'm' ,·--t-· .•..." -·f· ai .g. .. � SrUll"UN IVERSITY\ OF CHICAGO, TVESDi\Y. JANUARY 7, 19iJ. . PRICE FIVE CEN��: VOL. XI .. No. s8:-.� .-..... 4 '- ..... :.,;. _ ._ .. •_:�. �'IElOO�()n WlLLJ.EAD - PIAN TO AWARD._LO)'ING WPS BASKETBALL. $CHEDULE. �-:. :: ••• 111=&1. ·�£lUlIOR.D. �CE DATE. S TWaVE GAMESftnRUftL �u Successful competitors On Univer-sity Teams WiD· Win Silver Cups . • •.......coach StacC Has Gone South to �cIa PAl. A� ..... List IaS d W· t Acctrduce Wilk Ii�w Coa-pen mer. � ...... NEGATIVE�EAII WINS . DEBATE BELL TAW FOR MENAT TONIGiITS DINNER.. -.) . _ ... :-Couch Moultoa. H� and CookGiven Deciaioo in Practice Debateb Alumni juc1ces-Comad Unable TwealJ-Olie lie...,. of FacaJt, ...t: Speak Because of IDness. �.. . TIne A'i:::t!:!A£a,W; . .''4'".''' AuiIal o..ce wm . Be Held\. --"t118 M� .. FeInarJ' � ..• "':> <: :::T_-6nt·· ..,. , .. ,. ..-. __..\ Wilbur Hamman King Cook, and . I LECoach H. G. Moulton, presenting the HAVE INTRODU� AT 11except football players for the pur- negative side of the Aldrich mone-.lnciiana Is Drop�Ii��westem dpose of stimulatng interest in the tary reform proposition, score aHas Only o,�, �e th U .different sports according to pla�s two to one victory over e mver-of ·th<=· department of Athletics" Sche� sity affirmatice team composed 01Coach Stagg stated that the innova- Arnold Barr, Lorn Peters and GaryHiram Kennicott was yesterday Coach Page yesterday announced Hunt 1n the practice debate' Satur- Chester Bell will speak for the un-chosen .. by -the Undergraduate coun- tion is particularly directed toward the complete schedule of Conference day nizht, Coach Moulton' substitut- dergraduate men at the dinner for\ .. the betterment of conditions for the u cocil to lead the eighteenth annualtrack team. uasketball games. As a result of a ed for Sherman Conrad third speak- University men in the commons to-promenade. Donald Breed was se- recent Conference ruling o�ly twelve er 0' n the ne zative team,' who was ill.. night at 6:15. The purpose of theThe plan is to give one set of the 0-lected to head the' other wing. The games .wi.ll be played. The team .will J. \:U. Hoover, who was a member dinner, an idea of the UndergraduateF b prize. cups to the best performers :y d f ItProm will be held Friday Qight, e - meet Wisconsin, Purdue, �linnesota, of the negative team in 1909' which council, is to get . students an acu yC I t m among the middle' and long distance 1" d 01' .1 . .better acquain teid. Twenty-one mem-mary 21. ontrary to usua CUS 0 1 Iinois an 110 eac 1 10 two games; scored the only v' ictorv ever reister- •runners, two sets to men of the -J 1 .d .neither of the leaders is an athlete. One of the Northwestern games hased against M.ichigan by Chicago at bers of the faculty have a rea y lD-Kenoicott is a member of the Chi sWlf·mhnUng teatm,. two sets to t�he !est been dropped and a game scheduled rtnn Arbor, was one of the judges '?, f dicated their intention of being pres­Psi fraternity, a University marshal � �.e �ntran s In a gymnas 1C c m- with Iowa in its place. Indiana has the debate, and addressed the, deb at- ent, and the alumni .will be repre-d .. di f th DAILY petation, one set for basketball and . d f lid 1 d b h .. Id d" Asan managing e itor or e .' , '. been droppe rom t ie sc ie u e.ers afterward. Hoover offered some sente y tree . 0 gra s.MAROON. He is president of Pen baseball men, ,?ne set for Freshman This is the first time that Ohio h' many students as can possibly get in. . . k d t f b s advice for the improvement of t e .I b d ibi f th BI kfriars trac men an one se or mem er State lias cver b een on the Varsity the comm ons are expected to attend.c u an sere e 0 e . ac . . ,. 0.} ... ...cases and their presentation. He �sBreed I·S a member of the Alpha of the fencing and wrestling teams. d 1 0 h eak h h b- sche u e. well pleased with the. showing and t. er sp ers w 0 ave eenDelta Phi fraternity is a University The prizes will be. awarded after. . The team journeyed to Beloit o� �eie.�\�d �eside. B�lI. are Dean. Angell,id t f th open compe;tition of several weeks. . expressed the 'opinion that the ��kmarshall and is presi en 0 e.' '. '. Saturday and met the strong lleloi� was of a :winning- brand, . Asscciate Professor .. Shepardson ofDramatic club. He is one of· the No cups Will be given out to winners team, that had previously held Wis- Question Is Changinc.' : the: lii,tory. department. and Associ-authors of t.·he. play" to be prod'uced' of any contest in which less 'than six. . w·;"'- '., L '" � f (. .ae departconSlD to a 33 to n sco� on _,.... . . -' .'. ate �ro essor c» .... &1 lI. ••. .-m�� shall' have particpated. The "ThIS money trust Investigation JSthis year by the Blackfriars • consin's tioor, The game was the providing"new' material for the. d� ment 9f Sociology and A.lthropologyprizes will be awarded to th� best in- hardest fought of the year, and only . for-the' faculty- and Dl. Ralph C.I f . h b h f bare each -day." said �oac� M�u�tonY. M. C. A. ADMINISTRATORS dividua per ormers In eac ranc 0 11 tl'" of the H 'II' f th .. ' 1n'; DrI>l' a ra y at le l>egm11lng . yesterday.: "Inst�a� -of. being ab,e ami' 01' or' e· •. ', .. 1.. •DISCUSS ANNUAL BANQUET athletics. d h l' d'd Ch· e to H '11· th ·d' the Alwn�econ a t I Icago manag to close the preparation of the <ases .ami IS e preS1 en. '-.. -, On account� of continued poor wm out by the score of 28 to 13· and confine all of the last time to de- ��. ��u�cil �nd:' also, of the Colle�J--.