: I "\ '\ 'I1,1 " --UN'VERSITY OF CHICAGO, \V ED),; ESDA Y, KOV. 6, 1912.VOL. XI. xo. 27. PRICE FIVE CENTS.Receiye PetitiouKARLETON HACKETT TOTALK FOR OPERA CLUB Capacity House Greets First Ap­pearance+ Program Is Light andGay-Cello Obligato is Enthusiast- FourUnder,..adaate Sectiolll Will Naae. all En d. Cudidates---CoucilToIC y co�e Coming. Replan Use Ope. Play. ud ScoreFOlD' T.cWowDS Aaaiuttbe YearIiq SqudmOMASCONCERT DRA WSMANY CLASS OFFICERS TO i OTIS SKINNER CANNOT ATIEND VARSITY SCRIMMAGESBE NOMINATED TODAY Noted Actor Who Was to Speak Be. WITH FRESHMAN TEAMfore Dramatic Club at LuncheonToday Prevented by Illness from.uical Editor of Post To Talk in later­esb Of Associatio. Todayin Keat TheaterThe first concert of the season Because 'of illness in' his familyCONTRIBUTIONS ARE PROMISED planned by the University Orchestral CLASSIFICATION UST POSTED Otis Skinner will not be able to UWLERPLAYS QUARTER BACKassociatiou was held in Mandel yes- speak before' the Dramatic club to-Object of Association Is to Obtain tcrday at 4:15. The Theodore Thomas Class Presidents and Howard Mc- morrow as planned. Although "Kis Assistant Coach Sauer Says North­orchestra was the attraction and Mr. Lane Chosen to Preside Over met" will be seen for the last time western Team Will Put Up GreatStock had the satisfaction of' being Meetin6s-Arrange for Tell-ers. this season in Chicago Saturday Fight Against Chicago.greeted by a capacity audience., n igh t, it' may be possible for theKarleton Hackett, musical editor The program was light and gay in Xomiua tions by the four under- star to appear at a Dramatic club Using new formations against theof The Evening Post, will speak this character. The Fourth Symphony of graduate classes will be held today at luncheon next week. Freshmen who employed Northwe s t-afternoon at 4:15 in Kent theater in Beethoven occupied the larger part 1'::15. The Seniors will meet in Cobb Donald Breed said yesterday that ern plays, the Varsity scored fourfavor of the movement on foot for of the concert, and while it has been (F,.\, the j uniors in tile cast ro 0111 of ' touchdowns in; scrimmage held yes-� hc expected to have about forty ororuanixinu a Grand Opera association. frequently heard it was warmly re- Kc nt, the Sophomores in Kent west, terday afternoon. The Freshmene- �. '- fifty attend the luncheon nextamong thc members of the faculty ceived. The II Flat Symphony was and the Freshmen in Kent theater. ..v eek. X early all the members of the were unable to score against theand student representatives will one of thc first of the great Bcctho- i 'ctit ions for nomination and with- Dramatic club will be present, and combination of forward passes andspeak. ven symphonies. It is serene and drawal which must bear at least six since all the students of the Uni- line plunges that the Varsity turnedAmonz those who will talk on this joyous throughout, thc opening bars signatures, will be rec .. ivcd by the loose, while the regulars were able., ...." U ver sity and faculty members are in-subject arc Professor Mead, Dean of the introduction containing thc I 'ouuc il up to Friday at 12:1:::. Thc hi gain at will against the youngsters.'- oJ vitcd, the Commons cafe will prob-Lovct t and Leon Stolz. AU, students onJy notes of sadness to he found in elections will be held Tuesday. Paine, Scanlon, Des Jardien,I ably have a capacity crowd. \"-h' '<1 1-1' d V . kand members o( the faculty'w'ho are ,t re piece. The Finale contains a ,,1)onald Breed will preside at the " rtess e, untmgton an 'ruwlO -I· .. . kl .. I tl Will Give Informal T� did not appear in the lineup. Vru-interested in forming an opera as- pccu Jar wrmx e, name y, IC repc., mccting of the Seniors, Willard.. I I re- tition of the Trio theme. This device Otis Skinner' will give a short in- wink and Paine will probably not besocianou lave been earnest Y Dickerson at the Sophomore session, f hi h. . h formal speech, the subject 0 w JC abl I . ". Iquested to attend this afternoon's IS said to ave been used for the first Kenneth Coutchie at the Junior, and e to p ay agamst x ort iwester n,ti . th B FI t S I I. t has not yet been ascertained. Bar- wliJ'le the others were kept out tomeeting. rme JIl C • a ymp iony, uU Howard McLane at the Freshman.it has since been, used with effect by ret Clark,' the president of the Dra-Lists Ar� Posted. marie club last .year, will attend theLists giving the correct classifica- by' Mr.luncheon accompa.niedtion of every student eligible to vote Lewers, a prominent .mernber of Mrs.Fiske's company.The Otis Skinner luncheon willConcessions in Location andPrice of Seats.Hope to Get Concessions. give them a rest. Lawler was used atquarter back._ He and Smith willmany imitators ..The object of the association will Like Massenet Suite. have to run the team in the gameagainst the Purple, and will be usedbe to obtain ·concess.ions for members The Massereet suite which fol1ow-of the Universjty both in prices and in the elections Tuesday are posted oncd was especially appreciated. Theill location of seats. The manage- ':Scene Religieuse," with its cello the south bullerin board in front of'Iilcnt of -the Grand Opera Company Cobb. Petitions for a change' ofobligato was encored and Mr. Stock clasaitication from the one indicatedhas already promised a reduction