i-,I·., .•( \,"t VOIJ. XI.. No. 133. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY, MAY 6,1913. ,PRICE FIVE CENTSy� : TO: ,�LlYtime this season. The first, game wasCritics Unite in Favorable Commel!� of $250 established as a yearly award New Committeel An Appol;nted; �d Faculty May Have Quartet-Schoolon Lines-One Chorus Girl by Mrs. Howard T. Ricketts as a m� Will Meet ,T�_,(ioes won by Armour in the twelfth inning' of Education to Have-FourL�es ,Clothes. morial to Professor Ricketts who to ir. W. C. L. on, a 'home run drive by Firstbase-i Singers Present.died in Mexico City. Mexico, May 3.No two opinions on the Blackfriar 1910, from typhus fever which he ae­show given last Friday and Satur- quircd while studying the disease.There can be little doubt tha ttl�e years was ahraya leCond, came out pitchers, and the, .team is coached by,tr.lay was more adequately presented an easy first, with the lum of $5.).07 'Long John' Schommer., It is pos-the second night' than the first. Tak- while the Junior. followed: witli sible that Coach Page will give all hising into account the criticism by $.18.05. The Freahmea were next with, pitchers a work out .in the game to-James Weber Linn, '98, which ap- $41.05, while the SOpbomore. realizeci. day,as no other contests have beenpeared in the' MAROON on Satur $,38.70. scheduled before the Northwesternday, the principals endeavored to . Will HoW Aaoth.r Pete. game Saturday.speak and sing more audibly, and A second fete will be held �ext a.icago defeated the fast ROlelauclthey succeeded partially, at least, al- Friday nigJit between the first and Eclipse teajn Saturday 4 to 3. ear-though many in the . back of the second acts. An... 'Moffet.. general penter pitched '. good game for Chi. Ihouse and in the barcony complained, chairman of th� _tralr, .lAid Yeste'r- cag'O and. held. his opponents wen InPraise Book. day' that the Y. w,. a' L. will not,_ hand after the third inniq. ChicalOWith few exceptions all those in- realize as much u, tbey .did. the ot�er, came .from· beb!nd and finalltr won'terviewed expressed appreciation of night. but that the1 wnuld :seU' out, in the- eighth.'the book. which, they declared, is ,enough to come oUt �.,e ..,Esmond R. Long, 'II. " , ' .fthe best in recent years. The lyrics Drawing ,for ��tior.s fot the 4i -SENIORS poi � .. DANCE �.D_t... � The plans are still in the formativeand music also received general ap- Esmond R Long, 'II, is a mem- �ez:ent . bOoth. WI.'11-" t. an.. '-.-, �. e \to4a, y DINNER ,.O� �w8 "D,1l1, D.&v.. '&� r na atate and no very definite arrange ...proval, especia1.1.v�·th� Barcarolle, the' her of Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kap:" at 10:15. Senion 'wiIlllldt a� 1Z:J9 ' ","''-. -:" ,... • . -." ..oJ, , ", * . , ..., , " menta have �R, �C?unced. Tbe, BDccaDeer: «;hijrns • I'd· r:ove" fo"LOve pa and Sigma;,Xt -He Was a Pro�i·. toda" y in' �o.ster :.,', • .�, =-4:fp, :�- .:., ·'OR u_ " �� �";' '.. ' . - .• ,WB,1..,qte � ....... ---- ...... �ent stat� yesterda�, bow-a Hero, and'Wilhelmina. n('nt student while 3b undergr.tduate. C1lSS ;p.ans; :wJaile.':>�,e Ja�Ic;».rs.', ,"11: ". ". -.' ;:;;,.i B� W....;.';';' t- h ff '11 b d__ _... _ua "er.tataneo�W1 emaetoIt is in the matter of the actin", heing a member of the Universicy m�et in th� ·Lea.sae ,JOOm .atI Jt):IS -..'.... "b ' ' .,... haft every branch of (J�iversity ac-however:, that the critics are at vari- track team and a University: marshal.. this "morning ,and' tbe �JaC;,J;Dores-at· ,.' ."" � tlYity .��eutecL There will be a;ance. Some declared that it is at Hili work for which he was awarded •2 ,in Green hall, ·r�m.34- :rhc:'freSl'-,' ::.. � . ,�_"""_ .. :' . '. ! .' .- ' " ' ..tt_' !"ria qa,�et f�om. t�e S!=hool of Educationleast up to the s�andard set in prev- half the Ricketts prize is on the. man: committee, WIll ., meet in . the.. 'Seniors' will UACe aDa. UIIIeI :y '..,.,' ,. .. . cia and the Glee _clubs -will sing. Mr.'ious years, while others believed that pnrines, and their metabolism in nor- league room this �oon at 2. afternoon' �d CftDl�� TIle I Ilce'. " "." ,"" . __. • b 'D_ Id I I b 'B�c�rd, is ptanni�g to ,hav, e th,eit was rather inferior. mal and pathologcal conditions.· lIon-.Goea to Y. w. C. L. will :be. 'bad ill t e' �ao s! C U-, _f___·. baud play several selections and tbeTIo.:fr . A • Award Made Yearly. The money w. hich. is- reailzed from frolll. 4 to 6 �d gao �d.·wiII �t be.&IlIIer on ctiDC· , " requ, ired fo� the o«asloa. The cbap- ,�tchestTa wiU' probably' accompany,"I heard a number of file actors In- Dr. Kite's work conc�rn� 'the per- the sale of ice cream. . candyw 'ano ic.,meability and structure 0, f' cells,. The W C· ';': erons ·yrlIl .. be Kft •. Ifanon Talbot.sisting that any criticism of their lemonade goes to the Y., ., . :*;. � It it rumore4 that an effort will beHoward Taylor Ricketts pri.w;e)s to ...t! Mrs..Robert,Ai. Killikiua aad Mr. aa4work must take into accorunt the . , and to the Geneva Camp., ule . ��de to interest the faculty in tbehe awarded each year on th� .anni- I Mrs. Fred Merrifield. 'money is put in a fund for delegat�s sing aI'so and that a faculty 9uat;letto the camp at Lake Geneva 'an.'