' .. ", �'.: '.\�:,::.. >'. � ........ :. �," �., r• _. ";,:.-,: "_,, •� . ). ;.,. /<.VOL. X1., NO. 26. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO,' TUESDAY, NOV. 5.1912.,-cwa TO HEAR ens SIINNER TO ORGANIZE GRAND GIVE THOMASCONCER! .TODAY GIVES VARSITY LIGHTOPERA ASSOCiATION Viloncello Obli- PRACTICE AFTER. GAMEBruno Steindel'lIUade dade C...aJ Makes SeIectio. Dramatic Orc.ti�n � .. Arranc¢ AD P .... ia tM�· . hderated gato in "Lea Erinnyes" by Massen-. qra• to Hear Noted American Actor at " itJ et and Director Stock's "On a Sum-ud ProYida for Coaclad of Dinner Th� -All Students Are To Meet T ........ Aftenoo. mer Afternoon" Feature Program.EIectioa 1 aeJ4lay Invited. Y, ill KeatSelections from works of Beeth-Otis Skinner, the star. of UKismet," L\RLETON HACKm'TO SPEAK oven, Liszt, Massenet, and Stock will PAINE AND VRUWINK HURTwill b(� the guest of the Dramatic club compose the program to be renderedSet Tim,'! Limits fo:" Withdrawal. at a luncheon. to he held Thur.sday Lovett, Linn. Robertson, and Others, hy- 'th� Theodore Tho�as orchesjra Quarter Back Wrenches Knee WhileNo�nating, and Reclassification noon ir; the Commons cafe. All stu- . Will Spt!ak in Favor of the at its first University concert of the End Plays Entire Game WithPetitions. dents of. the University, and faculty Movement. season, to be given in Mandel thismembers are invited to attend. The I afternoon at 4:15.Effie Hewitt was elected secretary' tickets for this luncheon, cost seven- Grand opera enthusiasts .in the Un i- The program follows: Signal practice for the men whotreasurer of the Undergraduate ty-Iive cents, and can be procured versity will meet tomorrow at 4: 15 '.. played against \Visconsin was order'council at its meeting yesterday. in Kent theater to form a Grand I Symphony, NO.4. B Flat. Op_us ed by Coach Stasnr yesterday after-irom Donald Breed or William Hef- I ��Earle Shilton, chairman; Willard Ieran before Wednesday noon. Opera association. KarleJon, Hackett 60, , : '" Beethovennoon. He wished to give the men a. I di f Th E . p Adagio-Allegro vivace.Dickerson and John Baker were ap- . musica e rtor 0 e venmg ost, _ rest after the gruelling contest withBarrett Clark, who was president 1 ·)1 k D L d L' . Adagioi:ointed as a committee to have .. WI spea. eans ovett an mn,' .the Badgers. Themen came through. of the Dramatic club last year and A . .P f R b Allegro vivacecharge of the Class elections which .I' :;. ssociate ro essor ° ertson, and. W 10 IS now m Mrs. Fiske's company ,. All 1 ''11 be I Id N ' b r 2 . I' _ a number of others �IJl also speak m I egro ma non r�ppo. .WI C re • 0\ em e I.- will be present at the luncheon. Ac- fa f th. t 'Suite "Les Erinnyes" MassenetXorninations for officers of the four· companying him will be Mrs. Fiske's vor 0 e move men .. P IdS R' 1······· E t '. d Th f h . .. . I re u e. cene e rgreuse. n r. undergraduate classes WIll be rna e at I'd' . e purpQ.� 0 t e associatioru IS ... .. . ea mg man. ... Acte I·1l'1ICL1. VJlOloncello Obligato12:15 tomorrow. Seniors wtll .meet O· S' wI'11 - h' to obtain concessions for members1 .. . .. tIS kmner grve a sort In- •.. '. by Mr. Bruno Stemdel.under the chairmanship of Donald ..' . .' of the Universjty attending grand '. .. formal talk at the luncheon. The sub, b h ] , �'I' f Symphonic Sketch, "On a Summer 'Breed 111 Cohb 6A' JUhlors WIll meet opera ot 111 prices anu ocatro-i 0 .S Ie entire contest without calling for'. ject of his speech is not known, but tAd ti f·' h I Afternoon," .......•.. f • • •• toewith \VilIard Dickerson in the east sea s. re uc Ion 0 prrces as a· .. . ,. time out. Only after the game did. • . K' it is generally understood.that it will r ad b . d b th Mephlsto Waltz .•••..•....••.• LIs:1.troom of Kent; Sophomores with en- e y een promise y e manage-. .: ." he tell Coach Stagg of his injury. Hedeal with modem drama and the un i- Messenet's SUite, "Les - Ennnyesneth Coutchie in the west room; .and will not be ahle to .play ag-ainstversifies. (Continued Oil page 4) wil be featured py,a violoncello .ob,-Freshmen: 'with Howard McLane in Northwestern. Saturday. Paine'[__ h Is • Leading Actor. ligate by Mr. Bruno Steindel, in mem- wrenched his knee and will prob ,Kent t eater.. �. '. 'f' " ": MAl{Y TO MAN POLLS GRATIS ory of i.ts composer, who died Au�tElections to be Held Tuesday. Mr. Skinner IS cori.:stdered by manYr I.' ably not he able to play Saturday. -.. .', --- 13 in Paris. MAN I' �The elections will be held next to be America's 'foremost actor. As '1':' t t" C . 1-..1..... . en re ot njurec,., "', '. ...n eres m ampaagn uunces ..... any . The Symphonic sketch "On a Sum- R II'· \Tuesday from I to 4:30. Names of a beggar, Hajj, in .his present play, . epQrt,s te IIlg ot tile. great num-Th ' . ",' To' Give Services. mer Afternoon" by Mr. ,Frederic� '--r of .·nJ·11re(l nlel' nn the �,qllad \\··�rethe tellers. will be annoutlced urs- "Kismet," he. is �d to be at-his best. In: ,�. '-Po d h'll . h th . Ch' h h --- Stock. Director of the orchestra, was gh�n credence and \videly. circulated.ay an t ese WI meet WIt e Sin,::e· his stay .here.. lD " Icago e as. played. for the first time at the coD-rreside:n of the Council at 3:00 ..Fri- .several times 'spok�n 'b�fore the niem�· M�ny of· the University students hy a prominent n(',\'spaper yester·. . cert in Orchestra hall Saturday. d . Thday in Mlo. Harper Memorial library I hers of the Dra� Lea'gue,'an organ- .will work at t�e polls gratis. accord- ' ay morn mg. ese n'po!ts are un-, - Although ,most of th� season ticketsT. he I.ists ,of students with the�r c1ass- ·i�a�ion. iit_;!1,.