/,\,,( )J .... A i. xo. 3�. .. , "UNIVEl{SITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.anyforCANDIDATES ADDRESSTHEIR CLASSES TODAY fHE CANDlDAT£S FOR OFFICES •OPERA EXECUTIVE TOUPPER SENIORS.' HEAR REPORT TODAYl'Ul{ PRESIDENT,I:iu'" will Ill' introduced and the �f- Marston Smith "':Cl' j"T which they' arc running will .'�..:.. . FOR 'VICE-PRESIDENTI,l' auuounccd. The Undergraduate Katherine CovertC', ,; nr il feels that it is essential that HoIger Lollesgardt hv-«: mccriug's he conducted �it� FOR SECRETARYdignity. Mabel Becker• ..!::4.·�,,-,cllalU:cs have be�n.�rriad��in �,�_ .;�_J��� �,9.!£!',��:.::,. .!�. ,�! ...the list of candidates since. it :�s �'. ::'�:FOR,TRl::ASURER' ,"',last printed. Emil Bickley has 'bJe'l ":,,' l:;.:.;':�,.§!����; �,:1 t:lllOunced as a candidate for pr�si": 2,: �,. ,:+i'� Griffiths,d('u t of the Sophomore' .... � ·�class. �' Kent '8qes: , .. , ,Duane Mann h�s' ·w.t�dra�� ,; LO�R 'jUNlORSirom c:lluliclacy for president· of the '.' FOR' PRESIDENTJanic.r cia:'s. Martin Block fron:- William.'Ewait'canditlacy for vice-presiclent, of the WaIter StqemanSophc.morc cJass. T. R. Dunne, and Frank ·Wbiung.,tlarohl Kleinm:mn from ,candidacy FOR ViCE-PRESIDENTI( Ir \'ice-pre:-iclcllt of the Fre!';hrnan M� V .. Browncla�s. Frederick BurckyOppose Default El.ection. Gifford PlumeThl' c')l111cil i:l opposed, to any of� FOR SECRETARYi�lice �ningo to a candidate hy default. 'Ethel '�ennanI n order ttl prevent this if p�ssihle; Dorothy Davisr>orothy FarwellDorothy ,Vandei-poolFOR TREASURERThe casts for the four playsp.r�s��lted by the Drgmatic club No·, the club until some future session.ve.mher 22, are announced as follows:Most of tl�c members of the com-' "RYland.'- STEWART ELECTEDmiuees appointed for the S�ttle�!!n� Hylancl •.......•••••. Ben Goodman CAPTAIN OF TENNIS(lar.�e to he held Decemher 7 met Jailor ....•...•..•• Roderi�k Peattie TEAM OF NEXT YEARyt:sterday at the home of Mrs. Henry Fielding ..••••••• Harry BoggWalton, 5i.;; \Voodlawn avenue, to Sir Joshua Reynolds ..•• Dudly' Dunn',\ ;IS a 1111 \\'l' (I three minutes' to speak arrange preliminary plans. The Mary I�ylancl .•.••• Isabel Kendricksc ,n- a :,uhjcct ior which they were al� finance committee wilt be dh'ided in' :\n�c1ica' Kaufman ••••.•••. FI R th IS' d" I . h· hench rally of the ,warter at 12:15Id\\'cd an hour's preparation,' to groups of ten each under a cap· orence 0 erme . qualr. succee mg 10 p aymg IS wayO 0, M Th b" h c. I . h \V" Friday. The idea oi havin� a ral1)�Th(� COlll\'stants drew �Iips. each tain a� was d(lne last year. hut there •• , p e am. to t e una S In t e lsconsm state. R h Who fi Id I H on the tield has hccn, al,ancioTled onwill he no ta� day for th(" :!an-ce as Madame Didier .•.•. ut It e tc,urnament ast summer. e washas be('Tl the �ustom in recent years. Clem .............•• H. Lo,uise Mick elected to Phi Beta Kappa in his accollnt of secret practice and theThe puhlicity committee has outlined I�ose ...........••• Margaret FentOn JuniOT year. The 1912 tenm of which f:Jct that the team will IC:lye Saturdayb I . d I \ I W' 'fr d Cuttl'ng Le "'as, ," member had ," .succns, ", fIll, morning instl'ael oi Friday afternoon.its Call1pal�n ot 1 111 reg-ar to Pu)- .. man( a .;........ tnl e . I, "' .• .....G . h D ld B d snason. defeatl'11g JIII·nol·s. ·."·ortll\v"st- Coach Stagg. Assistant Coachc"llk-tants were, allowed to choose licity in the columns of The Daily Ilorace .1reensmlt .. ona rec ... ., ...I,nl' Ilf these sllbjects. Maroon and in regard to bulletin Celeste .............•• Letitia Fyffe. ern. Wisconsin, Ohio \Veslyan. and flag-c. Captain Carpenter. and Xor-nTh "�L u .... " Kenyon College in dual meets. The man 'Paine will hl' the spC'akcrs. Painel'l!apl11an talked on a federal initio hoard advertising. A meeting of the e UT� w'Gin·allni ...........• Frank O'Hara prospects for the coming year arc ex- saw the PlIreltw- Lllinois contl."St Sat-Dealer ••.••.•••••••••• Howard Roe ceedingly bright as all the old m,Cl1 urclay and is �aici'" to have a line onuMr". Ford'. Face. will he hack. prohahty in hetter C011- the playil'� ahility of the downstate.1\ Il:1i .. �":l\'e his rcason� for coming to -, Effi H 'tt dY th' ItS' \ fIliI tcam. :\ssistant Cheerlead('r Francis_tIll' (-nin'rsity. and Lawrence ad· Yale-The quarter mile track on Mrs. '�;-ord .•...•.••.••. e eWl 1 Ion an 3... prmg. I\'ised the compulsory u:"e of voting the Y.:lle fichl is to he reconstrUcted Jim Ford Robert Allais schedule of meets fo-r the coming \Varcl will ha\·e char�e of the rallymachines. in the. ncar future. Jack Bruce .•.••.•. \Villiam Hefferan year. i$ now heing arranged. in the ah�(:ncl' pf Rudy Matthews.aliv(' and rl'i(·rencltl111. Me�k di.scusse� ("o;mnitee will he 'held �oday at 12:15I h,' inrtiliralion of the Panama canal; in the 'office of T,he Daily . Maroon.Forty Students Were RecIau�d Yel­terday---All Tellen NotYet NamedNEW CANDIDATE ENTERS FIELDEltctions Will Be Held Friday-TwoOfficers Liable to GO"byDefault..,\ 11 iour uurlcrgrnduate classes willIIi ",,:1 wday at 12:"'5 to hear candi­c1atn j"r p rcsj dc nt state what theythink art' the qualifications for theirc Ilicc. The Sen iors will meet jn(·�hJ.: (1.'\. the j unior., in Kent cast,till' S,.phlllllorc:.- in Kent west, andI h ; Frc-Inncn in Kent theater. Don­ald I:rn'cl will prc sidc at the SeniorI:.ct'ling. \\"illar<l Dickerson, at theJ lilli, .r mcct ing; Kenneth Coutchie att lu- SHph(';lJIllrl' inecting and. Howard.,\1 (Lane at the Freshman meeting.Th« cancli(lates for president of .all�. h!""e� will speak for two minutesa ::11 ·t he candidates for the vice-presi­Ik;�,cy for one minute each. They willtell. what t hey believe are the dutiesof t hv ullicc.