us t matly flarnntiV! ) L. X I. X o. 3K LH\JVEJ{SJTY OF CHICAGO. THl:({SDAY. xov, 21.1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.I,!manager for the comingproduction and Harold Wrighr wasCoach Williams Drives Gophers Hardto Perfect Defense Against Chi­chago Trick Plays.LIMIT YELL ISSUE TOFIVE HUNDRED COPIES Put Finishing Touches on Perform-DRAMATISTS REHEARSE PLAYS SENIOR COMMITTEESFOR YEAR ARE NAMED ChiefMURRAY IS FRIAR MANAGER USE MINNESOTA PLAYSAND DEFEAT VARSITYHarold Wright Appointedance of Four One-Act Dramas to Actiyities � Clus WiD Be PI----.J a-.JBe Presented Tomorrow Night in IilllllCU auReynolds Club. Eucated B, TwelYeGrou,. Costumer by Abbott Bowers-Ex-pect to Revise Constitution and Fralame. Wia OYer Replan B, o.eRecords of Order. TOllchdowa Ia Lo.,est Scrim-mage of SeuoDStagg, Riclaberg, Lima, Twohig, aDdPage Scheduled for Speechesat Mus-MeetiagMembers of the Dramatic club whoarc to take part in tomorrow's per­Iormances arc spending their time in Howell Murray was appointedBlackfriar RUSSELL SCORES ON KlCK-OFFRESERVE BALCONY FOR WOMEN PRESIDENT SELECTS ADVISORS, Purity Banquet Will Be Held in put ting t he finishing' touches on their Executive Committee of Fifteen Un- made chief costumer acocrdnig to theparts. Rehearsals of all four plays der Hollina.worth Se�cted by list of appointments issued by Abbottunder the direction of Donald Brecd President Kuh. Bowers yesterday. Other appoint-Hutchinson Commons at 6:30Tomorrow Night.arc being" h eld every day. A dress meng s to the executive 'staff include:Only five hundred copies of The rehearsal was held last night in Man- George Kuh, president of the Sen- Assistant costumer-John C. Hen- Using 1\linll'Costa plays, the Fresh-Y I ,,- 11 '1 I . d f di . 1 d d I der .... on. men defeated the Varsi"y by one·l·ar y 1 e WI I ie printe or IS- del. Today's rehearsal wilt probably lor c ass, announce yester ay t ie ap- u _ atr ibut ion at the Minnesota mass-meet he the last one before the perform- pointments to class commit tees. A Proper-ty man-Thomas Holilngs- touchdown last night in one of theillg in Mandel at 7:30 tonight. These ances Friday night. Ii-t of the committees and the mem- worth. longest scrimmages of the year."ill he handed to those who come Almost alt of the invitations have her's of each follows: Assistant property man-Frederick Coach Stagg used every man- on the,var ly. Others may leave their names been distributed. Donald Breed, the Executive Committee. Croll. squad and the teams srtuggled untilwith the editors and if a sufficient de- president of the club, said yesterday Donald Hollingsworth, chairman, Chorus masterc., John Baker. long after dark. The Freshmen. fol-maud is indicated nn extra edition that he expected an unusually large Donald Breed, Xorman Elmstrom, Score-Harold Conley. lowed Minnesota's tactics of de-will he run off. audience. The nature of the plays, Fred Steinbrecher, Chesetr Bell, Puhlicity Agent-Ralph W. S.tans- pending en.tire ly upon plungesCoach Stag-g-. Donald Richbcrg, and t he fact that one of .them is the Howard McLane, Vernon Bowers, bury. through center and off tackle, landJames Weber Liiin. "Jimmy" Two- original work of onc of the members Biram Kcnnicott, Florence Rother- Assistant publicity agent-Thomas short forward passes. Although thehig, Assistant Coach Page, Captain of the Dramatic club has created a mel, Helen Gross:Martha Green, Ef- Prosser. Varsity line showed a great improve-Carpenter, and the members of the good deal of interest in this year's fie Hewitt, Cora Hinkins, John Can- Will Revise Constitution. ment thc Freshmen -succeeded inteam wilt he the speakers. Stagg production, I ning, Martha Gano, A committee composed of Ray- making some long gains. The defeatand Page arc scheduled (or "remarks," Plays Are Serious. Class Day Committee. monet Daly, chairman, Donald Hol- of the Varsity may be attributed tothe nature of which wlil be prcdic- Th-e four plays that will be pre- Varner Bowers, Chairrnam; William lingsworth and Hirsch Soble was ap- the fact that Coach Stagg allowedtions as to the outcome of the game sentcd