.c-,':,' .- l..�.. ., �,PRICE Fl VE CENTS.... t .... ,s., !Searon Raft CIa .. Meetmc.. TIl. Senior elan '�it'hold a "'eet�!faC tom9�w at ,10:':5' _jn C�hb 6A.,'. Plaft� ft1r 'tile r:e�(o�·�.�.e qaarter �,..·.i.a ... -The Daily Maroon1l.t.n·ut·f 4IfUa ..� .. 8eOODd-�,maU. die Ob�,poat�rrlce, Cbdoa&'O, Ill.. Kuda 'l8j 1808. UU·dt'r ACl of lIarob a. 1813.lit;B»CBJPTIOM &AT ..- Uy carrrer, $2.;,0 & )�: 11.00 • QUMCAI".H)' mall. $3,00 & rur; '1,� • quan",..J::di:orla.l·nu.-inesa Ofrlce. Ell. 2Ll'devhone 1I1dwa7 tiOO.Hyde Park 5601 (afta- 8 p; IlL)11a1l Box "0" Facult7 �"EnD the ftpo&1er .... -:.me.. ...trith clear e7a1 aDd 1l0Dea& ...._... �U1lwe1l 1.DJw.Uce aDd poIo& &M � ..procraa."-B.. L S.l'r,n:r.J by lIaroon Pru.. GIll o.u.... a..,....Speeches. �-�����_..,_�- c. ·0L··�EI:·S,'TlSS,l!'.!!bTS'·�'. ,-BuUefin: ·and Announcemeats.• EdIIIII'_ Junior C�1lep WomeD---Cbape1.10:15. MaDder'Women's Glee Club-Rehearsal fo�co�cert. 4:�S.: Ma�,�e1. .'. .,. Scandinavian ,Club-Business meet­ing, 4:3Q, Cobb 6A., �Chicqo in Calcutta Dinner-S:30,Lexington.Mandolin Club-4 !4S. Christian Science Lecture-8, Malt"..del '" 'fit. r GOOD'OPPORTU��r for'Y��lgAll CI • ..,._yeeting. tomorroW: lady who Wishes room in quiet r�10:15. Seniors, Cobb 6A; Juni�� fined home. Will take as)�w, -, �Kent east; Sophomores. Kent welt; $,5.00 :per' month I for d��ira�leFreshmen, Kent theater.. .tenant. 6035' Drexel .. avenue. rstWomen's Basketball-Freshmen ya.' apartment.'Sophomores, tomorrow, 4. LexingtoD,. . .i.0&- � an"... Ii. !'lieChlcaao, -. .... ,... ... , ., _l'ftr _ tI� ODen,- DUD,O ••• TUft :..�........ ft'eIP,, ': . <:(�Y 1'RIEWM-IiANUFACTVRl�G COAU'TOMOBILE LIVER "v .... __ IIOdO.,._:. .. CR.Cbicqo DiapIq-SU-15. I.. WahabNew Lim __ can to. IIin ., ',.hoar 01' trip at :r ...........gymnasium.Reynolds , ' French Club- Tomorrow,Lexington 14.club. theater..t· President'S Reception--TomorrowReligiouS. Ed. ucation C1ub-7 :30,night, 8, Reynolds club.Haskell 12.Basketball-Chicago vs. Ohio. State- Philosophi4!al . Club-7:30, Harper Saturday night. 7:30, Bartlett.Mlo. Florentine Carnival-Ordera forFlorentine Paceant-Rehearsal 7:30 tickets to the Florentine CarnivalB�rtlett Gymnasium. mal! be l�ft with Arthur Goodman;ARMOUR INSTITUTE LOSES, • RECEPTIONGAilE TO VARSITY SQUAD PLANS READYCoach 'scl!�a Team Is Defeated Historical group," Reynolds club30 to 7 in Basketb. allh .t eater.•Sc:rimmace. Classical group, South room of the<fbitottalRqynolds club. '..The entire success of the plan toCoach Page yesterday again gave Modem Language group, Reyo1l1dshave candidates for offices addrese the Varsity a scrimmage wit� Ar- club library •.their classes before themoor Institut. to get themen in trim Science gronP. Hutehinsen ball.Candidates' eleCtionS � last· quarter tor 'the" �me . �th �'()hio' State Sat- North fireplace.probably had no mDauurday. The Varsity �lldidateas haa Medical group, HUkhinson hal(weicht in the deciaioll �o t�uble in defeating the Ins�itute South fireplace.of the Council to have c:udidata for playen i�.-a ;.oUg� .�m.e h� the score Law group, Hutchinson hatt. Norththat body do' the aam.t � ,The. '. -. o( 30 to. 7. end..MAROON pointed·� 1aat quarter p�tic�Uy 'all' 0(, the candidates Education group, HutchiBsoa hill!._that c:anclidates other thaa.thooe f.... 1rith tho eo:cePticja. of Nolwen ... d Southwest comer. TUTORING-MIle, .. Eugenie Siess.pr-esident, could haye lIothiDc � Paine, . ..:� ::,.;,.:" 'Riven. rest, sot Divinity gronP. HntclP._ "11,. 3135 Dli. anDue. Telephone Donll"-worth while to Say. since a � aec-into tb� .;;�. The gam� was �ti han, Southeast comer. . !: ... 