Dr Henry. Gocldard Leach of Ne�York cit)' will speak before the ��­dinilv1an club tonight at 1:30 in Lex­ington 15 on "The American Scandi�­avian Movement:' Dr. Leach is s�':retary of the Americap S��ndin;lvlaRfop�tion. active members rather than a few I)" for Ncw York to continue his re­overhurdened one�. search work at the Rockefeller insti-l>. It would solve the prohlem of tute.the inllificrent alumni, pre�uppo�in� Preceding the lecture, the Kentthat their indiff.crcnce is a result of Chemical society will hold a dinner inlack of interest while in the Uni- the Comons cafe at 6:15 foliowed hy',I"l(uxt VE1<SlTY OF CHICAGO .. 'Till: l�SD:\ Y. FEll,RUARY 20. 1913. PRICE FIVB CENTS.VOL. XI.. No. 89.I� Arrangements are being made to Performances by the gymnastic,SUPPER nCIETS ARE UMITED change the place at which the Con' PLAN TO HEAR :MANY OPINIONS fencing, and wrestling teams will be HAS NOT YET ACCEPTED OFFERferenee meet will be held. The Con- closely watched tonight, and the qual-Chairman SeUers of Decorations De- ference at its annual meeting in De- Committee Will Hear Students and ity of the work done by the men will Asked to Take Place eef Professorsires Freshmen to Assist in Work cember voted to hold the meet on Faculty in, Regard to go far to determine the prospects ofTomorro.... Marshall Field on June 7. The offer Scheme.. a successful season in minor athletics.was accepted by the Athletic depart- _ The combined teams will meet thement as it was thought that Marshall Particjpation in student activities Vorwaerts Turnverein in Bartlett at Associate Professor Atwood hasField would be comletcd at that in the Uuivcr sity is to bl controlled X. No admission will be charged; and been offered the chair of Physiogra­time. by the point sysctm if a report pre' efforts are being made to have a large phy at Harvard to take t�et place ofThe slowness, with which the con- pared for the Undergraduate council crowd turn out. Professor Davis of that institution;tractors erected the stand, which was is ac-cepted by that. body and hy the The turners can always be depend- who lectured here yesterday, Dr.to have been completed last October Faculty committee. cd upon to have strong teams and Atwood has ... not yet accepted the of-7, has kept men from being put to.' The report favors the point system they ought to furnish some stiff com- Icr, although he is seriously consid­work on the track. It w:ill be impos- on the ground that it will "restrict petition, They are said to be especial- ering it. In case he leaves the Uni­sible to begin work now until till the present inefficient dissemination Iy strong in the gymnastic and wrestl- versity, he will begin his new' dutiesground is in better condition. of individual effort over many offices" ing events, and the Varsity men will next Fall.Substitute -Interscholastic. and will "encourage a more general have to do their best to win. The Dr. Atwood, one of comparativelycommons. Thc Interscholastic meet will be held participation in class activities," regular events will' be carded, The few members of the faculty who didAlthough there is no longer � on June 7, instead of the, Conference, A committee consisting of Virginia gYmn'astic events include the side thrir academic work in the Univer-chance' to' get .tt·ckets at the five dol- It was Iorrnerly contemplated to holt' H" I' horse, ring' s.. 'parallel and horizontal sity, receiving his S.-R. from the Uni-inkins, c lalnnan;., Norman Paine, _Jar rate, pe ........ ns intending to come t,o this meet on June 14. The track can � R . I R H h bars; tumbling, .and club swinging, versity in 1 Slr..,... He was an instructoralOPV �rnt:st, etc lman�;', nth oug , Co' '-".Ithe promenade Should make h.. aste t.o he' made into good shape for the In- r. I COl 'I G' H Effi There will be two. wrestling matches in the university as �arly' at IV .... Q. .!oar e '� 11 ton.' race otchkiss, e �procure ti�"�ls. Onl, a Iimltedaum- terscholastic as there is not 50 'much Hewitt and Rodcrjck Peattie made at 145 pounds. when he directed a course in Fieldb b ' d t�.s· Hutchin work required. Thei Conference· G 1- H .. ._..... t rer can e accomo a "" ID - the report to the Council. The com- - Can' Use Gradllat�s. eo ogy. e was rna- .e an mstruc 0Ion co 'mons and supper checks will rules call for many extra things - to be ill . Physiography' and Gcn ral Geolcsrvm mittce was appointed some time As the, meet, is not with a Confer- . , .. 6Jbe pro 0 II'ded only for the first one- done which would require at Ieast I . in 1903. an Assistant Professor in 1908" v ago and las been iri communication encc institution the coaches will beh d d d fift couples to pur- one. month of extra work to complete.un ,re an Y with-a large number of universities at able to use men who are not, eligibleh . k t . Illinois Is putting in a bid for the 'Jc 1's� tJ� .. �.!: which the system has been introduced for Varsit c riti hi h '11-ecorators Needed. meet. but as the Lllini were hosts for y ompen Ion, w IC WIPreshman ..,. Interview Faculty. strengthen the teams in several events.th "Big Nine" athletes in ]910 it IS not logical Surveys acting as Geolnm.tChairman Sanford Sellers of e \ I F l' -h Th ,. .' - 0' -D-IikeJy that they win get the meet un- • mong t le -acu .ty members woe wrc:t.