• I•Coacla aDd Captalas Wdl be DrawingCarda at fila MlI1liDg's�eeiiagm tinily tlnrnnuPRICE FIVE CENTS.COACH ANNOUNCES ENTRIES! ELECT NEW MEMBERS. I FOR COUNCIL TODAYPage Names Men Who Will Com-I _ �pete Against Illinois at Champaign P lis Will Be OpeD From 8:15 A. M.Tomor. row. Night-Home Team Is I' 0n ... __ 'M to 4:30 P. M. ia ua..Favonte In eet. Offices ill Cobb.\lIho""h l'roSl'cct� fur a victory I ---,STIR UP SPIRIT 'Olt TONIGHT "I'lT t h e Ill:inl)i� track t ca m at Cluun , 1 REFUSE SELFRIDGE S PmTlONr"i�1l t ouior row night are sl im, t hcr e j\Vant Crowds at Mjritiesota Basket, :,_ a slight chance for a Chicago \'ic-I Council Declines to Consider Tardyball Game Tonight and Wise on- tory ii all till: men perform up'tu \.,�. Nomination -Tellers From Threel't:c!ati"ll";. Chicagu':-; greatest h('pe Classes Are Named.1:(.':, in the lIa,.;hes and hurrllcs \\'ithCoach Page and Captains Paine, Knight, \\'ard and Matthews cntvr­Kuh, and Holtingswor th will speak l d ill the dash a�ain,.;t Phdp,.; andat the athletic 'rally this mor ning at \vil�flll of I llinois. Chica�o (ltlg-ht to10:15 in Kent theater. ;\ special Ld.:e at least two place ..,"'d d t _; 11lliur-:-; will elect three councilmtIJ,Sin s pn e tomorrow an we wan COACH WHITE LOOKS FORto Come out ahea. d at Champaign. while the lower classes Mil eachCLOSE MEET TOMORROW cli':I(,:,e two.VOL. Xl. ::\0. 85 . UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, FElJRL":\I�Y I.J, 11)13,Fire which broke out in the base­ment of Hitchcock at 1100n yesterday'.called two tire companies and acrowd of students to the scene andare Srvpho mor cs andla s t Yl'ar·..; Fr cs hrna nMEET GOPHER TEAll TONIGHT PAGE, HOLLlHGSWORTHP AIME AND lun SPEAKFIRE IN HITCHCOCKDOES UTILE DAMAGE Chicaeo and Minnesota BasketballTeams Play Tonight at 7:30 inBartlett-·Lineup of Team Is Un­certain Says Page.BasemeDt Blaze Discoyered By JuitonCains Little Headway Before FireCompanies AniyeI. Chicago will meet the MinnesotaSMOKE RISES TO FIRST FLOOR basketball team at 7:30 tonight inBartlett. Although Minnesota standsPresident Judson Orders Investiga- low in the percentage column, Coachtion+ Cause Believed to Be Spon- Page expects a hard battle. Thetaneous Combustion. Gophers have only succeeded in de-fearing Purdue and have lost to Wis­consin and Illinois. There is basisfor comparison on any of the gamesthat have been played by the teamsas both have lost to Wdsconsin andboth have defeated Purdue.Coach Cooke of Minnesota is al­ways slow in developing a team, but.. Iter the team hits its snride it is a.ormidable contender for the cham­pionship. The victory .over Purdueoccurred only a week ago and theGophers will be confident tonight be- ed outside of Cobb at the beg inning of r{l'�illil'nt A. A_ meet wlu-n he \\'II!1the recess to gather recruit» for the t he c1a�-.tI· from Phelps of Lllinoi-, 11 emassmeening and to lead a triumph- :d:-:o ca"ily defeated Captain Case inant march to Kent. the hurdles. Case is o nc of the hc-stThe purpose of this morning's hurdlers in the \V o-t and has hce n ameeting is to stir Up enthusiasm for ron sistcu t point winner for hi-, t ca m.the basketball game tonight with T'his year the Chicago men seem toMinnesota and the swdrnming meet have a shade on the captain of the.omorrow night with \Visconsin Oranrre and nIue squad,and to give a rousing send-off to Vaulters Are Evenly �.