VOJ;_ XI<�o- :98. -. ', l�.NIVE�SITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, MAI�CH 5, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS.( 1I, laily !lnrnnn\., . .HOLD MASS MEETINGTHURSDAY . MAROON STAFF WIlLEDIT GARY NEWsP APlRBasketball Team Will Be Present atBig Rally in Kent Theater Fridayat 10:15-"Pat" Page and Team toSpeak.F(jIJJn::.�tQ_f&t\1V_:_::: ��:� .. �::.�� POUTICAL sciDCED-. 'B�4"��;'�t� 'v&hie of 513, i CLUB WIU OIGANIZE� ..... ,-::-:-� '�r "" :..,_;. ��:O�:.·l)y,,:�can\cOL;� -EljpIietlt.�lrI;;�'!.i�� ,-, .. ·IOIe ._ ,�ratenuti�o1l8eS·. Ai'ei no.. bterestH ... ,-.row After-'-- Gifts GJJiq Duce BJ·::.:·' '\Yortb·Averqe of $ii»oo- Il00.'' Har,et Alii.'" �Roomtw ... � ,_. ' For 0.. 3 *=� ; . The: following. ,statistics,. designed The biggest Winter massmeetingTa"��'BU'Irft1D�- 'IXJ 'Show the, extent to which Greek y{t will he held tomorrow at 10:15 MAROON�YIUI\u,u'U-'UJUaYOD1¥: 'Ikner' fraternities "are 'entrenched in EXPECI" TO CONDUCt DEBATES in Kent theater. The occasion will FRED CARR WILL EDIT� ,. '.-he �United ;States., are reprinted from • - be the basketball game with Wis-CoaCheaJ;��' ·\.Vofk' ·of.:lIiriam: tlic'New York Times: ;urrent Topics Form .. bjects-Sen- consin Friday night, but it is hopedWbaJia,ud Juet)P�Re-' .More than nine million dollars is ior College Mea Klisible for that enthusiasm will also be arousedh�: Day,��,Ni.&Iit., .�he value 'of the 'chapter, houses of Active Membenbip- for the work of the track and swim,the Greek .letter 'fraternities in the ruing teams.An original dance and monologue colleges and universities of the Organization of a Political Science The principal speaker will be "Pat"by :Elizabeth Jenkins, a. graduate, in 'United States and. Canada. This club will be effected tomorrow at a Page. who ,is expected to give thethe 'Uniie.rsityJo has been -added to I.f '. di ib inside "dope" on Chicago's chanceshuge amount 0 property IS istrr - neeting of those interested, to bethe program.io! the "Follies" to be ut .. � among thirty-one of the thirty- with the Badgers. Captain Paine,S- -A_ ···h '. 'M' d "U· .eld in Harper assemblj- at 4:30.given ,tu •. �y mg t In ail' el, six American college fraternities, Bell. Norgren, Molander, Vruwink •"iss Burrih�m' has been working on' Activ emembership in the dub will- ... • 'j' :laving:a total of 1,14,1 chaptrs, The oe limited to men of the senior col- Des Jardien, Baumgartner anda GYp,' sy 'dance' wlilch she wi I give , b f h . .' '1' 1!13 'th ir' Stephenson will also be called on for. num er 0 ouses owne- '11;;1 ; e eges and graduate schools, whilebetween two of .the .'acts. '.., I " 'i $18.070- a word or two. A deptuation fromTh� iehearsaJeff:hl>eld �es,tllen';l�h' :Rf-. lV;;;e�c::ar:al:e of these 513 houses nembers of the faculty may becomethe band will be present, Rudy Mat ...ternoon ,wrent .o ett.e.r t 2n· t ose '. . h 'I' Issi f B . d' issociate members, The proposed d I" "!l' � '" t test ssu 0 air s thews will lead the songs an -c leersr If nil' ." .• tprclln . to atatements as gwen In e ',� -. e. � _>Ians include the election of three of-!, tb:'��o:!be:C:�ut th.�;� say that there ��ilual, �� A�ertcan College Frater- !lcers, a president, :vice-president, and preside at the meeting.is still diuch 'work ,to 'b� done before' lilies" .whtch IS tb� recogniaed au- nd recording secrea,.,... A program Chance to Yell.. . .. -,' . .' 'h "'t 1 II matters per "Herc's a chance to yell," said aa2.'�aV. '''156 !Pttdl�v' and, Miss: t orr 'Y' ,On near y a.. ." - ornmittee is included, which, with.oJ","'''',.... <t..p& �., • G k 1 tt t' member of the committee yesterday-PeariJc iifl*�' to"'&lve d.etliils 'ft. to ·tainlO.R.'� ree,· e er SOCle res •. the officers, will serve for one quar-S t bIt. $" ?"YO 015 "There has' been talk to the effectthe prb,r!� ,of the , play,: .' w� I�_ ep e� er.' as . �'-' ,.: ... zer,,.. .:"'-.. .u......._.' : T...wt.-., Since that . time, a ��nservative e:t.tl- I' I d to . hold that organized cheering, if it is good� ...... �t'-""'-- ",_.,. h h I 1.. t }S p, anne. . .' m.onthl.Y in the fall it should also be goodTh_, pt'.·c:t--cs of th.c.c:h,orusa"we.re m, �te. fip.re,s. t at.t e t,ota "J�s 10- t t h h t1.: d 1".. tA·, • .:wv.. h t .nee I,ns:s a w IC. lie Iscusslon. WI 1 in the winter. The rnassmeeting Fri-not :tak, en yesterda'y, 'as tit, e:'costum, es:, cr,eas�d. ·.at" lea. ,otU''''',.' ,.000, t. e 're.su tIt d t I 1. I Ih ldi ) e I,ml e ? oca4 state, nat:lOna, day. offers a golden opportunity forwer-. not r.e.a. dy' '�_tit ·_th.. ey 'WI.In . 'be' . !>efitg 't�at 't.,o. ,da.y . t.h.e ·rea.tty . 0.. ngs d t tI:I I A '� _ L- A m 10 erna ona government. t those who like to make a lTOise withtak .... :toClay �a{ 3:30. The' programs' ·f 'tbe ....-atermty, men· In mencan· h . d b '11 •".... •. d �ac. meetmg a e ate W1 be held m Chicago yells. and music with Chi-for ..ii.:e· �l��.,�wifi:h:t,ve a "faesi.iri;ile �of: :Col1eges. is: very near the :nll�c; an h h f b' '11,II I' .I' . t..,v IC �ur mem e�� W1 take part, <:-agO" songs. There will be enoughthe Pdste��on �tt1� '-coveJr. The -man- lne.d1alf milli9�' mil'". '. \fter which the deelslon will be rend- of both to suit the most enthusiastic."agerlierit 'stated f.ba� it Jiopetl to b.e l . B�t� Thet.a Pi� �hi Delta Theta :red by three members of the faculty,'", ' .. 'b t! d D I 'Ka � Epsil r the "Massmeetings should be as goodablc ;to. ¥iv.c aw�t't.,� prplP"� '. �. '.in �.� p, o� a e -\n informal discussion by the mem- in Winter 'as in the Autumn." saidiK �"�ftt '''�s.