,r •UNIVE1<SlTY ·OF CHICAGO, \Vi-'.D�ESDAY. NOV. 27.1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.under the auspices of the Neighbor­hood clubs, The event will beginwith a grand march around theThe nrst artist concert of the sea- gymnasium. led by Lynne Sullivan,son under the auspices of the Uni­ J!cneral chairman of the spread. Theare putting forth every effort to beatlast year's record hy $300 and make'$1000 for the Settlement. The danceAfter the prizes have been awarded, '. ill b 1 Idthe la-t quarter of the program, it WI e ie on December 7. a weekwas :"tt ran gely cold. Even the the line wilt pass into the lunchroom from Saturday, in Bartlett gymnas-Chopin Berceuse was allowed to pass where an old-fashioned turkey supper ium from 7:30 to 12. Large posterswithout the usual enthusiastic ap- will be served. \Vomen in all kinds r: -designed by George Lyman wilt beplause, To the Beethoven Sonata. costumes witt serve the guests seated put up in Cobb, Harper and the moreprohahly the most thoroughly well on the floor around the room. important of the other buildings in a•. Sauer, '12, Toastmaster.done of all the selections the hear- Five hundred and fifty women were few days ... t ncluding the neophytes, over apresent at. the spread last year and Four or five novel features have h dun red men were: present at theit is hoped that there will be as many been planned by the Entertainmen t banquet. Clark Sauer, '12, was toast-tonight, The contributions T1111ct h· committee. The Signet club wilt put master and called upon the following fraternity identified the badge Mon-n the Xeighborhood room by 2:30 on two fancy dances and the Glee. for talks: Hiram Kennicott, '13, Rudy "ay night as his property which. hadtoday, cluh will sing -several selections. Pres- Matth�s. '14. John Baker, 'IS, and 1i.-appeared at the t:me of the IowaMargaret Rhodes, chairman of the ident and Mrs. Judson have been Carl Defebaugh, '16. ...ame, together with a heavy gray-tunt committee, has announced the asked to. stand in the receiving line. r II '. «vereoat the man claimed was h'sf I f hi . The initiates elected the 10 owsng - :ana program, 0 w ch a minstrel The list of chaperons will be an- ffi f h • ownsh .t b h' . C:. cers to se�e or t e ensutnr' . .- ow IS 0 e t e main feature. ''Ounccd'm a few days R' h d 11 th ":"d Harry Embleton, upon whom MartinAlice Lee Herrick will be interlocu- 'Thc"'boys of the Se�tlement who 'F'ear:k WhIC .at� . �t eWI�dPresl eaentl' fired .when he esCa.pcd. from thet d S' '. '.. ran 1 tng •. Vlce-presl ent: r '. ,.,. e_r �.�.' .u,za�n�. ���,���_ a�d .!:.L�!�� :!���-��}!����!!._����s .. .?f �heir o��� De!ebaugh, sectetary;.'and Gaie Wil- �appa Sig�a .house two. weeks ago,Rot1i�eJ .. end men.. .wdl prmt an ':etgtit 'l>3if pap�.:r�aiI'" ��iiN�,*���� ��-�-�r*�}!��� of t�� __ ��e.. , i<':onllniied"�D p;age ... ) sell it at the. dance. TIi�.pap�r will 1i_.Injtj�.� .... ,_" -.,-. �-rbJctOn,;.·,wJlo,. saw', .M3r'frn':··in: -a�--:"_" ,.,teU of l�e hIstory and. 'purp�se. of The. :n�ni' .: .of, the" Dew ...• :nlree- .�I�,�ore:at.:S�xty-tbl.rd·and Wood-O�ERA FAILS .TO PERFECT the Settlement. Baldndtle, '1-!, and O�rters ��?f""f,llo';;����-:"'�I . "r: .. ' .'�-r .. 2��,!n"1Dfonned the polsce of the fact.SEATI.NG ARRANGEMENTS Hoakanson have :directecl the boys R 11'S h' I' . ;.�_ " Wh.· . :ana,t� next �ay. plain clothes men. ' ' usse .' c () es, \.n:Urge,· Ibng. "." - h . . Whill this work. H 'W' kh . 'c. W' h f were wal�mg In t e Cigar store. . en. IC am, Ick am De e-· . ..'"There is every reason to b�lieve' . ". ..pproa�he� by DetectlVes BaIrd andbau. gh. punosworth, Kendall, Mac- S .1 h II d Ithat we will make this the . most . . '. . • . can on ternan pu e a revo ver onLaughlin. Shnll. Willard. Mdler. Hag· �'t B . d h d M .succes:-ful dance that has ever been·' :scan on.. aIr t en covere artmgarty, Olmstead. Wolf, Cendis. John-' d' h' d d'held at the Univers;ty:' -5aid Chair- -' ...... .• aD e.was soon 'O\'erpowere an, .- �(in, Gleselmau, Matson.. Perrine.' .,. • - ... .'. h W dl .Because nothing official has yet man Donovan yesterday. ,"From a . , . .. aOCK.eU up III t e 00 awn statIon.h d fi . I d' Bro. wn.. C�n�1. Ma. ttb� Burk�·Dall. M: art ... ·n 1'5' a' well known cllaracter,J� eat from the Chicago Grand nancta !'tan pomt we expect toPr Pr.&:!l..__ .... $ h' I MacAllister •. WhIte.' ,Tenney; Towtte. -' �"'Ii . I H 1ogram ova � Jpera company in regard to better make fully $ICCO. '50 of'w ich wil Plume, Thomas... Patrick,.. .. S'1Clde. ,'n ..r:_ ee,clrc es·h· e � .recent yThe program itself was somewhat eating arrangements for students, come from the sale of refreshments. La" .D'd v-___. ... ..:1I..T _, ,paJVM:tI Jrom' " t e pemtentlary ath J I d ba I h d wrence, an son, &IV;,v..