tiJ t maily flarnntiUN I VERSITY Of' CHICAGO. \\fED� ESDA Y, !\OV. 20. 1912.VOL. xr. Ko. 37. PRICE FIVE CENTS.Tobin Is Only Veteran-Other MenGained Experi-ence on SecondTeam Last Season.PRESIDENT TO TALKAT PURITY BANQUET WILL DISCARD CLUB SCENERY "JIMMY" TWOHIG WILL ALUAS WINS JUNIOR CONTESTjCOACH STAGG GIVESImproved Lighting Effects Under Di- TALK AT MASSMEETING Judges Bramha� Payne Award LONG SIGNAL DRILLrection of Professional Stage Elec-trician Will Feature Dramatic Club's Veteru Grea.l Kee,er Has PromisedFour Play Bill on Friday. to Ap,eu at Last Sod-offfwTeaa Scholarship for One Quarter inExtempore Speaking-Four Con- Vanity Is RUD Througla New Forma-testants Compete. tiODl WIDth Will Be UsedAgaint MUmesotaWiD Welco.e Miuesota Team at D!D­ller Friday EnDiq in HDtch­iDJoD, CODllDODlI mprovcd effects in scenery andstage lighting will be attempted by Robert Allais, a sophomore, was de­clarcd thc winner of the LowerELABORATE PltOOlAM IS PLAN GOPHERS HAVE STRONG TEAMVINCENT IS ASKED TO SPEAKthe Dramatic club in its prescntaaionStagg Sends W· t F D f Skitl E ti·tl-..I"Tb Bull C 'f j uuior extempore speaking contestIre 0 ormer ean 0 of the four one act plays Fridaynight et n IC'U e � er- .,.Faculties--All Univ-ersity Men ill the Reynolds club theater. The ence" Will be Put on by Class held yesterday in Kent theater. TheAre I it d. f judges were Dean Pay ne and Mrnvr e regular scenery of the theater will be 0 Igl4. •Bramhall of the Political Science de-discarded, and a scheme of decorationPresident Judson has accepted consisting of neutral tinted draperies "j immy" Twohig will probably be partmcnt. The other contestants Contrary to expectations, CoachCoach Stagg'_.,; invitation to speak at and elaborate stage "props',' will be added to the list of speakers for the were J. \V. Chapman, Leigh Lawr- Stagg did not order any scrimmagethe purity banquet to be held ill substituted. The same draperies will Minnesota mass-meeting to be held e nce and S. P. Meek, [OJ the Varsity ycsterday afternoon.honor of the Minnesota team irv be used in all four plays, but they ill Mandel at j:30 tomorrow night. Each contestant was allowed six Instead the team was given 3IJ1J ex-J j utchinson commons Friday evening. l'll� zo-ound keeper of t.*arsllall ficld minutes in which to talk on the t .1 d . 1 d '11 ..... • will be so arranged as to create an ,- 0' l\1. cnue signa rr m which newThe banquet will he open to all men altogether new stage picture every begged off from the Wisconsin mass- "Honor Sentiment." The prize of formations to be uscd aainst Minne-of thc L'nivcrsity. time the curtain is raised, meeting with the promise that he fered was a scholarship for one sot a on Saturday w�re tried out. TheIt is possible that President Vin- The lighting has been placed in would appear at the last mass-meet: quarter. Allais was awarded first Il(:W formations arc being readilycent of Minnesota wilt also be pres- charge of Stillson, the electrician of iug of the year. place, not" 011 account of his material, grasped by the Varsity and shouldent as Mr. Stagg has wired him an thc Illinois theater. He will attempt Copy for The Daily Ydl has been which was necessarily old because of prove cfl'ectivc against the Gopher:s.invitation, President Vincent, who to put in practice some of the new sent to the printer and the paper wilt the subject chosen, but on his de- I n all probability a long scrim­prior to 191 I was Dean of the ideas in stage lighting that have been probably be printed today. It will livery and the close organization of mage will be held today as CoachFaculties of Arts, Literature, and succcssfully used in Europe. His idea contain interviews with Donald Rich- his talk according to the judges. Stagg will find it necessary to testScience here, has known many of is to make the stage lighting more berg; Coach Stagg, and Assistant: out the defense of the Varsity againstthe men 011 the team and Mr .. Stagg natural. The footlights will be sub- Coach Page, Chicago Yens and Songs, TO ARRANGE BASKETBALL the Gopher formations. This ... vi11hopes that he will be able to be here dued, thc side and top lights intcnsi- the program for the mass-meeting, SCHEDULE FRIDAY NIGHT probably be the last 'scrimmage of thewhen some of them are about to playt lied ,and a color light scheme of an editorial on - the chances of the year.their last game. amber and green will be used in con- team in the game Saturday, and pic- Conference Committee Will Meet at Gophers Are Strong.The tentative list of speakers for junction with the scene draperies, tures of the Squad, Carpenter, Rich- Auditorium Hotel-Coach Page Minnesota has a strong team,' ac-the occasion include's, bee-ides the two thus creating effects which, according berg, Stagg, and others. to Represent Chicago. cording to Assistant Coach Page whopresidents, Dean Angell, Coaches to those who have seen them, are at Program Arranged. was present at thc Minncsota-Wis-�.t:lgg and Williams and Captains once striking and artistic. The program, arranged by Donald Active preparations for the Con- .onsin game last Saturday. TheCarpenter and Tobin. Cheerleader Hold Regular Rehearsals. Breed, contains nine numbers, one of Ference basketball season will begin Gopher offense was fully as strong asMatthews hopes to be assisted by the Rehearsals of the four one-act plays thcm a skitlet entitled "The Bull Friday night when the Conference that of Wsioonsin, but the team madeGlee club in leading the Chicago have been going on continuously for Con-Ference," the roles of which will committee will meet to frame the several errors which enabled thesongs. I the past two weeks. .The. dress., re- 11.