·¥.Pt �D' mu� a�er .ratel:m�J� whose �()]dm,gs reach ')ers will follow. '. . II •_tis1n&. !teemed, �they ·may . lind-, ' It I "the Jar:gCit total Vill�� ,T"ese own Captam Pame. BeSides, the basn�c�;t� �Jl-11\e�.' ., ', ' � ..c���te� ,ho�se�, ��e �ot.al value.. Ezpec:t Much Good.. ketball tcam needs support and cn-¥�i" �t,��I\ far t"�'lt_Jt'tss ·of. the' 'f ���b tl'e1ic�� �he �n(l�d fi�� , If nothing more were to be gamcd c?uragement �s much now as everla "liS " �n.}J1' tIlIei�Oaches .. to '�o ·)f .. $2,63s,2� )y the members'·than a dec�nt re- did a footbaU team. We are on the!:..!... �.;.;; aiaDi� '""i1 ,Il\�aPpe� . .' Of.: iIi--· ""'- . ..-..; ...... tt-;:Xlt\'ffi_.r;. 'pe,? .for cor«c! parliamentarv us.. eve of the .biggest fight of .our career,·';"--������f���·�·: J�;;����ta: .� ��'7&��lbUr ��ri���( an(fwe�wiPi�fd��r1G�. uic �lIole, MiriMm��"lMJ'����,.�.�.J�� �6���!��.,l?elta. �p�a ���on" �e or�1Zers of t�e c�b :r�sterday, student bo�y IS behmd us.'�J fbI 't1me'1»kjblg�ot the '�ortises- �thil1i-t'Wo. -� .'. . the,. time. W(J\1t� 'llot' be llt...spent.• Ticket �e Large.and .litie.�DSS �and l��t, _Fl�er,. � , '�Ile va:h1C: 9f tIt� ,B�� ,_���Q., ,':Pi' -\�d to ti\IS, the '�nowJedge. to �e Tickets are s�lling fast. f?r !heF��}��, �d?�e _, � .. p�� ,�of �)t�p�rtr 'is:�:z�n2� .pf.��1 ��ta ;.uned of t�e �a�ous questions d�s- ba�etbaJI, ga�e.. Present mdicationstbr ��ipJ':}tt� wY��� 9."t ,�me of 'Theta ���� ,�d�-of .��.e.' ·Delta t:�s�, -such ,as' slOgle tax, commlS- POlOt to t�e blgges� cr?�d tl1at. has"'c �b_�I�.te!'�:-: ,._.. _ : ,tap�"���!�� ���. ,.r!ae·'.av�r-� ;I.on Igov�mm��t, tolls; ��Qrt' �not, !hronged. Bartlett �Ince Chlc�goi �.�: 'TOiaY:-. .. "'ge VaJde'ol'tbe houses of 'Dett2 ](ap- �Ire�t- .pnma�let'i �lnd' amendme'nt .of played. MlD�esota ,for the ?asket�allTlie: "Deep Sea Yams" chorus 'wd1 ')a EpSiolJ is $19.844, o� .... Ph� .. P'�lta _-he constitution. ,Moreover, no one champIOnship. The curtain ra�ser_prac� '�y !�_:�:rs:"�:'�.!�� 'TtfeWi .li��i�t..�!l, � ���. �e��. _�?�d-atten� ·the· m�eti�g.s ·�n.� par:- between t�e V�rsity Freshman .te�m.... �."ofi-piji .��.' ,*7-- Pi's' $15,6» . .ICI��t� .. ":'thou� getting valuable and the VICtOrtou� Sophomore. �IassfI� and tonight in LelDngton., But while th� fraternities are the �ral.mn�. m.. pubhc speaking and de- basketball team Will be an additIOnal;chesfi so far ':as 'the grand total is ,�_at1ng. wInch .. after' an, is 'the chicf attraction.FIVE .�_ M�� TO,;. :oncerned, th_!:re.:�re otP'Cf ffi\t�fRiti�' . �ood "that is to be gotten from theA�Q_6tft-:-qL� Q!t'!'�P \\1bich, i�_ prOP.9!':i0r:a.��_tb�i!,,_- si�e' work. KEEP POLLS OPEN ALL DAY', - •.. ".�,-.� � .. -,. ".:iird-iiumber Of 'chapters, are a greatIIr iiotittoD'Win: 60 W_', With! d�l· richer tban any. of . the abQve- DIVINlry DEFEATS Give Voters From 9 to 5 Friday to•'GJee '�op at PoUr-· !. ;�med thr�, ".. 0 � • MEDICf? Elect, O&icen·'. '� .. , Of atl Ithe ·frilter.riitie� Delta PsiSeniors. Forfeit to La ..... Have Two\\'-ith only 'seve� :-cl1.apters. owns the- "'7, '" Games Tomorrow.Pour members' of the J,fandolin:cJul- finesthotis� Six.of its seven chap-and one mote.. Glee ct�b man b�ve ters 'own 'houses whose total valuebeen "hcd\lled .to take thc tnp.,wes! �s $245.500, or an average of $40,916� Won Lost Pc.on htc 14th. Oyde Waklns, Ha�oldj pe;,house. . ophomores rr .) 1,000Wright. !�ug()Swan a�d �eo�ge 'Ly-' Another 'fraternity" smal1 in .so far I.aw •••••.• � •.•.•. 6. ., .:; l�. '. I d Jr' .. . S�n.!0!,s 5 � .�ooman.-of thej'Mandolni c uh. an . u 'n�: as its number of chaptets is COQ- Divlnlty •••••....• 5 7 .4'�KuehynJcl",'have been 'added to, the� 'cemed, stands, �econd to Delta Psi Tuni�rs 4 6 ,4')()lit=t publ��ed In ·�esterday·. ,MA-; 'n' the. vatue_ of its bOuses. This is Medics. . . . •• • ..1 6 .. ll1ROON. ')fro Hal'Ol.d G. Moulton :in-,: 'O�tl'a ,Phi '�th :twelve chap'ters: F�:m�i��i�; "\��ketba� . pla;:��nounced dedn, ite1y that 'he would ae : ';e"v('" o'f '�i�h own 'their chapter..... won their last game of the inter-company tJi·e.Jclub. �., : hdb�S� The total value of these class series last night when th::yStops wftI"� ,marte. i� .,_�he. or��T, '�t��fi.ies'.is :�, '965. 'or an average spurted in the last two minutes. ofna� at ClamlCO��e, .�tlI110IS� '���-� .,f .$38.423 :,per<house.. I ' play and nosed out the Medics 14 toute. � Wetlf�o�,: .. ���;:. . Xfter·:Uetia' Phi. an(l .standi.ng third· "3. Shattuck and Headland starred in�Vaynoka.. Oklahoma; cand�n, :T�-: ';n 'the .list. of .. fraternities w�ose; basket shooting wit" three goals'as' Arnanlto Texas· Oows, Ne ... 'I:' ' .. ' -'h fi _' t' tiill' n' th'r ... , , '. nobses aft t e nes, IS sao e each whtle Holtz ,\Valrath and 'MayerMexico· Bcien. New Mex.co: Albu- . _.s_ h h f '..'�N 'M Xi" "G: It· 'N - organlzawun ,w ose c apters are ew were close seconds WIth two a pIece.quer,u�, e,,!, e co; a o� . e.�. ;� numb�Chi p.M, with eight�en The Seniors forfeited to dIe L:lwMex1C�,. KI.n��n, New esIIC�. i-..bapters. twelve ,of them ownmg team last night by their non-appcar­Needle_, ,Ca�lrornla; �s. Ange1es •. their homes. Th� average 'Worth of ence. No games are scheduled forCa�i'ornfa and Grand Canyon., Colo- �fie 'atttr:�s $33,083, 'or a total f�r'al� today, Tomorrow the Freshmcnra o. �welve 01 $JtJ7,OOOr ; .meet the S(."1Iiors at 3 and the Soph-,. '. AI�ba 'Delta Phi, one of the great:.,: omores play the Medics at 5 :30. '�:Ma�m'�.. , ,dt: .Qf 'f.bt! . conservative .fraternities-; Divinitv (14)· Medics {t.'llDean 'Shat1eT .Math�;.is··of .