•,. -_ -�-�mUily� :tIarnntt_l{NIVER-SlTY OF' CHICAGO, TH'URSDAY, MARCH 6. 1913.',. .. . /"TRA(:K".EN 'TRAIN OUTDOO� TO ALLOW-'fOUR CUTSIN.PII!SI�M �USuperior team work of the Juniors, _ Coach Page has introduced a sys-.he accurate basket shooting of Dor+ REPORTS LARGE. nClET SALE tern of outdoor work for: the -track P. C. "A" TO BE' DISCeNTlNlJEl)othy Llewedlyn and the failure of men which he hopes to carry out de":� ..... , ... _ , .... _, orne of. the Senior women to play -spite the cold weather. As the meetWo-L· of' M"ra'" Re"trit-olds," �:"::"bet1i I' I bi ed . Will Have Recorcl "'_wd at Game- Dr Reed Outlines · ... enms·· "Policy�A J I·· .El1UiI. lelr . usua game com In to WID � with Northwestern on Saturday is to • '&',' '. '"JenJtins, Il' ... p.. ' .....".• :-,T.'.01 __·.·_ ... �'" Clark '.: ".terdav' t t f th I : .Freshmen and �omores Play Desire to Teach. 'U'''':_y' .iI�rr: � � ,resl,Jl; ay -s 'Con es or e ower -.- he held in Patten gymnasium where � '"&10. and Griffiths Accep·ted., Thi Curtain Raiar.. the GaMe. ..., . .' ' ass women 21 to IS. IS game se- spiked shoes are neceSS3Ty, it is es�-- .. 'ured . for the. Junior college women -sential that the men become ac-Delay in getting all . the m�ten&i he championship for the year as . Speeches by Coach Page and cap- customed to the spikes. In spite ofready has postponed the appearance hey' have already .taken the hockey tains of all teams and' rehearsals ofthe fact that the. track is coveredof the Chii'ago Literary Monthly UD�J hampionship in the fall. l Varsity songs and Y,ClIs will featureMarch IS. Most of the contribution. With the blowing of the whistle the massmeeting this -morning at with inches of snow Coach Pa� will. that are 'to appeal; .in the first issu� ··he two teams jumped 'into the game 10: 15 . in .Kent theater. Cheerleader k-ad out a squad of advent;urous ath-. . ",. I. ctes to the space u�der the ne�have been chosen and, have' already '00 played so cautiously . that. no Rudy Matthews and captain Kuh, of...•. h stands where, the men will limber up.been sent to the printer's. 'core: was made for: several minutes. t e track squad;- have prepared aSome' of the articles' that Will ap' \ b�atitiful field goat by Eva Gel!" special program of stunts. The band Sprinters Win Practice. ;pear in the first number of the Ch'i:: .'ein, gave the first scoreto the up will be present to help liven up things. The sprinters will merely jog up"ago ·Li"er�ry Mo,"thly' are· a short "ler clasts: women: A goat by Doro- .Captain Paiue· of the basketball and down and will divdde their timestory ·bi\'''fyra �e��tds;. p�)e�s ,bj �hy ·I..le����yn ·tied· the score' but a five will head the list. of speakers. between the big fire and their work,Stevens, 'Tolman and -ElizabethTen' !ree' throw for the Seniors again put Kuh and Hollingsworth will follow. The shot putters will do nheir regular-kins.: a chmcter' 'sketch by Samue� he' biues in .the .lead, The two teams .Members. of the baske�ball five who work to test their spikes on the hard. Kaplan,". � : 'review " of' -the 'seaso�'f �ettlcd do�ri and' kept the. ball flying will appear in the lineup tomorrow turf. By this system Coach Pageplay!! �'y .Barret �lark�' �n.� �.ri artic.., "�m 'the; Ju'riior to the '_senior terri- will then speak in the following or- expects to' overcme the handicap ofon Pr�se�tj·�day,�rt tendencies ��t '�ry-. i:Th� halfended iO to 6 in favor dcr: Norgren, Des Iardien, Vruwink, the men being unaccustomed to out;. John:"Gtj�ths. The other �ontrib� .f the Iu'Diors. . Molander, Bell, Steve'ns�n -and Baum- door shoec; so early in the seaso� a�·t1ons·;tbat.'wiU'appear in this number '. � i��;C�' I:Jneups. , .gart�er. Sevcral_ alumni will be on it has proved disastrous in formerhave 'not y�t been' decided, upo� bu- In 'the :�ec�nd. half of play �he line:- hand to talk Cheerl�ader Matthews, meets at the Patten gymnasium.: Dei-�i11 b�;an�ounced in a few da)"9. [ "P of .each· team' 'Yas shi���d;.· Cor- woo will act as m,aster of celremonie3, spite the fact that Chicago defeatedBrCed' �eS Co�tatiQDS�.: . lelia: 'B:eaU' came in as center on th� will pr�bably .call upon. part of. the Northwestern o�rwhelmingly la .. �! Donald' Breed,:the �naging 'editor �t"!Ilio�· team and' on the Junior te!a� audience for impro�ptu talks. Friday, Coach· Page does not lookof . the �ap%ine�: Will --tried : �yolir �ebekah. Rapns' was put in as fo�- . . 'Page to 1;'ell Chances. for an easy Victory Saturday. Th�interested 'in' the work oi.the: mon.ttl. \�ard and Frances HouS.ton was shif�- Coach. Page will mak� the last diff�rence between the two tracks 'isIy F�day ,�ftem�l18-ift�tlie: D�tic. ';tHr�m f�rward to �entes" •. The ne. speech,' sdteduled to l?e one of his liablfl to resiult in a differen�e of,club;s-spidkcllar. �� Haskd:� .. He,�olte! ':n'eup seellled .. to put '!IlOrQ life in� "pep" talks. He .will gi�e. his esti- twen� points �n th� total score. This, to me.e.t. in ,this way; th.os�: .�dent; ;he .. tearns.;but,·tlie 'playing stil.1 re- mate of �lricago's chances _in tomor-. fact resul�ed in the de�eat .of seve�'�ho:,�esire to co,���UIe .. to...the,,�\! nained ragged.·'1;he first _points mad� r�� �i�ht's' st�ggle,: .a.n� wi,l urge al of Nor�hwt:stem's �st. men. �hC?_•. �u����,' �:���������!!l..J�� �·�this .hB:Jf .. �·�:trom.'f� .,t,--I . ��:?J���� o!�n.;a��&.:���'�,:,· .were con�eeded' 'tfJ��' �t5- .