rVOL. XL, Xo. 128. . _"� . � �"'"�>/ �t1NIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY: APRIL 29. 1913. PRICE Fl VE CE�TSRELAY TEAM FAILS TO ,'.' :a ... auGE FOR.SPIING EVENTs ANNouNCE lAMEs OF . AirruAt. APPEAls TOMORROW CHICAGO DROPS POORPLACE AT PENN cam \�OIIDic:l IIWa Pial Decision y';'_ BLACKFIIAI CHORUSES Editors Make .a:;; in GettiDc Edi- GAME TO MIMNESOTA--. tJ • !: tel'day-8c)sedule AlWDlli Reunion - - tion.on Campus Before May I-Team Finishe, La FMrtiP ---Illi- 1; and IDterfratermty Sing for Con- TUt,-el,lat U_'_II hRtes ,'Are" Three-Fourths of 775 VolumesnOD, PeDDl),Iyuia, Out- 'I vocation Nicht. _ CIaonaa---SII' , P.,. 1 Printed Already Sold.- moutla Lead., ; -- HIt -- EiPt Erron Contribute to Downfall ofVanit)' After Securing Three-Run LeadConference Baseball Standing._ I.G67 .. '=;00.'=;00.500·5003 ,000.: .Will Talk on X-Ray.Dr. T:'Il1(,s B. Herrick of Rush,.Medic�l College \\ill speak on Uses.of t hc X-Ray in Diagnosis oftDisc:.sc<; of the Heart and Lungs to­(1:.), in Physiology 25 at 5· , Count in, Fourth.(Continued on palre 4-) The Gophers 11(,:::111 Itl ,011111 in l11rfourth frame. ('"npcrman walk c-land Smith wvnt t" i�r'l "11 {'aIr""'.;error. Gilbcr t illrc\'t! ='111;111. DC' ...Tomorrow. Tardien to ='("IIt;\ 1.1 ('''''1Wrrna:lDr Htnderson will speak on SelfPreparali�n .lor Missionary W.ork ata meeting held under the auspIces ofthe Students Volunteer Band inJlas1ce� assembly room this after-Woel£kin Is Speaker. '1�, v .:;-;:":�c! r0!,,,,,.1;11� \Voelfkin d,talk at the Junior women's cbapeltoday. Have Speaking: Confe!'!The Lower Senior Public speakingcontest wilt be' held tomorrow at.1:� in Cobb 6A. 'Voman Suffragewill be the subject discussed.,1•. �I-------- �lowa-.\ccording to a recent lis�the s t at c of Iowa ranks, fifttriin t�.nnmhc'r '" unh'ersities an·" .colleg�whi<'h arc maintained in It. Tbl.r-urnhe r is much larger in proportio"to the popl11:ttion than that o! tbestates w hich rank bigber in the last. :to" right, scor inc ,\ r o n s o n n n d 11;1"17IrcNally tripll',1 In ri;::ht in 11-·'Phi Delt and Si-a Chi to Play. -••••• cizhth. Cooc rrna n popped out :'11,,1Phi Delta Theta and Sigma' ChI Smith 'sintrlcd t hr o n ch K'ix m illr-r.meet in baseball this afternoon to "... �I" 11. C 'I" scormg 1\ c ... a v. ,�rn'l 1 \\"(,11 I.)decide the supremacy in !he fourt , • "division in the Interfratenity league. (Continued on page 2'In the fitth. :\rnll""ll H':\,hcd fir:,011 Sco!ic""s cr ror r ,:\111111'1't whitt\ .. 1.and Diet? walk e ,I. 'I("Xally .Inllhlc Inoon al4:30.THE DAtr.Y KAROON, TUESDAY. APRIL 29,1913.T'he-Daily Maroon1l.i.I�.i" .r ��" ... Bulletin and Announcements;Junior College Women-Chapel, mittec; meeting. tomorrow 3, League10:15, Mandel. room.Quadrangle Fete Committees- University Public 'L�lk w..Meetings today. as f ollows Senior M. Salter, tomorrow, 4:30, Harpercommittee, .2:30. Green 44; Junior assembly room. ..committcc, today. 2, Greenwood. 67. Alumnae Club-Senior dinner, La.Dramatic Reading Society-3 :30, Salle, . Thursday.Lexington 14. Junior Mathematical Club-T9mor-University Public Address-Dr. row, 4 :30, Ryerson, 37.Henderson, 4:30, Haskell assembly Divinity Chapel-Thursday, 10:15,room. Haskell assembly -room,Botanical Club-..J:30, Botany. Y. W. C. L-Thursday, 10:15, Lex-, University Public Lecture-c-Dr, J. ington,B. Herrick. '::. Physiology 25. Philosophical Society-Thursday,Semitic Club-�. Haskell :!6. 7:3,0 Harper 12.Senior College and College of Political Science-Prize Examina-Commerce and Administration- tion postponed until Saturday.Chapel. tomorrow, 10: I':;. Mandel. Blacldriars-Tickets on sale daily,Quadrangle Fete-s-F'rcshman com- Mandel.purpose of keeping them clean.8. Lastly-Don't take notes, be-cause (if you follow these rules) youThe. editor � not resl)ondlJle for vk1D. u. can remember all that the lecturersre •• {;d here. Comlllunication. mu.' lid has said." I.ionr.d CI.I an evidence of lIood faltA. "Annoyed,' .Formwi7Th. Unh-walt)" of CblOllC'O Weeld)".Publiahed dally except SUDdaya. )1000&>"and holiday. dUl"inc cJlre. - Quarten of thelin:\'craU)" 7e&r.l!:.ntered·_ 8eOODd-c� maU &l Cbot QbicecOPnst-Gtrlce. Ch!