I1.j VOL. XL, NO. 28. --UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, 1'\OV. 7, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.------.FlRSTTANKCONTESTPLANNEDICONTRlimTIONS TO BE jTALMUrICSTUDENTTO SPEAK NOMINATE BELL ANDVarsity Team t� Against Year· GIVEN TO OPERA FUNP I Israel Abrahams, Authority on Tal- KUH FOR PRESIDENT,ling Squad a Weekfrom Tomorrow As • Prof -R L_ T 11_- f mudic and Rabbinic Literature, AU CI----- Ch -ea·d·d Y_ Freshman Material Shows Mu�h 'IStaDt eIIOI' o�rtao. a .... 0 Scheduled to Make Three Ad- IUIa oose D I ates ester-Promise. Lu,e S ... Proaiaetl To New dresses in Haskell day---May Still NomillateAuociatio. By PetitioDs�Varsity -and Freshman swimming Talmudic Material on the NewEXPECT HARD GAME SATURDAY teams will be given an opportunity to SPEAKERS FAVOR SCHEME Testament" is the subject of a series TWENTYFRESHMENARENAMEDmatch their strength in the next fe, .. · of three lectures to be given nextWet Weather Is Expected to Aid weeks. as Coach White has announced Dean Lovett Presides at Meeting- week by Professor Israel Abrahams Three Petitions for ReclassificationNorthwestern Because of the first Varsity-Freshman meet for Faculty Members and Students of Cambridge university, England. Already Granted-Will HoldStrong Line 4� week from tomorrow, and the Are Speakers. The lectures will be delivered on Election Tuesday.second for a week later. The meets Assistant Professor David Allan Wednesday, Thursdav. and Friday ofSix inches of mud on the practice 1 . H k IIwill be held at 4. Seven events wil Robertson announced at the Grand next week at 4:15 10 as 'C as-field did not deter Coach Stagg from d 1 uate classes ycstcr day, ufiicers forcomprise the program, the 40 yar Opera mass meeting in Kent theater scrnb y room.giving the Varsity a stiff workout I d' 1 1) f .A1 I .a reader 1·1" the ycar were nominated. The nom-swim, t ie 100 yar swim, me 220 yesterday afternoon that several COIl- ro cssor rra lams IS -in thc rain. !\o scrimmage was ord- L id I I· inces are:yard swim, the 100 yard breast t ribut ions of considerable size have Rabbinics at Camu_n gc W rcre ie ISercd as it was thought too inadvisable stroke, the 100 yard back �troke. the hee n made to thc association. Hc is the successor of Professor Schechterto run the risk of injuring any of the plunge for distance and the 160 yard at present unable to' divulge the of the Xew York Jewish Theological111en. The greater part of the time relay. Following the first of the IJames of the contributors or the I seminary, -Last wcek Professorwas spent in perfecting the new form- I • d d h d fmeets a Freshman captain, wi I oc :.lllounts given. Karlefon Hackett, Abrahams was acor e t e egree 0ations which will be used againstC elected. who was scheduled to speak, was un- n. D. by the Hebrcw Union collegeXorthwestern on Saturday. .Freshman Material Good. able to attend the 'meeting. Dean of Cincinnati,Lovet-t presided and introduced Di- To Hold Reception,.and opening holes in the line was al- The Freshmen have brouzht out \ . ·11 t. • .' ho rector Stevens, Erwin Hanfstaengcl, 1 reception WI ue grvern 10 onorso given to the men. From present some very prormsmg material and of the speaker on Wednesday byMartha Green, Leon Stolz, Deanindications the field on Saturday will propose to give the Varsity: a hard j ulius Rosenwold, a trustee of the- Linn and Assistant Professors Rob-he very soft' and' muddy and Coach race for first honors. Ray White Univer sity. On Thursday the Di-crt son, and Field.Stagg wishes to have the men pre- recently swan. 1 I :01 which is almost -.' fit t tainDirector Stevens thought that an vnuty con erence pans 0 en er atpared for a wct weather game. Prac- live seconds better than the _best h- di I h h d f itinterest in Grand Opera would be a rrn at a inner, a t oug no e im erice with the wet ball showed that the record set this year by any of the "h -b d'" good influence on the- campus. Mr. plans ave as yet een rna e..men are fairly proficient in playing men 011 the Varsity squad. Other D A1 I . II idH angstacngcl urged that the students r. rra lams IS genera y conss -the wet weather brand of football. Freshmen are making good marks, d horit . talrnudi rdtake advantage of the low rate at ere an aut Ort y on a mu ic anW·�t Field Aids Purple. but Coach White asks that the squad 1 bi . di H· th tlU which the tickets will be sold. He ra > iruc rea 111gS. e IS e au iorThe wet field will probably give the be increased and is looking for more of "j ewis h Life in the Middle Ages,"also said that the management de--advantage- to the -Purple as the material among the Freshmen. s ir ed small contributions from a Chapters on, Jewish Literature," andNorthwestern line is as heavy as, if The swimming pool has been re-great number of people instead of a <l number of other volumes on, kin-1I0t heavier than, Chicago's forward serve-d each afternoon from' 4 to 4:45 drcd subjects, He is editor -of thefew large contributions from a fewwall. \Vet weather will probably for the men on the Varsity and "Books and Bookmen" department ofpeople.mean that the teams will -have to Freshman squads and Coach White Students Indorse Plan. The Jcwish ciuonic1e of London.stick to the old