VOL. XI. 1\0. 1.11. ilnrnriit,'� ., fFH, I DA Y. MAY 2, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO,81 U.\f (j .�R T,'Ell·PlfCH£ SVARSITY TO VICTORY Residents of Hall Will Publish FirstNumber of Annual Magazine-Will Be Representative-Hermann' JIIIIior Booth Octaplea CeDterDeutsCh Is Editor. Hutchinso. C.tIIt With OthersGrouped AboutJ'.... ,-I'It'·i'IIiIII>r ·iGIVE DINNER TUESDAYTO BOOST GENEVA CAMP poses. Donald ,Bried; 'z3. '� .. ..HlTCHCOCI BOOnET PLANNED QUADRANGLE FETE ISGIVEN THIS EVENINGii-i"Lefty" 0111, GiYeI Farwen Co.,..,T eaJII ODe Hit I. EatireGame FRIDAY TO BE STUDENTS' DAY BLACKFRIARS GIVEFIRST PRODUCTIONOF TENTH OPERAAre Campaigning to Interest Nearby, Colleges in World in Chicago Page-of ant-Professor Burton and Dr.Stone to SPeak. IaitiaI Perfonauce of PrUb of ra­prika eo.-aca r __at 8:15SCORE OF GAME IS Copy is being collected for the K ext Friday will be Students' Day;6 TO 2. 'Hitchcock Annual, the first booklet PLAN REPETITION OF AFFAIR at the World in Chicago ExhibitionSHOW IS IN SpLENDID 'SHAPEin the Coliseum. A campaign is, be­Candy and Lemonaue Committeesbieet This AUc;!,U,,,,on at 2 10 ing conducted to interest students inLeague koom. all colleges within ISO miles of Chi-cago. Professor Burton will be oneThe annual Quatlnll,gle Fete willner of Hitchcock men given in honor J • of the speakers on The College Stu-Stanwood Baumgartner, hurling be he d tonight fro.1I 0 to II IIIf M S Hitch k h '11 t J ' S . I. 1 dent in the World. The discoursesgilt-cugcd ball. pitched the Varsity 0 r . coc w 0 WI re urn Hutc lInSOIl Court . .1 ue ernor uoot 1to a 6 to 2 victory yesterday over 'rom London this mont� an,d Mr. will have the SOUUH:�tst corner, the will treat of the social and religiousthe ]. V. Farwell company team in and Mrs. Robertson who are ex- Junior booth, the center, the 501>ho- service which he may render. Thea practice game played on Marshall pected home from their southern more booth, the northeust corner, speakers include also Reverend Johnfield, :\t no time. was the Varsity trip Monday. and the Freshman, tile northwest Timothy Stone of the Fourth Pres-in danger, "Lefty" allowed only one corner. bytcrian church, and President Ozorahit in nine innings and struck out The annual will contain a picture Because of the fact that the Black- Davis of the Chicago Theologicaltwelve of his opponents. In addi- and sketch of each of the house friars will give their third and seminary. The program is in chargetion he only issued two passes to the- heads, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Field and fourth productions of The Pranks of of Mr. A. J. Elliot.visitors, Mr. Gilkey, pictures of Mrs. Hitch- Paprika a week later, thc committee Have Short Program.Chicago played a much better game cock and Mrs. Robertson, and a blo- is planning to repeat the fete next The program will commence aboutthan usual although three errors - week, .Details will be announced A and "'1'11 last an hour. The aim I'Sgraphical .. ketch of every resident of 't ••were chalked up. The fidding had later; � !' to complete the special events in timenoticeably improved and with the the house. There will be several Will Sell Ice Cream Cones. .to allow students to attend the Page,exception of the first Inning. the, editorials, verses, and sketches of Ice cream cones, lemonade an 1 I I BI kfri h • hl ant or t rc ac rrar s ow In t eIp'Tne was faultless. Des ]ardien, happenings in the hal], including a. homemade condy will be sold at ev- evening, Further details of the planwas played behind the bat hy Coach, story on the Tue�day' Ten O'clock l"ly booth. The Freshmen will sell will be announced later .T'nce to ,<rive Mann a rest. The back. Ito. to. ,gatherings. The editors hope to in- popcorn a so.stop's arm has been troubling him The first buyers at the Senior. I' f . h hi elude fiction by some of the house�o as to serious y inter ere Wit IS, booth will he given Ilowcrs, Specialt1 t _t C t f the rez men. Harrison Anderson has drawnirow 0 seconu, a ron 0 ,,- u .• stunts have been arranged for eachulnrs was also out of the game. Leo- the cover design and Raymond An- ooth and there will be harkers innard was tried out at short stop for derson has contributed � QCl�icilti�ll abundance to attract attcntion to thethe second day and played n:-:r���, in verse t� Mf!\. Hitchcock, entitled -r ious displays. Lights will "t'rate game. t II I I 1'1"Lady i� Foreign 4n<l�" s rung a arouru t ie court. ICVisitorS Score Pint. '" . .ne\1ts� Is Editor. Fete will occupy the thirty-minute in.:TIle visitors scored in the firsttcrmission.Gauger. the first man up. was hit l,v', Hermann Deuteeh i� editor-in-chief Contribute Candy by 2."Lefty" and took first base, He then, of t11e ann��,. La'Yfe-Q('e ,.pr:nlap as- All eontributions �i· �andy shouldstole second �� :Went.'o third' "U - sociat��'-;ditor, and Merwin' Palmer he left at the League room hy 2 this. Des ]ar«lfen's er�or. He then score-l staff photographer. They are being afternoon. The- candy and lemon-on Gray's error. -de committees will meet here at thisChicago went into tbe lead in the ,assisted by other members of theh 'h time. The other committees willlast half of the first session. Sco- ouse, W 0 are contributing pictures'work on the booths.f1('''' singled to riJtht fir-ld and sto � and literary work. The pictures willsecond base. Stains !:tn'ck out and include views 9.f RHchr(>ck libraryNorgren tripled to right field. scor- .and' dormitory rooms, also of groupsing Scofield. Norgren then came·of men in the house.I;ome on Gray's secrlftce.