·rg team IS at present of for the former since 1910.decoration committee asks that fra- ., . . , d'1) h . k -' h Th. . •, Un ���s the oth�r c91lei@S waive the right. �\'ere mtc�vlcwe ,.! t e commlt��e un n�\'m strcngt. "" � �e� are ,- , __ . _ Pr��t '��clcJttw: .....termnes send. their Rreshm� to II A�����:!2��.aS�fer�I!c:.s,_CJ?A��: \�*������G1u�� .p�tl�����I�lIIaP.e�l$Itecb�d nr:-Atwoo�CWas" 'one' of tile 'ina-aUJa�PIP\�, •. -.. - - .,_, "'t1�et-' is--llW3rded- ,to' the - Confe-rence were Deans A. ngeU, Lovett, Linn and their abifities In: eompetmon unknown. f th C It d G __ ..Lf t 6 There: will be enough ' -.. , . -' ',- .' . - , .. managers 0 e a" QfI ot.em .....rom 1 0 •. �ol1eges in rotation. ", Mathews, "!isociate Professor Shep- T,hC; fe::dn� t(;::m, �eemS to be in un- was promine_nt in othe!r studoent actiY'-work to ke�p the men busy, �s �lJ· �( Purple-May Get Meet. aroson, ·Mr. H. ,G. Moulto� and Mr. usual1y .geed '!:�!ape. captain Merr�ll ities' while -he was in col1eg�' He isthe decoratmg must be done then. W· . d �T h ar Robertson.', Most of the. m declared was a stro::f! contender for Confer-f d 'Iscons�p ilP - ��rt we,stem � a member of Delta Kappa-Epsilon.The IO'mnasium au���ri�i� !e.�se �o the -most prominent contenders f�r that tlley favored- the scheme. .enee honors last y�r. and Ottoson .isaUow' the professional" decorator.the meetl Neither of these institti� Accordin� tf? President Paine of the also good. The- reSt of the squad is-whom the committee hired to co�- BLACKFRIAR CHOR'YStions has had the meet for a .long lTndergradua, te council any student or incxperienced. REHEARSES' TODAYmenc" work todaY."4 oJ· time. The matt�r r�ts ",,;th the Con� f.l�ulty me'moer whose opinion will be Five - � 011 Team.ference committee which wi�l hold a thought valuable in th� mattes: will�eeting s�on,·, Director Stagg has be asked to \l.v�ear before the com­:1oti6ed Professor A. G. Smith of the mittee in the next fe\v weekS..University of I��, �f1\Si�ent of the Text �f Report.. CoatereQCe, of his demsion in the The comph;t� t�xt of the'matter and -it is -likely that a meeting foll�ws:will be called soon.\WILL'QWfGE PLACE OF MEET COUNCIL COMMITTEEFAVORS POINT SYSTEMAnnual Comuence Meet Will Not BeHeld on Marshall Field on June 7Because of Delay in Finishing Gin. Two Special Re.... for Adyo-Field. catiDg Limitatioa of Eacla Stude.t'.Acti'fitie. BILL GYMNAsTs FOR TONIGHT ATWOOD MAY BECOMEBARV ARB PROFESSORFencers and Wrestlers Will AppearTonight Against Vorwaerts Turn-verein in Bartlett-Most of Men. Eutena hastibdio. Offen . CIIair ofAre Still Untried. P.,......,., to ........ FacaIIJDavis---Was Prominent in Uni­versity Life.ALLOW FOUR'HOURS FORTWENTY-FOUR DANCES� Co.pIeted WMnIa,GrDIIIarcIa wm Start Pro.ptIyat II., rI'I )1- .' Dancing at the eighteenth annual\Va.hington Promenade will com­mence at 9:15 tomorrow night inBartlett gymnasium. Plans wereconcluded yesterday by which it willbe possible to start the. grand marchpunctually at 9, as advertised. Thiswill allow four hours to dance thetwentr(our danc�j; on the program,omittinlr one hour for supper whichwin be served at II in Hutchinson'I(//'.j•• and an Associate Professor in 1910.H e has been connected both with theUnited States and the Illinois Geo-I,'.Arran�ements are being made �9 al­'fiW frF$�WF� tp dance ·the wax intothe floor tomorrow afternoon from ..­to 6. T.he plan is to turn the floorover to the first ),ear class, which WillcpllCi=t t�p f�pts ffpm e�F� ��ncer, topay for the musiC. After plans have;b�n definitely made, the Freshm�nQffi��rs win ppst" �eti�� pn thel>p��tin l>p�f'fI ip fr"pnl 9f C9bb.Breed Will Sell Tickets.- .Pt>ll;tld lk�ed, �hi\irm.i\ll of thefln;am:e �pmmitte�, ��I �e �n Cobb JAtp4ay !lnd �otqOT-rOW from 10:15 Y>.. A schoJar�hip of $300 is offered byH):45 to �ell tlk1<ets, Pel\';ons who' the Haryard c1\l\l_ of (:hi�ago to ahpve pot hp!,��d t!' t"e� stpbs shoold properly qualified graduate of andf> so �t f>!lf:e, ill ont�r t�at the MA- Illinois univ(l['s�ty or collcge for aROO� Jist of those attending the af- year of stud), in the Or4ld\l�te schoolf;\i" �a�l be mi\d� \lp. of' Arts and �cien�es or in the Gra(!·uate school of Applied Scicnce� at_,_ ---.f�H�E� 'f0 �I� Harvard university. The scholarshipP�NCE IN"BArn.ETT " .�haracter, needs ��d gen�-aJ devel',�Jl'"AS A PRQ� P�III ment of the �pphcant WIll hc �on51(1., ' ered in awardmg the scholarshlp.. � ,Applications should \>e �ade iI'fresh,"cp WIll hold an extra dance, writing to 'F. Goddary Cheney, 523ill Vartlett tomorrow at �, in i\�ord. h Rookery Chicago not later thanwith the c\J.Stom of holdmg ate , ,•ancc.' .. .1 April, Information (loncer-mng r�-:Prom 'P1relim the afternoon of the .. . H. . . . . . '. . quirements for a(imtsslon to thc af'W;lShinglon Promellilde. Tell ccntsvard Graduatc school, the c()t1r�".; (,fwi1l bc ch�rged to help pay the coststudy, and the expenses ",ay he oh-of t"� mlJSI�, tained from the secretary of the fac-ulty of Af'ts- and Scicnces, Univcrsity.halt, Cambridge,. Mass, Blackfriar chorus 'membet'S WIll.II.1, I� .