�atched.the men who go to the Illinois Thomas and Schohingcr are even-:,rack meet - to be held at Champaign. ly matched. in the pole valut. Dothsin Swimming Meet Tomorrow.caused consternation to the residentsof the house. When the smokehad cleared away it was found that squad of horn-tooters will be station- \Vanl showed his cla-s In the Fj r s t:10 serious damage had been done.The lire, which started at 11 :45 inLlu,: basement of Section Two, wascaused by spontaneous combustion'II rather than by crossed wires, as wasthought at tirst. The blaze was' dis-' cause of that fact.covered by Ben Stovall and Lawrence Lineup.IIC\\I\\ ' Youll.gfelt, janitors of the house, who Coach Page has not decided uponfound a wooded partition in flames. .he lineup that will be used tonightMeanwhile a dense smoke had spread .,Uthough in all probability he will goI 1 I . I oack to the old ilineup that was used f 1to t Ie I oor a rove mto t re apartment !n order to prevent any students n t icse menoi Dr. Charles \V. Gilkey, assistant uefore the game with Ohio State, irom forgetting the Chicago yells and competed onhead of Hitchcock, and thc adjoin- Vruwink, Stevenso� and Norgren atsongs, much of the time this morning �r!l1ads. They can bot h dn ahnut I Iing- rooms shared hy Hermann .orwards ; Des Jardien at center; and will he devoted to singing and cheer- f('et.' () inches and it is hard to picl:.\{ olander and Bell at guards will ..ng,.-"robably play tonight.Stevenson played. a g�od game in':fie .:cr6i�Sti'tecontest "anQ"ins""1iarorion, which rushed its apparatus to to_ �tie how he can be kept out ofthe hall, .he uneup. Bell and Molander haveshown themselves to be the best�uards on the squad and will prob-When the firemen al'll"ived on the .Lbl)� ligure in the lineup at the be,­scene they found the passage to the ..;inning of the game.ba�cinent blocked by a crowd of stu:' Remedv Defects." Here in- two days we have a chancedents, many of whom had cut noon Efrorts have been made all week to.' 1 h fi d _0 defeat Chicago�s big athletic rivals. Chica?:o Is Expected to Force Wis-�'YmnaSllll11 c asses to see t e lre. an .<:medy the defects that were re- Let every .student come out and in- -others. the men li\'ing on the floor defeat by Ohio consin Team to Limit in-- ponsible for the �pire 'pep' 1n the boys." Aquatic Meet.aho\'e who were excited hy the pro�- '::tate. Poor basket shooting morepect of heing hurned out of their.lan anything else was accountablerooms. .'or the setback, although loose guard- rRY CHORUS VOICES TODA YThe firemen were ohlidged to tear .ng and poor passing from out ofMusical Director Dunham Will Heardown the hurning woodcn wall \�th �'ounds helped the Buckeyes. Fully Friar Candidates.their axes, and found the inner en- twenty shots wef'ej mis.�ed in the sec-closure filled \\;th dense :smoke. The ond half, many of which could haveBlackfriars start preparations for ha,.; a numher of star men in .. c\'l�ralsl11al1 hlaze remaining was put out I,een turned into sco.res wjith a little their annual production today, when I. -,�'nts ,,;11.) sholll!) capture theirwith chemical extinguishers. four of nore effort.,\I. the winner. Sanders of 11li11()i� ou�htto have things a11 for himself in theJ��td ... -1a,:iJ.t.- ��Yl�'"7-�W\lYS.t-l­close competitor (or Davenport a 11dDeutsch and Benjamin Blumberg,all of whom hurried down to dis­cover the cause. Blumberg turned- i'ii-thc ahirm' "to·tlle' Hyde 'Park'st;': Page Urges Attendance._��S_ince,_ �c;._llP.�_:hay_c,_fL,.w.o.f _.'e��ss,'; said Coach Page yesterday.there is no man on the Chicago teamIf) equal him .'no student can have any excuse. formissing' the mtssmeeting. 'Vc'vegot to beat Minnesota tonight,we certainly want to lower \Viscon-Students Block Passage. I Continued on page 21 THE CANDIDATESJL:NlORSEmma ClarkThomas Coleman.Ruth HoughWarren LeonardErling LundeRoderick PeattieRobert SimondRalph StansburyHarold WrightS U L' H 0 l\[ 0 RESDorothy LlewellynGeorge LymanHarold MooreClyde WatkinsFI{ ESH 1\1 E'NVernon BrownDorothy FarwellKenneth MacAllisterRoderick MacPhersonSterner MeekI +� J�_es._Sdlers_ ., .