style line plunges in- is entertaining hopes of developing The next to speak was Martha Professor Abrahams will speak be-stead of opening up trick and for- the best swimming team that the fore the society' for Biblical research.I '- '" Green who said that at -Harvard the "'. __ ,ward 'pass pays. .university has .had in years. :-- Neff �tudl'nt' h�dy- -re�eives, c�n�es�i��s o� ''Theo�ritus--and the'-Cantides," 'on'Skinner and Parker will probably k f 3 5 t da in . h ha:set a mar 0 1:05 - yes er y from the Gra�ld Opera company, be- Saturday. While in America e asplay end instead -of V ruwink who will the' '_100 yards swim and will be' able addressed audien ces at Harvard,cause of the- interest that the stu-be unable to play because of his in- to cut the time .down several seconds JohlTs' Hopkins, ,Pennsylv, ania, and. d('llts show. Leon Stolz, news editorjury contracted in the Wisconsin before the time for the mcets. The other eastern ,unl·versities, and he will, .of he Daily Maroon, spoke in favorgame. Skinner has been in several of tl'-m'e' for the 100 yard swim iri last f hof the Illo\;ement and assured the :ipeak at Yale be ore e returns tothe games, playing in the \Vrsconsin ye"r's' confcrence meet was 1·03 EllG • • - hearty cooperaion of the paper. ng anc .PRACTICE FORMATIONSDESPITE REA VY RAINCoacla Stag, Orden Vanity To R ..Throqla Play. Oa M.ddyGroudaPractice in punting, blocking kicksgame for about five mill'Utes, whileParker has not appeared in the line·up as yet. Lawlel' and Smith willhold down thl! quarter· back positionin place of Paine. Both of theso menran the team yesterday afternoon.Anticipate Hard Game. To Hold Championship Meet. 'Dean Linn pointed out the valueThursday and Friday, Decemher 12 'of Grand Opera as an educational SENIORS ARE ASKED TOand 13, -are the dates �et aside for the il:istitution and urged that the stu-FILL,; OUT HONOR LISTS. dents sUPllOrt the opera as. citizcnsUniversity swimming championshIpsthis year which formerly were not (,f Ch;c�r�o, as the opera is still in i�s. - . I . . Editors of Cap an, d Gown· Makeheld until the Spring quarter. Coach lP.tal�(Y 10 t lIS cIty.A· P f F· Id f h Plans for -Elaborate Presentationto find material which sSlstant ro essor tIe 0 t eslipped by, in this Political Economy department, whois conllected with the university Or. At thc meetings of the uuder grud-UPPER SENIORS.FOR PRESIDE�TChester Bell.George Kuh.FOR VICE·P]'ESIDE�TMartha GreenCora Hinkins.Hirsch SobleMarry Ann Whitley.FOR SECRET.\RYMarie Fanning.Augusta Swawite.FOR TREASL7RERWilliam HefferanHoward Keefe.N orman Paine. 'Sandford SellersRobert Stenson.LOWER SENIORFOR PI<ESI DE:-\TD&'ane MannErnest R-!ichmannFOR VICE-PRESIlJE�TMiriam BaldwinSuzanne Fisher- -sallj-ThoiIipson.-FOR SECHETARYCoach Stagg anticipates a hard White hopesgame with Northwestern as Assist- has formerlyant Coaches P.age and Sauer who meet. Ceremony for Annual Arline BrownFOR TREASli)�ER• Harvey HarrisBernard Vinnissky �UPPER JUNIOIRShave seen the Evanston team in ac·tion report that Coach Hammett hasthe best material that he has had in. years. \Vhile the team has not hada particularly successful season th"emen will fight desp�rately againstChicago. Last year the Northwest- ohestral association, announced a Seniors are expected to fill outSeventeen men are working four5cheme is heing considered by 'whicli their cards in The Cap and Gown ·of �days a week in an attempt to .make, mcmhers of the orchestral and opera lice between 11:15 and 4 any day.the Varsity team, and it is probablethat the greater p::rt of them ,�'i111indplaces. Two tllen are eligible -for eache\'ent and as there are nine events, itis possihle for eighteen men to maketheir"C." The men on the Varsity of the student hody. Letters are tosquad are Donald Hollingsworth,Thomas Hollingsworth, Robert FOR pnESIDE:'\TRaymond BohnenDonald DelanyCount LovelletteMarston SmithFOR VICE-PRSIJ)E�TKilbourn BrownHolgar LollesgardFrank O'HaraEwald PietschFO'R SECRET:\ I�YMabel BeckerLouise FordGrac·: -Hotchkiss.Louise ,Mick.FO R TR E:\Sl7J� E RJohn Baker.Stanwood BaumgartnerCarl FisherFred GriffithsLawrence HarpoleLOWER JUNIORSFOR PlmSTDE�TWilliam Ewart.Richard MatthewsWalter StegemanFrank Whiting,FO R VICE·1'1�51 () E:\TM, V. BrownFrederick BurckyT. R. DunneH. A. Kleinman_Gifford Plum�FOR SEl RFT.\I�YEtr.·�l CallermanMargaret Cole.Dorothy DavisJulia Dodge:l�sociations may hold joint tickets The pictures wil not be taken until_h!lt will admit them to both- kinds of after Christmas. The, charges for-'crformances. Seniors will he .$1.00 for the photog'"Another meeting will be held next laphcr, and $1.00 for space in the\Veclncsday to consider the attitude book.erners came noear turning the trickon Chicago and the men are hoping The constitution of The Cap and(Continued from page fUllr.),.' .he �el1t to the various halls, , cluhs, Gown is still under discussion. Mem-and fraternities. enclosing subscrip· f dAlthough Purdue won by the score "'·hite, Arthur Goodman, Paul Tatge, ber� of_last year's board rame up a,i.,n and memhcrship blanks. d h·of 21 to 6, Korthwestern had the Tom Scofield, Walter Poague, How· Direct Stcn'ns will deliver an in. self perpctuating scheme an t ISBoilermakers outplayed until the last ard Keefe, Kent Chandler, Harry was partially proved by the boardterprctive_ lccture in Mandel next f .. \HI hquarter when they seemed to go to Gorgas, liarry Moore, Stevens Tol- .0 �tudct1t orgmztlons. 