-', .laily, ':!InrllniiV()L. XI., No. 31. liNIVERS1TY OF CHICAGO,' TUESDAY, NOV. 12,1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.CLASSES WILL BEAllIDEAS OF, CANDIQATES .,THE CANDIDATES FOR ()FF1CES COMMfITEES MEET ATWALTON HOME TODAY OPERAASSOCIATION EXPANDS PREPARE VARSITY FORGAME WITH IWNOISCandidates For PreaicleDCJ Of CIaueaWill Speak At MeetiapTo.orrowCOUNCIL TO HEAR' PETITIONSReclassifications, Withdrawals, andFurther Nominations \·:-ru Be De­cided Upon Today.:\11 four undergraduate classes willmeet tomorrow at 12:15 t'o hear theidNIS of the candidates for class of­fices. TI�e Seniors will meet in CobbC\, the Juniors in Kent cast, theSophomores in Kent west, and theFreshmen in Kent theater. Only can­didate s for the presidency of eachclass �lial the candidates .for the vice­presidency of the Senior class willtalk.The undergraduate councill willmeet this afternoon at 3:15. AUmatters regarding, withdrawals ofcandidates, petitions for nomination,and petitions for reclassification willhl' taken up. All such petitions musthe handed in at the Faculty exchange,hex (I,., before 12:45 today, or theywill not receive attention.To Annt'Unce Tellers.Tcircrs for the Senior and Fresh­t�'a!1 elections will he announced intomorrow's Maroon. Statements ofillt ther reclassification and changesiiI the list of candidates will also beannounced.OFFER NO REBAT� FORCHAMPAIGN EXCURSIONRailroad and !ttbletic .DepartmentDecline .to Cui RepJar Ratefor Rooters. �.Xo reduction of the regular rate, "$.t.&l, to Champaign will be offered tostudents who desire. to attend theChicago-Illinois game on Sa.lurday�The roilroad refuses to give the .stu·dc.-nts a rebate, and the athletic de­partment lacks the necCjssary funds. :':\ special train wilt be run, in spitecf the fact that no reduction is· of-.fcrcd. I t will lea\'e the Sixty-third5t reet, station of the Illinois Centryliat 8:45 and is scheduled to arrive ;ItChampaign at I I :30, although it, ispossihle that the train will leave ior� Ity-five minut('lS later. The band willaccompany the rooters, and will betaken at the 'expense of the athleti�(il-pa rt me.nt.I t was generally believed on th�campus that if the railroad companyrefused to -give the students ,�':.r��te,the athletic dcpartment,;;;��.�I.�)�n�at least one dollar. TbO�'�'(*lgeof the athletic f,'nd dedlU-� thrllt.·��·theIf I!"S . of' $300 on the Madisorl:·'trip, andj he ('xpense 01 taking the band. toChampaign prc"ent them from :mak­in� the trip che.aper to students.I ntiications point to a large. at·t('ndance of Chicago rooters at thegame. Pn'paratiolls arc being ..�ade:-.t Champaign to take care of from,100 to 500 stucients from the Un.ver­!'ity. The Chicago game will be theaihlctic feature· of the a'1nu:l1 Illinoishomc·coming this fall.Women to H�;r of Orient.Mrs. Dwight P-<.tter will addr�s!lthe Y. \V. C. L. tomorrow on itACollege \Vomen's Orient." All womeninterested are invited to COrne. UI'e$..,_ . 'The line- is, aggressive and plays'Professor -Israel Abrahams of the hard, The men are adept 'in opeaingCambridge�- ua�ei�ity� . Eagland, will holes through their opponents" linebe .the guest of the Divinity confer- a.nd are sure tacklers. The backtieldence at the Qqadrangl,e,. dub. Thurs- is also fast and shifty. Silkman �s a.day at 6. Tomorrow' afternoon . at find �t Quarter back. .He runs the4:15 in Haskell. aSsembly room Pro- t�am' in faultless style, while th'e,'fessor Abrahams' wilt give the first of ottier .'backs· ar'e reliable. �aptaina serieS of thne I�ctures on" Talmud- \\"ool5'ton, at full back, is Q cOIlsist-. ". . '. t. eat line ,plunger, )Vhile Dillon, RoweiC Material on the New TesllmeM..The second aad third' of his lecture� Bnd ��tl_neff are star half backs. TheRuth Allen, Emil Bickley, Margaret will be given Thursday and Friday for�er two will probably playt, . agaJnSt Chicago.afternoon's at the same pla.ce.' , .,'Professor Ab�ahams �iII also Ch�.ago's victory over Nortlrw�st-ern last· Saturday by the bare �gin�peak on'Satuiday before the Society, ' of' three points W"dS an unpleasantI!ouise Ford, Hazen' Haggerty, aelo ... for Biblicial Research on hTheocritus.. Da,ridson. surprise, to the students and shows••. . T k' 'f Ca R' h d U an'd the Cantl·cles'." He is to be the .Joseph Geary .. �c , .l ary meron., IC ilr 4Y4at"'l tha�' the team witt brave to take athcws, Rode'rh:k McPherson,' lIelen guest I of' honor 'at a reception to be fi . h t,.W •. :Jo�n hrnc� to illS the season successfu-Timberlake, G'rac� VanEvera, Sl'anley given tOmor�w evening by Mr. Iy,' The main faults with the teamCLUB TO ENTERTAI� ED�ON Sevier, Liltiain Karpen,. Ruth Wil- Julius Ros�nwald," a' trustee of the wue ·the listless playing, inability toFa:no�·:..:a:���r" Will" 'Be "Guest at hartz, Herbert Atkins, Maurice Unh:�rsity. .get' into plays and poor offe1lSivev..a,,_ RO(TerS, Hugo Swan, Frank Whiting, Dr. Abrahams, 'Who is a reader in work of the line. The pbys were 011-� Lunch�n lI:'a'-f. e ' 'l"orothy Farwell Rabbinics at Cambridge, is cOlllSider- '"0 run oil' slo.wly. Once referee Hen.'I, ber( Ji�son 'will :lie;_ ¢t1��a'ined Publicity-Bernard Vinissky, chair- ed an authority oil talmudic and mb- ('age penalized Chicago five yardshy t e Dramatic: ,club at Q luncheonman; Walter Foute, William Schnei- hinical li.