VOL. XI. No. 21 .: .i i.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY. OCT. 29. 1912...� . . .. PRICE FIVE CENTS.�Massenet's suite •• "Le� . ErinD7eS."'will be played, at .. � .• aiDC· COD­cert of the lrnivcrsity orchestral sea­bon in Ma.nd�l Tue.uy. at -4:15. Thesuite. which will. be piayed in memoryof its composer who died August 13in Paris, is fcatur.ed by. � noliDcelloobligato which will be .. played by Practice on the offense �as the or­Bruno Steindel . der: of the day, for the Varsity foot;Direcor Stevens WIll give an inter- ball squad yesterday afternoon. Coachpretative recital today'"at 4:15 in Man� Stagg expressed himself as thorough;del, in which he will eXplain" the pro- Iy dissatisfied with the work of thegram to be rendered 'Ilext week. Sim- team last Saturday, The team is in. ". ' ' f�:r Ia hard week's practice in prepar-ilar . recitals are to be held the Tues- at:ciri for Wisconsin. The Badgersday before each concert. As a furtherid t h t f Ii" . rt Th � ,b, a, v".c. a,' wonderful aggregation and"We, the undersigned respectful- ar 0 tepa rons 0 t e eoncer S;' eD·• M .. -0 ' blish i' f II ,Chicago. will have to take a decidedly petition the University to.revert to al y aroon. WI pU . n u on,.'b I .brace to win 'or , to even hold thethe old schedule of houts or to the Friday preceding eae o(cheatraat ....L-I" . .• score down. The general condition ofadopt a new one includbit a thirty- concert an y� program netes 1Iint-b M F 1_' 8o'....i.....L.i ..-t. . most of the: men is good and conse-minute' chapel period _in th� morning. ten y r, e IX rOw..... ' .ues�'11 r h Ita . quently . Coach Stagg will be able to"The present system practically notes WI be '0 t e'same e racterasprohibits student _tberings; it seri- have appeared in· the Moklets supptieciously interferes with luncheon ar- to patrons of the eOllterts giTeia iii.Orchestra hall' , .rangements; it makes chapel attend-ance burdensome; and cannot, it .is The other concerts by the Orehes-sincerely believed, .be made to oper; tra wilt be , given the aft�nioons' ofate without causing these difficulties." December loth, Jallli:i.rY 7th, ��bru�T • • ., ary 4th, F,eb�rj-· 25th an� April 8tli ���: risk o� having' the men go stale asNominations for the class officersI . ddi -. 'rt' t" "t' I .. '.111 L.l in. the Mmnesota game last year.I '11" n a Itron a IS s reClas Wol U"JI; .';' ...... 'of the four undergraduate c asses WI '. 'b R'd I' h Ga' . • '. e·: However, they will ,be worked hardgiven y u 0 p nz. plants n� ,.�, I... '. .audience concerning the game with EleCt.· Members Today. be held a week ,from tomorro,w at, be" '"J;., E' . y' .i'.' - t· i .i ·to pttfect the new formations which. .• 1 vem r � ugene sa"e, VJu In s� 'l.:'j ,., .. J ••••••Wisconsin Saturday. Assistant Coach 12:15· The electIOn wt11 take pace J' .' d' AI-' N·." " " :wil be used against the BadgersThe competition yesterday was only , anuary. 21 an Ite Ie SOD,'.soprano, . .Page. and probabJy sevenil others of Tuesday, November 12" from I, t� M' h . : Ahhough Chicago won the gamethe pre�iminary test. The picked nine-4:30. Class lists will be posted thi� aTrhc, .11.. ti_'-' ,t .• � Ii ,��i.: again'st Purdue by the score of 7 tothe older men will give short talks. teen wdl appear before the membets· . . _ 6 I' "fi e . 'Season K:�e· �� ; as a'_'_ . '.' , , • • •Each member of the team .will be .'. . week, while pthhons 10� tec assl ca,-, .,'' .. ·d ... th'111. ....,..'�,ti'.:J..' ;:_.�.;,�"L,..;::" l.I -(Ii' ·th� tesult ·was a dlstmct dlsap:-�£�e.. �1ub ,later AS5.lstant,. .. .. � ...... � ,- " ex .....:'t�te� � .����..,..:- QJ ·ft,� '�"'_ .'_. -.;_ _. ,. _.. ........ .caiied��po>-- ri"fo-�y'',a eW'Word��e . . - ... .:._- .. ' .;'_ "_" . :tiolt'-;:mtfSt'"'bt!�bmftleu�·u,.7"�-:p.� .. M· ···�-�:-b·:"!"t·: �Lo""···.'--:·d· .!.;.;. 4�.i�b-�� �din, t1tient; to ·the: rooters. ,,,When··the- Professor Edith roster .Fbnt of . '. . ..' an"aCJ". u a IC�,me IUIUI�Il" I&n!- •. .'. • •Uniyersity band, as well'as a _'icked :, ', week from Thursday_ NomlOatlOns .. -.. d t" k fS' ..., et be! . ,.�; .,ze of ·the score· that Wlsconsm roll-quarter will furnish music.- the 'English " ··department .. Assist- by petitiOn �r withili-a.rs must,' be ef,r. �r:.�e _,� Ie � .•• ca� 7.: .J. ':cure.. __ ..!.. �(ftip 'against, the Boilermakers isa�tf Professor .,Eilzabetb .,Wa1lac. e, o'f·' . ...., �',;' ,. or ·t .. c��.SOI& upon ·app IQuu .... '. ,'.Allow Stopa". .' the. Department of Prench lit�ratqre, submitted by .Frida::: N��ember·S: .. I Cobb 911; :...... '.' :".' :' .�. �".' : '�.���: !�.to .. c�nside�tioll the gloomThe special rate railroad ticekts �l,- Donald Breed Witt have charge �� Tb' ',', b'--"', ....... ' 1... �O'Il: · S""';- ��OttIeS thlcker_ The whole troublean� �r. WilJia� P. Gorsucb, of th� '.. . e. symp v ... � Sa� cO'. ' ,�,_,... ... .Iowa stopover of a week; The special th.e ��nior nO�linating .ccting .�hlcr mer AftemOo'tf:� .�1·, �rl.� StGtk;: D�- '�t�: !�e ��e. ho�Ne�er, was the lackrate of $4 for the roun� trip has been �e;;7.meDt of Pubic Speakng were \\�II .be held. In C?bb .6A; W"lar� 'reCtor of,t� 'TI"��.'.T�odas' O�- .• �� e�r� �bat_wa� _dlspla�e� by bothmade possible by the agreement of � , ... , . Dickerson Will be. m cbarlc of th�: h' '" ·ft· tc _ :' .•.. . its'" c.; t br) sides.' Only once did Chicago showFour'one-act'plays Will be- present- '. .'. . .., c estra.