'Y len t eTucsday OIl the first of the Grand fi· hpieces. A shift in the lineup ha5 been man, Frank Selfridge, Lloyd Neff, cotlst_itution is nally put In s ape('(wra productions of the season. . '11 1 b· d th J .made this week so that the strongest Edward \Varzcwski, nalph Gardner,_.____ \t WI )e::t1 mltte to e umorpossihle team could face Chicago. :lnd Robert Tuttcl. The improvement ELECTION RETURNS cla�s for approval. Plans are beingThis is giving the meR more hope made hy the:;e men so early in the I RECEIVED TUESDAY made wih Head Marshall Field for.md indications point to a record bat· Uf1i�ersity year leads Coach \Vhite -to AT REGULAR AFFAIR I a proper presentation ceremony oftic hetween the teams. helie"e that the confcrence meet in t he honk at the end of the year.the Spring quarter may find Chicag-o EIl'ctiol' returns were received and "From all we can learn from (·urwith a highly deycloped tcam. flisc\l.;s('{1 at the "Tuesday Ten prcdecessors, "said one of theO'clock" held in the apartments of editors. "the g-athering of the mater-Many Freshmen Compete. I . I I' IS·' I .::\s"i�tallt Professor Hohertson Tues· 1:1 re all"e to t 1C entors IS t Ie mostThe Freshmen who are competing, (lay night. Mr. Rohertson read some I te(lious connected with· the entirefor places on the fir�t yea� team are I political poetry which had featured publication. \Ve wish tho� whoWhite, Parker, Wic1, MCLaughlin'l as part of the literature of p�c\"ious felt sure of gTadl1ating this yearReese, Rodgers, George, Griffith, camJlai�lls. The :-tttractions of clec· would come in at once in or.Jcr ,thatO'Connor, Pablicek, Shirley, and I tion ni�ht �Iowntowtl inteyfer('d some' the whole matter may be cleared upHeath. l what with the attenl(lance. i�', this month.'"to do better this year,Initiate Five Fenclbles.Five men were initiated at a Fend·Uc dinner last night in the privatedining room of the commons. GeorgeLym�n, Donald Delany, WilliamChapman, King Cook, and Carl Fish·er are the new't11embers, Kent Skyes,memher elect was unable to be pres·',..",,. ", ...'., .THE DAILY MAROON, TIT RSDAY, NOV. 7, J912.43 _����--------------------,----------.--------_.--�'The Daily Maroon Bulletin and Announcements,The Junior Colleges-Chapel, wo- Tiger Head-3:30, Cobb 6A.men, 12:15 Mandel. German �luh-Classes in con versa-Blackfriars-12:15. Cobb, 6A. t ion, tomorrow 4, Lexington 3 and 4.Le Cercle Francais-4, Lexington 8. Mathematical club= Addrcss by As­Scandinavian Club-Address in sociate Professor \Vilszynski, tomor-Swedish, by Professor David Nyvall, rc w 4. Ryerson 37.7:30, Cobb 6A. Botanical Club-Address by Profes­Philharmonic SocietY-7:IS, Mandel sor M. L. Fernald, Harvard univer-Graduate History Club-7:30, Fos-' sity, tomorrow 4:30, Botany 13.tcr. University Football Game-ChicagoPhilosophical Club-Address by vs. K'orthwestern, Saturday, 2:30,Mr. Pyle, 7:30, Harper MIO. Marshall field. JERREMS'MADE clo'thea mean more comfort style and general sat­isfaction than you will get from theordinary kind.That's because we put all our knowl �cge into buying the right sort offabrics and all our skill into making I hem _properly.SUITS AND OVERCOAT� �30,OO tc $60.00Three Stores:7 N. La Salle St.2S E Jackson Blvd,71 E. l\f3dison St. �A. N. JERREMS. Manager.TA'ILOR FORYOUNG MEN I. I-------------------�--_.-------------------------------------Want Formations Reserved. IZonia Barber, associate professor Iof the teaching of geography, advo-'cated at a recent meeting of the Chi­cago Geographical society the perma­nent reservation of four notableEntered as Second-class mail at the physical formations in the imrucdi-Chicago Post Office, Chicago IlIi- ate vicinity of Chscago=-Stouy Is­nois, March IS, 1908, under Act of land, a ravine ou the North Shore,March 3, 1873. Rock Canyon at the Sag, and thedunes at Dune Park, Indiana.Subscription Rates.quarter.Freshmen are in receipt of notices, Bearing Upon the Cival War."asking them to Inter;view their deans in re- Will Talk in Swedish.gard to courses. This An address in Swedish by Profes­sounds more ominous than the con- sor David Hyvall will feature thedition of affairs really warrants, no program of he Scandinavian club indoubt; but the fact remains that the Cobb tonight.Notices.notices mean a great deal They meanthat ninety Freshmen have not theright kind of start in the University.Some, perhaps, have had insufficientpreparation; though, with the revised Chorus and Orchestra Rehearse.Chorus rehearsal . and orchestralpractice will be held at the regulararduous, because customary; loafershave had notice that the Universityclimate is not good for loafing. Al­together: the ninety have been point­er! to the sign which says, "Wrongroad: turn around." So far, so good.It is possible for them to turn around,g.