· for which they arc run-, nitl:":. � 0 persoual reference will benvr c- -nry. The candidates for otherI Conllnlled on page 4)'FOUR MEN ARE CHOSEN INEXTEMPORANEOUS CONTESTThirty·C.ne Compete in JuniOr- Col­'!.:ge Preliminary-Finals WillBe Held Next T�esd�y.Thirtyclle studentsth� Lower Junior. extemporaneous:''1ll'al,illg c.'(lnte:,t in Kent yesterdayait(.'rll,.n:t. Four men, \Villiam Chap'l1:a11. J':ohert .\l1ai:,. Lei�h "Lowrence,lilt! S. 1'. MCl·k_ Each 'contestaathlarjn� thr('c st1hject�. onc bearing\,·jlll :1 call1Jllt� prohlem. another withlillI' (Ii inlac:-t to the city of Chica­�(I. :lnd a thircl Ilatinnal in :.-cope. The Donald HollingsworthGeorge Kuh.FOR V ICE-PRESlDENTCora Hinkins.Hirsch SobleMary Ann WhitleyFOi:{ �;ECH,ETARYMarie Fanning.Dorothy FoxAugusta SwaWite.FOI( 'Tlq::ASUIU;:RWilliam HefferanHoward Keefe.LOWER SENIORSFOR PRESIDENTWalter KennedyErnest RachmannFOR ViCE-PRESiDENT'Suzanne Fisher'FOR SECRETARYArline BrownFOR TREt\SURERHarvey 'HarrisBernard VinisskyUPPER JUNIORSFOl{ PRESIDENTEmile BickleyI Raymond BohnenDonald, DelanyCount Lovellette PEN CLUB WILL MEET TONIGHT FRESHMEN SCORE BYLiter� Organization P�s to Es· USING ILUNOIS PLAYStablish Student MagazIne' for theUniversity-New Members Will Be ---Elected. . Yearliap Score Six Pomts ApiDst Var-sity After LOlli Ru BT:RUlleDTIIree Hudred SneIQ FiYe ,De:sire s. a..kecITacketa The Pen club will meet in the Com-M. Davidson.Joseph Ge�W. 'johnsOD'4 f .'in DANCE C'OMMITTEESMADE PR�LIMINARYPLANS: YESTERDA Y,o -.• " • '. :/, mons cafe tonight for the purpose ofdiscussing the establishment of a lit­erary magazine in the University. Amagazine along similar lines was pub­lished a few years ago and W;lSknown as The Monthly Maroon.This magazine was partly absorbedby the present University of Chicago­Magazine.ItIs hoped that all members of theclub will be -present as new memberswill be elected. The requirements formembership are as follows.A. Students engaged in active liter­�ry work on The Daily Maroon whohave attained to the positiom of As­sociate Editor or to any higher posi­tion these positions being those ofManaging' Editor, News Editor, and. .\thletic Editor. This clause shall notSEATS RDEiVED IN BALCONY UNE SHOWS AGGRESSIVENESS'. It Expect to Establish Local Office forDistributiM fo Ticketa to As­sociatioq $bMIeats. Coach Stagg Hopes to Instill Fight­ing Spirit into Men-Paine'May Not Play.already Prospects for victory in the Illinoisgame looked slim after the shortscrimmage which was held. yesterday:afternoon. Although the Varsity suc­ceeded in winning hy the score of 12to 6, the Freshmen had the better ofthe argument. The yearlings usedIllinois plays and seemed able to gainat . will. Rur scl! scored the Freshmantouchdown after a fifteen yard runthrough the rcjzulars.Although Coach St�ggThat 3i5 <students haYesignified their intention to join theL: niver sity Grand Opera associationwill he the principal {�a,u"e of the re­port submitted to the Executive com­mittee of the Opera ro�ny today.The prospective members of the as­sociarion will use at least aroo tickets,an average of six. t�ket.:s to a person.Twenty of the 375 Wte4 to indicatethe number of tickets, the,- desire.Although 1000 appticat:on blankswere printed, the suppl,y was ex'hau�tcd yesterday, Any students ormembers of the fa£dlty who desireto join the association ale requestedto . write their names, addresses,standing in' the University, and the'I�.umber of tickets they clesire. Theslips should then be tunted in-at theFaculty exchange Box 61.Will �cest Plus., ; J n the report to be sent. to theaid Literary Committee.opera executive committee will be in- , IC. Students engaged, in active liter­eluded tentative plans for the relationary work on the University Magazinebetween the opera and the associa- who have attainci to a position. ontion, It is plarmed , to offer a speci:a1 . Unless a' great improvement is, - .: '. L I" . 1.. .. 1 .. ...:_'... the staff. . -,. h 'b 'c _ � ".to: .1· I L- .' .��o�,sbMIen*Q. IQ tpe. P� ��. i."-<�'�"� ...... _.:w.....;:....,;........:.. .• ---,-.,;.;,�,,...,:'_ :.�:", 's own, ��u.rvu-yc:",:anu=. ... un ess- .. tllC-��"""-''-'',�-.-,,·,,-.,�nd possibly in the second and third ,0:., t,u��n.ts ,.el1lg3g�d. in writing f9� men pi�y a more aggressive game and' '-. ",;. II . . O'ly. ti k t to any of the Cqlcago datly newspapers. -h k f 'the' worst:� eneo.. n <?ne c e ,a �er- E.' Students who have written th� '!; ow p nty '0 pepper,formance wdl be acoordecl.a member. . - ,. predictions of Coach Stagg will prob·,. • . words of a!Oy Blackfri�r play .of the aSSOCiation, and a scheme of ,,' ,.' .. ' .,', .; 'ably be ·,rtali7.ed . Chicago· won the"rote�ting' the 'CO�pallF from tOO fre� F. ·Stude�ts whQ. are engaged I�, WisconSin' and Cornell games lastwriting . for pubii�tions of a' sur 'use of· the privilege will be . put in - : year hccausc the team played with a. nciently standard ,quality.force., To this end memb�rship cards ' g-rl':lt :fig-hting- spirit and although t,heThe abOve shail not. by virtue of:n the association will be issued. . ',' mcn' wcre olltwei�hecl they won he-Another feature will be the estab- their, activities' alOne become mem�caus<- tlu."Y gM i,nto the play;;. It ishers' of the Pe� club,· but may heJishing .of a local office of the com- this' kind . of ago�re:,siveness' thatI d�cted . t� active' memhership by a;pany to 'handle the