in allowed a repetition. After the. I I . ti h on the board will be received up toprices rut t re new assocra Ion opes Suit I I entertainedto obtain a greater reduction . .:\ fund \JJ e, t re iearcrs were Monday at 1.2: • .s.'with one of Mr. Stock's own compos- Tellers for 'the election" WJ'1l be ap-is being raised for this purpose and itions, characterized as a symphonicseveral hundred dollars have already sketch, "On a Summer Afternoon."Although it 'was warmly applauded, in scrimmage all of this week.Use Regular Backs.he the Dramatic club's first vens- Pierce. Norgren and Gray showedture in a. plan whereby it is hoped no jJI effects from the Wisconsinto have a number I of prominent game. In fact all of the men ap-actors and dramatists come to the peared to be in, good shape. Theuniversity dur� the year as guests Varsity backfield, ripped up the.of the Dramatic club. .6 .. eshman line, for. repeated gains.It: is expected that Mrs. Fiske and Gray's open 'field running is expectedEdward Sheldon will address the-'club' to ,proye a, feature in the remainingsoon. Later m the year, Mr. Louis, �aines of ' this season.N .. Parker, the author of "Ponrander f Northwestern is a team to beWalk," and Disraeli" will be invited feared despite their disastrous seasonto" com� to the University as the is· the opinion of Assistant CoachSTART' ON SENIOR PICTURES �uest of the Dramatic club, Saller who saw the Purple defeat�dby Purdue last Saturday. The Chi-cago game is the ,biggest gan'lc of theyeai' for the Northwestern team andpointed tomorrow. Those selectedare to meet with President Paine ofthe Cuncil. Friday at 3 in Harper MIO .Til� co':llmissioi), in' -.charge • of " lheelections consists of Earle Shilton,chairman; 'Villard Dickerson, andj ohrr Baker, -been, contributed. Announcement will. be .rnade at .today�s.mectiJJg .as to the:- '----' -. rhe c0!!d_ctor, probably because 'o!nature of these contributions. the notable modesty of his genius,Mrs. Emmons Blaine in a .recent did, not respond br playing it acommunication to The Daily Maroon second time,expressed herself as heartily favor- The program conclude? with, theiug the movement. She believes that Liszt "Mephisto Waltz," weird andthe' student 'can be of particular ben-.. rratic in nature as is to be expectedefit to the opera. from such a, theme. The next pro- CO""'ITTEES FOR CHICAGOWork on Senior Section of Annual to DUU. 'Student Can Serve Opera. Jiram of the Thomas orchestra v,;U NIGHT ARE APPOINTED'd Begin Before Long.To the gcneral public," she sal, he given on December 10. Yester- the players would, do most anythinguthe op�ra comes as with an artistic day's pr;ogram was as follows: Gen.�ral Chairman; Ruth Bozell, Ap- to, wallop Chicago. A totally diff\'!1"'verdict not as on trial. To the stu- .. ,Program. As !'onn as the Jist of Seniors is' points Assistants for Annual Af- eot liDeup will be put in the field nextGent all things are at a bar of judgc- Symphony, No. 4. B Flat, Opus out. Ha:-old Wright, chairman of the fair for University Wf;)men. -sa�day and Chicago will have ament. To infuse that spirit into the 60, ....•....... _ •••... Beetho�en c1a£s cor.t!l1!ttee of The Cap and hard pme is Sauer's opinion.audience of the opera would be to Adagio-Allegro vivace. Gown, will set a regular office hour Committees for "Chicago Night lor ,Race Narrows Down.greatly dignify the performance. The • Adagio. for convenience of Seniors in writing Chicago \Vomen" were appainted by saturday's results detinitely putgrowing demand and constant criti- Allegro vivac� lip their class cards for the section de- Ruth Bozell, general chairman. Irene (tut or the running all of tilt! confer-C'ism of such a student element would Allegro ma non lr�.ppo. h' I All Tufts was chosen to head the menu ence teams But \ViscoJrsin and Min-. voted to t e graduatmg c ass. .lend to increase "the fitJ1lCss of the Suite, "Les Erinnyes," ...•• Masscllet committee, composed of Virginia 'nesota. There is, however, a COll-pictures will he taken at Koehne'sPrelude. Scene Rcligieuse. Entr' Hinkins, and ,Marjorie Coonley. ,tin«encY,upon which dopesters areMonroe stre(·t and Michigan avenue ' 'Acte l�i�. 'Violoncello Obligato • ,:\ ugusta Swawite wiU be in charge of � iipring. I n case of a d�feat of \v is-and' a deposit of a dollar is necessary,by:Mr. ,Bruno Steindel.' the programs, assisted by Nancy �fil- co�sin, by .M�nnesota, which is prob'These pictures had better not I�e h' .Symphonic, Sk��<;h, CIOn a Summer ler and Miriam \Vbalin." T e music abk, there is a chance ior a tTlppleLaborer on Bicycle AccidenJalIy Col- AfternOOn,"; •.. ,. 'Stock taken until after Christmas when the committee will be in charge of Dor- 'ti�'_ "for the championship. Chicago!ides with Ralph Gardner's II� Mephisto Walti •...........