laily !larnnn·VOL.·XI., No 97. . . UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TV ESDA Y, MARCH 4, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS .Chicag-oLYMAN'S PLATFORM-WOMEN'S CREW CHORUS rAlKlNSoN's .. PLATFOU StRENUOUS WEEK ISTO FEATURE "FOlllfS" PLANNED FOR VARSITY To the Editor:170 the Editor: This written platform differs fromIn response to the MAROON'S Illinois Central platform in thath·, d Coacla p. ..e Will (dye Basket BaD Teamvitation to set down. in 300 wor s a - it permits me to train for the catch'brief outline of salient points of DaiIJ � t. Im- while the other allows me to catchpolicy supported by . candidates," I proye CeMiIio. the train Because of the short term.�g to: -submit the following. allowed an officer of the club it isPRICE OF SEATS IS REDUCED I am· not in favor of compelling all BADGER GAME Will BE CUMAX altogether fitting and proper that he TAKE TRIP TO GRAND CANYONundergraduate men to join the Rey- formulate some of his plans beforenolds club whether they will or not running for office.Chances for Victory Next Fridayas has been advocated by the MA- The question that has come beforeROON in its eecent editorials. Nor Look Better as Result ofthe club most recently is that relative'do.I think the dues should be low- Minnesota Game. to compulsory membership in thecred from $2.00 a quarter to $1.00, club. I believe the measure shouldeither with the proposed compulsory If Coach Page's plans are carried he given a trial in the ncar future.membership or with the present mem- out the Varsity basketball 'men are in The measure recommends itself to March 14 oyer the Santa Fe for t h cbersbip. To do so in either case 'or the hardest week of the: year. The me because there is not a shadow of Pacific coast. Approximately thirty­would reduce the income of themen are by no means in the best QCJlIbt that it would make the club... �\·e mcn will be taken with a facultydub to much less than the amount condition, according to Page, and he more democratic-the purpose for., h td representative. probably l\Ir· Haroldnecessary to main tam It on t e pres- :lroposes to have' long scrimmages which it ·was erected. This woud _.1 t thi of pro t k Th . f h f r G. Moulton. The cluh will occupy aent stan aro; 0 say no ng - with the Freshmen al wee. e mean a reduction 0 tree or ou',1' f d f hi h t I r. h t private car dnrimr the trip. and willvunng no un out 0 w IC 0 pay Wisconsin game Friday will be t re hundred dollars nrorn t e presen ...: .or the many greatly needed im, climax of the season. and if Chicago revenue of the club for each, of the make a short sight-scc.irur tr ip to theIf h .h d 'f . Grand Canvon. The itinerary is 110tprovements, owever t e mern- :oan break the Badger recor 0 VlC- Autumn Winter, and Spring quarters, oJ. h . h·' I b announced. Those who have beenbers of the club tliink t at CIt er tories Page declares that he wil e hut would mean a large saving in thed 'selected to date follow:or both of the above changes a vo- =airly well satisfied. Summer quarter. Further, the dub.cated by the MAROON should be The forward and center positions would get more from the greater use Tenors'made the constitution offers a simple 'Ue practically certain, and in all of the billiard tables and could dis- L. P. Payne.and easy way for them to get the ',robability the same men who have pense with one of the men 'whose �1{. C. Tindall'matter before the University author- played the positions heretofore �n main duty is to watch the door. This Chester Zccb iclitic:s who have the final disposition start the Wisconsin game. The hne would be a great. relief to a great L. H. Lt1l1(ll)t.·r�f .f J rds ! t so certain I H. n. Fr- .. ' ".,:0 It., . up 0 . t te gua s IS no .many liherty..seeking sou s.1£ elected I shall put forth my best Bell is recovering from the effects of The surplus revenue for at least ,0. D· �t:"lr.efforts to accomplish the following the' Illinois game, and he was not the past two years has not been used! Second Tenore., .' .. d' h M' nesota game Satur., . \,r L .things: use III t e ID11 to pay debts incurred in the club's 10_ H. v, cwi sTo improve .the lighting system in day. Molander was not used at -fancy, or in storing up a surplus, but R. 'V. "Millc r.Ihe club library; to install a drinking 'inois, but he played a good gameh�t has been put right back into the club C. \V. Joice,'1 b d M' Ii Baumgartner got tSC L Wei .water system; bUI d coat cup oar 9 mneapo s.. " . in the form of improvements. It . . emman'in the 'billiard room; put postage first chance at a regu;r POSllil;�.lD seems that the expenses for improve- J. c. H enrlcrson'sta"mps on sale: install a U. S. mail the Illinois game, and age. use Imf '11 t b heavy after we get E. V. Zcddies. ,. . Minnesota. He IS one 0 mens WI no e•box; provide better smokes for club again at '... er, . .the-lightialg .system .. foe. � the .... lihQry, •• r •• � ..... .Baritones-.. "'� '". 'L._"':"6.".".LL-L· L--, ..... he -best men' on :the�te:lDl �Oy 0.".�;-emp�VQU��&.""··UiU-:. d h was used for this different drin1cing water, and the -. W. O. Colemanb� sb.Qp;. put',v�ntilat!ing'�ystem in tOg hIS man, an e.' .coat booths for the billiard room, .0. K. -Mortonw�ricrin'g coDdition; devise a scheme purpo�e.. . 