" f'I: ""I' •.' :11., .... ,_.., .. ,-,. Ufnlttt'.1 '�I,. ,',I VOL., X,I. No. :lJ. "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THCI�SDAY, OCT. 31, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.RoosEvELT � SUG�T LEAD HOLD FINAL PRACTICE, FOR WISCONSIN TODAYStraw B'al1ot Gives, Colonel 195 andWilson 190- M�n Students Favo.rWilson-Votine Will Continue To- Vanitr Sqaad WiD Run Through For-day in Cobb. _ matiou to Be Used Against'____ the Ba4genII,I SNAPPJMASS �rING " ASltYRIGFOR W.,A.'A.SHOWjPROGRESSIVES HoLDPROMISED,FOR tONIGHT Em��n� E�ns �o�c O�� to Bel' MAss MEET,' ING TODAY..... Presented III WlD:tei Quarter Needs ' , --.M��:�IIW:t;;� Verses and Mwiic-Plot Is CoEripli-1 Faadt; \YiU Speak at Lasi RaUyat tJ.e�I"" cated. ' UDiverlity Today in Kent 'Speakers Theater,---" ,BONFIRE COMPLETES PROGRAM Faculty Students VANRIPER IS UNABLE TO PLAY.1 Lyrics and music arc desired' forthe new W. A. A. comic opera, "By MEWAM SPEAKS TOMORROWand By" writtt!l� by Eruestiue Evans 'Rocsevelt�nnounce Assistant Cheerleader Com- ' '" 15 III 69-195. • S d and to be presented-In the early part Mr. Frank Funk, Mrs. Raymond Wilson 12 122 56-190 Star Half Back's Injury May KeeppetitiOn-- tu ents May Secure .�ats From Committee. of the winter quarter. Robins, and Others wtu M:;ke Ad- Taft 1 26 12-39 Him Out of Game-Team LeavesAU students, alumni and faculty dresses at Sans S�uci. Debs 26 2-1I Tomarrow.members of the University arc asked Chafim 2 1-3The Band A QuartetThe Program. to enter this contest. The play will Final speeches 'to he made at the Wilson and Roosevelt are in the CC:ntrary to expectations, no scrim-Director StaCC. be read next Tuesday afternoon at Uuivcr sity in favor of the Progres- run ning+-Taft is out of it-at least. mage between the Varsity and Fresh-Fred Merrifield. 3:15 in Cobb 6:\, and those who. con- sive party will he made t{ day at 3:30 that is the conclusion to be drawn man squads was held last night. InWalter Steffen. template writing either music or lyrics in Kent theater. Seventeen members from the first day's vote conducted stead the greater part of the time-"Pat" Pace. are invited to be present. «f 'the Faculty will each make a five oy tl,l,e Political Science I classes yes- was devoted to practicing the forma-Captain Carpenter. The story of the comic opera, --ny 'minute ta\k on "Whv I a'm a -Bull tvrday. The balloting will continue tions which will he used against theThe Team. and By" deals with", University sub- �loo,;e.'· The speaker's wilt. he: Deans today and probably tomorrow 011 the Badgers. The team needs plenty ofThe Three Quarters Club. teet. In the year 1920, the honor poiut �Jathc\,·�. Butler. 5111al1. Linn, and rirst floor of Cobb from 8:15 to 3:15. defensive and offensive prcatice but. Songs znd Cheers.' system has so devastated the ranks Breckinr-idgc. the Hc\'. Charles \V. Mr. Bramhall who is in charge of Coach � :;!gg was forced to forego_____ of the students that there is only 'Gilkey. Pr'ofc:,so'r:-; 'Co'utter,. and the voting expressed satisfaction at .this in order to get the plays to run'Fred Merrifield, 'g8, captain of the one-man left in the University of Chi- Urc:l:-'ted, Associate Professors the size of the vote and the interest off :;�'l':c::�hly.baseball team' in J8c)8, will speak at cago, He 'is Perigrin Poncar, alone Xeff. Bedford and Blauc liard, Mr. shown in it. Answers to the qnes., Prospects Are Slim.the Wisconsin mass meeting in Man- and popular among the many maidens 'Merr iticld. and Mr. Bramhall. 'Prospects for, a victory over theh k h ' .E t I 1\1 c 1 '. f (Continued on page four)del at 8:15 tonight. Director Stagg, .. v 0 rna ee up t e undergraduate body. ( wan c onoug ley. president 0, Badgers look exceedingly slim. ac--,\ssista�i Coach Page, and \Vatter At the end of the first act, the the Progre ssivc club, will introduce ------- ccrdinjr to, Coach Stagg. The weakSteffen, who has been helping Mr. strain of keeping up competition for Dean llath'cws who will preside at COMMONS PREPARES PIES' part of the· team is the line. TheStagg in rounding. the team into his favor, and at the same time win- the meeting, The Jane Addams chorus I FO:R FRESHMAN CONTEST line 'has'received no practice becauseshape for the game Saturday, Captain ning honor points is so much for the will probably sing. The nieet ing willI ' 'it has been necessary to practice form'Carpenter, and the members, of. the women that "Bob," 'the suffragette, start promptly at 3:30 as it is neces- Manager 'Barrell Superintends Con:" ations instead of holding ;;crimmage -team will be the otherspeakers. conceives the idea of a grand Tottery -ary for some (�)f tIlt! sP'eak'ers to leave struction-Athletic Numbers Ex- B!ocking' and starting with the hallBand'arid Club Will Ap��_ (0 take' place on Commencement night early. pected to Draw Crowd. alr o came in for a ·part of the time.The remainder of the' program num- the 'winner of the .lucky ticket to have .Hope to Fill Kent Theater. In all prohahility there wi11 be nol;er.s,.wi1l� he furnish'ed by the band: the field to herself. Frau Hen�ichs, "The executive committee is ex- A dozen luscious blueberry pies are 'scrirnmape tCI!:ght as it would be un-the Three 'Quarters club, .and possibly who has had an unhappy love affair, - -�ontiiiu;don page 4) 'to be baked tomorrow by ,Manager wise to run any risk ,of injuring anv;( ..a quartet .picked from .among. .tbe �.s t�ste,d, to,:hold the lottery box_..' � Barrell, of Hutchinson commons, for "I the III Ct. Oil. the eve 01 the game,'t: : ; .members of the Glee_club. T,he band A week passes. The alumnae re- ONE HUNDRED S�UD�NTS consUtllptioniil the annual pie-eating The, team wi11 leave tomorrow_ ii " ,".' . _: wiU star't' ��'-With -selections ,a<8.�it1� :��itJ .. :alui;:fi.n.