(;..!�andlC;!d.bl'. members �f .. the Junior "�cheduk-and::.rules=-1Ior-·the- IgTrsea� -Badgers to score -:md to win theThe teams and the speakers will hear-sal will be held tomorrow night class. ., -'son . Dr. C. P. Hutchins of Indiana, championship,be seated at the tables on the plat- in Mandel Han. This will be the The program follows. president of the "Big Nine," has Although Minnesota has only oneform at the west end of the Commons last rehearsal of the plays before the I. A Few Lusty -Cheers, and called the mceting which will be held veteran, Captain Tobin, on the teamand the students will be seat�d at the performance Friday night. Music by the Band followed by at the Auditorium hote't. Coach Page the other team men are all experi-tables below. Mr. Dinsmore hopes to The casts of the plays are cas fol- 2. Entrance of the Team wilt represent Chicago, taking the :nced players, These men were mem-lows: 3. "The Outlook," by DOnald R place formerly held by Dr. J. E. Ray- hers of the second team last year andt Continued on page 4) _"Ryland." Richberg, 'OJ. croft. gained a great deal of footballLINEUPS FOR CHICAGO Ryland .........•.... Ben Goodman 4· "The Bull Con-Ference,' a Skit- Preparations at Chicago will not knowledge . Last year's second teamNIGHT GAME ANNOUNCED Gaoler ..........•. RoMrick Peattie let. start until December 2, the official l'! Minneapolis was fully as strong asHenry Fielding .....•.. Harry Bogg The Cast. clate for the opening of practice. _ On :he first team which defeated Chica.-Mock Football Game Will Feature �ir Joshtl� Rcynolcls .... Dudly Dunn Michigan \Vitliam H. Lyman, '14 this datc all candidates for the Var- . ..!o and in turn tied by \Visconsin.Mary nyland ....•. Isabel Kendricks Minnesota Rottin Harger, '14 :.ity and Freshmen squads will report Start Season Poorly.\ngclica Kaufman jllinois .. � .•..• Howard Murray, '14 to Coach Page in llartlett. The men Although the seas.on was started# ••••••• Florence Rothermel \Yiscolisin .••...... Duane Mann, '14 will work in two groups from t to 5, di�astrously with a clefeat hy South.. 'Op O· Me Thumb." -rA mo k t- tIll ·11 b th Purdue .....• , Thomas Coleman, '14 and fro tIl �- '.30 to 6'.30 dal·ly. Dakota, the Gophcrs have rallied amc· oo)a b>"3me WI e e Madame Didicr .•... Ruth WhitfieldchiC;i froture of the Chicago Night Clc:m , H. Louise Mick ::'\orthwestern .Harold H. Wright, '14 Practice game before thc Christmas have won all of the remaining gamesfor Chica .... o women to be given to-: M A Porter ......•..• D. W. Stuart, '16 rccess and possibly a trip will be ar- ,\,;th· thc cxccption of the \Visconsin::.' Rose, argaret Fentont 6· L A \1.T··f I C· Chicago Earle ShiltonJ ,'14 r.mcrecl by Coach Pacre to te·.:t out cc.ntest. The Minnesota offensemorrow a m exrn�.on gy�nas- manda. . .. . . . . .. IY 101 rec uttmg. 0 0 �ium. The'lineup follows : Horace Greensmith .. Donald Breed 5. "Dope", by James Weber Linn, the Varsity material. A11 candidates showed to great advantage in the Il1i-Minncsota Chicago Celestc ...........•.•. L::titia Fyffe. '07. will be expectcd to get into condi- nois game when Illinois was clefeatedE h 1) I h R E H I "The Greek Va�" 6. "Sweden in America," by James tion next week ... nd also to ".ork"'on hy the scor� of J3 to 0-st cr ouUo p '. .• . . • • . • e en .. ...G'", a . F k O'H Tn·oht· .... G T.� The ChicaO"o-Minnesota fY!>me wittSinshcimer lh.-V ntH •••••••••••• 'ran - am.. 0' • "" • haskets inclividually. eo 0-E h T I R T I '{ M Dealer ...........•..•• Howard R� i· Lucid Intervals, by the \Vhole Wisconsin will be a stronO" con- be the most important in the west on'!'t er ay or..... . .. !� ac urra "-Myra I�eynolds .. R. G .. Louise Smith "Mr.:. Ford·s Fac� Team. t('nder for the title again this :I:a50n. �aturday from the standpoint of goodMrs. Ford Effie Hewitt 8 Remar1.,.. by Assl·stanct roach J In· I I· foothall and from the effect on theH I, C H '{ CI· k . 