(t..: I, I•II',I.,'� ,IJ"I.'J,�\c�.,I!t report Coach H�fl:er has ga�hered togethera groUP ()f five valuable men� who willbe the mainstays of.. �e gymnastict.eam. Captain Parkinson is the bestall around performer, at present, butcompetition -may bring oat greatera"bility among the, oth�t:' men. Squairis according to Coach Hoffer, one ofthe best club swingers in the Confer- Songs, Selected for'"The' PraDa ofPaprika" Given' Ini� Work­Out-Tenors . W�ted.I. 1n :cfficiency.a. It would concentrate effort or. ("nc�. The first Con�erence meet willbe held next month, and the Inter- tima The chorus at prest"nt nam­collegiate will take place about the bers' about- seventy-five members, aadfirst of April. although'it is said to be well balancedin 1"egard to voice range, there are�tin an insufficiel'!t number of tenors.The managers announce that men whoCCln sing tcnor have an exceptionalchance of making places in this yearschorus.Although practically �ll of thesongs have bcen chosen. there 5tlllremain two more to be decided upon.Director Dunham will choose these 35meet for rehearsal this afternoon at,l:30 in the Reynolds' -club theater.\Vork on somc of the songs that areto be - sung in' "The' Pranks of Pap­rika" will be taken uP' fOT the first"I t is .the sense of this com.nittecCLUB OFFEis SCHOLARSHIP that a point srstc;m �iming both. tot:estrict the present inefficient dissem-'Gives a Year"s WQfIt • ��rvard Uni­venit)' �a�te Schools, ination of individual effort over m;1ny"ffices and to enc'oura�� � more gcn­eral pa.Tticivation: in ,class actiivities:-hould -be put into operation at thcUnjversity of Chicago. \Ve believcthat.. such a s)'stem, inaugurated DR. WILDER WILL SPEAKthr�ugh a strong student sentiment. ON "CBEIIICO-THERAPY'".&nd .maintained hy the propcr author-ity, would effect the iollowing nme:l!!eedcd ,reforms: �ent Chemical Soci� Hears Ad·dress ToniCht-ls Preceded -byDinner and Election.a' given office.b. I t would make possible a better -I t;) �J\ I I I, I �IV.,,-. J Dr. Russell Morse Wilder, Ph. D" �()on as the chorus is' ready to re-proportionment of the sudent's time '1 1 c·12. WI I ecture on 'Chemlco- Ther- hearse them.;lPY" before the Kent Chemical so- The tryouts for principals for �Z.' In matters of general university ciety in Kent 14 at i:I5 today. Dr. mackfria.r show will be held- in aboatinterest. \Vildcr after recciving his M. D. at two weeks. At present, :l m:ml� oia, I t would put new hlood into Ru"h spent -several years studying in Illen who took part in Ja;t )t'�r'� showoffice, thus (I) diffusing student the' laboratodcs of Gemlany. Since have signified thcir int.ention of try­ing out for parts .in the forthcomingbetween study and his activity.intcrest in activities and thcre),y his return to Chicago he has pur·sued graduate work in chemistry.c!oing research w<Jrk in sugars underProfessor Neff. He will leave short- production, Scenarios are being p.-�parro. giving detailcd descriptit:.n Grth edifferent characters, "and win bedistributed to those who contempbtetrying out for parts.increa�illg the numher of studentsengaged. (2). nuilding the class or­gani?ations on the basis of many'ca�dlnavtan. elub �ean, Leach.�\..). �'I_ '4", J\.)'" ,I�,., Mathe&' Has Charce of Devotions.Asher Mather, chairman of the mis­sionary committee of the Divinity!chool, will have chargc' of the weeklydevotional meeting of the school inHaskell � at 10:]5 today._" vcrsity. the annual election of officers. Freshmen Meet Divinity TOdaJI.The, Freshman and Divinity ba&lrct­hall· te:ln1s in the Interclass Hricswi�1 play today at J.THE DAILY MAROON, THtrRSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1913.The Daily Maroon Bulletin and Announcements.Junior College "Women-Chapel,10: 15. Mandel.The Fo!lov.ing Students have beenasked to report at 10: 15 in Cobb GA:Miriani Dunbar, Ilcryl Gilbert, Her­bert Granqui-t , Mar guret Green,II ir sch Sob le and Paul Tatge ..French Club-4 :30, Lexington 14·Philharmonic Society-Choral prac-l ice, 7: 15. l\1andcl.Scandinavian Club-Dr. Leach, i :30,Lexington 15· Freshman Dance-Tomorrow, 4,Bartlett.Junior Mathematical Club-Tomor­row, 4 :,30, Ryerson 37.Swimming Meet--Chicago vs.Sorthwestern, Saturday, 7:30, Bart­lett.Dramatic Club Tickets-Daily, 10:15to 3 :30, Cobb.Fellowships-Apply for fellowshipbefore March 1 at Graduate office.The Lnl\"e.rslly 0: Chlca.v 'Week.!y.------------------------Fubllahed dally ex�� SUIl\)aYlI. llollday-a;,and ho!lda)·s during lhr ... -.a quartcns of theL'wv'ermty year.Ente'reOl _ aeoond-clD..a mall a.t tho! Chlcat;O?_t-ofUce. ClI!ca.o. Ill.. :llil.rch IS, 100:;' un­·!er Act or l1:Lr1;h S, lSi3. ...SUBSCRIPTION BATESBy carrier. $2.:;0 a year; $1.00 a quarter,By mall. �.OO a. year; $1.:,::) & quartf'r.Edl:orJa.l-DuaineB8 omce, Em. 2(.Tdf:phone 1Iidway SOO.Hyde Park. [i'01 (after 0 p. m.).lIall Box ·'0" Faculty Ex�e.MiuaaclDc EdItor ll1ram KeonlcoU:Sew. Editor LeOD StolzAthl.Ue EdItor - • - Ilel'lUlnl \'�k�'"uelD". .llaJUa;;er - - - Burdette MlllltASSOCIATE EDITORSSoamuol Kaplan(;t-or:;e Cott ing'harn • • Harry GorPt'Haskell RhettDoroLllY WilliBton. • JolarUn Ste'lo"erlo• 'Villiam Lyman.