����.i:n'�� :chang��t ·.i\ll �'s, BUY' TICKETS' TO' M.A1;>ISON c'on,tc�i to be ht..i]d Frid.;y night �t the morn:l'!� at t r :.10 'on the St. Paul and�� .-:--�H,_' �. -_-,,� :--'�·,)lie":'"au<U�rice., i;·expe�te'd··':1t():'1.�e·'aS! iil'�ieadine�s'foi-'lb,e'drnW1ng;:but �C:�� '�j, ., ::,:�'����'�,J':":., ,.' ,--+:----":r.� g�h�i..�,op1l.�rM'i�:,.:Smokei.-i�:.ih,e, �wjJJ,lC\r.rLv� .• i.n,'.1\'1ac,Ii,:'Q.ILj_IJ_:..t1Jl)t., :�or.' .. i[., . "._ 'srnibled jjy',�:I·S, •• �u�y Matthr�. will :'P.'�"'�h_<> i!'""".t'�� ,the se�ret is ��+ Over-Three' HUndred Are. Ezpe.,ted ncyn,;ids club the�ler_ ·The smoker ihe pllri,y ha"'llIe' wi.kh will he i.c1d .II have',ch_,rge,and ,Wilham MacCracken ,mg 'hls',J�jured,fee1mg� . because :he IS to It;fa� 'Tr.ip �n, Football.'· m;na'g,=ment desir�s that' ail Fresh- .'ir..�the, audito�iu1l1 of thc :\�sociation.\ ' may assist iff the: leading of- che�rs.·, '. �o£{J:o.'Psjste�tIY"·'·' �iiubbed. Conse� , ',.s!>eci�t 1I1�li' cOI�le ou·i a�d break the record han.;i Final,tryoubsfor the position �f-�� ��entlf/i1C�� proposes to the o�e'per� huilg u� l>y �rend: "12, ,who' i� .b'is Badgers Have Difficulties;'r ,. sistant·� cheerl��de� will be.' herd and .,;iii. ::with' 'has been f';re�';r faithful, M r_ Ui II smore a 11 nou!.ce'l yesterday Fresh min yea'r �onsumed' a pie in 38 The ·nadi<�r.· also seem to be ha v'the. choice of the Under�du�t�!�ou�. ,�riau )din�. "'Tlie,-women ·tea� this, as thaf 'nearly one hundred tickets. for scco�d�� ': ' .. . ' "ing difficulties' in bringing 'th� squadcil wiil be 'made known, at 'the; ma�s th'C:' �qx is to 'be 'opened, '�nd turn up- the trip to Madis'on Saturday had I>ccn 'Rnxe'rs �'n�l: Wrestlers. in 'the rival TtTt� 'proper condition for t11e g-;lme.mee'ting._ The winne:- of the co�t;st 'o'il: "�b:'" .She promises.to make.. ev· sold. Iic:-;i(le:; these �icarly, half of the classes �rt!'_ b�ing sigried- up fo� th'e The 'scruhs.' using thc Chicago playswill probably accompany the team to erything right l>y overt11ro,wnig �ht! hio�k of three'lnl1ulrcd scats rcserved weight contests Friday night. In the in scril1unagt', tore through theMadrson and help Matthe',ws, at t�e �ystem and applying suffragette tactics for'the, Chicaf,.!o r('�')ters have 'been light\vci'�ht box'ing divisi�'i1,the Fresh� Vh'rsify·1ille , .. ithout much trouble.game. Maroon tin horns wil be sOld t(_. a�:cartJi;aign' for the good old days. disposed of. Mr. Dinsmore stated men �il'I, b� 'represented by Vernon The 'coaches .ire excee(lillgly worriedto the students after_ they �av� 'been The', act.·'ends with a cho�s of un- tllat the sale was coming up to all ex- Brown. Ano't,h,er, lig"htweigh:t is de-I o,'er fthc outl.:-ok; according to advicesassembled. changing ,Chicago spirit. pectation", ,and that h�.. cxpected o"cr sired from among the first year men from' Madison:Bonfire to, Follow ;Progr-...m: .' ':�' A� ,lrldi�n . Swomii :possessing a thrce hundred rooters to make the' as thci�' are' tWo ,Sop�om�r.es on' th\! The coat hing staff has' becnDecorations and the stunts of tile ,��ypoderic of facts, fiction, and possi- trip. Thc hand and the Freshman card.' Monty Fisher and James s'trengthcned hy the arrival of many"b.l-t.' ,.' fi ' .. I· I team will accompnay the rooters Sevie. r are the Iglove w, ield,ers in wbom f<:rmcr Radgcrs 'who ha,·c come to aid, I lies, gures ps::omment y 10 t le" plot, 'adding to the 'the 'complexity of Saturday morning. . thc Sophonlo'res" r�pos�' 'thcdr:" faith. the team to beat Chicago. Van' Riper,'DR. SPARKS WILL BE ORATOR '11< �tory, and heightening the drama A large lIumber of women h.ve an- Cand:dates·in·t1;� ·middle and heavy 'he �tar hall hack, scen�. 10 he outand the humor of the situations. r.otinced their intenti()11 'of 'going to wc:-ight's' a��'- u'rgdti t(;' c�ih� 'forward of the game for ,scveral weeks .. His.,,·�S ' . 'b d Madison. They w'iII be enttrtained today' and get' in �l.i�/ t�: de(end ih�i'r loss will be a blow to the team. VanPresident of Penn. State� WI;I1 s� eve�t�n song. num ers are e- ' ' �at CODvocatiOn.·' ' .;;. �ired for th� play, and the competition hy the Wisconsin \Vomen's Athletic d�ss l�citi�rs. Both �iasses have 'pro' Ripcr wrcnchcd his kncc in practice• hI'" .' ' �ssociatioA at a hanql1et ',before' the 'dt�ccd 'teams of 'wrestiers; but" as ia!'t, week and his It, .... wa!' 'placed in �l..';. e d to furnish words and music for ' �-,--I ie' Th I f game. ;\11 women intcnding'�o make many e"e�ts wiil be' -sfaged as there cast which' was removed yesterday.Edward Earl Sparks, President of lien.. e gcnera nature 0 the . ' ,. . the trip may l'ign up, in Lexington are candidate's.' Tl_1e men signed -lip The Cha!ICeS of his appcaring in the',. Pennsylvania State, �conege, will be .,.c;ongs deSIred is �� foll�w5:, -, A' D - e."Ymnasiunl. �etserday .were. Rolfert:' P���nall 'and lineup are, very slim.the orator at the Autumn convocation I., song' sung hy oily, concern-· h h' � b h . The special st�et train on the Illi· Charles Schively, for the, Freshmen, Van Ghent May Play'which:takes place on Tuesday Dece11l7 Ig- t e ,c a, nges. '�. ,��� ave taken place " . ,.h' U" • , noi.. Ct'ntral that will carry the Leo' Hppl> and· Lester Reid, for the Van Ghent, who injured his ankleber. 1- in Ma'ndei. - at· t e.. UniVerslty.·,lrom '98 till tile '., ', ,I, , • .... ,,' , rooter� is sche(luled to arrive in Mad- Sophomores." _" earlier in the season, will probably be.'. l'�esident Sparks was ProJessor 0,' f ttme' of, tnc play '(J920).r '. A::: I ' ,.;, i�nn ahout 12:30. It will leave Sixty- An attractive 'progf:tm of stunB is ahle to play Saturdai·. He was oneHis,tory :n .the' University: ontil five' 2. toplca so�t..y�guely connected r oJ,. h k!'··· . " third strect at i:15 Saturday morning, hcilig shaped for 't.he ·smoker .. Se\'cral of the stars of last '·car's �quad. Heycars ago when h'e was c_alled'�" b,is .Wlt ma mg a dat� ,with a man. To .1. I..:_' ..... ,' .. ". 