,,', i �')' 1'" ... , ' ''1' .. _ i�"� " " ",;.' �'.;' ,'" �,. ,(." •. :.�� � .... f.. �.� \\'�, ., : .. �-; '" ::.':: :." \-: .. ' . � ',- .. �:�.;. <.�".!.:�I'." ",\--m _�:- Inily '.arUI1u·J.':- I.,... • ; ,VOL. xi, NO, 34, PRICE FIVE CENTS.- UN I VEl{SITY OF CHrCAGO, FRIDAY. NOV, IS, 1912SAVIDGE ARRESTEb IN oliAHA VARSITY HAS FINAL1 PRACTICE 'FOR 'ILLINIELEa· omcERS FORFOUR CWSES TODAY THE CANDIDATES FOR omces "ROBERT EDESON WILLADDRESS CLUB TODAYRobert Edeson, William Lewers, recently for. speeding in his father's . Final practice for the Illinois game,and Maurice Brown will he guests of machine and was told to appear in discloscd . the fact that the Varsitythe Dramatic club at its luncheon in court to answer a charge of. violat- d�f�n'si' i� still weak 'and needs 'muchLexington at I:�. !�ny. Mi� Ede- lng the law. His father. who.appeared improvement if the team hopes 'to re­SOil is leading nt��in "Fine Feathers" with him, declared that if Mark was t:um, �jctorjQus from Champaign.' :fhewhich is playiniF:�"t the Cod theater. ever ag-a in found, guilty- �f speeding Freshmen-. were. given the ball.r-andMr. Lewers is .appearing in the role hc should be severely punished, olhH- cnrarauou!l sessionin which: theyof "Alan Wil:"ot .. ·· with �_ Fiske. in ·,·Stopping- of- this: speeding is a gained at, will. the, yearlings ripped"The H j�h Road," and M�.-,lJrown is commendable thing .and Fm glad you tip the; Vaf.�.ityf�rward. \Va.1I repeated-,, ,�mauagcr oi the Little Th��r. got my boy�it'wil1, be a good ,lesson JV�;-r. ..... . i"We consider ourservc&'����y for- to him:' said the clergyman, "But I . -The 0!lt�9q� is not :as .gloomy astunate in being able to �te�tain all want to say; your honor, t�at if he oae -rnight, . expect, TI�e. Varsity de­these' men at once:' said Wi��jam is ever brought in here again . and Iense has been the sore spot of theHefferan yesterday .. "Mr. Edeson is found gu·iIty. I want YQU to punish team ell �eason .., However, the �eatwell known to people, who have only him severely and I don't believe; � rhralo°, between, LHinois and Chica­a casual interest in dramatic affairs, jail sentence would be.arvy too �"ere_ go will insure a, splendid .. battle be­and the other two men are men who However. I think this experience- � ��� ·�the;tw.o· teams ". Chicago i hasare making good. It is to :�:',bp'p'ed taught him. a lesson, he, won't lSIOon t.i� played -hasden �-gainst IllinoisI' .. -that all of' tl;e �)�nj�ef.( �i,�h·�� .. jjra- forget," ., , �iuJ: agai!ls� �rty ,o���t team .and the,marie club-will attend.'! .. : Dis.' , .. �i feIDe- spirit.·wilFno-·doubt .. he in, evi-" ; ;,�J'rlCkets. Are:':��:.SaJe..,... Savidge,waS, tairell::.bp.�� �oint)n-ow':<.1-, Ticbts· for the' luncheon may �e r.ycle policemen, The ReT�' 1U.. j .::�; : � ':Prac!ice-' Formations.'Sccured this nloming from. William Savidge expla:itted: -that: h� son �·�t : -'*-�g s4gnQl� drill- �howed' th�t·.. the�efferan. Donald 'Breed or Emma ;:he' time' engaged on ,an 'UI'geDt �tr Nat'iititj-· bave .·.�astercd the forma'"Clark. They: also have charge of t�e rand, b�t did. no! . acknowledge :hl� ·�·tbati.bave' ,been rgiven to.·. them.advan>cc,.:sal�';'.Qf .. tick.c;ts for th� f�ur ;.jgh�_ t,�·.�� � law. ...... T��ma� . <��-S�$·:_The�c�, Clt:e':. some'on.e-act prays� ... hl(:h ... tl!e dub-wrn;pR:';'; - 'r:t_n.fi�.�JiC:-"QUf_]i! .r . '" :'iid.1lr-rlViis�-'�"- �: -1ricb- .:"c�jn-.�ncrsr�;a.-:F9(1#::'��' �� '.- '.- x' .. e-/., .. �or:p P���.:.,�/ '.. ,: ._".'i� �t;.�r���· th4 pby(�d1ii;, ·i.i ::'ut.w�uld acton' bis���� ��.�;.�;,- . ";a;'-;: ·I'l·l·n·'·�a.Jll·p··r'·o9tb�t;;;�'j;:-'-·::·;"�';" '. '., .,..'� . '" ,' .• ' . . . '.. '.' .. ', ��' �J['lIese· Pi YS .. W1 .' ..'" .Kel1lt theat�� .a�d .p>ltb '�f\�nd m�m� .. �io�.,�pOd�d:.;b'H�v�er. ,b� ;u1.��t. �� �-.be 'u�d;'a�;n�'t"tli� Uiini,. 'Tl:te, �er ofqhchclup:.decJare .. that much, .Savid� .�::a"JJ1��!\ � �nq ,�-:wiU:-" probahl}'l' ·have. a:. ,shortprogress is bei.!,,� ma,de, . , ;. �o.use, P��"'.·�(· .• �.Gke..:�.: .;.:.' T' '.;d.ritl'tliis:�·ft��iil()ori;:; . ; �. ,.:' .J/"!. !�.: r ,'; • of the Olilah�!�u�, a:,m���19Lth�; ·:��t.ifiiG de.tjriiteijr �ut. 01 th.�',· ga�eCOACH WHITE.A�NOUNCES Intcrsch��astic ,com�i9�":�, 191. � :n;;��w;�k./tiritk �La�le� �dENTRANTS IN M�ET. TODA� and a Ol_e_��! ef_.:ri�1''1s''.1reacL:l� '. �rtut&�.��r�.��ed :in P�C!iC�'.ia��ijht.�\�� ,al�o �I.ve � !.:e'!l�e� .<>.f .��.a .��'.Iead- th� . _team. Itp"!��r�)''',V3r�:!:�'!r�e:yt���;a��� miltees of the: d�'m"as a ,es1Cten� ," � 6fi.1bcse�·(.�enar�w����_pa���-of Hitchcock hall : , :ed �� ti1� play's'l�" :��tlP��i. � ,an. d-- Varsity Squad Is Larce. .. . '. _'. S·�� were used.oat' ftin }j�ck to al-ROOTERS, )fARD �ND TEAll. "t�rrafe'. �tb Pi�rc�: K�nried'y �e'���er- .Coacil \Vhite a.r!I!"ounccd the entries 0 TRAV'E'L O'N S'PEC'YAh Wi\�·h. " "... ." ..• ,T .. . £4. � f..om' hinoJury ih:l:t:'h� iec�ived inforthcfirstVarsity-Fr�shmanswim- .. ' "'.. ".' .. "i"J . :.. �. 'c' .;-.,�.. .. .'