�t on the right road, and go on withtheir journey and make it successfulBut if they do not tum around, nestquarter will find it harder and thecuarter after that. impossible, per­�aps. All of which has been said of­ten before; and is repeated here be- Michiga�Resolutions of syrnpa­thy for the people of the Balkanstates in their struggle with - theTurks were adopted by a mass meet­ing of students at the University ofMichigan MOlltlay night.Purdue-The senior classes of thecivil, mechanical and electrical engin­eering schools of Purdue, composed ofover 200 men arc now in Chicago onan inspection trip of the large manu­facturing plants in and about Chica-. ' f' • -', lIFlan· l __. • ·.1 • !"l.',J Utltcause it is true. , In their famous es­says,CiceroandEmer­son both omitted tosay that many life-longfriendships have hadtheir beginning in dieCollege pipe.is the kind that fostersfriendship and glori­fies good fellowship.This delightful to­bacco has a taste thattickles the tongue offault finders intowords of praise-andbrings to the 'mouthsof scoffers the smile. ". .Qf satisfaction,':'-"���J�JOSEPH SCHMIDT�tationery. ,Toilet ArticlesFine Line of Candies956 E. 55th Street. Chicago, III .Imported and �omestic Line of . Sweater. Ci&an and Cigarettes. 'I_- r �' .,Ladies! Save Money and' I{��, in�=== Style I»y ReacliDg McCaD'sIIapmae &ad UIiDg McCaD Patlenas� ••••• d •• wlllM£C.UL'S MMiAZIHE bclp )'ou dross styl­ishly at 11 moderntecxpenscby keepingycn pos re d on thoblest fllshlons Inclothes and hats, 50Ne:v Fasblon DcsIJmsin each Issue, J\ lsoTalunblo Inrormauon. on nil home and per­sonal matters, Only50<: sa rcnr. Includinga freo paucm, Sl!�__ a ,_ scribe today or sendfor freo sample copy.� ....... will enabloyon to malte In yonrown borne. with yourown hnnd�clotblnl: foryourself and children wblch will be perfectIn stylo lind ftL Price-none hlghl'r Uum 15cents. Send for rreo Pattern Catalogue.W. 1fiI en. T. ,... .......... for IreltlnJr snb­!lCripUons amonlf yonr frlt'ncb. Send for rrcoPremtum CataloJrllc and CI\.�h Prlzo Otr('r.'lIE IcCW. OIIPAIT. mllze.al3'1III �mr1'Ollfrj,/�' TheBy carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar- Fiction Club Studies Galsworthy.ter. By mail $3.00 a year; $1.25 a At a meeting of [he Modern Fic-tion club yesterday Harriet AllportEditorial-Business offices, Ellis 24 spoke on the life of John GalsworthyTelephone' Midway Boo. Mail Box and Julia Dodge gave a reading of"0" Faculty Exchange. "The Little Dream." Other authorswho will be studied are Shaw, Shel-.Managing Editor • Hiram Kennicott don, Bennett, and Chesterton.News Editor • _ • • .Leon Stolz�thletic Editor, • Bernard Vinissky Philoaophy Club to Meet.Business Manager_ ••• Burdette Mast _The Philosophical club will meet] HYDE PARK STATE BANKAssociate Editors. in Harper Mro at 7:30. Mr. Pyle is I ---.:c;;; .. ".� • .,.� ... "c ---Waiter Foute .• Martin Stevers scheduled to address the club on I THE TYPEWRITING OFFICE'.Williarn Lyman ..• _ •• John Perlee "Some Recent Conceptions of the I Basement of Cobb Hall.Samuel Kaplan .•••• Harry Gorgas Self." I is prepared to copy all kinds of manu.Holgar Lollesgard •• George Lyman script; to handle correspondence byClyde Watkins _ . George Cottingham Mr. French Ylill Address Club. . stenography; to furnish copies ofGrace Hotchkiss.. Sarah Reinwald Mr. Wiliam M. R French, Director circulars, etc.of the Art Institute, 'will address the I f .you are new on the campus, W�l'rint(-u by. lIaroon Preas, 5511 Cottap Groye.Graduate History club at' its meeting should be glad to become acquainted:(ifbttotial in Fo�er hall at 7:30� His topic will if not, you probably know us,' and w�It is declared that about ninety be "Some Contemporary', Letters should be glad to see you again.meeting of the Philharmonic society Florist and Decorator·entrance requirements, it is doubtful in Mandel tonight. M r, Stevens will·if more than a few Freshmen Incap, conduct the rehearsal.able of doing college work were ad-mitted to the University. Others • A. T. O. Announces Pl.edgingfound college scholastic methods so Alpha Tau Omega announces thedifferent than those they had lately pledging of Arthur W. Haupt of Chi­pursued in high school, they became cago.bewildered. Not a few probably ne-glected their studies to a certain ex- The Maroon uses this space todaytent because of the distractions of NEWS OF THE COLLEGESto. ask you to subscribe-Every issuefraternity rushing. Three Q�ersclub, or anyone of the dozen disturb- Brown-500 students, escorted delivered to you before breakfasting features of one's first quarter in President Faunce of Brown Univcr- for $2.50 a year.college. Perhaps a few genuinely sity to the railroad station last Sat-loafed. None of the Freshmen who urday, when he left for New York,received notices should give up hope, preparatory to sailing for Europe.or even become discouraged, Thequarter is half over, but the latter Toronto-The University of Toron­half is by far the better for consist- to gymnasium team expects to go toent studying. The bewildered ones Philadelphia this winter to meet theahould have their bearings; rushing University of Pennsylvania team inseason is over and the Three Quar- the first international contest betweenters club "stunts" have become less Canada and the United States. C�tftl.t'D.C � .. c ..The nearest bank to the Un i-versity and the only Bank be-tween.43rd and 63rd street eastof Cottage Grove ave. under StateGovernment supervision.CAPIT A!. $200.0003 PER CENT ON SAVING'Any Suit or Overcoat In theHouse M&de to Order $18.00Julius .CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILORpr<,�sing at very low prices.