1\,.", '-", _ast "car t Ie adO"ers fit:ls led t letre cn !llagee.... .. .!l QC mtoc J. F d R bAIl . � "-tm 'or 0 ert alS Page. Conference standil"g. The rcsult ofMarion Jarvis L. G c. Bossom Jack Bruce \Viltiam "cason �\;thout a defeat and tiecl forHefferan 9. More. Remarks, hy Coach Stagg. tl •.. COllfercnce CII."tllpl·onslll·p "'I·tll the �ame will settle second place in�uzannc Fishcr .. L. T. Edith Lindsay ... •• ..Gwendolyn Perry L. E. Harriet Tuthill SETTLEMF,NT DANCE 10 .Adjournment to the Bonfire on I'urdue. These teams did not meet in :he Conference race . The ItIinois-'Dorothy nudat. .Q. B .... Potty Paine COMMITTEES REPORT Vincent Field. a post-�eason gamc. The veterans Xorthwcstern game \\;11 ha\·e no ef-PLANS TOMORROW fect on the standitllg as hoth teamsEAPTIST PREACHER who arc cxpected to return are Vanarc far down in the percentageTO BE SPEAKER AT Chl'nt, at ccntcr; Jolll-:t5on and Gil-,"n(1 column. The \Visconsin-Iowa gameDIVINITY DINNE� I( ltc, at forwards; Van Wper ..lost oug-h& to he casy for the nadgers,Head Linesman-Charlotte Viall; ment dance, to be held December 7 . Harper at guards. The teamand a victory will settle their hold onRcferee- Ruth Agar:, Spectators- ill Bartlett, will mcet with General The h:ev. M ... ·!'on E. Adams, pa.. .. tor Scoville and Stangl hy g-raduation hut01 the championship.Dorothy Llewellyn, Helen Perry and l'hairman OOl1o\"an at 2:;5 tomorrow of th(' First Baptist Church of Chi- tht.·rc is plcnty of material to fill theLouise Ford for Minncsota; Janet to} report th(�ir plans for the dance. ("ago. will hc the principal speaker placc=" leit hy thes<, two mcn. Wi!l Talk in Norwegian.Flanner, Catherine Covert and The committees working on plans for at the dinner of the Divinity school to ?\fcVaugh and Stockton, two , ... tar �fr. J;I111e� C. M. Hanson, associateDorothy Davis for Chicago, lll;,king th� Settlement dancc this year he held in the Commons cafe tomor' tnemh�rs oi Purdue's tcam last year dir('ctor of the l'niversity lihraries,Over two. hundred tickets have ai- (.ne of the most successful in the row at 6:30. Dean Shailer Mathews, h:l\"c J,:raduatc(l. hut there is the u�\1al will (Icliver an address in Norwegianready been sold for the supper. The history of the Univef\!"ity arc Recep- who is rXI)('cted horne from the cast \Halth of material and Director Hugh ;It the meeting of the Scandinaviansale closes at noon today. Tickets tion, finance, music, publicity, refresh· {(!day will al:,o speak. Invita!ions Xicol i� expected to ha\"c no trouhlc duh tonlOrfflW at j:.lO in C0hh 6A.may he bought from members of the ment. decoration, and entertainment. have he('n sent to the memher:s of in filling their places. Xo coach ha$ The topic of Mr. Hanson's addresscommittee or from the office in the The motto for the dance is "'A thous' the fOlcultyof the Divinity schooi and hc('n securcd as y<'t to fill the place will he "The Ori�in of \Ve1haven'sItYmna.sium. r.ncl for the Settlement. their wh'cs and. to Divinity students. fContinued on page 4.' Poem, 'Asgaardsreien.'''; IAnnual Affair Given by Uni-versity women.l.I,F.li7.ahcth Spcnce R. H .. Cora HinkinsMarjorie Kind L. H .. Mahel Becker Chairmen of committees in chargeEdna Goettler F. B. .•.. M. Rhodes of preparations for the annual Settle-ITHE DAILY MAROON. \\"ED�ESDAY, XOV. 20. 1912.·The Daily Maroonin DON'T waitLntrctainmcnt committee 12:15, Cobb Xorwcgian tomorrow, 7:30, Cobb GA.!)I>. Freshman Hygiene Lecture-s-Post-Settlement Dance-Orchestra prac- poned from Wednesday to Friday, have some student calland sellFvnll�T!)·t·lli\,r�::} u: ':!::� . 'I-:() ,\"� ... ·kly.St:lJbCUU·TIO!li UATES!:� ,:.lI·:'it":" �:!.:·U ;..L y\.:�lr; $1.00 a:�, J:I.I ... �:�.\�;.t ,y ... .i r ; �1.:.!;:; a quar-te r, qua rtvr ;.'J:lIIa,.;ill:;" l:.litur:\,,\\,. E.lilllr.\Ih!dic .EditorI:" �ill""" .\I:.lll:.lla'r Ilir.am Kt>nnicolllA."OD Stolzlk-rnurtl \'ini!i!>k)- llurtldte lIu!>tASSOCL\TE EIHTOKS• . .\Jar.tin\\ ... I:U L:. :l!;t �l Bulletin and Announcements.Le Cercle Francais-MeetingChapel Assembly-The Divinityschool, L!.15, Haskell.Settlement Dance-Meeting tomorrow, 4, Lexington 8.Re- Philharmonic Society-Chorus re·cvpt iou committee, 2, Foster.: hcarsal and orchestral practice, to-Settlement Dance-Meeting reo morrow, Mandel.Ircshment committee 12:15, Cobb GA. Scandinavian Club-Addresstin'. 3 :30, Reynohls club theater.Chicago Alumni Club-Dinner, G:30,L'nivcrsity dub.Romance Club-:\teeling 12:15, Kent.German Club-Friday classescouvc rsation and solos by membersi:45. of club, 4, Lexington 3 and 4·Purity B;:nquet-Friday,Harper 12. 6:30,Settlement Dance-All committee Hutchinson Commons.Math�matical Club-Meetingchairnu-n tomorrow, 2:15, Cobb GA.Jay 4: J 5. Ryerson 37.Junion Chapel-s-Women, tomorrow, University Football Game=-Chicag.': J 5, Mandel, vs. Minnesota, Saturday, MarshallMarshals and Aides-Picture for field, 2.Cap and Gown, tomorrow, I :15 University Public Lecture-l\lr.i Iaske ll west steps. George A. Plimpton 011 "Education inMass Meeting for Minnesota game, the Age of Shakespeare," Saturday 8(Julin l'crleeJ la n') GorillasGt"or<:c Lyma n tomorrow, i :30, Mandel. Harper Assembly room.';:-.h:. tlv.:\.':ll,;.:'sREl.OKTER8 �omllntlt"Ali .. lt ••:.i: :,111 ;-:\\·;I',\'j-:c • 1)01'\):·lIy wuusron tile editor ill 'Iut n.'IJl}on.ible for view. es- those expelled from the University:'.I.li.· j:"lllhll Allg"ll!'l:a ::;W;1Wit{'•• n:l1l1«l here, Cummunicatiun. mu.t be quarterly show that the plan has beenL'rin t e-d by llaroon Press. 