R�=�::=: VOTE I,IAIE ;��'�� ,Mom CLASSFSNO�ATEWEDNFSDAY ClUCAGO, MEETS, WISCONSIN". �ore ,,�� . Orcr'i�� Will AU Undergrac!uat� Classes.. to Have' . ,) " l rl'):" .. '. : s. , t· . ." . _- . .- .'.F"..... F"dtJVele;l.�. W!Ii- :-'�= � S� :a::a:: �:�:';!;¥;::�.yW:eetm: TODAY,IN £IOCIAL CONTEST,: WI. . .ia...... 1inI---' I del 'Than:csay Afternoon. '. First Time. .or. -. � •• I -J .', ",.. :(,." '..,�lteft � ; I� • •_ Badgers Have Strong T eaRl Def� in Game Today Will"On a. Summer Afternoon" a syin-, Nominations of class officers will and Are, C.oR6ieDt .Despite· . � '...,' inate Loser from Race�KSELlQEDJQJ.�VP.N91 phonic sketch by Mr. Frederick Stock, be made at the first meetings of the _ .1director of the Theodore Thomas 'four undergraduate classes Wcdnes- Absence of Van .' '"for �hampionship ofReceives Laree Majority on Both orchestra, will be played by the or- (!ayat 12:IS Eelectious will be held .' .. "·.I'�- ' .. '. ConferenceRoosevelt � W� lBal10ts;�t chestra at-its first University concert the following Tuesday, November 12, .• "_1_. _ . __by Faculty. of the p�\!s�nt season in Leon Man- f��m 1 to 4.:30 •. Nomination.s by pc- COACIISAYSii�N!I:D�1ITI" WIN TEAM CRIPPLED BY INJURIES-- del assembly hall at4:15 Tuesday. The trtion or withdrawals must be sub-]' , '" I�.�� IR�sevelt •..••.•..••••••••••••• ;407 selection w�ll. receive its first public mitred by Friday. _. -. ' • .... . .. �--Wila' on 356 Coach .Stagg .. and His.· WOI1.derful Rig' ht hand column...•.••••.••.••••.••... •••• rendition at the r,egular Thomas Or- Lists· ,.sho\ving to which class eachTaft 7 . /Coachlng.· Abili.�ty .. An: ,·Feared by Rooters Place Hope for Victor' on. . . • .. •. . •• • •• . •. . •• .•• •• •••. 0 chestra concert in Orchestra halt this student belongs will be posted soon. . yD.ebs .•......•.••••.••.••••••••• .19 afternoon, Wl.'Iconsin. ,StudentS. Work of Veteran Members ofn Petitions fur reclassification must beCh� •••••.•••••••••••••••••••• .�. . ·_.\�.ng I the other numbers on the submitted by 4 Thursday. Tuesday Backfield. Roosevelt with a. total of 407 y.o,te� program for Tuesday is Masse-net's Donald Breed will preside. at the WiKoDSiil':Ch!cago Games. t •. 1 --finished fifty votes.. ahead of his, ge�r- suite, "Les Erinnyes," which. has been Senior meeting in Cobb 6A; Willard Score�" of' pr�-viciu·s':Wi�cons.in-Chi� The Chicago'Wisconsin footballest rival in the straw ballot whtch '. . �me win be repohed in detail at theselected in memory of its composer Dickerson, at' the Junior meeting in cago football 'games: '*-Hyde pa;k-Oclk Park football 'gamewho.. died 011 August 13 in Paris. Its the east room of Kent; Kenneth \\'�'" .Chi1894- rsconsm, 30; . icago, o. at 2 today on Marshall fieldfeature vilonc!=llo obligato will be Coutchic at the Sophomore meeting , . -\\.'.. .Chi .I d b B S·· H' Ike).;:- "Isconsm 12j rcago, 22. ,. 'Chicago and Wisconsin meet 'at 2p aye y. run�. teindel, m the west room of Kent and ow- I�Wisconsin, 24; Chicago, o. today on Camp Randall in' tile crucialThe Pr.ogram. ard McLane. at- the Freshman meet- '. " ,- 1•IS.);- - Wisco.u.Sin, 23;. Chicago, 8. game' of the season .. for both teamFollowing is .the complete program in.g in Kent theater. . .. . . s.and notes by Felix Borowski for I� Wisconsin, 0; Chicago, 6: Defeat: will eliminate 'the loser from. ('89'�Wj'sconsln� 0; 'Chicago, 17·' the race for the championship. BothTu.es,d.ay's concert: SPECIAL. TRA.. IN LEAVES 'w' � . �.. \ C''h" .- 1900-. rsconsrn, 39; . icago, .0'1. t�ais 'areundefeated, ·\Visconsin havSmyphone �o. 4. B .. Flat, Opus FOR GAME AT MADISON . . .... ". . ' .. " ,I 1901- Wisconsin, 35; Chicago, o. ing won. two Conference games and60, ...•.•............. Beethoven .;....__ .W· '. Ch: ,.;1902- rsconsm, 0; icago .. I' '.Chicago three. The winner of 'theAdiagio=-Allegro vivace. Three -Hundred Hopefur Rooters 'Mill '.' . -.. .. -. . .6 .. .....,. 1903- Wisconsin, ; Chicago, IS MiDll6Sota ... lIlinois gaine at Minneap-Women choOse Colonel. Adagio. Leave on Speci� _t 7:15 This' . 1904�Wi�con'Sin:' iI; .'¢iii·cago, is .9JisJiiis·aftemooIi will ha,'c the right. Roosevelt obtained a:greater per- Allegro vivace Monung.·· 1905"':·:Wi�consin, 0;' C"iiicago,· ;4-' j to play"the - winrier of ·the 'Chicago.centage .of .the votes of the' wom�n � . AI���� Em� non ���Ppo. -- '1906'7: N'o" gatne�' '. . ..... ..; r .Wi!ic·on�in 'g�nie for the ConfercHce. . ...... - "" . "'h ... �lt\!, .-�.!!�. rmnyes, .•.•• Masscnet The rooter's special will leave: for . ;""Q_-W' � .'.' .. ".Chl'cago, IS'· " .!:tudents than .. of,·the .�n, -althoug . '. .... ... ... .I� lsconSID, I2j. i:hampionship.• .' .; .....•• ". '". I •. Pre.u.de •. Scene Religieuse .. Entr' Madison this niorning at 7:15. 'Two . .. . ,- :6 ..he .. s:eceiv.ed .. a_pJur.aJ�ty_.�f ...y�tes.,i� l�Wis�onsin, 6; .Chicago, ! • WiSconsin enters the game todav.. ACte. Firat. Violoncello, Obligato hundred and fifty �ooters will make ,." ". . .....,. . oJbQth cases. ; ·T�(t. J��as·,.t��rd._in .. �!>_t� " 19lo-Wisconsin, 10; ,Chicago, �o th�' f�vorite for many reasons. The_��1". ��d. wQm���� votes,! and �e�s s.v:nbp�·:;�·���:h S��:d�·summer . t�e tFrip �ogethe� wh�T-�c ba.�d ;a�� ·�9�'1�wis�?,��}n, • o.;� Shi.�o. : 5 Ba�gers have piled up big �cores jnt�- ·h·-····� �' .. ' .'. , �... "" .. �.":7l., ' .. \.,.� .. " .' . t !!. res Inan team. e. train ,WI. ., \ h' " .Lh··· h'" h Iloart .;. . :.' '. Af."" . . S· Ie S···- £ h 'I . t e. games I: at t ey, ave p ayed this... .-. I. _ .. - •., •. /. -. " '.'- �: �olI '.• ;. .,-t:��n, toe h:ave _,the Ixty-thud statIOn 0 :.� e.. " " . . , _J : '."-. 4 -'. ••• ' .'" .' .•_ •.• •:.·�Tbe count�,yesterday was as I' ows ... 'h· . WI" 'L···..··; . .:.. '. :. .'!.. .....:f')n!f. r t:�;.� "Wt�i._ OW' season· willIe ChIcago has won by a ".•.• ..; •••• -4 •••• -:- !-:''"'-'''_c''l-:,' ::. · ·.2:··'· ..:...:�;,. �C:P,lStO. a� ./ ;: 157.t Ulmols:Central;at',7:lsand::w.Jllsto.J?at. ,·,JII�QIsOb,.:-'W'1S.;·,.l.'I�wc:;r. I 1'.&D,� .. "'�. ""'. ' .. J.� ••••• : ". ,.: .( •• ', • .., ••••�".... W.. CIa Ql ;::!. :.�:.�) '�r.��:-:r:h,,"L.�. _. _ '. _ 'no.:. '4i�� �Y-ti1Wcr;�rto�f�;:ay1('';�Jfnf �o��aneiiiOOnU:�«t:-ilil� -". A .. �::.