c"Lefty" Pounds Out Two HomeRuns-Three Errors by VarsityProve Costly.VOL. XI. No. 134. PRICE FIVE CENTSCHICAGO DROPS GAMETO ARMOUR INSTITUTEl HaailtOD Pitche� Schommer'l T eaIDto 6 to 5 Victory Despite HisWildnessBAUMGARTNER FANS FOURTEEN.,I:. Chicago registered three errorswhich were costly. letting in theruns which won the game. The bat­ters were unable to solve the de­livery of Hamilton who pitchedstc=adily despite his wildness in therarty frames. gollt teams ran wildon the bases. stealing almost at will.Chicago only goot (our stolen bags to.falld stole second and third. Spenl:('rstruck out and �lc Donnen walke jani soolc second. McDonnell scorednine (or Armour.i. Hamilton Walks Three.Scofield stole second and went tothird on a passed hal]. Norgrenwalked and stole second. Mann W.1Spresented with a pass to first fi11in�the hases. Trinkhaus dropped Gray'sfly and Scofield scored. Des Jarrti(:nwalk�d, forcin� �orgren homeKulvinsky forced Mann at llome.Stains' whiO'�'d and Daumgartnerfouled out. c1osiJ1� the inning.Armour scored in the third. Kalll;walked and stole second. Trinkhau"r"nned. Herman singled to left. sco!'­ing Kann. I n the (ourth innin�.Sullivan whiffed Hamilton walkeri,'/ on Malln's wild throw.Batnt1g-artner scored the remainder0; ChiC;tgo'<; rllllS with home runs inthe fourth and sixth. Armour scoredone rUIl in the fifth and two in thesixth.Box Score.Armour R H P A F.Kann. c 2 0 13 1 0Trinkhaus. rf 0 1 2 0 ,Herman. If 0 1 0 0 0Kat7.ingf'r. 2h 0 0 4 0Hook. cf , 1 0 0Sullivan. ss 0 0 1 0 0Hamilton. Jl , 1 4 0Sf)('n('('r .. "h 0 , 0 1 0,Mcnonr.dl. III 2 0 () 0 0•,.i( UN IVERSI�Y 'OF CHICAGO,PAY'pAGE·YO ATmm mER CURRENT EVENTS:,aJJBWILL-BET toIftGHTANNOUNCE DETAIlS Foa:SING IIOIDRED··WOMII'lRE ", ..Hope to In_ All O�boDs PIESDT AT DINNERon the Campu&-Wnl Ask Black-' -friars and Glee Club to Give sev- Spell. c.... II .,.. at W_·,· ............... w-.......-TABlEltJI'SHOW GllEVA uneral Numbers.Various campus organizations willhe approached within the next fewdays and will be asked to participatein the general University Sing thatDirector Stevens is planning forThursday afternoon, �May IS- Atthe meeting of the W. A. N.. held Show C�� Tbat WD1 Be WornBy Wom __ Cora HinkiDsBaa "1:har! ••.��., women and men tonight in Hutchin- .---, ..son cafe.' After the dinner all mem- Mr. Bramhall Ou�es � Or­ganization-Presidmt. wm BeOnly Temporary Oflieer.Junior lieD and WomeD.will Have. Class' �.h'erinc ToDicht-WillsUeaade Campa&-Yoq "Pat". Pace May Atten.s Dinner.Coach "Pat" Page will be the guest'of honor at the dinner for the Juniorbers of the class present will go outon the campus for the first classsin�Geneva, spelled in toasts; was the Songs that wilt be sung have beenfeature of the' speeches aiven Iast selected from a number of parodiesnight at 'the annual Geneva supper that have been submitted by membersheld in Lexington. .Dorothy Bent of the class. It is possible that apresided over 100 tYniYersidy st� serious lyric may be submitted atthe last moment, and that the com­dents and alumnae.. mittee Will choose it for class song.Virginia Hinkins talked' on Girls, The President's house, the women'sthe first and inost .4mportant fea- halls and the Iibrary will be serenad-songs f ron "The Pranks of Paprika" ture of Geneva conference, describing' ed,and the Glee club, selections from the kind of girls that: 1(0 there and.the program that was recently given the' things that' tbey do and think ..at Mandel Hall. Orchestral music The second moat important thing,men can handle it. That is why IOn account of the illness of Louise urge you to go into the work. It is a Di,;sion T-nelta Upsilon� Psi lTp-Avery, who was chairman of the gre3t field." sHon, Si�a Nu and Deha'Tal1 Delta.Geneva committee, Cora Hinkins . Careful· study ()f economic and �o- Division TT-Phi KaPPa: P5i: Betahad charge of the dinner. cial theo,ry was advocate.i as the only Theta Pi. Kappa sig-llia and .Alpham'eans of attaining effidency in the Delta Phi:sort' of work' "outlined. That theory Division TTT-Sign;a Alpba Ep!'ilonDr. Batler to Talk �o lien'. C1ua.. i� the fundamental need of the prac- D'elta Kappa Ep.lon. D�lta Sigm:-Dr. Nathaniel Butler win give a tical 'worker was, according to the Phi. Phi Gamma Delta and Alpb:-event was brought up. It is ex­pected that the W. A. A. will singseveral songs including the finalef rom the vaudeville show put on thiswinter.The Blackfriars and the Glee clubwill be asked to sing several selec-tions, the BlackIriars some of thewlJl be furnished hy the University .whether good 'or bad was Eats, care­hand under the direction of Mr. fully explained by Sally LouiseBlanchard, .I _"-j �'I r Ford. .The management backing the Uni� Says Nobility II Aim... After pointing out the opporuni- DIVIDE 'FRATERRI�ties for··workers·in the various fields iNTO FOUR'DiVIsIONSof service�·· th� 'speaker declared thattremely remunerative.