};"our more runs in the fourth put "The lack of contributions makesthe game on ice for Chicago. Gray. the work of getting out the first an­!'ingled to center and stole second.Des Jardien reached second base and.Gra}: third when Gauger dropped'Des ]anlicn's fly. Baumgartner heatont a safe hunt and Gray scored.Harger reached sccpnd. Baumgart­ner third afld D�s Jardien scored on'Snner!s· fielder's choice. Bohnen�ingled to right field scoring Har-,goer' and Baumgartner.�ox Score.The hox scpr(t! 't be issued by the residents of theChicago Plays Improved Game-Des- J ardien Relieves Mann Behindthe Plate. staid hall. The publication, whichmakes its first appearance aboutMay 1,5, will be distributed at a din-"",f•, .....•l'"• :.".......• .',• ,I>,""(Continued OD pace .,:" nual difficult," said editor Deutschyesterday_ �'There are plenty of menin the houae who could turn in somepretty good literary m����i�� tf theywould get b�sl". In' ipilugur.ating theannual thi_ ye-az:, the editors believethat the first number should be rep­resentative of the house and a worthypredecessor of the annuals t<> c(lme.Every Hitchco�k 111fl" ",h� 'Can write'something shp\lld hand it in at once.as the book must go to press inabout ten days from now.I'.. �;III>,".. ,', RHPAE.' . Chica!-!oScofield. 2h ••••.••••• I I 0 2 0Kt'arnev zh ....••.••. 0 1 I 1 0Stains, - �f .......•••.•. 0 0 0 0 0 TO STUDy C'QRR�l' EVENTSKuldnsky. rf ...••.••. 0 0 1 0 I___!\ nrg'rfl1: ,It .,,'."!' � t 1 13 0 0(;ray'. d , I 1 I 0 I Have S�()nd Meeti� ()f Wew Dis-Des Janlien. c .....••.• 1 0 9 4 I �o" C'\1� W�esda7.t::lt1l11g'nrtner. p .•••••. 1 J C) � 0Lt'onard. 58 ., •••••••• ,() () 1 1 0Htthncn .• ih .••.•••••.•• 0 1 :3 1 0 Students who care to discuss cur-.- . --- 6 6 3 rent evebts quite informally haveTotal ........••.... 27 IIFarwel1s R H P A E been invited to attend the secondGanger, If .....••••••• 2 0 2 0 I, ,meeting of the Current Events cluhWilson .. �h ....••••••. 0 0 1 0 0 Wednesday night at 7:30 in HarperJohnson. d. p ...•..••. 0 0 0 0 0 tI. Mr. Bramhall 9f the Political"(·nn),. I h ....•.••••• 0. 0 10 0 0 5cience department is sponsor for the:\1 mray. p. cf .•••••••• 0 � 9 1 0new organization, although the duhS;ll1cr, 2h ......•••••• ,0 I 1 2 0 will in no sense limit its discussonsPaull. 2" .: .. : •••••••• 0 0 71 ! � to matters of government_Ilall. c ........••..... 0 0Carroll ss ........••.. 0 0 2 3 0 It is probably that the first topic1\t'llv rf ... ·.....••.•••. 0 0 0 0 0 for discttssion will be the Balkan sit­'Thorn. rf .......• , .••. 0 0 0 0 I uation. tho\tgh the matter has not asyet been settled. In case that topici. chosen, someone who is well in­formed on the question will be askedto ontline the situation and the mat­ter will then be thrown open forquestions and criticism!t. Women as.well as men have been invited to at­tC'nd the meetings of the club.(,.,,.\'• ,.,..:"....,,.� A• Total .......••••••• 2 1 q 9 2Tnning. .Chicago ...•... � 004 000 0 x-6Fann'lIs 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2Stolen hases-Scofield, 1 Gray,n:111I11g':lrln('r. Three-hase hits-I'Iior­gren, Sacrifice hits-Wilson, �ray . -Finishing Touches Put on at Re­hearsal This Afternoon-4:oachHoyt Gives Pridse.-Tonight at 8:15 the Blackfriars willgive the initial performance of thetenth annual comic opera presentedby the organization, presenting ThePranks of Paprika, by Donald Breed.'13. and Roderick Peattie, 'I4- The,performance will be repeated tornor­row and Friday and Saturday of nextweek.ONE OF THE CO-AUTHORS OFTHE BLACKFRI�R SHOW�University sttHI('�f� who have beenin the countries depicted will con­duct parties throug-h the exhibits. Ifenough J,!O from the University,snccial cars will he run to accorno­date them; The day will come in thelast wr-ek of the special rate of twen­ty cents. rIs for Missionary Work.The World in Chicago is ,a pageantdepicting various' countries which arethe field of foreign missionary en­deavor. and will be given this monthin the Coliseum. The purpose Is tointerest the public in missionarywork. The proposition is financedby Chicagoans, and any profits real­ized will be used for missionary pur-women to gQ,The U nh'ersity of Chicago lastyear ha(1 fifty women. the lar�estdelegation of any oi the collegcs rep­resented at the Conference. thott�hXorthwesterl1 was close behind with ,Finishing touches will be pUt onthe production this afternoon .benthe company will. go \v\th(o�gh'_ theshow with the orchestra. Not much!remains to be done, as the .