'Professor . Starr Honors TheMemory Of MaBllel GonzalesAssociate Professor Fl'ederick Stan �nd interest, his companionship. hishas issued a booklet: "In Memoriam watchful care, his love and dc\·ot:nn.":\1.lI1uc) Gonzales. 1883-1912. Gon7.ale�was associated with Professor Star'VOL. XI., No. 135. flarnnuLI�IVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THt;I{SDAY, MAY 8. 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTSthe programs for the gatherings I hi�The council outlines thc:f;nrposcs and qquarter, Some one wilt present themethods of the plan. as well as topic of the evening in a g-�'Iler;lldescribing its origin anrl.devclopment, way. The meetings will t he n ill' 1!)1.t.- thrown open for general discussion. Haskell Rhett is an associate edin the following statement:paraphernalia necessary to reproduce I The meetings will be Iimitcrl t o one iror of the DAILY MAROON andA. tentative point system will bethe Chinese Pagoda. the Korean hour. in view of the fact that they t II ... · Cap and Goum, and has been ac. I 1 1) ,I II . I I printed tornorow in the n.\ I L Y MA-tarm louse, t re suur list temp c � t ware to be held every week. I; \'t. in thc Glee club and Blackfriars.J T' t r�00N. The Council committee hasJapanese home. the _ erusa em street.. Thirty-Fi�e Present. Clyde \Vatkins is a member of the1 d 1 l: . 't)�n working over this 'System forand a t IOU san ot ier COllI :tIOI1S o! Thirty-five students were p re sc nt L: udergraduate Council, formerly as-• Iif h 1 lIt '.\'0 quarters and �he result of its in-foreIgn I e. aye iecn securer ly last night in Harper asscmhly rOOHI sociate editor of the DAILY M Avcstigation and Ialior witt he present-experts with unsparinz pains and at when the meeting was called to order i{< lUX. and at present associate edcd to the student body, I t has care-great cost. The exhibition has ac- by Mr. Bramhall of thc Political ill.!' of the ell" uud Go'U'II. Both mentually cost a quarter of a million' dol- fully examined the successful systems F ibl h S II oi other institutions and has given the Science department. After stat irur are members of. -encs es, t e op l-lars. For the interest that bclougs tl ib t f tl I I t 1 ,.Illllre literary society. .W:at. kins hasU nivcrsity students' an opportunity ie OJ ec SOle c u >. re propose. atf) it as an intellectual treat. and, as number of suhects suitable for dis- Ill'en prominent as, a. public speaker,to judge these by printing them in.a fascinating introduction to Iorcigu O' cussion, which were later referred to !l;I\'in!-! won a prize in an open con-the DAILY MARO N from time tolands and people, every student the committee, t cst, ami responding for the associ-A rally in the third netted three time. f S' "1 1should attend. Among the topics suggested werv ales. He is � member ,0 rgma A p 1:1.runs. Bohnen walked and Harger f . . I 1 Purpose Is Limiting Time. Ensil f t it B th mar'"o course It IS more t Ian a SlOW. ,.the minimum wage law. the Balkan ',PSI on �a erm y. 0.. en ......• i" ..9'I.d Jo..$�-!.�".J.!cl.i:"��oE��Jl,.t!l_ • - ,-,-- .. __ ' 'T"'..t'. --- �"4: -- ,-,.,.' .__·'l·I. ........ U .. I)( _. �. I ..... -�<·,m:·f: .. �. -�;,.__. ,J h & tl nen' lub-........ - . tor It 'IS all' cXlJJortluu' 01- rut: cufll':a- - .. _ II • I �J--"F'�_�'" •• t· �--.. sauation: the eiliciency cl t lie pre,;c:l� '-\"l-.n .et'� -0;., ... ,le !", ',c. ,.second. Carpenter, howe\;.er. forced t d tIl' I 11 l' 't ,_ F,--:1:-- 'lKr.itb W k.tionaL philanthropic, medical and Q a op a p an w 11C t wou e Iml -Coo�, county c.ommissioners and t ht' Palmer � .'"..� .. " orBohnen at third on his grounder. . I . ,-'. I ..to: f - PI' - -b f the,'an�elistic .endeavors to' h.-h·c .:·the t le e�tra curncu um actlvlLies p un- question o� vocational educ;ltion. . Merwyn a �r IS a m�m er 0 eHarger stole third and. Carpenter best 'that our modern life posscsse:;, derg�aduates first� in order to bring ntackfriars, and F.enci�les, and triedslole second a moment later. Paluski . . . iiJt� c�liege'activities as many people ('.ltt for clleerleader at the bemnning,. tf) peoples who have not cn,;o)·ed. our POLITICAL SCIENCE Ct·wea�ened for a minute and L. conard .... -Ttt. .T as possible who will become mterest- of the present year_ .r.aJmer was-.alked, fiU.-ng the bases. Scofield was ad'..antages and op.porlUI11tles� hc ,., • T' CLUB HOLDS SECOND ' .lLYn .fl' ed,to a' greater ex(ent in their Um- fr.rJlterly connected with the DA• r. d b II d 11 :..ctual methods.o t 11S most prac- MEETING TOMORROW '-'then hit by a pltcate a an. arger . yersity and' w.ill make loyal and in- :\., L'\I�O' OX, and h.as s, .e. lV,'. ed the Ca"tical undertaking are clearly exhihit- �was forced home. ,- Norgren came tcrested alumni; second, to remove.. -.. . olld GU'WI1 as orga,nizations editor .. h _ -T I t c(Ld .'. I b d d f The Caltforma Land hIli wtll he diS.through WI! a exas eaguer. 0 ttt ICS t rom t Ie over ur ene ew so Donal�l Delany is a m�mber of Sib"11a.1 • C L ·St1.'