latly- ."" .. _ ..... flarnnttUt\IYERSITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26, 1913.- 7 .... ·'J.Uj'8 3ef".f.trt .:' :-....... .... ........ !, .. ;.) I ". "'_ ""!'!_. PRICE FIVE CENTS.AT IWNOIS ITONIGHT PARKINSON AND LYMANARE' ,CAUCUS NOMINEESPLAYWill Lampooa Fiibfi IWicatioa of Wo­mea' I GjiD di tlit,er Ke­ceptioi List � Varsity Basketball Team Meets Illiniat Champaign for First Game of.. i --Series-Captain Dahringer and. Mone, ViDiuky aacI FitzpatrickHoffman Are Star Players. Caadidates for Vice-PresideDCY- of ReYDOida Ciah.....;.:.,_-.. ', .,. : �rrlo� women wilt put up a hard -- Varsity basketball men will en-SOLO.Bl�Qu#i(SIL-:g�_-F411fRt �ght· t�,. win' the victory over Jun- £NTIRE' CAST Mbts TONIGHT deaver to break the, losing streak, HOLD ELEcrlONS ON MARCH 7_ '.0" college women in the first cham- __ that was encountered last week inQ� S�-�ancl'�+': ��ns�i� b�sketball Game this after- Miss Burnham Is !!:�ted to Give the Purdue and Ohio games, tonightbOI'a Compou �ReIDU''''' Quartet· :noon -at 4:10 in Lexington gymnas- Special Dance 1% W. A. A. Play, when Chicago meets Illinois on theWacaer.;Namben·.Appropriate. i� "Campus Fol\i�3:'" h4arch 8. Champaign floor. According to Coach�. 'r ;The. Jl,l.nior college team is made__ Page it is up to the men to redeemBy. Robert' W. Stevefts u� �f 'the.'-·championship Freshman Burlesque IS the ',West activity of themselves, and he expects them to. .of Chit:ago·is"notbhlg less tdun-and "the "two star players of the the W. A. A, Tife t;l'oh�tine Carni- light throughout the game.than' a genius!. The' simplidty 1 of ·stphojtt�te" team, Frances Houston val, the dcdicarion of \t.\:: visionary Illinois has never been able to takegreatness. was. strikinglr:sbowu·'When· .. il�d. Dorothy'''Lle""ellyn. In spite �f women's gyumasium a�;t'. the rccep- a basketball game irom Chicago on,Mr. Stock -had tile 'flauti�t· ,tal!rT'the- �. fact that 'Dorothy Llewellyn IS tion in Harper before i r • -:: Convoca- the home floor, and it is expected thatbeautiful � quartet portion of the tI�· only. member of the' squad who lion last spring, will be \aml>ooned the men will put up the hardest fightBourree as a solo unconducted, giv-: playe.d on last year's team, the "dope" in "Campus Follies" ro ;')'c produced of the season in hopes of winninging all the effect, of a string quartet �;all for the. Juniors. .. .. larch � in Mandel. this game, Illinois has had the mostwith the flute as the first violin. Again " Seniors Are Fast. Four choruses will apl)�t- in "The successful season in years, thus farin Hie first movement of the Brahm's The strength of the Seniors will lie Opening Deception," \\"e title or" the losing only to Wisconsin. Captain"Symphony," in the most elaborate in fast playing and good defence brief farce based on H'I't: festivities at Dahringcr and Hoffman arc the llli­combinations of deep harmonics with Margret Rhodes who has heretofore the opening 'of the rl'e't\, \ibrary last uois men who have been showing upcomplicated rythms, our conductor piayed forward has been develope: spring. A duct, choruses represent- best in the early games.never lost the 1(I'aS)) of a vivid int,er.- inw, a .good guard, which will de ing womeif's sports and marching Lineup Is Unsettled. .pretadon. much· toward strerigthcning th. will feature the "Gym Dandy," the The Chicago lineup is unsettled,The undying or' genius of Baclt"is 'S�or team.' Eva Goldstein wiL women's idea of what the dedication and it is possible that Coach Pagethe arvel of modern ears. As '-the \play�in her last series of games. She of their gym will be. Besides the will make some radical changes inwonderful varitions of the early dance is the captain of the Senior team anti burlesque on the L' Allegro masque order to overcome the jinx that hasforms were tossed out by string9·and hts· rron.,be.r numerals in basket�all there will be an imitation of Madame been pursuing the team all seaso�tluteat the opening of yesterday·s everY year for four· years. Nina Nazimova and original monologues. (Continued on page �jconcert lhe custoinary adMiration �li .�nci �hoebe "Clover will play Have Oriental �usic. ../could only grow. 'Ouense1's�sOlo �ptaY:Jl �for thl: 'third" season and Suzanne Practically all of the music is- corn- PAGE DRILLS TRACK MENing ,was -, the" fascinating-' fcafures. .Fisller '=ln� Doro'thy Llewellyn for posed especially for � this production, FOR NORTHWESTERN MEETMes.s. Steindel, Esser and :-Roebr- the secoad, the greater part of it being written .__bon I.e mpleted a Kuatiquartet and '�The pl'obable"lineup for the game by Miriam Whalin and Dorothy Lle- Coach Hopes to Annex Meet onJiskn.'s filial:" duel'. with thrJ :soloiSt 1ftil I>e: �i' .�.