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS. In the olden days, the sweaterwas associated wholly with thecompeting athlete. A G. Spalding& Bros. have changed all that.The Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERSg03 East· 55th Street.A Itering etc. of Ladies and GentsGarments,Repairing and Pressing atModerate PricesPhone Hyde Park 2137ANDREW McADAMSFifty-third St. and Kimbark Ave.Tela. Hyde Park 18. Chicaco. mTelephone Hyde Park 2137; ......ONE DOLLARA MONTHM� Bring You5500.00OR'$30 to $50Every month for a year. The newSpalding Automobile andWinter Sports Sweaterfor everybody-men and women,is a garment for all-around use­comepritors, and lookers-on. Toenjoy the Fall and. Winter out­door season you should have aSpalding Automobile Sweater.A. G. Spalding & B�os�8'Jo So, Wabash Ave. Chicago, III, .'c URKISH. BATHS1126 East Fifty_Fifth Street. Plain Baths 2S Cents'l Union Made.. Open Day and Night.We a15(1 do high grade repairing and SARATOGA BAR B E R ' S H.O PSICKNESS. ACCIDENT, DEATHINSURE TODAYThe North AmericanAccident Insurance Co.ROokery Bldg. 8th fioorLaSalle and A� Street. 29 South Dearborn StreetThe Daily Maroon is now on sale Expert Manicurist.at the Press. Scientific MasseursExpert ChiropodistJ. H. II cpp, Prop:The Daily Maroon is now on saleat the Press.'.... : '.�# Stationery Cabinetsket'p enough atn tlonerv at hand tor ('urrp",UIII'. SolM QUllrtef{·.l Oak. ha ndsomety ftn.Ishl'd. $3.00. )o;SpftllB I"alel. (See nete.)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEhole!. %0.000 tet tcrs orpapen 8%xll Inehell.Solid, subata ntta].Golden. Natural ..)rWeathered ftnhlh.:.Jrawertl are dust­proof and on rollerbearings. Freightpaid. (See noto.),.:U4.Get Catalog show­Ing manr' handy. In­expensive omee de­vh:ell and Section!llbookcasel'l. Booklet"FIling Suggestlon","_ al.o tree.NOTE.-Frplght OTEzpnaa paid ••Quot'!d to point'" t'a�1ot Alontana. Wyom­Ing. Colorado. Oklu­homa and T�·xa!l.Slightly hlgher- be.rondoFILING DESKS.comblnf'! draWt'n In handsome desk. Thtnlea you want at your ftnger tlpII. See on�at your dealers. Freight paid f%3.00. eSe,DO�). .THE' "'-�MANUFACTURING CO87 Union SL MONR�)E, MICHChicago Display-SIJ'JS . S. Wabash!be Com Excbange National Bankof Chicago.Capital .........•.•..••. $3,000.000•00Surplus ••..•.••.•.• s,ooo.ooo.ooUndivided Profits ..• �. .. 1,000.000.00Officers.ERXF�T A. 1I.\lIlIlLI .. President.CIIAJU.ES I� 11t7TC'IIIXSOX. '·!ce-Pru.CIIAUXC'E'- J. m,,\Jlt. Vlce-PTl"Sld. nt.o A. lIOl:l.TOX. \·lc(',PrMlitJ.-n!.B. C. SAlUIOXS. Ylce-l'rc�!.Jent.JOIIX C. XEEr.Y. s.'Cf{ l:tn'. .FltAXK W. SlIlTII. Cssht.,r.J, EOWARD lIA.\8. Allllllttant C3shit'r.JAlIE:; G, WA'KEFIEt.D, Aut. Catthlt'T.1.EWIS F.. G.\HY. Assl�ant Ca.hll'T., Directors.C".ahr:('s II. W:tckt'rllanln A. RynlOonCh:.uncf')' J. 1);slrE.t",·:trd n. Bntll"l"Charles II. HulburdClarf'n('(' Hucklnr.;1lamRen.tamln Carp.!nttr Cl)'.lc ll. CarrI:::.lwln G. F.cremanChales I •. 1Iu:chlnson"·�I .. on F.. nlalr,F.J,,·ard A. Shedd"·n-.l.·r:ck W. CrosbJ'Ernell! A. 1IAmill�6d�ltoroR lIvERY Co.PJ,.ones DOUGlASlJ MIDWAY 65845200 LAKE AVE..For WearinesaGOOD COFFEEGreen.wood Cafe135? E. 55th Street.Chinese�.. '..,.. 115 THE DA,ILY MAROON, THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1912." • The • C· LASSIFi£D IIScrap Book ADVER11StMENTSL.I Made Use of His Creditor.I 'Yhhctlel' olll'l' bought some tapes­tries of :I FI'l'Ul'llWtlU uawed. Bartbe,who, not lx-lng able nue, I st flat.to �et hls uccount _settled, ealh..ad one TO RIi',NT-Light front study withevenlug tor theIII 0-11 e y. lIe wastold that Whistlerwas not In. Butthere was a cabwaiting at the door.nnd be could hearhls dohtors volce.�o he pushed pastt he muld, and, nsIll' nrterward relat­ed, "Cll�tairs I Ondhim before n littleIt let 11 repainting TO RENT-Large front room, threeand behlud . him zehruzzcr:;; Urea vesh () I d Ln g cnndles.And VIstlnlre. be"WE 1101.1> 7.E say. 'You ze verr: CA�J)LE." man 1 vnut; bold abllllle!' And 1 hold a candle. AndjVlstillire Ill' pnlut and he paint, andb:cn he take ze picture 11n<1 he rushllownstnirs. und be gl.'t In ze cab nndbe drive ofT. and we hold ze candle,and I see him no mOI'c:'-"FuIUOU9Houses and I.ltenlry Sbl'illes of LoD­don:' by A. St, JQhn Aelock.The PQ ular "Belmont"notcli �nar, made in seHstriped Madras. Will lendan air of distinctive in­dividuality to your attire,2 for 25 cents IARROW IiCOLLARS'Cluett. Pc:a1:ody & Co.t Makers ��=�i-Thus gmve these lessons on thy soul,Hope, faith and love. nnd thou shaltfindStrength when· IIfe'o 8ur�p.s. rudest roll -'LIght' when tbou else wert blind.. .. ,_ ",�,: � � ... '�;.' "1.J�nnl'!.C: F. Behlller •••� , ,A Quick Recovery.' >. , 'A Clel"elaml lawyer and o(l CI.el"elilDd�railroad man went to a thenter In tbatcity. The mllroad man saw n .flashUydressed. rl'Cl rae- .eel. sporty look­ing eltlzen �ittlngIn one of theboxes.'Ellis man' wasthe no account.cousln of the at­torney. but therallroael man di<1Dot know it.