.'VOL. XI., No. 57. UNIVEl{SlTY OF CHICAGO,· SJ\TU�DAY, J�NVARY 4. 191J. PRICE FIVE CENTS..''1.j,.!/ ·matig lIarnntt.'., :. '. : THoMAs ORCHESTRA TO DEBATERS PRACI1CE TONIGirr I LEWIS INSTITUTE IS BASIETBALLSTARTSntURSDAY JUDS'ON TO PRESIDE"GlVE THIRD CONCERT -. sw' .' .. .. ,. � .Members of University Invited to' _ED aT VARSITY First of Interclass ContestS Will be. AT DINNER FOR MENHear Teams in Preparation- � Held Between Freshmen and So' h-O'D 11 d H C . .. V�. Are. H",_,.,... ta T· .... of 80 to p SL- dso __ .J �- wm "_ILonne an oover to ntiC1Se '.I • r. __':.'''_ omore Teams-AU Games MUst acpar • - iJIUT ... Atthe Talks Presented. .,. � � � Start Promptly at' 3- Meew., Of UlliYenitJ Me..� _ r .... yMiPt:}. BOTH GLEE CLUBS PLAN TRIPS Members of the University are in- SHOWS IUD � Interslass basketball wil start Thur-' . --!.''. vitcd to attend the practice debate !'!'Pt' JlQVW �ORK sday when t�e Freshmen meet ihe I HAMILL TO REPRESENT AWMNI.'1,1' W H between the affirmative and the nega- -. . 'Sophomores In the first game of tile -omen ope to. Sing in Evanston V ink, N .and Joliet-Will Have Home tive teams which will represent the ruw.. orJrfP.. � PIt Jardien schedule. On Friday, the Seniors I Have Not Selected Student Speaker-f� :i Concert in February. University in the contests with North Play flashy ij� Goes meet the Law school team. Coach ·Fraternities Asked Not to Serv.I p..... western and Michigan January 17, at to IJdq4 1�Y. Page will start all games at J, and Dinner.IJ TI T '7:30 tonight in Harper assembly - teams that do not appear on time!' ie next homas concert will be room. Lewis Institute feU a. n i>,a.sy victim '11 b .1 held in Mand 1 T dOor � WI e compelled to forfeit theirI .. e ues ay at 4· ver Paul O'Donnell and J. W. Hoover to the prowess of tn,: VOJ,rs"y basket-1,000 tickets have been sold for this games. The full schedule has not1" of the championship team of' 1909 ball squad yest-=r4�y afternoon in y = t been completed.serrcs of concerts, and there are only B I .\' f . will pass judgement on the work of art ett when the Jn�t;tll,e players The teams WI'11 be organized in the· a ew scats left. The program Iol-il lows: the debaters and advise the men' at were defeated by the !iqm: pf 80 to J. early part of next week, a�d captainsI � I the conclusion of the co. ntest. There Only one field basket 'w.. as scored by '11 b IOverture . "Lebensfreude" WI e e ected a!t soon as the squads:1 Georg Schumann is considerable rivalry between the the visitors, and it wa.s pta4,: by Wal- are picked. The Freshman team will, Symphony No. J, "lm Walde," two teams' and both are confident len in the first hah.· JI1 �hl! second be organi d b C h P All'J : Opus 153 ..••.•...••.••..•. Raff that they will -get the verdict of the half, Donoho made the onJy score mze y oac age.� I. Allegro. rr candidates should report on the! ; I I. Largo judges. with a free throw. All of Chicago's tloor for practice daily at J. The first• -, .1 Allegro assai Practice in Vacation. points were made on field goals as,. I I I. Allegro. Night. eight 'men on the Freshman squadI • V' 1 ' L During the vacation members of only' one foul was called ..... n the( " orspre to ' ohengrin" ". W.agner' "'�," will make up the Freshman Varsity, 11:t The Bee ....•..••... Schubert-Stock the team remained in the city, spend losers. 'to be used in scrimmage against theMinuct •......•... Beethoven-Stock ing much time on the debate. They I Result Is :Jt.. vi4mtt" Symphonic Poem "Le Chasseur Varsity team. The second eight men'Il', Maudit" ...•..••.••.•••• Franck interviewed a large number of Chi- From the . begin-ning of the first will make up the Freshman class, _ cago bankers, securing a large as- half the result _of th_.e game was evi-'\1 - Other concerts will be given on - team and will compete in the inter-F -ortment of new material which .before dent and the only doubtful thing was I h lege Alumni Association.,1 ebruary 4, February 25 and April S. ' c ass c ampionsbips.'f . Eugene Y saye, the violinist will give had been inaccessible. The prepara- the size of the -score, Forty points Seniors Report to Catron. "We are antic.p ... ·,·�·I'; a large turn-· . tion .·bf the debate on the Aldrich were scored. by Chicago in each per- t f b th f l' b d,.ll a special recital on January ar vand The Senior candidates will report ou 0 0 acu ty mem ers an· on March-j r, Alice Nielsen, the so- monetary reform has been difficult iod. No-criticism of the play of the to Catron, the Sophomores to Good- students," said Assistant Professor.... as the I'S a 'const t su pi f Varsity can be made because Lewis R ltd 1 fi( 'f' prano ,,'lin give a recital. These re- re. an p y 0 new win, and the La'\Y school men to 0 ier son yester ay, w no rst con-I material. Coach M�ulton states, was incapable of. coping with the lJ» b ceivcd the plan of th , ...ret-together'I · citals are a. Iso under the auspices of D urn erg and Tartarsky. Candidates �tl however, that the work is farther more experienced and heavier Var- r . dinner of all U iverit m "200 .'1 the University Orchestral association. .' . lor the Junior, Medic and Divirtty. '.. m. yen. . JD-Cn'b.cs HI·ghly Pr":"e Ysaye. along with two weeks left than at the sity players, and c:iffer�d no resist- teams sh Id t vitations have been sent to faculty( _... • i:S . ou repor at present to '.' .