�era��n�. . He is the auth�r when the team was within one yardnext Friday 1100n in the Common� of "Je,wish 'Life in the Middle Ages," of t.he 'Northwestern goat Gray tookder, Leland A nderson, Thomas Cote·cafe. Mr. Edeson is a' member of the "Chapters on Jewish. Literature," and the ball on the next play but was un-man, George Lyman."Fine Feathers'� company which is .\1 R number of other volumes on kin- �ble to' m.akc the required distance.Hefferan Heads Committee. 'present playing at the Cort theater. dred subj�cts. He is the' editor of Have Chance To Score.. Dccorat ion: \Vittiam Hefferan,i �e appeared in Chicago la.... t year 111 the "Books and Bookmen" depart- Although Chicago only' scored. , .• '(hairman Huth &zetl associate . I f"\Vherc the Trail Di"lCtes.' anu was ' : . , ment of Th� Jewish Chrome e 0 three points it must be said that the,'TI C-."ll chairman',' Vamer Bowers, Richard I.ondon,' and IS' an -.II·tor of The h I 1 f t 't'"ecn previollsly to th:at in ,. le .._ IC'\I team a( p enty 0 oppor unl les,,:f the' North,'! ·"Stronghcart/' and Granflui:-t, Elizaheth Hurd, Helen Jewish Quarterly Review. which might have heen turned into·ther· 'plays: ',: ,: -.' , - Magee, Robert Stensoo, Miriam scores if the playing had heen moreTickets for the luncheon maybe' oh- naldwin, John Bishop, Florenceo'f aggressive. On defense the line, how-F Wiscon�n-An invcstigatioll,'ained' from Donald Breed, \Vittiam Dennison, Hohcrt Simond, 'rederick - cv�r, showed a little impro'n-ment". f Y dlow Helmet and Monastics twoneffcral'i or' Emma"' Oark be ore Byerly, Donald Delany, ISO\bel ovet its work 'in the previous week.12:15 tomorrow. Any m��l�;er, of tl�e Kendrick, Gracia Alling. Helen sccial organitions of the Uni���sit.y The line hroke through the Purple_t Wisconsin will be begun by the hUniversity may attend. The tickcts Street. .,. fonr.:ard walt often and forc�d Fi..... st udent conr�rence at Wiscon'liin toare seventy�five cents and must be Refrcshm(,nB-Erting Lunde, chair- to get his kicks off in a hnrry.., determine whether the societies have Nobtained beforehand in ord,er.· that nlan, "orln"'n Elmstrom, ,Martl1a ,Fish was outpuntcd by .. orgren. ' 'I �,..any purpose beneficial to tbe "ntiver��laces ,at the banquet maf � reserv-� ,' (Continued oil page 4) sit".., .:lUPPER SENIORS.rou PRESIDENTDonald HollincsworthGeorce Kuh.FOR VICE-PRESIDENTCora Hinkins.Hirsch SobleMary Ann WhitleyFOR SECRETARYMarie Fanning.­Dorothy Fox.Augusta Swa:wite.FOR'TI{EASURERWilliam HefferanHoward Keefe.'LOWER SENIORSFOR PRESIDENTWalter KennedyDuane MannErnest ReichmannFOR VICE-PRESIDENTSuzanne FisherFOR SECRETARYArline BrownFOR TREASURER,. Harvey HarrisBernard VinisskyUPPER JUNIORSFOR PRESIDENTRaymond BohnenDonald DelanyCount LovelletteMarston SmithFOR VICE-PRESIDENTMartin . BlockKatherine Co���ol&er Lo�FOR SECRETARYMabel BeckerGrace . HotCblasa.FOR TREASU�ER. Stanwood Ba�.,Fmt ariftitbs, . Kent Sky�LOWER JUNIORSFOR PRESIDENT.William E"art... :,-'Wal.,.IStepma �F_ Whklnc.FO R. "-V 1 C&:P'R ESID ENTt' : � V. Bro� ,"',. J. .• (:' ;Frederick ISUrc:ky .. T. R) :Daiiiie'� . H. A. Kleinman.Gifford PluiDeFOR SECRETARYEth.e1 CaUennan� .. D�rothy "' DaVisDor�y FarwellDo�othy VanderpoolFOR TREASURER Prospective Members Are Requestedto Turn In Membership Cards toMake Possible Comprehensive Re­port to Manacement. Coada Stag 0atIiaea Week Of liardWork .. Preparatio. F ...Coldat Willa IUiaiAll Appoiatees For Aaa.I GaritJ AffairTo Hear ..... At] Mrs.Waltoa·. r"'J -Students who wish to becomeWILL BE SETTLEMENT 'BENEFIT members of the Opera association WIN GAME BY THREE POINTSshould return membership slips to­day. A report of the number ofmembers wilt have to be made tomor­row to the Chicago Grand OperaCompany. The rates quoted 1'0 the'of Desiring to give the Varsity a restAll members of the committee members of the association witt de-.. after the game last Saturday, Coach01lC Hundred, comprising all the. sub- pend on the number subscribing forcomittees, for. the annll�t Settlement tickets. Membership blanks can be St�gg did not give any scrimmageyesterday, but ran the team throughI' '"II' et today at 3'30 rat the obtained from Dean Lovett, or at theuance, \\ I me ...... � '-J a. long signal drill. New plays whichhome of Mrs. Walton, 5737 ,Wood- office of The Daily Maroon_ will be used in the remaining gameslawn :\ venue. Plans for the dance Up to yesterday evening 300 stu- of the season were given to the team.will he outlined in full. dents had subscribed for about 1700 The men also ran through the oldJames Donovan, get1era' chairman tickets, but it is expected that the plays to correct the faults which wereof the dance. committee. stated today number of members witt reach at evident iu the Northwestern game..hat it is of the utmost importance lea's! 400 by This afternoon. A meet- The Vrsity will have a hard week'sthat every member of every commit- nig of the members of the Univer- practice in preparation for the gametee attend tuday's meeting to gain a sity Grand Opera association will be with Illinois next : Saturday. Therull understanding of the plans, in held Thursday, at which the rates ob· game will have no great eftcct on theorder that preparations for the dance tained from the: Opera company will conference race, but the winner.nay be started at once. be announced anll methods of getting will drop into third place while"To lICW students it may be ex- the tickets to' students witt be' de- the loser witt go back to fourth pkace,plaiued "that the Settlement dance is 'ermined upon.. However, the long standing rivalryone of the largest social affairs of the S�veDS to Talk on -Opera, between the instituticns insures thatyear on the campus, the 'proceeds of Director 'Stevens witt give a talk on the game witt be hard. fought fromwhich represent the students' con- the ' opening Grand opera, "Manon the beginning to the end.tribution to the work of the Univer- Lescaut" by Puccin! 