. ·At 6 the data '1h11 hold •• lInnet', may' come out and show how to do it.the remaining sum goes to the, treaS- in the Commoli. cafe, st .bleb � Though the managers made �everatmembers of tile clast witt be preleaL . . .ury of 'the League. wgue references as to who woaldThe comrm'ttees �or' the sec'ond After' the dinner thete will be iI.. � I b' rI' represent the, ,acu ty t e prolessorsfete are as follows•• ., .formal speechtl b1' se.eral melDben. b h d d . d tL-t'W 0 were approac e eme ....The Co�:--- and a vote will tH! taked to detetliline .._��� they were as yet on the hst of per--the most populat claamaft, th� most formers.beautiful woman, the Iwubomestman, th� athldle hero, the' ables�"fusser" and the elus grind. Pre.­ident �uh, a,nDoaliCe. d,at the "Ia ..ner will be ova" ia time for any .hodesire may attend the Blackftlarshow of the evening.Members who at,end are requeltedto hand their .. melt to any one' ofthe following comlbittee: Cora Hin­kins. A'nna'Mo'et, Ruth Dozen, Vir­ginia Hinkins. Nonn�ft £imstrom.and Fred Steinbrecher. 1"be cianetwill be fir�,. cents • plate.Seniors dt'siring clast pillS are noti­'fied to order at. once from HelenGrols. c;hairmall or tile pin commit­tC-f". A number �re--�,. �\"e ()rdcr�dpins. bllt many membe,. of the clasthaye yet to be, lleard from.The. Senior IIWn .wm give a banquetin Hotel La Salle Wednesday e\l'e.nning. June II, the day after ConVo­Qtion. . Plans for Seniot festivitiesin, Commencement week are, beingarranged 'and' will be aanoanced in.'few cia,...OPINIONS DIFFER ONMERITS OF "PAPRIKA"Mod el Critic;.;., Are Fuorable--­SeCOIMI NiPt Declared BeUerT ... FintBOOK RECEIVES MUCH PRAIsEI• - \1 I.t .,-,.'-:i" day agreed, although many wereheard by a representative of the MA­ROON yesterday. But everyone hadan .opinion to express, and most ofthe criticisms were distinctly favor­able.t• � •• ,.. \• j�• 'j', \ ..� It·:'i I.: .,.• ?':�'�"""-: ._ ........, ".• ,'f.t ( "- .......• ,'t.. I·', -,•• ARllOUR IS 'PLANNING TO HAVEALL-lOOVERSIn SINGliTE AND LONG GIVEN p� QUADIWIGLI PETlIS ,, " BIGGEST OtrlECORD WDl Meet. T�cal �titute Squad' .. ; . -... .... �. ...fo� ,���, ,:��c:-r .WinsFirst in Twelve ,I�RainPreYenta AlUlDDi C�at. Diredar SmellS Is Tryiq t. Hue ADBrudes of tile UmenityRepnsealed.\ ward for Research in Departmelltof Pathology and BacteriololY I.Made on Anniversary of Death ofProfessor FUck�Dr. George L Kite a'nd EsmondR. Long were jointly awarded thefirst Howard Taylor Ricketts prize Armour Institute will meet theSETTHUlSDAY,MAYIS, AS DATE,Yarsity, .t.his af.t�rnoon f9r ,the secondman Linquist. Yesterday's gam� withProceeds; from the Quadrangle .r: the' Alumni and Old-Timers wasfete which wa9 held durin. the inter- called in the third on account ofmission of the Bladcfriar. perform- rain,ance Friday. hal ecUPled all fonner Have Good Team.records, ,$105.81 wu realized after- . Armour has a_ .remarkably goodseventy,4five dollar. wal deducted for .. team and. is the, {�vorite to win theexpenses. championship of the Little Five.The Senior booth., who in previous .Carver and Hamilton are 'crack Plans or a general University singare being made :by Mr. Stevens forThur5day afternoon, May 15. He ishoping to have a sing which shan be'typical of Chicago, neither a frater­nity or a club sing. �he band. theUniversity orchestra, the Glee dubs,the Blackfriars, and the student bodyas a. whole have been asked to ,takepart."This is rather a novel idea:' saidDirector Stevens yesterda� .. I do notthink it has ever been tried at Chi­eago, \Ve plan to have a real singthat \ViII be a University sing. Ofcourle later in the Spring. the Inter­fraternity sing will be held but whatwe want now is a general,good timewhen old Chicago songs and any�on .. that are wanted will be sung. 'We w111, sing Old Black Joe if' it iscalled for."Nothing Is D_efinite.FORMER ATHLETE WHOWINS PRIZE IN BIOLOGYneakness .of their lines," declared agraduate who, has seen every playgiven by the Friars in the last two'�ollegiate generations. . �'L�t me sayright now that no set of principals ing year.ever had a better lot of lines to make ver�ary of Professo! Ricketts' deathfor the best research done by' -a stu­dent in the Department 'of Pathologyand Bacteriology during the preced-inlo good parts. When I w�s in col- JUNIORS WILL HAVE DINNERlege we had almost to make ourIlad a hard time doing it, but he cer­tainly succeeded. Then considerMorse. He's easily the hest com­edian we have had since. Baukhageand. in my opinion he's every hit as�od. Redmon. of course. couldn·'help being funny." song has as yet been accepted as theDorsey Pleases. class song hut members of the songDorsey, in the opinion of many, committee say that they are expect­ing :;omc th:.t c�me up tc the st:nd ..was the hest actor in the play, look- arc{ to be submitted hefore long.i�g the part no better than he tookparts ourselves. Now it seems theyhave to have them ready made."On ,the ot}1or_ hand: "The actorsdid as well as any I have ever s�en. Ofdeclared another critic equally Quati­'fled to judge the pl�. "Look at theway that Dyrenforth made the partof Paprika into a real woman. He. ...,',it Dyrenforth's dance, too, receivedmuch praise.The 1)lay will be repeated nextFriday and Saturday, with largeaudiences in sight for hoth perrorm,ances. The Unh·ersity Settlement IS•.., .,,'t-• jl ,-I •. (Continaed on .pap 4) After Class Gathering: . TomorrOW'Night Will Serenade Halls. .. Seniors: Jean Lov� chairman;iEdith BradleY'. �Iiza�th _ Bredi!'.Effie Hewitt, Elizabeth Jones, ,ManeNagl.