· W.I I?C: given �I..s ·pu I� .. ,.,..the athletic department of the Uni:" . . Jl�l1Ior meetmg m the east room !n,' ,f .' .' ' .. i .. O' "h-e ira ball ·tbis what .. the team IS capable of. Thened m the Reynolds club theater No-·. . .' '. -U' '·'d'· p�r ormances. n Fe s,... .. ."-" . ' ....versity to refund $1 20 to each stu� .. , ... .. Kent: Kenneth Coutchle WI presl . e : "k .'d'" ..... d"I'" .' ,_. two· beautifully . executed forward. . vember :U� " "Ryland" by Goodman .' '. '. f h wee an m',JR.an e ,�«:Xt weea. . ' 'd h T' k t be at the Sophomore meetmg D t e west . ',.... : ." passts netted the team about fifty-five.ent w 0 goes. IC e s may pur- and Stevens' "'Op-O'-Me-Thumb," by _. .'....! . The progra..,Ior·,Taesd�y afte.�iIOolichased in Mr. Dinsmore's office_ ' A.• - • <.' room of Kent; al1(1 Howard ),{cLas:-e .. -11 '. . " ards. "Fenn and Pryce ""The Greek Vase," . '11' , d' )' F 'I" '... . .1 WI be: " '. p')a" 'IF ,.r"':'l1 !!Il" F:-. t.TI . '11 b d S' t ' , WI con uct t Ie 'res lman meetmg 10, � _'1;:1& -. ....Ie tram WI e ma e up at IX "1'- by Maurice Baring,' and '"Mrs. Ford's Symphony No. 4. B Flat,Opu.'60.· •. ':.. '., : ..h· d Sa d . Kent theater. -t Ir street tur ay mornmg at 7 :15 Face" by Donald Breed, president of . :. _ �._ .. __ .. , .• __ . _ ••• _. Bettho1'e!': . l-»r .the first quarter both teamsand will stop only at Fifty-third street �he· club, wer�' seiected. The p��son- The council also announced Decem- Adagi��tt�..:.yivace. . pb7�d �aggres�ty,ely_ Th� many pen'before reaching Twelfth street. The nett of the 'Casts wit1 be announced h�r 7 as il�e date of the Settlement Adagio. . , � , :a1tj�� for .holding and off':;ide� prevent-train will leave twelfth street at 8 and later_ dance to he held in Bartlett. James, .Aliegr6 'vJ�ac� ' ... -'. ..,'. ::' .. �� .; .. ed lite .teams. from gaining muchwill reach Madison at 12:30. A train Do�'ovan will b� general cbair�an,. AII�gro m;:.·��n· ttoppo. . '.: gtound, however. Both sides werefor Chicago will leave Madison that'... while 'Walter Poague will < ac�' p Suiti�,;""�'�,,;tiiniiffi;'!�.\ .:r •• Masae.t ptna1fzed seven time in the first halfnight at 6 and will arrive in Chicago HOLD TRYOUTS FOR vice-chairman. ', : Pre1�dii, J �scdfi -: �U"��se. £nt�. for hold\ng_,· The only score of theat 10:30. II�N'S AND WOllEN'S A mceing to advance the i'ot����s Acte. FinaL.lUolincello OLbJigato game was made in the first quarter byThe special will be composed of a GLEE CLUBS SOOI' 'of the proposed University.,.� Grand ,byMr: Bruno Steiftcle ••. ::� .':, .. : " Piette_ . Captam. Hutchinson droppedcar for the Varsity, a cafe car and .--- opera associati.on. �i1I be hcl�. today Symphonic Ske.t�h� "On'a Suldmer '. back 011 his five yard line to kick after!\everal coaches. The entire train will Tryouts for the Glee clubs of the on order of t�e Council. �etails of. 'AfternOon," �;. ;;_ •••• _ ••• : Stock Pardue, was unable to gain and thebe: of steel. Univ'ersity are now taking place. The the: meeting will be found in �other Mep'tiisto W:iIt2: .'. _�. _:. _, •••• Lil�t kick "was bkM:ked by Chicago. Thr�e,Women Are' Invited. Vox Celeste Glee club for women, has column. l ... ", .. , >�.: plunges: at the line by Pierce carriedThe Wisconsin Women's Ahletic already begun its tryouts; while the ._,.,. INS�Rf;PTidNSiJOM th� ball over for a touchdown. Sc1-association has invited all Chicago men's Glee club will hold its tryouts FORTY ARE· ASKED" JtGY;'AK A'llULE't, lers·.kicked the goalwomen who attend the game to a i� th� im�e�i�le fu!ure. �he form.er TO MAKE ,'PLANS FOR J. "'.' AJht: ihtARi:,v 'GoME 'Mte'r' the first quarter there wereluncheon. A block of 300 seats have women's Glee club' of the University OPERA" MASSII�TIrtG . � .' .' no opportunities for either team tobeen !lecured by the Athletic cfepart- has disbanded. in order to join forces__a U,ntiJ Prof�s�r B, .�as�ed'* retu� score by a touchdown. Norgren.m-nt an'" wI'11 b.- sold to the stud"nt's with the new organization. Mr. . t .. r-- tri'etf,several place kicks for Chic:lgo," ..,," Twenty: memhers of -the' aC1VlY and fwm he East"�tn'e amulei. stolen fromat $.::-0 apiece at Mr. Dinsmore's of· Stevens has discovered a number of . ',' .. ;, . , .. ; hut: none of. them were succes:;ful.,.,. ;,11 cqual numher of students ha,ve Haskcl I�st FebniarY·. arid ,which is On;" 0' f th- att-mpt .... hl·t th- cros'" llarfi extraordinarily good voices through '. . "'" """ OJ " ..,ceo heen asked to attcnd a meeting in the said 'to: hav,e bee" f,���d. tano'ot' �these: tryouts. Any who so desire may I of the goal posts. If it had been se,'-Reynolds club theater today at 2:15. identified .. Dr. Breasted is· expectedmake an appointment with Mr. Stev- . .' . • coral htches. higher Or had been twirl-Plans for a massmeeting to' be held hack eiiti�r today or 'tbmormw. Ac-ens for a voice trial. .. . . . .., ing, in a. different direction. the at·tomorrow or Thursday. wilt be dis- cordhlg' to' Iii.' assistant the' inscnp- tc'mpt would have counted.Hold Straw Ballot Tomorrow.. l'ussed: and a speaker. wbo will i�tr�' tions on the: amu�t: h�ve heen, de·faced to su�h' 2ft ��t�nt th�t identJfi� . � Looked Dangerous.cation will: be: afi110st li�i�s91ble. '!STUDENTS URGED TOAnEND BADGER GAME• F -Ie r...cn .SeMa Opea·· Praoce Aic... w .wRAiUI.oAD:;DMrrs STOPOVERChcedeadus Try Out Thursday atlIusmeetinc in Mandel-Hallow­c·cn Stunn Prcpared.On Saturday, November 2 thc Uni­versi�y football tcam meets the tcam.of the University of Wisconsin uMadison in the crucial came of theConfcrence fOC?tball season. Thc U n;dercraduate council DrCes the' stu­dents to attend the