affiairi; of the as' Co�ch . Stagg is hopin� to instill intotw, o-thirds vote of all members voting .fhe team hC'fore Saturday.at any regular meeting of the assoc1a� The. Varsity was run through ation Their names shall be prC'Sent�Two schemes for obtaining reduc- . long si�nal drill after the short -scrim-tions h��;de the rebate offered by cd by any' active me�ber. mage. The team was �i\"en 110 newG. FurtherllK',ie it· is possible that plays, hut the entire efforts of thewas dis-couraged hy the outlook he statedhe construed to include the, Business that the men showed more aggres-Manager. ::;iVC1:(,SS and wilfingncss to get intoB. Students engaged in active liter- plays than they did in the Northwest-ary work on the Cap and GoWtll whoern game, The best plays seemed tohave attained to a position of one ofgo wrong at ;t11 times in the Purplethe two Managing Editors or Chair­ game due to the unwillingness of. themen to goet into plays. The backfieldman of the. Literary Commit¥e; andthis clause shall not he construed soT'l111nerS were often thrown for lossesas to include the ,Busin�ss Managers because t hc line either did not offerof Chairmen of other than the afore-any interference or did not openholes through their opponentswant wall.Tllinois May Win.sociation.Desire Reductions.any' undergraduate man student of coaches will-· he spent now in perfect­·the ,Uni�ersity not eligible .by theCASTS FOR ·FOUR PLAYS ing the nlny� which have been given,ARE ANNOUNCE� BY CL'l!B above qualifications may be cleckdto the tC:lm. There arc many plans\0 active membership by a secret bal� in th(' Varsity repertoire which havelot iru which no more than two votesPresent Short not hcen used and which' will proh-, ,-;hal1, be .cast against him. The n:lmc�ketches November 2:a-Seven- ahl)- he' employed against the IIIini.of such persons shall he proposed byte-=n Students to Appear.(Continued 011 page 4),.Dramatistsan active memher of the club at anyto be regubr . m�eting but the ballotingthereon may be deferred 3t the will of (Continued on page 4)PLAN LAST C BE�CH RALLYStudents to Give Team Sendoff Fri­day for Illinois Game.Charles Stewart was elected cap- Stu<knts will have an opportunitytain of the 1913' tenn.is team at a re- of �ivin� the ioothall tnt'n a se11doff('ent meeting. Stewart together with for the Illillois g-a1l1e at the laost "C"\.. lI'W'.- .. ,.,� ... ;.,TUE DAILY, MA,ROON. WF:DNl!.�DAY, NOV. 13. 1912.The Daily Maroon1l.i.n�ift .f t;�u ...r n 'the olden days, the sweaterwas associated wholly with thecompeling athlete. A G. Spalding«-' Broa. have changed all that.Bulletin and Announcements.All Classe�Meetings. 12:15. Sen- University Public Lecture-Pro-SAYS STUDENT SHOULDSUBDUE HIS HANDICAPS Y. M. C. A. Head Speaks at ThirdMeeting of Week Today.iors, Cobb 6A; Juniors, Kent cast; fessor Israel Abrahams, tomorrow,Sophomores, Kent west; Freshmen" 4:15. Haskell assembly room.Kent theater. Religious Education Clu�o'mor-Divinity School-Chapel. 12:15. row. i:30; Haskell 12.Y .W. C. L.-!�:15. Lexington, Univer!ity Public Lecture-Profes-University Public LeCture-Profes- sor Israel Abrahams, Friday, 4:15.sor Israel Abrahams, 4:15, Haskell Haskell assembly room.assembly room. Junior Mathematical Club-Profes-Junior Women-Chapel. 12:15, to'sor Moore, Friday 4:15, Ryerson 37.morrow. Ge�n Club-Friday, 4:30. Lex-Le Cerc1e Francais,-4 tomorrow,ington 3 and 4.Graduate Women's Club-Friday, 5,Lexington 5. "P LAY, I N G thegame hard," buton the square is whatwe have done for.twenty-five years.That is why we areoffering you suits for$25 for which we couldeasily get $30, as theyare worth every centof it.The finest woolensin all the world are ineludeded-tweeds from The Isles ofHarris and St. Kilda; ScotchCheviots and Homespunsthat reflect all the sturdylocal color of The High­lands of Scotland, every yardof them handwoven. Finish­ed and unfinished worstedsfrom the great 'Englishweaving and Americancenters.Lexington,Philharmonic Society-Chorushearsal tomorrow i:15. Mandel. reoROY BAUMANN LEADS PRAYEREntered as Second-class mail at the University Preacher Advises Men andChicago Post Office, Chicago llli- Women in Senior College Chapelnois, March 18, 1908, under Act of Exercises.March 3, 1873. Roy Baumann of the South Deeringbranch of the Y. M. C. A. will leadthe early morning player meeting to­day in the Y. M. C. A. office in Cobbhall. This is the third gathering ofSuccess over handicaps counts for the week at i :55. and these meetingsmore in life than making the best of will continue through Saturday, whileopportunities, according to the Rev. the Sunday -service probably will beMr. Harry E. Fosdick, who spoke be-a vesper at 4 lead by the Universityfore the students of the Senior col- preacher. Dr. Fosdick.'leges in chapel yesterday. The speak- Dr. Soares will speak on Socialcr referred to the condition of every Service at the usual time tomorrow,student .handicapped by too little or and Assistant Professor Robertsontoo much money. poor. health, an un- will lead the meeting Friday' withfortunate disposition, or in any other Patriotism 3lS ·his subject. Mr. Bick';way. ham has signified his intention of"It is not the manner in which we taking charge of the prayer Saturday.handle our opportunities but the man- These meetings are open to allPrlnt� by liaroon Preu. 5511 Cottap Groy� ner in which we overcome our handi-. members of the University, the onlycaps tftat- makes for the greatest vic' requirement. being that the studenttories." Said Mr. Fosdick. "Every stu- come on time. These meetings haveThe Undergraduate. council has dent in the University has some son been held throughout the Y. M. C. A.gone on record against "politics" in of misfortune thrown in his way, but world for forty-five years about thiscampus elections. There he should not stop to pity himself time, of the year.