- -� ... � 'J 'I� " ..sort. t a�te re y an our. an .he University Grand Opera associa- I�'OO people at the very leas� -afe ex- _. h S • A-L ..... 0 let, where-he was serving a twentya quarter Th- g-m of th • E Te1c graeber. mnaer ... · OII;U, - nn- .: f d' d 1 b ... �" e senes W3!1 tion has been unable to formualte pected to be present. veryone P- .U. 'D_-....I::"n C ---Z d ycars"seDte�ce: or lamon ro) era�'sthe Beethoven Sonata in C. MaJ'or� h f derman., resne :AiUIQi& .... f'aWlor • p' H k' fany definite plans. The pres�nt should or does know t e purpose 0 Saunders, Steward. rasher_ .... t .. eona,; e· was wor .. ng or aThe familiar Chopin numbers wert agreement existing between the Uni- lhc dance and the good the money maD. in Springfield, I1inois, who sentwelcome as they always are, and the ve�ity arid the Grand Opera com. does to the poor of Chicago and mm-to· Chicago about a month agoadditional n. ovelt'V of two num.bers by I '11' 'b I' p' ES db' ,... I'k d01 .,any provides that students may se- !'hou d be WI mg to contn ute a It- CHESS CLUB LAMS. MATCH ·to· 0 'some uymg. .Lftartm I ethe pi;mist himself; namely, the lure tickets in the balcony at a re- tie toward helping the cause along." 'he city and its opportunities 150 well"Marche Fantastique" and an "Etudf duced rate from the box office an Tickets on Sale Tuesday. IntercoUeciate Games By Cone- lhat he failed to return to Springfield,Caprjc�t imparted further interest. hour betore th ... p-rformance, $ .I . Lout 'acquired a disguise and a south-A h ]a " " 3·00 Tickets will be put on sa e 10 spondence Arraoced.t t e ,�t moment Mr. Ganz cbang- II r $ f e c nt which made credible hi:fjeats se .or 2.00 sea-lis or $1.50 Cobb, Tuesday, and continue on sale rn ac ecd. the f¥h group of his program ond $1.50 seats for $.75. '1 b !tat�ments that his home was NewsUb�tituting·.a serenade of Blanchet throughout the week. There W1 I e Xegotiations are on betweenl the Orl-ans. •"The objection to this arrange- no tag day a... in former years. Tht' .;"(or a Rhopsody of D9nnanw, and l"hess clubs.of Chicago, Michigan an.dr ment," said Dean Lovett yesterday, t' k t '11 II f r fifty c"nts each Martin who joked and conversedhis own "Etude Caprice" for hi� IC e S WI se 0 " • Illinois to arra·nge.. 'a Western inter-"is that oftentimes students may Chairman Donovan will be in Cobh freely with the detectives didn't seem"Fileuse pensive." collegiate' championship t�urnament f.Iake long tr:ps down town and then from 2 to 12 :30 daily to consult with �(\ be worried as to the outcome 0The program was as follows: e unable to obtain seats. ThiSo anyone who desires to sec 'him about for this year. The University Chess his trial. A student who stepped upI. Symphonic Etudes, op. 13 works a praticular hardship on the Ihe dance. dub has a me�bership of fifteen �o ask Martin a question was greeted..••.•.•.••••••• ' •.• '.' Schumann women. As more of them attend members who are meeting every with "Can't you go out arid get me a2. Sonata in C major, op. �1 {I'. and opera than me" the need for ,Thursday �vening in the Reynolds iew magazines to read ?"'. MICHIGAN STUDENTS \•••.••••••••••••••••• Beethoven \ change becomes more pressing. \Ve club for match play. "I follow this life not for theASSESSED ANNUALLY h . . h h M'hope to come to such an agreement A matc IS now on Wit t e Ichi· TIoney 1n it. hut because I love the�hat it will be possible to secure FOR MEDICtL CARE gan cluh, the play being carried on cxcitentent:' said Martin when ques-t:T3nd opera tickets on the campus a by correspondence. Last year the ,;oned."I didn't try to shoot the men3. a) Prelude in C sharp minor, op. 'rood "'hiie hefore the performance." The hoard of Regents of the Uni- ('hicago�Michigan tourney by cor- 'hat w("re chasing me when 1 es-. A constitution for the assoc�ation vcrsity of ,Michigan has �uthorized 'ecpondcnce resulted ,in a tie. Anrl �:tped from the Kappa Sig' hou!'e. I",ill be drawn up when a permanent the estahlishment of a rem:cal di�· t11clllhers ·in each club meet and con- was only trying to scare them off.;trrangement shall have heen made pensary to'he located on the campu�. ier on their respective moveS. ( still had two cartr:dges .in my iron."with the Grand Opera company. The The djspensiry wi1� coritai� of- The club championship will be The Southern drawl had entirelymembership now exceeds 500. All fiC'es for the physicians and will be olayed for in a to�rnament· that is di�ppeared.