4tarnnttVUL. X1., No-. 123. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTSBASEBALL MEN PLAY WILL HOLD �IALS FOR RELAY ANNOUNCE CO�EESARMOUR TEAM TODAY -- FOR INTERCLASS' HOPCoach Comstock Plans Further Try-Outs to Select Team for Pennsyl­vania Races-Chicago Has EasyTime at Drake.--.-Will Present the Kindness of Vergie-Mrs. Ella W. Peattieto Reod.Coach P&le Schedules Practice GameWith Tech Team for ThisAftemooDDEFEAT NORTHWESTERN EASILY Coach Comstock will hold furthertr-ials for the one mile relay team thisweek in preparation for the Pennsyl­vania relay games Saturday at Phila­.iclphia. Chicago will be representedin the one mile race only. N orth­western and Illinois also will be rep­resented by strong teams, Northwest­ern in the four mile race, and Illi­nois ill the mile relay.Despite of the victory of the onemile team in the 'Drake games Satur­day, Coach Comstock docs not expectthe team to win at Bhiladelphia. Illi­nois will be represented by a fastteam and several of the easternschools will have strong quartettes.Chicago Wins. at Drake.Chicago defeated Kansas and Ne­hraska easily in the mile rela atDes Moines. At no time afte; thefirst relay was Ohicago's lead threat­ened, and the men were not forced toexert Lhcmsdves. The time wasJ :27 ::' several seconds slower thanthe tune made by the team lastTI' year.liS may be accounted for by the factthat the men were never phdMatthews, Parker Kull and B us he d'. "reat e1l1 a ue up the team at Drake. and thesame men probably will" compete at:ennsylvania. although a dark horsemay be unearthed at the trialst'�:���;ester�_ .�o�t�� fOJl_r� .�i1e.. ':----.y, 8lia rllerr strlOg of' cracknilers, Osborne Tr ...... ler "'h, �,I·�. orsenand Kraft averaged 4:33:1', breaking»: former record by ten seconds.1 Ius performance makes the t. . m s rongravorrtes for the four mile rae t"J'I d I hi e aj )J a e p ia,Sc.ore of Saturday's G�e Is 13 to 1-Baumgartner Pitches Star GameAgainst Purple.Conference Baseball Standing.W L PetChicago 2l lliuois 1Indiana INorthwestern 0 0 i.ooo0 1.0001 ·5001 .000Iowa ........••.. 0 .3 .000Varsity baseball men will have apractice game today against the.Armour institute team on MarshallField at 4. Coach Page has not an­nounccd the men who will face theTech team, hut in all probability Kix­miller wlJJ hurl. The Sophomore isone of the most promising candidateson the squad and ought to developII1to a good reliable man.Championship hopes have not be­r.nn to stir in the breasts of Coachrage and the team as the result oftwo victories over Iowa and North­western. The playing in the gameswas not of the sort that brings cham,rionships. but which was good underthe circumstances. The game at Ev­:lllston Saturday was played in coldweather which caused the men tomake many miscues and binglcs inh��I�i_��tQsJ!.�I-AEI.l��� would .: ��!�have occurred otherwise Only oneerror was of a serious character andwhich could be blamed onto poorplaying. The final score was 13 to 1in favor of Chicago.The next Conference game wiII beplayed on Saturday and if Chicagocomes out with the heavy end of thescore. there will be basis for hopes ofa championship."Lefty" Pitches Well.The only hrjght spot in the gamewith Northwestern was the pitching­of Baumgartner; "Lefty" allowedonly seven Jlits in the entire timethat he was on the mound and whiffedtwo of his opponents. The Purpleused four pitchers in an attempt. tokeep down the hits made by Chica­g-o. The Varsity landed on all fourhurlers for a total of eleven hits.The box score follows:Chicago R H P A E PEN CLUB ENTERTAINSLITERARY WOMEN TONIGHTThe Kindness. of Vergie will be theattraction offered at the Pen clubdinner tonight in addition to' several. readings hy Mrs. Elia W. Peattie,Hermann Deutsch. Donald Breed.Sandforth Griffith. Janet- Flannerand Elizabeth Spence will be the castfor the playlet.Catron. 55. • •.••••••••. 2 I 2 2 I The dinner tonight is the SpringScofield, 21> .••••.•••• ··1 I 0 4 2 Revels Dinner I';ng planned hy theXorgrcn, Ih 3 7 I members of the club Women guestsMann. c ......••......•. 2 3 10 0 0 of the members will he present. Fif-Gray. rf. . ·· 2 2 2 0 I teen couples will he present. TheDes j ar-iicn. 3h I I 3 2 2 f'ol!owing members have not yetnaum�rtncr. p 2 I 0 I 0 IJande<! in the names of their guests:Harger, If 0 0 1 I 0 Martin Stc"'ers, Hiram Kennicott.nohncn, d 0 I 2 0 0 Donald Breed and Edward Miller.Stains� rf ·· 0 0 0 0 0 The women, it is e�-pecte(1. will put ona �tunt.Totals 13 I' 27 II i "The dinner tonight will he theXorthwestern R H P A E hest tIle dub has ever given." sai<1Hi�htower. S5 •••.•••.•. 