­is a rightful feeling for his position not to covet the suc·_ Prayer meetings also are heldagainst politics among cesses of others more fortunate. His daily in Lexington 3 by the Y. W. C.thoughtful students, ambition should direct 'itself toward L.' Miss Potter 'Of the national boardand the council's action will undoubt- smothering 'the handicap and' pr�ditc- of the' Y. ; W. C. L. will lead theedIy meet with the � approval ing. the best that is in himself." 'meeting today; 'Miss Funk. a mission.of every one' who is anxious to � Mr. Fosdick .told of the successes ary to China, tomorrow; and Mr.undergraduate activities put upon the of men who have been retarded' in Merrifield on Friday.highest and best possible plane at their work' by some misfortune, and_Chicago. The trouble has so far been referred to the fact that great work SENIORS FAIL TO.that there has been no ",dequate defi- by some misfortune, and, referre�', to SUBMIT HONORS TOnition of "politics." As applied to the fact that great works are too ?f- THE CAP AND GOWNclass and other elections, the term is ten accepted for;��at' they. are alone In spite of the fact that the "activ- FeR RENT-Large furnished rooma misnomer-what is really meant is without due consideration for the .ty" cards for the Senior section of for couple _!)r two gentlemen. Elec-"dirty politics." Politics in so far as conditions under which they have The Cap and Gown have been ready tric lights, steam heat. No children,it means an effort on the part of a been produced. ior over a week but seven have been Jones, 62OC) Lexington avenue.man's friends to familiarize the voters "In reading the works of Eliot, signed. The office in Ellis hall 'is Phon� Hyde Park 5416.with him and to urge them to vote Darwin, or Stevenson, for instance, open daily from II :15 to 5, and thefor him, is all right. It is dirty poli- we do not take account of the sick- cards may be filled out during thistics that is objectionable. Under the ness ,blindness; or paralysis in which time. Much of the athletic materiallatter:head might be included three they, were- written," according to the has been gathered, and the honor so'practices that have at times been. ob- speaker:' Certain battles of history' ciety section is complete. Many ofserved on the campus: (I) combina- which have been won after loss the pictures are to be taken after 3102.tions of fraternities or other opniza- seemed certain, furnish example Christmas. and must be completed bytions; (2) trading votes; (3) abuse of which the student will do well to con- the first of February. Special mencandidates • By a combination of fra- sider," have been appointed to make theternities or other organizations is The Reverend Mr. Fosdick is pas- section given to the, graduate schoolsmeant an agreement between the "A" tor of the First, Baptist church ofmore full.and "B" fraternities to support or Montclair. New Jersey, and is welloppose a certain candidate as unani- known nationally for his abilities in GIVES FIRSTmou�ly as possible, thus probibitinc preaching and writing. He is Uni- Professor Abrahams of Cambridceeach individual from makinC an in- versjty preacher for the' present week Speaks Today in HaskelLtelligent choice himself. TradinC of and in this connection will speak atvotes. means that one person, faction the Divinity school chapel today, Professor Israel Abrahams, an 6no E1Iis avenueor organization says to another. "If the Junior college execrices for wo;. authority on talmudic and rabbinic lit­you will elect uA" as president of this men tomorrow, and at the services in erature, will give the first of a seriesclass, we will do all in our pOwer to Mandel Sunday morning. He will of addresses to members of the Uni­elect "B" to the office that he is after. also speak at the next meeting of the ver-Ity at 4:15 in Haskell assemblyAbu�-: of candidates is obviously the Sunday Evening club in Orchestra room.effort on the part of one side to put halt. Students may meet him in con' Professor Abrahams is a member903 East 55th Street.the other side in a bad liaht. Whether fcrcnce from II to 12 today in Coub of the department of Rabbinics ind r!_•• J A Iterinc etc. of Ladies an ucntsor not the statements against a man IA. Quecns co llcgc, Cambridge university. EXCLUSIVE agency for an enttre yare true, they should remain unsaid 1 ic will appear this afternoon, tomor- new proposition is open to oneif they in. any way cast harmful re- row and Friday in lectures on "Tal- active woman and one man. Noflections upon him. Trading of votea Pennsylvania-E. \V. Hawkes until mudic �Iatcrial on the Xcw Testa- books or insurance. Big money.and combinations are Underhanded, a few months ago a government agent ment." I:lOS-542 S. Dearborn street.undemocratic, ungentlemanly methods to the Esquimaux of the Diomede Tonight Dr. Abrahams will he en' A. loseDhine Grahamwhen applied to college affairs. and Islands. is now a special student in tcrtained at a reception given by Mr. HAND PAINTED CHINAshould be unqualifiedly condemned. t.he department of Anthropology at Julius Rosenwald, a trustee of theBut open solicitation of votes and the University of Pennsylvania, University. and tomorrow he will befree discussion of the candidates in the