�, andchorus went through the entire ;pt&oduction in satisfactory sh�p� ye.flttr.;.day in a complete dress rehearsal.Paprika Is Ceuter of' Ploi'The plot centers about' PaPrika, aivivacious Spanish girl, daughter oSDon MigUel, Alcalde of the villa� ofFelichet She is capricious and amischief-maker. Wilhelmina. an'A merican college graduate' intc!restedin social work, pays' a viSit to· Pap'-­rika, whose father is the Sp'anis'h bus-W. A. A. TO GIVE TWO 'iness agent of the compaDjy in which'Wilhelmina's father is interested.TENNIS TOURNEYS ,Wilhelmina commences to "re-,form" the town immediately on, herWill Have University and Under- alri-ival. Incidentally, she interferesgradl'.a!e Matches-Winner in Lat- with the love-affair of Pancho andRosa, two gypsies. "'Billy" Hender­ler Plays Dorothy Llewellyn. SOil, an American college student whoi8 in love with Wilhelinina, l has' (ol-Two tcnnis tournaments will be lowed her to Villafelicha.gi"cll hy the Women"s Athletic as.. Paprika Makes Troubfe.=,nciation this year. There will be Paprika. seeing Henderso'n beroreLoth a L�nivcrsit)1 and an under- he has met Wilhelmina. sees a 'chance�raduate contest. . to make mischieF. She endeavors toThe University turnament is open win his love, in the meantime' keeP.­;0 all women in the University. Un- ing Wilhelmina out of the ·way. As adc.:r;;raduates alone are eligible for ,r�sult of this latter effort, \Vilhelrmnatil(: st.'c')n<l tournat11cn� The winner 'is kidnapped by gypsies. The tangle,Ii the LIHlergraduate tournament is unraveled, and everything endswill 1'1;1)' Dorothy Llewellyn. last happily.year's champion. for the title. James Dyrenforth takes the part of:\ \\'. :\. :\ sih'er cup will then be Paprika. Henderson is taken' byI'; t'�elltl'd to the winner of this chal- Robert Tuttle. and \Vilhelmina bykn;.:;c mcet at the \Y. A. :\. hanquet. Harry Bog-g. A novelty in the cast('ondifions for securing the cup are is Craig Redmon as the fat boy, Os'thc same as those for winning the 'wald.'V. A. A. pin-good sportmanship. ' The complete cast is as follows:clig-ihility. and similar conditions. A The Cast.\\'oman winning the cup three suc- Billy Henderson •.... Ro� :T1Ittleccssi"e years is presented with the Pimento ...••.••.• '" Milton MoneI f fi 1 I . Poncho .... - . . . . . .. Roland' a-aet rop 1 y or 1I1a owners 11p. Doft Mi�el .......•.•• Heiny'SIdIUPla('('s for the tournaments will be lwm.�lmina Hany' ao..,determined fly drawings to he held Paprika James Dneaforth\V('(lnesda,· at T in Lexington. All R� •..••..•.•. Harold �enridIa.'., -b ,Mane , .Geo� DotIeyWIshing' to cnter must e present at _ . -_'"tIle drawings. (Continaed Oil pace.�Will Urge Women to A'�tend Con­ference During Month ofAugust. The Pageant of Darkness andLight w1ll hc given in the Auditor­ium in connection with the exhibi­tion This pageant depicts four typ­ical incidents of missionary work in(·Iifferent parts of the world, and hasI,cen gi\'en in several eastern cities'I,rior to the production in Chicago.Dorothy Dent willbe to<lstm�stressat the Geneya supper to he held 011Tuesday. May 6 at 5:30 in Lexing­ton. lsabel ]an'is� '12 will tcll hercx.periences at Lake Geneva and inh(·half of the graduates will urge theforty-t!,·e. The women who han'been �o Geneva have heen makinJ,!plans for next August's Confcrencefor some time. and will intro(!m'csome unique features into camp liit·next summer.At the dinner llcld last year 165 wo,m('n were present. The cOl11mift('l':"arc planning to make the nU11lh('rover 200 this year. Tickets may ht'ohtained before Monday night in t 11�'Leagne rO()111 from mcmhers of thecommittees. for thirty cent!'.A ftt'r the supper 011 Tuesday. ;\�erics of tahlt'au� will he g'in'11 (h·_picting life at the G('ncy;\ C:1111P,Those on the talllcau committee arc:Cath('rinc Co,·ert. chairman. �raricSchmidt. Gracia :\ lling'. Cora Tlinkitl�.Loui!'c Mick. Arline nrown. £tl1«'1Bright and Dorothy Llewellyn.S. A. E. Meets Phi Gam.Sigma Alpha Epsilon plays PhiGamma Delta tomorrow mornin�.and the winner of this game mt1�tplay Alpha Tau Omcf":l the earh' p;'I.rtof next week to d('ci(Ie the leadcr­ship of the third division in the In­terfraternity series.Thel Daily Maroonllui1ltuii, of o;�iCA9.Formei'llThe UnJvwsUy of Cblas.cu Weekl;r.t;nte� a.:I IkC'Olld-claaa mall a.t ,tb .. c.tlica�l'OIr.�l�. Ch!ca.K'O. 111.. March Us, 100:;' un­.i-r Act of llarch :s. 1873.���C�PTION BATE�lJy carrier. $�:.u a )-ear; $1.00 a quarter.U)' mall. $3.00 a yo?ar; $1.2:» .. quarter •.t;11:�Ql'!.al·lJusinou Office, Ellie �'l·eh:.I.Ibon .. lli4wa;r bOO.Hyde Park :»,01 (af'ter 9 p. m.);\1311 nos: "0" Faculty &1� e,llwlUKinc Editor:-.;�\\'" EditorAtbliotlc Editor - - -.... U.Wellll lllWM&er - - IInlD KenDleoUMartln Stew.,,.,,.Benaard VlDl_k.,.- Burdet,- .lbaIItASSOCIATE EDITOas::>aJn uel Ka.l.ll8AG,-oro;e C"uincbamDorothy Willlaton Ha"", GorpaHaakell RhettLeon Stolz• Wlll.iam Lyman. •BSPOBTEWI1;1:� HalllD% George Sbalfer:-;ina o· SelU Geor'ce GrayJ,>vrlhy Weil • ••• Augua:.a Swawlt ..ltuu..