'this afternoon lilini Are Strong,sity settlement in the Stockyards dis- at 4:J5 in Mandel. This will be part' Assistant Coach Page, who wit­. rict.' he declarer). of the regular Tuesday afternoon nessed thc 1 tt�nois- Purdue game,program. Barbara 'Wiit witt sing, ac- which ended in a 9 to 9 tie, reportscompanied by Mrs. Parker, and there that the Illini have a strong team,will 'be other' numbers.. � Alt�gh' they were tied by the re­'juv�ed;':Boilc�rn�kers .the!' men out­PJcU.�� their . opponents i�l the· lastbaH �f both of these games. Thes�1\! o"t ga�' played by Illinois isdist'mctly opel1\ over thirty forwardpas.;. being tried in the .Minnesota��", oi these only fiv� were £.ail- .Goal from Field by Sellers EnablesChicago to Defeat Northwest.:rnin Annual Strug,le.Dance Proceeds Repreaat· Student'sContributions to Work' of Univer-:sity , Settlement.Committ� AMounced.Following are the committees forthe dance appointed .by the Under-graduate Counc-l ; _ ._ .. :" > ; ...-_. :::-.�.... � Fina�c�D�·"a.1d Hollingsworth" AUTHORITY ON TALMUD;chairman; Elizabeth Burke, Albert,:· TO 'GIVB TaRtE LECTU8ES,Dekker; Annie, Louise Ford, Beryl ...,.',.' , ..-G�lbert, . Eva Gol�stein, Herbert. Iof CGranquist, Elizabeth Jones A. L Prof�r, Israel �bnhuDs • �I briq.e· Ulli� to Speak 1ftLanghorst, -Cameron Lam!,;) Jean HaskeB -Toi.Drrow., -Love, Marjorie Miller, Anna Moffat,Ina Percgo, Mona Quayle, Adolph ",Radnitzcr, Myra, Reynolds, WalterSmith, Edward Stein, Adele Whitney,�argaret B:_lum,' Catherine Clark,'Pho�he Clover, Elizabeth I'!ickey,S�L"a�:�1(� Fisher, Bliss H�tling, GeorgeKa�ai, CI:arlt:s Molander, MauriceOtIC�� :�, r.:ym Pa.ine,· Helene Pollak,Ethel Roscnheim,. Augusta Swawite,Charlotte Viall, Charles Whiffen,,:renton, Geoffrey Levinson, Samuel.H(�ckwith, C. ,L. Cohen, Joseph Coun­cil, Carl Deffebaugh, Willard Fassett.(Continued on page 4).,', .... " I ... ','" #ITHE DAILY' MAROON, 'TUESDAY, ,NOV. 12, 1912.Mandel. fessor Israel Abrahams, tomorrow. Miss Cornelia 'de Buy and 'fiveInterfraternit)' Council-Meeting, 4: 1,5, Haskell assembly room. other recent initiates into the North-2 :30, south room, Reynolds club. Junior Colleces-Chapel. WOOleD western chapter of Delta GammaBotanical Club-4:30. Botany 13. Thursday, 12:15, Mandel. gave a lunchen to the, active chapterStudent Volunteer Band-Profes- Le C�rcle Francais-Thursday 4t Saturday at the home of Mrs. Vander'L ington Ploez, ::::21 Woodla� avenue. The\Vayland D. Wilcox, Alfred eXI • & ;:0.,Philharmonic Society-Coorus re- other new members are Margarethearsal, Thursday, i:IS Mandel. Marbold, Louise Rhodes, Mariantomorrow Religious Education Club-Dr. Swarthout, and Harriet Sheets. AfterReynolds club.Elizabeth Durm, Thursday 7:30, the luncheon the women attended theSettlement Dance-All committees Northwestern-Chioago football game.Haskell 12.meet at Mrs., Walton's, 3:30, Si37 German Club-Friday. 4 :30, Lex-Lexington S.Junior Mathematical Club-Proles- . '. TO RENT-Attractive front, parlorsor Moore, Fnday 4:15. Ryerson 37· S h '. hout exposure. Wit or withoutboard. cheap, 5822 Drexel A venue,Miss Willison.Managin& Editor Hiram KennicottNews Editor • • • • .Leon Stob To the Editor:�th1etic Editor" • Eernard V: ... : .... t.- Last week the Daily Maroon print--J Mystery religions which opposedBusiness Manager ••• Burdette Mast ed an article lamenting the fact that . ._ . .. , FOR RENT-Newly furnished largeso few university students attend the 'lhe mtro�uctlon o� Chnstla�lJty 10 parlor. Two large bed rooms,r �. • R' I·· .' S the centuries following the time of Single or en suite, Steam heated....... nrversrty e IgiOUS servrce on un�, . ' . .d .. Mdl h II I it Christ, were taken up exhaustively 10 B d ff d . d 'M ARb·ay mormng, 111 an ea. s I oar I esrren. .• _ 0 mson, Spalding Automobile anda paper read before the New Testa-not surprising that there are as many 6110 Ellis avenue Winter Sports Sweaterof us there are there are? Most of us ment club by Mr. H .. Severn, at themeeting in Haskell 12, last nightprefer to attend service in the church. .. TO RENT-Large, front room, threeof our own denomination on Sun- The paper ginn by Mr. Severn IS m windows, hot water heat, electricday morning especially when we have line with the general subject adopted light, well furnished, in modemhy the club for this years discussion, Phonethe advantages of the big' city house, 5630 Kimbrk ,avenue.is .. Paul and the Mystery Relim�ns.'"Printed by llaroon Preas. 5511 Cotap QroYe. churches. The University Religious o· Midway 1617.The first paper presented by Profes-service is a combination of differentProtestant 'services: Much of it is sor Case last week, surveyed re- EXCLUSIVE agency for an entirelyCampaigning for candidates in borrowed from the Episcopal Prayer ligious conditions in the First Cen- mew proposition, is open to one A. G. Spalding & Brosclass elections is justifible because book; and so revised as to confuse an tury, A. D. active woman and one man. Noth . f th lasses Mr. Severn described the chief ..:8·30 So. Wabash Ave.e SIZe 0 e c Episcopalian. I books or insurance. Big money,makes I·t 1Dl· po·":ble forms of mystery .reli�s, whicl't S D 'b t" t. ---------------- \Vhy can not the University Re- 6,....." 