'which we' must have now. After T. E. Fordby which over-crowding at club . Chi�o Defeats Mi�ta.these are obtained let us try the un i- Co Eo Jackson. �ances might be avoided (for ins- Chicago defeated Minnesota in aform membership, If then we do not H. A. Lollcsgard,.anee the floor in Hutchinson com- tight game at Minneapolis last Sat-meet what expenses there may be F. A. Goldberg,mons might be put in shape and dub urday. The team ran away from theeither the dues must be raised or' op- J; P .. McArthur.dances given there); devise some sys_ Gophers ,in the first half, but slowedtional membership restored. W.; E., St,anleysQcial functions; instafl 'up-to-date ,down in the second, owing to the I am against setting aside a -room :. Basses.')in-setring machines in the bowling hard effects of t he I11inois game for any clique of men because this ·n. H. Holling-sworth.alleys. -.Wednesday. Chicago completely out- would in part nullify the advantages D."S, \VhittlcseyIn short I am ·thoroughly in sym- played Minnesota� taking �he lead obtained by unifonn membership. N. U. Spangkrpathy with the progressive idea and from the start and at no time wasSuch a scheme has been tried in the E. E. LungrenFINALS IN CLUB'S.. believe that the club should be man- :he team in serious danger of beingpast and at the time caused no end E. A. Shilton.BILLIARD TOURNEy 1ged by its members. wertaken and passed· of hard feeling. But the club does E. H. LundeWILL START TODAY ., :_ George �. Parkinson . Norgren 'played the feature game need a lounging room where fe110ws J. C. ,Morrison.for Chicago, making three basketsk d Ia h .. C. E. \"atk'lnscan sing, smo e, an p y t e plano·tnd playing a spectacular game onwithout fear of disturbing anyone. J. A:, Greenethe floor. He seems to have reco�- The third floor offars opportunities Director. Stevens will Jla.\'C charge�red his eye for the basket, .and :f the library on the first floor now lack ofi the men during their entire tourhe can· keep up the pace, Chicago s• '11 As things now stand the dancescl1ance9 of beating \VisconstD W1B h D are overcrowded and the smokers PROFESSOR" HENDERSON'''e greatly, improved. ot esJardien and Vruwink played first are poorly attended. Why not give RETURN.S SPRING 'QUARTERmore dances and fewCf' smokers?This would be especially beneficial�o the smokers, because the officers,would make more of an effort to'11;lke the smoker a success, and the.actors would feel it more of an honor'f) appear on the program. A living'xamplc of such a success is theL;lW school smoker.A lunch counter where fel10wscould hook a little grub late in the�,·el!ing. novels in the library, theclt;b open at seven in the morning ino�der to let students read the morn­ing papers. are a few stlggesionswhich arc worthy of immediate at­tention.We need greater co_operationamong officers and assistan�. My aimwould he to have Mr. English andothers smiling from rosy dawn tocrack of midnight. The dub is pri­�l1arily thore to be enjoyed: it shouldnot he. a battleground, a pair,. or a"orgue. I have the utmost confi­d('nce in my abilitY to put through a�uccC'Ssful progra�.' .Have you?,Wiltiam H. LymanPLANS FOR GLEE CLUBTRIP ARE COMPLETE DW_ Wil Acco.paaJ . .,...,LIeweIIp i8 ,�'Deep Sea y ..... "SatanlaJ ia IIudel Me. Will Leave for Pacific' Coastill Private Car Over Santa FeMarch 14Take Thirty�Five Men on J ourney=-Prospect of . Large House Is Bright-Rehearse Afternoons andEveninp This Week. Itinerary Not Known-MostAre Selected.A group of women like those whowill t, rm the University crew in thetime of the "Midway beautiful" willappear in the "Gym Dandy" on Sat­urday night to accompany DorothyLlewellyn in "Deep Sea Yarns." Asone of the choruses describes them,they arc "ripping, snorting, fair playsporting, kittenish, lamblike andcavorting, ragtime sporting girls."The first Mandel hall rehearsal of"Campus Follies" was held yester­-day afternoon, and' was marked byreiterations' from the coaches. to"Yell it! I can't hear a word-" TheIreshmanjn the third act 'fainted sohard that her hair came down, andeveryone stumbled. over. ·the·:· Dra':'matic club. propertdes, Otherwise theperformance went, o,if as well as couldbe expected. ..Costumes )lOR Elaborate.The costumes for the .play_ a��more elaborate thau .jhose of· twoye�rs ago.:;Th·e committee has. W?rkedhard over 'them, and' the. maJonty ofthem a�� .. .r�dy now·,· P.ictilre9 -?fsome of tbe·.dlo�es_ ilL..Cost�:.:.�,be taken 'this aJteAloOD- iii lIa_del.. .The.p*�� .: fo.�,�b.