� I' Y 1 d ith th Th 0 same time JD the last few years. ance, Coac h Page members and a dozen or more prom--. saye p aye WI e . omas r- � .. . .' . . •1 h L. '. f h 1 kl Dally sessions of the debaters willi The ball was In LeWIS territory ev- Th I' ibilit 1 h' inent. alumni are expected Thet ' ' c e51_ra.at,one 0 t. e r�gu ar wee y .' ," � ... . e. e IgI I I Y. ru es are t e same '. .' . '.', ? l�-,�: ..... > ;�,�,.�,,:-:- ....... t.' _l-!... �I;';"'_'�'::-' .:. ... _:._..1. L.,' .be .t4e ,�ule_ . .from D.?W �nu� the;. dat,e .��ry _mom��,�. d�nng tne s,econd �al£ as last vear M h h· UDlverslty. band WIll play and the)&, , __ ... � ,-" .. c�.,� �..,...3r&&,;;u.aa�Y .... ��.--..�.-..T-·-b:- .... -'1o!i:...-:�....r .... -.;;f:4-Y_""'t �-1i�" - d -"--.,--_. __ oJ,_. en_ w 0 ave won l-ro' .,.... . th . , .. , -. : f th' �� of the 'contest. , ese sesSIons are e""""ep wuen t e'V1sltors�wa e-spOr- n··um-era· ·I-s-o--:.-V_::v·-;-ty··-I.... -t··-t:r-- .. �·--b··'--·k:..-·'I·ulee· .... clnb-·and1""3laclcfSiar.a;·"eacb!.·at·... e reviewers as one 0 e greatest . . . .. '.. r. ar� e ers JD as et;- .. .'f .. I' . t' AI' .N' I . I d held m Harper assembly room, sn adlc attempts to dnbble. Then the b II b .a se""arate' table will sinll7 'but thec 'V'IO IDlS S.' Ice Ie sen IS a ea _ ..... . . a , are mem ers of Varsity or I" , D'ing sop��o with the Metropolitan \·arious classes, arid man)" of them in guardmg of Bell. !4olander, Ken- Freshman basketb�J1 squads; or men program' ·will not: be formal in �nythe rooms of the various debaters. nedy and Baumgartner smothered all sense."Opera �ompany. She has appeare� . f . who have beell �dvis(d by the Ath--with greatest success in Madame B�t� The men have tak�n much interest in attempts to score. The game was a letic departme", not ·to play basket- Charce Is smaathe. question and' ,feach side is confi- farce as' the visitors were unable to . ·The charge for the dinner will be�crfly and in the leading part of TI,� ball because of physical unfitness 'ordent .that it is de'fending the truth in guard "Shorty" .Des Jardien Vruwink h . only twenty-fi,ve cents a plate. The,.Sacrifiu, a part which she was 'the ot erwlse are ineligible. CaptainI' first to take. One of her best part� :he matter. The: rivalry between and Norgren, who .di�playe� brilliant Paine of the Varsity basketball t�m fraternity houses have·· been asked"the two. teams ha, s been keen .and teamwork. first not to serVe a dinner· Tuesday night.is that of Mi,:,; in La Bol,i''''''. �viJl officiate as re!eree in the.• h. �y are 'determined to make the de:- Play Brilliantly. "Tl.is is the first affair of the kindgame betweell the Freshmen and ,.bate tonight more than a. mere re- The teamwork of these' thr.ee star Soph,omores. �h team wjll playhearsal players. was a revelation. Time after two games �th every othe� team andtime the ball would go right from the. .. the. team having the highest percent-Jump to either forward wbo would f '11 b d I. age. 0 games won WI e ec aredthen cage a' basket. The attempts h h . Th -.' student and· faculty members will- t e c amplons. e present J umor·to make . baskets w(re more success- ciass won the championship last year(Continued on page 4) by defeating the Freshmen in thelast game of the schedule.'It.J:,I,t 1 Yaye wm Be Here oa JUUI'J ZI adAlice Miello. Will So.,Here ia MarcIaPresident Judson will preside at thedinner of University men to be heldTuesday at 6:15 in Commons. He willbe introduced by Norman Paine,president of the Undergraduate coun­cil, who will represent the studentbody.Other speakers will be AssociateProfessor. Shepardson of the Historydepartment, Dean Angell and Associ­ate Professor Starr who has just re­turned from Mexico. A prominentalumnus to speak will be Dr. Ralph .C. Hamill of the class of' 1901 and aformer football star. He is presidentof the Alumni council and of the Col-:. l}'nusual activity along all musi�allines- will !=haracterize the comingyear according to Director Stevens.In �ddition to the .remaining ThomasConcerts there will be lecture recitals PROFESSOR FOSTER ISbefore each. 'concert and on the other U:tflVERSITY PREACHERTuesday. afternoons oi the yealmusicals will be ,given. �r. Steven�said that an attempt will be made tomake the musicals �his- quarter, ofequal grade wiht those of last quar' given in this .university,'� said Nor­man. Paine, who has charge of thestudent end of the dinner. ..It ishoped that aIr University men, both.,Director Stevens Announces MusicalPr�� . f()� Weekly ReligiousService Tomorrow. support it, so that it may be an an­nual affair. There will be severalmembers of the faculty at each tablewith studc:nts and two students willI')i'�:" acquaintanceship among the guests."ter. .The Sunday religious service of S d Y W III 'cal CI bs Ar A • Intend .to Incr- .... - N-L.- of lIen- econ ear. omen ntelld to Be-U�I u e. ctive. the University will' be conducted in - � A • ted _F� __ .I ... _S 1• b . 