· hicll: .�' 'i� v. ery· �uch int-' iug to Mi. ,.Ke.,'p!_ .. o. f the em,pl�yment have been sold, it is still p' ossible. to true- aDd the mlll who were supposedr h ha b b � Th - f h to have broken ('r d�located shoul-lHcatlOns as t .ey now. stand.. .ve. een er�sted.. ., , .': �'.:'._ ,::,-, .. ,:.. : '. . ��e�u ....• lr.tY�fi.. v•. �:.� , ,� e 'melll. h.ave seture' a. few-:" of th-e high priced Oft, ea..h b 11 b d f - h d no>oWf h h h f 1 deI'S ".t('ok part in: pra�tice yesterday.posted �n t e u. ebn'. o�r �n: _ro�t. Th�: ���C;,.�u����n�,.'�'� aYe ���r·c:,..:.����'�l2.�;�,,"!e�� .. ,.L� ?..... : s .wetJ�as.,SIingle'.iulmisSioJHickeb:"b�. :Couli--�sGgg �;Jc'l1ic(f ',ihilt-:lllY of-die:-- .of Cobb hall�""P, e.�titioris' 'i��: ',with':' ·.'e�C�'.�.-·�.-.',··,�.·_;';-:.. �.'.,"4.d.,j-actor�Pip�.. fi�e ,iri Cob,?, a -smaller .mnnber than :ap' plyin-g at· C,obb·9',A., or.. at -the' ent,- men 'beside�' V,ruwink and Paine haddrawal. from, candidacy and for. nom- at".the ¥n�v�I:��ng the commg at allY. reeent election .. Most of the rance -to Mandel immediately pre�inations other than those made in th� year_ ����s' are. being made t�irt!-fiye �iU �,�e -�n �he neighbor- ceding the cODcer£ .r�rnlar nominating meetings will be to invite' Mrs. Fiske to speak, and it hood of the Univer�y.ro�id�red by the council. rip to 12:45 is expected-that'sh� will- b� a gues.� . 'Th� �ote.'of.the· University precinct '. Vo� H�' Hold· •. ·Tryoats.· .Friday. 'Petitions for reclassification I of the club before She leaves Cbica..: ' .••. b' .f II : t' '-h d-t' ..h : . T·· 'ts' � th·.·.· ·'V H" ,". ... ," WI e care u y .wa ceo see ow ryou lor e·. ox umana:· e:�ce championship.- Tile rac'c for: thewill.be c'onsidered up to 12:45 Mon- go. Edward Sheldon". !he author of� ':.' . "_' , ..'. '. - ". .d . N···· . . .. "Th fi' h R d'" oil I' dd' closely It Will approximate that of the male glee dum are now 'beinlg helel Coaference tide no\v' lies hetwecnay .. �: _ onunatmg petitions must bear, e Ig oa,:W1 a so a ress .' k �la k "_ h' h "All U-· . 'ty:' ..I, ••t d -W_'isconsin and "Minnesota and willth '.t f tIt' . the members' of the DramatI'C- club straw vot�. ta. en. st wee 1111 w IC I mverSI m.e_ n· u.eStn, . �g 0 ce signa ures 0 a, eas SIX plenr. , ' " . :', ...,' ,:", . .'-hers of the class lor which made. All and later in' the year, it expects to _Roo_seve�t. had.� slight lead �ver \Vii-I g�ee :�ub '\vork under, Mr.. :tev�n"s ,.,robably be decided on T':ovember 16.'h Lo It s t t d that 400 t direction may f?v out byappom.tment However. if' Minnesota .should defeatvetitions may· be mailed to the Un- ave uis N. Parker, the. author of son.. . I . �s lma e. . �o es, . "�J. f hi. T . h Id . 'Wiscorisin: on this' 'day� ther� -is; arlergraduat� coUncil, box 16, Faculty "Disraeli-." and "�o��er Walk" will be cast by members 0 t e Uni-' at any tIme. ryouts are e 111Exchange. come to the Univ�rsi!y, as its guest. versity. -; - I Mit��ell tower studio.MISS HEWm ELECTEDSECRETARY-TREASURERCLASSES WILL MEET TOMORROW .' '.. "PRICE FIVE CENTS.CeacIa Slail Allows Men Who' PlayedAcUut Wisconsin ToHave A RestFractured Jaw.the "game in fair shape. Vruwink andPaine being the only men' who wereinjured. A few of the others are suf-fering from' minor bruises .Vruw!nk "fractured hi" jaw in thefirst quarter and played through the, 'been injured.,-The-30 to 12 defeat hy \Visconsin'ast Saturday practically' put Chicagoout 'of' tbe- rUII�ing, for .the Confer-1-, ,, __ ,, __ lContjnue�1 on. paZ,e "')·THE CANDIDATES·�FO.R PRESID.E:Nrr-:·.. . '. � .-- -... - ... �.. "- ......... ' - .�-. .- _ ... - . -.... .. ,- : " ",Courtesy of_ Epwortb_' HeraldGoftl'llOl" , Wu.oa..· ., '... .............._ .�" -- ;'.. 'THE .D�ILY KARCON .. "TT_�£SbA V: NOV. 's, �9tt.·· ". .. ..... ... - -.� - ., .• "7: 15, Mandel •, Three Stores:SuPper-S:45, Graduate, History C_lub-Thursday, 7 EN.]LakSallentSt. �,' TAILOR FOR I;:,30 Foster. 25' . ac son vd. YOUNG MENSchool-Chapel, to-, . Philosophical Club--Address by 71 E. Madison St. IHaskell assembly Mr. Pyle, Thursday, 7:30, Harper MIO: A. N. JERREMS, Manager. .Tiger-'s Head-Thursday, 3:30, Cobb' 1.. _L.-Tomorrow, 7:15 6A.quarter, PHYSICS CLUB DISCUSSES I MANY GO TO SUNDAY AFFAIRManaging Editor • Hiiaui Kennicott . X-RAY INVESTIGATIONS' _' _News Editor • • • • .Leon Stolz .__ I'BishoP Williams Is Again a Gu�t at��hletic Editor, • Bernard VinisskyBusiness :=:: �::::ette Mast �:r��::;�:C:!:::-:U71 Hitch:�ch:::a:c:hrOngedWalter F�ute •. Martin Stevers with men from the dormitori-es and.Williarn Lyman .••. _ . John Perlee from off the campus Sunday from 4.New evidences as to the nature' of 'Samuel Kaplan .... '. Harry Gorgas to 6 when Assistant ·Professor DavidHolgar Lollesgard .