-wne Is thetough person sit­ting In tbe box Tthe rnllroad manasked pleasantly."He looks like adrunken bnrztnr," '"wno IS TllE TOUOR"Tha to" said the .... ERSON ?" Iattorney. ·'is my cousin."The rallro:td lUan gnsped a COUI)le of ;, Itimes. lJUt soon �ot a grip 'on himself! I Iand remarked genlaily. "Well, I went II-straight to headquarters tor Informa- I nearest to the Univ�!"Sity. Ac- I::t. dldu't 1�"-S:ttunJay ,E\'enlng II counts of professo':s and stu-I II I dents solicited. I I ITeaching Him His Place. I I -I tA man who W:lS tm\,ellng In the. � t Ch('cking Accounts of $50,00mountnlns Ntnppl-d at a cabin nnd ask- I t arid Savings Accqunts of $1.00 Ied for n ·:Jrlnk of wnter. An old '\'om- 1 t' accepted. Ian brought It out to blm. nnd after I Idrlnkln� he 1.: .. 1 quite a talk with her. I I� ... _ • __ •• _ • _ �telling i\er gn'at stories ahout some of I''the womle� he h.'1d seen ID. the out·.Ide world.Ftnnlly wben be' stoll")C1) ,to takebreuth the old woman took tbe pipeout of her month nntl �'1id:"StrnnJrer, If I kno"'e<1 ns mnch asyou do 1'(1 � som'ers nod st.'1rt n littlegrocery."-J-:,·eryhoely's I.r..&n&, 1, ,AI S' A King Who Would BeLoved. I\llUU\GE I\GGOMMOD.ftTION An eccentric monarch W:1S 1··re<lerldr ,the Great. whom his stll;jC('t� ".'1 liNt"Old Frlt7�" One dny In pas�ln;:..ulongthe streets of nerlln he nottre.l thnt n :mnn left t!u.· shlewnlk ns he approncb· I�1 nnd crossed over to the other side Iof tbe street. The king cnl1ed him Ib.'1ck nnel .'1�kcd why he hnd done 80.Tbe poor feilow began to trembleand stammered. "nCCRnsc-yon arc­tbe king. nnd I-am ntrnld of you.""Afrnld of me!" shouted the mon­arch. "I (100't want my �nbj�ts to be •American ftfrnld of me. but to.loT'e D" 1 �I... -_ ...... __ • a-ou." '�.. _-:=- ... �Three. Words of Strength,I There are three lessons I would write,• Three words us with a burning pen,In truclnxs (If f'ternal li;;htUpon the hearts ot men:Have hope. Though clouds environ roundAnd Gladness hldes her fnce In scorn.Put orr the shadow from thy brow,No night but hath Its morn.Have tatth, Whcrc'er thy bark Is drtven,: The calm'adtsport, the tempest's mIrth,Know this: God rules tho host ot heaven,The Inhabitants ot earth.Have Iove=uot love alone tor one.But man 118 man thy'brother callAnd scatter, 11;(0 tho circling sun.Thy charities on all. FOR RENT-Two nicely furnished(runt rooms j� private, family. Gen­tlemen preferred. '5800 Jackson ave-adjoining chamber, suitable for two,also single room. Mrs. Spellman,6108 Greenwood avenue, Apt. 2.FOR RENT-Newly furnished large,parlor. Two large bed rooms,Single or en suite, Steam heated.Board if desired. M. A. Robinson,or ro EtIis avenuewindows, hot water heat, electriclight, well, furnished, in modernhouse, 5030 Kirnbrk avenue. PhoneMidway 1617..EXCLUSIVE agency for an entirelynew proposition is open to oneactive woman and one man. Nohooks or insurance. Big money.120:;-S.p S. Dearborn street.WANTED- Popular y�ung ladywishing to make pin money in herleisure hours. Inquire at 5710 Mad­ison avenue,SHOE' REPAIRINGYou can not makea mistake in Sendingyour work here. Onlythe most skilled work­men. employed.SMITH-GOODYEAR1134 East .63rd Street.: Opposite Postoffice._ . A. Toseuhine Graham." • '1". •I • ' � .1329 East Fifty-Fifth street,Millinery' Importations. ,Dres�makincDaily 14aroon, single copies, fivecents Ellis or PreSs... :'1·� ... --.�.� .. �,. Woodlawn· > Trustr � 5.J.rintis 'Bank• 12C.� E. 6�d. Street, Chicago.DEPOSITORY FORUNITED STATES �OSTALSAVINGS FUNDS, . II._._III A STATE BANK •,.,.,I-- IThe largest and oldest bank '..lAS. E. COWHEYMens' Furnishinas10C)! and 1001 � East 55th StreeLS. E. Corner Ellis Ave.HAND PAINTED CHINAChristmas Gifts and prizes.Class on private instruction.Designs to rent. China Fired.MRS. L. WOOD,5710 Madison Av:!, Tel ididvray 5945--------,----_. - .. --MAROON ADS PAY �STAI5USHEO 1818Broadway; Cor. Twenty-Second St.New York.HEAVY SUITS, OVERCOATS, ULSTERSFUR LINED COATSANGORA AND SHETLAN D KNITTED GARMENTSENGLISH HATS, SHOES, NECKWEAR, HOSIERYPIPES, TOBACCO JARSSend for Illustrated Catalogue.TYPEWRITERS RENTED I$5.00 for Three MonthsEvery 'machine guaranteed to be in fine working order, and will be +kept EO during term of rental,We deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We. also have f.or sale a fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you cap" Save SC to 75 per cent,Telephone Harrir.on 6:=e�-6Z99AMERICAN WRITING HAC�!�E COMP.UlY(INCORPORATED)437 South Dearb�rn St., Chicago, m,1���'-4-�_'_'�� __ � __ _'_'-'_�_'_'��.-+- __ �-+-4�'_'_'_�,1.•,,IIMusic at Night Good FOld Low Prices :• .. ���� tARE yOU· LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO EAT?Gille THE COMMONS a TrialAsk the Upper 'Classmen About Our FoodY ou'l Like the Club Breakfast and Cafeteria� �-- .� . - --�",n::--'WD. ..r::::::::::*WRIGLEYS�Itilze-t;tll?iP��§'!�Jl\JM eST!-THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS ASMALL THING IN A LARGESPACE. A SUBSCRIPTION TOTHE MAROON IS A LARGETHING FOR A SMALL PRICE .�HICAGO.Nil CoUaSr G .... �e ""enue.I -i1; .!!IIt­� One Hundred and Twenty StudentsAre Enrolled in UniversityInstitution.� )IIC hundcrd and 'twenty students;1 r c IIOW enrolled in the new high�l"h"ill of the: university of Wiscon­sin., which opened for the first time It hi-, fall. Sixteen teachers and pro-it'�-nrs from the university comprisesewing and cooking. THE DAILY MA}{OON, THURSDAY, NOV. 7,. 