-Among the . branches of public'service to which Professor Friday al_'uded are bank examination, munici­!lal finance and taxation, and railroad vided into four' dinsions . and tworate regulation and taxation� Labor teams will he selected from,«":tch di­investigation he declared to be a new vision to com�te in the· semi ,finals.·.ut large field a�ont which he was Two teams will be ch��«"n :in the'hIe to Say but· little. sC!mi-finals ·to· compete .in .the. finals."It amounts to this." said Pro!essor which Wiill probably �. held at theFriday' in conclusion. "The nature. time of the Spring festival.of the work in our city, state and Si:oc men win be 'on each team. andnational seryiee is becoming so com- ('ach man win run 220 yards. Psiplex that only the specially trained tTp!l;ilon won the relay 'Iast year.The divisions are as follows:Young "Pat" to Attend.,�oung "Pat" has ;llso a.nnouncedhis intention of attending the dinner.and Chairman Lunde has agreed thatjf his presence will make the hoped­for attendance of 100, he will be ad­�tted..-:FRIDAY SH()WS- BENEFIT·OF COMMERCE SCHOOLSUniftrsity of, T Michigan ProfessorGives Lecture Yeatentay-Ia Firat. of Voc:atioaal Series. rni Meetiwi· CaW •• ''''1,_ NewMoyaie.t .. DiN i= efLinT....WOMEN mAsmitOATTEKD!\Io definite topic has beeu_ chosenfor the first meeting of the CurrentTopics club to be he,td ,in 'Ha!1per MI Itonight at 7:30. The objects of theclub will be discussed by those whoattend and it is thought that what ..ever formal organization is' foundlIecessary will be perfected at themeeting,Women. as well as men . are invitedto the meeting. Those. who are back­ing ·the new organization _thoughtthat because a number of women onthe campus are among the be�t in­formed in the University, the clubwould be the loser if' the;: w�re ex­cluded.Bramhall Outiines.Mr. Bramhall of the 'Political Sci ..ence .department �ho: first .�ho�ght:of forming the organization believesthat the best way to_ . conduct themeetings will be to. start; '!ith a pa­per' or talk by someone. particularlywell informed on the .. subject. ·of. the-'. . -". ,-" ',;-- .. _, .cvening-:- K ge·.�er.ar, ��ion.�n thebasis of the paper. .will �ol!ow. in",hich all the m��be�. __ I: take part.No permanens offic:el.$ will be ehos­in. except: perhaps; a secretary and achairman who wilLkeep: the .discus­sion :within reasonabl� limits. :Wbeth­er or not due� will:be ,assessed wiltbe cOflsidered at :the .m�eting·tonight.J n another. columl!: a, letter frofl1lMr. Bramhall �n' regard ,to :the newclub will be found.. � r,.. _. - . �Prelimi�ries in ����tr RelayWiD Be RUn' Otr wftit From. ". ,., .. ..--./'This TIIiindaY.,Preliminaries. in the 'In�rfratemityrelay will be run· off a week. from to-'morrow afternoon' at 4 on . MarshallFif"ld. The fraternities have' been di-the yesterday afternoon in Cobb hall.Armour succcdcd in defeating the matter of participating in theVarsity yestcr duy afternoon by thescore of 6 to 5 in a hard .. .foughtgame. Baumgartner rwirlcd for Chi­cago and issued eight walks while heW;lS on the mound. Hamilton, whoopposed "Lefty." was wild, issuingseven walks before he steadied down.Bamgart ncr 'made brave attemptsto will his OWI1 game when he poledtwo home runs. one in the fourth andthe other in the sixth. Hamilton al­so made a circuit drive. but was outfor failing to touch third.versity sing will trY to arouse asmuch interest among the general Arline Brown talked on Nobility,hody of the students as possible, As the aim of all Geneva women. Dor­yet, no definite steps have been cthy Llewellyn gave a resume 'of thetaken, for the plan was decided on Enjoyment found at Geneva, -deserib-only a few days ago. ing everything from the opening re-:---- .ception to the last morning when.SENIORS TO HAVE LAST. the women' leave . for. .home, H.D��C� F�AY .A!l!E�p��_ �l.ouise_Mid: �nb on •. :v.�8�:.-f,.em. _. - ��:-( =._J_�� .,��._. ....._. HOJrni1tQl1 \:_'aJl;('(t C�tr.:\fj -- O�� _',r"l. ' .. - -� � - e: ·,,<"'-- .. ..:.t'.'1�.··_7,;· � •. -. 'V-'.'. ..- . -.• ' .' ... .• - '.; Students 'pre par-d ,'n the schools of-v -c>:« _ ... !C-.� ... �:--, .- t�·.·· _.._ At Clui{Immer Aftenrards Fourth. the vigils of the self govemment'as- ...-man up. He stoIc second and scoren. . . .; dad' • trati .Year Students wm Be'Asked to soeiation to see that no-heretic went' 'c:o�e�ce .·an .. IDInl8 ration mon Scofield's infield hit to third. A�' • 'n" '11 be .Name Preferences. swimming· on Sunday to the vigil oti· .cwll�ncan ul11ver. es WI practl-the . women .who are lookillg,forward cally the'onlyones to hold positionsWho is the handsomest man 'in'the t� next.ytear's 'Conference .. :Ruth Allen': in·.the.p�blic· service requiring tech-'3enior class? .finished . with. the Atmosphere of nica! knowledge according to. Profes_Who is the most beautiful W'OIIian? Geneva Oara Allen gave a toast' sor· David Friday of the Uni�ersity ofWho it your .favorite author" IUId for the alumnae and. Leona Coons Michigan, who �ke yesterday inwhy? . 