• George Lyman X-rays was the,:mibjecf taken up atAllan Robertson and Mrs. Robert­Clyde Watkins .. George Cottingham the second meeting of the UniversityGrace Hotchkiss •. Sarah Reinwald i�liysics club, 'held yesterday in son gave ·tlteir regular Sunday tea ..Ryerson <, -The Bishop Williams of the: EpiscopalReporters. '\. discussion was baseddiocese of 'Detroit who has been the .Lillian S\\jlwite . Dorothy Williston upon a: report �f work recently done •, of- Un.i�er�ty,: me:D.'. w. ,hich .he had at-Sadie Bonnem. by Professor Laue, of the University l;niverS:io/.. �� . the ,. past twoPrint .. ", by llaroor. Press. 5:111 Cottage Grove. of Munich, Germany, proving that X- . ,. .," ... , .... ,', ,�� •. '. , '.'. .'rays are of the same nature as 'light, Sundays' was a guest ·anct'· expressedIt is <n:bitorial although having a much S;horter ;�a�e himself pleased with the gatheringsnot given to college, news- tended through' the we�k.· .' ' .... :. ,::,.,papers to be politically biased, In Iength. The report of Profc;_�.�or '�ue Anod��r:guest' of the afternoon was ,'...:.�'-the 'pr�t political has not ,yet· b�en' published in- �ci�n- " . '. ' �,.' "," . �-..' . ,,', - eo Hargrave Long"II, who came f.-om ....... -campaign, culminating tific journals. .A;d�ce pry<,fs :{?f fis ' ,�.. • Cleveland to attend' "'the' Chica�-: '1..',. today. The Daily Ma- 'report 'h.ave jus, t,.. :rea�hed t� qni- " '.,. .Wisconsin _game., '-Long,. ,wh,9 is .con- .roon would �early love versity:.. ·•· .. -;,.' '. . ...... ,',h .'. " ',''_' nected . with. the Service Recordto -ow. partis:mship,' but will DO� Assistant Professor" -Arthur C. ., .t r d f ',.'.' '. . --.. .., .. , .. -T- 'Comp.any of Clevelan, d wa. :i Secretar ycu 0 e ere�ce t� .convention and Lunn: talked about the :mathematicalt diti "IUL!I_' '-:i.. Ii . . ..,. - .to Dr. Raycro.(� and l�ter Dr: Reed of.ra on. ... IlllC one' po U� .• cam, problems' solved b:; Professor Lauepai� is ending, another"is '1Itarting�' '�-'i>l'ovjng the "Ether-Pulse" theory the. Athletic .departmena,I t IS a campaign' of. no moment to" ,id f .' of Xrrays. Mr� J. Y. Lee, of the de-anyone outs! e 0 the: q�adrangle�· ' _,' . '. '.' TO HOLD SPEAKING CONTES�� t f ·d bl.· .. partment of PhYSICS, .dealt WIth ex- :. . .I.:U 0 conS! era e, mterest to us ..' .' .. . ', .' -within. Reference, of'course ,is made .perimental de�ls of' the I�vestlga- Lower Juruor Extempore S�8to the nomination and election .of un- .rion, iUustrating. his talk with lantern MuSt 'Reciater Soon..dergraduate' class. officers. H�e, too, slides. Scientists'have long suspected ,._--a wise tradition ,makes it impossible that· X-rays were a. form of' very �nnouncem� was. ma�e.at Juniorfor Th.� Daily, Maroon to' 'express short. light waves, �ut have hereto- chapel y�s.ter.d�y of the Lower JuniorPreference. But ,I�t I·S good· form to bl h' extempore. -speak�ng con�st, whichfore been . una � to, prove '.1' elr, 'speak of candi<!at:es in general Nom- . is to take place in Kent tI�eater, Tues-theory. Professor Laue has pra�tical-in ate for class officers tomorrow, men d;&y, November 19 a� 4:�S.Iy cleared up all doubt about the sub- J,and women who (I)' are representa- All lower uniors who. intend toject and has taken a great -step for- .. t" tL!- t- DE RB Y BAT S AREtiv.�, and (2) comparatively free from partlclpa e tn.... Iu.:f COll�" are re- .h· ward jn X-ray investigation. . d' to remster the'r ames WI'th Indispensa.ble to thect er out-side-of-class-room duties. qUire D' I, nBy a represenative stu'dent is meant The University Physics club has Dean l.ovett by noon next Monday. weU-drnsed coUeeeone who is a good Freshman,. Sopho- been reorganized this year in order The contest is open to all students of man. We have them""ore, Junior or Senior in every se�s.e to stimulate more genleral i�terest in the University' who have not more in pleasing-�etyo Alsof h h t I • d h· tak soft hats of disu·ncu·ono t e word-fond of his class, fond physics. Its membership is 'not re- t an we ve majors an w 0 ar_eof his classmates, free from factiorlat 'stricred to members fo th'e Univer- ing or have taken Public Speaking I.prejudice and innoce..'!t of political sity. Men of Armour In�tj'tute and Next Tuesday. afternoon at 3:15.entanqlement. One fr.� front otJ,er other �echnical schools of the city are the contestants will meet, in Kentst d t .... . . til eater where topics will be assignedu en actIVltl·"!S IS the only one 'Yho .... eing in'tcrested in the club. Meet-competently can handle the work them on which they are to sPea� A�. B. LAMES. ,BAT CO.And such persons are not found o"niy ings are to be held each week in hour later they are to reassemble ;n Tribune Baildinc :: 35 W. Madisonin Ely�i;:m Fields, there are !!�mbers Hyerson to' discuss the latest develop- the same room, and each one is ·toof them in every class and it is.the ments in scientific circles. speak for three minutes. Four are to ---------------function of the nOminating mcetin'gs be chosen from the tot�I' number of HAND PAINTED CHINAto bring forward all their nam�s, and Freshman Athletes to Meet. ' �peakers to take part in the finalof the elections to sel�ct certai�' of' The Freshman Athletic club will (.nte�t. which wm be held in Kentthem. The selection of class officers, meet today at ,,2:15 in the League tht'ater, Tuesday at 4:15.especia'l1y those for the S."