tomorrow night in the Schneider, Augusta Swawite, Flor- pointed to-revise the constitution and thc Varsity to use only two playsSaturday, Reynolds club -theater are of a more ence Tisdale, Anna Ford, Olive Paine, a committee composed of Norman during the entire scrimmage. TheseRichberg Chooses Subject. serious nature than, any recently at- Adolph Radnitzer, .OUo Schnering. Elmtsrom, chairman, \Villiam Lyman were two of the complicated playsDonald Richberg has chosen as his tempted by the Dramatic club. None Class Gift Committtee. and John Morrison was appointed to prepared especially for the Minne-subject "The Outlook." His reo of the plays is :1 farce. "Ryland" is Chester Bell, chairman, Walter revise the Blackfriar records. sota game.marks will he supplemented hy an historical drama of the seven- Smith, Thomas Scotield .Ruth Bozell, Murray is a member of the Junior Russell Scores.others undcr the title "dope,' hy teenth century. The scene is laid in Muriel Bent, Winifred Miller. class and the Chi Psi fraternity. He Russell made thc first FreshmanJamcs Weber Linn. A skitlct, "The Xewgatc pr ison, LOjldo�l, with Sir Reception Committee. was in the chorus of "Capturing Cal- score when he took the ball on the1;\111 Con-Ference," will be prcscntc-I Joshua Iteynolds, the painter as one Florence Rothermel, chairman; ypso" and had charge of the proper- kickoff and ron through the wholehy eight students representing Mich- of the leading characters. Kent Chandler, Paul Hunter, James ties in "The Pursuit of Portia He is Varaity team for a touchdown. Theig-an. Minnesota ,Illinois, Wiscollsin. "The Greek V.;lse" is a little tragedy i)on(J\all, Ellyn Bromcll, MYfi\ Rey- members of the Undergraduate coun- Freshmen made their second scorePurdue. Northwestern, a Porter, and 1,y Maurice Baring involving two nolds, Marie Fanning, Richard Gran- cil, Wright is a member of the on a wide criss-cross play that fooledChicago. characters, an Italian artist and a quist, Alma Ogden. Junior class and Phi Gamma Delta. the secondary defense of the Varsity"Jimmy" Twohig who is an author- dealer, "Op '0 Me Thumb" is a Xorman Elmstrom, chairman, Cora He was in the chorus of "Capturing completely. Foote of the Freshmanity on Swedish athletics, is expected one act comedy-drama by Fenn and Hinkins, sub-chairman, Howard Roe, Calypso" and was assistant costumer carried the ball over the goal line onto enlighten the audience on the Pryce showing a phase of Cockney Howard Keefe, Norman Paine, Vir of "The Pursuit of Portia." another ocassion but fumbled afterplayinr; ahility of the team from life in London. It has been very ginia Hinkins, Lawrence Dunlap, Lil- Will Announce Play. 1 he crossed the line and the score wasMinnesota. His appearance tonight successfully played by Maude �dams. lian Spohn. Anna Moffett,- Josephine Xext Monday will probably see the nor allowed. "Dolly" Gray made thewill be his first public appearance Mrs. Ford's Face," an original one Icichmann, Helen Magee, Esther announcement of the successful play Varsity score on a plunge off tackle.�ince his return from the Olymipc act play hy Donald Breed, will. re- Taylor, George Kasai, and author in the. play contest A long signal drill followed the��mes. ('eive its first performance tomorrow Play Committee. brought to a close two weeks ago. scrimmage and the plays given outReserve Seats for Women. night_ It shows the struggle of a re- DOliald Creed, chairman; Martin The committee of judges h� had dlis week were given a thorough re-Over three hundred seats h�ve been iir.ed, educatec.l woman in a cheap Stevers, Martha Gano, \Vinifred .Cut- several sessions and -report th�t the hearsal e'It is probable that a shortre·scrved for the women' who are d' t l' 1 h S hand taw y envlronmen . ting, Mona Quayle, E lza let pcnce. quality of the plays is above t e scrimmage will be held today though. f nl the "Chicago Night for • 1, Icomlllg ro Program average. Coach Stagg does IK>t want to takeChicago \V dlllen" entertainment to FOOTBALL PLAYERS I h . Rob ', Fred Steinhrec ler, c aIrman; -. Fif,ty metnhers of the B1ac�fri:ars