1 d I orab Soa'eu-es and A"dd to Mem- come cqwpu !y IIIOWU�.. evera trtpS are emg p anne »' Mandel at 1 1:00 tomorrow by Profes-both the men's and the women's Glee sor George Burman Foster, the Uni- bersbip of· � Sophomore � will give adubs .. The Mens�Glee club will give versity preacher. The following - party in Green hall Wednesday at 4. Freshman Y. II. C. A. CcmmUssiOIl. a few local concerts and will pOS·. musical . prog..�m has been arranged Delegates to the Intercollegiate The purpose of the party is to get Will Conduct Discussions.sihly take a western triP. The \Vo- by Director .Stevens� Mcnorah association convention leit the women of t�e class acquaintedman's club is planning trips to Organ Prelude Chicago yesterday after the last ses- with each other. All women attend-Evan'�lon and Joliet and a home con- Adagio ....•••...••. ". Beethoven sion of the convention which 'was ing have been asked to bring tencert on February 14- The Univer· Al�egrg ••.••..•.••...•.... Handel held in Hitchcock club rooms. A cents to help defray costs. The mem-.. . Ana •.•.•....•.......•........ Aftsity orchestra will begm practice Proce��nal,. "��e Morning LightMonday. The Philharmonic society is 'Is Wi'eakmg � •........... Webbplanning to celehrate the Wagner ����m, "Sing Alleluia Forth. Buckcentcnial in May with a concert. Offertory, "One Swectly SolemnThought" ,\mbroesHymnl�("ccssional. . "Onward, ChristianSoldiers" ,..... SullivanOrgan Postlude, X ovelette ." Calkin MENORAH DELEGATES ENDTHEIR FIRST CONVENTION SOPHOMORES HAVE PARTY act 'a:l hosts at each ·table to promoteGILKEY TO LEAD MEETINGSin the aftcrnoon session. chaimlan; Margaret Fenton, Rosalie l'ach Friday during the winter quarter.Plans for furthering the interest Amory, Katherine Sprainley and ;\rrangements with Mr. Gilkey haveof the Menorah societies in the dif- Leona Coons. been made hy the meetings conunit­fcrent universities were discussed. Entertainment-Grace Hotchkiss tee ci the Freshm.m Y. M. C. A. com­Attempts to increase the membership chairman; Louise Ford, H. LOuise mission.of all local socitics and also to in- Mick. Madelyn Woodruff and Kath- On account of the new schedule •crcase the numher of societies in the crine Biggins. prO\'iding for only a three-quartersHave New Fencing Instructor. association will be carried on during Reccption-Edith Lindsay, chair- of an hour ;ntermission at noon, 'theR. D. Miller, the new fencing tn- thc coming year. man; Gene Young, Rosalic non em, weckly class luncheons given by thestructor, was for seven years, assist- This convention was the first con- Marie Schmidt, Betty Byrne, Esther commission- will not be continued. A.ant to Mr. Murray, instructor at the ,"cntidn of the national Menorah so- Bnttolph, Iris $pohm, Helen \\,ilson, special meeting of the FreshmanNew York Athletic Chlb, and Colum- cieties had formed two different as- Phyllis Fay and Estber Eidman. c�mmission will be held in tbe Y. M.hia univershy. He is bighly recom- sociation�, but dt this convention all Finance-Dorothy Llewellyn, chair- C. A. office at 10:15 Tuesday. Themended by both Mr. Murray and Dr. the societies were united into one man; Genevieve Baker, H�lda Mae-,' meetings' with Dr. Gilkey will beginMeylon. national organization. Clintock and Nina O'Neill. n("xt Friday.discussion of the methods' of conduct- bers of the committees are as follows:ing thc national association was held Rcfreshment-D 0 r i 9 MacNeal, The Rev. Charles Wh�tney Gilkey,pa�tor of the Hyde Park Baptistchurch, will lead weekly discussionson the problems of Freshman exist­en('e 'in Cobb 6A at the c.hapel hour'.', Coulter to Speak at Luncheon.Professor Coulter of the Botanydepartment will speak at Mr. JuliusRosenwald's luncheon today at th("Blackstone in honor of ProfessorAarons, the Palestine botanist.Change Swimming Hours.Swimming classes whicb wer�scheduled for 10:30 'and 11 :30 willmeet hereafter at II and 12 'respec-tively.THE DAILY MAROON, SATURDA Y. JANUARY 4. 191,1.Tuesday night's dinner in Hutchin­son commons, to be attended by bothfaculty and student�oming men, offers the bestAcquainted. chance ever offered stu­dents generally to be­. come acquaint� with their instruct­,-ees -�t th� .University. That such anacquaintanceShip is desirable bothfrom the point of view of the faculty my comments I request that you pub- mance in four acts by Gustave Char­and that of the students is generally lish this correction. ' penticr, will be given. The opera willadmitted It is a platitude at the I said that 'the question of estab-I be sung in French. ' .'University that students and in- lishing Jewish .:. secret societies to La'icngrln, Wagner's opera in threestructo� .sho� know one another compete' with the college Greek let- acts, will be given on Tuesday. The�tter., ,While the great size and the ter fraternities is �ne upon which in. curtain wiII rise at 7:45, fifteenuniversity nature of the institution telligent 'and fairminded persons dif- utes earlier than usual.