�tudents interested may become equipped with the usuat" m�d�cal sup- �oon to be started. The winning Matlin's case at the Hyde Parkmembers by paying a fee of fifty plies. - Each student will' b� a�sesserl player in the· club toumamen.t. will Jlolice court yesterday wa. .. continuedcents. The opera se�on opened last two dollars. for which he will be rcpresen� th.('·.University in .matches lmtil December 5· After the hearingnight with the opera ""Manon Les- permitted to corn-ult the physicians with Michigan arid l11inois for the he was taken hack 'to the Woodlawncaat." and to secure medicine at any time. "'estern title. !'tatio.n.AUDIENCE IS COLD ATCANZ PIANO RECITALSwia PiuiIt ia Fat of 0rdaatraI J...SOCgtjoa· I Artist c..cataDispla,. Rare ArtHEARERSUlE LATER NUMB�C bopin Waltz and Polonaise Ap­plauded-Bachaus Receive" MoreEndiusiastic Reception.H.risity Orchestral association washeld yesterday afternoon in Mandel.The musician was Rudolph Ganz,and the rare art of his performance(c,llll'leldy verified the many goodth.ngs that have been sa d about himin advance of his coming.The .audience was large, but untilers were shamefully unresponsive.The Chopin Waltz was first to bringmore than half-hearted clapping. 'a�dafter the Polonaise the restraint gaveway 'and the artist was re-called sixtimes to the platform. For some rea­son he refused to respond with anencore.C_ompircd With Bachus1 t 1!9 interesting tp compare the.r .�1of.lfr. Gan��ithih���welcome accorded .Wilhelm . Bau���u�.last yea,.. Mr,Ganz is eertainly theequal. to Mr. Baucliaas in tech'nica1skill and probably h�s decided su­perior of touch and expression. 'Batbecatise of the latter's real or ap.:·parent ability to execute long dis­tance ruM and sprints over the key­board he was rewarded with a near·Mation. while ·Mr. Ganz Was �ntedonly sincere and respectful admira-tion.Allegro con brioAdagio mohoRondo, allegretto moderato-!s·b) Berceusec) Walt7. in A flat. 0p. 34-d) Poionaise in A flat •••• Chopin4. a) Marche Fantastique, Op. 10..•..••...•••••••..••.•••. Ganzh) Etude Caprice. Op. '4 ••.. Ganzc) Serenade. Op. 15 •••••.• Blanchetd) Petrarca Sonnet in A flat .• Lint(') Rakoczy· March ••••.•••••• UsztSPREAD TO BE HELD TONIGHT MISS, MC�WEU WILL INITIATE'lllR£E.QUARTEIS� IDENTIFY THIEF WHOTALI( FOR 'SEnLEMENT Sophomores T�y-Eicht Fresh-; LOOTED FRATERNITIESmen Into OrpnizatioD" at Ban­quet at University Club- Tradition­al "Stunts" and Pranks Pcriormed.Prizes Will Be Awarded to Prettiest,Cleverest and Most· Unique Cos-tumes- .Minstrel Show Will Be Director wm Speak Oa BeUIf of Um­yenitJ Seu"-t At Gapel.AIIe .... QaiIu te Be Gradate· of UaiYenity ofU&.ia--- Was EaterW.ed BJSnerai OrpaizatiODlFeature of Program.Forty-Eight Freshmen were' lastnight initiated into membership inThree-Quarters club. The initiatorybanquet was held at 7 :30 in the col­lege room of the University club.Previous to the banquet and formalinitiation. the Freshmen were putthrough several hours of the tradi­tiona IstuntsAt 4 the men gathered at Hitch­cock, each carrying a box of cigarets.a box oi candy and a bundle of bar­rel staves .. Th� 'refreshment was fo�Lexington has buzzed with excite­ment fur the past week with prep- SIGNET CWB WILL ENTERTAIN EMBLETON HELPS IN CAPTUREarations for 'he annual ThanksgivingSpread, to be held tonight at 5:30 To Have No Tac Day This Year­Posters By Lyman to AppearOr. Campus Soon. �an Is Well-Known Diamond Thief. -Paroled While Serving TwentyYears Sentence.Tony Martini, alias WilliamMartin, the thief who for the past.month has been suspected of corn-'mitring' burglaries in various fraterni­ty houses on the campus was identi­h'ed yesterday as the man who had'ntrodueed himself at. several housesMiss Mary McDowell, head of the'Univer sity Settlement. will speak be­fore the Juniors and Seniors at thechapel services next week She willwomen all of whom are expected tocome in costume. wilt pass before address Junior men and women onthe judges. who wilt decide wh.ch Monday. and the Senior on Tuesday.woman wears the prettiest, which All Settlement Dance committeesthe cleverest, and which the queer- the Sophomores, who also made UStof the staves in the march over to as "a Phi P"i from Yale."h ]11' . C I'· The man claims to. be a graduatet e IDOlS entra and m the subse-quent parade over the beaten track )f the University of .l llinois, class ofof downtown streets and through the ·oS. At houses where he showed hislobbies �f the hotels. The last "evolver and flashlight he said thatblock toward the University club he was a consultnig engineer forb the Wt»stern Electric company andwas traversed y the Freshmen on'heir hands and knees. was permitted to carry a gun. Martin=uccessfully "worked" a number of'hr friternity houses where he d's­'llayed a iewelled Phi Kappa Psi"adge. Hayes McFarland of thatest costume.Will Serve Supper.Activity ��. University Association Isat StandStill Until Chicago GrandOpera COI!IpaDy Approves P� ........: •.THE DAILY UAROON, \v£l)�ESr.