1205-542 . ear om 5 reefor an)' one candidate ligious service be changed to a five made up the worship. .of - .the early �to know all of the o'clock Vesper service, one hour in Roman pagans. These-cults "'Were the WANT�D-Po� young t ad,. ,,� Statiq��ey, ,Cablnet�members of his class. Therefore, it! length, resembling the daily -Chapel worship of, the Great.;-Mother, Altis, :wishin'g to make 'pin m6ney in heris fair enough that the candidate's service with the addition of more I s, Osiris; �nd M)fthra. The firSt two leisure hours. Inquire at 5710 Mad-friends sh;)t1ld state the emerita of fresh origina11y, carne .from . Asia Minor, 'ison a' venue,music and, if possible, of more � '"their candid;te to - classmates and . those of Isis and Osiris from. Egypt. ----------------frankly ask for votes. And this open air. '. �d that. �'f Mythra fr�m Persia. InF. W. JIe Heatsolicitation does not necessaril), im- :he first �tury, A. D., ;LtI, had mingl-ply vilification of 3ther candidates, HOPE TO USE NEW ed after a fashion in the R�man Em-trading of votes, coinbinations or. the STANDS FOR GAilE �;re.other wret�ed features that have ruin- AGAINST GOPHERS ;�Tlle chiei things about these etlrlyed classes in the past. Open solicita- �y:stery religions," said Mr. Severn,each listener will remember the seri­ous purpose of the meeting and windo his part to make it dicnified. Thefunotion' of the talks given b)' candi- The Deans of the Junior collegesdates should be to show the yoteR and the Rev. Harry Emerson Fos­each candidate's view on the duties of dick, ,Vniversity preacher, will beclass officers in general-not to dwell"'reselllt at the luncheon of the Fresh- , I.L· bl· h d b h Yupon the individual merits of the I' 1913 ca enuars pu IS e )'J t e .candidate speakinc. 'There are not man Y. M. C. A. commission to be w. C. L. are �w on sale on the first 'i!lsues enough to permit the candi- held next Friday in the Commons floor of Cohb. The coat of arms of -------.-------­dates to speak much on policies; cafe at 12:15· All the members of the the l�niversity forms thc cover dec- RAND PAINTED' CfJINAhence a personal spe.ech could be Freshman class arc invited. ,Those ("ration of the new calendar. Thenothing more than self-praise. It i. who intend to be present should im,;" initial pages contain exterior and .in- ,advisable, then, that the speeches be mediately notify Mr .. Bickham. terior views of Harper Memorial Ii-made rathel' general in t�r charac- Wisconsin-Twenty-five 5cfliors of .)rary and a new snapshot of Cobb.ter., The voters can get 'a pretty the engineering departmca.t at Wis- A birds-eye ,"iew of the campus,eood idea of the speaker's merits consin left Ia. .. t week on the ann.ual views of Bartlett gymnasium, the MRS. L. WOOD,t ., h La h I 5710 lIadisoll Aft, Tel lIidway 5M5from hearing his opinions as to the inspection trip to Milwaukee, Chica- new s anus, t e w sc 00, andgeneral dutift of cI� officers. ADd go, �iagara Falls, Buffalo, Pittsburg, President JUdson's hom�, are the JaHas Is Y ... llarbersurely no other candicSata than those Gary and Bloomington. Fifty-seven other ,·iews shown in the calendar.for the office of president should be lC'ogineers will leave'" this' week on acalled on, if the meetinp �e to be western trip to inspect manufactur­serious Imagine the CJDdi�tH for jng plants at Milwaukee, Kenosh.t;treasurer of the Freshman cia.. Chicago, Gary, Bissington, and Keo­gravely discussing � qaali&c:atioasl kuk, Iowa.The Daily Maroon Bulletin and Announcements.I.. 12:15. University Public Lecture-Pro·Senior CoUeces-Chapel,soruniversity, 7: 15, Lexington.Glee Club-Rehearsal.\Voodlawn avenue.ington 3 and 4-Divinity School-Chapel, tomorrow Graduate Women's ClDb-Friday, S.12:15, Haskell assembly room.Y. w. c. L_TomotTow, 12:15,Lexington.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago Llli-• The editur uno' t"UPoqible tor 1iktD. ee-nois, March 18, 1908, under Act of Drc,,€d here. COM .. "nicGliotu M".' beMarch 3, 1873. .NEW TESTAMENT STUDENTSDISCUSS MYSTIC CULTSMr. Severn Describes Ancient PaganReligions Overcome b)'Christianit)'.Associate EditorL\Valter Foute ,. Martin Stevers,William Lyman. _ ••.• John PerleeSamuel Kaplan •••.. Harry GorgasH olger Lollesgard . . George LymanClyde Watkins •. George CottinghamGrace Hotchkiss .• Sarah Reinwald�lIitorialClassElectionshfr';t'If -,,-,ttion can be made as banest as could Pouring the concrete for- the newbe desired, It is onl)' when a cam,- stand will end this week and it thepaign is earried on th� dark that 1Ul- city building department gives per­derhand methods creep in. There- . ,-mission, the stands will be used forfore if cam�gUing is to be clone,. .I. ', ' the Mmnesota game. The mam bodylet It be done operJ)', frankly and f h f :1'1 b ' . ltd b.th th '. "tha - • 0 t e ence WI e comp e e )'WI• e COnsClOUS� t l� 18 legal December 'I. At present the southand nght-so long as It remams cl�an d ·d -f h M h II' fi Idd dan east Sl es 0 t e aIlS a ean ecent. fence are nearing completion, andthere remains only: the north side t,oconstruct, . as the· grand' stand -ex­tends almost. the entire length of thewest side. The tile work on the in­side of the stand has been commenc­ed and is well under way. were some secret ceremonials whichgave the initiate the key to his sal­vation. ' v: arious curious rites _ wereobserved. One \VIaS a festal proces­sion '.through the city to the' templeof' t�� '�Gre'at Mother on the Palatinehili �iri- Rome, by a guild of workmen,who had chosen the Frygian goddessas their pa�roness. Another ceremonylater used" by_ the combined mysteryreligious was ,the' sacrifice of a bun."These pagan practices existed sid�hy side with, Christianity, into' theFourth Cen-tury, A. D., and were c�n�testants with Christanity for thefaith of the people. The last and mostformidahle op,Position to the estab­lished Church was Mythrajsm." 