any chances of injuring his playershc held in Lexington preceding the WILL BE GUESTS OF M '" It.ert Tuttle, Milton orse, na cr. nan! signified their intention of at- just before the game. Another longbalcony SOPHOMORE SOCIETY Foute, John Vruwink, Cecile Van tending the stag which is to be held signal drill will also be on the pro----'11 I . . d t Steinberg, Jean Love, Olive Thomas,at tIle l7nl"'crsl'ty club next We, dnes-.The footbal team WI >e IJlVlte a • gram.and attend Score club's dance on' De- Florence Denniston� da; at 6. Dealls Linn and Boynton Williams Works Hard.. Song Committee. I .P f R' b fit •cember 30 as guests of the Sopho- and Assistant ro essor 0 e I son Coach \Villiams has been puttmgMartha Green, chairman; Leonidas Allmore organization . The dance will will be initiated at this dinner. Minnesota through long scrimmages2. Entrance of the Team. Payne, Harry Rosenbcrg, Mariorie .'... .h iI"_R he held il.l Rosalie hall, Fifty-Seventh the men :present will go to t c \Alr- every night this week il. the attempt3. "The Outlook," by Donald . Miller, Ellie Hewit,t, Marie Nagle_ ,. . .!-trcet and Rosalie court, a week from rick theater where seats have been to make a defense which wilt effective-Richberg, 'or. Pin Committee •.Sk' Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Harry"The Bull ConI-Ference," a It-". Auracher's orchestra will give thelet. ll1uisc for the twenty numbt!rs thatThe Cast. .'11will he 01\ the program. Frappe WI.n:ass·meeting. The entirewill be reserved for women.The program follows:I. A Few Lusty Cheers,Music by t he Band followed byres�rved for "Miss Princess."Helen Gross, chairman: Paul Tatge,Herbert Granquist, Hirsch Soble,Maq�ard Green, Beryl Gilbcrt, !\fir- Iy stop Chicago's intricate formations.Last night the second teams usingChicago plays .scrimmaged ��n4RATES FOR OPERAWILL BE ANNOUNCEDTOMORROW IN KENT111' I' .... \'TI'lliam H. Lyman, '14!� IC ligan IV be servcd in the intermissions andMinnesota Rollin Harger, '14 special decorations are heing plannedlIIinois e •••• Howen Murray, ·14 Tickets may he had of memhers of\"'isconsin .•....... Duane Mann. '14I'urdue .....•. Thomas Coleman. '14XorthwestcTll . Harold H. \Vright, '14A Porter D. \V. Stuart, 'J6(hicago Earle Shilto.J1J ,'q5. "Dope". hy James \Veher Linn, t he regulars.J n all proh3 bility the Gopher ljne­up will be the same against Chicagothat it was last week against Wis­consin. Ehrdall. the star half hack.-",ill prohahly he replaccd hy Biermanwho played against the Badge�h- urnier is slated to retain his place;:1111 Dunllar.Atheltic Committe.e.John Canning. chairman: HalsteadCarpenter. Clarence Freeman. Horac ;\ meeting' of the Grand Opera as-the society or at the door. l' . I J IT. I \\'l'lll'al'\\' lItesl( c, oscp 1 LIo'\W cr. '• sociation will he held Friday in Ken.tSALE OF TICKETS Leach. thl'ater at 3. Delinite arrangementsFOR CHICAGO NIGHT Faculty Committee. lll'twcen the l-niversity Opera associ-REACHES HUNDREDS Dean ;111<1 �trs. Jamcs \Veher Linn. atiol1 al1<1 the Grand Opera company--' - :\�r. anti �fr .... Frt'(l Merritiel(l. PfI'- "ill he :JI1I1(lUnced. I�ates that willThrt'l' hundred womcn have secun:d i(':,sor anI) M r5, I�oherl Millikan.ticket..; to ... ttend the Chicago �ight D('an al1f1 �Irs. Frank J. Miller. Dean UNIVERSITY AIDESAND MARSHALS TOMEET FOR PICTUREat left l'IHl.he offered and thc method that memoI)crs of thl' a.;sociation will pursucin securing' tickets wi)) he announced.rHliccrs for the assoc1ation for they< ar wil Ihe c1ecll'(1 at the l11eeitng..\ II "tudents arc invited.. fi. "Sweden in America," by James ior Chicago \Volllcn to he cclehrated �f arion Talhot. an,1 Dean Sophr.nishal' I' G K in J.exin�"\I\: gYlllna�ium tonight. A Breckinricl .... e.\\"Ollg. . .. _ "i. Lucid Intcrvals, hy the \Vholc mock Minncsota'Chicago foothatl Alumni Conimitt��.game will he the chief featurc of the E ... moncl Long. chairman: RoyTeam.S Remarks hy Assistant Coach program. Speeches will he given hy l�aldriclgc. Clara :\lIen. Mrary Phister.Miss Dudlcy .Miss \\"ayman. HelcnSinsheinll'r and MarJ,."'3ret Sullivan. NOTE-·On account of the pubti­Cnrnclia Beall will act as toastmis- cation of � special edition Saturday,tress. After the stunts are given the November. 