�e impossible tl}e intimacy and fer, one upon which much can be said The company will present a twincordiality between students and both pr� and con, but that in my own bill on Wednesday night. Tile Secretfaculty enjoyed at colleges, yet it is judgment such societies were unwise of Susanne, an intermezzo in one actnot a wild dream to hope for a closer _and for reasons which in part I sped- by Wolf-Ferrari. Following thisreationship between them than tha: fied and need not .reepeat To the wit! be presented Nod, played for thenow existing. As before stated. there best of my knowledge and belief I first time in America. Noel is a lyricis no ·on.e to say that a closer re1a- flayed nobody. drama in three acts by Fredericktionship �. not mean better feel- Respectfully yo�rs. d'ErIanger.'ing')md r�ult in better work. Just (Signed) James R Angell. A special matinee will be given onas aD. empl9yer fosters a wholesome Thursday. Lc lo"g/cur de NOire Dameand restrained intimacy that results JUNIORS WILL WEA� TOQ.UES will be given at 2 followed by ain . good cooperation with his mea. so� ,_ �... Grand Ballet Divertissment. Cinder­the instructor should lose no oppor- Large Consignment Received Yester- ella, an opera in four acts by JulestUmty to establish the personal re- ... day Morning Is Goin!! Fast Masscnet, will be presented thatlationship between himself and his night.pupilS, to the advantage of aU con­cerned. On the other hand, the in­structor �. profit by the increasedinterest taken in his course, since his·�htdents ar� interested in him; onthe other hand, the students will beable to profit by the personality ofthe instructor as well as by his lec­tures. Then, too, there is more zestto University life when one knowsthose who instruct him: he is madeto feel that he is working with them,not for them, as unfortunately is of­ten now the feeling. There can- beno doubt that the honor movementwin be funhered by the attainmentof a better relationship between stu­dents and instructors. When an in­StrUc:tor is also a friend of his stu­dents, it is impossible for them tolook upon him as a natural enemywhom it is their perogative to "beat."With these ideas in mind, it is warm­ly to be urged that every man whofinds it possible to do so, be presentat "'the first faculty-student dinner..E41tocJal·Bua1� omce, &1118 :u.Td.epbo� 'lI1d1w&)" SOC).llall Box '.0'. Faculty ExchcIp.The Daily MaroonlIallln.itt .f � ...Publ'-bed dI&U7 eXOept s� lIondayw.aDd bol.Jda,.. 4uriDC thTee Q-.rten of t.beUDlvem1t7 ,.uo.� _ �c ... maO _ (.he Obl�PoM.� �. UL. lIA1'dl 18. 1008. ua­�r AcIt of Marob a. 1873.al1B8CBll"rION B&.'S'UBy curier. u.� a )"eU': ,1.00 a QUUUir.By mall. $3.00 a 7e.u; �.� .. quan,.r.Men. pac Edltor II1nuD KeADlcottNew. EdItor - - - - - - LeoD 8&olaAtble&Io Edltor - - - BenIaI'd VID.bU7BaalDeaa liI.aDacer - - - Bardette JlutASSOCIA'S'& &DI'S'OBB.John Perlee• •• Ban7 Gorcu• • • Georce L7manGeorce�6anJl ReinwaldWUllam LYmaDSamuel �Boicer Lolleacard� WIlltfd.Da� HAt.chlduIloI'ottly \\"'lW8t.oD • • • Martin Stever.Hukell ·Bheu&SPO&T&BaL1'm&n WtM1Georce Sha1rer.Ja.me- DweDEdward RedekerEucene Cbl�BlSa HlLllll2JC� &wawtte5ad:i. Bozman�tD& O·,NeU •• • • Geol"&le BecaonZ>.""ac.han Quadow• Doz'cIII:h7 Wu.u.toDAUCU8t& SwawlUDorothy Well"Bna &lie npGI'ter .... aD amee. aDdwith � tI7- aad Il..a& J.eDcaace. ....,.lUIyell ..... uUoe aad poba& &lie W'a7 topncnu:"--B. L. 8.(fbitotlal . tlUUUUL L L .Ul U ..... UI ••• U ltllltl� U..,._ t tit UUUUI t IJ L LBulletin and Announcements. IiI Frank Parker, '12Student Service and Scholarshipmorrow, IIJ Mandel.Junior Chapel-Men, Monday 10: 15.MandelThe DAILY MAROON-Women inoffice.Senior Cards and Pictures-I n Cap ORIENT AL DANCESreporters, Monday, 10:15, Neighbor- and Gown office by Wednesday Jan.hood -room, 1.5. Applies to Autumn 1912 and allSophomore Executive Committee- 1913 graduates.Monday, 10:15, Cobb. New Sections-German 4:\ forFreshman Social Committee-Mon- German 3 students of Autumn quar-day, 2, Cobb 9B. ter, 9:15. Cobb 16D; German 4B, for'lPow Wow-Business meeting, others, 9:15, Harper MIO.Monday, 4. Cobb 9C. Romance 10, DcIson, I :30, CobbPhilharmonic Society-Orchestral r i l].practk� )londay. 8:1� )Iandel Education I�, Current Prob!ems inDivinity Chapel-Tuesday, 10:15, Education, 2:15, Emmons Blaine zoa,� •• __ • • •_Haskell assembly room. Education 106:\. Institution Econo-Freshman Y. M. C. A. Commission my.--Tuesday. 10:15, Y. M. C. A. office. Class' Changes-Romance IA wiIIThomas Concert-Tuesday 4:15 meet in Ellis 6 instead of Ellis 5.Mandel This Afternoon af 2: 15WHITNEY OPERA HOUSEper M24. Books loaned for twenty- Mathematics 19, 11 :15, Ryerson 37.Sophomore Women"s Party-\Ved- German Iii will meet Wednesdaysnesday, 4. Greenwood. . instead of Mondays at 4:15 in CobbSenior College.and College of COtn- 3C.merce and Administration-Chapel, Mathematics 94, II: 15, Ryerson 38.