�. ellyn. Miss Pea,!ce. is _�����. � .... _·J!.rl��V15it'1A..;��';r "1 'WI·�_.') _-.:- _ ,-:,�. . -"was as inte� arany "K�>a -:.!: '•. !:;.I��':�.\..;;-.�,:..;, . '-O:"�G"I niO�6 'rn6�roi'fne1t!CIiorUsesan-nane-Graff, StrODe Squad. . Cowan Stephensonh- n " r- •-. '". Cleftllj11�' ....• R. ·F· ....... 0 dsteulJ FJ d n R h Ht e .&'lulure. "., -., '�Di, ;, L. F .••..•• �ingha111 anet anner an • orence ot er- _ John endersori'Unitt .,of . PelfOl'AllDCC. -.. 8_011- C. • .•••...... Uea.. men are coaching the plays. Tickets Coach Page has 'be� .ptftting the Willard FassettAsldc f�m: .moimdl�-�\t �r�·::: •.••. R.'·8-.�.- ..... Clov�, are on sale daily:firom 10:15 to 2:15 Varsity t'rack candidates tbroug'h Many Are Nominated.of teitlpo ��rin.� t'.is, .. �,IJl���� ��: ��:!��;�; :iu;ior;·�;�i�·eR�i���-. in Cobb. some severe work for the last week 'Beside the: candidates whochest"a DlfUDt.asne4 Q .�� �etti'lor' and J.n� lJ�ker; Senior. The entire cast will have a re- preparing for the track me'et with :c�ived .�he �,orpination for seore.tary,of performance! throughout the beavy ��n. G�!neS1, :R�chel Foote, Suzann\: hearsal tonight at 7:15 in Lexington Northwestern at Bartlett Friday,. The ]o'1ln' Burtt 'dnd Haskell Rhett wer�f ... :�" .... .;;,. ;, ';' . f.lsher· ad Mane Juel.; "ymnasium. - J ':h G d Cpropm () . ·ttl',f'1�'P",V1fn;,., . _ ... l' ' of·'()ftidals.· l:> relay mcn were. 'given trials FlI"iday 'llonunatqd. <) n. reen an ountTlav lllflhlJlS "SJDl.phony" ��cnpy-. MarpRt bell will referee the and Saturday, but Page' wilt not Lo�eneit� and· Kenneth Coutchicing the f�e:-'of 'oo.o�.'·Catri�l� �a:l ��·�:r.ns�· Ortme�f �will be the PRESIDENT JUDSON WILL llick his team until the day of the N�e named for keasurer and librar-messaJe i�.livini·tones. It.. �s not qmpire, Miss Dudley will keep the PRESIDE AT CONVENTION meet. Chicago appears to be capable :an respectively.the c�ld ,""si� 'of • fQ���' �lasst�ls_t" it��ntl- 'Dorothi: Bent will be scor- -- of holding her own or betteor !n the 'Thomas Scofield, NOrman Elm-wdtho�t (�ling biat a ,pulsati.rig emo- ere . -" Promin(.nt Faculty Members Will �prints and field events, but the strom, Duane . Mann, Fred Stein-tionalrwonc from the fifirst chords of .'icl��is\ will .tiot be necessary for Speak at Religious Education Northwestern middle and long dist- 'brecher, Nathan Tarta1'skyand David'he b�ss to the lovely effett· of woiQen but men will be admittad to Sessions in Cleveland. ance men are superior to the Chica- ·J.Jemam will 'Con�titute the electionvanisbing Nnno"iclI� w'th� which the tlic FmC· onl'y 'by� ��ed by - go men.s1m'phon�lcuri.ous�··e�ds;':> "_ _,';.' '. :� .. ....:-� :,.:_ :'. � _. • Fresident Judson will preside at Captain Thorsen of N�rthwesternOiie Thl-ee -Waper Num.bks. - CContlnued on page 4) th(. tonth annual com'cntion of the ;s one of the best distance men inTh�- re11laininR n\lmbers'devoted to Religious Education association, the east. In the mile and two mile he.\Vagrier w�re trlve" .wlth a brilliancy DRAMATIC CLUB NAMES which meets in Clcveland next month. has scveral team mates in his class,approprillfe to tbis, his' celitenriial ���(�, PA'l'Rt)NEsSES 'FOR 'PLA� He will also 1,,";vc an address on "Re- Osborn is a strong man in the halfycar. � The Ta'itnha\lser '''Pa�cb�aie.'' ..... ,. '-- ligious Education and Civic Progre:->s. and the quarter. Northwestern also"Son.� of tile 'Rhiao· J).�!��e ... ".. ��d � .:!!��,"Are ��sers. for Other memhcrs oC the faculty who has some good men in the dashes,'")foi$t(!rstolfC'l' I'rehlde fottoW'eCf Performances to Be Given- Fn- \\;11 take part in the program arc a"mong them Shenk who won the in-each othcr with 'sueb intenslt7 of c1ra- .", � 'aDd'.satOr-�ay Evenings. Dean llutler, Associate Profcssor door Conference sprint two yearsmaticl• t'otoring- 'as �b\lld 'oriI71'movo' - -. .-- Hoben,. Professor Soares, Associa:l . go. The quality of their men in theU::tencrs (If anf taJto C'r prcto"ne�. • ._Patronesses for the Dramatic dub I'rofes�or Votaw and Professor John· ::eld events is not so good, and Chi-.Would 'hat SQch cUm&ei-"of -ex-'=' i)enJrfti�litcitto' be' glven F.riday and son. Prcsic.lent Vincent or'thc l7n: 'a�o should annex these events.pre�si�n .n,�ords'�'d.\lIere\cJescri� Sa�a"'t e�ellingS have been chosen versity of Minnesota and Gralwn: Coach Page is relying on Matthewsthosc'inumbers • wourd�'matcb�e �r011d.rr.:-· . Taylor. hoth formerly on the Uni\'.l Ward, and Knight to <ldeat theto�tr tonal c:c,.nbin.tlo�. �b.t IIr. lin. Harry' Pratt Judson sity faculty, also will bc among th, ,peedy X orthwestern sprinters. Cap-Stock�sec\lred frOm the �Ia).ets. '. 