�he, J?i: �that .is., or'those which. as a ntle .. are Holtz ..••..... , R. F, .. , J{.-·adtan<1v.inity k�Oo1 'retumed .·7esterclari�3"efse 'to :eXpaR!Mon-ta1ces .. fourth Walrath ·.. L: F , MavyerI •. _i Ol.l. h'" cI! � t' ..'. .. Shattuck. , . . • . .. c. ". 1 �onadfrom Toaeoo,.. nlO."tV ere ;ne �n · f1;�no+S ;wfi�n it'corrtes;to the'value of \father ..... , R. (;, .. , Wi11bm<,yes'�daJ: '�,o " attend :'la, con�reD�����f; indiVid� . ,�ouses. ".The. houses of Zimmerman , . L, G. , T ,ewis• 1 CI i ...... d t ralslag Bao:kets-Shattuck (.�). He,(llanfl�,Phst ea en. n re&-:, .'; 0 , , I this:"fctenUty:·.of ·twenty-five. chap- (:�l. Holtz (2). Walrath (.?l. :Mayer$j,o®,ooh for 'a tuna 'to 'cover .,d�el firs:· nlneteen '�ftffieh1 living 'beneath (2). Lewis. Free . thro,ws--:-\raY�'rdenomin.tiOn�sl.1)udget for'tlie"coirimgl . :,--,----.- .... �... .... ...Tim� of halve!iO-l=\ minutes' Hdcrec-,_ I J. -:i�0il"1IH � :� -�, Bothman. Ste�eman.yea!". � .. MAROON Staff Plans to Make SallyInto Professional NewspaperWork a Memorable One.) The polls will be open from 9 to5 in the Reynolds club Friday in­stead of from 8 to 5 as preViouslyreported. Two election clerks willbe provided at the booths throug,h­out the day �ecause of the expectedheavy :vote. The candidate'S follow.President. row... Frederick Carr,' who will edit the·MAROON t��orl'Ow Was formerlya student at the' Uni;erslty and wasprominent i� campus. ii£e. H� wasoue of the founders' of. Pm club, in-'tercollegiate -',temiis c�ampion, and amember' of' Alpba �elta Phi.' Aftel':e��ing coliege he, for"a' time, was onthe staff of. th� .Cin�i"'Jat�. Enquirer.He' has rec.entIy been editor of 'the;ory Tribu"t', a n��spaper of whicbhi� father is owri�, Nothing, is known:tbout th'c men on CarT's staff, excepttllat they get out a first-rate paperin Gacy·.Paper '�a� EigDt Pages.The Gar)' Tribune is .. an· eight-pageev.ening .paper" goingJ<? press at 3:30.The. MAROON staff is. 'anticipatingan dciiipg tim� 'getting enough nCIWSnew:J f�om' a sir�nge' field to fiU' sogo04y�:zed' "a' sheet. Enough fea-ture lmaterial, : however. wil1 be pre­:Jared to ihsure a full··pap"r. Editor­'<11s, feature stories and �p'edal write­ups will i>ro.�ably" be prepared to-�ight hy the three advance men. Avomen's department is- expected to�.r.�+ one of' :�hc' . most i�teresting:eatares of the paper. ·It will be de-;l"11�J. to ·�how ·that the college wo­h. ,,�"n is·.capable of ·giving ad\;ce onllattcr� .of the home. and the heart'0 her 1c!O!O-favored sister�, The wo­. 'l�n�s. dcp�'rt1Tl�nt Thursday wilt con-";n' � hearf interest' -section' cooking,,�,h"ice' 'and ,,;ords " 'o":''Wisdom for," .�h(\pp�r�:'writ1en by ·the· women of, . '(he ftaff.·, .... '•-!o i '., Puftl�·by-P.olitica... ; 0.;1 ,qT1f� MARQQ.N"editor,ial writer!'Buckley Lead; D�ti�:'l Exercise��' llint., wnfortima.t.dy. not ... a� y�t Clscer- .Horace Buckley' will' be the lead- �i*tL. tll4:p?,jtic;a!:.l�'i, ... {f. any. ofer of the weekly devotional mectinlt '.her�.Y R;a'pe.�,.l>{lt ;win he ready toof tbe Dh�inity' students at JO:I5 to­morrow in HaskeU .26, Gary T riblUle Staff Will Edit DailyMaroo. While CollqiuaGo to IadiuaI jJI:1�. \''jJ' I'. j..,..,' The Gary Tribune, a flourishingeight-page daily in a little town inindiana, will tomorrow be edited andllublish\!d by the staff of the DAILY.M.AH,UO.N, while the latter paperwill be issued by the . professionalnewspaper men from Gary, headed byl'rederick Carr, ex-'Q9.Staff Named.'The, staff. of the Gary Tribune willinclude:Hiram' Kcnnicott; M�n�ging EditorMarrin Stevers, City' Editor-Leon Stolz, Telegraph Editor.Bernard Vinis.sky, Sporting Editor�Dorothy Williston, ·Women's· Edit-or.Burdeite Mast, Commercial Editor ••Samuel Kaplall, l..Jraiil�t.c Editor.,The iollowmg \ ..... '..1 'porters andspecia'l feature WliLCI s: ... &11 ry Gorgas,Haskell Rhett· Mal tin . :, .. evers, Ed-. '. . ,J .',ward Reticker, ll!i.ss L".ung, Ntna.J'N eill, Dorothy W eia, �ugene Chi- _ '.mene, George Shaffer, Lyman Weld,George Gray.' Augu� Sw�wite, 'Lil­lian Swawile and Robert Hatcher.Kennicott, Stevers and Rhett willJourney to Gary titis afternoon ,�Dd ,�i'��PQ�prk::at.7.0�C:e .�.��!ng' �p ��'":,' t.�'::vance material and -"Jining . up" 'tbene�. ,The' rcm�nder of the staffwill leave on an .Illinois· Centraltrain from 63rd street at 803 tomor-George ParkinsonWilliam LymanVice-Pl'esideat.Milton MorseI!," Bernard yinisskyHorace FitzpatrickSecretarySam WellsLewis NortonFred GriffithsTreasurer.RobCTt MillerStanley Se,"ierLibrarian.� Cowan Stcph('n!'onJohn HendersonWillard FassettKenneth Coutc��e(Continued .011. page 4):11'lIl;: DAILY MAROO�, \VEj)N�SDAY, MARCH S, tQt38. Reynolds club.Basketball-Chicago vs. Wiscon­.sin, Fr iday, 7'30, Bartlett gymnasium.W. A. A. Play-Tickets daily.START ADVANCE SALE OF Then comes Zeta Psi, another- ofCAP AND GOWN TOMORROW the famous old line "frats" whosechapters number twenty-four. Itowns fourteen homes, the totalvalue of which is $3i6,000, or $26,857per house.Psi Upsilon, the fraternity thatPosters were placed in conspicu- boasts among its membership ex�ous places on the campus yesterday President Taft, maintains twenty­announcing the advance sale of the thrqe splendid chapters scattered1913 Cap and GOW1� which will begin from ocean to ocean. Nineteen oftomorrow. A dozen men will have. them are in the realty owning class.:subscription books that day, and or- The value of its holdings is $504.000.ders will be received in Ellis 1-1 and which means that each of its housesthrough the Faculty Exchange, Box averages in value $26,526.