!nior· ;nd room. to elect officers and to discuss The w.iM};ng student receiv� aFreshman classe . f s. cholarsh. ip for one quarter.- S, IS 0 more than plans for the winter.pa�sing importance.. As Alumni ourre1ations with the Univer�ity Will belargely through the medium of our Roe Elected to Law Councilclass and classmates: therefore it is HO\\'ard Roe was elected to mem_'n�cessary to leave the institution as hership on the Freshm�n law council.t I I It was the second elec":a s rong y unified body, with a cap- ycsfCf( ay.. ..a�le and ,.enthusi:!tic ieader. As ,ion. as thc first resulted m a tle be-Freshm�n, it is desir2hle that we twcen Roc and Howard Ellis.have as a leader one who will froml ----the outset make of our class a unit, The Daily Maroon is now onand a �tronlr ODe. th Pret e ea.The Daily Maroon ..Bulletin. and Announcements.tornororw. 7:15. Mandel.Grand Opera Association�Meet­ing to form grand opera associationtomorrow . ..1:15. Kent,Senior Women--Tca, tomorrow 2SeniQr' coli.eg�Ch3pel, ,12:15,Mandel.College of Education-Chapel, 12:15Blaine. n4.Theodore Thomas Orchestra Con- Swedish by' Professor David N yVall,Thursday, 7:30, Cobb 6A.Le Cercle Francais-Thursday 4,Lexington 8.Philharmonic Society�Thursday, ,Cl'rt__;'4: IS. Mandel.Geneva ReunionLexington hall.The Divinitymorrow,room.Y. W. C.Lexington hall.University Orchestra_";_�eheal'sal, German Club-Oasst:s in conversa­tion, Friday 4, Lexington 3 and 4-Mathematical club-Address by As­soeiate Professor Wilczynski. Fri·day 4. Ryerson 37.Botanical Club-Address by Profes­sor M. L. Fernald, Harvard univer- )sity. Friday 4:30, Botany 13.University Football Game-ChicagoEut e rcd as Second-class mall at the to -t, Greenwood hall. .Chicago Post Office, Chicago llli- The Junior. Colleges-Chapel, wo­nuis March IS, 1908, under Act ofMarch 3, 1873· men, Thursday, 12:15 Mandel. vs. Northwestern,Blackfriars-e-Thursday, 12:15. Cobb Marshall field.(.:\, Saturday, 2:30,�ubscription Rates.By carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar­ter. By mail $3.00 a year: $1:25 a Freshman AbIetic CIUb-12:15 Lex-Scandinavian Club-Address in ington,TheElectionsFoster Hall Women Are Robbed..- Foster hall w...s the scene of a rob­bery Fri.day night. While the womenwere at dinner someone had accessto, the- second floor which was unoc­cupied. $5. from Miss Re,nolds, apurse from Miss Hollister, and a goldwatch from the goest room weresale I taleen. There il apparently no cluet to the ictentiti of the thief.;. .'f.;or. '��::>"'" � . ( .... • f � �. "; �:.J. . -'" ,\,'" ..." ...... :' .. �, .. . ' .,.' "1� _r • •... 1 ... ' .� �r,"'l ;"""'�".: e-. --,--- , �"--�---------------------------�-------------------------�,JERREMS· MADE clothes mean m�e comfort !Style and general sat­isfaction than' you will eet from the ordinary kind.. That's because we put all our knowledge into buying the right sort offabrics and all, o� skill into making them properly.SUI'rS AND OVERCOATS $30.00 to $60.00In their famous es­says,CiceroandEmer­son both omitted tosay that many life-longfriendshi ps have hadtheir beginning in theCollege pipe.. " "nit .SMOOTHEST'. 1OBA(;CO,is the kind that fostersfriendship and glori­fies good fellowship.This delightful to­bacco has a taste thattickles the tongue offault finders intowords of praise-andbrings to the mouths.of scoffers the smileof satisfaction.i:;::��<:'.,.',. :��(Ct' '. '.. , . .' ... .c..-. ... I.hD.C._C ..The near-est bank to the Uni-versity and. the only Bank b�hveCli 43rd and 63r<1 street eastof Cottage Grovc ave. under State-Government sl1pen·ision.:APITA!. $200,000.3 PER CENT ON SAVINGSHYDE PARKSTATE-BAtVKco ..... 0'" .:. .... nT • � ........ ""c�t prices:' �t, areright.. Colleee aie� we1-comed.�_'J".""_'C URKISHBATHS,Christmas Gifts and' prifts. .. :. .Class on private instruction. Open Day and l'\ight.SARATOGA BAR B E R S HOPDesigns to rent. China Fired. J. II. H cpp. Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetMRS. L. WOOD,57ro Madison Av.e, Tel Midway S945 Exper� Manicurist.Scientific :MasscnrsExpcrt ChiropodistJOSEPH SCHMIDT .lAS. E. COWH�Y, Mens" FurnishiftesStationery, ToUe�, Anicles.Fine Line of Candies9,56 E. 55th Street. Chicaeo, IiJ. ,Imponed and Domestic Line ofCipn aDd Ci,aretta. • Iroor and rool � East 55th Street.S. E. Corner Ellis Ave... ,,'" • I"BRYAN lifD DIXoN' colTlliUn: 'indultries" of' the. countrY: b, , ��-� wa privileges by law an4' by givingEditor of The COmmoner and' UDitect immunity to th. ',large" violators' of' ,States Senator Make Pte., fOr 'the law; . the Republican' party hasFirat Votes in Special Articles to permitted the fortunes of the preda­The O.ny Maroon. tory rich to become so large thatgovernment.' is corrupted, politics de-By. Senator Joseph M. Dixon. bauched and business polluted.The Progressive cause, to which I The so-called Progres.iv4!address' you gentlemen of the Univer- does not offer �ny .relief 10 far assity of Chicago,' is the young men's rede"'ming tbe taxinl power fromcause and it is from the younl! men private' individuals. ,It �onfesSies de­that the Progressives have received votion to the high, .' protepive'I their most enthusiastic support. The tariff policy. It would not destroyplatform of the Progressive part')' is monopoly but it would centralize pow­largely the: work of young men, Many er over the moooj»oli_es, removing theof the electors, ccndidates, and prac- control from the people and thus per-tically all of the leaders of the party mit monopolies to ftoaris�.are young men. Democrats � lAaiI1ation.