5511 Cottage Grove. dunt"d as all ea:iclctlce of UlJofl faith. -uccessful, and that the more theihe L'nivcrsity have made sporadic Junior colleges,attempts at the installation of aIf for no other reason, attend the certain honor system in reference tomass meeting tomorrow night just to students. The beginning of last year HOLD ALUMNI DINNER TODAYhave a good time. was marked by another of these re-The There will be the usual vivals of student feeling directed Chicago Graduates and Seniors WillMassrneeting. speeches . from Mr against cheating in examinations and Honor Stagg and Team.Stagg, and the team, other iorms of dishonesty in connec- Th I f b 11 d. .and from Dean Linn and Donald' ·'1 .,. Th nt e annua oot a inner givennon Wit J studies. e moveme 1 h CI· Al .I b ·11 b,y t e ucago umm c u W1 eRichberg, '01. There will be an en- was pushed by the women as well asI Id.1 6 h U' .. 11e today at :30 at t e nivcrsrtyter tammg one-act play on a timely the men. Mass-meetings were held I b Th di . d d D.cu. e inner IS ten ere to 1-football topic. "The Yearly Yell" will by the women at which slips wereC'''H'O''_' t.·u�tinb-ilaJIl::XI 1".111 l:dnwaloJ•• En'n lhe n"lltlrter has an oftlce. andwit h c:lt>lIr ey� and hOllt>!oit lunJ;U1lce, mu)"1I11\elt inJu!Stice and llOint the way tollr".:rc.-,.;!S."-K. L. S.<iCbftorial Statistics relative to the number oftrue Chicago spirit is' infused in theTc the Editor: students, the fewer the marks of dis·For several years the students of !-!race on the rolls of the deans of theL. H.W.rector Stagg- and the team. "Famousmake its appearance, and will pro- to be appended to examinations and Moments of Forgotten Games" willhey stated that the writer had not he the subject on which a number ofreceived or given help during the ex-vide amusing reading for the personwho grows tired of speeches. Thehand will give music and the cheer­leaders will be out in force to get aUpossible noise out' of the audience.After the mass meeting there will bea celebration around a huge bon-fireen the field opposite the R.eynoldsdub. Tomorrow night's massmeet­ing is very likely to set a record inmass meetings in point of interest.Tee committee will see to that. It isup to every one else to see that it�HS records also in point of attend· charged $1.50, while alumni will heasked to contribute $2.00 • A con- WANTED-A 1901 Cap and Gownand in this manner through the talks \Vill huy at reasonable price. Adccrt featured hy. Chicago songs, and -and the accompanying' discussion thea numher of special <stunts will he dress The Daily Maroon.right way of acting W3IS threshed out presented after the dinner.ill these commissions. Then the football stars now among the alumniamination. This perhaps was not the ·11 k·1 . I diti f\\,1 spea anu a specia e I Ion 0most tangih.le result of the movement, 'I Th Y I B ff ·11 •e car y u oon, W1 appear mThe Y. M C. A Commissions held I f tl di. . t 1e course 0 1e Inner.separate meetings and were addessed .Seniors in the University will heby �"'.:h men as Henderson, DeanMarshall, Coulter .and Mr. Merrifield,President gave a dinner at his house DEFINE PLEDGE TAMPERING;1I1d twenty' men went there for theance and enthusiasm. Come; encour- . I· definitelypurpose ot sett mg more Interfraternity Council Refers Pro-what 'the students best could do in posals to Fraternities.�::;.:: others to come; cheer; show yourinterest in the team and "the oldnan," what they have done and whatthey want to do' Saturday. The W"lS­consin coaches predict that Minnesotawill "wallop" Chicago Saturday. Itis for us to show our men that wewant them to win. We will all go tothe the g;me because we want to seeit. Let us not forget that the kind ofa f;ame we se·: Saturday is going tod(.pend in no small degre� on the kindof ? massmeeting we have tomorrowu:ght. Mnadel crowded with a ch.eer­ir.r. lot of Chicago football enthusiastsw:H mean a satisfactory massmeeting.The bettcr !=iide of the score Sat:urday\ .... ·;11 mt'an (\ satisfactory game. If weha·;.� the first we are very likely to1;;,'1. e the second. for, as The DailyM;Jro�n has 5aid before, we have themen and the coach-there is no goodre:l�on why. if we support them bot�wc C<lnnot win games, We lost toWi�consin, but in Saturday's game wehave a glorious chance to come backand to show the world that Chicagofights right up to the finish. This isec,ing to be the last game fOT six ofc,ur gridiron h.eroes . Let us helpthem to make it a good one, stamping out dishonestry.During the year the original ideasIincd. and penalties for it were pro·of stamping our cheering through aposed at a meeting' of the Intcrfra-ternity council held recently. TheAdvisory hoard of the Council pro- toyou abiggercouldThison youMackinaw at apnce than youbuy one for here.store is the home of theinFri-ternity Mackinaw -_. the co atthat has proved so pop­ular with you fellows.You'll find here the de­tachable hood coat--justthe thing for skatingwhen' the weather is coldenough to make the hoodnecessary. It can be rernov-ed during mild weather. Fra­and club men be known by the Macki-wear. Come here now and pick yourplaids and in vivid yet tasty Ori­colors, in Norfolks-single and double32 to 38 