young men, a special stock foryoung 'men, some' specially created styles for youngmen. And the prices are the kind a young man canafford. See the young men's suits in the College.Roomon the second floor. Greenwood Class Dinner.\Voutcn living in Greenwood hall��,\'c a class dinner Monday. Ea\:.:l\\ o.nan wore a cat> and gown of herclass color. After the din ncr theother women's dormitories were ser­enaded,Junior Mathematical Club.Mr. Hasseler will talk on the, Pro"fective Differential· Gc'olllctry of theCycloid at the meeting of the Math­ematical club today in Ryerson at 4.Masquers Party.Masquers will give a party 'this af­ternoon at 3 :30 in Lexington.Religious Education Club. HEREFreshman liaby _}.:cuty.MemiJcrs 01 the l'reshmall Musical,Dramatic, Modern Fiction aud At h­Ictic clubs will have a baby p;,rtythis afternoon at 3:30 in the Xeigh­borhood room.Ph'Ioscphical Club,:\n informal discussion of Spauld­in� and Russel will be held at themeeting of the Philosophical dubtomorrow night at 7:30 in HarperMI�.Dramatic Club Meetin�.The Dramatic club will meet to­morrow at 10:15 to elect officers andto discuss plans for the Spring plays.Freshman Law Dinner."The Freshman Law class wilt give:. dinner .tomorrow at 6 in the Com­mons cafe. Chief Justice HarryOlson will be the guest of honor.:\ her the dinner there will he a mus­ical program� .Reynolds Club Dance.Asociate Professor Leavitt· will Professor and 1\1 ra. 1\1 illikan andtalk on Religious Education and Vo· Assistant Professor and Mrs. Roh-cational Guidance at the meeting ofthe Religious Education club to­morrow. ertson have accepted the Reynoldsclub's invitation to act as chaperonesat the club informal Friday.120.00 and 125.00-AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTSEMPRESSH. B. WARNER(The Original Jimmy Valentine) Oliver Morosco and Cbaa. L Wagnerin '1'he Ghos! Breaker." present THE IIONEY IIOONF ' .. S ".... $ - General Admission: seats unsold at.ven gs � at . .mall. SOC '.;,0.Wed. Mat. SOC, $1.00 • "em .... aad 11 ma� lit pc eachJEFFERSON pRIN.C�SSssth Street and Lake Avenue. First Chi�go �p�cc ad 5 yearsLew Fields ����ly PresentsWILLIAM COLLIER- -- .... - '-THEATER NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY... Street a. c.ttap Groft Aft Fin nee.. Dlcbtl� of the l.tNt modD,_ilk starting SDD.II�tllayll pldOreL ("ome u4bear ()Ill' DeW $7.5OtSULLIVAN a: CONSIDIMII.PRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE TONIGHTSEVERAL GOOD 'REELS Summer Prices: $I.so. No HieherW�esday ¥a�, $1.00 .WHEN DREAMS COME TRUEllaiD FlOGI'. all _ta •••••• 10BalCOIl7. an .... • •••••••• 5 with Joseph Santleyand a Splen!iid �t_ �� ���_o�ADMISSIONNAVASSAR LADY ORCHESTRAA big Spectacular musical surprise. PAlACZ IIUSIC JI.U..I,IILLINO��_I AU Chicago Is Lauchinc WithBLANCHE RING""When Claudia Smiles"Harry Conor. So� and GirJaKATHERINE SELSORThe New Woman. Will. MaudeROCK and· FULTONwin. F. Hawtrey a: Co.James H. Cullen-Lawrence John­son, Conlin, Steele & cUr, s-Jug­gq lIowatts-s, "A SeptemberMorning," Edison's Talking Pictures.WM. BURTON, JR.America's Celebrated NewspaperPhotographerMARY BIGLOW a CO."Her Gentleman Friend. THE WORLD IN CHICAGOExposiitOD and Paceant now openCOLISEUM Every Wetkday 12 noon.to 10 P. M.A WORLD'S FAIRAdmiasion. 2SC; Children, ISC.AUDITORIUMPAGEANT OF DARKNESSAND LIGHTFint Time in Chicaco; a MagnificentSpectacle.SOC �o II.so; Boxes, '10.00 MAJESTICJOHN BARRYMORE. COYAMATO JAPSOriental Novelty. In .. Autol," a ComedyAmelia Stone a: Armand KaliszPaul Morton a Naoma Glasa, Mr.and Mrs. Jack McGreevey, FourCliftons. Lamberti. Billy Rogers,Gere &: Delaney, Mo�nl TalkingPictures.I Oc-2Oc-3OcCOlAN'S GlAND CORT, A STAR AND PLAY TYPICAL •OF AMERICA.GEORGE M. COHAN AND HISCOMPANY INBROADWAY JONBS Classes Will Meet Friday Week.All four undergraduate classes willhold meetings a week from Friday todiscuss the proposed point system.Representatives of the point systemcommittee will he present at eachmeeting to explain the system. Dr. Wilder's Talk Is Postponed,Dr. \Villiam \Vilder's lecture onThe Conservation of Vision an"nounccd for yesterday has beenpostponed until Friday at 5 in Phys­iology 2S��HICAG(5).5"�11 00Uace Gtoove Ave.