�., M�. W':lI, .Dine. ,. and. ...-..::.._.-,,--: h""lth, Coac� S' tagg left last night .I) I· '1 d : but .1 I· • ..; Presl·dent Jud_ au �UDO"'- II' ue 01t p aye an ag�esslve game . livery, we are forced to cope with -��U�D� as:so.c� .... on.-.' -"Democracy" Tomorrow Nipu- .. :o,r Jackson,., from where he 'Wi!1 holding and . conslstent rollghness t . I that is constantly be- 500' �J1:1 preside at the dinner, and, .d I} ric _ L t' _t ,.' new�maerla �..,;. ' .•... ,.. . _. • .AI� p .. -·.r.-"·r......::::�BiddaID-;,WiIl:..'Lea.d. �- :-=-- ... �. u� �.-..:wo nouu__.._.......::r,·'iii ... 0 llandi�ppe�·th�. team·sevuQY;->··aJ.�· ':f�'gp�ierif{a:+¥b��w1iolearguine',t _u_." _.,,- . .. _"�.- ��e,-.:., :-:�: :,..... ..i;,�-, . ;.�. ,,. ,he 'Univerisity' the last of March.. or iamler h�d. trouble negotiating tree of the debate has been �hanged ttl president· of . the Uriaergraduat.eMembers �r" . th�' Administrati�� the first of April throws in the first half, and had he tl�e last two months.' : cou�L' .council of the Y. M. �.:A. met at the been up. to his usual fomi the score. "Accordingly I am .holding dai�y .: E4Ch Table Has "Introducer. ".,... 'first JDortthly dinner-oLthe year'last would have been much larger. conferences with th.e ,indiVlid�,1 .: S��� stude�t: will be �sea.ted·: at. f MATHEWS SPEAKS AT Ch II· d ".' Dight iq the private' dining l"9om: 0 CHURars-'SILVER This was the first time that ica- �eake:rs,. in order that all of t�e each table to act as . IOtro ucel"S .. tli� :Co�o�s.· Methods of makii\g. ! ; :'! ; ._: JuBILEE":SERVICE go has playe-d:.at Beloit and theargument may be tested by' wh� Men who will· be" '''inti-od�cers are:'.' . �p �h�. '�';�get consulI!ed t�e enti�e.. ;.;. ,. ,'. . .'. men were handicapped. because. o_t added information we have acquired. Sanford Sellers;. Thomas Scofield,_;.. time r�served fo� dislcussion. their unfan)ili�rity. with the floor, We are sacrificing. some desirab.le D�n�ld Bteed, . Walter. Kenn�y,.. '.-_ �he)1:l�·o.r. �ommission. meets �- j;p�.a�.�.h��le�:��thews, head of the which is longer and narrower than work on .. the deivery of the speeches, Wil�rd·Dickerson, ·R'Oderick·Peattie,�olTOW ni�ht in the-:Coinmons at�� 7.I?�v!�ity .. sc:h,ool, of .the Universit�, 'the floor in Bartlett. Norgren led inbut I think we .. �e gaining more t�e Thomas Coleman,- Kent· 'Chandler,· .' for an a Ia carte dinner .. A discus-:- 'preached Sunday evening on I"Bap- dle scoring for Chicago with five other way." Do�a1d Hollingsworth, Harold Goett-· .. � ��ri i)(;D��'�cFCY':' in. ,the .·.ReY�JOI�·s . ;ri�t� ��n( t.�e: � ew' Day"· at the t�- baskets to his credit and his work Elaborate plans are bejng made at ler.· O'arence Freeman"Horace Fitz­.�, ;ci�b ;.���ITf�il�w., -The ',disc�si�n �r-fi:f�h .. �n.iy��rY. �e1ebration 'of on the Hoor Was espe�ial1y good. His Michigan to entertain the Universi�y patrick, John Perlee;' . Nelson Nor­· ··'.'grOup .;nlt'be lead by .. Mr. \Bickha� ,th� �f?unding. of t�e .�eldon .Avenue passing and dribbling resulted in negative team at the contest at A�n gren, Howard McLane, . Howell: '.'p �';;d ': ;;iii.tbe: � brought .. to . 'a do�e Baptist church,. Beldon avenue and many baskets. Des Jardien easily Arbor a week from Friday. The Mu�ray, George Kuh; Earle Sbilton,::t��\pro;.q,liy'1a{a: All ·th.� men of th� -No�th )�����d st�et. outpl�yed his man at center and board of regents of the: University 01 Donald Delany, Ernest Reichmann,· � ... �J�njQ(:�ii�t�y. .. ���1I4_"t.he.se. JJlee.t- caged four baskets. M�chigan wiil attend in a body and John Baker, William Ewart, Chester:". 'in�� ''''hich are to ,.be .b�ld. �ve� .FRESHMAN .. CLUB IS SOLVENT Vruwink played right forward and Governor Ferris of Michigan will pre- Bell, Hiram Kennicolt, Hahtead; : :.:. �tii�t :��:. ' r" .. : •.., :".: � \_ '. . put up an aggressive game. The work side. Arrangemenets for the contest C,:,rpenter, William Lyman, Rudy. c..���h6��r� 'will meet Friday at�6 ;" ---:-_ of the guards was generally good, with .Northwestern in Mandel 00 �he Matthews, Rollin Harger, Varner:' .::�}�����.¥"i�·���/C:;� i��:��� 1�� ��bS!=.� but Coach Page is not entirey satis-same dare are being made. Bowers, and Ralph Stansbury_• : ... �!!� .!>( �ql!lp����g.P��s.: fo�.:��ng '. . ; " fled with them. They allowed their �It is up to the men' ,students of.South. Deering. � AU . ·Sophomores (.,pponents to score baskets at times DIRECTOR STEVENS the University to make' tOmorro�'�terest�d -wili leave the Y. M. C. A. . According to one of its mem�ers, when they' should have been easily AND MISS McDOW8LL nigh�'s dinner a 'grand succesS," saidoffice at eight, Saturday and the the .T;hree : Quarters club is solvent. stopped. Greater aggressiveness must. A�GE . PROGRAM� .Norman Paine last night:.; .'<The fae-trip will include a visit to the Y. M. �ccor�.�ng· to . a story .published in be dev�loped, according to Coach uity are very enthusiastic and we �reC. A. settlement and the steel mins. . Qne.?f the: down-town papers the Page. Sunday a�ernO!OO concerts thave assured of their hearty support .. ThisFreshmen will- meet under the �I�b:is .a��ut to' be disolved because The team will meet the Evanston been inaugurated at the University is the first general affair of therupices of ·the association today at of Hqueer'�. financial. dealings. Reds tomorrow. The Reds havesettlement •. The musicals are being kind to be held in the C�:\-.!rsi� •. 