•. LiS7.t Iff��, �·m, have 'more time' 'to -do �c-: othy Llewellyn, Leone Hemingwa::Jp would in turn have to defeat l\[innc-,PI:;;n Feature Concerts. (u��e retouch,jng" according to a and Madeline McKinley. sota to bring about this mixup. This'There will be three artist Concerts l,s't.ateDl�t made by the photographer. Phoebe Clover heads the printing chance, however, is rather remote.'held lhis year il'1' addition' � to the :: Ciy(i� Watkins ha� received all the'; committee,which will consist of Lil:.. Minnesota remo\'ed Illinois fromThomas orchestra�com:erts; The first, data. from the fact�hY" and this section� lian Swawite, Grace Hotchkiss, and the race hy defeating the Orange anda piano recital hy Rudolph Ganz, wi'II:,tak� 'up' several mNe pages thani Dorothy Williston. The decoration ,Blue team hy 13 to o. Minnesota.will take place on 'November 26. A 1�'�t{\Year. The depa'rtments oth�r than: committee will consiSit of Arliae 'however, haJ no ea�y time with theson� 'recital by:' Alive Neilson I and a . Uro"'n, chal'rman', Florence Foley, lUini .md from present indications,colleges will receive more attentIonrecital by Eugene' Ysayc, violinist, ImofJ'ene Goddard, Ruth Allen, Lynne the annual Chicago' Illinois hattie 011,han usnal this year, hecause'compet- ,.,\\·ill follow later in the: ycar, Secrc· Sullivan. Annie �uise Ford, Hc1e,o Xoyemher 16 will he a desperately'I . ellt men have heen appointed t9, cover 11" Ilary Payne of the Orchestra' assocla- Magee. Helen Street, Irene Tayior, fought game. The hnols team payspolice �tatioll and �ave himself up. tJ'Oll r"ports tllat practl'cally all of tile ,,'ach section. I d'd I till.. ;1))(1 !\Iahel O·Conner. a sp en I open game an( 1e Ill'"John T. Mohan. the victim, was5('aS0I1 tickets have heen sold, and a ---,---The stUllt committee will consist :lre sure in tacklin�. a department insixty years old and lived at IJoX Eastv"ry II'JIIJ'ted ntJn11)er of scats! arc P f C ulte Speaks \\'111'cll the l'hica(T(o m(,11 arc I:\('kin�,.. 1 ro essor 0 r . of Florence I�othermc1, chairman; ,..I'-ifly-first �treet. Ill' was riding a t f Iavailahle 011 the (ay 0 t 1e concerts. Proft'�:,nr Coulter spoke on "A ]:lOct Flanller. Charlotte. Viall, Mar-I SPEAKERS TO-TELLAthleti�l�b-Elects. ''. I Scientific Approach t.o Rc1ib';on< at I j�'rie Xind. Harriet. Tuthill: Myra OF TEAM'S CHANCESRuth Manierre was elected preSI-' the graduate WOl11':n � supper �l\'en ,"l'YlloldS. a.nd Manon JarvJs. The AT C BENCH RALLYdent of the Freshman athletic cluh atl'undl.r t�ll' al�spices �of the Y. \V. C. L. ticket cOIl.lIllittee consists of Dorothythe meeting held yesterday. The Inn MOI)(lay 111 Lexlt1gton lunch 'Toom.! Bent. chaIrman; Leone Coons, Helen Students will rally around the "C'I\ext meeting of the cluh will he on � This was the first of a series of sup-I Perry. Mar�aret Hancock, Eva Gold- hencb, a! 12:15 Friday. Coach Sta!-!�.Tuesday at 12:45 in the Neighhor-I pers to he g-i\"l'n for the graduate \\'0- stein. Frances' Rosenthal. Helene ,Assistant Coach Page. and otlwrshood room when the committee Ii men. The next nne \\;11 he held il� I' K�nr.y. Dorothy Farwell, Louise will to,!" of the chances of the te:lt11chairman will be elected. ahout three weeks. ,?\fJck, anfl Helen Leonard. aiatnst �ortwestern Saturday.Dperatic performance."STUDENT IN CAR KILLS MANr�alph Gardner ran o\"e� and killeda man with his automobile yesterdaymorning when coming south on\\"oodlawlI avenue at Fifty-third�trect. He' immediately picked theinjured man up and rushed him tothe \VashinJ,(ton Park hospital. Hethen drove to the Fiftieth streethicyc1e ancl was carrying a pane oi�Iass url(ler his arm wllen he sawthe lilachine coming and hecomingconfused he turned into the atllo 111 0-''Jile. 1f(' was knocked over hack­wa�ds and fractured his skull. Severalpolicel11t'Jl who saw the a,ccident de­clared that it was unavoidahle. Theinquest will he held today.,-• THE DAILY MAROON, \VEn�ESDAY, NOV. 6. 1912 •The Daily Maroon Bulletin and Announcements.ton hall. i:,W Foster.University Orchestra-Rehearsal, Philosophical Club�Address bytoday, 7:15 Mandel Mr. Pyle, tomorrow, 7:30, MarperGrand . Opera Association-Meet- M 10.Tiger·sCohh 6A.German Club- Classes in conversa­tion, Friday 4, Lexington 3 and 4-Mathematical club-Address by As­sociate Professor Wilczynski. Fri­day 4, Ryerson 37.Botanical Club-Address by Profes-. The Divinity School-Chapel, to­day, 12:15. Haskell assembly room.Y. W. C. L.-Today, i:15 Lexing-ing to form grand opera associationtoday, 4:15 Kent.Senior Women-Tea, today, Philharmonic Society-Tomorrow,i:15, Mandel.Graduate History Club-TomorrowHead-Tomorrow,2 3:30,to 4, Greenwood hall.The Junior Colleces-Chapel, woomen, tomorrow, 12:15, Mandel.Blackfriars-Tomorrow, 12:15 Cobb6A. THE test of Uni­versity loyaltylies in defeat. Your Iteam needs supportShowScandinavian Club-Address in sor M. L. Fernald, Harvard univer-Swedish by Professor David Nyvall, sity. Friday 4:30, Botany 13-tomorrow, 7:30, Cobb 6A. University Football Game-Chicago"th "Le Cerc1e Francaise--tomorrow 4, vs. Northwestern, Saturday, 2:30, ere.Editorial-Business offices, Ellis 24 Lexington 8. Marshall field.Telephone Midway Boo. Mail Box most now.them . that youThe are·'0:' Faculty Exchange, I the middle west. It runs as follows:"1 hope that 1 am justified in tak­ing your time in reporting the fol­lowing: I attended, the Chicago-Iowafootball game and lost in the grandstand my pocketbook containingover $200; Mr .....• a student of theUniversity found it and tried to lo­cate me the following Monday. I24th 011 the "University and Grand I was out of the city for about eightOpera." 