1 ! Miss Marion Talbot �pcakers at the convcntion. tain Kuh and Ward should win theThe; program follo.,:·:, �,� �rs:' St� '\Villard Cutting Amcng the suhjects relating to stu- hurdlcs. Campbell is the best chi-Pr...... .. M�. William. H. Hefferan dent prohlem� to hc di�cussed arc ,:1"0 di�t:tn('e man, hut Good\\;n is a� formation direct from Effie Hewitt,Suite :No. 2. B M;nor ••• '. � ••••• Bach· M"'. Edith Foster Flint "The Evolution of thc College Stu- mmer in the half. Cox and Des Jar.Overtar(!' the secretary of the Council.Rondo . , �. William H. Hewitt' dent," ··Types of Student Problems" dien both look good in the high jump.Sarabande' _ Mrs.:: ROb'eft· Mot� 'Lovett and "Student Chapcl." Norgren and Parker are able to putllQurree I-Bourree II. Mrs. Percy Holmes Boynton the shot ovcr forty feet. which I!'Polonai�Do\llild'''' -: .. , . ' .. I •• ,Minuet ' � �rS. 'Dwight B. Breed CHORUS OF FRIAR farther tllan thc Northwestern men ar('Hadlneric • Mia ·Elizabeth Wallace PLA Y TO PRACTICE capable of. Thomas in the poleOhligatos: Messrs; :Ouense!.:-stemclel; ·j\�·MrS: 'Gtorge-'Lyndori" ONE HOUR EARLIFF vault seems to be sure of first place,Esser. ·Roebrbionl •• nr 1iskra Miss Euphrosyne langley An added attraction to thc meetSymphony· No '-3, F,··Major� OPUI ---!)O •••••••••••••••••.•••• 'Brahms, .. Miss Mary Lanier· Blackfriar rehcarsals will he heldAllegro con brio Mrs. A. Gilbert hercaftcr at 3:30 instead of at 4:30 as�:,:n�"egretto : '. Mi.�'_' GertrUd�' Dudley:' previously stated, Announcemcnt ofA lleg,.o : Tickets are on sale daily in Cohb. the <:ast try-out!' witt hc made in thrTannhaeus�r: Bacchanale ••. W-agner Although the prices this ye�r are next few days, Printed manuscriptsDas Rheingold: lRainbow scene and lower than usual the management reS- of the difft!rent parts witl then hesong of the Rhine DaugbtC1's.Die Meistersinger: Vorspiel. W ...... " po�. a small sale.• available Cor the contestants. areWill Have Annual Meeting ThisY ear-- Yesterday's Caucus Is Oneof Largest Ever Held.'George Parkinson and WillianLyman were nominated for the presidency of the Reynolds' club at theannual caucus held yesterday in Ole.:I�b theater, The election will b�'1�ld Friday, March 7.Five candidates were nominatedfor secretary and librarian and four.ot treasurer. I n each case a' vote.vas held io determine the three candidates who are to receive the regular nomination. Following are the:nominations:Vice-President.Milton MorseBernard VinisskyHorace FitzpatrickSecretarySam WellsLewis NortonFred Griffiths -Treasurer.Robert MillerWilliam GrayStanley Sevier·re-'t'ommission which will be in charge'of Ithe polls. Announcement of the·eJection returns will be made at the.annual: meeting; of the club to heiheld in accordance with the constitu­ltion the night of March' 7.'S'I'UDENT COUNCILDECIDES TO OBTAiNEFFECTIVE PUBLICITY'More publiCiJ� will hef('after begiven the proceedings of th.: Cnder­graduatc council as a re. tilt of a de­;:ision reached yesterday at a meet­ing held in Harper. A special COM'es­pondent wilt be appointed firom theDAILY MAROON will get in-DEAN ANGELL WILLTALK AT SOPHOMOREDINNER TOMORROWDean James R Angell \\;11 speakat the Sophomore Men's dinner to­mottow niA'ht at 6 in the common"cafe. The dinner is the reguL'l1"fortnightly dinn« given under theauspiccs' of thc Sophomore y, 'M, C.A, commission. An Sophomore mem­bers have bcen urged to attend.witl be a mile race between the can­didates for the Freshmen teams, Ow­ing to the fact that a Conference rul­ing' prohihits the F,rcshmen fromc('mpeting against an outside team.Page is taking this means of reward­ing the hest men with numcrals.The Daily Maroon•• din_it ., �.,.,PublWled cIaJ.l7 ezeept SUDlk7'8. lIonda),w.aDd boWcta,. 4uriac three quarten of (beUftivoerwI.t,. ,..r.� .. aeooDd-ca. ID&1l _ th .. Oblcaco� DI.. Karc:Il 18. l00s. UD­d-er Act 01 � a. 1811.811B8CaD"rIOll ....... &8By CU'r! f2.CIO a �: 11.00 a Quane.B7 mail. a :rear: 11.z a QWI.J't .. r.BdJdJai.-B� omc.. B:U� 2t.� 'Kl4w&7 800.Hyde Park GrOI (after 9 p. m.)ilall Box "00' Facuk7 �.0. slns.ll:d.ltor _ - IIJnuD Kena1c:Gtt1( ••• BcWor - - - - - - Leola 8tola.uIIIetI.:J:dlt. - - - BenaaI'd V.ln.Iaak7a..a- ....... - - - Bude. ...tA88OClAt'JI: .ll:D1 ... OUs-aauel � • • lIan7 GoIpa� OlUln.,.am •• • Baakell ltbeUJJIIItvda:r � • • • KartID Steven;• • WIWam LJmaD. •-...0 ............. ....... • Geora'e Sbder.... Baa.. • Lrmaa Weld.. ax.u • - Georp On.)'� 'W... • ••• .&.� Swawltf'__ a..... UlUaA Swa'IIriU�e4 Itl' � PI'.-. GG11 00Uap Gl'CIIM.Staff Luncheon.'there will be a luncheon of theMAROON staff tomorrow at 12:45ih the commons cafe. All membersof the staff are expected to be pres­tnt.