VUL . .Xl., NO. 30. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. SATUlWAY, NOV: 9, 1912. . - - -. -PRICE FIVE CENTS.THECANDIDATES FOR OFFICES COUNCIL ANNOUNCES . Y. M. C. A. WIUHOLD SERVICES CHICAGO WILL MEET.CO_nEE MEMBERS Both Christian Organizatona in Uui- ,NORTHWESTERN TODAYUPPER .SENIO�. :".,:...,'. v.:raity Plan Daily Services for ON MARSHALL FIELDl·QR PRESIDENTCoaciI Selects SO Next Week-Assign Topics-Alli?onald Hollingswo�� U_:.:I;. Werk F .. Settle- 1George �� IFOR VICE"PRESIQENT _lit DuceCora HinkiDs.Hirsch SobleMary Ann Whitley .FOR SECRETARYKratt-l60 Siegele-lgo R.eed-IS2Right' End Right Tackle I�ight Guard Chicago and Xorthwc�tet:n will���O�_. �����O��������O������_���������_�������O�.�����_O��� nle�t t�day at 2�0 on llarshall fieldo � 0 � 0 0 0 �'i�h the result of the game �rl'atiy• Left End Left' Tackle Left Guard Center Right Guard Right Tackle Right End in doubt. Korthwcst..:rn :las nutSkinner-rs6 Sellers-I 72 Whiteside-l86 Des Jardien'lgo Scanloh-IS2 Carpenler1g2 Huntington-16s. shown much form Ill;.. s('a-.>II,STUDENT CANDIDATES. TO ADDRESS CLASSES ':CoDle.tut. T. Be Allowed Siaort Times.To TeU RwoDl For��cJBELL WITHDRAWS FROM RACEH �hidgsworth Opposes Kub for- �n­ior Presidency-Extend Time forPetitions to Tuesday.Each candidate for a class officewjll� b.e: . given "an opportunity . tQ.speak in favor of his candidacyat the�.a��:.; �meetings to be hel'd Wednes­day, ., l:h� elections witt not be helduntif -Friday, The meeii�gs ·o� Wed­nesday will he held at 12:15 in Cobb6A for the Seniors Kent east for theJuniors, Kent west' for the Sopho-mores, and 'Kent' theater' for theFreshmen.". '. , . :The candidates wilt speak Ot1' "Why Iam running for this office." Candi­dates for president wilt be allowed·t·"o minutes in, 'Which to set· forththeir claims while the other contest­�nts will he given only one. minute.Chester Bell withdrew his candi­dacy for president .of the' Upper Sen­iors, and nineteen other candidateswithdrew. Donald Hollingsworthwas nominated hy petition for' .UpperSenior president and . Walter .. Ken-Senior president.nedy for Lower�hree other new names were add�dtt)�' he list.I Extend Time for ,Petitions. .!':�:1'6� �tjine "f�?�'ffb'e :. �r�senraiion"'�f,. petitions for. withdrawal . of candi-�'''--rl:ates���rin�j)f,n;candfdates'. ,·., .. :,\..;.,'i·.,·· ';: <�-'.'and r�s8iRcati(m: :bas'\�n extend-\ \, t) .' , ..-, . I � : .. :,. ";" �ed to ·.I:�4S' .. ru��>'. >, Petj!i�s for re-c1as�i���i?�. ��.;>.�M�.�ia.t�. ,�_� jpumberof mnj(irs; .... he···pC:J'!ion � ·�ho·<wishesto be .rec1:iss·ified;.·fl�s.; Ali petitions&bould he handed i�·to·.box:.6'; F.acuJ­t':{ ,eXdlange:' .>thes� ,�ilttcr� weredecided �yesterday afternoon' in' Har-:...� _, -... '. . .. t tper:;M.r.o..-l· _" _ >;$"���ncil � :�expressed itself :asf:l�����iAp��:_d��S�on of: t�e c�ln'�i-d��(���·. �.' ;.e��e�ced by the cl�ssme#��J�·t�b.c'.!J�.Jd. No objection wasrn9.,(At�: .. ��1iiCit.ati.�n of_ vote's as 10,!gaS��.�.·���· ate himself" refrainedfrOtlt�e-dQiri � ReasClns for this objec:-)..:'l ...... ' •• , ";. ,'- ... '" , ,J :. •� �• •ti��!�.� :.� ',�#,d as being that.' t�·�C!lWIIci): fear' .. wire pu11ing' and' votet�l��.��· �1��":���onglY oppos�d tosoiicitatiori/'of' votes in 'Cobb OD th�day of the 'election by anybody.Co�nci1. Will Meet. ..':f�JI�rs. f01":.tb��Upp�r �Rlor,' .and�\: .•• ; �." ',"..... ' ..... .) 'r:·;.t._��· ........ .,:. ���J��,���� .elecfio���V��fte�:'�etbciti:.: announced. Theres� 'witt:be, a��'" ". :,'. :... _ .', '. ',: ... :v,rne��g"""of '.::tbe Counal �:T�#!a.r.,.::af- itc&��: �t';�5 insteilf<ot 'Mond�y. ''P-f.... ' ..... <'J." .. . ',' _ •• , : .,":.-.,At�� .�ecull:g provision fot'Q'��me(o;·.th�· . .:nc·Jifng of th� tei1ers �iiil be,.; ,.\ .,made.:� ':... The list of. students �ho: were' re­classified' follows:Reclassified to Upper Senior� AnnaMay -bernet. Ellyn C. B�oomcll, Lulutoy. Marie F�nning, Martha' Grce�Howard �eefe, Jre�e" Mc:Cormick,,Olive Paine, Lon Pay�; -. AtrgustaSwawite. Fred Steinbrecker;' EstherT,.�ylo�. ,an,<t. Florence' Tisd�le..'"� Reaa's�Hied to" 'tower :". Senior:fil no' othcr pUrPO!Se'than:thc'petpet­Brown, ncnjamin· . Cohen, LeoneHemIngway, Elizaheth Morgan,(Continued on page 4) THE PROBABLE LINEUP FOR TODA Y'S GAME(Marie Fanning.Dorothy FoxAugusta Swawite.FOR TREASURERWilliam HefferanHoward Keefe.'LOWER SENIORSFOR PRESIDENTWalter KennedyDuane MannErnest ReichmannFOR VICE-PRESIDENTSuzanne FisherFOR SECRETARYArline BrownFOR TREASURERHarvey HarrisBernard VinisskyUPPER JUNIORSFOR PRESIDENTRaymond BohnenDonald Delany'Count LovelletteMarston SmithFOR VICE-PRSIDENTMartin �1o,ck-.�:I4tberlne . �overt. :qlolger Lollesprd.�;"·:.FQR,. �ECRETARY;""'.:' Mabel Becker' .·:-ii..���:�:�'!lqt� .. .. ' .......,.�·�·FOlf·TltEA�ttRElt� .. ·':-·:�_'.' t , 'i( .'" : ", :.' '�':;" I.', '•• ' A!. c : .. • !StanwoOcJ -''BaU!Dpl'tDel',- Fred Griffiths ..:itent 8kyes'. LOWER JtJNIOR�..FOR PRESIDENT ,William Ewart.Waiter: StegemanFrank Whiting.FOR 'VICE-PRSIDENTM.V.BrownFrederick BurckyT. R. DunneH. A. Kleinman.. Gifford Plume(Continued on page 4)\NORTHWESTERNLamke-ISSR. Half Backo All CHAIRMEN AlE APPOINTEDj:55 in Cobb 6A, and the w?men's.'���¢��; .. +�:{ ��-�� ..•�( _:, .�'.. '':' ,':'. :; I;; ��1f)Jac1( ...;;;��\ :\; ::0"'::: ��,: � .. t: ': �'G�:"i:70 -"'�}"<r' , '�',� .. , ''. "'-�;��( �::;):�,%Ji����,,; :�. !: .�.'