.den� Present. ." I cusscd pro and con at til:..' sce(lndright tie d sconng arpenter. eQn- that .each,student may be able to ac-. . .. �'\IJlha Epsilon, ,Tiger's H�ad, Fenci-ard scored O'n a wild pitch. In' the P.erliap� the. most inten'sting and ]. I'''' " ffi' tl th f ' meetmg of the Polttlcal SCIl'IlCt' <le· .•comp IS t.,more. e clen y e ewer_ . hIes. nlackfriars, and class societies.sl'xth Ch:"ago scored again when IWvcl feature of the whole affair is k I' I h' . d t . batmg club tomorrow Illg-ht :\t i :.30 S.... t:ts s to w llC 1 C'IS require 0 give ' He is' president of the ' ophomoreand ilie presence of thousands oi young I' d' 'd' 'I t' . d t . t: . W'th in Haskell assembly room. GCGr�e dliS un IVI C( Ime an a ten Ion. I c1�ss, and has been active in the banC-I' d amon<'" .Kasai will make an opcn:l1� <;pcerh ckIlcago men an women,. � these consderations in vie,v the com- and. in public spe�i�g_· Frederithem a number of our own students. after which there will he a �(,::cfal ItalUittec dctermined that the ()Illy foun� �ycrh' is a'. member .of A.lpba Dedebate. Speakers will he limited to .;Phi, l'l;\S been on· the t.rack team,five minutes. Visitors witt be gh'envarsity, freshman, and .�oss country.. A number of men were ,electctlChicago defeated the Rock Islandteam of the Commercial League yes­terday on Marshall Field. 5 to 0, Thcgame was a.pitcbers' battle through­out, Carpenter holding his opponentsto three hits, while the Varsity wasable to make only seven singles offPaluski, Both sides played error­Iess ball and backed up the pitchersweD. '._.Norgren starred for Chicago withthree hits, one of th�m coming in themidst of the fifth inning rally thatnetted three runs; As Catron and'Mann were out of the game, Leonardplayed short and Harger caught. Chicago scored a run in the third when.Harger singled, stole second, and aminute later came home on Carpen-ter's single. ..Rally in Third. TOMORROW IS STUDENTS' DAY POINT SYSTEM'WILLBE IFORM CURRENT TOPICS CLUB RHETI AND WATIINSPUBLISHED TOMORROW - HEAD CAP AND GOWN .Professor.. Soares Writes Letcer Tell- , New Organization Elects Williaming Details' �f the Day at the World Wedgworth and Lula Laubach-in Chicago Exposition at the Col- Undergraduate couCn ,Piau to An- Will Discuss Conditions in Far Eleded Yesterda, B, .... As Maniseurn. Bounce Details of Scheme to East at Next Meeting Wednes�ay. agiDc Ediian .l.AaaaI Mext-- Control Activities '.__ . Year- -_ The Situation in the Far East, �:tr-I -IS BASED ON OTHER SYSTEMS ricularly in China. will h�' di�c'tl�<;l',l PALMER. IS LITEIAIY EDITORat the first regular mect ing ui the Ifdm for Maxim:;;',riount of Time I �urrent Topics club n�.xt \ v cdtll.:�dar. pc:.1any and.'. Bya.ly Are _ Business'!o Be Given Extra Curri- The club was organized last night. Manage�-An Have Served Un-culum 'Y.'ork. and elected, William W(,·llg'Wonh. -.. ' "der Outgomg M�ers.___ president and Lula Laubach, vicc- � .. _-- .. -president.A tentative point : !.:.vstetn for the-control of participation in UniversityV.., Taka Fut 5 to 0 Came Froac...erciaIl.eape Team Yes­tenia, AIlenooDCHICAGO .WHITEWASHESROCK ISLAND PLAYERSADows Only Three Hits-Norgren IsStar Batter for Chicago, GettingThree Hits Off Paluski Tomorrow will be Students' Day atthe \Vorld in Chicago exhibition he­ing held in Chicago. Students of theUnvcrsity will meet in the Coliseum.petals of the day, as well as oi th ... 'exhihiton, are given in the Iollowin.;letter from Professor Soares. who isactively connected with the work.The World in Chicago.The \Vorld in Chic.uro lIOW at t heColiseum is one of the b:i�gest thill�:-: undcrrrraduate activities will he pub-lishcd iJy the Undergraduate Councilthat ever came to Chcaj;« jus. as a.ill the DAlLY M!:\.RO()� tomorrow.show. Dr. Lyman Abbott, who saw Meetings of the dub are to he hchlweekly. A committee was ap­pointed last night to take chal:!!t' or II askell S. Rhett and Clyde E. \\. atkillS as Managing' Editors, MerwYIPalmer as literary editor, and Fredcrick M. Byerly and Donald.D, DelCARPENTER PITCHES FINE BALLit in Boston. said it was the 1110St rc­markable show for twe-nty-five centsthat he had ever seen in his life. The ;t1IY as business managers were electcd yesterday to comprise the hoardto publish the Cap a"d Gowu forGray walked, went to secondcame home on Stain's single..� Box score; .vho have been trained to rcpresent'Chicago R H P A Ethe' natives of the various lands.·.TheyLeonard. ss ••••.•..... I 0 I 5 � arc all dressed in appropriate cos-.. Scofield, 2b· o 0 2 INorgren. Ib 0 3 10 0 0Des jardien, ,Jb 0 . 0 2 2 0Gray. rf ••.••• � :. _ I 0 I 0 0Stains. er : •..... 0 I 2 0 0Bohnen If .•.. : 0 0_ 1 0 0Harger: c' 2 2 8 0 0Carpenter. p � 1 1 0 4 0Totals ••• : ...•• · ••••. 5 i 27 12 1Rock Island R H P .-\ EMiller, rf 0 0 I 0 '0Rosenberger. 2b •..•... 0 1 1 0 0Landeck. ss ..... '.•..•. 0 0 2 3 0Bicker, If •..••.•• _ .•• 0 1 .l 1 0Cronin. c :: .. _ ..•. � •... 0 0 7 2 0Roper, .lb .• ; ••....... 0 0 2 2 0Ft1les. Ib _ 0 0 7 0 0Hopkin5. cf 0 I 1 0 0Paluski. 