� IU.. � Its, 11108. un­<1,. � Act of )larch a. 1811.8UB8CBlPTIOM a& .....By carrier. $2.00 a year; $1.00 a Quazur.87 mall. $3.00 a :rear: $1.2:5 .. Quarter.c:d1toclal-Bualn .. omce. ElU8 21.l'elephODe �11c1wa7 800.Hyde Park 5701 (&toler I» p. m.):\la11 Box "0" Facult7 � To the Editor:'Viii you throug-h your columns callthe attention of the student body and:-rAROON readers to the articlein the 'Vhere \Ve w.n There's a Wa«col�mn by Henry M. Hyde of th�Tnb""c appearing' in Thursdav's is­sue. In connection with The Clean­Up week comes a movement to Pre-. vent the Fly. I t is a matter of com­n�on knowledge that the fly is a pestdirectly responsible for a great partof the spread of diseases as typhoidand the even more dangerous child­ren's diseases that cause the deathof the many babes and children eachsummer.But it may not he of such generalknowledge that recently an ordinancehas been drafted by the health de­partment and referred to the councilcommittee on public health dealingeffectively with this problem. A sub­committee with Alderman CulJertonas chairman is investigating the situ­ation. Mr. Hyde in the aforemen­tioned article points out that an im­mediate expression of puhlic senti­ment in the form of letters to thesub-committee will hr ing ahout thepassage and strict enforcement ofthis or some such ordinance.The University of Chicago will notstand idly by. hut wiJl fall in line. ifnot lead, in this worth\· movement.Letters from indiviciuals. clubs,houses and other organizations con­nected with the Cniversitv addressedto Alderman CuJlerton ;t the Cityhall wilf help. Suppose we as indi­viduals and as an institution lend a!hand and help Get Tha t Fly.(Signed) .1'1'. E. U.AlILlllldDr :ml1tOl' JIJnuD KeDD1eott�t·\\"" Editor llIartID 8te"fJftAt W.t1o EdItor - Benaanl 'VIabU7Bu ...... :� . - - - BanleUe ... &AII�OCUTB BDITOB8Samual XaplaDGtorce �amDorothy WUlSatonW.LWam Lyman. •aaroaT",111'. Ha}� ••�lna O':';eWlJ.)..1�Y Wett Georce Sha1rerGecwK. Gray.A.�SwawU ..··.yea &be npol1er .... an oIDee. aDd""Iab dear .Q'_ and hoa'" ............. 111&7anvell IDJuUc:e aDd poJa& C:be • ..,. &0prQfft!L"-a. L. 8.Tbc::I�terfraternity baseball seriesis drawi!lg to a close and soon thefew who were priv­A thleties---- �eged eo play in thecoQiparatively f e 'Wgames played will bewithout opportunity to get the funand. exercise, that the. sport affords.I t is to be regretted that the elimina­tion inst:ea� of the round-robinscheme waS followed by those incharge. of '!he Interfraternity games;as a result the number of gamesplayed was greatly reduced and lessopportunity was consequently givent.he men;�o. play basebalL But howabout .��ie men .who did not even playwj�h frat�rnity teams; where wastheir chance. to engage in the pas­time? V nless they happened to becne of t_he two score or less on Var­sity or rr�hman squads their chancedid not:::wst. Despj�e continued ap­peals on . the part of the men con­cerned, no! evident efi'ort has beenmade to : i�tute class games inwhich a �atively large number ofmen woulS' be given a chance �o play1:>all. But it is not too late now. TheUndergraduate Student council andthe Athletic departmeD� officials,should take notice of this very im­portant matter at once. The d .. �i1sare absurdly simple to work out. Itrequires merely that class captains bee!