.:;'::' .. :;:.;.. Total WeightNorthwestern. JS11; average, 170-ChitaCo, 1905; -verare, 176-OFFICIALS-Referee: . Heneage.hiP. Invited. Purple Aggregation Is Coming WithHopes Of Winning First GameIn Historic Struggle. Since 1901Holl.i.ncsworth. ViDiuk,y. University students wiltI be givenan opportunity to observe a week o(prayer beginning Monday. Prayermeetings to last fifteen minutes willHefferan, be held for men every morning at COACHES REFUSE TO PREDICTLunde, Keefe, Leisure. Matthewsand Miss Fox Head Committees. meetings will take place in Lexington Varsity Has Shown No Improve-3. The gatherings arc under the ment over Form in Badger GameThe Undergraduate Council an- auspices of the Y. W_ C. L. and the in Practice.lIouuced' the following committees Y. M. C. A.for the Settlement Dance: : The forty-sixth annual call forFinance-Donald Hollingsworth" the week of prayer comes from the'chairman; Elizabeth Burke, Albert head of the World's Committee of theDekker, Anerie Louise Ford, Beryl Y M. C. A. at Geneva. Subjects forGilbert, Eva Goldstein. Herbert each day' have been assigned. OnGranquist, Elizabeth Jone-s A. L. Monday "Brotherhood" will be theLanghorst, Cameron Latter, Jean topic; on Tuesday "Bible class;" onLove, Marjorie Miller, Anna Moffat, Wednesday "Community Extension;"I h Northwestern 28, , Chicago 12Ina Perego, Mona Quaylc, Ado p 011 Thursday "Social Service;" onR· I I W I IS94-Northwes.tern 0, Chicago 46."adnltzer, Myra :teyno ds, a ter Friday "Patriotism;" on SaturdaySmith, Edward Stein, Adele Whitney, "Trnmigration:" on Sunday "Evangel-Margaret Baum, Catherine Clark, ism."Phoebe Clover, Elizabeth Dickey, For the women Miss Melcher will r. Nonhwestern 0, Chicago 6Suzanne Fisher, Bliss Halling, George conduct the meeting on Monday;' I8g6-Northwestern 46,Chicago 6Kasai, Charles �olander, Maurice Miss Hilt, a missionary from India Northwestern G, Chicago 18Ottoson, Myra Payne, Helene Pollak, on Tuesday; Miss Potter, secretary I8g7-Northw.:stern 6, Chicago 2IEthel Rosenheim, Augusta Swawite, of the national board of the Y. W. C. I8g&-Northwestern' 5, Chicago 34Charlotte Viall,' Charles Whiffen, L. on Wednesday; Miss Funk, a mis- ISgg-:-Nonhwestern 0, Chicago 76Ruth Allen, Emil Bickley, Margaret sionary to China on Thursday; and 19Oo-Nonhwestern"S;' Chicago '0,.Fenton, Geoffrey Levinson, 'Samuel Mr. Merrifield of th� Divinity school . Igol-Northwester�··6; Chicago 5n -k . h � L C h J h C r.nn2-Northwestern 0,' Chicago 12rsec cwrt ,c. . 0 en, osep oun- will speak on' Friday. .,.,cil, Carl Deffebaugh, Willard Fassett, La h . held· I903-Norhtwestern' "0,' Ch.icago 0st year t e meetmgs n."Louise Ford, Hazen Haggerty, Helen M' .h I' I I904-NorthwesterI! 9,.'Chicago.·32eo- iddle pivn1ity al were we I at-. IJack, Mary Cameron, Richard Mat- tended. The services are not limited 190s-Northwest .. �r� ��'Chicago 32th .. ws, Roderick McPherson, Helen b f h U' . . .' Igog.-Northwe5tern 0 Chicago 34.... tc, mem ers 0 t e mversity associ- . .' ,Timberlake, G_race Y�nEvera, Stanley ation, b�L are open. to ·'any student' Iglo-N�rt�w�stern o, Chi�ago 10>h.:..:..;"._". ... :I·Ic..=....:·-'.n--·� ....... .,n_th_UI· ::o.;J;':.�� •• ��--. '� ••• , ....... -' '" 'Wft ... l-�orthwester" � Ch�ca&o n,.;vn;l, L lliU'll � • .r"�' _AU�"":.!!: _. ,".l4Q·ma,. '�:IU 'at:teuu. �. . .... �, �'1'!-' ".::oa.j.��'; ,., •.•.. ��.' •...• ' I� •• _:,�:;".hartz, -Herbert " "Atkins, Maurice ':The Re�. �Mr.· 'Fo�dick, the lJniver- 1111Rogers, Hugo Swan, Frank Whiting, 'sity preacher ,will have charge o�. the '.Dorothy Farwell Sunday' ·' which will take the '"Publicity-Bernal'd Viriissky, chair- pla�e �f th'e �sual vesper �-erVice 'belaman; Walter Foute, William 'Schnei- j;� M�ndel: .. Dr. 'F�sd'ick' cotnes' ·fro.mder, Lelan(l Anderson, Thomas Cole- Mo�.tc1air, N�w Jersey, where 'heman,' George Lyman. :serves. as pastor of the Baptistchurch. He is 'the University 'preach­er for the 'week, and wi�1 speak at theDecoration: William Hefferan, Junior and Senior chapel exercises tochaTman; Ruth· Bozell, associate the students' next week. Dean Mat-chair::13.Jl, Varner Bowers, Richard hews. of th� Di�inity: s�hool refer-'Granquist, Elizaheth Hurd, Helen red to him recently 'as Clone of the 'Magee, Robert Stensol1 Miriam .-__ ��� ���_'____ most promising of the young preach-tConunued on page 4) ers in Am�rica ·tod�y." Northwest·:rn·Chicago GamesThe scores ill the previous North­western-Chicago football games:lS92-N orthwestern 0, Chicago 0Northwestern 6, Chicago '41893- NOl thwester n 6, Chicago J2.Northwes�;�rn 6, Chicago 6Northwestern 0, Chicago 36l8gs-Nort�western 22, Chicago 6.H�eian Heads Comimtt�Wells-Irp.Full Back.o Gruhn-I 56L. Half BackoHightowel'-I46Quarter Back�Robbias-l76Center :"'H:/(: • _;.CaPt. Johnson of Northwest(rn.Butler-lgo CaptainCrase-ISo Johnson-161,Left '.1 ackle Left EniLeft GuardCaptain out the' team h:1S Ill'Cll :;.hiit�·(1this week and the cllach�'s lonk ior ahard fought hattll·. Chicago h;1:' 11.01shown .much impro\"\'lnl.llt "n'r b,tweek's playing n praC'tic(' thi:; wed.:and the gloom' c1l'u<1s h:lH' bn'll: pr<;a.d.inJ.t thickly ova tl.l.� .hehl.>C<):ach;· Stagg wa� u •. �RJ.c to g-iwmor�. th_an ,)lle :;.crillllllag"� this wcekhccause of the unia\'orahll' wcal heroQuarter. BackSmith-I 49 oR. Half Bac.k.Norcren-�?Oo, Full Back.Pierce-I 73Weight of Line. Weight of Back FieJd;Nonhwestem. 1239; averace, 177 Nonhw-!Stern. 6�; afti'ap, IsSChicago, 1243; averace. 