J,.'"1.ICSt of the Divinity conferencea fair-minded and honest 1Vay are fair at the Quadrangle club. On Satur-encugh methods and should be used day afternoon he wi11 speak on "Theo-to the absolute exclusion of all other The Daily Maroon is now on sale critus and the Canticles,", before the IIRS. L. WOOD, Dail,. lIaroon,' sin,le copies, fivemethods. at the Prea.. Society lor Biblical Research. t710 IlIIdiooa 'Aw, Tel � 5!l45 _ EIIia or Prea...l�K __ "" �� __ ��� __ � __ ���'.' __ �� __ � 'Managing Editor • Hiram KennicottNews Editor • • • • .Leon Stolz�th1etic Editor, • Bernard VinisskyBusiness Manager ••• Burdette MastAssociate Editors.Walter Foute •• Martin Stevers.Witliam Lyman •••••. John PerleeSamuel Kaplan . • • . . Harry GorgasHolger Lollcsgard .. George LymanClyde Watkins •. George CottinghamGrace Hotchkiss •• Sarah ReinwaldThese models areparticularly for youatClbitotial made$25'NoPolitics.CIi.�TheT9 RENT�ttracti�e fron� �arl�rl SweaterSouth .exposure, With or Withoutboard,' cheap, 5822 Drexel Avenue,Miss Willison.'�329 East Fifty·Fifth street.Thene.I9I· Spalding Alltomobile andW"mter SpcKta SweaterFOR RENT-Furnished rooms andlight housekeeping rooms. Singleor en suite. All conveniences, 6104Washington avenue, Tel. Midway for everybody-men and women,is' a gannent for all-around use­comeptitors, and lookers-on. Toenjoy the Fall and Winter out­door season you should have aSraldiag Automobile Sweater.TO RENT-Light front study withadjoining chamber, suitable for two,also single room. Mrs. Spell�n,6Jo8 Greenwood avenue, .Apt. 2. .!8-JO So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IIIOF LECTURES FOR REN�-Newly furnished Jarce JOSEPH SCHMIDTparlor. Two large bed rooms,Single or en suite. Steam heated.Board if desired. M. A. Robinson. STATW:CI-:Ul'. TOIU:T .\I!TH'U:SFIXE 1.1.\'£ 0,., (".I-""If::O;956 E. 55th Street.· Chicaco, InTO RENT-Large front room, threewindows, hot water heat, electriclight. wen furnished, in modemhouse, 56JO Kimbrk avenue. PhoneMidway 1617. The Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS�'j.l1".lI Garment ..R�pairinc and Pressinc atModerate PricesPhone Hyde Park 2137Christmas Gif� and prizes.Mi1liaery Importations DresamakincDeaipa to rent. China FitecI.,T�E DAILY: IIA�OON,' WEDNESDAY� �OV'. 13,'1912. -�JOJlETBING TO BEAD. this line, sO�lle of them having' wonsuccess in the magazine field.-" To the minds of most·· of us the "I n the writing of motion picture·�ords' "'hi;),·iilg 'picture'S" .suggests plays .anyone who is capable of evolv­nothin��'but a cheap form of enter- ing an interesting plot adapted to mo..:. .., .. -':....tainment, designed particularly foriho�e wh'o can' :neither' afford nor ap­prc�ia:te . the "hetter"· things· in the�hc-\v line .. \V e sneer at the crowdsgoing . ��d coming from the.' nickel­dromes and kindred 'places, althoughwe must confess that we are oftencompelled t� sit up and take noticeat the' ;"motion plays" that arc pre-I sented after the acts at 'the' h-igh­class vaudeville theaters. tiun picture presentation may winsuccess. The proposition is the germof the plot. I t consists of conditionor situation from which the details ofthe' story arc developed. The successof a comedy composition lies in thenovelty of the plot or some new andinteresting phase of an old proposi­tion, in its, interest holding qualities,log-ic and probability and the humorof the individual scenes and situationsSHIRTSDistinctive PatternsPerfect FitThat anything higher than rnechan- There is a wide difference betweenical a ·rt enters into the production of the 'comedy' and 'comic' pictures.the films that make' 'these . "plays" and this- difference lies chiefly in that. possible we little dream. although it :hc comedy depends largely for its--------------- is ':L fact _t.�at. .a considerable portion humor in the cleverness .and wit ofof the .literary folk of. the country are the plot, where the comic is usuallydaily taxing their 'imagination in cf- merely a series Of situations arisingforts to .make good. films and, inci- from one incident or situation. In thede ntatly. 'to 'enlarge their hank ac- comic film there is tittle plot and theEARL & WILSON.Maker". Of Red-Man Coliars'scenes arc loosely cODl�ted,. whilerho success of the picture usually de­pcrids . upon: the fun 'oht�ined from�'ach scene. Good comedy stories arecounts.-Despite .the cry again .. t motion pic­,tt1rc' hcuses.. the business of film pro­rluction is progressing, and the rival-Anotlr.eT YearAhead GfHimMay it be a haw}' ����:!.one-may be always have Fatimas.'WIll ..A __.,. -J F"'_ .,.. .., • � ---.zs ., -'*' __ • '-'-- {tll �c.Ica.JJ ....... -�cw.. (/2%32)- .... ., 115. �"'r""'_e.ry. among the dozen. or more con' .iard to obtain .arc h"'rd to conceivece rns in this country en�ged in such and arc necessarily. on account ofwork is so �reat that no expense is .heir : rarity. much in demand. Itspared 'in 'endeavors' to 'put out' su- Seems hard' for most writers to dif­pcrior films .. "Xew ideas! new ideas!" it·n·�tiatc the wit ami clever ingenuityC_ .... I ... M _c.. I is the constnn't cry. and, naturally. of the g-ood comedy scenario with theThe nearest bank to the Uni- . the manufacturers turn to the literary rrival and Frivolous one which is not."ver sity and the only Bank be- folk for assistance. At least ten firms To show the desire of the manu-tween 43rd and 63rd street: east arc buying ideas to' he worked out on facturer to ·get wholesome pictures,of Cottage Grove a�e. under State the screen. and the dearth of good the following extract 'is given:.Go\'ePlIlll'nt supervision, jd�as is such that a few concerns arc "Beware of any scenes which mayCAPITA!. $200,000 i advertising that they will pay high violate good taste, manners or morals3 PER CENT ON SAVING� prices for the kind of, suggestions and avoid an crimes, such I3S burglary,HVT:.E n, ",_u_ S"''''''E BANK.