-,"'I -del German 2::: will meet at 9: 15 .insteadWednesday, 10:15. lY an e. oJAlumnae Loan Library is in Har- �f 11: 15 in Cobb II C .Zoology 2 has been changed tofive cents a quarter. Zoology I.MEMBERSHIP IN OPERAASSOCIATION IS OPENThe editor u not re.zwnBible for vkac. es» SAVE MONEYz;re •• cd here. Communication.! muatdOlled a.a an evidellCe of good fa4th. be Productions to be given on Auditor­ium Stage Next Week Announcedby Management.To the Editor:By Subsc;nlling to De DaDy MaroonThe· Chicago Operaissued the program for the seventhweek of their stay ,ill Chicago. Thebills are posted both in the office ofthe DAILY MAROON and the of­fices of the University Opera associa­tion. Membership tois stilI open.On Monday Louise, a musical ro-In your issue of today I notice thatunder the caption "Flays J ewishFraternities" you print a partial re­port of my remarks. at. the meetingof the Menorah society held last NOWevening at Hutchinson commons. Asthis head'ingly seriously misrepre­sents":_�h'�ugh doub-ti�ss unintention­ally-both the spirit and the letter of$1.50 for the remainderof the college yea r.Blue toques will distinguish all ofthe Juniors on the campus -in a fewdays, the large consignment orderedhaving arrived yesterday morning.The toques are on sale at the MA­ROON office where a Junior will bein charge of the lists during themorning recess period and the hourfollowing.The appear;lnce of the Juniortoque is an annual event, followingclosely Upon the heginning of thehard winter season. The headgeardiffers from that of last season inthat instead of having flaps whichreach under the chin, it pulls downall around.Freshman Committee to Meet.Mignon, an opera in three acts byAmbroise Thomas, will be given at 2Saturday, Popular prices will be of­fered for the evening performance of:TII.: Jetocls of tile Madonna. This isthe last performance of this opera.FRANK PARKER TODANCE AT A DOWNTOWN PERFORMANCE Subscriptions taken atMaroon office, Ellis Hall-Frank Parker, ex-Ya, will performin a number of oriental dances at the\Vhitney Opera house this afternoon.Parker's performance wiII be in con­nection with the Fourth Special mat­inee at the theater, at which Mrs.Orpha Kendall Holstmen will sing."Penny" Ross, a Tribune illustrator,will make sketches to illustrate the�ongs.Those in charge of the sale askthat those who have placed orderscall for the L ts immediately as thedemand exceeds the supply. The capsnot disposed of in a few days will bepareelled out to those who wantthem badly. 1'\0 other class has or- The Freshman sodal committeedered toques or any distinction yet will meet Monday at 2 in Cobb 9B toexcept the Juniors. arrange for the next class dance. I,-,,.i I. \I',\: I,. i-, 'The pO"pular ." Belmont"notcli Collar, made in selfstriped Madras. Will lendan air ,of distinctive in­dividuality to your attire .2 for 2S centsARROWCOLLARSCluett. Peahody '" Co •• Makera.,\,Ii'1, ' _.- _'--- - --_._--_.:- .. -,,-# Stationery CabinetsSOLID' OAK LETTER FILEhold. 20.000 letters orpapers '�xll Inches,Solid. substantial.Golden. Natural orWeathered ftnlsh.i>raw .. rs are duat­proot and on rollerbearing.. Frt!lghtpaid. (See note. )'I3.U.Get Catalog IIhow­Inc man)" Jlnndy.:ln- :expenllive omce de­vic... and Sectlon:.1bookcasCII. Booklet"Filing Suggel!tlon,,"al.o tree.NOTE.-Frf>lght orExpre... paId . a.quott!d to pointe eat" ';ot Alontana. Wyom_Inc. Colorado. Okla­homa and Tt!xns.SlIchtl,. hleher be­,ond." l\f, iFILING DESKScombine drawers' In haDdaomc deak. ft.Illea you want at your ftnger tip.. See vanat )'our dealen.. Freight paid $%3.00. c�Dote).THE�MANUFACTURING CO11 IJDIoa St:-eet. lIOXROE, )II(,HChicago DisplaY-511-15 S. Wab.asb•Paint Often WorksWondersin covering defects-an ath­letic implement may lookpretty and the cheaper it is,generally . the prettier itlooks. All Spalding athlet­ic implements are made prim­arily for us�-good looks aresecondary. Catalogue free.A. G.' SpaJding & Brosu..- &oath Wah.,,11 Ave. Chl� 01.SHOE REPAIRINGWe Specialize in:Quality of MaterialExcellency of workmanshipPromptness in execution of ordersand Courtesy.TEST USSMITH-GOODYEARJIM n.�t ani Stlftt.Opposite Postoffice.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS THE DAILY MAROON. SATUiU)AV, 1ANUARY 4. 1913-weeks of each quarter.nesday at 10:15 to Tuesday at 10:15due to the change in the day of-.following a dinner given to the Senior chapel services,vri�iting members of the Bihliograph-'ic�l society of America and of the TO HAVE SEVEN PREACHERSCollege and University Librarians hythe University of Chicago librarians, Dr Stone and Dr. Hall J:Teac:h Againa joint session of the two organiza- This Year.tions was held 1n Harper assemblyroom yesterday at i :30 •.Nssistant Professor von Noe read this quarter include in addition' to.a paper by Mr. A. G. Josephson of Professor George Burman Foster, ofthe John Crear Library. An illus- the Divinity school, President Ozoratrated lecture by Mr. T. W. Koch, on S. Davis of the Chicago Theologicalthe subject, "College and University seminary, the Rev. John TimothyArchitecture" followed. Dr. Walter Stone, of the Fourth PresbyterianLichtenstein of Northwestern showed church of Chicago, and the Rev.views of the plans for the new Weid- Frank C. Hall, of the Church of thencr Iibrary which is to be built at Di\';ne Paternity in New York.Harvard. The Reverend Samuel McCordUniversity preachers secured forDR. REED ISSUES ;RULES MAGAZINE PRAISES LAWLERroa GYMNASIUM ABSENCES . IUniversity Monthly Lauds Quarter- MALTMAQQOWWill Not Receive Applications After back's Perseverance. .Second Week of Quarter-Urges Consultation. The following item is clipped fromthe University of Chicago m.aga�inelThe department of Physical Cul- for December: Iture and Athletics have issued the