7ioO. �''ia�ctici�:'in 'Fr�nch. In'retary or treasDrer CUl haft few ia- and saaPn.' �d enable<! Coach P&C'1; '. : t�!inB �?}�n'I.r�.�8-. Specialsues to define; it is pogib1e that.to, by Oat _'�e.:W� ·��.�IDation.. .' '. atteDtiOia py.ea 'to- tato�ac.president may. What Ia - of thej The Siletll!:'>r::F:,..., " ,FRENCH CLUB HEARS... �_ .... �_ .... -.:..'(.�� t..minor class omces is tnie, of the Ch: icaan' (.�." '�';.'.' ��! J;;;'" Armour. (7) ADDRESS. OF IIEIIB._., --.;u &-. � A _COIIDc:ilship. Of coarse, • � Vruwi':i'ic..:-:.� ••• ,:a.. l!.·M'.=!!!aDi� , HYDB PARK FACULTr n. U� ........ """te m dl -;:1does not hold a minor .q5ce •. be' 1)eIS Jardieu, I(cArtL..• �ar. , __ ... ._L __�., . �. ,, i,:..:! 1tq14t,,:�.���;.t.'�.- at, •'. Stevenson,....... 6!,. •••••• � . .d f th H-'- Perk ..,-� Rotel "-_ ... II ...holds one of.the ... � j{ulviaskJ' � , ... _.. �c:ox MilS Fa..... o. ". 1.-: I .. __ . • "'.�� '; .positions 'Within the lift of hia'fellow pea Jard'��! •• '.�_. ,� ..•.••. ��Henta� high'school !acuity will �� ith� � will claap..., ....'., '. Kennedy'" . ;-":' Walch ,... . .J ._dents. BDt the "_cia CUIOIi�- B.,JI .. ::.; •• : ... R. 6: .... : folcKeage, French dnb tomorrow at .:15 II�, S�............ Cabblet.for the Council would aa.b caa dOt:. ''. " ��. '. t. Greenspohn Lexington 14- Graduate. of Ib'de ."� . :."� Jbe rth 'ch. H bD:Aot: � OD Molander.; .. ·.��;�.L. G JCatzinger 'Park, in ParDc�r, and � otber �. " '.woo mu e\ ' . : Field ·�ale::..steven�n . (4', Vru-,the Council: he does DOt �w' itII Wink (I), Des··Jardi� (2).� Bell (sl_ students' haye bee� invited to be,procedure. He can promiale Ilia dua M01ander, (2h �Baumgar'tller (2), present. MiS6 Favarcl is �he iDy�t�1'Katzinger (2), Sallivan �l�) •.. Freefnothing: he does not bOw what ill- lhrows-W;ilcox 'hJ:'''tiUi'e ofltal-ves- .of the KnoWies-Fanrd ayatem. 0fluence he -will have or bow IDIich r 5 'minutes, - Refet�bommer. phonetics.weight his opinions will�. BeSide. LEONA� ������BT ,;..' _. _while each councillor tec1mic:all7 rep- I '..'. _:___:." ," "Heat Re....,..lfttion· a... _II • .,. .t ...... r ........resents a class, yet the alipmmt ill w'-__ ._:_ am,. 'S_L at & __ w. . awaa �.ou" 1aaD"_�. b.�-- ...... _au � ............,.� ..... ( ... DOte.)very loosely made. The COUDCil - • � Sci . .BNSONwhole is the student'l-uliuc body, Dot: •. •. : ·.0.�ce T� TIlE '.10. ,for this class or that class, bat for aD Frank H. Leonard; the lecturer of PMEliMA TIC SERVICEfour classes. The Junior counc:i11ors the First CLu� of Christ. Scientist!., , THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDare just as likely as not to debate the Boston, will d�liver t�e�, ... n';QI Chris-merits of a Senior candidate for � tian Science lecture in'. Mandel thisor that committeeship. The FraIl- evening at 8. lnataued in the Univenity.man coandllors have a put in elect-. Mr. Leonard �. tila".a false .of ClUc:ago BuiIcIina'.ing Sophomores. Thus the coauci1· theory o( religion should be' corr�t� c� _:, ' _ ......lors while they are elected b7 their ed. Too long he says, has Christianclasses, do not represent diem in the Science' been �riticized b7 those whosense that they work aDj' mon f� knew least about ;t. In this lecturethem than for the other cJ--. Mr. �nar� will eDdea.ver to give aHence it is not �' fOl' each fair criticism .Of the worb of Mrs.candidate to explain 'to his c1avmata �ddy ·.n� �f t�e_:w:eii" f��ded bywhat his policy is to be;' And sbu:e �er •.this is not necessary, why have thespeeches? They are rather likely todetract from the dicnity of· the e1eC-.tion. Furthennore the), are more thuapt to cause a candidate's