�... :J':,: :: ���:�.¥�aec-.:w:t$;=� ��:::;-��"�:;-�, :�: ·�;;.-�:·�:;t:·���;;f2·t�?:r����!�.�.. }.��/�:-:£U��-g:vaD.:Beetho�en.· _.: 'iC;�n":::Th��in'.is··scb'duled··to I�i�e 'con�ln meefo:n th�. gndiroi(f,or' .. t:heir ::d.:���d'.��,!!���?ns� .by 41. �o 0' -:�.:_:�r./ l. . ��Wilr(. ..,�.. �: \ .. : ,t)i i. j!:�' .�. �.:� �\r: �� ���±Ii��iilr .s�fuphony ."a. f Beetbove� 'the Twelfth'. str. c. �t .s.ta�io� at. � l f�.:· : �mlu.· aJ!:�o!'ftfCt,:; -m..dt wben�riiitif' ��� ��� .��I�a� _�a� _ only .�ble �o scorc '':�'.: '.. ,- I '.. SOD . 10': . ,Ja , ... &"33 .. :".:-- .... , . '. ..� .: -. . '.. _ .. .J .••.• "'.� , •... ,:., tot .. y " ".. .t . ,. '..... .... I' . \e1' seven: pomts agams tthe BOIlermak-, ...... , t, ." T' r. J' ,.' , . \J •• ,�� '.. �. c�pos.ed ID. :1806, probably ID. the , .. Mr. Dmsn19,e an�ou�c.ed. �a�e ye!i- one of tl_le aggregations �l : be· Im- .. :. _..... ,;_:v'.. ........:. '.' ;-.." �. . at·, ". 3 . �7. .!. � .. ' �- � \. .., . •.' 'h L � ."d' f . ,I. h' . . t . � .. '. ,�. en.· For· thIS reason and because of. ".. "." su�r of that· year:·. Beethoven. had t�rday aJtemoon· tnat- o,ver. two'. un- mate '. rom. t e" conle�uce' race. "or, :, -; :::. .<,... '. ;'" .l:·.' Debs, :�.:_ -._: -;.;.:: .. : �:'�. . 3· .. ' -:-3... ,1.-\-.:-.. . ...• ,_ <.' ;_'.. �" � ! _'.' ,:...... ' •.. It· ... , �':-.. .: h .' "'h-" '7''';:1'':'' '; , " die, S6. to 0 score agalllst Northwest-.. f Cb�(in: .: ': .... �: .. "," I'" -;_;.., '-:;':;;";', i ..:�4�c� .Wo�ry:-W1�. t�:?roduc!�n dr'i� i.��k.s(�..I�r :�t1_e �P.� .:..to 'M�d�so� c. amplons IP.... .� s ��c; It!eaDIS m�ft -':'.�':_'�'. �.:. :; ... :". �'·c:.- '. '. � .... , 1.1..:.- .' - - ' ...... :-.- � ....... • _ fi·t . . ,�+"'d' I' "n .' ·.li·· hC :h' d h. d ·b·· d' d f d th�+:" h to' Wi.J.st'onsan· than any other dunn"" ,�ln.,�t�all cryhcs are declaring that'. '1 '" _._ .• � � .o� �-... opera... rl e 10,· " W I,C, a a cen·. lSpOse 0, ,an . _ e .' '..': '. .'& " - .•• • •. _ - •• ". • '_'" ._( . ;..,REsHKEN W�H.tPJ..:..�9�...��irz.b�ght:out:jn�its;��·¥i�o� .. the expec�ed _·to.. dispose .0£ .�t.least 6ft:. th.<��s�>n�· no�': ��. wi�ning::it. '��::; ������s �l�l;wm ... ' .i '. ......:-:- . preVloas.'year, and ·m. a reVIsed ,ver- more beforelthc. sale closed. Practi- WIll msure us the top'of the list when :. :<;hi'?lC�_ �upport� HoptfuL��;,,� ��AI$,�. ��'���$�: sroidn:I�' (March ''2Q':_ . �o��.lt!tese c�ilY �1 of � t�e bl.ock of three .·h��-, the �e.ai-.. i�' over; but�ecause ·.�t is: tile Ch.ca� supporters, however_, re­.: ,�,�.;,,��."-�� ...,�� ,: :; ,p�uctlons had.·beenwantmg In' suc- d��� _�����t� ��.s,e��ed for ChIcago .ha��est. c_o�est'�heb��ger�' �1l have, member,.the game in 19II, and h�ve a• ,.4.' - !i •.. '.. _,.\;.J.-••�.•f':.' I C'Css, and there had been, too, mu!=h rooters have been sold. and because Stagg and ChIcago have slight .. hop� for. \"ictory/ Although.:. �y. ,s�itli. �on .. }�� '. �r.�,�h�art- disturbance and anxiety by' reaso�\ o( , Coa�h Page' ann�unced that twen!: 'ciiWaYs; bp.erl considered" a stumbling ·.Cbicago .did nQt ·disp'�ay any. remark­:: .;.' .5!opho�o� "pie-eilt��g �on!esf ��t i t�� th�. war. and the French 'occupation of ty-thr�� Fre'sh�{�'�:w6�id:' be take�-'on biock for :WisconsiD. in;addition� 'the able football kllo\yledge last week, the,:1' �ey�oldl . club's. 3ln?�al . �mo�er �i Vie�n�. 'It �as"mltural, therefore that the trip� 'Th'ey are C�Ptain Stegeman, 'heat elf the' struggle 'for tbis �me I �n .hav�· showp·.Qril.l,iant flashes of�i.ght� rhe ti�e, �:2i :�-5, :-.U �n�t,s .�e��ov�n. s���ld., h�ve 'sought :rest Acker,. Boyd, C9Ie,� �f����. �.endaU, has been intensified by the loss which piay at times. This, together with the�o:w�r ,t��n ��at I.�de by ."B'1H?�.. '. ... .' ...., ... .... . . . . ..... _ .. ,. _"'. .)Volldetiu.l coaching ability oi Coa"dl, . ���·�fi�\.�� .�hc:'. Freshmen :�d (Continued on page :4)"' .. -, . '(Contin�e�.:·"o�·�p'age '4)'- , (�o�t���ed on page 3-1 Stagg 3ISsures. that the team will be61lghtly' the bette!; of lhe.· Sophomores . - " .. - in' the. best .possible playing form to-"',in the com;i.titive. "stUals' s��d'at ., ',,- ,"",- : .. UNEiJP' FOR i 's GAME 1 day. "Chicago's chances for victorythe affai�,' ���, \V� ���ra�terizeci �Y . ·.��!J'!...lftr�0I:l�LE .,.. " .. �J__�' ,�L_ •.. ,. .' �; Q» A�.: _ U'! .• �, \', .'. . �re partly based 'on the f.ghting· spiritth� �1ub. offici�l� � �h� .lar�st nprp.; W.ISCQ"��N • ' '" . , .__. .: T�bere:�77 • ". 'of the men. They.ha:ve .shown that.b��. e�c� held in the cl\l�. � , . FUn .;Back. : ". �(.y will pl.ay as they never did bc-Su.��ml�es of the .various contests ,.' iore to win. ·The 'prowess of .·Wis--'. Bricht-163 0 TormeY-I6g! - :.follow': ' .. Ii'. Half Back i.:. H�lf' Back I ;. ; .• con'sin do:es not frighten the men, al-�i'gh�'w,eight .wrestling: .Earl �t:- , .'Gillette-I62_'� ;" 0 I -, • though they are n<?t overconfident..hannah, '16, 'de(��te� Lester Reed, 'IS· ,.. . ( 0 Quarter Back _. :! .The absence. of I:lennett and Kennedy,Mjd�l��weight w�stling: John Capt8b.· :. make Chicago's chances for victoryW�ld, ',15, defea�ed Ebert'D"nswor�h, _. ,Ofatie-l60 ... )·B�tl�175 � Kee1ey-i70 pOwen Gele!n-173 SamP-I71 H()eire-�-:i&.r.. less. .'16. ..' .' .' Clia>'1� ,;��iri.�jind Righi-Tacklc' .. ·,: Right 'Guud Ce:lu ,'I;" ,Left Guard.' ..... Left :i acki .. · 'Left End 'I .According to weights of the W is,HeaYY�'Yeight , w�st1,ir;tg:. '.'.. 0.,.. ',-:. "�'; '.0" 0 0 I . O· ; I consin team as given out by the au-Schiye.ly,)6,. thz:e\_V WiJ1i�m, Chap�an' 0 ... ., 0 .. .thorities at Madison, Chicago has the'.15." 0., :0.:.. 0 0 0 0 -. -" ·0·· ad\'antage in the to:al weight of the;L�ght-weight boxing:. George.'Fiske, Left End Left Tackle Left Guard Center Ri'ght Guard Right Tackle Right Elid earn and in the weight of the line.'IS: de(e�t�d Ve�nald Bro�n, '16. '. Vnnrink-l68 ., SeUen':172 . Whi�es:ide-J86 Des jardien'J90 Scanlon-J82 Carpente�l92 .Jlulltincton-.16�. The Badger ba�kficld is three pounds. Midd'I�:��ight· boxi�.i: 'Frank Whit' "'. .' Captain heav.ier to a man than' the Chicagoing, '16,' ��f�t'ed' L�on Hupp, .'15- '0 lbacks. Chicago's total average is Ii4Heavy-weight -b��in'g: Draw be- CHICAGO, Quarter flack to 16c) fur Wisconsin, while Chica�o'stween .Harr� .Gorgas, '15, and Lauren 0 Paine· 100 0 line weighs li9 to liO ior \Visconsin.Shull '16 L.. Half Back R. Half Back·, , . " .. ' '. ..,. , . _. '. The Chicago lineup will prohahly,We�ter:�e�g�t, � �oxing: .. M�rdtn .