177 4-5 Chicaco, 662; average., 165' 1-2- conditions and he i�Da:tmouth; Umpire: Mumma, West Point; H�ad Line5man: lIo1demess, Le-,.." not(Continued on page i�5'.... ,THE DAtLY MAROON; sATUiH)AV. NOV. 9, 1912.BGray to PIa)'.Gray, Norgren and Pierce will forma strong backfield combination thatUniversity Football Game-Chicago univcr sity, Tuesday i:15. Lexington will be hard to overcome. All ofThe Daily Maroon Bulletin and 'Announcements.vs, Northwestern 2:30 Marshall field. hall. these men are stars in their depart-University Dames' Club-'Address Divinity School-Chapel. Wednes- ments and are ' consistent groundhy Dr. Luckenbill, 3, Botany, lecture day 12: 15. Haskell assembly room. gainers. Pierce is a line plunging fullroom. Y. W. C. L.-\Vednesday 12:15. back of the first water. while Gray is.Menorah Society-Smoker, S to 10, Lexington hall. a wonderful open field rut,mer. "001-Hitchcock club room. University Public Lecture-Profes Jy" played his first Varsity game last'figer Head-Picture, tomorrow, II, sur Israel Abrahams. Wednesday, Saturday but his open held running as'Koehne's Studio. 4:15. Haskell assembly room. tonished the Badgers. Norgren isUniversity Religious Service-s-Rev. Junior Colleges-Chapel, women one of the most consistent players onHarry Emerson' Fosdick, tomorrow Thursday. 12:15, Mandel. the squad. In addition. his puntingII, Mandel. Le Cerele Francais-Thursday 4; marks him as 01� of the best halfLower Junior-Extempore contest, Lexington. backs in thc \Vest. Norgren getsregistration with Dean before Mon- University Public Lecture-Profes- his punts off for fifty T-lrds or moreday noon. sor Israel Abrahams. Thursday 4:15, consistently.Junior Colleges-Chapel, men, Haskell assembly room. The line is bothering Coach Stagg,Monday. 12: 15, Mandel. Philhormonic . Society-Chorus re- the most. With the exception ofZoologcial Club-Associate Profes- hearsal, Thursday, i:15 Mandel. Vruwink, all of the 'men who playedsor Newman. Monday 4:15. :�oology. Religious Education Club-Dr. in the \Visconsin game will be seenEntered as Second-class mail at the 24. Elizabeth Dunn, Thursday 7:30, in: the lineup. Huntington will playChicago Post Office, Chicago Illi- Physics Club-Monday. 4:30. Ryer- Haskell 12. left end as usual, while Captainnois, March IS, 1908, under Act of C t d S 11 -II b tson 32. Philharmonic Society-Orchestral arpen cr an c ers WI e seen aMarch 3, 1873· New Testam-nt Club-i-Paper h 8 'Il{ d I tackles. These men have come'" .. y practice. Thursday :15.1.' an e.Published dailv except Sundays' Mon- Mr. Severn. Monday 8, Haskell 12. German in eonversa- through the Badger game in goodH Iid duri h S' C lleges-Ch I Tuesday condition and have been playing adays and 0 lays unng tree em or 0 ape, tion. Friday 4. Lexington 3 and 4-12:15. Mandel. fair game in practice. Whiteside andCouncil-Meeting. German Club-Interpretative read-Scanlon at guard and Des Jardien, atInterfraternity iug by I)auline Rieth. Friday. 4:30 probability com-Tuesday, 2:30. south room. Reynolds center, will in allBy carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar- club. Lexington 3 and 4· plcte the lineup.ter. By mail $3·00 a year; $1.25 a Botanical Club-Tuesday 4:30. Graduate Women's Club-Friday. 5,I,.,Iquarters of the University year.Subscription Rates. The. closestbosom'fficn�you-Davecouldn't stick'Closer to.. youthan the.non­bulgingbosom of aCCDONCHESrER.'·ARRoEvening SHIRT$2 to $3Claett. Peahod�. ComP&ll�. llaJrenTheSweaterI n the olden days, the sweaterwas associated wholly with thecompetin, athlete -, ' A G. Spalding1(. Bros., have changed all that.The newBotany 13. Lexington 5-Student Volun"-r Band-c-Profes- Junior Mathematical Club-Profes-Editorial-Business offices, Ellis 24 '" �800 M'1 B "rayland D. Wilcox Alfred sor Moore, Friday 4:15. Ryerson 37·Telephone Midway . al ox sor I� I� .-,-------------------------------------------------·'0" Faculty Exchange. Spalding �utomobi1e andWinter Sports SweaterThe Northwest Neighborhood clubgave a party Thursday at 4- A flaggame was played which Adele Frankel1\thletic Editor, • Bernard Vinissky Group Pictures for Cap and Gown IBusine� Manager ••• Burdette Mast Taken-Seniors to Fill Honor I (Continued from page one)Lists Soon. with the condition of the team. HeAssociate Editors.declared yesterday that he could notWith' the exception or a number ofsee how Chicago could win unless the 2 :30 in the .southpictures.. the faculty section of themen showed a wonderful improve- Reynolds club.Cap and Gown has heen completed. ment in today's game. He is openlyData about the me�bers has:'been se- discouraged over the showing ofcured which it is ho�ed wilt�do much the break u�' the l,ong Jist . �hich has Team Is UnlmoWll"Even the reporter has aD oSee heretofore, occupied ci prominent pos- Northwestern: is an unknown quan-.b :·L LOST-A Phi Gamma Delta badge,and with clear eyes and honest *- ition i� .the front of the. OOK. tity. Although Assistant Coach• d -�. . probably on- the Campus. -We, may unveil injustice an � Gr:oup pictures are being taken daily Sauer saw the Purple -aggregation Cuppy, 935 E� 60th street. Pleasethe way to progress."-R..L. S. £.or:,:the bo�k, and any fraternity or play against Indiana nd Purdue he is .----------------.:.... h- desi .h - -.h hi' return to Daily Man>on office. keep enoueh .taUODel7 at "hand. 