�rr,�, ��'11ae��:*, -��.,._ •. Tii"'t� Way po� UeweJ1yn aklde:l' gamzed rooters.' The outcome of the th� '�eel . Among thes:e �ere. Cap;.,:. :�e �nt s�deuts t�.·send In ccMI: ':wo' points to' '�,e }uo.!or sCore an[l Wisconsin J���e �s by !10 means a taID Thorsen in. the milc:, '�nd Os�· Criburions ,on su��.' sub�� as t�e� Eva Goldstein QI1e to the Senior ta1- settled. iS6ue, accoRling to .�he· coach,. born.' in the quarter.' Matth'ew;; bea��re in�cr�.s,� i�/��d. ,:vll1��. t��"1]t :., '.., ��o thi���:��ca�o �i�1 "com� back.�' O��orn in a liard race Fz:iday� �ut1caow som.e�!lIng�,��. 5a1�._ B�ef "A 'fleld goal. hi J,fiH ��dSttJ�· fol '. "T�e big game may- b� deCIded by: cntics expec� ?sbo.rn to tum. th�-tves�day. S�. ��es are. �re .� o\RCl by Augusta'SwaWlte's nnge.r. a 'halr's �readth,:' he s�d yeste�day, tables upon hIS nval 10 the next meet-pl'ove w�rth !lIllIe, � e!erybody.c� r\��ught th'e ateniOrs 'uP" to one point· Iland�tlie·cheeiing efforts of the Chi- . Expect Two. Slamg.·,cemed: and w:'U' n:m� .. � �agazln ')ebind, the.Juniors •. The 'seni6rs'��' cago'rooters may' gi"e just the 'touch Chciago. obtained., three ·slams' it:!'��at is, trul,. repre����e .. of t�� �rted thenisdve5 to the utmost b�t of liveliness' to inspire the 'men at a the p.re�oits. meet •. but, they ar�· students of !�e..UnJVer51ty." . .·)���tY.··LleWdlyn succeeded in slip,-' ...crit�c�l 'J>erio�,' and .t�ereby . s,":ay liable to r�peat in only two of. the�.. t-•. �. '.' " ':. _. : •,} . ,�iDg away from �er guard-and tosse� the r��1t fro� defeat. to vicoory; .. "(Continued on' pa;ze 2.) . II1IGST PACUL\i MEIIBERS he ball' into the' basket three times Will Practice Yells.;� AW�Y�'�Q'" ����Q£. [tr-succession. ·Mis9 Swawite the� �IAII the Chicago songs and yells-:. �'" :\dded four points to the upper class 'wiH be gone over with music;" said CHICAGO HAS' FiGHTINGDr. � �"S� the W"m- score. A_fin;ll_b��et. by Miss Lle- Rudy Matthews y·esterday. "We needJ CHANCE AGAINST'BADGERS.' � DowD·sO�Dr .. �lrender'_ : .-. _son· �l!_rDS SOon. r .(C��i�u��n page ,3., (Continuell-on page 3-)Four mem�er::;the. �aculty' �re' ":BLANCO' POSNET" CHOSEN' ..now ab�o"ad, and four other, �em- AS ONE OF SPRING PLAYF: b�rs and their wives a.-e· spendi!lg . _the ·winte:r at' southern .;'�rts.·: .�� .. Dramatic' Club' W"ill Also PreSen�Thomas W· Goodspee� 'who rece�t- '. Prize Play Written by a Uni-Iy resignee! as r�t'r.Lr of the U�i- .versity Student.versity. but 'Still �tains t�_e position _.:of corresponding secrehlry. is spen4- Shaw.'s l'The Shewing Up of Blancping ; the winter in St •. Pete�s��rg� no�net" wjll probably be seletcted a!=Florida. with- MIlS. Goodspeed. Pto- "n� of the two or' three one�ct:. ff'5sor .. Benja.min A.:Graen of the Di- �bys' 'to be presentied by the Dr�.: Tinity school, to��e,t: ,.1ri!� .��� -narlc. club next quarter· One of thfGreen ,is also at St. �ete�sburg. 'rhe "Iay�i t� �e' giyen' wilJ'be the prlZl'· pany' ';'m" reiurn .to . Cl1ic�go �t" the ske�h,' written .. by a student. .Be­opening of , the' Spring q�rier.· .......-ause or the unu1;ual length of th·:, Professor·and Mr& .. -ErneK-D .... Bur... ';liaw"comedy ·it is possible 'that onlyJon, ';who' h�ve. .spent t�e;.!·���t :.� ,he' t'w(, wilibe given.�-eekS at Ocean Springs, �ISSI��I�I, : The, PlayWriting competition fora�� now at New :O�aDS, where they the prize 'ske'tch will condude a weekwiH remain unul. next .w�ek •. �.�en r.i-om tomo·rrow.'· At p�sent. only oiuTh�y wi�1 . re�u� .. t�, .the y.!'ive��ity ·,laY has been submitted. hut . thetend the' t�n'th annual conventlon 01 :udges 'e!'ltp��t a number of others inthe Religious: Ed�cation society. 'he competition.., .They' ·will retur.· nto: tl1e . V'niv,crsity A me�ting' or: tbe 'dub' �II b� hel<'Man:h 17· Assista�i :Profe�r David tr.>morrOw at . io:,'s in" the . s,�'k�/lar. A. Robertson' 'anl': 'MM. ,Robertson in Haskell. at which the possibilityare at T.ryon, N ortb . Oaro1i�' .After of giv�ng a .third perf()rmance ofatout' of. easter:n, C:iti_e�.,thetJWin re "Don';, iiext'�quarter w;i11 be considtum to Chicago '�i�ut:'.'�ay I. ered.:' . Ma�y Jr th'e University pub-,I?r. Charles �� ��ndersp��;t�,p�L tic, haft requ�ted·a repe�tion of theveisit)l'.chap1ain� :who:..has·�beeh-I� -peJ��anc�, anti" there is consider­,tming,in the princip;lll citi�a o.Lln.d�a,. able' likt1i.hood that it' . will be given.China, and Japan. since September In case "Don" is repeated, the �gu_will sail on the .fCM."dari� .March . � lar: Spiing . p'rOduc',ion will be 'Staged(Continued on page 3.) late in May .. Chicago has' a fightirig' chanceagainst Wis("onsin tomorrow' night.acconlin� 'to Coach Page. The menI!ave been given the hardest workoutof the season this week in order. thata repetition of th.e second half ofthe Minnesota game may be avoidt-rl.After playing a star g:lme in thefirst half of the' GOpher contc�t.slowed up conside.rablY in the sec{l1l�period' because of .lack (\f conditinl1.The Varsity was sent throtigh a hards("'rimmage J:ost night, al'lel may ,"e·p('at this workout tonight.The wh(lle lineup' is at pre"('"� ':n'decided and an ei1tirely' �hifted tcamman start tlil' game tomorrow nj�htMolander 'may he wven a try at for­'\\�ard but no position has a!' yet heendecided upon.A spirit('� conteH has' heen aT'·ranged between the championshipSophomore interdass tcam and thl'Freshmen 'Va'rfJty for :l ct!ftain Ta;�­er. 'The Fref-hman team will be 'madeup (rom the fol1owr.n·g men: 'Acker. :"A!c. 