10:15 In Cobb 6A and again Friday .i "l'h1: statemen� made in one of the practically the same team as lastpromoted by Miss McDowell with Some instructors have from time toat 10:15- Dr. Gilkey has charge of down ttoWD: papers ·that some 'of the y�r when they wer� beaten rather the assistance of Director Stevens rime given little dinners for· their ownthe }o're�h�en discussion groups. fundS' of-:the Three Quarte�s 'ciub easily by 'the Freshmen. They play and his pupils. A varied program �as students but tomorrow mght is the'.':' ,_. ... -.. ,.·w�re; �sspent is pure' bunk," Said :l fast, snappy game and the fact gh'en last Sunday; Director Stevens first time. the sh.dents .will get aIlia Laqley Will Spetak. one o·r.th� prominent members of the that they arc playing on their own rendered some organ numbers, Mir- chance to dine informaly with theMiss Elizabeth Langey, ins.tructOr club :resterday. ·'The story prob- floor will aid them. :am Hicks gave violin selections, iaculty as a wh�le. The . fraterni-in Manual ii-'ainfng in the School of ably .. arose . from the fact that there The Conference schedule follows: ami Mi�s Brown sang a number 01 ties will not serve meals tomght.Educatioii;CWifl speak �n the subject were forty more mc;n than were ex- Jan. Ii-Iowa at Chicago. soprano solos. The Sunday a£ter- The commons will be filled I am"Interior-Decoration as a profession'� .pected:at the annual banquet." Jan. :ll-Xorthwestern at Evanston.noon concerts �II be held almost sure. Let's have every man out."at the Women's" Vocational confer- Before'·the holidays Rnchard Mat- Jan. 25-'Visconsin at Madison.every week throught the year at 4:3°, Professors to Attend.ence to be held at the University.oI thews, pr�nt president, and Ernest Jan. 3I-Purdue at Chicago. Mem�er.s of the faculty who haveWisconsin. Reic�mann, a :fonner president of Feb. 8-0hio State at Chicago. announced their intention of bci�gthe club, . appeared before the Board Feb, I4-Minnesota at Chicago. Dean Linn Lectures Tcmicht. t' present tonght arc: Deans Angell,of Students Organizations. Some Feb. 21-Purdue at Lafayette. Dean James Weber Linn will be- S�all, and Butler; Professors Tu(ts,Oh· SCI b .nn a course of 'six lectures tonightchanges in the nature of the Three Feb. 22- .10 tate at 0 urn us. �. �erry, Soares, Moore, 'Tarbel, andQuarters dub were suggested but Feb. 26-1ltinois at Champaign. at the Berwyn club house, Berwyn, Prescott;' Associate Professors Tol-nothing :ciefinite ·WU .decided upon. ',\ arch I-M�nnesota at Minneapolis. niinois, on "Literature versu� the man and Schutse; Assistant Profes-The.matter was I'ec�mended to the March i-Wisconsin at Chicago. Newspaper." with a lecture on "What --,-------------Undergra,duate coonciL March 14-lIlinos a� Chicago. Is Literature." (Continued OD .pap .)� BlEED � LEAD OTHER wINeNeither' of This Years Leaders Is anAthlete-Both Are University. -'Marshals, Silver loving cups will be a�r�ed OHIO STATE AI., I(lWA USTEDthe best athletes of the U�verslty . . .President Judson "Will Preside­AnceU. Shepardsoli' Stan', andHamill To Speak."fDean lIathews WiD Speak.Dean S)1.ail�r. _��thews . will ad­dress' the students of the Divi�ity. school ate their. first Fhape1 assembly. of th� q9�tier: �. �e, .,held in Haskellassembly room at 10:15 today.THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7.1913-The Daily Maroon I'II,_______________________. ���-I...............WIt.IIt.lItttIt.N�TE· ·R.. � .. 'PQ·.. �U-�AR.. ,at�TER!--· UUUUtBulletin and Announcements.Divinity Chapel-IO:15, Haskel as- Sophomore Women's Society-To- I TEXT BOOKS,scmbly room. morrow, 4, Greenwood. I ST A TIONERY andFreshman Y. M. C. A. Commis- Dramatic Club-Thursday, 10:15, PENS 'PENNANTSsiOn.-IO:15, Y. M. C. A. office. Cobb 9B. ,. - _'. ,,-Thomas Concert-4:15, Mandel Alumni Loan Library-In Harper POST CARDS, PINS,an���=n�, =:'-:':::so:��: :�s aB:��el;anCd for twenty-five i�' The University of Chicago P��"Imons. Student and Scholarship Service re- 5750-58 Ellis Ave. and' .Christian Science Society-7:4S, muneration may b.e obtained at win- Room 106 Emmons Blaine HaDLexinigton, dows 6 and 7, Registrar's office. .Senior College and College of S· C cis d Pi tur I C ...... �... n.,.c .. 'ilCtt .. �4a� .... t«.... _ .. �C dAdministr. eruor ar an e es-- n ap � ••••••.••••••••••••••••••. ,.",._. :ommerce an ationr-Chap- and Gown office, Ellis 14, by Wed-el, tomorrow, 10:15, Mandel ncsday, Jan. 15. Applies to AutumnSwimming Classes-Oasses schcd- 191Z and all 1913 graduates. Pictures�on of the Illinois legislature areweather one may Pick Flowers and thoroughly reviewed. Professor- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••Walkup the Hills and through the L�avitt is actively interested in theClover. Stiles separate the Lane vocational education movement be­from the Moores. ing chairman of the committee ofReturning to the campus you will the Illinois State Teacher's associa­be greatly surprised i to see, two tion, cooperating with the IllinoisBarnes, four Wells, and Gates with Sate Bankers association in the prep­no Posts. South is likely to be due aration of a bill. He is also a mem­West of you. There are smooth ber of the special committee of theRhodes, along which there are to be National society for the Promotionseen autos-Frankline, Fords, and of Education to formulate a state­Flanders, also other Riggs. It is ment with reference to state-aidedsurprising to find but one Peach in vocational education.a co-educational institution, but donot act like a Gayman and try to POW WOW CHOOSESfor a Knapp and after that you may was taken.,visit your Kindred or go to Girling.In the industrial .world the Univer- BLACKFRIARS GIVEsity is there with the Goods. We PERFORMANCE FORhave two Barbers, Cooks, nine Bak- CHARITY BENEFITers, twenty-nine Millers with Mills inplenty. We also; hve Gardners who Four productions win be given towould be More welcome if they the University Settlement. Contrarywould quit raising Garlick. The Car- to general expectations no trip willpenter is supplied with a Square and be taken this year, as all perfonn­a Hammer. Only one Child is at ances will be given in Mandel hall.