'for C1I,,"Dt1I Prea. ssn 00Uap <kG club whic esrres to a�e ItS plC� unable to tell muc about t e p aymg u .... Solid Qaartered Oak. hanchomel� ft,,-Printed by _roon .y� 'f F id d H d 1a ;.he4. .... ..p�...... (See not .. )ture taken be ore n ay can 0 so ability of th - team. e ec r�s, fO RENT-Light front study with TTER FIL(fllitodal by making an appointment with the however, that the squad is strong and adjoining chamber, suitable for two, SO.LID O�K L,E EFor years Northwest� baa been a photographer and registering it with will put up a great game to win from also single room. Mrs. Spellman, �::r!0io��:�tI:���gridiron foe of the wearers of the the board. After', this date however Chicago. He is afraid that North- 610S Greenwood avenue, Apt. 2. �11:ea. ;:::r.�'tI,,*maroon-how . �oithy. no pictures will be taken until western has beers greatly underrated �:�:-'are�����• proof a"d 011"' lIerToday's a one can be ascer1ain- ary when the remainder will be taken and that the team is much better than FOR RENT-Newly furnished large beartnp. lebtpaid.:' (See .bte.)ed by looking OVer' care of. Seniors are expected to is expected. parlor. Two large bed rooms, 'II.U. r .,'Get Cataloe .ho ... •scores of the Chicago- come to Ellis 14 and sign their honor The Evanston men will fight to Single or en suite. Steam heated. Inc manl' band', In-.zpeaaly. 081., de- .Northwestern games for the ,past ten cards. These cards have been ready win for the reason that a victory-ov- Board if desired. M. A. Robinson, ylea and s.ecfollAlbookc..... Booklet.or twelve yearS. Today the teams several days and to date hut half a cr Chicago' will make the season a. 6110 Ellis avenue :r;�I���ucc��IODa ..will meet again on Marshall fieldand dozen have signed. successful one. No matter how many ��-�Irt:even the· most sanguine Chicago en- ether games the team loses, if Chiea- TO RENT-Large front room, three :�01.-:n���::�thusiast expects a hard fought gam�. go is 'defeaterl the team is accounted windows, hot water heat, electric �:maC010:::0. T'�Chicago will be minus at l�t one Michigan-In receiving an answerto have a successful season. Dating light. well furnished, in modern �::::.tI� hleher' be-by telegram to a wireless message house, 5630 Kimbrk avenue, Phoneplayer because of injuries received in hack to 1892 when Chicago first en-sent by Dean. M. E. Cooley of the M'd "'y 1617the game last week and several tcred the field of western athletics, I wa •" engineering department at Michigan.others wdl not be In the best of form. e 'L· H 11- C' I. • 'to his son, reutenant 0 IS 00 eY4The men realize that because of In-USN A 1· N' be. at rmapo IS on ovem rjuries and because plays must be &' al� d�ubts a� to the efr.�iency ofkept in reserve for later aames, the'. . . .. I be· bard d th the umverslty Wlrelesscont�st wi! a one an ere. fid Th' h dispelled.IS no overcon ence. ere IS ow-�ver, one big danger-that ia that Chicago's squad wilt be crippled WANTED-Popular yo��g ladythe rooters will stay away, expecting UNIVERSITY DAMES hy the ahsence of two regular play- wishing to ·make pin money in heran easy game and on� not so much WILL HEAR TALK ON ers. Paine ann Vruwink. Vruwink leisure hours. Inquire at 5710 Mad-worth seeing as those that have pre- TRIP TO HOLY LAND will he out of the lineup until the ison a"enue.ceded or are to follow. They are �Iillncsota game while Paine will ----------------mistaken. as the results of the game M�. Luckenbill or the Divinity prohably he ahle to play .next week.will show. There will be a hard, school will give an illustrated lccture Smith and Lawler have been coachedfast game of football on Marshall before the University Dames this af- to lill Painc·s place at quarter back.field this afternoon-one as wen t(ornoon at 3 in Botany lecture room, it is most likely that Smith will startworth seeing as any played this year. on the suhject, "Experiences in Pal· the game today. hut both of the men£I'�ry one who likes a good game of c:,tine." The University Dames club will get into the game however. Skin­football belongs in the stands; every- has its meetin-gs the second and lIer and Parker are possibilities toone who wants to � Chicago win a fourth. Saturday of each month. Mrs. filt Vruwink's place at right end.hard game belongs there; and every- Eikenherry. president of the cluh, Skinner prohahly has the call onone who wants to stick by one of the invites the wives of. married alumni Parker hecause he has played in sev­"gamest" and most' deserving teams and married women now students :It ('ral tmm�s this season. while ParkerChicago has produced ought to be the Universitv to bi present at this has not appeared in the lineup as!there to watch, to admire and to· Gnd ,any subsequent meetings of thej' yet. Baum�artne.r. i! another candi-cheer._ 1 University .Dames club. date for thiS POSItiOn.quarter. Northwest Club Me�ts.won by guessing the most flags. NinaFACULTY DEPARTMENT OFANNUAL IS NEARLY DONE O'Neil won a prize for the best imi-CHICAGO WILL MEETNORTHWESTERN TODAYON MARSHALL FIELD ration of Q magician. A recitation wasgiven by Florence Foley.Managing Editor • Hiram KennicottNews Editor • • • • .Leon StolzInterfraternity Council Meets. for every:body"':'men and women,is a garD\ent for all-around use-.corneptitors, and lookers-on. Toenjoy the Fall and Winter out­door season you should have aSpalding Automobile Sweater.A meeting of the Interfraternity;8-30 So. Waba�h Ave.council will be held on Tuesday atroom of the\Valter Foute •• Martin Stevers,William Lyman •••••• John PerleeSamuel Kaplan ..