&EFOBTEB8BUw&l\l Rdklwl'1m. HaliinC:-';in3. oxeui�)vl';lhy '\,. cit:C:uocn.: Chhul.ne George SlultIel'Lyman Wt>:dGeorge GrayAuS"W'ta. SwawIt»Lil:laJl Swawllt.'(iftlitorialOne feels like indulging in "hur­rahs' and "hoorays" over the successof so laudable an enter­prise as the C"oncert ofthe women's Glee cluband the University Or­chestra in Mandel Tuesday night.There were scoffers who thought itimpossible that a girl's glee clubcould give a successful concert whenmen's glee clubs had 'such ��ormy::i�ling; or that there could really beany organization in existence fit to beknown as a University orchestra.The results of the concert speak forthemselves. The women's Glee clubgave a performance past all expecta­tions. The University orchestraproved itself well worthy. of beingthe University orchestra. The en­semble number as rendered by theGlee club was excellent. Miss NaomiNazor's songs were pronounced a"hit," The women's attack (if theterm may be used) was excellent; ea�hnumber was rendered with spirit andgusto and enthusiasm. The numbers�jven by the orchestra were uni­lonnly pleasing. Not too much praiseCan be given to the organ playing ofAssociate Profe�sor Lunn. It was well�Ilorth .a trip to Mandel if only to en­. :.cy t�IS feature of the evenbg's en­.crtammcnt. The affair was s' .Co ' 19m-IIcant In that it marked a distinct stepf.orward and upward in the musicallife of the U ;.' .'. n"'.erslty. Notlung butraise '5 du 11.- •W e 4!.;.uslcal Director "Robert. Stevens. Not only h hh' If as e provedImse a most competent directorfrom a musical point of view, but o�the purely human side he has thor­oughl>,. proved himself capable of thebest kmd of leadership. Hencefor-ward members of the U' .h IUverSltys ould not hestitate to ... pOInt WIthpnde to the musical as well, as toother. features of our University life.Tuesday'sConcert. world w lrile you are in college, and uponhaving his heartiest cooperation there­in and thereafter.N ext get in touch-close, intimatetouch-with one or more of your pro­fessors. Do not let this be preventedby some foolish college notion ·t�t itshows weakness to be intimate withthe professors. If possible let it bewith one who is in the same line thatyou expect to follow. He, like all hisfellows, is a proved and trained mae,an authority in his articular branch ofstudy, probably deeply learned. in it.You need almost more thai anythingelse to acquire those mental and mor­al qualities which he exhibits in thetincst sense, and which you cannoticarn in books" nor from your Iel­lOWS, nor even in his classroom. Seekhim in his Iibrary; Show true inter­est in his hobby and life's work; getat him in his home, where artificialrestraints arc thrown off and youreach the heart and brain of the manand the scholar. The richness of thearvcst that you will reap you can­not now know or appreciate. It willcome in mental stimulus; in a broad­ering of the mental vision; in beingtaught how to study heartily andeasily; in learning how to find andgrasp the side lights upon a subject;10 getting some notion of true cul­ture. It will demonstrate to you thevalue of a fine enthusiasm for work;i l will fill you with a sense of your.(Own ignorance and lack of knowledge::nd the poorness of. your mentalpr�lcesses; it will show you the schol­ar in a new light, like that in whichyou have seen the professional coach,\\ urking out a life problem. Yourforefathers in college wcr� fed to theilill for four years with this intimate,per�onal touch witb great men andkadcrs. You and your feHows are indanger of being sta1'"Ved in this par­ticular. It wm require fine work uponY0ur part to overcome this handicap.which was not prevalent in our earliet"colleges.Y Ott must learn to "stand withouthitching," to "run true," to "do your Ihest without being watched," to(Continued OD page J.) •SOMETHING TO READ.A PRAYERey Louis Untcrmcyert February Century)Gl)ll, though this life is but a wraith,Although we know not what we usc,.: \1 t hough w c grul)C, with Iittlc faith,(jive me the heart to Jjght-and loseLvcr in conflict let me be ;��akc inc more daring than devout;(IOIU s lvck contcutmcnt keep me Irce,And till me with a buoyant doubt.')1'cn Ill)' eyes to visions girt\Vith beauty, and with wonder lit;�;ut let me always see the dirtAnd all that spawn and die ill it.Upen my cars to music; letMe thrill with Spring's first flutesand drums:Ilut never let mc dare forgctThe Litter ballads of the slums.From compromise anddone thingsKeep me, though all thederide,And when at last the fight is won,.Gou, ��eep me still unsatisfied,The Platform of Principles of Illinois-New Charity·Law."'To provide humane and scientifictreatment and care and the highestattainable degree of individual de-velopmcnt for the dependent wards of.h e State;"To provide for delinquents suchwise conditions of modern educationand trainiug as will restore the larg­est possible portion of them to usefulcitizenship;"To promote the study of the cousesof dependency and delinquency andmental, moral and physical defects,with a view to cure and ultimate pre-vcntion ;"To secure the highest attainabledegree of CCO�lOlllY in the businessadniinist rat ion of the State insritu­i ions consistent with the objectsabove enumerated and this Act, whichshall be known as the code of char­ities of the State of Illinois, shall beIibe ra lly construed to these ends."Il'wA !