'I' f h h h d b Harper., The·lecture was the first of. I, . or t e women w 0 a no� yet eenWho is tile dass grind? tc GeneroL' a series of talks' for students 'of theThese are some of the ques!ions 'Senior. colleges on vocations open toPortray ·Geneva Life.members of the Senior class wi11 be college graduates.asked to answer at the class dinner After' the� supper, life at GenevaFriday night in Hutchinson cafe. . was' portrayed in a s:erles of tableauxSeveral of the Seniors when asked given by the wome� who have been• d k there. I n Milestones, the first, cos-these questions yester ay were ta -t" f th Chi .'d I' 't' " large corporations are constantly tak_en by surprise and asked time for urnes 0 e cago e ega Ion were.... hown·. A' rll'ne' Brown a" n'd G' racl-a:' ing men from· the public employ andt'onsideration, while others. when' "asked to say whom they consi�er Ailing wore the boudoir caps . and giving them' positions of truSt andmiddies �f 1911, Virginia Hinkins'a'nd' tesponsibility. In these positions he�he most �eaU{iful woman in the . , declared the salaries often to be ex-class, answere,1 without a moment·.; Sally Louise Ford the. huge' 'hair :.1110-,"esitation and then begged that their belns of last year and Cora Hinkinsanswer he witheld from publication.. the Balkan blouses and 'maroon rib­Prec'edlng thl! dinner the last cla�� bons of next summer.dance will be held in the' Reynold.... Geneva sports were 'portrayed hycluh from 4 to 6. Class ("ards will Dorothy. Bent and· Ruth, Sagar in·10t he required for admission to the swimming suitS, Marjorie Nind aneldance., Memhers who expect to at: Dorothy Bent with canoe' paddle�tend have heen requested to hand and Dorothy Llewellyn in regula�o·,'their name� to anyone of the follow-' tt-imis costume Charlotte Viall �n(ling committee: Cora Hinkins. Anna Ethel,.Bright paraded-with kimonasMoffett. Ruth Boell, Virginia Hin- and tooth brushes to the pump ·andldns, Norman Elmstrom and Fritz the tableaux were finished with the5tcinhrecher.11iflromptu speeches by c�a�s mem�hers will (orm the greater part of theprogram for the dinner. They will., Total (, (, 27 '0 1 hie called upon to speak without anyChica�o R H P A E •previous notification. The dmnerCatron ss 1 0 2 1 0�('olic1d. zh 1 2 0 0 0 will he o�er in. time for anyone who�or�('n. III T 0 7 0 0 rlesires to attend the ntaekfriar showMann. c 0 0 I:; 2 1 in the evening."rav. If •.......•...•• 0 0 I 0 0nes' JarAicn 3h 0 1 1 2 1Kul\"insh-. If 0 0 1 0 0 Hitchcock to Play Middle D.Stains. cf 0 0 0 0 0 Arrangements are being made for.nanm�r(ner. , 2 2 0 3 I h H- h k 11a game between t e Itc coe ba� .. :........... :; :; 27 8 3 t('am and that of Middle Divinit)(Continued on pagc 4) Saturday. scram hIe for the first breakfast.Cora Hinldna in CJJarse.!'eries of talks before the men9s dass ·sPeake�. one of the principal reasonsof the Hyde Park Baptist church e .. -· why only the man �th the equivalentery Sunday ;n .May on The Religion' of 'the 'college training c=o1l1d hope toof the Life That Now. Is. cepe'with the duties in the service.J Tan Omega.Tli\"i!l;ion TV-Phi Kappa' Silll1=­Phi Delta Theta, 'Silriaa Chi aDdChi PaL,_L.- •t-·The Daily Maroon".dln·itt ., �1fU ....£Mat $tabai � ...... pnPubll8be4 da117 u� SUDda7.. llolWa)",aDd boU4a,. 4U1'1Dc dlhe Quanere of (.beUDlver'8lit)' ner. "ED.teftd .. aeooDd-clua maU at thot CtUcacoPoet-oaloe. Ch1oaco. IY •• Man::b lIS. lOOlf. UD­«tel' Act of ll&l'Clb .. ma.al1B8C&lP'rIOJil IL&ruBy carrJer. 12.00 a )"e&r; 11.00 a QUArUr.87 mall. 13.00 a rur: 'l� .. quarter.Ad!IOC'1&l-Bu.m.. Ofnce. &1. �Teltphone llldwa,. tiOO.H)'de�l'ark :;.01 (attoer 8 p. m.).lJaU Box· "0" hcuJt:1 � ..JIaDacIq Ed1&o1' .��"" EdItor •AlhleU. Ed1&o1' -lSualD.. JIaD.qw Wram Knualcett• • .IIar11D Sleweb- - SerDaI'd V1D.l8Uq- - - BIlI'deUe ... t "_? flt� nAIL v MAttoON.Bulletin and Announcements.of Commerce and Administration­Chapel, today, 1O:li, Man�el.College of Education Chapel-To­day, 10:15. Emmon:s Blaine 214-Freshman Social Committee-To ..Senior Colleges and the CoUeco University Public Lecturo-Mn STUDENTS, desiring to make IWilliam M. Salter, today. 4:30, Har- GOOD MONEY by selling an � �article of real merit, write us at I tonce. Eab;ly handled on spare I Itime. Owasco Supply Compauy. ItBox No. 225 Auburn, N. Y._'per 1.116.JaDior Dinner aDd SiDe-Today, 6to 8. Hutchinson cafe. •Di� Chapel-Thursday, 10:15,Haskell assembly room.Y. W. c.. L-Thursday.. 10:15.day, 10:15. Cobb 9B.Dramatic Reading Society-Today.3 :30. Lexington 14.Joint Meeting-Frcshman Athletic.Music, Modern Fiction and Dramaticclubs, today, 3:30, League room.Matbematical Club-Today, 4:15.R�crson, 37. IWANTED-The Daily Maroon •would like to secure the services pLexington, of a competant proofreader for atGlee Club-Thursday. 4:15, Studio. least one night a week" possibly •Scandinavian Club-Thursday. 8. two. Satisfactory remuneration. I Ihome oi Miss Lindstrand. 