classmatesto vote for him upon a .,.. of ..speech-making ability, or Ida beariDcupon the platform, rather 1haD 1IpGIla sober judgement of bIa worth _ •councillor. S� ia DDt •necessary talent for a coanriJJor.Neither do looks or poise OIl the plat­form mean much one way or theother. Why not allow the caDdi­dates for the C0UIlC11 to rae 011. tIMirrecot"ds aa representative �and upon the promise the7 Mow 01becoming wise coaadDOI'S-4I4 DOesubject them to, in this cae. the ...consequential teat of tIIIIr ......making ability. '�'"t,� , -T (Continued frem paae oae.)Complete Syatem,' for,all Methocla of SteamaDd Hot W�t�� ��w..€... ._.- __ :_: ·'··.co��oi· of Humidity! Reduci .... ValveS fo� Air,Water, and Hot·Water TankRegulatonI•.fU�I�� . CO�BAT- i'RESHIlENi .._._SOphOlQorea WiD. � Dmm� in·��'T�. ,. i. � ·i·', " , "•Johnson Service"C�-'..I .�. • w. L Pet.• • �. , • 6' � '1.000.� . � ..• :.,. a '.. 666····�.�·3 • .&.0Jauion ..... '. .. . . . J .. -.428WeidiG •• • �.�.'.' •• :._ 2 3 .' ...., Ij:re�men........:t S. �SDIVlDlty. • • • . • • • • • I.' 5 ." .• t66; T�o games. will be pla)'ed toda7 il\the interclass ftries. TIre Juniors?!11 bat�le the t:.reshmen _at 3 andthe Sophomor�s win take on tbe Di­Yinity squad at· 6:30. No Pille..-ere played 'Jeatmfay, R. J. SUIT·CASE labels from the leadinghotels of the, \Veste,�n States �nd, Pacific Coast.: 'sc . each or six dif­ferent labels for 25C: Kame y�ur. cities. Addre�s·�. O. Box.' 138,Pueblo, . Colo ..FURNISHED S'UITE-Suitablc for:three young m�n� . Al!'o 'one single,room.; 533-'. Eltis avenue., \:ery: pleasant room's; reasonable prices.FOR RENT":_Modern 6-:roool Rat{urn.ish�d" 6132: Ingleside' ·A venue'3rd apartment. Oakland 324. .STAY BACK makes' the pompadore, atay' b�ck and' keeps the hair 'in, pI�ce,' � A� 'bafmt'e'ss compound con­�nina: �o·' chemicals' or oil. Sendase (o'r larg� jar. Stay Back Co.,6Jp Grace' :'StTeet,' Chicago...' .�'--:''roTORING-French' and German,. private les�ns' at reasonablepric�.' Writ� or call at 5714 Kim­'. b.�k �enue.'.,IOLID OAK LETTER .FILE� I',IM lette,. or� .... '"zU IncbeL"lie. _"'tantJaL...... N.ta .... 1 orw_uaw.. . aDIab.Dra ......... d1l.t •..... , aDd on roller� l'reJ.bt".-N. '(... DOte.) ,........ '.,.. Got Cat.loa .• 110 ......lac "D� laand�.. 10.ape-y. ollie. do.YIee8 .114 Sectlon,,1"'''oa.ea.. Bookl.t""1 .......... tlo ........ rr.., .: NOI'a.-rr."bt or._,... .-.. ..�te"'.I8""« .... ta .... WFO __ ..... Cel.,.. .. Okla-,U .... 4 TeD&.=�.IlIP'" ...FILING DESKSJlAROON. ADS _,1.JUNG REsULTS' .....Li.ue.1 SaM M�J aM Lt, �.. ,S��_�,����.IIapziae aacl U.... �!---�- --., 1IeCAII' ...... ul .. "suUCt".IlII·S NMiAZ1HE b('lp ),OD dre:8 at,l·"--. • . �hIJ.' a mod.rase'.�X�1lH b, ,t •• »l�rOD' pOsted on a.: 11l.eA· ta.bl�D,. 1D, clotb� and' baa 10Nol'l' I'Ublon. DMln8, In each "'u.. .Abouluabl. IaafonDaUom, : 'ou .. U bQID""��,lOu.l Iba'&ert. �., . &oe.'. ,.,. IDe1 .... q• free pauem. ltD­__ 11lN' .. _.... -1Or1be lOda, � 1eIl4for free DIIlple 0GP1.� ........ "'Ill�n.blo,ou to mate In JOIUown bomQ,'Walb )'Ourowu b.uelC:I�I�owselC ud chlldred .."bleb .... 11 uv .. _Tn st,le and ilL Prloo-none bieber &ball 16cents. Scnd ror treo Pal&em C.taIOCUe. ,• Will en. T_ n.. ........ tor ""Inc abolIC�lptlons amons: ronr tripod.: • Send_treePremium CataJoitue and Ca.'lb PriM O .... r.1IE.au.COIIPm.m .. ze."m�_,.. .. -, "'; ..'\ ./.J., /'TRO�'SBEST.. COLLARS.2 for 25'.EARL It·WILSONSHIRTS SI!!·AND MalEPRO�� .. ,:­STlJDmTS.: ... ,� .. -'. '.. trill find ';Ua til.H�'-�S.WJJIAIl,m.-n_ STATZ '8UP&aVWOIf.A [ODlllEn' .... � ....'with':Ql die·lfacil(ii.Orl.iowa ....����!??"'aWiit ......VIIiIOn. -,. "•;"',,��··�dcl,� ,"'f",· .. ,:,�����,�re� .