'and will stop -at Fifty·thinl strect and conicdy song hit:... are to he m\'en, theA hearty welcome Uc sung oy Angelina,., �.. '. at Twclfth strcd. The train is sched' mandolin. cluh 'is to come on for aof his visit' here is � '.3. A song 'hy Peregrni concerning " .his ".idea1." uled to leavc the Twclfth strect sta' tltili1her. I and' Lindquist will, sing. A\ I S .. hI' tion at R The tickds allow a stop- no\'el kind of medley' will 'be some-Announcement is made, of a· cor- 4·: song )y wam11, t e ndlan, ' ', O\'er of a wc('k in l\Ia(li:'on. hut f(Ir thing 1I�\v in the ",way bf entertain-rection in thc' Convocation daie as "Who's \Vho in India." rhc"'e who wi:-h 10 return Satunlay mcnt. hI additio'n: to these numbers.5. Suffrage song.6 G I I�kht .'\ train will leave .\(,\(Ii:-,on at (, tl1<' mamigclll'ent 'h�s gone' to O're�t ing- the nlt'n cr,o :-;1('w1.,· hl'cau�e they. erman C laracter song. Frauline � ,.,. I I I alHi wi11 arri\'(' in Chicag-o) ahout 10:.\0. difficulty an(1 expense, in securing thc ie.-.:- that o\"erconri,lcncc ma.v ruinS1Og� a ,out a, over S le had years ago• G :\ ft·autrc of the �p('cial will he a cafe scrv1cc!'o of Arthur Dale '.O',Xeill. t 2. their chances for th(, champiol1.:hip10 ennany., J· 7 a· h f \ I car where lunchcs wili l�c servcd at a lately arrh·e(l factor in the drama .mee more. The cnach('s have been• osmg c onls 0 I ct .nO" . 'h " - 'f A II CI I :-cf,.!ular IUllch room priccs. of I;ational p�1itics. 'ClUb members dec1ar.' ing that thc tt'am'!" def(,llsi\'c.,. penmg c ortis 0 ct . lorusof tl' h' -'d II d I Thc price of the tickets t<i Madi- who were present at thc smoker work is rag�('cI and if it cines not illl-mo lers w 0 are ml ( e age a urn' "na" .. 't' d ht t son anff rcturn i� �5.20 hut, thc :\th- g;vcn last year will appreciate the nrm·c. Chica�o will win.�. \lSI mg aug ers a convoca-.. , . .. "tion. ' ',letic departmcnt will refund $1.20 to choice of Mr. O'Neill for',a place o� .. -.----10 Son b D II 'L_ "'d I' an stu<knt:-; ;lnd mcmhers of the the smoker program., ' I ffidiana. Plans for the Rohert \V.. g y 0 y on Itcr I ea. I' ;11: Irish love song. faculty mak!ng the triP,. Regular :\ complete 'progT'�m �or th�;.S!nOk�rl' Long- ho .. pital of I n(li'-'l1a univ('r�ity. $2.00 scat!'o tor the game wl11 he �01c1tWilJ be ahnounced m The Maro?n hav,c heen drawn up an,1 the work of.' . .(Continued 'on page lour) at a stmlent ratc of fifty cents. tomors:ow mornirag. exca,·ation begun,... . .. - Men Women'.',ttir :,jr1-_I," I(Continued on pal!e 4) ,"Ipresent position.(';1 t he occasi�nanticipated. Illay be scnt in at onc of the guardIIr t:tcktc JlQsitions. Kellct, another,'I1C oi t hc injured list, will probablyht' ahlc tt? get into the gamc.Thc Baflgcrs are confidcnt although;hc (Ideat of la�t year's tt'am is mak-i,I gh'en in, the University calendar forthe year .. 1�12·13. In the calendar itwas �nnounced that Convocatio}1 daywould' I�e \\'ednesday, Decem,?cr J8,and that the quartcrly· examinationswould he held. 011 thc Th-ursday, Fri­(!ay and Saturday following. It wulater decider! to hold the Convocationen Tuesday as formerly and have the1'j: r,.�,' . quarterly ·examinations. <>n the three'following days. The � winter quarterwill open Thursday, Jannary 2.".�-'. ,.. ......... _ ..... .....···.f � .... �: A .l' , ,. .� --, ..."-,'"r.� .r..� :.:- "..-;: �,. ,, ,...."": .; . ,""' ,''''-:: ...... ,._ THE 'DAILY JiAROON� T�Jt;T{(.·CAY, 'OcT� 31, t91�'Q�� 'rt'=--�--.__.--�--------��--�.--�----------------------�Published daily except Sundays, Mon All progressives are agreed that the penetentiaries will be crowded. J,ustdays and, Holidays during three the real issue before the American as soon as the law takes hold of thesequarters of the University year. people at present is the restoration, things and men are behind the lawof popular government-of govern- who want to injure nobody in particu-Entered as Second-class mail at· the f b f' h I Who hment 0, y and or t e peop e. IC lar, but to administer justice. to every-Chicago Post Office, Chicago, llli· candidate and which party is most, body ,then special favors will benois, March 18, 19o5, under Act 0 likely to bring this to pass? As I... withdrawn and there will be anotherMarch ·3, 1873. . h d d h ' ,see It, muc epen s upon t e person- face upon affairs in America."t.ctJlonal-.Husiness offices, Ellis 2 ality oi the candidates who are com- 1 f I understand Mr. Roosevelt, he -isTelephone Midway 800. Mail Box peting for the opportunity to make not opposed to trusts as such; there"0" Faculty Exchange. h 1 akit e attempt. n m 109 up- our arc good and bad trusts; what weSubscription Rates. ' minds, we shall have to consider not need is administrative machinery toBy carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar only present professions of faith, but regulate things so as to get after theter. By mail $3.00 a year; $1.25 past performances. bad trusts. Mr. Wilson, on the otherquarter. . Early in his career, Mr. Wilson hand, believes that, while competitionManaging Editor • HiiiD1 Keunicott showed by his book upon Congres- is not self-perpetuating, it is not deadNews Editor • • • • .Leon Stolz sional Government that he had dis- or destined to die out, but that, on�thletic Editor, • Bernard Vmissky covered the fundamental weakness of the other hand, efficiency irn productionBusiness Manager ••• Burdette Mast our governmental machinery, viz., the as well as industrial democracy de-separation of executive' and Iegisla- mand the preservation of competition.ture. There was no connection be- By first of all removing the specialtween the body that expressed the privileges which "the, interests" nowState's will and the body, that execut- enJoy under the protective _ tariff, byed it. ' His, advocacy later of the prohibiting by federal (and state) lawshort ballot - shows a similar grasp on unfair competition of all kinds (forfundamentals. He says: �'I believe ex ample, local price-cutting" factorsthe short ballot is 'the key to the agreements, etc.), 'Mr. -Wilson seeks '- '. -I ': i. .."' '.whole problem of-the restoration' of to prevent the ci���c�ion :of ,compe� .