6200 Call at Maroon office. Ellis 24. I I\V oodlawn avenue. -- IWorld in Chicaco Paceant-Stu- LOST-A black silk muffler at Black- I,friar performance on May 3rd. I tNotiiy Maroon Office. Itdents Day. Friday, 4, Coliseum.Tlu: editor u not re.pondble for tlt..o ....Samuel Kaplan • • ••Gt."Orce CoUlllPam •• •Dor0th7 WU11atoza • • •• • "'·1lUam!4'maD • •aKI'Oar ... Han7 � pre.,t:d here. CommufricGlW>u _Md ..HaakeU Rbett dont'd GI an edclcnce 0/ 11004 ftMtlt..LeaD &tolsBHes HalUq • •• • Georce Sha1rer:.ana O'�eUl • _... Geor'ce GrayDorthy Wei! Hobert. � A� S •• "it.",EWell &be "ftpoder .... .. ..... _dwith dear Q_ ... b.ooee& � IIIa7_"ell lDJaeUee aac1 poba& &1M WQ &epI'UCfte80"-B. L. S.�bftotialThe success of the baseball gameplayed yes�erday between the Capand Gown and DAILYMAROON stallsshows how easUy In-.tramural baseballBaseball .1{or Allgames can be arranged and played­At 1:30 'ilie men met at Washingtqnpark and at 3:30 a seven inning gamehad been finished: The men did al­most no practicing for the contest.TheYr-.for th�\Q.l_�� wore theirregul8r cloth�:· � ne :"'ri.att"� -oi �_aphenialia was easily "sa!tled: eachman brought a stra,y b&ll, bat orglove; o.e" "man was thoughtfulenough to provi� a mit, mask andprotector for the catcher. With al­most no preparation, �en, and with­out any difficulty in arranging thecontest over twenty men bad' an op-portunity to enjoy two hours of themos 't£ascinating sport, and at theSClIJ1e time to &et the best "work out"most of them had eJlJ·oyed • I• In a ongtime. If. without any assistance thstaff's of 'the DAILY MAROON an:the Cap a"d Gow" can pia •y a rattlingg�od baseball game. how much moresunple a matter it ought to be forclass teams to be organizedto la·n • and setp )'1 g games WIth i�e suftA..': •r h Y-��ono t e Undergraduate Councilthe Athleti d andc et>ar1ment. The •for procrastina . �metion has come to anend. If neither �e U d". n ercraduatecouncd nor the Athleti dsees fit to" heed c epartment• • a call now made forthe thIrd time on behalf f thdent body and in responso e stu-'. e to a de-CIded student sentiment � • •lavonng in­tramural baseball it -ill h• ..... s ow thatboth are not keenly await •·bT • e to theIrPOSSI Ilties. Unless :�he baseballgames should be played f "• or gym_nasIum credit. of course. the Athleticde�a�ent could not be expected to:%SSIS� In arranging the games. It isnot Impossible, however. �at theA thletic department could find itfeasible to allow men credit for workin interclass games; It is done at Uni­vers� high schooL Wby not at theUniversity? The inaction of the A'!h­Jetic department can be understood"on the aForementioned theory �hatthe games would not fan legitimatelyuder its scope. But there is no ex­CUBe for the failure of the Under­naduate council to �e � and livethe students what they wazat. _ ... -The Blackfriar Play.To the Editor:J n voicing my opinion of the Black­friar play, especially � face of tllccomment, both critical and editor­ial, that appeared in Saturdays MA­ROON. I believe I am making dearthe point of view of those who havebeen bored and pained by The Pranksof Paprika. I am a Junior and haveno illusions on the subject of Black­friar plays. K evertheless, in spite ofmy efforts to put myself in as prim­itive a state of mi�d as possible. Iturned away from The Pranks ofPaprika Friday night"infinitely boredand disguested only to. awake Satur­day morning and discover withamazement that what several of' usconsidered to be the worst Blackfriarplay in years was hailed by a facultY'member as the best ever. M,oreover."a:" plaY- which re�cd fr�' eve�possible point of view ·is ali insult tothe intclligence of a ten year old. wascommented on editorially as being"full of wit and melody and repre ..sentative �f the highest undergradu�ate achievement."Whether or not the present pl�y isthe best thing the Blackfriars hafte,·er produced is. after all, a matterof opinion. There is a samen'ess ofstupidity and un-originality in allthese shows that makes one hesitateto pronounce one better or Wl)rs�tllan the others. But when a play i�such that its highest come�y point tradition of regarding the Blackfriarshows with fatherly indulgence andbenevolence. ,After all severe crit­icism is what the Blaekfrlars_ needif they are ever going to prove theirraison d'�lrc.(Signed) Junior.Current Topics Ciub.To the Editor: :Ma)'j I call the attention of any whomay be interested to the announce­ment of a meeting tonight at 7:3: inHarper Mu to organize a Curr�ntTopics' club? Since the discussionin the DAILY MAROON last quar­ter enough men and women have ex­pressed to me their interest in suchmeetings to make it clear to me thatthey can h� made worth wbilCi Isuppose the pprpos, w(t h�ve iQ mi�4ill well enough known: to mak� anquestions of our own day. not fromthe standpoint of a class in Politics.or Economics, or Sociology or History. or Ethical 'fhepry, but as cit­izens of th� world to whom � fFaledUcation "oairht to give ',a kten and:vital interest In trying to seC! lifesteadily and see it whole.r am confident that if those whoreall)'! have snch" an interest can comefor a few minutes. this evening wecan begin te find t�e best ways of or ....ganizing "and conductit_lg such dis-cussions.Yours truly,'f'. D. Bramhall.MR. BICKHAM TALKSAT DIVINITY CHAPELYES'l'BRD.Y IIORNING-is reached wIlen a fat man faints on Relations of- Divinity students