\y. NOV. 27. 'J9J�.day noon from 12:1,5 to 1 :15· Presi�NEW YORK,dent Juft..on has choscn a� his themc, LCST,-(ln Marshall Field S.a�urday I Broadway at 54th Street."Thc Idl'als of .the . l'niversity of altallof'!" a, purse, contammg 2 I Ncar 50th Street Subway Station andChicag-o." Thl' \\"l'l'kly hanqt1ct� for keys and ahout 50 cents in change. � I �3rd Street Elev"ted. .thc mClllhl'r:- of the lin.t year c1a.;' I Fihcler plea�e return to Information I "Broadway" cars from Grand• 1 • -_ ,ha\'c provcn vcry st1("C(,S�ltt. an in- o'hcc. I' C�ntral Depot.<rca,in" nl1l11h,'r attendin" each onc, I . I s.vent�_r A"7ve,:n:�u.�.�. c�a:)r�St:,�f.�r(o,'"m.� 'l,.p.le,,�n.Yl- ·,1Tickets may '�e secured hcforc tmlay II fo'O� RENT-�icely furnished, lig�t, I n.:. , .". ,.'�.t .5 at the ofllce of thc Y. M. C. :\.,, sunny room. private porch, m.rE,I1"..', .I1tTI:U,"; l'OU (.'OI.u-:r;/-: ,11E\' fC"hh J A.. qniet home, New apartment, c1ec- 1'1'1':(,'1.11, '1.'.1 n:s FfW ('ol.1.I:a/-: TI-:.LlI:'I •I tric light, steam heat. Prefer stU-I T�n Minutes', Wa:k to Thirty Theatres �, I,-------- II dent or teacher, References ex- I Rooms with Bath, $2.so,and up. " •CORNELL- Thc suhject of levy- (:hanged. Price moderate. CoII- New, Modern and Fireproof ting a $300 athletic tax on the' under· yeniently located, to. {jniver�ity. I' HJ\RRY P STIMSON MANAGER Igraduatcs is being discussed by the Phone Midway 8573. 6104 Madison 1IF..\T»Qu.�nTF.ns FOR' �.n�c,,\GO .'Cornell Congress at Cornell. avenue, 2nd flat, South. ;.A • _Assistant Professor David' AllanR�he�tson and. 'Mrs. Robertson willhold a tea in the lihrary of Hitch­cock Monday from 4 to 6 in honor ofMr. and Mrs. A. C. Bartlett. Mr.�artlett is Counsellor of Hitchcockand a trustee of the University, Heis best known to_ University peoplethrough his gif.t of Bartlett gym­nasium, built in memory of his son.The me� of Hitchcock will be gue;;tsat 'the tea, which will be informal. \The Daily MaroonBulletin and Announcements.Divinity Chapel-12:15 Haskell As- Glee Club-Rehearsal, l��ynoldsdub, 4.Po�-Wow-Meeting, Col.b 9C. 4.Women-Thanksgiving spread.Blackfriars-c-Stag, University club.sembly room.Y. W. C. L.-Thanksgh·ing serv.ice,Lexill�"10n. 12:15.Settlement, Dance Reception Com­mittee-Cobb 9B, 12:IS.Senior Class-Meeting. Cobh 6:\, 5:-15·Chess Club-l�eynolds club, i:30.Junior Class--Social and Executivecommittees, Cobb 6A, Friday 12: 15.; Hutchinson Commons- Thanksgiv-(lay meals: Breakfast-8:()()-9:30;Sophomore Social Committee-.'orlO«l),The l'nl\'t'Nity of ChlcaC') WN'kly. Meeting. Cobb 9C, 12:15. ,l'ublllilh<-'d dally exN'pt Sunday.. 1I0nda) ...and ho:lJay. durin� tJl� quane... or tb(>t'ni\'('rsUy year. Cross Country-Club and team Dinner'-'12:30-1 :30; Supper-5:30-6:30pictures in front, of Haskell. 12:30. \\romeo admitted.}:;ntcr (I a s '" ("ol1l1·cla_ mall at the Chicagopo,.t-otf.,�, Chll"ago. 111., llarcb IS. lOOSe un­Jd Aut o: ;\1111','1& 3, lS.3. �01nmuuic&lHou ••/'I,c cclit",· 1M 'Iut r!'ItVOIUtiblc for l'icIC" CZ. ; PROGRAM FOR C�UBSMO�ER IN:CLUDES,'SONGS BY QUARTETl::,lltorial·Uusin"ss QtfiCNr, Eilts :=... 1\!1e­vhun" �liJway HIO .• lla11 Box "0" Facultyl4'x,·han�e. ;»rt'8l1ccl here. CUllllnUJlicfltiotl" 'RUst b�. Several "stunts" have been cardedfor (he second Reynolds club smoker(.: the quarter which will he heldFriday in the club theater. Jan VanPalda has promised. some of his new:-:Iight-of-hand, ricks, and the quartettthat performed at the Wisconsinmass .mceting has signified its in­tention of' vocalizing. -H itchcock hattwill be represented hy a duct com­posed of a cello and violin, A. play­Il;t and -sorne original -' monologues:!i:e under consideration.tmUtiCBII"TION BATESIty (".31'1'1,'1'. f:!.:.o a )'�r; $1.00 a quarter;by man, $3.00 a year; $1.:=:; a quat'ter. To the Editor:Probably none of us has ever hecnmore sit.c er ciy in sympathy with ourAlma Mater, than when we sang toher at the end of the hig mass-meet­irig Thursday night. Even the pass­if!g stranger must have been im­pressed by the spontaneous feeliiig' ofloyalty that silenced every