m t laily flarnnttVOL. XI.� No. 83. PRICE FIVE CEN:rS.Ur\IVEl{SlTY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, FElllWARY II, 1913.Women SiDlets aad UalY.hity Orches­tra Will Be HeaN With JaDDOl­ski, RwiaA Bult .. ae bination PQssibly Caused Disaster.Songs and Dances.CLASSES MEET TODAYTO HEAR CANDIDATES CANDIDATES FOR THE COUNCIL CANTATA WILL OPENGLEE CLUB'S CONCERT POISONING PROVES PUZZUNG STAGE CARNIVAL INGYMNASIUM TONIGHTpart churus of women's voices was when combined.suggested for the occasion by tho. Miss Coburn has conducted a thor- fit of the University Settlement. Thebaritone soloist for the evenin yo 1 t I I f th t h I-tRoderick MacPherson g, ough investigation into the cause of as rc icarsa 0 e pagcan was c uSterner Meek Arthur Junpolski who hOis sung it last niuht on the gymnasium ioor,the trouble. The company' which QJames Sellers very successfully in the East. The Iurnished the ice cream was called with the entire cast of 200 students.Louis Vl'ctor soprano and baritone duets in the taking part in costumeupon, but the manufacturers showed .man sections where there is most Gale Willard cantata an; to be sung by Janpolski that the ice cream had been handled . The entertainment tonight will in-competition. and Miss Naomi Nazor, a soloist at in cans which were clean and free elude a seventeenth century masqueThree new candidates have been BLACKFRIAR VOICE -TESTS the St. James Methodist church in from corrosion. Other clues also ;lIld ball, w.ith various incidental fea-announced for the Freshman class. POSTPONED UNTIL FRIDAY this city. The orchestra has beenwere traced down but nothing tures of singing, together with exhi-They are Sterner Meek, Louis Vic- augmented for the occasion by the hitions of folk 'and fancy dancing.wrong could be shown.Inability of Mus.ical Director Dun- services of Mr. Lunn, assistant pro­ No Serious Results.ham to Appear Causes Unex, fessor of Mathematics, organist of thepeered Delay. Englewood Presbyterian church.Cantata Opens Program.Illackfriar voice tryouts have been The cantata will probably openpostponed until Friday at 2 from the program which is to include antrursday:'nt:-" 2 �30,-: The' postponement overture - by- the- , -Orchcstra - -and- ,aSeIi iii., Is Carried o. Utelllively--­nfte F"-'" Are Enteredhy PetitionACCEPT PETITIONS TILL NOON. Des Jardien and Ruth Allen MayWithdra�Because of Lack"of TimeCandidates for the Undergraduatecouncil will address the classeswhich nominated them today at10:15. Juniors will, as usual, meet in�ent east, white the Sophomoreswill gather in Kent west and the'Freshmen in Kent theater.Soliciting votes for candidates,which was allowed by a recent rulingof the Undergraduate council, is go-jng o� extensively in all the classesparticularly �n the Junior and Fresh-tor and Vernon Brown. It is expectedthat several more will be added tothe list before noon today, the limitfor receiving nominations set bythe Council. No petitions for reclass­ification from the lists posted in,..:� +:-: - - __ """CObb,...will-be�� ·aecepted---af�r r.�ontoday, JU!\IOl{SEmma ClarkThomas Coleman.. Ruth HoughWarren LeonardErline LundeRoderick PeattieRobert SimondRalph StansburyHarold, WrightSOI"HOl\lORESRuth AllenPaul Des J ardienDorothy LlewellynGeorge LymanHarold Moore'FRESHMENVernon BrownDorothy FarwellKenneth MacAllister Investigation Into Cause of Troublefrom Calcutta Dinner Last Thurs-day in Lexington Indicates Com- Bartlett Is in Reacliaeu for F1oreDliDe"Niaht After Last RelaearsalYesterdayEfforts to ascertain just what wasresponsible for the poisoning of aWILL BE GIVEN NEXT tUESDAY TWO HUNDRED TO TAU pARrDance Which Was to Follow Concert large number of the women who at­tended the Calcutta dinner in the Most of Good Seats Sold-FolU1eenWill Be Held in Club on Numbers Appear on Program ofLexington cafeteria last Thursdayhave so far been unsuccessful. It is,thought by Miss Coburn and her as­A Spanish cantata, "The Legend of. sistants, however, that the troubleGJ anada,' is to be the principal Iea- ladies, knights and maids of honor,was due either to impurities inture of the concert by the \Vomen'scanned goods which were used in a Neapolitan dancers, Florentine court:Glee club and the Uuivcraity orches- entertainers, commoners, flowersalad or to 'Some peculiar comb ina-tra next Tuesday evening, February girls and village maids wili tlake parttion of ingredients pure in them-IK The cantata which is for a four tonight in the Florentine carnival, toselves, which had a disastrous effectbe -given in Bartlett at 8 for the bene-Fr!day.Two hundred courtiers and courtgroup of Russian songs by J anpolski,after which he will sing a grroup ofEnglish songs. The Glee club willconclude the program with anothersong group,J anpolski is considered one of the Scores of halberdiers and pikcmenwill furnish a moving background ofN one of the wonten -suffered ser-costume and color for the dancing.iously from the trouble, but many ofthem had an unpleasant Friday.They were all. in classes yesterday.Dean Shailer Math��' who was the-;��ak�· at� th;",*nq�t.r-�ftd '3: large accurately costumed to representnumber of