inches long atnaw youcolors, Scotchentalbreasted,$5 $7 $8 and $1eCLASSIFIEDD\'EIl11SEM£N1Sro RENT-Attractive front parlorSouth exposure, with or withoutboard, cheap, 58.22 Drexel Avenue,Miss Willison.SHIRTSFOR RENT-Elegant large front Distinctive PatternsPerfect Fitroom suitable for one or' two. Ev­ery modern convenience. Breakfastoptional. Reasonable 6151 Kirnbarkavenue, 200 flat. EARL & WILSONOf Red-Man CclJ�nMaker".oscd that an organization which ,. FOUND-Ycsterday atlares the tampering rule should either�·y:-;tel11. It was ·seen from the varioustalks that the average student learned corner ofLexington avcnue and Fifty·fifthstreet ,a pocket book. \Vill be re­turncd upon !"alisf.:lctory descrip­tion. 54 Green Han.Tampering with pledges was de- FOR RENT-Furnished rooms andlight housekeeping rooms. Singleor en suite. All conveniences, 6104Washington avenue. Tel. Midway3102.will he suhmitted for consideration tocOl11in� men and women received the I f I f FOI.J SALE-Black Overcoat.eac 1 0 t 1e ratenntics represented in natt�ntioa of thosc working for im·the council. and the one accepted. willprOHmcnt. e a :f.ptcd hy thc council at its nextThe \\ omen worked out an organ· l11ectin�. Plans for the interfraternity1I1(lkcr which will he held in thei;.ation wiwrchy every incoming wo­llIall ha,1 an nppcrclass guardian who "cYllold� duh were l11af1.einstrnctcd hcr in the principles ofChicago hOl1t"sty and Chicago spirit, Mathematical Club to Meet.hdic,·ing that if the beginner rc· Miss Mildrcd Sanderson. a fellowcl'i\"ecl the right idea of what the in Mathematic�. ancl Assist;ant Pro·l·nivcrsity stood for ,a good deal fl'ssor Lunn, of the dcpartmcnt ofwould have hccn accomplishcd in the Mathcmatics, \\;ll give acldrcsscs atfiircctioll of permanent honesty. The thc meeting of the Mathematical cluh WANTED-n�s violin pl:tyer for B. L AMES HAT CO.men on the othcr hanel. had a smoker at 4:15 Friday, in Ryerson 3i. Miss the Sculement da.nce orchestra. Tribune Buildinc .. 35 W. Madison\"hen'hy mo�t of thc. Frcshmcn were S.,nderson will !'pcak on "Examples Candidatl·s report at the Reynolctsrl.'aclH'.l. Loyal Chicago melT toM of Modular CovarinaM," and Mr. cluh th('atcr. to Creorge Leisure,tl;c Freshm(.'n what Chicago expectcd l.unn on "llilhert's \Vork on the chairman of the Music committee, The Daily Maroon is now on salef,f them in the matter of conduct. Kinetic Theory of Gases." at 3:30 today. at the Press.machine-like method as the woman'sslips evolved itself into the idea ofdiscouraxing cheating through anhonor sentiment rather than on honorhe ousted from the body. or he for­hidden to pledge men for a year.many of his tricks of minor cheating Thc (Iucstion of the propl.r penaltyill thc hi�h school, and thus the in·Cost$85.00 la:-;t wintcr. Perf�ct condi­tion. Will fit a !'mall man. \VIiI DE R BYscll for $20.00 Gray overcoat and HATS AREIndispensable to thewell-dressed colle.:eman. We have themin pleasing variety. Alsoone �ray winter suit and one darkw:ntcr !'uit; all tailor-made ane'')r:l("t j(·ally new. \Vill fit sma.ll man.Will sell the�c \"Cry c:h('aply Call soft hats of distinction-at prices that areright. College men wel­comed.for Mr. Harris at 5()m Madi.sonAvcnl1(" 2·4 p. m. and i-9 p. 111.THE DAILY MAROON, WEnKESDA Y. KGV. 20. 1912.� Stationery Cabinets G. A. PUMPTON WILL LECTURE Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SERVICEkf'f'p t'nouJ:h at a t l .. n,·r�· lit hand tor cu r r .. ,,,us«. :,oolld <.!uart,·r.·,1 Ou k, hun<l!:'omf'I)' ftnIs hvd. ,:1,(10. t:Xllrt'MIll I'aill. (See note.)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEholds :!o.ooo If'Uf'rM orpap"rs 8�2Xll In<.:h.·".80lhl. l<ull"lallll,,1.C;ol,l'·n. ="alural or"·t'lIth .. n·d flllisil.:UC8W"r" a r» 1111""pr oor and on roil.·,·b,·arln�s. Fr"!l-:hlpu I.t, (S".., nore.j�I:V!�.G.·t Cn t n ! •• J.: "how­In!: Illany han.ly. In­,·xp,·n"I\,.., orttce de­\'I ... ·s an,1 :,0. cll.Hnlhonkca",·". Uool<lt- I"F!lIIl� SuJ:I: .... t1 .. m ...a I�o rr.'.·.:':OTK-F'r"h:ht orI-:xpr.."s paId 88qUtll.·.1 to I'olnlll ":1,.1.. r ;\fonlalla. "')'om­Ing. Cotoru.Io, Ukla­uo mn an.1 T,·X:IH.Slh:htly hIgher be­r onu.'I,�C:�;� FILING DESKS Noted American Publisher to ExhibitSchool Books of Shakespeare'sTime Here-s-Has Largest Educa-tional Collection in W orId. THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD�fr. G�orge Arthur Plimpton of Installed in the UniversityX(.,\\· York City will give a lectureSaturday on "Education in the Timc of Chicago BuildingslIf Shuke spearc." illustrated with anexhibit ion of school hooks of thatr.ge. TIIi..' lecture is listed on thc Uni­I vervity cnlcndar for Friday hut in­I .... n-ad it will Ill' �iv('n at g Saturdayniuht in l l arpcr Assembly room.I '1 am anxious that the widest! puhlicit y sh ould he �i\'en to this coI­Ilcr t ion." said Professor Manly of theE1ilo.dish depart mcnt yesterday. as 1\1 r,Plimpton's lcct urc will he one of un­I usual interest. J Ie intends to speak'puticlllarly about the school hookswhich were in use in Shakespeare'stime and which Shakespeare himselfprobably studied from. All who haveany curiosity to know how theschools of Shakespeare's day differedwith those of today will find the Icc'turc vutvrtaining, and I hope that�r .Plimpt on will have a large audi-I ance ill spite of the error ill thc an­. m-unccment."cornblno d ru wer s In ha nde orne tlf'lIk. The- I��.;.t?