· Alma Ogden .. Ina Perego.Katherine Putman, Myra Reynolds,Sarah Sander, Kathleen Shannon.Cecile Van Steenberg. Martha Whit­tamore. Glenola· Behling.: Floren<;eDenniston, Eleanor . Seley. AnnaMay Bernet. Ella Sorenson, , LeotaSmith and Edith Gordon. .- :Janion: Charlot�. Viall, cbai�an:Cornelia JJeall. Edna. Bell. Etta F1nd­lay;. Celia Gamble,· Lula. Laubach.:Helen Leonard. Flo�ellce Foley,Nancy Miller. Helen - Street. EmmaClark Rlanthe Mason. Lynne Sulli­van. Lillian Swawite. Dorothy Willis.ton, Lillian Larson. Arlifte Brown,:Margaret Grobber, Leone Heming­way. Della Patterson. Frances Rosen­thal. Margaret Chaney, Sa�b Churchan" Eunice Wirthen.Sophomores: Mary Simpson. chair­man; Ruth Allen. ' ·Helen . Beckley.Louise 'Avery. Emma, Brodbeck.Marion Cormtock. Mabel O'Connor,Bertha Parker. Marguerite' �Seley.Edith Smith. Marie Spaldiftg, Made­Ivn Woodruff. Lois ,S"therland. trent'Tufts. Hilda. Veblell, CaI'JI Cody,Sallv Ford. Shirley Keyes, IreneTayior. Edna Goeitler. and lIary Mc-'Donald, .'Freshmen:, Harriet Allport., chair,----------------------------'_(Coatba.4,oD pace 4) .' .. DEPICT GENEVA CAMP AT, ,WO�EN's ',LEAGUE DINRDJunior men and women will hold aclass dinner tomorrow night in theCommons cafe, There will be . nospeeches, although several membersof the faculty will be present. Theclass committees are trying to get100 memhers of the class to attendlllis dinner as sevent"leight werepresent at the last luncheon. 'After the dinner th't class win sere­nade H :\rper library. the women'�halls and the President's house. No Y. w. C. L. Will Give Four Table.­of Life in Camp Tonight inLesiDgton.Life in the Geneva camp of �lae.Women's Christian League will bedepicted at the Geneva supper to­night in �exington at 5 :30. Fotn'.tableaux representing the life at Gen­eva ate to be given. Clara Allen wills{Jeak for the alumni, Leona COOft.'�r those who are intending to- pto Geftc\":t this summer and Virg11ri2Minklns. Sally L. Ford, ArlineBrown, Dorothy Llewellyn, LouiseIMicle. and Ruth Allen for those whohave been to Geneva. Dorothy BentwiD he toast mistress.The committee in charge promisesa goo' supper and time and urges all!University women to attend. Theticket. are thirv eenll.Will Not Announce Winner Yet.The winner in the Political Sciencet'xamination for a $200 cash prize willnot be 'announced this week. E;gb't!Freshmen ('ompleted. President Jud1son has appointed as the examinationI('ommittee: Professor, Freund, Pro­fcsor Merriam and Mr. Bramhall.J • 1.'THE DAILY MAROON, TCESDA Y" MAY 6, 1913·� .�... .-'���Tpe",Daily Maroon..... .�. t l1ui )Ii-nit, oE o;�ic.,.:Ea,ffin.t �tu��ut �_R1.'''1'nl'ubllahtod daJly U�""'pI. Suuliay.. llond.} ...aoo hoUda) .. durinc Ul� �UA1·te,.. ot &.heUnl\-erai(7 year.Ente� a.. �nJ-c:aa. mall � til'" Chica.coPuet�oe.· Ch!caa'O. Ill .• llarch 1::-. lOOS. ua­�r Act 4;)t :\larch 3. ISi3.�"lIltCKll·'l·10.N KATEltBy earrrer, ��.:.o a. )"�ar; $1.00 1\ quaner.U:r mall. $3.tlO a )'�a1'"; $l.� a quart .. r.J:;d.!toria.!·llUSJD_ utrl�. &111e u.Td�phon .. :Uidwa,. bOO.Hyde Park. 5.01 (att�r 1} p. m.)__ .Uall 1>ox _"1.)" Faculty ��O!.Mana cine EdUur Illram KeDDI�ott_:';""'It };llitor llllrtln Sten· ...Atbletic Editor - l�n .. rd ,·lnbak.,..,uiaalDal lIaoacer - - - Burdett. Uaalt�: �SOClATK KDITOKS·Sa.t;I�';'Pla.nG{>QO;e ··OoUln.hamDorotb� Willlaton.' \\"Uliam Lyman •• 1l3fT7 �orca.Huk�ll RhettLeon Stolz"Even tbe �porter bal au om� and_lth clear e,.4!11 aud hone.' �Wlce. mal'uneU lDJu .. ti�e aud poiJa, the WQ toproCrftl .. ··-B. L SoPrintt'd by llaroo� Preas. 6:)11 Ootota.ce GlV\'e.<ItlJitotialThe terms "Greek" and "barbarian"are happily absent from campus ver­nacular at the Univer,Fraternitiesfor All. Every man is asity.Chicago man; member­ship in a : Greek letter. society is quise as incidental-if notaccidental-as membership in a city. club is to a man later in life. Collegelife is quite as complex as life outsideof the quadrangles. It is a platitude. to say tha; the deserving are oftenneglected in life; so in college. Thereare examples too numerous to men­tion of men not asked to join frat­ernities who are fit to grace the:l�ch�?�Ja�le of)iny fraternity. Af_ter aU( tli�e -=is no' such type of manat Chicago ·as· a -"fraternity man.'·.Heaven· forbid r '1£ there'- were, bet­ter be a p�ain man. Fraternity mem­bers are no better or worse '!han non­fraternity memb��. The only differ__'ence between the two groups of m�n__ u, that the first group contains menwho have been lucl..-y enough to finda number. of men wkh whom theycan be congenial and intimate. The. second group is composed of themen who have not been fortunateenough to have found opportunityfor such association.. The lack of op-. portunity in no way' implies any in­.fcriority on �he part of the non·frater­. r.ity . member. I t simply means atChicago one thing-that there arenot enough fraternities. If the frat­erni�y system is a good thing-andwho investigates it but to find itgcod-it should be so extended in ademocratic University like Chicago toinclude practically all of the men.True. fir.�y-eight of the 101 men,\"hose names and pictures appear inthe Senior section of this year's CIl/,OIuf G,l:\l1 are members of undergrad_uate fraternities .. But there should beeven a larger percentage in fraterni'ties. a point made forcibly by Pres­ident Judson in his report' for 1912.There should he nothing at Chicagowhich all men cannot have. Thisdoes not imply that inciividl�al frat­t:1 nities should not be allowed to piCktheir own men. It does demand.however that while i!ldividual frater­nities are exclusive. the system as awhole should be inclusive. 