�80. The regular half-morocco edi- Simga Phi, with ten chapters, eighttion will be on sale for $2.50 while chapter house owners, values itsthose putting in their orders early property at $'94,000 and its houseswill have a full leather boolc of ma., average $24,250 in value,roon shade for $3.00• And so it goes on all the way down-The books will be ready for' de- tht line. the houses of Sigma Kappa'livery the first of May. The early averaging $24.000, those of Thetadate of appearance will enable the Chi $23.150, Chi Phi $19,533, Deltabusiness managers to dispose of the Upsilon $17.065, Delta Tau Deltab�ok in bet�er �hape than befo�e·1 $17,175, Phi .Kappa Psi-one of whoseLittle material=wall be lost, as special members IS President Woodrowarrangements have been made to ''''lson-$15.982. The values de­run in the basketball material at the crease gradually down to the houseslast, minute. It is hoped that the of Pi Kappa Alpha, who$e homessubscription list will be well over a average in worth the moderate sumthousand this year. .of $6,.625.It is the most expensive Cap andGown ever, publish.ed., Pa� Of, theI JUNIORS PLAY SENIORS"feature work consists of � thre�-' IN SECOND GAME TODAYcolor mserll9 made by students 111, ,the School of Educatio� under th,� ; Women,Cont� �etba11 diam-.supervision of Prof�ssor Sargent; a pionships· at 4:10 in LeXinctonfour page colored insert fr�m. the -Expect Fast Game.Press; two-colored class inserts;thre� double-page tints of the classes;and a number. of features in the liter­ary section.Dodgers are being printed, and Willbe distributed among the students.within a few days. A, number ofthe Faculty haye agree d to push thesade by making suggestions to· thestudents. One Faculty member saidbe was willing to give twenty.mveminutes if necessary to put the pro­position fairly before the students.The actual number of pages willnot be quite so great as previously!because of various economies wherethe editors were able to combinematerial that was rather looselyspread over several pages. TJleHfe of any book of this descriptionis in its snapshots. An unusual num­ber of photographers have �een atwork in this connectjon. Amongthem are Irving Stieglitz, SamuelCrawford, Harold Wright. ErlingLunde. Robert Goodyear, JamesN ash, George Lyman, Walter Lyon.Goefl'rey Lyon. Dorothy Witliston,H. Louise Mick. Margaret Rhod¢s,Louise Aver,y Helen Hibbiar_d. Wil­lard Dickerson, and Franklyn Eva�s..Subscriptions Will Be Received inOffice-Books Will Be Deliveredon May I.The:-=f)aily Maroon·.a.n·iIt ., �Publl*e4 d&JJ7 ezaepc 8...,.".. XoDda)'W.&Del bolldll.7a 4� dINe qU&l'Un of theUDl� ,...&IiIIeftod .. MOODdo-a... ID&1l _ til. �� � IlL. MaIda 18. 11108. UD­_. Ad. of � .. J8'lL..,...,.lUPTIO ... or_� CUT_. u-oo. �; fLOG • qUlll'CM'.B7 maIl.' .$3.00 • :rear; ,1'» • Quarter.lIl4kCll'.Ial-B� omoa. &l� K.TeIePboDe Kika)" lOa.Hyde Park IAOI (after' p. m.)�"11 Box .-cr' :racuJQ EFt ....M'.cln. ..... m.... K_-'c-ttN ... � ------ ..... 1IWaA&IaIMM..u.. - - - a..ud �a...._. ....... - - - IIvde&&e KutA88OCI4or. KDloro ...... el x..- . . lIaI'I7 GGIpaQ .... ·00tJ"'·&!h·" .•• BaakeU RbeUDlRClJT �... • • KartIIa .te .....• • . WWlAm [4maD. •::..nln_JDftWd RdAcIDii. . 0-... ShafterS_ HalMililr. �. LJ'maa Weld1IIIea O'NeIIl" .• . • • •• o..ae Oft,.�, W... ,. � .:.. • • ' .A� S.awltfO...... 0dDiIIi. ..• . UJ.Wao IIwa�....... ,.� -.me.. ............ -- � .. ..,._"' &e.,.... .. --& L. .. 'There ... atandarda by which anyatdvity caa be judcecL Glee dubs• I�� quite oftca ranked'accontiDc to the ez-t� .of· the �l, tripfakea.. The. Univ�tyQI. club will be placed in the frontrW this year if its trip be taken asa eriterioa. If' reports are trqe, itsPfdorniancea. � 'far this year are a&uarantee � ,the. dub will deses'veconsid�tion amoDC the beat OD thebasis of ita ainciuc ability. Thecampus. will be waitinc aDZiousl, forthe bome concen that will follow thetrip. A Glee club that has jou.i"Deyedto the Pacific coast is more likely tobe a 4rawing c:ard than oile that basconfin� its out�f-toWD etrons toconcens in Kokomo, Ind.. aDd 0sh­kosh, WIS. The Glee dub will havea full house this year. aDd everyone who attends the COlleen will bepleased �th it. If the Glee club forSuccesSea.1913 pr�mises to be a succea, theDramatic club has fulfilled the prom­ise of success. Never baa a Chicaco.Dramatic club PftD a periOl1DaDceSUperior' to that of "Don" aiven bythe University Dramatic: club last"'eek.. One doubts if it has been oftenexcelled even"in'c0IJeCei where dra­matic associaiOQS have beea fOllteiecland CDCOuracect for·' � It· Callacan:ely be said that the Dramaticdub at Chica&o is even enc:ourqedlet alone fostered. .But the fame ofthis year'a performance will iDlaremuch better audiences next year­better, that is, in POint of' 1l1IDlbera;the, could not be more appfedative.It is • pleasure to c:oaaratalate theDramatic dub and to wiab it COD­tinaed .... ieaeued �, )at ..It ia • pleaare to � theGlee dub OD Ita apIeadid P'o.pectsad to .. t'- UDi •••,., whell It.... the __ tlllltt. to 8pport It. c�con�:I��;�;:�;;;;;e::e-FridaY. 4� tARSON '. PIRIE�' SCOTT &�l,__Chapel. 10:15. Mandel.. .French Club-Friday. 4:30, Lexing-- V4:oca301�:Wrpe�C;;��Onal Conference ton 14. -_. LE· ATH·ER. 'HAN D·_ B.: ' A.·GS__, _.��_Junior Mathematical Club-Friday.," _'Philological Society-Tonight, 8, 8, Reyynolds club. 7,thome of Professor Merrill, 56254 :30, Ryerson.