U.t\IVERS.ITY 01; CHICAGO. FlU DAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS.!luruuuMET COACH WHILE IN SOUTH Candidates for the offices of presi­DISTANCE RUNS WlU DECIDE I dent, vice-president and treasurer ofapproval of the proposition in Thurs­! umpers and Po!e Vaulkrs Have day's edition of the paper. A rna-Been Resting This Week-Ex- jority of the men running for the of-pect Hurdles Vitoty. fices of secretary and librarian de­cided not to publish platforms. TheIly Hugh S. Fullerton. Coach \Vhite expressed himself as According to Coach Page. the re- vote of the candidates for office on(Editor's note: Mr. Fullerton, mag- f:!irly confident in the ability of the -ult of the Northwestern meet to- the publicity project was reachedaz ine coutributor and special writer Chicago swimmers to make a good I;ight rests with thc winner of the afte.r a lengthy session in joint meet-showing Y I .tl t •t r -listancc runs. Chicano probably will· . I hfor the Chicago Tribune • spent three - . a e IS te eas ern 111 c - � mg WIt 1 t e executive council of theC 11 giate s irnrni I . TI' I:old her own or better in l:.c dashes, 1days with Director Stagg at Palm (J e WI rmmg c rarnpion. us cub.Beach. \Vhen he heard of the Uniucr- year Princeton was defeated by Yale 'I:urdles and field events. Although No official action was taken by thef th f t : . . I Northwestern has a number of star"sity of Chicago Maga;ill,,· article, sug- or e IIrs me 10 erg rt years. club executive committee, either en-Rely 0 Str ke Swunm' rs men in the long distance events the d .gc;sting Stagg's resignation from all n 0 e . orsmg or condemning the publica-Yale h d t t Chicano me-n may be able to make a .coaching except football on account as rna e arrangcmcn s. 0 c bon of candidates' platforms. theof ill health, Mr. Fullerton wired the swim with the C. A. A. in the 50, fair showing here, and should they matter being left entirely to theTribune a note for his column "Ln 100, 220, the 160 relay and the plungc do so Chicago ought to win the meet. candidates. A majority of the four-the Wake of the News" which read: for distance. Mr. ,\Vh�te has hopes Gives Men Rest. teen men seeking office voted favor­Coach Page has kept his jumpers .bly on 'the proposition.and pole vaulters from doing any Coutcbie Is Nominated.strenuous work this week and the A petition nominating Kennethmen have only been allowed to do Coutchie for the office of librarian-orne light training stunts. Norgren "'as presented yesterday for actionend Des Jardien are the only mcn to the club executive committee. Nowho may not be .in the best condi- official disposal of the application hastion, through their participation in been made as yet.the hard Illinois game Wednesday. No withdrawals from the pubkishedCox, who injured his shoulder last list of candidates as selected by Tucs-Yale swimmers will meet ChicagoFriday March �I. in Bartlett tank. TO PDBUSH CLUB PLATFORMS "DON" WILL BE STAGEDTODAY AND TOMORROWCandidates for Reynolds Club Officesof President, Vice..President andTreasurer Will Offer Statement inDAILY MAROON Tuesday. Dramatic Club' I Annual Perfol'DWlceWill Be GiveD in ModelTwiceYALESW1MMERS MEET CHICAGO MEET NORTHWESlERNTRACK MEN TONIGHTl'.�a.rth 21 Is Date Set foe AquaticContest- Yale Is Eastern Inter-col-legiate SwiIDJD!!1g ChampiOD- Coada Pqe Hopei For Vidory inWhite Has Hopes. First Home C..test ofSeuoaDIRECTOR STAGG ISANXIQUS TO RETURNHqIa s. FaUertoa, Sporting AuthorityWrites That Mentor Is in SpIeD-did CoDclitiODIS STRONG CHARACTER STUDYA telegram was received late yester­"Old Man" .Is Fretting to Get Back day afternoon hy Coach White sayingInto Harness-Fears Chicago that the Yale team had decided toSpring Weather. take a western tour and swim againstChicano. Plot Outlined-Seat Sale IndicatesThat Large Audiences Will SeeBoth Performances.Rudolph Besler's "Don" will bepresented, by the Dramatic club to­night and tomorrow night in Mandelhall. The performance starts at 8:15.Rehearsals of the play have been con­ductcd in the club's spidkdlar in1 Iaskell for the last three weeks, Thedress rehearsal held last night wentoff smoothly and to the 4ircctor's:.:1 tisfaction.The cast of the play is as follows:Canon Ilonnimrtou .... Dudley DunnMrs, Honninnton .. ; •• Martha GreenStephen Bonnington, "Don".................... Donald BreedGeneral Sinclair .