·rt. Jlakh&r"E\'I�1l tbe reporter baa IUl o!l'ic:e. IUldwitb clear e"ea IUld bODe.' .1anguaa:e. mayUDn�i1 lDjuliUce and puiut the Wa7' toprocra .... -K. 1.. &l'nntf'd by 3.larooc. Preas. Gall Ooltap Grov ..<ifbitotial111 advocating a system by whichmore students would be enabled to'fl�y gCl:mes for physi­A.!hleticj : _: �cal culture, the DAILYAgain. MAROON in no way-deprecated the distinctadvance that 'has lately ;been madealong .the lines laid out. At presentthere IS a flexibility in physical cul­cure work Iar in advance of that exiuting a few years ago. Instead of�nmdreds of students sweating overmdoor 'calisthenics ways ha b. . ve eendevIsed· by. which numbers of themmay take their spring "P. C." in muchmore attractive ways. For instanceone-hundred and fifty S' d '. .u ents arenow �laYlng tennis for Gym credit.there IS a'moming handball I h'b b c ass; t ease aU squad is relate I. . Ive y large ItIS said that at presen" th n1' ..:I I . e 0 y 10-uoor C asses are those in . .Th'" sWlmnung.IS IS as It should be. ThMAROON e DAILYonly declares that thegood work should go on. Further-more, every effort should b dr . e rna e-to�hl�:ll�::e bas far as possible the gulfetween the man h 1en a University team f GW 0 p ay_sand the man who d or ym creditoes work in aGym class for GYm credl't A b fd. . s e orenote , there IS no good has' d h reason w y.� ent w 0 is unskilled should bedepnved of the fun fl'o paYIng�amesk' 'lIn fac�. the very fact that helS UnS"1 led should entitl h'. I e 1m to es-pectl:t consi�eration and • .Al h' at.entlon.so ": at IS the purpose of athletics?That IS why the MAROON bh on e·al£ of its readers continues to callfor a SWW"- of . t ..r .......... In ramural athletiCSwhich' shall give a relatively largenum�er- of students the privilege ofplaym� baseball. for instance. Butthe reply is made. Marshall Field isna� available afternoons and morniniYgames are not expedient. Yes. ther;is the rub. And there is wheTe theradical measures must be taken. Per­fect democracy in athletics mighteven mean that class teams would oc·rasionally be allowed the use of thestudents' athletic field even to thetemporary exclusion of the U niveT-si� team. TB£ DAIJ.� MAROON, F1HDAY, MAY r.!,1913. ..' . .,. ..:-'Bulletin and Announcements.Blackfriar Dinner-s-All actin; l-ria rs Y. W. C. L.-Second Cabin<.,�-Pic-invited. :. :,:)0, Co nuuous cafe. nic. Palos Park, Monday. I :30. MeetGerman Club-Tollay. .. :30, Lex- at Sixty-Third street station, \Va­ing t on 14. l-ash railroad.Quadrangle Fete-8 to : I, lIutchin- in Politit;alPrize ExaminationsSOil court. Science--Tomorrow morning, CobbPranks c! Paprika-s- Tomorrow. :;c.Cap and Gown-Distributed inChristian Science Society-Service Ellis 14.Pranks of Paprika-8:IS; Mandel.8:15, Mandel,Tac�day i :0.15.WOMEN WILL PLAYPRACTICE CONTESTSSor�lETHING TO READA practice baseball game, will heplayed hy the women Monday at Iin Lexington yard it the weather isfavorable, otherwise in the gyrnnas­ium, The lino-up is as follows:Jl�niors.Helen Kenny. p.Laura Walter c.Dorothy Llewellyn, lb.Dorothy Bent. 2b.Esther Sutcliffe. 3b.Alma Parmele. ss.Grace Hotchkiss. rf.Louise Mick. d.Tena Carlson. IfSeniors.Cornelia Beall, p.Ella Luedernan, c.Frances Houston. lb.Marion Mart land, ab,Martmrct Riggs. 31>_Margaret Rhodes. ss,Rhoda Pfeiffer, rf.Florence Foley. d.Helen Leonard. 1£_Substitutes: Juniors�Janet Flan­nner, Isabelle Mac Murray. IreneTaylor. and Edith Burghardt: Sen­iors-Katllerine Nath, Blanche Ma­son, Effie Shambaugh. Anne Grimes.Lillian Swawite and Edna Bell.Class Baseball Teams Meet Mondayin Lexington Yard-LineupIs Selected.Bradley Point SYstem."The p o i n t sys t c m has been verysucccss iul ill s c c u r i ng an cquituble(!ivi:,ioll ui �1f1il'l'S aml work amongtile m c u.bvr s lli t lic student body forthe last t \\0 yeu rs. \\,ith the changeswhich have been lllajc. we muy hopefor a 1110re succe ssf ul working out oithe plan. \\-c print the details belowSii:CC we he licvc it important for allto know them."Class A-9 points.Editor ill chid oi Tech,Editor in chid of 1',,/.'\.s(0/,(·."Class B-8 points.Bus i ncs s mana .. !.!"l'r of Feels.Business uianagcr of Polvscot:c.Class C-i points.:\lana!.!.t"r oi football.Manager of baseball.�1alla�cr oi basketball.Manager of track.Manauer of athletic play."Class D-6 points.President of Y. M. C. A.President oi Y. \V. C. APresident of Senior class.President of thc C�ullci1."Class E-S points.Assistant editor Tech,Assistant editor Polyscope,l\l:ln.agcr of tennis.President Arts and Craft club."Class F -4 points.Assistant manag-er of Tech,Assistant manager of Polyscop c­Assistant manager of athletic play.Captains athletic teams.President Junior class.Members of Council.Members of athletic hoard.Members of athletic teams."Class 0-3 points.Managers of intcrdivision athleticteams.Teel, staff. Halls Start Baseball War.Thc interhall series opens in fullblast tomorrow morning with two�amcs scheduled. Hitchcock playsSnell and Middle Divinity playsSouth Divinity. Next Saturday Snelland Middle. Divinity are scheduled tomeet. Middle Divinity has also re­ceivcd a challenge from Htchcock.