\Vashington avenue.Junior Women's Chapel-tolllor- Freshman Evening Dance-Friday,'row, 10:15, Mandel.Philharmonic Society-Tomorrow,7.15. Mandel hall.Religious Education Club-Tomor­row, "1 :30, home of Professor Soares,S545 Lexingon avenue. 9:15-3:15.Junior coUege women wilJ meetth� SeniOl: college women in thelSecond cha,mpionship basketball gametoday at 4:10 in Lexington. TheJunior women have one game to theircredit, haveing defeated their oppon­ents 15 to II last week"The game is a decisiv,e one," saidMiss Wayman, "and the Seniors areexpected to put up a good fight. 1 f. they lose, they will be out of therunning ior the championship."After the game the Seniors willentertain the Junior college team ata supper in Lexington at 5 :45. Themembers of the athletic departmenthave also been asked to be pr�ent.The probable lineup follows:Juniors Senior�Llewellvn R F· ...•.. GoldsteinRaJmins L. F Bingham.A. SwawihHouston ..•..•... C ....•.•..... BearProsser R. G CloverStoppd ....••.•. L. G Rhode�Junior substitutes: Kitch.'- TaylorO'Donnell. Sandberg. . .... , ..Senior substitutes:· Fisher. Jael·Officials: Miss. Ortmayer. refereeMargaret Sullivan. umpire; Doroth}·Bent. �ore keeper: Miss Dudleytime keever.Will· Speak 011 Sale- _".hip-Mrs. John T. Prince of the BostonSchool oi Salesmanship will talk on"Opportunities for Teachers of Sales­manship" at a vocational educationconference �n Harper MIl at 4:30today. The School of SaleSlnlanshipoffers a one year course to Uniyer­shy women graduate� After com­pletin·g this courSe the women areeli�ble for positions as teachers ofs�lesmanship to the girls employedin the department stores.GREEKS HOLD NINE MILLIONC.:>ntinued from page t.'thC'ir own roof. are worth in the ag­gregate $566,000, or an average perhouse of $29.789. •Kappa Alpha, Northern, (there isa Southern fraternity of the samename,) is smalt so far as numher of/Chapters go. but when it comes toWealth to memb�ship ami the pres­tige due to old age, it IStands in thevery fiorefront. .It is t.he one fraternity whoseevery chapter owns a magnificent.mansion. The five of them areworth $143.500, or $28,700 per boUse. The DaD, lIarooa II DOW _ .... at...... ,_.,....�--- I��..• .f:- �:_'.�. , � �- -; .: You'll find this ninth annual saleto be the most important .event � 0f}.the year in ·this section .. U nusually Iarge and ?om­plete assortments of all t he prevailing shapes, and­leathers are shown at the lowest prices ofthe year.Only a few of the many special values are giyen here.FIRST FLOOR SOUTH ROOMSpetiai Bags at $4.85Real pin seal hand bag in blackand colors. Silk moire lined, .Triple frame of German silver-�O��l.� �����.���.l��: $4.85 Special Bags at $2.65.Fine grain morocco hand bag·in black only. Gusset bottom "and silk· lined.' 'German . sil�er. .���;urs�� .... ���� .. $2.65·Spetial Bags at $1.88 :.Fine llTairi morocco hand b9!, 'in black only. C�lored ��e lin:,Ing, German silver ' fr��·Complete with P�:$'l 88'-::and vanity fittings... ' •Special Bags at $3.35Morocco hand bags in the newlong shape with 'flap and button.Come in' black and colors. Silk·moire lined; Gold and sUver:�t� .... ��.�,�.e.�:. $3.35,..··Exclusive Novelty HandBags ',.'You'll like them: �� mu�h. T hC'y come in fine black �d� c�loredieathers and in the newest pop ular ,shapes.· at {rom . (Firstt f1<�or, .SoUtil room) .•.••••••••••••••..•••..•, •..•.•••.•••.••. $S.75 to Sg.50.Important Annual Sale o� .. .Sample Handkerchiefs.for Menand ·Women-Savings of .1-�to 1-212, l-ic· .. fSc,- 25c,:. 35c. SOc; 75c,. ".' , . ', .. ' .'.,.: .. : The: sak iiidud�:lihe e�'tii e f't� pf 'sa�J� from our. "'��le- .• sale house·and of sevei'al of 'the largest importers- The qualiti� andstyles cover'�' Wide· .range in both, �omestic and imported J:umd-kerchiefs. ." ,One comer" embroideries, all around embroidered, scallo�dborder lace handkerchiefs of a)·1 kinds" colored novelties, plain bem­stitched linen in ·both women's �nd men's handerkerchiefs a�e priced,.each, 12 ii�2C, 'dk, 25C� 35c; SOC a�d .. (.f!rst floor, �or�h �oo�nJ ·.·75c'• .,•� oJ' •• -in the class-room as well as on the campus are only wonby training. Fit yourself-get the last ounce that's in you.Drink .and you·ll be able to do better work.vigor-dersghdully wholesome. '..... - Ie".... -:-TWnt..o-cw..Demandlhe Ccaal_Rdate Subtlltalel1BECOCA.akACO., �G..JOU lee anArrow thinkof CoCa-Cola... ',.;I( ' ..... � .: : •• : �....; ...:._- .... ,_ .- .... - -- ....;.. ", '1" .... --1' -� '"·�HE·DAIL�·.M�ROON •. Wt;:t>NESDAY, MARCH 5, t9t3r::==============::;:;i11 TAKB PICTURES TODAY while Weakley who is performingOP TWO FRES for the first time in Conference. com-; : I • HMAN TEAMS. petition is showing up' well. Smithought to score easily 'on the sideCoach Pace:' Discusses Track Menon FiBt Year Team-Baranc:ik horse while. Ho!lings.worth on 'diehonizonal bar and tumbling togetherStrODe Man. with Sponsel's work in the tl.)1ingrings should incr�asc. Chicago'ssc.6r�'� � : ... ; ,.,Ilictures for the Cap and Gown ofthe Freshman basketball team will betakun tomorrow at I and of thel·re�hman track team at 1.10. Listsiof those candidates for the two teamswho will be expected to appear forthe picture have been posted inBartlett! by Coach Page.The make-up of the Freshman bas­ketball teams will be as follows:Acker, Sparks, Darrenogue Fisher,Stegeman, Schull, Tharp, McConnul1,Riedel, George and \Vilson. Thesemen must appear in suits promptlyat I. The following members of theFreshman track and field team willhave their picture taken in uniform�t I: 10: Barancik, Boyd, Foster.MacNeal