�the. LLf64tS 22WY $0 rz::To the Undergraduate:You, also, arc hea\'ily in debt; hut,at lca�t, you arc where you can be­gin to pay ofi some of it and make1 cady fllr t he forty-live years or moreoj Iii� that prolJaLly fic before you.\"(Ju ba\"c chosen your college, and:,rc I (I,Y;lI to her and in love with her .T}:;:t i� iurtllllatc. Dut your first dutyi� tu ,Y()l:rscli, to those who have!:d}>l"d Y"U ar.d to those who in theilllurc will he (h-pclldcnt upon you.'{uu ll11t:'t acquire, a� fast as possible,proics:-ional hfJtlor and the "eteran's�pirit. You arc old enough to do this,ior yuu arc just entering man's estatewith almost half a century thereofhefore you. Turn. therefore, to man­ly thuughts anel things. Associate in­lilllatcly with better, stronger andm0Te experienced men, and learnc,: �erJy from them.Ikgin with your father. lIe is, af­ler your mOlher, your best friend-alehalf togchcr your best and nearest. Butyou have not as yet felt his truestrength of character, and be is un­easy about you and your future. Itmay not be altogether a simple mat­t er to get into close touch with him;out it. is well worth trying for, andcan be done if you will tell him frank­ly what you wish and then do yourpart. Do not try to deceive him. BeaL:,o)utely frank, even if it cuts you offfrom some, forbidden sins or vices.Your father's hearty interest and co­operation are worth to you, in dol­lars and cents and in higher way.s, allthe foolish or illicit pleasures thatyou may have to exchange for them.D u r_ . you are now a man . and wouldresent the idea that you are still aboy. Therefore be Ii man, associatewith men and think on manly things ;and commence with the best of you­your father. He can help you in manyways, far more than you imagine.Your future may depend largely upongetting truly acquainted with him lr ilTrainingMake training time a pleasure by drinkingand you·U forget all other deprivations, Nothing to equal it for realrefreshment, absolute wholesomeness and downright palate pleasure,Delicious _. Ref?eshingThirst-QuenchingDemand tl.e Genuine- .Refuse [ubstitutes 2THE COC/ .. -COLA CO.A�;A.CA. ,The Remedy fc·r every Pen troubleThere I. oilly PQ� fount�in PQn which gives universal.. tiafaction-Waterma.', I.J"J� 't is the simplest ondmoat e8icient fountain pen ,m.do. ' WatQrman'" Idealatarb to write immediately the nib touches the -,urfac�of paper. It is clean to carry and use, does not blot.,no not leak, and is always ready. Send for 'Booklet.PriHl 12',50 a.d ./,war.!s A'DOltl subslilulesL E. Waterman ���r 173 Broadway, New yo� ."It Stteucthens".'.: i-:: ... : � -:� ,.:.. ' -.THE TONIC OF THE AGE1Iab; Marrow is a great brain buuaer-«it is recommended by physiciansDrucsists Sell It.Producers of:.;� ALMA MATERI£Av8J lalt larrow Department23M-8 South Park Avenue.Phone CaI',met 5401 tIJI'" .;:.eRICA.e.THE DAILY MAROON, THVRSDA Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1913.Tbe Corn Excbange Nation.tBuk dividual training in its highest sense,something that was forced on thestudents in the earlier days, but thatnowadays they must search for earn­s.ooo.ooo.oo cstly, "it haply they may find it."1.000,000.00 .You must .find it then gradually per-&c;ct yourself in it by constant p' a�­uce. 1£ you are a fraternity member,you have an ideal oportunity to learnand practice the higher tnmgs that.nake for true character building; butdo not preach to the freshmen and(hen go out of town and throw yourt)reaching to the W;uds. In chapterswhere moral influence are bad. there.are usually some fellows of the bettersort, In the best chapters th.er� arel>retrty sure to be some brothers who.Ire morally weak Or have viciouscendencies. That .merely demon­strates that !OU find conditions there.nuch as y'ou will find them' in after .r'OR SALE-An ideal horne at a rca­rife, They present a fair test by sonable I>rice; nacr the University.tivities on the tennis \'lhich you can judge of your own Lot ,50XISo. Modern 7-room brickcourt, at golf, or moral forcefulness.·. Throw all' the house. Trees and shrubbery. Callbaseball, are all r.. ��e!g�t of . _y'ou� influence .and ex- .at 61;"'5 Lexington 'avenue.C;f;)unted in, the eve- ..tmple on 'the side a£�the right .. Younine-the pia,. made '-�all put,y��self'·wis'Jy and ·fieei��.n WANTED FURNISHED APART-couch with the "better alumni "You MENT�For Spring quarter. Fourwill prove asgoodIn everyway as the col­lars that beatthe same namesr. 