toa thin man, and the thin man after the religious life of a University:bi.eing extricated sits on the fat man were discussed by Mr. Bickham atand rolls off. and the fat man is fin- Divinity chapel yesterday. Mr. Bick_&tlly carted away on a truck�when ham also spoke of the conference ofsuch a play. I say, is called "full of college Y. M. C. A. men which openswit and representative of· the highest June 13 at Lake Geneva. at whleh aundergraduate. achievement," this number of University men wm beundcrgraduate can only throw up his present.hands and shout for help. ,Sloo:its and playlets. almost impromp- Hold No TeD O'Clock YesterdayOn account of illness of one of theresidents of the hall, no Ten'O'Oockwas held last night In HitchcockSubKnDe for the lfarooD. � .I ,. ' ,II •I IdIIIfIt You � tI.II� tI •ItItI •I •FORSALE-N::WisconSinSum- .; subscribe ·1mer camp location for sale. Ten •very desirable lots each 50 ft. front- I Iage on the Eagle chain of 27 lakes. � ISplendid location for club. Owner. IIE. S. Coleman, Eagle River, Wis.SALESMEN WANTED-Summer, Ipositions open. See n, C. Thomas, t6051 Ellis avenue, mornings 10-11, I tafternoons 2-4- Phone for appoint­ments, Midway 7906. Do not de- Ilay.FOR Jq!:NT-¥�rnis�ed summer cot- I'tage; 10 rooms and bath; veril���$dire�tly overlooking Lake Michi- I.gan; large wooded lot, perfect I tbeach; grocery delivery. Frank- I.fort, Michigan. Rental $150. Ad-I tdress C. K. Chase, Hamlton CoI- ItIege, Clinton, N. '¥.V ANTED-A hustling representative Id I �to sell a popular-priced room ec..oration. Especially spita�lt: fQr cQ,- ,Ilege dens.. Liberal commission· I IOnly one student at each school, I Iso write for fun partj�lars at once..The Moskin CpPlpany, 1264 St. ILouis Avenue. Chicago Ill.--FOR SALB C"�A.p-� good cir­culating agency tor 70Uni" man,profits from $2500 to $30.00 per Imonth. Easy work, requires only I t5 days a month, before school. H.E. Rasmussen. "5215 Ingleside Ave., � IItHyde Park 7020.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTSPATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS-I". DIlDy IIarooD .. DOW _ ale. I........ DidNot------III tYouIIII Can Ij�ttl in thc matter of preparation,have been presented on the campusthat were genuinely funny and typokally collegiate. The skit that theSophomores put on at their vaude-ville this winter. the hurlesque prc-s('nte(l at the Pen club dinner twoweeks ago. several features of the W.A. A. vaudeville. compared withPaprika. are models of delicious witand rcfined humor.I am not, howeved. attempting towrite a genuine criticism of theB1acfriar play. I merely want to sug-gest that some day an inspircd un-dergraduatc may write a play for theBlackfriars that will ha,'c some ele-111ents of satirc and burlesque, a play..• �or _._ a'The 0 ..1,. lIarOOD I' ..n:"ith a fairly coherent and interest- the Pleai�g plot; hut such a play will hardlyhe realized while faculty membersand themselves pcrsist in the siUJJ l opportunity for college men and W6-WIDOW WANTS" WO�K-W ell Imen to talk over some of the big Frederickrecommended. Mrs.IBrown, 5485 East End avenue andMrs. Charles S. Eaton. 5744 Kim- Ibark avenue would call your at- •tention to the needs and skill of I" Mrs. Epstein. She does plain sew- "I j�g aP4: relip�.� .. and ,��?a,irs' ���ts. "Her childrep wiJI ��Il fpr an" re- Iturn all ·prmt:Jltli' fip,: 4eserves I Iyour interest and needs your work. I.Address: Mrs. Epstein. 5436 LakeIavenue, (3rd floor) opposite HydePark Center. Send a post card. IItI I BuyAL'I�I,-!••••••••••••••Capand"'.','!Gown,'"WhileI • TheEditionLastsI II II, II •,I.ItI •I tI AtEllis 14PItI tI I All• Day-- .. MOSSLER co..9 J�ckson Blvd.--EastThe BeNer Dressers of theUniversities Wear "MossIerClothes."....?WSiritiW Y+bI� East Jackson Boulevard(Between Stat� and Wabash) .IJIr·l'f!j.,1\J.rJ{r!1-. , RegulationTHE JO:t!NSONPNEUMATIC ·SERVICEHeatTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDInstalled·- in the \1niversityof Chicago BuildingsComplete Systems forall Methods' of Steamandtlot Water HeatingControl of Humidity.Reducing Valves for Air,Water, and Hot Water TankReguiaiorsJohnson ServiceCo.H. J. GILSON, Mana&er.Chica�o Offic�.177 NO. DEARBORN STREEl '.DAILY MAROON VICTORIOUS 'C,m •Base Ball Ie turnsBY INNINGS ATCovvlley'sSo. East Cor. 55th and Elli.. .THAT AUTO WE AREGIVING AWAY.In a hard-fought, see-saw battlethe MA ROaN forces yesterday de­feated the Cap alld Gou'" team on theWashington Park grounds. Up tothe last inning the \'ictory was indoubt, and the game was not 'wonuntil the last man on each side madehis last error. .One oi the features of the gamewas Captain V.inissky's versatility.Inasmuch as he was the only one oneither team who wore a complete uni­form, he played four different posi­tions during the progress of theYOU· cannot do better gamc. starting out at first, shiftiing tothan see these clothes J second. trying his luck at third. antib f b u v i IinaHy. taking up a permanent posi­e ore u y 1 n g your don in center field.Spring Clothes! Rhett Retires.You'll find these Eng­lish sacks as worn atYale and Harvard-withdistinctive lin c sandsoft quiet tones in fab-ric and color. ·Special Values in SpringSuits at $25Other Grades $20-$50MossIer CO.course, in any manner you choose..... ".., . i threatened more than once. Two You can, with a friend's help spend"The University Bank" I men reached third without. �nterrup-. many profitable minutes working on'" Is Another Name for the tion. one shot only-s-the lob. smash. serve,woo�a.w.