-I:.::'! . Fitzpa�·157 0', Norcrel_1-l70 be the same as that used in the Pur-· Blo.('k,.�I·S�; ��r�ated :L;eonard �ille' .:: --�.: Full Back.- due game,. with the .exception of Fitz-man 'd'i - " .. Pi_erce-'I73· . ,: •. . .Total Weicht' pattiFk at left half instead of Coutchie.".. 'tug;o.f,:war: 191�. <,WJJiting, R.ed- Weight of Line.- .. Weight o.f Back Field The little half back is a game and.·m.o�,S.. h, ,ul.I,.Hatc. hers.,' Ha.rbinfFlOr a.,nd ,Wisco.· nsin; 186i; average,.I69. Wisconsin, IT�;,��erage, Ii� Wi�('onsi�.'67i; aveblie, :168.&- T' .... 'speedy' player and will play a good· l�re5��llr ddea.ted .�915 (Gorgas, Kix· Chicago, '1915; average, "4- Chicago. 1255:. avcrage. li9 .Chica�o. 660: average, 165. ; ·game. 'The rest of the backfield win--------. ---' _. ---!_ .' ·OPJ'ICIALS-Referee: .Hackett, We st Point; Umpir<::' .Benbrook, ��cbigan; Head' Linesman: . End.ley, Par-(Continued on page. 2.) ": '. doe ., , ".' .. :. '):,1-."; . ., ...." '� •• 9· ... A. .. -6 �.",' .. •••• :�:.:.-�.� .,;< � •.� ':. .. -....,. � ...." .4 "' ."I ' ••' .. " : .. -: . ,\"•.;' ,PRICE FIVE CENTS..:..../UNJVEl{S.ITY· OF CHICAGO, SATURDAY, NOV. 2. '1912.closed yesterday .. W.ilson ran. aJairlydose second considering number ofvotes cast while' th� thr�e �the� '�a�di�dates were left far behind. Thevote forgovernor .on .the , faculty: ballote > hasnot been counted yet, but indicationsare that. FUl1k. has received practi,9-I-,ly all of jhe votes of those 'w�o '��te�(or Roosevelt. �nd t�e I maj�rit� �:the votes of those who voted for ,Wit- ..son., {Continucd on page .11.'" ............ " ;.>:"., h.,...' 'f,.l'.'" .. '";!, \.,... : .. -"I. ':1. . }��:-�-..10 .. :': -. �.,' .... f •• '• I""..l •• '!.,... .... '..,' ..... i 1" .. ", -_, ,..,--_. ,.. �- , ....Senior·· W�men lia�e TeaA Senior: tea ",viiI take the place ofthe Walking'which was' 'scheduled forMonday. The walk in. -Riverdale hasbeen abandoned because only a fewpeople' have signed. The tea: will beheld Wednesday from '4 to 6, and will16rlnted by lial"OOD Prea. 5:iU Cottap �ye. .be informal. All Senior women- are• "_:. ",' • .( � 1'-.' :./ : '.. .;!� � -: �. .• �At �thbitornl' iaL_� ... :. ' ".� �sked lO'be"present' ,.'. .IAS. E. COWHEY . . ,'. ;".. ." .. I·'�il"f '1.1. -'. �. '.' r ,'�present e 0 y uu�" pomt of ' J.ERRE��-IIADE clothe.; t �: ')'-'." " ' ••.•• ;'-7jc', ..... :. .,. ... ,..coD:tact between, the University and . :' Senior JNomen Lunc;b.: , . '&,�di' .��. I d .�.....� �. '.I��,,,&� sat-.the undergraduate fra- T;hir'ii':-���toi �J¥�n'b:a(lh�cheon . ·Mens· rur.uShi�Rs ' '.�;: ";' o,�,! �i:lou. � ,���' ;.' tbe�.,����Fraterniti�· . temities is �ough the yestes:day 'at the special Sehi�r table I1001 �� I�I� EaSt 55th' $��:�' '�a '*�--Pat"'j�,: I.. ,:."� �-; 0 bUl�.tff*�l.ort ofand the' JUDior college.dean who r��erye�. in, Lexington lunch" room, ,;:;.; '.'.': ,,,fahl'ics:abd'd ioar iPli:�th._'!;;r� "��v�ty_ .: reCei� .. the �rta of ,They disc��s�d" pbnS f;'r 'the comitig S� E. Comer Elli. Ave. ., smTS;ANb'''�rikcd��;�' �';�;f;�', . \'.�";'.'8 .:, � '·�1·.;;��.' ,.;_.:, Ute, �dWi.' (literm� .y�M';,;..;The ,women' ��11 o.ccppY the ' .', 'tr " :,. 1 .,' :1.; .�.:""ewto NO.OO .... ., I,;,rep�eD�ti�:::·'it,���.·.':·.Atlift,:� )a�e,;'J�l!lenat�'ftidii..: - �"'_':�-:"" Three·:·Stofta:·;::<,i·�·"! ,,"��"t.�:3�.;'. � < ....sUltorY,��ntact·a�,'Uiat::·,the-:.��" .� ... tf�.�'_, .,::. -: '�: . ;"'" -CBlNA .. STUD,_O' 7 'lit La·.saJle'St. �'. .':' ,: '_ ,: TAILOR FOR ..�ntatives file reports from which th��' _'��: _ .�. �� �_ �5.E. }ac�a BIv� .. ,....: .,." " YOUHG lIEN··de.:D gets·materqt· for' 8�� ;a'iid ... P�e.c;�;r JulJi wo�e;;: held their -an- LiWan Wood 7.'·F_ Madison Sl . "'. ' .,., : ',T • .•occasionally (�nce' to die bio�.led&e nual" hallow�";en., .• partY Thursday 5710 Madison avenue... '�'" '.. k H.' JERREMS,�iIauPr.·- �\ ... : .. '. ,of The Maroon) the. Ciean:bas: met :the �t� a. p'rogressi�e: di�ner as the.' main .·1 ,.!' • ,.' .representatives and talked ..rith�th� feature.' 'The - �est��__ a11 .ca�e in F�.�ME.N �� IN' CO���TS ��·��:�A_NPIDATES.FORregarding fraternity. pioblaD�" There 'c6stum�s matching th�! table' decora-. . ..' ' ' .' _:':__', :",: ��� AJ.�_·�OwN .ANAGERS- ,should be a closer and m�'effeCtive ,tions:o,f gho�ts and wit�hes: Games' The Daily Maroon is now on sale (Continued uom page ODe) '.' ,',"". ,\--. ,.relationship bet"� UniVersity and and 'dancing clt.��d the 'evening's en- .d the' Press. .. .' ,:. .. The �ont.!tt' fos: bUsiness' managers... frat�niti� Since.·there.jj aiready.·one �en��n�ent.·". .' '. ..)., miller, H()J�es,. G�y"�Vattette 'and 'of 'tb�,C�p 'a��'- GOri b�gins today...body, the InteriraterDitY"��� �OD;' : .. �. ,-� . - Hayes)., ' ', .... ,.. " � A�(appii�ant�, will b�':'f�i'�shecl withtaining. a representativ� from � Bulletin and A Several injuries w�re 'results of the ad�e'rtising blank�' 'and' will start tofraterruty, why not use It as the fn:. nnounc�ments. pugilistic enCQUDte,rs ,be�l'Ieen thol up� '�rlC: i.n)�d\at,eJ.y; TIe men who- temities, agency in establishinc this '.' ,University, 'ReHcious Senice-Rt. The Divinity School-�ofessor �rclass�en. In. the. middl.e-weight have. �igtiea. for the. competition are:connection? Have each fraterni��s R<;v.-; ���,:,es: _?av,ifWiltiams; Bishop Soares. Wedrlesday, 12:15, Haskell boxing �at�hi Hup�, "15,., broke 'his Ray' ��n�n. John Baker, FrederickSenior representative to the. Inter- of Michigan, !<?morrow, -j I'" Mandel: assemb'ly room. .thumb b��' s�Y,c:d .... ga'!tCly through troll" th�ore :Byerly, Delmar Stev ..fratel'ruty council become aut:&uat- TJie Junior .CoD�-Chapd, men, y_ W. C. L.- Wednesday, 12:15, two. rounds .. Les�er .R��d's �ose was ens, and Do�14 D�JaneY.i('ally that fraterni�'s represaitative Monday, 12:15, Mandel. Lexington hall. ,broken . by .Geisoleman, , . '16, in .The men will report prog..ess· everyto the dean who is oflieial "fraternitY Fr� Law--Election of third Orchesttal Rehearsal-Wednesday, the welter weight:. matcll.