•..... Henry Shull.\Irs Sinclair Emma ClarkAnn Sinclair Effie HewittAlbert Thompsett Ben GoodmanLiizabeth Thompset t. K. ryl Gilbert�laid •..•........... barnet TuthillHas Been Given Here,"Don" has been -succcr.cfully per­j;Jrmcd by the New Theater com-"If Stagg .is sick, we have been deadthirty years." . He consented to aspecial contribution to the DAt LYMAROON wbich is printed here- that this means they' are wcak in theback and breast strokes and ,he will endeaver to have those events includedin the Chicago meet thus scoring a,i.,ting holds him in Florida except thefear that, ii he comes back, the springweather will undo 'all the good the PROFESSOR WILLISTON -TOwarmth and outdoor life of Pa.lm BE AMERICAN DELEGATEBeach bas done.Will Represent University at Interna-, Th4Y tell me that down on theI tional Congress of Zoolo� inI . Midway everyone is worrying for feat Monte Carlo.i J Stagg will be out of it permanently. __.r�tched�hiJll' $1,c����1l! f--·rmfbsOr-Witlisto-h; -nead . of'·"tbe·.Beaeh. ' ·He· was' 'up and finishing department of Paleon�logy, will,. breakfast. before -1 _reached the. dining leave Sunday for Mo�te Carlo asroom. Than he was' off for cpgbteen delegate to the I nternational Congressholes of golf and, going strong and of. Zoology, which holds its triennialsteady, he covered the ifather difficult session at Monaco from March 2:course in 82 without the assistance tn,29- 'At one of the meetings of theof a caddy. He jogged around for a congress .Professor Williston �itltime after that, walking a couple of lead a paper entitled: "The Reptilesmiles, took a swim, in the surf, and Amphibians of the Americandressed, walked a mile and ;l half, and Paleozoic!'put away all the lunch in sight. 11; As a delegate to the internationalthe afternoon he walked and cyclec congress, Professor Williston wilJaround for a few miles, played eigh- represent the University and theteen holes of golf, walked back to the American Zoological society Thehotel, ate a hired man's dinner, took congress is made up of- eminenta stroll, wrote some letters and when scientists of the world who meetI got back to the hotel at eleven every three years to discuss zoologicalo'clock he was waltzing like a Soph- problems and agree upon a uniformomore'. nomenclaturc for the various animalFor a sick man that is going a bit. specimens.. The American repre-Stace Looks Well �entation at the conve.ntion will becomparativcly small because most ofthe American scientists, at this timewith.I point in Chicago's favor. A regimeThe "Old Man" is all right. Noth- of extra hrd work is in store for theswimmers according to thc plans thecoach issued yesterday.The entries follow:50 yard dash-Northwestern:. Shenk, Pierce. Eaton,. WarrickThayer, Osborn}: Chicago (CoutchieDuncan. Knight. Kuh, Matthew,"arker. Staines, .Vruwink, Ward)SO yard high hurdles-North,,:est.ern: (Schwarts, Pierce. Cannon-=-ampbell): Chicago (Kuh MillerNorgren, Parker, Ward, Kennedy.Vruwink).One mile run-N ort hwestern.:: Thorsen. Stafford, Traxler. KraftSmothers. Busby. Smith, Mc'Cul'ough): CJ11cagO (Byerfv, Campbell,Chapman, Goodwin, Hart, Leisure.Levinson).Shot put-Northwestern: (BabbittMcPheeters, Shepard): Chicago (Desr ardien, N orgrcn, Parker.' Kennedy IQuarter mile run:_Northwestern'Osborne. Warrcn. Thay<'r. Eaton PLAN DANCES OF NATIONSStagg looks- well, feels well, andthe only trouhle �s that he is frettin�to get hack into harness. He !�physically able to come back at any�inl(.' but must fret away for a spellthrough fear that Chicago'\S springclimate will sct him back.Hc'll be here in time to take ahand with a track team and with thebaseball squad and from whtlt he "Campus Follies" Will Present Rus­siaD and Italian Numbers.(Continued on page 4)sC!ys, there �s morc hope in football his efforts Monaco has succeeded inf f II h th h be . ,tramatic coach, witl actor next a t an ere as en In establishing one of the finest mu-several years, seums of oceanic specimens in theI t doesn't make much differcnce world.:lhout track or ba.