(fbitotial"No, I don't believe in lowering thedub dues and 1 don't believe in theproposed amendment,"said a graduate student."I believe I truthfullyreflect the feelings of'The ClubAaam..raduate . students when 1 say that*hat we want is not smaller dues butdlore value for what we pay. Thepoint is, not that dues are six dollars,but that we don't get enough for thatsis dollars. At present, the sole useto which I can put the club, is as aplace where I may smoke after din­ner and read the Harvard Crimson.Can I suggest specific ways in whichthe club could be made more usefulto students in general and graduatestUdents in particular? Why, yes.Oft-hand I can� think of many, butI can name a few. In general it seemsto me tlaat the club does not to a suf­ficient degree anticipate the needs ofthe students. To begin early in themorning, why not have the club open.simultaneously with the commons?Surely a slight sum would pay thehelp for opening the buildinc atseven. Then there should be a newsstand at which a student could pur­chase a paper to take into break­fast with him. Then the small roomson the third floor should be made in­to one by havine the partitionsknocked out. In this way a roomlarge enought to be of practical usecould be made of two or three toosmall to be of much utility. The re­sult would be a room large enoueh toaccomodate clubs and societies, andin which they might hold their priv­ate meetinp. Such organizationsshould be ureed to use the club fortheir meetinp. Only in this way can.a student club be made a real studentcenter. Why, at Harvard rooms mustbe reserved fOl' meetinp in theUnion. week in advance. At theReynolds dub there are Dot half adORa meetinp • week, I truly be-Jien." .--.�.development of this institution, and I I devote to m[king 'the dub more at­shall always look with pleasure and tractive �� energy now used up inpride on its grow and coccpmolish- keeping non-members out? I .really,Wallace \V. Atwood. think that the - feeling engendered int he mind of a prospective member atBulletin and Announcements.Senior Colleges and College of W$)men's Glee Club-Tomorrow, ments.Commerce and Administration- 4:15, Mitchell Tower studio.Chapel, 10:15, Mandel. Sophomore Men-Y. M. C. A. din- To the Editor: rhe sight of such surveillance as nowMr. Latter's communication in this exists has lost the club not a fewY. W. C. L.-Dr. Gilkey, 10:15, IlC�, tomorrow, 6, commons cafe.Cobb 6A. Philharmonic Society-Tomonrow, morning's MAROON was an inter- .possible members-s-and perhaps hasB . R L 1 R M .1 I esting one. I saw no particular rea- .ost it more money than has beenlack£nar e�-3:30, eYJ i:15, anue. . '�. .' > ,nolds club. French Club-Friday, 4:15, Lex- son why he should discredit social -averl hy the surveillance. I hate toUniversity Public Lecturo-Rl�t; ington 14- work and legislation and belittle the echo Mr. Latter's' 'st�t�me:it that the ..efforts ·of "amateur social workers,' club has a "formal, funeral, black,Admiral Stockton, 4:30, Mandel. Cosmopolitan Club-Saturday, 8,Mathematical Club-4:30, Ryerson Ellis ·1& but I did see quite a little point to comers hair atmosphere," because Ihis remarks about the club. Whether can point to so few concrete 'detailsMarshals and Aides-Picture, Tues-Mr. Latter or an inspired compositor that are responsible for such an at-�6.Menorah Society-8, Cobb 6A. day, 1 :30, President's office.Freshman Dance-March 7, Rey­nolds club.Dramatic Club Tickets-Daily,Cobb is .responsible for the creation of the mosphere, I will say, though, thatword 'janizary," I don't know. Hut first and foremost among those rea­whatever you call thc official at the sons is the one that there is no loung­door of the club, his office should be ing or smoking 'room. excluslve ofabolished. The idea that a guard the 'reau,ing and billiard rooms, whereStaff Luncheon-Tomorrow, 12:45,commons cafe.Junior College Women-Chapel,tomorrow, 10:15, Mandel.of my work and influence in the Uni- must be stationed at the·uoor of a there is a piano and the men canversity, which you published in the students' club to keep non-members talk and sing as loud as they please."l'he eclitur u not re8�f)n.ible lor VU1D. ez- issue of last Saturday. I have en- from sneaking in. is a particularly This is enough from me. Surelypre •• cd here. Communicaticm. _uat be joyed my life as a student and the unple-asant one I think. \Vhat if a there arc others who have something� CI.I an e-a:idence 01 good ftKtA. work and association with the faculty few "pikers" do get in? Public opin- to say. The Reynolds club is won-here very much indeed, and I regret ion will in time brand such men as derful. Because it is so good andTo the Editor: for many reasons that I am to leave they deserve. and they '\\;1I not have has such promise. we want to makeI appreciate most sincerely the Chicago. the nerve to repeat their petty ac- it perfect. Isn't that the idea?very kind statement of appreciation I have very great confidence in the tions. And, furthermore, why not T. E.This· Opening of Our New BuildingIs a Profitable Celebration lor You, . � ,.. - .. !WE want to prove to you again, as we have so manytimes in the past, that value-giving has made this the World'sGreatest Clothing Store, and from the very outset we intend to show youthat the value-giving which has been responsi ble for the erection of this greatnew store building will be continued to make it still greater. Items suchas these should appeal to every economical man in Chicago.