23rd The Daily Maroonwomen will go in a hocly to the masso' will be distributed a little later th:!nmeeting in Mandel. usual on that day. :Marshals and aides will have their';:roup picture for The Cap and GownAthletic Club Is Entertained. ';,krll at ':15 today at the west en-The Freshman Athletic cluh was trance to Haskell museum. Headcntertained at the home of Adclle :\Iar�hal nell will furni"h the gownsFrankel ye"terclay. Several of the hut the mar�hals nnd aides will bringmClllhcrs performed athletic feats. tlH'ir own caps.Pal:c.«). More Remarks, hy Coach Stagg.'0. Adjournment to the Bonfire onVincent ·Field.(Continued on pa�e 3.7THE DAiLY MAROON. THCRSDAY, XOV. 21,1912.---------------- ---- --�.,.-..u�.TAe cclllur U "0' re."oIUiWc lor t7ktD. ez­or« •• (;cl bere, Co ..... i<."UIiClft. • ... , CU GIl evWeace 01 1I0ocl 10"A.'The' Daily Maroon I_W_-n_·t_e_Id_e_a_s_f_o_r_M_o,_v_in_g_. _P_i_ct_ur_e_� P_18_y_s_1 I. To the Editor: yo.u CAN WRlrE PHOTO PLAYS ANDEARN '25 OR .MORE WEEKLYWe Will Show You HowlI have your letter of �ovember 14acknowledging the clipping regard­the cheering at football games whilethe opponents are carrying the ballYour protest against what appearsto be a reflection on the Chicago at­titude is very natural, and 1 sincerelyl'uillish,.,.j (011)' ex�pl SuD\Jays, 1I0nda)"S, believe that in the excitement of theand h.,:iJ:aya dunn" � quartem of U� moment you and your fellow Chica- If you have ideas-if you can THINK--we wilt show yoU the seer .ts of this fascinating new pro­fession. Positively no experience or Iitcrar y excellence necessary. No 'flowery language" is wanted.The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "movingheaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever· 'increasing demand.They are offering $100. and more, f)r aingle scenarios. or written ideas.We have received many letters from the film manufacturers, such as. VITA(jRAPH, EDISON,ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, 1M'>, REX, RELIANCE. CHAMPION, COMET� ME LIES, ETC., �urging us to tend photoplays to the n. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach ·you �e secrets ofsuccess.FormerlyTh" t:nh�Cl'lIlt)· of' ':�!.:.a&o Weekly.goans are unable to notice a thing ofr:Ul.cI'\.-.l ad kcond-cla .. mall � the Oblcaao .this nature, as well as one who goesl'Ul9t-otrlCt!, Chricago, tu., )larch l�, lDOS. un-J ... !' AQt or llarch 3, Itr.3. to the football field with more neu-Editul'ial-llusluess ottlces, Ellla 2-1 'I'ele- tral interest.At the Ncrthwestern game on the!,hHlle llltJWllY 800. Mall Box "0" Facul-orh of this month when the North- We are selliDc photoplays writteD by people who "Dever before wrote a Iiae for ,..hIicatiOL"Perhaps w-:· can do the same fo:. you. If you thiclc of only one good idea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25. a low figure.YOIl WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY fOR SPARE nME WOo.SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ·AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy t:'yOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITI�G"t y l·;xeh:w!:e.western team was making dangerousSUBSCRIPTION BATU gains in the second half of the game,By earrter, $2..:;0_8 )"e6r: $1.00 a quarter; the Chicago band started to playlJy mail, �:;.OO a year: $1.2:1 � qual'ter. while Korthwestcrn was carrying theIIlnuD KeDDlcott ball, and the Cheer Leader catted forLeoD ti&olz cheers from the Chicago stand, all ofBenaanl VlDI.Iak,.- Burdette lIbat FREE)lwlaciDC EdItor:Sew," Editor.Ubletic Editor - - - Don't and your future. Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may mean forwhich was immediately hushed themoment that Northwestern lost theASSOCIATE EDITOas batt .to Chicago. At this time aWaltoer Foute • • Martin Steven great. many of the Northwestern co-\\"l.'Uarn Lyman JobD Perlee':;'.ullu,,1 Kap'an • • Harry GorKu horts, with whom I happened to bel1o;g<r Lollesgaro • Georce Lyman sitting, began to call to their CheerC'I)"\}", W3ltklna George O1t.ttngbam(;raoe H.ot�hklss Sarah Reinwald Leader and .band to produce a similar&&POSTEB8 amount Of .noise with the idea of1.llJoian Swawite • Dorothy Wllliilton likewise confusing the Chicago sig-:;.ldle Bonnen A\ICWll& Swawit. nals;: Some spectators near me pro- WANTED-A 1901 Cap and Gown II rInt ed by .llaroon Pre ... Gl511 OoUap.