1> 0 0 0 4 0 tume� and, go throu�h the iorms allilceremonies of the foreign pe·bplcs.Special days ate observed by differcntgroups nd interests. Fri(Ja� � _�,tayC)th, has been set. apart. as� Stude!ltsDay. Delegations. irom alt col1cR��and uni"ersities witllm one hundred'and fifty' miles· will' attend. Chica�o<)tight to he well representc(L . Chica­gc 'nicn ancl women wilt meet a� ..!p. m. in the Rc1i-giollS Education sec­tiOIl of the Coliseum. Several stu(lents (Continued on page 4)admi!'sion fcc wi11 he twcnty.cents.Professor T. G Soarcs. Professor Starr narrates the ind- One hundred students will leave fordcnt of his first meetin� "ilh the hoy the annual trip of the Geology de­Gonzales as follows: ··\\'.ith a frit'IHl I partment to Starved Rock. the histor­went to Cholula to spend a d;1y 111 ic Indian resort near Ottowa. to­J:lI1uary. 1898. It was San ;\Iltonio lll0rr<'w. Associate Professor At­"had's day and we were to witnl'�" "'Cood and Mr. RoUin Chamberlin ofthe curious ceremony of the hlc:,"in'�" lite cll'partment win be in charge oiof the animals. The hoy. the11 in lli� the, trip.. Two !',pecial cars have heen chart-fifteenth year. was in th(" erov,cl: w·'cred on the Chicago and joli('t. .tt t'll t rl1r :lll' t ,hI closill." l1is ,"cCotlnt of .:\I."llll'" had no need of his sen·iel·!" hili Wl'�lOn IS a emp I � 0 SC', e.. a' ..... " '- electric line to leave Chica�o atI .f "1 t (;nfl' 1< c· 11'1' r)rofe�sor Starr S"\·,,· '''ere stranfYers and l:c stuck tn t1�."trlt( ance 0 100 'res llll;!tl llH'tl. a 'I':l '., C ,.. • ••• :0.... I!"o 11.1«)11 tomorrow. The party will reachthe Col1cge Students' nay special "To m('. if(" w:\s ncr faithful. Throl1�h ,Hter his retll�n to \_-!lit";l;,."() I'rfli,'�, ::tan'cf) l�ock at 4. where the managerexhihit tomorrow. A 1-!t"ncr;J calI tn 1.:\li hi� short life he was associatNi sor' Starr planned a trip til Illc1j:111 of the resort has promised to opc'�the ml'n of the class has illTn isslIe(l with me in my most serious eltlt'r· Mexi<'o. He says: ":\fter returnillg- his' h<'tc1 in ad\'ance of the season tr.ReSpOI1Sl�S may he madc 10 �fr. g;ck- prises. * * * * \Ve ha\"c..often to Lhic��o altd thinkin).! on'r P;;ltI" a,commodate them.1';1111'5 office. I1:HI tlilj�cuhics and hardships to en· it occurred to me that the J,.,y ('1)111.1 An exploration of the region willI,Special exhibits will he stag-cd to· ('fll1!lter. hut he never grumbled at be made generally useful �I� a h('lpl'f matle Saturday, the faculty memh('r.d . ,. I tl',C·111·. "lOre tll.""n once ".e'ha,·e f ... cet1 on the expedition an,1 that, hy " in char�e explaining the geologic:-morrow for stu ents of ;'\ ort IWCS ll'rn ..... .." short stay in the l-nitecJ St;1tes. 11(' phenomena to the .stu�ents. TI,un\,ersity. Northwestcrn college of :lcttwl dal1J!cr. hut I alway!' felt !,('- '1 h Ch' I'-) - could learn Englislt 4111(1 sav(' the em, p:lrty WI 1 reac .cago Imlt!' at 'l':.'aperviJIe, North Park' colJe�c (ure wit t him hehind me. I n his l;.teT . <:: t , n'fYh,t The Pral'n'e cluh .:>Ioyment of a special intt'rpN.'tcr.· . a nr< ay I"". ., . '.\Vheaton college and the Fni\·ersit�· y(':\'" h,e wa.s alls. olutel!. fearles�. F"T Ik' c'et' of tll" ItOl'ty l'nchuli"Manuel wa� accordingly hr01:g-ht hy w;, �1I1g so I Y ........ 'Parts in these exhihit� and J)lace� of 1llC pcr�(')Ila1Jy. he felt the· affection of., Ilt.tnv memhers of the Unh-er!'it'(" E f '1' f tl .• 1 ' :t 1 Professor Starr to ChfC:lg"O ;\11.1 ,;:1t'� '11' t,'t aI t' t Stan"the cast in the � Isslonary ·.duca- a '�(\n �Ir us a l(Or an(. te 're�"(J('( WI ma"e I s annu np 0t:on exhihit will he taken hy uninr- 111Y c011licl1 heyon(1 that of any other w('nt with him on the proj(.'ctcl1 tri;l. ) Rock on Saturday and will retur.!!ilty men and ,",omen. I human heing I shall miss his 'hel) and subsequently on others. Sunday night.(1ation ,upon which - a 'Il0int systemcould bc' built is a time ·basis. Everya chance to speak, :ll1d the, womel1offi'ce . included' under the system hasof the University have 11(.'('11 il1\-itctlteo attend and participate.. ·The Freshman Y. M. C. :\. comm;s· �fexico. in 1&J8. Gonzales' was sho:·as he slept in heel; July 18. 1<)I.:!. ifthe City of Mexico. .- ONE HUNDRED STUDENTSTO GO TO S1�RvED �OCKAsso�ia�e Professor Atwood and Mr.Chamberlin Are in aiarCe of. Ge0100 Trip.-as his ,ward. and assistant in his workI Totals '" • •• • •• • •• 0 3 24 1.2 <TnninJrs:Chica�o .... ., •. 0 0 1 0 3 I o.b x-�,Rock Island .� .. o 0 0 0 0000 o--cStolen hases-Harger. (2). Scofid,lCarpenter, Hopkins. Miller. Struckout-hv Pnlnski 4(\). Carpenh:r (i)·Base' on balls-off Carpl'nter (11 .• :,fPaluski (3). Double plays-Beckerto Rosenherger. Cronin to Roper. Ilithy pitcher-by I'aillski. Scotiel(1Time-I :22. Umpires-I�eed anI!. Clipoinger.1 --------------- who have heen in' the various lands He accompanied· Professor Starr t)!1will he on hand to c.'oJ1(luct �rO\1ps to many of his expeditions since ththe various points of interest. The Jime the two first met . in Choln1·• . ,\. Nine Students to Meet Today.The following students have heena�1c�d to meet in Cobb 6.'\ at 10:15this momin� Virginia Hinkins.Helen Gro�s. Gra�e Hotchkiss. Sarah'Thompson, Margaret Cole. DonaldHollingsworth. Earle ShiJton, HaysMacFarland and·Leo Hay",: ...)'