· Marden week and will be aided by suggestionsadviser.'� Then when the fratenlity councilman., South room( Mondal, i:J5 Mandel. Block, '15, took Reed's ,place when from' the 'business 'managers. Alladviser meets his representatives, -l2:15. The Junior CoUqes-Chapel, woo the latter was incapacitated. associat�s' and eubs are 'supposed tothy will not only be rep�tivea·. Physics Club-Address�� by Mr. J. men. Thursday, 12:15 Mandel. The Mando,in club rendered thre� r:eport ;at the.· Cap and Gowh officeof their respective fraternities, � bat Lunn, Mond�y 4r Ryerson 32. Le Cercle Francais-Thursday 4, selections. '·Song Hit,!' by I.und and "ev�fy 'Frida�:' �'T�e 'faculty sectionwill be men who are cognizant of the ., FaCUlty:-e)f the' Co�ece Of Educa- Lexington 8. Terwillegar, and "Medley, by Smith has been about half completed .. Oydewishes and ideas of the fraternity ti�n-Monday, 2:15, Blaine .204-. Philharmonic Society-Thursday, &. Co., were other. entertainment, fea· Watkins� who ha� charge of the de-l:,ody as a whole, p represented in Sopbomo�, Debating Society-· i:r5, Mandel. '. tures.. George Fiske and ,Benjamin partment, wrote to every member ofthe Interfraternity council 'At the Monday 4:15, Cobb 6A. Graduate History Club-Address Bloomberg gave a mandolin and t�e faculty and in a�swe��g' they!»ame time that the dean'talkS tc;:each 'ZoOlogical Club-Monday, 4:15, hy Mr. William M. R. French, guitar number., gave inforlation concerning' their fra-rtpresentative concerning th,e p�� Zo'ology 24-' Thursday, 7:30, Foster hali. ternity. the last two corteges attended,lems of his own fraternity' be ID1lY Botanical Club-Assistant Profes- Philosophical Club-Address by Circle Francai!� Entertains. what books they have written withspeak to the whote body regard- sor Crockcr. Monday. 4:30, Botany 1,3. Mr. Pyle. Th�rsday. 7:30, Harper·Mlo. The pld members. of. Le Cercle ,�hat publications thc)' ar� �o�nected,ing problems which confront all fra- The Senior. Colleges-Chapel, men Scandinavian Club-AddreSlS is Francaise entertained the new'mem' and the University 'athlctiC"tc;ams ofternities. These meetinp between and women. Tues<lay. 12:15. Mandel Swedish by Professor David Nyvall, bers at a hallowe'en party in Lexing- which they were membe'r�·. In thisdean and fraternity men mi&ht well College of Education-Associate Thursday, 7:30, Cobb 6A. ton Thursday. Ina . Perega, Zanie' way the long faculty list wilt be madecome i�mediately before or after the Professor Leavitt, Tuesday, 12:15. . German Club-Classes in conversa- Kroger and' Phyttis Fay, officers oft more interesting for 'the student body.regul=tr Interfraternity council meet- .Blaine 214. tion, Friday 4, Lexington 3 and 4- the .c1.u,b, were i�: ,c��rge. o! the oc:1. ThaCap and Gown announces that. ing. No dOUbt there are o�tacles in Theodore Thomas Orchestra Con- Mathematical club-Address by As- casion., all pictures of class officers. Black-th� way of a pl:n like this, bu.t at an! cen-:-Tuesday, ",:15. Mandel. ,�ociate �rofcssor Wilcz�nski. Fri· ..' ';:." ,fr�ars; and JlOnor societies should berate the plan is suggestive, in that it .. . . ", day 4, RyersOQ 3'/. . Invite Gr_�uate Women:" � :., 'taken 'by' November 'Ii . It .is sug-indicates the possibility of brin&ing Geneva Reunion Supper-Tuesday, .Botaical Club-Address by Profes- Graduate women 'have been· invited' gested that arrangements be made toUni.ersity and fraternity .into sadi 5=45,' Lexil1gton commons. sor M. L Fernald, Harvard univer- to attend the 'supper Mon(lay night at' have' pictur�� 'taken on Sunday Nov-close relationship that the wisbes of Student Volunteer Ban�Tuesday. sity. Friday 4:30, Botan;; IJ. I�xington,' given under th� l�uspice� � ember 10._ rh� st��io .�n � openthe one and the problems of the other 7:15, Lexington hall. University FootbaU Game-Chicago of. the y, W. C, L.- The. sllp�r will until 4- All appointments should bemight be discaued in a �t" .Student Volunteer Band-Tuesday vs. Northwestern, Saturday, 2:30, bt' followed by address�. bl'. Profes·1 made ,direct with Koehn� cornerauthoritatiYe _. 1 i:r�. Lexington hall. Marshall field. son Coulter and Mathews. I Michigan avenu� �nd Monroe street... ': ,', "..THE 'D�ILY MAROON, SATURDAY"NOV. 2, ·�9.1i:",'_, .,;.. ':." _�, .j:.� 'z"/c;�� ,_';, .. ,'. --J' ._'.' ,Th D -I M FIVE CAlJDIDATESe at YI aroon -: WILL TRY O'UT .. FOR ,,'1l.n.�.i" .f ��.� . . ' BUS�NESS MANAGER.-1 "-�"Candidates for the position of bus­iness manager of the 1914 Cap andGown reported at the office yester­day afternoon at z to receive prelim­inary insrructions.: Frederick Byerly, .Frederick Croll, John Baker, Ray'mond Bohen, Donald Delaney, FrankSherwin, an<J Carl Fisher signifiedtheir intention of. competing for theposition. , . '.' 1'IIE811tJa .. -�C;ctb1zd,.CH.I'C:A.G,O' s.fighting spi r it'whichwill be-man­ifested at Madison today'ought to overcome the"Cardinals" . arid the' i 'rchampionship aspirations.It has done so 'often.It is the fighting spiritof this storewhichpromptsus to place advertisements. ' in"TheDaily Maroon'landwrrte "copy" particularly ,for you. . 'We>wantyou to know that we want your. business andwant it badly. How .badly .we want 'it can 'beseen. by an inspection of our stoc�' of [overcoats=designedparticularly for you men of the Midway= the largest stockIn the world. "':'- ,"�:' � .: .. See "The Guards," "The ·Boulevatd/",:a·n'd:'�Tile:·C()nverto;'.'-toe three overcoat models' . ::ft2'·· 0' :",< . crl�'O"'"that will particularly suit you at. . .,. .'� \ �::��., � .. .,,-r .: .�.1 ..'I ':- '.. .:;."._. ,,': j�,,:,,:'; 'f::'< ... zFoster' Freshinen Entertain.Foster hall Freshmen entertainedthc oldcr wpmcn,Thursday at a hal­Iowc'cn play "The Musical Medley,'·written by Martha Gano. The caStQ)£fici41 $ •• �w �".pApn consisted of Carmen, Marie Nagel;Po... • Jose, Ruth Gartlin; Hamlet, BelleEditorial-s-Business offices, Eilts 24 Bl k 0 h 1" . J ' Terrilf;oc; p e ra,: ammreTelephone Midway Boo. Mail Box Lohengrin, Li11ian Spohn; Cupid."0" Faculty Exchange. Dorothy Dudat and the Butt MooseManaging Editor .' Hiram Kennicott Alice Dorsey.News Editor • • • • .Leon-. Stob�th1etic Edito�. • Bernard ViDissky'.. Business M�ager ••• Bur�ette ��t Law Cla� Elect.All of the law classes elected of­ficers yesterday.' Earl" Gray wasAssociate EditOrL', " .Walter Foute ., Martin Stevers chosen president �f the Senior class,Herman Oliphant of the Juniors, and.William Lyman .