'lias' bee'n the caS\!.mtherto ar-Darranogue. Fisher. George. McCon- rangcn;ents.' fOT' exatS� ,with creditnen. Riedel, Shull Sparks.' Sh:ge- attd ·transfers ·.fr-om oi1e·,d�s to an­man. Tharp and Wilson. IT'he Soph- blfl-e�. �ust. bC!"made:withift t�omore quintet will he chm;en f.rom 1wo' w�ks .. of· t.he- �uarter: . ARohnen. Rothman: Butler.' ·Fair- "\"'I.lich··are 'e�cusable ·must .be r�weather. Holm, Kixmiller, Kulvinsky. , cd witl�in'01"e' week:after the a:nceMcArthur and Wells. or ·�ftcr th� ti�e o�. T�tum to c �JUNIOR>womfam 'sbno� COACH AND cAPtAINS. . -, \ -TALl AT-IALLYTODAY'>orothy .. Ll�yn· I. �Star, Cacing", Eicht Baskets 'and '�� �eci: . Free . ThroWs-Goldstein, Swawiteand Houston ¥�ow-Score :II-IS- ' Coach Pace' Hopes to lnaucurat�.New System to Accustom Men 't�Spiked Shoes for Meet AgaiDs�N 0s:thwestet1L_ ..I :1. .... ;,...:. ':.-�.. -,Delat.�·��""""::'" ·F...NiIiIJ.ei�.,�� ..j�,��'��OST·�t6�bis.�'�DiEi , .CIaeerIeU ......... Mil Captain KuhHue Ari....a Pbtram--­Playen WiII·:s,.kCoach Page HopeS to Avence De­feat by WISConsin" in' Game To­morrow lrl£ht.NAME CAMPUS FOLLIES CASTPatronesses for Annual W.· A. A·Production Are Also Announced. Retwee. Folii' ad -EiPt:Ah Of""aD-Giye· BaH Cre4it -MOre'Are"aIa) --Four unexcused absences in. physical culture will be allowednextquarter but no cuts may' be nii4e :l1P'-.�ccording to an- order issued. yesAerdayby Dr. -Reed. From four to' 'e'ightunexcused" absences will give a student half credit, while more ,. thaneight will take 'away . �asi�rredit for the quarter. Absences dueo illness or other unavoidable causes.nay be excused.. �. C. "A •. '.' will bediscontinued beginning next term,Men who are unable . to ; 'take . any;>hysical culture will be. excused (orhe term on presentation- of-an adequare .excuse. to the director •.The. policy of the depart�ent' far:next quarter was out1!ned as fc)Jlowsby Dr. l�eed yesterday: ' ...Explains Tenn�l Course."Some. c:xpla�ati?n of' the ��ge-.!1ent· for the course'· 'iil"-tennis' thi.Spring- wiU 'perh�{ps' 'i'jd!iri the gea­.!raJ understandin'g or" ,the situation ..rhe c�ur�dn' tennis:-in th� �nioOli;s Ilot in tlie ·riature-:of �Ftiyout fol1:1. t�nis :�i��--.. -:!-·."". ---�.�.,r-t!-';"�"*­i(�"Jer� 'many. m�·as ponmte irIaO '. ·.re :i�teresU;d in ·'teiin��. or-� 'willa: 'to,�ea:�, -have an :opporhinity' fa' playWithout �asie' of :time: iu: waitiq. 10":c-urts' or: men·· to:'pIay\;with. ".. Tltisyear· a' charge: of: fl��·for.tbe ,Springquartenvill be: made,even:for·the.1IIetl;Nho . register Jot. this�c�uhSe; alid daDnoney' ('hus Dbtaine.cl wilt �� �� ...ed in, kec:'pcing ·tb�· �o�� - i� �tterc(;ndition 'aDd �awng. ��ern-:st! �per­vised that- outsiders. may;.. be keptfro�. uSin'g t-he'm' "and 'that, stU4�.tS:'n31 have the great�t po�hte bea­:fit from�. them.: -Men 'who registerror tenms will not 'be required .to(·btain ·Iockc,r·s. in the. gy�asium ashas been the 'case heretofore malessthey .wiso to make us�· o'f the 0--nasium. ' _-� Discontinue �. c.'-U A. ••.f'The syst,em known as P... C. -A"will be. discontinued b�gi�ning wi!)lne!'ltt quarter but' it will still � pogo,sible'for me n who are �n_ab�e to DiCer('gular work to be �xcus� with��iit upon .presentation -of tlleU­rea��ns: Als� beginning :w.ith·· nettquarte� ��It� wiil. no 10t:1'ger be made.up ... Fo_ur ui1excu��' cut!; \v.i',l be al­lowed each 'qu�rier without any di--minut;�n of credit. Front: "four toeight un�xc�sed c�ts wil!!a��?w .one­hali 'credit: eight or more' _II Ie­mo��· a1) '�redit, Cuts dUe to 'illnes_or other' unavoidable 'cause:' may be('xcused. it·, the ·;Jtnes,s d"auch thattile' sttldenf' is a'ttending 'his otllel'""'as�cs 'he�!,jlou'd rf'port at,the 'Mea­'cai �x�miricr'� office oil' ,·the dayth'at-�he . wi!'hes to be- excused fromf)hy'Sical culturc..-and. not -come. in two·,,:ec'kS'. later and .TC'j'Ic.rt. -that- he wasHI 'Un thc.�ay t!lat he,m;ssed'cla--. . � Excuses Required Barly.THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6; 1913'�------------------------------------------------- ------Bulletin and Announcements. I'Junior College Women-Chapel, Junior Class Dance-Tomorrow,10:15. Manuel· 4-6. Reynolds club.Massmeeting-Io.15, Kent theater.Philharmonic Society-Choral prac­tice. 7:15, MandelReligious Education Club-7 :30,home of Professor: Soares, 5545 Lex­ington avenue.Cap and Gown-Advance sale.Send orders to Ellis 14 or box 280,faculty exchange.Dramatic Club-Tomorrow, 1015,Haskell spielkcllar-The Daily Maroon1lailln .. J 4fPc ...B. E. C. lngton 14.Junior Mathematical ClurTomor-row, 4:30, Ryerson 37·Basketball-Chicago vs. Wiscon-'Sin tomorrow, 7 :30, Bartlett· .Freshman Evening Danc�Tomor­row 8 Re)"Dolds club.S�phomore Luncheon-March 14.Candidates for Degrees and Titles-Convocation invitations, President'soffice. daily 2 to 3.Junior Class Meeting-Tomorrow, W. A. A. Play-Tickets daily.Ent.ere4 .. eeooDCt-au. mall - the � 10.15, Kent east. 9:15-3:15. Cobb.Po.t-01rJoe. � Dl •• Kuda 18. lD08. UD- _�r Act of :Kazda .. U'lI.MU • .,DS adI&. IIlma K_-'eett.N ••• .EdlioI' - - - - - _ 1..- ....&WetIe IWtor _ _ _ BeaanI 'Y� Press Supervision.8ulaeu ...... - - - B1InW&e .... , To the Editor:ject of Discussion.TRACK MEN TRAIN OUTDOORSaUBKaD'TIO. � ..By OUTier. u,lW) .. ,_r: '1.00 .. Quuta'.By mall. aoo .. :rear: 11.25 .. q..ner. Continued from page I.)The etlitor '- Mt re�OtUible for 11�. etI6-Dre •• (tl here. CommunicGtioM .ud lHI The high jump with Cox, Gorgas,doaetl ... CIA et:Wence of 11004 fGUlt.. and Des Jardien seems to be safe forChicago, if the men keep up theirpresent work. Norgren. Parker, andDes J ardien are all better thanNorthwestern's best men .in the shorput and should win rather easily.The fifty yard dash in which Chicagotook all the places is liable to resultdifferently. Pierce and Shenk are twostar men whose defeat was a sur-. Ed.1tod&l·Buaue- omca. &lu. 2A.TelephODe lCdIw..,. 