·,'. they want.' 'Ideas 'put into workable kidnaping; highway robbery, murderIV _ r!Utft Ilftl form arc called "scenarios," and for and 'suicide, showing the methods em-eo-".- o· ."., ""e acceptable ";cenario:;" the ad\'erti�- I ploycd in the accomplishment of suching manufacturers agree to pay from crimes. "-M. P. S. M.ten dollars to oae hundred dollars, DIRECTOR STEVENS TALKSAn of the big companies maintain ON PUCCINI'S NEW OPERAliterary departments, the h'iisines� �of�)J,)��::i! r��..... ��i.·sc.�eva'io�,a�.· d .Musical .. Directo;-Chooses "�on'.1357 E. 55th StreeL.. � ;�' W()rK�r 111>' idea� .. :s)ifjinit�� Petjons'" Lescaut" as Lectare !,t· ��. I:' of .recognized:' litc�ri 'ahility-,n:� "at Subject.Amenean the heads: of. most of . these depart.;... .". _,., '._: rnents .d rho "f' t . �. II Manon L. cscaut, PUCCini s latest: .. -, an IS ac. It IS gencra, y . . '...---------.--- ...... ----- a··�re-ed· . t -d'" . . , . ('pera. and the opcnmg productlOn ofr:> ,IS en mg more to r-ars'C ine I ..' .�t'a"hd�rd'- Af'; th·A.... : .. ::;.' . ;:. hT t hc C.lllcago Grand Opera CompanyV . 'C. ·movmg· pIcture-· t ,an .. '_all th I - I t' .. h" h !':ea'Son tins year, was the subject. of• e egts a Ion .anu censors IP. t at.. .',tile P: 11' -f .' ..b . '.' . Dlrcctor Steve.ns talk yesterday atu l IC re ormers .are rmgmg .I to.'" \' t' tl' ';'. f •• . . the regular weekly musicalc tendereda lOU •. .: SOle wrltmg 0, . pIcture .I .,.', f h .'. t he L� ni ,·.e, rsity students, by the di-pays,. 0':le 0 t e large firms has 1S-�t1ed. n hooklet, which contains the rector. The musical program, con­iollowing: lstlng" of tw� groups of SQngs, wasgiven by Mi�s Barbara Wait. TYPEWRITE'RS RENTED$5.00 . for Three MonthsFor WearinessGOOD COFFEE .•. !Every mac:lill� guaranteed .to be. in. fine working order, and will be)ep'�',s�! d��: � .��,����'- i ";: .. '; .. , �:'.; . ._We- deliver the �e and icalFfOr. it at the end ofthe rental term.We also h� 'fOl' sale a fiDe ·line of Factory Rebuilt mathines of _allmakes on -biCb you ean- Save SC to 75 per cent.GreeDwood Cafe�liineseA-)(EItICMfWR·ITING MACHINE CO�PANY. (lNCORPOItA T·ED)� Savines - Bank1204 E. 6yd Street, Chicago.Chicago, III#37 South Dearborn St.A STATE BANK"Th�t th� "30ti,?n picture, iIi recent Puccll:i was declared one of they(:ars, has "taken - its placc in theamusement world is clearly cst:'h, hest of the 1110denl Italian composerslishe-d:� Briefly, it pears to the st�ge hy 'Director Stevens. Mr. Stevensl)roduction - t'he same relation the hclicH'? that thc latest work of thecomposer is fully up to standard. The�hort story bears to the full v�iumer�ove�.. It differs chiefly from thestage play _in that n'o lincs are intro�duced. D�s�i'ie' this' li'mi�iion andand despite the' brevity·and low priceat which' .thJs '.cn�ertaiDlhcnt is offer­ed to the. public, film man'u'facturersrequire that 'their product must quali­fy with· the ever' ascending standard��ramatically ,artistically and mo�alJy.To this l·nd the manufacturers arcspending thousands. of dollars eachycar to obtain the most skillful pro­duccrs. thc best dramatic talent andthe: mdst effectivc "Stage devi�es inthe production' of the pictllres. The5dll1e is, ::'ue of thc story which thepicture portrays .."The writing of stories or playsfor modern picture production ispractically a new profes�ion. \Vritc .. rsoi sllccessful motion picture playsfind their work constantly in (lct)landand at good prices. The licld is not'cro-wded with successful authors andmany who arc ahlc to producc avail·able {llays have· not yct' grasped thefirst principles of the' moving picturedr�n�a. nor do they se�m to havc anyj illkling of what the manufacturersrl'quire. 'Many of thcse have thel-) 1'1 _r f Th M' qualitie�, 'imagination, talent and in-a\'e you su )scn )Cu or c aroon gcnuity which make for succc�s in.DEPOSITORY FORUNITED. STATES POSTALSAVINGS ¥UNDS --------------------�-------------�----�------------- -------Hotel Cumberland.NEW YORK"Broadway" cars from· GrandCentral Depot.Broadway at 54th Street.Near 50th Street 'Subway Station andS31"d Street Elevated.Seventh Aveaue' Cars fr�m Pennsyl­vama Station.Kept by a college man.. Headquaners for College StudentsSpecial Rates for College ':reamsTen Minutes' Wa!k to Thirty Theatres.Rooms with.Bath, $2.50 and up.New, MOdem and FireproofH/,RRY P •. STIllSON. MANAGER -Headqaarters for Chicago Men f,•I-I.iiJ,Ii____ IThe largest and oldestmusic i� declared tuneful, masterfuln counerpoint. while not heavy instyle. 'The director declared thenearest to the Univr.rsity. Ac­counts. of professors and stu�·dents solicited. harmoilY interesting, in spitc of theCact that it follows the simplicity ofthe Italian stylc.The plot is essentially Italian. deal­:l'l;� from start to finish with an in­\'dved lifc story. and strongly color­ed liy the I talian- setting, introduced(!trough the media' of native cardi-:':lmcs. and other character rcpre­sentations," �aid Dircctor Stcvens, .in;lis di:,cu:,�ion of the operd. "ManORLC5caut is hoth lyric and fantastic, re­\'l�aling' the Italian poetic, tempera­Hll·nt. Its humor is "ery - simple:The intcre:,t of tJ:e opera lies in the('pen appeal of th! music. In move-Checkin� Accounts ofand Savings Accounts ofaccepted................ ¢.SHOE REPAIRINGYou can not make .a mistake in Sendincyour work here. Onlythe most . skilled work·men employed.,UNIVERSITY of CHICAGOSMITH-GOODYEAR1134 East 63rd Stree� mcn! and action it compares withthe l1lark(.·t scene in '�fartha: andthc vi1lag-e fc�tival in the second .:lctI.i 'Faus!.· The melodies as�igncd tothe charactcrs in the opera arc heau­tiful in their simplicity and melodiou�0lip-osite Postofi'ice. CALENDARSOn Sale In CobblAS. E. COWHEYMens' Furnishint(sBILLIARD. HALL NOW!ANDREW McADAMSCigar. Cigarettes. '" TobaccoIOC)! and 1001 � East' 55th Street.S. E. Corner Ellis � ve. SOc apieceFlorist 'and DecoratorFifty-third St. and Kimbark Aft.Tels. Hyde Park 18. Chicaco. mTelephone Hyde Park 2137 PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.'./ .'../... " " .... y....THE . DAILY MAttoon, WEDk£SI)A�, NOV. 13, t9t1.nn_' .' " . v-'nmem 2 ·'-Sf = FrY- _.CANDIDATES ADDRESS Joseph F'ishman, Gladys Leopold,THEIR CLAS�ES TODAY Edward Kixmiller, H��l1 Rhett,Burton Roscoe, Max Sickle, and Del·(Continued from page one)andNATIONAL AUmORS·INSTITUTEI_w_,_n_·t_e_I_d_e_as_fo_r_· _M_o_:V1D_._' _g_, _P_ic__tu.....-:r e P_la_y_s_tIYOU'" CAN WRITE'PHOTO'PLAYS ANDEARN S25 ,OR MORE WEEKL YWe 'Will ShQW You Howl1£ you have ideas-if you can THINK--we will show �ou the 1eCr'.:ta of this fascinating new pro­fession. Positively no experience or literary exeelleace neceuary. No "Sowery language" is wantedThe demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. 'The bie &1m' .manufacturers are "movingheaven and earth .. in their attempts to get en oUCh good plots to aupply the ever iftcreasing demand.They are offering $100. and moee, for single scenarios. or written ideas.We have received many l.etten from the film manufacturers. auch as VITAGRAPH, EDISON,ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELIANCE. CHAMPION, COllET, MELIES, ETC.,urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers and �'llglad1y teach you th.e secrets ofsuccess.We are sem.., plaotoplaJi wriHea by ........ uMftI' w.re wrote. liM ... ·pUlicatio .. "Perhaps we can do the same fo: you. If you �.k of only' one good idea every week, and will writeit out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25- a low figure.YOIJ WIU. EON S." .ONTIlY fOl SPIRE 11IIE WOII.FREE SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE POR FREE COpy O!"OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, "MOVING PICTURE PLA YWRITI�G"Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may mean forDon't hesitate.you and your future.AMUSEMENTS\..-.�mar Stevens,Tellers for the Senior election have11VIll�lIatit)lIs of candidates for vi�e- not yet been announced. The tellerspresident and secretary of the JUnJor for the Freshman "election, announced.clas-. will be received up to 12:45 to- yesterday, ar�:'�. Iday in box 61 Faculty exchange. No ; 8:IS-C):ls_:'Marjode Coonley andother nominations will be honored. Ed. Field. .The council announces that it has' 9:15-10: 15-George Gray and Georgelearucd of several attempts at' com- Lyman.binations. According to a statement of 10:�-I1:I.5-Dorothy", Lovell ,andlEarle Shilton, election commissioner 'Rollin, Harger. .«f ti!�, council, action is pending on 1 1 :15-1�:15'::"'Wi1liam ", -Lyman and Ithe case of organizations engaging in Harold Wright. " Isuch practices, and an extreme penal- 12:15-1 :1'5-Leon Stolz, and Bernardty w�l probably be provided. Hewould tell nothing else and give noinformation as to the names of theorg-anizations implicated, The coun- Vinissky. .1:15-2:Js-Stuart Canby and', Ber­nard Vinissky.2:IS-3:15-Myra.Reynolds and Wil­cil also wished to go on record as lard Dickerson.being very. much opposed to personal .3!IS-4:15-Helen 'I'imberlakesolicitation.by the candidates. George Dorsey.The�' el�ctions will be held in Cobb Council supervisors of the electionFriday i�om 8:15 to 4:30. Election will be:rcturn jrnay . be obtained at the Ma- 8 J h B k':15-9:15- 0 n a er,roon office after 6 Friday. 9:15-1O:IS Donald Breed.An�unce Rec�c;ltioDL 10:J5-II : IS-Howell Murray;Following is the l,ist of recI�si- 1I:15-IS:ls-Earle Shilton.:fications since the last announcement: 12:15-1, : Is-Norman Paine,Reclassified to Upper Senior: Theo- I:J5-2:ls-Willard Dickerson,• dore A�erson, Hulda Augspurger, .Effi H .. I "2:1':;-3:15. e ewitt,Louise .Corbin, Lawrence Dunlap, 3:IS-4:Is-The whole council. Ma:quers to Hear Sketches. I Trinity-The Quill club a, societyPaul Eliel, 'Arthur Gee, G. Huffman, Several short sketches will be giv- \ for journalists. has been organizedMaria Ketcham, George Kuh, Eugene en by members of the Masquers at a at Trinity. with the purpose of gain-Martineau, Marcus Stearns, Henry PeDDSylvania-A fire broke out in meeting today at 4 in Lexington. Tea ing a representative for every largeTenny, Ada Wilcox. the gymnasium as the University of will he served in a unique tea set, to :newspaper in : North Carolina atR I if d Lo S· 0 Pennsylvania last Saturd ay, when a which each member of the club has Trinity CoIIe�.ec ass I e to wer emor ; g- 0- Paine who wrenched his knee ind C] F kli C F . k spark from a flash-light used in photo· been requested to contribute one cupen 0 eman, ran m orper, ranI the Wisconsin game" appeared in' aEversull, Letitia Fyffe, Helem John- graphing students while having their and saucer, f b II b id'. I Colorado-The $30(>,000 auditorium oot a suit yesterday, ut dl notson, Max Kubinsky, E. Libonati, eyes examined, caught some netting , .. H . d IT H f P . at the Universiy of Colorado which get mto prscnce. e spnntc arouruHiram .Loornis, Walter Lyon.: Bur- a�tached to the cei�ing. A:SJ?