}'ol.\'sc"tc staff.President of cluhs and organiza­tions not otherwisc classified."Class H-2 poinst.Secretarics and treasurers of classescluhs and organizatlons. (\Vhenc\,erthe two offices are held hy one per­�on thc total of iour points is COl1nt-cd.)"Class I-I point.Memhers of 5talHlin� committees.of c1as5�s. c1tlh�. anel organizations,propcrty men for plays.Notc I-As a special cnCOl1ra�e­ment to athletics students in ClasscsA, B. C. and D may also he candi­dates for any athletic team. and suchmet11her�hip shall hc counted at 1 � 2.3, and 4 points, rcspeC'tinly.�ote 2- \\-here thc duties of anyoftice �r(' confined to a limited time.the points for that oOice shall he('o\111t('(1 only hetween definite limits IRAUMGA RTNER PITCHES IVARSITY TO VICTORY,1IIII IIof time"(Cont111t1ed trom pag-c one.)Tllllil1�� pit,lH'(l-hy :\Yurray, 5: hyTohnS0!l. J: II\" r::\11·1ll�artner. I), Hits;naele--off :\Y,;rr:\\'. �: off Johnson. 1.�truck out-hy :\tmray. i: hy John­son . .'�: hy n:lllm�artner. '2. n�seson h�l1s-ofT :\Tmray. i: off Johnson,': off namn::;;1 r' llcr. 2. 11 it hy pitch­er-h,. n:lllt11;yartnf'r. r,au�cr. Passe(lhalls-Des J�relien. Ibll .2). Timc ofg-ame-T :3�. L'mpire-Harris.The Daily Maroon is now OD sale atthe Pra.... IfYouDid ".-NotsubscribeTROY'SBESTCO'LLARS2 for 25EARL &. WILSONSHIRTS SI� AND MORE'UXDElt 8T.\'l'E SU."ER\·ISION.OFFERS SPECIAL FA-CILITIES TO PROFES­SORS AND STUDENTS.OPEN WEDNESDAYAND SATURDAY EVE­NINGSNEAR I. C. DEPOT8 Months Old-Deposits over$500,000.00CLASSIFIEDAD\'ERTISEMENTSSTUDENTS, desir ingGOOD �1Ol\ EY byarticle of real merit, write us atonce. Eas ily handled on sparetime. Owasco Supply Company,Box No. 225 Auburn: N. Y.FOR SALE-N orili\Visconsin Surn�. m�� : camp location for sale. :?�·e�.very desirable lots "each so' ft, fronr.·:age on 'tlle Eagle chain of 27 lakes,Splendid'location for club. Owner,·�. S. Coleman, Eagle River, Wis ..SALESMEN WA'NTED-Summer'positions open. See H.. C. Thomas,0051 Ellis avenue,' mornings IO-II,afternoons 2-4. Phone for appoint�ments, 'Mid\\:ay 7906. Do not de­lay.FOR RENT-F�cd summer cot-, tag�. 10 roo'ms. and ba'th; verandasdire�tly overlooking Lake Michi:'gan; large wooded lot, perfectbeacb; grocery dcl�\'ery, Frank­fort, Michigan. Rental $150. Ad­dress C. K. Chase, Hamlton Col-lege, Clinton, N. Y.WIDOW WANTs-WORK-Wellrecommendcd, M�s. FrederiCkBrown, .5485 East End avenue andMrs. Charlcs S. Eaton. 5744 Kirn­bark avenue would call your at­t�ntion to the needs and skill ofMrs. Epstein. She does plain sew­ing an" relincs and ',repairs coats.H('r children will can for and re­turn all garments. She deserves­your intcrcst and needs your work.Addrcss: M�rs. Epstein. 5436 Lakeavenue, (3rd .1001') opposite HydePark Center. Send a post card.'I ANTED-A h�g representativeto sell a popular.pric�� room dec.oration. Especially suitable for col­lege dens. Liberal commission·Only one student at each school,so write for full particulars at once.The 'Moskin Company, 1264 St.Louj!l; Avenue, Chicago Ill.FOR SALE CHEAP-A goodculating agency for young man,profits from $2500 to $30.00 permonth. Easy work, requires otnly5 days a month, hefore school. H.E. Rasmussen. 5215 Ingleside Ave.,Hyde Park '7020.LOST-A Moore'S fountain pen inLaw lihrary or on the campus. Re­turn to Information office. YouCanBuyACap:andGownWhileTheEditionLastsAtEllis 14AllDay ._r•!IIIj.». ,:0>' f HAVE PRODUCED 9 OPERAS FACVI.TY TO PLAY VARSITYFirf)� Blackfriar Production Was �. Passing of Pahll Kahn-EarlyShows Deal With University Sub­jects Almost Entirely.of The lirst Blackf'riar production,The J 'assing of Pahli Kahn, was giv­en in Mandel, May 30, 1()o4. TheD:\ILY MAROO:\ 'of 'May 31 hasthe following to say about the comic.1" . ,�T". .",, \ '.........I• , r.r.w,. Savings .' accounts andchecking accounts �welcome and appredi�,. I'"The University Bank"� -Is Aiiother/Name for theWoodlciwn�' Trustca Savina Bank1%0& �& Un! � eweaa..Like� it. Jt. is the . largestand Oldest Institution ofits kind in this part oft�e city.If. is the' Neare. StateBilnk to the UniversityEvery "BankingConveuience. ,..... +++ ...... t t ...... t t ••• t t;�l' ,:" ,. Base BaD Returns-BY INNINGS ATCo-whey'sSo. East Cor. 55th ap� Em.,,, .. ++++++ ••••••••••••••••••MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS� ".. 'tt..j'I'• 1 �., .. , -PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS .. -.,.. mit DAlLY MAttOON, FRlbAV, MAV '2, It)ij,THE SMASH I wind (\�'hicl;- �elll-;- always to be I most vital part of the theory of'1Mblowing here in the spring) a perfec. stroke,' I ask you to give an attell:., -t ion of bodilv balance a. knowledge ve ear. The commonest fault.:of.of y,)ur posirion in th� court and of the. DOvice at smashing, is to hit diethe spin on that ball which is de- :. ball very little higher than his iliadscendiug so rapidly from the heavens; � n- In front of him.. so t.hat the &alland which, if you have no confidence IS 'very naturally driven IOtO the JICt.ill your overhead ahility, is likely to I The other fault, not so bad .and �tstrike vou with a panic fear. No so common as the first mentlonecl.