•.• Harry GorgasHolgar Lollesgard •. George LymanClyde Watkins •• George CottinghamGrace Hotchkiss •• Sarah Reinwald CLASSIFIED _DYERTHlUNI'SGame.!tii t -Intew proposition is open to oneactive woman and one man. Nobooks or insurance. Big money.I.lOS-542 S. Dearborn street. .the rivalry between the two teams. EXCLUSIVE agency for an entirelyhas been intense. No Northwestern-team since 19<)1 has defeated Chica-go and no team scored on Chicagostation weresince that date up to last year.Squad Is Crippled.!J. H. Hepp. Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetF.xpert Manicurist.' IScientific MasseursExpert Chiropodist" , Chicago, 111� FILING DESKScombine drawer. In hand.ome deak. Th.IIle. )"oa want at )'our IIneer tI� Bee o"eat )"our deale,.. Freleht paid Pl.... (Beenote).THF�"'MANUFACTURING CO37 Union St. MONROE, MICH':hicaco DiaplaY-511·IS S. WabubJOSEPH' SCHMIDTStationery, Toilet ArticlesFine Line of Candies956 E. 5Sth Street. Chicaco, mImported and Domestic Uae of. Cipn and CipretteLMAROON ADSBRING RESULTS. •: • i I .�1{·EV-MANCOLLARSeooo- .. II ..... c_eo..Tile nearest bank tc the Vni­versity and the only Bank be­tween 43rd and 63rd street eastof Cottage Grove �ve. under St�teGovernment supervision,·CAPI1.·�L $200,000'3 PER CENT ON SAVING�For Wn.rinesaGOOD COFFEEG .. �eRwot)d Cafe� • �357 ··K 55th' Stt�t.BAND PAiN-TED/CHINAChri.� GH�}�;:··�.�. "'"Class.' �n private instruction.wtiOd)'.��. ":Trust. � .-t} .salini!:· Bankl-.i& ��3I"d�s..iteet, ChicaltO •..• I.··· -- '-. --_ . ,.., --_.:��STA1;-E BANK·'{·.·::i.·.�;<� .'DEPOSITOlty FORUNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDS'IKarest '0 the University •. Ac·counts' of profeSsors and. stu�dents �Udted. . .Checking Accounts orand SaVings Accounts ofSHOE . REPAIRINGYou can not makea mistake in Sendin,your wOrk here. Onlythe most sJdIIed work·men employed.SMITH-GOODYEAR1134 East 63rd Street.Opposite Postoffice.The Dall,. lIaroon is now onat tbe Prea " .. 'THE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAY, NOV. 9, I9U.SOMBTIIING TO READ. tincst products of 1\merica·s social I ,: ....� .. � .. -: .-,- . .conditions. A boy bjought to a high 'I' JERREMS-MADE ..sothes m�-f-ot :mf ..... 1 d ral• v. • !(fa -y-- -....., ort •• J e an gene sat-. The phrase "college life" is :\� I state of intellectual capacity by aIf' isfaction' � you ,fin pt"'! fro. the ordinary kind.. I I dozen of the most brilliant tutorsAmericanism and it has no cqurva cnt . , , I Th ' bee. . : would miss something very valuable I' at sause we put all our kJlowle�ltt into buying the right sort ofJIn any �ther language but E�glt�h. i if he missed 'coliege lir�. But its. fabrics and ..n 91U" 1$Idtt'� ... lIIPinc them properly.t describes, to those who use It With Iundersta: di el tl charm and essential condition is coin- SUITS AND OVERCOATS .Qn.. 00' to $6000• 1 mg an sympa lY, an ex'.... .. �:". "., •pcri�nce out of which grows a deep :l�on work., Its frtends�lp. breathes �he I Three Stores:;;enhment made up' of pleasure, arr of love of truth, It JS �lled With7 N. La Salle St. �'::'�/�,! .. :;'!��;:. TAILOR FOR •friendship. affection, loyalty. and . generous, not selfish, sentiment, its2S E Jackson Blvd. .. YOUNG MEN ,pride. It seems to them "a tender in- pleasures are inextricably 'mingled il E. Madison St. ,I f1 n r .. I with the pleasures of the minel.' I ·2�2S r���t�I:lc�� y� Don't ��ct�m�y�� ��I� A_._N_._J_E_R_R_E_M���M_�__�_. •. i.lrawing them back to their Alma, conscious prig and to :Ialk 100 much _.IEARL & WILSON I Mater. and the comradship of their :,houf his. work a_�d h.�.s. higher feel-, -I classmates. To most g-r:tdu:ttes their mjrs, hut If he makes evident that heSHIRTS $1.50 AND MO�E college life seems their g-oldcn age: is ignoring all the-finest elements ofthrough the' mist of years the campus college life. don't let -him-Tool you.:becomes an island of Utopia whose Be does not . understand ·the real Ivery tediurns grow br ight in the rc- thing and he is not: getting what 'he Itrospcct, the sting of whose sins and ought to gct.-Scribner's Magazine.failures was always lessened hy thcpower of the ideals and hopes that nut the fraternity idea must be,:;lIed its air. !\o campus ever was I' 't judged so much by those. whom ita Itopia, and the most g-olclen age ofmemory has doubtless been much al- shuts out from special privclege asloycd with baser metal. hut if there by the results that it produces in Iis not something' "cry _hright and those whom' it fosters.beautiful in American ("olleg-e life it The Pan Hellenic, Society believesis hard to account for the feeling of itself specially- chosen and trained forthousands of g-ray-haired men that service. And what has it done? Asidelong ago in their youth. besides the from a vague and general interest inI ed,ucation they got or failed to get. alumnae activities, this service is rc­[they gained around the knees of duccd to scholarships, som<: isolatedAlma Mater lasting joy. strensrth. and attempts in education and philan­inspiration that was not entirely con- thropy, a certain "dynamic force"tained in the hooks they read and upou . the character of its' members,cannot be exactly measured hy the scarcely apparent to outsiders, andknowledge they acquired. continued perfection of organization,. ,The reputation of college life is thus far for no more evident purpose IHYDE n" DTT S'I'A"'E D A,-rn- lOW threatened by three -misunder- than the reform of its own body.r..tU\.n. Ilftl � standings. I n other words, the f.raternity sys­co ...... 