1 can assure you that the Di- (lays and he was unable to get me.rectors of the Chicago Grand Opera I I mmediately upon my return he 10-Compan� �11 be gr.eat1y pleased to I catcd me and brought to my offi.cecooperate with y�u 10 any way pOS-, the pocketbook and money. Whilesible, so that we can attach opera to I I know that you have the utmostthe University and the University;' to contidence· in your student body Ithe opera .am taking peasure in reporting thisThe editor u not re8Polurible for ckIC. cs­l 'ub lished daily except Sundays' Mon-. . Drca.cd herc. CommllnicCltion. mild b�days and Hohdays during three•• lSwned CIa GIl cddCftCC of good faitll.quarters of the University year_Entered as Second-class mail at the To the Editor:Chicago Post Office, Chicago Illi- I have read with great pleasure thenois; March 18, 1908, under Act of editorial in The Maroon of October- March . 3, 1873.Subscription Rates.By carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar­ter. By mail $3.00 a year; $1.25 a, quarter.Managing Editor • Hiram KennicottNews Editor • • • • .Leon Stolz�thletic Editor, • Bernard VmisskyBusiness Manager •• �. Burdette MastAssociate Editors. .Walter Foute" _ Martin Steven.Williarn Lyman .••••• John PerleeSamuel Kaplan ..•• _ Harry GorgasHolgar Lollesgard . _ George LymanClyde Watkins ... George CottinghamGrace Hotchkiss _. Sarah Reinwald"Even the reporter has an oBiceand with clear eyes and honest �­page, may unveil injustice and pointthe Way to procress. "-R. L. S...a: __ . Grand Opera is not only to be con- occurrence."of music here and good musical col-Yours very truly,John C. Schaffer,(Editor, Chicago Evening Post) (signed.)Sincerely yours,D. A. Robertson,Secretary to the President. testof buy i ng loyal­ty should be valueThe. .giving.that storeyou thethe dol-side red as an entertainment, it is aneducational force and this was theparamount thought in the minds ofthe genJt1emen ,who undertook to se­cure grand opera for Chicago. Wehave in Chicago 'two great universi­ties, to important schools of technol­ogy, three theological colleges, threegreat libraries an important Art insti­tute and an orchestra that is not sur­passed. by any other symphony or­chestra in the United. States.t________________ [All these are great educationalPrintt.-d by Maroon Press. G:ill CotUp Gz'oye. foces, but . it. . was felt thatCfllitorial there, was still one thing' lacking;that while we had eminent teachersNow that the big elec�on is over,let us turn to our own political .d­fairs. The. fo� under­N ominations gr�duate classea willToday. nominate officers atclass meetincs today at12:15- The candidates named will berepresentative candidates in so faras the meetings are representativeclass me-etings. Half of the Freshmanclass, a third of the Sophomore clasS,a fourth of the Junior and an eiChth ofthe Senior classes do not make rep­resentative meetings. The membenof each class must turn out in suchnumbers that every interest in the To the Editor:class will have a real part in the nOlD- My attention ha� been called to theinations. Aft.er the candi�tes have editorial which appeared in the '�Dailybeen named. let us have a week to Maroon" of Thursday, October 24th,think them over, but iIlot a week of upon the subject of "Universityintrigu� sel£'glorific1ltion, "politics." Grand Opera." I most thoroughly Icombinations and other disacreeable agree with the sentiment expressedfeatures that have helped �to _jn.-the�torial. -l.·�beueve ,.that.-aGclasses in the past. Let there be DO .rangements should be made where -campaigning at all If a student is the University students may attend :5 Cents.nominat.:d, that should indicate that the grand opera in Chicago by Open Day and Night.he is sufficiently well known to his methods similar to those which per- SARATOGA BAR BE R S HOPclassmates. and it should not be nee, lain to university students in J. H. Hepp, Prop.�f,s�ry for his friends to approach Germany. The subject is so import- 29 South Dearborn Streettheir friends with, "You don't know ant that i have felt impelled to write Expert Manicurist.Jo�es? Well take my word for it, this to you and to congratulate you Scientific Masseurshe s the b.est cancidate for president," upon the appearance in the "Maroon" Expert Chiropodist"": etc� �n elections of the campus of the editorial.vaflety It IS good taste for the candi- Very truly yours,date to maint,_jn at all times a· dis- Frank Billings.creer silence, for his friends allowot.hers the privilege of votin, as they To the Editor:WIsh, for aU the veters to be present Members of the University will beat the nOminatine meetincs, to think interested in the communicationover the various Pos":biliti·e" to- .., which reached the President thismake intelligent choices, and to tum morning from the .Vice President ofout and VOTE. one of the brgest .corporations inleges we have not grand opera. Wenow. have u:- Chicago everything es- D·E R B Ysential to grve a' young man or woo .man a broad and liberal education.And all these forces ought to work to'gether with the one common purposein view-of advancing the jnte�est ofhumanity and making Chicago an at­tractive place to live in. HATS ARE .givesforthemostlar isyou ought to patronize. You'll not beable to resist such a value as "TheGuards"---a coat built $20 ·to cr/�,5particularly for you at .." ...storeIndispensable to thewell-dressed colleceman. We have themin pleasing variety_ Alsosoft hats of distinction-at prices that areright. College men wel-comedo·B. L AMES BAT CO.Tribune Buildinc :: 35 W. lIactiaoa \Any . Suit or OYercoat In theBouse M.de to Order $18.01.JuliUS CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1126 East Fifty_Fifth Street.Union Made.W t! also do high grade repairing andprcuine at very low j)ricea. JERREMS-MADE dothes mean more comfort style and general sat­isfaction than you will. cet from the ordinary kind.That's because we put all our knowledge into buying the right sort offabrics and all our skill into making them properly •.SUITS AND OVERCOATS $30.00 to $60.00Three Stores:7 N. La Salle SL25 E. Jackson Blvd.,71 F_ Madison !it. �.A. N. JERREMs. llauqcr.TAILOR FORYOUNG�MEN. .:�i:.Everyone enjoya the colJeaepaper-and a Falima60 F.... c....