otbens, were not affected .some historical character of the per-by the poisoniDK. and the sever;1 picturesque scenesof the masque.Costumes Are Accurate.Every. .member of the cast will be�o Will Withdraw. is caused by the inability - of musicaldirector Dunham to attend on Thurs-iod of the I talian Renaissance, fromIt is rumored that Paul Des Jar- day. Announcements of the -tryoutdiens and Ruth AUen of the Upper sent . to the fraternities yesterdayJunior class will withdraw their contained the incorrect date.candidacy. The reason given is lack I n answer to the preliminary an-of time, There are two petitions be- nouncemcnt, a large number of men greatest Russian :singers in America. - the presentation of a raasque model-fore the Sophomores which the, Coun- have already notified Manager Mur- He was heard at the University last MAROON H. Rival in Greenwood ed after Milton's L'A11 egro,cil Will act on today. fay of their intention to tryout for summer when he was the principal at- Publication Edited by Mias De The main floor of the gymnasiumpositions in the cast and chorus of traction of the University concerts. Ia Matei'. Fev .. PatieAt. will be converted into the court roomINTERCLASS GAMES. ARE this year's production, "The Pranks He comes to Chicago on his return _ of an Italian palace. and the facultyPOSTPONED BY PAGEANT' ui Paprika," from a tour of the country in recitals gytnnasium on the first floor will beCompetition with the DAILY MA�Frank O'Hara, Horace Fitzpatrick, with all the large orchestras ROON has developed at Greenwood made over into a Neapolitan gar-Harold Conley, Milton Morse, Duane "In singing these. songs, knowing with the appearance of the J()llyett� den. Wooded bowers, arms and ar­Mann, Donald Delany and Earl these melodies from childhood, I Gazette, a daily murning p�per pub- mour, heraldic devices and other in-Shilton are going to trv out for poai- Iccl every emotion that the Rus-sian DIM signia which recall the age of chiv-J lished by ·Mis. Mabiel e a ater,iions in thc cast', while John Redmon, knows as he does his work," he said . d' 'do airy will be prominent in the decorat;who is quarantme In a corn r onW_ L. Pet, Lee Hay, Gifford - Plume Herman recently, "The folk-lore of Russia is the second fl� of the hall ing of the carnival roo me. On theSophomores...... 8 0 1.000 I . I I I f I I f 1Law •.••••••••••••• 4 2 .666 Miller, Edmund Almstcad, William per laps rJC rer t Ian t rat 0 any other with scarlet rever, The paper is a stairs, and on me floors 0 tie gym-Seniors......... •• 4 3 .571 Rhinehardt, Walter Spencer, Hazen country and there is great variety two column, four pace publication nasiurn, booths \\;11 be erected, wherej:�i!r��::::::::. � � :��� Haggerty, George Lyman, Charles in the songs, America may' acquire which is printed ()D Miss De Ia University women will dispejesc lightMedics........... 2 4 .333 Owen, \Vimam Mc Alfistcr, Jackson much that is valuable musically from Mater.s tYPCMrite.r, and goes to press refreshments.Divinity ••••••. ". 1 6 .142 Towne, Jamcs Sellcrs, LaWTen�c) a closer acquaintance with them .. "n a can of formaldehyde each 'after Wlll Give Fourteen Numbers.Due to the preparations for the Tickets Sell Fast. F . . I '11MacGregor and H al!"cy Wickham -c:()n, remaJ'ning th-e until the fol- 'ourtecn pnnCJpa parts WJ ap-Florentine pageant to be held in ".arc going to tryout for chorus posi- Tickets for the concert are selling . pear in the course of the entertain-Bartlett ton.ight all the interclass I", .. ing morning.tions, \cry wcll according to an announcc- IJI tile Jollyett ....... Gaz ... tte, the MA- ment. Mrs. H. A. Belfield will �ingbasketball games scheduled for ycs- � ..1\1 I II' 'f . b' . t mcnt h"" Director Stevens. TIle ·c··c .... 1 1'Teapoll"tan son�s 1\IJ'·" "flleotOJJ',ot'lrow Ilave uc J pu, tCI y IS emg given 0 J I{CC X has a worthy' rival. The front !> .. 'u .. " a',""-terday, today, and 1\[ • GI I. the Ulackfriar contests. AlI the I' en s ee cub and the University (lora Burnham who will he co -tumedbeen postponed indefinitely. The pag-c is devoted to news items print- , �fraternities havc ),een notified as well choir are planning to attend in a T·'5 Lib..:rty will render two "olos andLaw team was officially credited ,vith cd with red headlines. here aTe ad- d " ,as a number of other men�s organ- body. The dance originally schedul- vl'rtisement.