�cball or football.The chief point is that dlc "Old Man"is Comi�lg back and in much �ettc.rhcalth. HOLD BLACKFRIAR TRYOUTSr r ·the y�ar, cannot Icave their dutie�[While at Monte Carlo, the scien- Set March 12 as Date for Selection uances are being prepared underof Cast. t he supervision of Miss \VinifredPearce for "Campus F.otlics." Those,- .. ho ,,;11 take part in them are:Margaret Hammett, Sarah Sanders,J and Flannel' Emma Clark Hilda' The seat salc indicates that therel\(acClintock. 'Phyllis Fay a�d Ruth wi11 be large audiences at both per­Morse. (ormances. Tickets will be on saleThe mcmbers of the cast and of today in Cobb from 8:15 to 3:30 andSpecial Russian, I talian and Dutchlists will he on sevcral occasions th·�ests of Prince Albert of Monacowho will conduct them personaltyover various interesting parts of hi�tiny principality. Prince Albert, himself takes an active and enthusiasticinterest in :7.001 0 gy. Largely through Cast tryouts for the Blackfriar pro­,'uction, "The Pranks of Pabrika,"\\;11 be held \Vcdncsday aftornoon.March 12, at 2:.l0 in the Rcynoldsclub thcater. Howard Hoyt, Jr.,as judge.The compctition wilt con�inue untilthe bcst possihle cast is secured. A!"cenario of the parts will be pubt:�hcd in Tue�day's' DAILY MA thc chonlsu� havc hecn pt'acticin�strenuously daily. The hD('cp ScaYarns" chorus will mect daily at10:15 in L('xington gymnasium, andbe the opening chonts at 3:30 ;n the tomorrow from 9 to 3.STUDENTS SEEKINGASSOCIATE'S TITLE .{OON. The manuscripts willMEET THIS MORNINC ready for contcstant'S on the same assembly room. Editors and reporters of theTickets have been placed on salc n.\ILY MAROON staff met yester-in Cobb and reservations may hc (':lY at a staff lunchcon g1\'en inmade �aily from 9:15 to 3:15. The Hutchinson cafe. to discuss featuresprice list as fo11o ... s; front h()xc�. of the paper and to hear thc report$2.00 a seat: ba�k boxes. $1.50; ma:n of thc llt1 .. ine�s ,manager. The n('�tfloor, $1.50. $I�OO, and $.75: balcony. h:ncheon will 'he hcM Thursda�·,$r.oo, $.i5, and $.50. Further infor-I March 13· On Junc 5 the board ofmation may he secured by telcphon-' ('(Iitors wilt mect to elect tbe staffing Margaret Rhodes, Midway ",I<n. for next year.MJ;:MBERS OF DAILYMAROON STAFF GIVECOMMONS LUNCHEONHarvard-For thc purposc of form·ing an accurte estimatc of timc spcnton prl'paration of studics and on col·lege acth'il'ics at Harva-rd 300 menhavc heen selc-cted to make out tab­ular accounts 'of how they spend thcirt.imc. dayCandidates for the title of Associ Chorus rehearsals will he' held�te at the ,,;nter Convocation wil' Monday, Tuesday and T�ursday 01meet at 10:15 in Cohb 6A to select a next week and the roll \\;It br�peakeT to represcnt them at the called promptly at 3:30. The attendQuarterly excrcises. Twenty studentf ance at the rdhcarsals has been verywill receh'e the title this quarter. poor accorditlg to Manager MurrayThe convocation exercises will he .,nd should thcre be no improvement.held in Mandel TuesdaY3 March 18. the delinquents \\;11 be dropped. ..THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1913.The Daily Maroon1l.n.n·ut .,� ... � •••••• + ••••• +.+ ........ ++FClI'merI,.nle Unh'Wa1ty of 01� Weekl,.!'u:bHabf'lC! cIIL117 UOtpe SUDdII.n. l1ondliya.all.s ho!ldD).. duriac throe. quuten of &beU ru \�r81.t7 TeU".l:Alte� .. MOoDd--CIaa maU _ thot Oblcacot'u..t-QtIlC41. Cb.k:aco. W.. l4.aI'Cb 1�. lOOli" ua­d ... r Act or llarch a. 181L&lilJ8CIUPTIOX &AT"13)· c:a.rril:r. $2.� a �: $1.00 .. quan.er.Hy ma.1l. �.OO a year; '1� & quan"f.Edhorw·Uualn .. Omc.. &lHa 26-TdephoDe 111dw.,. 800.Hyde Park G.Ol (after 9 p. m.)llaU Box "0" Facu1t)' �� EdJt. JIlnm Kaua1cottlSew. Editor Leola StoIaAthletlo Ji:d1tor - - - BenaaN V.am..QBWIlD... lIaDacer - - - DudeU. llutA880CU.orJl: Jl:DlorOIUlSamuel KaplanG�rce CoUinlthamlJororlay Wmi8ton • • • KarUn Stever.