came in a body_Sicned,Undergraduate CouncilAccording to() another decision :>fthe Undergraduate council yesterdaycandidates for the position of assist­ant cheerleader will be given a finaltryout at the massmeeting in MandelThursday night at'S, The evening'sentertainment will be apropos of Hal­lowe'en. The Three Quarters club will.appear with some special stunts, andmaroon tin horns will be sold at thedoor. A great bonfire on Vincent fieldwill conclude the evening's festivities.StacC to Speak.Director Stagg will speak to theADDRESS BOOK TOAPPEAR ·NEAR THECLOSE OF QUARTERCopy is now being sent to tfle prin�­er for the annual address book, whichwill give the Unive�sity addresses ofa11 students registered in the Uni­versitl�. The ,work ':>{ tabulation hasnot been entirely completed,· but pub­lication of the book may he looked forin December. DUllATISTS IIW: SEllCnoNS • COUNc4L IS SPONSORPet, IECESS PmTION . �"""-'Tbo�' 0n:be8tIa.� .... :,� ,"Leav.:___ " .• �. . d ... · - . ,: .!..,..' --uuy� a � •. "",M. wet aD. �. 't .. ti'�_;_"at -ruE . �_.__" ". '.._. Fl. _ ...... -� TueIdIr_"" An 1'nIc. '.'; � .' "_�I "_-A..... _tically AU Sold. : � • �. � •. ·Geir,·z '. laceNineteen. Candi4ata Ch� for Ap-pearance Beforc Dramatic Club to-,... } ---••day-Four ODe Act piap Will Be hal.ate � f .. au. "'_tioMPresented November U. ... EIectiIMIi-.-.Arra-.e f., t.., CIus LisbbONOV AN DANCE ClWRMANSeventy-five candidates for associatemembership iii the Dramatic club ap­peared before the faculty judgingcommittee yesterday afternoon, The Walter Poague Chosen .. Vice-Chair_trials were held in the assembly room malt for SetUement Seitefit �o Beof Haskell. From the list of seventy- Held December;. . , .._ , ... •� ... # 'JIOIIPIIlIEISAIE DEFEATEDChic"o Shows Woeful Attack andWw, ,Over Purdue by Scoreof 7 to 0..five applicants, nineteen were chosenfor the finals.Those selected were. _'--Petitions addressed to PresidentJudson, asking that a curriculum in­cluding a half- hour recess be adopt­ed . will be circulated by the' Under­graduate council this ·week. Action inthe matter was taken at the meetingof the Council yesterday:' 'The peti-Janet Flanner.Louise Rowlands.Mabel O'Connor.Helen Jack.Kathlene Colpitts. tion reads:Essie Bernstein.Catherine Bosson.William Goodman •Charles Oppenheim.Edward Sickle,William Ewart.D. S. Whittlesey.Orrin Wolf.Sanford Griffith.Frank Selfridge. devote most of .his time to practice ofthe offense and defense.�o EiCaiDc, Practice.. • t is .i�probable that the men willbe. 'Wo-:ked. much in the evening asCoatI. . Stagg does not wish to runT. R. Dunn,Vernon Brown.George Dorsey.Carl Deffebaugh.A straw ballot will be taken on the (iucc the question of the grand operato the students at the masslUcetingwilt be selected.campus tomorrow. This was definite_ly �nnou�ced yesterday by Mr. n�am�haU of the Political Science' depart­ment. ' 'The' ballots, which have beendt"Jayed at the printers, will be de·liyered ·to Mr. BnrhhaU this morning.and' will be distnllUted to student an,1 Purd� looked dangerous in ther�urth . period. The Roilern:akl'rs- ..." " took a sudden brace and long nm� hy, Harvard- Harvatd i& to· have a' new '0' 4·... 't .d I' b O· B . n., . ,.', npnan an p unges y rtl'CaUfomia-Suspens�on for . �ne high ten·si��. elec�rical bbrato�, hrn.:.idlt the ban to the six yard linevear has hcen the punishment mefcd equipped with tbe most advaftCed and, .. 'th d d It 10 ked fo ... I .. :. . . 3 !it e game �n e . 0 • r ...out to a Senior in the university, of powerful apparatus in the worl�: for .. �. -" - th ;..a. P d Id .... or ....• . '. . ; ,j, • I tnne as ou�.. or oe WOtl ,., 'LCalifornia for cllcating in aD e.xamina- delivering and, tetting .hip:'enslo" __ .... __. _tiona ' C'l1rrent�' .j _, •._ iColatiDRd on page four).- L .__.... --_... ... ........_ 0_I., • • • ,... :":.::.. 'faculty members tomorrow_TIIE·DAlLY MAROON. TUESDAY. OCT. 29. 1912---- ....... ---- ............. --------------- Mary Leonard. Elizabeth Downing. �# Sta!lOD8ry CabJDetlBuIle_ and Announcements. Artha McConough�y. Bertha Riley,and Jos�phin� Hewitt have beenas- added to th� executive committee ofthe club and have been distributingPRINTING AND ENGRAVINGCONTRACTS ARE AWARDED k��p �noueh IItmtlon4'r,· nt han.! tor ('urr ... tuse, Soil'" QUllrh'rctl Ouk, hllntlllotnt'l,. no.Cap and Gown Gives Printing Con' .I'Ju�d. P.GO • .t:sp ....... '.jd. (fk� DOle.)SOLID. OAK LETTER FILEtract to Printers of LargeWisconsin Annual.and were given the contract accord­ing to Managing Editor Perlee be-Education certainly includes a Bishop Charles D. Williams. head cause of very good financial terms,knowledge of the fine.arts, We have of the Episcopal diocese of Michigan. because of their capacity. because ofsculpture. - The Thomas orchestra is will be a guest at the Tuesday night several improved processes that arcalways had the Art institute where gathering in Assistant Professor only iound in their shop, and becausewe could see the finest painting and Robertson's apartments in Hitchcock of their proximity to the editorialan established institution in Chicago tonight at 10. offices.and has been patronized by the stu- Bishop Williams. who spoke Sun- Koehne has been taking some ofdents. .Certain theaters have under- day morning in Mandel and addressed the group pictures including theBy carrier. $2·50 a year; $1.00 a qaar taken the betterment of .. the drama the Sunday Evening club at Orches- Score club. and the Three Quarterster, By mail $3.00 a year; $1.25 with the