Congratulations, in particular, tofollowing Physical' Culture notice one man-Joseph Lawler, '13. Lawler,entered th> University from Hydewhich will he rigidly enforced during Park high school in the fall of 1909'1the coming quarter. Un his Freshman team he was called"a plucky little end, hut too light."I. 1\0 . application for exemption J n 1910 he tried for end on the Var-from or modification of the physical sity-vainJy. But he never missed aculture requirement or for transfer practice, In 1911 he tried abrain-',uus time for quarter. He got in awill he considered after the .first two game or two, and was given a C attile enu 01 the season. That was en­couragement. This fall he was almostII. Absences from physical culture the nrst man out for practice. It wason account of illness which prevents his last chance; he takes his degreethe keeping of other University ap- III December. Paine was regular Iquarter; Smith was' second choice; Ipointments may he excused by appli- what hope for Lawler. He did thecation at Dr. Reed's office in Bartlett best he knew. At Madiion Paine wasGymnasium within one week after re- hurt. Against Northwestern Smithand Lawler played alternate quar­turn to the University. Physician's ters. Lawler showed the better. Hecertificate should he presented if pos- got his chance against. Illinois, andplayed his head off-fast, steady,sible. Juogmatical. Came the last game,'UI. Absences due to other ade- agarnst Minnesota; Lawler running . .......... _quate causes may he made up by ar- the team. He tries a lorward pass,'and it works. He shoots play after 1keep enough .tatlonery at han!! for ("urrtll1t rangement at Dr. Reed's' office within play, fast as the men can recoveruse, Solid Quartered Oak. handllomel,. aD one week after the absence occurred. straight into the line, running downlBhed. ts.OO. Espre •• raid. (See Dote,) . .I Y. Other absences will stand as to within two yards of the goal. Onedown left, for the first victory in four Iunexcused. years over Minnesota. Not through]Fer further particulars regarding the center this time, but swingingaround the end-ahsolutely first-rateBartlett gymnasium regulations stu- judgment just when it was needed-s-'dents an: urged to consult the of- and off the field goes Lawler, foot-]ticial hoards in the gymnasium, or ball hero in the second half of thefinal game of the last quarter of hisc61isiih IYr .. Reed" during his office last year as an undergraduate. Ishours fr�m_ ;�2:15' to I, and 3 to 5 there any lesson here in persever­ance? Good luck in the law school, ITuesday to Friday� . __ and afterward, to Lawler, 'J3! ILIBRARIANS VISIT CAMPUS Change Y. W. C. L. Meeting Day.. ,,---... The weekly meetings of the Y. W.'Two' Soci�ties "'Di��' Before Hearing C. L. have been changed from Wed­Technical Papers.Brothers, pastor of the First Parishchurch of Cambridge, Mass., willPOW WOW TIE TO BEDECIDED ON MONDAY preach on two successive Sundays,AT FIRST MEETING February 9 and 16, and will be fol-lowed by 'the Rev. William C. Bitting,Pow Wow will hold its first meet- pastor of the Second Baptist churching of the W.inter quarter Monday at of St. Louis. Dean Charles Reynolds.. in Cobb 9C. The tie between Brown of the Yale Divinity school,George Adams and Thomas Dunn for will he the preacher on Convocationthe "icc-presidency of the organiza- S ..Iun\lay ..tion, an office for which the votefor the two candidates was twiceeven, will he hroken. Arrangementsfor the picture of the organization tohe taken for Tile Cal' and Gm"" willalso be considered. CLASSIFIEDADVERmEMENTSFOR RENT-Washingto� Avenue;ncar Jackson Park and 111. Cent.Express, front room in private, re­fined German home with highestrecommendations. Board optional.Phone Midway 2872.6116 Cottage Grove Ave.B I L I� IA R DSONLY�Ladies! Saft M�1 ua Ke\p in====== Style by ReadiDg McCall'sLpzi.e ucI U-. McCan PalIerDI1IcCaI" •• a,a aI •• willMiC.\ll.� MKaAZlHE b('lp you dress !'trl·1.:.111,. at a moderatoexpenso br' keepingyou posted on thoIatest fas h I on s Inclothes and bats. 50Nc� Fashion DcsIJm!In each Issue. .Alsovaluahlo tnrormatlonon all homo and JM'r­sonal matters. Onlyroc a rear. Includinga (reo IlIlUcm. Su!;).__ aIR __ ._ scrlhe toda, or ICndfor f'rco sample cop,..� ...... will cnablo)'oll tomato In )'OUI'own bomo. With Tourown hands. clo\blnlt forfOUI'IOtr and cbildren 'Wblch will be pcrrcc�In atylo and ftt. Prlco-nono bllthor than 1&cents. Send for I'ree Pattern Catal�o. •w... Gte T .............. ror ,",tUnlt mb­-mpUons amonlt rour rrtends. Send for rreoPremlom Catalopo and Ca..',b PrIze Orrer._1IIQU.�IIT.m .. 28"'376�_" FOR RENT-Furnished room; veryreasonable, F. Peterson, -16 NorthHall.DERBY OLUB.40C Per HourBest Appointed Room on theSide.S Full Size Tables "It Stren"hens"THE TONIC OF THE AGEMalt Marrow is a great brain' bullder­it is recommended by physiciansDruggists Sell It.Producers ofALMA MATERMcAvoy Malt Marrow Department2304-8 South P�k Avenue.Phone Calumet 5401TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three Months. Every machine guaranteed to be in fine working order,and will be kept so during tenn of rental.We deliver the machine and call for it at the end 'ofthe rental term We also have for sale a fin� Enp. of Fac-Telephone Harrison 6388--6399tory Rebuilt machines of all makes on which Y.JU can save50 to 75 per cent.AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANYUNCORPORATED)437 So. Dearbom St. :Hairdressina. IIManicurine.. ., _ChirOllablMrs. Gervaise' Graham15 EaAt w .. bIDstoD II&.,v� BaDdIaS- I(Opposite' Fie1d's-under Hayler'.1111 c.a... 0Nft .........:- FUN STILL -REIGNS Y. M. C. A. JUNIORS TO MEETAT EIIPRESS THE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4. 