inily ilarnnttl1NIVEl{SITY OF CHICAGO, WEDX�SDAY. APRIL 2,1913.VOL. XL. !\o. 109. PRICE FIVE CENTSALUMNI WILL STAGE "REVElS" CHANGES IN SPRINGFESTIVAL TO BE MADEAlumnae of the University of Chi­BLACKFRIARS TO RAISE FUNDS c a go will stage the first annual"Spring Revels" a week from Satur-.lay at the Whitney Opera house un­der the auspices of the ChicagoAlumnae club.Alice Lee Henrick, Mrs. G. W.J-JaU, and James V. Hick�y will ap­That the establishment of a Rey- pear in Shaw's "How He Lied to1101::s club fiction library will he the Her Husband," and the - dance ofI principal improvement. ill the clubon y L'Allegro, which was given at thebut lor the year was the asscrtioa of Florentine Carnival, wi1J be repro-Prcs:dent Parkinson who assumed duced by those who took part in the. he reins of office yeserday at a din- E ar tlett presentation. One numben-cr at the Univcrsjty club.. will be staged under the direction clf"I sha ll appoint a. �om1llittce to Mrs. W. D. MacClintock a!nd out the ways ana means for \V:1.· Thomas..he establishment of lihe library,' Has Double Purpose.. ft" . I I said the new head of the club "andman .IS as acquirmg a erne 1 on t ic , The performance is for the benefitI k t berth nd Marga' r t -j"I' 0 s it should have a report ready for .rae s op .... ,a • e '-,.,.� Jointly of the Univers-ity 0.£ Chicago. tt' t b·\'d··l j-)'re!'cntation well before the close ofIS pu nng' up a s e-ong I lor I. re Settlement and of the Chicago Col-third base position. Several others .he present school year." legiate Bureau of Occupations. Thetrvi t f t't,. �. f I - In return for the USe of the clubare rYlng ou or nc re�� o. 1 re Settlement share will help maintainposirions, incJ.udcr-l'g Frances Hous- for rehearsals, it is s;uggested that he work of Miss Louise Montgom-ton, Eva Goldstein, Lillian Swawite, .he Blackfriars wilt give a. special .. .\ cry In grvmg' vocational guidance toHelen Leonard" Florence Foley. performance to start 3 library fund. the children of the Stock YiIII'ds·A uuusta Swawitc, Margaret Rhodes, Other schemes ior raising money . hb h d' ...." nerg or 00 and 'In finding suit-and Edna Bell. have not yet been presented. able work for those who must leave... � thi 1 b ttl d t tl Remarks Are Significant.... ";0 ling las een sc e as 0 re school, The work of the Chicagon-ake-up of the Junior team. Among Both tihe new and. the old officers C II' Bo cgrate ureau of Occupations isthe candidates for positions are were present at the dinner, ali ma�- I d h fi ld f-1 to rroa en tee 0 occupationJan( 1 Flanner; Dorothy Llewellyn, ing short speeches. The remarks of f II.. J." or co ege women by providing themLouise Mick, Gracc Hotchkiss, Tena President �ar�inson :rc �onsidereJ with infoTmatioln concerning em-CaTlson, Alma Parmele, Irene Tay: �xtremc!y Hgn:fica'n�. In "·-.�w,,?� the ploY�llents other than teaching andlor� �ura -�Y;!!l�, and_ ���ys. Gree!!- ... !!-_��_t���.��hey ,���t.t���_ �lll_S _!.n_�u_g:_ .bJl .... 6uding.;-sueb;,..positions·=/for-·'t.he,m;. ural address." T .ma.n. he other colleges. aqe supportmg."I can do no more than continue the B Th C'1::> ureau. e lricago Alumnaethe good work of my predecessors," Club of the UJnivqnsi� of ChicagQwishes to do its share.. Many Sell Tickets. .Tickets for ,the play may 'f>e oJ:)..tained frO.m Isabel Jarvis, from MissBelieves That She wm Like Uni- Wayman at Lexsington gymnasium,and at Carson Ririe's waiting room,versity When Acquainted. and after April 9 at tfhe box office atthe Whitney. Therre wilt be an after­nOQn and an evening performance.Those in charge of the offair are;Alice Greenacre, general chairman,Isabel Jarvis. Elizabeth . FaulknerMrs; Charles S. Eaton and Mrs. \Var�ren Gorf'e1l beside Miss Ortmayer,president of the clu�.l\_femhers of the Glee and Mandolinclubs arrived on the campus earlyye sterrlay afer uoon from rhcir west­ern tour. Every one I cpor ted a won­derful time and a greit success. Ev- put up a game that would nothe good baseball for womcn,good baseball.Senior Team Taking Shape.GLEE CLUB RETURNS JUNIOR WOMEN NEEDTWIRLER5 REYNOLDS CLUB WILLFROM WESTERN TRIP Pitdters Neces�o Give Good HAVE FICTION UBRARYPitching Needed to Defeat StrongSenior Ag,e�tion-Candidatesfor Teams M.:et to Hear Coach.Director Stevens CaDs T rip_ aDUDqulified Succeu---Meeb OldChicago StudeDt PresideDt Parkiaao. ia laaugural TalkOutliDes Policie. of Clubfor YearEVERY MAN IS ENTHUSIASTIC Bo!s"ll.:ring' up the pitching sraff is1'11(' problem confronting the coachesof the Junior college women's base­ha.ll team. Unless capable twirlersM2Y Be Asked to Give Spechd Per­Iormancc=-Club ProgramAnnounce�Girl's Glc-: Club Plays .Joke on Stu­dents-Prepare for HomeConcert April 10. . are found, tUle Senior team is ex­pected to have things all its own way:Candidates for the teams met yes-terday with the coach. Miss Wayman,for a discussion of the season. Theywere told that they would 'have to('J y one: was cmhusiasric overtrip.Twelve conc ert s were given theand The Senior team is rounding intoshapo, Cornelia Beall, Rhoda Pfeif­fer, and Marion Ma-tland are biddingfor the twirling jobs. EJJa Luedc-many sight �edllg trips were taken.'I he trip lasted eig'hteen days. Con­ccrts werc given at Chilicothe, 111.;Ohanute, Kansas; Wellington, Kan­sas : \\'aynoka, Oklahoma; Canadian,Texas: Amarillo, Texas; Clovis, NewMexico; Belen, New Mexico: Albu7'quci'que, New Mexico; Gallup, Ari�zona: Kingman, Arizona; and� eedles, California.Is Glad to Be. Back."The trip was an unqualified sue­cess." said Director Stevens lastnight. "\Ve were warmly wcleomede\·ll·!