cooperation of the students. tra hall at 7=45. is known as "The club. The regular studio is at Mon-Today we have a practi�ly ne.w in- fighting bishop." being a churchman roe and Michigan. Groups of lesssti�ution to support in Cb�ca�t is of the militant type. He is widely than thirty-five can be accomodatedNews Editor • • • • .Leoa StolS the Chicago Grand Ope� company. known for his social work not only in Larger groups must go to the BushAthletic Editor •• BcrnanI vl.lllakl .Its worth has been proven by t�e his own state but throughout the temple studio. The following groupsBusiness Manager ••• Burdette � enthusiasm shown by' the audiences country, Before he came to Michi�n must be taken November IS to get. last year. That it is striving for the to become head of the Episcopal in the book; Blackfriars, Tiger's HeadAssociate Editora. ', best in the presentation of grand church in that state. he was dean of Fencibles, Pow 'Vow. Score club.Walter Foute •.•.•• Martin: Stevers opera is k�C?wn. Have the stude�ts of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland and Skull and Crescent. Three QuartersWilliam Lyman • • • • John' Perlee the Uni�eriity 'taken advanta� ofthis :was president of the Social settlement f1a Go club, Y. W. C.-L. cabinet. Class 0 -Samuel Kap n .•••• Harry , rgas educa�iC)nal feature of Chicago lift? 'of that city. .fieers and Interclass hop leaders alsoHalger Lollesgard •• - George Ly� _We .hay'�aD .oPportunity to acqmre : -A man of original action, Bishop should .make arrangements withClyde Watkins' •• Geor� �ttinghaD the broadest education. �rely, to lay Williams is often called a radical by Kohne for their Cap and Gown pic­Grace Hotchkiss •• Sarah Reiuwal claim to an ed�Cation, we �st kn�w those who do not understand his point tures,"Even the reporter baa _ oIice something about operias. We Cannot of view; but he has accomplishedand with dear eyea aDd hoaat Jaa ('311 ourselves cultUred and re�iD;g- much social service by his militant The nearest bank to the Uni-. f h T'L";;'_ • ..h H f h versity and the only Bank be-guage, may unveil injuatic:e .abd poiat norant 0 t e opera.. .ucu; IS a move- met ods, e is one 0 t e most earn- H R guIa.·d . b·· th tud· t ·n· h - f h . gl d eat e lion tween 43rd and 63rd street eastthe way to procrea."-R." L.�a.. ment starte to nng . e s, . en s I ('sf c amplons 0 t e SID e tax oc-._______________ ... c10s'e .touch with grand \ opera. This trine. Besides his participation is of Cottage Grove ave. under StatePrint .. .,1 by )I_rooD �. G5U 00Uap ONYe. movement must be supported. Stu- public service. he is man of broad THE JOHNSON Government supervision.Cfllttorial dents of other colle�s haye seen the cultoral interests. with a wide knowl- PNEUMATIC SERVICE CAPITA!. $200,000The students of the Univenity of necessity for such relationship, and edge of literature, which makes him 3 PER CENT ON SAVINGSChicago want a. ten-� period or' so' ·must we. an interesting speaker on literary mat- THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD .Sits equivaleat. T� W. R. L ter$. (nstalled in the Universit7 of Cbicaco HYDE PARK rATE BANKTen-Thirty petitions will be circa- A large number fo Hitchcock men co 0" u eIated 'amoDc rnrmben WRITES ABOUT SHAKBSPBARE as well as many of the former resi- Baildinp.of the University. The petitioaa read ." dents of the house called from 4 to 6 Complete Systemsas follows: ·0 -.• Sunday at the third of the Sunday. ·'To the PreSident, Aaiataat Pr� Dupa Dacribea afternoon teas inaugurated by Assist-, "University of Cbicqo, � later .. etIIduaL 'ant Professor Robertson and Mrs."Chicaco, III � Robertson in Hitchcock library."We, the UDdeniped st1I- Adaptations of Shape speare's works Bishow Williams was a guest of the S� Control of Humidity Reducinldents at the Univenity of which· have been made' by Jean· Fran- occu'ion and expressed pleasure atChicago, respectfully petitiOD cois Ducis, form the subject· of an meeting so many of the Universitythe University to rnert to the article .by. E. Preston ·DUgen, Assist- mea.old schedule of hoars or' to ant ·ProfeSsor of French'. Literature.adopt a new one inc:luctiDc • The article, which appears . in . this PRO�ESSOR WILL TALKthirty-minute chapel period in month!s iSsue of -Modem Pb.ology," AT PROGRESSIVE MEETINGthe -mominc. deals ..rith the chan�. in Sh*espeare"The present � pac-. demanded by FreDe': taste ��ring thetica11y prohibita atudent pth- last generation ·of - the· old regime.erings; it seri� intedens "Hamlet�" according to th�: writer,with luncheon arraqemeata; was Ducis' first atte�t to P!ease hisit makes chapel .tieaduce aadieJICe. He was �ad� upon Sixteen members of the facultyburdensome; and caDnot, It the French versions bowiol{ prac- will be the speakers at the last Pro-is sincerely believed, be made tically no English. In this adaptioD grnsive IIDSs meeting Thursday atto. operate without caaiDc the unities are pre� 'til ,lIIat 'lae l:JO in Kent theater. Each speakerthe8e difficulties. action takes pIa� 1tt.1iM,.... the will talk on the subject: "Why I Am aThis is the petition that-will be dr. palace and the qaestioll·· � Bull Moose." Dean Mathews willculated about the campus � "4'" 'ti�'does DOt come t... OIIly preside at the meeting after being in- "Come and inspect the larlest lineible and thoughtful studenta. TIlls Is :a few " ) I!.:� · .. ct SMka· trodaced by Edward McConoughey, of foreip and domestic woolens dia- B. L AMEs HAT CO.the petition that The Daly "'00II peare. praideot