�ted or appoin�ed; arrangementsnJ<lde to allow the players gymnasiumcredit for their playing; a generalColI issued for men who wish to playin the games to meet their class cap­tains; a simple schedule arranced;and �he series is on. A liberal spirit011 the part of those in charge wouldmake it possible for upwards of twen.ty men to take part in the gamespJayed by each team. making i� pos­sible in this way for at least eightymen to get out on Marshall field atthe appointed '!imes and play base­ball. And these eighty men wouldall be men who otherwise would getnone of the fun and exercise of base­hall. Is not this scheme worth theconsideration it has thus far been de­�ed? . I To the Editor:1 cut the following- item from anEastern college paper and think thatit would he intere�ting- to Cniversityof Chicago students:Class Room Etiquette."I. Come in late'. ii pos!'ihlc. be­cause then you will he �een to hetter a<h'antage and aid the lecturer inhis pause.2. Never hrin� a l1ntc honk. Youcan horrow paper from yotlr iriends,and the noise created is hut a slightdistraction.3. It you han'n't a inltntain pen.Some one will loa n yolt a pencil.�hich Y011 can .;h;lrpen (luring- thelecture. This will cnable those nearhy to cough witholtt heing- hcard.4. Sleep if possil,lc-hecause thelecurer always preiers an interestedaudience.5. If sleep is not ag-r('('ahlc. talk tothe girl next to yotl. I r er giggles atyour witticisms enthtls the lecturer.6. If nonc of the ahoyc rul('s ap­peal to you, just sit. stare and chewgl:m.7. Throw ink on the floor. for thecollege has janitors for the expressfor All CHICAGO DROPS POORGAME TO MINNESOTA(Continued from page ona.)third on Baumgartner's error. Gil­bert singled, registering Smith.Baumgartner relieved Kixmiller onthe mound, Stains going in center'field. R aycmond was hit by pitched'ban. Aronson singled to left field,scoring Gilbert and Raymond.BOlt Score.The box score:Chicago RHPAECatron. S9 •••••••••••• 0 I 4 3 3Scofield, ab _ ••..•..• 0 0 2 2 2Norgren, rb ••••••...•• 0 I 10 0 0Mann, c .'. _ ••••..••••. 0 I 7 1 IGray, rf .•••••.•••••••. 2 0 2 0 1Des Jardien, 3b 0 1 2 6 0Baumgarter; cf, p ••••. I 0 0 1Bohnen, If 0 0 0 o 0Kixmiller, p .� o 2 0 2 0,Stains, cf ••..•..•••.• 0 0 0 0 0Total 3 6 27 15 8Minnesota R H P A ELawler, ss ••...•• _ •••• o 0 0 0 0Aronson, 3b .•.••• _ ••• I I 2 '2 2Lambert, cf ••••••••••• 0 0 3 0 QDietz, rf I I 0 0 0McNally, Ib •• � ••••.••• I 2 9 0 0o 9Cooperman, c .••••• _ •. ISmith. 2b' .....••.••.•• IGilbert, If ......•..•••• IRayrnon�, p ••••••••••. I I 450100 0001Total ... _ . • . • • •• ••• 7 6 27 13 3InningsChicago ..•• _ ••• 0 2 1000000-3Minnesota ..... 00 0 I 20 0 4 �7Stolen bases-Catron, Gray (2);Baumgartner, Lambert. Smith. Two­base hits-McNally. Three-tiase hits-McNally. Mann. Sacrifice, hits­Scofield, Des Jardien. McNall» In­�ings pitched- by Kixmiller, 7 1-3Baumgartner, 1 .2-3. Hits made-oftKixmiller, 4; Baumgartner,�. Struckout-by Kixmiller, 3; Baumgartner.T; Raymond, 7. Bases on balls-offKixmiller, 3; Raymond. 3· Hit bypitcher__;by Baumgartner, Raymo?d;hy Kixmiller, �wler and Smith.Time of game-2:o.t. Umpire-Pick­li'i,1 !., d' I- II ctt.Wisconsin'S Idea of U ..I Here is the Wisconsin l!aily Nc;»SI version of the recent SOCial eveDlng: spent hy the students of Snell andI Hitchcock:I· PAJAMA CLAD STUDENTSHORRIFY UNIVERSITYI • d'I Chicago, III., April .2s-Awre I�I pajamas. TOO students "rough housedon the �ampus of the University ofI Chicago early today, until �oed!t,shocked at the attire of the noters,telephoned a riot can to the HydePark police.. A score of officers responded butb the time they reached the camp�st:e students had retired to the domn-2 0 ",TheCapandGown. - .... ,. WillDis-��?!b:ib.ule·� �:. �.;, '""' .. � ..TROY'SBESTCOLLARS2 for 2SEARL & WILSON"SHIRTS SI� AND MORE",CLASSIFIEDADYEk'I'ISEmlSSTUDENTS, desiring' to '. "lakeGOUD MOXEY by selling an'article of real merit, write us atonce. Easily handled' on sparetime. Owasco Supply Company.Box 1\0. 225 Auburn, N: Y.FOR SALE-No�th Wisconsin' Sum­mer camp location for sale. Ten"very desirable lots each 50 ft. fro·nt:.age on the Eagle' chain of 27 lakes.Splendid location for club. Owner,'E .: S. Coleman; Eagle River, Wis.1:·;" .,MONEY :&IA'DE in 'canvassi� fo!,· invention. indispensable to. automo­biles. Ju�[ patented. H. H. Appel- .· man: Windsor Clifton" hotel or· inquire of .Alf��� Kelly;_ Em�loy':ment Burea�" . ..'