_Ywht.,:-e and (the boys certainlydid their bcs, After all, though, itfeels mighty good to be back 011 thecampus."At Los Angeles I mot an oldPniversity �tudent:," he cont'inued,. "Arofe�oSor ::'Chandler of . Oc-�identalconegel. He was very nice �o meand wanted to be remembered to thel;niversity, particula.rly to . Dr..Stieglitz or the' Chemistry dep3rt­mente 'BEGINS NEW SERIES OFLECTURES ON NEITZSCHE (Continued on pa�e 4-)Dr. William Mr. Sjl}t.:r wm Dis-MRS. SCHEVILL IS PLEASEDPlays Joke on Men.Tales of mock trial<;, swapping ofclothes, ea.ting at Harvey restaur­allts and of a hundred adventureshad made the rounds of the campushefore dinner last night. Mr. Stevensadmitted to being the cauSe of "dneon the boys." as ,he called it.At Albuquerque he says he invitedthe Girls' Glee club to attend in abody. \Vhen ·the men came out tostart the concert, instead of plaYingfor them. he played one of the girls's(\ngs, and the girls �(lSe and sangit. The men were a hit nonplussed,he said.The cluhs arc now hu�y preparingfor ,their Home concert wh!ch . wiIJbe given April 10. The followingwas the pro�ra"11 presented on thetrio: cuss the Philosophers' ViewsTh!S Afternoon at 4:30.Mr. William M. Salter will givethe first of a series of lectures on The educa.tion of Mrs. Schevill'�Nietz�che's Eth:cal. Social and Re- ,ligiolL<; Views" at .. :30 today in Har- the Smith graduate who was weddedI?er M16. Thct lectures are aj con- t(,· P.rofessor ScheviU just before va­tinuation of the course on "Nietzshe" cation has not been confined to bookin the Spring of 1910. D.J"I. Salter w�s leal1ning. for she showed the MA­formerly official lecturer to the ROON repor.ter yesterday 1he eas­Ethical Culture societ;�s of Chicago iest way to <1TY dishes. and the cor­and Philadelphia. Two v(.ars ago he rect method of washing a fryinggavc the first ot his series of lec- pan, the while she discour.sec! on thetur('!S here, having heen appointeet value of ruhber gIO\'C's and statddspecial fcC'turer to the dep�r:tmen.t of he,r impres�ions to the University..Ph�losoph).. His first series coveiecl "'Vell, I don't know much about.the philosophy of Schopenhaue.r. and .. he Uni\'Crsity," Mr� Sche\1iIJ (.'!.,­the earlier works of Nil'tsche. The plained. "AJJ I\·e seen is the build­pr('sent c('.ur�(', w.hirh wiJ) he g-iven on ings, and arc 'so many of�11ccessh'c \Ye{'nl"�cby", in the Spring them that I can"t see how you everC]uarter. wi)) cO,'('r the do�ing per know where your classes arc. ,ioel of Xjet7.�che's philosophy. think that I shall like the ljnivcr-"Xi('t7.�dle is hest known as the sity Ycry much. hut of course' have;;uthor of he doctrine of the super- heen so htl�y lately, getting," sairf Prof('.�sor Moore of de- Ihat r ha"en't thad much time to ge:f acquainted.nartment 0 Ph,1�0�OPl!ly ye�t�rday,#'TJis cioctrine consists in a rigid ap- Mrs. Schc\"m declared that he:-plicat,ron of the helief in 'the ,sun'ival ('.nly impres:.<;ion of the Miclway wasof the fittest' without any conces- ohtainecl at the time of the \Vorld'ssion to weakness. Acor(ling to his Fair, when, upon asking a guard---------------- the quickest way to get onto she wa$'Continued (in pagc- 4)The program.p;1rt F�:·�.:1. a. ":-il �n\il�n� Morn .. SJloffort'h. Hug-Ie- �on� Hattor2. I1Iinois Xational Guard l\hrrhWcJelOI'�'=,"(lo'in Qt1�ntrt�. DanC'(' of the Gnom� . MacDowe"4. SO:n�s from Tennyson's ·'Ma.lICr'WhcJpleT _on p. Payne�,. S1�oof!\'"·Sh()() ,\nlhr('�nJ,1i!T;'Ito �('·Io: E.'l-le :\ Shi'tonft. L�n(l S;.�hll:ng' Grit'rPart Seconcl .('nformal Enterta.inment)Part Thir<t(Old Songs)'4 \V;ntt>r SO",! Bu'lar(''i. The Two GrC(llacliers ." SchumanDerw<'nt: S. \Vhil.tle5('y!'I Salute to \Vi11iam"nort ..... Dull'Mandolin Quintet10. a. Swanee W\'('1- arranJ,!ed hyVan I(ler StuckI"h :\l;c(' '\'here Art Thou .A'che·e Annie '-aure ar:raf1Q'ect hyDudley Rue'11 Good �i�ht ' Ru('"1�: Alma Mater Lewi"Chicago" told, "Run Ollt."Professor Merriam flectedAlderman of Seventh WardProfessor Charles E. Merriam ofthe Depanment of Poltical Sc�cewas y.esterd2.Y elected to represen�the. Seventh ward in the City counciLAlderman-elect Merriam previouslyrepresented his ward in the samecapacity and won dist!nction for biswork at the head of the Merriam commjssion which investigat�d ci.ycxpenditures. At the last mayoralityeleclion Professor Merriam was ac2ndidate. running less than 20,000votes behind the winr...�r, Mayor Har­ri�on. Professor Meniam has been aleader in the ProgTessive p:nty inminois since its inception. athletic feature ahogetlher discontin­Have Not Chosen New Score Man ued. Others feel that too muC'h of. Ye�-Managers Issue CallFor lien.First Annual Production of Associ­ation Will Be Presented at Whit­ney Theater April 12-ProgramAnnounced.RECEIVE POSTERS FORBLACKFRIAR PRODUCTIONP0�ter� for #'The Pranks of P=lP­rlka" were received .yesterday andwill he distrihuted at the end of the·.