m t matiy flurnnttVUL. xi. 1\0. 36. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESIJA v, XOV. l�, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.IWNOIS IS EASILY BEATENWANT BOOSTERS FORLAST MASS MEETING VARSITY DEBATERS SELECfED FACULTY DISAGiW: ONVALUE OF NEW BIBLE Aner Long Delay .t"hilacielphia Com-OPERA OFFERS RATES TO PENN VARSITY STARTS WORKFOil MINNESOTA GAME'.Conrad, Cook, Hammond. Hunt,Peters, Soble Will Form the Var-!)ity Teams, and Fine, Knudson, Profeuon Foster aacl 80ares ud Mr.Bar Are the Alternates. Merrifield Disc... Merits ofBaptiSt P.blicatien. pany Again Grants ConceSSlon 'tv�tU(1ellulI�cbeme ):(esembles Plan Coau Stag Gins MeD Rest F.llowiDgtor University. Hard Fi,k Bat Promises Scrim-mage TodayDoD RiUbeI'l '01 aDd James WeberLiDD '97 Will Be bODg Speak-ers Thursday NightSix, men and three alternates were For thc tifth consecutive year grandopera reduction privileges are to beCOUNT ON RECORDATTEN DANCE chosen to constitute the Varsity de­hating- squad at the tryouts held last SAYS NO C"tnte" �UD USE 1Tgranted tu members of the Li niversity ChiCCl'�o Secures 'fen Points At;ainstIllini-Lawler Is Star atQuarter Back.Senior Men Invited to Attend Annual night in Harper assembly room. The Foster Declar es that N'J.w Volume" .. � of Pennsylvania. The low raves 101men chosen were Conrad, Cook, Has Not Received 'baptist Con- seats will be granted to all students!J l ammoud, l Iunt, Peters, Soble, while ' AFerence's pproval, raculty members and employes of theFootball Dinner at UniversityClub Tomorrow. 'the alternates arc Fine, Knudsen,D ld 1'" II . ,I J I '11 v.mvcrsrty. F 11 . I . 1 t Coachona u \.IC 1 rcr g; 01, auu ames narr. The two teams c rosen WI Faculty opinion is divided in rc- '0 owmg rrs usua cus 0111,Owing to some abuse of the re-Weber L inn, '�i will speak at the last r orupe tv against Michignu and North- ganl to the new version of the Bible Stagg gave the Varsity a rest yestcr-ductiou privileges by Philadelphiansissued yesterday hy the American day following the Illinois game. Al-rast season the men at the head ofsot a mass meeting in Mandel at i:30 Two debates, in each of which I'upt ist Publication society. The new though none of the men were-injuredthe Metropolitan Opera company didThursday night. Richbcrg will act as three men competed on a side consti- Bihlc employs few of the archaic in the game there were enoughI . f I I . ,I I I The subject .11'.;.- 110t wish to extend the privilege to bruises to warra nt the rest, Tile teamrue rcpre sentatrve 0 t ie a uuuu anu t uter t re tryouts.' u � - 1.1' I' K' J .... Jror ms emp oyeu 111 t ie II1g ames the members of the university thisLinn (If the faculty. cussed. "the proposed monetary re- ver siou, dropping the "eth" from was only run through a short signaleo year. At the beginning of the yearCoach Stag-g. Assistant Coaches form wilt he subject for thc triangular most of the verbs. Twt�nticth century drill. Scrimmage will probably ber· I S C' tai C t r ' . ." I T 1 ' thcy flatly refused to do so, but held today,a�e aut auvr, ap am arpen e, v arsrry ue latcs., we \'1..' men com- I" . bsti j;. it· u, let Ion IS su strtutcd III a nost cvcry prominent students together with rep.and urcrubcrs of the team wilt be pet cd last night. case. Among the passages which '�oach Stagg was pleased witllthccalled Oil fur short and snappy talks. have suffered the greatest changes resentatives of The Pennsylvanian, showing that the team made in the. Y. M. C. A_ OPENS CAMPAIGN the daily paper of the university,Page, who has seen Minnesota III arc the eoumunulmems and the Lord's game against I llinois. He said thatseveral games this year, is expected FOR LARGER MEMBERSHIP pointed out that the existance of a the defense was the most consistent-- . prayer. capable checking system at the uni-10 tcll of the streng-th of the Gopher' Sixty Men Will Lend Aid-Each Man t Various opinions were expressed that has been shown this season whileteam and the chances of Chicago in Asked to See Ten Other versity would provide efficient means the offense showed a- great improve-the game Saturrlav. Men. yesterday by members of the Divinity ior the identification of students a.s ment,.; school faculty concerning the "New fSix to Play Last Game. thcy applied or the privilege. I t I Sh, flY M C \ i mprovcd Bible." U - W mprovemen sown.Captain Carpenter, Paine, \Vhitc- SIxty men 0 t ie . . .•. com- mversity ill Assist. �'The team showed a consistent de-Lawler .nis sions in the University will aid in "The whole matter is of no conse- After much discussion the reduced Iense," lie said, .. ag ..... inst the strorurside, Scllcr:" Freeman, and .. ... U"U .., b. Ior fhc i n,ucnce," said Professor George Bur- t-will play their last football game for the present campaIgn or t lC Increase rates were allOwed upon the promise llHnois offenes. The men played bct-.11 lll··lllb··rslll·l>. E· acll of the"'e mcn man Foster, of thc dcpartment of (\f II . 