•. _ •. John Perlee Carl Robinson of the Freshmen. .ASamuel Kaplan . , _ •. l�arry Gorgas.' .tie in the Freshman class vote be­Holgar Lollesgard . _ George Lyman tween Roe and Ellis necessitates an­Clyde Watkins. , George Cottingham other ballot, which wilt be takenGrace Hotchkiss ., _ Sarah Reinwald Monday .. in the South room at 12:15.Reporters.Lillian Swawite • Dorothy Williston ..Sadie Bonnem.."Even the reporter lias an officeand with clear eyes �d honest Janguage, may unveil injustice and pointthe way to p�ogress. ....;,,;_R. L.' s.' .', � . I - ..� '\.'� •. '.. ;": :.' ',J ::�.: ",/_ � ..• ,: _',,' . ,�;- '::•• ' .: • ,.:': �;' :,; 'P��� '� � :'. -�,,;'.<,�'. l \.1: ,"• . :"., " :: ' '\ " , .: '''...- .,., -, I '..THE DAILY KARbON,. SATURDAY, .NOV.·2. 1912.. '., �" .' ...... .. . . '_ '. , , I'"the Cardinal eleven suffere""at' the .-,-----.-----------...;...----ha d f Ch' I -t' ", ft' . 'h�" FOR RENT-Twv nicely Iucnishedn S 0 Icago as year, a er. av-- .. , . , .' ., , .' .i I d ' I' \'. 't' 't'h' front rooms In private family, Gen-ng ea a g OrlOUS career up 0 e····, , .-, . "J t .t '- .. ,t" . tlemen preferred, 5&>0 Jackson ave-as momen. , . . ' ,.". BaA'- A_ : -'tr'L"iIIf' " \\ .nuc, 1st Hat. ', .." .. wa,ers ��:<�.. u� •., .,'.The strength of �,!le \aggregatiOn at 'TO 'RE'''''T L:-' -f- d' I, • .:: • .' I� .. :,·' ,". �.. - I� tt rout stu y WIt 1W I,sconsm thIS! year IS perhaps pr,etty, ... ��ll" k��n " 'to all by 'the' recora of adjoiniug chamber, suitable for two,also' single -room.: Mrs. Spellman,games played so far his season. �AI-I 6108 Greenwood avenue, -Apt, 2,though' the materiat {or the present: team was not as good or experieneedas that of 'the Coach .Richards' Squadit is frankly admitted by the well .sea­soned folio��rs of football' in :Madi�son, that Juneau 'has perfected a D1a�chine this year which equals,": if' itdoes not .surpass, the near champions FOR RENT-One .. large front roomof 19\1. This 'year the pr�blem �f. the in private home. Suitable for eith­coaching . staff was to build upa de-er one or two students, All modernfensi .. hi h ld b' ,ensive ,organJZatlon w IC. wou, e, conveniences. 5i5Z, .Washington ave-able to stand the batterings of some nue.of the heavier opponents. Ever sincethe first game with Lawrence thr, has WANTED-Monograming and ini­been the noticeable weakness, but by ,tialing on 'linen; also mending andhard pounding and, shifting, of men, plain sewing for. ladies orgentlemen,the bugbear ·has· sloWily 'disappeared,keep enoueh .tatlone"" at banI! for n1r�ral �hon� Midway 4635.use. Solid Quutered Oak. bandaomelT flo- and, in the last few practices, �he.lin�. Is bed. 13.... Espnq Paid. (See note.) .'SOL'ID OAK LETTER FILE has been shown; work worthy of their ', ' . . . FpR RENl';-,Five' room 'apartmentpredece ssors of :la.s{ year. '. completely furnished and 'all out­Van Riper· Is Out. . �,Although the ineligibility, jinx 'has•not invaded the Badger camp this sea,son: a series of accidents have, which.in th� laSt w�ek 'ha�e made' a' mightybig hole 'in 'the Wi�consln 'team'sstrength. During 'the very, first of the W A:tlTED--'.A � Iive capable and in-'season, Van· Ghent was injured in dustrious young' man, . who haspractice and kept out of the game up . spent at least a year or two in the'till th'e last .two days: Although this University, for, work. i�., .our . Ad­was a bad loss it was not. felt so much -vertisln y . and Sales' department., �s t1ie"�moval of Vafi� Riper, 'star half . 'Here is� an' exceprio�al opportunity .� FILING' DESKS· - �dac�,:ah·��'·'I·u�PY:k�,:.I\:(:er,.:�::.: ;l.C,c�:-: :'·'1oJ.;:the·.:.r�··.man,to:Tearn saies and.,' , •. ' �n�, t .!S __��t �.C:�. _ -, '. ��, Iper I� " adve'{ti.sing in a business with a fu-' ' " ,undoubtedly the stronf{est bat� on th:� .:�,t�r'e�::1.>h6ne:\\I:�f��age •. Haymar- AMERICAN WRITING'MACHINE COMPANY.�1:' Badge�;' ag'ir�'�tiJinii\d ,'b;ai-ring Gil- ket Boo, for'interview. .,.. �� ," ,'. . aNC.O�PORA�Enf··"· . :.,:?: ]et�e�'tJi�:.'bes�':groun� gaine,� tNi,sc� i��fis1,"�b�.px.,,�-9I1 tw. .. Y.'��.; .i\"�7 SoUth'�bom St. ...�,�1,,' 0. " • .- chit>Lo' IlL>'; si�.ltIao�* � �een re�· n J" ", ,., ...... � •. ,., _' '7-'l'''':-:'' :"'��.t:t,�.·!,:"I':_"I"�"\ ·r�- . - ,'.. moved� froiDc!b1s knee, and he is taste .:�!:�,�e,.�t'-=�r�F.7: .. ,. ,::"',", -;,:"!:: ·.:')i :" r • _. : •..:,.1 " ,�.... � .•. ; , '_", • >,' " _" '):, . :':�' .:1'. �, . ': to. w:allt�aJ09JJ.� .... ,�s chances £,or par� ,. f, 'tic�tin�' i�� the' 'pme Saturday are " ,�'j - :�:! ' • ..':, . r '. �� � ,,, �ry ��im,�to:, .. y:thct J�ast. �is p�.ce, -The ..'. '._ . :�,,_.'�eolDblne .. dn.w�n In handaome' desk. :Thi �U' ·.,robab11i �:� : take,n, by' '�Doc"� - • Jj.' � , ..... ;1" .. ( , '. ;,:. �:;: :. !.' ,'. c( � ,..:��!a�lId::!�at��h�Q=dt���;= �o.:m�y ��'�d�i;; ·�l;lngi.·t· andfs' w'��'!C �t' �.!r"": ._',::.:, .. S. �� �THi,,-M.lf�NUF�CTUlUNG·�O. Be'rger,·-�t :year;s '�ar\: F�shmin; ,ea e . ,:,,�,:- �IR\).�81' Union St. .. ,MONROE, MICH working t�e other -side. Keeler 'may ..... '. '" .;-,Chicaco msP1aY�1I'''15 S. wabash po"ibI7-l��t in, tbC�p'.�e, b�t it is not i "th Id <I - .t. ., "" certaiD •. ,', ' .,�:_ \ :. ,n. e o_. �n. ays, . th�'; .�'Yea er.. . ',' . . .,' J':" 'r.Is: ·+Y··'fuL .. -. " was associated ··wholly.' with the.. ' • . . • uneaD nOpe .' . .".. ': .. - .... , ," 'f,.·... • ,.:. '.:-' .. Come and Inspect the larlat:lin .' --. ,� ..... , .•. ,.... competing athlete. A G. Spalding...z � •__ ..I d' • 001 ..a:.- Coach Juneau IS saogulDe of suc' . " I.,.. .'. .H &C)J'cqpl. ABU omeatlc:w eaa.� , ".:. _ -; '.",.:" • ,� . .. ." -. '. � '�. BJ:09.· ;Ba�·: changed. all t�at.played ill Hyde PulL, Our �othea ar cess b�t.-I5-also.·st:r0D�m�dlsc?en�l�g �.7' l'h�'n�w; 1 ;;. ';.' ',' .perfection � mat� .. 8t7Je. .... the �b�lity of Stagg� There are no ..... =.... � .. :'.:' '. ',:".:workmaawp.