'I· The idea of class meetings whereinthe candidates may speak previous tothe elections is a good one in somerespects. The obvious dancer is thatthe meetin&s will degenerate intosomething like "amateur night" ata vaudevill.e theater. This dangercan be obviated if each candidate and JUNIOR DEANS ANDTHE REV. FOSDICKTO ATTEND LUNCHEONY. W. C. L. C�LENDARSHOWS SHIELD ANDVIEWS OF CAMPUSKan!as-Delta Phi Delta, a nation­al honorary fraternity in Fjne Arts:has been founded at the Universtty ofKansas. NEW NORTHWESTERNDELTA GAMMAS'GIVBLUNCHEON SAtrURDAY ......CLASSIFIED.ADVERTISIIIfNISTO RENT-Light_ front study withadjoining chamber, suitable for two,also single room. Mrs. Spellman,6108 Greenwood avenue, Apt. 2.RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEU�TIC SERVICETHE ��O��IZED' STANDARDInstalled in tt.e UDivenit)' of ebic:qbilaudinp.t '.Complete S)'IItezM, for aU' lIethodsof HeatineSteam .Colltrol of Humidity Red�Vmca for Air .. Water .. HotJohnson ServiceCo.H. J. GILSON, llaaqer.Cbicqo Ollic:.e.117 DEARBORN STRdTChristmas Gifts aDd priR&C.... on private instraction.Desicna to rent. China Fited. .� .,...",Saaitaly Shop - Three ChainOne-Day Laaadry Senic&Apnq Sanita BrabeaShoe Sbiaiq Parlor.1000Vt ...... IIneL KENMOREiXRROWCOLLARParticularly good for eitherformal day or' evening wear.150. each, ,2 for 25c.La.l/w·'li ..... C""nln"a..u. P..tNNIy .t: Co. .. Troy. N. Y.TheSweaterIn the olden days, the, sweaterwas associated wholly with thecompeting athlete. "A G. Spalding& Bros. have changed all that.The newfor everybody-men and women,is a garment for all-around use­comeptitors, and lookers-on, To'enjoy the Fall and Winter out­door season you should have aSpalding Automobile Sweater.•Chicago, IIIkeep enouirb .tatlonen- at ham1 (or currf'l"Ituae. Solid Quartered Oalt. handsomelY fln­lalled. .... &spree. raid. (Sec notc.)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEIaolct.2t.000 letlfta or:!tfr '�:t�=t�:tGoldea. N.tura'l' arW.tIl.rect, 61!!h.'� .. en .... duat­Proof .nd on tollerbeubap., P'Nlcbt�:� (,See dote.)Get C.t.1oe 00,,"­Inc man,. bancf7. In­eXlle1lalve olllce de­vtoea and �t'lon:tlbOokcun. BaokJet""lIne SuccHtion.··afao' free.-NOTJit-Fftlaht orF!xpre.. pahf ••Q1lOted to polntil ('a .. lof Montaaa. Wyom­Inc. Colorado. Okla­boma and 1'eXA ••:�:'t1,. IlI.bep be-,y.!f- FILING DESKScoablae dn_en In hamJl"omc d('!!k, The_ 70a ... nt at your flng'_'r tip". See one.t ,.oar de"I..... Freight paltl $:!3.00. (S-e_t.).THF�W.MANUFACTURING CO87 Union St. l\IOXIWE, MICHCbicaco DisplaY--5II'IS S. WabashJOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, Toilet ArticlesFiDe Line of Candies956 E. 55th Street. Chicago, IIIImported and Domestic Line ofCiears UId Ci&arettes.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS..JI .",THE DAILY KAROON, TUE�DA Y, NOV. Ii, 1912.aOSSCOUNTRYTEAMMAYWlrr�' �'.'. ' 'fiti!fO" TO -BRAn. II '.-. ... -_ - __:'_:. .. ",' JlO� ..:;:.:.::;.... JERREMS-�AD� clothes meaa more comfort styl. and '. enera1 sat-Captain Bishop:. _Levinao� 'Byerly N�· doubt, in the leveling : up to i lSfadion than you will let, from the ordinary kind.and Hart Show Promi��ch type 1l1:lny individual faults, such as IComa�ock Hopes for' Balance. in selfishness 'self-distrust, laziness, That's because we put all our knowledge into buying the right sort ofTe� ,, frivolity, -Ia�k" of initiative, lack of I fabrics and all our akill into making them properly.. , st:lf-colltr�l, bad temper, bad man- SUITS AND OVERCOATS $30.00 to $60.00Two more. men, Byerly and Hart, n .. -rs, arid, so on, are corrected; buthave . joined Captain Bishop 'and in so far as the system is artificial, it! Three Stores:�'t.. t' l't 7 N. La Salle se T ILOR 'FOR ILevinson' I I3S possihilities for 'the is bound to devclUP conven 101m I y. ACross Country team to be selected It is artilicial hecause it chooses and 2S E. Jackson Blvd. YOUNG MEN,I I . Cl . timacy '71 F_ Madison St.tomorrow afternoon in the try-outs. restricts Friends ups. ose m 1These men have been trailing Bishop with outsiders is almost always made A. N. JERREMS. ·Manacer.land Levinson hard �l season and imp�actic.b� by cir�m�anc� and ������������������������������1�'_'_'_4-���-'_'-+_'-'_'_'_���-'-+-'-4����'_'_'_+-have always finished well at the; he : mutual attitude of the electfront with them. and the non-elect; and in someIf these four men show up as well cases it is held to be dis-in the try-outs as they have .in prac- lova] : to' the chapter. It is artificialrice : Coach Comstock will h�v-e but because it' strives to eliminate fromone man to develop. A �ell balanced a 'gi�l's experience all incongruousteam ts what Coach Comstock de- and hostile clements, and these aresires, five. men who run well to' dtei�' conducive to growth. The Era;gether with good team work. He' be- tcrnity girl's position is co •• rparablelievcs that if the team can finish to that of (he child