't th 't' t . -tCI ' .t l\1! t I .... ....... IC umverSl y au on les 0 a'SSlS l'>r� than 1 llave seen tllelll play till'."alcago agaan� . Inneso a an(, a:; a Comparative Relimon. "In the first .... ":ill sclect ten men from a list in the b' in kccping a record of the s.tudentsCOliSl (jllencc, wilt appcar as memher� hY. M. C. A. oflicc and will sec these place, it was 11lOt published by t eof the t\.am at their last mass meetingSl'J)(boII for the team at the Minuc- wcst e rn.who use thc tickets.One IOf the concessions of theOpera Company is that it grants six- season. The offense was also muchittiptUved, Pierce on one Qccasiolllent hali th,e field in si" line huck�:" .,The Varsity will put in a hard weekof pfac.tict: in preparation for theMiiniesota game. Upon the result ofihis �ame depends thc standillg ofcn ml�n ahout joining the association. authority of the Baptist. conference,Thur.!'tlay .llcn'spapc'r fhe campai .. n bel!3.n yc.-;tcrday and nor has it, 'as yet, the sanction of thc:\ special issue of a n b bwilt continul! until a week from to- l�aptist dcnomination. The newspa- tecn reduced rate cards to the mem-modeled on' The Daily Grin of lastpers have mcrely played it up moreyt..ar's ma� nu!ct;ngs. containing .. thc ,11orrow )Vhcn the results will bc an-. her� oi, any fraternity �hich � de�resIlounccd. strongly- tIian it deserves, . and'- 'now to attend a production in a b_ody·. Theprogram, yells and songs, and special .that they realize it, they will drop it'f 'f tar II harticles 011 thc football situation at ,\ nlOllg those on the commissions um orm pnce 0 a dol is a t at ,olh teams. The victor will have un-S··· I' 11 C 1" and we will not hear of it any more." is asked for any seat tlnder the PennChicago will he distrihutcd among the .J r':: el1lors:.ue, arpentcr, ame, alispiited possession of second place ins.tudents and alunini present at the Lanning, McLane, Holtingsworth, Will Not Be Used in Churches. student agrecment. the cbnierence race, while the loser"The book will probably not bemceting. The papcr will probably be 1,-uh, Kcnnicott, Donovan; Juniors� Anyone connected with the Uni- win be in third place.S I. MId L .1 uscd in the churchcs. Most Baptists versity of PC1lnsylvania is climbIe formade up of four small l)ages. Lyman, tansuury, 0 an er, unue, 0- The victory over Illinois by the1 arodies on popular songs and a .5imoud, \Vright, Castlemen, Dicker- (Conunued on page 4) the discount offered. Actording to the .c·oh; of )0 to 0 last Sturday showcdshort 1)laylet wilt he presented bc- son, Curtis, Perlec, Shilt,pn, Ellis; �he scheme proposed for the Univer- the unquestioned superiority of Chica-twccn the speechl's. The words for _"uphomores� Coultcr, Miller, Wclls, FIRE DRILL DI.kECTIONS sity, only mcmbers of the Opera as- go over the downstate team. At n,oj' •I St }' I r L n·1 yr 'n sociation will be al'�--ed to recel'v'ethese arc' now being· written by \.Cl(, CVClllson, a me, u ug e , IIVW tUne was Chicago in. serious dangerDonald llreed and Hiram Kennicot� _5ykes; Freshmen� MacGrcgor, \Vhit· Students are requested to bear in he discount. Any student, or mem- of being scored upon, while IllinoisThe hand and lllemhl'rs of the Glee .ll�, l{etickcr, Tufts, Redmon, Shull, mina lhe touoWlng airections in con- her of the University faculty is elig- ..... a�at the mercy of C.hicago through­duh wilt assist, and cvery effort will �hatTer, Croft, Dcnson, 'Hatchcr, Mor- nection with fire drills to be hela hlc to mcmbership in the local as- out the game.he made to kecp thc enthusiasm at is, \Vizer and Parr. ,t't.uCJw�auy in Cobb Hall. sociation upon payment of fifty cents. Chicago played the lliini off thcirthe proper pitch from lJcgll1ning to Since Mr. nickham took charge of (I) On tt.-! sounding of the fire ieet in the first ten miuutcs of playend. ,he 1. M. C. A. work in the Univer- gongs the students will rise and stann FOUR LOWER JUNIOR fhe ball was rt'Covcred closc to theInvite Cooperation and Support. ,;;ty h\! has adapted the organiz..'ltion at attention ready to follow the in- FINALISTS TO TALK Hlinc,is goal on a fumble and KenncdyLctters to thc fraternities, ,,"omcns hc work of the University cnviron structor from the room on receiving ON STUDENT HONOR .at full back, wenlt over for thc onlycluhs, houscs and halls ur�ing th� ,nent. This organization consists of lhe appropriate order from him touchdown of thc gamc. Scllersmcmhers to attcnd and "hoost" thc ,lIIe unilied association. with mcmbers (2) The class will proceed in siIlgI.� ''T�IC Honor Sentiment" will be the kicked an easy goal. The other scoremeetin;.:: have heen sent out by the i'rom all the cotl(.'gcs and schools oi file to the nearest fire escape exit, "uhject of the extempore speaking (arne in the third quarter when Sctlerscc.mmittee in chargc. ::-:;:-.\..,li.";OnS �hc Lnivcrsity. From thc membcrs. passing in front or the same and re- l'ontc!">t to he he,d this aftcrnoon at .it:ked a licld goal from thc 18 yardpoint to a record crowd and the :o11l111issiollS arc appointed in cach of turning to the r.:citation room. The J:I,5 ill Kent theater. The contestants .nt.A beautiful forward pass, �or­halcony as usual witl he rescrved for .he undcrgraduatc classes an.d in such front rows will leave the room first, are: J. \V. Chapman, Leigh LaWl'ence, �ren to 'Vruwink, had hrought thethe use of thc womcn. :.rradllaic schools as the' work de- followed in ord�r by each successiv.! S. P. Me\.'k, and Rohert Allais. Each hall within striking distancc oi theV" 1 . TI chairmen of these will· hc allowed six minutes in whichA bon-tire will he li�hted on 11\- \"C OpS lll. IC •row. �()al before this play.cent field at thc completion of the cOl11mis:;ions constitute a student cx- (3) Classes in the rooms on the 10 spcak on the subject. The prize o£- Chitago showcd morc plays andI,rogram in Mandcl. Material is he- :culh·e rouncil with power to corrcl' west side of the conidor will execute fen>d is' a forty dolJar scholarship. more aggres.