·�� St�ti�!!ery Cabinets The party owes much to American The DemoCratic party. proposes tocolleges and universities. American. withdraw the taxing power from pri­college professors bave done a great vate hands to &0 legislate as to makework. Professor' Hart of Harvard, a private monopo1y impOS5ible, andPresident Luther of Trinity. Pro- 'to enforce the law witltout discrim-fessor ,Davenport of., Hamilt�n Col- ination. It, proposes to pr�ct Iegi­lege. Professor Kirchwey of Colum- timate wealth and paaiah tJao� whobia, Professor Lewis of Pennsylvania, a'ttempt to plunder' tbe· pablic forkef'p enousb ctl.llonf'r)· at hand for ('urrent Professor Long of Northwestern, and pzivate cr.lIin. 0a.1Uc:h side· do youUII(,. 801hl QUllrt('rt'd Oak. handsomely fln- ... a-Ish('d. N.oo. Esp"",. (,aid. (See nere.) Professors Small, Mathews, Merriam. stand, young mad? Aft 7'* "vith theSOLID OAK LETTER FILE Schuetze and Linn of the Unliversity masses' in their effort to ,.�ore the�CL.S8n£D.gressive .legis�atio11" has �een pra.ctic-' "';. , .ally stifled, Bi-partisianship does no .. :" .. , _exist solely in, Congress, 'but; extends- :.' ". '., , "sh d,'. .' ': POR RENT--"Two ;1llUly iU�Dl e. to the state Iegisrlatures and to the ,'. : .. � ·f· "'1 Ge'-�. .: , .' • I ,front Zooms'lll1 pn8.uc.. alll1 y_ D.City .. council . _ of practically :every" , ',' J _�_ '.. j:, :.':;-' '�'."" .' . , ", '" tlemea prOferred. 'sSeo. aw(':)on ave�:. .AcrM,ricaia ,cit,'" It. ·is,: probablj; the -, '",'t 1�_t. .• t..::. i .J 10,'", ',': ',' i':-.,"� .. >. "r�' ",.". ",' -_, , 'nue l:S .....' .•greateSt evil in' A'Jlle�Can'politic!il a�d . ,. ··,1- ) ! ... r:�, .it··inakes-.·go·�ernm�iit by a �ew, indi- �, �WT':'_I.lighCfront �study witviduals 'aM lb.r a' 'fe� ·Ind'ivid�s. 'pos.;.; . adjoiding �hamber� �ijabll:; .for tw�, ., j _. '<..ibl ",' ...... ,;.:..:,' 7 -�".' : _', - '.:. -;. ,�.. ,_:.. 't.-t.-:.rtiom.. Mrs': SniUmati; , '-._,' �.' �,�""II!!�c:ombhle drawerw In handsome deak. Th. 51 �-' .' , "_ ..' .a� SI a� .. ," -.,': • ., ,', '-�,'7"" -.-'-00_.'7''-.-fl�y�����V��U� �". .- h b- b"·' "-'d �08G·· �d����t.&· ----------�����-�-����-----�---at 10ur deale.... Frelcht paid �s.M. Ulee Tbo�g t e., l-par&.l�ns . Oppose ''\II I�enw ., .',' , . iDOte). , . �, '.' -., .. , ., .: -,I •THE 1l&). �ANUFACTURING CO. and fought him at .:very ,tum while \. .\ " -:--.:' _ ".87 Unio;- St. MONROE MICH' he wa� President, 'Colonel Roosevelt ,WANTE�Yoti�g· ��y .student t��hica.go Display-su'IS S.· Wabash I forced ·�i.ocressive measures through ,: take little""gi-:i \ t� � an,d � . f�m� U�� ,- '<;.' :". versity High \kindergarten,. 9 an, ,;..� ':Cons--:�ss �ot by gentle persuasl�m III :jo. ' Addr.ess ,�{��,' M,_ '�oheq" ".:b��but aIded .by men. such as Senatqrs ..N.. '1:'._:'.' '6th' .�. L '. ",. l.,)uv �t I� .. " .... e� �,', .i� � �"'t�'"Dolliver; Bristow� '�ummings, LaFoll- ' ". ., '�e a� �o�b � �e'�mue �d LO���� a���('.���� �� ··_'_-_· �_---�����:��+I--������������---��Co!lgressmeri . M.a.di� Murdock� �omenPs \1Ituh' roOm·'i1i�;La.w libraty .t,. . ... c ' ',,'. i' " '.' '. �:' ;��;,·X. i..: ';'�,� :,' .Cooper,. N�,. Li!1dburgh, and otherS last 'Wedn,:lSday�' Liberal' n:wa�d-·�f-.. '; lIE YOu., iOOllNG fJOR'-:ll:PllG���r�r'EAn __ .in the House of Representatives, with feted' for th.ei; rehlm or ·ro�· iDform- ... . 0 �." , T - ;. .' ., ' ., -'. ." . .,...... 'the striking for�e of_.his own,pers� ation c�n��irig··jb���"·)�pPlf.· �t .. :. . G�e.�:"HE �C·OM"'ONS··�'.�a·�trial. ,rt h ompelled the adoption of Maroon 'office ' ." .. Ask �·,U.ppe� ��qJ.l:Jl·.��.J)��i9�d. : '."'�:a lye c ..' .' ," "\'_---'- .:��'Il:!Li)te ��Crb�r�V'rt.a�.,���� . �FOR 'RENT-NeWly fUriJishe,d _large ..' II· h' .. Ci'1I �'- d 'to P •P'ar·'or'. Two' ';1'ar-' 'b'\�, ,·tOO!llS,' lIusic.' at., �g�' ,:, . : .f!!!, '� .... �O ::',��l_h, :.:":. /'",. nces'D- .. .. .. : � ... '1 .. l' ) '-. ) - so..-_ �. .. _.-.. ':/�..� .•.. ._ .progressive measnres.,-&,'11'_' ,. Is y� Man" Ficht.� C01142'S This is a young man's fight aDd en-. · . 2 ./0,. ��, I listed itl the ranks is the best element.ad. in Filt7 DiIIerent Sf7la of .Am�rican life, Jrom the colle�s,Formd Onl7 at Leadi,.. factories, the farm and countingFarnulaen. room, the p�ople' today aft· wagi�gtheir war for social and industrialbetterment, and led by those ina�­ficent' men; The'odore Roosevvelt atld\..ome ana Inspect the lareat liD lIi�'m 'w .. Johnson, the -do�fan' of,f foreicn and domestic woolens dis- ,the hi.partisan reactK)nary is close 'at ----WANTED-Popular '. young 1 adY'played in Hyde Park. Our �Iothea ar hand.perfection in material. -style. u4' i wishing· to make pin money in l\erAn A� to the First Voter. �eisure hourS. 'Inquire' at 5710 Ma�;.Written for The Maroon by Wil- ison a,·enue.ARRowSHIRTSwill prove asgood in everyway as the col­lars that bearthe same name11.50 upholds %0,000 leUr", orpaper. � �xll Inch�""Solid. subatarrtta].Golden. Snturtll JrWeathered . finl!!h,L.