-B_;'� o;er Iiau ... ·� �S PER CJrfIiT INTJDaaT 0:>( 116 ....,. JOHN A. CARROLL"Pr_deM..- 'TflO�AS-JA���."� )'1..... ..•- .t. ff'.I'..I1l.1I,II1I, I1I1'1\ .DERay BATS' ,Alti':tliacnspeDsabie to" .. 'theweU.dreaed. co11epman. We have them.. in pleaslac Variety •. Alio.soft h�ta of diatln�� .-at " prices' that· ,,",' lin :: .....right. Coll�'meD""" .�:,j<I ·cOlDed.,. , ,,'�:lB •. L AKIS IIA�' ce� .�t� B�.�:=:,. ,!'W .......'.r,." ,-:��1�':"":""., 'MAROON' ADS PA'Y", I ," � - ". •.' .;.' .��.,,''!'oS. .�.MAROON ADS'BRING RESULTS,·': I..... �.JI.,.� I'fI//II":'" . STUDENTs 'pOSITIONS;. i.. - 'IP� "'&CI1L'I'Y AND ft'IJDD'Dof � � ... • Board Of' R�t:ommendations P�CH�17!UyBIUIItt OF CHlC'&OO: 5�7 St�c;len� as TeaChers.Five hundred �nd fifty-�even stu­dents were �ppo�P.tc:" tp te.chi�g po­sitions �uri,,¥ tile I�t lJniversity.ye�r thfPu"h til, llQ�rd Qf Recom­mendaCoic:mli aCFQrdi'llr .Q the annualst�te�neqt by .\uo�i=\�f! ProfessorSlaughr, �eH'�t�fY �f t1H� board in thePresident's annua] ,",pprt. Of thoseappinted, 300 wens W{tm�n and 248men. There 'Yen �t�q fifty appoint­ments made fpf �ri¥Rt" instructionand twenty-two 1lloq �nd five womenplaced in hU61"�� IUl�ti�ns.I�_==I:I:I======,=====!J The average ��larY .of these ap­pointees' is' $,';tQ8 iii iut .. inst $966 forthe previous :·ye�r. Th� average sal­ary of �h.e men ;tpp.A"It,·4· .. is $,:, 58,while tl�e mt·fln. for' \';�nli:ri ·i�: $883.Normal school and college teachingp6sitidns· pay' l=lr�fr' F�lant's than'high .scool positions ... ' S"per:inte·nd ....ent's Posltions pay 'a n f\verage of'�,760· and prifl!=iril'�h�p.i. average$1,025 for men and �;6� fpr women.cThe, �ighes�. =lv.r:ra�� ·��'RrY is 'paid;for ��nii3J Tfilillh'lg, $,�, and the---------------.. lQ"e5� . tQ ··t��l=he.i$ .gf· '1lmpal\_ce, $730.FLOWERS FOR THE General Science �"e:ra({Ct. �25 and, '.S E U lOR P ·R O' M' ,�, English .$837� R�liil} .,:tf�.ing�·P9- •._.. .; _" ._.,.-______ ., .."'''' sifions draw ne�rly. fwicf! .as many' '1 �:-.·.E:Z_ .- tSc:::G::A�FO�xg��-r:: .. ,· · appointments: as a'!y Qt1!�. Mathe- . , : .' 'ri.�di;�$Si..n. ti..,ILILIES OF THE � VAL- matics. Hi�tory and th� Classics; fol-' , .' .".. :\' .. '_ Mani.curinliLEY AND LONG STEM-' lo.w::ne�t i� 'Qr.dc;r. -... : ;.�.� .•, .... : ... ,' .: .:.. :' ,.. '.' ".. :�.. . r.�jT0!t10dy,ED R-OSES.·'. . .. ;.' :., : Thete' is an .il1Crcil5.i-nIt,cte,rna�o for '1\'· .,..... ':' .._ . .. tt'achers:qf some:ex_pel'ience," wltltes . ''-. . ... '_"�:> .:.;.: =� ..... IANDREW .. ,McADAMS Dr .. SJeiught._ �'aRd. hence:.a T.c:su�f:irit· .;. " . �r.tt Gervai5� Craham !norlst' 'ant . Decor.tor� rfi!'co\ira·gi�g: diJ��a for �hose wM .I �.(.. �:.: .. ::. �/5 i!:aat W ... blDctuu St. 1.:PUtrtIdrd It.; _d �bark Aft. a�e" Jllst"starting out·.wi�hQut any; ex-.�'� .. '.-.'.;.'(' .I.'O"p·.'�. p' 51,·"t·e· ';VFi··.eDl'e�.ltlan.'d'�UDUllddejlr:O:·Huvl _ _'. IfelL H7de ParlnL .�. Cbicqo. II oerienC'�.· ·jnlm�t!df \brW�;:l�rge� • __ I�.'�:;, .. �. _��< :\ ._. " ..' I 'r;.·,n '.j .•. , '; rities .. ·· an·d.'Jri·;;s()1lie;�(,f',j"'e 'smaner .tt'�: iJ,·,.�_.rl.reDce K. �en. i·· .... . J: .�.:P':�S!O�.·�:'; -fF,i: �''lW� ��ities:';iH�;�'n�a6�61bte regulation :tg�;���:�'�WE···_;�.·P.�':��t·�.�.���!.�.�t����������:�o��,:tt��t���.���:7�������=������-���------��� u. " . least one year, and 111 some c�e,f h�a.S.. �_1� 'D.. �... --=·011.. to S.-...I_, _ .�.),j'D";"�� �::: .• ! !:'�r�"' .. : :;:·M 't J .. ,.}t>-,. .• 'i-� �1;U:;;;.' �·)o:,�·,; .:i..:.la!: ':.. 'Ii ..-- � ",lUCK.., ." I . wo years, ?f �xpe�enc�1. ,.,T�� � �. . � �.". ',.:.: ::,;�, �ce»ti6ns '{vhi�il' ;�re .nade �;� .