-"iveness than Illinoi:" anding collcctl'd hy the pledgcs of the 'ltc the work throughout thc Univcr- the drill first, those in rooms farthest .Judges will he chosen from the Uni- his game was also thc first gamc inThrec Quarters club who will also �ity.· This work is admini:,tcrcd by an frcm the e�ape preceding those near- "'('rsity farulties. Thc, contest is open shich Chicago showed real t3ckling::lkc carc of thc decoration of thc hall. ;ulmini .. trativc council composcd ofer. Rooms on the �ast side of the to the public. ability. In thl! fourth (IUarter the"The succes:, of this m;}:;s llleeting rcpresentativcs from thc f:}culty. corridor will be emptied after the ------ Ulini hccanlc dc�pcratc ancl tri("d des-will clepcn(1 upon the prcscl'..CC of ey' ahlml�i. friend�. and st\utc:'nts, thc clas�es on the west side have re- Dean's Father Dies. aatc1y to scorc. Silk1llan madl' acry student;' !'aid Chn'rit-aticr :\1at- �'hairmen (Of the commissions serving turned to tlleir rooms. nl'an Mathcws Idt for Newton lnng forward pas� to Matlwrs. anllthews yestenlay. ".\n intercsting as tll\' �tnlknt rcprc�entati\'e:" on thi!' (4) Fire Marshals will be stationed cl·ntt'r. �Ias:" .• yestedray to attend with a clc:'ar field for a touchdown, h�1)1' J.!ram has been arrangcd and the 11ministrativc council. at the head of the stairs on each floor the inncral of his father who died ',ecamc excit('d and droppell the hall,mcmhcrs of the commit�ee arC' cOllnt- Program Committee to Meet. i'cnd any orders issued by them are to �\lnll:\y. Tkan Mathews is expected This was the only chal:ce that theing on a rccord attcndance of loyal :\u�\1!:ta Swawite, chairman of the be immediately obeyed. 'i, return' tomorrow. l11ini had to score cxc('pt wh('n Silk-Chica�1) mcn and womcn. Every pr(O�ram committcc for Chica�o ni�ht The drill is desigr..!d to secure three ---- man tried to kick a �oal from the"hoosl" for thc ma.ss mcctin� will will lllc('t the mc:'mhers of her com' main results: first, familiarity witla Freshman Athl·�tic Club to Meet. �orty-fi\'e yard line and failell.help makc this last :,end'olT for the mittee; Xanry �1i11er. Miriam \Vhalin the location of the fire escapes, Thc Freshman Athletic c1nh will Men Are Stars,t 1 S C " d ss· response to l,r,I(1 a l11c:'etinfY at the house of Adelle 1 'L' I I' Icam a rca . n cess. norothy Llcwc11yn, Leone Hemin�- sec on • promptne In ,.. Gray, Kor�r(.'n an( "cnnc( y (11H l� F tb II D' Tomorrow h fi at d tho .:I or�"rly T� "Ilkcl -'31 Greenwood a\'entle tn, 11 ,-011 00 a mnervay. and Ma(lcline McKinley. in Lex' t e r� arm, an Ir..., an -.. ·r.. ,=' �I)od 1Vork in the hackti(' (, ..... orgrenTIle Ann,ual Foothall dinacr of the d t t' method of reachinG' morrow at 4. A11 members ate invitoington Ncighhorhoo(1 room at ':'5 to- an sys �ma IC •day. the escapes. (Continued 01'1 page 4)(Continued on page 4) cd.�ITil! DAILY MAROON. Tl;E5DAY, XOV. 19. 19t�.Elmer Gruer an assistant in thedepartment of Chemistry severely cuthis face and tongue in an explosion inKent yesterday afternoon. Overheat-The Daily Maroon Bulletin and Announcements.Chapel Assembly-Senior colleges, Settlement Dance-Meeting Re-J.?:15 .Mandel, freshment committee, tomorrow, 12:15Presbyterian Tea-League room 4. Cobb 6A. Entertainment committee.,Mrs. Potter \,;11 speak. All Presby: 12:15 Cobb 9B..tcriaus invited. Settlement Dance-Orchestra prac-Botanical Club-Illustrated lecture rice in Reynolds club theater.by Mr. Fuller on "A Itotanical Ex- Romance Club-Tomorrow, i:4�.cursion to the Saguenay River," 4 :30, Harper 12.Uotany 13. Marshals and Aides-Picture forCap and Gown. I : 15Volunteer Band-7:15. Lexington.Haskell west steps. Bring caps.Education Club-j :30. Belfield 159· Junior Chapel-\Vomcn ThursdayTh. FOI'III,'I['I)'1·lli\·,·r�:.y "r ':!::':<i .. O \\',·.:kly. Thursday1 'u!.JI is.:ll",l Jaily "x�""l.t Sunoays. llonJaYIl •a n-I h..,:i.L1ys OU1·j·ll!; tl)'r<� quart .. � or th e •l'l�i \·...rs�:y year, . Address by former Superintendent ofl.l: 15. Mandel.Schools E. G. Cooley on "Industrial Settlement Dance-Committee chair'men, 2:15. Cobb 6A.Mass Meeting for Minnesota game.!\fanllel, Thursday, j :30,Le Cercle Francais-MeetingThursday, 4, Lexington' 8.Philharmonic Society-Thursday,Chorus rehearsal and orchestral prac­tice, Mandel.Education."I':nld·,.,j as scoon-I-ctass marl a.t <l!h! OhiC:li.-O1 ',.·s;-oITin·, Chi=;;v. Ill., llarch 1�. l�S, un­Jel' .