who is fed onfairly well up in front and all to- soft foods. That is, the trouble 'isgather,' it will have a much 'better .hat . she is eultivatcd instead of be­show of winning than if two or' the ing' allowed to grow freely: She ismen star and the others finish poorly rushed, plc'dgc(l,' initiated: she isNebraska won the Conference run studied, counseled, criticized, disci-plincd, drawn out, moulded. Herpower of initiative is developed onlyin' that -she . "is made to go out and10 things." Even an upper classrnan,when it is her turn to Ui,1101d the_.o".t.D.C._c.. .raternity ideals and to mould herThe younger sisters, she still lives in thever sity and the only Bank be-: Short coUrse. ' rarefied atmosphere of an artificiallytween 43rd and 63rd street east- The men de�ided last week not to :;e1ected community, where there isof Cottage Grove ave. under State �un the 10!1g course in practice and no chance I for the free play of the in-Gcvcrnmcnt supervision. save themselves for the try-outs to dividual, The. fraternity girL with allC .-\.PIT AL $�oo.� morrow afternoon. . The squad will her initiative, her poise, her charm,3 PER CENT ON'SAVING" leave at 4 from the intersection of her efficiency, is .crippled by the factH n S I Lexington' .a venue and the' Ml�·dway that she is not allowed to come to, mE (ARK mE BANK and will. �i;c1� Jackson park· and g�ips with' afl sort Of conditions andeo ....... 0" ,." ........ • � ... AV.. finish with" �"tu.:n on the Mid�r people: hy; which 'alone is gained th�The. course .,i�;�bOu� five and a q�ar- personal, as opposed to the group, at­ter miles 'in length and the, winners ::tude, tO�;t�(. lif�.�entury Maga-will . probably make the distance in zine., .' ' ., " 'abQu��:�('F!R�t.es. .. ,..., i: . {.: � ....... �_ ._ •••••1357 E. s5th .Street. The' contest for, places ,will.,�,:: .: � , ." ,I W JoiUaw�; "'Trast ',,' -I, . good one and it is possible that there I '_.,' ... ,�. " Amerieaii may be. some., surprises as Corner, ., . tl . Sarines _ Baal( l I··.�·I':;"<.': Wells, Hunter--i and-vseveral others, -...,. !. .: 1_2�_E.,_ .631'. ,d.,.S.,tree.. _� ��o.----------- ....... -- w�l�l, m.ak� ;" . d�sre.�te . a�te�pt.. to I., ----finish a�p�gfJlie. .. ih�lt- . .sI.Xo, '.. :�JJ' �en I� ,,': .• -� I"will 'be ch��n for.-the team.·of'wh�m � " � 'STAtTE"BANKfiv� 'win' �n in fn'c � Confe'�ence run" t' ' .• '.. I .DE,POSITORY, FOR I Iat Nor�h�.e��e�1J .Satu�$Iay, �ov�Tber I' I: U.NITED STATES POSTAL ,I23. .. . '. , S VINGS N,:, A FU DS ,Ito,SHIRTSDistinctive Pattern.Perfect FitEARL & WILSONMaker./' Of Red-Man CoUars-For WearinessGOOD COFFEECreeRwood CafeChinese TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three Monthskept to during term of rentaLEvery machine guaranteed to be in fine working order, and will beWe deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine Iiae of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you can" Save 56 'to 75 per cent ..Telephone Harrbon 6388-639g�437::��: ��!!c�;o!!��!JINE CO:��DL t .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUNNERSITYofCmCAGO'CALENDARSNOW!On Sale In' Cobb'_J ..... i. :SOc apiece "'..... '."�. . ._"..11E YOU LOOIING FOB··', PLACE· -TO ',Eln. ,:; �."(jite: THE ·.'COMMONS" .. Trial'.:" - .,«: A. ,- the, .up�. ciassU1f'n 4bout< Our, Food.You'U Like. the· club Br;aldut and Cafeterialow Prices _1-:"'u�;c ··at. N;gh� ., (iQO� fODd.,:,I. -. ---.1 tUdies! Save M-.eJ .a· ,Ke;at iD ,I ,The ,larg�t and oldest bank I,. Si,Ie,.' � Mce;,n'.: . n�a:-cS! to the UniverSity. Ac-Ilap- mid Um. MCCaII'PaIIerDS I co�ts· of pro�cssors and stu- I t. � .. , . ..Ikc.r. ii;�a( .. fwtll I dc:::s: !o!kited.WGAL1:S NMiAZIHE help :JOU ,�..:s strl· ,I _Isbl, at a' modenato. . .I I'.�. expenseb,. keeplnc II 'Checking Accounts of $50.00'JOO poned on \be . I I. 1i" lates\. fasblons In II and Savings 'AccoiJnts' of '1_00clothes and hal&. . 60 INew Fashion DesIgns .accepted. ',- I In ·eacb·laue. - Abo I . II.,.�.. � .. _. �" '. ,f nlaabl. InformatloD • _ • • I•. , ,on atrbomeUClPM'- ,��.-.- •• -�; soual matlers. OnlJ't . - r:fr:l;:U!:�o��� Any Suit Or Ovenoa' t ID the_._ _ _A_ scribe toda, or send. .c.I ...... 'WllIe1l&�c;:7'!:to-:.�:I� HODse ,.,de ·to· Order S18.00own bome. wl&hyooroWD bands.cloUllncror .'Iu' 11··us'·· CO' 0" p"er. J'01lI'I81r alld cbUdren wblcb will be perfecCIn a&,.le and ftt. Price-tlone blgber UlaIllDan&&. 8eDdrortleePauernCata1ope. ,. THE UNIVERSITY�TAILORw .... c;..;r ........... for retUne 1Alb-· -: 1126 East Fa· itv_F.· fth 'Street.setlpdcms atDODIr your rrteDds. .' Send for ft'ee' I J, Premlom CatalOl1le and Cub.Prlze Offer..• l&GlLc.lII.ZSI ...... ,. .......... '� .1329 � .. t Fifty·Fif� atr�t.Mi1li�ry Importations D�essmakinlDERBY HATS AREIn,dispensable to thewell-dressed collqeman. We have themin pleasing variety.' Alsosoft hats of distinctio'il'-at prices that �_right •. College men wel­comed. Union Made.. We also do high grade r�pairing ar,dpr��sing at v�ry low prices.B. L AMES BAT, co.Tribune BuUdinc :: 35 W. �'c URKISH".' BATHS 'Daily Maroon, single copies, 6ve fHIS ADVERTISEMENT IS Acents Ellis or Pres&.SMALL THING IN A LARGESPJ'�CE. A SUBSCRIPTION TOFOR .A SMALL PRICE.,Plain Baths 25 CentsOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp .. Prop.29 South DearbOm Street MAROON IS A LARGETHEThe Maroon uses this space toda'i THINGto ,uk you to subscribe-Every issue ,delivered to· you befot!e· breakfast'.Expt't'! Manicurist.Scientif;c Masseurs for $2.50 a y���Expert ChiropodistThe Dally Maroon IS noW' on sale atthe Pres .. : IThe �aily M arOOD is now on saleat the PrelL:.'