\� . f�f1lt· . ?,i:� ..· ..... :'1'0.·1'8£ PROM ·i f·1!'.:.?; ';.':':'. '''.:,':'� '. 'of thos� lVh�:·���e. t�k��:�ait��ti��Rt.;�·��A'�'� Pi.c.;.' H� :Park 31 '. ".. "t'l cour�'es and b�:;e:��(f 'pra:cti��;' teill�h.:. .. c· .!.. '.;:�_�'�;"� .:�:" .:�. in'g iii 'profe�l'oha( sch6·�i��II�t '�d�!' . .•..... ............ _�.�;;;;;,;;;.; __ -.;;�;;Mii("ation�'· '��/;!' .. :;; _',.�. � .,:>:: ... '1: '"��:, '�'li��' ���"'dJ'I"i;"'�FACuiTY'CO�Mi'rrE:l;:IS" ., uBE�' SEJ,\�.()N .WEIGHTS.· iINVESTIGATING SCHOOLS, t - • . • . • • ,.,J ..... _ :'":Mate��,··of'a··we.·Jgbt"Fuikltle .. for year round' Il:.elt�:Sent--t� ·Three-DUri�· Pre- .' lY�N:�.t. qJ� pric��, . �to�s::t���: Han- ,.. . Salt ilnn..,. :Tto.rs $30 to $50"I.. ,: Secondary schools affiliat�d with 7'''� =::.... �'... . TAILOR FOR. � ". ;'·h�· 'Uni:;ersiiY' ar�' bei�g investi�ted 11 £.; Xonr.le StreeL. "X a faculty committee composed of- = &. J� �"� •_._ • • YOUNG MEN !JefA�nON Ans '. Dean ·Angell;:�.Jrft. Payne, 'ASsociate .' .;au � 4. N. JE�RE.' MfDacer. I8Rl�G RESULTS' 'Pt;'o(�ssor Sbught, . professor But- . . -fer, Professor Mi11er, and Profe�sor J ru� e.t-�ARRow·'Notda COLLAR·II&D£ .N POU. B£IOIID .·a...o.aK .......... ZJi ...·a .. o.. 2� Ia. CIaea&ew Z ...14c • ..da-Z'" 2ac.. CLUETT, P£A8ODY • co .... ...,...... : DIRECT TOUctte"j Rock. Atlt. Dubuque. 10 •••. BewnoDt. T�u.. SprincftelcS. 111.Ho&' Spr;JlP •. Ark. St. Loula. 111.aMA Antonio. TeDI& SIt. Paul. �.BWm!�. AI&. [)e.catUl', ilL.. .lackeODvllle Florida. �\'l".. WI&.k.. Worth. TeD& . )liftl'lNCJC)lIi 1.l1 ...Waco. Tnaa. lfad!8QD. 1\'_IMl ..... -r.xa... E\·L" .... ·.:: •• lacS;., �4��lf;,,,,��· ::\r:�o!!.'" 1M.�a .. �_ Oa:ro, 111.� !,(.., .. orlMri�. I.A. Cedar Rapi�, lowl': .--- .. ·HoaINon. �Jt. C\:Juncll Btuib. 10"SIoux' 0Lt7'. IL �, 111.'\_.:.; ��PIU. � ... ..t··�eta 'and �leepinc car. reserftdON71 W.· Adama St.. Pho�e' Central h-,�Automatic 6.M7��:� /;.: ": .. :: � j. CARMICHAEL·;:,. �. - :-:" : .DiYialoD pu.eqer �_�. '.! � •. ,1317 B.. 55th It.ff'--.lI1I1lII1I, !11I\'i How the �y'. .C:�unties on the tenniscourt. �t 'coH, 01'�ball, are· all re­'counted in the 'eve-- l-.- _J � - -.m�,:"t�e pia,.. madeoi Missed; the ·blame placed. the cz·1 _- •. '. ; • •caaea offered . If you use a Spaldin&implement you can ·afI'OI'd to liaten··t�: the otii�-'teti���:UCuses.- ·T�� �pal;t,����I�: Catalogue will aidyou i'n-' �('! .. rt;ng the best implement!It· r· a!1 S p\j/��f.! . ,,: :o�... >: �:.-. '. �J:".' -�'. ':-��. _.�."J�t�_:�!' :!;�-•0 .:�,:A. � .. SpaldlDg & BroIl.. :� ..... ...u. .. w ............• ' t"� ..-;�., '.. .''he Cera -IxCilIDf� ·lltloD&I .... 'of Cbicaco..Capital ; � • • •• 'l!.00D,800 -a� s.,ooo.ooe.Ulldmded. Profits ••••••• ...."..., 00. ; OI&cerL•'. : fII:R�EST' A. HUnCILL. Pn.Ident.CHA.RLES L. HUTCHISSO�, Vlee-Pift.·CHAU�CEl' J. BLAIR. Vk»-PlwIctdLD A. XOULTO�. Vac.-PrMIdmc..'. 8.. Co 8.A.l1l10SS.. Vlee-Preek1eat. .I'lU:�K W. BlUTH. �f7.l. SDW.A.JU) JlA.A.8. 0uhIW.lA.a O. WAKErJlCLD.· .u.t.' CUIII ...WWl8 B. OARY. �"'Dt c.III_.&DW.a.RD r. 9CHO»"-zcK AM. ea8lt1ft'.Dincton.· ..0aJn1. B. WtlCtll' 01,.s. K. can-"ft" A. R7UW01l Edwin O ..........- a.� J. BlaIr a.al. 1..' Hatdd-........ B. Butl_ W.t8OD Eo Bl.lra.rt. B. R1IIbtd . -&twa� A • ...,.au...c. Dae�DI Jl'ft4erIU W. �"""'h CIrpeM. Bra_ A. BaIDUII'fI .. :/��. "i;Tr�<·T"�·, COMMONS • Trial., .Ask the Upper C .... IIC" �bout Our ·FoodYou� '��',�e C1\I�'��f .. t and CafeteriaMusic" at �ig·lJt· : CiOO" food Low Prices. 'B'rABUSHED 1818Broadway, Cor. Twe:nty·second St.New York.#> " ,.... - ," ,'", . I ..; . Midwinter Su&gestiGns:� 'fbIa � •• we1l-boWD reputa·tfoD for IOUDd maaacement aa4lIht dea1in& ·w been pined�ou&h nindeeo �ean of .trict� to ufe methOd. aDdcouiderate- .