oC the Progressive cluo. played in Hyde Park. Our clothes are Tribune Bw'ldin" II � __Th L_ k itl be D • :: 35 W. auuuaurges every student at the Uai� )lr. Dar�n in his article conaMeI'S e Obrd spea ers w : cans periectiOD ia matedal, at7Je. aDd _to �ign. No reasons for 8icniDc the besides "Hamlet," "King Joho," -)lac- Batler" Small. Linn and Breckenridge, workmanship.petition other than those contlliDed ill beth," "King Lear." "Henry VIII," I�fessors Coulter, and Breasted, As-BENEDICT WA L Dit need be civen. Tbey are ...... "Julius Ceasar," "A_ton,. and Cleo- soaate Professors Schultze Hoben, Florist and Decorator�l1ough. The D.'yllarooa � patra," "Corio1ao • .," "'TIle Jlerry and She,pardson, Assisant ProCes- MAKER OF SUPERIORCLOTHF� Fifty-third St. and Kimbark Ave.hopes that the petitio. will hpe at Wifts of WlNlOr," "Othello," aDd IOI'S Neff: Bedford and Blanchard, 1445 E. 55th Street. I . .least five-hundred 8icners. aDd tnIIta ·'Romeo and Juliet" .. dealt with -IMr. Memfield, and Mr. Bramllall. T�1s. Hyde Park 18. Chlcalo, mthat it may be araated. 'this perbI. - LoaiIe Sprague. Florence Dimmt, Tel H",e Park 2IGo Telephone Hyde Park 2137�. ._. �.. .. _..'The Daily MaroonSea1OC' CoDepa-Chapel Assembly. '!'be DiwiDit7 Schoo1-cha_pe112:15. Mandel hall sembly room. 12:15, Wednesday,UDder&! tz .. eor.cu meeting. dis- B1ackfriars....M�eting Wednesday.cussion fJf Grand Opera. 2:15. east 1::!:15. Cobb 6A. Important Discus­room, Reynolds club. Everybody wel- sion Y. W. C. L .• tomorrow. I::!:15.tome. �xington hallGlee CIIab--4:oo. Reynolds club Orcbeatnl Rehearsal.-Tomorrow.theater. Meeting for �didates. 7:15 Mandel hallPabIic Coaca't-4:15 Kandel hall BdPcUiOil cbab-Tomorrow. 7:30.Members of the University and Room 159. Belfield hallfriends are invitccL The Junior CoUcaea.--Chapel as-Ul'iwenity PIIbIic �:IS, s�mbly. women. Mandel hall. 12:15Haskell Assembly room. "Some Re- Thursday.suits of Work with the Spade in Pal-I.e Cerdeestine.",BotaDical Cbab--.4:30. room 13. Bot­any building. Associate ProfessorCowles.Student Vo11111teer' BaDd.-7:15. Lex-ington hall Lexington hallThe University 01 Chic:ag(." Weeld, _FormerlyFounded October I. 1&.,-2.1111111111111��llIIUllllllllllllllllllllllijQ _I�I�IIIJ-1IIIIIIIIIIiIlIIIHIIII�'III,111 , literature.The Castle-Pierce company ofOshkosh. \Viconsin hsa been grantedthe contract for printing the 1913Franc:aise- Thursday. 4, Cap and Gown. Bids were receivedRoom 8 Lexington hall, from all over the country and thePbilharmomc Society-Thursday, decision was only reached after much7:1:; Mand�l hall. difficulty. This firm printed the 1912German Club-Friday, 4. Room 3. Badger and furnished satisfaction toall parties concerned. The .contract4-- ••• iftl� •• called for several new features in theBISHOP WILLIAMS,WILL book over. any previous edition.ATTEND SALON T6IIIGHT Another contract was closed withJahn and Ollier yesterday afternoonTAc eel"or u .'" � lor �1ftJ. _­Published daily except Sundays. Moo :J� Mrc. C",.II.�""'''days and Holidays during three aIouel .. _ edelnce 01 � leU ..q:.larters of the University year. Head of lIichican Diocese Will Be for the cuts that will enliven the book.Gacat at Weekly Gatherin.& in Jalm and Ollier did the work last yearRobertson'. Rooms.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago, nunois, M:uch 18, 19o8, under Act �fMarch 3. 1873- To the Editor:Editorial-Business offices, Ellis 2Telephone Midway Boo. Mail Box·'0" Faculty Exchange.Subscription Rata.,! II\!�Ifor an lIethodsof HcaueValyea for Air, Water, HotWater Tank Rqu1atioDLBaD lloo.ers WiD Hold FiDal 11_lleetiac Tbandq-DeaDlIathews WiD Praide. JOhnSOD ServiceCo.H. J. GILSON, Umacer.Cbi�o OBicc.117 DEARBORN STREET hold. �o.ooo 14'ttt'rt1 01papen I%xll Inch ...�o.Ul. lIublltllntiul.o"I"pl\. Natural oJrWealbe�d ftnh'h.anawt·r. are ",u",·"root alltl un roll ... l·u e RrlneL Frl"lghtpaid. (&>0 note, I';1:1.:6.Gl·t Catah,.!: .. how.Ing maD1 hand)·. In.l'''tH'n .. h·� oMce dc- <vtc e s all'" ::;"ctlunll jUOOkclllle... (lookl e ,··.·lIIng Sugl:('MlIonK··ah·o trt'e.NOTE.-Fr4'htht orExprns paid 811quoted to points eu ...0' Montana. "'yom_lag. Coloru"'o. Okla­homa anti T('SIlIi.Slhthtl,. hleher be­)·ond.�� FILING DESKScombine d ruwe rs h. humlsome d"sk. Thenics )·ou wanl at your IInJ;;.·r lip". Sce on"at your deaters, Freighl paid �3.00. (S4:enole). •THE 'l/..a�MANUF ACTURING CO.17 Union St. MO�ROE, MICH':hicago DisplaY-SIlol5 S. WabashO.-O.,," ..... c._�DERBY HATS AREIndispensable to thewell·dressed colleeeman. We have themin pleasing variety. Alsosoft hats of distinction-at prices that areright. College men wel-corned.ANDREW McADAMSARRow'NOtch' COLLARLots of tie space, easyto put on' or take off.'5 �21or 25 c:cnIaCluett. Peabody lie eo.. Maken. Troy. N. T.Julius Is Your BarherSanitary Shop - Three ChairsOne-Day Laundry Service.Agency Sanitex BrushesShoe Shining Parlor.1003 �� East 55th Street,After the Dance.Chop Suey and Eggs foy yung atGreenwood Cafe1357 E. 55th Street.CHINA STUDIOLillian Wood5710 Madison avenue._M. in Filt7 Dillerent Sf7I.FOfIIId Onl� at Leadi,..FarnalleraeALao tW" .... ..... - ... � ... .,� ,_ .-- �=,� .. __ ...: .•. ,. .'. �.,fIESII.SOPH SIIOlER pWtNm .. '.. .. '. . .. -... :.�..... � .... ".... ''., .:-. .. '. .. .�.., , .. � . . C· LASS1�p.:· v!' J����M.�.�A:P�... ��es �'�OI�I co'mfor't style and genera! sat-L:; at� ��(o�Iu'!."= ADVEl11S�S. .... :���,:�. ���� eet from the ordinary kind.-Pie Eatinc Contest Will Fature That's because � pu� .