· P'�d.lc��ns I_ ca�· �ake� Vf� .h�ve��� SpaJdini"Au;om�bb� and,'BENEO"'ICT WA"L O. ,good team, an.d whale I look fex VIC- It'.Winter_Sports Sweatertory, Stagg is coming with a stron'g, ." :- I'· .: .MAKER OF SUF�RIORCLOTHB eleve-n·,. and they may'surprise us.... Chi-1445 'E:-. ssth' S�" cago al�ys' has ·so�etliirig"i�::stor�for W�o�siD. and. £Or 'that r�ason Iam, lQOking· for one 'of the harde�tfought, pmes' �z:. {ought OD the, . B�Jger ' gridiron.,; -' ' . .. ' Thi'� ·year ev�ry precautio� is be�in� �tak�� to sta�p out all appearan�s .. A:- G. Sp&lding, & ,Bros.of over c�nfidenc� and to prevent' a :!8-;'.So. ,\�aba'Sh Ave:, '. Chicago, IIJ�petition of what bappene.� lastyear,"': wh.en the .,Cardinal '�ggt"�gatiollAmeri went�' do'Wn'·� to .the 'Windy city for� their annuai conflict. As tbe men lookback over tbe season of last·Year·theyhave. nali;z:ed 'that wh�t· .sapped theRichards', machine of its strength wasthe �sten'ity of 'over confidence, and,if it can be prevented, this will 'nonot stand in the way of Wisconsin"swinning a cha�pionship for a secondThe Daily lI.roon' is no'" on sale a�Daily �aroon, anile copies, 'tift the Prea.- ceDIS, Ellis or Pren..�# Stationery Cabinet.--�-�_,.�-__ ._�_-�� • I f I_��/ '�� ,��J . :...,�-.:: ;2 .....�_-_.,',-: ���,-.��, .. _ ... , �;. �»���-.,<�I)- .:.' .:':'��;.?' ,;-;.tf.:.�".;, ... -hol4. 2e.00. letten orr:�:- • ����t�:�:i:.Golden. Natural . arWeathered flnlsb,.,rawen are' duat­proof and on rollerbearl.eL Frel.htpaid.· (See, note.). ,1S.u...' .Get ·Cataloc .how- "IDe lDan,., hand,.. In- ".;!r��lye Dale. de- \ylcn and Section'Llboolcc""L . Booklet''FIUne 9ueceaUou'abo free..NOTE.-lI'releht orExprea paid '••QUDted to point. elUlt. of MontaDa. W,.DID­Inc. Colorado. Okla­'ho1ll& 'aDeS - TexaL:::::'U7 hlehez: �-::, .,(.----------------�or. WarinesaGOOD COFFEE, Gree_wood Care135 7 E., 55th Street;ChineseJOSEPH SCBMmTStationery. Toilet. ArticlesFine Line of Candies956 E. 55th StreeL' Chic:qo, mImponed and Domestic Line ofCipn and CilaretteL--�� losellhi.e GrahamJ 329 East Fifty- Fifth street.Millinery Impon&tiona Dreaamaldq\ FURNISHED ROOM-East Front,'s'team r.eat� $II, per' month or$14 for two persons. 5702 DrexelAvenue; Jrd apartment.' Telephone, _Midway ·ISi7 ..',* •• :_-side rooms. 'Monern conveniences.j�d -apartment with elevator service.Martin. '1'379 :E. 57th Street, S. w.Carner. Madison and 57th: .. PhoneMidway 977.DAILY M:\ROONSingle Copies-:Five CentsEllis or �re ...for' e\·eryl)ody.':':'Jiie·n" and women," -is a garnien't f6r� all�around use­, cOl1lep,tit�rs,.". a�d 'lookers-on. To; . :��jo� 'th�, Fali �b'd Wi�ter out- 'I door' sea.soIl' you' should have aSp'alding Automobi�e' Sweater._. -."Ally $1dt or· Overcoat In theBOIIS�'. M&.de"to'.Order ,$18."\�'." ,. Julius C001ie� .THE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1126 East Fifty.Fifth'Street.Union' Made.We also do high grade repairing and.pr��sinJ1: at very low prices.time. ANDREW· McADAMSFlorist and DecoratorFifty·third St. and Kimbark, Ave.Tela. Hyde Patk is. .:. Chicago, mTeU�phone Hyde Park 2137Soares to: Conduct Class.IDr. Soares, acting chaplain of theUniversity, will conduct a class in Re­ligious Education at the school of Ed­acation for �oar weeks at 4:15 o'clock.•'":., '; .- ...... - --'. � � ... : .;... . '...'·:MAL T .. MARROW"• ..I"It "Str���s",.:1 .. '.ltIalt .arro� is a gr�at. bra� build�r-it is recommend�., bY,'phY,8icU;msDruggists Sell It -.Producers ,of �ALMA .MATER .McAvoy Malt Marrow Department2304-8 South'. })ark Avenue.'Phone C�et 5401TYPEWRITERs RENTED$5.00. for. Three Mo�thsEvery machine �teed to, be in fuse. working or-!er, and w.ill be tk�t 'EO during term of rentalWe deliver the machine' and cali for it at the ecd of th� rental term.We also have for sal�· a fine 'Hneof Factory kebuilt mac:hmes of all'makes on which you �:::' ��'�;�0.16 � �e��,'- " .. ', ... � .. � .... � ... � ...Telep��� �arrjJO!l �3S9y, . ". - �. ,', ..... '� -, ..I': II'...'. �.- . "lfAIRDRESSING. MANICURING.. _ .. ,'. � �4" ... : • • • •.. ....... • .. ', ., .,: " '-CHIROPODY,... ' �...... _ � --'- • "'t-,'..•..Mrs.: . Gervaise ·'Graham.... ,. . ' � .- ,..15 .�,A��on St.Venetian Buildinc(Opposite Fie1d's-uader Huyler's..'" ..... .,,� .....�HICAGG.1111 c.&taae' an ... A��" ..- .,:: ....t- ,.'-�.�.�"Itr'I,I. If·:'-• ! c'. #.A'" '-�.'.•' .... ..� .1.:- _,. �,,:�,. /'��."!."/'t,.'." , ,. -; ••••• �.: .;� "�'I" �.�;;? �?:) �:.�� ... J.,> '.::��/:' �. � ... ',� ... '.\, . :--",.. "'--�: i .... ;- , ,'_:' 1.. �, ,. .. � ','fIJ , .... _• , ... _or,'� -....... _......'1_ .. '<'Y ME :.;;;:' t ,""a ' ..... " � . m TH'E DAILY illit'OON •. iSATt··�DA.Y. NOV. � itU. ..- ". ';)' 'it "5 . - .... ». r·- . - . y-" .J'CoilING W:EEK At' EMPRESS' PUBLIC 'COHCE:RT '. � , . ., . I'The program at the Empress 'forl .__ NOT.c.S verstt>.':=-w� ��.' fi�st conducted by 'Of 'the t'heater tliat he. ·,would'. int'ro-' ma.·a; Meph:stophe1cs peers. throughthe coming 'week will certainly afford. lCo'ininlied from:.p.lie one) the,�a�k�� H�r�n�.. .' I duce a ballet-Into the tragedy, AI the window at the happy scene, 'andample amusement for all those attend- ' .. ...lle fourth sy:trip'hony Was published smatl orchestra was gathered to.l·finally enters the place wi-th his com'i"g. The bill is composed of five act. and contentment' in the 'rural sur- in ll!og,··the-separate orchestral parts gether, it. concertmaster Eugene I pan ion, who straightaway fall. a -vic·that are strictly new as far as theatri; roundinb'S that he loved. "Bethoven. 'ollly being printed, The score=-a vol.' Ysaye. Tit. connoisseurs waxed en_l.tim to the charms of a smart villagecal doings in Chicago are. concerncd. must have been inspired;' wrote lime of 195 ·page.