• tt�tiOD· to caato-I men- need&Your .. vinca account or checkin&acc.Wlt .is welcome and appreci­,a_ hen.Woodlawn Trust• Sarines BanKTufts. The purpose oJ the investiga­tiolJ is to sever ('onnec·tions witht' • ."h(\� schools who have showed no",ctive interest in Jceepi�g �p the workof cooperation. Three hunrlred let­·f'rs have heen sent from Profes�orButler's office to the various s�onrl­':\;.y schools a�kin� them if they wi�"to continue tl1eir relations with theUniv�ity. At present. 250 schoolshave answer�d an in the affirmative .There ·are fOUff hundred high, MAROON ADVS" "cJ1ools throughout the country thatBRING �ULTS '1re affiliated wi,h the University.The�e schools send thdr graduates ,Ulsters, overcoats. fur-lined coatsJ· Shetland knitted garments forsleighing, skating .. �tc., .E�ening clothes.Our representadve, Mr. Lanzer will be atThe Congr� Annex. ;'ea�l� in :Febiuary .�d for mustril· tr�ed . Catalogue.. ...'5 Cent&. . . Plain Bath. -5 CentOpen- I)ay and Night.�ARATOGA· B ��. BE R S H O. ��==========�J. H. lJepp, Prop�� South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific Masseurs.Expert Chiropo� t��e ye�r for $1.50.'The . Daily Maroon the balance ofSHOE REPAIRINGWe Specialize in:Quality of MaterialExce1:1enCf of WorkmanshipPromptncss in execution of orders_ct Court"7.TEST US \SKITB-GOODYEAR.aIN· .... � .....Oppoeite Po.tojlice.MAROPN'ADSPatronize Maroon AdvertisersIIAjtOON ADS PAY.-"Petroni. lIaroon Adftrtisen11ae, Are Reliable.10-_'.- to the Vniversity: they join the jointA ("cln(�r�n�e',�r secondary .�chools thatis he�. here Q!lce a y'-'"lr: 'and they�iq privileged to send' their teachershere for instruction in the summ�rqu"arter for:half. the reiular tuitio� ..� .0' .!The Daily Maroon the balance ofthe year for $1.50. ,.�. . .....':HICAGCD.Telep�e H)"de Park m1C URKISH IBAfHS I c .. ir ':DBRBY .CLUB.< - .... 6116 Cottace Grove Ave.-··BILLIARDSONLY40C Per HourBest Appointed Roomon the South Side8 Full Size Tables-I Write c. • f) 'P(" •AW.RD TY!EN� .. F���.:�i: ,�;, I �NIVERSI'r.Y SCIEN1.:XS��'1 .CU,PS zo T�CB:.�K£N.� " CALL EVOLUTION �RUB:Six Professors ,WritiJ}c in Biblk:al'. World A--ee to Truth of GreatBasketball men-KiXzitiller, ':.: two .-Theory.With an Exceptional Cat, �IICWJ.CTim Murphy and Gertrude QaIa1IaL;'\cc:i-: Cl:;�', ���,;�v��rd' & Girls; The Seuon'a Beat MlIliC:U Comed7 S TUDEQAKI!:.with the "La: SaDe'. � �rHany Ci;:cii, Great Howard, Don Pop, Mat. Tues. & Thurs,: 25c .0',1 ,�.;. ... �� •• �.... . -�Ful?;�o, I,hyc c: !.delis. Cosmo Hamiltoa'. n.taa Ia.ott_[c:-,i.:c T�cl�er.Ideas for MovmgYOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND. EARN: 125· OR. MORE WEEKLY'We Will Show You Howl-If you have ideas-if you caD THINK-we. will s.how you the secreta of thia fascinatinC DeW pr-o­Iessicri. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No '·ftowery languace" ia waD"'. � . ' ..The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited· The bie film manufacturers are "mowiDcheaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough cood plots to auppl¥ the ever increasinc demaad.. .Th cy c r c c:!:!ring $100. and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas.V.';:: !::: • .'� received many letters from the film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON,ESSANA Y, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELIANC� CHAMPION COMET, MELIES, ETC..urgi:1� us to send photoplays to them. ,We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the � of_success. Morning swimming c1aases--\Von )f high or low degree, master. drby La R()se. Saunde(s"��hirley, Har- ··yro,":.wlw '\"�'nturc!s to suggest a do.berison. Time-I2:55 4-�... as to the fundamental truttiJ. 