0 0 I 2 I President Peattie Yesterday.n(·l1ton. d_ 0 3 3 I "Throu�hout thc 111cal talented mem-.scanelton. If 0 I 4 0 I hers of the cluh, and there are quite ay f)un�. Ih. . ··0 0 i 0 0 numhcr. wilt put o"er dances. coonRiv;trd. 2h 0 0 2 I 0 �(\1lgS and all !'orts of the re�ulationl\'orrill. rf. 0 0 I oland non-rc�ulation stunts. The menffirm, rf.. I 2 2 I are atl enthusiastic and any memhcrMcCosh. c 0 0 7 3 0 who docs not come will he sure toLampke. p .......•..... 0 0 0 0 0 regret it very much."Kelso. p 0 0 T I 0Kolharse. p ..•......... 0 0 0 0 0tGraham ·· 0 I 0 0 0Totals I 7 2i IItnattt�f' for Frankel in ·eighth. Bevan Will Lecture Here Today.Dr. Carl F. Be\'an of the clinicalfaculty of Rush Medical college will5 lecture on Bedside Anatom'y todayat,5 in Physiology 2�. A caflaver witIhe used for illustrations.fContinurd ClO pa,:rr 4) HeleD Gross, ViqUaia -. HiakiDs, GaleWilliard, aud Ne ..... NorgreDAssistaat ClaairmeD.Alumni Committee Is· TryingHave Dance Held onFriday, FRATERNITY SERIES IS BEGUN PLEDGES TO WOMEN'SCLUBS NOT ANNOUNCEDDetta Upsilon Takes Best GameFrom Psi Upsilon by 7-0 Scor�Sigma Chi and Phi Psi Win Hand­ily.Five Students and One Alumnus AreComp>sers of Twenty Songsill ShoW'Musical number of The Pranks ofPaprika, this year's Blackfriar pro­duction, were announced yesterdayill the order in which they will appear011 the program. Five University stu­dents and one graduate are compos­ers of the twenty songs "which go tomake up the score of the musicalcomedy. Fourteen of the composi­tions were written by Lewis Fuiks,'16, William Achi, '13. composed boththe opening chorus and the grandfinale The other composers are Hen­ry Barton, '14, Scuyler Myers, ' ....William Bosworth, '14, and J Oh11Rhodes, '10. The Grape Festivalchorus, a waltz-folk song numberwas the work of Mr. Rhodes.The musical numbers of the produ­t!on follow in their order:I. O\'erture ...........•.•..• '. Fu;1.2. Prelude to Act I. FuiksJ. Opening Chorus •..••....... Achi4. Awful Dignity •••.••••.••.• Fuiks5· Travelogue Fuiks6. Love Song of the Open RoadDelta U silon, Sigma Chi, and PhiD .TE IS . D Kappa Psi were the victors in the:A NOT FIXE DEFINITELY J r.terfraternity baseball games playedSaturday morning. Delta Upsilon wonto the best game of the day from PsiUpsilon by the score of i-O. Thornp;'son of the victors displayed formsimilar to that of last year when heCommittees for the Interclass hop shut out Phi Kappa Psi without a hit.were announced yesterday afternoon by striking out eighteen of the Psiby Chairman Chester Bl-II after a � 'psjlon sluggers. "Rickey" Mat­meeting of the Undergruduate COUlI- thews pitched good hall for the los­cil. The Council also voted to 'con- ers after a combination of circum­tinue the custom of having the men stances allowed Delta Upsilon fourwear blue coats and white flannels a( runs in the first inning. There weret he dance. no features from a batting stand-The exact date on which the Hop point.will he held has not been decided as Sigma Chi overcame a five run Icadyet. According to the advance schcd- piled up by Chi Psi in the early inn-'ule which was announced several ings of their game, and won by theweeks ago the Hop was to come on score of 19-8. Chi Psi reached Miller'sThursday. June 5 as Jupe 6 is to be curves for four runs in the first in�a University holiday. On ·Friday. the I ning, but when Stephenson pitchedSpring festival was scheduled to take things looked differently. He heldplace and the Alumni sing was to he the losers to four runs in the remain­held in the evening, TIle Interschol- ing innings in spite of' occasionalastic meet on Saturday afternoon and streaks of wildness. The only startl­the Interscholastic banquet in Hutch- ing hit of the game was a three baseinson commons and the vaudeville in drive by Williams. Pierce. Rehrn,Mandel in the .evening were to wind and Murray did yeoman service for'IP the festivities. the losers on the mound while God-Try to Make Changes. dard received. Kennicott was thrownThe Alumni committee is now en- out at first because he was thinkingdeavoring to make plans to change of a lead for a news article instead ofthe date of the Alumni sing to Sat- the lead he was taking off the initialurdav, .niQ".llt. ·:..��OO::-�ave the T nter- sack. .class hop on Friday night. If this is. ----------------(Continued on page 4-)'done, the Interscholastic. vaudevilleand Alumni sing will conflict. Thefraternity, houses also will be closed NAME ORDER OF SONGS IN. BLACKFRIAR PRODUCTIONat dinner as all of the men will eat atthe Commons at the Interscholasticbanquet. As the Interscholastic com­.mission has alreadyengaged Mandelfor the vaudeville on Saturday nightthe Alumni will not he able to securea hall for their event,The matter will he decided definite­ly at a meeting of the faculty com­mittee in charge of the program ofthat week with a committee of theprogram of that week with a com­mittee in charge of the program ofthe Undergraduate council consist­ing of Ernest Reichmann and Nor­man Paine.List of Committees.The committees follow:General chairman-Chester Bell.Reception committee-Helen Gross,<hairman � George Kuh, Ernest Reich,mann. Donald Delany, \VilliamEwart.Decoration committee-- Virgini»Hinkins. chairman; Josephine Rckh­mann. Ruth Byrne. James Lane.Theodore Ford. Holly Bennett, Elis;'­bcth Sherer. Emma Clark HelenStreet, Grace Hotchkiss. \ViJJ�rd Fas­:;ett, Madelyn �[ac Kinley. Harol,�Moore. Marjorie Coonley. DentonSparkes. Janet Flanner, Rolanclr;eors;:c.Finance committee-Gale Wil1ard ; i· E�trance �f \viI1�clmina '" FuiksI . .' ; R Crlmt'! Cnme' Crime' .. Fuiksc lalrman: Augusta Swawltc Dorothy I I· V \' ..