-.awerB are dust­proof and on rollerbearlncll. Freightpaid, (&!o note.),.3.%6.Get Cl\t:llolt IIho�'­Ing manl hand,.. In­espen.hoe omcc de­vlct's and Sl'clion'l'bookcase II. Booklet"FIling Suggutlon,,"millo rree.r:OTE.-Frl'IJtht orExpress paid ••quoted to point" ('3"'tof Hontana. Wyom­Inl'., Colorado. Okla.homa and Texnll.Slightly hlaher be.yond.FILING DESKSAL.�, ;g ataaa.'.SO ... D UPworkmanship.BENEDICT W A L DMAKER OF SUF::J:RIOR CLOTHE1445 E. 55th Street.Tel Hyde Park 2860For WearinesaGOOD C.OFFEEGr�eDwood Cafe1357. E. S5th Street.Chinese � ;':' .' ....., , .", .. )",",.. .. '" ...... ::'.', .... : .._) ,..., .........,:.•. 'I. _','"Every machine �t� tebe 'iii . nne' wotkin, order, and 1Iri1l bekept so �d�. term. oL�entaL0 • 0 • �We deliver the maChine and call, for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line oLFactory Rebuilt machines of allmakeis on ·which you can·' Save'So to '75' Per cent.., �Telephone Hani�.on �388-6m .1.. ...A."ERICAN· WR,ITING MACHINE COMPANy. (INCORPORATED).. �.:;... ,437 South Dearborn S�. Chicaco, Ill.�.ANDUPof Chicago,· and President Wheelee Government. to its 0.14 to. •• ion andlof the University of California, have make if a �ea.t of �1Je people,i given us brilliant support. ' Ifor the people� a.u4 by .!te· people, orOld Parties. Made Promises. are you '. with the �� leadersThe old. parties have promised in their �ffod to .��t!!, themuch, a,\d until . they adopt their partl� in ; ��r 1>, 'alIiD�. il:nmu�itydisgraceful bi-partisan methods each in' re;1urn ' for: .campaign .QOIltrib��ions?accomplished 'a certain : amoW1t 9£! good. but bi-part�ship has' during'� the past admini�t�ti�n,a�tai��d suchstrength and power 'that' decent pro- ·,a. \ e ,. .',,'.. ,.- ..... HAIRDR�&SiNG, MANICURING.. .�• \. • '.' I, 'CHIROPODY;1 :; .T·be,· ..�Single' or 'en, , saite. 'Steal'i. healed,:��ard if desi�d.:· M. A. R'obinson, ........ ",.' .,.,. _',: 6110: Ellis aft'nue' '. ' ,": ..TO REN"-!Ql'ge·· front roo� �hl'ee'windows, hot, water heat. ele etriclight. well .fumished, "in moJemhouse, 5630" Kimbrk avenue. ,Pho�eMidway 16tt: :. j :,. ... - -�\American Ii am J. Bryan.Young man ,g;cat responsibitity at- ' WANTED:-A: live.' capable and in-laches to your first vote, as you be- dustrious young ; man, Who. has.u are likely to continue, spent at least a year or two In thegm. SO yo ..,.. . { '...1_, Ad..... d in order that you Umverslty, ! or WOI'-:. 10, our . .-Start n�r.t, an.'.. ver1ising .and � Sales :department.may start right, examine. �nncIP�es Here is an .. exC�Pti�nal' QP�rtunityof the· parties and the poliCIes whICh for tbe right; ,man to 1eam sale� andthey ad,�te. .dvertisi�"', � ... a, ba.siness).witb a fu,,:The Republican party has famed tu�e, P.h� y.: K; Page" Haymar:the taxing powc� over to private in- ket 800,\ foi ,intervieW. .Jrlividuals; it has allowed moaopolies Address���·h· � 901-911 W. '\Vanto grow up and assume c�.trol of the . Burell .... ea.. L...- ,_ .. . .1 S ,alding AlItonaObile-' �.� :�, .\ ,'" ';'inter 'SPorts 'Sweat�: � .. '... : .. : � " ':: " " Tela., Hyde Pai� i8.:' ;Cbicalo,'m'•• J 'relepbone··Hyde !Park 2137: for e .... erybody.....:nftn: 'and wom��,. .\ _.: .... 1,'. -;. ....is a garment for� ait·�rQund· u��!. A. lo§euhine Grahamco�lcPtitcrs,' and_-'loowc�.s-o,n·�: : T? \. �,'" �r' ,; -;'''f .,e13JOY thc Fan a�d �m�e! o!1t-" ·1329 East Fifty,Fif!h �r�t.,door ,season you sboufd have·a ' ,.'Sraldjng Automobile" swJat�. �ti1linery Imponatio� Dressmaldq'" ,. ,'. - • . - - -'61 ·• ..·-0- -- .. � -- .Daily 'Marbon. ..... il� ,.copies,. five-�. \ -.. , .:!8'JO So. W�ba�h �v�7 ' Chicago .. III cents Ellis or Press.. ,, ',-: , � l , . .,.:;! .J.' �,.,�,..... * I ...../\. . _-' ..... " ..'- � .... �. �_._ ,�_.-..,:-!,; _ _.; .��_�;.:.:.�::;: .. -/ .. ';..z�:..�·� .. /:.·;I:;.: •.. .' , :' '.'n .. ·;�r:; ijq! If: :$';:' '-i{ .. -!;. � .. :::�"mpolFr'iOtSD!-Yi-A�;S:",�;.:-:-:._� "." "'" '''''�'c;,_ �, ..' l .... .ro. . ... ._ . _, .'" . ..... . ""-0.:GIVES V4Jt,8,Ift.UGBT �!: ;�::� .. ', $t, ."M'Ia«:?�Ba" �.T.... � Gii��te;:·Be'l()ws .. Q. 'B� .• P.ilie, Smith to, pr3.c�ical 're�ti,��_.�f �utuai 'hd�' BLACKFRIARS ELECT LINNP�CT�� � QAIIII "�'"rli �� ��:�vy�ns�o 'Bri�t .. Berger •• R Ii. B .. ,. � Norgren: �ul��s.:. . ". . BO�N'tON AND. ROBERTSON. �,:,� �.� .. :;��,f.' C"� It� ��.J><� i) ... e f1o�,t of t�e ..;:,.. ',., Fitzpatrick I ' "T�� ave�ge �tud�,n,t. is_ not. muc�(Continued &olD pap � ... � � �J, !or:�.tll�.r, good wor� must be "to��y',,� ....•.. L. H. B ....••••• Gray concerned with what costs $5 a seat, Three Members of Faculty Made Layf ·"·;r '� •. -� civcn to Gill.. de, berger and TancV Alexander 'j '(.speci�hy 'sO' -soon.' �fter 'the c'ham-chance or a �ple �n-·.'\.�.dca __ . -z(j' .... -, • . • •. _, - .... \ ,_._. .' . ,.' ., ; 4should in tum: Ctdeat..ilililae�.:.�� & • ��#i�e ,��. ,�.�)�of the speedy; T�����,;�oll�tt .,F�. B ......•.. �I�rce. pionship �mes, �o whl�h, of' course,Although the. size of '�_,� �rter t)ac�., �ere dIrectly respo.n�, Tou��-.����������g, .. (2),. Berger, he �as to go. w�lle the Idea has beenwould make it seem that W�D� .,Ie. fo� .tllC. m..ost .of the Badger gams. :(2)�, V�,":I�,k .•. - ,Smith. Goals.-Gillet'te:, �l�ogeth�r too well- drilled into thehad won ad' .