'Thereshould be enough fraternities So thatevery man may find the group inwhich he fits. Then even the terms··fratemity" and Hnon'fraternity" manwill be consigned to the limbo thathas received the ridiculous"Greek" and '·barbarian.', terms. . Bulletin and Announcements.Women's Chapel-Io: 15, Joint Meeting-Freshman Athletic,Junior�lalHlel. Music, Modern Fiction and DramaticSophomore Y. M. C. A. Commis- clubs, tomorrow. 3:.30. League room.sion-lO: 1,5. �l r. Bickham's office. Mathematical Club--Tomorrow.Editors of Women:s Supplement of 4: 1,5. Ryerson 3i.Chicago EveninglIDBotanical Club--4:30, Botany 13.Student Volunteer Band--t :30 Lex-Post-e-r :15, Cobbing ton 3.Univershy Public Lecture-s-Pro-Iessor Da\'iu Friday, 4:30. Harper:,r 11.Biological Club--i :45. Quadrangleclub.Senior Colleges and the College ofCommerce anc Administration-Chapel, tomorrow, 10: 1 5. Mandel.College of Education Chapel- T 0-morrow. 10:15. Emmons Ulaitlc :21+ U ni versiey Public Lecture--M r. I Delta Upsjlon, Beta Theta Pi and! Sigma Chi will have their new homesill the central quadrangle.(To be 'Continu�d.) .............. �CLASSIFIEDAD\'lRl'ISEMmlSSTUDENTS. dcsir iug'GO()U xrox EY by to makesclling an\\. illiam .M. Salter, tomorrow, 4 :30.I !arper �1I6.Junior Dinner and Sing-Tomor­row, 6 to S. Hutchinson cafe.Divinity Chapel-Thursday. 10:1,5, WANTED-Thearticle of real lIll:rit. write us atonce. Eas ily handled 011 sparetime. Owasco Supply Company.Box :\0. :!�5 Auburn, N. Y.Haskkcll assembly roonuY. W. C.L.-Thursday. 10:15. Lex­inuton.Scandinavian Club - Thursdaynil-!ht. 8. home of �l iss(.:'00 .\Voodlawn avenue.World in Chicago Pageant-Stu­dents Day. Fr iday , 4. Coliseum.Lindstrand.Have Already Submitted TwelveMottoes in Club Contest,NAME WINNER NEXT WEEK JUDGE LANDIS SPEAKSAT LAW CLASS DINNER,,'inning inscriptions in the Rcy­Holds club contest for ia Latin mottowill he announced next week by thejudb';nl-! committee of Professor Mil­ler and Associate Professor Beeson,of the Latin department. and Profes­sor Prescott. of the Department ofClassical Philology. "-The winningmotto will he- carved- at' once uponthe club's coat of arms.'to •Tw clve mottoes have been submit-ted already. many of them quite good •.according- to Librarian Stephenson.The contest will close Saturday. Aprize oi a year's frec mel11be�ship willhe gin'n to the c1�tb member withthe winning inscription .. ·.AN��l[.�_CE -i RE�C.EN;V.l:Ep��S.Lambda' Tau Rho. Red�lleaded Frat­ern;�, . Pledges Fiv�' M�: --Lamha- Tau Rho announces thepled�in).! of Frank .Whiting. AlbertCummins. Alfred :Elldy. Ralph Da\'isand Robert Harper. The neoph)'teswill·be initiated Saturday night_ They'",ill attend the Bl�ckfriar ·show wear­ing red wig-so will' sit'- in the firstrow anti ;,vill be put t�tough a seriesof stunts.Lawrence \\'hiting. James' Donovanand Reno Reeve. alumni of thischapter will he present at the initia­tion. Lamha Tau Rho is the red­headed fraternity an�1 w�s founded atOhio State in J�)JO. The maroonchapter was estahlished here lastyear. The present chapter consistsof "Rust" McGrath. "Red" Paine and"Sandy" Sellers. .HITCHCOCK DEFEATS SNELLWins· From Old Rival in 15Baseball Game.Hitchcock succee(led in hadly\\'orstil1� Snell in the annual inter­hall basehall g-amc Saturda\- h\" th��core of T � to 4. Snell !'oeen-le<) 'to heunahle to pro(itl('e a pitcher whorould hafflc t hc II itchcock !'olu��ers.The hattery i()r Hitchcock wa� 'Lc\'i Judge Kenesaw �1. Landis. widely positions open. Sec H, C. Thomas.known for his decision in the Stand' 0051 Ellis avenue, mornings 10-1 I.ani Oil case in which he imposed:l afternoons :2-4. Phone for appoint-fine- oi �29.ooo.ooo. will be the guest ments. Midway ;906. Do not de-of honor and speaker at the last lay_monthly dinner of the Junior Law. FOR RENT-Furnished summer cot­class in 'Commons cafe at 6 today. tage ; 10 rooms and bath; verandasDean Hall of the Law school will. directly overlooking Lake Michi-preside and members of the Law fae-. gan ; large wooded lot, perfectnlty will be among the guests. Sev- beach: grocery delivery. Frank-cnty-five of thc class members will fort. Michigan. Rental $150. Ad-be present. dress C. K_ Chase, Hamlton Col-The monthly dinners were inaugur, lege, Clinton. �. Y.atcd by the second-year class last WIDOW WANTS WORK-\Vell.February, and members of the de-Famous Jurist To Be Guest in Com­mons Cafe at 6Tonight.to 4tain their private dining rooms, theywill nevertheless he hrought intoclose touch with the non-fraternitybrody. This will scrve to further thathro:ltl dcmoctatic spirit which hasal\\'ay� characterize(1 thc fraternities'partment �xpect that the custom will'be continu:;:d. thereby doitlg away;with the anpual dinner.... Law and 'Medic students \\;jlJ meet;in a basehall encounter in the neariuture. the exact date to be an­nounced later'. Xathan Tatarsky ismanager of the law team and is look­iug o\,er his material with a view to;pickin� a championship team.'SOMETHING TO. READFrat�rni!y Quadrangles..Scptcmber. 