�#. ���o��ry' ·:Cablnets: ":,,,:,�popular government in this country." tition and _ so "to preserve industrial 'ft' • 1'·\ f • 1:·, .; ".; ......B�liev_ing these things, it was nat- freedom."Even the reporter baa an oftice ural that he should, when he became This, then is the' isSue: Wilsoll'sand' with cleu eyes and honest 1m governor of N e� J erse;, 'assume the record in New Jersey sh�ws ,that h�guage, may unveil injustice and �t real ,leadership of die Democ�tic stands for social justice fullyas muchthe way t'o progrcsa."-R. L. s, party in bis .state, occupying, as far-as as Roosevelt. What differences there________________'.• he constitutionally could, a position areof detail; not- of fundamentals.Printed by Maroon Press. 5511' Oottqe Qnrn.; similar to tha� of prime minister 'in a Taking Mr. R�osevelt -a,t' the' face(fb'itorial, "system of responsible government. In value of his present '(very recent)Chicago is going to best WISConsin the first session of the �ew Jersey convictions, the fundamental issue 'isSaturday if enough mthusiasm ci,.n be 'legislature after his' elecetion, he sue- between the industrial 'despotism ofbrought to the surface ceeded in having enacted as large a Roosevelt and the industrial democra­The Game and to' show the team that body of real progressive legislation as cy and freedom of Wilson. I for onethe Trip. it is the best team in was ever placed upon the statute choose the latter.I the'west and is'back� book of any state in a similar space But, it may fairly be asked, w:1l Mr.by the most loyal student �y .. Th� (.! time. Th; bosses �hose power he Wilson be able to control his party,first step in showing the team' how .had overth�own saw to it that at the the men in C�ngress, who are not bywe are going to support it is to crowd next ses�io'n of th� legislature a, Re- any means all progressives 'We, can• Mandel at the mass meeting tonicht, publican majority Was on hand to only 'judge by what he has done inthen- to cheer' the team and the block farther r�form, thus taking ad- the past. In New Jersey, he we�t i�­coaches to a s�dstill, and make the ,'anlage of that fundamental weakness to the Democratic caucnse5 ,and pur­�onfire r8ny the best �ne cvct: a.t!t in our governmental system which sl1aded the memb�rs of his, party­tempted, But an cven more important Wilso� had 50 clearly pointed' out.· many of, 'them not progressive�ostep is maknig the trip to Madison. In \view of these facts, 'to blame enact a long series of progressiv� '"J!!!)- F�LING DESKSMake time to go, if you appear not to Wilson, as Mr. Roosevelt does for not laws. This, at least, makes out ahave it; spare the money to 'c� be- destroying, the trusts by state action 'prima facie case or .hi� ability to docause you canDot afford to make the duri�g the short term he has been in a similar thing in the national field.trip cheer in the cnndstands until the office seems unfair, to say the lea�t. On the other hand, it· is ' perfectlyoldest resident of Madison acrecs that T!> begin with. ,so faar as I know, Mr. dear that Mr.' Roosevelt cannot pos­the field never heard such cheerinc bc- \Vilson has never said that state ac- 'sibly hope to havc his party in powerfore. Then we will win. Our team is 'tion alone would solve the trust ques' in Congress during his term of office,right; our plays are right; our coach tion. No quotation that I have seen and it _is very do'ubtful" therefore,is right. If our spirit is right we will from his writings fa�rly justifies any whether he tould succeed in obtain­win. Remember what Chi�o'. � such statement, though Mr. Roosc- ing any important legislation what­accomplished in the Wisconsin came velt has very skillfully led many peo- c\·er. \Vhich, therefore, offers - thelast year When the odds were even pIc that such was alld is Wilson's best chances for the enactment ofmore against us than this year. Re- position. Speaking at \Vheeling, West progressive legislation; the electionmember too, that here is a team not Virginia last Friday, Mr. Wilson said: of Roosevelt with a hostile Congress,over'confident of victory, but anxious "The thing that has created the or the election of Wilson with ato win, wild to win. Here is a team trusts, that has created the monop- Democratic Congress? To ask the The Drexel Tailorsthat is a powder magazine. Touch off olies, i,s unregulated, unfair competi- questio'n, it seems to me, is to, answer CLEANERS AND DYERSa. spark of enthusiasm and the team tion. I f we can only, bring it about it� 903 EaSt 55th Street.wlll go straight through Wisconsin. that newcomers shall have a free . Alterinc etc:.. 'of Ladies and GentsThe power is there; it is' for us and ,field, then we can take care of -the Wisconsin. A whirlwind campaign , Garments.?ur enthusiasm to make it work. AIld gentlemen in the trusts, because thePi has been started at Wisconsin to di__ Repairinc u.d Preainc atIf � make it wor� we wiD beat W... the most intelligent competiror will pose of 300 tickets to the Pu:ity ban- .�te Prices'consll�. And if we beat Wisconsin, get the market and the little man can quet, to be gi�en the night before the \Phone Hyde Park 2137we w1l1 win the championship of the grow big instead of making himselfl Chicago game. . 'west as a result of the rem.iniaC big by the legi-slation of Congress and Daily lIarooD, lincle copies, &ve �iJUnery Importationa Dream"'",games .�� �e 1Cbcdale.