\,,: o! llardl 3, 1�'i3. Biological Club-Address by Pro­fessor Carlson on "Some New Ob­servations on the Physiology of theHuman Stomach." "The Place ofFormation of the Hydrochloric Acidin the Stomach" by Professors Bens­ley and Harvey, 7 :45. Quadrangleclub.Chicago Night for Chicago Women Norwegian, "The Origin of Wcl­haven's Poem 'Asgaardsreicn'" byMr. James C. M. Hanson, Thursday.7 :30, Cobb 6A.German Club-Friday classes illfiUBSCRIPTION BATBSl�y carrt-r, *:!.:'O a y,:ar; $1.00 aby rua i i, ��;.tI\) a year ; U.:'::' a. QU3Ner.Ediluria!·l:usitH ..·:-S oHicl'S, Bills :!4 Telc·!,lItlIlC )litlway suo, )lull llox "0" J..·ucul­ty Exchun.::c.Scandinavian Club-Address)Ianagillg Etlitor lIb'am K�DD1eott�e\nl Editor - - - - WoD Stolz.\thleUc Editor - - - Bernard UDl_ky -Meeting of Program committee,Uu"illl'!;M )Illuager - - - Burd�tte .Malit Xcighborhood room, Lexington, 1 :15.chairmen,ASSOC1&TE EDITOBS,Walter Foute .. Martin Stevers.William Lyman ..•••• John PerleeSamuel Kaplan ...•. Harry GorgasHolgcr Lollesgard .. George LymanClyde Watkins .. George CottinghamGrace Hotchkiss.. Sarah Reinwald Meeting of all committee,eighborhood room, 4:15.Chapel Assembly-The conversation and solos by membersDivinity of club. 4, Lexington 3 and 4.Mathematical Club-Meeting Fri-School. tomorrow, 12:15, Haskell.Y. W. C. L.-Meeting tomorrow, day 4:15. Ryerson 37.12:15. Lexington Universi� Football Game-c-ChicazSettlement Dance-Reception com- \ s. Minnesota, Saturday, MarshallPrtn ted by llaroon Preas, �11 Cot.tace GroTe.rnittee meeting tomorrow. a, Foster. field. 2.··.;n·o the ",port�r bali IUl o«k�. anti,,·ith ('It'ur t'YftI and bonl"Mt lancuac�. mayun\t'll inJu"ti� Dntl point the way toIlroJ:� .... "-K. I.. S.<fbitorial HaveFRESHMEN WILL BUILD FIRE ACCIDENT SLIGHTLYINJURES ASSISTANTIN KENT YESTERDAYThree Quarters Club MenStrenuous Week Ahead.What has become of the habit 01rising when the President or theThree Quarters club men have aDean enters Mandel atstrenuous week ahead of them. Regu­chapel exercises? This lar meetings will be held on Tuesday,was a custom founded Wednesday. and Friday and specialupon solid grounds.of meetings Thursday and Saturday.Thursday the men will build anotherStudenting a therrnit mixture caused the ex' TO RENT-Attractive front parlorplosion, Gruer probably saved the South exposure, with or withoutsight of his right eye, by wearing his board, cheap, 5822 Drexel Avenue,Miss Willison.courtesy and respect, J .. et us returnto it. An excellent paper on this sub­bonfire which will be lighted after the 'asses at the time of the explosionjed has been written as an English Minnesota mass meeting; The first The right glass of his spectacles wasexercise and was kindly tendered FOR RENT Elegant large frontyear men will also assist in the dec' split in two. After an examination. -..The Daily Maroon by the instructor. 1 S' li declared that room suitable for onc or two. Ev-oration of Mandel. • Professor treg itzThe article follows: cry modern convenience, BreakfastThe entire club will perform be' Gruer's injuries were not serious."I I h pel • optional. Reasonable 6151 Kirnbarkn our regu ar c a exercisestween the halves at the Minnesotahas not the question of studentgame. Preliminary reports have it SPECIAL RATES AREcourtesy occurred at some time or that the club may put some kind of OFFERED FOR PLAYSrooms andother to most of us? One occasion in OF COBURN PLAYERS FOR RENT-Furnished)Iay or spectacle before the public light housekeeping rooms. Singleparticular which should demand rec- ins-tead of the usual relay race and or en suite. All conveniences. 6104ognition on the part of the student Special rates wI'11 he eivcn to Un i-.... foothall game. At any rate, gay cos- ro.' Washington avenue. Tel. Midwaybody. is the entrance into the hall pf tumes will be rampant. versity students in parties of ten or 3102.the speaker with the other presiding Two non-fraternity men have been more attending the performances offaculty members. Where this en- pledged to the club this year in an ef- the Coburn players who are present­trance is from the corridor ing classic drama at the Fine Artsfort to become more representative ofat the back with organ and theater this week. Several classes arethe class at large. These men, Fisherchoir cacompaniment, there is no and Lynch are now hastening around planning to go in a body. Anyonereason why it should not be instantly with the rest of the "its." desiring' to make arrangements to at-recognized by the audience quietly tend or wishing further informationrising to their feet, just as in the reg- COUNCIL INSTALLS may apply to Assistant Professor FOR RENT-Suitc of rooms. :\1:'0ular Sunday morning service. Ever FOUR PRESIDENTS Robertson at his office in Harper rooms for light housekeeping; 5i�.�when the entrance is without cere- ELECTED ON FRIDAY Library. Drexel Avenue. Flat 2. Hyde Parkmony by way of the stage, the atten- .5601.Go\'('�rnl1lent supervision,Harvard-The sixth annual concert CAPITA!.. $200,000of the Harvard and Dartmouth Glee. 3 PER CENT ON SAVING�Mandolin. and nanjo cluhs was heM HYDE llARK STATE BANKin noston last Friday night. co .... !] 