(koye. tested: against this procedure, and -\Vitl buy at reasonable price. Ad-·'EnD tbe reporter baa aD omee. aDd others answered them by saying,with dear e;refJ aDd boaee& J.aacaace. IDIQ' "\Vell, they did it over there, let's dress The Daily Maroon.unnU lDJa&tlee aDd poIDt the W87 &0,IrvgftlllO.·'-B. L s, give them a little of their own medi- NATIONAL AUTHORS'INSTITUTE R 624 - 1543 BroadwayNEW YORK CITYCLASSIFIED·DVERDSEMEN1S BTABU$HEO 18eecine." When the Northwestern Cheer .?"OR RENT-Furnished rooms and(!fbitorisl Leader, in doubt as to what he should tight housekeeping rooms. SingleThe Daily Maroon announces the do, finally decided to silence the or en suite. All conveniences, 6104cheering and the band, .someone near Washington. avenue. Tel. Midwaypublication of a s� eight-pageme remarked that he was too gentle- 3102-paper- - for �turday manly for � -Cheerleader at a foot-ball game. . 'f , 'f'l:�The,,�me thing only�.not quite somarked .occurred in: the.Purdue game, Broadway, Cor. Twenty· Second St.Hew York.morning. The "spread"will cO�eJ!lC!�e tI\cop�g �f" the ;·ne-irSpecial Our representative,.Mr. Lanzer at, ._.tThe Concresa Annex, HotelNovember 22Dd to 26th inclusiveiFOUND-Yesterday at corner ofLexington avenue - and Fifty-fifthstreet ,a pocket book. Wilt be rc-Edition.Marshall Field stands and the fool- and, in fact, in more .or less degree,at most of the games.r I: have seenball game with the team from· thehere. Last year in the Cornell game,University of Minnesota. The issue in which I was especially.' interested,will be profusely illustrated by cuts we noticed the Chicago Cheer Lead- I have, of course, no interest --onethe new stands and general subjects er call for just plain _�oise at one way or the, other in this matter ex­of Interest to members and friends of time �hen Cornell .wa�· .carrying the cept that of enjoying a good sports-11 d h Chi h manlike contest. I have seen foot-the University. The paper will be ba. ,an was near t_ e_ rcago c eer-_ing section. No cheers were called ball games. in this section of thedelivered as usual to all regular sub- I duri Ifor, everyone was merely howling, country on y �nng ast season andscribers • Others may secure ·copies and the band was making a variety this season, and the point which Iat the game Saturday, iri the Reyziolds of sounds, but not attempting to play mention struck me immediately. Weclub Saturday night or in the office any. tune at all. have a Columbia marr in our officeof the Daily M�oon Monct.y�.�:- � state_d· before, I believe .that i who is seeing his first Middle West·pers ordered now will be .delivered these demonstrations are- not the ern football this year. He- said he• • Sa da product of forethought, and -I am was surprised to notice this perform-bv the carriers or by the mail tur Y •....:. . •• . sure that the excitement of the mo- ance (of cheering to confuse the op-Especial prommence IS given to this. . .. . L.) ith t h "- ment IS so extreme, that this thing Is.ponents slgna� , WI ou my a\ JOg .announcement, since. the �tors �ee1 done without being rea�ized. �ut i ma�e any observations to him on thethat the work of the stafr.1D CettinC that this thing is done without bemg suhJect.out an additional four pages a week realized. .But that it is practiced, Trusting that this letter wilt be ac::­i� worthy of notice. There will be there can be no doubt by any kind ceptcd in the spirit in which it isthe usual advertisements and addition- of a neutral observer, and a very Ji,t- written, I amtha to. ftta"· the effort on the part of your paper::al ones from firms t too.. r-. ID.would awaken the undergraduates tothe building of the new stands. The what they are doing. and then, ofDaily Maroon at this time desires course, they would stop thank these builders for the inter- turned upon satisfactorytion. 