-.,. ..... � _", iii"".. 14 he. ...... --.w filii" ".�� "-" -11 .".. .. xl«t 1_�%'"-�,,"'_a.MAROON ADVS BRIXG RESULTS\\'( THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6, 1912.SOMETHING TO RBAD.A WEARY FRESHMAN(\Vith apologies to Byron)Nor grew it whiteI n a single night,As meo's have grown from suddenfears."�# Stationery CabinetsLynne Sullivan is the general chair­man of the annual Thanksgivingspread which will be held W cdnesday,I November 27 in Lexington. A� usual• the spread will be given under thecombIne draw.-ra In hanusomo desk. The. • •Ille. you want at your lInger tip!'!. See one auspices of the Neighborhood clubsat your deatera, Frdght paid ItS.OO. caee f 11'.' .note). or a t.mversrty women.THE��MANUFACTURING CO. The women will dress in' fancy87 Union St. MONROE, MICH costume, take part rn a grand marchChicago DisplaY-SII-IS S. Wabash around the .gyrnnasium, and then sit-ting on the floor will eat their turkeyHeat Regulation dinner in the lunch-room. After the1 dinner there will be a program a. ndTHE JOHNSON dancing.�NEUMATIC SERVICE NEIGHBORHOOD CLUBk�p er:,",ugh atationf'r)' at hand for ('urrel1tuse, Solid Quart e rcd Oak. band.ornely fln­lahl'd. P.OO. Esp..-. l'aleL (See nete.)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEI hol4. %0.000 If'ttrrtl orr:�� a *.�t18tl:�r.�i:Gold .. n, Natural .>rWeathered flnlRh.:...J.awt·ra are dUMt-'prool and on rolter�arlnK" Fr e l�htpaid. (Sec note.)·,.!I.!Il.Gt't Catalo.: 11110\\"­Inllr rn"n,. hnn(!�·. In­eXPenlllve orftc:e de­vIc... and �t·t't1oll'LIbookcalJlt·,.. UookJ ...."Filing Suggf.'lIt!on,,"aillo tr€'f'.NOTE.-FrfOlJ;ht orEXprt'lls paid ••quot�d to points fOat'tof Montana. "'yom­Ing. Colorndo. oxra­homA and TexlLlI.SUCbtly hleber be.Tond.�� FILING DESKS�\THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDInstalled in the University of ChicacoBuildincs.Complete Systemsfor all Methodsof HeatineSteam Control of Humidity ReducincValves for Air, Water, HotWater Tank Regulations.Johnson Servicece.H. J. GILS�N, Manacer•Chicalto Offic.:!.117 DEARBORN STREET�i:. BENEDICT W A L 0MAKER OF SUP:;:RIOR CLOTHE1445 E. 55th Street.Tel. Hyde Park 2860For W carinesaGOOD COFFEEGreeRwood Cafe1357 E. 55th Street.Il,tII Chinese AmericanThe Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55th Street.A ttering etc. of Ladies and GentsGarments.Repairing and Pressing atModerate Price.Phone Hyde Park 2137 CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTlStMENTS' , MALT"My hair is gray, but not with years,' FOR RENT-Two nicely furnishedfrunt rooms in private family. Gen-tlemcn preferred. 5800 Jackson ave-We Fresl\f_!1cn, g-ay in early fall,Have drooped and stumbled by theTO RENT�Large front room, threenut it is gray from English one­Three themes a week-Oh, woe isII1C-"i \Vith one in class, which I wouldshunE'en more than all the rest, marked,D.,way,.And 1. alone, am left of all,To watch arsothcr break of day.(And write a thcme.)LYNNE SULLI VAN ISGENERAL CHAIRMANOF ANNUAL SPREAD nue, 1 st flat.TO RENT-Lig�t front study .withadjoining chamber, suitable for two,also single room. Mrs. Spellman,Ol� Greenwood avenue, Apt. 2. MARROWFOR RENT-Newly furnished largeparlor.' Two large bed rooms,Single or en suite. Steam heated.Board ii desired. M. A. Robinson,OliO Ellis avenuewindows, hot water heat, electricli�ht, well furnished, in modernhouse, 5630 Kirnbrk avenue. PhoneMidway 1617.WANTED- Popular young 1 adywishing to make pin money in herleisure hours. Inquire at 5710 Mad­ison avenue.SHOE REPAIRINGYou can not makea mistake in Sendingyour work here. Onlythe most skilled work­men employed.SMITH-GOODYEARII34 East 63rd Street.Opposite Postoffice.A. Toseuhine Graham1329 East Fifty-Fifth street. "It Strencthens". THE TONIC OF THE AGEMalt Marrow is a graat brain builder­it is recommended by physicians '.1 IWILL GIVE PARTYTHU.RSDA Y AT FOUR Millinery Importations Dressmakine\,.. . '. Daily Maroon, single copies, fiveNorthwest neighborhood club will ] Elli P.- h cents. s or r�give a party Thursday at'4 m t e :_' _Neighborhood room. -The progr�m. �.4 � ....willreonsisfof-a flag contest and sev­eral musical selections. Lula Laubachh.as charge of. t�e entertai.nment, as-Isisted by Lillian Swawite AdeleFunkel and Kathlene Colpitts. Therefreshment committee isO'Xeitl, chairman, FlorenceElma Liebenstein and Helenard, Trust'il Savines Bank1204 E. 63rd Street, Chicago.A STATE BANKDEPOSITORY FOR.Ui�ITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDS-::�� :.:.rgest and oldestnearest to' the University. Ac­counts of professors and stu­dent i solicited.Checking Accounts ofand Savings Accounts ofMens· Furnishinas-I�I and 1001 � East 55th Strt"et.S. E. Corner Ellis Ave. Druggists Sell It.Producers ofALMA MATER"Come and inspect the largest lin,f foreien and domestic woolens dis-played in Hyde Park. Our clothe. arperfection .in material, styl� .. Tileworkmanship. .