0" .�"Ut .... • ...... Ave. ., -,'. The first of thcs'e misunderstnnd- tern seems grotesquely out of proper-ings is the idea that college life has, tion in the general scheme of one of its peculiar and essential Why :should this one feature of un­elements, a large amount of extreme- dergraduate life be magnified by, Iy .. �oolish and even ,vicious excite- ITI�a;l� of publications, council meet-merits...," 1'. ' __ ,. ings, and conventions, if it is to ful-_. ���;.,:: '._..�;__ Th� sec.���';'�i����ng�,_i.s. 'Graci� Alling, Ruth Agar, Arline: Chinese' '�;'��.",�.�1.��'�.:.::.�·�.?::�.·. that ct>lr; �I(e:: jli)Ui;u�riou�.a:�9 '_;iris-- u�Joli of' itself. How d'oes' �t_stan�i_ ... \,. tocratic, �Pt ',t() '�u�fit' a 'm'ail for the in relation to the many needs: of thehurly'-burly of the world and c'lose ,;orld� Is it not rather like -a crys­contact with the generolity of his I talization of an immature sm'gc: of de­fel1ows ... _ velopment. \Vhy should a fraternityThe idea is quite firmly and wide- woman go about the world seekingly held that the advaJ1tagcs of col- onJy her o�n kind, li�e' the mission-Designs to rent. China FirecL' , Ch' h h flege life are a t.hing entirely apart ::ry to lOa w 0 wrote to er ra-MRS .. L. ,WOOD, from what one can learn in college- ternity paper of the various social5710 Ma&on'AYe... ' �· Midway sn .. s :.dvantages that came to 'her through;�.' I .. '. � that· a student can get the best outof his college life by not studying her ellc,ounters there with Greek sis-very much. This delusion takes its ters? it looks to me very much likesharpest and cOJl;monest form ill the an actual :imitation of growth. Take.. I' '. -the ca:.c of the country girl whomoplDlon t 1at the high-stand man, thedistinguished scholar in college, i:, college has unfitted for her home. Qot apt to do as well in after life as environment. It was cited as one ofthe' man who stands lower in his the inestimable blessings of the sys­tem that her sole interest now lies inclass and escapes all distinction inhcr fraternity literature and friends.To" my mind this relationship isA young man ought to gain.a good mther a handicap that retards thedeal from his college besides what he shifting of focus that must take'l('arns there out of books. But if place in her before she can make herhis studies.-, your boy. is getting ready for college life a success.wi�h the ide-a of learning as little outFor thesc rca�ons I believe thatof books as possihle, or. is manifestlystaying in college with the least the fraternities, nothwithstanding in­dividual benefits, are hastening onamount of intellectual exertion com''bl . h .,- 1 . '. IOllr "French Revoluation"; they arcpau e WIt ITdre y passmg exanllU-, . .. h' Ik' creatlllg a type that rules by habitat Ions, e JS ta 109 nonsense to you,._ h' .. f I I I rather than by individual power andalTvut IS appreCiation 0 t Ie a( Yallt-f 11 l'f D wisdom; :ll1d hy their intlexible sys-Cigc:S 0 co ege I c. 0 not ellcour-.f h I h'm of caste they are emphasizing'age his misunderstanding 0 W atII I'f . - 1 .' I t he gap, already more than sufficientco ege I e means. Com )at It III eV-1. I . If f . for women as for men, between pri,,-('ry way Wit Hili your power. ,a ter. .. .II I k! !lege al10 the workrng worM.a year or two rn co ege, le Illa 'cst�o c\"ielent. his f'hstinate (Jclertnina-; A.. col�cge presi���t rc.ce�tly� toItlon to achieve 110 scholastic rcsults me In . uhstance. I alwa) s thmk of iat all equal'io -his'· nlcn·t;1· al�lities, it. th�' f-ruterJ;,ily men as in a circle, handis a grave questio� .. ·wl�cthcr' you ar�:' ill ha.nd, facing outwarel; but of the Inot wasiin� -;our" money. with no womcn as turned the other way, Iga'in to him, by keeping him in an worshiping at their little shrine, with Iatmosphere whose es!'ential charac- their l)'acks to the winds of the Ij ter he is incapahle of understanding", world." - Century Magazines.Coller-e life is a vcry hright and -sale heautiful thing. The ideal of it is The Daily Maroon is now on sale at Ione of the peculiar anel one of the th!! Press. I' .... , TYPEWRITERs. RENTED. '.. :';,,' J '; �.,$5.00 for 'Three - Months. :-.'.'_Every machine guaranteed to be in fine' working order, and will be tkept so during term of reutaLWe deliver the machine and call for it_at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line of Fac�ory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you ean- Save 50 to 75 per cent.Telephone Harrison 63�399AMERICAN WRITING Jfl\CBINE COMPANYUNCQRPQRATED)437 South Dearborn St. Chicago, III�:HA�.:P�ESSING, MANICURINGCHIROPODY.... I.�� Gervaise Graham:' .,; :"� '15 E. Washington St.!,·t,-.... _. Venetian Building[ J�si� Field's-under Huyler's, �:J, ....... �.A.H.1\8'B�TT.,& CO�127 NO. WABASH' A�pL!E FIELD'S, ;.Artists' Material.,':. . ."' ..... -,._PWt_ R,. ........ �HICAGQ.�4It .. 1h' n .... � A....en1Ml.THE DAILY MAROON, sA'ru�DAY, NOV. 9, Igi2.SATURDAY BOOK NEWSitI1!IlrfI:1-<1\i i'It: :Ii·t ..! .iri �[IIiI'I �L!I,� _i1 �! .t .