800.Hyde Park G701 (aft<er sa p. IDe)lIall Box ."(Y' Facult7 �&a8OCU'Z'B IlDI'rO"Bunuel � • • II&n7 GoquGeorn CoWncham BukeU BhettDorolil:r WiWMGD • • • Il&rtlA SteYer.• • WJ.lU&m L:rmaD. •aIII'Oa'r'" The following editorial from theHarvard Crimson -is Interesting fortwo reasons: (I) that it sugests auseful line of activity for the Penclub at the University to follow and(2) that it points to a means for pre­venting, to some extent at least,misrepresentations of University af­fairs in the newspapers.This is the editorial: nrlse.lIItward Ret.Ic:bI'IWa HalMzlcJiUIl .. O'NeIllDaIds:r Well. JIua.u Obi_a . a.r.. SbafrerLJ'ID&a WeldGeoqe Gn:r.A.� 8 •• w1t ..LUa&a SwawiUPanama Canal ToUs Will Be Sub':INTERCLASS DEBATE BILLED-"BY_tU��_"_"'""eIear __ "'�""""'�.yell lDJuUoe ... ..... aM ...,. Ie�"-a. L... .Printed b:r IIanaa � IIU eou.a.a o..w.. To some it may seem that variousfanciful tales that appear almostDebating activities next week willdaily in many local, newspapers con-center about the annual encounter ofstitute the most extreme fonn of the Freshmen and Sophomore teamsmisrepresenting Harvard in the pub- who will debate on the subject, "Re-lic press; but they should see papers solved: That the Panama Canal Billfrom remote parts of the country if Should Be Repealed,' next Wednes ..they would Iearm how distorted and day at 4 in Harper assembly .perverted yellow news may become William Chapman, Jos�h Augus ..after travelling a few thousand miles. tus and Emanual Parnass constituteIf one were to make a business of the Sophomore team, while Edwardscrutinizing generally the press of Reticker, William Ewart and Rudolph:Moritz will debate for the Freshmen-Newspapen today ill a bi& city are.. commoa and .tm0tlt .. c:ssential.. the food we eat andC9lle&e �. air we 'breathe.Journaldm. y� while we deVoteKOreS of courses to_ the study of economica, eocioJoa7and scieace only one of them is eee­eerned . with u.ewspapen. EnD ifthere is no "1IChool of joamalism"there should be plenty of c:ounes inthe Dewspaper, if not in joaraalism·There should be opportunity offeredto aU to learn what a newspaper isand what it c:an be made to 'be; howto read a newspaper aud how towrite for' one; how to aid in direc:tincthe course of llewspaper8 alone theright channe�. The one course injou� now o&'ered does thesethings to a limited. extent, and to alimited namber of pe'I"SOIIS (twenty,perhaps, in a year). Here at Chicagowhere the influence and power ofnewspapers is SO keenly felt, onewou1d suppose that special attentionwould be given the study of them.But quite· the contrary is true. 'l1lesubject, as noted, is almoSt entirelyneglected. State 1IJ1ivenities illsmall towns offer complete coursesin journalism. The University of Chi­cago ill a big city offers one coursea year. The only other opportunity. for the student who wishes to learn. flomethiDg about newsp'lpel'S, even if,lte does not intend bec:ominc • jour­naUst.· is offend thrOugh the DAILYMAROON. And, at best, work onthe college daily gives but a smallidea of the work on a real newspaper.where conditions are difrerent. workis harder, the field larger. the newsmore exciting, and the problemsmore grave. It is w!�h the hopeth�.t their excursion mAy benefitthemselves. as well as famish a val04u=-b1e precedent. that the DAILYMAROON staff today journeys toGary. J ndiana. there to publish forCDe day a teal daily �per. Anc1may straws show the 4irectioIl of thewind May the powers that be rec.ogniR the rully eame� cJeslre manystudents have to make • atuc1y ofn�; and may tile day be notfar dl8taftt whm IUItable eoanee willbe o&'� . l;:1 ' .. the country for. Harvard news, onewould no longer . wonder why somany misconceptions are rife con­cerning the life and students of theUniversity. -I t is with th� purpose of nullify­ing this influence and of giving widecirculation to news of interest con­cerning the University that the Uni­versity Press club has been organ­ized. In the past reports of the pro­gress of the University in education­al problems, of the contributions tokuowledge and human welfare madehere. and of the true development ofstudent life have given place to. ab­surd, and at time preposterous, talesabout insignificant things. The Pressclub realizes it cannot e1iminate suchstories, for there always exist manypapers that care to print nothingelse, but it does aim to give widerpublication of .Harvard news thatshould be known. If the new organ­ization is successful. and its planspresage well. the yellow, injuriousnews will be superseded in influenceby U'ue facts.In securing this Wlide publicity thePress club needs the cooperation ofnewspaper correspondents. TheFederation of Territorial clubs .partof whose work is to disseminate Har­vard ndws, has indorsed the new p1anand will render it useful aid. To makethis help entirely effective the stu­dents in the University who regular­ly send news itemg to various paper�should get into communication withthe Press club � as to become mem­bers and to a.smst the publicity move·ment The Press dub does not aimto establish a