. ',' tHe 'Nrdue game am�. will 'p'T:0ba'bJymingo meet of the year yesterday, The 0 r Ca...;.,_;,·· WiD Leave I". Tram .lor DAIlJpalp: '. "hir ,.used· tomOrr()\v:. Gray" a..:"d: Nor-� : : I .. ·Jl�eet wil.l� he held today at' 4 'All the � s�-TbinI StRt;t -�1ati� at::. '. '''ert ��yed"at haif' back: Pr'3�ti<-��lvr�gular ·evcnts will he held with the 8 "T�' . r' ,...... , • •, .=4, 5. u��.: � ,!lie sMn.:'e',iinc ·th.at. :t'ppear,ed i,R'.·.•• ,.theexception. of the back clOd hreast- . l'. :' .' Nori�estern g3m� \Vas uscd :yes.ter-�.·troke �aces, '\'vhic.I�· have been short- h .. .P II' '. .1 • .' •Three coac es, ODe u mian, one .�. .� . -', :.' .' ,·�ncd to fifty yards instead of one:. buffet �nd � dining car will co�st�ut. "> ��.·i. �,: �,p1;.. ,�.-�,�... '. �A_r.'e. ·.. :.�.. �g,ht.. '. I.r',.,. '.hundrcd . Co."\ch. White heliev,es, that the spccial trayn ';'hich will t.dc� t.�e .-,the men ·are not yet in good enough . . ., ..' . : Accordin,g·to .,the ,\V('�It.�;:�t��� ·�'l\'et;ondition to speed .up over the longer. Chicago team, hand and 'root�rs, to been· is��ed by' tile 'atbtetic(authoritiesChampaign tomorroW' at 8:45 and ·wi'! .. -,... .. '.' .. ,r t s . , . . at' .Champaign, t'he' mini are lighterSTUDENTS TO MEET I IS ance . arrive in C.hampaign at II :30. Tile. l'" ., � '.' .. . '.AROU!'!D BE;�CJ:I FOR Tlll,� captain of the Freshman team athletic d�pal1me.it h:Js: ded4l.ed .to :r:-!��.. �.i�=:. w����:���:\:�;:-'=LAST RALLY TODAY will he elected aft�t' the meet. and all send the membe'r� of' th'c , Fresbrn.'·an._ � �.... � ..F 1 . l' 'hl � . 1iY\ "---.nds , His wei�ht' 'is 202 •. He. res linen compel111� are e Igt e to squacf to the game as a reward 10t:·�: "'�:-. . \'. .. -. •. .tile "c" vote. T.hc Freshman. material is. . ".. .. . .,' _plays .. ,nght tackle. Scholnnger. �elgh-, Students will meet arouncf theIr hard work ftl practIce agams\ •. : � h -' '11' I ,- f 11 b k' .• ,:\ Thousand for the.Settleme�t" is hench for the Illinois gam� rally a: promisinJ.{. according to Caoch \Vhite the V=lrsity, T'*:' University 'bap4 ��··]77"'w O.Wl P ay-: � ac!. I�fL_ . d d � and thcy should .nye the V. arstiy a h' 'A hI' ; d' ; .tbe�rie'.xt.;1teaYlcst"m .. n;· T. he rest. 0'he slogan toot has In:cn a opte lor 12:15 today. Mr. Stagg, "Pat" Pa�·�. ,.,. will also be seat by t e t etlc e1" , . '.. . I.S I d hard fight. The. Freshmen depend ' . the men a\'erage a little' below' the·this year hy the cott ement ance Captarn 'Carpenter . and Norman ',artment, .VT • ' .;committee. Las( year about $;00 was 'ainc will tcn of thc chanccs of the principally UJlon. 'Vhite .. \Vicl, Parker. There will 'b� 'no reductiOl1J in th� . ��y, men.•...tllrned O•• ... r to th- S ... tttl"'m· "nt and Both :-.nd McLaughlin to do the scoring. Ch!lmpal·�. ��80' for th " wool�ton has heen. .:IJlfted· �rom." """ " tcam in the !:!,a Ill': tomorrow. iare to· ., ,",0' 'C'+ e I.' "I'TI V 't .I' f th fUll hack h"" Coach Hall as his aOI Itythe year hefore $:::00. This V't'ar a. . ') " I' I ,- p..... ha\e IC ar�1 Y $qua( IS onc 0 e d' TI'ckets may 'be' secured :,' J ...... � - .. at age all( .,\(lrman .. mc 'roun tnp, oJ in carryin'g 'the han in the Pl�rdue�lrellUOUS effort will he madc to -ccn the I1Inif,i� tl'am in :tction. The lar�est that cvc.:r turncd out for the :It the office 'of John C. {J;nsmore inh .I . i....7I1i\'cr�ity swill.lming- team. and game made him (Ie('�(k that the cap·raise the sum to the one t O\1�nll !inal mass 1lle('till� (If !he �C4\�on will Ba.rtlett gYf!lnasium or at the depot: J Ih LO:lch \\'hite is h.l\·in .... a hard time tain would hc 1llore'"valuahle at halfm.nk. A meeting of all of t c com- hr. hdd ill :\lan<l .. ,1 nt'xt Thursday ,.. Mr. Dinsmore wilt also have 'Some· '.' ..1111'lle"-5 wI'11 he h""ld next week so ,)ickill�.r. tlh' men for the various },ack. Schohin�er ha.;; hecn practic-,.." : I t -tickets on the train for those· wild . . �1 1 nlg l. •"'·L.nt .... ·. :\ df in the 100 yarel swim' 1 ing at full hack all weeK. while .Rowct hat the" may rennrt to t Ie "enera, ' t' '1 t th m beforehand It i" ..� I'� ... .tile al 0 secure e . '" lias been filling the oth('r hal.f hackchairman the progress that· they. have WILL. ADD CHAIR TO ;md phm�e. Keefe and Scofield in thought that 20() or JOO students, will : ". .d The d ........ e wl'II I)c h ... l(l. De- fnrt"- Don Hollingsworth in the ,PQ�... �,.i.ti�!1. :.:ma e. .. .. " " CLUB BARBER SHOP; .I' • • �'() to the game and preparahons are 'ccmher i. in tlartlen ·�n�ium. '. ' ASSISTANT HIRED hack s.troke. Rohert 'Vhite in thc h.eing made to entertain that number . ,;r."''''''-----., �)ll111ge. f'oague in' the hundred andat Illl'nol's, Or d' W M tCornell-The cost of living for the '�; _'-- Go�ga� in the hr('a�t stroke. are ex- '. a uate·, om�n to' ee;d f' C II . 't h .. ��·o· tIler cllair Will he added today �. Miss \Val1acc',will'speak at the reg-stu ('nts 0 .orne umverSl y as.1n� l�,.,. llcct"(1 to �how l1J) well., .' ".. . .I " Indiana-Pla.s have been be-n for al.- monthl,., 111eetjr.� of the Gra(tilatecrea�ed annroximatdy two' per cerit to M'i':' 'Brattlsh's cquipment in tIe e- �t't' , " The ('ntric'S are as. follo.w.s: f' b h' :I., .: I b 'I'· . I .'. R · .. ··1·1 1 I , t . \ t . I the publicatio"n 0 a.ne�paper· y t e lV�Oft'Mn.