�oru t1:\�II'��II�t l���l:�"��rd t�;�.o:...,e (��: Has Largest Collection.notd. Mr . Plimpton has promised to ex'1'.11 1/.M�_\iANUFACTURING CO87 Union St. MU::\RuE. MICl-l hihit at the lecture thirty or forty ofChicago Disp:aY-5Il"I5 S. Wabash the most interesting v-olumes of hiscollection of' school hooks, which isthe finest collection illl the Unitcl�!!�������������� i States and the largest in the world.I'ooks in the collection date from the11 J,,/r I'",./;. 0",· clut lu» art' IW"(ret ;",. inmut criat, III!!",. all,1 Ir"r1.'""",,,lli/,,I) Complete Systems forall Methods of HeatingSteam Control of'HumidityReducing Valves for Air,Water, Hot Water TankRegulations'Johnson ServiceCo. -H. J. GILSON, Manqer.Chicago Offic��.117 DEARBORN STRI:ZETSHOE REPAIRINGYou can not makea mistake in Sendinc'your work here. Onlythe most skilled work­men employed.SMITH-GOODYEAR1134 East 63rd Street.Opposite Postoffice.The Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55th Street.A Itering etc. of Ladies and GentsGarments.Repairing and Pressing atModerate PricesPhone Hyde Park 2137ANDREW McADAMSFifty·third St. and Kimbark Ave.Tels. P.yde Park 18. Chicaco, InTelephone Hyde Park 2137The Daily Maroon is now on sale atthe Press.llemh�rs of the Cniversity havc rc_c(i\'cd announccmcnts of thc mar­BENEDICT W A L D ri::ge on Xo\'emher .. of Dr. ErnestMAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHES I \:'. Parsons, Ph:D. '12, to. MissH.:O E. alth �1N'f't I'rances Lyda Palsey of nurhngton,"I, F or WearinessGOOD �OFFEEREENWOOD \JAFEtTOSEPH SCHMIDTST.\TI0:,\a:R'-, Ton.F.T .\RTIC'I.f:S/,/\,1,: 1.1\ I�' 01·' C.I.\·IIII-:.-:n.'ir. E. Mlh St� Chlt'Rllto. III.IIII�I(J'·I,.,' (Jlltl 1)t"nr.�Ii(" 1"n(; 'IfCi"fIr·1t nml Cifln,.rttr.Patronize Our :\d\'erti�ersTheir line of g-oo(ls is the hestthe market.MAROON ADS PAY NATIONAL MENORAHCONVENTION TO BEHELD IN CHICAGOOntaria. Dr. Par:o;ons ,who rcceivedthe degree of Ph. D. summa. cum The national convention of 1\1en­laude in the Cniversity last jun(.', olah societies will be held in Chicago\\':t.....; the third to receive _that honor January 2 and 3. The local societyin tht: Dh'inity school. I!..: has re- at a meeting last night accepted theccn!ly .accept cd the pastorate of the proJlosal of the organi7.ation to meetFirst Baptist church of Saskatoon, iIi Chicago. and chose Ben BlumhergRomance Club Meets Tonight. Everyone enjoys the college paper-and a Fatima60 Falima coupon, u:ill seeure a rrl,ile $DUn p;lIoUJlop. 24 In. ,qua�. Juo,aletl u.lflh ItanJJOffIclypaIntcd fiOllJCn -12 JCJ;�ru 10 t.<lccl /f'Otn.jERREMS· MADE clothes mean morc: comfort style and general sat- iisfaction than you will g�t from the ordinary kind. IThat's because we put all our knowl �cge into buying the right sort offabrics and all our skill into making i hem properly.Hotel -----t IICumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50th Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated,"Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue Cars from Pennsyl­vania Station.li/:I',/, 1:\' .1 ('OI.I.I .. ict: .1I.l.\'u 1-:,1 1".1/ .1 WITI:" rut: ('O/.I.1:li1: .111':.\'• ...:1·/·:(·/ II. 1:.1 '1'1: .... nil: ('(I/.I.I:(il-: '1'1-:.1.11"';Ten Minutes' Walk to Thirty TheatresRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.New. Mocern and FireprooflfA�RY P. STIMSON. MANAGER I1I1·:.\III�I;.\I:TI·:m� Fill: ('11"'.\«:<)--------------------------SUITS AND OVERCOATS ';30.00 to $60.00,I ----------------------.. x. L1 �:1:.I .. :;..r�.:.it E. )Ia.li�m �il·.'.·:.� E. J:lck� Blvd. �A. N. jERREMS, Manager.TAILOR FOR •YOUNG MEN I. __ 1Thr-. �to"":W oodlawn Trust begiuniug' of printing'. Mr. Plimpton'Q, Savmas BanK is himself a publisher, a member of1204 E. 63rd Street. Chicago. the firm of Ginn and Company.TO THE FACULTY & STUDENTS I iIc is a native of Massachusetts,of the 1 where he was born in 1865, .und a.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO graduate �f .\mherst. He is � trusteeI, of Amherst co'llcne. an� ot . Barnard·This bank's well-known reputa- cr-Ilejrc and of Phillips Exlertion for sound management and 1 academy. He is treasurer of the A. loseuhine Grahamright dealing has been gained .Amcrican Political science academy • .I 1329 East FIfty-Fifth street.through nineteen years of strict and a member of the American Econ-adherence to safe methods and omic association .thc American As- Ui11inery Importations Dressmaking- considerate attention to custo, sociation for the Advancement ofmers' needs. Science, the Modern Language as-Your savings account or checking I soc�a�iol1. the Ame�ican academy ofaccount is welcome and appreci- Political and Social Science" andated here. ' various Boston and New York clubs. Florist and DecoratorERNEST W_ PARSONS,('"ml' 11",1 ill.