�,;,�"". Louis. VictorGale WillardEkcti'lIh to the Undergraduatec.,t:llcil will he held today "from. 8:30[I: ., :30 in the deans offices in Cobb.Til(.: C(luncil refused to conside�.lle petition for nomination submit­tnl by Frank Selfridge oi the Sopho­Illilre c1a,.;s on the ground that it, wast:ol1s:n sWlnullers tomorrow are, ac­curdillg' to Coach \Vhitc, slight al­thuugh he expect:" his team tu ior(\! Ihir1,r- �ix. hours late�l'ro,;pect.s oi a victory ovcr \Vis­Tit.: li:'t of tellers fo110\\'5:The Tellers.i.\\'i:-con�jn to the iimil. Juniors.William Lyman and� : 1 5-�) : , 5 :r .,rUlle Sulli"an:Harger andwhich \\'l're in readiness in the hase­ment. The floor was flooded withwater from a kaking- pipe in theroom. Tc1cphone� in Hitchcock wereT,ut out of order hy the !'c\'�ring ofthe wire:" in the ha"ement. An exhibition hy the wrestling and·(·ncing teams \\;11 precede the game·onight. The exhihition which wasgIven by the gymnastiC team lastweek was well received and the sponwa.-; given a cOTresponding boost hythe interest that was manif(.'lSted inthe work of the men. The policy of \'oice tryouts for the chorus will heI!eld at 2 in the ReynolUs club. 1 t ;:' '1:15-IO:'�: l�ollinSa II} ThompsonP:�'Cl'," rathl'r l'a"ily and the result (Ii10;15- - 10:-15: \Valter.he meet will depend on the winner . ..;!� Ilt h :\g-ar. Poague andhoped hy the managers that a large "f �(,(,OI1<1 an,l third placl':'.number of men will turn out as at- T;,ylnr oi \\'isconsin i,.;_ prohahlytendance will be taken. Elections t,,·1 hl':,t man in the Conferellce illthe organization at the elul of the I :ll· J,r�'ast stroke and he :-;houl,l win 10:4.:;-11 :-t3: DuaneI,ahel Kl'llIJricks. Mann and" \ l'llt wilh ca�e. II :-t.�-t2:-t3: - Rohert Miller andI )(,I!:1. r·atter�()n.lie is :,ail} t()12 :-L:;-I :.�o: Donald Hollingsworth�('ction. Chairman Breed of the \Vashing- SCHOLARSHIP OFFER J J.,llin;.:,\Ynrth has hn'n 111lahk I·) dn\1;,,1,-1;11'> :'\facKinley."The f.rc conld not possibly have ton Promenade finance committee MADE BY ALUMNAE n'lll:h \York this year all,1 C'1I1s('(lllcnt-!n:!:; 1(1:4.:::;: E(lythc Smith 'andI)('cn caused hy cros:,ed wires," said will he in Cobb IA today from 10:15 OF SPELMAN HOUSE 1:- i� n(li ill the hc,1 c(lllIli:ion,: ·11,\ a rd J, iXlllilll'r.Mr, l\fycr ... "for the only ones in thc to 10:45 and Monday from 10:15 to Cnadl \\-hitc i� nol ('Ilthu"ia ... ti,· .In :-t,:;-- -I I '-t�: Thomas Hollings-h:l"t'ment ",(ire telephone wires. ":45 to sell tickets to the prome- The alumnae chapter of Spelman (,n·r th·.,' chance':' oi \·i,'!nry in 111('\\ "rt It and "ilda 'MacCUntock.which could not pos�ibly c51tart a nade. Mail orders enclosing five dol- house \v,i!'he:" to announce a sC'lwlar- ph1!I�(, f,)r di,lance a� \\'i'clln ... in In,spark. Spontflncous combu�ion' is' la�s for each ticket should bc ad- !'hil' c()nsistin� of one year'l:'- irec tui- �l.'\Tral �(.()d Il1cn ITl thi" ('\'cnt,Fl1lily I:nrry.thc only rea.."onahle solution of the dres...;ed to Donald Breed at box 236 tion in the Fni\'ersity and $120 ill (,nOdl11all ('If ('hicag'fl i" t·xIH'clt'd tn'-�:�.:::; 1:3°: Lawn'nce Harpole andmatter. \Ve keep a sufficient num- Faculty Exchange. T.ickets hought c:.sh. to he awarded to any g-raduate :-qwat h; .... i"at 0:' la .... t year and cap-I,:,.-;di(' FnH'ry.her oi chemical extin�ut..I1(""s in the hefore 6 Tuesday afternoon, Febru- woman of the University who \\'i�h('.