••• # � •--."'r,'WANTED-Sumrner; OneDayfarlyBe'Wednes-day·After-AtTheOfficeEllis 14FOR SALE'CHEAP-A good cir­culating' agency for young man,profits from $25,00 to $30.00' permonth. Easy 'work, requires Only5 da�s a month, before sehool. H.E. Rasmussen, 5215 Ingleside Ave.;Hyde Pa�k·7020. . noon�April 30.' I��IHave )"ou subscribed for The MarooD i ... '•I ••••••••••SALESMENpositions open. See H, C. Thomas,·'6051 Ellis avenue, morning.lLIQ-II,:· afternoens 2-4-' Phone, fo�:apP9.i�t.:.: ments,.;.14idw�YI7�':.j Do nC?���!,. �Ja�"" ;-. -: = \.. -.t . � �." "�'; c·.:' :.i :�' .. - .-•. �. ';': _" • '·:�."Jit�-· ,_;FOR RENT__'Ftimished summcn"cot� ..tage; 10 rooms and .bath;,verand�: .dire�tly overlooking' lAke .. MicW-::gan; large wooded, lot, . p,qr:fectbeach; grocery delivery. . Franke,fort. Michigan. Rental $150. Ad­dress C. K. Chase, .. Hamltonlege, Clinton, N. "!..' -.-.-. VANTE�A bustling representativeto sell a pop�lar.price� room de�. oration. Especially suitable for col­lege den� Liberal �ommission.Orily 'one student at each school,so write for full particular. at once.The Moskin Company, 126.f St.Louis' A venue. Chicago, III. --l-De Cor. bcllangeNltlo ... ·: ....of·Cbicqo.,CapitalSurplus. , ••••••••.••••.Undivided Pro&ts .0fIicen.ERSEST A. HAllyIt .. L. Prulc!ent.CHARLES I ... HUTCHTXSOX, Vlee-PrH.CHAUSCEY J. BLAIR. V�PmI�nt.D A. )lOUt.TOS, V�·Preslc!.nt.B. C. SA.1UIOXS. Vlt'e-Presldent.FRA XK W. SlUTH, SecrHary.J. EDWARD )fAA&' CUhler.JAlIES G. WAKEFIET.D, Asst. OIItlIIf'r.L1DWIS . E. GARY. Allflltttllnt Cllllhtf'1'.,EDWARD F. SCHO&'�ECK AMt. Calhhr.Dlrecton.Olllrl .. R. W.drer1I.nhl A.. R,(.nonChane.,. J. DImUwant B. Butlft"Chu'1 ... H, HalbonlCI4I1'ft1Ce BucklndaamBo.JuDJa CUDeDt .. Clyde ll. carrEdwin G. FonmeaCbal.. 1... HutcbtnaonWalROn E. BlairEc!ward A. SheddF�eTlck W. crosb7Ernest A. Hamfn._. ·!'RE.t;>AILY MAR90f.t .. ;:�UE5DAY, APRIL 29, IQT3.Cnlle."· J' I' • • I men. It would nccentun te a nn ive r-_ J'f. to purna Ism IS emsnent y. . . .wortb l\:hil� It ] I h d k srty sprrrt of· the nght sort as \\'l·llit'is p' ot ai mvo vl�fis dlar wor,. as the possibilities for or;.!":llli;.'L'd�. ..ways unqua ley success I' . rfttl. hilt I't 's th h t • Th cheering. \\1.' hope t hn t t hi" or dcr'!': 'Hl1r . L wor walt costs. e ..... t·teF nf t .... dail h fi h of things may be hr orurht about'!"., � "t� at Y as a nger un t e . ..r ... ,a.. "..t th t' U' . h h without the promulgat ion ot r ule s to..,lI'! � '!-� ! en Ire DIversity, e as . .at LI'S con d th f 1 such an effect and we can t hink 01" rman e most power ud• � no better time for starting the 1l1O\'C-me .Ium lor shaping and guiding stu-dent opinion. Even the Freshman re, ment than at today's gallic \\'hatporter has offered to him a fuller' say you; undcrcla s snrenv-clj icliign uDailymeasure of college life than the ath-lete or debater. And withal it is goodfun. 'Work for the Magazine offerseven greater rewards, the rewardsthat alway'S attend the serious at­tempt at literary creation. Not greatI• seems to have been uivcn t'lr�t toiterature, perhaps, but literature, un, the general pub li« :Tlld (1)(.'11 to thequestionably; and is it not worthwhile to make the cffort?-North- univers'ity commuuit v .• ,rill ot hcrwords that we have 1. / 11 "scooped."western Magazine. \Ve admit it. Oft en \. i '.'11 glancing'-LitU;-R"&;k�' Atk. .. -'- Du1.H1qu�.· 10\\'3:'--'. Be1UnoDt, Te xa s, �"I'!n;;li. 1.1. Ill. .Hot SprinJ;!l, Ark. !'l. I...IlI;�. 111.Sa.n .\.nt.nlo, 'i'elCa.s. St. Palll, :'>1:00.: Blnnlngham. Ala. D"('allll', I!:.'. Ja.ckaonvllle Florl<1a. l>o,J",'\·i:l.'. Wis.It 'seems 'to be true· that under-: , Ft. Worth. Texas. :-'Iinn,;.'Ip.)ii!l, :\lion.>-,,-.;;.--���� ·'t n •• ·.'T'?f"t • •• • • • •.. . " Waco. Texaa. :'>h.t:s(Yn. W;s.II' _v4j � 'J:.. . �ciuate eRergy must be used up by: l nan .... Texi.. F.\,a.ns\·:il(:: Ind.,. _/- _._.... -... -= ........ � <�.'-, ···l'.'.·.·�'·.· ". f d If h' h I" :Oharle. aty, la. Rock!or,l, Ill.... � tcHPe .ort 0 en eavor. t e sc 00 _ Bbeldon. Iowa." nlQOmin..:um, m.J ��lf.