�, ,�'FoUi�s". :ha�e.been reduced. Box seats have beenreduced from $2 a�,:$I.SO: to �$I·50d $1 and the number of $1 seats onan ,• dthe main floor has \ ,been tlDCt'ea5C •Although the tickets have been �n. sale but a few, days, the, house ISnearly half sold out. Rehearsals forthe play will'be held e�ry afternoonand evening this week. Glee club men will leaveFinals in the �eyn�l�s club billiard GRAY WJTHDRA WS FROMand pool' tournaments will be �layed CONTEST_ �OR ��SU�Rtoday and tomorrow. The seIDl-finals �oU W�l, Be Open from 8 to 5 Fri-were completed. yesterday, each of day-Heetin& WiD Bethe games being loosely contested. Held at 10.Canby trounced Adams 120 to 93:"'I'lll'am G --. -hd £ thVickers defeated Hellett' J35 to 113; n ray WIt rew rom eF k t list of candidates for treasurer of theand McArthur downed' e ete.. 130 0ISO. In the billiard tou�a��nt, Reynolds club yesterday afternoon.Vickers won in the first dlVlslo.n This leaves only Stanley Sevier andKdl Robert Miller in the race. No moreHarger in the sec:ond and. ogg �n names'.may be added by petition asthe' third. Cavin was the WIDner IDthe first diviSion of t.he pool tounia-. �riday was the. last day for petition-d 'ing and the list as �t now stands isment. Fassett in the second, �n tinal unless 'SOme other candidatesBoyd in the third. Kellogg WJ. V Ick-should Withdraw.ers and Cavin vs. Boyd are t.heV· k P-olts for the Reynolds club annualmatches scheduled. for today.' IC ers.11 election wilt be open . in the club li­vs. 'Hargec and Boyd vs. Fassett WI. brary from 8 to 5 Friday. A specialbe played tomorrow. looting booth will be placed immedi-ately in"e the treading room door,and election clerks will be on handall day .. Friday to distribute ballots·'The annual meeting of the cluhwill be held Friday night. after thecounting of the baltots. Because oftbe beavy vote which is expected andthe difficulty of checking up on thehundred� of split tickets, it is thoughtthat the results of the vote wilt notbe announced untillat� Friday night.�The annual meeting of the club�1I start about 10, in order to per­mit the bomegoing crowds .of dub­in�bers to attend the ri"leeting afterthe . Wisconsin-Chicago game. class games.Lineup:C'L' (:�O) Minnesota (,'"Ilca�o -F S 'tl L,"lW� orgren ..•.•... R. m1 1.eo'Vruwink� L. F �cK .Des Jardien C Whtppern�CIBaumgartner L. Goo Jorgue�('Molander ....•.. L. Goo Law'Stad,'"naskets�Des Jardien (3). Norg:(J)� Vruwink (2). Belt (f�. Law.\(4). Whipperman (f), McKeown (I)Free throws-Norgren (2). Law).(4). University Chaplain 'Has Been Lec�turing in' the Orient-!-!oIlo�edby Chinese Cabi!!et.Dr, Henderson, the '·:1;n·r:-·itychaplain, will return on :\ pril .: irOl."his trip in the Orient to rc:-U11lC IllS'(')asses for the Sp�il,g- qnarter. �)r.Henderson, who has heel1 Icctnf111g'in the principal rities of India. China,nd Japal1 since September. witl ... :111.. n March I:; 011 tIle ··�rat1d('.,il1" fromYokohanla: . I1is chssc.s �\"ill heg-in 011'\prit I and will hc c011tl11cte<l for the'first week hy P�0fcs'()f· \bttht.'w".'Vhile lectllrin� in China Dr. Ht.'l1-��crson was acconl<:,l ofticial recoC"­n;tion ·H(.' was'called into �e\'Cr;dprivat� conferences witl; �h(' rh;n�..;ccabincl:. ",he'u he was askc(l to �W('his views on . p�ison COlHlit;()l1s inChina \ln� st!g'gesti.��,;; for their 1111-prov.cmcnt .... D·r., H('n<l�r..;()n :..; prc";­dent. of the 'International Pri";f)11 1,.,­form as�oci�ti�n an has st"�'t�'li�a p('Tblinstit�tio�s·.in 'all par'ts 'of 1he worM.: ...., �.... -_New Law Professor Enca&edSENIORS URGED TOMAKE RESERVATIONSFOR SUPPER, FRIDAY On account of illness Profe.ssorWhittier of the Law school will heout of residence next quarter. Dur­;ng his ahsence, nrofessor W. U·'Moore (If the University of Wiscon­sin Law school will lecture two daysa week.Plates for the Senior supper to. begiven'in the Commons cafe Fniday at(j before the Wisconsin basketballgame must be .reserved today, ac­cormng to President Kuh. Arrange­ments have been made wherebY'· tbctwomen in the W .. A. A. play will beCflabled to attend the supper betWeenrehearsals Many of the return post­als, l'esen:ing places have alreadybeen rec�ved. F. R· Moulton Speaks.Professor F. R. Moulton gave alecture last night on "Other WorldsThan Ours" at tlte Forty-first streetP.resbyterian church.THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MARCH 4. 1913·You Can't GetAwayRealizing the responsibility at­tached to the office of treasurer oft.he Reynolds club, I, if elected, willstand upon the policy of conscrvar,�111. efficiency, and economy. 1shall at all times have the best inter.cxts of the club at heart and shallspare neither time nor energy toac hie ve the furtherance of these int­erests.1 realize that the club has beenunder discussion recently to a farg'reat�r extent than ever before.Many changes are being proposedand far reaching effect!' are antici­pated. In these matters Illy policywill be one directed wholly to mak­jng the club the foremost colleg-eclub in the country. I t is here that Imight state that I stand firmly againsrthe changing of the character of thememberships, according to the COI11-pulsory system; as I believe thatpresent system is more efficient and ��==============-fIconductive to the principles for whichthe Reynolds club stands- In allother discussions that may arise, andin which I have a voice, my actionshall be based from the same view­point.Thanking you (voters) for pastfavors, and respectfully solicitingyour support on March 7. I remain,.Stanley Sevier.r--I!IPt�-�btl"I For ,months we've been an ticipating the time when you'd bewanting smart new spring do thes.And now a wealth of new materials have been collected ready toexhibit to you this day.Come in and choose one of these modish exclusive noveltiesThen .let us tailor your do thes so they will give that indescrib-able quality termed ··Cooo sty Ie." .Prices $30. 00 to $60.00�A. N. JERREMS, Manqer.'iaI ..._....