\Vork here, and we would like to get Final tryouts for the music for th.isrid of the Skinners. We have only year's production will be held Resume Tuesday Ten O'Clocks.one Price, however, which ,is a Nicol. Thursday, January 16 at 7:30 in the Mr. Rohertson's Tuesday ten I'This has been a Goodyear for bus- Reynolds club. An Blackfriars Will o'clocks win he re5umed tonight in·in his apartments in Hitchcock 52.Prlnceton- The Princeton Triangleclub which corresponds somewhatto Blackfriars, gave eleven perfonn­ances throughout the country on itsChristmas tflip and were criticizedvery favorably by the newspapers ofthe different places they risited.Publlahed 4aUy except Sunday.. l1onda) ...an.! ho;lday. d� W,,", Cluartera of &beL: ni \'eraUy year.En.t.ertod .. eeoond-c� maU u the Oblcacol\�L-oaWe. Ch1ca�. Ill.. l1an:b lb. lOOti. ua­.h:r A.ot of llllNh S. 1878.»V��10� B&%EHU)' carrier, f2.OO a )"e31'; '1.00 a Clu&rter.�)' mall. $3.00 a. ,.ear; $1.2:» 8. quart .. r.uled to meet at 10:30, and II :30 will to be taken at Koehne's, Michiganhereafter meet at I I and 12.' and Monroe..l::ditorl:l.l·BU&lneaa Otrlce, Ellla 2f.1"C'wpbone 'lUd.way 500.�all Box "0" Faculty �The Cooley play of Vocational ed­ucation is the subject of several art­icles written by Pres dent Judson,Professor Mead of the Departmentof Philosophy, and Director Juddand Associate Professor Leavitt ofthe School of Education, appearingrecently in the Chicago Tribune. Themerits and demerits of such a planand of the bills on the subject whichwill be tintroduced at the next ses-.Mawa�1q .Ed1� .Il1.nuD KeDDlcott!'e\t. EdltOl' - - - - - - Leuo StoIaAthletic Edl� - - - Bernard V1Dluk7lhuwu .. AIa.oa¥er - - - Burdette Haut are Goodenough since we seldomgamble and have only � one Miser.The editor u not re.,ponnble tor "jew. "- There are Five Kings, five Knightsvre.,cd here. ComnaufticGt'ou lII"t be and a Jurist keep peace along theA8S0Cu.rB JWI70BSWUlIam Lyman .John Perlee�uol � • • Harry GorpaH():�r LoUcsgaNe ••• Geor�e LymanCl)'� W� Georp 0ctt.t1D&h&mGraOli Hotchklaa • SIII'ah RelDw&ldVoruthy \\lllllaton • • • Martin Stever»liaakell Rhea�Oa7BU Border of our Land.Herbert Ford.To the Editor:A glance through the newly-issued WRITE ARTICLES FOR PRESSdirectory of University students re-veals many interesting and dis- Vocational Education Movement Int-tinguished characters on the campus. erests Members of the Faculty.In fact many of them do not belongJa.mc. DWalEdward R\:>Uckec­E\qNDe ChimeDeBlias Hall1DcLW4an Swa1riteSadl� Bannem.!'in&O·� L)"man W�George Shatr�r• • • Georg-e .Becleon• • !':at.ban Quadow• DoNtb7 WI.Ll.WtoDAUi:wrt.:L Swa.wlt"Dorothy Well to the human species at all. Thereis a Stagg, two Coons, a Hare,Hawkes, Lyons, two Swans, a Wolfe,two Lambes, and three foxes. If youwish to have. some sport you may,Wander through the Snow, Crossthe Parks, go through the Woodsand three Fields. It will not be nec­essary to Swim the Brooks, as thereare several Fords and a Bridge. Becareful to keep out of the Boggs es­pecially during the Flood. In Fair-"EYeR &be reporter Iuw an �ce. andwith dear qa IIUld hOD_ laaaaa&e. IDa)'_ IUltdl lDJllIIUco and po1D& &be .&7 top.roCftlUo'·_& L tL<fbi"tialIt appears that the track team'sprospects are not of the brightest:. practically all of lastTr ... ck. year's "stars" havebeen lost throughgraduation; a number of men havebeen lost lately because of scholasticdeficiency. At the present time there�e only a few men out for the team,included among them only a very,few sure point winners. This is acondition of affairs that presages apoor season in this particular branchof athletics. It is not necessary,even as it is impossible, that Chicago'should have a championship aggrega­tion in every sport every year. Butit is possible and distinctly desirablethat the University be adequatelyrepresented in aU branches of inter­co�te athletics.. It reflects any­thing but credit upon the Universityto have teams that do not "show up"well, decently at least. In a great Uni­versity like ours, there surely aremen enough. and of sufficient ability,to make teams that are adequate andthat will represent the Universitycreditably. Every man at the Uni­versity is required to take some sortof physical exercise. Let every .man.who has the least amount of pro­ficiency in track athletics tum outfor the track squad. No man is agood judge of his own ability. If aman has �e slightest ability, let himgo out Wlth the squad and so alloW(�e captain and the coach to watchhiS work and ascertain whether. ornot It shows possibilities. Morethan one first rate track athlete has��en ��veloped from none too prom­ISing material" It