-.i .-r:;'+.�. J .... to .1'1\ •• �rk fa sut:h that it leaves a tim�·i '-'·�Omaha. Neb.; . Call'v, IH .. '... . • .New' Orlean., La. C,'Jar 1:,1j.;<15, 10\\':1 ... _., ..•. � .•... � � . ' -.�,:.�' � aad ....... thu.iasm sUl"Plus in a young - 'Hou3con. Tex. Council' B:utT's. IOW3_ ry THESES .�. .. ... .. . SIoux. Cl.typ' Ia.. 1"t'{"('tJ()rt, 1:'1 .. ' ""-.... ,.' . .'.�:-... teJtfiw:�be must naturally use It up m· '.. Kempbia. Tenn." DISSERTAnONS�: -. � ;�ome·�.ort 'of activity. �emove' the I Tickets. and .. sleeping car reservationESSAYS,··�"�.)J; ..... �.\.... wholesome activity and he must turn .• .... \;. h. .' • .th fi Id 76 W. Adams St., Phone Central 6270: l!l ellergJq to some 0 er e ,p�r-promptly and accurately dOlle. haps-pot SO wholesome.·The remed)'l: Au�o.matiC 64472Shorthand dictation if required,; then does pot lie in doctoring theUNIVERSITY TYPEWRITING effects, the. activitie!l .. The-- �medy'BUREAU lits in curhlg the cause.NO.9, 1130 East 56th Street. Ju.t hoW enthusism for scholar-(Cor. Lexincton.) ship i!! to be .produced, �e supp�se.+++++++...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• m�ny edu�tors would give much toknow. T"is much is fairly �ure.Whw. the student is forced totiIiI:iJlr.!TIlli;;iUmml[lim;f;�!iIll1l1lIt� really work to gain passing grades.he is generally, if not enthusiastic ..at least serious and force. industri­ou," As we said in a previous editor­ial. th'e University of Wisconsin must 75 CeDts.cwntually raise its standard of I'e- Open Day al1d Night.quirements. If it does there will be SARATOGA B'A R B E R S HOIfew�r activities. better scholarshipsand {ewer ftunks.-Wisconsi" DailyNefJ1.t.WORFOLKfti.ARROWCOLLARHIGH IN 'THE MCKeANDLOW IN FRD.¥T 2- fOf.2.S'cCluett. Pecbocy e; Co •• Inc.. Mallen "'CTOREADU!IOI)ER ST,\TE SUPERVISION.OFFERS SPECIAL FA-SORS AND STUDENTS. LIMIT ACTIVITIESCILITIES TO PROFES- The students interests committeehas started a movement, evidently,to limit the number of activities andreduce the importance which theyare beginning to assume in the eyesof the students. That is an awfullygood step in the right direction. Itwill aid somewhat in returning tothe scholastic spirt-the spirit whicl'\makes the pursuit of ones.· studiesenjoyable, and in all cases paramount.But there is lacking in this way ofgoing at the problem a fundamentalS5OO,000.00 •________________ 1 correction, '"It is to be noticed' that the pro­fesional men in the university have++++++. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• much less part in student activitiesthan other students. Just in propor.,Bas' e BaH Returns don as the men take th�!r school'work serio�sly, so a're:-tbey refrain ..ing from activities. This would argueBY INNINGS AT tllat the' difficulty with the scholar.':'CO ...... They's ship in other schools is not becauseW W of the nnmber of activities and soSO. East Cor. 55th and EDi. forth but rather in the courses them-selves.OPEN WEDNESDAYAND SATURDAY EVE-NINGSNEAR I. C. DEPOT8 Months Old-Deposits overSHOE REPAIRINGWe Solicit the business of·Particular people who ap.preciate Quality and Court-esy.The Smith-Goodyear Co.1114 IIIu& ISrd ......Opposite Postoftice. Ho. About It, Uadel'Classmen?It is too early to speculate on thereJSilbiJIty of popularity of seating�y classes at the baseball games onFerry fie.'" but there is another mat­,er along the same line that admitsof no c�troversy. This concernsthe desirability of barring Freshmen'£rom the ft1"3nd stand until upper­classme� .nd ladies have found seats,,'en t",re is an overflow attend­ance.To d,tt, the gTand stand hasproved ift�dequate in seating thecrowds. r,sulting in the filling of theadditional bleachers and the availableground tbout the stands. Becauseof afternoon classes and laboratory"';ods tlte majority of upperclass­• ena are ..ere to get to the fieldtiarfY.' especially at the mid-week.atnes, an. the underclassmen in this1J3Y seen", the pick of the seats.There is so little that Michiganasks of her underclassmen, compara­tively speaking, that they should be1IdAI' •••••• 1 •• wmM�.t;S MN.UDtE help ,.OU dress It, ..bhl, a� .. moderateexpense'" ko.pln.,.ou poned OIl lb.)at� f ... blon. IncloUles and ba,,- 10New Puhlon DelIneIn each laue. �110'falo_ble tnformatloDon an home aocl �IOnal manan. ODIJGOc a ,Nf. lnclacll... free pattern. �_ftP.I, ._ 8CTIbo tod&J «81D4for free IUDpl.