�7�. __ Trust ,.11" .. ,. .�. Gray. T���� . �,.' J �!�� ��� itrQ��� ��lC9��i�� .!<? .. ���,�,�l ..... _ .•. '� " Glay slammed �ut. a t���tt. tn1>lc; man' running into the. net, etc, And .. .'il S }}l�$.�. BanK .. l over the left fielder's head on: his this is a very g�od plan too. though1:1)01 J:u •. card ,titJ:e'et. Cblell�o. '1. t,'l • • h If .rst time at bat in the openmg a �t takes patience. both yours. andLike it, it is the largest I h Tnni 0 d bl .of t re sevent mmng, nc ou e your friend's.and Oldest "Institution of h f .iplay was successfully staged by t e '. Possibly the finest method of pre·its kind in this pan ofCCIP and G(I'lOI%, Allais stopping Stolz's Jiminary praceice is playing againstthe cily.It is the Nearest State hot grounder. tagging Hatcher who a. wall. As asteady, rel.iable oppon-Bank to the University was speeding for �econd. and �aking. ent a wall can not be 'beaten, for itEvery Banking the throw to first in time to head off never fails to return just as good orConvenience the runner. better than yau send. Marlc off theSavings accounts and The number or bases stolen by height of the' net on the wall andchecking accounts are each of the teams is a matter of 'con, 'shoot back and front hard, dropwelcome and' appreciated. jecturc and not of statistics. Allais, strokes over it until the cover comesPcrlee and Watkins played the best off the ball. There is no better wayIl!��=========.::===� game (or the Cap alld Goton, While of learning theory and of formingGorgas, Lollesgard and Mast starred habits than steadily to practicefor the MAROON." against a wall.t=.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!50LLEYING" in quo- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••------------- (Hatcher by Watkins, Rascoe by Gor­gas. Sacrifice hit, W. Lyman.Double play. Perlee to Watkins.Stolen bases, everybody several. U m­pire, Moritz.Hum�les The CaP and Gown in WUdContest-Best Guess at Score Is16 to g-Gray Triples. .... 11 +++++ __ I�U---------------------------------------SHOE'REPAIRINGBRING ALL THE WORKYOU CAN B�ENNOW AND JUNE 14 ANDGET COUPONS FORMAROON ADS PAY"VOLLEYING"The Smith-GoodYear Co.11 ...............Opposite Poatomce.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS nHll�H�IIIIUUI!i�UlII rtliillP; Ilill 11111111:11111\111111111' 'III'! '&l1ll1Iiuu!l:!lmmmll!lll1lllllll1By Charla Stewart.(Captain Tennil Team.)THE management expects capac­.ity houses Friday and Saturday nights,May 9 and 10. Do not put off purchasingyour BLACKFRIAR tickets longer:tauon marks is dis­tinct from votJeying,in that it means simple���!iIIii�1 practice not in a game,whereat votJeying isthe tenn used to des­�i!i!iiiiiiiii!iiiii" eribe the hitting of aball before it touche. the ground."Volleying" IS excellent .practice •particularly. in the 'pl1ng, when theeye and the arm need .plenty of workin order to return to their accustomedcase of action.' The great value ofthis informal playing tie. in the great"Corridor 10:lS to 'Z:45 Dailyer number of sh018 afforded by notCaptain Rhett tried to follow his having to serve or chase balls, and byopponent's tactics, and even went so absence of all strain attendant on thefar as to resign his position at the necessity of outwitting and heatinginitial sack to Watkins, after theyour opponent.latter ilad pitched two innings. Herepaired to the right garden, butsoon shifted to the side lines, from MandelQuadrangle .F ete Friday NightA workable plan for an hour's "vol-Ieying" is as follows: practice yourback-court strokes while' your oppon­ent stands at the net and tries hisvolley-shots ;then do you play netwhile he retires to the base-line;thirdly, do you both play in the back-fifteen. -court trying out your long drop andAf first the fortunes of war seemed' chop strokes 'and lastly. stand. eachto favor the CCIP and Gmt''', for they of you, about eight feet from the:blanked the' MAROON in the first net and practice short, snappy volley­half of the first and scored fourwhich position of vantage he con­ducte(l the game after the fifth inn­ing'. The M,�ROON _team played tenmen in all. and the Cal' alld GOWIIruns in the same dnning, In the thirdinning. however. the Daily forged tothe front, a position which it continu­ed to occup, although seriously ing; than which there' is' no betterpractice for quickness of eye. rapidshifting of grip, and suppleness of.wrist You can vary this scheme, of in t'he c1ass-roorri-as wen as on the campus are only wonby training. Fit yourself-get the last ounce that's in you.. Drink.,'II,•WheneTer,ou see anArrow-thinkof Coca-Cola.The Score.The score follows:AB R H P A EMast. eb, rb 6 2 4 9 0 0Vinissky, rb • ab, 3h, C£ 3 2 0 0 4Lollesgard, ss ..... S 2 2 0 3 IKennicott. 