50 up,of Chicaco.Capital ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 13.,ooopGO 00Surplus ••••••••••••Undivided Profits •••••••Officers.ER:'I:EST A. HAllllILL. President.CHARLES L. HUTCHL"'SO�. VIce-Pres.CHAU,SCEt' J. DI.AIR. VIce-Pre.W.nt.D A. 1I0ULTO,S. Vice-President.B. C 'SA111lO:SS. Vice-President.FRA.sK w. �lflT". &Oaf-tary.J. EDWARD llAA& Cuhler.JAllES G. WAKE.·lELD. Aast. caMller.LBWlS E. GARY. A_IMADt Cubler.l!:DW ABO F. SCIlOm..x ECK AMt. CuIIler.Directors.Cabrl .. H. W.ater:l4artlD A. RyU'.oDChauncey J. DlalrEdward B. ButlerChula H. Hulbar4C1ar�Dce BucklD&bamBeDJamJll CUDeDt_ Clyde lI. carrEdwin G. ForemanChaIn 1... Hu:chlD�W.t� E. Blair·Edward A. SbeddFrederl<:k W. croeb,.ErnUl A. Ham'"Good· Nightor mJSaed--the blame placed. the ex-, '-� : �tr�t\l If JOU use a SpUdin&bDplement JOU can alford· to listento the other fdIo". ·eseuaes.The �palding 1913 Catalogue witt aidyou in selecting the best implementsfor all Sports.A. G. Spalding & �s===============��DBRBY CLVB.6n6 Cottace GrOft Ave.BILLIARDSO�LY40C Per Hour .8dt Appoiated RoolDOD the South Side8 F1Ill Size TablatFrances Holder SlUnDerT�ACIiER OF SINGINGPupils entered at . an, time.Down TOWll�tudio621 Fine Arts Bailctms.ny� Parle etUlUo. lOS B. Ard ..('or. WAt'hlnt;Con A-.:c. TC'l. Hyde Pa,,1e 11NIi! S1UV88 '8''''' t6\1$,. e ¥ '8 iIC URKISHBATHS. 75 Cent&. PlaiD B-tba S5 CentOpen Day .Ad Niabt.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South DearborD StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursEzpert Clairopoclil.,... �11l.�_"""""�ltII'i No.6 Note Paper.�I �I ISc i. �II: As an experiment we have placed on sate a cheaper Note sI Paper. The ruling and perforations are the same as in �II the better grade. TRY IT. If satisfactory we shall carry �:cit continuouslY. � .:cI Price one pound ISc �J Five pound package 6Sc �. �I The University of Chicago Press �I 5758.58 EIH3 Ave.. and Room 106 Emmons Blaine Hall S.. �".""""""""'M�."�"(ciII".-.c�.,.�-.c __ �_""':�x�:_..). ... � .......... IIt���IItf!�1It.•• BETVJEEN SEASON -WEIGHTS .• i:IMateri&!. of a wei.ht lultable for ye�r round iwear-at sale prices §Suit and Extra TrolSers $30 to $50 i§�§I�............_'rJ' ......... � ...��I4 .. 'iC ..fSTA8U5HED 1818"' .. -;-���.._ .J&.::; Broadway, Cor. TweDty·Second St.Md York.-------Ifairdressine !Manicurinq 1Chirol:odytIMrs. Gervaise Graham I,,,'·�MtI.a nail din.. '(Opposite Field',._u .. der Huyler'. Iattending college desirous of earn­ln� money honcstly and easily,write, A. 1\1. Graham, Oberlin, Ohio.SOMETHING TO READ TO DISCUSS HONORSENTIMENT TODAYAT JUNIOR CHAPEL<Continued from page 2)"stand alone." These are the voic­ing in a colloquial way of the though (that )'ou must learn and practice pro­fessional honor, in whatever callingyou may be, and become a true vet­eran in whatever you undertake inlife, and be thoroughly trustworthywherever you are and regardless ofany watch upon your actions, Thesetraits y'0U can get directly or indi­a ectly only from mcn of that kind,=!ntl from the amosphere and spiritwhich thcy reproduce in those who'Come under their lntluencu Try tuput into practice in your own lifesome of he character that you are a£­tempting to acquire. All this is 1n- The Honor Sent inu-nt movementwill be discussed at J unior women'schapel his morning. 1\1 uricl Bent andLetitia Fyffe will pr escnt some of thenew plans of thc 1110\'(,lI1tnt. All wo­men of thc university have been in'vitcd to attend this chapel service.Harvard Professor Lectures Here.Contriburions made by Dana toDarwin's theory of coral reds wererliscusscd by Profes sor \Villiam Mor­ris Davis of I l ar var d iii a lecture inHarper assembly rO(1111 yesterday.Gilkey Speaks at M:chigan.Dr. Charles \V. Gilkey. pastor of thcI lytle Park Baptist church and onc oft he heads of 11 itchcock, spoke to thestudents of 1he University of Michi­�an last Sunday.Missouri--;\. F. Treak l '. 55 yearsold and married joined t he Delta TauDelta fraternity at the L'n iversity ofMissouri. As far as is known, he ist11e oldest student ever initiated in acollege fraternity.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS,,'lOT A FORTUNE BUT-Any man.an interfere for the right and block, to six rooms. Address Box 185.he wrong. Y<1U may make the Var- Faculty Exchange. Telephone Mid-.ity . or the scrub in college, but you way 5768.can apply team Work;ior the right in· '.1 modest but more �ffective way in I WANTED-Ten Law students foryour �wn college hom�l. and there- vacation work. One for permanentn attain almost any pOSItIOn you try position Must be at least 22 years'or, of age. Write R. R. Kelly, 30 W.C. F. Birdseye. zotb -Place, Chicago!RESHMEN INVITEALL UPPERCLASSMENTO DANCE TOMORROW ����������Florence M. MJersFLOWER SHOPSpecial Reduction to Students'All upperclassmen have be.en· in­vited to attend the Freshman class FOR THE PROMdance tomol1Tow afteflloon from 4 to6 in Bartlett gymnasium. This invit- Phone Hyde Park 301377 E.. 55th St.ation was given by the social commit­tee because of thc interest the uppctr­classmen have manife.ted in the pre­.:ediog dances.Ladres! Save Money and KJp in===== Style by Reaclmg McCaW;)llapzine idld Using McCan PattemaII!cCaJr •• a,ui.e