�..cCaD r.u.- will enabloyou to mate Ill,.own bomo. wltb Jouro,", bands.�broursclC and cblldren wblcb Win be ......tn I'tylo Rnd nco Price-DOn8 b= __cents. ScDd fOf J'reo Pattenl ca.... ,W. Will c;.. T. ,.. ...... for .... __!tCrfpUons amonlt JOOf frtends. SeDd f6r1kWrroulnm Catalone and Cub PrI_oaw.DE IIcCAU. CllRAII,m .. ze ... a. ...,tIII�I willing to find scats ill thc bleacher-sand give the grandstaud to the olderGetting the N' ews.The Daily has o u .u been char zedwith printing' news that is �·lcalll.',lfrom down-town papns. IIl'\\,S thatre-over the mor ning or : '. l'lI; ll�� papcr swe have disco\'er��l'i'\'''I'; oi u n ivcr­sity news of which wv l';ld 110t hl:anl.The question is. "\yit()"t: f;�l1lt is it:"Thinks 'Daily Marccn T . Good.Thc following item is (1 p c d iromthe Tech Prep of 'Laue t"cchnicalhigh school:The DAILY l\L\R()()\,: t. oi c..V\S usual the same clever newspaperwith the same intcrcst iu.r act ivit icsof college life. CJI'e VANDERBIIT HorEL+ 34!!! Sf. EAST sx PARK AVE.. N. Y.S��At the focal point of the terminal zone,on'thecrest of Murray Hill. cooled by Southern breezes fromthe sea. artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit I'OOIDII.TARIFF:Single room. per day-t3, .... IS,16Double rooms - • • as, 16. C ••Double bedrooms. boudoir,'p,"""inl:·rr-oTTl ,,:1(1 h:1th 18. '10, '12Sultes-Parloir. bcur oorn :.I!.i.! l>ath '10. IU. lISEach room witt: oal.!' Special rates lor SuntIaer�.JIt!Ut!ItIlt"""""� ...��.������.��.,. •..v.��uu be.j We are showing a smart line of "Br itish" Tweeds for English Sack.!(� Suits, "Scotch" and "Irish" Horne �?ttr.s for Norfolks and the great�! line of Planners for Trousers we have ever shown.:ia:��a:�� 1�. Lu Salle Str�.ti il E. lJ-:-!lroe Str�.= 2.. E. J ackBOa Bk'd..."&'�7..�JIt�'tIU'�tt���t?,Z�������� .. � .. .,..atlIOO._ •••• "Special values �,� $30 for suitslLLINO�S CENTRAL R. R.DIRECT TOR. J. CARMICHAELDivisicn Passenger Agent. and $8 for trousc rs or Knickers.Three Ston.:YOUNG IIBIIFlain B�ths 25 CentJ. H. Hcpp',. Prop.:ag South Dc.rborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific �fasseursExpert Chirollnfi ••GoodNightHow tl�e clay's ac- TAILOR FORA. N. JERREMS, Manager.tivitics en the tenniscourt, at golf, Are You Looking _For Q Good Money­Maker During Vacation?cou:1t�d in the eve­nin::; . !h� p;vys made)r missed; the blame pi;).ccd; the ex'1�ses offered. If you use a Spal�in� iimplement you c"n af: ord to listen�o the other fcllow's cxcmcs .The Spaldin� H)13 (':It:11n�:11e will :li,lyou in selecting the 1)(", implementsfor all Sports.� G. Spalding & Bros..... .... W.ballb Ave. ChlcaSo. m.l Well, then-just write---that's all. We'll show youa proposition with 40� per cent. profit, and ourCORDIAL WELCOiviE plan that causes them tohospitably welcome you like a long lost brother­instead of shutting the door in your face. Costsyou a postal to make us "show you."CASTER MFG. COl\1PANY Dept. 4,'New York City, N. Y.20 Warren Street .---------------------------.-�-_,�_.----�--------------�.ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO EAT 7Cii"e THf COA1MONS a TrialAsk the Upper Ciassmcn About Our FoodYou'll .Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Night Good food Low Prices-.itlTrainingMake training time :t picasure by drinkingand you·n forget all othea- dcpri·;�::()r.3. N othinr: to equal it for realrcfreshment,absolute wholcsomcnc:;s '111(1 dowmir;ht palate plc:asurc.Delicious - Ref�cDhiDgThirst-Quenchingyon see anA rrmv thinkof Coca-Cob. Demand the Gtr.l1;nc-.Rcfll:;c S:lb_;t;t:;t�:;THE COCA-COLA CO.ATLAr-tT'\, CA. 2Patronize Maroon Adv_e.