<I!lt'cf 11,,· Il1l'!1r"f Ii"t' o] A FORMER STUDENT,("I'dYII (I lit 1 11",IIt'Rtic "'111111'118 lliP/ll",It'11 in ANNOUNCES WEDDINGp(·ctcd from all the largcr univcr�itiesin the country. from Harvard toDenver. and from M inncsota toThe f.\.1I11:tnce cluh wilt meet today Tcxas.at i :-t.5 in llarper M 12. AssociatePI ofessc,r \\,ilkin� will gi\'e an .ad­drc.�s on "The First Stanza in Guine-7.illi·s 'AI Cnr Gentir." and Mr.Oil C1ar(.'nce P.'lrll1cllter. a fellow in Ro­mance. \\'ill speak on the topic "Pro­fcs!'or Bc(lier on the 'Chanson deRoland· ... Dean Math� Returns Today.', IDean Shaill'r Mathews. of the Di-l\'inity school who was called to X ew- ,ton Center ,!\fass. hy the death of his If:tther is expected home today. He Iwilt .;;.peak at the divinity dinnerThursday I�ight. �HICAGO.. UNIVERSITY of CHICAGOCALENDARSOn Sale In CobbNOW!SOc apiece1357 E. 55th Street. �askatche\\'an. \\'hile in residence at :1" its ddegatc. :\0 definite programthe L"nh'er:,ity the last four years he lias he�n �ettled upon as yet. AI-Chinese American {( (,k acti\'c part in the work of the thcugh a halHluet to he attended hyDivinity school. and ser\'ed as secrc' a 11umhP'r of promincnt spcakers willtary oj the X�w Te�tament cluh last prohahty he held. Delegates arc ex'-\THt bAtt. Y MAttOON. W EO x ESDA Y. NOV. 20. i9i2.,PROFESSOR STEINER WILLSPEAK IN MANDEL SUNDAY VARSITY RUNNERSTAKE LIGHT WORKBEFORE LONG RACEThe Reverend�1 au de] Sunday.served as representative for The Out­look in Russia. Since that year he hasheld the chair of Applied Christianityat Grinnell. MONDAY FROM COBBgat ional ministry, he filled pastoratesat St. Cloud, 'Minnesota, and Spring- ADDRESS BOOKS TOfield and Sandusky, Ohio. In 1903 he BE DISTRIBUTED ON�\11101H; his books are "On the Trail. 1 I .""T I d ready for distribution by Monday.or t ic mnugrant, . 0 stoy an) _ .1 1\·1 ., -rt 1\1 di ""Th I I I roofs ot the directory have been re-t te _ an, re _ c itator, e m-.T·.I "" \. h C ' ccivcd from the printers and are go-rmgrn nt rue, Against t e urrent ••1 'Tl II k \'T II" ing the rounds of the several depart-an( .Ie or 'en ,\ a •mcnts for corrections . The bookswill go to press tomorrow and whenIowa-Iowa City alumni 'will give a. ready a copy will, be furnished toreception for the graduates and I each student applying for one at theformer students, next Friday. l Information office in Cobb. TO ARRANGE BASKETBALLSCHEDULE FRIDAY NIGHT(Continued from page one) rDON'T FORGET!SettlementProminent Sociologist and ClergymanCoach Comstock gave the CrossAnnounced ;;.s University Preach- of Coach Jones, who. went to llinois.er for Next Week. Country mcn light work again yes· The lllini are .expected to provetcrday afternoon, sending them overserious contender's for the title thisa short course and finishing withEdward Alfred year as Coach Jones who developedwind sprint:'. The men are all in theSt c iue r, Professor oi Applied Chris- best condition and 110 chances of inrt ian i ty at Grinnell Co llcgc, Iowa, capacitating any of them for Satur-will be the L"nin'rsity preacher at the veterans on the squad.day's run will be taken .. Dope fromLittle is known of the abilityXorthwestern concerning the teaml'rui�'s:,or Steiner is well known as Coach Minnesota, Iowa, Northwestern. Inrthere is very conservative.a ,.;oci()l()�ist and has written a num- diana and Ohio State. These teams'Lewis Orner believes he has one starIon of book s on social questions. He have plcnty of material. Ohio Statewho will finish wclt in the front andwas burn in Vienna in 1866 and was will compete in Conference athleticshe is hoping' that he will finish inl·(ltu:atcu in the public schools of for the first time since the admissionfirst place. This man is Thorsen whothat city. 11 is academic work was . .0 d- of that institution to the Conference.. has been perfornllng III a v ery eredunlO at the gymnasium, or high itable manner this year. The courseschool, or Pitscn .Bohcmia, He was I is ready for tile long grind. Asphalt, PRESIDENT TO TALK;!raduated from the University of . d d' AT PURITY BANQUETturf, soft crnders. an san are m-J l c idc lhcr g in ISS". eluded in the five mile course in or-Coming to America, he received der to test the speed and endurancet hc dl··. crce of B. D. ,from Oberlin . f h f h • hoJ of thc men. In "lew 0 t e act t at maxe t c j�anquet a lively occasionill J�II, later returning to Europe the teams have been trained un- and is anxious that the: large attend.where he did post-g-raduate work at dcr different conditions it is thought ance at the purity banquet before thethe univcr sitics of Berlin and Cot- that the variety of "footings" will Wisconsin game last year will be re-ringcn, I hg-ive them a more equa sow. pcated.After his ordination to the Congre- the star teams at Purdue is in chargethis year. \Vhite and \Voolston areIofDanceBARTLETT GYMNASIUMDecember 1,. A Thousand lor the Settlement"AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS.Assistant Professor Robertson.it is expected that the new student head of Hitchcock. and Mrs. Robert-address books for 1912-13 will be son will entertain Friday from 4 to .......6 in honor of M� and MrL Coburn ����������������.