Moore, Sanderson, Sparks,Stout, Tyrell, Williams. Whiting.Hardinger. Moulton and Tenny.Owing to the new Conference rul­ing prohibiting any Fireshman com­petition Coach Page .has. adopted apolicy of awarding suits and numer­als in track only to men of abilitywho have worked conscientiously inpractice and who have passed a num­her. of cornpetittive tests. Thesetests will be given in indoor and;'outdoor Freshman open meets totake place during the reamainde.r ofthis quarter and the Spring quar­ter.In the short sprints. the 35 and 50yard dashes, the coach has awardedfirst hoors to Barancik, who has onseveral occasions outstripped thefastest Varsity men. In the longer'sprints during the out door seasonand in the 100 and 220 yard dasheaCoach Page esteems Barancik as anespecially oSttrong man.. . Boyd wasalso mentioned by the coach yes�t'erday as a suong contender forhonors iIi the short runs as well as in j. ,the broad jump: . At present Boyd dlml_.-IlIIBII.IWlllllIlIIIII.uDlIIDmllimlllill[;:�holds records �f 2S 2-5 seconds. In .� -- ..the 220 and 22 feet in. th� .jump- � $BOEi'U,AlRlNG:.·:Other men of ability whose work in We·.�� in: . . . .'-.:'the dashes was commended by the Quhlity of Material. '. ..coach are Davidson, Moulton, Mat-son and Russell. Excellency of Workmaaship"The . Freshman track squad of Promptness ,in .ezecu'lon. of. o�den'916 is the strongest in distance run- and Courte8y�' .ners in the historY of the U niver- TEST USf1ity," said Page yesterday .. �'In .the .. - --SMITH-GOODYEAR:.,�:: ck::u1::t����dt�7 �� big open distance running 'cup ·hcom-� fromn!.�PPIDeL Prlcee very petition in January, a large majority 11M ... Ikd &tree&.MRS. EARLE E. EUBANK • of the prires were won by Fresh- Opposite Postoffice.. � Jadmoo Avenue. men. The only weak 'Spot at present �qlfJlIINIII!IIIIIUI�IIHUDllBlIlU!D!nollH!lImll!Dl!Uimmmm!lllllllll:mlilIlIl!llllUm;m'Phone 1lidW87 69n. (",osting in the team is in the fi�d - �events. Few men have - entered in' Ladies! Saye MODeY ucI �, isthis department and fewer . .s1riJ1 have. Style Ly Readiac..• McCaJr.({i�played form. More men shouldcome out for the9C events." . IIapzi.e aM Usm, McCaD PaUeras"At present," he continued, "Whit­ing _:n'd' Tenny in the high jump.Spark..c;, HardingClr and Moulton inthe shot put and Borruff and Mooreill' the pole vault, are the only menw.ho show promise in the field eVents.The team is well off for hurdlers.wih Riedel,. Russell and W.hiting.U==D='B=:a=·=B=Y==C=L===U=B=.=\\' CHANGE D�;��YM MFE'"6JI6:Cottaae. Grove Ave. _'--B I' L L I A R D S Wisconsin Gymnastic Te.m Will,Ul\ L Y Come to Bartlett March 14-40C Pu' Hour .Beit Appointed ROom,oD the. Soath Side.�:,FuU :Slze Tables." T.,1III: FACI1Lft AND 8'1'1JDBNTII01 tMl;NIVWI%Y OF CHICAGO:'This bank's weU-kDown reputa­tioll for sound maDaCement anddeht dea1inC has· been pinedtbrouCh nineteen �eara of strictadherence to safe methods ancIconsideratco attention to casto­aiers- needs.'i our .. vinca account or chec:kincaccount is welcome and appreci­ated here.Woodlawn Trusttl Sarines ·BanllHeat RegulationrHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SERVICETHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDInstalled in the Universityof Chicago BuildingsComplete Systems forall Methods of Steamand Hot Water HeatingControl of HumidityReducing Valves for Air,Water, �d Hot Water TankRegulatorsJOBson ServiceCo.Ii. J .• GILSON" lIanqer.Chic:aao Office.iI, DEARBORN. STREETEuro.an 'ToursSend for informatioD COII�inexpensive �; tours.JULIA C· BRAHNAN·.1;26 VI. iooth St., Chicaco.Chi("ago Will, not meet Wis-con!;in intbe schedUled dual gymnastic meet(·n Saturday night but Will take on. th� Cenffal Turners instead. TheBadger �et has' been postponeduuil Friday afternoon, March '4 .Accordtn'g to Coach Hoffer, Chi­("ago's chances in thc' meet with'Visconsin are e�eptionally brightif the Badgers will USe a six manteam insfead of the ten men as re­quired by tbe Conference rules. "Chi­cago -is fifty per. cent better, �i!1tyear than last," dt10lared Coach HoE ..fer, "and if Wisconsin will play us' !with six men we have a fine chanceo( capturing honors. Parkinsonshoul4 score hea\fily in the all..aroundThe Daily :'Ma�� ' .. :fo� .... at ('vent, �. last' year he took second. highest honors. Squalr is one of thethe Praa. best club swingers in the cOnference�=======:t::=={r..IFrances. Holden SllinnerTEACHER OF SINGINGPapn. 'entered· at .� time." .,.,.... .... _ 8tttd ..'IS··".e Alta BaH. I ....ilycSe Park. Studio; 14" E, ssnt It.Cor. Washin�o. Ave.. �eL R. .P. 11M �. ',Start P.oOl flnats' :Tomorrow:The . fin.fs in the Reynolds cluhbilliard and pool tournament will beheld 7tomorroW and.: FridA), instead ofyest�day and today al first an­nouriced,'c LASSIFIED. DVER·TISDtENTSf."OR SALE-Dialllond Ring, 3 clus­ter. Cost $75. $,5U will take it.W<aJtC1" 'Fogg; J34.5 It 55th· Street.L.OST-·-Last Friday� �ilh't on 57tlistreet, between Mandel .hall anti.��odla�n avenue, ear ring withcrystal pendant, Ret�rn to 1375 E.57th Street, Sth 'floor, and receiverQWaro.· . � . , .." .I -FOR RENT-Elegant 5-J:ooau. apart­ment, newly. furnished in mahog­any. All outside rOOIDa. Flat in­cluding furniture; for rent of fiat.53J4 Kimbark avenue. Midway 5196.Box 92, faculty exc:b.J1ge�_. "! ."-WANTED-Ten Law students forvacation work.' One for permanentposition Must be at least 22 yearsof age. W ri�� R.. 'R. Kelly, 30 W.70th Place, C�icagoNOT A FORTUNE BUT-Any manatte�ding college desirous of earn­ing money .Ji:a.riestly ana easily, '.