1913. will mark the in­augurat.ion at X orthwestern of oneof the most democratic systems ever­troducted into an American college­the opening of Greek letter ira·ternityhouses side by side with generaldormitories on the uni\'ersity cam­pus. Three fraternity houses andiour dormitories will constitute each(Iuadranglc. The architecture willpresent a harmonious similarity. but1I:c cluh houses \\;11 be distinguished Daily �larO{lnwoul d like to :'l'Cllr�' t he servicesoi a compct a nr Jlrt.loin·�Hkr for atleast olle lIig'lIt a we v k jlt.):':'lhlytwo. �ati�ia�t<..'ry rl:1lI11Jll·r�ltil)ll.l all at )lar"ulI t'ltil·l·. Ellis ':4.LOST-.-\ iliad.: �ilk mutf'lcr at Blal·k.friar l'l'rit1rtllatll'l' o nXotiiy �l aroon �_)fiil'(.·.FOR SALE-X orth Wisconsin Sum­mer camp locaricn for sale. Tenvery desirable lots each 50 it. front­age on the Eagle chain of �7 lakes.Splcndid.Jocation for club. Owner.E. S. Coleman, Eagle River. Wis.SALESMEN W ANTED-Summcrrecommended.. Mrs. FrederickBrown, 5485 East End avenue andMrs. Charles S. Eaton, 5744 �im­bark avenue would call your at­tention to the needs and skill ofMrs. Epstein. She docs pfa;" sew­ing and relines and repairs coats.Her children will call for and re­turn all garments. She. desen'esyour interest and needs your work.Address: -Mirs. Epstein. 5436 Lake. avenue, (3rd 1100r) opposite HydePark Center.. Send a post card..., ANTED-A 'hustling representativeto sell a popular·pr:c�:! room dec_oration .. Especially s.uitable for col­·Iege rlens.· Liberal commission·Only one student at each. school.so write for fun particulars at once.The Moskin Company, 1264 St.Loui's Avenue. Chicago 111.FOR SALE CHEAP--A . good cir-culating agency for young man,profits' from $2500 to $.)0.00 permonth.· Ea�y work, requires only5 days a momh, hefore· school. H.E. Rasmussen. 5215 Ingleside Ave.,Hyde Park 70.20.�i\·e according to their own satisfac-lIy certain individualistic touches.LOST-A Moore's fountain pen inAlthough the fraternity men willLaw lihrary or on the campus. Re-turn to Information office.t(.ry regulations and will at tirst re-;!1111 nothman. and jnr �lld1. Olney. at Xorthwestern, and the intermingl­Tyrell. .\mold. and Tyrell allli 01tw,·. iug oi tYPl'S wil1 render college lifeThe SC0r(' hy inning-s follows: .far morc attractive to hoth the frat-�n.el1 ··· 0 0 � 0 � 0 o-� I emity and non-fraternity men.HItchcock 2 � 4 , 0 1 X-151 Till I I h. . . .'. Ie tllo< e campus p as las een'ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR �t1pported enthusiastically hy mostSHEPARDSON WILL of the fraternities. their support he-GIVE IDAHO SPEECH ing purely \'oluntar}·. Of the eleven0rg-anizations located in Evanston.Associate Projessor Francis \V. seven are constructing homes to heShepardson. of the Department of ('.pened next autumn.H ist6ry in the l'ni\"('r�ity of Chica- Phi. K;\ppa Psi will he located inJ:!O. has accepted 'an irivitation to gh'e the south Quadrangle. The othertl.le. CO�1Il1('n('�m('nt address at the I stes in this �o�mu�ity have notl. mYerslty of Idaho on June II. i yet been chosen. MAROON ADSBRIXG RESULTSPATROXTZE MAROONADVERTISERSThe Daily Maroon is now·he PrUL, I IfYouDidNotsubscribeYouCanBuyACapandGownWhileTheEditionLasts--AtEllis 14AllDay � .•(•..t I•,I· '...l'Deposhs August rst last-$50.000Today4soolooo. . �GRIPS THE DAILY MAROON,' TUESDAY, MAY 6,1913 .ROBERTSON PRAISES CLUB,)•(• .,,.,.., •. r;z;r tPf, +++++++++++++ ••• + • '. +++++++.. . , BaSe BaU ReturnsBY , INNINGS ATCo�hey�sSo. East Cor. 55th and Ellis.....................................'I "YOU CAN BANK ON THEHYDE PARK STATE BANKco ......... 0' .�"U'.,. . ..,. ... AVet I,I, 'USDER STATE Sl1rERl·ISION.• NOT YET A YEAR OLD. 3% ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTSDIVINES SETTLE,HONORSIN BASEBALL CONTEST;\l,,,,, .�, �I .. � �,Middle D Takes Measure of SouthDivinity 'for' TesUlis Tourna_ment.Middle D defeated South Divinity,in the first inter-hall game of hasc­JlaU on Saturday, 12 to 5. The game'was hotly conteste'd. The Middle Dteam. not content with wresting thelaurels from their southern neighhorshave challenged Snell for a second, inter-dormitory contest next Satur­day morning in \Vashngton park.The preachers are I:oldinf> daily prac_tice in the park.Entries for the Divinity halls' tcn­n�s tourn�ments, are hearvy. Fiftccnmen have signed up for the 1.1 iddleD elimination sets. and six fromSouth D have also entered the race.Each of the halls will hold its ownelimination tournament for the honsech'ampionship. and select candidatesfor th� Divinity school te;nn. Finalmemhers of the general Di"initysquad will he named in a week or so.fro mthc men who place in the :\Iill­die 0 and South D preliminarymatches.t.I I.. ., ..,(Hold University Championships.On Thursday and Friday. May 9thand loth contests will he hc1.1 inl!artlett Gymnasium for the l'nin-r­sity championship in wrestlin�. fenc­ing and gymnastics. On Thursdayat four o'clock the preliminary houtsin wrestlin� witl he held. On fori·day at 4 �'clock the .finals in wre�tl.ing, fencing. and gymnastics will heheld. There will be three weightsfor the wrestl�TS. 1st, 140 lhs and he­low: 2nd. 140 Ihs to 160 Ihs.; 3rd. 160Ihs and ahove.These contests ale open to all stu·dents of the university and l1lec1a'�')ViII be given the winners. LONDON DOCTOR TOGIVE I .. ECTURE AT "From my residence in HitchcockUNIVERSITY TODAY the past year. naturally I am inter­ested in dormitory conditions in otherschools, and I visited all types ofDr. F \V. :\Iott of London: Eng- men's halls, from the old ones atland, will lecture on Neuropathic Harvard to the newer ones at Penn­JT t.�redity at the meeting of the Bio- sylvania. Columbia and PrincetonIl'g'cal cluh toni�ht at j:30 in the have enormous dormitories. hut mostQuadrang-Ic rluh. Dr. Mort is theBy Charles Stewart.