.. ,'I'HE DAILY MAROON, tifuasbAY. jlAY ti. igij.I SWIll'S CONDitioN� IS STILL DOUBTFUL;MAURER NOT SICKThe Dally Maroon.fBulletin and Announcements..aiwnilt .t 4¥"fi­tDffUW � �"'''fn IfDiviDit7 Cbapcl �odat, 10:15·, Univenity PUbliC LeCtme-Friday,Haskell assemb� room.' 5 :00, Physiology 25-Y. w. C. L-Today, 10:15, Lex- Emt Chemical SocietJ'-Friday,ington. 6:30. Del Prado hotelGlee Club-Today" 4:15, Studio. PoHtical ScieDce Club-Tomorrow,Scandinavian Club-Today, 8, home 7:30, Harper, Mil.of Miss Lindstrand, 6200 Woodlawn Sophomore Y. II. C. A. DiDDer-avenue,World in Chic:aco Paceaot-Stu­dents'Day, Friday, 4. Coliseum.German Club-Friday, � Lexing­ton 4 and s. No report had been received lastnight as to the condition of WilliamSwim, suspected of having scarletfever, who was. removed from Hitchcock to the Durand hospital Tuesdaynight. It is doubtful. according toi'\ssistant Professor Robertson .whether Swim contracted the disease.Maurer, Swim's roommate, who isnowt in Quarantine has shown 110sign of illness . You• 6, Commons cafe.lIasoaic Chab--Saturday, i :30,Ifitchcock club rooms;Blackfriar Electi __ Tuesday and. Wednesday, 3:30, Cobb 6A. DidPublillheod dally eBlpt 8� Ko"",aDd bolldQ8 dUl'tac da.- Q-..un of ...Unlven11t7 ,..,.. NotTO DkIDE UNIVERSITYCHA"'!ONSHIPS TOMORROWsubscribeEd!tori&l-B� � .sus. aTeiephooe 1I14wQ 8OQ.Hy4e Park G701 (after. Po IlL).lIaU Box "0" Jl'acWq Rub sa. �AORFOLKfNttoRROWCOLLARHIGH IN 'THE BA�NDLOW IN F1WNT 2.. avr2.S'ca...t. Peabody Ii: Co..IDo.. MaltenUniversity championships in fenc­ing, wrestling, and gymnastics willbe decided tomorrow afternoon.These events are run ott annually inthe Spring quarter and the winnersare awardC<t meda:ls emblematic ofthe University championship. Theswimming championsbp is also U9-ually deelded at this time but washeld in the Autumn quarter in­'stead,The regular events will be held inthe gymnastic championships withthe exception of the etnb swinging.The events are: side-horse, parallellbars, horizontal bar, flying rings andtumbling. According to Coach Hof­fer the fight for the championship'will probably lie between CaptainA pitiful attempt at humor in theform of an editorial article in theUniversity of Chicago supplement ofWednesday's Evening Post wasbrought to my attention yesterday.The article in question is an attack,ncar-humorous, �on the pages andservice in Harper library. Might Isuggest that the ladies who edit thi!5supplement, if they intend to makeuse of their grcat opportunity to �t­tack University institutions for rhebenefit of outsiders. at Ieast con­fine themselves in their tirades tofacts? For instance, our "colored ele­vator man" is Charles Lindstrom,and his most prominent color is theyellow of his Swedish hair. Thepages are neither demons nor un­couth, and as for rushing up and Parkinson, the individual Interccl­doWn the halls, if they made half as legiate c�a�ion, and Weakly. Sev­much noise as many students, would eral of the rest of the team havebe discharged Immediately, The however, improved greatly since thecharge of inCC)mpetency laid· at· th& .!;�:!frs:'���,asoti; and �::" give thedoor loses i'ts 'point when it is ·known, ofhers a good fight for the medal.as I know it, that � notwithstanding The events in the fencing will bethe fact that three ont 0' every five the foils aoc, the dueling sword Mer­call slips sent to the stacks are made ril, Otosen, and Croll ar� tile prin­out wrong, incompletely, or illegibly, eiple contenders .In these events.four out of five of the books called Championships in lightweight, beavy­for are sent up or found on reserve. weight;, and middleweight classes willI admit that it is easier to complain be held in wrestling.of library service than it is to doone's own part to better �t.Attendant -M •• .,.I' .-..u- ..... K d ottNe.. Ecl1&4W. •JIartID .....At ...... :EdIIer - - - �� ...... -.- ....YouA8SOC1&S'. lWft'O ..8unuel X_pIMa JIaa7 9ca'8MGeoqe Qnttlapam .. .IIMbII BMttDoNdl7 WW&daD ... ..• • WJlUam L7maA • •Jm2'OIm'"B"Ha1� • • 0.... ....Mae. o·�eIU Gearp CkQDotda,. Weil • •• _ A ..... �Kobat�.·. ! CanCLA..SIFIEDUVEITlSIJ1INTS BuyANEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Ninerooms. $2000 cash. Easy terms.Address G. Maroon.ClilftodalIn yesterday's DAILY MAROON(lV_ the signature "Junior" appeareda letter critici.zing ad­versely The � o�Paprika, aDd theDAILY, MAROON'S STUDENTS, desiring to makeGOOD· MONEY by selling anarticle of real merit, write us atonce. Easily handled on sparetime. OWilSCO Supply Company ..Box NO.�7S Auburn, N. Y_",. "":"=" •." Cap� �� .... -andGownWhile\..TheEditionLastscri:kal and editorial comments madein,· ... turday·s p'.tper. The P.taY "Ju­ior- �ct i - ed as being I'm insult'_ .. _. -.