�, theatrical announce- Frank Parker will also flive an hal"the forfeited Medic game yesterday i7ations on the campus, as the mack- cd to ioJ1ow the concert will be held mentIS, a poet's corner, and a lover's ian song and dancc.. Sixteen couplcsFriday e\'cnin� in the Reynolds clul> ' 'I b 'II t k t' tl c�. column edited by Flora Clene Dippy. til speCJa gar , \\' a"e pRr In 1au(1 ;til who have tickcts for the con" f TI V'll I . h "IIThe paper is concerned only with do- scene 0 Ie J agers, w HC WJcert may attend.Will Resume Schedule on Thursd:!y­Lawyers Are Given ForfeitedMedic Game. the lowliest "supe", up to the queenJOLLY.ETTE GAZETTE IS of love and beauty, The principal-PRINTED IN QUARANTINE feature of the entertainment will beby Coach Page thus giving the law­ friars desire as large a numher ofyen a percentage of .666 instead ofmen as possihle to choose from..600 as appeared ,in the DAILY 1\IA-Although sin�ing ahility is desir-ROON last Saturday. This drops the :lhle it is not altogcther necessary,Medics to sixth place, Icaving the for mar.y of the songs can be spoken DICKERSON INJURED The reporters are required to send parts for the court dance, anotherFreshmen and Juniors on the fenceb fi or chanted. Stage prescnce and act- ON SATURDAY BY AN mattpfs for publication to the editor �Jlccial feature, will be takcn byetween rst and second division. ..,ing ahility will count a good deal in ELECTRIC MACHINE by J11<!ans of the dumb waiteI'. �ix !'pccially drilled and costumcdThe regular schedule will be resumedthe final selecton of the candidates. I n the publication of the Gazette couplcs.Thursday at 3 when the Law team Accommodations, both box 'Seat�and most of the well·placed floo.meets the Juniors. mestic news and no matters not con- include an e.xhibition of folk dancing,ccrned with Gn!cnwood are printed. with �olo and chorus parts. The chid------Director Stevens Gives Luncheon. \Vhcther or not \Villard Dickerson Miss De la Mater is assistro hy hernurse, Miss Simons. Miss Simons'rcports that heT patient is improvingsteadily and may hope to be out ofquarantine the last of the month. stats have already been sold out.\Vhat accommodations r.emain may hesecured today in Cobb.Sponsors Are Named.Sponsors and managers of thepageant are as follows: Mrs. JamesIllinois-The students of theDirector and Mrs. Rohert \V, Ste\"- was seriously i�ljlJl"\!d in an auto ...Nominate Officers February 25. ell!' ha\'e in\'ited all who are to par- mohile accident Saturday, the attend-Nominations for the offices will he ticipate in the conccrt givcn hy the ing physician is as yet unahle to say.beld at the Reynolds club caucus on \Vomen's Glee cluh and the Uni- nicker�on was crossing the MidwayFebruary 25. As-usual the nomina- versity orchestra next Tuesday to an when an elcctric machine struck himtions will be limited to three men for informal luncheon at their home, 582.! ahove the anklc'- It is thought thateach office in caucus, and three by pc- \Voodlawn avcnue tomort'ow. from one of the ligamcnts in his leg wastition. 10 to 2. torn. l"ni\'ersity of I11inois arefor the honor sy'ste_� agitating(Continued on paae four)tlt! bAi1.Y MAROOM. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Ii, tQt3.The Daily MaroonFollowing is the list of patrons andpatronesses for the Washington gymnasium.Promenade: W. A. A. Chort1SeS-3:30, Neigh-, 10 1- C bb 6AGay, :;', 0 .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson borhood room. Neighborhood Clubs- ValentineMr. and Mrs. James R. Angell Botanical Club--4:30, Botany 13.FormeriJ__ �e __ t:�\·�:�)· or Ch� W�_.k.l_y_. __l'u.:"l�!l� d3.lIy (!xe..�t Sundays, llundli)'w.an<.! ho:IJay. dw-in� Un'. QU&rlen. of &.b4IUn.\·el·.s�ty )'�.1::u:...-l'<-.1 _ lk·c;;nJ-c:.a- mall &\ the C!lica.oPo, :-ott":c-c, Chic·..lC;o. Ill.. l1arch IS. lOO�. un­\kr Ac; of �arct, 3. IlS.3.Sl;B!:ICRU'TION nATEa;Hi carrtor, $.:!.f.() a )�r; :U.OO Q, lluaT"l�.!{y mall. *3.llO a year; $1.::'; a quLrt .. r..EdltorlaJ-lluslncu omce, Ellia !!toTdephone llldwllY SOO.Hyde Park :;.01 {a!�t!r D p. m.):.Iall Box "0" l.o�acu!t)· Excha.n�.,.l!4awacln& Editor w.naln Kt'llnlcott��\n Eilltor· Leon StolzAUueUc Editor - - - Ueruartl \"lall�"'�BUllloe.. llan.a&er - - - Burdell. lIastA81S0CUTE EVITOBS&:nuel Kaplan • • Harry Gor�a.G",,� Cottini:h:llll!>oro.l.)' W�';i.lfwn • Haskell Uh.;:n• :Martin otitt:vcr ..• Wi.ii:un Lyman. •JUl:l'O .1£:,[ �.KaEUw;&.N R"Uckur Guorg� ShurrerlU.u ll.altil1� Lywan W ... ,:\l);�ll� o: xein Gtora;e Gra�·.o...1"U;l.y Wei!. • Augusta ::;waw�t'!:!:"d!t.: ���_.Il�;._·u_e Lil:ian Swa wu,e"�,·eu the r�"orler twit IUl oaice. auu,,.IU, c1�1U �,)·e. Will huu� .. t lWIKul.&ce. wa,)wuell iujultth:o WlU Lluint. tho \\"1.&). tuLlrullreto .... -R. L. t;.CftlitortalThe Coatof Arms. March �, have been received, and ac­cording to the managers, the workon them is better than . usual. Thewinning picture will be selected by1. til li-t s of their members expectingof the end of the week.l" attend the p�om. He requests that Chi Psi won the championship; i;v ii:-'tS be returned to him, in care the interfraternity bowling leaguq: .; the fand:y exchange, at once. by defeating Alpha Tau Omega Sat­j h�� li-t of those attending the prom urday, Although outrolled in two of.\ ill he made up in advance from the the three games and with her lead. i ub s of tickets. returned to the fin- seriously threatened Chi Psi managed;1:lCC chairman. This list will be the to squeeze out a victory by scoring a'lie puhlishcd in the DAILY MA- highea- mark in pins than her op­h u U X, a special edition of which ponent and was awarded the cup onvvill appear at midnight, according that count.II) custom, of the night of the affair, Rehm, of Chi Psi, starred as high;:11<.1 will be distributed at supper, in man for the match, with a score ofi iut ch inson commons. 