-Modern Fiction Club to Meet.The Modrn Fiction club willtoday at 3:JO in Foster,Pi Delta Phi Announces Pledges.Pi Delta Phi announces the pledg­in� of Olive Thomas of Riverside,Illinois, and Jean Love of Peoria,Illinois.SweaterI n the olden days, the sweaterwas associated wholly with thecompeting athlete. A G. SpaldingIt· Bros. have changed all that,The newSpalding Automobile andWinter Sports Sweaterfor evcrybody+-mcn and women,is a garment for all-around use­comcptitors, and lookers-on. Toenjoy the Fall and Winter out­door season you should have aSpalding Automobile Sweater.A. G. Spalding & Bros�.JO So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill. HAND PAINTED CHINAChristmas Gifts and prizes.Class on private instruction.Designs to rent. China Fired.MRS. L. WOOD,57JO Madison AVI!, TeL Midway 5945JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, Toilet ArticlesFine Line of Candies956 E. 55th Street. Chicaeo, IIIImported and Domestic Line ofCiI'U'S and Cicarettea. M£Avoy Malt Marrow Department2304-8 South Park Avenue.Phone CaJ."lmet 5401TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three MonthsEvery machine cuaranteed to be in fine working order, and. will bekept so during term of rentalWe deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you can-' Save SO to 75 per cent.Telephone Harrison 6388-6399AMERICAN WRITING .'MACHINE COMPANYUNCORPORATED)•437 South Dearbom 'S� _ Chicaco, IIItHotel Cumberland I·NEW YORK I'Broadway at 54th Street.Near 50th Street Su'>way Station andS3rd Street Elented. ISeventh Avenue Cars from PenDSJl-vania Station. fKept by a College Man from VermontHeadquarters for College Students ;Special Rates for College Teams iI Ten Minutes' Wal� to Thirty Theatres tRooms with Bath; $2.50 and up. !New, Modem and �ireproof . tHl'lIRRY P. STIMSON. MANAGER IHeadquarters for Chicago Men---- 1HAIRDRESSING, MANICURINGCHIROPODYMrs. Gervaise Graham ·IS E. Washington St.Venetian Building(Opposite Field's-under Huyler'sPATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.THE DAILY MAROON, \vED�ESDAY, NOV. 6. 1912.�������������������. . 1 • 1 i •SHOWS BENEFIT OF ASSEMBUES I tthrl�els�. is given 10 o� "" tropica coun- I Director that the methods employed• SAYS COLLEGE AFFORDSAt the beginning of the year are substantially correct. One new LITTLE ENGLISH TRAININGPh i Il i pi ne s Director Reports Closer there remained much to be done in! l'ducational center of great interest' _Sympathy as Result of VaQ�on i providing. bette.r .. pla�-groutl�. and: has been established during the past Writer .in The School RevieW' F ..vorsMeerings-c-Industrial .. Educabon and athletic facilities, In providing a 'yl'ar- a school of Household In' , Reading Encish Classics in Uni-Generally Accepted. more effective organization and such dustrics. versity Classes._ an extension of athletic activities as111:,,11;.,:11 the vacation assemblies at would bring a far larger percentagei :;, c..: :,1" l he Hurcau of Education of of people within their influence.:' 1':li:il'pilll' l slauds has been able Director Has General Control 011 no one point has there been"The purpose of this school IS to I more adverse criticism of college cd-train adult women in certain selected Iu at' n tha n j d t tl Ii. ." . ,I c 10 n III regar 0 ie s 1111hOI!!\! indu-tr ies, according to Direct- k I "..., ",I.lt 11,tu closc r sympathy with 1'1 D' f Ed . now edge of English which It grves- I " ie ircctor 0 ucatron excr- or \\'hitl', .. I n five or six mouths of" \ ,I-l 111.ljtlrit v of its teachers than I ' . " .t he average college graduate of to'. crses general control over thc en' dally work, III embroiderv and lace- . I ., \, I l,t l"rt', according to the last . I . • day, IS t ie asser non of Helen Sardure system and delegates such :1U-, Illaklllg', thc persons a! tending this 'k • •" i" � � II! I >irl.'l'tor Frank It \Vhite, , . . I Hughes. J.�lls� Hughes. IS the COll-i I , t1,IO.rtty as 1I.lay be necessary to ": I SdlOOI ,can be.'collle very proficient in tributor of an article on "English'. . \'ISlOn superintendents and teachers, I these lines. 1 hey will then return to! ":11' rvp rvse ntat rvc s t rom the Um'" , I . Literature and the College Fresh- was begun followimr a discussion in. I wrrtcs the Director of Education. their homes, or to other towns agreed .,.: < \ I:;l\l' bcc i. chosen by the war, "'1'1 11 . .. id d' 1 man" in th� November number of one of the club's meetings. The I'• 'I ie sma est orgamzatron provi e ),dwel'n t re mselvcs and the Director: ,; :,:: :::t'l:� Ior the t\\'� assemblies. for is the athletic dub oi the school ; oi Education, where each woman will The School Review. topics of investigation were horne1:",-,' \\1:\, at tended this year, PrO-I tl I I f di t . b In breaking away from the rigid conditions, amusements and employ- I ie sc 100 s 0 a IS rrct may e or' he expected tu establish a local class',-",1' \\ilialll D. Mae Clintock and,i . d' t . d II f tl ., .. I requirements of the old college curri- n.ent, and corrective and preventivegarnze In 0 a UOIon, an