• • WllUam Lyman ••_KPOaor ...w.aro Ret.k:Jw&oalia lIalUllc�.Ina O·':';eUllJoJ"ttl)" WellE�De Ch.lmt.n. • Georce ShaJrerLYman WWdGears. GrayAucuat& SW3.wlt ..LllUaA SwawJ.tePrinted by llazoon .PreMo GUll eou.ac- GNV�<ftlitotial . '-'The DAILY MAROON echoes theopinion of the Cornell SUPS when itsaYS: "It is to laughwhen we read that Vas­sar college sbJ,dents arehenceforth to caid thefaculty in upholding the dignity ofthe intitution by refraining from at­tending vaudeville and moving pic­ture exhibitions for the remainder :ofPictureSAOWS.the term. The SUPS COll1lDellta vigor­ously, "Right he� ladies an� gentle-men, we have a most excellent ex­emplification of acute snobbery inone of its finest, albeit most subtloforms. To sneer at the pastimes anddiversions of the many because theyare the pastimes aad diversions Oilthe man� W one of tLe pet aftecta,­tions of' the shallow rich, the super­ficial 'elite' and cpseudo-elite' andthe empty-headed ones who arrogateto themselves the desiguation of"upper classes: It is a shame thatthis narrow exclusiveness, these pettydistinctions, are being fostered andencouraged in a set of higher learn­mg by SlIch interdicts as that re'cently promulgated by the. Vassarfaculty. The injunction itself is asmall matter. It is the back-lyingpolicy of which it gives us a fleeingglimpse that counts." The DAILYMAROON is ,lad that the Univer-'·he eclUur'" nul n-."un.lble lor vine. ez.,lrn.,cI here. Cornrnunlcalwn. mu, be• �C/nf!cl eM CII& ea:ldcncc 01 1)00" I",th.Answer to "Observer!'To the Editor:"Observer" writing in ycster­(fay's MAROON missed the mark inhis long communication in on e rc­spect at least, I t is not the un­willingness of the University to takeout a license, but the actual construe­tien of Mandel hall that makes it im­possible to have motion picturesshown there. I n order to usc amoving picture machine ill Mandel,the University must comply with thcsame restrictions placed by the cityupon regular moving picture theaters.This the University could do only byremodelling the hall and expendinga large sum of money.W.H.C.Culture Courses.To the Editor:The editorial in this morning's is­sue of the MAROON entitled "Cul­ture Courses" provokes a rejoinderfrom any reflecting member of theUniversity body, whether student or;aculty member.This editorial is merely sympto­matic of the conplication diseaseswhich afflicts practically every col­lege and university in the country.[ refer to the parasitic growth of so­called "student activities," the dis­counting and depreciation of schol­arship, the practice of dignifying andcxtolJing loafing and above all thepervasive 'spirit of sham and self de­lusion which confers on child's playmummery the title of "tradition" andwhich glorifies four years of idlenessand humbug, brass throats and cob­webbed brains, well -oiled muscle and- rusted fuC-idties with th� nobl�:'appcl-ition "college life:"If our inspiring college hymn is tobe believed, the truth will make ustiree. Let us once in a while face the Itruth without flinching. Let us getdown to realities concerning our­.. elves as an undergraduate institu­tion. What do we find? Here on this27th day of. February. 1913, in thisvery issue of the DAILY MAROONwhich I hold before me', what line ofaction takes up the most space?First �nd foremost, by grace of th�special correspondent, comes the woomen's inter-class basketball game.Then the Reynolds club election, theninter-collegiate basketball, thendances and glee-clubs and amateurdramatics, billiards and more basket­hall. Nine-tenths of the printed mat­ter on the four pages of today's is­sue of the DAILY MAROON is de­voted to pursuits which in the worldoutside these hallowed walls are thesity has no such "back-IJinc policy" barest incidentals-recreation. pureand hence no "fleetinc ,limpse" aim- and simple-pursuits in which a largeilar to the one attributed to Vassar proportion of the population neverby the MAROON's contemporary. gets an opportunity to . take part.If there is anyone in the University Yet this is "college life"-to go one'swho thinks that it is neces!ary fott way apart from this current of theyoung women to abstain from visit.. casual is to be marked as "queer."ing motion picture entertainments These manifold college activitiesin order to uphold the di&Qity of the are all and singly