510. He was followed by RandallTickets Are on Sale. with 483 and Schneider with 463. TheHA VE T,WENTY-THREE PROMPATRONS AND PATRONESSESPrice Will Be Five Dollars Until Af­ter Next Monday, When OneDollar Will Be Added.Mr. and Mrs. Dwight BreedMr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon Galel\I r. and �I rs. William Hewittllr. and Mrs. George Kennicott}lr. and Mrs. James Weber LinnlIr. and l\lrs. Frank Justus MillerMr. and Mrs. Andrews MillikanXlr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald�t iss Marion Talbot�l r. and Mrs. Joseph WhiteleyThe sale of tickets has been brisk. Bulletin and Announcements.Divinity Chapcl-IO:15, Haskell.Neighborhood Clubs-Refreshment Women's Glee Club and Orches,tra-Social and luncheon tomorrowmorning, 10, 5828 Woodlawn.Junior College Women-Cha!)el,Thursday, 10:15, Mancel.Junior social Committec- Thurs-committee, 10:15, Lexington.Florentine Carnival-Ushers, Jparty, Thursday, Neighborhood4,Education Club-7:30, Belfield 159. room.No Gym C1assca for men today. University Public Lecture- Thurs-Florentine Carnival-Refre'shment day, 4:30, Kent,Sophomore Men-Supper, Thurs-committee. Tickets from Miss Winne day, 6, Commons cafe.Romance Club-Thursday, 8, Har-and .Miss Walker.University Holiday-Tomorrow. per.Choose Poster This Week.CHI PSI WINS "GREEK"BOWLING CHAMPIONSHIP �any posters for "Campus Follies"the \V. A. A. opera to be presentedJ)nnaJd Breed, chairman of the fin- Lose Two Games to Alpha Taua nc e committee, reports that several Omega But Win by Total Pointsir at crrt itics have not yet returned to Score 2217-2160.coopcration hctween the tcachers ofthe c1011cntary and high schoolclas,--c" �o that both have saTe.-tas 11111Ch time as possible in accomp­li�,hin� their part of the child's train- SENIOR CLASS PINSSCHEDULED TO COMEWITHIN TEN DAYSn·lopm<:nt whercby a year has been�aved in the preparation of the ele­r.lclltary student for high schoolW(lrk.The article points out that the time'l;wing has hcen accomplished with­Oltt taking anything from the workr.f rile preparatory schools but byil1g. The aim is to avoid repetitionin the high school of work coveredin the wades or of too insufficienttreatment in tnc grades of suh;ect�which must he covere4 in the high�hool.Colorado-I f the legislature"Something more to tub Freshmen T:,_.I;,_:" ll;�y now be had. for five cjuestion of Randall's eligibility wasfor," remarked .an upperclassman '!<Jl1ars. Ait cr ne..xt Mon�ay the settled by his name being found onpassing the University price will he six dollars. The chair- the club lists.coat of arms, lately l;;en alll:OtlllCe that·no exc�ptio� to Randall and Atkins, of A. T. 0.,moulded in bronze and this rule will be mad�. It h�·- been started the first game by w.inningplaced in tablet form in it Itmd nccc�sary to _�d<?.J?.t ·.s��h a reg� first and second high scores, givingthe flOOT of the corridor directly be- ti!ation owing to .t�e· -faCt. that in their team an impetus which carriedneath Mitchell tower. The remark prCYious years p����.ically all of the c,1f the contest by a :nargin of thir­of course, was 'made in anticipation : ;;(·n purchasing tickets did ·50 at the t}-iive pins. In the second gameof the careless steps that 'would lead i;l�t moment. The .c<?mmittee; in such Chi Psi, by outroUing A. T. O. bythe ignorent or indifferent to step on c;l�C';, did not kno\"v· how many per- more than a 200 pin margin, prac­the tablet. It is to be hoped that -nilS to figure on, in ar:ranging the de- tically assured the capture of.the con­Ilone but the most verdant and un' :�,ils oi the· prom� . It- is hoped that test. In this game, Rehm, by con­tutored Freshman will ever be seen ;:IC l'xti-a charge will persuade many sistent rolling, ran up the high scoreto step upon this visible embodiment �)urcha;;ers of tickets to buy them of the match, ending with a spectacu-of the University's ideals. We must .llis week. 'ar st'l'ing of sta-ikes.expect occasional steps at first. The A. T. 0., in the third meeting,men ha\'e not had a chance to .stop E.XPLAINS NEW CURRICULUM made heToic efforts to top the over­and think how excellent an opponun- .. whelming lead of the Chi Psi five andity this table� gives them to· pay School of Education Officers Write succeeded in making. up to withindelicate consideration to their alma of Seven y� Course. forty of the 200 margin which Chimater. Placed in the dead center of "The Seven Year EICMtlentary Psi had earned ·in the second game.the corridor and directly in front of . dJ's- A. T. O. won the game J·n rather eas'"� dlO()1 of the University JS "the door leadi�g into Hutchinson form, but could not come back srrongrl!5SCO hy the officers of the school ofcommons it is in the path of· the h d d d h h .education jn a paper in the February enoug ,an roppe t e c ampJon-thousands of feet trCXldin.g to the I . t h h h . .i��l1e of The Elementary School S up ma c even t oug wmmng acommon.c;, the club or Mandel. AI- . d maJ·ority of the games.'f�acher which has just been Jssuethough bronze is a durable metal, TI fo h f 11I.y the University Press. The paper lC scores r e contest 0 ow:there is no metal strong enough to Chi �.tTcats at considerable length the dc- C"ZIIbear without