��.To the Editor:I have decided to withdraw mycandidacy (or the office of treasurer. l '.:.: 1'I'll .... ,7 �. La S&Ue St ......71 E. llonroe Street.25 JC. Jacboa Bml.of the Reynolds club and consequent­ly will not send in my platform fortomorrow's MAROON.The Daily Maroon.u.n.ue .t 4If" ... Bulletin and Announcements.Yours trUly,William M. Gray.Divinity Chapel-Io:IS. Haskett as;sernbly,Freshman Social Committee--IO:IS,Cobb :lB.Marsals and Aides- Picture, 1:30,President's office.Geneva Reunion-s :30, Religious Education Club-Thurs­daYJ 7 :30, Home of Professor Soares,554S Lexington avenue. To the Editor:Junior Class Dance-Friday, 4-6Rcynolc.l.s club.Freshman Evening Dance-Friday,S, Reynolds club.W. A. A. Play-Tickets daily.9:15-3:IS.Candidates1 for 'Higher Degrees­N otify graduate dean's office at once.Senior Women.-S;gn· up for' Ma­roon ties in Lexington,' ,Leagueroom. See Louise A very,Semitic Club-8, Haskell 26.Philological Society-Meets tomor­row, 8, Home of Professor Merrill,5625 Washington avenue.start in this direction, but there issrill much to be done- For example,by the institution of a few changes­such as opening at 7 A. M.; thekeeping of a file of back numbers ofmagazines and newspapers; and bet­ter lights in the reading room andthe introduction of a boot black; theefficiency and comfort of the clubcan be greatly increased.J. Lastly, if elected, I shall devotewhatever time and effort is necessaryfor the proper conduct of the officeof vice-president.Horace Fitzpatnick To the Editor:The candidates for the office of Li­brarian of the Reynolds cluh deem itunnecessary 'to make public anystatement of our policies or reasonsfor candidacy. \Ve are extremelygrateful to you for extending us theinvitation-Yours respectfully.Jack C. Henderson ICowan D. StephensonE. w� Fassett . I'Kenneth G. Coutchie,I. I am opposed to the proposedamendment reducing club dues and• . " •• J. __ •making membership compulsory onall undergraduates. To do this meansa serious loss' of revenue, and onethat cannotl well be borne by theclub. Also Lam opposed to forcingally person to join any organizationagainst his will, tho he may behelped thereby. Such interferencewith a man's personal relations can-110t be justified on the grounds ofpublic policy any more than onecould justify a 'law forcing all citizensto take a membership ,in the Art In­stitute or Grand Opera association.2. I am in sympathy with themovement to make the club morecomfortable and homelike. The� .. �oJiuI m&1l M «.h. Oblcaco� � IlL. Kuda 11:1. l00s. UD­.tw Act of � .. 18'lI.alJllaCurJ:IO. a&S'UB1 curMr. t2.CIO a ,....: 11.00 • QUU'UIr.B1 mall. -.a.OO • �: 11.2:5 • Qartf'r. To the Editor:One year as a member of the Ex­ecutive Council of the Reynolds cluband four years active membership inthat organization place me in a rea;sonable position to know the -prcscntneeds of the club. Lack of spacedoes not permit of an enumeration ofthe many improvements which shouldbe made in the club as fast as thefinancial conditions will permit. Iam opposed to compelling member­ship in the club with dues at $1 aquarter. The reason being that whileEXPENSES would INCREASEREVENUE would DECREASE. Iam strongly in favor of having acloser active rrelationship exist be­tween he Executive Council and themembers; the members should beencouraged to bring their grievancesor suggestions to the officers know-­ing they will be eagerly acted upon.My time not being limited by obli­gations to other campus organiza ...tions, I will, if elected, be tiree to de­vote myself to the carrying out ofthe policy of improvement as begunby the present administration.Sincerely,Milton M. Morse.&cutorjal-Bu.m- omc:.. sw. 2&.T�ODra lI1d1wqo 800.H)'de Park 6iOl (attn 8 p. m..)lIall � ''0'' Fac:Wt7 �Men·&I.s II:dlIow .B1ma Kenp'cottM ... .Kdl&u • • - _ IAOIl Il&0l.&able&Io II:dl&ow • • - Benaud YIDI8U7s....... JIanacer - - - .... u. .... ,AaBOCUor. :aDlorO ..iknuel Xap.laD • • lIan7 GGqua.".. Oott.lncham HaakeU RibeLt�, � • • • lIarUD Steven• • W1lllam L,JID&D. •aD'O�'" present administration has made a"'ar4 lWScJraIr... HallilDc.... O':-telUUatd1,. Well •iD�D. CbimtGe Qeoqa S!l&Uer. LJman W,..clQeors. Ora)'AUCU8C& SW3.wlt ..I..UUaa Swawlol... B .... &lie � ... _ an"..... eIeu' Q_ and aa.... IIIIIIa7_tell IQJa.uo. and ..... • ..,. so�"-a. L. 8.ellitotialToday, in its communications eet­UIbn. the MAROON prints lettersfrom candidates forCmdidatCSr various oBices in theReynolds club electionst� be h�d Friday. The letters havebeen considered prec:iseq in the sameway as any other letters received andpdblisbed by the MAROON. Forsoble unknown reason the Reynoldselub Election Commission has seen fitto doubt the sincerity of the editorsill this matter, and has deemed itpl'oper to meddle chjldisb1y . in theMAROON'S affain" even to the ex­tent of writing to the editor a lettercontaining suggestioas unnecessaryfor anyone except a tried and con­victed crook: that the statements �fcandidates for the same office be runin the same issue and be. civen equalprominence; that 110 candidate be in­formed of the contents of the state­ment of any other candidate. Theletter further piously asserts that:"We deem it our duty as the ElectiC . .