\Villiston. Harold \\'ri�llt: Geor�e 9 t � ery. 'ery Funny FlliksCottingham. Louise M ick, Roderick 10. FIIla1e to Act I FlliksMacPher!,f)n. Paul Des Jardien. Ac� IIArrangements committee-X elson IT. �rehJ�e to Act IT Flliks�orgr('n. chairman: Fred Stein- 12.n pen1l1g Serenade Fllikshrecher. Mona Quayle. \Varren Leon- T3.B arcaroJ1e " Bartonad. SU7.anne Fisher. Phyllis Fay, I�. uccaneer Song , ". FuiksHovt Cox Isahelle 'Iac'[ J". Alma Mater My<'r ..• . .' .I' �\ urray. (1 B I .Lorin Owen. T l. ang e Song FUlksIi. \Vilhc1mina .•......... Rosworth. . I IS. Its a Dance. Just a Dance.Ilhno�s-A new ('a.feter.ia .has heen That's An! Fuiksop�necl.," th� w�n1('.n s lHl1ldmg at the I 19 Grape Festival Song Rhodesllr.Jverslly ot IlJmols. 20. Grand Finale ...•.•........ AchiFuiks ActiOD Is T akeD By IDlercluh COWlciiWhich Is Unfavorable toPublicatiODDAILY MAROON SECURES LISTInformation Is Believed to Be Cor­rect-Organizations Refuse toMake Any Announcement.Following- action hy the Intercluhcouncil the various women's clubsmacle no official announcement of theplesrdes given out Saturday. beyondthe affixing- of the pledge buttons orribbons, The following lists. how­ever, are believed to he corect-Mortarboard.Catherine IsossonKatherine BrooksElizabeth BrownCatherine ClarkDorothy DavisDorothy. FarwellIsabel Mac MurrayHelen TimberlakeDorothy Vanderpoel.EsotericH arriet :\ llport�Jargar�t l1an('nckRuth ManierreMarian MortimerElizabeth ShererQuadranglers.Lucille BaumannGertrude ChamberlainCatherine PrindevilleIris SpohnHenrietta TredwellEdith UnderwoodMarcia WilhurSigmaMargaret ColeMarjorie CoonleyHelen PerryRuth ProsserWyvemMarion BenjaminMildred ElliottLucille EnglischAlma HatchPhi Beta Delta.Jessie BrowneFlorence Thayer(List not complete)Chi Rho SigmaMarie BerlinH elcn DawleyHilda HahnClaire VotawPi Delta Phi.(;ladys DitewigGladys GreenmanElizaboth HarrisMargaret HigginsPatsy' HoyleDeltho.Barbara PattonIrene PittBertha RissHALLS PREPARE FOR BATTLE---'-Hitchcock and Sne!1 Getting Readyfor Annual Contest.r.l·()n�(' ('lIrlllc 'ha� !leen ('hOS('11 10he�(l till' 1 j itch('o('k haschaIJ h.'am init!o> alJlllial stn·g-glc with Sndl. nnthhdls have "cen pra('lici-.:l� as�idllntl�'\·for !'0111e time past and prospc.·cti\·�l11e11lhcrs oi hot h teams secm w('!lsati:-;ticli with the olltlook. The 1!"allll.' •prohahl,\· will he p1aycd next Salur­(lay or a w('ck from Satl1rtla)'\Or!gon-Thc 1tI�i\'('rsity of ()rc�l)�l,lnfl thc Oregoon .\g-rku1tnral coll('g<!! :,r(' thrratcned wit.h havil�g- to dosetheir doors bccal:se of lack of funds.THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. APRIL 22,1913.todayThe Daily Maroon I •••••••••••CHICAGO GYMNASTS PLACE ... • -ISECOND IN CONFERENCE'Bulletin and Announcements.JuniorMandel. Women's Chapel-s-r 0: 15. Senior Colleges and the College ofCommerce and Administration-ChapJunior Social Committee-IO: I:'. el, tomorrow, 10:15, Mandel.Ccbb GA. College of Education Chapel-To-Alumni of Medill High School-s- u.o r r o w, 10:1:-. Emmons Blaine 214.10:15, Cobb 9ll. Freshman Class Meeting-Tomor-Interfraternity Council-c-Mcct imr, 'row. 10:15, Kent thcatcntoday. 2:1:;. second floor (.i I\.(.'yno)():; Sophomore Luncheon-Men andebb. \\'Ollll'll. tomorrow, 12:4':;. HutchinsonQuadrangle Fcte Comrnittees-c-c ijo, cafe.Su lt cr. trnorrow, 4 :30. Harper MIG.Philological Society-Tomorrow:li�)It. ,�. Professor Pietseh� Go49 Kim­hark.Divinity Chapel-Thursday. 10:1':;.11 aske ll as!'l'lllhly room.Y. W. C. L.-Thursday. 10:1':;.LcxiugtonSpring Frolic of NeighborhoodCluhs- Thursday. 4 : .. �o. Lexinjrton,sor Bevan 5, Phy�iolo�y 25· Kent Chemical Society-Dinner.Pen Club Dinner-s-o: 13. Ii urchin- Thursday 0: 15. Hutchinson cafe.son cafe Philharrnoninc Society Rehearsal-Interscholastic Commisaion-e-Mect-' T'l.ur sday, i: 15. Mandel.ing postponed. Religious Education Club-Thurs-All Blackfriars wishing' to usher (:;:y. i:.30. Haskell 12.notify Wi lliam Lyman today or to- Scandinavian Club-Thursday nightSenior, League ro oru ; j unio r. �I.·i�h­borhood room; Sop ho mo r c, Green 30.Dramatic Club Tryouts-3 :-13. Cobl.6A_Tigers Head Elections=-q Rc y nol dsclub.String Quartet Concert-c-a. 13. Man­del.Botanical Club--I :,10. Bntany. T 3.Household Administration Club-4:30. Kent 14.University Public Lecture-Prefes-FGnD4II'lJ'The Unl\,eralt,. of Cb� Weekl,..Publ1sh..