VOL. XI.. NO. 43. UNI \'L·:kSlTY OF CHICAGO, TI-1L'J�SDAY, NOV. 28.1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.'/.)CAN WEAR BLACK "0 Chicago. 0 Chicago, how greatyou've grown' to beSince first we cast our lot with thinein Eighteen-ninety-three."Despite the caution. suggested inthe Scriptures the University stands Chair man Donovan Will Be in CobbDaily from 12 to 12:30 for Con­sultations RECORD�GOTOSPRW) EDITORS OF BIG FIVEDAILIES TO CONVENEThankscivinc Supper , Given byNeicbborhood Clubs Well Attend�.ed-Misses Fay. Green. Newbold. wm � Retana of Miclaigu toand 'hfts Take PrUes. co.fereace---Meet Tomorrowud Saturday.MAROON EDITORS TO BE HOSTSEllBLEM FIELD BUILT ON MARSHY LAND FINANCE- COMMITTEETO MEET ON MONDAYBartlett Gymnasium. Bleachers, andAre Sacceufal ia PreIi.iurJ Laai­utio. Set f. Ca .... teafor ScWarUip. Fence Stand on Ground WhichWas Once Insecure-First Fence Settlement Dance Tickeb WiD Be GiYeaErected in 18gl- to Memben of CGlIUIlittee atMeetiDgPOSTERS FOR' DANCE ARE OUT Six hunderd women sat down tosupper in Lexington lunch room lastnight at the annual Thanksgivingspread given under the auspices ofthe Neighborhood clubs. Althoughthe women failed to sign up before Representatives of Michigan, Wis­consin, Mininesota. and Illinois,Arrive Tomorrow •.STEWART AND MERRU.LPASS RHODES TESTSI' Stewart. Is Captain-Elect of Tennisand Merrill of Fencing Team­Others May Compete..'.' appear before the members of theIllinois Rhodes Scholarship cominis­'!'ion (('Ir per�onal interview earlynext month. President James of the(_7m';erstiy 0'( Illinois is �liainnan of as one of the few permanent inst itu- the spread as well as u-sual this year,of tions built upon marsh and sand. 010 Members oi the finance committee the number s the largest that 'hasCharles Stewart, captain-elect, '" The executive editors of The Dailyresidents of Hyde Park "ow that a for the Sct tlemcnt Dance will meet d d Th '-" d Mthe tennis team, and Robert Merrill,' U ever atten e a amcsgrvmg sprea aroon wll act as hosts to the editI Id·l• I �I onrlay at 2 ill Cobh 6:\. The com-captain of the fencing team,' passed sma I hoy .cou .stand m t re center in Lexington. ors of the student papers publishedM I II :Ililtl'c ha s been divided up into .the Rhodes scholarship exarnina- of the lot which is now ars ia Costumes of all kinds were in' at the other of the "big live" univer-I I I f I· squads to faciliate its business. The .tions for Illinois. Both are now elig- Fie d and )y t te mere stamp 0 I!S evidence. Phillis Fay as George, sities at a conference called to talkf h I d . f � '1tlad IladlTs are Helene Pollak. Iible for the scholarship.i which will be (Jot cause t e an to qu ver or scv- Washington in an original revo u- "over the return of Michigan to the.1 • II di . Rmh :\!kll. :\lary Cameron. Richard•• warded in all prohability by the end eral yarus In a irectrons. tionary costume, and Martha Green... .onference. The mec t ing will be heldS· id 1ft th t .l\fatthl'\\,s. Frank Whiting. and hi d d .of the quarter, The scholarship gives ettmg aSI e the ac ra spec- as Martha Was mgton were awar e at the La Salle hotel tomorrow andtators standing on the g-round in . \ dolph Radnitzcr,a watch and chain for the prettiest. Sunday,'an income of $1500 for three years, �half of which are to be spent in damp weather are troubled with cold It is impcrat ivc according to Gen- costumes on the floor. Patty New- To determine the student senti-feet and that tile field needs Frequent era! Chairman Donovan that all hi bltravel on the continent. hold. as a c maman m a - ue rnent in regard to M'chigan's return., ... I . tod members of the committee he pres- . '1Stewart is- a Senior, and a mem- • warmmg, t rcre rernam ouay no t!owered robe and a lengthy pigtail. will be the prime purpose of the con-her of Phi Beta Kappa. He entered evidences of the deer haunts of cnt as tickets will be distributed in received the prize for: the queerest ference, :\ recent poll of the stu­the University in 1909 with a schol- former days. The gymnasium. new I order that they may he put on salecostume, and Irene Tufts. as a monk, !�lIts at Michigan shows an almostI· I hi I f h bleachers, and fence are apparently Tuesday, won the prize for the most oriainal . . 1ars lip. or rgn average rom t· e �. unanimous desire on t ieir part. tl'. , 'It f s to come Committee Members.