� c u to(ay at .� In ... exm�-�ach ycar for the pa..�t sixteen year, s eyno (s c u) )asemen. I onsorla I"" '[.. f S' -40'yan sWlm- arslty: nce e. co- 'cluh of ,the Univers,it.y of ton T5�, All g..a�lua1e womcn are' ·in·accor'di'n'g to a report prepared by a �xpert ha:..;; heell eng-aged to man the economIC's Imember of the Cornell mealty,' chair in ru.:;;h times, (Continued on page 4) Indiana, . . '/��d' to attend; '.Forty-o. Cud_lei � PIaces-_·T •• J ..... _ 0f6ceI wm Go,BJ�FORBID SOUCITING IN COBISCouncil' .Thinks Unusual OpportunityHas Been Given Voters to S�lectBeat Candidates.Otticers for all undergraduateclasses for the coming year will beelected today. The elections will beheld in Cobb from 8:1;; to 4:30. Up-per and Lower Seniors will vote inDean Angell's office and Upper andLower Juniors will vote in DeanLovet t's office. The election will beconducted under the: Australian bal­lot system with such revision' as localJ I, conditions demand,\\' .nifred Cutting will take KentCleandler's place as Senior t-eller at8: 15. and Kent -Chandler will servevith . Helen M,agee. at '10:]5, Fre�Steinbrecher will act as'teller at I, :15��b.�itutng for Mona Quayle.Forty-one candidates- 3r:.t:_, r.�I���for the 'various offices, exactly the:same ':numbcr as were running, last•• : •• - % -" .'. , . � ,year. alid six' 'rriore than were in the.lield the previous year.' Two of ,the()ffices t�day_ win go- by default. vice­prcsid�nt and. secretary of the. LowerSenior' class. Suzanne Fisher willhe .vicC,'·president 'of �he E�1as,., �d"Arline 'n-rown win:'�. � 'm;, '- .. YPi!£,�fJi__.J]Je_f���J.ma,!_�b.�"....��a:" ti .. ms· for �ffices· w,ere . held out�c�'eral hours lODger for more names.•• .' .• ;' .......• fr• ;' .bl,t n�n�l"we��eiVec[� No: _tktli��tion.;There will. be no.. solicitation inCobb "t���a��;:;�'" me�-hers· of the.' undergraduate council>1',L. -.(I'will be present each hour to enforcetllis ruling. The council fa\'ors solici­.tilJion in' aD opeD way by personsother than, the candidates themselveshut this will be prohibited in Cohh to-day. So ·far according to statement�of members of the council there hashee!, little unfair work. - Some caseshave heen suspected and an investiga­tion of th�m is 'being made.The polls wlll dose a� .4-:30 .. t�day .. : ..... '\and the res�lts will he a�l�01���edahout 5:3� They will be posted· inthe Reynolds dub and may he oh-Jain('d at The Maroon office. Midway...,. ,�, local QJ.SLOGAN C�OSEN� FO�, SETTLEMENT DANCEBY COIiIUTTEEIiENI'�" ,, .. '�I• I, UPPER SENIORS.FOR Ph�ESIDENTDonald HoUincsworth ., George Kuh.FOR ViCE-PRESIDENTCora Hinkins.Hirsch SobleMary Ann WhiteleyFOR SECRETARYMarie Fanning,Dorothy Fox. Augusta Swawite.FOR Tl{EA5URERWilliam HefferanHoward Keefe.LOWER SENIORSFOR PlmSlDENTWalter KennedlErnest ReichmannFOR VICE-PRESIDENTSuzanne FisherFOR SECRETARYArline BrownFOR TREASlJRERHarvey HarrisB�rnard Vinissk�UPPER JUNIORS·FOR 'PRESIDENT,Emile Bickley.�ytn�d 'BohnenDonald DehlnyCount, LoveUette'. Marston SmithFOR VICE-PRESIDENT, 'Stanwood ;Baumgartner·:.<i::�H;������cf�� .'.'. ': .K�t Sykes.,,"'. '.';<I;O,W�I$. JU�IO�,\\�;�· .. �¥diC�RESiD·ENr:·­'William Ewart.Wcdter Stegeman'Frank .Whiting.FOR VICE-PRESIDENTVernon' BrownFrederick BurckyGifford PlumeFOR SECRETARYEth-el CallermanDorothy Davis. Dorothy FarwellDorothy' Vanderpool'FOR TREASURERMaX .Davidson.Joseph GearyW. Johnson, Pastor Says Son lIark Should. Be Im-prisoned if Again Found Guilty of.,. f_ , '• ---, -"Speed.ing� Dismissed as First �rau.e. Are Ginll BaD To TeStOffense. fuie of Replan I. LOlli··Seuio. De·-.Leadiq MD .. "rme FeatIaen,"Maurice Bro .. , ad WiIIiaJaLewen t. Attead Lucheo.ALL OF STUDENTS ARE ASKED Mark M. Savidge, '12, a Hitchcock � .. �hall "character" and' president of the DEFENSE ·NEEDS IMPROVEMENTGlee and Omaha clubs in his under:,;raduate days� is in danger of �iii� Orange' and Blue Team Is Lightersent to jail by his father, Rev. Chas, .. -Thi� Chicago According toW, 'Savidge, pastor of the People's - Official Wdghts. '.. �+;;�,church of Omaha. Mark was a.rrested. - - _ _,-:-- .Tickets for Affair in Lexington CanBe Obtained from Hefferan,Breed, or Emma Clark.tfi!?/:'����'?' .lJ .. • 'L. I ��.-�.. ,. ... � '.I '.. THE DAILY MAROON. Fa!I>A Y, NOV. -IS. t9UENDURANCE of your ath­letes has won man y -adoubtful contest for your foot-ball team. The "Old Man"has always laid stress uponthe importance of that factor.Endurance ought to be ex­pected of your new suit. Stylealone ought not to satisfy' you.You do not want to. buy an­othersuit within a month or so.'"You want a suit with endur­ance-a suit that -will.ihold itsshape and show its class until� you are ready for a new one.,� �... That is the kind of a suit you will find here.�. . .'. .r: : '.; in two and three button conservative or mod-,:��� ���{... ..:.: .. ::<;�.:.:: ;', �.'.:<.• ' �E�gUsh-mod.el.. s at as. aving offromS2S'-'.��-" , ,- »-.�\ ... � � ,.._'-,- ," • '. Tb . d.... ,.<-'�" '�:'<_-", }�:,-��c� ... :i!� 9:ten -�U�rs.-", ,!!y.��e pnce at.i -" -'<� The Daily Maroon�,d4lfi:r ... --.