�) 9ur lmo�14e in.to .. b.uying the right sort ofprocram. WANTED-The Daily Maroou..' .de- .! ,...... f��� .• �� .aIU?� .skill.in�q.�C them properly.sires copies of its issue of October. SUITS AND OVERCOA� '$30�OO to $60.00Freshmen and Sophomores. will 1, 1912, LO complete its files. ':1' !;strugl�le for .supremacy at the - . Three Stores: �.. .. .' , ... "Reyolds duo smoker which will be FOR RENT-One. large Ir�nt· room '.7 N., � Salle ,�� ,," � i TAILOR FOR iheld Friday night. The events that in private home, Suitable for eith- 2S E. Jackson Blvd, '. YOUNG MEN twill decide the championship will -, one or two students. AU"m�d�rn '. 71 E."M�dis·o�:·St.' .. '. ". ,,,'. �. . ;" ',. Iconsist of heavy and light weight conveniences. 5752 .Washil�gton .a�e; ... A. N. JER�M�. Manaler.. . I.I boxing, heavy and light weight wrestl- nue. ;-..----------------------------­.����_._._+ ................ -�4_���_._._+_._4����._._._ing, and a tug of war. Last year theFreshmen won, and this year: as FOR RENT - Resonable, :;unny'Sophomores, arc anxious to duplicate quiet room in private family of t�o'the performance. adults. Modern," 'OpeD for inspec-The Freshmen were given plenty of. tion at any time. 6110 Ellis Ave.notice this year in order that the 4th apartment.trouble formerly expressed in gettingthe first year men to challenge the-Sophomores might be avoided. Pres­ident Chandler has received thenames of several Sophomore boxersamong them being Sevier andFisher. Dreeson was mentioned asTHE TYPEWRITING OFFICE the Freshman challanger in the lightBasement of Cobb Hall. weight class. He is supposed to be ais prepared to copy all kinds of manu crack. and wi-ll probably make thescr ipt ; to handle correspondence by second year men look to their laurels.steuog raphy : to furnish copies of] f any Freshman knows that somecirculars. etc. member of his class has especialI f you arc new on the campus, we prowess in either boxing or wrestlingshould be �lad to become acquainted;' he is asked to give the informationif not. you probably know us, and we to one of the officers of the Reynoldsshould he glad to see you again. club as soon as possible.Castleman and Grandquist will givea Texas Tommy specialty. To all re­ports this will be exceedingly humor­ous and will he well worth seeing. TheMandolin club will appear for thefirst time this season at the smoker.The dub has been practicing faithful­Iy for the last four weeks.A STATE BANKDEPOSITORY FORI UNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDSIt75 Cents. Plain Baths 25 Cents tOpen Day and Night..SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearbom StreetExpt'r· Manicurist.Scientific Masseurs --- IIThe larCest and oldest bank Inearest to the Univel'8ity •. Ac·I counts of professors and atu·dents solicited. III Checking Accounts of $50.00I and' Savings Accounts of $1.00Expert Chiro(lodi!'t_______________ accepted.The Daily Maroon is now on saleat the Preas. MAROON ADS PAY. WANTED-Monogrartling and- -ini­tialing on linen; also mending andplain sewing for' ladies or gentlemen .I'Phone Midway 4635.' :.-'-- .FOR RENT-Five room' apartmentcompletely furnished . arid all out- -.side rooms. . Monern conveniences.3rd apartment with eleva lot: service.Martin, 1379 E. 57th Street. S. w.Corner Madison and 5itl� PhoneMidway 977. 'JWANTED-A live, capable and in-,dustrious :young man, who hasspent at least a Ye{ar or two in theUniversity, for: work in our. Ad-.v,ertising and Sales department.'Here is an exceptional opportunityfor' the right man to learn sales and' # .", -: • ....TYPE�RSRENTED4 .: .;:".$5.00 : for Three Months, 'Eveey machine 'guaranteed to be in . fi�e working order a d ill b tkept se- during, tenD of rental. ' n WI et".; We 'deliver the machine and' call for it' at the end of the rental term.We alsO have for' sale �. 'fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of all... ,'". '. .makes on which you eae- Save SC !o 75 p�:- cent.Telephone Harrhc� 6188-6399...AMERIC�·WRITING llIACriiNE COMPANY.(lNCORPO�ATED) .,: �,.::·437 ·South Dearbom St. '.: Chicago, IlLtadvertising in a business with a fu- '.;. "".' .ture. Phone 'N ... K. Page. Hayma�.. 1I' .M:·' At·L· T.'ket Boo, for interview. .,Addressograph Co .• 901-:911 .w. Van;, • . .S. E. Corner Ellis, Ave.' :� I.Any Suit or Overcoat in tbeI III B.se Made to Order $18."Julius Coo1"!r 'THE UNIVERSIT¥- TAILOR11::6 East Fifty�Fifth Street.Union Made.'We also do high grade repairing ali�pressing at vcry . low' 'l>rices.A. 'osellhin� 'Grnh'alll .1329 East Fifty-Fifth st:-eet. .-,• Millinery ImPortatIons' i>r� IJ Yoi"'fti�' lIa�dy li Rindskopl -'j''The;.o;lhik�·M:��'s Clothes Shop" IWe extenaa'C"6fdial'lft\1tation'"to the C�l1ege men to make o�r head- I,,; quarters. i their own. 1No College anan should fail to insP.«t our showing of fall & winter tar- t. .. ai�nts. :We are �y from 'the hig"h rents md our prices are right_ tState and Adams. I102 Repl1bli:r " 'EmlcljDg� -- -- -----------------J1'--A-IE-'-YO-U--u-o-m'-c -ro-.-A-· P-L-AC·-E -T-O nn ----I--. 'Give FHf COMMONS' .'� Trial IAsk' the Up ClaSsmfn About Our Food ,:�pu�· .... �e,� C�Breakra� and Cai":·.cria I.. as;c at Mis'" . Good food low Prices�-- .. �� .. ��� .. ��--.-�----------�------------�'t Hlla't:taitCOif, 'tUESDAY. OCT: '� '9t� .. -. �:-.:.... .SOIIEIiIdIG 1'0�"'" .l �. to �tt. � tr�·� p���ins by. their. hou�s. of freedom· tbe old' aa�iations, but �ot '?r long. IIliiill •••• lliiiiililiiiiilliii ..�_"tbI!ir�� .... Theri aR from-1abor. I. his wntlDg upon edll-I The tendrils of the new Me win wrap : Iiote: Do you know John c..Tile Aln·can bli JaW;en hotcJi,.