• vic;t Chi' J.�. �Is��sln_ lin� .�.��. ��o st�n, (3),:��I,'fr��. �el�-�ellowSI. Referee. minds .of the .-\merican peo�le thatwas not �ve::!��' :�·�h�'�: nd .... �el�. ?�c�.�.o� th.e �1X, �� Iine, .�.�ac��,tt. ��sat� Point. U.rilPire-: opera IS a $5. affair. But. although!-olaught �f the Badgers.. Uj) to.. the. whm' a�go '.IDJ�ht· �ave m:a�e ; a B_enbroo� •. k��h1gan. .Head l�smail, tb�re are plen.ty of seats to be ob-. L_'U '•. D": L2_� ·.r�i �1JIIQ.1Irn·by the ehoiee of a dlffer- --Endsley! Purdue, TIme of quarters. rained at .a cheaper rate, many stu' at a recent 'meeting as a token of aptime wucn Dlplre �nll.!� .reuav·..· .' '. . .' ., ...I N f tL.. e.i.'_, _ 'it' . � ent .olay. .' .' . ._ . ·I·-Flfteen minutes. dents there are to whom, for all preciation on the part of the activet'CI' orgren ro .. · Cle··�,. .'lI"- .. p .� ... , -e- •• - _. � .�. , •anybody's game alt�.: �� ?�.fj��� �p�, � ���Br�P,. �� L: D�s 1;·· : � :' .'.' .: v, -••• prac�lcal pu��ses:, a dollar bill lo�ks friars of the services these men ha veled by six points. However, th.. e re- .. J.•.. rd.len de. serve great credit for th�lrlTO ORG��E.GRAND._ _ " as big as a fiver, so th.ey are trymg rendered the organization in the lastmo�1 of Norgren a�; .... th� ... �� r��k,�a��::'P:me. .Gra� made ��st OPERA· ASSOCIATION. to see. whEt�er s��ethtn� may not few years. The new lay brothers willquent thirty yard penalty broke up �f Chicago's big gaJDS U1I open fi�.d . : ...... 1' ..... ".:� •• _ ••• ,. • he d�n� to make It pOSSible for all have practically all the pr iviligcs ofthe game.' !lunning� The Sophomore gives grt:_at (Co��i.l1�e�, f�ol1'l page one) : to obtam the benefit.. the other memuers of the order l'X-- ',' ,; ;" !, _ � !.; !..�:.:,�: i'.�. " ",; �tq,�1�·.:�f'd�YeJ<iping �'int� " a s�r , "..' :, .- ). __. . " .,; •• � e' hope ,the time will com� when cept the right to vote in husinessNoqrea Did Not �.. ,.:�" > '�.� Des Jard�n ,l_VU the sur�,stl.�emt. ,�f: t.h�., Grand ���� company. a tnp to the opera wm be as much a meetings.The removal of NOrKr:en 'fl'9D_1 �be ,;tackler in tbe line. and was _.in ever� ,a.. ,.�d _I� .. �.s,.: p.,r,�p�� '�.o ra. 1se a, fund t� �art of the students' general educa� .. 'Another play was handed in at the�ame for his supposed roughing of play. Once- "Shorty" recovered. a get even: lowe� p�ces, t1�n as the football game. that they . ._B I h d· '.__ .i W' • f d d .. I�'lti; ':A' .' ,): "-...31 ' WIll fill up the galleries and last mll1ute to Abuot llowers, and a:-ut er as create qUIte _ .. stir ,iIoI� .,Isconsln orwar pass an I1LtlI. "1 Gifts nnoODclCU.·.,.. express: .'. ..has been greatly. a Hied. The half thirty yards with it before he was ., " : _4 • • , • '... their feelulgs WJth the same free- a lesult the entries In thc rontl�:'tl)'ack' � b'e-I'n··g"-rP.1ou�gbe· d th' roO ugh-' o"'u-t o·v"e"r'ta"·;:·e·n·- '_ '''E' -v'e"'ry'- -ma'-' n··"o'n t"be'''te'''am' : .:�If,�}� �.be. ���)Unt �� ��veral h�n- dom, oivin"' ·the pent-\lp number si��. They are uy name, "The.......... . . �. . • dred. dollars have already been '". � air. in their... " .the entre game 'a. nd he �nAllr -:ais_' .however showed an admirable fight- ..... J';;;'d"-"h": . ',< .. ri-':;'· :; d· •• :b lungs full vent.' All the cities or Eu Countess of Course, "The '!'utur-. ..... ,' ;:l�� ,!.... " .. , .r\ f\. .' . promise, t e assoclatJon an WI e .' -,ed his o'-n hand.as:f.;tO,;..&�;'.�·Du� in.,.. spirlfttnd-it could nO,t .be said n: "'.','''' d'" t'[1t'h' '.';'" t�' 'Th' if J �.rope gave to th� students in the un i- ists�"I"neing Blackfriars- ... · "I{olll:lnyy- . ��1" ".���r.'l � ., ,f? .••. i I,. .' '�'. .. • ". announ.c:e a. e mee mg. e e ort. ',. r '.ler but did �ot .hit ���,:-� .. ������ ���._#l� �eft"gave up until the}ame o! t��\jlliv�fsi�y· is to obtain for it .. I versi.ties special consideration .in the Fatr:� "Xumher'Ten." and the Ih..'Ws:tw the m�tlon and-Ju�.',to"lhe � ���s!-�d: .. :. ," ' .. ;) self "the adya.rit:a�� of cooperation. ,opera-house; therefore why not apply entrant "Stupid �upid:' The cOlllmit,(.vraclusion. �!bat No�.:�[stJ:u� /Ihj:j-Oote"s' ��e great credit fot; !AU' interested . ti��mbers of the Uni- the same rule here �n Chicago?'; tee to select the play has had Olh!the 'Badger-'al!d ru1� hini"ou( of l1:le 'hei�;.uilfailing support of the, team. �rsity-' .have: been invited to attend meeting and seems to think that the.'. , .• �' .: �:r�; � "", ' , •. : '- '. ._ '. .,' •_ ' . , 'CAPS FOR: RUNNERS�e. "!�lS'·1IQ$ .. th4;.-:..�;";�;lIItn� ��I .. J)�nd.9,f:3�:·�ho accom- "This'moveme'nt 'is a step in the " ',, winilingopera will be �hosell'definitc-eight years �_t .aA�'���"�jl��� ,tiA�e.�.� 't��':' �m _ '.�e. 't�e,mselves, �H_ght: di'reetim.,". said 'Mr, K��leton ". ':ON CROSS ,C�UNT�Y' ,Iy by �o\'ember 15. Preliminary ex-rfmoved fO,r dirty playin& and")�; ��� .. >fth.�o;Ug��"t ;·the entire game· ,.Hackett in a. recent article in' The 'SQUAD ARE READY pressions of opinion cOllvey the illl'bJ'oke up 11ac .gapt�. ': .';;::': ::q�, �.JR�,ODc;e did they sbow',signs Chic�gO". E,,�n'i�g Post,' "This f�el- . . pression. that, the numuer of playsWisc�nSiD·��tJIe.���it�·�·::, �.�.��sc���men�' B�f?re.t¥�game, ·��g.·����·\�F� ��pressi�n: i�·.a.