-TM Cd"�' U �g, �oadWe 1-;;" �. u·pre .. " It.ere: ·C",_".IooC� _ ... , Ndow:1Il AI CIA evUeace 01 1/004 loU"-To the Editor:At 'the close of the Senior meetingWednesday, I made certain remarksabout solicitation of votes in theSenior - class, which, if I may judgefrom the editorial and communica­tion in yesterday's Daily Ml3roon,PabllUellMll7. � .....,., JIeIj.have been groesly interpreted bytQa U4 IaoU4Qa. 4u1Da, �urtIIIWsome of those' who heard them.My position was just this. be'� .. 8ecoIUl-aa. -.II ac .... c.a- lievc, with the Undergraduate council •..p Poa"'� CIdeqo. . JWaoIa. ManIt18. �'''der Mt of �,a. �L_ that then: is nothing morally wrong Iabout the solicitation of votes and-.- 811B8CIIII"ftO. �., . tbat no stigma should be fastened up'87 Canter. f.UO per. Jar •• 1.08 .. 4lW. I� -.u. Il.2G tU' ci�. PM.... on those who seek vote!' ,fo� theirJeu ' ..... nac. candidates. But I do maintain, andJo:dltodal-lluslnesa oUlets, Ellis 24 Tele: T think the majority of the classphone ·llldwa,. 800. 'Mall Box "0" �l- agrees that solicitation of votes in theti Exch�. Senior class should be unnecessaryand is undignified. My words wereneither "ill-advised," "unconsciouslyofficial," nor "of unmerited hostility."J knew what I was saying and Ithought and still'think that, after three:. '. ," -. �'Z • ..,$.. ._ ., YNrs to�ther iu .the University. theWalt�· -F.oute r�;.� .. *artiD�'Sieftrs �nior. ,know each- other so well that�Willia'm i.y� � • .- � __ Joli� Perl�e each Senior .should be allowed tosamnel KaplaD ••••• Harry Gorias yote··quietly Without aS5istance or ad­Holger- LoUesgard •• ' George Lyman vice,Oyde Watkins •• George Cottiupain If I have offended either' of theGra�e Hot�hkiss .', �rah Reinwald candidates I regret it exceedingly.'aa:HJ'ftKira. .But I can assure them that I was not'Lilliau Swawit� • Doroth� W:-alliatOD actuated by motives of "merely per-,.___ . . Sadie BOD.tID. .. ;::;;.< ' sonal," 'or "unmeritedly hostile�; cbar,:. ��::Prmte4 b,.. KarooJa Pn-. Gdu .�:;J;:: acte�. /1 did not mean t.o cast re- �nectlons upon a.nty. of the many :I.ca�: ;:., .. ' . ·7.ealous· friends 'of the candidates. IfThe Daily MarOOD wishes. to. tou- this has not been understood by ev­.patuIate the Varsity cbeCleIders ery Senior ,let it be understood now.'. ' and �tbe· rOoter. -them.- ,�-' Donald ,L. Breed .. CbeerinC - ," Mlyetl.!JCl �. � .':'.'Et1u�\ :'.lVJ���p{aato..ce The la� sentence of tlrecommuni-., _.. • '��2� �_!o. � isf.i..tW@icP3 .. ��d ii(The .Ma-� wI�� �'l�� ro�n ,.e�terda";r-;should havb ��ead:' -r',�. aD� �. withbL ��.Ditic" � ·'As 'th�_ �uiarks were_ unauthorized"rattlin,.. ctihaec:e; � ,oiIce" hiave and unfortunately productive of un­theY failed � cheer betoic .�; � merited hostility; a' statemenf in yourthe pm' o("jbeir o�ta. .. � PaPer;, that. these �emarks be notmay well b6 .... oud:of _:-�d- 'heeded. is in 'order." , 'era and. hd- �; �. Iave·� - The Editors-tJioroup - ;';8JM�' :>� Aad .tIiereis. DOt. thi slig�t·.�·�; � � _: , " ly believe the difference it makes -towill Con�e 110 ��the pmei"';" �. IOIIBTBlRG ·TO .... AD.a "rushee" wh�ther she is wearing Q�f this fdotbaB �D, 8:S.well .. ID. . � -. :.. smart 'fnU hat or a summer left-over;aD the fOotbaB seasoDs ,�.come. �i ....'. To sum up, accordl�g to �he �lalms land i£ her belt pin should one day f�i1the Chicaco way 01 doiDt tJDaP... It. ��e for the- gratennty• gJ� an the to do its duty, her cause might as'C�Ddeat '�ds: The. "GoD". �andbook of her orgr,uuzatlon, she I well be lost. . One method of choos­newspaper diPpiDc .of �ch the'loI- deyelops in�i�iduali.ty. and �he power ing likely members i� to send dele-10wiDc is a put: .cyeDiIl,.to dnnfII .to lead; she acqulre� anvaluahlegates Ito the station to observe' the-out �. sicDak' 'ot,·� 1Iar� business training and �?�anly c�ann. new girls as they _arrive. There isqam:tf:_rback ..m be � tIIe,� �he is given a. wid�r ?u�l�k over the witnessed. the tri�mph of the tailored� Oil_the' � .. iiiIII Satarda,. field of collegJat.e ed�C\tlon. than: ber, sui! over the dowdy 'friUs of the. coun­lJJia'ois is dCtenaiaed.to- IItIIEt • DeW less fortunate slste�s; she IS b�d try dressmaker, of the suitcase thatc:ustom in the � ..... , tile with • conge�ial fri�ndships. . that has live-d abroad over the -bulging)faroo_ ,. � lint time � amount almost t� - a- COIltinuancy of valise that is packed' with home­,.,l1l bave-. � to bear the 8ipaa1a family relati�nships, and. "\Vhatev�r grown app'les and home·made coo�ies.When they are on a fonian &e1d.. Tbe the line o{ service to which she .may "An-round?" Yes with possib�y aconespoadent writes: -It '*oa1cI be consecrate herself:' she "will al'!ays slight deprf'ssion �m the side .ofweD for the Chicaco daeede8den, aDd be a success.". . scholarship. _ I ha�e heard of a goodst1lClents to note this (the di�). This is a composite p_!cture, madei man� cases in which girls were �raggedThis 1IDSpOrtsmeulike � 01, try- up from scores of glowmg accou� ont of the mire of conditions 'andinc to drown oat the o� team'. of the benefit� of the system. _ Is It hauled through their college coursesicaaJs with cheen ,wa quite a:...