3b. zb .. 3 I I 3 0 IGorgas. p ••.....•• 5 5 4 I 7 IHatcher. c ........• 3 I 1'7 I 0Stolz. If ••.•..••.•• 5 0 2, 0 I ISickle, rf .•........ 1 2 0 0 0 2Shaffcr. cf •••••..• '.. I 0.0 0 0 IGray. .'lh •••••••••• 3 I I I 0 0Totals 16 15 21 I� 13AB R H P A EWatkins. p, rb ..... 3 I I 4 0 0\v. Lyman. 3h .•••. 4 2 2 0 0 IRascoe, c .....•... 4 2 3 9 0 1l�hett. Ih. rf ..•••• 3 I I 2 0 1AJJais. 2b 3 0 0 4 3 3Perlee. '5S .: .••••••• 4 I I 0 0 0(-;. '-,"man. cf ...••. I I 0 I 0 <'O\\'e�, If ........•. I I 0 0 0 0Palm('r. r( •..••..••. 1 0 0 1 0 ICol�'l1n", Jl ••. '••••• 3 0 0 0 0 0Prosse� ..•...••••. 1 0 0 0 0 0n\'crlev 1 0 0 (\ 0 0liarmon ...••••...•• 1 0 Ion 0TotC\ls •.....••..•.. 9 9 21 3 7Daily Maroon •... 0 I 6 t 2 I 5-16C:lO and Gown .... 4 t 200 Z o--C)Twa hase hit-Gorgas. LotlesJr:mlMast. Three base hit. GraY' Hit�.off Watkins. 3 .in 2 inninJrs. off Co'e­man :::! in. fhoe innings. off Gorqas. (}in �("·cn inninJ!'S. Rases 011 balls. ofT"':ltkins. ,. off Coleman. i. off Gor­JmS.�. Stnlclc ont-hv 'Vatkins T.hy Coleman. 6. hy Gorgas. 5. Hit bv'pitcher-Vinissky by Coleman, Have you subscribed for The lIa1'OO"MAROON ADS PAYPatronize our adverUsera. The7 anthe most progressift buiua8 ....MAROON ADS PAY. Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near sam Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh Avenue Cars from �1-vania Stadoa.KEPT "Y A COLLBaB JlANJlE.·IDQUAT:TERS FOR COLLBaS JI�1:;I''';VlAlJ u .... TES FOR COLL.a. 'l'IIAJlBTen Minutes' Walk to 'l'birty Theatres. Rooms with Bath, kso and up.New. Modem and PirepI'oofHARRY P. ·STIIiSON. IIANAGERI1F.ADQUARTERS roa CBICAGO•I II-------------------------------------------------------., .•..•..........••...•...... INVEST ItfJ!.NTSw. ..\� two fl".ooe � ft�·)·e3r' flr'� f1l<')rt;;a� on two p� wiCbIn a fewb:ocb or C:he Uni'�i(y. The buildoln� on whlch c:llu� f.;.on •• fIr niadoe are h� �lnoome pmpt'ftlea of tmI best cofl3tt'Uot.:ion throughouc, and located tD tile bMt eeatJGa<l( H)"'de Park. .ProPel"y v&:uatJcm 'In � � 1« at l":l� twice the Amount of tM 101m.We ... ·M,,.. on ·hand ot�r' ho!�h ;::r:l.l.:n;onf:':l�C!� nr.d Reoal Eatate bondII on Soads:do property, a ..... 0( w-blch we WOUld. �P:(3)'f'\l (0 k-nd upon IIPplte.don.1'\,1" P."lTt!cu.:ln 3{!.JTl-1<SFort Dearborn Trust � Savinas BankREAL ESTATE LO AN D!!:PARTMENTllO:SROE A:SO Cl.,\ rtK STrtEETS.Telephone: Randolpb 4301 P. A. Myren, Mil'............. _--_ .........•'..�" ... ,.'. ..."....... �HICA •••Te� Hrde hr" 1701•I,The first set or press letters adver ..Innings I': :0--6 ti&ing the Interscholastic were sent Professor Dickson will lecture 01\Armour •••••••• 0 0 1 2 1 2 00Chicago ••••••• 3 00 1 0 100 o-s out yesterday. They were mailed to nily representatives; and the faculty, Linear Associative Algebras andStolen bases-Speocer, Catron, almost e"ery newspaper in the co�n- committee will meet a week from to-. Abelian Equaeions at the meetmg ofScofield,' Norgren, Gray, Kann (2), try telling them of the nature of -the day in the Reyuolds club. the' Mathem3tic31 club today at 4:15Herman, Hamilton (2), McDonnell Interscholastic and asking them to •(2). TWO:1>ue' hits-Hook Home in Ryerson .37.runs-Baumgartner (2). S3crific. pat a notice of it in their columns. . Junior Su� and Sin ••__ � B ,PnlidCDt� .. for New Yo� rr- - A""'r;can will speak on Contempor-hits-e-N orgren. Struck out-uy aUDL Entry blanks have already been sent J . d '11 h( ) b H 'It (II) Bases . umor men an women WI ave 3. ary Swedish Poets at the meeting of�artner 14, Y anII on. to high schools likely to send men. President Judson left yesterday for I di . ht I h Con balls--Oft Baumgartner (8). oJf c ass inner tonig t 10 t e emmons the Scandinavian club at the home ofHamilton (7). Hit by pitcher- by ,Every. effort is being made to get New York where he will attend the cafe. After the dinner the class- willBaumgartner. Trinkhaus.. Passed more men at the Interscholastic by Anglo-American Peace conferenceballs-Mann. Time of Game-l =4Q.Umpire-Pickett. lIaYing more schools 'represented,CHICAGO DROPS G.AJDTO ARMOUR INSTITUTE(Continued from pa� I) pREss . LETTERS 'ARE IlAlLBD . p_,.tera. .. aclvertiainc the "meet · ... illbe distributed around the city some­time "this week. The· annual dinner�given under the. �ea .. of theSkull and, Crescent, to high schooltrack ·managers, wiD be held May 22.The committee chairmen, the frater-1n�1ptic Commiujoa Tr:YiDc {oHave lIore Schools ReprcaentecLin session this week.SEE OUIt NEW SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT., SUBWAY FLOOR·.,Now in our SleW home. J-t across from 0111" oIcl,locatioa.WE want. to thank you for the way- y()u�vei··receivedr..this' ANNOUNCE SECOND ANNUAL TENNIS DRAWINGS FORsplendid- new . store of curs-e-you've backed .up.your ap- WNE REA�ING CONTEST TOURNEY OCCUR TODAY.: preciation in a way we -can.itrace-c-it may ;Mn.: MUwar4 AWns �,es WiIJ �e PArtqers in Wo�'''-I!Iatch_ to·Be· k hat.our.o . ' Awarded-WW' Give Out . 