censorship ovC'r t.he(\ublic press by saying what shall bepubJished and what not, for such apolicy would be 1napplicalile. But itdoes aim to displace derogatory andlibel10us news by wide report ofwhat the University and its studentsare nally doing. ANNOUNCE PARTIALLIST OF VISITINGFACULTY MEMBERSAmong the professors f.rom otherinstitutions already engaged for theSummer quarter at the Universityare Henry A. Sill, Professor ofAncient History at Cornell; John B.Watson. P.rofessor of Psychology 'atJohns Hopkins; James F. McCurdY'.Professor of Oriental History atToronto; John J. II Borgerhoff.Professor of Frencb at Western Re­serve: John H. Latane, Professor ofAmerican History at Washington andLee; and Oskar Bolza, HonoraryProfessor of Mathematics in the Uni­versity of Freiburg, who . was foreighteen years in the department ofmathematics in the University andwho is stilI' non-resident Professorof "that department.BOYD AND KELLOGGWIN IN REYNOLDSCLUB TOURNAMENTS\Boyd (140) defeated Cavin (130)140 to 107 in the first games of thefinals in the Reyn01ds club pooltournament yesterday. Kellogg (170)h<:!"Ited Vickers (130) lio to 111 in thehillia rd finals. The other games ofthe finals will be p1aycH today at 2.H01d Economic Society Conference.Dean Mar.;hall of the College ofCommerce and Administration whois secretary of the Western Econ­omic society. has i�sucd program!lfor the conference of the .societywhich will he held March 14 and 15at the Hotel Shennan. The general�'ub.iect of the conference witt bescientific management.Buckley WiU Lead Devotions.Horace Buck1ey will lead the week­ly devotiona1 meeting of the 'Divinityschool at 10:15 tocla7 j� H��d1.:z6..J , •.• '. -:"_,� .. ",_.. o_ ..._ Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50th Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh Avenue Cars from PeDDS71-vania Station.liElOT Ill" A COU.EGE lIAN_ .1lf;.VJQ(]AU7·BllS· FOIl OO/.LEGE JlBNSlolWlAL U,U'ES rou COLLEGE TBAJIBTen Minutes' Walk to Thirty Theatres.. Rooms with Bath. $2.50 and up.: New, Modern and Fireproof, HA�RY P .. STIMSON. MANAGERli.�ADQUAUTERS FOR CHICAGOAT ALL DEALERS .JL. E. Waterman ce, 173 Broadway. N Y.A.H.ABBOTT &·CO.127. NO. WABASH AVE. OPPOSITE FIELD'S·c.lon. Braahf!tl, Pap .... , C_ftUI Strdc!herw. ,. . ..z..1tJ. Stadlee fer c.p:rtnc. nRA "'ING BOA.RDS A.ND TABLa'WHIn: CHINA. . Cllina Painting Material. School Room PicturesP�OTURE �RAMES ARTISTS MATERIALS, j. PATRO�IZE MAROON ADVERTISERSTHE DAILY MAROON, THUH.SDA Y, MARCH 6, 1913'ARRowSHIRTSThe makers dependon their good qual­ities to sell youanother bearing thesame label.SI.50up.JThe Con Exchuge Nation&lBukof Chicaco.Capital .. • • • .. • .. .. • • ... 13.000,,000 _Surplus •••••••••••• 5.000,000.00Undivided Profits....... I,ooopoo.ooOfficers.ER�EST A. HAlillILL. Pre.tdent.CHARLES L. HUTCHLx SO�. Vice-Pres.CHAU�CEY J. BLAIR. VI�Presk!'nt.D A. 1I0ULTO�. viee- President.B. C. SA1UIO�S. Vlce-Prealdent.FRA�K W. S:\ftTH. Secrftary.J. EDWARD loI.AA8. CUbler.JAllES O. W AlU:J:o'lEl.D. As.t. Cuhler.LBWIS E. GARY. A_lstant Caehler.EDWARD F. SCHO&.x ECK Aut. Cashlt r.Directon.Cahrl_ B. Wackerlolarthl A. RY&.noDCbaUDcey :I. BlairEclward B.' ButlerCbal'ln H. BQJb�Clarence Buc�BeaJamJA CUDeDtet: Clyde ll. CarrEdwin G. ForemanChalea L. HutchinsonWataon E. BlairEdward A. SheddFredulck W. CroItbyErnest A. Hamill1IIIIMnW1uUIl1pHWluIlIIIUlUIIIlUIl1I1lll1Ill_mllllmlWBillllllllllll·I.�tpdsltePblllppIDeEm'roltlerlesare progressive business men.COACH AND CAPTAINSTALK AT RALLY TODAY ROBERT HERRICK·SNEW NOVEL' ISSUEDBY THE MAC MILLANS(Continued from page one)Professor Robert Herrick of theEnglish department has just had hislatest novel, O,,�· It'oman's Life. pub­lishcd hy the Mae Millan company.The novel, like most of Mr. Herrick'sbooks. deals with life in Chicago,and is said by critics to contain ex­amples of his best character studies.good cheering now just as well asfor the football games and tomor­row's monster meeting will give ev­eryone a chance to get' in form forWe crucial contest. As five hundredstudents are expected to attend themassmeeting, preparations are beingmade on a larger scale than for anyprevious winter rally."The best ticket sale for the yearwas reported yesterday· by BusinessManager Dinsmore of the Athleticdepartment. A great majority of theside bleacher reserved scats havebeen Mid. and by tonight it is ex­pected that none but end bleacherseats in the unreserved section forthe �tudents, will be on hand. Mr.Dinsmore predicts that the largestcrowd since the game of 1909. whenChicago and Minnesota battled forthe conference championship. will at­tend tl1e game tomorrow.Play Curtain Raiser,As a curtain raiser for the Varsitjcontest. the speedy quintet of theFreshman numeral basketball lSQuad.recruited mainly from the fall's> foot­hall men. wilt take on the Sopho­mores, champions of the .J nterclassleague in a decisive match for thefirst honors in the season's classchampionship.The two teams will line up ah fol-lows:Freshmen Sophomore!Stegeman R· F KixmillcGeorge .....•.•• L. F Bohne'Fisher ••..•....•• C .••.....•.. HolnAcker .........• R G .••.••.... Well'.Sparks L. G •... Fadrweathe Slaugb,t Appointed Editor,Associate Professor Slaught of thedvpart ment of mathematics. was rcc;vnt ly appointed managing editor ofthe rl tnrricau .llallr,·",,,'icill J/olllltl"a journal for teachers of mathl'lllati��in .t he collegian, and advanced sec­ondary fields.Shorey to Del!ver Address.Professor Paul Shorey, head of thedepartment of Greek. has accepted aninvitation to deliver' the Phi BetaKappa address at the University ofMissouri on June 10.Mrs. J. T. Prfuce Talks.Opportunities of college graduatesas tcachuns oi salesmanship wereemphasized by Mrs. 