\Vendell Phi11ips High school. He 1111 or age . costume. ."gain - come into the fold. 1t isreceived Phi Beta Kappa at the end Field Grants Use of Land The nu-mbers of the committee Minstrel Show A Success. thought that the Wolverncs will heof his third year. He has been on Mr. Marshall Field, in response to arc: Donald Hollingsworth, chair- The minstrel show under the di- 'vilFng 10 abandon their attitude onthe tennis team for two years, and a request from President Harper, man: Eliznhcth Burke. Albert rection of Margaret Rhodes went off :\ number of questions whicf weretogether with Alex Squair, was run- granted the University the use of the Dekker. Annie Louise Ford,· Beryl without a hitch, the clog by Hilda the cause of their withdrawal fromn�.r up in the 'Wisconsin State tour- vacant lot situated between Fifty- Gilbert. Eva Goldstc-n. Herbert MacClintock and Ruth Bush's im-]. the Conference ..nament last summer. He successfully 'sixth and Fifty-seventh street and Granquist. Elizabeth Jones. Arthur personation of Mr. Roosevelt being t Michigan May Compromise.passed the tests in Latin and M'athe- Ellis and' Greenwood avenues for an Langhorst, Cameron Latter, Jean exceptionally good. Those who i WheJ1 the Conference was rcorgan­maries. athletic field in the 'spring of 1&>3. Love, Marjorie Miltcr, Anna Moffat. took' part in the sketch were: Allee " ixed Michigan athletic authorities.Merriill came to the Unvers-ity in Arrangements were at once made for Ina I'crcgo, Mona Quayle. Adolph, Lee Herrick, Florence Rothermel.]. felt that they were unalrle to aholshIC)IO from University High sch�ot inclosing' this ,sp�ce. A. large I'?r?: Radnit���, -e-, _�[yra .. Re�!.1�lds� z )Val���: ·.J)orothy _Uewe11iii,. Charlotte Viall. ;the..:.�raini�- table, and make '(heirHc....-wa:t�()��g-,';�:, JUt Portion:·of"'itile.;"'luiii��r""nec:esS'ary'·for' -.;Il-mh. Edward Steii1�"'rd�le�Vhitn'ey, Cora Hinkins, Emma etark,-- Hilda 'roach a member of the unversityyr:!r'-andtw�. �Iecte',f captain;' He is 'the purpose was contributed by the Margaret Blum,· Catherine Clark. MacClint9ck. Ruth Bush, :Dorothy !facultyo Since that time the Confer­the son of Professor Merrill of tht- Jo�� Sp�r Ltl�ber company, and· rhoehe Clover. EHzaheth Dickey, Bush, Dorbthy DaVis, Suzanne ��nce'9 experiment has worke.1 suc­Latin department. He passed the the work"'of nailing on the boards Suzanne Fisher. mi�s Halling. George Fisher, Ruth Agar, Edith Sm!th, :c�ssfully in institutions sil11ilar toexaminations ;in Greek. Latin, and was performed gratuitously by the Kasai. Charles l\·lolander. Maurice :Harriet Tuttle" Helen Perry, Edith :Michigan and it is thought thatmathematics. students. The field was_ graded, Ottoson. Myra Payne, Helene Pollak, Lindsey. Mable Becker, and Myra :Michigan's claims c�n at least . be. Examinations Are Di&'erent. sodded, and prepared for baseball hy El hel f<oscnh_cim. Augusta Swawite, Reynolds. '�atisfact(lrily compromisedThe exam;;i�t;on, althou�h ('onsid the latter part of June, and the lirst Clwrlottc Viall. Charles- Wh:ffen, :, Frank. l>ennell. managing editor ..erably. more tljfficul� than the ent- game on home grounds was played Ruth :\lIel1. E'mil Bickley, Margaret All Must Have Tickets. �lnd Kitrl Matthews. athletic editor,trance tests required by _ American between the Varsity team and that Fl."nton, (.l'offrey L�vinson, Samuel "We -·will never g ve anothel I.);, The Michigan Da:ly will arriveUniversities, is of somewhat the of the Univer.sity of Vjrgin'a, exa111- Beckwith. C. L. Cohen. Joseph Coun- Thanksgivi�g,Spread wi�hout tickets" �omorrow afternoon. C.' F. G.same nature� Before a student i!' illation week, 1&'>3. The diamond cil. Carl DcA'\.'haugh., \Villard Fassett. Eaid Miss 'Robiason last. night. · ... O�e. :"\'emicke Jr. editor':'in-ch:ef of Theconsidered for the RhOdes scholar-' faced from the northeast to the Sal!x r Cl1::�\.' Ford, Hazen Haggerty. hundred 'more women came than \Visconsin Daily New�, and Bernard�hip irom a state he is required to �lIthwest. The -summer was ex- Helen J�II..}.;. Mary Cameron. Richard signed up, in spite of the request Vaughan of The Minn�sota Dailypass the preliminary . 'eXa�ination tremely hot, the' ,water supply limit- Matthe W�. Roderick McPherson, that only those who had indicated will represent their papers in thewhit-h is read at Ox fordo ed, al!d, notwithstandi�g the most Helen Timherlake. Grace VanEvera. their intention of com·�g. b�fore- �tlnference. The Daily Jll'ni w:lI :.1-Any man under twenty-five who .constant care, the grass withered and Stanley Scvier. Lillian Karpen. Ruth 1'3r.d. :.ltend. I have al",a� made �o send at I�ast one delegate,has passed the examin'ation even died. \vilhart7.. Hcrhert Atkins. Maurice the sfiind against �ickets bu� �ow Ithough he failed to' rceeive the J.ay Out Foo�ball Filed. .C;�( r�. f' q:o Swan. Frank Whiting. shalf have to give in., It 's t� baci ARRANGE FOR CONVOCATION!lcholarship award at the time is A football field was la'd out at the 'krothy Farwell. that so many women �hou1d take ad-eligible again A man may pass the Posters Are P�ced. ,'antage and slip in without helping 0,' rator. and Trust-s WI'II Be Guests.. beginning of the Autumn quarter ,""examination ...from the state where • .by giving donations or money, We R 0but there were no' seats arranged un- ".