0'" nv.'" ....... c AveCourtesy.rion of the student body makes pos- I nstallation of four new members NEWS OF THE COLLEGESsible a reasonably concerted sign of was the only business transacted bycspect, Perhaps it is our national the Undergraduate council at its CorneJ1--Two hundred and fiftyDemocratic notions that makes it pOS' meeting yesterday afternoon in Har- runners lined up for the annual inter­sible for the present conditions to �x· r. The new officers are the pres college cross country .race at Cornellist in an institution of the rank of the dents of the four classes elected Fri- A course approximately four and one'University of Chicago. On the other day. Gl'Orge Kuh from the Senior class dghth miles in length was covered hyhand, it may be well to remember that Ernest Reichmann from the Junior the runners.no one loses by personal courtesy and class, Donald Delany from the Sopho-that every person, rather, gains by it." more class, and \VilIiam Ewart from Northwestern-A serious hreach ofHere is a !"entiment that might well the Freshman class. the Interfraternity rules cau:,cd thehe reflected in ev.:ry undergr;t1uate's suspension of the Sigma Alphaactions. It is not in the least un' Cornell-The Cornlrll Alumni as' Epsilon fraternity from the CounciLdemocratic to pay respect to those sociation entertainect its rooters at a at !\orthwestern .�ho have so acted as to win our re- huge smoker, held in Detroit. last Fri­sp·:ct. We are glad to rise when our day.football team run:, on the field; wedo not consider that by so doing we Mich!g;n-Dr. G, F. May. physicalhave in any way sacrificed our demo- director of the l7nivcrsity of Michi.cratie ideals. How much mor� willing gall has inc1ucted a "strength test" inwe should be to rise and pay all pos .. the phy:-oical examination for Fresh.sible courtesy to the great men who men. It consists of "chinning" anctteach us how to live! "dipping" on the parallel bars. Pardue-·Mr. \V. R. Patterson. aChicago engineer, addressed Purdue.in an illustrated travel talk on Jap:m. IMPORTED MINIATURI:SEach pacl..age baa oneEvery sweetheart WOlr.b cncWhen you see them youreyea won't behaveLock the doors! Close' the trindotrs !DOIl't let anybody more ! Here's thoENClJAN11:.LJ Cigarette.HOW DID THEY HAPPEN?This way-For "200 years cigarette makers mixed and tinkeredand guessed.They couldn't blend Turkish tobacco :m:l Virginia­To get the PERFECT FLAVOR they knew was there.The other day a genius came along and, DID it.Don't wait -light one.inDR��.20/"t 15cenUZUBELDA'·U �,"� ISHe VIRGINIACIGARETTESCLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSSHIRTSavenue, end flat. Distinctive PatternsPerfect Fit .fEARL & WILSONcr R£d-lVz n CellarsFOUND-Yesterday at corner ofLexington avenue and Fifty-fifthstreet .a pocket book. \Vill he rc-turncd upon satisfactorytion. 54 Green Hall. dcscrip-DERBY HATS AREIndispensable to thewell-dressed collegeman. We have themin pleasing variety. Alsosoft hats of distinction-at prices that areright. College men wel­comed.e_J9JI.I.D.C._C ..The nearest hank to the Uni·versity allc) the only Bank be·tW<'CIi 43rd and 63rd street eastof C()ttage Grove ave. under State B. L. AMES HAT CO.Tribune Building .. 35 W. MadisonFor WearinessGOOD rOFFEEREENWOOD \JAFE1357 E. 55th Street.Chinese AmericanTHE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, NOV. 19, 19f2.ARROWSHIRTSThe makers dependon their good qual­i ties to sell youanother bearing thesame label.$1.50 upCluett. l'<'3hoo1)" .':. Company, :'.Iakl.'rs� Stationery Cabinetskf'f'p .. nollJ;h !!t"tl()n('r�' at h:1nd tor ('tlrr"'"use, Soll,1 Quartt'fI'd Oa lc, han,l!'omely nnl"he.l. $3.00. t:xllrt'1411 I'ultl. (S�'e nore.)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEhoM!! :!n.ono Idt"r:o orJlRp.,ra Bl,2xll III('h,'�.souu, subst an uu].Gol.len. Natural o r"'eathcrNI flnl!'h.'Lo:'lIwerli a re 111I",t·pr oot a 11.1 011 roil ....b.'urlnl;s. Fr"h:h tpaill. (Sec not c.)'1:":5.Ge t Cntal •• 1; show­Ill"; plall,- h:llllh', In­l'xpcnlOh'e omce de­vtc .. " anti S.·�·tIO!I'I'bo .. ke",,('!'. Bouk let.... ·llIng SUggl,,,tlotlll"alto fH'e.NOTF..-Frdl:ht orEXIlres" paltl ISl,IuotNI til point" .. " .. tof Montuna, "')'om­lng, Cotor a.Io, OkJa.noma an.1 T"x",..SII';htly hl£her be­Y(\n.l.FILING DE� KScombine drawer!! In hand�oml': desk. Theftlf'1I you want at your tlng�'r tlpll. See oneat your dl'alcrs. Frcight paid $:=3.00. (S"enote).THE�a;":,IANUFACTURING CO87 Union St. !\IUXRUE, MICllChicago DisplaY-51 x-I5 S. Wabash(,',,:::.' f'It" ill'''!lf'ct flU' ''''·!If· ... t lille fl'(f,"";!/II '"1,1 tifllll"/itiC "',,,,/1'.1>1 fri·.l1l"ynt in1I111lt: /',,"','. (jill' d"I1'01 III'{' IIfT{f'd;flII in""lIe";al, .�tll/t'. m!d Irfll·"""'I1!,�11i/l.BENEDICT W A L !)MAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHESl-tl:t J:. ;;;;th Stn-C'tTf'I. ..,.e1p I"urk �Rfic).it will he to your illll're�t to c:lllat one of our �tflrc!' :llld ha\'(.' "ur('':I(pt'rt (k11lol1�tratc .ill!'t what th�'Challlpi()l1� us\,- and how.1 i you can't call. t IH'Il :o-cl1l1 forour H)I..! catalogue-a )Il'rll,al ofwhich will show yon how com­plete i� our line oj Gn1i requisites. at Northwestern in Practice forConference Run Saturday-Club \\'hel1 the shadows slope and deepen;Try-Outs Friday, Mystic voices c:,11 to me,-Crimsou islands of the sunsetTEAM VISITS SCENE] OF RACECross Country M,::n Go Over Groundl'cadl Cunlstock took the cross SOMETHING TO RBAD.INTIMATIONS.J:/_'CkOIl from a violet sea,COIlL.I r y team toIt'l'll;,y ait ,'rno(tn Xorthwcst ern yes-to !