�, .; I) ,:\.1 . COUNCIL· ANNOUNCES In.IPRES� BILL THIS WEEif:'· .COMMITTEE MEMBERS Through the extreme efforts of theEmpress management the" king of(Continued from page one)men ian students'.c\ merica has beenMichigan. associationreorganizedMichigan_;.The chapter of the Ar- Kappa Sigma Announce Pledging,in Kappa Sigma announces the pletlg­at ing of Ernest Cavin; Jr. of GalvestonAIlUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Texas.Continued from page r.J ball players, namely, 'Andria"" "Pop":\ tiny book, bound in red, entitled I is "intended espccialty for use m �lc�srs, Ca st lc. Coulter, Davenport, Anson, is to lead the bill this week.··J\n:d':.; Pur liarnentary Rules," might schools and colh.·gcs, although it is: East and Tower. ,l�ni\"l'rsity of Chi- Halllwill, john Bishop, Florence The title of his skit is "The Nobl�st\\ cll be on the study table of each stu-talSO adapted to the needs of the in- Icag-u I'rc�s, Ch icngo.) Dennison, Robert Simond, Frederick Roman of Them All." In his skit;(;l'Ilt intl'rl'!>tl'd in undegraduate actvi- dividual reader who wishes to he- Byerly, Donald, Delany, Isabel C:lP Anson relates his laughable al;dtil'� (if students interested in under- come acquainted at first hand with :\0 subject could present more of Kendrick, Gracia Alling, Helen timely stories of actual and interest-v r aduatc activities have study tables). the whole field of American poetry," an :11)1,,:al to the imagination than Street. ing experiences in his career on theThe late Thomas B. Reed, the author.: One hundred pages of excellent notes that of t he origin of life. In "The Refreshmcnts-c-Erling Lunde, chair- diamond. The Patty Bros. wil he thewas a speaker of the House of Repre'. "add 'to the value of the work. Mechanistic Conception of -Life,' man, Xorman Elmstrom, Martha feature of the program. These broth­:"l'lItati\,l's 1889-91 and 1895-99 and ("American Poems," edited and �e- j acqucs Loeb, member of the Rock- Green, \\'illifrl'd Miller, Otto Selmer- crs are the greatest h,)·nlllastic\\ as a recognized authority on matters Icc ted by Walter C. Bronson. The e icllcr Institute for Medical Research ing. Hirsch Soble, Anna May Ber; wonders of the universe. and for aL'" parliamcutary law. The book is l.)nivcrsity of Chicago Press, Chica- "at tc mpt s to "analyze life from a pure- net, Maril' Fanning, George Kuh, number of years they were the su-we ll indexed and each section is num- go.J I)' psyc ho-chc micnl viewpoint." The Margarct Rhodes, Florence Rother- preme stars of the Ringling. circus,'hcrcd and preceded by a .descriptive \'OhIIllC is a co llect ion of essays "writ- mel, Fred Steinbrecher, Ruth \Vhit- This is claimed tl) Ill' the only actI'\':ullinl' in heavy type, so that the The "new" science of eugenics is ten 011 different ()cca�ions mostly in tie ld, Harold \Vright, Ruth Agar, Ar- in the world in which an at..hll.'tcma t cr ial is accessible. Such sections splendidly illuminated by the latvly response t�: '"l.':luc,ts for a popular line Ilrown, Kilburn llrown, Ernest walks down a flight of stairs on hisas those on "Informal Remark," published volume, "Hurcdity and Eu- »;-:"':"(l1t:1liol1 oi the results of t hc au- Cavill, Gertrude Chamberlain, Mar- head. "The Fire Escape" a funny"�ll'thod:, of Preserving Order" and genies:' comprising published lee- thor·s invcst irtr.tious. "Mr. Loeb de" jorie Coouley, rarce. will he played l!y the comedy")tl.'thods of Voting" should be valu- tures by \\"illiam Ernest Castle, j ohn s that a nyo nc has as yet succeeded Printing-Howard Keefe, chair- players. Charles De Land. Mary Carrable to the executives of various un- Merle Coulter, Charles Benedict ill tJlakin� liv iug mnt tcr front inani- 'man; Theodore Ford, James Lane, and Co, For the acrobatic portion ofdl·rgraduate organizations. Davenport, Edward Murray East and mate. hut declares that there is no Thomas Scofield, Harry Comer, the program, the audience will he en-(Reed's Parliamentary Rules," by \VilIiam Lawrence Tower, The lec- warrant for hdicvil1g' that the task is !\tartin Stcvers. tertaind hy the "Manning Twins:'Thos B. Reed. Rand McNally and tures were included in a series given lu-yo nd the power of science. Music-s-George Leisure, chairma.n; 'L\\'� young ladies of well known fame.Co., Chicago.) at the University in the summer of ("The Mechanistic Conception of I\alph Stansbury, Louis Fuiks, 'For the finale of the program, Lu-1911, ·undcr the auspices of the Biolo- L:fl·,'· l iy j acques Loeb. The Uni- Thomas Hollingsworth, Dorothy cille Savoy will appear in a ParisianStudents and readers of poetry will gical departments. The lectures are \t'rsity of Chicago Press, Chicago.l Llcwef lyn, H. E. Gualano, John Mor- ·.\rt Ptl�illg o\'erty.-:\DV�he delighted to know that \Valter G. sufficiently popular in their nature to - - ---- rison.I· h I' THE LIST OF CANDIDATES ll"c"ptl'on-!,'u"y Mattllc"'S, clla1'r- STUDENT CANDIDATESBronson, Professor of Eng IS Iter- be easily ·understood by n'aders not . ". ... U naturc in Brown university, has done e!'pccially conversant with biolugy. C. -f -) lUan; membcrs of undergraduate TO ADDRESS CLAS�ES. .. ., (ontmued rom page one '1 I f I 'dfnr ;\merican poetry what immortal The subject 1S one of trcmendous im-, counci t Ie our c ass pre!'l ellts toPalgrave did for English poetry. pri>- partance and interest, and the hook� FOR SECRETARY hl' elected; Chcster Bell, Donaldfl's�or Bronson has published a should be widely read John Merle, Eth.el Callerman llreed. Halstead Carpenter, VIrginia Samuel Kaplan, Elizahl'th Sherer, and,·olume of representative American Coulter i$ professor and head of the