\ f( w po ... tcrs have been pla�ed at eceptlon.his university is located but if he ll'l th- Than'ksaivl"ng Day game, wlle·n had plenty of food so that "!,e could• "e" ,n the campus already," said cha:r-Ih'es in another state, he may a serve them all. but it isn't fair to .01 p- �ome wooden horses and planks ;lIan J)ollo"an yesterday. "and an �x- Ed"":-·rd Earl Sparks, president ofply for the scholarshp' there. those who do pay." ,j.. I' Sthat were being used in the construc- 'si\'c play of advertising is well � ... nnsy vanta tate college andAll who pass the examinations will ,;tion of the new Univ..ers:ty buildings under way. In Sunday's Record Jonner Professor of History in thewere utilind as a temporary stand, Hemic) Wl.' witl have a, story. It is 1Irs. lI.thews YlSits Son. . .{!niversity, will be the speaker at theThe same arrangement continued :11nst illlpcrativc that all members of Mrs. Sophia L. Mathews. of New.- ",,"utumn cOn\'ocation, which witt heduring the haseball season of 18�. :hc linance committee he present at ton Center, Massachusetts. has come held Taesday afternoon December 1(\b�l the need of something hetter the nH.:etin�i. I n order to begin the to Chicago for a prolonged visit in Mandel.and of a more permanent character..';I:e of ticket:-; Tuesday as we have with her son, Dean Shailer Mathews Pres_ident and Mrs. Judson willthe ('omlllissi('ln. of which the other.vas so' apparent that suhscriptions pla:1I1ccl it will he necessary that al1 of the Divinity �hoo1. hold the usual Convocation receptionfor a grandstand were solicited early I11cmh('r� he at the meeting and learn held Tne�day afternoon. Decemherill that year, the total sum I'ecei\"ed ; he � y:- te1:1 '\'c arc J:oing to follow:' ·Wiscon..&".in-Plans for affiliating 16, in Mandel.from this source heing $818.95· This C!J:lirt;l:ln Donovan will be in Cohb the medical school of Marqnette will he Pre�ident an(1 �frs. Sparks.is the only suhscript:on for ath1eti( Clil�' irllm 12 to 11:30 for consulta- uni\'ersi�y with the Vnh'ersity of and the three new trustees nf the'\urposes which the department ha� "{:I�. t.::-I=- ni chaperones and plans Wifconsin are being cons:(lered hy l�niversity. with their wives: �fr,l'ver solicited. The covereci �tand for etltc-rt:lillll1C'nt \\':11 he annonnced c(,mmittees repre�enting both insti- and Mrs. Julius Rmenwald. Mr, allc''n the northwest corner of th,e field. f 1 ttltl·ons. l\�rs. Charles R. Holden. and Mr, andre n a cw I �ys ..-,'eating ahout 1,200 people. which �i.rs. Rohert· L. Scott.and 1was finished in time for the foot hall :The . Convocation �erl11on will hcPennsylvania:-Students of the Uni-Cornell-Cornell Medical college "ersity of Pennsylvania ha\'e been f\�eachcd in Mandel Sunday morning.has received from an anonymous don- granted a reduction in rates for the O(-('emher 15. hy Dr. Georgt' H,- I • I F�rris of Ph:ladelphia.or a henefaction which wil yte d an Grand Opera season.games at a ('ost of $1,210.50. was a�esu1t of the co-operation of student�Clnd faculty. The chairs of th('grandsumd were provided. in part.through the courtesy of Mr. John J.IMitchell.'t"mrmhers are President Judson. Pres­if'ent Harris of Northwectem. Pre�i­.'ent Rammelkamp of' l1Iinois cololege and President Harmon of Mc­"enrfrt"e college.E.'lch candidate. has been re-quested to send to· the pres:dent!=C'op:es of recommendations heccivcs from faculty members!'ttldents of his university.(Continued OP page �) :mnual income of $1,000. to be usedI ----to endow a fellowship for research KaMas-,President-elect 'Vilson will �Iae-Arthus C. HotTl11an. '10in medicine in the wards of the New he a visitor at the University of h.Js ��n appointe(t eoach at TulaneYork hospital. Kansa� some time in December. u�versity. �here he is studying law.Syracuse-Over thirty-five men atSyracuse university nported for tht­initial hockey practice.Yale-The quarter mile track onthe Yale fie1cl is to be reconstructedin the near (uture.THE DAILY MAROON, TI:l'RS�:\Y, NOV. 28.1912.SOIlBTBIRG TO RBAD. s idercd the final test of education.The Daily Maroon11.1.n.1" .f �� ... -----------.'--- ----Junior Class-Social and executiveBulletin and Announcements.Reynolds Clu�Smoker tomorrow,committees, 12:15 Friday, Cobb 6A. 8:15.Hutchinson Commons-Thanksgiv- Sophomore Women-Class meet-ing day meals: Breakfast, 8:00-9:30 ing, Tuesday, 12:15, Kent west.dinner-rarjo-t �30: supper 5;30-6:30. Glee Club-s-Rehearsal Wednesday.Women admitted. 