'John T. Princeof the Boston school of Salesman­ship in her talk Y:_dSterday afternoonin Harper MIl.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS',,.·EXPERT FRENCH TUTORING-W;Uiaill' M. 'Shirley, Jr., 6101 Wood ..lawn avenue.· Telephone Midway8164. . ','W&lata. dfte8 patterns. tinsETle. dainty oath·t EIGHT FACULTY MEMBERStebr1ca, �utno band-embt'oldolm. I>l�ct GO�s... twm the PbJ,!lpplDea. PrJ.ctw ver)' ARE AWAY FROM CHICA�1e.MRS. EARLE E. EUBANK.·sSM Jackson Avenue.�hone Midway figll.(�;.�."; ... iWlhWnIl11namtnmllllllnWI_iIDI!j!!!I!m;!ftt,�'�:' '- :�'. �-EUrollean ToUrsSend . for Information concenUnCinexpensive summer tOUI'LJULIA C· BRANNA"1726 W. looth. at. .. Chlca,o.r&:'llJIllluIUllmtnl8lUeUHllll!lI!BIaJmnmllllmlmDlllllilmIlUijllmODnlm�Q:��=-------��DBRBY OLUB.6116 Cottace Grove Ave.BILLIARDSONl..V40C Per HourBeat Appointed Roomem the So"th Side8 Full Sb. �blca��=========UFrances Bolden SkinnerTEACHER OF SINGINGP.,;pils entered at any time.. now. 'rewa 8t ....II! FlIIe AN O"UdIDc.�iyde P::r1t Studh. 1435 E. �d St.Cor. Washington Ave., Tel H.�. 1194l,w"e"Mli\\kWp","""PDO YOU NEED MONEYIF SOCan You Sell Tailor-Made Clothes18.00 per Suit upTo Your School lIates.I have a lood proposition to offer you.REEDERPhone Garfield 1S95The Daily Maroon is for sate atdac Pn-.: FO� 'RENT_;Elegant 5-room apart.ment, newly furnished in mahog­any. All" outside rooms. Flat in­cluding furniture, for rent of flat.5334 Kirnbark avenue. Midway 51�'1Box 92, faculty 'exchange.WANTED-Ten' Law students forvacation work. One for' permanent ------­position . Must be at least 22 yearsof age. Write It R. Kelly, 30 w.70th Place, Chicagof·· . .�.�-.. ..... -' . xFor. months .we've .�en an ficipating the tune. when you'd be Iwanting smart' D�W'C �pring do-:.hes. � I . !And now a wealth of Ilew materials have been collected ready to iexhibit to you this day. .' "Come in and choose one of th�e modish exclusive novelties. IThen let us tailor your do thes so �ey �l� give that indeSCrib-1able quality termed "good sty Ie.".• Prices' $30.)0 to $60.00 . •iff�r# � ,.TA:�:N:O:EN iiI � N. JERREIIS, lIanac�.__............... A4I� ���� ........FOR SAL�Diamond Ring, 3 clus­ter. Cost $75. $50 will take- it.Walter Fogg, 1345 E. 55th Street.(Continued from page one.)from Y okohoma, and will reach Chi­cago April... Professor Andrew C.McLaughlin, head of the departmentof HistorY, who left in December forBerlin, -will remain til!' ,the. Germancapital until next Autumn. 'Dr. Herbert. L. Witlett., AssistantPrcfessor of Semitios, is touringPalestine 'in company' with .three stu­dents of the Dlv.!nity school, MaxMenitt, Waithes Henry and AlbertSchwartz. Dr- Willett will return toresume his classes iu' the Summerquarter. Professor Robert Harper ofSemitics is at present engaged in re­search work in ancient inscriptions inthe British Museum, and is being as­sisted by Leroy Waterman. Ph. D ..'12. They will return to Chicago atthe opening of the Autumn quarter. LOST--Last. Friday night on 57thstreet, between. Ma�dcl hall andWoodlawn avenue, - �flr ring withcrystal.pendaaz.u.Return-to 1375 E.57th Street, 5th I 11001', and' receivereward,JUNIOR WOMEN BEST SENIORS,Continued from pap .000e) ---,-NOT A'FORTUN'E BUT-Any manattending colleg�. desirous of earn­ing money honestly and easily,write, A. M. Graham, Oberlin, Ohio.wellyn made the score 21 to 15 infavor of the Junior college team asthe whistoJe blew time.Play Again Tuesday.Although the champion5.hip has al­ready been won the third game in theseries will be played next Tuesday.The women express themselvc!S ashoping the men will continue to beintdl'osted in the games and come outas strongly to the next game as theyhave to the early ones.The defeated team entertained thewinners and the athletic departmentat a supper in LeJaington.Tlhe Hneup:Juniors Sen;or�'J ,1ewellyn ....•• R. F· Gold-stdrH Ou!;ton .•...... L. F A. Swawlh�RagainsSandberg' •...• ". C. . •..... Bin�hamHouston BcallProsse1' R. G ...• � Clove�Stoppel L. G '.' _1 \1�.. Uaskets-Llewel1yn (8). Goldstem(J). A. Swawite (J). Houston. I:reethrows-G.oldstein (3). Llewel1yn (3). 7S Cents. PlaiD B"ths 25 CentOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOIJ. H. Hel>P' Prop.2g 'South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert Chiropodi� Training'Make trainin� ti�e a pleasure '�y: drinkingand you91l forget all other deprivations. Nothing to equal it for realrefresbment,absolutc wholesomeness and downright palate pleasure.Delicious - RefreshingThirst-QuenchingDemand the Genuine­Refuse SubstitutesTHE COCA-COLA CO.ATLANTA. GA. 2you see anArrow thinkof Coca-Cob.'MAROON ADS PAYNorman Barker'. Wife Dies..Word was receh:ed in ChicagoMonday, of the death of MabelMoore., Barker, wife of Norman Bar­k_er, '08. Mrs. Barkn- died last Sun�day� in Los .Angeles. The body willbe lakeQ to Filer, Idaho. (or burial . Patronize Maroon advertisers; they .- ;. Broadw�y, Cor:. ��l:�ty.Secon� St.New··Y�rk..", 0 .", ,',: ••Our Representative Mr. Lanzer; will. be, a;. .: . � �.' �' ... � ..... '-�.�, '_ .�:" .;'�: <�; '-.Congress Annex .�"'cb I'1Lh:�" ,20� inclt;s:ve',., "., .• .t .... '. • •. .: .