-!,o over the And I hear the music swelling,As of spirits bright and fair;tv r d a y ai:l'rn(l(\n to go over the('"nft'n'lIl'l' race next Sa t urday Xo I n the regions beatific,Where the days arc frec from care,dIllrt was made to cover the coursej in �-()I)(I t i me hut rather to learn theI Then I sec a lig-ht celestial.ront«. Such smooth sailin� as memvn ha \'I .. ' been accustomed to on thenot \ Vhcn the augcls' great TcrsanctusFilled Judea's midnight sky.wasf"tllld hut few hills must he overcome����������������, and the course was considered a veryThus the soul of man has visions,iair o nc. Some of the �roltnu is g-i\ .. As thc shepherds saw on high:Like a glimpse across thc verge,il;g pllllr f\lllting and at another placeOf the glad transcendent order,it is n cc e s sn ry to run several blocks• .n aSI)ilalt.The run Saturday will start about1:';0 an d will finish on Xorthwe sterntit'ld ill f ront of the g-rand standsshortly before the start of the North-Thomas Henry ntiggcrsonwcstc r nLlliuoi« game. This will gi\'c '.ong-('(: for a dcprce,t lrosc assembled for the football"Like to signBut the poor man wasn't eve':l t-2-3.Ladies! Save MODey and Kdp in I Thomas Hcnry BHggcr..5on=�== Style by Reading McCall's � ow has his degrce.Magazine and. Using McCaBPatterDs Each thing sentMcCaJr. Macazi •• wlll His estahlishmcntM�CAU:S MAliAZIHE bell) you dr('� styl-ishly at a rnodernte Hcars mystic letters three.expense by kccplngyon posted on tbo�i��b�/:l�Jllb�'\� � There wa.. no morc cash in hisNew Fasblon Dcsllmsin each Issuc_ Also treasury,��h!��lgo!�r��a�� :\n<1 11<' wcnt down lnt(') hankruptcy.sonal matters. OnlyliOc a yenr. includinga rreo lln ttern. Su!)­_-.., .............. _ scrioo today or sendror rrec sam pIc copy..ceaD Pattens will ennblo yon to make In youro'l'\"n home, \\'ilh y()urown hands. clothln� ror}"ollrsclC nnd children whlcb will be perrcc�In style nlld fit. Prlce-nono hl,::her tban Uicents. Send ror rreo Pattern Catalogue. ,W. WiD Gift Y .. r... PreaaIa ror Irotllns: sub.':crlptions nmons: your rrlends. Send rorrl'C()Premium Cn:!lloJ:t1c and Cash Prbo Orrer,m.au COIPART. m .. zeWal376 a._lUllspril1'� a surp rise Coach Comstock isIook iiu; for Chicago to Iirrish well.Friday aftcrnoon at .. the Crosscountry cluh tryouts will he _hcld andtho .. c who did not make the team willhe �i\"cl1 an opportunity to make the111h . The first eight finishing will beelected to mcmbcship and wilt hereceived at a dinner next Mondaycve nirur in the private dining room ofthe Commons.��;lIl1e an opportunity to see the finishThis name of mineI.j the C.)nfl'rence run. Coach Com-k With a tail of LL.D.,"-t ock \\ ill �i\'e his men light wor xI rlmill� t hc -\\"l'ek and it is doubtful, "Or a Ph.D .. or a plain A ;B.,I whc t h c r t hey will cover five miles anyOr any old letters would give mcniuhr. \\-ind sprints will he used andthe men will practice on the pacewhich they will set and attempt to"old t h roug hout the run Saturday.To a school and a college and al'nlt'ss other teams in the ConferenceOpcn Day and Night.:;ARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. II. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn Street:�xp('r' �fanicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert ChiroporlistJOSEPH SCHMIDT�T.\TIO�.:R\·, TOII,F.T ,\RTICI,F.Sn\/; 1.1.\1: or C.lxnlF.,qis, the hest oj tlll'ir kind.and all of Spalding Quality, that !I.if) F.. 5."Hh St. Chlf'llCO, nl.A, G, Spalding & Bros '111:'()"frtl '11111 ()flm(',�ti(' I,inc of("if/fJrll nlld Cifltrr(;ftu l ut o which this lifc shall merge .J. V. x., '16.BLIGGERSON'S DEGREESaid he,�lee."And he gave awayAll his cash one daylihrarce.Thomas Hcnry BliggersonLooked for his rlegrc�­Watched the mailTilt hope would fail,For a note to give him glee.You see,He fully expected he wottld he,At once created an X. Y. Z.,Or an LL.D .•Or a plain A. R;You seeSo the credit men,\Vith a lar�e fat pcn,\Vrite "T. H. Bliggerson. C. 0. D."-Baltimore AmericanHeat RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SERVICETHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDInst.alled in the Universityof Chicago Buildings.Complete Systems forall Methods of "eatingS tea m Control of HumidityReducing Valves for Air,Water, Hot Water TankRegulationsJohnSOD- ServiceCo.H. J. GILSON, Manaeer,The Daily Maroon is now on sale at lChicago, III the Press. Chica�o Offic.�.117 DEARBORN STREET�8-30 So, \Vallash Ave. TYP£WRITERS RENTED: '.$5.00 for _ Three MonthsEvery machine guaranteed to be in fiDe working order, and will bekept so durinc term of rentalWe deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you cau-- Save 5C to 75 per cent.We are all strainingour eyes to see whatthe comingyears havein store for us.Alright! Butlooking forwardus not forgetblessings that areours today. inletthePast, Present andFuture are rose-huedwhen you view themthrough fragrant Vel­vet smoke. Its flavornever ceases to please;its smoothness alwayssatisfies.Telephone Harri 30n 6�88-6399AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANYUNCORPORATED)Chicago, IlL\I JERREMS-MADE clothes mean morc comfort style .and ,e�eral sat- iisfaction than you will eet from the ordinary kmd.I That'c; because we put all our lmowl:dge into buying the right sort offabrics and all our skill into making them properly.SUITS AND OVERCOATS $30.00 to $60.00�AA�hnA,.., TAILOR FOR ,t1"'� YOUNG MEN 'IA. N. JERREIIS, Manacer.i _437 South Dearborn St.Th,", stortw:i X. In !'l:'(, S:N"'t.il F.. �Ia.ll�m �11't'-M.2.) E. Jacksoo Blvd.AlE YOU LOOKING fOR A PLACE TO EAT? --IGw:sk �!!