is desirable atall times that men go out for theteam squads in large numbers Ifthey did so more consistently, therewould be less criticism of our pres­ent system of athletics on the groundthat they are undemocratic. As thefacts indicate, it is particularl de-• ble' Y!Stra at the present time to havea larger number of men come outfor the track team. I t is hoped thatthis call win not have heen made invain, and that the coach and captain.of our track team will have occasion.to rejoice over a cratly aucmentedaqua� flirt wjth her, for Copps are near,and it is not Goode to Risk a New GEORGE ADAMS FORVICE-PRESIDENCYCady in confiict with the Strong armof the Mann of the Law.I f you want to go to a Ball gamewe have a private Carr and plenty of George Adams was yesterdayelected vice-president of the PowWow at the first meeting of that or­Buntin and a Plume: for decoration ganization this quarter.' The elec­purposes. Do not be too Coy at the tion was held in order that the tiegame, but make the umpire feel like for the vice-presidency betweenthe Deuss. If you are iii Earnest you George Adams and Thomas Dunnwill -emain even though. there is might be decided. After the electionFrost on the Paynes. After you re- several subjects for future debatesturn you will find plenty" of Leisure were dis-cussed but no definite action,attend the dinner to be givenHutchinSlOn commons today.iness. Among our business men areSellers of Rice, but only one Plum.Religiously, things are looking up.We have two Popes, who have theKeyes of life and death. Amongthe dignitaries are also three Bishopsand one Rector. There is only oneTemple and no Church, althoughthere is a Tower with fiv� Bells.Real1y we are beginning � think we SAVE MONEY'I1.By Subscribing to The DaBy MaroonNOW$1.50 for the remainderof the college yea r.Subscriptions taken atMaroon office, Ellis HallPat�onize our 'AdvertisersOm�eL Ir---------------------Shorfly a lot of us will be writing I Ladiesl Save • __ ,. ... � iaour "here lies" in a series of lists I ==:::!!!5 SlJle h,.1teadmc 1IcCaIl'.of societies, "honors," and such like! Magazine ud Usiq McCaI Paaer.to be preserved to posterity in the: � •••••• I •• wmMi:chiganensian. A lot. of big' thincrc:.! MSCAU:S MK.UUfE belp 7011 dress at,l-�- Ishl, ., a moderatehave been done on the campus by I � ;��::e�e::l�:the men of, 1913 and it is right that " btes' fublon. IIIclothes and bats. 60they should be preserved. But there " NoW' Fashion l)eslpa. i .III each l8sue. Abo. have been a lot of things which are nluable InlonoaUon( '�... , on all bomG and per-not exactly necessary to pass down IOnal matters. o�to the unborn generations. �rr:lC::tt!:�'1�In twenty years it will matter lit- _ _",_ -_.- �::e=�l:�dtle whether or not you were a mern- IIcCaJ1Paltenlwlllenableyoutom&teln7OQrI own borne. with rourown bands. eloLhln� forber of your class ail,Jiti!1� committee rourself and cbildren wblcb will be pureesIn strle and ftL Prlco-none blper &baD Iiin y'our Sophomore year, or pulled! cents, Send ror tree Pattern Calalope. ,f h d w. Will Q,e T .. ,.. ........ for pUIDc _b-on your tug 0 war team, or a scrlptlons amonE ,onrtriendL Bend forlneyour clothes ripped flff your back in I Premium Ca1alos:ue and Cull PrIze Oll'or.DElcCAI1aPllIY.m .. ze ... _ .. _,.the rush. There are :>. : >t of things I���������������that mean much to you which only Ilitter up the Michiganensian. By allmeans put in the big things; they are 1what the year book is fur; but a fine Iprint summary of your life after yourname looks rediculu.us. IThink about it when you write.your copy_-Michigan Dail)-. IDr. Aaronsohn Talks. Tonight. IProfessor Aaronsohn, the Palestinebotanist will speak before the so-ciety of the Sigma Xi tonight. I,MAROON ADSBRING RESULTs..Patronize Maroon Advertisel'ltThey Are ReliableMAROON ADS PAYMAROON ADSBRING RESULTS.. � � • L�.. "lOtDEFENDS BLACKFRIARS INREPLY TO OPEN LETTERTHE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JANUARY '/. 1913-! .The following communication istaken from Tile Ullivl"rsiZ)' of C/Ii­cago magazine for December, 1 t is inanswer to a communication fromNathaniel Pfeffer, published in themagazine last spring.To the Editor:_May a pious brother raise his. voicein defense against the profane wordshurled against the Cloister o� th.eUJackfriars? Perhaps the wnter IStoo far away to judge first hand and JOHN A. CARROLL. President.a�ain perhaps he has too �c�nt1yHulTed the cowl to be unpreiudicerl, THOMAS JANSEN, Cashier:\ t least let him venture an opinion.�# Stationery Cabinets I am skilled disputer to answerpoint for point Mr. Pfeffer's. attack;�t1(1 if I be fair 1 must admit that.iomerhing of the world has enteredI he sacred portals--a specializationthat looks a bit away from the ama­teur and seeks for an unholy per­fectness. But let me say that this is'hut a reflection from the tendency,of the age and will destroy itself inkeep 6noueh statlont'r�' nt hand t'nr ('urr.'''' tl ie heat of its own fire. I caneot 'a.e. SoUd Quarter('(l Oak. hamlsomcly nn ... IlIihed. "'00. ES1.r"". 