•.With latest suits, overcoatS riding and motor garmentsEnglish . Habefdas� !ry, lia�s a�isiio��.�.�� .• � :.�"""-�; ...... .' ;;-:.-.��_. I.' .. '. _. _Send f� IU�tjJ' cc(.·C�j¥��e.j),�.. - .. .",...... ."-:AlE YOU LOOIING FOR A PLACE TO EAT 1(jive THE 'COMMONS a TrialAsk the Upper C1aSsmen About Our FoodYou'} Like the Club Breakfast� and CafeteriaMusic It Night Ciood FC10d Low Prices�HICAGG.·-.-----,---------��.: �- -�- ... --._-----.---...-- THE-DA"lLY"llAltOON,-' THURSDAY.·MARCH 6.1913.MISS W ALLACE--ItIYIEWS PlAY a "problem." "Don" is. first of all. husband should' be mentioned next ... ' �.�� ; a comedy of character and the situ- He appeared only in th'e third act andPraises tJi �.� ActOR, .;&� 'fiiZ-� ation serves simply to bring out the! the audience had been prepared toticuJar.·:·M�OQ ·,.to � aDd' ,�,uoyant. luminous, loveable. whimsi- see an excited man on vengeanceG�aopes'fOr- � A1Id� �� idealistic nature of Don who sees benr, They were not disappointediences in' Future. � � tbe ts:_uth in sudden flashes and acts for Mr. Goodman made an agitated. .; � with; di�ine impulse much to the entrance. But .his first noisy rest-IlY: E(izab�th _ waUacc;�, ... �' confusion of a conventional family lessness gave place gradually toTI �..L_ : •• ' f' "'''D- "'�b' . th-� and' the consternation of an unthink- q. uieter movement. And as he 'zrewre. �. �ctlo.n ?. _. ��" ,�.�.'1, e 0-'"Dramatic club on. the' ev'eD'lDg"S of ing world. quieter he gained in' intensity. andFebruary 28th and :Mai� 1st 'ai-:Ma�� .T�e story of the play has already he produced a very real 'sensationdel hall was an event)£" unuspal" iiiJ been given in these pages and neeJ when he covered Don \Vith the re-terest for several �ri�. 'til ibe not 'be repeated now. volver, His facial expreaion as MI1S..first place it was a criff�ni . kind of . Play Demands Interpretation, Thompsett told him he; pitiful storya play from those heretofore at .. - The success of such a play depends was eloquent a� the complete sur­tempted by tlicrrclu�' -·SecoiiClly.:· it entirely upon the intelligent intcr., render of theMoient fanatic to theproved that serious '.work' maY 'be" pretation of character. for there is broader christianity of Do� was sodone by amateurs and receive � sym- littrle action. This the Dramatic club well depicted that the audience felt apathetic response fronl "an "audie�ce succeeded in doing to a praiseworthy thrill of sympathy for a most un­made up largeti of personal frie'ri.(J&. degree. Mr. Breed's appearance and gracious character- When an actorThe kind of an 'aU:d.ience that 'is US-' manner gave the necessary first im- succeeds in producing this it is realually more quickly iiio�iJ .by: an un" pression of ingenuousness and spon- art.quarded re ... elation of -weli�n6�D-pef1 taneity- There was an engaging sim- Miss Hewitt Acts WelLsonal characteristics than by a bit of p'licity 'and straightforwardness of Miss Hewitt -as- Ann Sinclair gavereal acting, Aruf'th'.i.rdty--it·'Showed look and intonation that was entirely Ius a . c early' outlined" figure. Shethat the Un' I-ver- �ty'''' 'p"u"b- II-c' '-was" I-n' _ in keeping with the character, And . .• "'" was quiet, graceful. inCisive. Anddifferent to. a -allX h'·n·�9� a�4 he maintained the same note through; I - II h knei ,..... v ,..• lest ot a s e new how to be stiltPraiseworthy effort._ .. '. ·.,1 e ,• . o'ut; showing' that the result had been without calling attention to the fact.The Dramatic clult'of -i'&e-Uiiiver- obtained by study and not by a Ior; M;s.s Green threw much energy intosity has at vario� . times _ p�''re.··.Sen.. ted tuitous correspondence of natural;,_ . the part; of the omnipresent Mrs.farce and comedy' aricfon"oo'" Occasion characteristics to the role.� Bonnington. ,It is difficult not totragedy. But I"�nk"t�t thiS'is� the Lauds Goodman. overdo the'( distinctly comedy-char-first time it has .. attemp_�ed;llO· give' a � Mr. Goodiman's presentation of the acter of a play, Arfd Mrs. Bonrsing­modern play Wl�h"a-���Z"f'Or'i)f '\riolent bu't by- no means heartless ton "was a' very··busy person- Miss-_ .. --:- ........ :_;,.. ....",.;.. ".' ,; ". -_._... WHAT ORGANIZATIONSA RE DOING HE RESenior Dinner Tomorrow SCOl'e Club Dance-Deans Linn and Miller will ;alk at More two-steps and fewer waltzesthe Senior dinner tomorrow at 6 in than heretofore is the plan of thethe commos cafe. The second issue management for the next Score clubof the Thirteen, the official organ of' dance to be held a week from Satur ..the cla .. s. editdd by Martin Stever's, day at 2:30 in RosaJie -hall. As anAugusta Swawite' and Milton Morse.will .appear. It has' been rumored added Ieature, fruit frappe . will bethat the subject of the class gift will served.be discussed. After the dinner theclass will adjourn in a body to thebasketball game.Junior Class Meets·The Junior class will meet tomor- the new high school. AU alumni areurged to be present.Hyde Park Alumni Dinner.A dinner of 'Hyde Park alumni willhe held Friday evening, March 28 atrow at 10:15 in Kent cast.Green had conceived a very definitemd clear idea of the part. Whether.har idea was warranted by the linesis another question. but at an eventsMiS6 Green kept consistently to herconception and elicited much ap­plause.Dunn Has Difficult Part.Mr. Dunn had the most difficulttask in the portrayal of gentle, chast­ened Canon Bonnington. He wasobliged to listen much to others andwas permitted to say very little him­self. Mr. Dunn made the