Dorothy Davis Hinkins, Hiram KC11llicott, Cora Hin- J-!arril,t Tuthill.P()l'III S, from 1625-1892. There are department of Botany at the lini- Dorothy' Farwell kins, Helen Ear!l.:, Mary Ann Whit- Reclassifie'd to Cppcr Junior: Johnpl'l'mS by practically every poet of vcrsity; \Vil1iam Castle is Professor Dorothy Vanderpool le'y, Clarence Freeman. C. Baker. Mabel Becker, Esther But-any distinction who ever wrote ver'!;e in Harvard university; Edw:ard Mur"1 FOR TREASURER Entertainment-Dorothy Fox, chair- tolph. Ethel Bright. Grace Elizaheth: • M. Davidson. M . B .K Ch I .i:l this country. The allotment of ray East is Assistant professor of I man; unel ent, �ent and er, Cyrne,' Caryl Cody, Carl Fisher. Sallyspace to each poet's works, is n'ot Experimental Plant Morphology at, J .. S. Geary Hell'n, Gross, Kenneth Sponsel, Cor- I.ouise Ford, Geor�� Gray, Edith., "t b - M B H -d "r'II' L T' r W. Johnson I' II 11 E CI k D dl L· d 11 S· L' .maul' on a men 3515; r, ronson arvar; n 1 lam awrence ower IS \ ::c la ea, mma ar, u ey 10 say, nlarie chnudt, O\ll:;tdl'\'otes much space to the writers Assistant Professor of' Zoology in I Kansas- K��- �en now have Dunn. I ri� Spohn,. \Villiam Thomas. Smit h and Alex Squair.whose works are not of easy access the University; and Charles Bencdict I an opportunity to prepare themselvesand relatively less to those whose Davenport is'· connected with the \ as nurses hy rcgi�kring in the train­work is widely read at the present Carnegie Institution's station for Ex-\ iug school conductcd in connectionday and are easy to find_ The book Jlerimently Evolution. • with the University of ,Kansas hospi-according to Mr. Bronson's preface. ("Heredity and Eugenics," by t�1 at Rosedale, Kansas......,EMPRESS: J��f�R§Q�NTHEATER63rd Street aDd Cottap Gro .. _ A ••Week StarttDg�tN.Y 18SULLIVAN ct CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPAR�ENTANNOUNCEANDRIAN ("POp,.) ANSOt{"The Noblest Roman of Them AlL"MANNING TWINSThe Pretty Acrobatic Dancing GirlsCHAS. DeLAND. MARY CA� "COMPANYI n the Funny Faru "The Fire Escape"LUCILLE SAVOYThe Singing Venus in a Puisiaa AnPosing Novelty.PATTY BROTHERS AMUSEMENTS.MAJESTICAn All Star BillEVERYWIFE·The Greatest Act in Vaudeville.ZELDA SEARS '& CO.In �'The' Wardrobe Woman.-JAMES THORNTON •Chief of' the Monologists.ALEXANDER & SCOTTGreatest of Comedy Singers.Wotpert & Paulhan; Kara Trovoll<?;Emily Von Schettka; Carlton & Kay.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive .. Reels nightly of the latest mov­ing pictures •. High class songs. Bestof music by high class orchestra.Come and hear the new $7,500 pipeorgan.POVVERSMRS. FISKEin The Hicb Road.. TONIGHTThe' Blighted Son (4 reel drama)Tom ThuDw (trick comedy)Hemit Crab (educational)SUNDAYA Head for a Head (drama).The Moving Finger (drama)AND OTHERS"Pathe W'!ekly Every FriuayCurrent Events..ADMISSION GARRICKTHE BLUE BIRDMats. Wed Fri. and Saturday.A UDITORIUl\IIJohn Hyams and Lelia McIntire inTHE GIRL OF MY DREAMSThe Ony Act in the World in Which Main Floor. all seats • • • • • • 10an Athlete Walks Down a FJiabt Balcony. aU seats. ••••••••• 5C COBAN'S GRANDof Stairs on His Head.7:30 and 9:15PRICESI Oc-20c-3OcpALACE MUSIC HALLLULU GLASER Raymond" Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOW1I00DLA1J.N TBEATRI$.5tIa Se. ... WeodIawa An.The only 5c Show in Hyrle Pa.rkGood Music and Good Pictures__ III ' .... ra three tlma a wukc;AUllOIIT WEEKLY EVERY THURSDAYC.,,�.' ... 111.AJlD OTHER PICTURES COLONIALCHRISTY MACDONALDIn tile Spring Maid.OLVlYPICand Thos. D. Rich:rds in "Firat ORCHESTRA HALLLove BURTON HOLMESStuart Barnes; Winifred Clarke "T I' C I d V' d M. raft opes, 0 ore lews an 0-Co.; Venita Gould; Bed.ini • Arthur;Four Londons; Stuart ct Keeley; TheSeebacb; Chandler. White ct· Sam-v:.n.CORTPINE PEATHERSDnuaatlc 8eDuticm. Matintee� Wed. and Sat.THE MAN HIGHER UPHas Climbed to Popularity.2SC to $1.50tion Pictures.BURMA and CEYLON "Come and inspect the larg.est line,f foreign and domestic woolens dis-" played in Hyde Park. Our clothes areThe best seats in the house may be perfection in material. at71e, an.procured at the same price you would at the box office by merely step·AMUSEMENTS.BLACKSTONEI -Kla\v & Erlanaer presellt18&0MILESTONES 1885IDI2LA. SALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATEpRINCESSWm. A. B�dy PresentsThe First Chicago Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo.. Broadh1ll1lt. .An Amco.rican Play of �o-dayCHICAGOOPERA HOUSERic:hard carle-Hattie WiUiuIaTHE GIRL FROIIMONTMARTREIncluding J. II. Barrie·. Burlesqueproblem play.A SUCR OF LIPS ,.' ",:"f{I�Wed. Eve.. Nov. 6, at 8:15Fri. Eve., Nov .. S. at· 8:15Sat. Mat., Nov. 9 ,at 2:15 ILLINOISOTIS SKIKNERin KISMET THEATE�fICKETS. DERBY BATS ARtIndispensable to theweD-dressed collegemara. We have themin pleasing variety. Alsosoft hats of distinction_t prices that areright. College men wel­comed.B. L AMES BAT .COSTribaDe Buildinc :: 3S w .... dIadaJAS.E.COWBEY, ,�Mens· Furnishinas �).1001 and lOOI� East 55th Street':··s. E. Corner Ellis Ave.'BENEDICT W AL,Dping into the Maroon office to put in MAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHES: l_.,.,., ...l _._P'A IlElltAN .lJSIC BIU4 '�RIIfROSE ct DOCSTADERGrand IIiDstrel Jubilee. your order.The theaters we handle :are:Garrick Theater.Princess Theater.AmericaD lluic Hail_ . _- ---- .... 1445 E. 55th Street.TeL Hyde Park 2160MAROON ADS PAY.