a 0 ie lor mst ruct ion III icr specialty, It"ir.' \\ ili.uu I'. Gorsuch, have recent·,' di t . f .. t I culm, she states, there has been dif- �I"cncies.IS nets 0 a provmce an 0 a eague. IS desired that she g-ather about her bi. rv t ur nvd ;\ decided improvement I '1 . I "Jiculty III avoiding the opposite ex- fit! means of a qucsrionaire, the suh-" ', L ubs, uruons and cagues are organ' a g-rl)up of industrious women and J:' I'l'l)t ,nt'II In the pe rsouncl of the : I' . . " . . treme. L'nivcrsirics that now require committee on home conditious under. . izcd when t ie division supcrintend-! �.rls whom she \\'111 IIlstruct along:�;II'11in� j.,n'c, both American and 1 I' I \ I' fl'" no Latin beyond Cicero, and no E, Dudley Parsons found all apprc\.':·cut )C IC\'CS t ley arc necessary. : s· till' JUl'S 0 ier traming' 111 the school!;ilq,ill", sociations arc intel'-I.f(,yincial in na' of lIuusdlOld Indu�trics, \Vhen mathcmatics hl·yond plane geometry,II1"rease Indicates Efficl'ency I I . f . d havc intcllded al .... o to ell'lllinate all... . ture, ant t lelr ormation' un er ap- they shall have become proJicient,".\ II illcrl'asc of three per ccnt ill I proved constitutions is obligatory in she will l'mploy thcm at fair wages. rC(luired work in English litcratu�e.: II\' a \'\'ra;.,:e daily attendancc indio C!very ca�c wherc intcr-provincial COli' llnuhtless many of the women who They havc done this on the ground arc absent from home many evenings,;11 t''; t ha t l1lo:-e H'ally cffcctive work I tests are to be held: All general n'Cl'i,'c instruction in local c1asscs I that secondary schools have given a of the wcek go home only, when"\:'.';"d, ,nl' during the pas,t. year," �c-lllleets,. such as tI.lose tI.lat 'havc b.c.,.:n will bl' alllhiti()u� 'to form similar I 5utlicient proportion of their time to there is no place easier to reach.I TI h I I I I that uhJ'cct Fifty per cent of tlH:m arc "out" the,', '1'11111;; tn t lC rcport. lerc as held III connechon Wit 1 t le P 1I11p' organizations on thcir own accottllt • S '.;)t't'll ill till' pa�t year great improve- l)inc Carnival, ar\! under the control and in this way it is expccted tha: It is her contention that thc. col. larger share of the evenings in a:llt'1il in the attainlllcnts of the Fili-, of the Dircctor of Education actin� all eyl'r witll'ning circle of industrial lege can not afford to cut down Its reo week.I .. I I . I k' E I' I I' There was also a lack of readingpill" teal'll'r:, and in their abihty tOl through authorizcd I'cpresentai\'es." :tctn'itics will ,H'sUlt, Through the <IU1rc( wor' 111 ng IS lIterature.1 k" . I . P I TI I' I I I I �Ioud of buoks at home, an abund-tl':lC 1. lila 'III� It posSlb e to assIgn, romote Industrial Program. llle(tiul1l of either the Bureau of Ed- Ie lIg I SC 100 course caves a massI . . I I· It' , f .. d' ance of "company," and a lack of a10,'I, Loi t ll'lll to p.OSllIOIlS as su.p.er- The industria �rogram is being ucation or the Sales Agency, it is 0 mlSIll ormation III many stu ellts'd I dd" . I h home 'task-somethi!w for which the.. :-111:':- alld assistant supervlslIlg promptcd constantly through the intcnded that the Government sh�H Ilun s. n a ltion It eaves t e great c>" ' . Id fl' . II boy or girl should hc held accoullt·'t';ldll'rS, 1t has been the policy to medium of provincial indu:.trial su- kecp ill totlch with these industrial he (I ync poetry practlca y un'1 • I I I d ablc during a dClinite time of eacht: :ll'l' UpOll FiliplIlo teachers as great pervisors; inspectors and instructors ccnter!O- a11(1 communicate tc them up' touc Ie ,r,'''pf\n�ibi)itil's as they are capable of' from the tra,:cling corps of the �en- to date information rdative to pat-I "\Vc clamor for men who call (!ay... t '''The main conclusion of this com',l':,11111in:.:-, fhe constant increase in eral office; various publications, hul· terns and standards demanded by the, spcak and write their own language, I Illittee" the chairman statcs, "is that�lll' 11\llllher assiglled to the more im-' letins, and correspondence; throu�h iorei�n market. I effectively," she says. "Yet we putk . . I few of the failing students appcar1")rt:lllt \\,ur· IS evidence that thIS industrial exhibits; through the ap- "This institution has already beenI h�fore them few examples of excel-I to have come under the supervi:>ioni" ,licy ha� not been without favor- pointment of pensionados to rcceivc established with an attendance of le11ce. It IS by familiar association, ; of restraint of corrective and prc':.I,}\, rl'�t1lts." training along such lines; and hy approximately 150 women. The' with the masters of lanbruage that aI \'entive agencies. The data gatheredTIll' athletic program of the B'ue3u means of the special courses offered difticulties incident to the opening of student most surely obtains all ap'I reinforce the contention that, ourh;1:-> 1"1111(1 general acceptance among'in the Phillippine Normal School and the new schol have been overcome, preciation of verbal' bcauty and dis-::11' 1I1aS:,eS of the people of the the Phillippine School of Arts ,and and, judging from the work now be" criminating statement. Only in thisI hllds. Much niorc stress is laid Trades. Such satisfactory progress ing performed, the outlook for sue' Ii way can he develop an efficient veeUpLlII athletics and physical training'is to be reported as to convince the cess is vcry bright." hicle for his own expression."IPurpose to Tra �n Women.AMUSEMENTS--'-----------------------------------------.