(Cupt aiu Tennis Tearn.).t-[ I \\'OXDER if there is�[!JI . anyone in this broadS. llanu who actuallyY :--.. tries to hit all shots�._ with one and theI� same gr ip, Everynow and then I amled to think so whenI '1'see t ie crampedhack·,hallds. tilt: waist'jbreak'I ,mg at-tt'1l1pts at ',ohs. t he senseless hitting'('1' t he 1,:.&\\'101"0 and the chop with the�:II1lt' g-rip, etc, \\,1Iy ;1 shot that cries:t1IlW' hlr a frel' nat urr J' d . J' .• a an pam essgrip Shu�IJd he hit .. vith a grip and:11111 IJllll:"1I that has strain. unnatur­a!nc,;s a n d pain written all over it. isbcyo m] Illy understanding. butwlll'ther I understand it or not. suchshot S Illay be seen on the courts;In), day. Take careful note of this:each shot is hit with a different grip,Ilu lila l tvr Ito\\' \Try slight may hethe shifting of. the fingers. Is not thatrig-ht arnl proper and logical? TheL:lwiurll �troke calls for a grip that�hall hes t :lccomodate the easy turn­Iflg" of the wrist at the moment ofhitting' the hall: then it obviouslyHeeds a grip different from that ofthe chop stroke which requires a gripwhich shall facilitate the downwardchoppi"g' 1110tiol1. And the lobsserves, smashes, volleys. etc, will alltake var ious g'rips according to thedemand of the shot. Rememberthat' if any shot hurts you. the shot iswrong'. had. and 'should he changed.A disputed grip is ,that' of therhumb along the hack of the handleon the hack-hand stroke. Those whouse it say that they get better direc­tion in this way that the thumbplaces the hall. as it were. Pet!sonally J do not like that grip, he­!ie\'in� that strength is lost by thescparat ion of the thumb from thefintrcrs. Then. too, those who' usei his "thumb' are' more prone to""""h" than to "stroke" the hall.By all means do not slide your gripup the handle so as to lose two orthree inches from the length of yourr ackct. Such a habit is a matter' forc.·pious weepin�. There are hut twostrokes for whick without any show.... f reas.')n. you may he allowed to�lse a sl�Mtened grip: the serve. and1 he quick; snappy volleying at thenet. ASSoCiate Professor Tells of Im-pressions of EasternClubs and CommendsClub.-Misses ChicagoUndergraduate Spirit. University IReynolds IInformalThat the Reynolds club has noequal ,�n�bng 1hc VnjvJ:,:;i�cs of theEastern .states was l�� impressongained by Assistant Professor Rob-er���I�. who with �f r:;. Robertson re­turned' ��day from a two unonths'vacation in the South and Easti Af­ter spending six weeks in the Caroli naresorts, Mr. and M rs, Robert son vis­ited: 'alt' the' principal co'tJeges anduniversities along the :\�Iantic coastfrom Charleston to Boston.Talks of q�b�"I wish our men here ' ould sec theclub in the Eastern colleges." saidMr. Robertson in rl'\':c�'in� his im­pressions of tbe tr ip yesterday, "forthen they' would appreciate what theReynolds club 'means to the sociallife of Chicago men. Harvard, Colum­hia. Yale. Pennsylvania, and Lehigh,for exa�ple, have larger buildings.hut the}� are not �earl�� so �ell furn­ished, 'so well maintained or so com­fortable as is the Rey�pids club. Imissed' the informal undergraduatespirit that' we have in our cJuh here.Xo doubt the recent ��npaign of!publicity in the Reynolds dub, bring­ing out the many differences of opin­ion regarding the policy of the clubhas brought about the good, healthytone now prevalent in the adminis­tration.I "Undoubtedly it is the undergradu­ate spirit that makes for .the mostwholesome life of any' club thatcaters or attempts, to cater to thewhole student body. In the HarvardUnion, .with all its advantages, thealumni spirit is .the predominatingone and the undergraduate bodies, donot appear to have � f�ir represen­tation, The Houston club of Penn­sylvania, as open as, a corner drugstore, apparently has limited its useto <certain classes of students and inits, effort to secure, democracy ofmembership has defeated its ownend, as one does not find ther erep­resentatives of' all classes;._studiousoneand sporty, rich and poor, 'astinds in the Reynolds club.Inspects, Dormitories,.of them arc too hotel-like, having�pecial physician to the Charing among other inconveniences shower­Cross Hospital at London. lecturer baths in the basements inst�ad of on;1:1<1 professor of sC"eral of the lead- the upper floors. The newer hallsill� Illedical schools in England. ed- for example those at Pennsylvania.itor or the :;\[('dical Journal. and the;,mhor of some ori�inal papers on� <'urolog-y in all of its forms .SENIOI�S BEAT JUNIOR SQUADPoor Playing by Underclass Wo­men Loses Baseball Contest.\\'illl an exccllent hattery andteam support, thc Senior women'sl'ase!>:lll team routed the Juniors yes­t<'rday in a practice g-ame by thescorc of H) to�, From the hegin- have, very modern suites. with parlor.bedroom and hath.",HIn all the Eastern dormitories 1missed the social life we have inHitchcock, with its library and com­mon club rooms and frcquent socialgatherings such as the Tuesday TenO'Clock and Sunday teas. The ratcshere. too. arc much lower than thoscin the East. Many interesting com­parisons of college architecture couldh(' made. of course, hut in all mytrip I diet not find ;l.nywhcre any col­lege huilding more impressive thanHarper lihrary. After all, there isning'. the gamc helonged to the no place like home. and I am glad to�('niors, The J11niors dift not give call Chicago home."their pitcher snpport and their throwswcre wild, Cornelia neall. MarianMartland al1l1 Ella Luedeman played Wisconsin-The Jr;s(()I,.fi" na;l.,',a good g-:I111e for the Seniors. while Cnrdi"al float won the ('up at th(' an­II clC'nf' Krnny played the hest game nual circus of thc university of \Yis-for the Juniors. consin.,"..., .. ""'f ,,� ....