will�s MK.UlH£ bell> rou dress 51)'.l�lIlr at B modC'r::loCXIlCnse by keeplll;:rOil pO!l\cd on tholatest fashions Inclotbes and bats. riONew Fasblon DcslsmsIn each Issue. Also"alllahle Infonnatlonon nil homo and 1M"l"­sOllal hlattCrs. On11C;Jc 1\ r�ar. tncladln.: 1n fr.'o �Hern. Su�__ ,11ft _ ..... _ scrlllC tOllny or sendfor freo sample copy.JlcCaD P.Unas will ('nllhle ron to mako tn 3'0U!'own home. Wilh rourown hnnds. clothlnJ: forroursclr and chil.lren "'hlch will be perfee'In strle and fit. Prlc('-nono hls:her than 10 Icents. Scnd for free Pattern Catalo�o. ,W. Will em Tet! fiDe Pfttlftlb for J:ettlnsr sub­�rtptlons amon� rour frl('nd� �nd for freoPremium Cntalol:lle nn.1 Cash Prize OfTer.DE IcCA1L (olPm, 23910 249 Wal37' St.. Jmr 1'011DR. GILKEY GIVESWEEKLY LECTURE ONTHE SEX.PROBLEMI.",The Rev. Dr� Gilkey of the HydcPark Baptist church gave his weeklylecture. at the Freshman Y_ M. C. A.meetlng in Cobb at 10:15 yesterday.He spoke on the sex problem and thctemptations that young men meet.The meeting was well attended.Ask Students to Repon Today.Th� following students have beena5ked to report at 10:15 in Cobb 6A:Mimiam Dunbar, Beryl Gilbert, Herbert Granquist, Margaret . Green'Hirsch Soble and Paul Tatge •Snell Has Initiation On the 28th.Residents of Snell hall will hold astagg and initiation Friday, Febru­ary 28. A special program of novc1stunts is being pr�ared for the affair.Charles Stewart will act as master ofCCr:e�OD�S. The Daily Maroon the balance ofthe year for $1.50."�':., Our Representative Mr. Lanser, will be atThe Congress Annex, February 11th to 20th inclusivewith Spring Suits and Onrcoats. Riding and Motor G .. rrnents,��c .� ........ �--.-.�...... ". po;,; .... .A� .. �;.;"English Haber'4alhery, Hata and Shoes, Trunks, Bags, etc.Send for' IDuatta �taec1 Catalogue.�A. N. JBRREMS. Jlanacer.TAILOR FORn E. lIonr;w: .reet.25 '&. JadIIIoD B,,",- YOUNG MENYOU L80llllG fOR A PLACE T8 EAT?Give THE COMMONS a TrialAsk the Upper C1asa men About Our FoodYaafJI Lik. th. Clab Bruldast and CafeteriaGood Food Low PricesAlEMu.ic at Iflgllt15 F..aI" W."hlns:ton st.Patronize Maroon AdvertisersTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, T913.�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._W_ri_te_·_I_d_e_a_s_f_o_r_IVI_lo_v_i_n_g_P_i_c_tu_r_e_P_I_ay;;_s_I_1YOU CAN ""RITE PHOTO PLAYS ANDEARN $25 OR MORE WEEKLYWe Will Show Y ou Howl..If you �v.e ide� yo� can TI�lNK-wc will show you the seer. ts of this tascinating new pro­fession, Positively no experience or Iiterary excellence necessary. No 'flowery language" is wantedThe demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "movingheaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demandThey are offering $100. and more, f)r single scenarios, or written ideas.We have received many letters [rom the film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON,ES�ANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, 1M?, REX, RELIANCE, CHAMPION COMET, MELIES, ETC ..urgmg us to send photoplays to the:n. We want more writers and we'll -:.ladly teach you the secrets ofsuccess.We are selling photoplays written' by people who "never beiore wrote a line for publication.". Perhaps we can do the same for you. If y ou think of O:1!y one good .dea every week. and will writeIt out as directed by us, and it sells for only S-::5. a 10\': figure,YOU WILL E"RN S10iJ MuNTiiLY FOR SPI\RE TIME WORK.:SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDR:··�3 AT OHCE FOR FREE COpy OF-OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE .PLAYWRITING"Don't argue. Write NOV'; and learn just what this new profession may mean forFREEDon't hesitate.you and your future.NATIONAL AUTHORS'. INSTITUTE R 624 - 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK CITYAMUSEMENTSBest Seats: Eves. and Sat. Mat. $1.50AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTSJEFFERSON COLONIAL55th Street ami Laxe hvenuc.EMPRESS The Big Muscial Success.THEATER I NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY63rd Street and C�ttag� Grove Ave Fin! i:l'I'lS ui;.:hUy os the latest movlngWeek Starting Sun.Mat.Feb16\llktlll"l'''' i!('st ot um--lc \J:; l:i;.:h 1'I:l1'�SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE; l'lrc}H'strn. Como nud i:f':u' our new �i'.;,11("PRODUCING DEPARTMENT I plpe organ.ANNOUNCE ,_ - GARRICKTHE ROSE MAIDTONIGHTHop O' My Thumb (2 parts)Th� ·Rich Mr. Rockamorgen•(comedy-drama]With Her Rival's Help (comedy)Box anA Cox (comedy)A Daughter of Virginia (drama)DE VERNE-HAYDEN-NEWMAN"Three Musical Bugs."The Acme of Grace.3 VOSCARYSA trio of European gymnasts. I. The Chicago Favorites.WATERBURY BROS. & TENNY ILLINOISADMISSION First Time in ChicagoHENRY MILLER-in-"The Rainbow."with. the Original New York CastPreseting a big Musical Comedy of- Main Floor, aU seats • • • • • • 10fering. Balcony, all scats. • •••••••• SCJOE BOGANY TROUPE"The Lunatic Baker."Vaudeville's Newest Surprise"MARGURITE"In Dance & Sublime Melody.Messrs. Cohan & Harris presentDOUGLAS FAIRBANKS inHawthorne of the U. S. A.pALACE lUUSIC lIALLFirst