opportunities toinstitutio., such person has yet to be "invite the soul," to "relax," to "beheard from. There is too much es- stimulated." in other word!' to loafsential democracy at the University, within the letter of the Vagrancyand as well, we hope, at practica1l,a law.every other &reat institution in the Yet not content with these, the cd­country, to countenance SUCd an ae- itorial in today's MAROON' seekstion as the one reported. Motion similar opportunities in the courses.picture shows. like anythinc else, have It puts a premium on the coursepcsribilities of ,ood and evil. There which offers pre-digested facts to theis no reason why aU such places of receptive student and depreciates thatentertainment should be taboo simply ill which the student must "work outbecause some of them feature "At his own conclusions." It unfairlythe Devil's BaD" and "In My Harem.." places upon the younger instructorsAnd even so, is it worse to hear such a burden of imputation which doeslonp at a five-ceAt theater than to not belong there. It presents indance to their music at a collece printed form and in a dangerouslyJ)Ut71 .' t I � . ._. .. sentimentalized and anuring way, a 6116 Cottage Grove Ave.BILLIARDSU.'\ LY40C Per HourBest Appointed Roomon the South Side8 Full Size TablesBulletin and Announcements. AUTOMOBILE LIVERYUniversity OrchestTa-Rehearsal,.3 :30, Mandel.French Club-4 :30, Lexington 14. Marshals and Aides-Pictu�e, Tues­day, 1 :30, J'rcsidcnt's office .Freshman Dance-March 7, Rey- New Limosine cars to hire byhour or trip at reasonable rates.Philharmonic Society-Choral prac- nolds dub.tice, i:15, Mandel.Track Meet-Chicago Dramatic ClUb Tickets- Today, Phone Hyde Park 1439vs. North- S:I.:;-31 :.5. Cobh, tomorrow, 9-3.W. A. A. Play-Tickets daily. i{imbark Garage. 5424 Kimbart Ave.+ ••••••••••• + .western, i:45, Bartlett.Freshman Luncheon-PostllOned.Sosmopolitan Club- T'o tuor row, 8,Ellis 18. �1:I:;-3:1.5.Cand!d�tcs for Higher Degrees­�otify graduate dean's office at once.mischievous argument for lazinesswhich cannot fail to injure the young- H==============��Will Take Picture of Marshals. DERBY CLUB.Marshal« and Aides willcr members of the undt'rgraduate Ttle<day at 1 :30 at the Pre:-;idl"nt'� of­body, t!('t' to han' their pic-tllrt'S taken forr n justice to those who regard the the Car 1:1/c! G,,�(·IZ.college as a place in which to ac-quire knowledge. rather than as aglorified billiard parlor-it calls fora protest. ---_The Daily Maroon the balance of I��============�Cameron T. Latter the year for $1.50..THE@RuBf21fepJ1l1�'�if�We haveStreet." Visit our College Room onthe secondinteresting.moved "Just across StateYou'll find it.��J��l-�THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28, J9'�.·SOME OF THE DRAMATIC CLU 1 CASTHItS' NARmA G'R.E:r.trI'IIOTo 8Y /fOtH�-����������ANDREW McADAMSThe University FloristA larle variety of FLOWERSfor All Occasions. .Fifty third St. and Kimbark Aft.Tels. Hyde Park 18. Cbicqo, III1Ilt!llIImilll!lIItellmlllllh!ulI!illlll:l!ilm;�I:�EI,.IsIIePIIW,plDeE •• nNerlesWai41la. dr.'N pa:tt'mll. tillg<r� d:Mnty nathffabrlca, gcnul� hand-embro!� red. D1�llmporto.llone (rom the PhJllppint::a. i>rlcea veryI"CIUIklMb)e.MRS. EARLE E. EUBANK5802 Jackson Avenue.'Phone Midway 6g1 I.lIlIiD!mllllli:llli!lHlhllillllill!Lllllli:!II:u!mllG!lij!iII&!ji!t!ilUlIIl:I�IIat1·�;�IFrances Holden SkinnerTEACHER OF SINGINGPupils entered at any time.Dmm Tewn SCadl.IU Fine ArIA BaUdIwe.rtyde Park Studio, 1435 E, S3rd St.Cor. Washin&ton Ave., Tel H. P. 1194l'aM T @ e f\V.8Wf '8' ,rue RNJM e , nI�ff .£FTIE HEMrf.'Nor;' II' Hn:HN£.. �Yoo Clo't GetAwaynOM A.RED-MAN'10 T&'II! FACtJLTY AND 8T1JDEN'h. of 'he1iNIVEa8I':'V 0.· CHICAGO:This bank'. wen-mown reputa.tiOIl for sound maJl&CelDeat andrilht d�C has been pinedthroulh aiDeteen years of strictadherence to safe methods aDdcODSiderate attentioD to caato­men' needs.Your savings account or checkincaccount is welcome and appreci­ated here.Woodlawn Trust• Savines Bank11M Bat ant Street.. Claleaco.