-d <!aUy except Sunday-. 1I0nda),.,and hO:ldaya dllnn� th� Quartera of t.bt'li ni \'eral.ty TMr.Entert>d _ second-cl ... mall at (bot ChlcacoPoat-oltl�. Ch!caCO. Ill.. Iola1'd1 Its. lOOtl. un­Jt"r Act of llarob 3. una.8VDSCBlI"TION BATBSBy c:a.rr!er. $2.:;0 & yoear: $1.00 • quarter.By nl:lU. $3.00 & rear: $1,2:» • quaner..t.d1l'l)rw-ilWlin6118 Otnce. .&11 .. 2i.Telephone 1114,..,. 800.Hyde Park G.Ol (&C'ter 9 p. m.))1 a 11 Box "0'· FacultJ' Exc:lJaDce.. morrow, Mathematical Club-Tomorro\\: ,�:, .::, Ryer son 3i.University Public Lecture-e-M r.�, Lcxirurton 14.UaDacIDc EdItor!'\ewlf EditorAtlaleUo Eclltor -BualDts. �er IlUaID Kemalcoltl\lartlD StevenBenaanl V .... k3'- Barden. llaat WHAT ORGANIZATIONSARE DOING HERESamuel KaplaDGeorge CoLtlncbamDorotby Williston H&rrJ' Gorpanaakell Rht:llLeon Stolz Medill Alumni.Alumni of Mctli ll lrig h school inASSOCIATB BDITOBBthe University will meet• W1lllam Lyman. •-'. ]O:T5 in Cobb 9n to form an org-an­ization, The purpose oi t he socic tywil] �e to hr iru; the �rad\late� ofMcdill at the Cnin'rsity into c los crcontact and to get graduatc s oi t�lChigh .school interested in the Un iver-sity.: - [.Tiger's Head Election.New m�mbers of Tiger's HC3(1 willbe elected at a meeting this af t cr noonat 4 in the Reynolds club.The signal success of the men's Illustrated Lecture.commons in catering to the needs of Dr. C. F. Millspaugh of the Fieldthe men of the Univer- \, rnuesurn will �ive an illustrated lee-aKPUBT&aaHlias lIal� Georce Shaft':lGeor'ce GrayA\ICU8t& Swawllf'Uor:tlY \Vell"". HEYea tbe reporter has aD otnc:e. aDdwltb dear eJ't!e aDd bODea 1aD�e. ....,c:anU lDJD.u� aDd polD& &be .&7 t.prucra..··--B. L. 8.t'rll'1tt'd by "Iaroon Preas. G511 00Uap GlVV ..-- ___(fbitotialsity is deserving ofnotice. Year by yearthe efficiency of thecemmons has been increased. It haskt'pt abreast of the times and no ex­pense or pains has. been spared ton;ake its service the best that couldbe given to the University public.Club· breakfasts, cafteria luncheons.-.night dinners with music-what morecould be asked? Furthermore. theprices are astonishingly low and thefood astonishingly good. The placehas a nair of utmost cleanliness; thewaiters are efficient; the general at-'mosphere excellent. Pains have beentOlken to see that the students getwhat they want: witness the lettingdow n of the rule against smoking inthe \:ommons that was in force whensCJme sr..tdents were Freshmen andeven later. Besides the generalservice of the commons hall, there isrr.aintained a special service in theprivate dining room and the commonscafe that is steadily doing wondersfor various campus organizations andfor the general promotion of good­ft'l1owship in the University. Nightdter night this or that organizationhas a dinner party in one or theother of the two rooms mentioned.A nd it is safe to say that there arefp.w, if any, other plac6 in the wholecity where a better dinner may behad for the priced asked individualsfor a special dinner. And the systemis <;0 entirely smooth! There is season all in�piration ha� (0111C Inr:.ever 3 bitch in the workings of the the "hall girk" who play "ill(lnc.r"men's commons. There is never a I hasehal1 every aitcrn()(). :1 in fr()nt uihitch in the workings of the men's Kel1y an(1 Gr('ctl," 'far�arc' �l111i\'al1<ommons. There is never a promise pitciler. and �ina neall. catcher. jortllunfulfilled and never a disappoint- the l1ucl('us of thc tcall1�. 1'];;1)'; ;'()rthat the management can avoid. The a hal1 park on l11c La\\' Lihrary lawncommons and its manager should will he started provi()(,(t th(' \\'('all:('r• t d permits and thc tcam .(Ol1litlll('" tilenjoy the increaSIng respec anFltronage of the University. progress in the iuturc as it has so far,The Men's turc on the Buitenzorg �r<tens. Java.at the meeting of the Botanical dubtcday at 4:30 in not any T3.Interscholastic Commission_Commons.The meeting of the Interscholasticcommission which was cal1c(t iar to­night at i:15 in the Reynol()s clubhas bern postpone(1 until t()Tl�orro\\'at i:T5 hy Chairman Lunde.Sigma Nu Pledge.SiJ!ma Xu announces thc plc()g-in�of Harry 1\1. Reardsley. of Chicag'o.Interscholastic Commission Meeting.Delta Sigma Rho.Evanston Concert Postponed.The E\'anston c()ncert to hc ;,!'i\'Cllhy the \Vol11en's Gl('I' c1l1h will nottae placl' ulltil :\pril 2.�.Delta Si�ma Rho held a dinner lastnight. ." "Woemdn Chapel Speaker.Re\·. n .. Cornelius \\'o(':il;:in oi tl1eFifth :\\'ellue napti:,t cl1\;r<'h ('oi �t''.