\e('k. The drawtng.!s made hy LorinOwen and .repre.'\enfs the typkat\meric-an college youth "snapping"'1 Spanish girl, Paprika. with Iliskodak. No sttcces.<;or has yet hc�nchosen to Harold Conley, :h.: !'c··reman who has heen dec1ar�J il1c1i;,£lh!".'Vnrk waLS !'tarted in earnco;t i'orthe ll1ackfriar cast an .. ) cho�us y::�­t('rciay, and the manag�m(:I1: �a�'�life from now until the "urtain �('\e::up will he a merry rounJ d rehC'ar.:­:1ls. The chorus will meet cv\�-v (lay-If 2:�0 :1I1ct th(' ra .. t at 7:30. negin­ninJ,! Apl"'il 1<1 the stage in �whndc1wiJ) he {\Sed.Manage" Murray stat�;l yz�t�rci:\}·that now is the hest tim,� f'_l; newchorus men to start in as :'\{ :'. Hoy'lias just bCJ,!Un to drill t h� mCn intlie steps and fho� int.-:n!1in;r to. "V-f'nt ,,":11 find it much eas�C':- to;;tart right away. Deaa Aa,eU Coalen With Committeeof UDdup-adaats Coucil ODPlus.STAGG'S CONSENT IS DESIREDMany Students Feel That DirectorShould Approve Alterations inCustom If Made.A Spring Fesriva! will be held theafternoon of Junior College day,June 6. The scheme proposed at themee tjng of the Undergraduate coun­cil yesterday received the approvalof Dean Angell, who met with thecommittee of the Council yesterday.A faculty committee appointed bythe board of student organiations,and a student cornmnzee appoirrte.lby the U .. dergraduate council willhave he plans in chacge. Classe,:;.alumni, organizations, and the grad­uate schools wilt be 'represented illthe fete, making it one of the mostelalaorate affairs of ats kind evergiven at the University.A rearrangt'lment of the scheduleof closjng activities is :h'cessit'a..�dby the action taken. The'dates have beqn determined upon:\Vednesday, June" \V. :\ .. \ IlauquetThursday, June 5, ... Im e.clas-, HopFriday, June 6 Undergraduate Holi-dal':'Afternoon Spring Fe:,ti"al_ ... J!.'\t�\ng_Alumni Kight and- hlterfraternity Sing.Saturday, June 7 Intar5cholast:'cMeetCampus opinion differs as to themerits of the new scheme. All a,�cagrced that it offers scope for farmore el�bOTatle features 1'han hav�.ever been possjble heretofore, hutmany hold ·that op t11at accoun t itwill rc:_quire much more time an.lpreparation t'Jlan a:re w�rranted,white ,other:; consider that the fac!:that it' is free to alI w.ill make nee­e�ary a subscription to defray ex­,penc;es.Most students agree that the wnolescheme ought to rec eive Mr. Stag�'5apPJ'.QyaJ. _ sin�thC-idea of the A t!l·letic_ Fegtiv�1 originated with him.and athletic!t may suffer in cdnse--quence �f its discontinuance. Manystudents do not desire to have thethe athletic and Neighborhood clllhtrarlition is appropriaed for the new.scheme, hut all agree that only asingle festival .i� pos�ible.A further expression of !'tu:;t'lltopinion is req<luested h)· the M.\­ROON through its editorial colu1llJ, PLAY INCLUB'S CONTEST TOBE ANNOUNCED SOONResult' .. in the play cont('st cnll­<"Iced hy rhe Dramatic dllh willprobahly he announced this Wl.·c·k_The contest c1o .. ed Mar'ch l!l, hntas yet the judg('$ have not arri\'(',lat a cJcci�ion. The winnin� 1'1:\)"will he put on at the r('�ular !"Jl�il1�proflnction of the Dramatic c1l1ll thelatter part of MayJ.Sophomores Will Meet Friday.Sophomor('� will hold a cla..... 111(,('1-;ng Friday at 10:15 in Kent 16. Of­ficers of the c1a�s a�n.ounce that thisis an espec:aJJy important meeting-.THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDA Y, APRIL 2, 1913.Associat.e Profess.or _ L�ng Goes toClassical AssOciation. Meeting:Arofes90r 'VilHam Gardner Haleand Associate Professor GordonJenning� L�ing of the Latin depart­ment will repr�ent :the Universityat tlhe annual meeting of the' Class­ical a!='Sociation of the M-iddie W cstand South �hich wiII be heid- in I n­dia"napolis April' 11- and 12.Or. Hale win spe'ak on "The Par­ticipation of the Student in theStudy of Beginning �tin." Profes­sor Laing's subject wi)) be "RecentExcavations in Rome and Pompeii."He will speak particulM'ly aboutthoc;e excavations which he made asProfessor in the American school ofClassical Studies at Rome last year"PUBLIC SPEAKINGCLASS TO ATTEMPTAN ORGANIZATIONMembers of Mr. Gorsuch's 10:45Public SpeakinJr cJa�s of the Wint�Quarter wi)) meet thi� afternoon at4 in Lexington 14 for the purpose an organi7.3tion. Allmembe� of the class have beenurged to attend.The Daily Maroonllan.n.ut .t 4I!U� ..Fcnn.-tJ'The Unlvwalt1' of Cb� Weekly.l'ubll8hed da1l1' excep.t SUD4&7.. llooda) ...aDd holl4aya durlDc dI� Quarter. of tbeUnlverai.t1' 7e&r.� .. .ooDd-� mall a£ (hot ChicacoPoat�lce. Chlcaco. Ill •• lIarc:h 18, l00s. un­<kr .\.ct of llarcb a. mlLSI1B8CIUP'J.'IOJl' )uTUBy carrier. $2.00 a ,.,ar: 51.00 • QUUUIr.B1' mall. $3.00 & TUI': 51� & Quarter.Edltorl&l-Bualn_ Ofrlce. EllS. 2&.Tdepbon. lIld/._" 800.Hyde Park. 5701 (altu I p. m.)11a11 Bolt "0" Facult:r �� EdItor - - II1nuD KeaaIcott�,...Kdltor - - - - - _ LeoD 8&oJa*p.letJc .KdltOI' - - - Benuard V ....... k"T"",uaeu KaDacer - - - BardeUe llaatASSOCUTB BDITO&8�nuel Kaplan • ." Barr7 GorpaH�?rge CoUlnpam HaakeJJ Rhett��ti.y WUUeIoD • • • lIarUn Stever ...: • W1111am L:rmanaarOaT&U��ard Rtotictalc'alia HalWD4f�t�& O'�eUl�rth1' Weil��g� . .ne ClllmtDfl Qeorce ShatrerL7m&D WoldGeorc. Gra1'Aucu-ta SwawU ..LIllian Swawlote--::.EVeil &lie npol'lel' .... _ .me.. aad,wa deal' Q'� aad bODed Jaapap. IDQlft,e11 lDJaatl� _d po1D& u.. WIl,F &0,r-cnu.'