4. Reynolds club theater.I i a young person has gone throughThe disease of formal education the selected exercises he is calledmost common is a sort of intellect- educated. I f a teacher has broughtual sclerosis. a hardening of the tis- a class over the course of study shesues. Somewhere, some time, there is a successful teacher. A curriculmmust have been a reason for the lias become the main considerationthings schools now do as matters of of shooting, J ts literal meaning isroutine. The need of ability to read "a little circle." Teaching has he­and write and cipher is so essential come the formal procession of in­that everyone knows we always shall 51 ructor and followers around thehave schools to train so much. But well trodden rings. The lessons thischildren of ordinary intelligence year are reproductions of those oflearn in from a half to a third .of last .. cason. _ The paths in Buffalothe time devoted to elementary schools are the same as those inschooling, all the reading, writing, Syracuse. There is a dreary lack ofand ciphering tbey ever know. This variety. School is a dull place. Itis all the remaining time of the pri- is open a h\U�dred and ninety daysmary and grammar school; there is a year for five hours a day and must.hc entire time of the high school havc , all the other hours and daysthat must be tilled with something, for relief, That all these schoolsThere are those who declare serious- have adopted the same content ofiy that only the three fundamentals studies is used as a proof that thereshould be the concern of the public must he the zest and only exercisesschool. These arguers have made for the making of men. If you go'it tle headway. There is an in- through these it is expected that youstinctive confidence in all of us that will gain a mental fibre that equipstraining can, if earnest and intelligent Y('l1 (or action and that you will storeenough.develop in a soul all there is up a body of information that will he'u it. The majority of us cannot get of value. But who chose theseaway from the fact that, no matter studies? 'Vere' the selectors inspiredhow expert he is in reading. writing. hy wisdom di�ect from God himselfand figuring, the boy of ten years of that these time-worn themes whilenot developed. The probabilities life goes through successive changes,are against his development if left remain specifics for an time? Theto himself. He does not know what schools cling to them with a fealtyhe needs; if he did know he would horn of indolence and nourished intoFormerlyTil... L"nh-ersHy of Chlcaco \VeekJy.Pul..oll�heod dally ex�pt Sunday.. llODda)'W,a nd h,,:iJaye durln� � quartet'll of tbel'n:n'n,i.ty year.!-:I:�C:' ,! :1.'1 s, conJ-clau lWlU at the ObIcaCOI '"s:..,t'Cke. Choi.:ago. Ill •• llarch 18. lOOlJ. UD­dd' .-\0: v! l1areh 3, 1873.Editorial·BusIDe .. otrl�, Ellia 24. Tele!,h"lh.) lIIJway�. l1aU Box "0" Facult):':'::->,'llange.SVB8CBlPTIOX B&TB813>" carrfer, $2:::;0 a year; 11.00 a quarter.lJy mail. $3.00-a year; 11.2:; a quarter..Uwuaclnc Editor JI1ram KemaJcott�e, ... ' Editor - - - - LeaD 8&ob,"hletlc EdItor - BeI'1UU'd VIDbU7UUlliDeliS 3laaqer - - - Burdette llastASSOCIATB BDITOJUIWa:t.er FouteW1'j'�iI:lm LymanS:unud KaplanHO:J:(!r LoolIe"p.r4Clyw Wa.tkina • • lIartlD Steven.lobo PeZ'lef• • Harry GoI'cU• �e L)-mar.Georp �&b&wGraoe Hotehk1u SiU'ah RelDwalOB&POaT&ULillian SwawiteSadie Bonnen•• E\"eD the reporter .... aD .-.ee. _d,,-ltb clear e7t8 _d hoaes& �e. m.)D.n eU lDJustlee _d polDt the waT tCoVruJ;ftti .... _B. L SoPrinted by ll&roou Pr-e.. 15511 00Uap Grwn.CIebitortalBecause today is Thanksgivin&Day. there will be no';rhanksgiving. issue of The DailyMaroonFriday morning. tomorrow. lack opportunities of getting it..All the instincts of humanity, allthe b'Towth of civilization demand/' ".'hat intelligentconcern. be devoted toTerm papers give students a chanceto do solid. constructive work in 'the the success- of the young and inex-courses for which they perienced. The force 1hat holdsTermPapers, are required. The stu- society together makes it also_ de­dent writing an ade- _�irous of .providing for child�en such-training as shalt perfect them asnearly as may be, in accordance withtheir possibilities and for living lifeto the full. All the time beyondthat given to a mastery of the threeelemental tools of knowledge istheoretically devoted by schools toquate term paper onany representative phase of the sub­ject which he is studying has donesomething that counts. Whatever het�ay or may not have got from thelectures, the text book, or the out­side reading in the course. if he writeshis term paper he has at once studiedsomething, learned something. con­structed something. done something.Moreover. the term paper forms afair basis for grading. As a pieceof original. constructive workthe term paper gives the in­structor a fin� opportunity for judg­ing the character and sincerity ofany student's work. From the stu­dents point of view gradinc on abasis of a term paper is fair sincehe can spend all the time neccsauyon it (not having to rush as in an ex­amination), and since he has an op­portunity of showing whether or nothe is doing real thinking (somethingwhich classroom recitations and re- {Continued on pag-e 3.1 Whether your am­bition rides an ox oran aeroplane-don'tdrive too hard.Learn the joy andrenewed zest thatcomes from relaxationin a pipe of good to­bacco.Many of our aspira­tions turn to bitternessin the moment of theirrealization.But, up ordown theladder,Velvet is a con­stant delight-alwaystemptingly rich-eversmooth and satisfying.'