'bf ey­Afternoon swimmin,c c1u.e.-Won olution." "All biological evidetlce.by Jones; Goodman, Pavlicek�' ',Time ryhysiologi�al, morphological,' %0010,-"-12:56. . '. .' " ical and, paleontological� is unlnrMorning gyninastlc' ciial" Won '110US on the subject.' "Possib11. itby Saunderson; Perle�: Br��n,' Wil- 's the disputes in recent yean ct¥eclard. Tiin�12:03 2-5 . 'he methods and causes of evottttioa.AfternOon �ti�!�iaalles;'" Won that have given rise to mi�p�c:ep­by Sigler; MaZel, J�c1cson' Allsopp: tions on the part of many not:/' famil-. ; ,Time-I2:08 1-5. ; iar with the subject," !Wreetter. and . fencers-Won by The' men from the Uni�ersit1'''':koMcConnell; Moset". Shambaugh Can- contributed were, Professors, KOld-,.. .. �." •• �.o �. -.'. IninK .. :rlln�12:�7 2-5.; . � . ton, Willistpn, Mathew .• ,· Co�it�r,Buket� men- Won' by . Kixmil- UJ1ie, and Associate Professor Child.ter, : Tyerell, Whiting. :Time':::"'i�:08 3-5� .. ' tt:ack�.Won.' �)<Stout;StegeraaR, WiiliamS: Moore' .Mac­Neal, Teainp. :+im�li:21t ��5..MacNeal. Teninp., Tim. ·.·�I:27 1-5..Y� .. tnck�WQD.; bi Campbell;Byer�, .H�rtt :. L.��n,. q,apman,Fa-pto •., Timc�iJ':82 1-5.Barr� a: Stanton" L7� .•. � -poITERS IIlJ.ST BB"worth, Meredith 4: a.eo ...... � _, IN :gy NOON T9DAYArabs, Frozini. Lea Marc. ... .'. POI(THit w. A. A. PLAY.. '� -. ...:-. 1��'·\..' .,��<! •. � "��'''l �."". 0) ,CORTWe are selling photoplays written by people wh. "never before wrote�a: Ii.e for p.Llicatio •• "Per-haps we can do the same for you. If you think of only one COod idea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us, end it sells for only $25. a .low fi&W'e,YOU Will EARN Sill MONTBLY FOI SPJ.RE"71IME WOILSEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy OFOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING"Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what thia new profession may mean f.yeu and your future.FREE. :1 . , .� ........ ". • • ••• : '.0:: �NATIONAL AUT-BORS·INSTITUTE R 624 - 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK CITYAMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS .THEATER63l"d Street and Cottage Grove AveWeek Starting S�.rdat.Feb. 2.:> iJ _=-1 V i�.N &: CONSlDl.N�P�Oi.JL;CUW l)EPARTM�TANNOUNCEIDA FULLER"The Bewitching and WonderfulTcrp::.ichorean Star."and her s-Dancing NymphS-5MOit Elaborate and Gorgeous Dan<;­in: Spectacle of its kind ever pre­sented in Vaudeville.VILMOS WESTONY"111 the Greatest Repertoire of hiaCareer."MARIE LA V ARRECaptivating in Catchy Tunes and. Brilliant Airs.O�car-HALL & CLARK-GeorgeIn feats of strength and hand bal-1ancing.The 1\'Ionarchs of Irish ComedyMR. & MRS MARK MURPHYWith their Rollicking Fun p·lay"The Coal Strike.".,J1 7:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-30c". COLONIAL. '_: .. : The Big Muscial Success .THE ROSE MAID I AMUSEMENTS.IJEF·FERSONiMAJESTIC55th Street and. LakeJ Avame.----------NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY, Peater. for the W. ,.. A. t-Iay must._ . be aublllitted before' noon today to.' lIarpret :Ritp. or tb' the atten'd,nt.. . .ltl��i.ec:. .Wc4. .�"� ia til. Le.pe· room., Tryouts for" T� �ic. C�� .IJICCOI! .... I"acee' ill til.' claorua �cre held yes-, O�R. WlVB&�_.. ter.41lT .i. til. N eiKhborhood room.wi� H� .KoIker :The name •. �f tb� ·Iucceuful.womenPric�·. S0::7S��� _A $a.... \will.