- tur\' the 2:0 yar,l :-wim. The r('�111:. h . \' ." I :3() ---: :30: :'\r arion Skinner andha�emcnt of every buildmg on t e arv 18, w;U cost five dollars. AftC'r to specialize in SOCIal work. : PPll-j .. i the -l0 yarel :''''lm IS \111('t'rta�11 a ....camptlS for just such an emergency :hat time the price will be six dol- ('ants should address Anne S. Davi .... till' calihcr (Ii \Yi<:consin'" 111<'n i- \111- I _1:_h_�'_II_i_:-_F_a_�'_' _as thi. .... " �rs. 6110 Kimbaxk avenue. known. I (Continul"d on paRe two)season are detcormined to a large ('''­:ent by the attendance recont. A rthtlrDunham will conduct the tryouts.Men who wish to tryout for tll\.'Robertson Summoned, 100.. : .,: ttl cUI:"idcrahly hdterprl'�t'nt I�art ktt t i illerecur.l.PrC)ic�:sor Rohert-son.hoosting the minor sports was in­hl'a,l ot th:.: he·use. was summoned toaugurated by Coach Page ilast weektht� lire trom hi:o' ofilce. and was fol' cast of the show wilt he g:i\'cn their ; i � f •mall ;nlc,wt'd hy President Judson. who gaveordl'r-l for a complete investigationof thc cause of the fire. Richardl\Jye-rs. assistant superjntendent of WASHINGTON PROMGroun(l .. and nt1lildin�s was also sum- TICKETS ARE SOLD '!oice te.s.ts some time next month,Classes �n dancing will hc starkdearly next month. The chorus .willhe required to do nothing- but :,ing'for three hours each week until thedasses start. lilt· ! t '1 y:nci ",·.-illl. :\CCf)r(lill� If!C .. ach ',\ hitt'. :\\'Iy flf Chit'ago �h"ll�d,_qq. 11:':� :\ h:nd il�hl fflr Ilr,.;t plan':'1,,1 it j, il1lJ�":,,,ihk tn predict th�',\inner "f thi .... \'\'\'111. (-aptaill 11.,1-hl�,\\"rth \\ill 1-'lId a hard "PJI"1l1'111(Continued on palte 2.)I, 1110n('d. alld he�an prcparations forthe immediate rcpair of the hurned BY DONALD BREEDhar'-,I \J�ie.I;I', :1::': (;r:1cia .. \1ling.I :30--2:.)0: John McArthur and! i dellt' l'nllack..: :301 - -' :30: r rorace Fih.patrick and(J ('l,'n St;-l'd..) :3()- --1 :,,0: O�,len Coleman\1;lr��:-, t 1�I10des.So!'homores.�: I.=; - '):!.=;: I r a�kcll Rh�ttI • 'tl:';l" I: •• rd. ant]and!0:1,=;: Frederick Griffiths andI I :-L:::;- -! 2 :��: Kenneth Coutchie and, ;-"THE DAILY MAROON, Fi�IDAY, FEDI\,UARY 14, 191,3.The Dailyvacation work. One for' permanentCOACH ANNOUNCES ENTRIES lYon C�n't Get AwayMaroon Bulletin and Announcements.(Continued from page one)RED-MANCampbell will be watched Closely Athletic Rally-Io: IS, Kent theater ..in the &.� yard and one mile runs. Masquers-Io,IS, Cobb i i B, son 36.:This is Campbell's first year on the Dramatic CIUb--IO:15, Haskell. Graduate Women's Club-�J, Lex-Neip_hhorl1ood Councils-lo:15,' t 1--quad, but his times in practice races mg on ;:J.show that he ought to make a star Neighborhood room. Score Club-Dance, tomorrow :2:30.Blackfriars-Voice tryout!', 2, Rey- Rosalie hall.man in these events. Hc won the. I nolds club, Basketball-Chicago ,·S. Minnesota,mile run for Varsity men III t ie cup Rycr-Club-4:IS,Mathematical fROM Araces last week in 4:53 and also took Sophomore Class-I)ance and co-the two mile in 1I:02 1-5. The 880 villion, -t, Reynolds club.is his best event. Glee· Club-Final tryouts, 4:15,Entries for Meet. Mandel. 7 :30, Bartlett.Swimming Meet- Chicago vs. Wis­consin, tomorrow, i :30, Bartlett.Senicrs=-Sign up at once with PinFrench Club .,: 1':;, Lexington q. , committee.The entries follow:35 Yard Dash-Chicago: Coutchic,Duncan, Knight, Kuh, Matthews,\ Vard ; Illinois: Hammett, Phelps.Casner, Me Keown, \Vilson.40 Yard High Hurdles-Chicago:Kuh, Parker, \Vard; Illinois: Case.Fish, Schobinger, l\l�thers.440 Yard Run-Chicago: Duncan.Mat th ews, Parker; Illinois: Hunter.Cor tis, Sanders, Tilton, Goelitz, Hen­derson.880 Yard Run-Chicago: Campbell.Chandler, Donovan, Goodwin, Hart.Leisure, Levinson; Illinois: Hender­son, Belnap, Tapping, Cope, Goe-mers' needs.'{ our savings account or checkingaccount is welcome and appreci­ated here.Woodlawn Trust'& SavinJis BankJuniors and Laws Postpone Game'lCLASSIFlED'..)will� to the inability of :he .man- ADVERTISEMENTSag(:r� of the Law and j unior inter-class ba-kctball teams to make def-Fonner'!:,.The Unln,rslty o! Chlca� \Ye..kly. �======1lTO TU-r. "'AClJLTV ASD STlJDENTH'of thelJSI\'ERSI-:'Y OF CHICAGO:Published dally exee .. : Sun�ys. llonday ••and hoiidays during ,tll� quart.:!.. of UleL'n! \'�rs1ty year. illite arrangement .. for the. scheduledLOST-�otc book ing;1:11C y est cr day no game was played.The manager of the Law team post­. and receive reward.ported the contest Ir oru 3 to S:30 on This bank's well-known reputa­tion for sound management andright dealing has been gainedthrough nineteen years of strictadherence to safe methods andconsiderate- attention to custo..Harper Feb-l!dItA'r..