\'York was thc speak('r al the Tnn;o:"men's Chapel ycstcrclay. Dr. \V()(,li­kin spokl' on ho\\, the l11oo(l� nj a 111111wc're hro;'\Iler tl1an the man hims(,li ·')rhis hdids. and thaI a man \\'o11t,l �;Ii;lhy al1owin� hilllscli to hc carried Oiland �u;clc(l hy his 1ll00(ls, at Sophomore Luncheon Tomorrow.One hundred men and women ofthe Sophomore class arc expected to'It t e nci the first class luncheon of thequarter at 12:4':; tomorrow in Hutchir.son ca�'t" Dean Linn wilt make theprincipal address at the luncheon al­though others will he given opportun­ities to speak on subjects of interestJunior Class Luncheon-Dealt Boynton will speak at the.: n nior class luncheon Thursday inHutchinson Cafe. The Junior classsocial committee will meet today at10: q in Cobb 6A to make furtherp la ns ior the luncheon.Neighborhood Party.Masqucrs will present Thc Far­.\ \\'el)" Princess at the second annualil1.!O()r picnic of the Xeighhorhoodduhs Thursday. A dance in the gym·nasium \\-'ill also he a feature.Hitchcock Hall Smoker.II itt:hcock klhall wilt hold a smokerTI;u:,,�.day night. There will he a\\'rcst1�!l� match an(1 a tug-of-war he·Iwcen the Medics and the Law stu­(�(·nts.Freshman Luncheon and Dance.\':IlH!e\'ille stunts will he �iven dur·,il:� .the FrC'silma:l luncheon in Hutch­inson cafe Satun'ay. The luncheo:',· .. ili hc' ;o1!owe<1 hy a dance in thel\t Yl10lds dull.Geology Party.The annual \Yalker party will hl';�;''('n in Ll'xin�ton Saturday ni�llf.�cenes ,(kpjctin� campin� trips ofCelllog-ly dClsses wlil he a part of tht'I'r(')�ram.Houses Baseball Game.\Vashington House a11f1 LincolnI r',lI!'C arc fortnin� hasehall teams forI h( inter-house game to hc playe(1 ill! hI' Il('ar futnre. 1\ft.·mhcrs of each1,,1''';�' :lppcar optimistic and seem(')l;I;lIt,.,t of \·;ctory. Wisconsin Wins Meet by NarrowMargin-Captain Merrill De­feated in Fencing.l'hicag-o secured second place in'thl' Conference �ymnastic meet heldat Madison Saturday. Wisconsinscored iil points to Chicago's i38.�Iillllesot&l W.IS third scoring 70j 1-8points. Captain Parkinson. Weakly,Sqtlair ant! Sponsel performed best'or Cltit·ag·o. Owing' to the number ofthe competitors and the complicatescoring methods the official . scoreshave not yet been announced.The surprise of the meet was the,ldt'at oj Captain Mcr r ill of the fenc­ing team hy Sayre of l11inoir in hoththe foils and broadswords, Mc.·rrillhad been scheduled to winevents <l'1I! his defeat was entirely un­expected. Illinois and Minnesota <li­vidcrl the points in the wrestlingmatches.1{EV-MANCOLLARS2 For 2SEARL & WILSONMaker.". Of Red-Man CollarsSHIRTS $1.50 AND MORECLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMlN1SMONEY MADE in canvassing iorinvention indispensable to automo­biles. Just patented. H', H. Appel­man, Windsor Clifton hotel, orinquire of Alfred Kelly, Employ­ment Bureau.3ALESMEN WANTED-Summcrpositions open. Sec H. C. Thomas,6051 Ellis avenue, mornings 10-11,afternoons 2-4. Phone for appoint-ments. 1\1 illway i9O<>. Do not de-Ilave:o'OR RENT-Convenient ropm nice-ly iurnished. University. vicinity.�[odern conveniences. Reasonableprice. Call Hyde Park i326.:�OR RENT-Large light room forone or two. univcrsity vicinity.Telephone. electric lights, hot waterand all modern conveniences. Rea­sonable price. Call Midway 7856.FOR RENT-Furnished summer cot­ta�e: to rooms and bath; verandas(Iirectly overlooking Lake Michi­�an: large wooded lot, perfectheach; �rocery delivery. Frank­fort. Michigan. Rental $150. Ad­dress C. K. Ch:lse, lIamlton Col­k�('. Clinton. N. Y.Post Supplement Staff Meets.,\ l11('ctiTl1! of thc staff of the l'ni­\'('rsitv of Chica�o supplement to theChi(a�n E,'olill!! Pn.'" has hccn called! fnr T:T� tOflay in Cohh 3:\. Plan ..h;1�('haq· • fwill he discussed for the next Issue 0t11c stlppll'ment which app<'ars Aprilwand al1 Cniversity women inter­�'�;ed have heen askeli to attend. VANTED-A hustling representativeto sell a popular;l>r:��:! room dec­oration. Especi=llty suitable for col­le�e liens. Liberal commission,Only one student at each school.so w�ite (or (ull particulars at on('eThe Mo�kin Company, 1264 5tLouis Avenue. Chicago TlI,WOMEN HAVE CAlJGHTTHE SPIRIT; PLAY"INDOOR" BASEBALL\Vith the comin1! oj Ihl'Illinoi�-The new Commerce hl1ild­illt! of 'he university of Tllinois wac;. 't· t I 'flll1rs(la'" The dedication(1('( lea C( •• oJ'• •of the htlildin� marks the he�JtlnJtlg'of the new business course. FOR SALE CHEAP-A J:ood• ct1latin� aJ:cnC'y (or youn� man.profits from $2500 to $ .. �o.oomonth. Easy work. requires only5 days a month, l:rfore school. H .E. Rasmussen. 5215 Ingleside Ave.Hyde Park 70.20. LookBelowlTheCapandGownWill·AppearMay 1YourOrderMustBePlaced•InAdvanceTwoEditionsHal' Leather $2.50full.Leather$3.00LeaveOrdersatBox 280 Fac.Ex. or -Ellis. 