�lswonder good smashers are as rare aa to hit the ball so, far back of the head,flunks in Physics 6, when so many: that. coupled with the upward st.acprerequisites, plus assiduous practice, of rhe face of the r�cket and t�earc nccessar for effective overhead probably lack of bodily balance,. Itwork. • y drives the ball on a hig� straightNow to this which follows, the line far out of the opposite court.������������������������������ Thi��h is not so bad as the o�e� .for the reason that an extreme down­ward snap of the wrist of­ten brings the ball intocourt and because a baH hitout of court is a far morevenial sin than one hit intothe net.-WiU ':JI_:'in Annual TeDDis MeetThis AfternoOD.'Several members of the faculty will.meet the Varsity tennis team todayat 4,in their annual tennis tourna­ment. No definite information on thefaculty representatives was obtain­able y,esterday but some of the pos­sibilities are Walter Clark. Albert;Hill. Carl Kinsley. Clarence Torrey;'and Chester Wright. The Varsitysquad will be composed of CharlesStewart, Albert Green, AlexanderSquair, John Baker. Merle Coulter,and Sandford Sellers. The tourna.­ment will be staged on the courts atEllis av"enue and the Midway. Lastyear both teams broke even. ". By Charles Stewar�(Captain Tennis Team)VARSITY TENNIS PLAYERSSquair Sellel'SBohnen Green Stewart As to the way in which.the smash should be hit:stand so that the ball fallsdirectly down toward yourhead, hit it �t the limit ofyour reach with a down­ward snap of the wristwhich brings the ball in.Put very little or no cuton the ball. Rememberthat a smash well placedwith moderate speed is farmore reliable than a tre­mendous shot aimed no­where in particular. Forexample, watch Squair.whose smash is the bae., th�t can be seen anywhere in .. tI».Mlddle· West.opera:"A wealth of song and laughter, anendless variejy of wit and amuse­ment, two happ)? evenings and oneaf'teruoon of rare entertainment­these an' the contrihutions of the jol,Iy Illackf riars. .' ' In The Pass­illg- uf I'a hli K�lh�l its authors havepn'=,cnh.'ll a clever takeoff 011 the ex­pansive policy of affiliation adoptedlIy the Uuiversty. ProfessorStarr must have gazed with incredul.«us 'anl�l�'en\elii at his droll caricaturein the person of Gl'orl!(' McHenr r.tt nmping penniless through Russiawit h tape measure and plaster ofparis." .Each spring since that year. theHi:>ckfri:lrs have produced a comicopcrn in Mandel. Sometimes tripshan' been taken to other places, likethe trips tak·el� hY -Haresfoot ofthe univcrs ity of Wisconsin andsometimes, as last year, the show hash('('11 J_';\,cn downtown. .The Deceitful Dean was the attrac­tiolt in H)05: 'The third productionwas The Rushing of Raxes, a clever. t.ake-off on the fraternity rushing sys,tern at Chicai;' This was given in1f}06. Sure �no\1gh. Segregation. atravesty on the Dnh'ersity's policytiJ� reg-ard to co-education, was playedin Tf)07. "The Sign of thc.Double Eagle fol- A large time clock has been in-lowed in 1908. The Lyrical Liar was stalled in the power house by thethe I()OC) attraction. The plays fol-; department. of Buildings and Groundslowing were: The Pseudo SufJra�- during the last week. The clock hasettcs, Capturing Calypso, and the' a 'Capacity for recording the time ofPursuit or Portia." 250 employees and was manufacturedby the Dey Time Clock company ofSyracuse, N. Y.Time clocks have been in vogue i�the .various departments. on the cam­pus for some time and this new sys­tem on the part of the Buildings andGrounds Department simply elimin­ates the old slip-shod method former.,ty in use. All the janitors, carpenters .rooferg, plumbers and. other em­,Ioyees of this department are af­fected by the change.EDITORS TO PLAY TUESDAYMaroon and Cap and Gown ForcesSelect Date.Tuesday afternoon at I :30 is thetime set for the fray between the edi­tors. The DAILY MAROON andCap and GO'um forces will meet atthis time in Washington park to set­tle their merits on the diamond. The.. take is a dinner at the Commons,No late information is being giv­en out by either side, Bo'th are re­serving comment in the hope that an(opportunity for trium.phant chuckleswill come at the dinner to be giventhe winning team.TIME CLOCK IS INS,TALLEDEmployees in Buildings and GroundsDepartment Are AB'ec:ted.GEOLOGISTS TO TAKE TRIPFive Students Will Go to Michigan. Mine Regions.,. The D�T MarOOD is for sale atthe Prua. SEE OUR NEW SPORTING GOO DS DEPARTMENT SUBWAY FLOOR,Now in our new home. Just across from our olcl.iaaIt»u.Saturday we offer suits' at ;:'$20 thatyou've never bought below $25 or $30T he reason Sh:ike conditions are responsiblc-dJecanse of the strike del�"-eries were so long delaved that cancellations poured in fromalJ over tlw eOl�ntI'Y. Theye�lllexed manufacturers naturally turned to thisstore. the world s largest distributors of clothing. 