-appeared in 182t.1 thusiastic for "Les Erinnyes," and its "belle. Faust, exhibiting some dif-The headliner on the program 'is Crove" "when he conceived and Of the first 'performances iu. foreign I musk, but the public was bored, fidence about leading this .ntaiden into"Xick's Six Roller Skating Girls." worked out the many beautiful countries it :js 'possibleto say 'that the' Three years later. (May IS, 18jG) the dance, is twitted by Mephisto­This act is distinctly differe�t from themes of this joyous composition." nrst . authentic interpretation 'of the the tragedy with Massenet's music pheles, who laughs at him for beingany heretofore seen in vaudeville. It As the symphony is dedicated 10 symphony in London was by the W:1S revived at the Theater Lyrique abashed before a woman when heis composed of a sextette of yoiIilg Count Franz Oppersdorf this is a Phil- harmonic 'SOCiety in 1821 but 'it' .� la Gaite. For 'this representation "has just had it out with Hell." Me­ladies who are making their initi�1 fitting place to stale that during had pro"';bly. been played •before,' Massenet .rescored his music for full phistopheles then indulges in a char'American tour in this act. Beet,hoven's visit to Prince Oppers-: since until 1821, DO precise recrds orche�tra,. and. he added 'much new �cteris.tic. sneer at the village music-Marie Stoddard will be feature of dorf s castle near Obeglogan, and the I wc:re. kept of the concerts, which be- �atenal, JJlc1u�l�g choruses. The re- rans, tellmg them that their waltz i-sthe program. She is an unusual count-an excellent amateur musician I gan .JJ1 181? .J� France the "fourth vival was not �ltogetl.ler s�ccessful: altogether too slugbrislt-Dl-)t livelycomedienne and entertainer of high -later commissioned the composer to symphony .would seem to have been' The �atrol1s of the Gaite had, fifteen enough for "youth, full of blood andclass. "A Matrimonial Substitute,'� write a symphony for him, for which performed for 'the first time on Feb-� ,�ays previously, gazed upon the glow." Then. borrowing one of thethe brilliant laughing hit of the sea- he ,offered 350 florins-a little over ruary 21, 18Jo. The Philharmonic So- flighty brilliance. of, Offenbach's violins, he starts up a mad waltz intot;Un will be acted by the well 'known'.ninety dollars. This was in l80j; but ciety of New York interpreted· the Orphce aux, E�fcrs:' It was asking wli'ch Faust plunges' wildly with hi'Spair, George Palmer Moore and] in the following year Beethoven, who wor'kTor the first time on November. too much of. them to demand that partner.Florence. Ellio�t. The. �our- LeSI' had �n�en<1cd the Iifth symphony for 24, 1849. .. they.should take antiq�e drama; �eri- -------j ardys Will thrill the audience with the count wrote a letter-somewhat '-SUite, "Let . EriJinyes. ., ously. Those who did, complained CHICAGO'MEETS WISCONSINrare physical feats. An old' time fa�or_I'aba�hed in tone-to explain that: he' 'jules �assenet. . j that there too much music in the TODAY IN CRUCIAL CONTESTitc, Grant Gardner by name, better had been obliged tc dispose of this The' pieces in the Suite which' is piece: m�sic�an� who admired Mas- -known as the mirthful blackface music symphony and also another, but' that played 'upon this occasion ori'gimilly scnet s msprratrons declared that (Continued from page one)box. will keep the audience roaring' the work ha'd been ordered would rorrned : part of incidental: music and there was a superfluity of dialogue --for a�ut twenty minutes, Captain shortly find its way to Oberglogau. choruses which were' written for the and that it would have been much be same astheouethntIacedWiscon­Anson, the grand old man of baseball, Count Oppersdorf received the syrn- production of Leconte .de· Lisle's' more to his ad�antage if Mass.enet sin 'last year. Norgren, at right halfwill be the. leading light of the follow- phony ill B flat soon after this, but Olntiq�e tragedy "Les Errinyes," atl had turned the whole �work into an Pierce at full' back, and Paine ating week's' program.-ADV: it is evident from the fact that his the Odeon, 'Paris, Jan. 6, 18jJ. Mas.: opera. . quarter back, will complete the back'____________• relations with Beethoven ceased tron, senet was "summoned to the Odeon,·1 SY:qlph<:»nic.Sl:cetch "Ona Sununer Af- field quartet. These men are vet-• FIVE PLAYS GIVENTO' ABBOT' BOWERS that time that he was piqued at the read the tragedy . and was aireadyl '.. ternoon.'" crans aJid it is upon thcir work that. FOR BLACKFRIAriS treament which he had received. The humming the music, which the �erse Frederick Stock. Chicago rooters arc. pining theirf(_.urth symphoriy was first perform. �f Leconte d� Li'sle had inspired him, I New Composition. .The notes will hopes. � Pierce's plunging ability won--. ed in the middle of March, 1807, at a before h.e Ie. it ·tbe. theater. }'''ifte· c' ... I be published in Tuesday's issue� ·the.�game -for Chicago last year al1�1 i�Five plays were handed in for the ··1 U wconcert given-to quote The Journal days later' he . b'�ought the finish�d Mephisto Waltz.. ' e. xpected' to be a great factor today.consideration of the Bllackfriar judg- .' .., Des Luxus und 'der Moderb-"in the �core to' Duquesnel, and the first hear-I :.' Franz Liszt. . Nor.gren· will take care of the· puntin ....tog committee.' The contest. ,closed bI . h dwelling ho.. use of Prince L." Bee'· ing of the music was' given �n piano . ·Liszt· wrote two "EpI'sodes" ·.after· inJ, add.ition.·to ,his other duties at halfast DIg t and was ch�racteri,zed, bykeener competition •than that of last . '.hoven' s blpgrap her, Tha yler, ·be· which '_stood iiI' the . manager'". rooin..l. N �cholas' Lenau's 'po<m ., F anst"; ;th'; b•• �. . H � is. su�erior to t he WiscOl�-year. According ,to Abbot Bowers' hevs.. the c<:>nce�t. to ,h�;1! take� :.he. dlre:���� of· the., Odeon was (Ie- ';first is entitled "A Nocturnal Proces� Sl.� men ,I!! thiS department. HISthe plays are uo,u5ually.:gooti. 'The:' de- p,lac� m the mansIOn of Prmce Lob:.. lighted ·:wrth �assenet's work, 'but :5ion," and ·'the :secorid "The Dance � ,�ck.s� a.�era� 'over fifty yards and arecision of the judges Will i,be "madel �OWI.tZ. ,There wa_:;·a s�co,nd P�rfo�ri1. Leconte de Lisle was ·not. The·a Co�ntry Tavern"-<>therwise knowD �a�tlful �splral9.known by Novem'ber IS. ;The' �iayst an�� �f ��",e sympho�y,a.t a. ch,�rit! po�t deda.t::d'that the mus�c was ·u!'-'" 'as' the ;Mephisto Waltz. The score i�', .'