'IfTO TENNIS LOVERS THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. APRIL 22, 1913.STRING QUARTET WILLGIVE CONCERT IN MANDELx 'I'll E be lief that 1call be of service toth� many tennis loversof the Uuiveraity, 1commence in this briefar ticle. a series ofshort talks on tenniswhich will appear dailyin the M:\ROO� forsome weeks. This decision of at­tempting tv produce a number of real­ly helpful hints and it e ms of tennisinterest is not the result oi a suddenidea first g-lill'bpsl'(l on this clay ofApril the 21 st. hut is a natural andmature resolve. hrou;..:ht about hywhat. after IIIII� and careful consid­cration, seems to he all actual need.This ne ... ·d has h�'cn expressed hyFour Member:s of Chicago SymphonyOrchestra to Present ProgramToday at 4:15.:\ slrilll! quurte t composed ofmembers of the Chicago SymphonyOrchestra will present a programunder the auspices of Director Rob­ert \V. Stevens t orlay at .t:15 in Man­del, The COIICl·rt. w hich is the secondof the Spring quarter musicals ar­r'lnged by Director Stevens. is free tostudents and their friends.The quartet consists of the follow­iug': Alexander Zukowsky, first vio­linist and assistant Concert-meisterof thc orchestra: Herman Felber.second violin: \Yilti:ull Konrad, viola:and Herman Felber, 'cellist,The followinjr selections will beplayed:r. Beethoven: Ouartct in C minorOP11S IS,-nulllhcr -t. '(a) Allegro(b ) Scherzo (Andante quasi Alle­gretto)(c) Minuet(dl :\tJl'�ro 11011 t roppo'I. T'schaikowsky: Andante Cantabilet II. Quartet in D major. Opus 64number 8.(a � Alleg-ro moderato(h) A(la�io ,cantabile(c ] 1\1 inuct(el) l�in a lt,: (Vivace)Dr. �oelfkin University Preacher,Dr. Cornelius \Yodfkin. pastor ofthe Fifth Avenue Baptist church oi�= ew York. will deliver the address atthe Junior women's chapel exercisesill Mandel at 10:1:; today. Dr. \Voetf­kin, who is the Univer-sity preacherfor the week has been in the 'ministryof the _naptist church for 2j years andlias heen.�. pastor of "Rockefeller'schurch" since 1912.: I�in�'-:, ':\holtt $300 was .\clear�d"" '!: alJh* �lr;. !xpl'IlSeS hy; tilt!'· "Hlinoi:tUnion Dramatic club 'on' its' recentproduction "The Prodigal Pri�ec."La�t year's play. "Tile Dad of theUndernrad" did not meet expenses.eiV(A'ORFOLKaN�tRRO\lVCOLLj�RHIGH Iii THE IlAC[{.AUrLO!¥ IN FP..ONT .2. for2.ScClue!!, r"':'-�!'O::7 L c�.� �:: •• 1",�c.h�r., ·x :==s". ;... - ... :' ....... � � � . .,. ... ' •.. * d �t,� U,�K(SH, BATHS75 Cents. Plain B:.ths 25 CentOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BAR BE R S HOIJ. H, Hepp, Prop:29 South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist., Scientific 1\1 as!'eursExpert, Chiropodi!'++++++++++++++++++++++++++Base BaD ReturnsBY INNINGS ATCovvhey'sSo. East Cor. 55th and Elli.,+++++++++ ••• +.++++++ •••••• By Charles Stewart.(Captaiu Tennis Team) nnany students of the game in thepast few years. when they havequestioned me concerning the strokesthc various grips, the courts, dress,rackets balls. styles of players, and, what is by far the 1110st frequentquestion of all. how to hit the elusive"Lawford" or drop-stroke. Just suchtopics as these. and ,"ariations uponthem. witt he discussed in the days tocome. ltut mark this well: as insalesmanship. so in tCllnis. nothing.absolutely nothing can takc theI ',.J;lace of personal contact. If every-one wished it. and I had time. I would, be glad indeed to help all interestedi. I• to a better undcrstaudiug "111 ap-,preciation, of and elliL'iellcy ill. this! great game of tennis. hy personal.i "on-the-spot" help.. I ropcnt-s-thcrcis positively no sub st itut c for a heart•to heart talk. and a lia ml to handpractice. All t hat I shall say to you in thiscolumn. and more, can be told L)1word of mouth and printed page, Lymen far more expert in the playingand the knowledge of the game thanI I, but per hap through eight years ofreading and of observing the stylesof many of the most able Americanplayers, what I have picked up maybe of service and interest to thosewho have an enthusiasm for this.sport. And so tomorrow witt comeI the first talk: what thc subject willbe I do not know for each day's\ topic wilt be that �hich most appealsor seems most pertinent at the time.Northwestern-A local club, theEvening Star dub has joined the na­tional Hebrew sorority, the Achoth.Michigan- Thc new auditorium ofthe University of Michigan witt bededicated on Alumni day, June 25. li!'liUt;a ST.-\TE SUI·EBVI810N.OFFERS SPECIAL FA­CILITIES TO PROFES­SORS AND STUDENTS.OPEN WEDNESDAYAND SATURDAY EVE­NINGSNEAR I. C. DEPOT8 Months Old-Deposits over- - --------------- ._--Tobacco that is- Good for Your NervesJOEL HILLMANJoel Hillman. proprietor of tbe famous,. Harvey'S" restaurant at \Vasblnlll:ton.D.C" says:•• T uxeJo iJ a good, whoieJOtnetJ,acco. with a milJne» anJ fragranceall lb OIDn. II aJdJ many degrees 10� _ . _� p,"ane:;:' �-. -�h. .... -W. N. HINDW. N. Hind. lla!lter Commlssfoner ofKeaton County. Kentucky. says:"For pure smoI(e-Jog, I hoe /oundnollring '0 equal T uzeJo. A pipeful 0/T azetlo lJ m� /atJOrile rJaalion. "_M��""WALTER WELLMANW .. 