�o��on, etc., to make these sug_gestions m the interests of fair p'- ..F· all '''1'.In l' the letter implies that th.present action of tJle MAROON isinspired by an ulterior motive bv. HI' ' ., say-I��: • t IS hoped that the future par_bC.lpatlOft. of the studen1S' paper inthis election will be above the'bl" pos-51. e suspiCion of partisanship or un-faIrness on the part of its editorialdepartment." The editor is further"compl�ted" by heine told: HIt ispoor ethics for a collece paper to takeany part in the support of particularcandidates;" and "We take it thatyour interest in promotinc this pub.licity is merely for the purpose of af­fording all an equal opportlJDity tostate to the voters their rea.�ns forrunnine for office," Messrs. ElectionCommissionersl you ··take it" riCht.Your letter is aiven publicity (1) be­cause it belps show ""hy coUqenewspaper editors become mentallyunbalanced, ad (2) because onehopes that the "po" of publicitymay briDe Gat tbe - 7et 1IIICIiIcoftrecreal poiId to � Iettec'. To the Editor: To the Editor:J n view of the fact that theirpolicies relative to the managementof thq Reyynolds club are all of asimilar nature, the candidates for theoffice of secretary have decided notto make a public statement of theirplatforms. BRING RESULTS,In announcing the platform uponwhich I am running for vice-presidentof the Reynolds club, I do not wishto state a long list of reforms whichmight be made in the club. No doubtthere are many things which mightbe changed, but care must be exer­cised to find improvements which"ill make the club better fitted to To the Editor:take care of its members. I am a candidate for the office ofTo my mind, what the club needs treasuror of the Reynolds club. Tois a progressive set of officers who my mind the person who holds thiswill fifirst increase the membership office should not only have abilityof the club so as to have a larger for carillg for the finances of the club,representation of the undergradu- but should also have had previousates among the members and then experience along such lines. I havewilt improve the maragement of the already held the office of treasur(.T incluh so that it will take hetter 'care one college organiza�on and this.. Iof the memhers. believe, has given me a trainingI am strongly in favor of the spirit which would fit me to hold the aboveof the propo!'ed amendment to the mentioned office.constituion requiring a11 undergradu- I am at present a Junior in col_ata men to hecome memhers of the lege .and in my three years of mem­cluh. but I believe that different hership in the ReynoJds club. I havemeans of bringing this ahout ought noted various things which . I thinkto be used. There seems to be much could he impro,·ed. I also bclie\'eopposition to "forcing" men to join that it is not tIle duty of the officersthe club. and this ,is perhaps the big- only to 5ugge�t improvements to hegest cause of opposition. made in the dub. hut the duty ofIf an improved lighting sy�tem is e:1('h memher. and to bring this endinsta11ed in the library and better ;thf'ut T would like to have placed onsY5tem of furnishing drinking water the main floor of the club. a ·'!'ug­displaces the inadequate onc now in g('stif'n box," into which suggestionsuse; if the library facilitie:o' are g;\'Cn for improvements could be placedgreater promin('nce hy installing a hy the members. Tn this way manylihrary of first cla!'-s fiction -and; impro\'emcn� would be made which1C3jd�ng articles on all great topic� Il11i':!ht come to the notice of the of­then men who do not belong to the ficcrs.dub now \\;11 he glad to join and In other words, I am a PlTogressh·ethus the true mission of the club wilt and believe that all impro\'emcntshe fulfilled. for the betterment of the club should MAROON'�DSSam WellsLewis NortonFred Griffiths. fROM ARED-MANDERBY CLUB.6116 Cottage Grove Ave.BILLI·ARDSONLY40C Per HourBest Appointed Roomon the South Side8 Full Size TablesLadifS! Save MODey and xJp ia===:::=!I Style by Reacling McCaD'.Maiazme aDd Uam, McCaD Pallenauuo ..... e u .. ,. .. 7INr 1IcCaII' ••• ,.d •• wllll'I"V\LIotJ �IU. brlp :rou dress styl.Ishly at a moderatoexpense by koopl nKrou posted on thelatest fasblons Inclothes and bat5. IiONew Fashion DeaII:1lSIn ellch Issue. AlsoTIllullble Infonnatlonon all home and per­sonal mauers, OnlyliOc a rl!ar. Includlnca free pattern. Su!).__ a �_ -serlbe toda, or scndfor froo samplo coP,.Md:.D ....... will enable:rou to make In yourown bomo. with rourown hand .. dothln!: fot:rourself and children wblcb will bo pcrfecCIn strte and nt. I'rlce-nono hh:her tban mcents, Send ror rree l'llttern Catalope.W. WiD (ihe T. F'... ,..... for ICtUD� :U""scrlptlonl amona: Jour friend.. Send for CreePremium Cllllllol:UO and Casb Prize Oft"er.DE.aLL CllPJIIJ.m ... w .. 371la.DIIBThe Daily Maroon the balance ofthe year for $1.50.MAROON ADS PAY.TAILOR FORYOUNG liENAlE . YOU ·LOOIIIG fOR A PLAtE TO EAnGille THE COMMONS a Tri.'Ask the Uppet Clusmen About Our FoodY oul1 Like the Club Breakfast and at NightTo the Editor:Following is a statement of myplatform in the coming election: Rowt Miller.he actoo upon·Very truly yours.Bernard Vinissky. Good Footl Low Prices:... .. ..... ......