54 Grecn Hall, descrip-With latest Suits and Overcoats, Riding alld MotorEnClish Haberdasbery; �ata; Shoes. Garments. TYPEWRrrERS ·RENTED- .. ..··$5.00 for Three Months.. .��., .Every machine paranteed t� be in fine worldJaC on!er;-.Dd 1'iD ·bekept to during term of reutaJ,.We deliver the machine and � for it at tile end of the rental tenD.We also have for Sale a fifte lbaeof Factory ·Rebuilt_ �nes of allmakes on - which 'you caD- Save'SC to·7S·per c:eat.Telephone HarrisOn· 6311-4399Yours very truly,B. H. Bendheim, AMERICMi··\vRITING MAcHlNl' COMPANYUHCORPORATED)Cornett, '07cst in the University which makes 437 South Dearborn St.Bulletin and Announcements. tpossibl-: the publication of the specialedition. Acknowledgement is also Junior Chapel-Women, 12:15, Freshman Hygiene Lecture-Post-I � . _rndae at this time to George Lyman, Mandel. pOlled from Wednesday to tomorrow, I CONFERENCE RACE WILL ent the men are in good shape ·exceptI Marshals and Aides-Picture for l.!:I,5. Kent. I START SATURDAY MORNING for a few blisters.for art work; to Ralph Chaney, lorCap and Gown, 1 :15, Haskell west German Club-Classes in cOO\'ersa'l The team Jerseys hearing the minorphotographs; and to The Wisconsin I 1steps. tion and solos hy mel11chrs of c u ),I <:han�e in the hour of the star·t of "C' "ere distributed last evening.Athletic Bulletin, The Minnesota S ttl D All I' I . _I Ie ement ance- c 1alrmen tOl11orrow, 4. �exln'gotn 3 anu 4· the Conference Cross Country run Light work was taken by the menDaily, The University of Chicaco of committees, 2:15 ,Cobb 6:\. Mathematical Club-Meeting to·, at Xorthwc:sctrn Sa.�urday has been again.C::alendar�an�.the University of Chiea- Women's Glee Club-Members morrow, 4:T3, Ryerson 37· announced. The men-will line up at Tomorrow afternoon at 4 the Crossgo Press for cuts used. The com- and candidates, 4:15, Mandel. Universi!y Football Game-Chica..: the mark at 1 i. The change was Country cluh tryouts witI be held,Mass M-ti·n" for M'nnesota me . \S 'f· 1 S Iu la' 'farc;hall . h hI' i!pleiton of every new University build- - �"'.. 1 ga,. J' lI)nc-:-o a, a r< " J'" I m;Hle to pcrmlt the men to see tel e men covering the rcgu atJOn llveing is wonhy of note. It is the priv- 7:3°, Mandel. field. 2. fool1> .. tt games in the afternoon.' and a tluar:ter mile course. The firstiiege 01 the students now in coUece Le Cerc1e Francais-Meeting University Public Lecture-Mr. C('ach Comstock is looking for two Sl'ven to finish will be taken into theto be here while the great �uildinp 4. Lexington 8. George A. Plimpton 011 "Education in' autol1lo hiles which can be used to cluh. A dinner will be given to theare being erected and it is fitting that Scandinavian Club-Address in the Age of Shakespeare," Saturday 8. r:lke the ll1C'n to tlte �orth side· Sat4 .J1('W men Monday evennig at 6 inthe student should realize the im· Norwegian, 7:30, Cobb 6A. Harper Assembly room. nrday morning. The ride on the ele- Ihe Commons cafe. An of theportance and significance of each Purity Banquet-Tomorrow, 6:30 French and German-Efficiency eX'j! "ared will cIo thrrn no good and may I new members and some of the formeradditional structure. Hutchinson Commons. amination, '9:15, Satnrday, Cobb 6:\. do them harm, he decLues. At pres· team 'wiII be present. Chicaco, m135' E. 55th Street.ARRow'NOtch' COLLARLots of tie space, easy Ito put on or take off. In15 �21ot' 25 «n&Cluett. Peabody & Co.. )latent. TroJ'. N. T.&erif .PlfOTOR lIvERY CQp�. DOUGLASones. . MIDWAY 6584:115'GARAGE A(j(jOMMODATIONSkeep enouch stntlonery at hand for ('urrflilaUMt'. Solid Qunrtcrcd Oak. handllomely nnIllhed. f3,OO. Espft ••• ·ald. (See note.)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEhoM" :!O.O(lO letter!! orp'lp"r. '�xll Inchf'l'.Solid. lIub.aanUal.Golden. :Satural urWeathered ftnlflh ..... rawer. are dust.proof and on rollerbearlnCL Freightpaid. (See note.)SI3.%LO e t Catalog Ibo\\'­Inc man), bRndy. In­.,sPen_lve omce de.vtees and Section,,'beokeasee, Booklea"FIling SucccaUons".bo' tree.NOTE.