� ,.to the inteDiceuce of a teo year o!d."Th. faculty critic Who .COlDlDalted"poD the p�i for the·MAROON wasceasured for caUiIic ¢he plaY "thebest ever." The DAILY MAROONwas reprimanded for editoriaDy laud­ing it as beinc "fall of wit and repre- .sentative of the highest 1IIIdergradu­ate achievement." Of course "Junior"is privileged to criticize the play inany manner and to any degree hewishes. He should, however� recog­rJze tqat the writers of both the crit­jcism and the etltoriai"CoimDmt wenhonest in what they said. . P�they are more easily amused and sat­i4ified than is "J1IDlor." . He· shouldalso believe that the .DAILY IIA­ROON distinctly and cl�y praisedthe C1II'I'eDt Blackfriar play as such,and not from a standpoint of literaryor artiste merit in a brOader' sease.After a11, perhaps the � is thepoint of view that critics, UDder-­graduates and faca1ty, shoulcl heace­forward take perhaps. Blacldriarsbave achieved an eminence whichpermits of keen and se.rctdnc crit.icism. There may be" a Jarce elementof 'trDth in "Junior's· statemeat:"After aU, severe criticism is whatthe Blackfrian Deed if they are enrgoing to prove their raison tl'elrc!' Itbehooves the Blac1driars to take"Junior's" and similar criticism forwhat � is wonh, and to coDSider itcarefully. An orpniation that takesso much of its members' time asBlackfriars must do reaDy 'Worthywcd:. For ten �& Blac:kfri:a h=done a great work in amusiDc theUniversity publiC, as weD as ba pro­vidinC an outlet for ,hlatrioDlc . andmusical talent. The feDowship· en·gendered b7 tJae aociety, toO, .. hemof creat ft)ae ill aDifJiDl'the studentbody, It woald appear that there is•Ll..Z •• -'- with IDOf'ea cry for DIII'PIU&- r-I'""emphasis on the play anc1.1ea OD the_.s-"': It Ie·. cry tYt theprou",",uOIL .Bladdrian caD well C01III4er. LOST-A black silk muft'ler at Black­friar performance on May 3rd.Notiiy Maroon Office.FOR SALE-North Wisconsin Sum­mer camp location for sale. Tenvery desirable lots each So ft. front­age on the Eagle chain of 27 lakes.Splendid location for club. Owner,E. S. Coleman, �gl� River, Wis.PRELIIIIRARY IIATCHES'ARE FOOSHED TUESDAY8iK Wm in Chemistry· TeiDiis ,To�IWIlCBt�Pia;y OJ( F� RoUDdby·Sa�.WILL P�ENT .P�KSOF PAPRIKA TOMO�OW SALESMEN, . WANTED-Summerpositions open. See H. C. "fhomas,0051 Ellis avenue, mominp ro-rr,aftemoons 2-4- Phone for appoint­ments, Midway 79Q6. Do not de­lay.._--BIac:Jdriars Ezpect to Play to FullHousa-Will Elect 11mNat Week. Preliminary matches in the annualtennis toumament of the Chemistry!department were, finished Tuesday.William Kuh defeated Mr. Raiford,6-2 and 6-2. Isabella Vosburgh de­feated feated Arth�r Manin, 6-0 and6-2. Harold Adams won from Her­bert Morgan, 6-4 and &1. JosephRunner won from Clinton Dicken in ahard-fought match, 6-2 , 2-6 and 6-2-George Curem won from ArthurCar, ·6-3 and 6-2, and Edmund Hum­phery defeated George Caldwell,' 6-1and 6-4-Further matches in the tournamentwill be played off immediately. Thefirst round will be finished by Satur­day. the survivors of this eliminationround pairing off for the secondround hy May 14- Semi-finals willbe played Saturday. May 17. and thefinals on Friday� May 23 Twenty­two men have been entered in theKent tournammt.The Pranks of Paprika will be pre­sented for the third time tomorrownight in Mandel and will be repeatedSaturday night. There will be a dressrehearsal tomorrow afternoon. Themanagers report the ticket sale ve�pleasing and say they expect to playto full houses both nights_"The show will go off even bettertomorrow night than it did last Sat­urday night," said Manager HowellMurray last night. "Every man isnow absolutely confident of his part,a confidence wbich is the result ofhaving appeared twice before an aud­ience. and every one has determinedto outdo himself. We are lookingforward to a successful closing ofthe year's work this week."The management has requested an­"t:mn(,fI'mf'nt of thf! fact th:1t, throughan error of the printer of the score,the name of William C. K. Acbi wasnot printed with the Grand Finalemusic. The scores of. The LyricalLiar and The Sigh of the DoubleLiar and The S;gn of the Doublefor them will be taken at both pe1'- FOR RENT-Furnished summer cot­tage; 10 rooms and bath; yerandasdirectly overlooking Lake Michi­gan; large wooded lot,. perfectbeach; grocery delivery_ Frank­fort, Michigan. Rental $150. Ad­dress C K. Chase, HamJtoa Col ..lege, Clinton, N. Y.WIDOW· WANTS WQ�K-WeJlrecommended, Mrs. FrederickBrown, 5485 East End avenue andMrs. Charles S. Eaton, 5744 Kim­bark avenue would call your at­tention to the needs and skill ofMrs. Epstein. She does pia;" sew­ing and relines and repairs coats.Her children will call for and re­turn all garments. She deservesyour interest and needs your ·work.Address: Mrs. Epstein, 5436 Lakeavenue, (3rd floor) opposite HydePark Center. Send a post card. AtEllis 14WiD A8aip Subjects Today.Subjects for the finals in the LowerSenior contest in public speaking willbe assigned in Kent theater at 10:30toda,.. H .L [ ,I: All\' ANTED-A hustlins representatiyeto sell a popular-priced room dec:­oration. Especially suitable for col­lege dens. Liberal commission·Only one student at each school,so write for full partic:ulan at once.The Moskin Company, 1264 St.Louis Avenue. Clrieago III. Dayformances this week.New members of the Blackfriar After their class dinner last Dight,order will be elected Tuesday ancf the Juniors marched through the li-Wednesday of next week... braries singing cIau �np..