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTSi,l.. SCANDINAVIAN CLUB I CLASSIFiED 1- ��!: In Cobb on Monday, a b�ckWILL NOT PRESENT I lull. Please return to InfqrmatlODSTRINDBERG"S PLAY ADVERTISlllliN1S i'U'l;�. Reward,Strindberg's ."Easter" will not be FOR RENT-Eh gant s-room· apart- NO': .\ FORTUNE BUT-A�y manperformed on the camp�s a� was an- rncnt, newly Inrnished ill mahug-! at n-rding college desirous of earn-nouneed by the Scandinavian club any. All outside rooms. Flat ill- -r ; money honestly and easily,about three weeks ago. The per- eluding Iuruuure, for rent of Ilat. w: ;.�, A. 1\1. Graham, Oberlin, Ohio.formance was to have taken place to- 5334 Kimh..rk avenue. Midway 51!)6.night in the Reynolds club theater, Box 92, faculty exchange.but owing to a disagreement betweenthe club and Werner Mclinder, themanager of the Swedish company FOR .SALE-First-<:Iass, regulationpresenting Strindberg's plays, the billiard table, 4 1-2xg ft. Am goingperformance of the plsay has been to move out of town, but cannot will find in thecalled off. take table with me, so :will sell at .a very low price. See, phone; or HYDE IA1?X STATE BANKwrite S_ R_ Curtis, 5539 Monroe e o .... &u 0' �;).",. liT • ....... AVe.PI }.1 P USf)t;u ST.\'l't; �UI·":RVISION_'avenue. IOn,! 1. • 5303. ��-------------- .. ---eaOFESSORS andSl�D�NTSPLAY FOUR MATCHESIN REYNOLDS CLUBBILLIARD TOURNEY A CONVEr�IENT and SAFE BaDk.... rith all the facilities of a down tnarnTUTORING-French and German, ..,....-Harger J-Il a t· .. isely contested Bank under Slate Government super-s: vu eu private lessons at reasonable prices. &match with Russell, itt the Reynolds Walker Huth, 5714 Kimbark ave- vision.dub billiard tournament, made thenue, Checking and Savinlshigh run of the tournament, rolling accounts invitedup ]9 points. Only one 1)£ ycster- --. ! FOR SALE-An ideal .horne at a rca- Resources O\"C�r llalf a lIUllOD Dollan.days matches were close. Bhm dc-. . .t- t d L I 1-- 18- t 1- - sonahle PrlCC; nacr the University. 3 I·EI' CEST ISTEREST OS " .. 'ftSG8ea e oy 1- /:J-:J 0 :J0-:J9 • - goa �. Lot sox 180 Modern 7-room brick JOHN -Harger downed Russett ';0-78 to· I A. �ARROLL, President,170-170, and Fassett got Heath. 155- house. =: and shrubbery. Call TllOMAS JANSEN Cashierr55 to 150-151. Canby (I�U) defeat- at 6135 Lexington avenue, •cd Levinson (143) in the one close . ,�match of the day. A.H.ABBOTT & CO.127 NO. WABASH AVE. OPPOSITE FIELD'SColon. Brushetlo Pap�l'M, Cwn"IlS Stretchel'M.Easels. StudIes for CopyiDC_ DRAWISG BOARDS AND TABLES-WATCH THIS PLACE!WHITE CHINAChina Painting Material .SchC?ol Room Pictures ": ...... ,.' .*: I '·'mll:;",_PIOTURE FRAMES ARTISTS'MAT�RIALSCARSON PIRIE SCOTl&COSUITS and OVERCOATSfor Men and Young· MenDisposal Sale of AU· Winter CI,olhingI We will begin to-morrow morning a disposal saleof all our winter overcoats and suits (except staple blues and blacks) for men andyoung men. The overcoats can be worn for the balance of the season and farinto the next, as they will be good style :then---the models being staple. Thefabrics are good.Convertible Overcoats Reduced One-Half$35 overcoats $17.501$25 overcoats $12.50\$22 :::overcoats $11.00$30 overcoats $15.00 2d FI., South Room $20 overcoats $10.00Chesterfield Overcoats Greatly Reduced$50 overcoats $35 I $25 overcoats $13.50 I $20 overcoats $11.50Fur Lined Overcoats Especially ReducedMen's $60 Persian lamb collar overcoats reduced to $45$250 fur lined coats reduced to $1501$95 furlined coats reduced to $65$200 fur lined coats reduced to $125 $75 fur lined coats at $38.50Heavy Weight Raincoats$25 raincoats reduced to $15.00$20 raincoats reduced to $13.50 Men's 'Suits $12.75All our winter suits in light anddark mixtures reduced to . $12.75bi:OOND FLOOR, SOUTH ROOM •THE DAILY MAROON, F1UOAY. FEBRUARY 2S, 1913.MEET NORTHWESTERNTRACK liEN TONIGHTContinued Irom page I.)Loveland. Tedrick. AckerbergSchwartz. Gerrin..rer): Chicago (Dun­can. Kuh, Matthews. Parker. ReedStaines).Runnin2 hiJdl jump-Northwestern:(james. Warrick, Busby. Pierce):Chicago ( Baumgartner, Cox. Des­Jardlen. Gorgas. Hurwitz, Kuh,Ward l, .Half mile run-Northwestern: (Os­borne. Graham. Busby. Thorsen.Kraft): Chicano (Campbell. Good­win. Leisure. Reed. Staines).Pole vault-Northwestern: (Ray.Campbell. James. Warrick): Chicago(H eller, Lawler. Norgren, ScofieldThomas}.Two mile run-Northwestern(Kraft. Traxler. McCullou..rh. Smoth­er-. Busby. Thorsen. Stafford. Smith) .Chicano (Byerlv, Camnbelf, Chap­man. Goodwin. Gray. Hart. HolmLevinson).Relay race-Northwestern: (Os­borne, Thayer. Warren. Shenk. Ger­ringer. Ackerberz, Eaton. Kraft.Loveland) : Ohicago (Campbell.Coutchie, Duncan. Knight. Kuh, Mat­thews. Parker. Staines. Reed. Ward).Have you subKn"bed? gin at 4. in Lexington, with discus- Dr. Emil G. Hirsch will speak atSECRETARY HEWITT sion of business matters. The play the meeting of the Semitic club Tue .. -will be given afterward. day night at 8 in Haskell 26.ASK SENIORS TO ATTEND campus women horne. Return postalCLASS DINNER NEXT WEEK cards for the dinner must be in �yWednesday, March 5t at the latest.Th E ti to Be Present I The dinner will cost fifty cents.Ole xpec q "Thi . h bi di hShould Give Notice-Expect IS IS t e Iggest nner t eL Att dan '1 Seniors have planned:' said Presi-vee en ceoI dent Kuh yesterday, "and we know-- that everyone who comes will havePost-card invitations for the Senior I I did ti .,a sp en lIme.dinner to be held Friday, March 7. I ... "T re ediors have some good rna-111 Hutchinson commons at 6, havetcrial ready," said Editor Steversbcdn sent to all members of the class yesterday. "but we want the cleverof '13. Deans Linn and Miller, whob I f It '11 people in the class to help make theare to e t ie acu y guests. W1k d· f I d 'I second number of the "Thirteen" aspea an 10 orma stu ent speec les . 'I d Th .t diti f I credit to the class and a feature ofare p anne. e seconu e bon 0 d' ..I 'Th' I ffici I f I the rnner,t ie • irtecn," t ic 0 cia organ 0 t icclass. edited by Martin Stevers, Mil-,ton Morse and Augusta Swawitc, MRS. HEWITT GIVESwill be circulated at the dinner.Special rates for the basketballgame have been secured by the class,\\' hich plans to attend in a body af-ter the dinner. The social and ex- PICTURE OF LATEMrs. Charles Edmund Hewitt hasecutive committees composed of Mary presented to the Divinity school aAnn Whitely, Cora H'inkins, Don-I picture of the late Dr. Hewitt, whichaid Hollingsworth and Norman Elm-II has been hung in the reception roomstrom, who have charge of the affair, in Haskell. Dr. Hewitt, who diedexpect a large crowd to be present November 17. 1911. was a member ofand will care for everyone. Arrange- the Divinity faculty and student sec­ments will be made to see all off- retary of the Divinity school.AIIUSEIIBHTSSYLVESTER AND VANCEComedy .. Singing and Talking . <'".�e German aDd the;lIaid- - �STUDEBAKER -witla-THE OIlBRASI Geo. W. MONROE H. E. FISHERPun, PaD, Pun Cosmo Hamilton"s Daring IndictmentComedy Bar Artists"TIlE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" COLONIAL��------------------------EMPIESSTHEATBR -'� I.__ Street aa4 �. � �ftWlik StartlagS ....tFeb23'ULLIV AN I:� COHSlDiNi.i'ltODUCING DEPARTKENT. ANNOUNCEA HALLOWE"� HOPA Tabloid Musical" COmed.JTHE FRESCciTTsEntland"s 'Foremost ily�cS, �ilia "Mcntalepathy." 125 if. theyfail to tell you yoar- name.. .Try it.Geo.· Nace! • CompanyHOW PROPS" BUTTED_iN-PRICES: ,10e-2Ic-3OcCOIAlrS 6IAIDMessrs. Cohall • Bania- praeDtDOUGLAS PAIRBARKB illBawtbome ef the U. a. A.POVVERSCharles FrohmaD. Praeata .JOHN DREWIn the Sparklinc Four-Act CoaiedyThe Perplued HusbaDd. 55th Street and Lake Avenue."TOP 0' THE MOR":IN'"AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTSJEFFERSON OLYlWPICHenry W. Savage OffersNOVELTY PHOTOPLAY... ·I ... e Reels nl::bUJ' of tbe latest mo ... ln�pictures. Best ofmWllc by blgh class With an Exceptional Cast, Includineorchestra. ('ome audllear our new $;.500 Tim Murphy and Gertrude Quinlan, pipe orpu..A mllco MUSIC BALLpRINCESSWm. A. B�dy PresentsThe Firat Chicaco Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy � Br�dhunt.An American Plq of To-dayTONIGHTThe Bells (2 part drama) .Animated Weekly. (first run)An Imp Romance (drama)Aunt Betty's Revenge (comedy)In Tempennce Town (comedy)A Gambler's Last Trick (drama)I . ADMISSION, IbiD Floor" all seats •••••• 10.'