- true�, hy the zeal of fraternity sisters pull­priR"to ODe who is aaecI to watdaina. Certainly th� shield has a, revers� ing all together for the glory of th�eastern lootbaD camn." . Tbe writeI' Side. Over agaanst the select fraterm- chapter . They have ideals of schol ...of this comm1lDicatioD to The Maroon, ty of the pilbr porch. k_1 us place arship, indeed they Qre trying to es.without dOllb� wrote siDcerely and that which. during a severe winter, �b1t�h a standard for admission, andwith a Cood intent· he siCI*I his had to go outside the pa(e and take in I they even carry off a 'share of thetlame and eave his' numerals at OM new members in order to pay the l...:._...,.-------------of the creat euetem coUecea. BlIt coal bHt. Let us also remember the I (Continued on page 3·'with aU respect to bim, be doesknow what he is taDdDC aboat. ifftle&Ds to impl, fw a miD1att ..... tG1U' cheerleaders and�" � were Settlement Dance-Mu!Oic Commit- German Club-4:30. J.exitJgton, 3not sportsmen of the .-_Ji!Jer at tee, Reynolds duh. 2:30 ane) .tthe Northwestera ...... '� fact, Graduate Women's Club-5, Lex-The Daily lIaroaa .bas been asked lIanhals and Aides-Meet in Cobh ington 5.6A to arrange for taking of picture.by Hftral penou to make mtlltioD Reynolds Clubnf the fine condact of the Cbicaao Rally-For Illinois game. "C" Reynolds club.dleerladera • The lIaroon dots 80 hench. 12:15· Y M C A F _L CI t h. , . • rC'.lImen- ass unc -here. witb pleaSure. lI·tIIe writer of JUDior Mathematical Club-Profes· eon. 12:15 Commons Cafe.the ,commanicatio.. . criticiiillc Chi- M . J - RYC:lo:on 3- U·· ft...bU Y - P fsor oore, 4· ':'. ._ ,. mversaty ell C �ture- fO es-cacO·. .ponaanIhip ... oa1d rad .tho • • ..__.. that h' -nw _1.1_ Dramatic Club-Luncheon in honor sor Israel Abrahams, 4:15, Haskell.�rt.� e��.tbat lie ill ill enw. . of Robert �son, I, LeXington. assembly room.If anacine Editor • Hiram Ke.....Oti..... , �t9I'.·. • • • � 8tobAthletic_· �u • �miaakyBusiDea llanqa- ••• Burdette:1iaatBulletin and Announcements.Informal-8 :30.�.:-::l{�:�.�'1Ii'; •.,'.'�- ..•"•. ." �' .s:..._.:.i:_�-;t��: I ,.. ,.DrawiDc { Seta. 'Artists' Material.High CI3:Ss.Hotel, Cluband - Restaurant - China.. .. ��,,�'#1r,Iroquois China Co.. Syracuse, N.· Y., . :...... , .:.--- '_"uNNERSITY�CmCAGO.,CALENDARsOn $ale In CobbNOWISOc apiece. .,._. .-...;..... - . -& C .".GOC�. "'MAe. _.tJ1../.,'/{E'D-lJ1ANCOLLARS2 For 25EARL & WILSONMaker" Of Red-Man CollarstJ1.I _"",hD.C._c...The nearest bank to the Uni-versity and the only Bank be. Government supervision.CAPITAL $200.0003 PER CENT ON SAVING'- HYDE 'PARR STATIr'BANK,.. co ........ 0' .::a.".. aT .• �A ... C·A"& .Indispensable to thewell-dressed collegeman. We haVe themin pleasine variety. Also. ' soft hats of distinction....;at ,prices",� that' are,right. f;ollege men wel­comed.B. L. ,AMES BAT co.Tribune Building :: as w. MadisoDWoodlawnit Savines Bank1204 Eo 6yd' Street. Chicago.. rA STATE BANKDEPOSITORY FORUNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDSThe largest and oldestnearest to the University. Ac­counts of professors and stu­dents solicited.Checking Accounts' ofand Savings Accounts ofThe Daily Maroon is now on saleat the Press. -.THE �AI.LY. �ROON, FRIDAY, NOV. 15. 'OJ�,DEBATES DEVELOPT�:WORK CLASSIFIEDTest of· Candidates for Team Mon" AD\'ERTISEMEN1Sday to Cover AU Parts of Work-. Two Affirmative and Two Nega-page;, satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs.In order that the debating finals A. W. Lyons. �II E. 57th Street.may be more interesting and that therest of the men's abilities may cover TO RENT-Attractivc front parlorall parts of the work, Coach Haroid South exposure, with or withoutC. Moulton is drilling thc candidates board, cheap, 5��2 Drexel Avenue,who will appear in the finals Monday )liss Willison.to team work. The men who will.:_represent the Univcr sity in the de- FOR RENT-Large furnished roomhates with Xorthwestern and Michi- for couple or two gentlemen. Elec-g-an wi'llbe chosen at 7:30 Monday in t ric lights. steam heat, No children.vided into two affirmative and twonegative teams who will be pitted WANTED-Two young men whoagainst each other in .t he finals. .\s would appreciate the comfor-ts ofin the intercollegiate contests, each honu- and real home cooking.speaker will be allowed twelve Phone Stewart 4514.minutes for his first speech and fiveminutes for rebuttal. 011 the indi­vidual showing of the candidates • .sixmen will be chosen for the teams andthree altcrnntcs will he named.Teams Are :tlamed.The men who w'j)'1 compete Mon­tla)' have bccu arranged in the fol-10\\'il1� teams:Affirmative-Arnold Ilarr, G�org�Kasai, a!HI Bennett Knudsen: 'Wilburrive Teams Announced.Harper assembly room.The t welve men who have been di- TYPEWRITING-Eight centsj oncs, G2OC) Lexington avenue.Phone Hyde Park 5416.. iOR RENT-Furnished rooms' andlight housekeeping rooms. Single! •, Ior en suite. All conveniences. 6104' .�l\�ington ..a.