��"�-- . -� - .-e'lt"t:"Ma.WRIGLEYS�ItiZe-lu9jl?1PEPSIN GlJM �ST!TItADC ......... S1DIDthe varied needs of the human unit LOST-Between Mandel and "the Jmitred teachers to live up to this FOR RENT-Furnished rooms andideal remarkable increase in effie- light housekeeping rooms. Singleiency would result. If we were com- or en suite. All conveniences. 6104pclled to live up to it education Washington avenue. Tel. Midway3102.who is the center of the educationals.,urpo!tc. This is the weak spot.There is nothing at all the matterwith the theory. �o one has anyquarrel with - it. If the sysetm per-would at once rise from its present Midway, Sunday morning. a hunchof valuable keys. Reward for re­turn to information office or theMaroon..cHICAGO.PIa... Ibd. Park CUR.quackery to a supreme profession.But because of too narrow a view of LOST-On. Marshall Field Saturdaythe meaning of education or fromCt. lazy inclination to make school­management easier the large pur­I)OSe of assisting the potentialities ofchildren to grow for the fullest tiv-stricted exxamination questions only ing is not honestly aimed at inrarely give him a chance to do). For schools.t:.cse reasons, it is urged that in They concentrate .upon side-issuesevery possible case instructors aDow always. Some persons or congressstudents to do part of their quarter's oi persons a long timc ago decidedwork by means of term papers. It is what means might he employed forbeiieved that thoughtfUl students in the desired perfection of humanmany instances place the stamp of powers. Schools are now maintainedapproval on the term paper idea by not for perfecting the powers but forregistering in courses which require using the conventional means. Theterm papers. Class room recitations, machinery of education is not subsid­examinations and oral tests all allow iary to the work to be done. Atten­the element of chance to enter too tion is concentrated not upon the re­freely. The term paper is a fair. sult desired but upon what was con-ceived as the medium by which thesquare means for the student to ae- result could be come at. This is noquire knowledce and for the insuuct- longer a medium. J t is the ultimate,or to judge the quality of the work. the thing looked for most, and con-� �--------------- afternoon a purse containing 2keys and about 50 cents in change.Finder please return to Informationo-fice.FOR RENT-Nicely furnished, light,sunny room, private porch, inquiet home. New apartment, clcc­tric light, steam heat. Prefer stu­dent or teacher. References ex­changed. Price moderate. Con­vcnicntly located to University,Phone MicJway8573. 6'04 Madisonavenue, znd flat, South.Exains Are £ominglloDe Up! I'D Belp You!Specialties: History and EnglishEarle E. Eubank, Experienced Tutor5802 Jackson Ave.Phone Midway 6g11 TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three MonthsEvery machine cuaranteed to be in fine working order, and will bekept so during term of rentalWe deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you can" Save 5c to 75 per cent.Telephone Harrison 6388-6399 IIAMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANYaNCORPORATED). .437 South Dearbom St. Chicago, IIItTHE DAILY. MAROON, THURSJ'>A V, NOV. 28. t9t�.Dr. Atkins received his A. B, de­gree from Ohio State un iversjty inI� and, took his LL.ll. degree atthe Cincinnat i : Law school in 1&>1.Later he studied at the Yale Divinity ] ,school: received- his D.O. from the!University of Vermont in I�-t. and I'----------------------------:rom Dartmouth in I�(i. From lSI)'? I .-I h, 1880.5 he was head of the dq)art-, �rnent of I Iistory at Mount Hermon, Fitting' school. IAt the close of his teaching periodill 181)5 he was' ordained to the Con- �gregational ministry. since whidl,time he has filled pastorates inGreenfield, Massachusetts. UUrlin:.:-,ton, Vermont and Detroit. Michigan. ,keep enough 8tntluner�' At hnn.' tnr rurr ...Since January 11)10 he has been I UI'''. SOli,. Quartcrl'd O.k. han,I!'omdy nn'h'hed. $3.00. Espn .. I'aid. (8 •• note.)pastor of the Central Church of I SOLID OAK LETTER FILE'Providence Rhode Island, Dr.Atkins is a member of Phi Beta �;';:r!nin��;i':���l .. n.'• �U.JU. lIulu.tallth,1Kappa, anti is one of the hest known nnlMn. !l:atural J'Weatbered nn"';'clergymen in the East. ...rawers are du·'"u .. r anti on roll,.".... dn;:M. Fn'hchtpuJol. (Set' not�.'