1912.row '·.'OW TO ALTER RULES'. 'OF MURDER CHARGEBY CORONER'S JURY. - .WISCONSIN HAS NEW HIGH - NOMINATE BELL AND TO SPEAK TO FRENCH CLUBS COUNCIL CONSIDERSSCHOOL WITH SIX GRA1>ES KUH FOR PRESIDENT _ � I SETTLEMENT DANCE_ Professor Ham David Will Speak. ' COMMITTEE CHOICES Freshman Debating Society Plan to(Continued from page ont) This Afternoon in Lezincton. I Amend Constitution. 'Dorothy Feiwell --. The Undergraduate council willth M N L Professor Henri David will address pass upon the committees and chair- Revision of the constitution of the�� U� I• R REASURER the two French clubs, Le Cercle men agreed upon for the Settlement Pow \Vow was resolved upon at theFO T 1- .,I I d . Tl .. I . fl'M. Davidson. . rancars anu the Men's French club I ance tomorrow. lese committee rcgu ar, meetmg 0 t ie society ,yes-this afternoon at 4 in Lexington 8. A members were selected by a commit- rerday, when a committee was ap-��G�y , .'dshort reception will follow. The meet-; tee composed of James Donovan, pointed to draft the propose:W. johnson Iiug will be informal and a cordial in-I John Baker, Earle Shilton, and Effie changes. 1 n addition, a conunitt eejames Sellers . Ivitation has been extended to. every H cwit. It always has been the cus- was appointed to sccuree thc presenceDenton Sparks.I member of the University' who is tom for the members of all the com- :it the meetings of some members ofFurther nominations may be made' .. .k . I f Il iutcrested 1111 French. nnttecs, nown as the Committee of t Ie acu ty.till' iacuIty. b . . . db' I Iy petitions slgne y SIX �eop e to A merger. of the: two French clubs One 1I undred, to meet each year at Plans for a banquet to be held in�ll'dical examination of every stu- the undergraduate .c�uncII ,bcf�re I has been effected and Le Cercle Mrs. Walton's home, 5737' Woodlawn the near future were discussed. In(:Cllt ill the school to determine his P'I- tomorrow. Petitions for with-l ,; . f I '., _. :>• , ). rancars and the men's French club avenue, , or t ie purpose of becoming the 'absence of the president, William.• r her Iitncss to carry on schoolj drawal of a nOl1uncl' s name must be 'II If' ,I 1'1 . '11 b I ld I'atrick presided at till" mcctinsr," ,�\'I icrca tcr mect together. Defi- ncquamtcu. ie mcctrng WI C lC ... u ... eo\\-, Irk IS one of the noteworthy inno-j presented in the same way. Peh-. . l' , 'I' -d r x:" . I .. rute action on t ie union of the two I- ues ay a 3·30.\ a t'illh 1:1 the new high school, An" t� t ions for reclassification WIll be re- I b k b .•. .' '- c u s was ta 'en y the officers thisother is tile: introduction 0": classes ccivcd up to 12:45 Monday, All peti- GARDNER IS FREEDweek and the clubs will meet as oneill phy sical training for all students. tions should he addressed to Box 61, Thursdays at 4 during the AutumnUnlike the usual high school, the Faculty exchange. The elections will and \\,inter quarters. A regular meet-i.nivcrsity school has six classes com- be held Tuesday. ing place has not been secured butprisillg the sixth. or lowest, and run- Several to Withdra�. efforts arc being made to secure a Ralph Gardner was exonerated atnim; t hrouuh to the first or hiehest. I I did ' I C" , I' ,I.� � eo Severa of t re can I ates normn- permanent room. Officers for the new tne oro ncr s rearrng yesterday THE RECOGNIZ� STANDARDThe sixth class corresponds to the atcd yesterday announced their in- club "will be elected at an early meet- morning at the Washington Park-cvcnth g-rade in a grammar school, tcntion of withdrawing from the race. ing; • I hospital. A workman, John T. Mo- Installed in the University of Chicacoaud the first to the senior class in It is probable that Paine, Sellers, and han, 1308 Fifty-first street, collided Buildings.the regular high school. Stenson will not run. John Baker BLACKFRIARS TO PLAN STAG with the automobile which GardnerL: nusual interest is being shown by and Carl Fisher stated at the Upper I was driving Tuesday morning' atthe pupils in manual training and Junior meeting that they. would Wil Hear Report of Chairman Elm- Pifty-third street and Woodlawn ave-home economics. Thirty-five boys not run for treasurer of the strom at Meeting Today. I nue. Gardner at once rushed the in-arc taking manual and industrial arts, class. Rumor has it that Howard . I jured man to the Washington Parkwhile thirty-three girls. are studying Keefe will not run for treasurer of ,:--- hospital after which he drove to the. d h H Blackfriars WIll meet today at J2:15' :I�'ft thi d t t t ti d �team Control of Humidity Reducincthe upper Seniors an t at arvey ,a'l Y" ur s ree s a Ion an gavef f for the purpose of hearing the report I' If t th I' All thHarris will not run or treasurer 0 I nmse up 0 e po ICC, ePupils are allowed to take up thethe Lower Senior class. of Chairman Elrnstrom with. regard i witnesses at the inquest declared thatstudy of foreign language £,or two to the stag. At .the last meeting the th id t t ' .dyears before those in regular high "The undergraduate council has . I fie aces en was no 10 any way ueschools. A beginning class' l·rI Ger- made the Iollowinrr reclassifications: rug 1t be ore Thanksgiving was sug-,: to Gardner's carelessness.