�nue. Tel. Midway310..?.. :��';ro RENT-Light front Itudy,adjoining chamber. suitable for. two,also single ro�;"";. Mrs. Sp'ellma�.,6;o� Greenwood avenue. Apt. 2." '. Hamman. Gary Hunt, and ShermanConrad. FOR RENT-Newly furnished largea:.: r:tween 4J3r_d and 63rd street east Nceutive-e Cornclius Teninga, Xcw- parlor. Two large bed rooms,of Cottage Grove ave. under State ton Knig-ht, and Nathan 'Fine: Lorn -. Single, or en suite. Steam heated.Peters. Hirhch Soble, and Kin" Cook. Board H desired. M. A. Robinson,l ;'V:·; ,' .. '>'" .ISI�:n�i;,��N�o!Op:i���� 6110 Ellis avenue;.. hi' Von Frank, Bardt-.�� ,Rindskopl I------------'-�-_--:","':','.-,��_- ':rO.-R�NT---:.I:.arge front room. t ree . "honors ; but;" on" the' - whole: 't'heir' ': windows, hot water heat. electric r �'The CoUege'�eD��.: 'Clothes, Shop"social mind interferes with, the schol- .. : -light. �- :Weil furnished, i� modern �astic attitude, and prevents over- ,'house, 5630 Kimbrkavenue. Phone! WE ARE AWAY;,FROM'TH£;HIGH:WlEN1S-, . I' ',!' r.. n:u ,;1,111 � t;1"'ii.'�UI�J J,j:;�. .: <!:'II':!J..!..appli�ation,_,�J m. 't'n,ul�e�o� ". '.." .: , . .?:[id�\·a� I6�7. - .' '. ',., , ". ' .' .i >: " .. , " � J: �!.��� �:d.t .. ;q;¥i '. '., �.·nl�h!'i�Not' .. J1CC��!a_�I; ��:t;,'�lo��� r.; _�., ,J,:.�,: .: t .,�, ','ll'! ���";�;��:���t���,��A'b�t�� �Jl�L,. �nQl'p.t�,"gtr�v�(J�lv�s�ll�.r �)�n :,;l,t>-.: :f,P, ��,l?,���,�t�r�ay, �.t .;,��ner'L ..o.� ,value- .$25. , Co'm" 'e".-.u'p' . and" sav�' ten. ._, _P.:.. . ��cOtta� over the" Lexington avenue and FIfty-fifth _one whci:,�o�ks he'r-�ay' ih�ough-cot- strcc_t,a pocket hook. Will he re-,,".,02 Repu'b'li'� .BuildjD;c_:·_:.·_�_·_'_'_"··: ;"�;"'.. . ·�;.·_','··.s:.L.L,.'··_�Q."-ft 'd·.�'.Adams.li.lcge..and. the gir! whose _ parents have turned up(\n satisfactory .. , descrip- " _ _ toM< �,,,l· a delightful h�!ne. most. suitable for tion. 54 Green, Hall,#" "rushing" purposes near the campus ' .be preferred to an-y sweet madonna- EXCLUSIVE agency for an entirely-: • ,oi�the-hoar<�ing-hOUSe? � .h�a�d. only I new proposition is' open to one,the other day how an 1I11tlatIOn fee active woman and one: 'man. No-was raised to five times its original books or insurance. Big money.amount on the plea, "The girls will 1205-542 S. Dearborn street.appreciate it �o much more if theyDERBY HA,TS 'ARE have to pay a lot!""'Family?" Not at a11. yet I knowof a �irl who was rushed hard and a""suddenly dropped because it was dis- Thecovered that her' father had been abutcher- of another. who was regard- Sweater.cd as eligjble until it was found out .what neither her name nor her fca­turcs suggested. that her really dis­tinguished family was of JewishBILLIARD HALL I: ('''��:(' "."" ill,q:,,"ct til(' 1nrllt'llt Ii,.,' ofC d � b ",I''';Y'' ,",,1 ,1"mt'Jltic rrook,," ,U"fI,,,",,,1 in;g,(11J.�. Ciga"CII(.·.� all 1 0 accoill/tit: /'''1'/0. Ollr dnt""" nrc pt'r(f't'ti"n 'n1001 and IOOI� East 55th Street. I! "', "'t'Bri'E.,·r. N"'·'E".,"D·"I�C" T,rm·1.·Wmnn"A"'flL· DS .. E. Comer Ellis Ave..... -------------------------------------------------------For Wearinesa'Good' . r afe MAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHES.reen�ood "offee I I 445 Eo 55th Street.13S? Eo 55th Street.Americanl-strain.These instances must be set overagainst the i(l�al picture of the gov­ernor's daughter and the milliner':,child. the mother"s helpcr and thepatrician of the �outh. scruhhingfloors together.-Century mag;lzillc. I n the olden days, the sweaterwas' associated wholl,y with thecompeting athlete: A G. Spalding,,(' Bros. have changed' all that.The newSpalding Automobile andWinter Sports Sweaterfor evcrybody-men and women,is a garment for all·around use­comcptitors, and lookers-on. Toenjoy the Fall and Winter out­door scason you should have aSpalding Automobile Sweater.A. G. Spalding & Bros1"8.10 So. Wahash Ave. Chicago, III $5.00 for �., PtfOD�·.·I,Every maddDe lUaranteed to be' in &De worldq order, and wiU bekept 10 durina tenD of reatal. ,. We deliver tile machine aad' call for it at the· ead of the rental term.We also ha�e for sale a. be JiDe of Factory Rebuilt �chines of aUmakes on which you, � Saye,sc to 75 per cent. .Telephone Harrison 6a�m\AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY(INCORPORATED)HAND PAINTED CHINAChristmas Gifls alld Pr;::csClass or private instruction.Designs to rent. China}rued.Mrs. L Wood5710 Madison Ave, Tel. Midway 5945.lAS. E. COWHEYMens· FurnishinasChinese, Tel Hyde Park 2160 437 South Dearborn St.,", :.� � �' .�' -...; • �,." .... �.:" 1 �.. '.... '". ...� !" I.. ."..' T_RE DAILY MA�OON, FRIDA v. �OV. IS. 1912EDITOR OF DAILY ILLIOO � � .. �ARRAIGNED FOR CONTEMPT FRESHMEN TO HEAR DEANSY. ·M. C. A. Invites All New Men ferLuncheon Today.Editorial in Student Paper at 'StateUniversity Arouses whth .ofJudce philbrick: .' .'. 1._W_r_it_e_. _Id_e_a_s_fo_r_M_o__v_i_D_g_P_ic_t_u_re_P_I_a_y_sl_1YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND. EARN S2S OR MORE WEEKLYWe Will Show You How!If you have ideas-if you can THINK--we will show you the seerees of this fascinating new pro-fession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is \Yanted.The d.emand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "movingheaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand.They are offering $100. and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas.We have received many letters from the film manufacturers. such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON,ESSANAY. LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP. REX. RELIANCE. CHAMPION. COMET. MELIES. ETC .•urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers and we� ,ladly teach you the secrets ofSuccess.We are selliq plsotop"y. writteD by people who "Dever before wrote a liae for pablitatioa.".Perhaps w-e can do the same for you. 1£ you think of only one good idea every week. and will writeit out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25. a low figure.YOIl WIll EARN SIOO MONTHLY FOR SPARE 11I1E WORK.SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FREE COpy t)�OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK. "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITIt-!G"Don't argue: Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may mean forFREEDon't hesitate.you and your future.NATIONAL AUTHORS'INSTITUTE" All first year men in the Universityhave be�n' invited to the class -lunch-. ',' ". �on .in the Commons at 12:15. Forty-:\.€> the result '.Of. an editoriaf:cbm� ej'ght men 'have filed acceptances withmenting on the giIn,i" jury inve.stlg,a- M�. Bickrnan but the Y. M. C. A.t io n of die reccnf���nt riot at' the . �1,� :.. .. �jJ ... , .: commission expects to accomodaten iversity of Illill�.ii!'·'·����: ,<?g{�; ,�f a . luger number.Belleville, edito� of.:The '�!Y I�!ni, Th�re will be an' informal gather­thl' student newspaper, wa� ar�ig_ned in�- following the luncheon. All of thebefore Circuit Judge� Soton.�o:Pldlb_�ck deans who have charge of any partof Champaign on , Wednesday:- on : ��� of the Freshman class. will be presentcharge of contempt of court .. ·Ogte: d '11 " short talks An at-. . ". ' ,'-' a n WI gn e .was later. rel.e��d . o.��. $500• bail-. b� tempt will be made to introduce allJudge Pllllb��k.:;�h�.'.ls himself an fJf the men to each other.alumnus of the tinive�ity.: ;. . ��1'- . . f the number who have. . .! lit' . "'."� . . '':',' n view 0The arrest of Og1e'.��"th�;�test de- ..• :.': . . I their intention of being• . ',. 'r. .... 1. . I :lJlnounce( �:;lopmen.t in the COU�?8}n�jr-t��� present •. �he commission has decidedthe disturbance of. se�!}:�eeks to make the Friday luncheon a week­a�. when a number o� .IJ�IS s:�� I,. affair. An effort wilt' be made todents. to celebrate their }'�.footbatl .1ia�� the President present at one ofvic�ory over In�iana, started' a riot the - meetings and an athletic meeting"'�llch ['esulte,d m an attack... or . th,e ha"s been suggested for the day be­\\ alker Opera house and the :nJury fr� the Minnesota game.'of a number of persons, _:-\', _. _Judge Oliver A. Har�r. I)�an of REV. MR. 'FOSDICKthe College of Law at tile Un�versity. TO PREACH AGAINwill def�nd the Illini editor at'" the IN MANDEL, SUNDAYheari�� whkh comes up Sat�rda� ����������������������������������--������������ewspape.[ accounts of the affair; yes�terday commented on the fact .tbatthe courts have determined to put astop to student rioting, At the service in Mandel 'Sunday CHAPERONES W.ILL. I FORTY-FIVE FRIARS PREPARE FOR MANY ROOTERSthe Rev. Mr. Harry Emerson Fosdick. MEET ALL AT CLUB MAKE RESERVATIONS --who was the University preacher last INFORMAL TONIGHT FOR COMING STAG Send 9.800' Postals to Alumni An-Sunday will again deliver the sermon. __ noundng Minnesota Game.Dr. Fosdick. who is well known itoProfessor and Mrs. Robert A. MI'III' _ Today is the last day on which --"Kansas-L. V .. Redmail;.a·feUoviJu. the studentsithrough his previous � Q To insure a hOloon! .u tr-nda ncc at. reservations for the Blackfriars stagndustrial Research in die Uniev.r�ty visits here i� pastor of the First kan and Mr. an" Mrs. Carl F. Huth the Chica�(l·�tinll�"(lla foothall galllt'. on November 2j can he made. Forty-of Kansas, has inventeds a �bstance� Baptist. church of Montclair, New will be the chaperones tonight at the t' I' I I I I' a week from tomorrow. John lrins-( � ._ ,. we names lave iccn ianr er In toon the 'order of' varnisb. a(t� two Jersey. He is addressing the chapel second Reynolds club informal dance i\ El d Th more of the Athletic rlvpa r t uu-n t is,- . .f hI· orrnan - mstrorn to ate. e sending out Q_.800 I)ostals this we ekJ ears of experimentnigz- The ma- ;assemblies in Mandel this week. '0 t e season. n order that everyone '11 I Uni . 1 1. 'h h h . II men WI meet at the mverstty C un to remind Chic au 1) a lumn i that t lu-terial, which he has called Redman ite, meet t e c aperones t e guests wil 6 f di .1 1 li ...at or inner aUtu t len ar journ tohas received much comment in the l . WISConsin-Jane Addams has been not be given programs till all have I th G . k th t -I "M' game will he a g-ootl o ne anrl t hat sup-.'. .. . "':. . . . I C ;.rrlc ea er. w lere ISS Inewspapers, 'and as .a oresul!� )'.t����;- �ked to.iaddress .�he. w:�����s .voca- passe� .thr-�ugh t.he receiving line'j Princess.' will be the attraction. port for t ic team is dc s ir ed. Thl'sot" Redman has ·beeni. a.n;n�y��.�;.� ttonallcopfereJ1,Ce.