1terWellman. famou!' journallst.ex·�)lorcr aDd aeronaut. says:"In ,he Arctic regiom, 'hroughweary dayJ In camp al Spitzbergen. OJ,ailing 1000 miles GOer II.e Allantic Inlite ai""ip Ammca, mJl /atJOrile lobaccoM. al",aJIS been T azedo .• ,LV a.lI;_WUl. 4_. ,\..... TUXEDO actually soothes the nerves. Itis just mild enough to keep your nerv­ous system in poise, your muscles intone. Unlike other tobaccos, Tuxedo burnscool and slow. There cannot be a speck ofirritation in a pound of Tuxedo.Great singers smoke Tuxedo just beforea performance. Public speakers testify as toits soothing influence. Doctors recommendit to smokers whose throats are delicate.The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and CigaretteOne reason for its superiority is theunique "Tuxedo process" by which all theunpleasant features are eliminated fromtobacco.The other reason is that Tuxedo is madefrom the best tobacco grown -the choicest,mildest, mellowest lea ves of the highestgrade Burley tobacco.Tuxedo is widely imitated-but no othermanufacturer has succeeded in making atobacco as good as Tuxedo.\Go to your dealer today and get a tin ofTuxedo. It will give you the greatest pleas­ure and satisfaction .that money will buy.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHEREFUIOU peeD tiD, willa ,old 10c CoDyeaieat,...dl,irmer-lined ScIetteriq,canedtofitpocket with ..aa.re-pnalpaper •••Illustratio"sar� about ,,,t­half s;zt ofr((l/ paclOltS.414 1JC. R, WILSONC. R. 'Vilson. manager of the LyceumTheatre, Pittsburi, says:.. T raetlo poJJUJes all ih« good /Ul­taTe$ %lher 'obaccoJ anti none 0/ IlteirdrawlulclcJ. II's a remarlcably safb/ac­lorg�.·'-��r-.. /�PAUL eOliANPaul Coman. Captain of the 5tb Precinctof tbe New Orleans Police Department,says:•• T aretlo has pro"Pen ib mpoiorilJl inmildneu, cooiMJJ anJ parilJl. MOJl 0/,I.e men on lhe force we if and l"m withlhem. For my pipe- T wredo e%Ciu­aoJg •..PHILIP R. GOODWINPhilip R. Gooo\Tin. the ii1ulItrntor. cele­brAted for his n.hnir:tblc depiction of""·cl>tcrn types" �ay!\:··T�re's zc!1 ar:a cncou,::gDJK1lI in�ry p;�ful of Tllnao. The J&D«tat,,...,.,1 J:>clhing smoke I know. ,.•AtHE DAILY MAttOON, TUESDA'1, APRIL 22, tQtj.BASEBALL MEN PLAY l"RATERNITY SERIES IS BEGUN COMMISSIONS MAKE PLANSARMOUR TEAM TODAY � •...lItItIUtItM�U" ttL L L b L L btL L Lb.<Continued trom page ones)Chicago ...... 4 0 I 2 2 21 0 3 0-131\ orthwestern .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1Three base hit-Mann. Sacrificel-its=-Scofield, Des Jardien. StolenkSl's-Catron (2). Denton. McCosh.Double plays-Des Jardien-Mann­:.1 urgn'n-Mann. Innings pitched-byLamke. 1-3: by Kelso, 4; by Frankel.3 �-3; by Kolharse, I. Hits-offLamke, z ; off Kelso, i; off Frankel.z: Struck out-by Kelso, 4; by Fran­l:c!. 2; by Baumgartner • .3.. Bases 011halls-off Lamke. I; off Kelso. 4;tltl rrallkd. 3. \Vild pitches-s-Kelso,3; Frankel. 1. Hit by pitcher-e-Baum,��rtncr. 3: Frankel, I. Passed balls-::\fcCosh,2. 'I'irne=-arro, Umpire­Fit z!>atrick.PLAN TO ANNOUNCESENIOR COLLEGESPEAKING CONTESTx 0 announcement has been made or'the Senior college public speakingcontest on account of the absence ofProfessor Clark from the city. Pro­fessor Clark was called to N ew York Phi Psis Find Betas Easy.Phi Kappa Psi had things their OWI1. Various class Y. M. C. A. commis-way in the game with tile Betas scor - sions are planning for special meet­iug SOilH.' nine runs in the. first two i�ll-!S dur inu the week. The Freshmaninnings. Taylor, Morse, and \Yick- body will hold a luncheon in theham did the twirling, Morse c�ltcl.lil1g I' C'.1m·mOlls at 6 today. Members ofwhen he was not in the box. \rhit-\ t l.e faculty will give addresses. Plansjug completed the Phi Psi battery. will be discussed for bringing out aSellers' started to pitch fo rthe losers, I greater number of volunteers for�ut ��ve �\'ay to Coulter in .the lifth work as ushers and stewards for the.Red Paine caught the enure game. I "Wor ld in Chicago exhibit.1 h,� final score was. 20-6.. I Tlll� Law school commission wiltSigma Alpha Epsilon With a battery i hold the second of a series of weeklviof Kispert and FOSler won a practice I talks on the comprehensive them�,game from Snell hall by the score of . The Relation of the Lawyer to the��1-4· l�oh(.'rt Allais was one of t he I Modern Social Movement at a dinnerstars for the winners, getting two to be' held in H utchinson cafe laterhome runs in one inning. In the last in the week.inning the losers were given threeruns for good measure.Iy hoy scout-master training classesCarl Lambach Married. Fidary afternoon in Cobb. Late j-Carl Lambach, '09. was married to pljances and new dernonstratinrMiss Louise Thomsen last Friday methods of training \\;U be featurLamhach is a member of Phi Gamma of the' mectinz.Delta.