� ...'TROY'S ,75 Cents. Plain JlJltha 25Open Day add Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHQIJ. H. Hepp, Prop.� South Dearbol1l StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific Masseur.�rt Chiropodi.BEST'COLLARS2 for 25EARL &. WILSONSHIRTS SI!!!'AND MORE Patronize our advertiser .. The7 ' ..(he most progressive' busineu meL'7I'e VANDERBIlT HOfE[�+. 34t!! Sf. EAST AT PARK AVE� N. Y. ', � &ctrrDt«At the focal point of the tenninal zone, on tbecrest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breezes fromthe sea, artifidally fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms.TARIFF:Slncte room. � day-l3 ... , 15, •Double room. - - I I 15, t6, t7. $8Double bedroom •• boudoirdrHsinK-room and bath I lB. ItO. ItZSuitH-Parlolr, bedroom and bath I li�. 1l2. .15EDch room with both Sz,eclDl ratu for Sumtrw:r.... �.���Utl.We are showing a smart line of "British" Tweeds for English Sa�Suits, "Scotch" ahd "Irish" Home.spuns for Norfolks and the greatestline of Flannds for Trousers W "�av� ever shown.Spec� val� a:: ':30 for suitsand $8 for trouse � � Knickers..2'bne &&....:T N. La SaHe StI'eelLn E. li"!DfOe Str� .25 11:. .Ja.c:baa � TAILOR 'FORYOUNG liENw_::::;:: s __r A.Are YOI.LoeldDg Fer � Good.oDe,-'laker DuriDg Vacation?Well, th�� write-�t's all We'D show youa propoSitiQJl . with ,400 :per cent. profit, . and ourCORDlAL ·�OME plan that causes them' tohosp�1y 1fIeIco..,e you lik� a long lost brother­instead of shutting I the door in your face. Costsyou a postal to make us "mow you.". '.' ; ..CASTER MFG. COMPANY· Dept. 4.20 Warren Street New York City, N. Y.AlE YOU LOOIDIG, fOR A PLACE TO EAT 7(j� 'THE (O",MONS a Tri.'Ask, the Upper Classmen About Our Food 'You'll Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Night Good Food Low PricesUll eo.ace Gt'ove AYe. �HICA.Q.�"el�ne H)'de l"ull 5001ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCILHAS DINNER LAST NIGHTDr. Winfield Scott Hall Will Talk,Tomorrow Night in Kent onSex Hy�iene.Class commission chairmenother members of the Y. )or. c. A. TH£ DAit:y MAROON, TUESDAY, iiAY �, 1913 .. -�. _ '" ._OPINIONS DIFFER ONMERITS OF "PAPRIKA"(Coutiuucd from page I)the beneficiary of the last perform­alice.Only one chorus girl was to befound who dcc larc d that he liked theadminist rative council met at G yes- <Clothes which he was oblidgcd tot er day in l Iut c lriu son p: i\ ate dining- wear. and Ill' made his confession on-room, ill t hcir an uual jo iut dinner. Iy madc promise that his name wouldDr. Coulter, faculty uic mb cr of the nut be divulged.gl�l1eral l'nin:r:,il\' c.umuis siou, l'rc- "TI ki . f ,f f- ic s 'IrB grve rccuorn 0 mo-sided at t he iucct iug. as w hir h sever- t i . limited 1., Ion. 111 a mu Cu area at east" he;1] addrcssc s were made 011 :\ Pro- I' " . '. _., , . . declared, which trousers never do.jvc te d !':'ul'lal Xl ora] and h,l·ltg'lOus,' '-: " I. " _ .. - ow . III a person \\. 10 takes shortEducational L'r o cr am lor the Uni- t I I f .1 ki, S l'PS. ant ounu S nrts about ascomfortable as anythin� that I everThc Iourt h boy scoutmaster train- ] lad on. And what's more, they don'till� class oi the quarter was held 1II1- kig- at t hc knees. •dcr dircc t ion (If t he J unior COllllll is­sion yesterday in Cobb. Twentymen at tcudcd the mcct ing.Dr. \Yintield Scott Hall. a Chicagophysician. will lecture 011 Sex Hy­giene at S tomorrow in 'Kent. at anopen meeting', which has been ar­ranged by the Medical School com­mission. Dr. Hall will be the guestof the :\r cdical school body at a din­ncr in Hutchinson cafe at 6 tomor­row. He will speak there on theRelation oi the Physician to SocialPr06'TCSS. '.Dn Henderson will be the guestof honor at a dinner given by theFreshman Y. 1\[. C. A. commissionnext Tuesday. in Hutchinson cafe.A special program of music and ad­dresses is being prepared for the din­ner ..Professor Moulton Gets Honor.Professor Forest Hay Moulton, ofthc department of Astronomy .andAstrophysics, has been appointed acorresponding member of the Brit­ish association for the advancementof Science. 11 c received a letter thelatter part of last week telling himof his appointment. QUADRANGLE FETE ISBIGGEST ON RECORD(Continued from page ones)man: H den Brownell. Frances Cal­I�n . .0ertrtlde Chamber lin, KathleenColpitts. Helen Dawley. Edna Eisen�[.ahd Eminjrct. '"'E]sie Erickson. AIt�FIsher. EthcI Flanagan. Adele Fran­kel: �lary Girting'. Bessie Hasbrook.'Altcl'. Hcrtel. Clara Kindred, Marion)\[ortlllJ.ore. Ethel 'Mott. Irene Quier­ney, Eltzabeth Qragitt, Claire VotawFrances Richardson, Ethel Caller:man .. Fern Sprague, Ellen Petersonand Gergrude Carabin, PUBLICATIONS PLAY BALLTODAy FOR SUPREMACYcDEAN MATHEWS TORETURN TODAY FROMTRIP IN THE EASTDean Shailer Mathews of the Di­vinity school will return today. fromthe East. where he has been givingaddresses. He spoke Sunday m�rn­ing to the students of Ogontz sem­inary ncar Philadelphia, in the after­noon at the University of Pennsyl­vania Y. M. C. A. and 'at Bryn Mawr, ,.college in the evening. Mr. Mathewswas a delegate and speaker at theFourth American Peace conferenceheld in St. Louis last week. WHAT ORGANIZATIONSA RE DOING HE REDaily Maroon and Cap and GownForces Clash to See WhichBuys Dinner. Editors to Meet. c)'Clock in Hitchcock library tonight.Editors of the women's supple- Mr. Robertson will tell some of thement of the Chicago E.'rllj"g Post will impressions of his trip.meet today at I:15 in Cobb lIB. Vincent Here YesterdAy.To Address Botanists. President George E. Vincent of theAssistant Professor Land will givean illustrated lecture on A Glimpse of University of Minnesota. formerHawaii at the meeting of the Botan- dean of the faculties here, was aical club at 4:30 in Botany 13. 