�: 1. L.. by special favon from the goftI'D- Subscribe . for the lIaroOD.. CeDta. Ellis 01' �'The Daily Maroon1tuh.tnilt .. f ���.pAssOciate Editors.Walter Foute . i .. Martin SteversI,William Lyman ..•... John 'PerleeSamuel Kaplan ..••• Harry GorgasH olgar Lollesgard .. George LymanClyde Watkins .. George CottinghamGrace Hotchkiss • ', Sarah Rein:walRePorter..Lillian Swawite .' Dorothy WillistonSadie Bonnem. ___';'.M? • .. '" fBulletin and - A nnouncements, JERREMS·IlADE clotJaea � mot'� comfort .tyle and acneral 8at­isfaction � you will cet frOID t1* ordinary kind.That'. because we put an our knowl :c!ge into _ying the richt 80" of'fabrics �d aU our akiU into makinc them properly.SUITS AND qVERCOATS $3p.OO to $60.00The JUDior CoUeca.-Cha��1 ,as- German Club-Tomorrow 4, Lex-sembly, women. Mandel hall, 12:15 ington 3.Le Cercle Franc:aise-Tomorrow, 4,Prop-cuive Club-Mass meeting, Lexington 8.3:30, Kent theater. Frcsh-Soph Smoker-Friday" 8:15,Daily Marooo- Women Reporters Reynolds club.4:30, Lexington. Geneva Reunion Supper-Tuesday,Philharmonic Soc:icty-7:I5, Mandel. 5:45, Lexington commons. - Three Stores:7 N. La Salle St.2S E. Jackson Blvd.71 F_ Madison St. �A.N.JERREM�M�er.''tAILOR FORYOUNG MENTEllS WHY HE IS fOR WIlSON I ment, 'We can do 'that by havingIF�eralbwsiliuadallthls�dem� �������������--�-.���-,�����������Profcasor Cook Watcs' Second �f1 ours with statutes, which make it ------- ..... ----------------------...__Articles Prcsentinc I)cmocratic I criminal to do what these gentlemenViews-Cite'. Governor's Record in! did to build up their monopolies andNew Jersey. which will see to it that the men whodid commit the' offenses have time toUniversity 'Of Chicago. $5.00 for Three MonthsTYPEWRITERS RENTEDWalter \V. Cook, Professor of Law, think it over in some building fromwhich they will not for some timecome out. I am not afraid that theEvCl'Y machine guaranteed to be in fiDe working order, and wiD bekept EO ,durinc term of rentalWe deliver the machine' and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of aDmakes on which you C8D"� .Save SC _to 75 per cent.Telepbone Harrhon 6�88-6mAMERICAN WRlllNG MACHINE COMPANYUNCORPORATED).437 South Dearborn 8t. . Chlcaco, mt-AlE YOU LOOKlNG·,FOR A PLACE TO EAnGille THE CO'MMONS • TrialAsk the Upper" ciaDmen Abou� Our FoOd­You'll Like the Club Breakfast and Cafeterialow ,PricesMusic at Night 'Good fDDd,, \. ' 'keep enouch .tatlonel')" at hand· for t'Um�t11ft. Solid Quartered Oak. hand.omel,. ·an.lahed.I .... Ex .... PaW. (See Dote,)SOLID' OAK LETTER' FiLE , ,holeS. 20.000 letten orpapen '�sl1 Inche ..Solid. nb8tantlaJ.Golden. Natural ;)rWeathered anl.b.anaw .... 'are duat­proof an" on rollerburlnn Frelchtpaid. (See note.)flS.U.Get Cataloe ahow­Inc maDJ' hand,.. In­espeulYe oalee de-'ylcea and Sectlon,,1bookcaae.. Booklet'Tiline SUccutiou"also free.NOTE.-Frelcht or,Esprua 'paid' ••qaoted to polnta ..... ,or Montana. W,.om­Inc, Colorado, Okla­homa and TeXAs.BlIehU,. hleher h-,.ond. . DERBY ARE'Inctiipensable to thewe1J.dr� ,coUece'man. We have themin pStasine variciy. Alsosoft hats of distinction�t prices that' areri&bt- CoUeCC men wel­comed. ".i, .B.- L ·AMIS BAT co.Tribune IhIi1dina :,:.35 W. �-� lIIe Con bellange NI��" BaH. 'of CbicacG:.':;--.Capital •.•••••••• : •••• �. -.3,000,000 00, Sup!_ '............ ....: � 00 'Undivided 'Profibl ••••••• ' '1,000,000 00o&ieen.' .ERXEST' A. HAlUULL. Pre-lcJent.CIIARI.ES I .. IIUTCHIXSOS, \"Ice·� ..CflAUX(!EY J. DLAIR, Vk:e-�kknt.o A. )lOUI.TOX. \·k:e·rn1tld�nt.n. c, SA1UIOXS. Vlce-I"rMl&m.JOflX C. SEEI.Y. St'cn-tary.Jo·RAXK W. SlllTII, Cashier.J. EIl\\'AUO llAAS, A .. I�ant C..a.tllf'r.JAll(O;S o. WAK .. :FIEI.D. Aast. Ca.tJIt'r.LEWIS (0;. GARY. AMlstant CMht�r.combine drawen In ba�d8ome deak. Thenln ,.oa want at ,.our ftneer til"'- See oneat ,.our dealen. Frtoleht palct tsaM. (�note).THE".s;.-lfANUF ACTUR�NG CO.57 Union St. MONROE, MICHcbicaco DisplaY-SU'15 S. WabuJJ Directors.CahrlH II. WaCoker)I.Mln A. RYU'lIonChauncey J. �alrEdwaro n. n:JlIcrChari" H. HulburdCJut'nce nucklnlb.mI1enjelmln Cafl1enter CI)-d� 11. CarrF.d,wln G. FoftmanChalea to. HUtohtnMnWat!lOn E. mall'Edward A. SMddFrt'dt'r:ck W. CrMb,.Emcllt A. H.mlltA. loseDhine Graham1329 Eat Fi�·Fifth street.'." i ��' 'f' ... �: '.. , .., , ,1 'or; u,·,..:i'.,.- , '/ I� : .. , .. .:_' .. :� .. "'''_ •• �� - ,,:' ';.:;".;; • __ , ... ; � y' �� .. "�., 1,• .. ��:;/ ':' -:.".-:-,:.�\",�'->, . ' ,,' j -, r J '\. ,.;." '.� �,,_ •""I.,' ""... r .... :,. j .. '.- ,�,.' , ' , '; .. � .,' .. THE J?AiLY' MA�OO�,. THURSDAY, OCT. 3r,�19t2.ARRowDON C H E'S T'E'RDress SHIRTS BLAC� ��� 'JUDGEs C· LASSIFIED 1' Fi\'e Are .ChOBen by Club to Pick An-I - ADVERTIStMEN1S'nual Play From .Those Submitted, 'by Tomorrow Nilht-Will Give FOR RENT T . 'I 'f . h d. .- wo nice y urms e .Dumer Soon.' f' . famil G. . ront rooms In private ann y. en-FOR RENT-One large front roomin private home. Suitable for eith­er one or two students. All modernAssistant Professcorg: David A. c�nv�niellCes. 5752 Washington. ave­Robertson.I.Mr. Carl Hi.Grabo of the Englishmeeting Monday, and it is hoped thatthe play will have been selected by and ini-WANTED-Monogramingthe middle of November, tialing on linen; also mending andplain sewing for ladies or gentlemen,���Q� I�·····························�FOR RENT-Five .room apartment ,completely furnished arul all out­side rooms. Monern conveniences.3rd apartment with elevator service. 'Martin, 13i9 E. 57th Street, S. W.:Corner Madison and 5ith. PhorieMidway 977.circulars, etc..If you are new on. the campus, W�. active Friars are invited, and they .should be glad, to become acquain_ ted; "sh�ld· see. J!:lmstrom"bero�e Novem-' . ��e' D�y Maroon is nO:w o� . saleif not. you probablyknowjus, ... iid.