-Frehtht orExpreu paid ••quotp.d to points elltolof Montana. Wyom­Inc. Colorado. Okla.boma and TeSA •. •SIIChUy bieber be.,.ond.Y/..� FILING DESKS-combine drawe" In b:md.omt. desk. TbeDies you want at your ftnger tips. See oneat your deale.... I"relght paid .-u.OO. cs-.aote)., THE�C!NolfANUFACTURING CO87 Union St. MO�ROE, MICBChicago DisplaY-SII'IS S. WabashFor Wearines.GOOD �OFFEE, REENWOOD \IAFEChinese AmericanJOSEPH SCHMIDTST,\TIO�a;R\', TOII.I;-r ,\RTICI.ESrtxt: 1.I.'.t: Of' C.t.\'UIl';S038 F.. ""tb Bt.. CblC"aCO, 01.IIII':IUI'fni alltl f)''''I('��lk I,inc ttl(:i,1(lrlf arid Clynr('ltuPOl I ronize Our AdvertisersTheir line of goods is the best Oilthe market.MAROON ADS PAY .'As'LIMIT YELL ISSUE TOFIVE HUNDRED COPIES!I -------:----------i E M P R-E-S S Vi�:::;:::-f:-:n:a:a:�::-I THEA TER President Vincent has not yet noti--�3rd Street a�d 'Cotta�e Grove Ave lied Director Stagg whether he will, ' ,- - - THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. NOV. !l,r,. 1912.'come to Chicago to attend the Puri·ty banquet to be held tomorrownight ill the Commons. Among thespeakers will be President Judson,Coaches Stagg and Williams, andCaptains 'Carpenter and Tobin.The dinner wil hegtn at 6:30.New Dances. Songs and Many Laughs for the· professional schools.LAWRENCE AND EDWARDS ''If a crowd as big as the one atIn "The N.ew Alderman" the Wisconsin dinner last yearDE MICHELE BROTHERS doesn'c come here Friday," saidItalian Musicians in Favorite Steward Barrell of the Commons yes:Selections terday," the banquet may be the lastone we will hold. We can't afford togo in the hole on anything."LINN READS ORIGINAl. POEMH erschberger and Parker Entertainat Alumni Club Dinner.James Weber Linn, '9i, read anoriginal 'poem at the Aulmni clubdinner last night at the Universityclub. The dinner was given in honormuslc by hl:;11 class orchestra... 'h·e Heels nightly 0.( the Intest movlog �f rne 'Old Man' and the team.' 'Sev-:Iil'turca'l. 1I,,:h class 8001(8. Ilest 0.( oral of the old players, includingCome and Herschbcrger, '98, and Parker, '97,spoke tcJling. of "famous moments ofForgotten Games." Herschbergerwon thirteen 'C's" while in college,five of them in football. -As usual the "Yearly Buffoon"made its appearance, this time styledthe "Election Extra."l>lim fainted twice in the performanceat the Fine Arts theater Tuesdaynight., Elec�. Nominating Committee''s,.clal Featuns tbne tIaaa a week Cornelia Beall was elected chair-.GAUMONT WE�u�,��.��RY THURSDAY man of the norninatnig committee forAND OTHER PICTURES theW ,A. A. Tuesday at a meeting ofthe Advisory board. Phoebe Clover,Tbe Com Excbange NationrJBank Rhoda Phcifi'er, H. Louise Mick, andf Ch• Helen Sinsheirner are the other mern-o lcagO.Capital ••••••••• • • • • • • •• '3tooo"ooo OC! �ers chosen,-----Surplus ;.............,�, Fiction Club to Discuss Shaw.UndiVided Profits ..••.•• 1,000,000.00 At a meeting of the FreshmanOfficers. Modern Fiction club which was post·pcned until 4 tomorrow, the discus­sion of the works of Bernard Shawwill be completed. Tea will beserved after the business meeting.The Fiction club has invited allFreshmen will he to 'your interest to callat one of our stores and have 0\1expert demonstrate just what thechampions us� and how.If you can't c�ll, then send forour 1912 catalogue-a peru!'al ofwhich will show you how com­plete is our line of Golf requisites,and all of Spalding Quality, thatis, the best of their kind.A. G. Spalding & Bros:1-30 80ath \1".ba.... .be.5200 LAKE AVE.----- �,,;,. - �.