�HICAGCD •/ THE DAI� Y MAROON� TUESDAY, MARCH 4, see anArrow thinkof Coca-Cola. •HOLD CAST TRYOUTS roESD!Y pursue. the faithless Pancho through • need to have an exceptionally goodthe two acts and finally wins him I voice and she takes part in two songs.back by her own faithfulness, The I MARl E, her maid. Maeie is thecandidates for Rosa's part must be usual French maid: Marie is theable to make up well as a pretty least important character in the cast.girl. Rosa must have a good voice- I She has no song and few lines.She has two songs both of which The chorus will meet in the Rcy-call Cor real singing. nolds club theater today and Thurs ..BILLY HENDERSON, "the man." �<ly <It 3:30 Cor the purpose of learn­Billy is a stout, jolly, happy-go-lucky mg the songs.wight. His good feeling towardsc very one is immediately apparent, �:J:tI bt � bJl1tI bt � � �:and all sight everyone is his friendBilly should .have a good voice. He I ANDREW McADAMShas three songs, one of them semi;sentimental. one humorous, and one The University Floristthe "Alma Mater." IWILHELMINA, an American girl. A large variety of FLOWERSWilhelmina is an up-to-date twcnti-eth-century girl greatly interested in for All Occasions.settlement work and in bettering thecondition of the poor. She is a take- Fifty·third St. and Kimbark on the University girl who is Tels. Hyde Park 18. Chicago, IIIhound up in student activities Shemust be full of "pep," she d�s not ..-:r .-:r .-:r ... ",. .... J41if+ JIi":;:CLASSIFIED0_ LEO SLEZAKLeo Slezak. fnmous forbls slD2lnsr of thetitle role in "OteUo," says:; .. Tuxedo means tobacco snperior­ity. It easily holds first plate inmy opinion on account of its won­dIrIul ,nildlless and fragrance. ,.PUTNAM GRISWOLD'Pbtnnm Griswold. known to all oneralovers as "Konbr Ihrke" in "Tristan und1&olde". says:",A- s'Mlle of Tuxedo adds ::�st10 my work. I smear lJy it andendarse it alJove all olher tobaccos •..�ADAllO DlDURAdamo DlduT'. hmou, b:a��. wen·knOWDas ")I:an:el" ia "The Hupenol�:' say.:•• r."e compared Tuxello :uilkciller tobaccos, much 10 Ih� advan­t«ge of Tuxedo. It leads bv a 'lvideffIM'g'i" in purity and Inr tdness;" in the class-room as well as on the campus are only wonby training. Fit yourself-get the last ounce that's in you.Drinkand you·n·be able to do better work.vigor-delightfully wholesome. .Dcliciou - Refre.liq - nint-Q-aeadiqDemand tbe C�nuinc-RdulC Sub1lltutc.THE coa-COLA CO., AtJuta. Ca.LOST--Last Friday night on 57thstreet, between Mandel hall and\VoodJawn avenue, ear !jog withcrystal pendant. Return to�"137S E.Sith Street, 5th Boor .. and receive­reward,FOR RENT-Elegant 5-room apart­ment, newly furnished in mahog­any. AU outside rooms. Flat in­cluding furniture, for rent of flat.Sl34 Kimhark avenue. Midway 5196.Box 92, faculty exchange.-WANTED-Ten Law atadeata forvacation work. One for permanentposition Must be at leut t2. yeanof age. Write R. R. ICeD;; 30 W.;oth Place, ChdlONOT A FORTUNE BUT-An,. manattending college desirous of earn­ina money hOliestl,. and easily,write, A. M. Graham, Oberlin, Ohio. ..,.. ..�;;..'en Will Compete in Reynolds ClubTheater for Blackfriar Play-FourNew Sonp by Fuiks and MeyersAccepted.Cast tryouts for the Blackfriarplay, "The Pranks of Paprika." willbe held in the Reynolds club theaternext Tuesday and will continue untilthe entire cast is selected. AU menintending to tryout should appear atthat time, Men who fail to make thecast are eligible to the chorus with­out being handicapped on account oftheir absences.Members of last year's cast haveannounced their intention of againtrying out. Among these are FrankO'Hara, Milton Morse and HoraceFitzpatrick. Herman Miller. LawrenceSalisbury. Haskell Rhett. Paul Rus­sell, Earl Shilton and Maurice Sher­man have also announced their in­tention of entering the competition.Bruce MacDuff will not try out.Accept New SOl1&s.Four new songs have been acceptedfor the play. They were written byLewis Fuiks, '16, and Richard Meyers,ex-Yr. The selections are "A Travel­ogue," "Love Song in the OpenRoad." and "A Bangle Song" byFuiks and "An Alma Mater" byMyers. The following is an outlineof the characters:DON MIGUEL, Alocaldo (or May­or) of the town of Villafelicho. Adignified gentleman who greatly over­estimates his own importance. Hestruts about the stage and thinks heowns the world. H is character isbrought out in the remark he makesto his daughted. "The guide will tellyou all about myself and other im­portant features of the v.illagC'." Hehas one song. "My Dreadful Dignity,"PA PI{ T KA. his daughter. A Span­ish girl. A sophisticated flirt. Sheloves to attract men, and uses hereyes altogether too much. Paprikamust dance. She has no song, butfigures prominently in every chorusand ensemble, and takes part in theref.rain of one topical song.PIMENTO, his worthless nephew.Pimento is the clown. He has manylines, more than any other, and hasone of the. best opportunities toscore a hit. Pimento allies himselffi·rst with the hero and then witlt thevillain and lies with glib facility,Pimento has three songs, all "TalkSongs."PANCHO, a gypsy boy. Panchois a fickle, unreliable young man.who Calls in love with. one iady afteranother. Pancho must haVi'';a goodvoice, He has two songs, on'e- a semi­topical song, the other 'a -sentimentalsong.ROSA, a gypsy girl. Rosa is asweet, sympathetic little girl. She Grand Opera Stars Choose TUXEDO.The favorLe tobacco ofthe world's' best singersTHE world's great singers, the .bright stars C!fgrand opera, men whose voices are theirfortunes, must have confidence in thetobacco they smoke, m ust choose a tobacco that ismild and fragrant, a tobacco that has no harmfuleffect on their throats.Leading singers at the Metropolitan OperaHouse during' the current season - Leo Slezak,Karl] orn, Dinh Gilly, Adamo Didur, Putnam Gris­wold, Herbert Witherspoon-find Tuxedo the onetobacco they can smoke with thorough enjoymentand absolute safety.Tuxedo cannot sting, bite, or irritate the delicatemembranes of the mouth or throat., The Peffect Tobacco lor Pipe and CigaretteSkillfully treated under the famous "Tuxedoprocess," Tuxedo burns. slowly, and affords a cool,mild, pleasant smoke.Leading men in every walk of life testify to thesoothing, energizing, helpful influence of Tuxedo":Business men find Tuxedo restful. Authors and. journalists smoke- it while they write. Doctorsenjoy it and recommend it. Lawyers, ministers,and others, use it regularly.If you try Tuxedo for a month and cut outother smokes, you will find that you are gettingthe utmost satisfaction and enjoyment possible outof your smoking, and at the end of the month yourgeneral health will have improved.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHEREFuaoas peeD tin, with gold 10c COD'YeDie!lt po.c., inner- 5".IeltelDc,curved to fit pocket . lined with moistue-proof paper "Illullrat"",are about one­hal/ si z« ofreal packages. KARL JORN-Karl J'dm. who sint:s the rote d .. TheKiDIt'. Son" In .. Koenisrskinder:' says:.. Ttlxedo is fhe ideal smok«' inmy 0tiaioIJ __ . ll._JU1is Iiud �ourmero sagging; try a pipeful 01T.xetlo. It's a 'lllo,lder{ul ()/;acer.'·...\rIr!, /) , ." � .. t-I#.:'r.d.�HERBERT WITHERSPOONHerbert \V Itherspoon.celcbratcd as "TheKiag" In ooLohensrrin." sa)'s:It Tu xedo is a good, ':l'!w!esometooacco with a nutdness and Ira­granc« all its 0:1111. /1 adds malzydegrees to '''y ",pe pleasure."DlNH GILLYDlnh Gnty. the famous "Tonlo" In "Pnjtllacct," SI1)'5:tt Pipe slIlo/;in.r: /:i.'cs added rIC!1.<;­ur« W/UIZ IIle fipe is filled :cill:Tu.xed«, TII.l·("do pro'llidrs 1IIe"''!kun e";O)'merrf Ilralz any vther 10-�, k1WW."THE,DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY,. MARCH 4. 191j.ARRow'�otda COLLARMADE IN roO. UIGIn'S0 .... 0_ aJi ... a.a-o.t 2J6 ...lIed __ 2�... e ........ a ...13c • ..cIa-Z fofr 23c.CLUETT, PEABODY '" CO. Makara.. [;;::;1:;I:il�:I:tm:l:ill!mnmllillilllil!llllTIlBl!llIlll!llllllllll1l!llllll!Th1llllrnl!1lI��'�]DO YOU NEED MONEYIF SOCan You Sell Tailor-Made Clothes18.00 per Suit upTo Your School Mates.I have a good proposition to offer you.REEDER I PRODSSORS and.-STUDENTS •will find in theHYDE. PARK STATE nA1.�K �75 Cents. Plain Baths 25 Cent.,0;;;; O;T::';·TS�I.��"\';::OS. Open Day alia Night.A CONVENIENT and SAFE Baok SARATOGA BAR BE R S HOIJ. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetBank under State Government super- Expert Scientific Masseurswith aU the facilities of a down townChecking and Savin,saccounts invited Expert ChiropodisBe8oI1ftM Ower llalf a 1I11110n DoHan. ,;::::U:i!l:::IIil:i;a;:dmTjm;ii]ii!il;:;n:::;l:l!:l]I;n�:i:!;:1:;:!lilil!:ml!I[!Ii!!m!i!l!l!illl�ilm:n!l!Euronean ToursSend for information concerninginexpensive summer tours.JULIA c. BRANNAN1726 W. rooth St., Chicago.l'h::::mmrt::iil:;Uilmi:ii!:Hllllid;:Hlillill!iil;lill:nmliillii:llI!!li:Ulllilllllll!l!lillltHlU!ll!llllillillla PER CEST ISTEUEST ox s.\ \'ISGSJOHN A. CARROLL, President.THOMAS JANSEN, Cashier'IDIImmlillill!1ii1111"Irnl'll�mnII1"llnl'Ir."IIII"·":I""·TT"'I"I'"''''111''''111''1':''1�:I I U,IlU Ilhil,tllih'lilili.ll:i:I:.!:./I::i::i:l:::'LII.lII.:!E:, � . �:fi1.rm;7 ��fl\"i Ib,alsilePbmppineEmbroideries Frances Holden SkinnerWalets. dress paU",ms, ling\'r:e. daln·ty native TEACHER OF SINGINGfabrics. genuine tuu!\}-embro;dq�,'d. DirecthnportUions from the Ph.!lIpp;n�s. Prtccs \'�r)'f'eGUIII)na b �.MRS. EARLE E. EUBANK Pupils entered at any time. will talk on the topic: "Concerning aRrae Acsopus," and Dr. Clark on"Vedic Study."Sargent Will Address Religious Club.Professor sargent of the School ofEducation. will speak on "Art in Re­ligious Education" at the monthlymeeting of the Religious Educationclub. at 7·:30' Thursday. at the homeof Professor Soares, 5545 Lexingtona"enue· .Junior Dance on Friday.Arrangements' have been made tohold a Junior dance in the Friday from 4 to 6.Freshman Dance in Eveninc. •The first evening class dance ofits kind will be given by the Fresh­man class' in' the Reynolds club Fri­day evening at 8.Sophomore Social Calendar.Two dances will be the chief eventsofthe Sophomore social calendar nextouarter The date of the next Soph­�more Y. M. C. A.