��.t�e,J�ntyersltY" of. p'�ncl�g WIll b�gtn at 8:30 and con- '. prices for the �lil1l1e"f,ta game willgreat deal by imitators who he has- Wisconsin. '. 0. 0 : tinue' till midnight.' Sat'genfs orches-, be double those of the previuusfound are attempting to infringe on tra will furnish music for the danc- Patroiii�:6�:r'�d�ertisers.1 They �rel g�ll1es,. scats in! tYle ·chl·t'ril1� sl'ctiouhis patent �ghts for the_�nvehtion. .H��e you subscri�ed for The Maroon in.g. the most progressive business men. hei�g' 'woOrt'l� $2000 and otlwrs $203°.$1.50 and $1.00"AllUSEIIBJIft ; .. '- ._..:J_">.; ••• _. "_. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS.'EMPI'.:: J'��f�He�QN M��!�<;G- .. ,' -. n' . .. ' • ClmiC Opera Star.THEATBIit-··, �.. NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY I BILLY REEVES.•_ -,. .' ,y -.1'> .-. :"13n1 .s�. aad, �,,:·�.�A�: '.' Five Rf'ela nightly of the h'tf'ilt movlnl: In a Gr-eat Com�y PantomimeWeek StartlDf Sa ... _II· plcturH.°, High class songs. nest of .CHARLE: CASE•SULLIVAN,I: CONJJP�< o. mosle by high class orehestra. Come aDdl .Funmest Man an ,:audevi1leP�ODUCIHG _. DEP� bear OIlr .�� $�.:;OO pipe organ. Penera �ette; Alpme_ :rou�;ANNOUH�'o _ .. � ".' _'. Mrs. Lomse James & Co., Big City- �'< 4�' '1-- ,", Fo Edna L b Th Sta .. 1-ANDRIAH (-P()P')':-:AHi()R , TONIGHT uri u y; e �:loa'. '"'... ��, ... - . - ........ 't--. # -,. •. .'The NobleSt Rom.. cl1.'llelD·�A1L· Out of the Shadows (western drama)IlANHIHG � The Power �f the Hymn (drama)The Pretty Acrobatic �c pm. ·At Ho� in the' Wa� (descriptive) GARRICK. CHAS. DeLAND, MARY:: CARR�i ' The Boy ,Rangers (comedy)cOlIPm . .Patbe WftklyIn the Funny FU:�··-nie·F&e·� Pathe Weekly Eft:I! FriaayLUCILLE �V�Y Current Events.The Sincinc Vemaa in. PariIiaD Art: ADIIISSION·Poeinc N�. llain Floor, aD seats •••••• 10 A l)DITORIU�PATTY BROTHE� Balcon,., all seats. • •••••••• sc: John Hyams and Leila McIntire inThe Ony Act in the Worid'lD WhIch THE GIRL OF MY DREAMSan Athlete Walb Down a P'1iiht -of Stairs on His Head. WOODLAWN THEAIII7:30 and 9:15PRICES1 Oc-2Ck-3Oc UtIa St. ............ A .... :The only fie Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Cood PIctures..... '_,. .... a.. ....SAVIIORT WC£IlU £V£aY TllUaSDAYc.rru' _HIlt.MD OTll£lt PlCTUaUpALACE MUSIC lULLEDNA GOODRICH -��-���-�- ----In "The Awakeninc of Minerva." A IlElltAN II1JSIC; IlU.PRIMROSE & DOCKSTADERSAM CHIP and MARY MARBLECarlo Albani; lloma' Baboons; Car-1'011 & Fields; Cbu F. SemCJtl; Ward& Weber; Robert De Mont Trio. Grand Minstrel Jubilee.POVVERSIIRS. FISKE.'ill TIle Biab Road.CORTPINB PKATRB ..� ······,h· i.iirii_ .i.t � �_� ( o LVftt4PICH� _w.�la�'.TIle IIILLION lic1d; Freshmen, Parh'r. Wiel. \\'hitl',Griffiths.Too-yard swilll- V�r ... ity: P"agllc:Neff, Moore: 'Freshllll:l1: \\Ohite,Parker, Griffiths·.4o-yanl hreast "trokc- \'ar�ity:Chandler,' Tatg-l', Ganlnc-r, Gnr;..:-a..;:Freshmen: McLaughlin, Shirh.'Y, :\Ic­Pherson.40-yard hack stroke-\',arsity: D.CHICAGO Hollingsworth. T. Hollllig-sw(lrthoPlunge for distance-Varsity: n,)h­OPERA HOUSE ert \\lhite. Xl'ff: Fn· ... blllO·11 l�:lyReturn of Last Season's Biggest White. GritTithsoMu�ica1 Comedy Hit :.!..?o_'yard swim- \'ar"ity: (;, ,tldman,DONALD BRIAN 0 Selfridge. White: Frc-,hlllt'l1: \\Ohit",and Orginal Company Intact Pa,·1icck.THE SIREN Helay ract.,-Varsity: I--:"("i,', �ClI-Geld. Xdl-. PO�lg-IIC: Fn',hlllloll. \\Obite,Parker. McT.:ltIg-hlill, \\·('il. (�rini'hs.. AMUSEMENTS'BLACKSTONEKlaw & Erlan2er prese&1t1860MILESTONES 1885Ig:a:2LASALLE·. THE GIRL AT THE GATEThe Season's Best Musical Comedywith the "La Salle's Best Cast I"Pop. Mat. Tucs. &: Thurs. 25C to $1LINA ABARBANELLIn .the Sparkling Operetta"MISS PRINCESS" pRINCESSWm. A. Brady PresentSThe First Chicago Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. 0 Broadhurst.An American Play of To-dayyour order.The theaters we handle are:Garrick Theater,Princess Theater.Americaa Malic HallRaymond Hitchcock inTHE RED. W,IDOWCOLONIALEvenings Precisely at 8�Iatinccs \Vednesday and Saturdaysat 2.BEN-HURTHEATER TICKETS. R 624 - IS43 BroadwayNEW YORK CITYThe bleachers at the north l'lHl IIithe field will. he enlarged to aCCllnlO­date the expected throng. With theAi hleachers completed the St'a till;":­capacit)· will he ::''0.000. Shoultl I :\titllle­sola win from \Vi"consin Saturrlayand Chicago lIl' sUCl't'"sful in t1h' con­test with Illinois. J,kachl'r� will Ill!erected at the south ('nd oi thl' field.ncreasing the sca.ting' capacity to�5.COO.----- ..COACH WHITE ANNOUNCESENTRANTS IN MEET TODAY(Continued from page one)Me Pht.'rson. f·'i�'ITAKING THINGS EASY Daily Maroon, single copies, fiveThe best seats i� the house may be cents Ellis or Press.ILLINOISprocured at the same price you wouldA new play Produced by Mr. Hackettwith pay at the box office by merely step-CYRIL SCOTT ping into the Maroon office to put in--------�----�--��--��--STUDEBAKERMY LITTLE FRIEND. ..A New Comic Operaby o.car s.r.. JOSEPH SCHMIDTS1',\TIOSERV. Ton.ET o\RTlrl.f:SFIXE T.1.\"I:: Of' rol.\'1>1I:.";N6 E. 55th St. C'hlf'a':ft, IIII",vorled tJllff J)f)mcdic !.iIlC '1'Clqa,.. and Cigarcttc.