�p��!rr��b��OU:F��a' IYou'll Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Night Ciood F03d Low Prices�---------.----------�-------------------------':HICAGO,AU c.t&a&. G ..... Ana ..'fH£ DAiLY MAliOON, Tl'E�nAV, �OV. 19, 19t�.VARSITY STARTS WORKFOR MINNESOTA GAME(Continued from page one)the team.I It the line Scaulon and Skinner putup a g rcat game. Doth of these meng'ot down the tivId fa-t on punts andseldom failed to down the runner.Sellers starred because of his placekick in the third quarter.Illir.ois put up a game despite the WANT BOOSTERS FORLAST MASS MEETING(Continued from page one)the program.:\Ir. Sta!,!� and the members ofthe team wilt be the guests of honor.The "Election Extra" of the YearlyBuffoon will contain the regularspecial articles and poem!' and addedfeatures. Tickets are $2.00 a plate,a nd there will be no 'extra charge forfact that the team was outclassed. the concert and "refined vaudeville toCheered on by the g-reat homecoming follow the hig show in the main tent."crowd the downst atcrs played desper-a tc ly but it was of no avail.Lineup.Chicago (10) Illinois (0)Skinner R E. . Wilson SOCIALIST SOCIETYHAS FORTY-EIGHTCOLLEGE CHAPTERSCarpenter R. T Booze A recent bulletin from the NewShapland York City headquarters of the Inter-Scanlon " ., .. R. G Hudelson collegiate Socialist society shows thatDes Jardien.. . .. c. Chapman the organizaton is beginning thc yearWhiteside L. G Watson 1«)12-13 with forty- eight under-Harris graduate chapters in as many collegesSellers, Freeman. L. T Hill, Mathers and universities in the United StatesHuntington, L. E Hoffman and Canada. The society was formedVruwink in 1«)05. "To promote an intelligentLawler Q. D Silkman interest in socialism among college-Sellers. 'Referee-King, \Vest Poin.t.Umpirc=-Wrcnn, Harvard. HeadLinesman-Endsley, Purdue. NATIONAL AUTHORS'INSTITUTEI Write Ideas for Moving--------'Picture Plays!YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS ANDEARN 525 OR MORE WEEKL YWe Will Show You How!If you have ideas-if you can THINK--we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new pro­fession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "Bowery language" is wantedThe demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "movingheaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand.They are offering $100. and more, f.>r single scenarios, or written ideas.We have received many letters from the film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH. EDISON.ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX. 1M.?, REX. RELIANCE, CHAMPION, COMET, MELIES, ETC .•urging us to send photoplays to the:n. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets ofsuccess.We are selliDg photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line for publication."Perhaps w-e can do the same fo: you. If you think of only one good idea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25. a low figure.YOIJ WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIllE WORK.SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy OYOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITlt-!G"FREEDon't hesitate.you and your future. Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may mean forpunted splendidly, get ting the ballfarther than he has done before. Chicago Alumni club wilt be held to­Pierce, when he relieved Kennedy ill morrow night at 6:30 in. the Un i­the second half, made repeated brains vcr sity club. J nvitations have beenthrough the Illini line. Lawler played sent to all the Senior men. "Famousa grc.'at game at qurarer back, running �Ioments of Forgotten Games."the team ill able fashion. There was hyoid foot hall stars, and concert andnut a flaw in the way that he directed "refined" vaudeville numbers arc onR 6:Z4 - 1543 BroadwayNEW :YORK CITY\,AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS.EMPRESSTHEATER63rd Street and Cottage Grove AveWeek Starting SUD.M�t.Noy 17SULLIVAN & CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCEFRANCES CLAREGUY RAWSONIn the Picturesque Pastoral MusicalProduction, "Just Kids."THE FOUR LUKENSThrilling Human AeroplanesARTIE NELSON AND MISSFLOYENew Dances, Songs and Many LaughsLAWRENCE AND EDWARDSIn "The N.ew Alderman"DE MICHELE BROTHERSItalian Musicians in FavoriteSelections7:30 and 9:15PRICESlOc-20c-30cpALACE l\IUSIC HALLTriumphant Return ofEVA TANGUAYAmerica's Favorite Vaudeville StarGaby? Percy Waram & Co.; The HessSisters; Bud and Nellie Heine; Jung·man Family; Arline and Adler; Gray Aand Graham.CORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic Seaaatioa. FACULTY DISAGREE ONVALUE OF NEW BIBLE(Continued from page one)prefer either the King j ames versionor the American ve rsion, and will 'nodoubt cling to ��lel1l for many yearsto come;' he continued.i 'rofcssor Theodore Soares of thedepartment of Practical Theologyconsiders the hook uf lit tic impor t-:M rs. Potter will speak to the Pres- ance,h�·tcrian women of the University at .. It is only one of a multitude,' saidPatronize our advertisers. They are I a tea to be given at 4 today in the he. "and as Iar as I know it is nothing[be most progressive business men. League room. 