$20, $22.50, $25 and $30 Blue and Black Suits; $14.503rd floorBLUE serges and black unfinished worsteds, both lightand heavy weights, splendidly tailored garinents that only ·an . occasionsuch as this could induce us to reduce. There are all sizes for tall, short, slim,.. .,orstout men and regular men of every size. As an opening special .1 A50we offer these $20, $22.50, $25 and $30 blue and black suits at fI... .About 800 of Our $25 to $35 Overcoats; $154th floor jfj'JjI-1· J1WE'VE taken practically all that remain of our winterovercoats and marked them one price---some very fine ones thatsold at $35, others that .were $25, $27.50, $30 and $32.50. Every SI5•Nownew style and smart weave, • • •• • •• •• •Whatever remain of our winter weight suits, overcoats and trousers will be sold atgreat reductions.G S'"0%--SOiIETHING TO READ." . _.. : Miniature'fo the Undergraduate: W1l1 Tell Menorah Society of Soci- RUG f �.The pioneer's one-room 10" hut, 0 QJ'11'1' ked irl I I � ological Work in Palestine. ,i• ORIENT.I A .11.: n ·C.u WI I mur or 1I10:'�, las passed �away, and his descendents live in I D· .th I-umptuous city homes with comforts Dr. Aaron Aaronsohn, director of eslgD WIand luxuries that 110 earlier prince t he J e wish agr icultural experiment Each Padage;'vver dreamed of, Y et home is 'still station in L'alestinc, will address the t!:OIllU, made so hy the wife and moth- Menorah society tonight ut 8 in Cobber, as of old, 1\iO longer does she, GA. He will tcll of the "Jcwish Sod-like her 'pioneer Ioremother, in seed- ological \\' ork in Palestine."time and harvest, work beside her Dr. Aaronsohn i" the discoverer offl1'0 TUIII: FACIJLTV AND STIJDKNTMt01 tbeIJNIVEB8I':'� OF CUICAGO:This bank's well-known reputa­tion for sound :nanagement andright dealing has been gainedthrough nin�teen years of strictadherence to safe methods andconsiderate- attention to cuato-�rs' needs,'i our savings account or checkingaccount is welcome and appreci­ated here.Woodlawn� S:lvi:�u!s TrustBanK husband in the tiel.l, or in his absencei-:uard the pi�,en. sheepfold and poul­·'I'Y houses from wild animals, or evendcfcnd the family homc from In­-lians. or help to pile brush, di� po­iatocs. pull thc tlax, husk the cornand make the maple sugar , and inIhc house. with few aids, cook for al;�rge and hearty family. and at thesame time card the wool. hetchel therlax, and spin, weave or knit all theclothing, linen, stockings and mitten­and make all blankets, clothing amfabrics, Xor does she have th ,candles to dip from tallow, bear',grease, deer suet or moose fat andhoney to gather, the butter andcheese to makc; doin� this and al,like work where the fireplace, equipped with cranes and pots, is the cookstove and the only source of heat inthe house; while through it all SIHcares for and trains her children, anuhelps nurse her own sick and thos.of her neighbors,In like manner, as the years havegone by, the home of our alma mate.has changed from the one rudebuilding put up by the neighboringfarmers, which housed all the stu­dents and instructors and their class'rooms and belongings. His weald':and surroundings have increased amiimproved as much as those of till:descendant of the New Englanfronti�rs�an.,: But; as her halls have• I been' �nlarg'ed and th�' numbers ' ofthose who call her mother has increased, there has been a correspond,ing change in the home methods andlife. The �aculty are no longer theintimate elder brothers to whom a'Tlcommitted the daily lives of theyounger sons. They have found newand still higher supervisory duties,more in accordance with the luxuryand wealth of the new home. Therudeness and simplicity of the earliercolleges have passed away. but notthe spirit that labors for the bestinterests of the pupil. Y ct the younger brothers still need a fosterin�.nourishing oversight-not the roughcare given to the chiMr('n who playedaround the cahin door in the clear­ing. but rather that far more elabo.-SHOE REPAIRINGWe Specialize in:Quality of MaterialExcellency of WorkmaashipPromptness in execution C!f ordersand Courtesy.TEST USSMITH-GOODYEAR11" Eat ISrd 8tneLOpposite Postoflice.