� 'BucoDY" all seats. • •••••••• sc Nora BAYES Jack NORWORTHin "THE SUN DODGERS"NAZIIiOVA-iD­Bella DoaDaMAJESTIC The Big Muscial Success.THE ROSE MAIDBest Seats: Eves. and Sat. Mat. $1.50Wednesday Matineew $1.00ADA REEVEEqland's Greatest Star.JOSEPH HART'SGreat Comedy" "Man Liebchen"The Great Moving Talkine PicturesNew SubjectsAvon Comedy Four-Funniest of AllOta Gygi-Famous Gypsy Violinist1------------------------------Emerson. Baldwin; Standish Sist�;G. S. Melvin; The Four Rotters. GARRICKNew York Wmter Garden Co. inTHE PASSING SHOW OF 1912.. Biggest Musical Revae-Star CutILLINOISFint Time in ChicacoHENRY IIILLER-in-"The Rainbow."with, the Oricinal New York Castp.lLlCE MUSIC BALLALEXANDER CARRTalkine Movine Pictures.Rooney & Bent; Nat Nazarro' &Co.;James J. Morton; Ellis a: Mc­Kenna; 4-Athlet08----4; J. C. Nugent& Co,; Albmtua & Millar. CORTMatinees Wed. & Sat.The BiC Comedy SuccessOUR WIVESwith Henry KolkerPrices 50-75-$1.00 " $1.50.CHICAGO �OP&RA Rom FINE ARTSHemy W. 8aftp 01 ..'l1le laspiriac DnIIIIatic Spic:tacleBVERYWOKANHer PiIptmap III 0-- of LoftOpera, B.u.t, eoa..dy. DhIIDa Another Week of StartUne Play BLACKSTONEHINDLE WAKESDirection Cbicaco Theater Society WHAT ORGANlZATIONSA RE DOING HE REDelta Sigma Phi Pledge. No Freshman Luncheon.Delta Sigma Phi announces the The Freshman luncheon scheduledpledging of J. Ray McN...arnara of for today has been postponed.Chicago. Junior Class Dance.French Club Gives Play. ThQ Junior class will give a dance"Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" will in the Reynolds club next Fridaybe presented hy students at a meet- �:om 4 to 6. The class social com­mittee will meet Tuesday at 10:15 iniug of thc French club this afternoon.Cobb 6A to arange for the dance.Sanford Griffith, as "Le Gentil- Spelman House Tea.homme," and Brent Allinson, as the Dean \Vallace will speak on"The Philosopher," will take the �panish life at a Spelman house teaprincipal parts in the production. The Tuesday at 4: IS.regular meeting of the club will be- Dr. Hirsch to Speak.ISOPHOMORE TEAM IS VICTOR Goldbertr, Tinll' of hal\,Qs-15 min·,. lilt'S, Rcferec-c-Stcuernan..' Xo games will he played in the dn-Wins Eleventh Consecutive Game In ·.t TI S.terclass serres today, IC ernor-Interclass Series. Divinity game will be play edMonday at 2:45. while the Juniorswill meet the Law squad at either5 :30 or 6:�0.\V' on Lost PctSophomores ..... II 0 1.000Seniors , • . . . . . . . . . 5 3 .62':Law 5 4 .555Medics 3 5 .375Juniors.. .. 3 6 .�.l.lDivinity. . . . . . . . . . 3 7 .300Freshmen. . . . .. . .. 3 8 .27.3The Sophomores won their,eleventh 'consecutive victory in theinter-class basketball series last nightwhen thcy defeated the Law squad18 to 13. It was one of the hardestfought contests of the season, as tllelawyers were only three points be-team tryouts will be selected! forhind up to the last seconds of play, some time next week at today'swhen Bothman's goal placed the meeting. Couch Moulton will addressscore out of danger. the candidates, giving them pointersThe basket shooting of Kixmiller,on preparing their material.Holm and Boyle featured the contest, The question is: "Resolved, Thatwhile the playing of the entire Law Conference 'Athletcs Should Be AI­team in the second period kept theSophomores hustling.The lineup:Sophomores (IS) Law (1.1)Kixmiller R. F Goldberg� Bohnen ...•.. _ • L. F ......••.•.. Levi·.H olm _ . . . .. c. _ BoyleWells, B9thman. R. G MacDonald.-, GreerFailweather L. G BlumberzBaskets-Kixmiller (4). Holm (3)· Retickcr, in order to be placed on .theBoyle (3). Goldber..r (2). Bohnen.Dothman. Blumher�.. Frree throws- official lists for the team tryouts.POW WOW DISCUSSES DEBATEMeets Today to Make Plans forNorthwestern Contest.Candidates for the Freshman de-'batig team, to represent the class of1916 in the annual debate with North­western Freshmen, WIill meet at 4 inCobb 9C. A date for holding thelowed to Play Summer' Baseball forMoney. and Still Maintain TheirAmateur Athletic Standing for OtberConference Sports." Chicago hagbeen given the affirmative side of thequestion. All Freshman candidatesfor the team are expected to hand intheir names to President Edward20/Or15��8d.ncuY�Ji6dVridll&Tt-