damage the continuou�press of countless shoes. Prom its"'ery nature, too, the coa.t of arms ispeculiarly liable to defacement, sincethe raised surfaces and delicatetracery of the design are liable to beha:med by prO�:lne shoe nails. Asideh en the actu.:.l d;:'I7;Ggc carelc� feetm;.y do the cc.:-.t of arms, the idea oftrCl,ding upon their alma mater'sarmorial bearir.gs should be one dis­tinctly repugnant to U nivensity menand women. Thus from both a prac­ti( al and a sentimental point of view,UniverSity people �oula see to itthat human heets do not deftle thecoat of arms, emblazoned on a bronzetablet, placed jn the flooring of theccmdor feading ·to the tower build­ings, and dfrectly beneath Mitcbdltower. It is 6tting hea to r.c.ordthe fact UJ.;lt "'the class of Ig:n pre­sented the tablet to the University,a!' its dass gift. And a splendid GIlleit is. \" Colorado does not vote the statetmTversjty a large sum in the next{e,\V months,. the university witt bev;)ligcd to close its doors. Have you subscribed?C· LASSIFIEDDVERTlSEIENTSLOST-Note book in Harper Feb-ruary 6. Return to Maroon officeand receive reward.WANTED FURNISHED APART­MENT-For Spring quarter. Fourto six rooms. Address Box 185Faculty Exchange. Telephone Mid­way 5768.Murray ....Henderson.Rehm .Bohnen .Goddard .. ,TUTORIN�rreparatory LatinMathmatics. Address X. Y.43, Daily Maroon,WANTE�Ten Law students forvacation work. One for permanentposition Must be at least 22 yearsof age. Write R R. Kelly, 30 W.70th Place, Chicago IGOOD OPPORTUNITY for younglady who wishes room in quiet r.e­fined home. Will take as low as$5.00 per month for desirabletenant. 6035 Drexel a�enue. 1stapartment.SUIT-CASE labels from the leadinghotels of the W.estern States andPacific Coast. ·5c each or six dif­ferent labels for 25C. Name yourcitie5. Address P. O. Box 138,Pueblo, Colo._-139 434433 STA Y BACK makes the pompadorestay back and keeps the hair inplace. A harmless compo�nd con­taining no chemicals or OJI, Send2-C for larg.! jar. Stay Back Co.,;, .639 Grace Street, ChJcago,138155205140190157167166128 III139127135 51031)54-4(JTUTORING-French and German,2217 . te lessons at . reasonablepnva K'prices. \Valter Iluth, 5714 Jm-121739 828 650Alpha Tau Omeca..Schneider.. 157 145 161Lunde. • •• •• 112 97 119HiIPP...... 115 12'] 190Randall. . •. 202 120 161Atkins.. ... 188 120 136 bark avenue.-rUTORING-Mtle Eugenie Siess,5 Ellis avenue. Telephone Doug-353 . F 1 tn-las iiOO. Instruct jon In 'rene '..terpreting and translati�n. SpeCialattention given to tutoring.774 619-FOR RENT-Washington Avenue;Jackson Park and 111, Cent.near .Express, front room in pJ'llvate, re-• h h' hestfi d German home WJt Jgne . Imendations Board optlona.recom .Phone Midway 2872.Senior class pins of the usual de­sjgn wHI arrive in ten days. Thosewho desire pins arc asked to sign upas ('arly this week as possible withof onq of the pin committee, compose,]of Helen Gross, chairman; PaulTatge, Hirsch Soble, Herbert Gran­quist, Martha Green, Beryl Gilhert,and Miriam Dunbar. - nmECT TOLittle Rock, AI k.Ut>UIIlOIl:. '·(";UII.Hot SI)r.ng!l. Ark.S;U1 .\ntonl0. T e �OII.ll!rlll:n!;"hClIII. Ala.Jru.·kIHII: v i llc F;or�oo.1-',1. Worth. Tt'l(a •.\\'a�'O, Tfxaa.l>u: lti3, Texa ••Charl,'s C"lt)·, la.SLo-,joll. Iowa,Oma h a, xee,:-.:..-w UI"; .. ·" 11.8, LI\.Housrou. ·I'<:x.::;i<.JlJX C!·�Y. Ia.l1elll,lJlaJ.. �DD. Dubuque, Iowa.Sj'li11 !:'tl e !d, 111.St. LoUis. Ill.91. Paul •. :MIDIl.lNcatur, III.Dod�\·J:.I", Wia.)Utlnt.'(JpoU., 1IlDa.lb,Lsun. \\'Ia.1·:\"I1.."8\'11l�, Ind.R,..-krord, 111.moom;lli:t()(l. m.Cairo. 111.� ..... !.lr lta�dtt, Iowa,�oullcil U.utr., Iowal-Tt. ... ·J>OrIl. ILl.Tickets and sleeping car reservationa76 W. Adams St .• Phone Central 6270Automatic 64472R. J. CARMICHAELDivisicn Passenger Agent.; .. . '..:(! URKISH! BATHS7S Cents. Plain Baths 25 CentOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOP.J. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert CbiropodisYou ·Can't Get AwayRED�MANan<1Thcy Are Reliable.t!fJ����.tv�� � �VALENTINE .Flowers for ValentinesThere is nothing more ap­propriate than corsages invalentine boxes.ANDREW NcADAMSFlorist and DecoratorFifty·third St. and Kimbark Aft.Tels. Hyde Park J 8. .Chic:aao, m� � .... a<-1o ... + .. Il+�� ..�I:\ROON ADS PAY...Patroni7.e Maroon Advertisers. .. , .---ARRowMOtel,. COLLARLots of tie space, easyto put on or take off.IS ecnb-2/or 25 unlJaaett. Peabod,. " Co.. Makers. Troy. N. Y.Good NightHow the day's ac- . Tilt DAILY M�iioON, �UESOA Y, FEBRUARY rr.. i913.CHAMPIONSHIP HOPES FADE .. U1'CHCOCK ANNUAL WILLBE PUBLISHED THIS YEARDefeat by Ohio State on SaturC!ay -Nigh:: Lessens Hope f01·. Success- .�esidents to Follow Lead of Snellful Season-Play Minnesota in Hall Men-Will Be CompletedBartlett Friday Night. in May.._Residents of Hitchcock will pub­ush their first annual this year.Snell has Issued It:') annual for sever­. .! years and Hitchcock is now fall-Conference Basketball Standing.\Viscollsin.. .. .. .. 5 ° 1.000Xortuwesteru . . .. 3 ·75(;illinu;s.. .. ..... .. 3 .750Lhil.:a�o.......... 3 2 .600Ohio' State ,> 2 .50<. ill;; into line with a hooklet which.\illlllesula........ 