. U� Same Line.were: "The Countess of Course,'" c�ncert gJ.,.ven at tb� Berg Theater, su1ted:·to:'hl� �ra�;,�t���: it . would' inscribed :!ijth.a:long:quotatioD from ,!he,lme wllI_be the same that faced"The Futurists," "Being Btackfriars �,I V,I.enna, Novemhc!r 15, ISoj, and' a prevent·.;the·."V01ces .of he .actors froml Lenau's poam, having refereJtce.:b:, a Purdue although the men have im'"Uorriany F�ir" and ''Nu 'b" 'T·· _,,f: tliud took pbce about New Year' at being heard: ·that the whole affair Was! situation which may be ·.:outlined proved greatly since that time. Hunt-, mer. en, f th f f h ..' ,. '.. I; I . ...... d V" one 0 e per ,ormance 0 t, e C�n'-: ·un.b,earable •. Th'e1 manager and 'tile· bri.efly' as, follows; .-:-A.peasant. wed. mc,on an. ruwink will play ends,, ��rts O. f. �mat.. eurs,.. The. c�ncert.s-.. , au, .thor. engaged in,._:·warm altercatiOn, �J.dilig.is·in progres�·in'a village ·ta. vern '_Vh. il.e CapjaJD_ Carpent�r., and SellersThe· Dany �a.:�n is .,.�w on sale t fi h M h1 u'_ '- 11 har the Pras; .. ' , !. � gtven.", rst· ID t e. e !I"'�e, 'anil anet· LOconte. d�h"'e w= bp'�gh� t� .· .. h.• ',"along. COme Fa,;,stand' MepbiSto- WI ,start t e. game �t tackles. Tho: later III the large hall of, the Uni-. re�n by,the t4r.eat of .tb�. �ir��torl'phelesi·.ihe�lattcr disgUised· as a hunts-. �nds:. .are. playmg their' first year of... ' .'.-_. '.'. ".' .., ,.' Varsity. football�. ·but have' shownAVTM ....... D� •. _.',I ; :th.'.�mse·.· l�:.to be ap' t pu'pils of Coacll, . _ ,,�._"'". �4g-, ' AMUSEMENTS.·. ,'. ..'-._ AMUSEMENTS , ' ·.A.nr$ft.· ..'· .. ·EN.. TS.·:·· ';I �" AlB : �ta":· ,�They are especially good on2 ��.. '-.�.�.��.._�,�.;.... ��.��.�.�.�.�.�.. �_�.',�.�.�:�,�.�.c�,,:t-.:£������.".f'� , .. _ _' I . :'Klaw &�·'Er1aneec preseaat. utarlty. The center trio, Des Jardien,; ... _: .... !��I;. �.' ., _ .. -; -�""""O""YE-.�· -L-T-Y-.-.�·P...·H-�-.TO-.-··.:...�-L-A-Y-·- I 'LY<na ���., '. �'.." , .. -., .. ). �!t'side ancr'Scanlon, are cotlSist·&�.Street �'.Cottqe �.'.. AY� lfive'�Ree1S nightly �t'the .latest m.ov-'I"Ci..� _ ·.. .,.ib ,';..;..'�' ,,',,-,; • enne, :r.II�TON.ES: :' ••5 ent·players. 'Des Jardien is beyond aW' . -.' - .' , ''-SO''· •.4.1..... '). !." uang nwa'--"",mIl:UY.·'''''_orns 'and .. d bt'th L_ I' ',.! _'St..tIii.r �� • :u�.-t mg pictures. High ·c1ass:S-on.. g� B.est � .. � .. " .V"_... ,H-: .•_.ll-i:....:; .• f�.�.�. • ISPII ou e &A:st meman on the team.. soi.::::v-::f' IJ: CO�"� Of. music by. higb class' ·;orcbestra. �:�c..;;,�=_� Volimt; , . He :is ,,' sur� pas'.r, never making aPRODUcDrfj." DEPARi'IiENT Come and near th._ D.ew $i,soo pipe �. __ .��. '•.. ' _'?"" - <lip, and is a first.cJass tackler•. Aft'ROUNCE .. oi-gan. . . "., ,L.A.:,SALL'E:: 'The tea� arrived in Madison yes·GARRICK' .. terdayafternoon at 4:30. The men" THE 8L:�, BI�' t. were' entertained at a purity ba'nquetI TIlE"GIRL' �T THE"GATE at 6 in the Ass�ciation hall. Speech-Mats. wed Fri. and" sataiday. :- .... ," ,.,. es were made by Coaches Stagg and_____________ _..;._. _ ��------------_-.. Ju�eau an� the Captains of bothA.UDIT'()R.liJ�"- ••. ��iN� .. ,.'. .' ··WIIi:; If.:.-.d PraentsJohn 'Hyams{aud � ��ntire 'iJ!a Tbe:-Pirsi' Cfdeacd�Perf� ofTHE GIRL OF KY. DREAIIS' .:l BOttGHT"AMI)'P:iUI)�P'OR_ . .. . . By Geo.:"! Broadh1ll"St. '------,;;..._-------I . Aft'��mf'Plq�'of T0-:da7C�� ; ._" .-.".) RaymOacl·Ifitdicock·iIITHE RED WIDOWThe Minbful BJacJrface lIasic BozMatintee2l W cd. aDd Sat.'rHE MAN HIGHER UP. Has Climbed· to Popularity..2SC to 'I.SO The bes� seats in the house may beprocured at the same price you �ouldpay at the box office by merely step­'ping into· the ·Maroon office to put inyour :Order.The theaters we handle are:Garrick Theater,Princess Theater.America.D Music HaIL. - �'.HICrs' SIX' ROLLER-.SKATING•• � �I .! 9J.� ',"r"jlARIE) STdDDARD'DazzJinC En� of �i&h clasS·.. Geo. Palmer..:....IIOORE and. . EJ.LIOT-F101'�In Their Brilliant Laacbinc Hit, "AMau:imonial Substitute..• "':T..ES :JARDYS:"".In Rare Physical Feats.·.' GRAN'f GARDNER TONiGHT, 'As' You Like It (three reel)A \ uiarvelous prOduction of ShUe':speare'� drama.AND OTHER�SUNDAY. The Foundline, (drama) ,The �Oacher's Pardon. (drama)Boston�New York World series.A great picture showmg aU the'ac:it': -... �.. . ... ..me momenta m � game.AND OTHERS. Path� Weekly Every Friday:. Current Events. .MaiD P1oo:·�=�O� •••• '! ;�I�" COLC;»��L .Balcony. aU seats. ••••••••• SC teams.SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVESFOR-GAM·E AT MADISONContinued from page I.)-- -----------Matson, Moulton, Russell, Hardinger,Hatcher, Halley, O'Connor . PetrichRedmo�, Shull, Whiti��.' Natwick:Sellers, Shively, Sparks, Beckwith andGordon.A feature' of the special will be acafe car on which lunches will beserved at regular lunch room prices.The train is scheduled to reach Mad­ison at 12:'30. Although the ticketsdUow a stop �ver of a week, for theconvenience of those who wish to re'turn tonight a train will leave Madi­son at 6 and will reach Chicago at10:,30.A large number of Chicago womenwill be entertained hy the Wisconsin\Vornen's Athletic Association at ahanquet before' the game.� .. :' CHI�A.�.._ •• - -0 �. __ • _ : QPERA HOUS�'·,·Ricl&ud car__Hattie,,� .I THE! OIRL.FROII,IIGNTIlARTRI!'Iacladiq" J .. 11.' Barrie'. Barlciaque: ,'problem' play.A St.lCB·OF::LDB7=30 and 9:15PRICES:f0c2-2�Soc "'CHRISTY MACDONALD:. 'In' the :Sprblc- llaid. IPAY ACE wriMUi .1:.'-_ � : WttgDUWN TBEATRf.L14 .L1a"'� � SS .. s.. ... WeodIawaAYe... . The only 5c .Show in Hyde ParkHenry Woodruff -£' Co. GQ:Od, Music and Good Picturesin "A Regular Business Man." s,.ctaI reaamadar.u.a .....The Ben Family GAUilOIfT WEEKLY EVERY TllUaSDAYc.",., .... tsBeUe Baker. ARD OTIIER PICTURESHarry FOll: and Mm�p"S�· .--Hunting & Francia "The �: '. Nob"�;' '<-ORCHEstRA BALLLa Toy Bros.;Ddmar • Delmar. : "Bl1�ON' � 'HoLMES. . TraVelope8.' 'Colored Views and' 110---------------------�---- doft'��.. __ . INDIA, II.The Taj to the ·Himalayas.Estral N�t Sunday Aft'n at 3=30""pAliAMA' .. OL'Vl\,IPICTHEATER TICKETS •ILLINOISOTIS· .SKINNERin KISIIETpOVVERS FIac Flies at Half Mast.The campus flag was flown at halfmast yesterday on account of thedeath of YJOe-presldent. Sherman.CORT� • ....:r. I ' •.PINE FEATHERSJ)raIatic Senado.. lIRa•. ��. KB'c. � 'DIe lIJiIa ...... -�','". ;