1""ld. (See note.) defend it but I think 1 can ignore it.Says the Reformer: "--the gruel­ing, nerve-straining �rk (of ��­hcnrsal) interferes With the legiti­mate business of the college stu­dent." 1 would answer this by sayingfrom experience that as hard as thework is .. it is not harmful and thatt he eligibility rule takes care of the.audies, Further might I mention acertain congenial minimum that re­mains a constant quantity in thestudent's book work. This congen-ial minimum is a sum of requiredplus desired, The desired is propor­t ional to the amount of personal int­erest awakened by subject and pro­fessor. When the desired passes acertain point it automatieally ex­cludes the Blickfriars, football, andother harmless joys-valuable joys.Why valuable? Oh, because • Look. here, Mr: Reformer. You know theBlackfriars and the Settlement danceare the two best single; institutionsin the University, because they teachyou the fact that you are a brother,. vith a brother's love, dn a family,with a family"s responsibilities, andnot a selfish "1," or worse, a con­ceited "we." And, too, the man whoearns his way to . Friarhood withhand or foot is no honor-grabber ..They take easier ways. He's there:or the game and he's bound to learn.Also. From what police-suppressedliterature did you conjure up thatugly illusion regarding men in wo­men's' dress? Honi soit in the firstplace and then remember that ahealthy mind won't be affected anymore by a braided wig than a healthyrib by three nights in a tight corset.Granting the worst, fellows' are theharshest juduges of fellows and thecampus atmosphere is a pretty cleanlilter-in America at least.The characterization of the showsthemselves, "that Cohen stuff," wasa little rough. 1 am prejudiced ofcourse, but you, Mr. Alumnus-who­knows, don't you think the Reformergot his "dope" from the La Salle in-stead of Mandel? FOR RENT-Washington Avenue;And you, who have danced or near Jackson Park and Ill. Cent.typewritten your way into member- Express, front room in private, re-ship, with me, haven't you gathered. fined German home with highestsome memories, didn't you makesome friends that you couldn't havemade on the "C" bench or at theScore club, and all jn all didn't youhave a darn good time and no hang- FOR RENT-Furnished room; veryChl('a�o, III over? reasonable. F. Peterson, 16 NorthPfeffer, you led a wild life your- Hall.-clf in college. How many timeshave you refused to have an ice- H=============��\.......cream soda and a pretzel with me ' ""'"1after rehearsal because you werechained to a gelley? And We arehoth living.1\0. Let the Holy Brothers gotheir way. If they reward honest ef­Plain Baths 25 Cent fort and use the blue pencil a little,Open Day and Night. the deans will come out at worstSARATOGA BAR BE R S HOP with a few sore toes and a lot ofhealthy fellowship. Prosit]A Blackfriar Author �"":��===========�'(.I_The D!lily Maroon is for sale at MAROON ADSBRING RESULTSThe.' closestbosom friendyou havecouldn't stickcloser to youthan the non­bulgingbosom of aUDONCHESTERUARRowEvening SHIRT$210$3 -Claett. Peabodv tc Com panT. l\f:1kf'r.t-- ----_._--_._--SOLID OAK LETTER FILElaol48 10,000 letters orpapen • �xll lnch.·,..Solid, substanUal.Goldea. Natural orWeather�d ftnllth.Drawera are tIUlft-te�fn::d onFr���h�paid. (See note.)'11.9.Oet Cataloe ahow­IDC man,. hnnd)·. In-• expenslv. omce de.ylce. and S<'ction'l I "bookca.ell. BOOklet"Flllne 8U«ltt'Ktlon,,··&leo free.NOTE.-Frf'l«ht or'lCzpre_ "aid ••Qaoted to point" rntotof KODtaa&. WJ'om­IDe, Colorado. Okla­homa and Tex:llI.BUChU,. hlcher be­,oad.I1.tf/l#', .FILING DESKSc._bIDe drawera ID hand.ome deak. The81e11 7011 want at your ttng<'r tlp:<. See 01 ••at 70ar dealen.. Frelcht paltI $23.00. IS .. •Dote).THE�MANUFACTURING CO17 IJ ..... StreeL ;:\IO�lt()F.. �"nlChicago DiEplaY-SII-IS S. WabashPaint Often W orks. Wondersin covering defects-an ath­letic implement may lookpretty and the cheaper it is,cenerally the prettier itlooks. AU Spalding athlet­ic implements are made prim­arily (or use-good looks areRCondary. Catalogue free.'A. G. Spalding & BrosQ,: e- ··f. BJackfriar Author" AnswersCharges Made by Nathaniel Pfefferin University Mapz:i.ne.3 Per Cent Interest Oll Savings.TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three MonthsEvery machine guaranteed to be in fine working order.and will be kept so during 1Enn of rental.We deliver th� machine and «:all for it at the end ofthe reDtallelm We also have b'Sale a fine line of Fac­tory Rebuilt machines of all �on which you can save50 to 75 per cent.Tcl��e��n6�3�A-)(EIUCAIC W.ITIN� KACHIN£ COMPANY(lHCORPORA TED)PROIlSSORS andSTUDtNTS • •437 So. Dearborn St...- There are subjectsupon which it is easierto draw out the threadof verbosity than thestaple of argument,Not so withwill find in theA. CONVENIENT ad SAFE Bankwith all the facilities of Ii down townBank undee State Go.unment super­vision. Capital and lurplus $230,000.00Checking and Savinas accounts in­vited,TRonBEST2 for 25COLLARSEARL Ie. WILSONSHIRTS Sl� AND MORE Velvet furnishes itsown best argument.You draw it out of apipe in great cooldelightful puffs - sotemptingly smoothand satisfying that itleaves no chance fordispute.Chicaro. m\Patronize larooD Advertisersrecommendations. Board optional.Phone Midway 2872. --------------------------�----------------�----------�DERBY CLUB.DIRECT TOL!.ttle Rock. A1k.Bl'Ufllont. Texas.Hot Springs. Aric.Sa..'l Antonio. Texas.Bl.nnlnghamo Ala.Ja.ckllonvllle F:or!dI:l.-1'1t. Wor:h. Texas.\V.aco. T<'X3S.. Da:·les. Texall.Clurles �t:,... la.Sho:do:-:. Iowa.Omana, X'?h.X'l'W Ortoans, loll.Houstcn, T..::x.Sioux O�:Y. Ia,lI<.