1 2 .3JJ . vill be ready about May J. the dateturdue ". 1 4 .�>()O. -i the annual banquet ?f the house�ndiana.......... ° J' .00010wa............. ° J .00, nembers.�1 inncsot a is the next team on Chi- Hermann Deutsch is editor-in-� ;lgU'S basketball schedule. The, hid of the annual and has con-id­Copher» will come to Bartlett on Fri- I able material already in hand,day night, \Vhile Chicago's hopes Lawrence Dunlap, assistant editor,i(,1' a championship are rather dim at Io1.S charge of the biographies of thepresent, a victory over the Gophers is 'l<:.use members, and Merwyn Palmerc ssentia! if Chicago is to have any is preparing the photographs for thochance for a successful season.Have Only One Victory.•to the other fellow's excuses. practically went glimmering 'after th�The Spalding 191J Catalogue will aid defeat that was administ cred 'byyou in selecting the best implements ("hio State. There was no reasonwhy' the game should have been lostfor all Sports, hooklet."In issuing' the Hitchcock book, wetrihuting verse and stories.:\OBERTSONS LEAVE' . ,FOR SOUTHE'RN TRIPEARLY NEXT WEEK',:\ssistant Professor Robertson andMrs. Robertson Ieave early ne.."ttweek for: a several months' sojournin the South. They wi1l spend some.:me' at Tryon, a quiet winter resortIII the mountains of North Carolina,and from there will go to Charleston,South Carolina, where they will re­main until May. Returning north,they will visit the University of Vir­.�inia and other institutions, and willreturn to Chicago by way of NewYork. Mr. Robertson has no classesin the Winter and Spring quartersB-_L d Sta G this year.4UIA. un er to ovemment super- three times as many chances to .scorevision. More w orkand better done. Mind brightas a dollar-quick: as a flash.That's howwill help you. It is so cheerful, wholesome andsatisfying a drink. God {or both body and brain.Delicious � RefreshingThirst-Quenching.tivities on the tennis �I innesota has not had a successful lope to establish a precedent so thatcourt, at golf. or svason up to date .1S the team has die Hitchcock men wilt make itbaseball. are all re- . 'Illy succeeded in defeating Purdue. an annual feature," said Deutschcounted in the eve- The team has been slow in develop- yesterday, "The book will contain ex'iUg" hut will be going at full speed .ensive biographies of the housening-the plays made... Friday. Chicago will have to show reads Mr. Robertson, Mr. Field andor mined; .the blame placed; the ex-.1 great improvement over Saturday's .\rr. Gilkey, and pictures of Mrs.cusea offered. If you use a Spalding game to have any chance for victory; Hitchcock and Mrs. Robertson.implement you can afford to listen Chicago's hopes for a championship There \\;11 be a short biography of. very one of the ninety men in the. rall. The pictures will include groups-f men in their rooms and possiblyl large group including all the resi­dents. There will also be views ofhe library and the corridors."The book is to be ready for dis­+ibution . at the annual dinner in MayIt '�hich Mrs. 'Hitchcock who is nowI broad will be a special guest. Lit­erary members of the house are �on:"by a .:?9 to 20 score except that themen did not do what they shouldhave done and that Chiago's lineupwas not the strongest that couldCbleaco. m .Darine February I will make you of Suhnormality."• $32 suit for $22.Material and WorkmanshipGuaranteedCLEANING and PRESSING&.: G. Spalding & Bros. IIeIdIa W....... A\'8.f •• renee M. MJersfLOWER SHOPSpecial Reduction to Students..... FOR 'THE PROMPhone 'H7de Park 3D1377 E.. 55th St.PROFtSSOas andS11JDENTS •will find in theHYDE.P.ARK STATE BANKco ..... o •• � ..... aT • -.Allie AVeONDER STATE SVrEn"ISION.I [ONVENIENT lB. SAFE B aukwith all the facilities of a down townChecking and Savincsaccounts invited� Oyer Half • llUllon Donan.a PER CENT l"TEREST OS S.\ ,'.S(iSJOHN A. CARROLL, President.THOMAS JANSEN, CashierDERBY CLUB. Professor Freund of the Law" .. "�Ir;: �� . �"J . II I E, llonr.,e Street.school will speak on ews III ;!;, E. Jadt80n Blvd.America" before the Menorah so' IN JE'·· EMS ,.� A. • to,.\. • m.analcr •. Gcore Sim, Divinity Ex-'IJ prom' cicty in Cobb 6:\ Thursday at i:Jo. •� .�.��,,�-�� .. ������� ..........incnt in city playground work will Professor Freund's lecture is one;!"dres!o' the Education club on "Play- of a series, which will be held under;;'01111ds and Sports," at its meeting the auspices of the Menorah society,at i:30 today in Belfield Hall. School and to which all students of the Uni­of Education. Mr. Sim left the Uni- vcrsity and their friends are invited.vcrxity to engage in playground On �lard1 IZ, Mr. Phillipson of thework, and later organized the Be� German department will deliver the,ctllcr Park play�ound, where his, c':ening's address on March 28th, hework was so succcssful that he was win be followed by Dean Small.;IJ.pointcd ass.1$tant superintendent The contest for the $50 Menorah"f \Va�hington Park, where he has prize to be givcn to the hest thesis'J.ecial charge of the sports. Miss on the Jew wiil he closed March 26.Clara Schmidt will also address the :'.mong the papers in preparation arc­lIleeting tonight. sJlcaking on "Types the follo,,,ing: Jo�eph Gordon's "Theha ve been used.Coach Page used a new lineup i�Lopes of bolstering up Chicago'schances, but it seemed to have an op:posite ea:�cts. Stevenson:. '\'a.