•write, A. M. Graham;. Oberlin, Ohio,., .. " ",.' .�.. ' � 11:_ ,'�. \... .;' . :. I , ••�------ .c.r •• aca'; •• wlllM5GALJ;5 MMiAZDIE help you dress strl­Isbly at a moderntoexpense by toeplllglOu -postod on 'bo• latest tashlons Inclotbes and hat& 60New Fashion DesIImS,t In e:lch Issue. Also� T:llaable Infonnatlo:J.t. ._ on an home and per·soaal mat&ers. 0011liOc a YMr. Includinga f'rco JlftUem. Se!).__ aIR .... _a_ 8CJ1be today or 8Cndtor troo samplo COpy.1Ic:(.I 111 enablo you to mate In yourown home. Ith yourown bands. clo'hhlJr forJ'oanelf and children ..... hICh will be perr�in ItJlo and fit. PrI�_Oft8 blcbof tban Iicenll. Send ror tree �m CacalOCUe. .W."" T .. ,_ ...... for «ettlnlr sub­.crIptlODS amo_ your rrtends. send for freePremium Cataloarao and Casb Prise Oll'er._lIcaLLc.AIr,m .. ze .. 376a._Nl......'"MAROON ADS PAYPatronize Maroon advertisers; theyare progressive business mea.I Pe!MiDiatureRUG of •. oRIENTAL. tDesign with£ada �acbp.WHAT ·HE SAID.\,. •••• • • I �SHE said: "Ob,' YOl1' poor boY! I forgot tibring you some cigarettffS from ahroad. ».But HE said. :." Sweetest of giris,:�ever;�Don't you know the cigarette cent�r"�f the world. ',has moved to this; coUiltry? HaV�D�t you �of ·the -ENCHANTE'D J CIGA��TE? Hasnobody told you ab()fu� .��belda·!��: I _. .'§k��. ::::. '-.20/'t: 1�cm14 .- -''ZUBE-LDA-e TURKI'SHVIRCiINIA-- . ",C·IG·.AR'E'FT.:S:��. �'. � t -: �_.... '.--------------------.----�--����--._----------� ------...•.. '-Hotel Cumberland.NEW·YQ� ...Broa4Wti- .at, 54th Streev· "..'Near:sotll,Stteet;Subway Station ............ .,. ssra street.' �tC�eCl: ".. .�, ..•... : UBroad.y." . � .. f�om: . Grand' ....:', .. :.�e�� '�.� ',.. �' •. �- ._.Seventh Avenue;Cars from::;p�vania, ��o� '. � : ..I{BI'T Br rt QC!;c.LB0!l.�;':: ,'IlEAIJQUARTEllS FOR. COLLBO •.. ' , .'. " SrJWIA'1J R.tTBS FOB 'OotLBb."�.AM e '".'. Ten·Minutes' W�to, 'l"IiirtyTfaeiltreS-: ,.Ro�m�. with .B�th, $2:SO .. 8nd up;.: � ,"New, Modem -and·:P.ueproof .:liIiR�\ii P. STIltlSOtt. ;IIANAGElt1IF..\DQUAltT&RS FOR· CHICAGO. . .' ··wFor months we've been an idpating the time when _ �ou·d .,.wanting smart new spring do.1: cis.,And now a 'wealt��of n�w 1'!;�·terials have be�n,coU�ed ready toexhibit to you this day. • . '" . .'. . ...Come in arid choose one of !:e!:e modisl1 exclusive novelties.Then let us taBor· YOlJr do �:cs so they will give that iD�escno.;:­able quality termed "good sty ie.·�Prices $30. oJ, to $50.00'DIIr. lito .... :7 �. L& Salle Street,11 E. llonroe Str�t.25 II:. J� B�vd. . �AA��A-tf�A. N. JERREl\-IS,' Manager •.TAILOR FORYOUNG MEN-----------------------------------------------------------. ". '.' ":. �4HICAGCD."- _., 2 z-- .--- -.�� -------- M- �." � .. W:HAT ORGANIZATIONSA'RE DOING HERE� .. �.. --.�. '. Fendble Dinner ToniCht. Sophomores will give a class picnic.._, iiiIMi.�'i.. ..... N' B . tb World' �....... . � f encibles will hold a dinner to- and two dances.�-m .. VUI':. ew ome-- e s . UI�e night :at 6 in .the private dining room Lake Forest Players.. �-Stere�-JDSt Aeross}\tom Oar .00a -.w .. ::!e t��o:o;o7..:nsj,a:.U :::�:�edW�� �<:!>'-·�T�u���:n�y s::.ep�a!:!t�;.:",' :;: �. � . - .• '". I :notify John Burtt on the Junior rack Upton. Sinclair, and "Pierot of the. ��" . ft''N-:' -: , '. h doubt jt js ' h' " -1-d" . .in Cobb immediately. Minuteh by Earnest Dawson will be.��.,. �.: D- .wrt out OU t It IS fhe wOt�· -. f.�!.\ ..... Ptwol.ogi�Soci�Mee�. presented- by the Lake' Forest players .:f' ,,: - � .-- ..... '. .� I h· for v ·M· " U f G" l' The Philological Society WlU meet in Mandel Saturday, March I� •. for"..).� :.' <: greatest ,C ot Ing store <;>r YOU', . or. __ • �_. •. t(tn�ght at the home of Professor the benefit of the University Equal .,.� '. ' We've done what perhaps no other 'store has .Merrill. 5626 Washington aven�e.. Suffrage league. Seats will sell for.... �d'-' ·11 d id .' -. ; . . .. Assistant Professor Goettsch wdl $.25· $.50, $,75 and $1, and are on sale. (�'V@t ( o,(!e, .�r: ever WI o--set asi e '.� r�Gm espec- talk on "Concerning a Rare Aesopus" daily in Cobb or may'-be secured by''ia1fy .. for you�-The College Room onthesecond and Dr. Clark on "Vedic Study,' writing 67 Green hall.flqor-s-designed in such a way as to mike' .any loyal Professor Hirsch Lecture- Women's Glee Club-,Trip •. -·c·dll:�."'.·g·--e:-'riian feel "bully." P�ofessor Hirsch gave a lecture . The Northwestern university Gleo, last �ight on "The Range and Bear- club will give.a concert aCMandel."'1- bt'th,is .room we've assembled clothses' of ::::c��, �:!:r�d!�ea�����)l�;:�. Re_ �;;�::��:��! -��o::en��09Gl�!n c::b' . =- ;.-�a standard that cannot be 'reachedelsewhere-« Sophomore Class Luncheon. .. and.University orchestra wilt give' a- :-C�i�����.�f. distinction, well tailored. itt :;�vc�tf.a�t�U,� .·So�:�!:���:� w��n:�::: .�: t:: :�:��r!:�l���t:��:��;h'F��r:�.of, the-season's newe�t and neatest p�ms�and·: of ·:giveq March 14. This luncheon is repeat. the. contata and several� .���r.a;op�, Itel�n4�s, �n�l�nd's and i���'S �� .the .��6t of a series wh.icih �llu:r� ��e�h��rrilb:::�:�iC�o�ce:rtpr:�::��w(jalen� . You will find these at the. :same 'remark- contl�u�d. durlns the J)pr p� q c' .._LJ Jl_.. .... hi h ' . 1 �.. 'h�ld $20 ter .. B�sldes these lunch(tflq�, �h W��Jcs ��o.· ; • • '" ,.a�y,.�:w'. prices W IC we ve a w�Y�;l:IP '�" •... 'u'AR'OO' N'STAFF.WILL I"$25 �30 I - d $48 1ft financ al worries for the- �;lJ' as' f!lf'.. _ , ;. � ... .an :tip to. '.'�DIT GARY NEWSPA�ER as soliciting advertisements Is eon-����.�.�.,���.-�.