murmer ofLhl' noisy excited crowd at' the first1I0te of thc cornet that led us, \V e on!I�e field, with the words of "thealumni representative, the team - andthe Grand Old Man, fresh in ourminds, were inspired to sing our' bestto put everything we had into thepraise of our City Gray.)lllnuKln� Editul' IIlram KellllleottXe\"" 1-;,lItol' - - - - - - Leoa StolzAthldlc .tdJltol' - - - iJenaanl \'lDlMk,.lSuslnrltli lla ... cel' - - - Burdette XaatASNOCIATE EDITOBSWalter routeWl";'j'alll LymanS:ullud Kapla nHo;�r wll,'O!g'IlNCI)� \\'a.tkills • • liar.tln SteversJob·n Perle-e• • Harry Gorca8• -• �e LymanGeorce Cottlncb&lllSarah Relnwaklu-r-oiOU HotchkissIUCPOBTEJUILllJ.i.au .:)wa .... i·�e • Dorotb7 WiUI.onSadie Bonnen Aucu-ta Swawite iARTLEITS WILL BE'IGUESTS AT TEA INHITCHCOCK LIBRARYl'rlntt'd Ill' llaroon Prea. 5311 00Uap <koY�.�bitorialChicago's ignominious record ir:cross country racing is a reproach,not to the hard-work-Cro ,sCountryRacing., ..'."..BLACKFRIARS WILL .,:, INITIATE FACULTY IMEMBERS' TONIGHTI, mJre firmly over his ears,. thrust hisha�ds deeply into the pockets of· hisbl�ck and white mackinaw, and start­cd: to' talk -loudly to his com�Dnion.NQw even if this fellow's sense of thefit�ess of things Was not' jarred byhis action, he should have consideredthe students about him whom, heseriously offended. For the few whocc.�tinue to ignore the Alma Mater, Iwould suggest that one of the manystudents ncar. 'hy an openl� h�stile at-titude, or e\'�n'b>: lending a hand� to I"" LA$SI�I�D,',remove the hat, show t�at,we,d�.?I?- �ADVERTISlMmlS.'ject to such brazen disrespect and, .that our demand is:·"Hats Off for the Deans Boynton and Linn. and As­sis-tant 'Professor Robertson will beinitiated a't the banquet given by thentackfriars at the University club to­nig-llt at 5:45. The fifty men in at­tcndance ;�IJ see "Miss Princess" atthe Garrick after the dinner.Alma Mater!" ?'9R ��N�Furnished rooms and� light housekeeping rooms. Singleor en suite. All conveniences. 6104Washington avenue. Tel. Midway, '·!·�I�2.. ..,:.'" UNIVERSITY IDEALSTO BE EXPLAINEDTO FRESHMAN CLASS FOUND�Ycsterday at corner ofL�xinglon ; avenue and Fifty·fifthst�eet,a pocket "hook. , Will be re­'turned upon. satisfactory descrip­tion. 54 Green Hall.., .�! .;"I. �I,I ..�; �f,1r", j'rcsidcnt j udson will address theFreshmen at their weekly banquet inthe caft: oi Ilutchin!"on commons Fri- Broadway. Cor. Twenty Second St.New York.Our representative, �r. Lanzer will be atThe Congress Annex Hotel.November 22nd to :6th InclusiveWith latest Suits and Overcoats, Ricin� and Motor GarmentsEnglish Haberdashery; Hats; Shoes.·TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Thlee MonthsEvery machine guaranteed' to' be in 'fine working order, and will be tkept to during term of rental: '. We deli��� the machine and ' call for it at the end of the rental term,We also have for sale a fine lme of �actory REbuilt machines of· aU.:'_", ..makes on which· you can':' Savesc·to 75 per cent.Telephone Harrison 6�88-6399AMER_CAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY(INCORPO�ATED)437 South Dearborn St.Hotel Cumberland: :1.-,THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 27. 19r�.-.- ._-- - S ¥ .--. n'" 6SOMBftDRa TO UAD.Woodlawn Trust Co11ece Men as Presidents'& Savina5 BanKl::CW ..... t ani StrHt. c...... The election of Woodrow WilsonTO 1:1It.: .'ACI:LTl: ASD STl,,"DENnJ should. serve to remind us that theof tbe President who i5 a college graduatel"SI\·t.:K�IT\" 0.' CHICAGO:'j has been the rule rather than the ex-i i �IThis bank's well-known repata- ct'�tion in American history. Of thetion for sound manacement ad twenty-six men who have held theright dealinc bas been cained chief magistracy .since the foundationthrough nineteen years of atrict of our government, seventeen haveadherence to safe methc?ds aDd been college men. Of the colleges.considerate attention to c:uato� 50upplying these men, Harvard, andWilliam and Mary. the two oldestmers' needs.Your �avings account or checkiD& institutions of learning in the coun-• try; are tied for first place. each hav-account is welcome and apprea- ing given· the country -three presi-.....aiitiieddjhiiieiiriieiii· .iiiii�����!M� I dents. Willam and Mary has given• • 5c· •... �. fin" ;"I<:,..e:1 Ihe: larl/t·.' Une at US Jefferson, Monroe and John Tylt"r;r,d d!,11 '"I" dOllln.tlc .C'fJlJ'f'''IJ dl,plalled I. Harvard. the two Adamses andIf 1"'" ",,1"1:. o"r dfJllu:. are perfection I. Roosevelt, Princeton gave us Madi­".,,1"";111. HII/"·. (IIlfl 'C'fJr1:man.hlp. son; Hampton Sidney. William