�1Ui:i!rulllllllllilill!l!UI;lIlil!t!ll!iclllil!lliHllllillllllill!lilll�Hllimlm:i;H!I:!lil:iilHilllililllli:ll:11I11m�illllilmimlillllmli!lili1Jinllliimllilnlllll!lllll!llll!llll!!i!1iI!ilmll:n!!�!11llliiTI[llilll[!i;�ExQuislle PbWpplne EmbroiderlesWaIW. dr .. _ patterns, lLnOt'1'Ie. d�nt)' nativerobrlc., ""Unuln,,, ha.nd-cmbrold(t'Cd: Directimpol1twt!one rrom tho PbJHppl.nca. Pricea veryI'OIUIbna b1e.MRS. EARLE E. EUBANK5802 Jackson Avenue.'Phone Midw� 691 I.IIllIllIBllliililllB�1l!h'liill:!:li:l.�:IliImJJlIlli!illillIIlI1IIilllillllillilti'Q==============��DERBY OLUB.61.16 Cottace Grove Ave.BILLIARDSONLY40C Per HourBest Appointed Roomon the South Side8 Full Size TableS��========{(&i a 'Hi M amiL M, )Rf\bfitKjitti i"l\Uf\l·l_:Frances Holden SkinnerTEACHER OF SINGINGPupils entered at any time.Down Town StucJloS1! FlDe .\rta BaUdln�.dyde Park Studio, 1435 E. 53rd St.Cor. Washington Ave., Tel H. P. 1194I•••••• +++++++ •••••••••• ++�AUTOMOBILE LIVERY DR. AARONSOHN GIVES TALKPalestine wheat, w,hlch is now gen­erally believed to L� the ancestor ofour modern wheats, 111 his work atthe exper iiueut sturiun Dr. Aaron-sohu has CVIllC lUlo contact with alarge part of the poverty-st rick enagricultural popullttioft uf Palestineand with the eCI'tlolltic conditionsthere.REAR ADMIRAL WILL SPEAKStockton WilI D!!�u!t� ValueStrong Nava! Force.Enlargcmcut of the nt.vy will hediscu- sc.l today in Malldl'! by Rear­Admiral Stockton whu.. will speak on"A Strong Xavy Esscnt iul to theUnited States. A feature uf the lec­ture will he the moving pictureswhich will illustrate the status todayof the American navy.The nava l officer. has been connect­l'd' with the United States navy sincehe, was graduated Irom Annapolisin 1863. - He is at present the Prcsi­Ilent of George Washington univer­sity..Play Interclass Garnes Today.i_ "Of .L.Two games will be pJayed in theinterclass ba:;ketba'JI' series todaywhen the - Freshmen meet the Medicsat 5:30 aild"thc Sophomores play theOi�inity �(l!l�d at::';S_ ,C�.£!I�iegc;'-visllC"s t�' again �;;;-;ila7�e the factthat the captains of the interclassteams should arrange to play off "theirpostponed contests as soon as pos­sible.CLASSIFIED ·1AD\'EKTISENlEN1SNOT A FORTUNE BUT-Any manattending college desirous of earn­in� money honestly and easily,write, A. M. Graham, Oberlin, Ohio.FOR SALE-An ideal home at a rea­sonable price; naer the University.Lot .50X1So. Modern i-room brickhouse. Trees and shrubbery. Callat 613.5 Lexington avcnu�,.New Limosine cars to' hire byhour or trip at reasonable rates. ate attention required hy the youngbrought up -in the luxury of a city WANTED FURNISHED APART­home. The social and home condi- MENT-For Spring quarter. FourPhone Hyde Park 1439 tions have changed, hut still our col­lege must truly nourish her childrenor give up her name of alma mater.She must somehow still provide forthe separate and distinct family andcommunity college lives of her stu­dents, although now the faculty care'can reach only the latter.At this point come in the substi­tutes for the older faculty in thefamily life of the students-the su­pervising fraternity alumni, who�eduty it is, and whose pleasure itshould be, to provide the in"piring ill­Iluence which shaH make theiryounger brothers "trong:er. mentallyand morally, and fit them to be splen­did, cultured pl'ohlem selvers,Kimbark Garage, 5424 KimbarJr Ave..++.+++++.++++++++++++++ii.. ------------.-------------- ... �Ladies! Saft Moae,. ad I.Jp in======== St,1e .,. Reacliq McCall· 1IIapziae and U"" McCall P&Hems1IcCaI' •• a,. aI •• willMQU."S NK.AZIHE help you drc� slr:­Ishl, at a modcr.ltoexpense by koopl n"rOIl pouod on tboInlc.�t fallh Ion, Inclothes and hats. 60New Fashion DcalsmsIn each Issuc. Also"aluablo Inrormntlo:lon all bomo and J)('f'osonal matters. On I,roc a y.,ar. Ineludln.ra (reo pnttern. Su!).__ • ._ scrlbo tod", or scndfor frco samplo coP, •• �,..... will enabloyou to mako In J'O�own bomo. with rourown bands. c10thlnlr rof1ouI'SC1t aDd children wblch will be perrcc&In I\yl. and nt.. Prlcn-nono hlJrhcr tban 15cents. Send for rreo Pattern Catalopo. (w. WiI c:n. T. ,... ......... for lrettln� sub­Iet'IpUon, .mon� your f'rtond!l. Send fol' freePremium Cataloguo and Cash Prlzo Orror •DlIcQI1 allPAIT.mllzeWal 37IIa ..,-NIjrj,I'jI,l. tI to six rooms. Address Box 185Faculty Exchange. Telephone Mid­way 5768.WANTED-Ten Law stuacnts forvacation work. One for permanelltposir�on 1\Iust be at least 22 yearsof age. Write R R. Kelly, 30 W.70th Place, Chicagot!w�IfI::±'!fI.... ±...,��� � �ANDREW McADAMS,The University FloristA large variety of FLOWERSfor All Occasions.Marshals and Aides Will Meet.Marshals and Aides wiH meet Tue.,­day at I :30 in the President's officeto have· the group picture taken hy Tels. Hyde Park 18.Koehne.The Daily Maroon the balance of ?atronize Maroon advertisers; theythe year for $1.50. are progressive business men. Fifty,third St. and Kimbark Ave.MAROON ADS PAY. r dof •When you light your first Zubeldaa VOYAGE OF DIS-you go onCOVERY. IYou sail into a N£W WORLD ofcigarette ENCHANTMENT.