-. , 'How can you betterexPress good-fellow­ship and free-handed,open-hearted wel­come than by bring­ing out pipes anQpapers and openingup a generous jar �f.�W='Tobacco of choicestwowth-delightful inItS fragrance-posses­sing a flavor of satis­fying smoothness­with not a hint of bumor bite to mar itsnatural richness. Themost lavish liberalitycannot go beyond this.��J...t&" - -":' ,. -. �.:-'� - r->:• :.:: -.�'�.:.� �-� ; .:)(!� -:.;r: <\ .�t:;'"f�:::•. -!'THE DAILY. IlAltOON.1'U2SDA\'. NOV.' 12. 1912. .-� c- .... tWr ....s-tMir fatJa.n'i, J .. ckson Blvd.--EastASK CHAPERONES FOR ·DANC& CC;;�.I�� .imaj�.T-- ._ ·�U"- __ :JI_:ali.KII;m_1II. 0. .' _. _. _ . • 0':- ;,:" WALroN"Il�IIB TODAYPHYSICS CLUB ADDRBsBEDBY KADESCH AND MILLER_. . -PREPARE VARSI1'Y FORGAME WITH ILLINOIS -'�"OSSLER CO.Mi11ikans and Huth. Are CbOl'-"D toAttend Club Infol1Dal.....h • (Continued from page ODe) Member of University and ElectricalEqineer Speak to Physicists inrhroughout the game, but the kick- Ryenon Yesterday. Professor and Mrs. Robert Millikan Green, Willifred Miller, Otto Schaer-e r frum Evanston must be given and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Huth will ing, Hirsch Soble, Anna May Ber-credit Cur the wav ill which he got 1 h d . M . F' G K h� Mr. 'V. H. Kadesch of the Physics act as. c iaperones at � e secon m- net, arre annmg, eorge u,his punts off. Little time was taken I d f h R Id I b t.... Rh d FI R thdepartment read the opening paper forma ance 0 t e eyno fI c u 0 4Qargaret 0 es, oreoee 0 er-cut for injuries and the game was 1 . F '_1_ Th d '11 be 0 I F d S . b h R th Wh'tat the meeting of the Physics club )C given rruay, e ance Wl - mei.; re tern rec er, u I -rinishcd in rather quick style.. The ·1 -8 d Io at 'gh R b A AYesterday in Ryerson 32, taking for gin prompt y at :30 an c se .field, Harold ·Wn t, ut gar, r-Purple backs displayed a lot of drive d . L. -� hal' this subject, "The Velocity of Emis- mi rugna, outer t e. usu SIX een line 'Brown, Kilburn Brown, Ernestand .�il ur er and must be given credit. d have bIt d'" '". f Ph t Electrons." The club ances ave een comp e e . Cavin, Gertrude Chamberlain, Mar-Lawler and Huntington furnished sron 0 0,0d hi •was then addressed by Mr. Kempster George Sargent' an IS assl.stants jorie Coon ley.a thrill with a beautiful forward pass '11 h h f th onB M'ller a prominent electrical en- WI ave c arge 0 e music Printing-Howard Keefe, chair-which was good for forty yards. Af- lri'nec; or'this city, regarding original both f.loors. l-!e has had c�nsidera�le man; Theodore Ford, James Lane,I( r two unsuccessful attempts to gain eo ne h n Withexperiments "On the Electrolytic Ac- experience tn con c 0 Thomas Scofield, Harry Comer,t h rou .... h the line, Sellers made the -. r . 1 . . f r hot Is :.... thee-,G d C t" urrns ling music 0 e... Martin Stevers .• '1I1y score of the game. These two tion of roun ut:ren s.. . . d h .Mr . .Kade��h in his paper, discussed down town .dlstn�t. anF as �llvebn - Music-George Leisure, chairman;1)1:1,,'s were the only exciting ones in mIt satisfaction rappe W1 eoJsome research work done- in the co pee .. Ralph . Stansbury, Louis Fuiks,the game. ..' served. The other SOCial events ofCambridge laboratories to determine .h Thomas Hollingsworth, Dorothy.' the club for the quarter are t ethe velocity with which electrons are_. d the Llewellyn, H. E.' Gualano, John Mor-smoker of November 29 angiven out from metal or other sur- bh '11 . t d b It a formal dance of Decem er 13-faces w en I umma e y u r - .. Cc;�ntinued (rom. pap ODe'�. The Lineup.Chicago (3) Northwestern (0)11 untington R E .. _ � _ .• _ KraftCarpenter R T. . .. __ SiegelScanlon R. G _ ...•... Reed rison.Reception=Rudy Matthews, chair-ALL LOWER JUNIORS man; members of - undergraduateARE ELIGIBLE FOR council; the four class presidents tobe- elected; Chester ]Jell, Donald'QUARTERLY CONTEST Breed, Halstead Carpenter, VirginiaWhether or not they have taken H inki�s. Hiram KC11I1icott, Cora, Hin­Public Speaking I, students with 12 kins, Helen Earle, Mary Aon White- ,majors or less credit are eligible. for ley, Clarence Freeman.the Lower Junior extempore speak- Enterllainment-Dorothy Fox, chair­ing contest. Candidates will meet in man; Muriel Bent, Kent Chandler,Kent theater at 3:15 today for as- Helen; Gross, Kenneth Sponsel, Cor­signment of.' topics. for the prelimin- nelia �eall, Emma Clark, Dudleyaries which will be held an hour Dtum -. Iris Spohn, William Thomas..later in the same place. Names of allcandidates not already registered willbe received by Dea!!' Lovett thismorning. Twenty-two men and wo-men have already filed their namesviolet light.Mr. Miller is preparing a paper onDes J ardien ..•• " c. ... _ .... Robbins. . the result of his experiments, forHarris L. G _ .•• _Fish\\'1 . id publication in the scientific journalslItesl e.Seller-s L. T._ •...• _ ••• Cruse at some fut�re date, and until that51.' L E. J h time desires to withhold a report of"Inlier.. .. .. .... _ ..... _ 0 nsonhis investigations. He is a memberSmith, Lawler .. Q. B.._ ••• Hightower .of the engineering firm of McMeansand Miller.Norgren R. H. B .. _ . _ .. _ Lamke�Fitz1>atrickGray L. H. B.Gruhn, WarrenPierce F. B. ...•.