Canon alittle more supine than was abso­lutely necessary but he made him so,consistently. Perhaps it was intend­ed to make. the Canon thus abjQCtlymeek in order to hiring out moreconspicuously the beligercnt and fieryGeneral Sinclair. Mr. Shull was veryhlustering. very fierce but ho didn'tmake us feel that he was very real·Pc;rhaps if he had been a little lessnoisy and ha.d given a little' morevariety to his gestures he would haveimprC50sed us more. That he _ wascapable of doing this was proved byhis ade'!uate rendering of the battle much for which to commend him inthe production.The only unhappy thing to be not­iced was the absence of a large pro­pornion. of the University communityfrom the two performances. As aconsequence the club was not able tomeet the expenses incurred. Themembers of the club chose an lnter�es ting play. worthy of the time .·andstudy they gave to it" and they pro- 'duced it more than creditably. In:"deed they gave it with so much finishthat one could thoroufihly enjoy itwithout any personal' prejudice toinfluence him.Audience Was SmallAnd yet the audiences both eve­nings was pitifully small. We trustthat the genuine appreciation andgreat enjoyment of those who did at­tend will encourage the club to con­tinue gi�ing' us plays . or th� 'sam� .. 'high character interpreted as skill­futty as was "Don." In time theGniversat}- public may be sufficiently.e(lucated to gi,·e. them our heartiest"support_EMPR"'�:/' J,EFFERSON OLYM�CE. ••. :. .. .55th Street and Lake Avenue.AMUSEMENTS.TBBA�·.· _� .. "'.-" .i,':.� :t""�--fe-�' _ .. -_�_.-.. -------------� Street ... C--.� 11ftWeek 5tart11(sa. r�2SULLIVAil .�o.�.i �_;PRODUCDlO I.»_�T .·AllNOUlla·- -.--... NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYi:! � Reels nlgbtl7 of tbe latl'Bt mOTing. iJldures. Beet of music by blgb class;. J '. With an ExceptiOn8!.Cast, ludorJiDI- GfthMtii. ('ome andhear O'lr new $1,50(1 '., , ... , , ..Tim Kui-phy and Genrude Q�-- _". - -........-raE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" With Helen LoweD, Star Cast and�pipe OrpILTONIGHTThe Frontier Mystery (2 reels)Billy Joins the Band (comedy)Napoleqn�s. Luck Stone (drama)The Little Tum Coat (2 reels)., ADMISSION�.1biD Floorj an seats • • • • • • 10Balcony. aD seats. ••••••••• SC� . .'_-.JI>,, ,"� -:STUDEBAKER� �ton" Dariag In&tmeat].;",.,' laiC".:.. .' _,'-... ,., ,...... ...... r":.· "--'AJESTIC.· ... -IItr-�- �- " ,,,.ELIZABETH MURRAY. . JOE WELCHFlorentiDe Sinlers, Ameta, McDevitt­K�-Lucey, 4 Bards, Swor a: Mack,. �eUTrio.;.(' .. 'The Wonder of the CenturyCH.CAGO� J�.:. .. �J;. Ediaon'. TaUdnc Movine Pictures�tO�A�i&- ...- -< .,�.�-�.. "-------------------------v � . .!w.�.��o.."j�,:w •• Il:" 'B�'" LA'" CKST E--''''�o.ia- .. ;;.. ON..... , "'�''':�'''''''': �.-. - ..�:The 1MJir ... Dc 1': "JI�� LEWIS WALLERCODl'S 6WID'. ; ':\.: \:x; ':'HELEN WARE ;'L-·I:'�. i ·.G'�'P':�7" '�'" .�.In Paul ArmStroaI"s.� of the boarTHE ESCAPE t. �---""'-"""'�'-"""'--.......... "-" �.1- .....pOWERS.. ,. .w·�P�)l ... taCharla �. ,,�CHERRY' DOROin The New SeaetarraWl.OIIAR_.- .. _�.I.,'" ... 11- ...Her � III 0- ., ""­Opera, ..., 'Ga • .,. Dr.. STELLA MAYHEWWith Billy Taylor in Comed7�n'. Triumphant Talkinc PicturesSubjects: -remptations of Faust,""Jack'. Joke"Ethel Green, Andrienne AUlarde •Co., Edna Roland. Co., SclUcbt'slIanikiua, Bert Levy, Leo Carrillo,Mathews a: Shayne.� 4 :..; .Ii.'- j pAlACE MUSIC lULL·,'o1D A lIarriap of ConvenienceCat indoda lIadee Titheraqe ....."*- ....._ . .Matinees Wed. "Sat. ., .' _ �The Bic � s.acce. f'-;:' ;., OUR WIVES ....with HeD17 KolkerPrices 50-15-$1.00 & $I.so.� ; -:. - _-- ., .. ,_. , � "' - -pRIN��fi,. - . ." � _" . - - ."W�.A. B� P.reHataThe ;. ��. ·pido;;,;.:;.� ��!' ·::·f· .... :-· .. Ji.;�;"'Jf :.'.'BOUGHT- AMD :J»AID"FORBy Geo. Ikoadbant.An American PJq of:To-dqA IlERlClN IIOSIC BAlLWm· A. Brad7 AnnouncesSeason's Best Play-TribuneTHE RED PETTICOATA lIusi�. �ed, of NoftltyBeau� Chorus..COLONIALZIGFELD FOLLIESExtraordinary, Feature.Chine Line FOOand Co. of 14 orieataI.�'F�'tti f q fY't4' I ;;:.�:-New York Wintel' ,Gar4eD Co. in i..'. ITHE PASSING SHO� OP 1912 �: ,Biggest lIusical Rnae-Star' eatILLINOisCharles Frohman PresentsMAUDE ADAIISin her ID08t famous' RCcessPETER PANCORT START BLACKFRIARCAST COMPETITION '.�,ON NEXT WEDNESDAYscene_Miss Clark Pleases.'Miss Clark' embodied with' com­pre'hension and cleverness the world ..ly, slightJy embitteretl Mrs. Si�clair:tnd Miss Tuthill as Fanny the maid:gave a delightful sketch which made'us wish that it might have been!longcr ..The make-up ot the actors leftmuch to be desired. It is perhapsungracious to find fault with Mr.Hoyt for this when th�rc was so -Blackfriar cast t1ryouts wJll be heldnext "'I.; ednesday instead o� Tuesday .as announced. Character scenario!llJave been sent to' all . fi-atimityhouseS, and are posted in the' m�nl9haJls. the Reynolds �lub and .�he of­�ce of the DAILY MAROON. Chor­us rehearsa1s wtll be held tomOrrOw,·at 3 :·30 in the Reynolds club theater.i.� ,.'Reputation is acandle easily lliownout-but it's thelightthat· gui<1cs· "m.ost·�of. .-.-'.us· iIt our quest for the�:' :-:: tbest.... � '" - .,.._ .. - .... _"'mcM -.. ,'.'I'OMGCO '.':Would you know·, .,.­the repiltaticn (.f Vel ..vet? Ask the. ii1ovin� .spirits of any coilcgefrom Bowcoi �i. toStati­ford, or fre m �fii1r:c­sota to Tdrtt:�. Ttcywill proclaim i'_ 3smoot1iness� itS ric !l­ness, its te m :i:J� ::1 gBavor and fra��. :ice •. _. ".