§k��. .20/'t 15ee111d,ZUBELDATURKISH�� VIRGINIACIG.ARETTESC����{f��� t-'Ne-ar 50th Street S�bway Station and I53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh Avenue .. Cars from Pennsyl- Ivania Station. IT(EPT nv .A. COLLEGE MA.NIIE.4.f)QUARTERS FOR COLLEGe MENSI'/WIAL R.4.TBlf FOR COLLEGB TBAM8Ten Uinutes' Walk to Thirty Theatres !Rooms with Bath. $2.50 and up. !New, Modern and Fireproof ,HAaRRY P- STIMSON. MANAGER IHF.ADQUARTERS FOR CHICAGO------HotelMaterials of a weight suitable for year roundwear-at sale prices'Suit and Extra Trolsers $30 to $50-------------4-----------------------------------------------yOU LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO EAT?Gille THE COMMONS,AlEt•t•tI a Tria'Ask the Upper Classmc:n About Our FoodYou'll Like the Club BreaJdast and CafeteriaGood Food Low PricesMus;c at Night�HICAGCi).THE DAILY )(AR:OQN._-\W�N.�J)AY._��a �, 1913-- ,,- i .... -J ,f t . t , ".' , •• ! , .. 'f' r ) '1 •• ,' _ • rr... ,.._. _" ��- �_._. -" .. , �� - -.- - - -.--' �--�TA�R DECLARES THATP·-,_�l-.-.�·-.J-··�-S-,·I-_-:.�·I '. MADERO' WAS MURDERELMovin_ 'g:,-·P,,�.jct,_,ur._, . e_ .. - !cans Other Explanations Lies-Sees------------------------------.-.,----�----- ... ---- : No Ground for Intervention bythe United States-Write- Ideas for". <:. •YO' U CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND, _ ,,_: EARN 125 OR, MORE WEEKLYWe Will Show You 'Howl J: Madero's death was the result of a!cold-biooded murder according toMiss Dudley. These may be obtained�,JUsoc.iate Professor Starr who was... from members of the teams. Bleach-,�tbh-'!Uest last night at the Hitchcock fC>ers have been put up at the sides 0T�n O'clock. Much of the material the gymnasium and a good sizedfo� Hrofcssor Starr's talk was ob- d b d ted�, .'. crow can e accommo a .'tained on Ius �exlcall trips, the mostAfter the game Miss Dudley' willrecent of which was made last De-I . I b of the teamsentertain t ie l11el11 ers�elllber.' '" . and the officials and the faculty of"You may be sure, said Professorthe department at a dinner in Lex-Starr, "that Madero was killed at the. 1 h' mgton unc command of the enemy. Anyother explanations of his death are PLA Y AT ILLINOIS TONIGHTplain ties.'.'Madero's election resulted fromgeneral dissatisfaction over the Diaz: �egime, according to the speaker,Between the time of the late Presi­d�nt's triumphal entrance into thecity and his election, he lost much ofhis popularity, however, because ofNATIONAL AUT'BORS· alliance with people of doubtful rep­'idation of the rise in Mexico ofINSTITUrE. : �trong rival factions, as well as��������������������������������������������� �t�rough h� di��a�ng political a�tivities.: "Three uprisings were planned by" - 'the opposition," said Professor Starr."-X:he first ,two failed. The third onetook place last week. They were allba�ked largely by officials of the Diazgoyernment and to some extent byrori:igners with Mex:ican interests:."I; ; . �",,.:,,, ',i, �n his last trip to Mexico, Profes-With an Ezcepti_oIUll Cut. Iac1nd;na - 5:()� Starr had a personal interviewTiIn M�) anel...Gennade Quinlan w.itlh Madero, in the course of which,r .," • ,f� "_ th� late administratior declared thatIPRlN��S'-' .' despite opposition he intended to, ", �:�>J;'�:" sti�k to his office throughout his" , W� � B�7,�' terr.. Dr. Starr believes that' heThe F�,,�cre�����_- of.. nUlfht have been successful, had it notB�.�d''f.extf���OR-i:iI:� be� for treachery in his own camp.�1' t �: ��;. " ':' "1 can see no Kl"ound for interven­AD. ·��L�-.��'.f�� _', tio� in MeXico," said' 'the speaker.'0" '�:��'.! ::" �-.: ", .. : :�' ::Jeth:arU:!t:!e 5:::: ::�li:� t�A Dileo :_e iAiL is .inother matter. However, it· would, takp at least seven Tears to' bringsuch a war to a successful dose,Nora BAYES .. -Jack MORWORTH " -Eal: '�����(PIO�·��<.�, ..;.�.;..��:------��_;".��-�=----------------,_If 70U have idea--if 70U caD THINK-we will show you the seer .ts of this fascinatiJlc � pro­fession. Positively no- eiperience or literary eaeellence necessary. No "flowery Jancua&e" is_ ...... '.The demand' for' 'photoplays is practically unlimited. The hie film manufa�ers, ''� '��heaven and earth" in. their attempts to let enough good plots to supP17 the ever increUiDa deiri,Dc( ,They are offering $ioo. and m� fon.inele scenarios, or written ideu. ... ' �, ' I . t_ We have received many letters from the film. manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDiSON,ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IKP, REX, RELIANCE. CHAMPION COMET, imLIES, �urging us to send photoplays to them. We �t more writers and we'l gladly teach yOu, the �e�' ofsuccess.We are seIIiq pbolopla,l written h, people-who "never before wrote .