�qsers-�''i '"-: �.r;...,( . ' ..... • •• ': .. .J.:.:,'f..,... '.::".>� .. "THE LAWFORD STROKEBy Charles Stewart.(Captain Tennis Team)comeII!J���II to be used both as anoun and as a verb,l:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:l You may "Lawford"bait, or you may hit a "Lawford." Irnn-e'Tun across many players whoseem to think that "loft" is the cor­fect term. They say- they "loft" theball! 'Veil, sometimes they do, verymuch so, especially if you prefix "a"to their term! A quite simple and self-explana­tory term for the Lawford is thedrop stroke, or the stroke, as theEnglish say. which has "top" on it,ior th.: Lawford is hit by passing·thc strings over thc "top" of thehall. :\ t t he moment of hitting theibalt-which moment should be justas the ball is falling from the heightof its bounce-e-turu the racket "over"thc hall by means of the wrist, whilethe arm continues thc "up" motion.The more "up" you get on the ball.the more drop it will have; the more"over." the more speed. The wholemotion may he described as the arcof a circle. in which arc the wristturns over at the moment the racketmeets the hall. Beware of the be­ginner's common fault: desire to jerk up the racket straight by theside of his body, without any pre­liminary sweep. The result is thatthe ball has all spin and no speed.hits th enet if it doesn't hit theground first. and that the player hitshimself in the' head and has a' sorear m and wrist. Now that comedy oferrors isn't so bad as it sounds for itshows that" the player has sensedthe theory. but 'lias' .tpplied it in itsextreme. rather ib:ui in its modi-'fled form. I t is the happy mediumof the sweep of. the arm and the"over" of the wrist, plus the "up"of the racket. which brings the per­fected stroke. Smoothness, <correct­ness of timing tlie turn of the wrist.a long sweep, and �b��e all: the• '<.,,':" - __ • -- � �." All of the stone in the buildings ofthe University of Chicago is IndianaLimestone, and practically all of itwas supplied byTIlE IXDI'A�A QUIARRIES COllP.A:....... "Y.I I q-II 18 Merchants Loanand Trust Building,Chicago, HlinoiaQuarries and Mills, Bedford, Indiana." .. � ._ ..... _.).AIIUSEIIEHTSEMPRESSTHEATER... Street an. Cottap .... A ••��g Sun.Mat Ipl21::.t!��N 4: CONSIDINBlaNG DEPARTMENT;�ANNOUHCK> ', :CHERRY & HILLAm_ s Premier comedy cyclists.., ED. WINCHESTERCom�n. Songs and Tales.GODFREY AND HENDERSON. : A big laughing hit... �:Aboard for Abroad."TERRY, BERNARD & ELMERpt�enting "The Fakers."McCONNELL SISTERSC�medy �CelfJic singers " dancersExtra Euro� feature.THEpGREAT RAPOLIand assis�tA physical w6.nder and a phenomenaljUlller.10e-2tc-3OcCOlAN'S GlANDA STAR AND PLAY TYPICALOF AMERICA. GEORGE M. COHAN AND HIS€OMPANY INBROADWAY JONES 1 _•fJEFFERSO'N pRINCESSTONIGHT Summer Price.: 'LSQ. No Hieber,Wednesday.llat&., �I.ooThrough the Tes! of Fire (3 reels) WHEN DREAMS COilE TRUEIn Another's Nest (drama) with Joseph SaDtleyThe Children's Conspiracy (comedy) and a Splendid Cat aDd ProductionADMISSIONAMUSEMENTS.'55th Street and �e Avemae.NOVELTY PHOTOPLA�.Five Reela nlgbtl7 of the latNt moriDcpictures.pipe organ. Come andbear oor IWW. $1.500)lain Floor, all seats •••••• I.Balcony, all seats. •••••• • •• 5pAlACE ¥USIC JUU,HALPH HERZFavorite Musical Comedy Star.MINNIE DUPREE" CO in"The Man in Frout"LITTLE BILLYPAUL CONCHASJ ere Crady and Frankie Carpenter,Olive Briscoe, Paul Morton andNaomi Glass, Carl and Lotty, Tbom­.5 A. Edison's Talking Movine Pic­tures.pOWERSOOver Morosco and Chaa. L. Wagnerpresent THE MONEY MOONGeneral Admission: seats unsold at8 cvmines and 2 matinees at .soc each _"First Chicago Appuruu;c iat 5 yeamLew Fiel�.��'y,J»r�tsWILLIAII COLLIERin ".N'ever_ Say Die."ILLINOISAll Chicaco Is LaucbiDc WithBLANC��NG"When Claudia SmDes"Harry CoIlOr'; Soap aDd GirlsALBERT REISSFrom Metropolitan Opera Co.CATHERINE COUNTISS a COIn a Smart �lay.RAY COXInimitable Comedieane.Moviq TaIIdna PictaresKennedy a Rooney, Masic:al John­sons, las. LeODUd. Co., Norris'Baboons, Louis StOne;" KiDodrome.CHICAGO OPERA HOUSEBBLBNWARBIII Pal Aa ..... oaa".