� �di�J: ��oss�c�u��.i:c�p� for'me,mbe�s of submitted was unusual and that thethe .!irsl baH �d the::.�� .��_' .:-.'.' �_ �.�.:,,���)��,;:��y:; ��e )��n�: I;»arad��. �?rt.al::�!, :.b,� D�lly _�aroon .and tbe· ,last year s; squad' and'Jeam are now qu�lity .. equaled the 'quantity.1" played eveL .:ID .. the��j.¢��f. !�,r:o.�&fl�,��' ,t���;.. '�'4 '. ;i�,��; }��a.p_C��; ,me� ,;�t� i�mediate,t h5.re: a�d thos� wJ:lo: have not one yet ,ArrangerUe�ts planned uy the' excc-P..erger made tlie second �hcJpWJI " 'I'he 1,lneup. . "': . " r�spon� ;.from the management· of i shduld see Lawrence 'Dunlap, 'Hitch-. - "ff--' ':"i..t -"i',:!:_- _. "f: --'-. ---- - . h - "1 utivt c(imniittee. for securing coacheson an. 0 ta�,.e �,JVe. TDe�� ':.'" .elw.�onsin (30):' '-Cliicilg.C,--(i2\) t ,e o�e.l� t��, pany� '. '. t.ock' 68., . The' m, en entitled ,to caps�. G lie I. ..;.L _it • 'Tt.: f t h t 1 a.(e '�ell �I.ld.er w:IAI'. \Vork on, the"7, I tte),"'P�,�"'�_���m� r Ofstie�,�g:.�. ,R. .:E. .•. �unt1Dgto� H.. �e_.���•. ��" t,"a ,��n �atnc"u. -tare: 'BIs�oP, Lunde,' Gilbert. Baird, ....Cblcago enabled Smith to� go I�Ovtt ._ ", .• •.' .' 'Skinner ates at, i1 UniversIty. he contn;tues; 1S I Hunter Dun' 1":p �t"ells All 'La darifing ',will start at the beginning.... _ t.. ., - .. ... ' . ' " , iii. , VY sop ng- -. . ,the li�e for':tla�. 6i'st ;��ica.h ,�re. ���et: •• � •••• :.... �j_ ���r <;ap� a 'n1ani(e�tafiq,n: .. of·bi� ·d.esire for-the, hdrst' Le,.inson, . Caldwel� Luca� of.:the -Winter- quarter, Norman, £1-VruWlnk scored the othe�.:".m.:-- t�f!'f-r' - "R. JG' I' �Sca" n' 10" ''''':';''':'''er �·..Io.loo1- '0'" the- . �J..ld· of I' .' 5trO�' will repor':'t the plans for-thetouchdoWn on��u��; r:rec:� ,,': �',' ' .• ' '� .. �����::'F;���� �::�\ ��·:·cfdrrh� ";niv�}'$i;r- o{ it. '�F��l;r, . �ra� ... andC .. �Ofiatt.· , . �r:" stagg before .the Blackf riars Thurs-forward p� Berger-:and.,;J'�rglto-1il:.:�. �:: •.• :C�- : ::�.� ja;�i�� o� a���d· .. �n- n�t ..r;ach th�.1en'�� b?�ths 10dr t e. kr��:,. �u��ry �eam wdl day at 12:15 in Cobb 6A.also cr�d�."'erli-- _ ilL ..tJ:i;::�,last "':lei .. ,.? ....... ·G··, ':'Wh' �:'..f,'" r":I"T':I d"� "L ""�'B' - 'I 'b "bl· e. e a wee nom tomorrow. The, '.' - " -.,", .,...�. }���."'F'·. - i'J i n ..•• i ....... � •.••. J,... ,lte:NIUe ,0 � OPera: ut, ,t e pu IC. .•.• ,. .' .�"':od 'D-UO-WS'/� mad"'e' -.':_"�';t..=-. -. " , H�' 1:"'1 � :t 'd" "I .' f"O' o' ... ..t ; con'fertrice meet·wiU:be 'held- Novetn- RO·· BERIroL't-.N·'. T' 0 HOL' D1"'-" , .DC. � �I" • ..,.�!,Y, •. ,� '1' "": ...' ·�'-.-r " ". ,',. arn9 spin e men o· ICag ,tliLye :.sUP"l' '.. '_, ., ._ _ - .1.'"-'��.:�;DiD�:ro�the?�'J,.,j�fl�J��* .�:: :,: :�ti��t. ::;:::it=d:h:n� 1=�t;:n�t,�I��/;;!:f:�.���:�;.. t.���II' .".:" U������;:=:CTION .." .. ',� # �a�:1�T': _.: '. -�"H",�� ":.�" ,-:.::I '. ; .'::;_,.;��c.. ..liO�i�::�/l�II'7�:�;::Y o�:il::;, ;. \. .' .�. '.' - si�y' ,!Den down town tonight Assist­" 'BLACKS�ONE : ant _ ProfesSor Robertson announces.. ';Kb�� '(trli��� p���t '. tli�t he w�n �old' his usual "�uesday,.. '... : � : i�' " ·Ten o:c1oci·' tonight in his apart-KIt.� :�.�-�.5· 'ments' 'in Wtchcock., Returns wilt be,. '! t lIP- �d over the telephone, from the.. _.rBrothers of Order-Six PlaysSubmitted.Deans Boynton and LinJII. and As­sistant Professor Robertson wereelected lay brothers of the Blackfriars�own town ft�wSpapers. Mr. Robert­�on promistrs to bring out some potit­:ical poetrY for the' occasion. All Uni­'versity meti interested-are welcome .• I _"-r' ..... ; •I.J •• :: • ...,.1. ., -_. .c...� _"... :.; •• , •• " ... j ,.. 0...... ::'::_...Aol .. . Mia McDowell to Speak;.,Miss McDowell will address the U,\V, C. L. tomorrow on "T�e \Vorkof the University' Settlement." Allw?men esp-eciatty interested in social�ervices ate invited.'pruN��":.... - � . '. .,.In . �m;A.���.TK._p��� �� .. ofBOUGJlT AND J!AD.l 'PO'R. ., B:, '.� Br.CnIGRt.AD AiDakaii�' �(TO-day_' • '0. ;-d� 0 French Class to See Play.Twenty men, from �he Frendl 4class under. Mr, Bovee will see "TheRed Widow" af the Grand after the·"CHiCA�, '. OPERA HOUSE Northw�stern game Satu·rday.� Seats-.' '., .. '" • :,./.' If. JI.', ' have already been secured in the.. � Ric:banl Car�1 � .... , the d d f th______________.. TjlE'OIRLFROII'lidlftMARTU It' .an our row.lacl�dinC .r.- Ji.' ;�,.., �a1-� - .. �:11ia H" Wed T dbl la .' ,I m' arnson to 0 ay.pro em p y.A'Sl.iclt bF.r.ua William M. Harrison, ex-"3 will bemarried today in Fort \Vorth, Texas... DI " ' .• _-' .... IIRS. Piaa.. TIle ....... 10 Mi:-;s Margaret Wynne of \\'iIls­Point, Texas, Harrison i� a Illl"m'her of the Kappa Sigma fraternity.. ,THEATER TI,CKETS.-----G1�e Club Practices.. The best s'eats in the bouse may be The fir�t rehearsal of the Glee cluh ...procured at the sa,me 'price you wouldwas held in Reynold's duh theaterpa, y at 'the box �ffic'e, by merely ·step· yesterday afternoon. Over twenty-ping into the .Maroon office to put. in five men were out for pract ice.yoar order.'Tbe ·theaters. we, ban�le are:Garrick, Theater,.. ' PriIItess ',Tlaeater., ,.Americ:aa 11_ BaIL Neilhborhoo4 Club. Invites.: A party .\V::� :)e Sive!" by tIle �orth­Neighborhood club Thursday at ..iii .the.'Ncighhorhood, An memhers,new and old are invited.'�I .- { . ':'" - \i.,I