-, ,THE. DAILY MAROON. TtlURSJ)AV,' MAY 8, t9tj.SINGLEScurate at passing a l1"t man; whenany of your returns have been weakand slow. In short, it iii a question ofwho has the openinW If you havemade it,. the net hdon.,aa by all rightsto you: if you� opponent .holds theupper hand, the net is hili.The next few hints aru difficult ofexplanation on paper ul,,1 are, per­'haps. rather fine point", hut even iftheir value is not clear. ,trActice thetnJwith faith and hope. \\,Itlm your op- 1UI.-rT AND WATXIRSHEAD CAP AND GOWIIBy Charles Stewart.(Captain Tennis Team.)the present is a judicious mixture ofback court and net play, with a pos­sible emphasis on the net work. Notethe "judicious" mixture. Do not runin on any shot; neither remain gluedto the back line when you've made afine opening'. Break for the net aftera fast, wcll'jplaccd, service; after a;drop or ch.op neatly �la�cd in onc ofthe two back corners ; after a lobwhich your opponent is . plainly not going' to smash; after any shot whichJour opponent must necessarily, re­turn weakly; after any shot which ison its way toward an opponent's glar­HE day has passed iug weakness'; or' at any time when'I!]I'° I when a good tennis I an opponent is caught at an obviousI player can play back disadvantage.court or nct exclusive- Stay back of the base l\ne when, " Iy, neglecting the your opponent comes r�n�n" in af-other. and "get away ter his serve; when you have lobbedwith it." The high poorly; when yOU have "iven him ashot on which he il 'parl'i�ularly ac­... _ .... iiiiiiI ... class singles game ofTuxedo A· Hit with theHit-Makersis in a class by itself. It has many imitators - butin the pipe it has !_lo' equal. It is mad e 'of the bestselected Burley tobaccovthe finest that Kentuckygrows, ripened, cured and aged untilit has reachedthe tip-top of mildness, mellowness and sweetness.Then it is treated by the original "Tuxedo proc­ess" which takes out all the sting so it cannot pos­sibly bite-even if you should smoke it all day long.You simply cannot buy better tobacco any­where; and if you will t r? Tuxedo today, you willsee why these men are � ) fond of it.� � � YOU CAN BUY TU:�EDO EVERYWHEREF ...... p-eeD tia, wit.co!d IOe Con.eIIieat inner-lined ScletteIiq,caryed to6tpodet with e.pnaf.paper • • •�. Supplement Staff Will IIed'..A meeting offhe staff of the Uni-Professor Foster Will Speak. 1 vcrsity of Chicago supplement of tbeProfessor George B. Foster will I Chicago E-pclling Post has been calledspeak at the weekly chapel service of for 1 :15 today in Cobb r r B, All wo­the Divinity school today at 10:15 in I men !interested have been asked toHaskell assembly ,room. attend; .ponent serves and runs in, hit a fClitdropping cross-court shot, a fast drive:directly dow 11 the side line, a meanlittle chop aimed for his feet, or even&& low, accurate Job, if he comes illvery fast from his serve. I f yourchop or quick droping Lawford hasb,een successful, follow it up to thenet, for �ur opponent's return of aball a this feet must be purely de­fensive. \\'hen you serve, play to hisweakness, or draw him out of courtand run in. or, a good general rule,serve to the center of the court; thatis. the center line. To understand whythat is advisable you must have someknowledge of the angles through.which a ball may be hit and still stayin court. Diagrams are indispensablefor the explanation of angles,HUN DRE DS of the snappiest ballplayersin the country-the clean-CUt" athleteswho provide Americans with their greatest'outdoor relaxation-z- are cheerfully endorsing.Tuxedo, 'This .is 'the kind of endorsementthat carries a convincing punch.These rnenhave to' keep "trained to the,minute" all the�time. 'The .game-c-even the� pennant.�ma.y..&Ptmd.en�a-,single, moment's-. ,", play. They=cannot afford" to. take chances)n their training. .: ,.,:' '.,So when.theysmoke, they smoke Tuxedo;They know Tuxedo is a mild, pure tobacco,full of energizing' qualities .. It can be smoked allday with pleasure, It will not bite the tongue; it burnsfreely and smoothly; giving a cool, sweet smoke.The PerFect Tobacco lor Pipe and Cigarette1IIIIstrationsn e abolll on�­',.111 siu 01r({:! toeIng'!. (Continued from page I)fro", the Freshmen cubs to positio ..a__ as.odate editors. This list iawcludes: ,.Charles L. Owen, art editor; Eb�rtDunsworth, organizations editor; G.O. G. Arlt. faculty editor; GeorgeShaffer. debating editor; William M.Shirely,; music editor; James W.Tufts. dramatic editor; and RobertGoodyear, photograph editor. Otherswill be appointed when necessary byt he executive board next year.JIMMY :"ARCHERJlmmv Arcber� of the ChlcAlto Cabs.well'''A"''Rcatcber aDd "300'· bltter ... ,a:·f r .. is my iJe4 of a gooJ --.\eill CMJI fIfIfI-cooineu. ";;/Jnas. ,."ug-T.,. .. ;, fI iDinner_ "" . .ROGER BRESNAHANRosrer Rre!lnaban. famoas c.tcber.DOW with the Chlcaco Cabs. sa,..:··TraeJo appHb '0 IRe IMre ,_oI1.er IoIJaccos; iI', so raRdI�. JIIIIJan' ,oo'''inr. Ea,lIg ml1/GfIO"'e--."'JACK McINNISJack Melnnl!', !'tAr flnt· balletDaD 01tbe Phlladelpbla Athletics. sa,..:•• T vntlo floa • cool, IIIilJ".and ni«r 01«" ,Ire flJinJ. T__ "a ,060«0 ,hat", alltNlJ1S 600f/ •• ,j..L�lL.---MOSSLER CO.., J"ckSOD Blvd.