Hen-ry Harrison; the University of NorthCarolina. James K. Polk; Bowdoin.Franklin Pierce; Dickinson, JamesBuchanan; West Point GeneralGrant; Kenyon College. RutherfordB. Hayes; Williams. Jame'S A. Gar-field; Union College. New York,Chester A. Arthur: Miami College.Benjamin Harrison; Yale. Will'amHoward Taft. and now Princetonbas given us a second president inthe. person of \Voodrow Wilson.One noticeble fact ahout these moth­ers of presidents is that they are forthe most part small colleges. fresh­water colleges, This is in large partclue. no doubt. to the fact that mostof our' great universities have sprungup within the last few years andhave not. yet had time to supplychief executives. But it is to say theIf ... ast noticeable that the Universityof Virginia. for example, has give�us no president and that in a hundredyears, Prin�eton gave us only one.-Joh'� Hopkins News �etterBENEDICT W A L D ,MAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHESI".� Eo �3tb Stlftt.Tf'I. "yde .......rk 960.SHOE REPAIRINGYou can Dot makea mistake in Sendiq­your work here. Onl7the most skilled work­men employed.SMITH-GOODYEAR .II :C·I F.-"t ani 8tl'ftt.Opposite Postoffice.Thp. Drp.xel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55tb 8tred.A ltering etc. of �adies and GentsGannentLRf'I,alrlns aDd PrNeIu at ......... PdML'Phoae .. ,.de !'Uk tin.PURE FOOD GOOD MEATSCREAMERY BUTTERFRESH EGGSGreenwood Cde1357 E. 55th Street..HAND PAINTED CHINAChristmas Gifls and Prizes.. Class or private instruction.Designs to rent. C�na trared.Mrs. L Wood'T ... ·]lWtrQ ....5710 lladl_n A�.JOSEPH SCHMIDT·STATIONERY. TOILET . ..un'IC ..... FIXE U�\,B OF CANDIBS.QaIeap. ..8H Eo 55tb Bt..IIII,purtrd and "',.C3,k lAac 01 ..elf/dr. dNd CIger'd'.A.'loseuhine Graham'1329 East Fifty-Fifth street.llll .... :o:i,,· IliPORT.\T1()N8.PRESSlITKING: WINTER IN VERMONTAcross the brooding Iandscape,O'er the vale and on the hill,­Glistening in the Winter sunlight.Spreads the snow so deep and still.The shadows of'the pine-treesStanding dark against the sky,Upon the earth's white blanket,Like mysterious fingers lie.. -';" ...Fro�� the' chimney of· the. farmhouseJ� spirals thin and. blue;Curls the smoke' and rises skyward.Slowly melting out of view,All the world is wrapt -in silence.�,'e for some lost woo�-bird':calls;The sun drops down 'tlie horizon.And the cold. gray twilight falls.J. V. N. '16.THE NEW STADIUM'Above the level greensward floor,Gray towers now appear,�Vhile mighty slopes of hardened.stoneRise skyward tier on tier.This spot EX h m-cDON'T FORGET!Settlement DanceBARTLETT GYMN.ASIUMDecember 7,. A .,ThoDsand for ·tbe Settlement""'. ever lose an opportunity of making a ehild happy; - it isort'n beyond your power to make a grown man or womenhappy; but a ehild you eBO always make happy.Edward StracheyJQNIORS WIN IN HOCKEY GAME,"Take First of Champ'ionsbip MatchesBecause of Strength of Forwardsand Weakness ot Senior Backs­Spectator Faints.The Junior team won the first�hampjoDShip hockey game yesterdayon Greenwood field by the score ofI f to 5. The Junior forward linedisplayed good team work and car­ried the ball down the field and infront of the Senior goal· posts timeand time again. The Seniors workedhard. especially the forwards. but theback field was weak. A spectatorfainted because' of the cold and ex­citement, but she was soon revived.The line-up for the game was as fol­lows:Seniors.Lillian Swawite .. ·...•... Right WingIuliet Amc« ..•....•.... R:_'·" T ... ",;tt,.r.torence Rothermel� ugu=ta Swawite .. Center Forward •'uliet AmesRuth Mon:e ..•....••...• Left InsideRachel Foote .. ,........ Left Winjl'Eleanor Seley Center Half Back''':lnC"v M;l1eor Right Half BackC'dith Bisbee .•.•••. I eoft Half Back'f ona Ouayle .•...• Rillht Fun BarkVirginia Folkes .•..• Left Fun BackPatty �e�ld ....•.......••.. <;oalEdith GwinnJuniors.Alma Paramele •..••••• Right WingCatherine Bosson ..••... Right InsideGrace Hotch'kiss .,. Center ForwardMargaret Walker ... '," Left InsideLorene Kitch ..•..•••... Left WingWaldine Schneider. Center Half Backsceneor . friendly tugs of peace,shall be the frequent Frances Houston .. Right Half RackLouise Mick ......•. Left Half BackAnd new Olympic games, as in.,. .. - ... - The brave old days of Greece! Gwendolyn Perry .. Right Full BackV;1\"a Staley � Left Full BackDorothea Bunge ..••.......... Goal"oa'Is: ·Ai1gUsta.·S'ft·aw:te {2l. Rach­el Foote (2'. Flo�ence Rothermal (fl. 'I'Margaret Walker (4). Grace Horch­kiss (6). Lorene Kitch (I), Catherine JIlosson (I).. �HICAGCi).Be here,' in many a contest fair.