�,���������������Will Assign Parts for Sketch.Continued from page I.)ROBERTSONS 'PLANTO ENTERTAIN MR.AND MRS. COBURNof the Coburn players. nDW appearing MINSTREL SHOW PLANNEDFOR THANKSGIVING FEASTParts for the sketch written byat the Fine Arts theater. The tea willMabel O'Connor wiIl be assigned tohe held in the parlor . and receptionworn of Htichcock. Members of the members. of the Masquers at a meet- Prizes Are to Be Awarded for theDramatic club and the Blackfriars, ing this afternoon. The play will be Prettiest, Cleverest and Queer-preserued at the Upper Class eoen- t Ctire women of the various halls. and es ostumcs.sclor party to be held December 6.the men from Snell have been in-Have you subscribed for The Maroon' A minstrel show \\;11 be the attrac-tion at the Thanksgiving <spread forall University women. MargaretRhodes is in charge of the affair, Thefollowing cast has been selected: 'Interlocuter '" Alice Lee Herrick. '12End men .•............ Helem Magee,vited,AMUSEMENTSEMPRESS MAJESTICJEFFERSON LILY LANGTRY & COMPANYSSth Street and Lake Avenue.Five I:("els nightly of the Intt>St moving Based on Sardou's "A Wife's Peril,"I,it:ttlrf>:';. 111gb .class Bongs. nest of prepared expressly for the Chicagomusic by blgh class orcbcstra, Come and. engagement. -hear our new $;.500 pipe organ. Walter C Kelly, The Virginia Judge LA S 4.LL£McWaters It Tyson, The Comic Es- THE GIRL AT THE GATETHEATER63rd Street and Cottage Grove AveWeek Starting Sun.Mat.Noy 17SULLIVAN &: CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYTONIGHTBilly's Pipe Dream (comedy)JimPs Partner (drama)Rameses, King of Egypt(2 reel drama)FRANCES CLARe;GUY RAWSONIn the Picturesque Pastoral MusicalProduction, "Just Kids.". THE FOUR LUKENSThrilling Human AeroplanesARTIE NELSON AND MISSFLOYENew Dances. Songs and Many LaughsLAWRENCE AND EDWARDSIn "The N�w Alderman"DE MICHELE BROTHERSItalian Musicians in FavoriteSelections Pathe Weekly Every FricJayCurrent Events.ADMISSIONMain Floor, all seats _ • • _ • • 10Balcony, all seats. • - • - - • • • _ sc:1fOODLA� IBEATII55" 5L ... W ...... A ...The only 5c Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Ptcturess,.clalf __ .... _ ....GAUMONT WEEKLY £VEaY TllUaSDAYCwn .. n ....MD OTIIU PlCTUIl£S7:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-30cA MEIICAN II1JSIC IAI1PRIMROSE & DOCKSTADERGrand Minstrel Jubilee.Triumphant Return ofEVA TANGUAYAmerica's Favorite Vaudeville StarGaby? Percy Waram & Co.; The Hess pOWERSSisters;' Bud and Nellie Heine; Jung· David Belasco presentsman Family; Arline and Adler; Gray A new play by Frederic and Fannqand Graham. Locke Hatton.'YEARS OF DISCRETION'With the Seasons' best cast.CORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic SenMrioa. OLYIMPICI Henry W. Savaae'.'!'be IULUOIf;... _' .. :�. (Lady De Bathe)Playing "The Test." BLACKSTONEKlaw " Erlaneer preselltiUGMILES�NES 185sance of VaudevilleMilo Beldon & Co.; Bla�che Mehaf­f�y and Herbert Cyril; Paul Sandor'scircus; Lew Brice It Lillian Gonne;-----------------------------..Flying W caven. Florence RothermelBones •.......... Dorothy LewellynEdith LindsayTambourines Mabel BeckerMargaret RhodcsClogs .........• Hilda Mac ClintockHarriet Tuthill.The Season's Best Muskal Comedy Minstrels--Suzanl1'c Fisher, Charlottewith the "La Salle's Best Cast!" Viall. Edith Smith, H. Louise Mick,Pop. Mat. Tues. & Thurs. 2SC to $1 and Jane Graff, '12. Ruth Agar andHelen Wilson have charge of theGARRICKLINA ABARBANELLIn the Sparkling Operetta"MISS PRINCESS" pRINCESS'Wm. A. B ... d,. PrdenuThe Fint Chic:aco Performaac:e ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. BroadJltnt.An American Play of To-cIq music.To induce the women to appear incostume. prizes will be awarded tothose wearing the cleverest. theprettiest. and the queerest costumes.Miss Robinson, �pol)sor for theNeighborhood clubs, Lynne Sullivan,CllAN'S ,aUDRaymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOW Phoebe dover ,AnnieCHICAGO �nd Augusta SwawiteJudges.OPERA HOUSE Louise Fordwill act asCOLONIALEvenings Precisely at 8Matinees Wednesday and Saturdaysat 2-BEN-HURILLINOIS Return of Last Season'. BaeatMusical Comedy HitDONALD BRIANand Orginal Company IntactTHE SIRENTHEATER TICKETS.The best seats in the house 'may b� Fledging Announced.Phi Ucla Dclta anounccs the pledg­ing oi Margaret Angura.HAND PAINTED CHINAChristmas Cijt» and PrizesClass or private instruction.Designs to rent. China Fired.Mrs. L. WoodTAKING THINGS EASY procured at the same price you wouldA I Prod ed b M H _L tt 5710 Madison Ave, Tel Midway 5945new p ay uc y r, a\;&e pay at the box office by merely step.withCYRIL SCOTTSTUDEBAKERMY LITTLE FRIENDA New Comic Opera�OscarSu.. ping into the Maroon office to put inyour order.The th�ten we 1wa41� �:Garrick Theater.PriDceu 'fteateI'.A-.I._._ .... .lAS. E. COWHEYMens' FurnishinasBILLIARD HALLCigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco1001 and 1001 � East 55th Street.s. E. Comer Ellis Ave.