§ tht\.only man who did what was ex-. pected of him. To make .room fotlite diminutive forward, Coach. Pageshifted Vruwink to center and Delj ardicn to guard.· leaving Bell ont he sid�lincs. After the first fewminutes of play, V ruwink and Dc,Sj ardien changed positions.Guarding Is Loose.Loose guarding and poor passingwas the continual fault of Chicago in.nc first half. Molander was handi­capped early in ihe game by the factdlat his face was covered with bloodi: om a cut over his eye. After ther.rst fc,�' minutes of play the OhioState team was always' in the lead.In the second half Chicago hadas the visitors. hut a combination ofhad luck ant' poor shooting made• .11 the efforts conic to. naught. Theonly time when Chicago played alighting gnme was in the latter partor the second half when Bell and;_ •• ptain Paine were put in the game.Sim to Address Education Club.Close Bartlett Today.Bartlett gymnasium will he closedtnday. to make possible preparationsfor the Florentine carnival tonight. MENORAH TO HEAR FREUNDLecture of Professor of Law' Will BeFirst in Series,Jew in China;" S. L. Pi dot's ';JewishDiseas�; Moses Levitan's "Advant­ages of StUdying Hehrew;" AaronArkin's "Psychology of the Jew:" andBen Blumherg's "Jews and CollegeCirclcs. Demand the Gcm.Inc=-Refuse Substitutesyou see anArrow thinkof Coca-Cola. ATLANTA, GA.6i 16 Cottaie Grove Ave.BILLIARDSONLY-40C Per HourBeat Appointed Roomon the South Side8 Full Size TablesM. ShindermanTAILOR'$32 for $22.'A ••••• a a iiltliifiiill6hilnt1 Fatten Genius and'you kill him. Pa�shim the Velvet tmand you open up thesprings of inspiration.It's a dull wit thatdoes not brighten inthe glow of this choicetobacco. Here istempting fragrance,delightful richness,satisfying smoothness-unmarred by evena trace of bite or bum..,.......IItIUdt ............. ������� .. �.I .... �a ....... �WEIGHTS .••• BETWEENMaterial. of a weight suitable for year round.wear-at sale pricesSuit and E�ra Trousers $30 to $50TAILOR FORYOUNG liEN--------------------------------�AIlE YOU LOOKINC • ·.R A PLACE TO unGive THE t�.: .�-JMONS • Tria'Ask the Upper Ci1 ,3 men About Our FoodYou'll Like the Cluh Breakfast and Cafeteria(jood Food Lew PricesMusic at NightNil � 0.... .&-.-. CHICAGCD.wr.z ... � Park 5101THE DAILY MAROON, TU:ESDA Y. FEBRUARY II, 1913.• �MUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS • AMUSEMENTS VARSITY TRACK MEN HAVE the �hot put. As ill the high jumpSMALL HOPES OF VICTORY l l linois is short of material in thisc v e n t , and Xorgrcn anc..l Des Jardien:Will Have Week of Hard Training :-.houlJ be able to take the majority ofBefore Illinois Meet Saturday poin t s. Thomas in the pole vault:at Champaign. \·;:11 have a hard rival in Schobinger,m.t the lucal man has been doingVarsity track men will put in a ccnsi-ac ntly wcl l so far. anc..l should atweek preparing for the first Confer- aa�t hold his down state rival even.ence meet of the year at Cha1ll1)�llgllon Saturc..lay. The prospects for a POSTPONE SOIREE TONIGHTwinning team, which were extremely,dark at the beginning of the year. Dr. Crothers Will Be Guest of Mr.1._�_r_it_e_I_de_a_s_fo_r_M_oVl_·_n_g_P_ic_t_u_r_e_P_I_&_Y_81_1YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS ANDEARN 125 OR' MORE WEEKL YWe Will Show You Howl-If you have ideas-if you can THINK-we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new pro­fession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No '·Bowery language" is wanted.The d-emand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "moviDcheaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand.They are offering $100. and more; for single scenarios, or written ideas.We have received many letters from the film manufacturers. such as VITAGRAPH. EDISON,ESSANAY, LUBIN. SOLAX •. IMP. REX. RELIANCE. CHAMPION COMET, MELIES, ETC ..urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets ofsuccess. have brightened somewhat in the last Robertson Thursday.few weeks, but Coach Page does notexpect a victory. Dr. Samuel McChord Crothers.NATIONAL AUT'HORS·INSTITUTE R 624 _ 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK CITY Uuivcr . .,ity preacher this week. willThe weakness of the team .lics al- h. tile guc:'t at Assistant Professormost wholly in the middle anc..l long )\'o),L'rt"on's Ten O'clock in Hitch.c..listance men. Material has usually cc.ck. The soiree is being heldLeen scarce in these events, and this I'rl:ur�d;t�� night instead of tonig 111year the prospects appear worst because of the carnival. Thursday's'than usual. Coach J'age has. ell- wil! he thc last Ten O'clock at whichdcavored to overcome this wcak ne ssuntill\f r. Robertson will be presentby introducing the s ilver cup races,. .