� ':. - gestcd. All other details were left inman for the lowest �lass, in which thel �mgaret �ingham reclassi�ed to the hands �f Elmstrom and his com-II Senior Wome� Enjoy 'T�stude:nts are between J2 and 14 years L-pper Semor; Isabel Kendnck .to mittee. Florcnce Rothermel entcrtaineduhl. has been started. A class in' Lower Senior; and Howell Murray Kohne w�lI take the Blackfriar. forty women with a pantomime atethics, intended to teach the pupils to Lower' Senior. picture at eleven on Sunday, His! the Senior tea yesterday, Marthahow to rca son the difference between studio is on the top floor of the Mon- ; \Vhittemore played Grieg's "Butter-I i�ht and wrong and be guided in, Michigan-As a result of objections roe building, corner of Michigan and. fly," and "Spirng," and Dvorak'sthl·ir actions by thought instead of I by several of the deans to the term Monroe streets. Individual pictures: "Humoresque. Gena Thompson gaveimpulse, is conducted in the high I 'lco-ed" ;. new. name has been invent- are to be taken of the five members I a dramatic reading entitled ''Theschool by Prof, F. C. Sharp of the I �d, �nd has, SO (ar, met with no ob- of the executive board before the J' Man in tlte Shadow." Mona. Quaylet'1li\'cr�ity.. Jectlons.. It is' "campus queen." gTOUP - picture is taken. was in char�e of tlte affair.AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS , AMUSEMENTS.EMPRESS-THEATER63rd Street and Cottqe GroYe A.�Week starting Sun.Mat.NIY-3SULLIVAN a: CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCENICK'S SIX ROLLER SKATINGGIRLS.MARIE STODDARDDazzling Entertainer of Hich ClassGeo. Palmer-MOORE andELLIOT-Florau:e.In Their Brilliant LaUCbinC Hit, "AMatrimonial Substitute.4-LES jARDYS-4In Rare Physical Feats.GRANT GARDNERThe Mirthful Blackface Music Bolt7:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-3OcpAlACE MUSIC lULLLULU GLASERand Thos, D. Richards in ··Fu-.tLove"Stuart BaInes; Winifred Clarke "Co.; Venita Gould; Bedini " Arthur;Four Londons; Stuart a: Keeley; TheSeebacks; Chandler, White &: Sulli­v:.n.CORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic SenutiOL. ' DAILY Ml\ROONSingle Copies-Five CentsEllis or Praa. AMUSEMENTS. 1JEFFERS.ON M�JE!JTI.C:.!lUI Sucet iIDG .IAl<e AVenue. I An All Star BillNOVELTY PHOTOP�AY I' EVE RYWI FEI The Greatest Act in Vaudeville.Five Reels nightly of the latest mov- ,ZELDA SEARS a: CO.ing pictures. High class .songs. Best In "The Wardrobe Woman.-of music by high class orchestra. . JAMES THORNTONCome and hear the new $7,soo pipe BLACKSTONE.' . - ,.Klaw ct ErIanaer pr�se.at1860MILESTONES 1885IDI�Chief of the Monologists.ALEXANDER " SCOTT. Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SERVICEComplete SystemsLASALLE for all Methodsof HeatingValves for Air, Water, HotWate� Tank RegulationLJohnson Servi�eCo.H. j. GILSON, Manager.Chica20 Offic�,organ.Greatest of Comedy Singers.Wotpert " Paulhan; Kara TrovoUo;Emily Von Schettb; Carlton & Kay.TO�GHTHis Weddinc Eve (comedy)Caught Blufr'mc (comedy)The Sporting Editor (comedy-drama)The One She Loved (drama)The Redskin Rai-!c:rs (drama) THE GIRL AT THE GATE DERBY BATS AREIndispensable to theweU-dressed coUqeman. We' have themin pleasinc variety. Alsosoft bats of distinction-:::-at prices that areright. College men wel­comed.B. L AMES BAT CO.Tribune Builc:tinc· •• 3SW.M�GARRICKTHE ,�LUE BIRDMats. Wed Fri. and Saturday. pRI�CESSWm. A. B�dy PresentsThe First ClucaCO Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. Broadhurst.An American Play of To-dayJun�s Is Your BarberSanitary Shop - Three ChainOne-Day Laundry Service.Agency Sanitelt BrushesShoe Shining Parlor.1003 % East 55th Street.ORCHESTRA HALLBURTON HOLMESTravelogues, Colored Views and Mo­tion Pictures.BURMA and CEYLONWed. Eve .. Nov. 6, at 8:15Frl. Eve., Nov.. 8, at 8:15Sat. Mat., Nov. 9 ,at �:IS ··Come and inspect the larlest linTHEATER TICKETS. ,f foreiill and domestic woolens dis-­played in Hyde Park. Our clothes arThe best scats it. the house may be perfection in material, .tyle, an4procured at the same price you would work�anship.pay at the box office by merely step- BENEDICT W A L Dping into the Maroon office to put in MAKER OF SUP�RIOR CLOTHE1445 E. 55th Street.TeL Hyde Park 2860MAROO. ADS PAY •----\ -Pathe Weekly Every FriuayCurrent Ennts. A UDITORIUl\,I.. ADMISSION . john Hyams and Lelia IIc�tire' inMain Floor, all seats • • • • • • loe: THE GIRL OF MY DREAMSBalcony, all seats. ••••••••• scC'IAN�GIADRaymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOW C�ICAG9'I OPERA HOUSERichard Carle-Hattie Wnuu.THE GIRL. FROM MON'rMARTlUIncluding J. II. Barrie'. Burlesqueproblem play.A Sl ... ICE OF LIFBWOODLAWN tBEATII�5t."'W"""A ...The only fie ShoW' in Hlde ParkGood Music and Good PlcturesSfKtII' __ .............GAUMOIn' WEEKLT EVUT TllUUDAY. c.r, .. , .... ,.MD OTIIE_ PlCTU_Uyour order.The theaters we handle are:Garrick Theater,Princess Theater.American Masic HaILCOLONIAL'CHRISTY MACDONALDIn the Spring Maid.o LVl\tfPICMatintees Wed and Sat.THE MAN HIGHER UPHas Climbed to Popularil)'.2SC to $1.50ILLIN�ISOTIS SKINNERin KISMET--------------------- -------A IlElltAN 1I1JSI£ IW,PRIMROSE a DOCSTADERGrand IIiDstrel JabiIee. POVVERSMRS. FISKEill The HiP ao.t.