-d rut sccond-ctass maH at tbe Ohicag'OPost-oltice, Chicago. Ill., :Marcb IS. 1008. un­der Act 0: :M:l.l'\:h S, IS,S. ruary 6. Return to Maroon officesunSCIUl'TION BATE�By carrier. $�.r.o a yetlr; $1.00 a. qua.n.er.By mail, �.OO a. year; $1 25 a quartpr. account of coutlict s with some of theplayc r s' clns-vs and t hc Juniors werenot notified until nearly 3. Severaljuniors he ing or. the crippled listManager Lihonati was unable tohan' a team on the floor and theEditorial-Business Ol'rice, Ellla 24.Tdepbon� :Midway 500.Hylle Park :;,01 (3!ter 9 p. m.)31a1l Box "0" Faculty Ex�e. WANTED FURNISHED APART­MENT-For Spring quarter. Fourto' six rooms. Address Box 18S, Faculty Exchange. Telephone Mid­I!llaDacinc Editor Wram KeDDlc:ottNew. EdItor - - - - Leon Stol.. litz, Hunter.Athletic Eilltor - Bernard \·In.bsk,, Mile Run-Chicago: Byerly, Camp-BaalDeu Maoa&er - - - Burddte llIalithell, Chandler, Chapman, Donovan.Cioodwin, Hart, Levinson, Leisure:•• Harry Gorpa Illinois; Cope, \Vood, Thompson.Geon;� Cottingham Haakell Rhett E elnap.Dorol.l.y WmLston • ": • JoIartln Stever� Two Mile Run-Chicago: Byerly.• William Lyman • G . HCampbell, Donovan, oodwin, art.Levinson; Illinois:' Odell, Bullard. The Dramatic club meets today' atGeorge ShatterL).ma.u Wt>:d Bolander, Webher. ' !O:IS ,in its room in Ha�kell. Hcre-, A H AB B OTr & GO�OI'Ke Gray Shot Put-Chicago: Baumgartner, after, there will be no more mailed "��tne Cblmene .A�l�: �::���� Des Jard!en! Norgren, Parker; Illi- announcements made, asall notices of ,.' • . .' , •�=;;.__:�--------- .nois- Butt, Davis, Schobingcr, meetings wilt he prin,t,ed .,in .the, 127 NO. WABA�.H AVE. OPPOSITE FIELD'SPrmted by �aroon Press. 6;;11 Cot4a&e G�vv.,High Jemp-Chicago Baumgart- JAILY MAROON.' Colon. n�=.:: ���.Ir:.; �:;IV��l::���he",. IJa.U\·ISG BOARDS AND TABLESner, Cox, Des Jarc1ir.n, H,u"wit{L. _Kuh, Gorgas, Ward; Illinois: Olaar. Dr. Slaught Addresses Sophomores.1£ organized cheering is worth any- .'. ,Hchh, Wham, Case . ...thing, why should it not be continued Boroff. Associate Professor Slaught spdk'c '. 'Pole' Vault;---lChicago: '. . .,' r- ' Ithreuzh the year. in·'11' . S h bi Grif at the dinner for Sophomore men' ':", W'l:IITT:'_,, C'HI" NAThomas; 1 mOlS: c 0 mger, n -. ., �stead of virtually ceaS- -gIVen hy tlle Sophomore ,Yo M .C. 'A.'· . . Chinll' Painti:lg :Material.'th h f th :en, Purdy. f I 'lng WI t e end 0 eRelay Race-Chicago: Campbell. ('�mmi5sion in Hutchins?n �a e last '_' 'School Roo:D Picturesfontball season? AreCoutchie, Duncan, Knight, Kuh, Mat. mght. Professor Slaugh d,scuss<,d .. llRTlSTS'MATERIALSother sports not as worthy and asthews, Parker, \'.rarel; 'llinois: Hunl- moral issues \vhic1f"univer..sity' men; PIOTURE FRAMES Cl!m�h�n�d��p�rt?T�an�« Go I' B k fuc� The m�ting �s ilie repl�---------------------�-----------ter, Corbis, Sandors, C ltz,, ur e;is that many' of our ,teams need sup- Kellogg, Henderson, Wilson. Tilton. fortnightly dinner given by the Soph-port far more than the football menom ore commission.do. The football players kno� thattheir eff'ons are made in a popular ELECT NEW MEMBERSFOR COUNCIL TODAY game was forcl'd to he postponed in­definitely."The Juniors will clash with theSophomores t odny at 3, while theM cdics and Seniors will meet at 5:30. position Must be at least 22 yearsof age. Write R R Kelly" 30 W.70th Place, ChicagowaY'S768.ASSOCIATE EDITOBS WANTED-Ten Law students for,Samue.l KaplanI%CH East 13rd Street. Claleap.Dramatic Club Meeting.KEI'OBTEB8E)dward RcUckcrB1!.a Hal�,a,;lna. o: �6ll1Dorothy Well. •<ltbitotial��:� -��-�r",." ';.i. � �The RallyToday.cause. There is nothing lonesom�3bout playing a game with from fiveto twenty-five thousand spectatorsadmiring your play. With swimmingand track the situation is different;the crowds are much smaller; general dt Evans.interest is much less intense, Basket- 3:30-4:30: Stevens Tolman anohall is rapidly growing in general Mabel Becker.favor however and the enthusiasm Freshmen.cagendered by a big basketball gameapproaches that of a football gamCyon an indoor sCale. The po!.nt isthis: why not have organized cheer- Ruth Manierre.ing for the track, swimming and bas- 10:IS-IO:-I5: Ray Cruzenketball teams? True, an occasional Charles Thomas.cheer is given the 'men at the basket- 10:45-11 :45: Charles Shively andhall and track contests. But there is Dorothy Davis.nothing approaching the concened '1 :45-12:4S: Harry O'Neill and ior all Sports.support of thousands of lungs at a Florence Brooks.football game. Moreover, foot�all 12:45-1 :30: Carl Dcfebaugh and ....men are given big "boosts" at rallies I �ahel MacMurray.preceding their games. These ralli�are largely lacking when it comes to EI�ie Erickson.indoor sports. Today at 10:15, in 2:JO-.�:.�0: \Villiam Gray andKent theater there is to be the first Gcrtrurle O·:Mcara.rally of the year for indoor sports. 3 :30-4 :.,0: \Villiam Goodman andThe basketball men are going to be Rowena \\'chstcr.urged on to beat Minnesota tonightin Bartlett. The track men are to MEET GOPHER TEAMTONIGHTCvntinued from page I.) GoodNightHow the day's ac­tivities on the tenniscourt, at golf, orbaseball, are all re­counted in the eve­ning-the plays made8:15-9:15: 'Frederick Burcky2 :30- 3 :30: Sam Leviton and Rob-'Marjorie Coonley. Qr missed; the bl�e placed; the ex-9:15-10:15: Arthur Teninga and cuses offered. If you use a Spaldingi.mplement you can afford to listenandto the other fellow's excuses.The Spalding 1913 Catalogue will aidyou in selecting the hest implementsA. G. Spalding & BrosChlcaco. ,01.Stewart Canby and''.3-30 Routh Wabaeh ATe.,rvcing Up the RoomThe most appropriate decorationsare the College pennant:h Ask anyFatima Smoker.be given encouragement before theirmeet tomorrow night with Illinoisat Champaign. The swimming teamwill get its share of cheers in antici- �nd \\;11 prohahly continue as it has 75 Cents. Plain B=-ths 25 Centpation of the meet with Wisconsin provcn successful. Open Day al1d Night.in Banlett tomorrow night. Be Dancing witt follow the game an<t SARATOGA BAR BE R S HOPtherCy whether you can attend any of \\;11 la�t until n. Music wilt he £ur- J. H. Hcpp, Prop.the contests or not. You will have nL.. hed hy the L"niverSoity band. The 29 South Dearborn Streeta good time. Funhermore, you will chaperones follow: Expert Manicurist.find that Chicago spirit can and does Miss Agnes \Vayman. Scientific Masseurs �survive the frosts of winter. Mrs. James R. Angell. Expert Cbiropodis(Continued from page one.)------------------- - ------------Patronize Maroon Advertisers "I,l.... <,,_': ...... II 'faa DAILY KAROOit;_ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1913-with all the facilities of a down town Goldstein, Augusta Swawite, Re­Bank, under State Government super- 'Hokah Ragains and Jane Baker were"" stars ..The lineup:Seniors (7) Fresl.rnen (8)Goldstein .... R F .....•••... RarrainsA. Swawite ;. . L. F. C' 'Donnell, B�kttBinzham. . . . . C. • •....... Sandberg:I PER CE�T I�TEREt;T OS SAVINGS Ma�ee ' ..•... R.. G .........•. ProsserJOHN A. CARROLL, President. T tiel L. G .•.....• '.•• Stoppel .. Field ,::oals--Goldsein (2) Ragain!'THOMAS JANSEN, Cashier (z), Swaw.ite. Baker. Free throws­----------- __ 11 Razains (2). Goldstein.