�.we -s > ,.".1,_,_,. � ". .j ' •••• ' • .' ,�hould be glad·to,sce you:again.. her fifteenth if the·Y·'iri'tendi.tO go.. It at .the Press,... _. . . I .. is' planned- to .charge an extra fee for., ' .' , . '- 'i'-- lliose -�ncf do' not comply with' this" . .. .·Ap�toiadiesandGentlemen..rbo rule' .• =; .. ;.'� ', �.:.::- T t Wh t ����appreciate . co�eo� �d' ��� _ ._Th� .�ight.beio�� 'Tha�ksgiving was � . . aI ,,��C 0Service and wholesome cookinC. . ..: : ��.'�s:�a�.,<?ptional .. date and the unil-!y,' ., .. 1' c JI"� !II._ Table d'H�le' 2O-�c. A' l8. carte·_· versi��' �Iu� . was' named as' the pos- OU" ant �AIUt,� ,. Greellwood, Cafe sible scene of the stag. The choice of .' IN"". .the. play to be seen is to' be left en-1357 E. 55th Street.. ', "First acts of the plays must bewritten in full whilc the" second actrequires but the scenario. Twelvclyrics must be completed excluding-The. following· judges .have- beenchosen to select the plaY. which willbe used by the Blackfriars this. year:The bosomcannot. bulgeS2toS3 Dean James W, Linn.Dean Percy H. Boynton.department.. Henry Sulcer, '06.Plays should be in the Faculty Ex­change by tomorrow night. Thecommittee will probably hold its first�e� .pllOTOR IJvERy Cop� DOUGLAS i 15.' ones - .' ,'. 'MIDWAY ·6584. . the (\p�ning chorus and finale. Onecharacter plot must be worked out.Comments or suggestions may b; in-cluded with the play but there should5200 LAKE ·AVE.· be no mark of identification The name,JuHus Is Your Barber of the pI�Y and ,the author should be, ' . I enclosed m a separate sealed e.nvc1ope,Sanitary ·Shop _ Three Chairs . The play should be typewritten OilOtie-Da� Laundry Service.' one side of the page only.. •Agency Sanitex Brushes - Active members of the BlackfriarsShoe Shininc Parlor. chose to have a stag dinner andtheatre party at a meeting held" yes-1003% East 55th Street.terday in Cobb A at 12:1,5, The onlyTHE TYPEWRITING O�FICE alternative suggested was' a dance _:lndBasement of· Cobb' Hall this was practically unanimously op-'i� prepared to 'copy ail ki'nds of �anu posed.script; to han�le correspondence by Norman Elmstrom was appointedof as chairman of the entertainment and'stenography; to furnish copieswas given the power- to select a coupleof. assistants to act, with. him. All�GEAroOMMODATIONStirely to Bmstrom's discretion .JOSEPH SCHMIDT:'Y,Stationery. Toilet 'A�cles 'Fine Line of candieS956 Eo 55th' Street. CbicaC� ·IU.. .Import� and Domestic: Line 'ofCiprs :and Cilarettes. , 'HITCHCOCK MEN ANDGUESTS T�K 'WITHBISHOP WILLIAMSBishop Charles, D. Williams, headof the' Episcopal diocese of . EasternMichigan, who .is the University. preacher this' week; was the guest atthe Tuesday .tight informal 'pthering. in AS$istant. Professor Robertson'sapartments, in Hitchcock. Nearly.thirty men from the dormitories and ..front off the campus gathered from 10to 11:30 and enjoyed the interestinganecdotes the Bishop told., , 'CHINA STUDIOLillian. Wood_:. �5710 Madis�n avenue. - tlemcn preferred. 5800 Jackson ave-nue, I st flat.nue,,WANTED-To room with youngman, Unvcrsity student, in neigh-Iborhood cast ot University. StateIparticulars Write J. S. Boswell, 227'\V. Huron street, City.WANTED-A live, capable and in­dustrious young man, who hasspent at least a y-ear or two in theUniversity, for work' in our Ad­vertising ann Sales department. tHere is an .exceptional opportunityfor the right man to learn sales andadvertising in a business with "a fu­ture. Pho�c W. K. Pagc,. Haymar­ket 800, for interview.Adllressograph ce., 901-911 W. VanBuren street." fSTA8U5HEO 1818Broadway, Cor.' Twenty· Second St.,New York.,HEAVY SUITS, OVERCOATS, ULSTERSFUR LINED COATSANGORA AND SHETLAND KNITTED GARMENTSENGLISH HATS, SHOES, NECKWEAR, HOSIERYPIPES. TOBACCO JARSThe kind all Champions 'usc":'" -Spaldi,ng's Trade-Marked imple:­ments. Best material' and wo�k�manship.SPALDING'S No'. J5, OFFICIAL FOOT BALLThe official 'Foo� Ball of thegame. Used in all 'importantmatches played throughout thecountry. Everything necessaryfor the game:Send for our Fall and WinterCatalogue.Spalding's Official Foot BallGuide, 1912. E4ited by WalterCamp. Containing the, officialrules, records, pictur� of thous­ands of players, etc.' Price, 10 cts. Send for Illustra ted Catalogue.MALT .MARROW·"It Strengthens".THE :TONIC OF THE AGEMalt Marrow, is a great brain builder->it is recommended by pb:-�icia!lsDruggists Sell 1 t.Producers. ofALMA MATERM£Avoy M�tMarrow' Departm�nt-,: . 2304-8 SOuth"-·Park. Avenne., ,.: '!: i: Phope.; Cal'�me� 's.1��".' ! �, .; i. ; � J...C URKISHBAT·HSI instaU Stamp Ves:'�C �achines. A. G. Spalding & Bros'Stamp vending machines are to be ;.;8'30 s« Wahash Ave. Chicago, III I".installed in the two branches of theUniversity press tomorrow. These Any Suit .. Overcoat In themachines sell two two-cent' stamps '$ iand' one one-cent &tamp or five 01l'C- Boose M�c1e to Order IS.00,Julius Cooper ITHE UNIVERSITY TAlLORPlai Baths... 'cent stamps for five cents. In manyO D nN' h m!.;f � ('ases these ltamp vending machinespen ay and Ig t.� ...SARATOGA BAR BE R S HOP are worked so that the prop rae tor ofJ H H P . the store earns one cent on each sale.. . epp. rop. ..S Those in the Press building ar.e put an We also do high grade repairing and29 oath Dearborn Streetas an accomodation and not as ajExp�r� Manicurist. pr�,;sing at very low prkl's.Scientific Masseurs money making scheme.' fExpert Chiropodist Wisco'llSin. T�e Freshman class Florist and Decorator1126 East Fifty_Fifth Street.Union Made.ANDREW McADAMS.lAS. E. COWIJEY won the inter,clas'S meet at \Visconsinlast Friday by a score of 99 points Fifty·third St. and Kimbark Ave •�gainst a to:al of 54 for an other Tela. }Jyde Patk 18. ChicalG. IDTelephone Hyde Park 2137! "_Mens Fumishinp. classes.1001 and. IOOI!4 East 5�h Street. Wisconsin. An International P�accsoc�ety has been organized at Wis­consia.S. E. Comer Ellis Ave. MAROON ADS'BRING RESULTS� ------�------------�-------------------�------------------I,I•,:I,������� __ --_--- __ -. -- ----.