.� . L. .�.. . 'r '. • ',.rrinted by llarooQ PI'--. Glill eou..... Grore.An excellent plan comes from the:tJeighoborhood clubs. It is to have"an annual fete day,indicative of Chicagospirit, at Sprinc con­vocation time.- At al-"FeteDay."'most every college the recurrence ofSpring is signalized by a fete otcelebration of some kind. Two suchcelebrations now take place at Chica­go: the maypole and morris dancesin Sleepy Hollaw, and the SpringAthletic festivaL The latter is verygood in its way. At times, however,the occasion has seemed a bit forced.Is it not t>Ossib1e to combine danceswith the athletic festivall and tomake of the combination just tilesort of annual fete day that theNeighborhood clubs desire? Addi­tional features coatd be addedl de­Itigned to make the occasion one ofthe most i�er�g and enjoyablein the college:year. While it miehtnot be expected to have the fete at('onvocatioll tim� yet it JDi&ht begiven late in the Spring. This yearthe conference meet wiD not be heldhere, and that date, May 31, is con­sequently an open one for MarshallField. The Neighbor-bood dubs,would be doing a creat service to'the Univer�ity, should they decide totake over the plans for such an affair.The Undergraduate council shouldbe approached in regard to the Ath­letic festival, and the festival, thedances, and the proposed fete shouldbe combined into an afl'air as elab­orate and worth while as any dur­ing the year. On .half of theNeighborhood clubla Ule DAILYMAROON invites expressions oropinion from University people ,iiiregard to fete da,. Such commun­ications 'Will be printed in hopes ofpromoting that general discussion:and interest necessary to making anaffair of the 8OI't proposed success­lui. ! CLASSIFIPD �tt-����tt-� � �Bulletin and Announcements. � .It W �Senior College Chapel--1-0:-15-, -M-a-n---P-hilha-'-rm-o-m-·c-S-oa-·-ety--C-ho-ral-p-ra-c- ADVERTISEMENTS.It e:del. tice, tomorrow, 7:15, Mandel. WANTED-One or two men of J\' ...College of Education Chapel-10:l5 RtJigious Education <:1u�To- good address to handle excel J\' ...Emmons Blaine 214. morrow. 7 :30, Haskell 12. lent sales proPosil:�:l ;n a: libera; It.. Have �Senior Class Gift Committee-- • Sophomore Class Meeting-Fri- commission basis. A hustler can <Ii ••10:15, Cobb 911. day, 10:15, Kent 16. easily earn from $JO to $;;0 week- �J\' �'IIFreshman Social Committee-10:15 ly, Al>l>ly in person. Trend Mag.;.Alumnae Loan Library-RentsCobb GA. azine Publishing Co., 822 North It.. ...Neighborhood Clubs-Officers and text books for twenty-five cents a A . BId CI' -Ii Tb . ...councils, 10:15, Neighborhood room. quarter, Harper M24. merrcan g. IIcago.�. e . !Mr. Gorsuch's 10:45 Public Speak- Changes in Time Schedule-New FOR RENT-Nicely furnished front .;; Class of the Wi�ter quarter- section, Romance 4B at 9:15; Ro- room. Private family. Use of J\' ..tt4. Lexington 14. 5A d 5B . d . parlor. 6203 Woodlawn avenue.mance an unite, meets In , D 'w�:��r��Ysal:;����O, �;::���:�� Law west; General Literature 10 1st. Apt. �� ope ��Di . 'ty Ch 1 1: III rro 10 15 meets in Cobb GA', Socioloov 71.IVlm ape -.0 0 W, : OJ fOOR RENT-Is_room house. 4Haskell assembly room. meets in Harper M 19. blocks from campus, Ready for oc- � �OUR WALT MASON LAMENTS DR. HUGH BLACK TO BE HERE cupancy at once- Rent reasonable . ., ...At last I'v� completed my plague- Address X. Y. Z. DAILY MA- -Ii ...hanged program, my' troublesome New York City Pastor Will Be Uni- ROON. � .ttprogram, that bothered me sore, and versity Preacher. -t-;��' Sub- .tt:now I am happy. I' guess 111 go V ANTED-A hustling representativehome; and today this dear campus The Rev, DIt Hugh Black of the to sell a popular-pr'ice.] room dec,shall see me no more. I've jollied the L'nion Theological seminary of New oration. Especially suitable for col- �dean for a brace of snap courses, I've York City will be University preach- lege dens, Liberal commission- l( -b.ttmade up my cuts for my last quar- er Sunday, May 4. President Albert Only one student at each school, scrl eter's gym, I'm happy as-Oh. sixty- Parker Fitch of Andover Theological so write for full particulars at once. � .tt.ttnine thousand curses! The registrar- seminary, Camlxridge, Massachu- The Moskin Company, 1264 St. -Iihow can I fix it 'With him? Those set ts, will preach Sunday. Dr. Hen- Louis Avenue, Chicago 111. t ...big forty dollars, those hard forty c!crson, the University chaplain who +i f �do:Uars, those forty round dollars returns this week from his lecture- TYPEWRITING-Neatly and ac- ., or .ttthat lowe to him! tour in the Orient, w2JI preach on curately done. Prices reasonable. -: � -.... Oh. where in the world can I �t June 1 and wiIl delive- the Convo- Mrs. O. C. Ault. 5550 Drexel ave- -Ii ...Jorty dollars. oh where on the earth cation sermon the following Sunday. nue. It.. .ttcan I find forty seeds? I haven't the Other University preachers for -Ii Tb .ttprice of a pair of clean collars, and the Spring quarter are Rev. Dr. Cor- EXPERT FRENCH TUTORING- ��'"yet two-score plunks is the sum of ne1ius \VoeIfkin. pastor of the Fifth William M. Shilley, Jr., 6101 Wood, -ti needs. I've tried Hke all blazes Avenue Baptist church of New York lawn avenue. Telephone Midwayt raise my tuition, I've worked like City, the Rev. Dn, Ambrose White 81li4, ...a cab-horse on Fourth of July; for Vernon , of the Harvard church, lr D _I ...four days together I kept a position, Brookline, Massachusetts, and the WANTED-T La d f lr al Y .ttand then I got fired! Yea, bo, I'm Rev. D�. Lewis B. Fisher, dean of en w stu ents orJ\'� .:vacation work. One for permanentsome guy! Oh; good forty dollors, oh the Ryder Divinity house of the Uni- position Must be at least 22 yearsdear forty dollars, oh forty Sweet versity. of age. Write R. R. Kelly, 30 W.:::�:::ROU�A:WdT:e:�K DU��i1������iTION ::;::i:J..a xJ. •. i .Maroon !======= Style by Readiac McCd'. It.. -\tIIapziae ad UsiDg McCanPaa ..' -Iilr .tt: One:lr Jt! dollar!J\' Jt: lor :If .tt! re- !The Daily Maroon is for sate at lr • Jt: maID- :I �++++ ...... ++++++++++++++++++++ J\' d JtAUTOMOBILE LIft.RY If er IINew Limosine cars to hire b7 J\' Jthoar or trip at rusoqa� rata. � 01 !Phone Hyde Park 1439 : ...Kimbark Garage, S424 Kimbark- Aft. lr Jt++++++++++++++++++++++++++ �If year �MAROON ADS +i ;��lt.1f �Sen�::.r:=::!��c : Ellis Ball iinezpensive S1IJIIIIler tours. : 'if,=��,::::::� If Roo. Z4 vra'I!U_�_IIIBJI,� Ii; Ii; 1i;1i;1i;1i;1i; Ii; l-Will Speak on Architecture.Allen Pond will speak on "Archi­tecture in R�igious Education" atthe monthly meeting of the ReligiousE(lucation club tomorrow a.t 7 ::;0 iiiHaskell 12.Will Talk at Divinity Chapel.Associate Professor Gerald BirneySmil'h will address the Divinity stu­dents at their weekly chapel service'tcmorrow at 10:15 in 1Ja�kel1 as­sembly room.New Testament Club Will Meet.The I\ ew Testament cluh wiil meetMond�y 1_1ight at 8 in Harper M12.Mr. McCown will !,pcak on "The Lifeof the Saved Individual Professor Price of tlhe departmentof Semitic LcCnguages and Litera­tures has been appointed delegate tothe \Vorld� Sunday school conven­tion :to be held in Zurich, Switzer-·land. in July. He has just returnedfrom the convention of the AmericanOriental ,society in the East. Dr.Price was late in returning becauseof the Roods.- # Adve�i� Interscholastic Meet.. Stamps t� advertise the annual In­terscholastic meet which will be heldon June 7 have been secured byJohn C. Dinsmore of the AthleticdepaTmcnt- The stamps beac a �eg­ulation ccC' and the capttion "thebiggest high school meet jn thewor:ld." They wiII be placed on alIletters of the athletic department.Zoology Professor Gives Talk..Associate Professor Newman ofhe department ff Zoology spoke be­fore the Ghild Welfare Branch of theWoman's City club Mon;da)1 after­noolo on "Environment in Relationto Heredity.!be Con bdlaogeNational Baakof Chicaco.Capital ••••••••••••••••• '3.000,0c0 00Surplus •••••••••••• 5.000,000.00Undivided Profits....... 1,000,000.00Officers.ER:'o:EST A. HAlllnI�L. Prellll!ent.CHARI.F.S L. HUTCJlL.... SO�. Vlce·PrH,CIUU�CE\" �. BT.AIR. Vlc�I'rttI'dfnt.D A. �rOULTO�. ,\·lce·l'rellldent.n. c. S.UllIO�S. VIt'e·Preaident.FnA�K w. S�IITJI. �r�ary.�. EDWARD :HAA" Cuhln.J.nIES G. WAKEFIEI.D. AlIt. Catthler.1.EWTS E. GARY. A .. I8CRnt CR"hll'r.ED\\, ARD F. SCHO&''JECK �t. Calhltr.Directors.Clyde)f.CarrE<Jwln G. Fcrt'manChal.. L. HlJteh1n�nWat80n E. BlairEdwRrd A. ShecJctFrNlerick W. CrosbyErnest A. lI.mlllC&'hrlea It. Wackerll4'nln A. RYf.rMnCh,Hlncf'Y-.l. BlairEdward n. BlIll ...Char'es H. Rutb1m1Clannee nut'ldndlamBenJamJn can..nter 1IcCaI' ••••• aI •• willM£fAJ.L'S MMiAZIHE belp you dress strl·Ishly a� • moderntee.xpcnso by k�eplnKyou postod' on thel:l� fashion. Inclothes and bats. riONow J'Ublon DeslamsIn each Issue. Also'falnable fnformaUo3on all bome and per­sonal malters. OnlyCIOc a y�r, IncludlnK• free p:ltlern. Su!).__ ._ _ _._ acrlbo today or lendfor free a:unplo c:opr.� r.a.- will enabloyou to mate In 701Irowu homo, Wllh your01m bAnds. cloUlID� foryounoU and chUdren which will be perfecsIn stJlo and ftL Prlce-nono hl�her than Iicents. Send for free Pattern CatalO£1le. ,w. Will en. T. ,_ ,........ for trelUnK lOb-8Crlptlons at!lOD� your friends. Send rorl'reePrel .. lum CAtalopo and Cash PrIze Olrer.1IE1I&CW. ... .IIT.m .. ze .. m.�_�the Press.A NEW LIGHTWEIGHT. DEEfJIOINTC)�l\ql'2 _25 eta. Chaett. Peabocl,. a Co..r...Makers of Arrow Shirtsr.=======:==========�1"The University Bank"Is Another Name for theWoodlawn Trust� Savinris BanllUN Ea.t G3rd, Street. Cbk.,.o.Like it, it is the largestand Oldest Institution ofits kind in this part ofthe city.It is the Nearest StateBank -to the UniversityEvery BankingConvenienceSavings accounts andchecking accounts arewelcome and appreciated.11:.