'l'he result was the purcbaseof some �WOO suits far below the prevail ing market.T he models �'EngI.ish·' in a!I. degr (:es-cxtreme English models witl10utwadd lug-mod if'ied so It roll effeete+broad shoulder, fullchested at hlotic models-many Norfolks -all tailored by hand. Every size-3;l to 50-for men .and young men ofevery regular and _ unusual physique.T ,,�.. 1 Rich worsteds of ac; WOOlellS fineness that a.:!mitsthe most careful band tailoring-vicunasvf 'unquestioned' worth-all wool every1 hread of them.� I.. Everv smart color..l. ne patterns and pattern of the8cason-Iigh t grays with contrastingdark pin stripes and checks-dark grayswith light checks and stripes-shepl1erdplaids--cll1b cl1ecks-ligbt and darkmixtures-fancy blues.� I.. l It's hard to repress� lie va Ues our entbusiasm on thissuhj('ct-mcrely stating that they areworth *25 and *30 doesn't do the suiisor the oppor�ullity full justice. It's byfnr the greatest clothing opportunity ofmany n day, Remember, beginningSntnrday, you' get tl1ese *25 $20and $30 suits atFive �duate students of theGeology department leave tonight at6 on the Northwestern line for a��============�I ten-day trip through the iron andcopper regions of Michigan. Wiscon,sin and Minnesota. The party fromChicago will be made up of HarlemBr�tz. Ralph Chaney. Frank Herald.John Herald and Joe Runner. Themen will join a party of representa­"lives from several of the large mid­dle western universities at Madison.Wisconsin. The inspection trip\'Ifill be under the leadership of Mr.C. K. Leith of the University of Wis.eonsln,The party will study the miningmethods of the iron and copperregions and especially the geology ofthe deposits. A similar eXIPeditionis made every two or three years by'the geology departments of the largeunfversitles.1'HE DAILY MAROON, ,.;FRIDAY. MA Y �, 1913.BLACKFRIARS GIVEFIRST PRODUCTIONOFTENTHOPERA WHAT ORGANIZATIONS<Continued fr(lm page one.) ARE DOl N G HER E 1 ,.The Pranks ofTonight, Paprika8:15the-- - -. -- -=.Inter-Class Committee."\Ve can not give the coaches tooTravel � much credit for thdr WDr�," saidManag-er Murray last nJght. "Afr.Hoyt has made every effort, nnd thtt'other coaclies, Mr. Beresford and MrThe show has received high praisefrom Coach Hoyt. He declares tlll.� .Dunham. deserve almost as muchthe hook and music arc among best .,rais� Congratulations are dueamateur works he ha s ncr seen. and the nmhpf:S �n the lines."Y. W. C. L. Meeting.Dr. Gilkey spoke all Companion­ship with Christ. the Secret of Char­acter. at a nicet ing of the Y. \V. C.L. yesterday.German Club.Is Hie:hly Praised.M aid to Paprika '" Ralph CornwellTroubador .......•. Leonidas PaineOswald Craig Redmon The chairman of the committeesSix Compose Music. for the interclass hop will meet todayThe music was composed by John at 10:15 in Cobb 6.\.Ichodcs, ex-tro, Richard Myers, '11.1 Freshman Baby Party.\Vitliam Achi, Henry Barton, Henry Freshman wo mc n bcloug ing to thel:osworth. and Lewis Fuiks. The or- Modern Fiction. Musical, Athleticchest ration is by Frank Barry. who and Dramatic clubs will g-i\'c a Babyhas done this work for several Black- party \V edncsday afternoon in Lex-friar productions. ington.The musical program is as follows.Act I.Overture Richard Meyers. 'IIOpening Chorus Willi_am AchiHis Awful DignityTravelogueLove Songs in the Open RoadEntrance of Wilhelmina. Lewis FuiksCrime. Crime, Crime .• Lewis FuiksIt's Very. Very Funny .. Lewis FuiksFinale Richard Meyers. 'I IAct II.A Serenade .........•... Lewis Fuiksll\. Barcarolle Henry BartonI'm Afraid of a Buccaneer•••••••••••• '0' • • • • •• Lewis FuiksAn Alma MaterBangle SongWilhelmina ..•..... Henry BosworthGrape Festival .. John Rhodes, ex-'IoGypsy Dance .... John Rhodes, ex-'IoFinale.The costumes have been designedand prepared under the direction ofMrs. Gilbt'rt Bliss, a former studentof the University, The scenery is bythe Sossrnan-Landis company. andrepresents a square in the village.Eight Chorus Numbers.The show contains eight chorusnumbers, there being three in thefirst act. In addition, there is theopening chorus. and the . finales, inwhich the entire chorus will takepnrt • Thirty-eight men compose thechoruses. They are as follows:ACT I.Travel Scng-e-girls: Byerly. Craw­ford. Davis, l\lichel. Harold A.Moore, Harold T. Moore. Owen.Stevenson: men: Dan Brown, Gard­ner, Kopald, George Lyman, Mac­N cal. Plume. Sparks. Whittlesey.Entrance of Wilhelmina-girls:Bosworth. Byerly. Burcky, Crawford, Ralph C oruwcll. Davis. Dcfcbaugh, au.ls that t he work �! the cast andHaggerty. Lo llcs znr d. John Mc Ar- ""!I( .. rus is -ucn as to :.;:':c full valuethur, Richard Mat t hc ws. Harold A. tl) the merits of the -how-Moorc. Harold T. Moore, Norton.Owen. Shaffer. Saunders, Salisbury,Stephenson. Towne: mcn DanBrown. Fishman. Gardncr. Harnolc,Ha,·. Kopald, George Lyman. Mac­!