\lay, owing' to his departure next,and he wiU probably enter a number week for the South where he will�f dark horses, who may make good. spend several months. The TuesdayThe men will have to overcome the uig h t meetings will probably be con-handicap of inexperience and will tinucd under the leadership of Mr.only' develop slowly. Field and �Ir. Gilkey, assistant headsIn the field events anc..l the c..lashes of Hitchcock.then; are a number of good men whoWe are selling photoplays writteD� bi" people who. "Dever before wrote • line for pablicatioD."Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you think of only one good idea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25. a low figure,FREE YOU Will EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE. TIME. WORK..·SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy OFOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING"Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new professioa may meaD forDon't hesitate.you and your future.should prove to be consistent pomt STAGE CARNIVAL INwinners, Captain Kuh and Warc..l in GYMNASIUM TONIGHTthe hurdles are relied upon to strainEMPRESS J E FFE R SON ; MAJESTIC55th Street and Lake Avenue.COMING COMING COMING GRACE LA RUE the abilities of Case anc..l Schobinger,Illinois' star hurdlers, to the utmost.Ward has already defeated Case thisyear in First Regiment meet, when he I\.. Angell, MrS'. Edgar Goodspeed,took the 40 yard hurc..lles in record Mrs, James \V. Linn. Mrs, Gorc..lontime, Matthews of' last year's team, Laing, Mrs, Russell Clark, Mrs. Hen­Parker, Duncan. Knight and Ward ry Gale. �Irs. Bertram Sippy, Mrs.are all experienced men in the dashes Rohert Millikan, Miss Jessie Hec�­and this group should show up well man, M iss Susan Peabody and Missin the Tclay also, Matthews was good Shirley Farr,(Continued from page one)THEATER NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY in a Charming Musical Novelty.NAT. M. WILLSThe Tramp ComedianSam Chip and Mary Marblein a New Dutch ComedyNat Nazarro Troupe, Morgan, Bailey8t Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. GordonWilde, Lewis & Dody, Selma Braatz,Ed Morton.7:30 and 9:IS Five Heels nightly of the latest mOTingpictures. neat OfWUHlc by high classorchestra. Come and hear our new $7.500pipe organ.I3rd Street and Cottace Grove AveWeek Starting Sun.Mat.Feb. 9SULLIVAN 8c CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE�.j -'.: i ';l·i.A Rollicking Turieful Musical COIU­edy TabloidTHE MANICURE GIRLSEULA LEE QUARTETTE Exclusive M. & F. FeatureTHE PALACE OF FLAMESIn 3 Tremendous Parts and 80 Sen­sational Scenes.Saturday. February I5th. Slaught Talks to Sophomore Men.last year and gives promise of devel­oping into a top notcher this season.CORT Prospects in the field events are Associate Professor S'laught willfairly bright. Cox of last year's team address the Sophomore men at a sup­should be able to defeat Illinois' [-,er in the commons cafe ThursdayMatinees Wecl & Sat. jumpers, as their best men graduat- at 6. The slipper will be given under,The Big Comedy Success ed last year. Des Jardicn will also the auspices of the Sophomore Y. M.OUR WIVES compete in this event as well as in � C. A. commission.Vaudeville's Foremost Quartette of ADMISSIONLady Vocalists. Main Floor, all seats • • • • • • 10MARY BIGELOW & COMPANY Balcony, all seats. • •••••••• sc:Presenting OCHer GentleIJ1m Friend"GILMOUR & LA TOURCharacter. Singing and Talking Com­edians.THE OMBRASIn their Mile-A-Minute Comedy BarSensation. with Henry KolkerPrices 50-75-$1.00 &; $1.50.GARRICK IMPORTEDMINIATURESEadPadqeHaso.e-E.ry s---."Wafso.e-1t'lIa Y •• SftJ1aar .... E,aW.'I"'"New York Winter Garden Co. in pRINC�SWm. A. B�7 PraentaThe Fint Chic:aco. Periormance ofBOUGHT AND PAID PORBy Geo. Broadbunt.An Ameriam PJq of To-dqTHE PASSING SHOW OF 1912Biggest Musical Revue-Star CastILLINOISPRICESIOc-20c-30c First Time in ChicagoHENRY MILLER-in-"The Rainbow."with the Original New York Cast PO'VVEIlSMaurice Campbell presentsHENRIETTA GROSMANin Her Latest and Most SuccessfulComedy,"The Real Thine·"COLONIALTHE ROSE MAID AMERICAN MUSIC BALL WHAT, �EVER?The Big Muscial Success.- ,- OLYl\tlPICBest Seats: Eves. and Sat. Mat. $1.50Wednesday Matinee, $1.00 Nora BAYES Jack NORWORTHin ""THE SUN DODGERS" Henr,. W. Savage Offers fbey said: "It can't be Done." That it �_IMPOSSIBLE to blend Turkish and Virginiatobacco -and catch and hold the soul of both.Well, we've DONE it.It's too good to be true.But it IS true.Great is ZUbelda!... }. jGrand Opera FestivalSig G. CAMPANARIBarytone Met. Opera Co.Mme. Longari and F. TanariHARDEEN The Handcuff Ki;g·Eva Taylor & Co. Phlne & Picks,Berg Bros., Melville & Higgins,ChaS. Olcott, Wood Trio. -with=-- I "TOP 0' THE IIORNIH'''Geo. W. MONROE H. E. FISHERWith an Exceptional Cast, IadvdincpALACE MuSIC HALLHawthorae of the U. 8. A.AUDITORIU� Tim Murphy and Gertrude QainlanTHE DAUGHTER OF HEAVENCHICAGOOPERA HOUSE COBiN'S GRAND 'A"'�·.tOI'tI.?� JZUBELDATURKISH ,e VIRGINIACIG.ARETTESwith VIOLA ALLEN and Cast and STUDEBAKERCompany of More Than 200 Cosmo Hamilton'. Dad .. Indictment.CTHE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE"Henry W. Savage Ofters the BigM.aic:al GaietyLITTLE BOY BLUK Messrs. Cohan & Harris presentDOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in BLACKSTONENAIZIIOVA-iD­BeDa Doaaa