----------------------------.------------------------------------------------------AMUSEMENTS.EMPRESSTHEATER63rd Street and Cotta&e Grove AveWeek Starting Sun.Mat.NoY.3::)ULLIVA� & CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCENICI�·S SIX ROLLER SKATINGGIRLS.MARIE STODDARD AMUSEMENT�.JEFFERSON!»:;U1 iSueet and Lake Avenue.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY IFive Reels nightly of the latest mov-Iing pictures. High class songs. Bestof music by high Class orchestra.Come and hear the new $7,500 pipeorgan.TONIGHTAn Irish Girl's Love (drama)On the Li,ne of Peril (war drama)D.1i'zling Entertainer of High Class Bunny at Sea. (comedy)GCI). Palmer-MOORE and Max Fights a Duel (comedy)ELLIOT-Florence. Valley of Chevreuse, France (scenic)I II Their Brilliant Laughing Hit, Ill\.Love"Stu.lrt H;unes;' Winifred Cl�rke &C�(),; Venita Gould; Bedini & Arthur;I 0\1, Londons; Stuart & Keeley; The::'c('i);'cks; Chandler, White & Sulli­ Travelogues, Colored Views and Mo·Matrimonial Substitute.4-LES JARDYS-4I n Rare Physical Feats.GRANT GARDNERThe Mirthful Blackface Music Box7:30 and 9:15PRICES10c-20c--30cP .\1J.-\CE llUSIC HALLLULU GLASER.lr.d TI�::>s. D. Richards in "First',;,.n,CORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic Sensation.1);\ILY MAROONSingl" C(,pies-Five CentsEllis or Press. Pathe Weekly Every FriuayCurrent Events.ADMISSIONMain Floor, all seats • • • • • • IOCBaJ'c:ony, all seats. ••••••••• 5C1rIODLA� TBEATII5Sda 51. ... W""'w. A ...The only 5c Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Pictures__ tal ,....,. time u.. ....GAUMOIIT WE£KLT EVUT THURSDAYC."�.f •••• f.AJfD OTHER PlCTUu:aORCHESTRA HALLBURTON HOLMEStion Pictures.BURMA and CEYLONWed. Eve." Nov. 6, at 8:15Fri. Eve., Nov., 8, at 8:15Sat. Mat., Nov. 9 ,at 2:15AMElICAN II1JSIC IAttPRIMROSE &: DOCSTADERGrand IIiDstrel JubiJee. AMUSEMENTSCandidates for the Varsity S\\;1I1-ming tcam are working hard andCoach White thinks the material Verypromising. Althought not definitelyOPERA HOUlE decided upon, it is planned fo haveRichard Carle-Hattie W.... the University championship theTHE GIRL FROII MONTMARTR! ,week before (he final examinations illIncludin� J. II. Barrie'. Burlesque the fall quarter instead of holdingproblem play. it in the spring qnarter as formerly.A ST.ICE OF LIFE oThe reason for this change is thatVarsity team this year. Twelve menThe best seats in the house may be now comprisc the Varsity squad.procnred at the same price you wouldpay at the box office by merely step-BLACKSTONEKlaw &. Erlan6ter presea.t1860MILESTONES I88SIDI�LASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATEpRINCESSWza A. Brady PresentsThe First Chicaco Performance ofBOUGHT AND PAID FORBy Geo. Broadhurst.An American Play of To-dayCHICAGOMAJESTICAn All Star BilLEVERYWIFEThe Greatest Act in Vaudeville.ZELDA SEARS & CO.In "The Wardrobe Woman."JAMES THORNTONChief of the Monologists.ALEXANDER & SCOTTGreatest of Comedy Singers.Wotpert & Paulhan; Kara TrovoUo;Emily Von Schettka; Carlton & Kay.GARRICKTHE BLUE BIRDMats. Wed. Fri. and Saturday.A UD.TORIUlWJohn Hyams and Leila McIntire inTHE GIRL OF MY DREAMSCIIAN'S GUNDRaymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOWCOLONIALCHRISTY MACDONALDIn the. Spring Maid.OLV:MPICMatinte� Wed. and Sat.THE MAN HIGHER UPHas Climbed to Popularity.25C to $1.50ILLINOISOTIS SKINNERin KISMETpOWERSMRS. FISKEin The Hich Road. THEATER TICKETS.ping into the Maroon office to put inyour order.The theaters we handle are:Garrick Theater,Princess Theater.Americaa Music Hall FIND �HAT SCHOOLS AREONL Y CORRECTIVE AGENCYReport of Minneapolis ! Schoolmas­ters' Club Shows That Delin­quents Have no Home Restraint.\\" ork of the Minneapolis School-masters club along lines of inquiryinto the causes of student deliu­queucy, is the subject of an articleappearing this month in The SchoolReview. W. W. Hobbs ,of NorthHigh School, Minneapolis is the eO\I­tributor of this article. The inquiry ,j1iahlc pcrCl'ntage oi families Wl'rencvcr as�ociated at the mornillglllcal. The childrcn of parents whuAmerican homes too easily give overthe task of teaching and discipline tothe school and to the pupil himself."PRIZE FOR ESSAYON INTERNATIONALPEACE IS OFFEREDThe Lake Mohonk corrfcrence oninternational arbitration offers twoJirizes for the two best essays (In "In­ternational Peace." The contest isopen to the: undergraduate womcnstudents of any college or universityin the {Iniled States and closesMarch 15, 1913. The prizes, $200 for.the hest essay, and $100 for the nextbest, were donated by Mrs. ElmerBlack of Xew York. Further infor­mation may be had by addressing H.C. Phillips, secretary, Lake MohonkConference, Mohonk Lake, N. Y.VARSITY SWIMMINGSQUAD IS WORKINGFOUR DAYS A WEEKoftl'n promi�ilJg material has beera(Iisco\'crecl after the conference meeta!Hl it is hOpt'.1 th�t it will he. pos­sihle In Ret these men out for thepreshmen Indulge in Sprints.Memhcrs of the Three Quartersclub were treated to wind sprints ycs­terday. The mcn were urged to spec(lup in running'around the circle drive­way. According to the Sophomoremembers, many black marks weregiven oUL