=======Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSON. PNEUMATIC SERVICE THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 1913.UNIVERSITY ANNUAL TOBE OUT ON MAY FIRSTor missed; the blame placed; the ex-E..ditor Lyman on Return From Osh- cuses offered. If you use a Spaldingkosh Reports Satisfactory Pro- implement you can afford to listengress-Proof Being Read.BA���A�L TEAM PLAYSPRACTICE GAME TODAYMen Will Get Tryout ACainst Fed­eral Leaguers In Game ThisAfternoon.Baseball men will be given a good,tryout today when the team will bepitted against the Federal Ieaguersun del the leadership of Bert Kelley'tihis afternoon. The professionalsare members of the new �third bigleague and are expected to win thegame alt'lough itl will furnish Chi­cago with good practice.Two picked teams of the Varsitycandidates played � practice game)"'este-rday afternoon. All of theVarsity candidates got an opportun­ity to get into the game. Carpen­te-r did mos t of the pitchjng for theregulars. The game was slow anduninteresting and did not show upany of the good points of the team.hut this was caused by thc lack ofoutdoor practice as the men havebeen out on the diamond for onlytwo weeks.Jj.ntmy Archer of the Cubs filledin the backstop position durjng thepractice and made the base-runnerscautious, The Cub is in good con­dition now and will probably :rejoinilis team Friday. He has been agreat aid to Coach Page.Assurance that the Cap and COW"will be out May 1 is given by editorTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARD William Lyman WIIO returned onSaturday from Oshkosh, where theInstalled in the University book is being printed, after spending'of Chicago Buildings the vacation week there. The editorreports 'reading- proof on over, aComplete Systems for- 'a1ourth of.,the-book and, announcestthat almost as much uncorrectedall Methods of Steam' .proof has been received since his re-and Hot Water HeatingControl of HumidityReducing Valves for Air,Water, and Hot Water TankRegulatorsJohnson Service'Co.H. J. GILSON. Manacer.ChicaKo Office.177 NO. DEARBORN STREE1'� •• ++ •• +++.++++++++++++THESESDISSERTATIONSESSAYS. &c.promptly and accurately done.Shorthand dictation if required.UNIVERSITY TYPEWRITING, BUREAU ILLINOIS C�NTRAL R. R.Little Rock. �! �U ... IiIiIOnt. Te�It��ilot S,mn"l'. Ar�,SILO .\ntonlo. TJ:�y.B:rnllngham. .A14.In.ckson\'ille Flor1<la:Ft. Te¥1ft.Waco. Tu:�Daiistl. Tl'xa ..Charles aty.' I •.Sh ... ldon. Iowa.Omaha. Xrb.X�\V Orle!l!!". La.Hou510n. T\-x. 'S!ou:t City. laollt"lnpbJ.. TeNt;Tickets and sleepinl nf reservations76 W. Adams St., �hem� Central 6270Autorn'lHE �U12R. J. C�Ji�Um"ELDivisicn Paliseq�r:r tagent.Good NightHQw lh� day's ac- Now in our new home. Just across from our old Iecation,YOUR Easterva cat ion over,you've had a good time,now back to work.But our hat depart­ment had no vacationlast week. They work­ed hard to be readywith your spring hatwhen you got back.Here are some they'vegathered for you:t�1{i���� 9R lhe tennisCDijr� i� golf, orb��bHn, ife all re­c�:)'Lmlf:p ill the eve-ning+ the plays made The famous SieisoD and stiff hats al $3.50Thai French hat, "The Capeaux De Luxe" at $lf & $SThe aristocratic Borsalino Italian hats at $4 & $SThe foreign college hat, "The Vim,m@'" from Belgium at $lf & $5Our Bromley and "Special Quai",,' hats at $3The snappy Cirayfields at $2Sole agents Stetson's best $5 hat the exclusive< ......... •,0 the other fellow's excuses.The Spalding 1913 Catalogue will aidyou in selecting the best implementsfor all Sports.A. G. Spalding & Bros&a-IIJ Boath lV.bam A ..... Cblcap. m. l����������Florence M. MJersFLOWER SHOPSpecial Attention ·Given. to All.Students of the University. Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKIIr9i4way at 54th Street.Nm pm Street Subway Station aDd�rd Street Elevated..�aroadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.�vc�tb Avenue Cars from P�l­vania Station.KEPT uv A COLLEGB JlANHE�DOUARTEns FOR COLLBGB JlBNBPBCfAL R_1TB8 FOR COLLBOB T.AJl8Tt;p ¥i��nea' Waik to Thirty Theatres�QPms with Bath, $2.50 and up."�W, Modern and FireproofH�-qRV P. STIMSON'. MANAGER���DQUARTERS FVR CHICAGOturn.Accord�ng to Lyman the hook willbe shipped here April 28. The cam­paign for subscriptions is now occu­pying the attention of the candidatesfor the business managership �f theannual who served as advertisingsolicitors until last Wednesday.Literary material in the book, ac­cording to editor Stansbury willcover forty-five or the 500 pages.The largest book of the kind pub­lished is that at Illinois, where 750pages are used 'to describe campusactivities for the preceding year. AtWisconsin a book of 700 pages isturned out every year. Phone Hyde Park 3D1377 E. 55th St.D,RBY CLUB.6116 Cottage Grove Ave.BILLIARDSONLY40C Per HourBest Appointed Roomon the So�th Side8 Fun Size TablesH�;;::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::;;;;:;:;::=:;::=�� 75 Cents. Plain B=-ths 25 Cent'Open Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SROI1. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn Street":xpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExnert Chirop"tti«��===============uNo. 9, 1130 East 56th Street. HHftihiitiHliHK7'kiriftDl'l\'W1(Cor. Lexincton.) Frances Holden Skinner+.++++++++++++++++++++++�t;lm;:;:1f1:6�!Ji�lliu:atilimr::illllhl!llD:tailll:l1ililillllM:!!IlIlf!IlIlBt,)SHOE REPAIRINGWe 'Specialize in:Quality of Material. Exc�llency of WorkmanShipPromptness in execution of ordersand Courtesy.TEST USSMITH-GOODYEARIISI .... ani 8tftet.Opposite Postoffice.Patronize Maroon Advertisers TEACHER OF SINGINGPupils entered at any time.'On .... Town flC_cllft61t flae AliA Ralldlnlr.dyde Park Studio, 1435 E, 53rd St.Cor. Washington Ave"9 Tel H. P. 1194IQMVAl��IIll!1Eilliilli$iinii!lllillin!