·-East�. Better Dressers of theUrlirersjljes Wear "MossierClothes."'i \ �: r,4, IJ �'" �? :/� \1 I ;,- \ '';.1: "i �\ I�o ��_i3o. J'11,," �I] ,\\\ fY �/\�)'I " i' I ,,:,�-?/ : ,7-,,_,You cannot do betterthan' see these clothes·before buying yourSpring Clothes!You'll find these Eng­lish sacks as worn atYale and Harvard-withdistinctive lines andsoft Quiet tones in fab­ric', and color,Speci.' Values in SpringSultsst $25Other Grades $20-$50Mossle'r '·CO.19 East Jackson Boulevard�(Between State and Wabash)TIle Con EXGhaqe Netii)nal Bao; p,.of Chic&c(,;":Capital • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 13..000,000-Sarplas ••••••••••••. .'. 5.000,000.00Undivided Pro&ts •• ••• :�.. 1.000,000.00Officers.ERNEST A. HA10IILL. President.CHARLES L. HUTCHL-":SO:ol, Vlce-Ptes.CHAU:olCEY J. BLAIR, VIce-�J.dtnt.D A. 1I0ULTO:ol. Vice-President.B.. C. S.UUIOSS. Vlce-P:'e.sldeDt.FRA..�K W. SliITH. Secntnry.J. EDW ABD llAA8. CaahJer.JAllES G. WAKEFIEl.D. Asst. en.hler.LJDWIS E. GARY. A_llltant ea"hln.'EDWAlW> F. SCIIO&'-":ECK Aut. C .. hl�r.Directors.Oahrl_ B. WackerKanhl A. RycnoDeta. aoe,. J. Blall'24want B. ButlerCbar'Jea IL RlIlbunlCIa�ee BucldaabamBeAJamJa Cal'Deater Clyde 11. CarrEdwin G. F.oTemanChalea J.. Hu�chlnllOD,,'ataon E. BlairEdward A. SheddFrederick W. Crasb,.Ernest A. H.mm••••• �,."'" .++++� ••••• t.Base Ball ReturnsBY INNINGS ATCo�hey'sSo. East Cor. 55th and Elli...........................----' �,� •• ' & ... !*' � . •..C URKISHBATHS75 Centa. Plain BAths 25 CentOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BAR B E R S HOIJ. H. Hepp, Prop._, South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.�ieatific MasseursExpert CbiropodisMAROON ADS PAY'- MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS Fred Clark. Inmon .. manauer of thePlttsbura:h Plratcs, says:•• 1' J aJclse every £011 player 10 srno/ee .T uxeJo. I Jo. always. I �noco of nooI/ter tohacco Ihal gi\'cs the "lis/aelloll,hal TuxeJo docs. ""-, ...JOE TINKERJoe Tinker. m:m"'J:,'r and short l"topof the Cincinnati Xati"nall.caJ;:uc Team.sa),s:•• A pipeful 01 TuxeJo aller a gameis lite most rallul smoke J can finJ. ,"MILLER HUGGINSlllller Hnsnrln�. manaJ:Cr and !'ccondba!leman of thc St. I.ollis � atlon<llLeaKUc Team. Sa)'S:··I'm lor TrueJo every lIme. 11·,cool, mllJ, Iragran'-e0er:91"in, ,Ire ballp1agu coalJ rDan' In Iris lobacco •..THE. DAlLY MAttOON. THUftsbAY, irA Y 8, 1913·. -....... � .........•.........INVF.ST rf�NTS .We ba\'e two $l�,OOO to'" ft\'o-)o.�r 1\not1t)('r..aC"e'l on two propft'tS..w1dIIID • fewb:ocb of t.he Vnh'enity, 'I'be b�lw;8 un whic:b dIen aft made .,.. hl&taIncome pro�l(W or � btoC �ru� throur:boUl located ba tiM belt -.atiaDof H)-de Pnrk.Propert> \301'\l8.tJon Iln eeC'b -.e � n.I. 1�. �"'Ioe the tunG_t or t1M IoMl.We a� 'Won't' on .b:Ind otbff Nett ::n,'emortn� 8114 Real Estate boDdIa oa.We property •• w.t of .'bIeb we would bell (_d CD 8eDII upoa III)plkledoD.. (l\)r pal1J!CIt:e1'8 a"-lrcaFort Dearborn Trnst � Savina Ban.REAL.ESTATE" OAN DEPARTMENT1I0:\"1tOE A..�D CLAIU� ST�ETS.elei)hone: Randolph 4301MILLIKAN TO TALKTO SOPHOMORE liENAT DINNER TONIGHTProfessor Robert A�drews Milli- :�����������,-----------------�--------�at a di�ne� tonight at 6 in Hutehin- WHATson care, given by the Sophomore Y!.M. C. A. commission. Plans will be ORGAN1ZATIONSA RE ·DOING H.E REdiscussed for future 'gatheringsduring the quarter. All men of theSophomore class have been urged toattend the dinner. 'Th�rangementcommittee declares "the program willbe better than the usual run of Y. M. Y. W. C. L. lleetiDc.Dean Marion Talbot will be thespeaker at the meeting of the Y. W:C. L today at 10:15.Scandinarim Clab. ,Dr, Jacob Bongren of the Swedisl.POINT SYSTEM WILL BE American will speak on Contempor-PUBLISHED TOMORROW ary Swedish Poets at the meeting ofthe Scandinavian club at the home ofMlss Lindstrand tonight.JUDior Law Dinner.been carefully considered in view of The Junior law dinner will be heldthe amount of time necessary to ef-next Tuesday at 6 in the Commonsficiently accomplish its duties, and is cafe. Judge Kenesaw M. Landis willrated accordingly. Because of the be the guest and speaker of the eve­quarterly system in use here, and be­L(.·ause many of our student activitiesare limited to one quarter, it has alsobeen found necessary to use the quar­ter as a basis for determining points.Consult Many Students. Dramatic"�lubs w, ill give a Baby party.next Wednesday afternoon in Lex- -It ......___�_... �UlJ t Ht t t t t t u u tington. instead of yesterday as an- We are showing a smart line of '·British" Tweeds for Eqliah SackDOUDceci. Suits, "Scotch" aLd "Irish" Home : puns for No��lb and the patestSophomore Beach Party.Members of the Sophomore classwill give a beach party a week fromtoday in Jackson park.Robinson Reception.A farew:ell reception will be givenby' the four Neighborhood clubs forMiss Eva Robinson head of theHousing Bureau and' sponsor for theNeighborhood clubs, May 21 from 3to 5 at the home of Miriam Whalin,6056 Kimbark avenue. All Neigh­borhood club girls have been i�­yited.C. A, dinners. line of Flannels for Trousers we have ever shown.Special values at $30 for suitaand $8 for trouse rs or Knickers.