• : be for PUIicatieL" 'Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you think of only one good idea every week.: and will writeit out as directed by �. and it' seD8 for only $25, a low figure, ..FREE YOIJ WRL EARN SIH MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIllE WOIL.SEND YOUR' NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FRE� COpy OFOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRI'1'ING"Don't hesitate. Don't' araue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession, �y meaD, foryou and your future.R 624 - 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK an.' foreign inte-rests in Mexico should.ealiz e tha tany losses which theymay sustain now must be consideredpurely in the light of business risks." , �I' lI.3TART CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES<Continued from page one)(I • i• J '[Continued from page ODe)Loose defensive work has been thecause of practically all the defeats,and Page is seeking a combinationthat will do away with this weakness.Xorgren is the only man whose placeseems to be settled, every other manon the team may be shifted in to­night's game. Baumgartner started a;zuard in the OHio game and playoo a;ood defensive game, holding hisman clown without a basket. Steven­son is another of the second stringmen who showed up well in the ,lasffe� games. The men who will makethe trip are Captain Paine, Belt, Nor­�r�n, Des Jardien, Vruwink, Ken­ncdy, Bautngartne:r, Stevenson, andKulvinsky. I, '\\AMUSEMENTSCHICAGOOPERA HOUSE1 _Henry W. Savqe OffersThe Inspirina Dramatic SpectacleEVERYWOIIANHer PiJcrima,e ill Quest of LoveOpe� BaDet, Comedy, DramaEMPIE$S:·THEATERIsrd Street an. 'cOttap .Groft AveWeek Starting S�.tFeh�S ULLIV AN a �ONsiDINJj;PRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCEA HALLOWE'EN HOPA Tabloid Musical ComedyTHE FRESCOTTs "England's Foremost Mystics, Present­ing "Mentalepatby.w $25 if thc:yfail to tell you your name.Try it.Geo, Mace! & Company.: :.HOW PROPS BUTTED INSYLVESTER AND' VANCEComedy .. Singing and Talking"The GellDaQ aDd the Maid·THEOMBRASFun" Fun, F1UlComedy Bar ArtistsPRICES1Oc-2�3OcCOlAN'S GlANDMessrs. Cohan & Harris preseIltDOUGLAS FAIRBANKS inHawthorne of the u. S. A.pOWERSCharles Frohman, PresentsJOHN DREWIn the Sparklinc Four-Act ComedyThe Perplexed Husband.. , "�.� .... : ' �L ,. -- ''_ ... � G�:�,NeW York 'Wm� GUcteia· Co. in,"; ..... ! ..THE PASSIHG S��W·O� 19151Biccest lIusiul Rnae-Star.···CMt� '..AliuSEIIBJiTS-' -AMUSEMENTS."TOP O' THE� 'KOR\-xN'"-' ' -,}JEFFERSON OLV'M�I�,�:•• ,I,55th Street and Lake Avenue. '�.Heary W. Savace Offersr- -•• � .-.;;NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive neels nightly o! the lateat mOYiD&plcturea. Deat' of music by high classorchestra. Come andbear OIlr new $7.5Ot.I pipe OrgaD.TONIGHTThe Sharpshooter (2 parts)That Other Girl (comedy)Schultz's Lottery Ticket (comedy)Their Mutual Friend (drama)The Symphony (drama)ADMISSION� Main Floor, all seata •••••• 10f Balcony. all seats. • •••••••• SCSTUDEB'AKER 1. a-wit1l­Cosmo Hamilton·s Daring Indictment Geo. W. MONROE ':'H. E. FISHER"THE BLINDNESS OF VlRrorl CO��� ; ..The Big lIusc::iaI Saccess.THB .ROS� IlAID" :MAJESTIC Best Seats· 'Eves. and &t. Kat. $I.SO·wednesday 'iIa��' $IAo• " ':. ' •�... � #ADA REEVEEngland's Greatest Star.JOSEPH HART'SGreat Comedy, "Mein Liebchen"The Great Moving Talkine PicturesNew SubjectsAvon Comedy Four-Funniest of AllOta Gygi-Famous Gypsy ViolinistEmerson & Baldwin; Standish Sisters;G. S. Melvin; The Four Rotters. ILLINO,�".. ' ... "First Time iD chicacoHENRY IIIL1.ER '--iD­"Tbe�.�_with the Ori&inal'New'Yofk CastpAlACE MUSIC BALLALEXANDER CARRTaUrine Movine Pictures.Rooney & Bent; Nat Nazarro -!: cORr­Co.;James J. Morton; Ellis ct Mc-Kenna; 4-·Athlet05-4; J. C. Nugent& Co.; Alburtus & Millar. , ....Mat�ne� VI. ecl " Sat.The Bic Comed7 SacceaaOUR WI�'.lwithH�K��'Prices SO-7S-$I�". $ -.FINE ARTSAnother Week of Startlina PlayHINDLE WAKES BLACKSTONENAZIIIOVA--- .8eUa ., ' .' "l_tI Direction Chicaco Theater Society ", Willard Dickerson Is Better.Willard Dickerson, business 'm an­ager of th� Cap and Goum, who in­jured his ankle when he was Il"un overby ian automobile about three -weeksago is better and is able to be about:on crutches.I ' \ \I.'Change Hours of Club M� Iit.The Women's Glee clnb will meettomorrow at 4:15 in Mitchell. Towerstudio instead of today. The' Phi).harmonic -=society will meet today at7:15 instead of tomorrow...... , ... ---==-4Ii."I..,"�t I.'j!4I","rI ',,.. �---.•D�.. diae'li�, .'..JAvHT�dU#," ".