�1:i,2G,Get Calnl"g l'how-Catalogue '��"�IJ,,��� �:;;�,:. J�:Free IContinue,d from page 2) ';��)'kCIJ!'('r:2 �i{�!�!::;a devotion. This is thellard-;;-nin{y 'of 'Flllnl; Sug..:.·!<tlon ....o dto tn'e.···�:,�.��·-��i!fht ��QUoted to points PH,.ul llofll:tIlU. "·yom.InG'. COiora,Io. Oklu.!1"mR 1111.1 T('XIl8,Slightly higher be­yond.I)R. GAlUS G. W�TKINS IS IUNIVERSITY PREACHERRev. Atkins W�liver Sermo� in IMandel Simday-Is Member ofPhi Beta Kappa.Pbones DOUGUS USThe Rev. Dr. Gaius Glenn Atkins,MIDWAY 6584 pastor of the Central Congregationalchurch of Providence, Rh'ode Island,-GARAGE AOOOMMODATIONS .will be the University preacher inMandel Sunday.5200 LAKE AVE.Don't Blame theImplement---the tissues; this, is the disease, theinfirmity of education. It has placedthe schools in :in ah�urd position inwhich they now have a dearth of de-blame yours�lf-if youcan't play, up to formwi th a strange racket, orgolf club, or base ballThere is no excuse foryou. Spalding AthleticGoods are on sale inevery town from Maineto CaliforniaA. G. Spalding & Bros('hl ... p. m, SOMETHING TO READHOT BREAD WITH EVERYDINNER.Greenwood Cafe Cluett. PeabodJ' " CoIDIIuJ', MakersARRowSHIRTSwill prove asgood in everyway as the col­lars that bearthe same namesr. 50 upStafOlefy Cabinet�fenders, especially among teachers. '1f_M.� FILING DESKSin place of defense there is only ex­planation and apology, More menare ashamed of t��ching than of. l>ractising�,�m�dicinc� Jaw, theology,'or eng;ne·c-rtrig. I n p;ac� of correctionwe have' h�d a ge��ral inertia per­petuated by a style, of organizationthat puts the- control in the handsof busy citizens who cannot studyeducation but who find it safer to135? E. 55th Street.JOSEPH SCHMID'fSTATIONERY, TOII.BT ARTICLES"".\'E'I.'.V� Of' C.tNnrBB858 E. IItb at. CIaJeap. DL'IH.- .. ,·'n' dm' IJ","('stlc I .... e '"Cfq",.. and Oig_d ...A. losellhine Graham1329 East Fifty-Fifth street.1I11.LINERY UIPORT.-lTIOXfIDRE'SSMAKING combine draw�ra In h:ln<l1<om� duk., Thftle. you want at your nng"r tlpll. See orrconsen.·c. such school usages as we ��t!).ur dt!alera. .Freight paid $%3.00. (&-0have than to run the risk of differ- THF�a;"�I.ANUFACTURING CCing from other+towns.c-William Mc- �7 Union St. M()Nn( IE. MICIAndrew in The \Vorld's Work. I Chica�o Display-�IJ-'S S. W�bash'·1 Thousand lor tbe Settlement"1.DON'T FORGET!Settlement DanceI1 BARTLETT GYMNASIUMDecember 7Never lose an opportonlty of making a ("hild happy; it isoften .yoDd your powe( to make a gro'"D man or wemenhappy; llut a �blld you ean al" .. ys make happy., Edward Strachey IMPORTEDMINIA�. :." s.-tIaafWallO--WldYo.&!n- YOllrE,aIV.""'"What's Their Flavor Like?Well, they've got aD tl � spice andsparkle of Turkish tobacCo.And aD the smoothness and mellow­ness of Virginia. 011, bang! That doesn'tbegin to tell it- they've got the ZU­DELDA FLAVOR. And there is onlyone way to find out what that's like.A��20/'t15C1J1114 ,'ZUBELDATURKISHo VIRGINIA� CIGARETTES-------------------------------------------------------,ABE YOU LOOKING rOR,A PLACE TO EAT?Ciilf� THE COMMONS lJ TrialAsk the Upper C1assmcn About Our FoodYou'll Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Night - Good Food Low PricesI•I,I• I,•U • •• InanlCUrln� ,Chironodv]Hairdressine,IMrs. Gervaise Graham :I15 F .. "t \"uhln!rfnn St. ,t,'f'Mtlan RulJdln�. :,(Opposite Field's-under Huyler'. ,II----_,M(I)RE'SNON-LEAKABL8PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.THE DAtLY MAttOON. THU.k�DAV. �OV. 28. t9t�C-'lltinu�d from page I.,FIELD BUILT ON -A MAltSR ipring of 1900. The Intercollegiate IConference meet which was organ-].zed that year accepted o�r offer for Ithe free use of our field and track .In the -pr ing of 1895 a new dia- -,,mand, facing from the northwest tos .. rOKER!FRATERNITIES PLA� Inward the southeast, was laid out, and Ia brg-� quantity of black dirt was -- Af-'Harold Wright Is in Charge of[.-tIl o n llll: outfield. A running-track fair to Be Held Soon."; a little: less than four laps to thei.vi lc was built at an expense of $465.! .• t iic autumn of that year addition- Harold \Vright has been put inal accounnodations for the Thanks- charge oi the I nterfraternity smokerg-i\'in� Day Iootball game. in the which is to be held in the Reynoldsfc.r m oi bleachers seating 3,� p�o- dub M0nday. December 9. Thepit" were erected at a cost of $900. Reynolds club was chosen after noBoard Fence Erected in 1899 ir01ter�ity �ffered to. t:lkc the re-II 11 � !IC �pring of 1896 �. large ��)onslblc... lOr entc.:rt�II�lllg . all the Iquauut y 01 clay and black dirt was) f'reshll�en of tl�e lln�\'ersll\" Allput on t he field outside the diamond, fratermty meetings WIll he held a;.11(1 sowed with clover and grass little earlier than usual the night OLse cd. This secured an excellent turf the smoker in� order to enable allf')r both foot hall and baseball. In who will attend to he at the cluh hyt lie fall of 1&)8 new bleachers cap- .) where the smoking and vaudevilleable of huldi_ng 6,000 people were will begin. Refreshments w111 I:l-:.