� An informal dance will be giventhis evening in the Reynoilds c:Jub bythe University orchestra and the V{o­men's Glee dub. The dance wasplanned to follow the concert, whichwas to have taken place this evening.but ]anpolsld, the baritOq� soloist,will not arrive in the city until nextweek, Consequently, ,the concert Is��===========��rr postponed �ntil Tuesday nigh4 and',J, ",,\,_,,_' _'"'.,..: J.>I -, -the dance Will commence this eve-_, -'l�. �--�. ---.- ning -at 8:30. All wh�' have tickets. ��:.:��JESTIC for the concert may attend tonight.GRACE LA RUE The chaperones for the dance areannounced as follows: Dean Talbot,Miss Gert!rude Dudley Miss Langley. �"'''' '''- ''''''''--''-''''''�''''''''''''-'.''''·'.·ii�.''''IiI'''''lllfiil�_.' - ..,�Assistant �feSiSOr Lunn, AssistantProfessor Field, Assistant Professor'\\�alker and Mlrs. Walkeir, and Di-.rector and Mrs. Stevens.Nat Nazarro Troupe. Morgan. Bailey&: Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.- Gordon The program for next Tuesday wasWilde, Lcwis & Dody. Selma Braatz, rehearsed yesterday. Assistant Pro­Ed Morton. fessor Lunn will play an organ ac-companiment. in addition to the or­chestral part, for the cantata, "TheLegend of Granada," which is to bosung by the Women'� Glee club, TheMatinees Wed. & Sat; orchestra will give the Don, JuanThc BiS Comedy SUtc:es. overture, by Mozart, and the HenryOUR WIVES VIII dance by Edward German. An GARRICKCOMING COMiNG CbMiNGExclusive M. &: F'. Feature H� York W"mter Garden Co. inTHE PALACE OF FtAME� , -ritE PASSING SHOW OF 1912RoUic:kinc TunefUl Musical COlll- In 3 Tremendous Parts and 80 Sen­edy Tabloid 'THE MANICURE GIRLSWINNER OF CONTEST HULA LEE QUARTETTEThe First Chicalo Perfol1D8llCe of FOR W. A. �. POSTER V ... ---=" F Q falluwviu.'. oremost uartette 0 ADMISSIONBOUGHT AND PAID FOR CHOSEN YESTERDAY IBy Geo. Broadhurst. Lady Vocalists. Main 'Floor, ill seats •••••• 10An American PIa7 of TCHk7 - MARY BIGELOW &: COMPANY Balcony, -an .eatS. • ...... ;. •• 5CMatjorie Howe and Dorothy Wi i- Pr.entinc "Her Gentleman Friend." -- , .liston ftre announced yesterday as GILMOUR &: LA TOUR pAlACE BUSIC BALLthe winders of the contest for the W. Character Sinainl and Talkinl Com-A. A. poster for the show, "Campus edians.FoUies to be given the eighth of THE OMBRAS.Iarch. The poster shows the figure In their Mile-A-Minute Comedy Barin Her Latest and Most Suc:cessfal of a girt in cap and bells, seated. Sensation.holding a fol1y stick, and in £ront ofher is a jack-in-th-box on which arethe letters W. A. A. The posterwhich took second place was drawnby Marpnt Hammer,PRO�SORS aDdSTUDENTS• will find in theHYDE PARK STATE BANKco ..... o •• �v ••• � .... vel1NDEK STATE t;l1laEBVI810N.A CONVENIENT, ut SUE B uk:/I� vision.Checking and Savinpaccounts invitedRetIOUft'ftI 0,,", Ibl' • lIlWoa Dol ......I' :t..-������� � �VALENTINEFlowers for ValentinesThere is nothing more ap­propriate than corsages. invalentine boxes.ANDREW McADAMSFlorist, and Decorator,it'ifty-third St. and Kimbark Ave.Tcls. Hyde Park 18. Chica&o, Da1i+ .. .q: M+1/DERBY· CLUB.6u6 Cottage Grove Ave.BILLIARDS-ONLY40C Per HourBest Appointed Roomon the South Side8 Full Size Tablesin a Charming Musical Novelty.NAT. M. WILLSThe Tramp ComedianSam Chip and Mary Marblein a New Dutch ComedyCORTwith Henry KolkerPrices' 50-75-$1.00 " $1.50.pRINCESSWm. A. Brady PresentsPOVVERSMaurice Campbell presentsHENRIETTA GROSMANComedy,"The Real Thinl'""TOP 0' THE MORRIN'" FRESH�EN DEFEAT SENIORS ���.'''''''''''''''I''----''''''''''''''''''''��''''---''�''''''''''''''''''�...,• First Year Women Win Victory inInterclass Ba.sketbaaFreshman women secured the in­terclass basketball title yesterday af­ternoon, defeatling the Senior teamby one point, 8 to 7. The .game washard fought and well played. EvaScore Club to Have Dance.Score club ,,'till hold a dance tomorrow in Rosali� hall at 2 :30. Itis rumored that some of the alumniwill be, present to act as chaperones.The