'gucst of friends on the campus yes-Christian Scientists. terday, He was entertained atChristiun Scientists in the Univer- luncheon in the Quadrangle club.sity have been asked to attend ,:1 Joint Meetinas Tomorrow.meeting of the Chr-istian Science So- The Freshman Dramatic club willdety tonight at i :45 in Lexington. furnish the entertainment at a jointTen O'ClOCk Tonight. meeting of the. Freshman Athletic,Assistant Professor Robertson and Music, Modern Fiction and DramaticMrs. Robertson. who have returned clubs tomorrow at .. 3:30 in the Leaguefrom their sojourn in the South and room. I nterests of the dubs will beEast, will entertain the Tuesday Ten discussed.Thc DAI L Y MAROON and theCat' and GO'WI! will meet in bitter�o1llbat on the diamond ,today at1 :30 in Washington Park Threatsand menaces were freely exchangedbet\\:een the staffs of the rival pub­lications yesterday. Authorized dep,uties crept surreptitiously fromcamp to camp each anxious to un­earth some l.lor�d of news.. as yetunheard. \Vill Hi Kennicott reallycover second? I s it true that BillLyman is preparing to twirl for theCap and Go.,,'u? These and. manyother questIOns of a like natur' e wererepeatedly asked, allegations Some-times were relunctamfy ad�ittcd andsometimes indignantly denied. Alltoday, until after the game this after­noon, the question uppermost in themind of each member of the staff ofboth publications is, "Will the Capand Gmt'" or the DAILY MAROONhave to pay for that dinner at theStates?"SETTLE TITLES INTHREE �RATERNITyBASEBALL GROUPSSigma Chi defeated Phi DeltaTheta Saturday by the score of 19 to8, thereby qualifying for the semi­finals in the Interfraternity series.Phi Kappa Psi went down beforeAlpha Delta Phi by, the score of I Ito 2. Alpha Delta Phi now entersthe semi-finals from the first division.Phi Gamma Delta administered de­feat to Sigma Alpha Epsilon, last3car's champions, Saturday, and mustnow rlay Alpha Tau Omega to de-cide t�e supremacy in thiir division.AMUSEMENTSEMPRESSTHEATERI3rd Street and Cottage Grove AveWeek Starting Sun.Mat May 4SULLIVAN & CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE16 PEKIN ZOUAVESA monunouth gymnastic exhibit ofDrilling Acrobatics and Light­ning Ability.MARIE FITZGIBBONSSinging Comedienne and Stories.VINCENT & RAYMONDSinging, talking & comedy.Added feature attractionJas. Francis Sullivan & Co. present"Rapid Fire Vaudeville."Special Novelty FeatureFreddie Norman Troupe presentinga club juggling exhibition.7:30 and 9:I5PRICESIOc-20c-30cCOlAN'S GRAND\-,\ A STAR AXD PLAY TYPICALOF AMERICAGEORGE M. COHAN AXD HISCOMPANY INBROADWAY JONES AMUSEMENTS.JEFFERSON55th Street and Lake Avenue.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive Reels nl:;ht11 of the latl'llt moTingpictures.pipe orpn. ('ome andbear O'lr new $7.500TONIGHTSEVERAL GOOD REELSADMISSION'Main Floor, all seats • • • • • • ,.Balcony, all seats. ••••••••• 5pALACE 1\IUSIC BALLHALPH HERZFavorite Musical Comedy Star.MINNIE DUPREE & CO in"The Man in Frol1'�"LITTLE BILLYPAUL CONCHASJere Crady and Frankie Carpenter,Olive Briscoe, Paul Morton andNaomi Glass, Carl and Lotty, Thom­CiS A. Edison's Talking Moviug Pic­tures.POVVERSOliver Morosco and Chaa. L. Wagnerpresent THE MONEY MOONGeneral Admission: seats unsold at8 evenings and 2 matinees at SOC each First Chicago Appearanc;c i4 5 yearsLew Fields Laughingly PresentsWILLIAM COLLIERin "Never Say Die."GARRICKSummer Prices: $1.50. No HigberWednesday Mats., $1.00WHEN DREAMS COME TRUEwith Josepb Santleyand a Splendid Cast and ProductionILLINOISAU Chicaco Is Laugbinc WithBLANCHE RING"When CJaudia Smiles"Harry Conor, Sougs and GirlsMAJESTICALBERT REISSFrOID Metropolitan Opera Co.CATHERINE COUNTISS It COIn a Smart Play.RAY COXInimitable Comedienne.Moving Talkin, PicturesKennedy &: Rooney, Musical John­sons, Jas. Leonard & Co., Norris'Baboons, Louis Stone, Kinodrome.CHICAGO OPERA HOUSEHELEN'WAREIn Paul Armstron,'. play of the bourTHBBSCAPB Blatkfriar Show t\ Su££ess �Did you see the skeleton dance?'.Did you hear Bob Tuttle singu"Vilhelm'ina"i>Did you watch Jimmy Dyren­.forth dance?you will have ail 'oppor­tunity Friday and Saturdaynights, May' 9th and 10t�.Seats are selling fast.If notnow. Do itMandel Con-idor ,It15 to' 2:45 . Dally iQuadrangle Fete Fri(j-ay Night." � l.f__ p_a_t_r_o_n_iz_e_M_a_roo_n_A_d_v_e_rt_is_e_l"I_· . "1.' AMUSEMENTSpRINCESS .. ------------- .....u.. .......�t:it'.... Manners mirror theman. If he passes youa big red can of 'Vel­vet it is safe to 'assumehe's one of. the elect.On the other han�tum not away fromthe man to whom Vel­vet is unknown. Tellhim of its teml?tingfragrance, its delight ..ful richness, its· satiSo·fyingsmOO.thness. Dounto others • III•,•Hi