\ cal, M iller, K eft. Plume, Rhett,Whittlcsl·Y. \Villiams.Love Song at the Open Road-·girls: Durck),. Dc Fcbnug h. Hag-g-cr­t)�. Lollesgnrd, Matthews. N' orton, noon with the orchestra.Salisburv Shaffer. Towne- me n : . I IF· I .'I r I '1'11' ,-r' 1 he management. t ie cast anrIS rrnan, . arpo e. .:, I cr. .,.;efT, .Rhett. T�uss, \Vhiting'. \Vhittlcscy, chorus. the stajre hands. and all activeWilliams, " I Illackfriars wilt he the J!Uests of theACT II. order at an informal dinner tonightSerenade--mcn: Fishman. Harpole. I at 5:30 in the Commons cafe, .Hay. Miller, X cff. Rhett. Russ. Whit , "Ll'wis Fuiks has been of theiJlg'". \Yhittlcsey. Williams. .B greatest help to us." said Coach Hoytuccaneer-mcn: Fishman, Har ..pole. Hay. Kopa lrl Miller. Neff, last night. "He has done practical-Rhett. \Vhiting. \Vhittlesey \Vil- Iy all the orchestration. On the eveIiams. of the first production I want to con-Wilhelmina- (Dutch Chorus)- g-mtulate every man, from showgirl�ame as Travel Song. up to manager on his work. I am.Bangle Song-men: Harpolr-, Hay. sure we will have a great &tI��!!�s."Miller. Neff. Rhett. Russ. Whiting,'\Vil1iams.Just a Dance--Same asSong. s uhjcct of Mr. William Huth'stalk which will be given at the meet­il:g- of the German club tday at 4.W. A. A. Meeting.The ,,"olllan's Athletic Associationwill hold a meeting at I Tuesday tohear the report of the finance com­mittee of the Campus Follies and todiscuss plans for the annual W. A.A. banquet. Al1 members of the as­sociation have been urged to be pres­cnt. MANDEL HALLQUADRANGLE FETE S-II. YOU CAN STILL GET SEATS j� \50c $1.50'..SATURDAY NIGHT-ALUMNI NIGHT,......Medill Alumni.Mcdill high school alumni association in thc Univer-sity will meet Mou­day at 4:30 in Cobb 9B. to elect anexecutive committee.Every hit of local color that wilt Are You Looking For a Good Money-Maker During Vatation?Well, then-just Write-that's all We'D show youa proposition with 400 per cent. profit, and ourCORDIAL WELCOME plan that causes them tohospitably welcome you like a long lost brother .....instead of shutting the door in your face. Costsyou a postal to make us "show you."appear in the show tonight was em­ploycd last night in the dress re­hear sal, The Spanish burro, thegypsy costumes. the realistic scen­ery. arc all features. There will heanother dress rehearsal this after- CASTER MFG. COMPANY Dept. 4.20 Warren Street New York City, N. Y.� VANDERBILT HOfELt' 34.!!! 51: EAST AT PARK �X!;, �lAt the focal point of the terminal zone, en toocrest or Murray Hill. cooled by 80uttJern breeses trOIqthe sea. artificially fed by chilled air, C5QO suoUt rooma.TARIFF:Slna:h� rooms per d.y-l3 ..... 15, •Douhle rooms - - • • IS. 16. 17. $8Double bedroom s. boudoirc!r"""lng·room nnd both 18. lID. 'IZSuitca-Parloir, bedroom ond both -' 110. lIZ. 1.5Each room with bath Special rates lor Sutnmn-T.MHilliard�"!J��/lManNJl..��AMUSEMENT.AMUSEMENTSCHICAGe.Tel�M �)'d� Park G101THEATERI3nl Street and Cettacc Gntft AveWeek startlDg Sun.Mat ApI 27SULLIVAN 4 CONSIDINRPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCJ:HILL .. CHERRY & HILLAmerica's Premier comedy cyclists.ED. WINCHESTERComedian. Songs and Tales.GODFREY AND HENDERSONA big laughing hit."Aboard for Abroad."'fERRY, BERNARD & ELMER.presenting "The Fakers."M:::CONNELL SISTERSC�medy eccerr.ric singers & dancersExtra European feature.THE GREAT RAPOLIand assistantA physical wonder and a pbenomenaljue&lu.IOc-21c-30cCOlAN'S GlANDA STAR AND PLAY TYPICALOF AMERICAGEORGE M. COHAN AND HISCOMPANY INBROADWAY JONIiB . ..__�....._� AMUSEMENTS.f---------------------------- ..... -----------------------------55th Street and Lake Avenue.J EFFERSON pRINCESSNOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive fle('IR nl�btly of the latest movingpictures. Come' andhear our new $'.50()General Admission: seats unsold at In Paul Armstrong'. p� of the bour8 evenings and 2 matinees at SOC each THE ESCAPEiJlpe organ.TONIGHTMathilde (2 reel drama)Universal (topical)A Fishy Affair (comedy)The Bangville Affair (comedy)The She Wolf (drama)ADMISSIONMain Floor. all seats •••••• 10Balcony. all seats. ••••••••• 5pALACE �IUSIC· HALLHALPH HERZFavorite Musical Comedy Star.MINNIE DUPREE & CO in"The Man in Fron'�", LITTLE BILLYPAUL CONCHASJere Crady and Frankie Carpenter,Olive Briscoe. Paul Morton andNaomi Glass, CclII and Lotty, Thom­as A. Edison's Talking Moving Pic­tures.POWERS'Oliver Morosco and Chaa. L. Wagnerpresent THE MONEY MOON I. " .: I ;"r;"ld .�; ��.!' I t r=r�First ChicagO Appearan\:c .bt S yearsLew Fields Laughingly' PresentsWILLIAM COLLIERin "Never Say Die."'.., ,GARRICKSummer Prices: $1.50. N.o HigherWednesday Mats., $1.00WHEN DREAMS COME TRUEwith Joseph Santleyand a Splendid Cast and ProductionILLINOISAll Chicago Is Laugbing WithBLANCHE RING"When Claudia Smiles"Harry Conor, Songs and GirlsMAJESTICALBERT REISSFrom Metropolitan Opera Co.CATHERINE COUNTISS • CQIn a Smart Play.RAY COXInimitable Comedienne. .Moving Talking PicturesKennedy Be Rooney, Musical Jobn­�ons, J as. Leonard & Co., Norris'Baboons, Louis Stone, Kinodrome. From HerOf course, she' 8 the best in the'Worl4-just like F atimas. . ,ICHICAGO OPERA HOUSEHELEN WARE�1Ji8Iinclive!?Individlllll'"')�'.• ,) �.