� Stationery Cabinets IJ E'FF E R SO N. 55th Street and Lake Avenue. usual the teams and the speakers willthe Picturesque Pastoral Musical sit at the tables placed at the westend of the hall. The Seniors will sitnearest the speakers table with theJuniors next and so on. It is hkelythat special tables wilt bc reserved�obum Reception Called Off.On :account of ·the inability of Mr,and Mrs. Coburn to be present, thereception planned in their honor forMain Floor, all scats • • • • 10 Frid b A' P f .R b. • rl ay y sststant or essor 0-Balcony. all seats • 'sc• • • • • • • • •ertson will not take place. Mrs. Co-. __ -------------------------------------- ....AMUSEMENTSI Week Starting Sun.Mat.Nov17SULLIVAN &: CONSIDIN�PRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCEFRANCES CLAREtGUY RAWSONProduction, "Just Kids,"THE FOUR LUKENS 'Thrilling Human AeroplanesARTIE NELSON AND MISSFLOYE7:30 and 9:15PRICESIO�20c-30c We are all strainingour eyes to see whatthe comingyears havein store for us.Alright! Butlooking forwardus not forgetblessings' that areours today. .InletthePast, Present andFuture are rose-huedwhen you view themthrough fragrant Vel­vet smoke. Its flavornever ceases to please;its smoothness alwayssatisfies.The Re�edy for every Pen troubleThere is oaly ODe fountain pea which gives universal.. lidachon-Waterman'. Ideal. It is tbe simplest e8icient, fouatain pen made. Waterman's I d t a Iatarts to write immediately abe nib touches the surfaceof paper. It is clean to carry and use. does not blot,wiD not leak, "n'd is 81way. ready. Send for Booklet.Price$ IZ· SO ".:J .�lI1:Jrb .A wid s.hs/;lules... t:. WatCI1Q:.4 Company, 173 Broadway. New YorkARE YOU LOOKING fOR A PLACE TO EAT? ---�f• •Ciive THE COMMONS, a Trial IAsk the Upper Classmen' About Our Food IYou'l Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Night CioDd food Low PricesNOVELTY PHOTOPLAYhf'ar our new $7.500 pipe. organ,TONIGHTThe Way of the Mountains (drama)Saved by Fire (drama)Heredity (Indian drama)Poet and Peasant (drama)Pathe We.�kly Every FiiclayCurrent Events.ADMISSION1JOODLAlrN THEATRE55th St. aDd WeodJawa A.e.The only fie Show in Hyde Pa�kGood Music and Good Pictures,tI,I That·c; because we put all oar Imowl-:c!ge into buying the right sort of �fabrics and an oar skill into making them properly. :IIJERREMS·MADE clothes mean mor� comfort style and general sat­,isfaction than you will get from the ordinary kind.ER�EST A. IIA�llln.L, President.CIIARI.ES L HUTCHl�SOX. Vice-Pre ••CHAU�CE\, J. IJI.AIR. 'Vke-PretlkI.nt.D A.' �IOITl.TO�. Vlce·Pre1'ldc�.B. C. SA�1l10�S. Vice· President.JOH� c. �Er:I.Y. St-cl"ftary.FRAXK W. S�IITII, Cashier.J, EDWAHO ll.\AS. Assl.t:lI1't Ca.8hlf'r.JAllES G. WAKEFIE·I.O, A • .t. CaMihr.LE\VIS E. GAHY, Assls:ant£er.Directors.Cahr:es II. \Vaekcr"3rlln A. R)'LrIlOnChauncey J. n:alrr:.lward n. Cutl"",-';llarles II. II ulburdClarence Bucklng'hamIlcnJamln carpenter Clyde �f. CarTt-;(lw In G. FoOt'emanCltales I.. Hu:chtnso:'lWatllon E. malrEdward A. SheddFrt'tl<or:ck W. Crosb1Ernest A. Hamill SUITS AND OVERCOATS $30.00 to $60.00Three Sto"",: �t ;' x, I .. Sa�:� S!ret'C.IiI E. ltadlJOOn S:rcet.:!:, E, JackllOQ RI"d.LA. N. JERREMS, Manager.--,--- ,,t,----,TAILOR FORYOUNG MEN75 Cents. Plain Bath. 25 Cen�sOpen Day and Night.·,SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp, Prop ..29 South Dearborn Stt�Expt"r· Manicurist.Scientific Mas!§eursE�pert Chirot)odi,,' --------------�.;airdressin�------------l,Mailicurin f€ tChironodv ,Mrs. Gervaise Graham i1� .... ,.t Wn"hln!:ton sr. Il""""U:tn nnil.Jin,;. !'(Opposite Field's-under: Huyler'.The Daily Maroon is now on sale atthe Press.mE DAILY KA.OOK. THVRSDAY. NOV. 21,1912.:.� IIICARSON :PlRIE SCOTT &CO,r •. :� , ! Oar State Street Wllldcnn Are Devo� to • Diapla� of IICD" Week ValuesMen's Week, Tbe Great Sale in tbe . Men's store� This semi-annual sale is now on.If�. The offerings make new records'r for value giving. More men/rL learn each day that time .and. $ fI m�ney are saved by shopping m �.; this convenient Men's store. II , . FIRST FLOOR---lJeI, SIIirb, NiP! Wear, GIoy,., SMa, a..-" Ullllenrear. -SECOND FLOOR---Onrcom, sa.,: Vesb, Sweaten, BatIa Rolla, ... aabe: ',:;;-I·1'.1..MEN'S High Grade $6 and $7 Shoes Priced, a Pair,MEN'S Silk Lined Kersey Overcoats Priced at.,-,.MEN'S Blue, Brown or Gray Chinchilla Ulsters atMEN'S Business Suits---A Sale of 1,000 at •MEN'S Fine Shirts-s-Great Sale of 4,200 at ".MEN'S Extra Quality Silk ·Shirts---I.800· offered ati ------IMEN'S AU-snk Knitted Four-in-Hand Ties, • • • • $-25.00• • $25.00• • $18.50., • • $1.35• • $3.75• • "$1.35• • • $4.85-------- ------- -- - - - --- - - - - - -- -_- ---------- --- - - -- ... _----