� . A �an'y prow� shown.Chicago's banner carried high.."��II!� .... - Ceata' And .eonrage .bright be known.is Ce!'ts.. flain Ba� as.Open Day and Night. • J. V. N.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp. Prop.� South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific Masseurs. ExPert ChiropOctitlt Tulane-Arthur C. Hoffman. '10.fte Dail7 Maroon is DOW on ale has been appointed coach at Tulane.t the PI'-. university, where he is studying law.PATRONIZE MAR OON ADVERTISERS,'Have )"OU subscribed for' The MarooD Ads in the MarooD are always readTHE DAILY MAROON. WEDXESDA Y. XOV. 27.10[2.,UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A.. others who already had their first pa-MEN CONDUCT CLASSES pers took the next step. Because oft he SUCCl'!'S last year the neighbor- .hood is asking for thc school againthis year. and an effort is hein� madeto locate men to take up this work.These men picked out a place inBurnside ncar the junction of theIttinois Central and the Nickel Platerailroad tracks. Then they consultedthe Greek Catholic priest of theneijrhborhood who promised them hissupport in educating his people. AIarjre room was rented in the rear ofa saloon, and there classes were heldthree times a week after generousadvertising had heen done throughthe medium of hand hilts printed inIT rian and Ruthenian. Soon- unrra I,SPREAD TO BE HELD TONIGHTForry men were enrolled ranging in.;ge from eighteen to forty. ThcGreek priest was. in the class as wetlas many of the men who worked inthe car shops near by. These menwittingly paid a dollar apiece for tenlessons, the money heing used forNight School for South Chicago La­borers Started Last Year ProvesGreat Success.I )\,er a year ago a number of Uni­, l rsit y young men under the direc­t «n 01 the L'niversity Young Men'sLllI i-rian association started a nightschool in South Chicago for the pur­pose oi teaching the immigrants therudiments of the English language.and the elements of American citizen­ship, The nominating couuuittce of the\V. A. A. have posted t hc li�t o�nominees in the gymnasium. Thenominations arc as follow»:For President.Cornelia nt'an.Eleanor SeleyFor Vice-PresidentMargaret RhodesEva Gold�teinGrace HotchkissF or Secretary.H cleric KennyII ilda McClintockPhoebe CloverContinued from page I.)ProgramThe program Follows­Entrance to }{ohert E. Lee. NORGREN, the star half back of your footballteam deserved the honor bestowed upon him---the captaincy of the 1913 University of Chicagoeleven. He is a strong conscientious player anda punter of marked abil- _ity. Here's success tohim ar d the team,� The Hub, the star clo­thir g s tcre of lour city, r. d t 1-. e (C L n t I Y d c s e rv e stl.e 1-.( r.cr of vc ur }: atron­r gee ) c u will fir. d here al­ways the b€st vetue» inrr.e ns wear--r:o matterwhether it be suit, over­�cat, shces or Iurnis h-111 g access ones. Thisitem will convince youot the fact. Suits thatare positive marvels ofvalue of Scotch, Irish andEnglish Woolens of rarebea uty and distinction­superb suits in everyway, worth much�_o:� $20 !@ $25equipment, Opening Chorus. medley.The Univer siry men gained the Fitting Remarks lIy the End Men.confidence of the people early and Touching Ballad on Accontian-Iwere asked to make visits to the vari- Dorothy Davis._ Ious homes and to attend the Gerek Funny Stuff.Catholic church. which they did to Impersonations-Ruth Bush. \the great delight of the priest. The More Funny Stuff. -------------work continued until late in May Song "Constantly't=-Florcncc Roth- Cornell-Cornell Medical collegein spite of the fact that a great ermel. I has received from an anonymous don-strike in the car shops' paralyzed Finale. or a benefaction which will yield anlabor conditions for some time. 'I annual income of $1,000, to be usedH ld F· A H to endow a. fcllowship for researchMany of the men were influenced 0 irst t- orne _to take out naturalization papers President and Mrs. Judson held I in medicine in the wards of the New'. I York hospital.through the simple history lessons their first at-home for the new mem-_which awoke national pride, and bers of the faculty last night. Patronize Maroon Advcrt'isers ./·iI'Mrs. Flint to Give Readings.Mrs. Edith Foster Flint will givesc v eral readings at the Thanksgivingservice of the Y. \V. C. L. today.Betas Announce Pledging.Beta' Theta Pi announces thepledging of Leonidas Payne of Ton­kawa, Oklahoma. DEBATING TEAMS TO HOLDFIRST CONTEST SP. TU RDA YTemporary Division Into Affirmativeand Neeative Made for Pre­.liminary WorK. , ,!Members of the' University debat­ing team have been temporarily as­signed to affirmative and negativeteams, and will appear tn a practicedebate Saturday night il� Harper as­se�bly room. At that time the af­firmative team will consist of HirschSoble, Lorn Peters, and Gary Hunt.The negative side of the MonetaryReform question wiU he presented by\Vilhur H amman, King Cook, and�herman Conrad.Members of the team are hold:ng­daily conferences with Coach Moul­ton working on the construction oftheir cases for the trial contest Sat­urday. All who are interested in thework are invited to attend this con­test which will he thc first of.