(Continued from pagt. one.) Y. M. C. A. Class Committees MakeArrangements for More Meetings. IThe Junior class commission willholJ the second of a number of week-!ast wee by the death of his sister. Wisconsin-A bill before the legis-He will return to the dty this morn- Iowa-A Greek play will be given lat ure of Wisconsin to create a fiveing; and details of the contest will. by the Greek students of the Univer-' mile dry zone around the universityhe announced tomorrow. sity of Iowa on May 16. was defeated in the lower house.AMUSEMENTSEMPRESSTHEATER13re1 Street"ant c.u.... Cbwft AYe. Week StartlDg··SuD.llat Ipl20SULLIVAN a: CONSIDINltPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNQUNCKThe Eminent ActorWILLIAM SCHILLING, &: CO.present "Destiny" the season's dra­matie treat.GOLDEN GATE FOURanact with great' voices and choice',_ harmonyGREVES AND GREENCOlAN'S GlANDA STAR AND PLAY TYPICALOF A�ERICAGEORGE M. COHAN AND HISCOMPANY INBROADWAY JONESCHICAGO OPERA HOUSE. HELEN WAREIn Paul Armstrong's play of the hourTHE ESCAPEpOWERSROBERT LARAINEIn Bernard Shaw's Most BrlUiantComedy.MAN AND SUPERMANBLACKSTONEA Modem American ComedyHER FIRST DIVORCEWith Laura Hope Crews and 8 Castof SUperior Merit. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTSJEFFERSON OLYJMPIC55th Street and Lake Avenue.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive Heels nl�btly of tbe lateat movingplctures.»Ipe organ. Come andhear OIJr new $i,500"The Minstrel Men" .in a spectacular. ADMISSIONscenic musical offering. . .;, ... ...; .. FI all 10___ oor, seats ••••••VELDE TRIO Balcony. all seats. • •••••••• 5A Eureopean novelty sensationEDDIE FOYERPrince of entertainers, ''The Boy.from Sixth City.'·Added featureNICHOLS.and NELSON TROUPEAmerica's most inarve10us hoop roll­ers and diabolo experts.7=30 aDd ,:15PRICESI Oc-2Oc-3Oc"And They Lived Happy Ever After"Ameta Farber Girls, McMahon, Dia- jmond'lt Clemence, Lewis & Dody, With ThOs. A. Wise�os. A. Edison's Talking Movi�g Most Original Comedy in YeanPictures. Tonight SOc to ,1.50; ,1.00 Kat. Wed.TONIGHTTears of Blood (2 reel drama)Blood Will Tell (drama)Pedro's Revenge (drama)Murphy's I. O. U •. (comedy)A Dollar Did It (comedy)AND OTHERS'STUDEBAKERTULLY MARSHALLIn "The Talker" 'by Marion FairfaxMAJESTICLast Appearace ofMADAM SARAH BERNHARDTWith Mr. Lou Tellegen and companyof 25 in Repertoire.Cliff Gordon, Piatov & Novatna,"Jonette. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry,Felix & Caire, Edison'S Talking Pic-tures II •pAlACE ltlUSIC HALLHEDWIG REICHERLate Star of the Drama Players. withher own company in DavidPrlnski's "The Conquest"WALTER C. KELLY"The Virginia Judge"SOGANNY'S ROYALLUNATIC BAKERS Wm. A. Brady AnnouncesHINDLE WAKESSeason's Best Play-TribunepRINCESSFirst Chicago Appearan\;c u1 5 yearsLew Fields Laughingly Presents .WILLIAM COLLIER. in "Never Say Die."A MIRlCD MUSIC BALLGertrude HoffmanBroadway to ParisEvery Night & Sat. Mat.. SOc, 75c,_ $1, S1.50COLONIALZIEGFELD FOLLIESExtraordinary Feature.Ching Ling Fooand Co. of 14 OrientalsGARRICKSummer Prices: $1.50. No HigherWednesday Mats.. $1.00WHEN DREAMS COME TRUEwith Joseph Santleyand a Splendid Cast and ProductionILLINOISAll Chicago Is Laughing WithBLANCHE RING"When Claudia Smiles"Harry eonor, Songs and GirlsCORTCast of Famous PlayersTHE SILVER WEDDING TAILOR FORFor months we've been an ticipating the time when you'd bewanting smart new spring clo thes,And now a wealth of new materials have been collected ready toexhibit to you this day.Come in and choose one of these modish exclusive novelties.Then let us tailor your do thes so th�y will give that indescrib­able quality termed "good styl'!."Prices $30e")() to �.ooTbnoe 8tone:ARE YOU LOOKING FOR· A PLACE -TO EAT?Give THE COMMONS a Tria'Ask the Upper Classmen About Our FoodYou 11 Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Night Good Food Low Prices.-t� _ .�_:-':;11 CottalOe Groye Ave. .. �"ICAGG).Tel�one H). Park GiOl, I• '7ke·VANDERBIIJ·HOfa+ . 34a Sf. EAST ICr 'PARK' AVE.. N.Y.��At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the. crest of Murray Hilt, cooled by Southern breezes from. ·the. sea, artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunUt I'OOIDII.TARIFF:. . '.. �":��e":o":. _. '._' . ;. � 4t7-t3, 14. -. •T.M.Hi11iarcl Double bedrooma. boudoir ';"� .. C. •�"!I � dresllfnK-room and bath II. lID, 812'ffIUtr:Itr/llolanJ.1J Sultes-Parlolr. bedroom aDd bath _. 810, '12..1S� Each room willa � S� � for.s.a.-erMAROON ADVS. BRING RES�TS·Byron said Societyconsists of bores andthe bored..What a change hecould have causedwith a big red tin ofVelvet is never dull.There isn't a tiresomemoment in a thousandtins: I t satisfies. thethoughtful, inspIresthe stupid, "!akesamiable the cyniC.Not a burn or biteto mar its tempungrichness.