· supper will be an­nounced later,Preachers Nose Out Opponents inLast Minute of Play.Patronize Maroon AdvertisersWHAT ORGANIZATIONSARE D·OING "HE RE ( ,I.I- j(II\I jI .:(�i, » I. 1I' I'. jt-'I·5802 Jackson Avenue.Phone Garfield 1595 ·Phone Midway 6gu.mlilil�iiimlll11Iilllllll.lIIlllllllllllumlllnlluml!nllUlllllmlllllllmllilillllllllllllll Ul8l1mlllullllllmlllllllml111llilllnnlllll!lIilllllh7ll11l1iimiinm!;11�Unl:mllmillmJ!l[lill�'1 Down Town Studio61! :'''lDe .. \rta BaUdlnc.rtyde Park Studio, 1435 E. 53rd St. nus. AssistantCor. WasHington Ave., Tel H. P. II94 ----------------------------­DIVINITIES· DOWN SENIORS CIRCULATE REQUEST 'IR5LHlle}LH·W��M FOR NEW· COURSE INPUBLIC SPEAKINGAIIUSEIIENTSWith an Exceptional Cast, IncludingTim Murphy and Gertrude QuinlanSpecial�t .TOM LINTON AN�., m.S. FOURJtJ;NGLE GIRLSExtia Added feature. EXTRA BIG SHOW TONIGHTEULA LEE QUARTEIT�Four pretty girls hi -classy SiD&incEMPRESSTHEATER&snI Street .... Cottap .... AY�Week StartIDg Saa.lI&t.Ihr.2SULLIVAN a CONSIDINE;PRODUCING DEPARTIlENT,·ANNOUNCE .EnscrnhloAGNES LEE a CO, Iin the powerful p�ylet �:"Tbe Test" iSTILLMAN allAlUOr(,. Comedy Novelty.SurpiaeS ...Atreatfor�BELIION'rS MANIKIN_ERNEST ROCKE'lT : ."Richard Carle of - Vaudeville"PRICES10e-�COIAN'SGIAItDHELEN WAREPOVVERSCharles Frohman presentsCharles MarieCHERRY DOROin The New Secretai)'C�lCAGOOPERA HOUlEHeary W. SaftP Olr ...�e laapiriDc Dramatic SpectacleEVERYWOJlAH AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTSPetitions for a course in advanced\Vih the outcome in doubt until reading' 'to be given by the depart­the final minute, Divinity forged; ment of Public Speaking next quar­ahead in the last minute and won its ter are being circulated. The objectfourth game of the interclass basket., of the' course is to furnish a supple­hall series from the Seniors 18 to ment to 'Public Speaking 6 which ist7� Spangler was the scoring star being offered this quarter. The courseof the contest with five field goals would. probably be given by Mr.and a free throw while Walrath and' Nelson. Students .who are interestedMather followed with three each. I �n gettin. g this course say they wantThe lineup: It because the courses usually of-Divinity (18) Seniors (17) , fered by Associate Professor ClarkHoltz R. F Freeman: are not offered this quarter. PetitionsWalrath L. F Catron � will be placed in front of Cobb andShattuck. . . . . . .. c. . Spang_ler in Lexington.-Mather ...•..•. R. G ••••.•.••.. PaineZimmerman L. G ScofieldBaskets-Spangler (5). Walrath(3). Mather (3), Holtz (2). Catron(2)" Shattuck. Fireeman- Free throws.�Span�ler. Time of halves-e-rg min­utes. Referee-Kixmiller.Two games will be- played todaywhen the Medics and Divinity meetat 7 and the .Seniors and Law battleat 7:30.Soares to Address Divinities.Professor Soares, of the departmentof Religious Education will addressthe Divinity students at their weeklychapel sen-ice a 10:15 today in Has,'�ell assembly.Freshman Social CommitteeThe Freshman social committeewill meet today at 10:15 in Cobb 9B·Dr. Hirsch Semitic Club Speaker."The Range and Bearings of Tal­mudic and Rabbinic Research," is thesubject of Dr. Hirsch's talk beforethe Semitic club tonight at 8 in Has­kell 26.Ten O·Clock Tonight.Assistant Professor Field and Dr.Charles \V. Gilkey. assistant headsof Hitchcock. will hold the Tues-dayTen O'clock in Hitchcock library to­night.Philoligical Society Meeting.The Philological Society will meettomorrow at 8 at thc horne of Pro­fessor Menrill, 5626 Washington ave­Professor Goettsch. Announce Speaking Contest.Students who intend to enter theLower Junior extempore publicspeaking contest to be' held March 12should' register with the' . Dean ofthe Junior colleges Man:h 10. Thecontest is' limited to students with II'IJEFFERSON OL¥M:PIC55th Street and Lake Avenue.Henry W. Savage Offersn�t more .than twelve majors.Have you subscribed?,.,. ; Reputation is acandle easily blownout-but it's the lightthat guides. most ofus in our quest for the. best. ." �, .\.jI �."Jack's Joke"In Paul Armstrong's play of the boar.THE ESCAPE �thel Gre� Andricnne Augarde "NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive Reels nlJ:htly of the tatest movingf.,Ilctures. Beat of music by hlgb classI orehestra. Come andh�nr O'Jr new 'i.50o, pipe orcan. ' �'TOP 0' THE MOR":IN'"AMERICAN MUSIC BALL, Would you knowthe reputation c f Vel Ask themovingspirits of fJ:Y collegefrorn Bowc'cin tOStUll­ford, or Irc:n Minnc­sota to TLb::�. Theywill proclaim i t ssmoothness, its' rich­ness, its te mpti r; gflavor and fragt�:-_ce. . IIpRINC�SWm. A Bqdy PresentsThe First Chicaco Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID'FORBy Geo. Broadhurat.An Americm Plq of To-dq:1TONIGHTADMISSIONIIain Floor, all seata •••••• 10Balcony. all seats. ••••••••• 5CWm· A. Brady AnnouncesSeason's Best Play-TribuneSTUDEBAKER I�06IIlo Hamilton's Daring Indictment THE RED PETTICOATA Musical Comedy of Novelty�atinees Wed. & Sat.The BiC Comedy SuccessOUR WIVESwith Henry KolkerPrices 50-75-$1.00 A $1-50--rHE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" With Heleti LoweD, Star Cast andBeauty Chorus.MAJESTIC.COLONIALSTELLA MAYHEWWith Billy Taylor in ComedyEdison's Triumphant Talking PicturesSubjects: . "Temptations of Faust." ZIGFELD FOLLIESExtraordinary Feature.Chine Ling Fooand Co. of 14 Orientals'Co., Edna Roland & Co., Schicht'sManikins, Bert Levy, Leo Carrillo,Mathews a: Shayne. GARRICKNew York Wanter Garden Co. inTHE PASSING .SHOW OF 1912Biggest Musical Revae-Star. CastpALlCE MUSIC BALLELIZABETH MURRAYJOE WELCHFlorentine Singers Ameta McDevitt­Kelly-Lucey, 4 B�ds, Sw�r & Mack,RamsdeD Trio.The Wonder of the CenturyEdison's Talking Moving Pictures ILLINOISCharles Frohman PresentsMAUDE ADAMSin her most famous successPETER PANCORTBLACKSTONELEWIS WALLERin A Marriace of ConvenienceCut inc1ades Mad&e Titheradge