·". 01 the boarTBII JaICAP& WHAT ORGANIZATIONSA RE':,DOING HE R EDr. Gilkey Speaks. Walker- Conclave.Dr. Charles \\'. Gilkey will cpeak : One hundred ;11111 tifty attended theat the weekly devotional mec •. ng- of anuual \\·al!..;�'r l'OIH.:Ia\·C �i\'(�n illthe Divinity school at 10:1,5 today in I Lexinm ou Saturday night hy theHaskell 26. members of t he r-:-cu)ogy. �eographyBotanical Club. ' and paleontulugy dcpart nunt s.Reports on research will be given' Zoological ClUb.today 'at 4:30 at the meet i ng of thc ltr. \Vl'ils rc.ul a paper on the Re-Botanical club. Miss Aase will talk sistance of Fishl's to Fatal Couceu­on Sporophyllis of Araucarians and trarions of UXygl'1I and CarbonMr. Byran will talk on Sp:lagnulll. Dioxide at tltl' IIIl'ctillg- of the Zoolog-Dramatic Reading ClUb. ical club ye s t c rclav. �1 r. �I t'ad ga\'cThe Dramatic Rl'aJ"l� suciety will a review 011 Data 011 Sex Deter min­meet this afternoon at 4:30 in Lex- at ion in Cat t lc.aug·a.pn q. New Testament Club.Semitic Club. Paul and the lfy:,tery Rl'Iij.!'ionProfessor Breasted will speak on was i lrc g c ne rn l subject discussed atThe Development of Religion and the mcct inp of the .l\ e w TestamentThought in Ancient' EgYl�t at the. dub yesterday.meeting of the Semitic club tonight Y. W. C. L. Vespers.in Haskell. . \\"omen From Xort hwcst cr n L'lli-'. 'Tuesday Ten O'Clock. versity and fr orn t he College ofClimbing the Matterhorn will be Physicians and Snr zcon« at tetulcdthe theme of a talk given by Pro- t he \" c . sper service of the Y. \V. C.fessor Lovett at the Tuesday Ten L. Sunday. 2\1 is s kut h Royse, sccr c­P'clock tonight in Hitchcocj; li- tary of the \\"or1(rS Christian Stu­brary. Mr. Lovett knows the Alps dent Association. was the speaker.region thoroughly, having spent Junior Mathematical Club.considerable time in the Swiss moun- A Problem in Abelian l ntejrrals istains. the subject of lIr. Vernon's talk toAssistant Professor Robe'rtson� he given tomorrow at 4 :30 at I hehead of Hitchcock, will return meeting of the Mat hemntical club,fTpm- his visit in the South next Art Club Meeting.Mon'day, and will be 'present at the- T�c Students" Art dull will meetTen" O'clock next week. During his tomorrow in Belfield Hall, .M r.absence Professor Field and Dr. Brown will speak on College Archi­Gilkey, assistant heads of Hitchcock tccture. referring to huiltlings 011 litehave entertained the Tuesday night campus which arc replicas of hallsgatherings. . I .at Oxford and Camhridzc.,.�pid formation of a habit, are your I'AN"NOUNCE NAMES OFal�s. . .-, BLACKFRIAR CHORUSESWatch the strokes of Squair andGreen, the two best tennis players in (Continued from page one.)the University. Squair hits. very __much Clover" the ball and hence his Tonight cast and chorus will re­shots have great spced; Green hits: ! hearse in �stllmc except that therewith far more "up" motion, so that" �iII be ;10' �'Ir.,_' or makeup. 1'0-Ilis shots have a tremendous drop nror ro w nig ht the show wiunc gOlleand spin. " through just as it will he Friday. ;llight.t #� � ! .• �President Judson R�ms... President'Judson wiU return-today"]. Wisconsin-The standing' of the'from Watshington where he 'has been': /r.eshn,l�n �lass a.t thc l:ni�'crsity t?f. attending the annual meeting of the I 'Vlscon:;lIl. IS considerably higher thisAmerican' Society of International .ycar than It has been for several yearsLaw the past' four days. ! past.I! '.Imagination'leadsScience on her mo&timportant explora­tions. -,.� Imaginethesmooth-est smoke-then follow:yo�t: fancy to a tin 'of" ... �. tli .-You will discover in.. :this choice gro\vth ofBurley leaf a tobacco, . :. that fully measures.� up to your happiestdream of temptingfragrance, delightfulrichness and satisfy-'ing smoothness. 'I,.!