· aaiftnity de� taii� t Herbert SpencH' gives special themselves about her, and their hold ': Korrisott? Ask him to tell wnt.en repu c expects h' ha I . . .' . .1--much of her coUege graduates. 'SIae �\}� .�� .�� �.e���s .• to gre�t atteqbon to the training that fits will be no more broken while she about "MossIer Clothes,"I " . h 'h.' Sb .... _ ��ratio .... spenclliic thear life aD. citizens, for leisure hours. lives. Look Mill fI"!las a rIg t to expect IQQC . e -.a •••. _ . .- -'" ..... . ..L_ Ia ' ' I.". d d f tdlDIDg mea, ,to evaac··..c • or to �The American college graduate is I t is a time of peculiar temptationruveste a stupeu OIlS amollDt,· 0 '..Il�i.I·,' .• �_" "t • h Sh cls th unwe· .. ·' tokh laDIl ilUur' through the '&bite certain to' receive early the im- as well as of golden promise. Thereasure 10 t em. e sen to em 't I b . h d L._ f h law. I ·We are saddened by the fact pression tbat efficiency is synonym- girl has always had the love of thoselC very rig test an &Kst 0 er' ,.'.;" _ -. . ... � . . .that so'�ny college 'Iradaales are our' With husthng, that modern life, in in her own home. and of her little�'oung men and young women by the , l. -�:,-\ They tome 'oat of scn001 'Ariierit2 at 'Ieast; as G. Lowes Dickin- circle of friends outside, and what istells of thousands. There are tob, _ � f_" • '.II !D� tH.·: e .,tlieir: plaCeS.' .". iii te ieat of soi\' has dnl� finds its chief end in more, the daily demonstration of it.our co eges and universities over' -a ,-lrundred thousand studeDts.: Bat t.hf? scomfUt.·jeerilic··al 'me . chUn:l, .uatcel�ration.H His (langer is fre- 'Now -distance veils the dear pres-I blic i II h �\igiimg �&t the world's ,bravest work-I �tlentlY' 'ift his inability to concen- ences, and she stands alone. Hert ie repu IC IS ate time being disap- - .. d So f . ers. .Qijiai�ai�.\;Uj iDoYeiileilt tOOL trate, to compose himself for real danzer is, the impulse. to rush toopomte . many 0 our coUege c--�!'aduates do not come up to expecta- ing for. the reformation of societY, thoughtful leadership. Many a grad hastily into friendships begun throughtions. The result is that many _. ����ta�tI,: �����eir to��es bat I bate.'takes years to get over that ex- sheer loneliness and fostered' by thecomplimentary things are said abOut ��'tr .h�I�I:t.:,&,� �.U�eh. t�e �slye . � of the Sophomore, emotional atmosphere of homesick-, .. fl. d world's; :tiurcl'etI . ...:..{€oh'tQIia· .anlver .. whitb spe.hds·itself witbout result He ness.()tlr mstrtunons 0 eammg, an some- .' . .. .ti th itici ·f I I sity Quarterly.) lakes ;dlsplay -of energy for real force 1\."0 product of the college years isnnes e cn Icrsms are mam est y un- .. . '. •fair, Often they are even bitter,' But ."_" HIS vems are filled with the hot blood sweeter or more valuable than theirwe must bear in mind that the bitter- But no' graduate" is" equipped for .of. y�u�h. ;.He has not learned to wait. friendships. They come into exist-Ilt.'SS is due to the fact that the dis. either mental or moral lndership un-- �e IS.'I�chll�d 'to put. more ener�y cnce at a time when the mind is mostappointment is so keen. We are con- til he has learned the art of relaxation. m- al� drrectlons. He IS therefore In impressionable, and before the roughstanrly being surprised at things B-oth 111s Bealt'" 'add 'his ·effitiency.· ·datl�t 5OO.ner or later of breaking contact of the world has rubbed thewhich we see. It always surprises us wait \upon Ris 'abititf ·to \ rest, . to: re-: dow� ph� .. c�ny, or mentally. or both, bloom frol11 the ideals of youth; andto find graduates in the breacl·!ine.- Iax;. to be· composed ill- the. midst of and 10. �pel1d�!I.g the .time which should many of them last through life. But Special Values in BothThey are always there. We are as- life's affairs.. A real cause of Amen- . � ?tlhz�� Ill· servIceableness in re- a tine and true friendship is rarely Suits and Overcoatstonished when the superintendents of can physicai breakdown' has �n at- �lnAg. the breakages of an unecon- the outcome of impulse. I t does notour rescue· missions teU us how unt: irl6uted hy a famous pliysiCiari "to .omit.�uman· maehine. The average grow up in a day or in a week, and aL This Week at 125versity grduates come drifting in with �h.ose absurd feelings of" hurry and A���tan :�duate rarely needs Em- most never begins merely as a ··stop- Fashioll decrees fior your lollI f h ..Ita b' .... " .•. h b hI ·erson s adVIce for a lazy boy which I "It' h f· f I ,.t Ie great mass 0 uman wrec ge .avlng no tune, to t at reat es5- .. ," .' .. '. gap. IS t e rUlt 0 s lowers as t E·r h' "CL -fi •. /Jwag, Set a dnzw- 0 h d h . COO an IlglIS lIesler.le,Ufrom the sea of life. When the list. ness and tension, that anxiety of fea- r' ..' ,:,c-. n 1m, sen 1m well as of sunshme; of self·control. ,,� . •�f suicides is made out at the end of fUR-"auCi �tll'at �soHcitdtle ... of·, results,: \\ e�t. do somethlOg to him."-Cen- no less than of sympathy; of high vis- plaid-"ac�. ExclUSive WIththe year we are amazed that 90 many" that.·lack"o( inner barmony . arid ease; tu� Magazine. ion. but also of the clear vision that u�speclal values, $25 $30,college graduates are to be found in I in short,: by which with us the work -is ! scorns Hattery and demands truth as $30.the dismal company. These things all' apt .to be, 'ccompanied,- and .Eroin:. .'In a 'few -W��ks a. young girl will the indispensable atmosphere and . They are here in the softsurprise us, but there are other things I which a European who would do die .. see I the' dreaiitbf her life begin to condition of its life. and rough fabrics, in gra ys,which not only surp�se :us. b�t th��1 same. work wo�l�� nin� t��es lOut �f .