----------t- _ •• 1HAIRDRESSING, MANICURINGCHIROPODYMIS. GRAHAM15 E. Washington St.Venetian Building(Opposite Field's-under Huyler's,.. : ., � .--�HI�GCi).liall'r t" ... � OI'O�. Aftin'&.. '._ , ... ,;.r •._. �..... _.: .... "t. ��. ' .: •• i.'. "."'. . ", ,J.4 .", \'....,i� ..I.1/._ , THE DAILY MAROON, TIIl'R�D'\Y, OCT. 31,1912 .PROCRESSIVES HOLD -. I ROOSEVELT HAS SLIGHT LEAD tendance records of former years. In-' GHOSTS 'WILL WALKMASS MEETING TODAY. _ diearious point to a record attend-I AT PARTY TONIGHT-- Continued from page I.) 'ance of both men and women. d�s'pitel' IN GREENWOOD HALL(Continued from page one) tions in regard to reasons for the the fact that the mass meeting has • -- II'l\:titl� to make the mass meeting to- choice of candidates, previous partyIIH .. en called for Hallowe'en, Ghost� wilI walk in GreenwoodIruorrow th-e banner: meeting of the affiliations, and the party which the Students May Secure Hats. 1;�11 tonight at the hall�ween party,year;' -aid Vice president Cohen voter's father supported will be Students will be able to secure given for the older residents by thed d '1 d f hli I new women. All the ghosts will be,n::-oterllay. "This is an unusual oppor- groupe an romp! e or pu icauon malOOI1 rooters' hats from the mCIl1- .. h f l f tl . . h Th' there "rom Hamlet's to the ghost thatr u nit y for the students to hear the In t e near uture. -ers 0 ie comnuttee tomg t. e. I' fl' di d Roo--ve1t Leads at 1l·1·chl·�an. I b i tl Pdf' I Wisco» in will be when Chicago gets\ It3 h:-oUl'S 0 t re campaign iscusse - .lU. sa e C ore ie ur ue game was arr-., AbO R 1'· I . f . through on Saturday.i.Jy the most competent and unpreju- Ann r or, ct. 29- ooseve t IS Y satrs actory, according to Harold .l:I':l'l1 cr itics. \Ve hope to fill Kent now comfortably in first place in the \Vright, who has charge. Those whot h c-a t e r;" straw ballot, with a lead of 80 votes Ilia.\·e not bought their hats by to- <£vernor Deneen to Speak.�ll'lI1hers of the Progressive league over Wilson, The places remain �Jl-l morrow night may get them on the Governor Charles S. Deneen will:l nJ all others who are interested in changed but the leaders are gettrng train Saturday morning. address the sudents and faculty of thej 'r .. gTl·�:-oivism are planning to go in farther out of reach, so that it is now I "Everv stu J tit M di Univeraity this afternoon at 12: 15 in. . . .." . (en W 10 goes 0 a I'a j,vJy tomorrow night to the Pro- impossible for any of the other candi- son Saturday is expected to wear a Kent theater. The address will be giv-�fl·"i\·e rally at Sans Soucj, Both dates to move up 'in the race. maroon rooters' hat" said' Harold' en under the auspices of the Repub-1 lit· II and women will meet at 7:15 at I The results so far tabulated follow: \Vright yesterday." Hats will be sold lican club,till' .:'1..:" bench and go together to the Total vote cast . - . - ••.•.......• 1296 t . ltd I .d b I011Jg 1 an 011 t ie tram an may e,.II ward headquarters, 55th and Jeffer- Roosevelt 607 secured hel\�'een. times from 'any Talks on Responsibility.,., .11. and from there go to the rally in \Vilson _ ". 527 I f tl . I I Deacoue Goo I' f Sa' t P I'mem ier 0 ie comnnttee. T ie com" e ss l Win o· in au stally-hus provided for that purpose. Taft 115 mittee feels that it is especially im.1 Episcopal church spoke on "Lndivid-Tile women will be chaperoned by' Debs , •....•........ _. 40 portant that the students wear the I ual Responsibility" before the Y. \V.ChTahfin f" _. ·····f··h···· .•.. : ··h···· 7 hats at the game in order to be dis-; C. Y. yesterday. Shc said that it is Specl-lIAl Va· dues 1-0 BothSo me of the speak�rs tomorrow e eature 0 t e vote IS t e over- tinguished from those who are not impossible for anyone to amount to Uwhelming Bull Moose sentiment dis" from Chicago." I anything In this world without a Suits end- OVE rcca tsplayed in all the departments, as the sense of individual responsifility, Th- W k t.progressive leader had a lead in the IS ,�e a ",25vote cast by every department y�ster- FRESHMAN DRAMATIC Knickerbocker_ Club Holds Meeting. Fashio» dccnvs for your fallday. Forty-four states, one territory, CLUB HOLDS FIRST Dr. Tieman de Vries entertained the coat 011 Ellglish H Chl'steljieldASK LYRICS FOR W. A. A. SHOW and eight countries are now represent- REGULAR MEETING Knickerbocker club at his horneTues- plaid-INll:k_-"; .' ;Exc1usive withContinued from page I.) ed in the vote, and in no case has day night. The' next meeting will be us-special values, $:2[, $:;(',there been but one vote from a state. held 011 Friday. November 8. The $ ��5.12. Duet, "Girls Will Have Their Under the supervision of its newlyI arrangements for the meeting will he They are here in the softSNAPPY MASS MEETING elected officers the Freshman Dra- announced later.' 'I r. a nc rough 'Iabrics, in O"ravs,PRO-ISED FOR TONIGHT marie club met yesterday at the home '" J.lU brownish mixtures and bluesof its president, Margaret Cole. Dor-othy Vanderpool, Ruth Manicrre.] ' 'Fiction Club Elects Presic!ent. -both the belted and. plaitedMargaret Cole and Dorothy Davis, H�rriet Allport was elected temper- backs, patch or plain pocketspresented several original stunts, I ary president of th� Modern Fiction -it's the thrilg for the goodThis year half of the meetings will: du? .at the meeting -Tuesday. The dresser.be devoted to society and the other! next meeting will be held Wednes- . Chester fie Ids Rag I a n s,half to business while the social I day at 3:15. Gaberdines, Greatcoats andmeetings will he' held at the homes i English Ulsters in large var-iety. Every size to 50. .Select )'0111' suit Ihis r,.ct'ek-special oalues 01'$25.