(Continued from page I)TIane &&....:'7 x, lAt San. St reel.n E. 1I-:-n� Str�t..25 &. J� BIIYcL TAILOR .0.YOUNG IIEII" . -II t lSA. N. JERREMS. Manacer._�lJJtM ___ning.Baby Party.Freshman women bel�nging to theAthletic, Music, Modern Fiction and ABE YOU LOOKING FOR A·PLACE TO-'UT:lGive THE COMMONS a·Trial·Ask the Upper Classmen About Our FoodYou'll Like the Club BreakfaSt and Cafeteriaat Night Good foofl LoW' Prim -Olive Paine and John V ruwink.Faculty Members Advise. PHI GAM WINS FROM A. T. O.I n view of the change which theadoption of any such system wouldf,rin� to the University, and in viewof the vital relationship of the planto every individual, the committee Members of the faculty have also EnterS Semi-Ymals by Taking 32 tooffered helpful criticism in the work- 0 Game Yesterday.ing out of the plan. Those who havebeen especially interested are Miss Phi Gamma Delta completely over­Talbot, Mrs. Flint, Miss Dudley whelmed Alpha Tau Omega 32-0,Dean Angell, Dean' Marshall, Dean yesterday afternoon in 'Vashin�onLinn, Dean Mathews, Mr. Merri- park. Teichgraeber, pitching for 'Phifield and Dr. Shepardson . Gam, had A. T. O. .at his mercyWill Have Discussion. � every minute of the game, strikingPlenty of opportunity �11 be given out a score of men in the five and athe students for discussion of the half innings of play. The game de­proposed plan. Within the next week cided the leadership of the secondthere will be chapel talks and class division in the Inter-fraternity leaguemeetings where the plan �i11 be pre- race,' placing Phi Gam in .the semi ..senf"ecLfo the students. The chzir.� �man of the committee, Virginia Hin- .The, score follows:kins, or any' member of the com­mittee, Norman Paine. Effie HewittRuth Hough, Earl Shilton, Ernes�Reichmann and Grace Hotchkiss,Kent Chandler, Myra Reynolds, Ruth will be glad to receive suggestions orBozefl, Agnes Sharp, Ruth Prosser,. criticisms. MUlicconsidered it necessary to consultmany students actively concerned incollege work, who· are qualified tojudge undergraduate conditions. Val­uable suggestions were made by thefollowing: Hiram Kennicott, DonaldBreed, Wiilliam Lyman, Martin Stev-. t. ers, Varner Bowers, Howell Murray,} Erling Lunde, Norman Elstrom,':" _ -e » ...;.:... � :·.�Th�inas Scofield," Cornelia Beall,-r.t���;d� ';":.' -- .·,-�._�D!!llle·nt:"Martha Green, Margaret,.f)�:,�.ot;;�,-- _ "�_�·:��,.tdiC;d�s, Paul Tatge, Florence Roth-�-.-...__. '..ermel, Helen Gross, .Chester Bell,Harold Wright, Fred Steinbrecher,Mary Ann Whiteley, Henry Mead, OTABU5H£D la.��. ...'�£O]jj1L�.nllrD1� JUmi."l1t'.�k..... o_ ... ._Broadway, Cor. T1Rnt7.Sec0a4.:-Bt. .:New Y�k. .RlIE .I'''_.. ; .A. T. O ..... 0 0 0 0 0- O. '0 10Phi Gam ••.• 6 3 4 4 15-32 10 1Batteries: Phi G�, Teichgraeberand Kennedy; A. T. 0.. Hupp andWindrow. Our Representative Mr. Lanzer, will be atConcress Alma early in MayWith latest Sprinc suits, Ovel'Co,ts, riding and motor pI'IIImtaEnglish Haberdash ery� bats anel shoe..JEFFERSON pRINCESSEll PRESS Send for- muatra�ed Catalocue.Fiist Chicaco Appearaucc: i4 5 yean'Lew Yields Lau&bindy PresentsWILLIAII. COLLIERin -Never Say Die.-55th Stteet and Lake AftIIDe.TBBATBR_. Street ... c.. ...... AftWeek StartlDf s. .. t ., 4SULLIVAN a CONSIDIRBPRODUCING DEPARTMEHTANNOURC&16 PEKIN ZOUA YESA mommouth IJIDIIUtic ahibit ofDrilliDI Acrobatics and Licht­aiDe AbiIit7. NOVELTY PHoToPLAYFin Bee. 1lI&bt17 of Uae lateR -ftIDaplcturee. Come aDdbear oar .... ,1.100pipe orpa. �ICKSummer PriCes: 'I.so. No Hi&herWecInaday "tIL, $1.00WHEN DREAMS COilE TRUEwith JOHPh SaDdeyand a SpleDdJd Cast aDd ProdactioDTONIGHTSEVERAL GOO» REELsManners mirrortheman. If he passes youa big red can of Vel­vet it is safe to.assumehe's one of the elect,ADIIISSIOR.. Floor, aD _.. •••••• Ie�,aD"" ••• � •••••• 1 ILLINOISAll Cbicqo Is Laaahiac WithBLARCBB R1HG"Wbea Claadia SmDs­Har17 Coaor, SoaP ad Gir1aMARIE FITZGIBBONSSiuaiDc Comediame aDd·1torieI.VINCENT. RAYIIONDSingiq, taDdDc • comedT.Added I.tan: attraCtioD pALACB IIIJBIC JW.LMARIE IICF'ARLAIroAND IIADAIIE 1ROBERT T. HAIHES a co.in -rhc Coward."RftlDey, Nobody • PIatt-VolaDt­Bert Levy-Eiben Van AlstyDe aLooa Bros-Jack Huard-TheDooleys. Thomu A. Edison'.TaUdDc- Movinc Picturea.Jas. Francis SaDivan • Co. praeDt"Rapid Fire VaudnUle!' MAJESTICIIR. EDWARD DAVIS in HisAUeao� of Ib1bme aDd lIe10dy ."The KiDC of DeatiD7."____________ BILLY GOULD.BELLE ASBLYH111 0rI&iDal Soap and SqinpBOGAHNY TROUPEin -rile Royal Laaatic BaIt ... "MOVING-TALKING PICTURESGeo11ette, lime. BeaaoD'a Players.IldOe.. LaciIIe, Seeley • Wat, 1Iaa­loa • CIiba, KiDodrome. ••••••••..poVVERSOJiftr IIOI'OKO l1li4 Cbaa. L. Waperpnseat THB IIORBY IIOONGeaeraI A Ie· I'DII: __ 1IDIOId atlou ;·p ........ ·lli.pc ...Special Novelt7 Feat1II'eFreddie Norman Troupe preaeatiDca club jualiDc ahibition. On the other hand;. tum not away fromthe man to whom Vel­vet is unknown. TeD.him of its temptingfra�ce, its··delight ..ful richness, its .satiSo·fyingsmoothness. Dounto others.7� ... ,:11.Pltlca THE WORLD IN CHICAGOExposiitoD and Papuat DOW openCOUSEUII Every W� 12 DooDto 10 P...A WORLD'S PAIR-'"