usual program of sixteen danceswill be given and kappe wall beserved.DANCE WILL BE GIVENTONIGHT BY MUSIC CLUBSWomen's Glee Club and UniversityOrchestra Partiqpate-ConcertTakes Place Tuesday Night.arrangement of the Alma Mater forwomen's voices" with erchestral ae­companhrient, by Director Stevens, A,,1111 conclude the program.Junior ¥� Hold Y. IlL C. A. Dinner.Men of the Junior class held a Y.M. C. A. dinner at 'reserved tables onthe platform of. the main dining T�mWith an Exceptional Cast, ladudiq in Hutchinson commons last night.Mr. Biskham talked on the questionTim Murphy aDd Gertrude QaialaD of college ethics.j CARSON PIRIE SCOTT lCOA Special Saturday Sale ofReynier Kid Glovesat Greatly Reduced PricesThis §ale of the famous - French gloves has beenpiartft@tlJ in order to interest a larger number ofbuyers of best quality gloves in this celebrated makeWomen's Reynier Short Gloves, $1.652 clasp piqii@ �Uke gloves in white, black and colors. Regularly sold at $2.2Sa pair, $1.653 clasp overseaffi glace gloves in white, black and colors in a regular $2 quality,pair, $1.652 clasp piqUE! sliede gloves. Regularly at $2.00, specially priced at. pair, $1.65Women's. Reynier. Long Kid Gloves16 button giace overseam $3' 6� 16 button slied@ overseam $3 15glo�es in .white and black, !...! gloves �n b}a�.k.ettly. special .:.._all Sizes, paIr . • • .. - sale pnce; a pair . , .. -Men's Reyniet: Kid Gloves; $1.85in tan, gray & mode, white & black, in heavy, medium " light weight. Usualat $2.25 and ��.50. We are the exclusive agents in thiecilto of the Reynier, gloves and after this special sale the +egular prices wl11 again, prevail.WOMEN'S, NORTH ROOM -FIRST FLdoR- MEN's, SOUTH ROOM.,.:...- ... -AMUSEMENTSAMUSEMENTSJ,EFFER�gN COLONIAL55th Street and .Lak�&1 Co The, Big Musc:ial Success.,'.lHE ROSE MAIDEMPRESSTHEATER NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYS3nI Stteet and Cottale' Grove Ave FlTe Reels DI&ht), of the lattoai hlOYtDCWeek starting Sun.MalFeb. 9: pictures. �,OfinU2dC by bl�b d�,SULLIVAN &: CONSIDINE. OI'C1hcstrL ('ome anclhear oiJr Dew $T.Sbc,p pe organ.PRODU£ING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE iyt Seats: Eves. and Sat. Mat. $1.50Wednesday Matinee. $1.00.­e-ILLINOISI---------------------�--Bijg�st Musical Revue-Star Castsational Scenes.Saturda:y. February isth.First Time in ChicagoHENRY MILLER-m-"The Rainbow."with the Original New York Cast�"J:'::'l-lGrand Opera FestivalSiC G. CAMPANARIBarytone Met. Opera Co. AMERICAN MUSIC BALLMme. Lonlari and F. TanaraHARDEEN The Handcuff KingEva Taylor a: Co. Phine , Picks,Berc Bros., Melvine • Hillins, Nora BAYES Jack NORWORTHiii "THE SUN DODGERS"-wit�-Geo. W. MONROE H. E. FISHERPRICESJ0e-20e-3Ge Ch ... Olcott, Wood Trio.CHICAGOOPERA HOUSE COlAN'S GlANDBLACKSTONENAIZMOVA-in­Bella Donna Hear:y W. Savace Offen the BicMusical Gaiet7LITTLE BOY BLUR Messrs. Cohan &: Harris presentDOUGLAS FAIRBANKS inHawthorae of the U. S. A.THE: DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1913.Our New HomeJust Across State StreetFrom Our Present LocationReady F or OccupancyMonday, February 24thT HE patronage of college men andof you Men of the Midway iII particular has madepossible the erection of these eighteen stories of stone andsteel--our new home. It is a monument to the Right Idea--Dot the Peter Barnum idea=-thai in the satisfaction ofthe customer lies the success 0'£ the merchant. We haveaimed to show our appreciation by devoting an entire floorof this beautiful and imposing structure to the college manand his needs. The floor is appropriately fitted up withcollege seals and kindred insignia dear to your hearts.You'll .like this floor--you'll make it your meeting placewhile down town.The .finest sporting goods department in the westwill be opened on the subwa ,floor of our new store ,.J!,I:,