�.iJJ;HDiiJ@iill;:m;!iU;J!ihl:lllIiI!:m!llEli!;;�b •• lsllePllllipplneE .. ltrolderlesWal.ta. dN"!IIJ fI:lt!t'M'lII. linrr!e, da�nt,. MtI\"�fabrics. �nul� llln!d-embro� red. DlrtCtImport_10M (rom th� PhlUpp!nea. PrlCt'e veryft1lSlOMble.MRS. EARLE E. EUBANK5802 Jackson Avenue.'Phone Midway 6gI I. PRODSSORS andSTUDENTS • •will find in, theHYDE PAR]\ STATE BANKeo 0. !'::--_,. c ayemmER ST,\TR SUrF.R'·ISION.A CONVENIENT and SAFE BaDkwith all the facilities of a down townBank under State Government saper­vision.Checking and Savinpaccounts invited�al'M'fl Ch"ft' 1I.1f • )llIlIon Beth ....3 rRR CE'ST I'STEREST O'S 8,""�GSJOHN A. CARROLL, President.THOMAS JANSEN, CashinI \'7/(e VANDERBIlT HOI'EL+ QA16 sr. EAST Il£ PARK AVE� N.Y.� T .' ��A� the focal point of the tennina1 zone, on thecrest of Monay Hill, cooled by Southern breezes fromthe � anitidaD, fe4 by chilled air, CiOO sanUt rooms.TARIPF: 'anKle rooms � d.,.-,,- 14. 15, •Doable I'OO1M - - • • ts.16. $7. $IT.M.Hilliard Doable bedrooms. boudoir�".,.... dress'nlJ-room .nd bath - •• IS. tl0. t12ta� Saltes-Puloir, bedroom .Dd �th _. • tl0, t12. tIS....� Eoc:h room ."", &cd Sp«:W rafU lor .s..n-r. ,... .".1 c.cca.. a.... & ..... .eRICAGG.T.lepboDe a,.. Puk SOOtPatronize Maroon AdvertisersrHE OAtty MAROON, W:£DNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1913.GERMAN HISTORIAN WILL I "As a platform speaker, Professor I REYNOLDS CLUB WILLLECTURE HERE NEXT WEEK Marcks comes to the University pre- HAVE FICTION LIBRARYceded by a high reputation." said IDr. Erick Marcks of Hambuq Will Professor Dodd yesterday, "He was tConti"',Jed from pal:e I.)Deliver Three Addresses in .,th� firs� lecturer to come to Corn�l1 s aid President Parkinson, "The Rey-German on Bismarck. uravensity under .rhe Jacob Schiff I 1.1. cl b offic � 11 t .1·.··111._' u� U "" ave a raumonP f Ham- foundation. which provides for the to live UP to." .ro essor Erick Marcks, of • "-burg, Germany, w.ill speak at the securing each year of wen-known Would Chan!'e Lights.German educators to conduct alUniversity Tuesday, Wednesday and . Experiments are now being con-Thursday of next. week on Bismarck ser�es of lectures there. Dr. Marcks ductcd in the club in rega .. d to aand the founding of the German is ?o�V c�ming di�cct from C�r�el1. i change in the lighting system. By;EllIpin_'\ His lectures will be delivered ThIS I" Ius first tnp ,to the United I inverting the Tiffany chaurdcliers inStates," I I' .1 ••in German. Dr. Marcks 161 a German .... - I t re rear mg room, anu paintrng thehi .. tor ian of the day and the author Previous to his appearance at Cor- -ce iling white. it is thought that aof works dealing with the history of I nell. Professor March delivered �d- far brighter light wilt he obtained atthe later German Empire. dresses at Harvard, Johns Hopkins i a comparatively small expense.He is a member of -the faculty of -:lj!Hl Columbia. A F('\r he concludes Other improvements to be 11l.\C!l' illthe German university which is be-I his program of addresses at the Pni- the ncar future according; t» Pa.:-�­,jug established at Hamburg. His \"ers�ty he has been engaged to lee- inson are the addition of coat h>,ti:h5.'works deal with topics of modern turc at \Viscon .. in. From there he for the billiard room. and all i!.!_history. and his four-volume "Life will make a tonr of Southern uni- proved drinking-water system.of Bismarck," of which one volume verstties.has already appeared, is expected to Professor Marcks will arri\'e insupercede all other accounts of Bis- Chicago Sunday. Sunday and Mon­marck's life. More than 18,000 day he will be the guest of Dr. Lewiscopies have been conuracted for in, Guenzel of the Chicag-o Germanist ic:tJle original el)'tion,.. Professor II Fo�nda�i<>ti1. During his stay at theMarek's work has received much Unjvers ity Tuesday. Wednesdaycommendation and is regarded as I and Thursday. he \\;1J be enertainerl been put into condition.thoroughly readable as Macaulay's by Professor Dodd. of the HistoryIlistory of England. department.AMUSEMENTS MAROON ADS PAYEMPRESSTHEATERIsrd Street and Cottacc Grove AveWeek starting Sun.MatMar 30SULLHfAN 4: CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCEJEWEL'S MANIKINSThe Most Skillful Exhibition OR theSta&e Today.AMERICAN NEWSBOYS'QUARTETCHARLOTTEViolin Virtuesoto- .GILMORE" LATOURIn Sense " Nonsense.VALVENVO " TRECKThose Comedy Acrobats.MENLO MOORE'S_.SUMMER GIRLSA Big Musical Comedy Treat.-7=30 and 1:15PRICESI 0e-2Oc-3OcCOlAN'S GlANDA STAR AND PLAY TYPICALOF AMERICAGEORGE M. COHAN AND HISCOMPANY INBRC' \DWAY JONESPOVVERSCharles Frohman presents".-\ Pi;!), \''- .. 11 Sc'lllcthing for Every­body"THE YELLeW JACKETCHICAGOHELEN WARE Tennis Men Report.All men who have signed up forPhysical Culture 55 for the Spring'quarter are asked by Dr. Reed daily on the gymnasium floorat 3 or 4 until tennis courts haveI AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTSJEFFERSON OLVlWPICPresenting Edmund Breese in "The55th Street and Lake A venue.