1913-The Empress theater has a splen- Willdid bill for the: week beginning next Hold Open Discussions inReynolds Club.Sunday matinee with the customarydaily matinees during the week. TheMessrs. Sullivan and Considine are IThe Junior Y. M. C. A. Commis- ision has adopted a program of uis-:cussion for the Winter quarter. The Istanding on the honor of their prom- men will meet every other week, us- Iises, and are weekly sending their: ually Thursday nights in the COIll-!best popular vaudeville to this house, mons for dinner and will then ad-I. journ to the Reynolds club for the I'where the prices are within reach of talk, which will last until S. Mr. Bick- Ieveryone and where the slogan ham witt preside at these meetings. Iquotes "where everybody goes," is in They are open to all the members ofitself a reality. First on the list of the the Junior class, and arc being adver­entertainers comes Mario Molasso tised by members of the commission.and Marie Corio and a company of The program is as follows:fifteen others in vaudeville's superb January 8-Class distinctions in theNATIONAL AUTHORS·INSTITUTEWrite Ideas for Moving Picture PlaysllYOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS ANDEARN S25 OR MORE· WEEKLYWe Will Show You How!If you have ideas-if you can THINK-we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new pro­iession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language' is wanted.The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "moviDCheaven and earth" in their Attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand.They are offering $100. and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas.We have received many letters from the film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON,ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELIANCE, CHAMPION COMET, MELIES. ETC.,urging us to send photoplays to them. We" want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets ofsuccess.Weare selling photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line for publication."Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you think of only one good idea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us, and it sells for" only $25. a low figure,FREE YOU WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIME WORK.SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy OFOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING"Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession- may mean forDon't hesitate.you and your future.R'624 - 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK CITYLEWIS I��TITUTE ISSWAMPED BY VARSITY(Continued from page one)spectacular surprise in "The Rose of University.Mexico." This is a picturesque January 16-Ethics and Religion.story told in dazzling dance and en- January 30-College Ethics.trancing. The funny man on this February 13-1 nterpretation of Rc-week's program will be Neil McKin- ligion.ley, with a bugget of the most laugh- March 13-God and Jesus.able screaming specialties imaginable. The same general plan is being fol:-Mr. and Mrs .. Caulfield will appear lowed by both Junior college com­in a very amusing play of Irish wit missions. The Freshmen arc being ledcalled "The Section Boss." Paddock by the Rev, Dr. Charles Gilkey, andand Paddock are slated to amuse the the Sophomores by Mr. Merrifield ofaudience for at least twenty minutes the Divinity school.wi�h comedy singing and dancing. ------Tne last but by far not the least act S. A. E. Announces Pledging. SET DATE OF MUSIC TRIALSi BASKETBALL TEAMof the . bill will be two unique spin- Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces -- TO MEET EVANSTONners by names, Stith and Garneil- the pledging of Frank Hardesty of Composers for Blackfriar Songs Will,' Y. M. C. A. TONIGHTAflvertisement. . Norris City, Hlinois, . Compete January 16. ___ A basketball game between the ful as the men have recovered their�Iusic ·trials for the Dlackfriar pro- Law school and the Evanston Y. M.eye for the basket ..tinction wilt be held Thursday, Jan- C. A. will be played at Evanston to- In the last part of the game thenary 16, at 7:30 'in the Reynolds club. night at 8. The line up of the LawOf Special Interest Now!A Suit with Extra Trousers for the priceof the suit alone. Prices $30 to $55.�.A. If.· ,JERREIIS, JlaDa&cr.., N. La" 8&Ye Street."