��._����,�����������������������-�.�'�--�"�-'���'��'�'-�'�-���I � c�nl��::Ins�a�he �ll wri� �out'AMOIlPRjr.. @$_,-AIIU��EN��,:�_' AidiikliiCiifs··. (Continued from page eRe' ihe markets, 'iabor 'conditions ana-_____ ..... """',.,,__,_._" __ --.:...----.. . _..;_ _.. � ......... -_ ... __.....,_ .... : - ,,,.... .' _.'- == the real estate .pptlppJc in Gary. after.E . -:':__:�:: ... 1 ;, -I:.�c.··!;,,-�... �:--· .. �,�.·,-.E,.. ,8,.... �$t):.:, �'. \ O',L"�'�'I' 'c-'- _-. .attack 'national, state and, local is- the example of "Boersianct,"· flit4- ._ r . ' I • l.W'a.-- 511" !.ffpJIl'either side. or -both. The odler" notable: "financial reporters ..-: sport1ng editor �s J:>ps¥ pla!lnin� how Samuel Kaplan, dramatic editor, will, -a: ....... __ ' � �'. �����, � Avenue.. best .to -present to 6ary ,e�d�r� til! comm, �P.t ,liP. ��. garY as a �ro�"c.. i�g� _v� �� .• .- - .... - ,--.---. -. -- --- 'Henry W. savap Otra's : 'very lateSt neWs of the· Spring train- center. and wi�l pr��a,e Detes OR tb, .'-__.... �,:�_:�_��(ii�:;,...iiili 'lIiia.A:.f.•.l2! ::::\Fl�-.�.o�-m._,,�'��b'tl' w ��Ot'be'T0laPt'�AmY _.__ ili� �- He·� also boping against nttracions now- current . there_ 'Martin. . ,.... -_ .. AM:IIC � .... ..._ ........ -roP.'-O� THE ;·)ldR\"-fH/.. ," hop�'�at he WIll be able to unearth Stevers;;as. city editor. is 'an old.� '. ;. ; 'adva�� "dop," on a .. prize..fight in �ta�er on-th� MA"ROON andbas'bee'\'.UI.LlYAII.·QOJI" ...... ' ��...;..- BeIILDlmualc .. bl blgb claa-. With. an Ezc:ePtioDal.eut.. Jnc1ndinc some, one of t�e �dgbtborifli !o�ns connected· with the l"ter-Owlf'. �er------ ... _ - .... _-� __ - • �. ��_.&D4tl4:&l".QIlI' o.ew.$1.500 'TUn :lIurp"�';'.ana-.�"� '�her� -�uch .. eYents are not exactly liard Vipi�r, �portii1g editor. Oecu-.ODVCIK�, DapAlrJll)tll"l' .. ,. pipe �. .' . : ._:, :..,_.:_,,- : .... .:; ��.he3.rd of; The .. telegraph editor l pies a si�r positioQ 011 t"� .MA�A1111O� '-�- f\�'., <' ,_'1 � _ �,..' ';, .: .' ,_ _ __ • __ �.. _ .. __ .. ' . will ba aj��� in .his work by having ROON. and got practical experience� � ;.:. � �." , pR�li�ic-E:SS.::·\" ::�� . . th� la� n� �k� ��leFhoned last Summer a� a reporter for !he .. ·.. .,., ....... ,.�. ·1 HI . '. .: t:'; . . to him·f(Om the Chicago office of tit!. Cit)" Pr�ss association. H�ram �e"nh�-�... .��. I ..... "';-. � GRT WdL.A! ..... _lb • 1 •• ----- . ·Unit�(LPr�"._ Nathanie\ .Pfeffer. '11. cott� Imanaaing editp., ,,� tit, Sfm�_ .·L=' �_�� .... -, ,_ '1'he ;Fiii(QUt ..?"_'�Jiiiii.';ilj ·ls.. ��·:!be U ... P .. �d wi'� see that po�ition OD the. MARO?N, aq4JUHGLB �. ':...:' - ,-:-'�,;:., • . � .. -.. . -� -.:, -: -'.� l'� llie �rnce to tiaay � Qf �he best. galD�d some practIcal expenence 0,,"., . Actiiii .. .;. � i Ttie:�e of � VIO� (3 pazi�.) 'BOUGu!�l�AlB�l5l Anot"�:.ex:-lIAROO� , .. �ditof/ � tlJo N!!.!�'t}t� .S��r� at No�ta, 'O�'a�'. ;�Eztra �'" :. '--;f- t .. �e. �. (��ma) ........ "B1 cQeCL ...,." i'it;;:: _- _ ! .Ec;tdy; Matthews, !07. IS, at 'present homa, last �fI�ffl�'�E� � .!l-U��!i.'_ .;'! � ••• ::atn.�,Sratqy ,(comedy). �. i . .'- '.- .:,.r. .. �.� . I �V����JJ.·s:orrespo�dent for the -. !p- �ttq iifiia. � � wa_ " Her Brotb«'s Keeper (drama) . ·AD.�.� .��_ t. F�"&s1UD1 SClnr�' Ilfht,t" i'Jl4 mar be . �.�._ Bne:m!tle --: .� ".:. .- .'. '. '.. .. . '-.'" �. �k�d· to wire to, :Gary. the latest MAR901"l AD�• �AG� •. ��:XXL,j�;-;Ji.;· .. ·.· . I "'�';'. ._; ;'. -. ". - '_�--.'_ �-�'�;.�.\ inelVs!(rom;.hte:'�a�onaI.capitol� But- - .. _", . ......._;_III th.�PO.IdiIl;.�"" ����,.;� .... '-:: ; AD�O� :._ . 'A._�lIf IIOSIC1Ob1�-·-<.· dettc. Mast,'�&l!lesS'ln�nager of t�e 'BRI�G RESULTS-' -- ' ... �LIIAJI.��.,,,,.,.�,��.�, __ •••••• :lO:. . � H,�_<,t -- ... ¥A�O�N,W1l1be,.et'�ed gf �I;J :.�, .. _.�.:�� .. �, .•.•�ed7 HoftlUr _a .. '::',' .���tB1 . .ata e' F. . . ' : .. ""'! �.. - -." _.-A treat �1Od.;z ..;;_ � '. '�."';.�". -. - .. __ .-. Wm· A. Brady ADD�.:BEJ..OJ1ft,..�,�. : ':'-:!:;��'� .' ... ,.. �n's Bat�..:..:...-rri.,..".:!.!;�'I'�"":�� �" .�D.. EBAKERI ...,--- '---:--"-_"" ."-Richilid .�" :¥ ....... ",.-.� ,.' _. � ..... . . T-HE RED"PBTtICO.T�· '.'.. • -<..... ..j �-iIaiantoIl·s·Darbsc-lsIditttbCrit --. X:Masical'C'omed7 of ���.t :��,,·_,,�·--�;;:i.��� • ..,....,... ,,' f." .- ...... .t-,..,. ...,., f . C'" ._, '.. .,_. "; ," �� .� �.HHDNESS. OF V�UB" With Helen LO�",-Star''Cat 'acJBeaD�·Ch�.·. "," .. '.-.mas''l8c-2IC .. UC-". . ...... ; - -..__ \,STELLA MAYHEWMatinees Wed.. Sat.TbeBic�_'� .OUlt'WIVESwith 1IeDr7 KolkerPrice. 5O-75-4r.oo & ,r.so.1. .\M�EsTI�.'" .) .� '. COLO��ZIGFELD ;FOiuES .',Eztrao� :Pe.tare. "Cbioc IJiic P�. :aDd Co..'oh4.�O�i*, - ..."With 'B� Taylor ill �edy. 'E&ou'a Tririmphant TaUdoc PicturesSubjects: --Temptatioos of Faust.". . . "Jack's JoteW .In Paul Armstroq'. p1Q of tile boar; :0 \ ··l·<;...l.....,;.;_..'ADdri A--....... T�E ESCAPE. . . . _,Uacaa, eDDe ..... we· 'C� .•.. ; ·�otmd. Co., Scbicbt's�: .. � 'Bert Le97, Leo . Canillo,._____________ -•• A • l .' .. _ II� a:.Sbayne"HELJt�W�,povv� .......... -::.... -- .. _-THE PASSIHG -SHOW --OF �i.i" .Biggest Musical �_ Cat..· ,,.._�; pAlACil IDJ8IC '1llLL .ELIZA�.ETH MURRAY• .' ,JOE WELCHj PiOftiitizae 8iqera Ameta McDevitt-I ,tt�-Lacq, 4 Bards, SWOI' a: Ihck,'------------"""',' R_pdeU Trio.:�n..• ".. wonder of the Cent1lr7CHIC�GO _, . I. . Taaiq lIoviq Pictures, . , - .. -- '::j'_', ,";• ·O� •. ��-�.��.'.�.. -�-�.-�.� __�a�!���NE1 ._.- • . •, : 'L� WALLERIa A .'1ratiiaIe of' ConftllienceC. lladp Titberadp Charles FrobmaD PresentsMAUDE ADAIISin her moat famous -RcceIaPETERPAH,CORT