-mphla, Tenn.Tickets and sleeping car reservations76 W. Adams St., Phone Central 6270Dubuque. Iowa.Sprlngtlt'ltl, Ill.St. Louts, Ill .S!. Paul, lllnn.Decarce, HI.D�""'\"l:.Je-. Wis.11�'IIncu�IOU.s. lllnn.ll"ad!.son, Wia.E\·a.l'8".lne. Ind.Ilockrord, Ill.B!o.l!llingum, HI.C.lro, Ill.C�-dar It:JI":dll. Iowa.Council IUurrll. Iowa'Frt."epor.t. I IJ.Automatic 64472R. J. CARMICHAELDivision Passenger Agent.CLASSIFIEDADVERT�EMENTSFOR RENT-Room, every conven­ience, 1209 60th street. Mrs. Silver­horn. $12. a month .6n6 Cottage Grove Ave.BILLIARDSONLY40C Per HourBest Appointed Roomon the South Side8' Full Size Tables AlE YOU LOOIIMG FOI A PLACE ro unGift THE COMMONS • TrialAU the Upper Class men About Our FoodYoa'll Lib the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Nigll'J. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert Chiropodist' the Press, A .. c.a.. ...... a-.-. Good food low PricesAre Announced..majors. 1'ltE DAILY MAttOON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 'I. i9t3.VI. Each captain must show to themanager of the Reynolds club theIf you have ideas-if you can THINK-we will show you the seer ets of this fascinating new pro­fession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is �The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "moviDcheaven and earth" in their attempts to get .enough good plots to supply the ever increaSing demuul.They are offering $100. and more, f�r single scenarios, or written ideas.We have received many letters from the film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON,ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELIANC� CHAMPION COMET, MELIES, ETC.,urging us to send photoplays to them, We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secreta ofSuccess.We are seUiIll·photoplay. �ten by people: who "never before wrote a line for publication."Perhaps we can do the same fo: you. If you think of only one good idea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us, and it sells ior only $25. a low figure,YOU WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIME WORK.SENl? YOUR NAME AND ADDReSS AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy OFOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING"FREEDon't hesitate.you and your future. � .:1Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may � forAMUSEMENTSNANCE O'NEIL & CO.Van Hoven; Three Ombras.---------------------------- .....CORTOUR WIVESwith Henry Kolker------------------------ ...... ---pRINCESSWm. A. Bnady PreaentaThe First Chicaco Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. Broadhurat.An American Play of -!l'o-day---------_ ...... -- .............................. ------BLACK&TONEDavid Belasco presents the comedytriumphTHB CONCERTwith Leo Ditrichstein---------- ...... ------------------OLYMPICH: H. FrazeepresentsTHE UNWRITTEN LAWINTERFRATERNITY TEAMS agreeable, prividcd that it does not. -----------------�--------------------------------- ...... -- ...... ------ .... -_...,"----------------------------------�-�----------�.-�--------�-------- .. �WILL BOWL ON MONDAY conflict with other sch, duled games, I \ .....___- and that it is not rolled ofT later than Write Ideas for Moving Picture P.l.a.y-.·.... slr.. �First Games for Championship Will than titre days after the schedule.Be Rolled Next Week-Rules time.YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS ANDEARN S2S OR MORE WEEKLYWe· Will Show You How!Interfraternity bowling will com- membership tickets of each membermence with the matches scheduled of his team before any member mayfor next Monday when Delta· Kappa I bowl on the team. In case of anyEpsilon will meet Beta Theta Pi and infraction of this rule the offendingAlpha Tau Omega will meet Kappa team shall forfeit the series in whichSigma. These matches may be bowl- the ine lig iblc bov v led. Incase bothcd either In the afternoon or evening. teams offended each shall be chargedRules governing the tournament fol- with the loss of three games.low: VII. Each captain shall deposit1. Each team is composed of five with the manager of the club, beforemen, rolling off the first series, one dol-II. Three games constitute a series. lar to go toward the prize offeredHI. In the preliminaries and semi- to the winning team by the Inter­fifinals two of the three games win a fraternity council.series.i In. the finals, the tournament The tournament has sixteenis decided by total number of pins entrees, and lasts for a month. Deltafor the series. Kappa Epsilon has won the bannerIV. No man may bowl on a team offered by the Interfraternity councilunless he is a member of the Reynolds for two years in succession, but theclub. He must be an undergraduate general opinion is that its team willmember or a pledge of his fraternity, have a harder time this year becauseand a registered student in the Uni- Coyl, Baldwin, and several secondversity at the time of his bowling string men will not be back this year,with a credit of not more than 35 and because several of the other. by graduation, but appears to havebeen weakened less than their rivalsof last year and the year before.Ohter teams that loom up promin-NATIONAL AUTHORS'INSTITUTE R 624 - 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK CITYteams have increased strength.V. Matches may be played on Alpha Tau Omega the other final-schedule time, or at a time mutually I Ists in both cases also has lost men............. ���.,.... __ It����,..)I!�:P..����..at't,.....at�Of Special Inter�st Now! !:c:c§�:i:c:II:Itti � t�..:� .fLbbl�A- T:���� �:N I2&5 J:. Juboa Bm!. �� ". A. N. jERREMS, M�er. i.... �,,�.........