�,' ,,' TAILOR FORYOUNG MEN losers became disheartened and . the:\11 men' of the University may com- school team will be picked from thegame dragged. This probably causedpete in the trials. The play, "The following men: Young, Tartarsky, the score to be larger than it wouldFrolic of the Friars" was written by Blumberg, forwards; Grey, Radnit- have been othcrwise.Donald Breed and Roderick Peattie. zcr, Marshall, Goldberg, guards;Fr iars wilt attend the University Levi, Stevens, center. Weil, Murphy,dinner in the Commons next Tues- Dahl and Marker will be used as sub­day in a body. An attempt is being stitutes. Dennis Grady coach. of themade to' get all Friars to come out Northwestern team, will referee.ior the event. Five" conference and held WisconsinThe D�y Maroon is now on sale to a. close score earlier in the sea­at the Press.Subscribe for the Maroon.AllUSEIIENTS "-- _------.>,EMPRESSTHEATER63nl Street· aa4 Cottap � AnWeek StartlDf SU.II.UaD. 5SULLIVAN �'CONSmIHJt,PRQDU��_G_ ::'D��IIENTANN�UNCBVaudeville". Superb Spectacular Sur­priseMario Molasso and Maria Corio(Himself.)15 'and Company of 15IN THE ROSE OF IIEXICOSTITH AND GARNIERUnique Spiunen.PADDOCK. PADDOCKComedy Sincen and DancersMR. AND MRS. CAULFIELDIn the Fanny Play of Irish Wit"The Section Boss."Here He I'_The Comic GeniusNEIL McKINLEY7:30 and 9:ISPRICES1 Oc-20c-3OcCOLONIALKIaw and ErJancer presentTHE PINK LADY0riainal N. Y. and London CutThe 0.0,. •• OOD Is DOW OD ale atdie Pre-. JEFFERSON iMAJESTIC55th Street and Lake Avenue. I McIntyre & Heath, the Kings of IRENE FRANKLINNOVELTY PHOTOPLAY I Minstrel Comedy; �aisy Jero�c, the With Burt 'Green at the pianoLondon Star-Amencan Debut; Chas. Wm. H. Thompson & Co.; HenshawFive Rl"els nightly. 01 the latest moving Kellogg, the Sensational Wonder. & Avery. Alma Youlin. Arthur Dea­pictures. Dest OfOlll!;lc by high class I Worker, The Apparitions, a Start! gon; Pa;sy Doyle, kCo Brothersorchestra. Come and henr our new $7.:;00 I ing London Illusion; Al Von Titzer Richard Walley; Howard's Animal.plpe orgaD. the Composer and Singer; Curzon Spectacle.- - ------ Sisters; McIntyre & Groves, New-bold & Gribiben, Holmes & Buchan-an, Hugh McCullo,ugh..ain Floor, all seats •••••• 10 pR.�CESS'Balcony. all seats. • •• � ••••• SC I i Wm. A. Brady PresentsThe First Chicago Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. Broadhurst.An American Play of To-day"oar Reel. of Pictuns Every Night ofj BLACKSTONE4,000 PeetS.,ecial Features Tuesday and Friday ICarreDt ETeats Every Thursday I David Belasco presents the comedyAlways a Good Show \ triumph-------------1 THE CONCERTwith Leo Ditrichstein--------1 ILLINOISGARRICK " . Kitty Gordont (The Beautiful) in1 THE ENCHANTRESSVictor Herbert'e Best Licht OperaAMUSEMENTS.TONIGHTVengeance (drarna=c parts)Gaumont Weekly No. 43The Heart of a SoldierSUNDAY�e Vengeance of a Fakir, (drama)(2 parts.)AND OTHERSADMISSION1I00DLAlrN THEATRE55tIa St. ... WeoclJawu An.The VIII, 5c Show in Hyde Park THE GIRL AT THE GATEThe Sea�on's Best Musical Comedywith the "La Salle's Best Cast I"Pop. Mat. Tues. & Thurs. 2SC to $1 EDUCATIONAL CLUBWILL HOLP ANNUAL" �ANQUET THURSDAY.Members of the Religious Educa­tion club will hold their annual ban­quet Thursday at 6 in the commonscafe. An address on "'Music in Re­ligious Education" will be given byDr. H. Augustin.e Smith, Professorof Music in the Chicago Thcologicalseminary and Minister of Music inthe First Co'ngrcgational church.AMUSEMENTS:------------------------------------------------------p�� MUSIC JIAU,POVVERSSIMONEand a Lieber Cast includingMr. Arnold Daly(In English)The Return from JerusalemDe Wolf Hopper in• "THE, MIKADO" AMUSEMENTS.A MERiCIN MUSIC BALLANNETTE·KELLERMANJEFFERSON DE ANGELISin "Wood Nymphs" "BarnyiardRomeo"CHICAG�OPERA HOUSECORTOUR WIVESwith Henry Kolker - LOUIS MANNin "Elevating a. Husband."LASALLEST�DEBA�ERCosmo Hamilton's Daring Indictment"THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUECOHAN'S GRANDOLY:MPICI Joseph E. Howard'sFRIVOLOUS GERALDINE) 7S Beauty Chorus CARTER DE HAVENIn the Smartest of Musical FarcesEXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMITwith Elizabeth M. M unay featured A squad of eleven players, accom­panied by Coach Page, will leavethis noon for Beloit Wisconsin tomect the fast Beloit college five.Beloit is the champion of the "Littleson.Tttke Eleven Men.The men who will make the tripare: Captain Paine, Norgren, Bdl.Molander, "Des Jardien, VruwinkStevenson, Baumgartner, Bennett,·Gorgas and Kennedy.Mr. Dinsmore of the Athletic de­partrnent announced yesterday thatthe basketball season books will notbe ready for another week. Delay inframing the Conference schedule haskept back the printing of the tickets.The schedule will in all probabilitybe completed by Monday and thetickets \\;11 then be sent to press.The lineup follows:Chicago (So) Lewis (3)Norgren : R F .. W!'llenStevenson, Des J ardierr. L. F .. PainterGorgas, V ru\vink. . • . • • C. . Dono�oBell Molander R G .••.. HillBatl�lgartner, Kennedy. L. G •... S�ein"Field Goals-Xorgren (5), Steven­son (4), pes Jardien (6), Gorgas (4),Vruwink (91, Hell \3', Molander (3',Baumgartner (31, Kennedy (3', \Val­len (I I. Free throws-Donoho (I'.Time oi halveS-IS minutes.Gilkey Addresses Sunday club.The Reverend Charles \VhitneyGilkey will address the Sunday .eve-. I b in Orche�tra hall tomorrowrung' CUI .,. h "The l.rnfratemal Brother:mg t on rn;. Gilkey, is pastor of the .HydePark Baptist church and assistanthead of Hitchcock house.