� seriesto he held at short intervals untilthe debates with Northwestern andMichigan on January '7·Although there are no veterans onthe ;team Coach :\Ofoulton thinks thatUniversity debatinrr prospects arevery bright. All of the men have hadexperience in debatinjr work else­where ami have worked consistentlyin their' preparation for the contesthe dedares. The team include .. fOllrmen from the Law school. one Di­"inity stuctent an(l one Spl'twll1ore.AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS.He Draws, He Jokes, He Tries to SSda 51- .... .weodJawo AYe.The only fie Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Picturess,.c ... , .. tiara thm ttmlS a weekGAUMONT W££KLY EVERY TRUaSDAYCurru' neil'sAND OTHER PICTURESEMPRESSTHEATER63rd Street and Cottace Grove AveWeek starting Sun.Mat.Noy 24. SULLIVAN a: CONSIDINE.PRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE. Present the Sensation of Two Contin­entsTHE. ,SUBURBAN WINNERWith George Hoey and SelectedCompany of Ten Introducing TheGreatest Scene of a Horse RaceEver Presented on the Vaude-ville Staee.BOBBY PANDUR I: BROTHERThe Famous Herculean MarvelsHOBSON and MABELLEVersatile Beauties in Dances, Sonesand Pianologue.ROUBLE SIMS7:30 and 9:15PRICESIOr20c--30CpOWERSDavid Belasco presentsA new play by Frederic and FannqLocke Hatton.'YEARS OF DISCRETION'With the Seasons' best cast.Pat ron i 1.<.' Our AdvertisersTheir line of goods is the best onthe markeL JEFFERSON. l\llAJEST.IC5�ltl Street and Lake Avenue. EVA TANGUAYThe InimitableI n conjunction with a big vaudeville'"'h'� nt-els nightly of the latest moving I bitt inc1u'din� the great operetta !�Jit"tur(>s. lII�h class songs, nest or I "IN THE BARRACKS"muslc by bl�h class orchestra. Come anti December and.h"Dr o-rr new sr.soo pipe organ. MME. SARAAT BERNHARDTSelections from following repertoire;The Grotto of Torture! (2 reel drama) Camile, Lucretia, Borgia, Theodora Kathie Gultini.A Model for St. John (drama) Une Nuit de Noel. La Tosea, Phedre. -------------The Hand Bag (Comedy) PAIiEIlCAN MUSIC BILLAMUSEMENTS.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY AMUSEMENTSpALACE IIUSIC H.ULBLAl'!CHE WALSHand company in"The Countess Nc.dine"Mr. and Mrs.Jack McGreeTONIGHT,Arabian Sports (come,lylPathe Weekly Every FriC:ayCurrent Events.ADMISSIONMain Floor. all seats • • . • • • 10Balcony. all scats. ••••••••• 5C Her First Vaudeville Appearance inAmerica. Armstrong and Manley; WillardSimms and Company; Edwards, Ryan&: Tierney; Ishikawa Bros.; LittleLord Roberts.: Stewart & Donahue;Melllhcr .. of th" Scn:or d;tss willmeet in C'ohh ():\ ;1t t �·t:; to(lay totalk. ewer th(' proJ.!rant of ;Jc(vit;csff)r tile present flnartcr. Th(' tenta­tive �chedtlle of functions indudc" aluncheon at 12:15 Der('11lher :; in thecafe of the ltutchin"on common;;. an"a musical at the Ddta l·ps:lon fra­t('rnity house at 3:30 Decemher 13·1JOODLAVJN THEATRE CORTFINE FEATHERSDr arnaric Sensation.pRINCESSWm. A. Brady PresentsThe First Chicago Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. Broadhurst.An American Play of To·dayBLACKST01�EDA VID WARFIELD"The Return of Peter Grimm"Original Cast and Production Un­chanledOLYl\IIPICHenry W. Savage'sThe MTLLIONILLINOISMR. JAMES K. HACKETTin H is Sensational SuccessTHE GRAIN OF DUST JAMES T. POWERS··Two Little Brides"CHICAGOOPERA HOUSEReturn of Last Season's BiggestMu� ical Comedy HitDONALD BRIANand Orgir al Company IntactTHE SIRENLASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATEThe Sea· on's Best Musical ComedyGARRICKLINA ABARBANELLIn the Sparkling Operetta"MISS PRINCESS"COLON�ALEvenings Precisely at 8Matinees \Vedncsday and Saturdaysat 2.BEN-HUR with the "'La Salle's Best Cast!"I'op. Mat. Tues. &,' Thurs. 25C to $1 SENIOR CLUBS WILLMEET TO DISCUSSQUARTER'S PROGRAMSTUDEBAKERCosmo Hamilton Hamilton's DaringIndictment"THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUECOHAN'S GRANDGeo. M. Cohan's Newest MusicalFarce.THE LITTLE MILLIONAIRE