��.� ........... �1C_�..A Suit with Extra Trousers for the priceof the suit alone. Prices $30 to $55.� ently as possible winners are Psi TI f Wal F tte engagement 0 ter ou e, sors Goettsch, \Vright, Field, ,Rea�,Upsion, Delta Upsilon, Chi Psi, '12, to Miss Gertrude MeGinnis of von Noe.: Gould, Baskerville, Dr,Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Gamma Indianapolis has been. announced. r: .I:--.-n H d 'MllUoodspee��\ fur .. , arvey, � .' .1':Delta, although more accurate pre- Their marriage will bring about the Gurney. The alumni present will bedictions may be made after each union of two old families, as Miss Dr. Hamill, Brest Vaughan, .. andteam has rolled its first series. I fMcGinnis is the grand daug iter 0 France Anderson.Numerous prizes are offered by the General McGinnis and Walter Foute The dinner will cost twenty-fiveReynolds club and by the Interfrat- is a descendant of Thomas J effcrson, cents, and everyone has been reernity council for the winners. Each f h hThe date 0 t e ceremony as not quested to have the exact change infraternity contributes toward - the been decided.' , order to prevent crowding'''� 'thebanner given by the Council Walter Foute was managing editor door. M�del will be used as a checkof the 191 I Cap and Goum. He was a room, and the Reynolds dub -will beThe Daily Maroon is now on sale University marshal' and a member thrown open to all . Universit7 j:nen.at the Press. of Beta Theta PL The menu announced by . th«= -�ommons for tonight consists' of:·The Mena.Cream of Green Pe�. SoupNative Roast Beef a" Jus, ·orRoast Lamb with Brown GravyMashed potatoes . Lima BeansCombination Salad:: , ....Apple Pie, or Blueberry Pi� or. �ccCream.Tea, Coffee Chocolate, or lfiUc., .. .---WALTER FOUTE IS ENGAGED BELL TALKS FOR MEN--- AT TONIGHTS DINNERIndianapolis Girl Betrothed to Form­er MAROON Editor.I Continued frolQ paae oae'AllUSEIIEHTS--._---------- ............ ----------EMPRESSTHEATER63rd Sthet aaci Cottqe Grove AftWeek StIrtIDg SUD.M�t.Jan. 5SULLIVAN a: CONSIDlNltPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCEVaudeville"s Superb' Spectacular Sur­priseMario Molasso and Maria. Corio(Himself)IS and Company of ISIN THE ROSE OF MEXICOSTITH AND GARNIERUnique Spinners.PADDOCK. PADDOCKComedy Sincers and DancersMR. AND MRS. CAULFIELDIn the FUDD7 Play of Irish Wit"The Section Boss."Here He Is-The Comic GemusNEIL McKINLEY7:30 and gasPRICESIOc-20c--30cCOLONIAL. KIa. and Er1an&er presentTHE PINK LADY� N. Y. and London Cast AMUSEMENTS.Have-you-tried-waltzinc AMUSEMENTS..,,------------------------------JEFFERSON·1MAJESTIC55th Street and Lake A venue.ILLINOISKIaw & Erlanger present the Musical A MIRlCAN MUSIC �ALL Senior Committees to Meet.Triumpbi of Two Conments Nora BA YS Jack NORWORTH Senior class executive and �a1THE COUNT OF LUXUMBOURG in "THE SUN DODGERS" committees will meet Friday in Cobb.. -with- 6A at 10:15. President Kuh wiD.d-Geo. W. MONROE H. E. FISHER I dress the meeting..,IpAlACE MUSIC HALLHARRY BULGER & CO. inIn a Playlet, "The jewess.'· "A Cabaret Barber Shop."Tempest and Te� in a Tabloid "An Indian RomanceMusical Comedy; Kate Elinore � CLIFF GORDONSam Williams, in Their Newest Ab- Grace Cameron, Five Germans, Kim­surdity; Gautieirs Animated Toy- berley & Mohr, The Wonder Act,shop; McIntyre & Harty; Williams Bcrtisch.--------------- & Warner; Frailklyn Ardell & Co.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYCHICAGO WINS CHESS HONORFive Reels ni�htly ot the latest movlnl:pictures.orchestra. Best otmusic by hi;;h classCome and hear our new $;.aOOUniversity Team Victor Over 1Iich­ig� and Illinois.pIpe organ.TONIGHTFor the Cause, War (Drama, 2 parts)Right Shall Prevail (Drama)The Fishing Industry (Educational)More Haste, Less Speed (Comedy)ADMISSIONMain Floor, all seats •••••• 10Balcony, aU seats. ••••••••• scWOODLAWN THEATRE55tla St. aDd W.ocUIIWD A",e.The Unly 5c Show in Hyde ParkFour Reels of Pictures Every Night of4,000 FeetS9ccial Features Tuesday a�d FridayCurrent Events Every Thunc1ayAlways a Good ShowPOVVERSSIMONEand a Lieber Cast includingMr. Arnoid Daly(In Enalish) ,The Return from JerusalemGARRICK CHICAGOOPERA HOUSEElmer Gruer, captain of th� Uni­versity chess team, is .in��ua1champion of the interc�l1egiate chesstournament recently held here whichthe University team won by' a sub­stantial margin.J n the final games Elmer Gruel'defeated Goodenow of Michigan;The Season's Best Musical Comedywith the "La Salle's Best Cast!" William Ringer of Chicago aDdStevenson of Illinois tied; aad Di- '.Pop. Mat. Tues. & Thurs. Z5C to $1rector Stevens won from �rwaW ofLllinois between Mr. Stevens andLOUIS MANNin "Elevating a Husband.'"LASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATEE. H. SOUTHERNJULIA MARLOWEPatronize Maroon AdvertisersThey A_re Reliable. Berwald was the winner's first Yic­STUDEBAKER tory and the loser's first defeat.Cosmo Hamilton's Daring Indictment Final results were:"THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE University of Chicago-(iruer, 4-0;________ ...... __ .Stcvcns, 1-3; Ringer, 3 1-2 - 14·;-total\"8 1-2-3 1-2.L'nivcrsity of IllinoiS-Thomson,112; Berwald, 3-1; Stevenson, 'j"'"':I'"CARTER DE HAVEN .2 I-Z; total, 5 1-2 - 6 1-2. �.-,In the Smartest of Musical Farces University of Michiga�e-EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT now, 1-3; Given 3-1; Roth, .0-4; (!.�talWIth Elizabeth M. Murray featured] 4-8.COBAN'S GRANDrj