8eJected-'I1lis �vI.". Interest you to now .t rat. our, -velume of . DetaUaLat�. A."A.llaka·�·· �business has increased' �D;lote·:than··30� per' T:- Mrs. Mli;:::; Adams prizes Tennis drawings for partners in the_. cent. We lay· _a' 'part �'·ofl.this;;:.of)Cour8e, to amounting to one hundred dollars,th tt ti f ,... -. _. 't· t for artistic reading, will be awarded- e a rae Iveness 0 'our' new·s ore---mos b d Itt t b'. ,. at t e secon annua con es 0 eof- it, however, we believe to he due! to- the 'held next month. The foundation is.. way we perpetuated. 'our value' :'mving a tribute to thl! mempry of Mrs. Mil-..., ,·b�· ward Adams, the memory of whose�).�tandards---to the fact -that-vyeur- income, work is perpetuated at Harvard ami. ,.� h t ' ,·t· -. ak .' -I -'. � ·'.;...1 . t _ Chicago by the annual contest. The- .. _ "w a ever. I IS, m �� .yo� �.a._,. 9glCcu. CDS 0 , contest is open to Senior college;�� , ·�mer. of this great store.vRight-now-we're students.. -holdina a special saleof .suits.-.at:.:.$20-'that . ··Those who are interested are re-... - quested to hand in their names ton� man. ever �,��ht.:.at Je8� than, $25 'or ··'S30r .• "0;""'. =:Z:::. �k ::;�':!�o�e D��:"I:It s further.proof of what we ve .: said. ..'. "� .. ,. ; .... � -:: �M �aY,: 13. ·A meeting will be held a(-. .. ,. . ,��. ��:.. -; :' .. �'tcr the entries are dosed, at whicbdetails of the contest will be an-"�,:.Ell I Ij"'i. 'I' �,� I------------------------- ;.�.-.------------------------ --------------�---------dEFFERSON ,pIuNC-Es.SFiat ��AH-.I." c, iat- S�:r.e.:BieWa:l� PralleDI.: -;tn' IUM-COIJ IERSULLIVAN • COHIID�PRODUCDlG -DKP�.·ANIIOUIIC&., 16 PEKIN ZOUAVESA mommoath lDumatic ahibit ofDriDiDc ACI'O� aad ticht­DiDc�..IIARIB FlTZGIBBOHSSiDeiDc ComedieDIIe aad StorleI.VINCENT. RAYIIONDSiD&iDc, taDdq • �.Added featare �Jas. Frauds Sani.. • Co. praeDt"Rapid Yare V�" 'Special NoYelty Feat1II'eFreddie Nol'llWl Troupe pnll __a dab jaaIiDc abihitioD.-,=- ... 1:11PitieD•• r..:" e ....-co� 6UDA STAR AND PLAY "-CALOF AIiERlCAGaoJUm II. COHAN AMD BIICOIIPANYI.•• OADWAYJO .. MAJESTICIIR. EDWARD DAVIS ill HisADecOl7 of R;rtbme aacl lIeJoq'-rbe':.Kiac'of �.­____________ BILLY GOULD.BELLE AS�YIfill 0riaiDal Soap ad SaJiDpBOGAHNY TROUPEia "The Ro7a1 Laatic Bakers."IIOVING-TALKIMG PICTURBS'Geoqette; lime. ., � ...1ldUe.. ;LIIdDe, 'West, a....loa • CMoa, KiDocIroaIe. ••••••••••po� .���OJiftr IIOI'OKO aa4 Cbaa. L. W ..... ·, U • Ii 1_..-.at THB MONEY IIOON. ..0.. A'" '.:._ 11liioi4 at... ' ' ,. -1/fIC'"NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY. : ia· ... eftI"�s. Die.-.',-P�CK_,TONIGHT Summer' Price: �.so. Ro. JIi&ber:-:W���.oo . !WHER DREAKS COME TRuE. .with JOMPh SaDtl�and a' SpteiMJ14 C CIiat ad Pro &1nt;1ionSEVERAL GOOD REELSADIIISSIOR...P100r,aD�·, •• ._ •• _�, _aD 8eIda. • ••••••••• IL�INOISAU Cbicap Is LaaabiDc WidaBLAHCBB RIMG. ....... CIaadia Smiles­� Caaor, Soap aacl'GirIapAL&"�JUU,MARIE IICFARLAHl)AND MADAME 1ROBERT l'. HAINES a CO.ia "The Coward."RftlDq, Nobody • Platt-Vo1aDt­Bert Levy-Elbert Van .AIstyDe aLooa Brae-Jack Huard-TheD�olqL �omas A. EdiaoD'.TaIIdDa- Moville Pict1Ira.THE WORLD IN CHICAGOExpoUitOD and Pqeaot now openCOUSEU .. Every Weekday 12 DooDto 10 P. II.A WORLD'S FAIRAdmiaioa. 2SC; CbiIdnD, I$C.:AUDITORIUIIPAGEANT OP DARlDfBSSAND LIGHTPInt Time ill Cblcqo; a • ."Ificeat;IpectKlepc to 'I.SO; 1Iozea, 'IG.eO"'b·i .. "-t .. ��..I�b1W::w� . WHAT ORGANIZATIONSA'RE DOING H:ER.EMathematical Club. Y. w. C. L. McetUic.:Dean Marion Talbot will 'be thespeaker at the meeting of the Y. W.C. L. tomorrow at 10:15.Scandinavian Club.Dr. J acob Bongren of the SwedishM iss Lindstrand .tomorrow night.serenade Harper library, the wo- Sophomore Beach Party.men's halls and the President's house.Frezshman Social Committee. Members of the Sophomore classPlans for the Freshman Vaudeville will iih'e a beach party a week from: .. 'd dance will be discussed at the tomorrow in Jackson park.meeting the Social committee 3t Junior Law -DiDDcr.10:15 in Cobb. .The Junior Law dinner which wasBab;y PaV. . announced to take place last nightFreshman women belonging to the will be held next Tuesday. at .6 inAthletic. 'Music, Modern Fiction and the Commons cafe, Ju�ge KeneshawDramatic clubs will give a Baby 1\1. Landis will be: the 'guest and,party this afternoon in Lexington. speaker of the evening, _. _ '._women's tournament- will· �e placetoday in Lexington gymnasium. at I.All women who wish to play in ,theundergraduate or University 'tou.:n�­ment must be· present t�ay at thenounced. drawings,At the W .A. A. meeting held yes­terday it was decided that the W. A .A. - silver tennis cup should be �vttnto the champion. The memb.,rs ofthe association also will entertain theWomen'. Trade Unlon-Leasu� Tbl.is an B�nual affair, and hockey anciba�ebatl. games, B!e. pi����(.���_ vis.;.itors enten.,g into all the sports.The W. A. A. banqti�t wiD '� heidJune 4 in LexIngton, accordhlg":tothe decision reached at the meeting •.PATltOIflZB IIAROOR AD9 .... '" .. )