Time-Edison's Greatestventi on. In- CORTMatinees Wed. & Sat.The Big Com�dy SuccessOUR WIVESwith Henry KolkerPrices 50-i5-$I.oo & $1.50.7:30 and 9:15 TALKING MOVING PICTURESNAT M. WILLSRAY COXToots Paka & Co., May Tu!ly & ce.,Martinette & Sylvester, Meredith Sis­ters�"Visions D'Art. PRI.NCESSWm. A. Brady PresentsThe First Chicago Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. Broadhurst.An American Play of To-dayPRICESIOc-20c-30cSTUDEBAKERCosmo Hamilton's Daring Indictment. "THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" CHICAGOOPERA HOUSEHenry W. Savage OffersThe Inspiring Dramatic SpectacleEVERYVlOMANHer Pilgrimage in Quest of LoveOpera, Ballet, Comedy, Drama AMERICAN MUSIC BAlLA UDITORIUlWTHE DAUGHTER OF HEAVENwith VIOLA ALLEN and Cast and Nora BAYES Jack NORWORTHin "THE SUN DODGERS"Company of More Than 200_________ POVvERSMAJESTIC Charles Fr ohrnan PresentsJOHN DREW -witb-Geo. W. MONROE H. E. FISHEROLGA PETROVA In the Sparkling Four-Act ComedyThe Perplexed Husband.COHAN'S GRANDCharming Singing ComedienneMARSHALL P. WILDERPrince of Story Tellers.Prince of Story Tellers.Edison's Wonderful Moving-Talking I OL Y�PiCpictures.PERCY HASWELL & CO. Henry Vv·. Savage OffersIn Shakespearean Comedy. BLACKSTONEJohn C. Rice & Sally Cohen I "TOP O' THE MORNIN'"II!\ � Laughable Farce. NAZIMOVAThe Gypsy Queen, Harry De Coe, With an Exceptional Cast, Including I -in-Morton &: Moore, Ethel McDonouch Tim Murphy and Gertrude QUinlanj Bella Do ...... GIV� STRENUOUS WORKOUT RELIGIC'�IS AT PENNSYLVANIA-TO DRAMATIC PLAY CASTT'he following is clipped from OldCoach Hoyt Praises Work of Princi- Penn, the alumni organ of the Univer-l pals-Club Meets Tomorrow sityof Pennsylvania:Morning in Haskell. The religious department of theUniversity of Pennsylvania, which isMembers of the cast of "Don" were under the management of the Christ­!-;'i\'en a strenuous four hour and a half ian association, has just completed theworkout of the third act yesterday statistics for the year in a census,afternoon in Mandel. Coach Hoyt which has included every departmenUhas nothing but praise for the players of the University except the eveningmd President Breed of the Dra- school.· the summer school and a fewmarie club expressed himself as being special courses. Out of a total ofvery much elated because the rl.!- 2.�( students, the following table ofhear sing of the pta)" is seventy-five religious denominations has been pre­lJcrccnt farther advanced this year pared:than it was this time last year . Church ,. �.• The Dramatic club will meet t;,- Denomination Total Members Pet.morrow morning at 10: 15 .in the Preshyterian....... 525 369 .18club room in Haskell, the Suiclskcllcr Episcopalian....... 420 325 .16for discus-ion of the play and the Roman Catholic 414 333 .15work of the cast. Dress rehearsals �fetho�list 3'>7 300 .14will be held Wednesday and Thursday Hebrew ........•... 297 131 ·09(If next week, and the play. will he Lutheran........... 191 146 .06presented Friday and Saturday. Baptist. 160 115 .05The work of all the cast has bel n Friend............. 58 35 .03absolutely fine," said Coach Hoyt -Reformed in U.S... 50 41 .02yesterday. "Miss Green as Mrs. Bon- Congregationalist.... 40 20 .03ning'ton and Miss Hewitt in the part l:nitarian........... 23of Ann show unusual ability .. Miss United Presbyterian 19Clark well fills the part of Ann's Anglican........... 17mother and 1\1 iss Tuthill shows real Christian Scientist. 1$-kill in her handling of the difficult English reformed. -' 14part of Fanny Thompsett, We werevery fortunate to secure Miss Gil­bert for the highly emotional and ex­trcmcly hard part of ElirlabethThornpsett." Reformed in America 13Universalist 13Evangelical Lutheran 13Evangelical. . .• . . . .. 1 ISwedcnbnrgian ••.••Disciples of Chr.lst ..M·oravian •........•ReformedEpiscopalian .....Cov�nant�r � � ., ••..Dean Shailcr Mathews of the Di- Reformed.C• vinity school will address the Bap- Presbyterian. •• . • 3New York Winter Garden o. In list students of th� school at 4:30 to- \Vesleyan............ 3THE PASSING SHOW OF 1912 day in Haskell Assembly room, This Greek Cathplic..... 2Biggest Musical Revue-Star Cast is the first of a series of meetings United Ev;""clicilJ.. �which Dr. Mathews has planned for Ethical Culture..... 2the students of various denominations Latter Day Saints; , Iin the Divinity sc:)1opJ. Hindu •..••••.•......• IWednesday Matinee, $1.00 DEAN MATHEWS WILLADDRESS BAPTISTSTODAY IN lI�SKELLMrs. Flint Will Resume ClasseS.Mrg. Edith Foster Flint, who hasheen ill for the J�t three days willresume her classes in English l. :m44 this morning. ! • �,!' � Q6674No DenominationGiven .•••••• ; • ! • � ,6.1Total........ ...• 2,881r�fr�!!��� our �dve"isers. 1059J6 .01.01.OT·Of.�Ol.01.01123472655 .01.0122 .01.01.ol.�)I.SI.ot.01�IIFatten Genius andyou kill him, Passhim the Velvet tinand you open up theelprings of inlpimtion.It's a dull wit thatdoes not bri�hten inthe glow of this choicetobacco. Here istemptinf fragrance,deli�htfu rich ness,satistying smoothness-unmarred by evena trace of bite or bum.,I