••. __ Wells PEN CLUB MEilBERSGoal -from field-Sellers. Referee- TO DISC'QSS - PLANSHeneagc, Dartmouth. Umpire-Mum- FOR CHICAGO "LI1;"rna, \\' est Point. Head Linesman-Holderness, Lehigh. Time of quarters This Week We Are·ShOwing S·u·i t san dOverCo�tS 'at 125Without Parallel-15 minutes. MR BOVEE TAKES 'I.. ·"S1.. I ell' ,. TWENTY OF CLASS Tnt naw . ouar O�'L'I'"·TO sItE: RED WIDOW coat is very la.r.hioll.oble lor. -.- - young mm in chillchjllas (1110. Mr. :Bovee acc�panied :0. bY.J,t�enty soft· . vicunas-our C h L'S ter­memb�rs of. h�s :french 4 c_lass w�nt; fields in: conservoli1..'e il/Of""s,to see' "'The Red Widow" at the . 0 '.' •••• •Grand Opera house Saturday night. are .!zere I�r, the .remors. !,VeMr. Raymond Hitchcock was notified are slzfYWt1lg sOllie s pee r (11Qf their presence 'and 'rose to the oc- 'Value.s at $25.asian with a few well-chosen French . ;.)., h. rUes.. 0: .. They are here in the softand rough fabrics, in grays,brownish mixtures and blues-'bo�� t�e belted and p1aited. . ..MO. AJE!lTIC � -LAc . '. ONE b�cks, patch or plain pockets,JEFFE.RSON '. �. .' -- .� .. ,.�. .p.,-:, .�, :.L.�;.r .. '- '0' : At ,30. $35, $40, $-15 and: .. 5Sth·�a-eet�and Lake Avimue. .: LOUISE GUNNING i- r o. :� Klaw'& ErtanReI' prese..t· IR. :�o-you c· an select t:rom Im-. - . . - ... ,,.. '-'ClmiC Opera Star_ -.,vv IINOVELTY PHOTOPLAY I BILLY REEVES . _, .. I.' ported N()Velties that are::. I lIiLEsTONES Ills.Five Reels nightly of the Ja��� �ov- In a Gr·:at Comedy Pantomime -/ stu eXc/zui'lJC with us.ing pictures. High class songs. Best: CHARLEY CASEh . '::..,--- h In suits you' will find theof music by' igh �_ orc es�ra.1 ; Funniest Man in Vau�Come_ and hear the Dew �� PJ�I Periera Sextette; Alpine Troupe; LA '�SALLE finest sel�ction of cheviots,: organ. .. - -' . '.' .�. Mrs. Louise James. Co.; Bie· City f ,.... _:: "".' • t;.eeds, unfinished worsteds. ��,GIRL:�� TH� GA�, and .oxford grays in largt'�. SeuOll-. Beat 111IIical Comedy , • _ _ ., witIt:� '�La BaDe" Beft ea.r vanety. $20 ·to $aO, E�.'eryPop��r",�ati� �ruesday, �5c ..; $1 si� to SO.Discussion in regard to a literarymonthly for the University will fea­ture the meeting of the Pen club to­morrow at 6 in the Commons cafe. A with the dean.On account of the smoker of the .canvass of the faculty shows almostmcn of Hitchcock fcnisiht. Assistant unanimous �pproval of the scheme. Psi Upsilon Announces PlecJcine.Professor Rober:tson Dounces that New members will be elected to the Phi Upsilon announces the pledg-the usual Tuesday Ten O'Clock will club. '. AU' members' of th'e club who jng of Robert Bruce Martrn, of Tulsa,L � ommited for this- week. intend to attend should give ·their Oklahoma. ' •Smoker Prevents Ten O-CloCk. "qames to Roderickn�n today_. Peattie . before \ � .• '.Have you subscribed? Patronize odr_ advertiSers.EMPIE$S,': Four; Edna Luby; The StaDIeysSpecial 'Values 01 $25.Every siz.e 10 50.AMUSEMENTS ,.-AMUSEMENTS AllUS�.'.THEATER631'd Street and Cottap � .�Week Starttnf SDD.II&tNI,11SULLIVAN a: CONSIDINE ,-PRODUCING D�P�TMBRT-ANNO.�CEC�·��GOOPBRAHOUIBReturn of Lat StaoP-. Bigest'1I1IIi� ·C� HitDONALD �RIANand' o rgi rial Company IntactTHE SIREN lAS. E. COWHEY. Mens' FurnishinasBILLIARD HALLCiau'. Cicarettes & Tobacco1001 an� 1001 � East �5th Street.. S. E. Corner Ellis Ave.ANDRIAN ("POP") ANSON -', .:::. TONIGHT."The'� Nobl� Roman of � -AU." :, ..' Broken Hearts (drama)MANNING TWINS' Death Valley. Scotty's ICme (drama)The Pretty Acrobatic Dancinc Girls The NoJdle Industl'J' (industrial)CHAS. DeLAND. MARY CARR a: DOwu with the-lIeD (comedy)COMPANY The Straqe Story of-Ellie MasonIn the Funny Farce -The Yae Escape' (dra�) - 'LUCILLE SAVOY Pathe Weekly EYeIY FrlciayThe Singinc Venus in a P.arisiaD Art Current Event&., PosinC Novelty. ADMISSIONPATrY BROTHERS llain Floor. all seats • • • • • • 10The Ony Act in the Wodd iD Which Balcony, all Rats. • •••••••• scan Athlete Walks Down a Flicht .of Stairs on His Head. ,GARRICK.LINA ABARBANELLID the Sparklinc Operetta"MISS PRINCESS"Mo's sler Co."o ••Ig East Jackson Boulevard(Be�n State aDd Wabash)'A UDITORIU�John Hyams and LeBa IIcIatire illTHE GIRL OF IIY DREAMSWOODLAWN IBEATU __ CIID'S OlDss6 se. ... w ......... �.:��� '" I RaJIDond Hitchcock illThe oDly 5c Show'� In- Hyde. Park THE RED WIDOWGood Music aDd Good Picturea7:30 and gasPRICES1 Oc-2Oc-3Oc ...... ' __ .... _a�'·QAVIIOIn' WEEKLT EvatT TilUaaDATc.rrnf ......AIID OTllat JICTUaU C,?LON.IALEvenings Precisely at 8Matinees \Vcdnesday and Saturdaysat 2,BEN-HUR : ��ome and inspect .the larg.�st line,f f�eiCD and domestic woolens' dis­� ill Hyde Park. Our clothes are. '. . """cctiOIl ill material. _ style, anelThe best seats In the house may be .'-- L!WOI'&&UualUP.procured at the same price you wouldpay at the bOx oRice by .-erely step- BENEDICT W A L Dh)l -8i .• ' MAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHESpins into t e: &rOOD 0 ce to put �pALACE MUSIC II.lLLEDNA GOODRICH ---------- _.:-A IlElltAN �SlC'.�PRIMROSE & DOCKSTADERGrand IIiutreI Jubilee.In "The Awakeninc of MinervL"SAM CHIP and MARY MARBLECarlo Alb3ni; Norris- Baboon.;' Car­roll & J.·ields; Chu F. Semon; Ward& Weber; Robert De Mont Trio. THEATER TICKETS.ILLINOIS'rAKING THINGS .EASYA new play Produced h7 IIr. Hackettwith�CYRIL SCOTTpO�.SIIRS.' �SKBiDTbe�""1445 E. 55th Street.your order.The theater. we handle arct:Garrick Thea�er,Priaceu neater.AiMlicaa ...... IlAROOR ADS PAY •STUDEBAKERMY LITTLE FRIENDA"New Comic Opera." o.c. 8IaIiaCORTFINE FEATHBRSDramatic It Dad .. ,TeL Hyde Park 2860O����I�H� W. Saap'.TIle 1IILLI0il.1