­e rcc ted, and in the following autumn served in Hutchinson cafe at 10:30.'bleacher's for 4,000 persons were Fraternities arc asked to tell Don­huilt. During the winter of 1899 the ald Hollingsworth of Harold Wrightl'lIivcr�ity acquired possession of -the hy tomorrow how many of theirblock of land adjoining the athletic men they expect will hi' present andfield and placed a twelve-foot board all talent for the entertainmentfence around it. This purchase added should be reported to \Vright at once.much needed room to the field and -Ilecause of the fact that a quorum R 624 - 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK CITYI Write Ideas· for Moving Picture Playsl IYOU ��W:TE::C::R�L�Y:E���We Will ShGW You HGw!If you have ideas--if JOU caD THINK--we will abow JOU the sec:r.:.ts of this fas.:inating new pro­fession. Pusitively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "Bowery language" is wanted.The d.:mand for photoplays is plactica1ly unlimited. The bie film manufacturer." are' "moving,heaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough eood plots to supplJ the ever increasing demand.Thty are offering $100. and more, flr single scenarios. or written ideas.We have received many !etten from the film manufacturers, such as VITAGP.APH. EDISON,ESSANAY. LUBIN. SOLAX. III.? REX. RELIANCE. CHAMPION COMET, MELIES, ETC.,urgi�g us. to tend photoplays to the n. We want more writers and welliladly teach you tho: secrets ofsuccess,We are .Bi.., plaotopIaJ,l wrilte. I., people wlao ".eyer t.efore� wrote a line for publication."Perhaps woe can do the same fo you. If you think of only one good .ciea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us. and it sells for only $25. a low figure.YOII WILL EAIN StH MONTHlY 101 SPARE TIME WORK.SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRRSS AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy ':'�OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK. "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITU!G"Don·t arcue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may mean forpermitted the moving of the east I was not present at the meeting of THREE MINUTES WILL BEbleachers hack from the running the Council work relatwc to pledge- NEEDED TO EMPTY COBBtrack and baseball field for the spring tmaperinjr to he postponed, Fra- Don't hesitate.yeu and your future.NATIONAL AUTHORS'INSTITUTEathletics. A new quarter-mile run- ternities nor represented were assess­ning-track, averaging more than 20 ed the usual fine. and the proceeds Ifeet wide was built of cinders}n th� will go toward the smoker. ---------------------------..I JERREMS-MADE clothes meaD more comfort style and ceneral sat-I isfactiori than you will get from the ordinary kind., That's because we put an oUr bowl:dge into buying the right sort offabrics and aU our sId1l into making the'!! properly.SUITS AND OVERCOATS $30.00 to $60.00Thne Stone:-; x, Ln SaUe Street.71 E. �1:hIl8on Street.:. .. E. Jaek30n BML �A. N. ·)'ERREIIB. Jlanacer., TAILOR FOR .YOUNG liENL- __ seconds for the second. floor. four JUNIOR COMMITTEES CHOSENminutes and ten seconds, for thethird. and three minutes. andforty- 'l!>:ecutive. Social and Athletic Com-Fire Drill in Which All Students eight seconds for the fourth floor 'to mittees of Class Named.Went to Fire Escapes and BackIs Satisfactory. complete the drill. The greater partJ t would take little more of the time was consumed in goingthan hack to the rooms after going to thethree minutes to empty Cobb han III fire escapes.case- of tire. if anyone may Junge The drill yesterday was the firstfrom the results of the fire drill held since the order wcu,;. received fromyesterday in compliance with the, the city authorities. Dean Lovettorders" of the - "Chicago fire depart- acted as fire marshall on the fourthmente Th� gong was sounded at floor and Dean Marshall on the12:05 and the classes on the second, third. The city authorities at pres­third, and fourth floors. led by their cnt do not require drills in anyinstructors, marched from their other buildings of the University.rooms to .either the north or thesouth lire escapes and back to theclassrooms. The Daily Maroon is for sale atJt took three minutes and fifty-five the Press,AMUSEMENTS.J n conjunction with a big vaudeville I""Ive r:�18 nl:;htly of the latest moving bill includine the great operettapictures. HIgh class songs. nest of • IN THE BARRACKS·'music by high class orchestra. Come andb .. ar .O'1r new $7.:100 pipe organ.AMUSEIIENTSPathe Weekly Every Fri�ayCurrent Events.ADMISSIONlIain Floor. all seats • • • • • • 10Balcony. all seats. ••••••••• 5C----- _._-------EMPRESS JEFFERSON))"'1 Street and L.ake Avenue.THEATERfi3rd Street and Cottace Groft A�Week starting Sun.llat.NiY24SULLIVAN a: CONSIDIRJi.PRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYTONIGHTPresent the Sensation of Two CoDtiiLentsTHE_ SUBURBAN WINNERWith George Hoe, and SelectedCompany of Ten Introduc:inc TheGreatest Scene of a Hone RaceEver Presented on the Vaude-ville Stap.BOBBY PANDUR a: BROTHERThe Famous Herculean lIarvelsHOBSON and MABELLEVersatile Beauties in Danca. Soapand Pianolocue.ROUBLE SIllSHe Draws, He jokes, He Tria toSinK 1IOODLA1fN TBEATRE156 SI. ... WeodIawa A ...The only nc Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Pictures__ lal ' __ "Re t .... weekCAUMOIIT Wr.EKLY EVERY THURSDAYC."n'c".',AIID OTHER PICTURESThe Good for Nothing (comedy]The Awakening (drama)The Snare (drama)Max. Gets the Reward (comedy)7:30 and 9:15PRICES10c-20c-3OcGARRICKLINA ABARBANELLIn the Sparkline Operetta"MISS PRINCESS·'pOWERSDOl vid Belasco praentsA new play by Frederic and FannqLocke Hatton.'YEARS OF DISCRETION'With the Seasons· best cut. COLONIAL. Evenings Precisely at 8Matinees Wednesday and Saturdayat 2.BEN-HU�Patroni7.e Our AdvertisersTheir line of goods is the but onthe market.1':'''' AMUSEMENTS AIIU�EIIENTS.MAJESTI(:EVA TANGUAYThe Inimitable pAlA� ·MUSIC lULLBLANCHE WALSHand company in-rile Countess Ni-.dine"Mr. and Mrs.Jack.llcGreeArmstronc and Manley; WillardSimms and Company; Edwards. RyanIe Tierney; Ishikawa Bros.; LittleLord Roberts: Stewart" Donahue;Kathie Gultini.December 21ld.MME. SARAAT BERNHARDTHer First Vaudeville Appearance inAmerica.Selections �rom following repertoire:Camile. Lueretin, Borgia. TheOdoraUne Nuit de Noel. La ToseSl, Pbedre.·CORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic SeaaatiOD.pRINCES�Wm. A. BradJ PtaentaThe First Chicaco Performance ofBOUGHT AND P�ID FORBJ Geo. Broadhurst.An American Play of To-daJ--BLACKSTONEDAVID WARFIELD"The Return of Peter Grimm"Original Cast and Production. Un-chaqedOLV�PICHenry W. Savace'.The MtLLIONILLINOISs MR. JAMES K. HACKETTin His Sensational SuccessTHE GRAIN OF DUSTI A IIEIH:AN IIIJSI[ IlI1JAIIES T. POWERS"Two Little Brides"CHICAGOOPERA HOUSEReturn of Last Season's BigeestMu!ical Comedy HitDONALD BRIANand Orginal Company IntactTHE SIRENLASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATE1'he Sea�on's Best Musical Comedywith the "La Salle's Best Cast!"Pop. Mat. Tues. &. Thurs. 25C to $1S TUDEBA.KERCosmo Hamilton Hamilton's DarincIndictment"THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUECOlWrS61ANDGeo. M. Cohan's Newest MusicalFarce.THE LITTLE MILLIONAIRE Committees of t lie Junior class forthe co minjr year were announced asfollows hy I'rcsiden; Reichmann yes­terday.Executive couuuit tec rWalter Ken­I;"<-dy. chairman. 1I den Pollak. JohnGreene. Ruth :M(lrs�, John Pl·r1ce.Earle Shilton. Margnrct }{igh�'Arthur Goodman. I lclen Johnson.Walter Lyon. Ro llin Harger antiHelen Street.Social committee: Erling 'Lunde.chairman: Ruth Agar. Ralph Stans­bury, Gracia Alling, Edna Stolz, Rod­erick Peattie, Margaret Rhodes.William Lyman. Cornelia' Beall.Stephen Curtis and Bernard Vinissky.Athletic committee: Eleodor Li­bonati, chairman: 1-J arvey Hurwitz,Fred Holm. Duane Mann. and \V:I-lard Dickerson.The next class meeting will takeplace a week from Friday in .Kenteast, Further details will be' an­nounced by liulletin. .:\ meeting ofthe social and executive committeesof the class \\;11 be held tomorrowat 12:15 in Cohh 6:\.!be Corn Excbange NatioD&lknk. of Chicago.Capital $3.000p0G ODSurplus •••..••••••• Profits •..•.•. 1.000,000.00Officers.F-n�F:ST A. 1I.\�tJ,1I1.1., l'rf'91""nt.cuxm.ss r, 1I1:TC1l1�:-;()�. \·irf'-Pr"s.CII.\1i�rEY J. HT..\IH. \·I"p-Pl't"!lll<l·nt.n A. �IOt:l.T'-)�. \'1<'("- Pr(';ol"�n:.n. C. SA�I}I��';;. \·I("f'-l'rf'!':.I,·nt.JUII� C. �E":LY. S,c-r.IRry.Fn"�,, W. 5:'oIJTlI. Cut I .. r.J E),),\':\nn \L\.\:-' .• \��:s::1Tr (',-.h' .. r.J.\�IE� O. \\-.\"1-:;"11':1.)\ .. .\";0:. C.1MaI.r.I.E\\·I:; E. (iAny. A!'!Oi"-!:tllt '·;ll'hl··r.Directors.(".nhrl� n. \\·:- .. hr\13rtln A. P.nrF·.n�h:u,r.cf'Y J. 'r. .11r1-:tI\\":",,1 H. t:',l'.·rI'hftrl("� n. Il ulhll""('lar' n("(' I!II("kin;:-h:lm�njamln C:lr,,,,ntrr ,"\"1,, \1. (':.rrV.iwin .;. "" .. reman,-h:t',,!, I.. ttll:rt-!n;oon'\'11.,,11 E. 1�lalrPo,h �'" .\. St(".IolF- ,1, r .ok W. Cl"(, lbyErn.·q! .\. 111"1171111. . � .\.>". it �.i.. fIl' 4)"!�.� .. • �.L +:: UR'MIS".�. 'BATHS75 Cents.()pen nay anrl Ni�ht.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. II. It cpp. Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetExpc-rf Manicurist.Scicntific Mas!;enrsExpert . Chiropodist. :. - ...