�e POlt�, ... oon al the e1igi­ibilil7 liMa are .1oo1ce.d up. Chorusi lwork and dancin" cIa_e. will start·.ext week.CELIA LOFTUSin New Imitatiou.GEORGE BEBAN • CO.in "The Sip of the RtIM"HERMAN TIMBEitOThe Clc;vCC' CoIMcHaa.. ; ..pR�NCESSWm.:·A.' B� �1I=tzThe First ·CJUcqo �"0JIII8DCe _ :BOUGHT AND PAID�PORBy Geo. Broadbant.AD. American ,P1q of T.-POVVERSMaurice �pbell �HENRIETTA GROSIIAH. ..in Her Latest and lloat Iacc.k1fulCo�,"The Real 'lbiac."Best Sc�ts: E·/cs. and Sat. Mat. $1.50 Nora BAYES J.ac:k HORWORTH OL Yl\4PICWednesday Matinee, $1.00 in "THE SUN DODGERS"�ALJ.C.E 31{;SIC HALLSecc;::i Trit.::::phant Week.!;;\Fi'L.::-:OV1SKASen.:�' ',:::,,:;.1 !.'�.:::1 D<:.nseuse Class­:<1l:C i:1 t;:c :'�.;_ L:�n Pantomime "The. ' CHiCA.GOOPERA HOUSEHenry VI. S::V:1ee Offers the BiCMu:-ical GaietyLITTLE BOY BLUE (-"ave Reels nl�btly of tbe latHt .. oriqpictures. BeAlt otlDuslc by hlab cl'"orchestra. Come andhear O'lr new $1.500 .pipe ol'JPlD.TONIGHTOn �urning Sanda (2 parts)What Katy Did (comedy) >."Prize Winners' of th� Poultry S�The Mistaken ��er .(comedy)The Deacon Ouuritted (comedy)Mother and DaUghter (drama)ADMISsIONMain Floor, all aeata • • • • • • .10Balcony. all seats .' _. �. � ..... ' •.•. _ SCt._G:ARRICK. . :, .... :.New York Wmter Garden C� inTHE PASSING sHoW'Oil,i,laBiggest Musicai 'Rm�tU:cUtILLINOISFirst Time in ChicagoHENRY MILLER.-in-"The RainboW."with the 0ricinal New York CastI AMERICAN IRJSIC·�.-witla-Geo. W. MONROE H. & FISHERLA§ALLE; ..;. ..,..THE GIRL AT THE-GATECOI�61ANDMessrs. Cobaa • Bania ,...atDOUGLAS .pAlItBANP illHawtbor1a of the V. I. A. Heur:y W. Savap 0& .."TOP 0' THE 1I0RlllJr""THE aLINDNBI& OJ' ·'.W2BLA��TgN •NAIZIIOVA.. ---..... ».... points, first; Tyrrell four points,, , . -.second; Wbitin�, thirteen : points,'third,Freshman track�Stegeman, threepoints, first; Stout, four points, sec­ond; Williams, five points, third ... V�t7 .... track.-CampbeH. �. 'twopoints:' first; Byerly. fOur' points Sec­ond; Levinson, seven points and Hartseven" points foiirtl1. '.' . . _:, '. \ '. .., Summaries ·of'Races.·. The .summaries of the . twe mileraces :-follow: . '.... '. ,_- • '"'t.. : .... Responses of six. '�niversity :�f au­cago scientists to. the question "H_Evolution Collapsed?" appear .in ,the:'liblical World for February.' �b.tatement that evolution . had: tot­apsed led the publication to Uk •tUmb� of, the' leaders of Americ.­�.cience to make statements of ·tll.views' of scientific men. The anaw_n every case was th'e same •.Some of, the replies fo11o":·."I know of no biologist, whetllerI n the same issue i� an arti�t. byProfessor Coulter of the UqJ�lllIl.I�"of Botany, on "The Reli.�o�. �f aScientist."."Religion of the exclusive �mod.o'a­al sort belongs to cert'ain tempera­'llents. but these temperatment. .0not often' belong to the. rroOst ef­fective 'people. And yet the beti�f,.iAtoo popular that one must :di.tiai-his ',' ie'aso'; if .'he 'ac:cePt�"-rejiaio�. .... . .. ,.' � ... �This makes .. it aD the'mos:e import-�nt to realb:e the facf that. feasoR'�d 'religio� a're �ot vid�. P9'si�t��,��'hat the. founde� of' Cbflstian·i.ty' ia­isted ih�t 'r��n i� a�··. eNe�tiit'on3�ituent of r�ligion.".Japaneie Club Gives Dinner.The Japanese club gave a .dina.er,last uight in honor. of Profes .. ";Jigoro RallO ,of' the Higher '�Qi�1.school of Tokyo. Dr: Kanp has h�eD,studying' tbe ind,!strial·an� ,y�ti911".at schools of the United States.• ...rep.. i-;,, .. : .. ,._"His praise is los�who waits·till all com­mend."Of the many whosmoke it, there are fe\Vwho do not sing"thepraises of .! .Get a pi�-and joinin the chorus. Itgoes like this-"Suchtempting fragral!ce, ..such dehghtfUl rlch-.ness; such satisfying. smoothness was neverknown before.." . ��. .'.'<�\� �'!.::�,�l.. .. _----*'