�I r,.:. Anna V. Frost .lli�ht will be: P.ofessor Merriam,Fr a nk Funk, candidate on the Pro­o-:re�si\'e ticket for governor, and Mr.�.ll d :\1 rs. Raymond Robins.cf the members. The other officers\\'ay."13. "'Cheer Up" song,q. Due, love song, by Fraulein and_ Continued from page I,)1,5. LO\'e song, waltz, by Dolly an�, ----------------Swamii. Three Quarters club will be approposI (). Closing chorus of Act II. of Hallowe'en, and a bonfire on Vin-17. Local songs of all varieties. cent field will be lighted after the,\11 contributions of lyrics are to be completion of the program. The'···l1t to Effie Hewitt, Box 145, Faculty Three Quarters club will take care ofLxchange. They must be in by No- collecting the material for the fire.vc mher 26 at 12:15 p. m. The con- Women will be out in force to thett "t for music opens Monday Decem- mass meeting, The balcony has, beenlu-r 2. and all contributions are to be reserved for them and it is expectedsent to Effie Hewitt by December 16. that they will come up to their at- Alumnus Is Candidate.'are Dorothy Vanderpool, secretary; Isaac S. Rothschild, '97, is Republi­Dorothy Farwell, Marjorie Coonley can candidate for the state Iegisla­and Helen T'imbcrlee, the social com-II ture from the brth .sena�orial districtmittee, " which includes the University;. ,, -AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS.r AMUSEMENTSJEFFERSON 'MAJESTIC'. »d1 Street and Lake Avenue. I.· DAVIt> BELASCO'S"Drums of Oude" -NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY II Lydia Barry, Premier Comedienne,Five Reels nightly 'of the latest mov- Chang Hwa Comedy 4; Mo� anding pictures. High class songs. Best Allen; McCormick Be Irving; Volant;of music by high class orchestra. 4 Florimonds; Belle Onra. . ----------------Come and hear the new $7,500 pipe _._ - .. ------------Wm. A. B�dy PresentsJohn Hyams and LelIa McIntire in \ The First Chicaco Performance ofTHE GIRL OF MY DREAMS BOUGHT AND PAID FORAMUSEMENTSpOWERSEMPRESSTHEATER�3rd Street and Cottace Groft AftWeek startlDg SUD.II&LOd 27SULLIVAN a: CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCEPEERLESS KARNO'S COIIEDYCO."A Night in a London Secret §oaety"With Char�es Chapin (Who Playedthe Fully Souce Last Year) aDCl Fif­teen Brilliant Fwi-M�ers.GEORGE LEONARD AND.MARGARET MEREDITH(Formerly of Ziqfie1d'. "FoDia,,) illTheir Jlerry ComedyTHE MAID AND THE �EDDLERLES ADLERSEquilibrista in Novel ExploitsPIERCE AND KAZEETimely Sonp and Clever DaDCeLGILBERT LOSEE organ_ GARRIC,KTHE BLUE BIRDTONIGHTThe Toymaker (drama)Glimpses. of Bermuda (scenic)The Widow'� Second Marriage(drama)The Horse Thieves (western drama)So Near, Yet So Far. (drama)Pathe Weekly Every FridayCurrent Events.ADIlISSION Mats. Wed. Fri. and 'Saturday_AUDI�ORIU�Main Ploor, aU Rats •• - -. - • IOC CIUN'S GUnBalcony, aU Rats _ _. 5CRaymond Hitchc;ock inTHE RED WIDOWWOODLAWN THEIIRl• 1SIIas.. ... W ...... A ...The only 5c Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Pictures...... '_ ............GAUIIOIIT . WCEKLT EVUT TJlVRSDATc.rrnfn ....ARD OTllElt PM:TUa£a COLONIALCHRISTY MACDONALDIn the Spring MaidThe Triple-Voiced Vocalist.7:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-3Oc OLV�PICpALACE JIUSIC BALLHenry Woodruff a: Co.in etA Recular Business Man."The Bell Famil7Belle Baker.Harry Fox and MiUenhip SistenHunting & Francis The 2 Nobles;I.a Toy Bros. ;Delmar A Delmar. ORCHESTRA BALLBURTON HOLMESTravelocues. Colored Views and 110-tion pictures.INDIA, II.The Taj to the H�ma1ay ...Estral Next Sancla7 Aft'n at 3:30PANAMA ILLINOISOTIS SKINNERin KISMETMatintee� Wed. and Sat.THE MAN HIGHER UPHas Climbed to PopUlarity.2SC to $1.50.' CORTDAILY MAROON ."Sing'c Copies-Five Ce!lts �n IEllis or Press._, rn FINE FEATHERS MRS. FISKEin The Hi&h Road.Dramatic Seaatioa. B�CKSTONEKlaw 4'; Erlanger present18&0MILESTONES 1885Zg12.LASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATEP'RINC�SBy Geo. BroadlNnit.An American Play of To-day :q. -= t 1 _._. -;£*>44. Note: Do you know John C.Morrison? Ask him to tell youabout "Mossler Clothes."LOOk' IIi111 1I1'!CHICAGOOPERA HOUSE ! .Co.19 East Jackson Boulevard'. (Between State and Wabash)":'i:: CErtCLE FHANCAISr;. AN.a.} MEN,'; CL1Jb TOCOAIBl�E MEEj'INGSLc Cc:-c!c F:-ancais ·has po!'tpnl1edits ecting �cheduled for today untiltomorrow at 4. Thc meeting wiil beupen to the Men's French club. Here­after the n\-o clubs will be combInedand will aiways meet together. Avery unique Hallowe'en program hasueen a�ran-ged for this meeting, in­cluding an address of \Velcome to thenew members hy J na Percgo. ZenaKroger will be in charge of the re­freshmen� committee. After the bus­iness of the program has been at­t('nded to, cidcr, doughnuts and ap­ples will be served.POW WOW DECIDESTO KEEP ORIGINALNAME OF SOCIETYPow \Vow is still to he the name ofRichard Carle-Hattie wuu..rHE GIRL FROM IION1'MARTRE the. Freslul1an" de ba"tiiig society, oc-Includinc J. M. Barrie'. Burlesque cording to a decisiofl.- '. ·of the cluhproblem play. "A ST ... ICE 'OF LIFETHEATER TICKETS. made yesterd41Y afternoon in Cooh II BThe question of clues i;l �the club was'(Icferred until the nc":ott ,ilceting. A dc'hate was held on the qucstion, .. Re':-.oln·d. that the J lonor �ystclll headoptecl in hc l"nivcrsity of Chicago:'.\ commitl'(� of thrt.:'e judgcs awardedThe hest seats in the house may be thc decision to \Villiam Ewart, whoprocured at the same price you would ,poke or. thc allirmative side.-----flay at the box office hy merely step- Sudents to Give Recitations.ping into the Maroon office to put inyour order.The theatres we handle are:Garrick Theater,Princess Theater.Amcricaa Music Hall A pro�raJll of German recitationsI>y sevcral students in Mr. Philipson'�<"lasses ha.� heen prepared for themeeting of the German cluh tomor­row at 4:30 in Lexington. This willhe followed hy the usual refreshmentsand German songs.,",.'- '.<f