�ctacu1ar ear 0 ans. h fi ld .di . IJ bl h ' I bi . fi o. _ I is a modification of Kings Chapel at tee to get mto con rtron arudette Mast, Robert Miller, Howell aze was t e resu t,' at - re ex- Le Ccrcle Francais meets tomor- 'c brid E I d'. graduall .reported that he was rapidly recover-ti ish t h dad' the ' ., . . am rl ge, ng an IS yMurray, Lewis Norton, Walter mgurs ers were a ,an n row at ... in Lexington to hear an 11-1 ' .I ' . ing from Jris injury. Coach Sta�g-.bl ' 'ti· h d b f it ' I nearing comp etten,Poague, Roderick Peattie, Ruth Sao. aze was ex ngurs e e ore I lustrated lecture on Paris and Its , however. was dubious as to whetherEa I could gain much headway. ' . ., ..ger, r e Shilton:. .vJ�lOlty.. � the' veteran quarter back would heReclassified to Upper Junior: M� Cornell-The cheerleaders at Cor- able to' play against IlIinois.Aronson. Dorothy Bent, Harry Bogg, ,The Daily Maroon is now on sale l Patronize our advertisers. They are nell are urging the students to pro- The lin�s follow:Katharine Covert, Thistle Davis, at �e Preas. _'. the. most. progressive business ��n. cure sirens to imp�oTe the cheeri�g. Varsity-Huntington and Skinner.ends;; Carpenter and Sellers, tackles:'Whiteside and Scanlion, guards; DesJardien' �ceJllter; Lawler. quarter back;Norgren aM Gray, half backs; Pierce,faU back.Freshme ... Segernan and Gordon,ends;' flardinger and Shutt, taCkles;Williams aDd Pr,esneII. guards; Whit­ing. center; Russell, quarter back;Foote and' Moulton, half backs;Acker, full laack.EMPRE:S�S'· ;�. JEFFERSON .M�;!=:!!�G" �tb Street and .Lake �venue. C ;)mic Opera Star.BILLY REEVESTHEATER NOVELTY. ·PHOTOPLAY Ifi3m Stteet and Co� �,A� .Five Re�ls nightly �f. the latest mov-IWeek starting Son.IIatNo,)O ling pict�res. H�gh .class songs. BestSULLIVAN cl: CONSIDlilE ' of musIc by high class orchy�PRODUCING DEPARTIIENT Come and hear the Dew $7.soo PIpeANNOUNCE ' o_r_ga_D_. ......;.... _ANDRIAN ("'POP") ANSON,The Singing- Vena in a Parisian Art Current Events.Posinc Novelty. ADMISSIONPATTY BROTHERS MaiD F1oor� all seats •••••• 10The,Ony Act m the Wodd ill Which Balcon�� an Hats. • •••••••• scan Athlete Walks Down. FJichtof Stairs on His Head.t·"The Noblest Roman of Them AD."MANNING TWINS . 'The Pretty Acrobatic: Dancina GirlsCHAS. DeLAND� IlARY CARR aCOMPANYIn the Punny Farce urhe Fire Escape'LUCILLE SAVOY. 7:30 and 9:15PRICESI Oc-20c-3OcpALACE MUSIC BALLEDNA GOODRICHI n "The Awakening of Minerva."SAM CHIP and MARY MARBLECarlo Albani; Norris' BaboollS; Car­roll & J.'ields; Chas F, Semon; Ward& Weber; Robert De Mont Trio.CORTFINE FEATHERSDramadc: SeuatioD. . AJlUSEIlENTS.·.pla.nned to raise money by suhscrip·tion, with which season tickets canbe purchalCd from the cpmpany,which will be sold to students at agreat i-eduction� Every sllscriher togrand '-opera will receive a letter re­questing him to give the tickets,vhich he cannot use himself to theCniversity association for distrihu·tion. By selling. these tickets at a.CHICAGO price far below that printed on the. .B ticket' the as�iation will be en·OPERA HOUS .abled to supply the funds necesssaryR� of Last �' •. Biccest to its .e,c;stence.M�sical C0med7 HitDONALD BRIAR"Come and inspect the largest line" foreign· and domestic woolens dis­played in Hyde Park. Our clothes areThe best seats in the house ma� be periectioll ill material, style, and. workmanship.procured at the same pnce you would .pay at the box office b� merely step- ,BENEDICT W A L Dping into the MarooD oflice to put ill IIAK:ER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHESAMUSEMENTS AIlUSEliENTS.THEATER TICKETS. R 6q:'_ 1543' BroadWayNEW YORK CITYFRESHMKM SCORE BYUlING II:.LINOIS PLAYS(Contitlued from page one)Paine Comes Out.TONIGHTYoung Mrs, Eaton ,(drama)At the Basket Picnic (C;O�dy)A ReaJ Estate' Deal '(c��'edy)The Lion Tamer's Revence(2 reel drama),Pathe Weekly E.ery FriclaySSda 5t. ... W ....... A ... ,The only 5c Show 'iii Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Plc:�r�.stectaI , __ ............GAUliOIfT WEEKLY £VEaY TllUaSDATc.r,uf e."'_AND OTIIU PlCTUaU OPERA E�ECUTIVE TOHEAR REPORT TODAY(Continued from page one)tlu�' compaay will be used.The Daily Maroon is now on sale atthe Pres&.14,45 E. 55th Street.Tel Hyde Park 2860IlAROO. ADS PAY.A MEII£O MUSI£ liltPRIMROSE & DOCKSTADERGrand 1liDatre1 Jubilee.POVVERSMRS. FISKEill The IIich Road.o LYl\,fPICHenry W. Savace'.TIle JOLLIOR BLACKSTONE,'KIa. & Erlaneer praedtIl1oIIILES1"ONES ' IllsZ8Z2In a Gr.eat Comedy PantomimeCHARLEY CASEFunniest Man in VaudevillePeriera Sextette; Alpine Troupe;Mrs. "Louise James '" Co.; Big CityFour; Edna Luby; The Stanleys LASALLE. THE GIRL AT THB GATSThe Season'. Best Musical Comec17 .. with the "La Sane'. Best Cut!"Popular Matinee Tuesday 2SC tio. $IGARRICKLlNA ABARBANELLIn the Sparkling Operetta"MISS PRINCESS" 'Wm. A. Bnad7 PramtaThe Firat ChiQCO PedanDaDce of:BOUGHT AND PAID ,FOR', B� Geo. Broadhant., ., AD, AIiiericm P1ay of 'T�A UDITORIUl\,fJohn Hyams and LeIla JlcIntire inTHE GIRL OF MY D�IISCIIAN'S ,lAIDRaymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOWCOLONIAL and Orginal Company IntactTHE SIRENEvenings Precisely at 8Matinees \Vedllcsday and Saturdaysat 2.BEN-HURILLINOISTAKING THINGS EASYA new play Produced. by Mr. HackettwithCYRIL SCOTTyour order.The· theaters We handle are:Garrick Theater,Prince,. Theater..�mericaD lIuic RaIl.STUDEBAKERMY LITTLE FRIENDA New Comic: Operaby Oscar StI'aIIa'''' .... , , It is•