'extraordiqary. They have been get-The Daily Maroon is for sale atthe Press.AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS ting out new versions of the Bible forthe last twenty years, and many havebeen along this line. There is noth­ing especially new in the idea. Personally 1 prefer the older editions. hutI have not seen this one."When interviewed l�y representativeof The Daily Maroon Mr. Mcr rifieldexpressed great interest in the newtranslation."I think that the new Bible willjust meet the nceds of the commonpeople who find it hard to under-\.IPROFESSOR ISRAEL j Will Distribute Roses.ABRAHAMS IS GUEST !:\t the Y. W. C. L. service whichOF THE PRESIDENT' will he held tomorrow at 12:15 each--, ! of the 230 new members will receive. IPresident and Mrs. Judson enter- a rose Ruth Allen and Virginia Hin-. I •K orgrcn " R. H Rowe, Dillon men and women." During. the last lamed at luncheon Saturday for Pro- kins are the speakers. The LeagueSenneff two years it has increased its chapters iessor Israel Abrahams, of Cambridge Ihas urged all the Upper Class coun-Gray L. H \Voolston from II to 4�3. Last season 20 chap- England. Last night the Archacolog- selors to bring their Freshmen.Kennedy, Pierce, F. B. Wagner ters were added. The society also has 'cal I nstitute had a meeting at thcSchobingcr six alumni chapters in New York. home of the President. Miss EdithTouchdown-Kennedy. Goal from Boston, \Vashington, Philadelphia, Hall lectured on the recent excava- Presbyterian Women to Have Tea.touchdown-Sellers. Goal from field Springfield (Mass.) and Los Angeles. tions in Crete.JEFFERSON MAJESTIC55th Street and Lake Avenue.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY BLACKSTONELILY LANGTRY & COMPANY KIa w & Erlanger present .1860(Lady De Bathe)Playing "The Test." MILESTONESmuste by high class orchestra, .Come andFive l:N'ls nightly of tbe latest movIng Based on Sardou's uA Wife's Peri},":Jidt1re�_ 1IIgh class songs, nest of pr-epared expressly for the Chicagohf'ar our new $i_aOO pipe organ.TONIGHTLife in Adon Gampo (educational)The Old Actor's VISion (drama)The Young Millionaire (drama)The Face or the Voice (drama)The Ranchman's Anniversary (drama)Pathe Weekly Every FridayCurrent Events.ADMISSIONMain Floor, all seats •••••• 10Balcony. all seats. ••••••••• SCWOODLAWN TBEAm The Season's : Best Musical Comedy stand the ordir-ary version," he de-with the "La Salle's Best Castf' clart'd." If you should ask the aver-Pop. Mat. Tues. & Thurs. 25C to $1 age person to give the suhstance ofthe text he heard last Sunday inchurch. he would he unable to do soengagement.Walter C Kelly, The Virginia Judge LA SALLEMcWaters &: Tyson, The Comic Es-sance of VaudevilleMilo Beldon & ce., Blanche Me�af·i.ey and Herbert Cyril; Paul Sandor'scircus; Lew Brice &: Lillian Gonne;Flying Weavers. THE GIRL AT THE GATEpRINCESSWm. A. Brady PresentsThe First Chicago Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. Broadhurst.An American Play of To-dayGARRICKLINA' ABARBANELLIn the Sparkling Operetta"MISS PRINCESS"AUDITORIUM: because of the quaint diction.Is Not Official"Of course," continued Mr. Mcrri­tield, "it is not an official naptistBihle ; it was merely published tomake an intcrcstiug and .<:a�ily readversion. The fact that it is publishedhy the American Baptist PublicationCHICAGOOPERA HOUSE ance hy thc churches."society docs not predict its accept-55" St. ... Weo.IIawa A ... John Hyams and LeIla McIntire inThe only fie Show in H)'de ParkTHE GIRL OF MY DREAMSGood Music and Good Picture.s,.clal , ....... a.. ....GA�')NT WEEKLY EVEaY TllUUDAY COLONIALc." •• , .... ,.AND OTIIER PlCTUaUA MElleAN II1JSIC IAU.PRIMROSE & DOCKSTADERGrand Minstrd Jubilee.pOWERSDavid Belasco presentanew play by Frederic and FannqLocke Hatton.'YEARS OF DISCRETION'With the Seasons' best cast.o LYl\4PICHenry W. Savap'.'l"ba IIILLiOR Return of Last Season's BiggestMusical Comedy HitDONALD BRIANand Orginal Company IntactTHE SIRENEvenings Prccisely at 8Matinees Wednesday and Saturdaysat 2.BEN-HUR COHAN'S GlANDRaymond, Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOWILLINOISTAKING THINGS EASYA new play Produced by Mr. HackettwithCYRIL SCOTT .lAS. E. COWHEYMens' FurnishinasBILLIARD HALLCip.ars, Cigarettes and Tobaccoroor and 1001 � East 55th Street.S. E. Corner Ellis Ave.ST�DEBAKERMY LITTLE F,RIENDA New Comic Operaby Oscar Straus Will Entertain Missionary.Mrs. Dwight Potter will he enter­tained hy the Preshyterian women ofthe University at a tea in thc Leagueiorn from 4 to 6 tomorrow. Mr","o�t('r was a Presbyterian missionaryin Syria.Patronize Our Advcr tiscrsTheir line of g-oo(ls is the best Oilthe market.HAND PAINTED CHINAChristmas Gifts ami PrizesClass or private instruction.Designs to rent. China Fired.Mrs. L Wood5710 Madison Ave, Tel Midway S945