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive Iteels nightly 01 the latest movln�pktureiJ. nest o!muslc by high classnrch('8tra. Come andhrnr o'%r new $i.!iOOpipe organ. Wm. A. Brady AnnouncesHINDI .. E WAKESSeason's Best Play-TribunepRINCESSTONIGHTrh C d J rusal D r William A. Brady's Chicago Play-e rosa ers, or e em e lV-bouseered (three reel feature)Their Combi�on Suits (comedy) jTHE LADY FROM OKLAHOMADad's Stenographer (comedy). . By Elizabeth JordanFrom Death; Life (drama) A Ca"i American ComedyADMISSIONMain Floor. all seats •••••• 10 .Balcony, all seats. ••••••••• sc A MERieD MUSIC BALLI•1___STUDEBAKERTHE GREAT RAYMOND"A Fascinating Devil"Magic" Mystery and Miraculous mus­ions.MAJESTICANDREW MACKIn His Melody MonologueREINE DAVISThe Charming SingerMOVING TALKING PICTURESLolo; Nina Morris & Co.; Joe Jack­son, Apollo Trio, Lorraine Mitchell,Tom Nawn & Co., Cecile Beresford.pAlACE MUSIC lULL"THE LITTLE PARISIEXNE"Miniature Musical Comedy,25 peopleThomas A. Edison's Gertrude HoffmanBroadway to ParisEvery Night & Sat. Mat., SOc, 75c,$1" .$1.50COLONIALZIEGFELD FOLLIESExtraordinary Feature.Chine Line Fooand Co. of 14 OrientalsGARRICKWilliam Faversbampresents JULIUS CAESAR------- -- -----ILLINOISWith an All Star CastGeorge W. Lederer'sTHE 7th CHORDThe "So Different" Music Play.In Paul Armstrong's play of the hour TALKING MOVING PICTURESTHE ESCAPEMaster M�nd."BLACKSTONE ·Mlle. Fregoleska. Schenk &. Van, Mc-BLANCHE BATES Connell & Simpson, Bronson &The Witness for the Defense Baldwin, Geo. Felix & The Barry Most Original Comedy in YeanGirls, Carrie Reynolds, Carpos Bros. Tonight SOc: to t1.50; t1.DO Mat. Wed.CORTCast of Famous PlayersTHE SILVER WEDDINGWith Tbos. A. Wise BEGINS NEW SERIES OF 1 SPEAIGlIT GIV&;:s DICKENSLECTURES ON NEITZSCHE READING NEXT li'RlDAY(Continued from page onc.) English Reader Will Deliver Six Se­lections- Tickets on Saleat Reduced Rates.conception, 1/11e superman mightveach a type of morality far differ­ent from out's. a state almost super­moral, as it would be a mode of ex­istence beyond our present moralcod�s."Nietzchc, who died as recqntly as1900, and who understood. therefore,contemporary morality," he con­tinued. "tlwug-ht our prcserst systemina lequate. He would build up asystem of morality based 011 the his­torical truths of civilization, yet ut­tuly independent of the limitations.of tradition. Althoug-h he rcjecasmos t of the Eunclamuntal docn-incsof our present moral code. his phil- A reading from "Pickwick Papers'will be given by Mr. Frank Speaightof London, Friday, April 4, at 8:15in Mandel hall, under the auspiceaof the University Lecture Associa­tion. The selections are: Chapter I.Mar Bardell's Mls.take. II. A Seriesof Adventures. HI. A Fine Exampleof How to Manage Horses. IV. ARemarkable Shooting Party. V.5al11 \Vcllcr Vel)' Much in Evidence.VI. The Great Trial of Bardell ,'!".Pickwick,Professor Butler of the Lectureassociation �"es out lIhe followingosophy �hows no tinge of pes .. inrism, stateme-nt concerning Mr. Speaight,hut r at hcr an optimistic reasoning- "Mr. Speaight is a thoroughgoingthat hope .. for an untimntc evolution Londoner. This is his eighth con-secueive SC:lSOll· in prescntiing Dick-ens recitals to American audiencesY. W. C. L. WILL MEET TO and his sixth 01iicago season. HisINSTALL OFFICERS TODAY manner of pre sent mg Dickens to'A mericans is precisely that whichMargaret Rhodes Will Assume Pres- he emplays before Engtisb Audl-idency and Charlotte Viall Vice- he employs before Enjrlicsh audi-Presidency. concerned. therefore. he assumes that. -. there is no (tiffcrence between theInstallation of officers will feature f h otJL t h ract rizes.r -• • • I :sense 0 umor "lIa cae .the Y. w. C. L. meet1ng winch wllt-·A· .1 tl t I . h rks. " I mencans anu ta W lIC marksbe held tomorrow at 10. :15. Vtrgmta .r I' h H t h' .. uc.. " IS men. ow grea 1S -' -Hjnkins retrrmg president and Mar- h I A. h �•• • Ce-SIS as )een. anyone wno a",garet Rhodes. president-elect WIll be h d L! •• it bl . t' sI I' f ak ear IUS rmrn a e rmpersona ton.t re c ne spe "erg.on his previous visits to us canThe officers for the coming vearJ testify."Tickets for the recial sell at $.50.but to students of the Univer�tyand to members and associate mem­hers of the Lecture Assoaatmn theY'elected are $.25. Tickets on sale daily atr<'om 9A, Cobb.of morality."are:Presidcnt-Margaret RhodesVice-presidentt-Charlotte Viall.Secretary-Helen Street.Treasurer-Irene Tufts.Eunice \V-orther has beenThe Twen1ly-fi�h Educational con­ference of the academies and highlSchools in relation 'WIith the Univer­sity will be held Friday and' Satur­day, April 18 and 19. All visitingpITincipals and teachers ajJ\d studentcompetitors in th� Oratorical con testishave been invited to a president'srecep�ion and luncheon.School of Education representative,while Suzanne Fisher is chairman ofthe social service committee, H.Louise Mick of the religious meet­i1lgs, Helen Beckley of finance, RuthAllen of the mi!:siona.ry work, Ar­Hne Brown of Bible study, CarylCodl'1 of me;mbership, Leone Hem­ingway is chairman of the social com­mn:e-:, while Sarah Thompson is':head of the upperclass counselors,and Louise A very, of the conferenceboard. PREP SCHOOLS WILLSEND DELEGATES TOANNUAL CONFERENCEPatronize our advenisers.Lcut 01 the HoliJapSome of your vecation joysmust be left behind - but notFatima.