����. t�e. A?�T�iage· drawn' by 3l �or such a friendship a girl must brownish mixtures and bluesappall us. We are. saddened to find ten, be free. It IS your reJlx�d and pat.ent1and unemotional horse that walt and work. and when she has -both tht: belted and plaitedthat so many coliege �duateS ml easy worker, wh� is in no hu�, 'and .giv�s no 'evi(t�nce of appreciating the' found it, she must hold it always un- backs, patch or plain pocketsself seekers. A man of .distinction qnite.thoughless most of the while of· 'iiniX>rtattce of, th� moment, will set der the rule of stern and splendid -it's the thil1g for the goodhas been recently saying .• that,· die .tCMlsequen�;-·who is �r ''1Ilost, ef- 'ii�r: dOwn at i.he· door of an imposing �piritual laws�' , But is it worth it.- dresser.higgest crooks. he' .�as··;le�( �� �ie�� W.oi1c�r.· .T..e�sioD·:��cl"��et>:� ,bUir�Dg: and ;�� i� diappears, wili car- Youth's Companion. Chestf!rfields Rag I a n s,have been men o�t of �1l� ,l.'IIi� p��t �!.t-��.:f.u�!� ��,�... �:w��.h It her·.iSast. and leave her only Gaberdines, Greatcoats andhave been captams of In,lo:stl'1' who gethe.r In one DlInd at once, are tie tile fulur�.· '. . Minnesota-The agricultural school English Ulsters in large var-have not been captains of honor. al- surest drap upon steady' progress She' is at college, standing on the at Minnesota is now forming plans to iety. Every size to 50.though they possessed' :eoll�' .. la\\ti: 1i,'nClranees'lto.our success!' threshoid of � new life, rich in hope.' celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary . $eled �our suit this week-plomas. There have been mercllaDt '. We find that one ofthe.supreniepUr fa.ll· of··prc).niise glowing ·with beauti- ·next March.princes who ha"e not beefa1.prin� .. � ... � .(;r:�tioo in.a��ienf preet:e .fui';pOssibititie5t ·From ·time to time,' special "!..Illu�� at $25.in' the contribution which th9' �� .,ns" t� .p�re.:m� to � I ca�ble �6 '.at �cat.i()�: seasons, she wi�l return to Haye .you su�scribed?, .'_'. '_ �'... �� ... _".. . - .�. '0. ""..'AIIlJSEiIiiRTs'. "'; . .. I ":litiiIiitiBimL.. 1" AilusEilENTSEMPRE·I.� �4l������:, ,"�... fi�'- .�.. ' ,.' . I . Dtudaa' of OudeTHBATIDt' fI: .�. �i··'. Y ,., �",,_�,,:__'D--!_� s_ .... �.�.l- )'?�}Ii,':C �iu1rb�, Oi'ti.e ii�t_�����:::::Week st........,._ . l �t�"b:.. iHb�� ��n-r- �tt�i.c:ConDick 1:. Ininc; ·Volant;.... --s .... "� ��.._c. '7 I .. "·� o�espa; �·��·BeIleOnra.� _SULLIVAN a: CON "" Co J d L __ til" �_. if8' , ,.... '.. me an � e a- p ._.. ' . if I 'A Sr> d f th t hPRODUCING DBPAR'I."IIBN'It · �-.. I'- :. �. ._ .._ �.. AL.LE· :.tn many 0 e roo ers were appyANNOUNCE". " '. I,....�... ICK ".:. when the game was ended. However,..-ft**ft� "'fII"'" � -� --:- it is uncertain whether Purdue could�. '. ._na ··.. . THZ'BLw ...... BlRDi ".PEERLESS KARMO'S COIIBDY .',�� - .. ==.'. -:- -�, .. ;; -.,. 'VA THE GIRL· AT THE GATE t.av� made a touchdown as Chicago's... I. . J-� ··Polka· (......, > ' ,CO. ..::�., �".' . W"�-I("ma) .,' '''�'_'�_''''''I:L.2. and a-.-.a� line had shown that the Boilermakers··A N- ht· T __ ..8 __ D� ,.. ,..... .', ,. - -� .......... &"a-.. -" .... �.e 1& ID a �'�'H '.: ... u.: � :'. l : �� (Abama)., I: < .� I � -� .'. .:. . could not gain through the line and,With Charles Cbapia (Wbo'�,.'" '., ft..�iii.lI·NI�� :(comildy)' .. PRINCF.SS barring a possible trick, it is im-the Fully Souce Lat· Year) IIJI!II Rf .: ; J�i1 ..... ixi·;:·"·;;; , 4educatiOcMt) : ·A�_'·iTORI(Jl\,f vrobable the visitors could haveteen BriDiant F1m-1Itbn.. : t • •··AND O··T·ti�Dl."" �. t, �. WID. A. B�dy PraeDta· scored. Oliphant was easily·the star: . ". �i: ,: JOI&ii� H""""· md· LeDa ._T� m·GEORGE LEO�ARD AIID .� e' > . ..... ,W�, �'. �: ,- ,�� The First· Chic:aco PafOnDaDce of of the Purdue team. He pulled offIlARG.aD�.·"UD!!= -.. '.. '�" .. �� .. THB·GlRL·OF IIY. DREAIIS BOUGHT:ARD PAID FOR'--"A .........,.. ', .:., . �. ��r.\ several long run!l and practically made(Formerly of �''''�r .:;,< AD .... CJIit "-:. .. . ...... . ..... By Geo. Broadbaat. all 'the gains for his team. He wasTheir 1Ier17 � "-'.. ' .•• �� .... � •• -.ia. __ . � .... zoe ·...,.Ift.ft...... AD Americaa Play of To-dqTHE MAID AND THE lIED')) • :. ,'.'_" -.' .' �.' ... � .:,. . �--�/..' ... J 4L ... , - -:,. • • • • • • •• SCLES ADLBRS I; ': ;. . '.'; '.. Ra,iDODCI Hitchcock illEquilibrists ia HoWl......... Tim RIm WIDowTam• ePI�ERso�!���D;: ••· : ...-�- .. ,; 0--. �i'ft.N··�.&·jL· ., - ..... � ... -.... �d· ..... " fJI.ni.... . ,� �GILBERT L08B1I.�. �., � .A1w h. Ilide, .The Triple-VOiced ·VociIIi. \: . t-i!�¥�.. i41:P.lcta:� caiaan: MACDONALD7=30 ad ,:15 .� . ... � �.......... III the Sprinc llaid.BD�'" .... .Ir;_' �s_ ..... _Iec:� .' ! � '.\ � �.·:'i .� ,Y5IPJC?- ,,-:-.. '.� BALL .w. . Matibtees Wed. ad Sat.> • --;-Jiiiiiij� �. TH� liAR', HIGHER UPHeary Woodnaff a Co. S" eli" "�JYieW. •• H .. JCIimbed to PopaIaritJ'.in MA Replar BasiMP .... _- -; ..... ' ... .-,;.�:;, 2SC to·ll.so'n.ntaiThe BeD � -. :-�-::T.IL ,.Belle Baker. N�T.fto�� I�INO.SHarry Fox and IImehfdp.... EitraT RW ...-,·IcMr. '3:30Huntine • PraDcia TIle"'. ....: �. .AiMiiA·. � I.La Toy Broa.;DeImar. J'IeImer. "-! '.,Il'.'.\ ..�.I;'(r:,[� ,� Iiii, ...z�"AIlUSEIlENTs. Mo' •• ler Co.J9 Eat Jackson Boulevard(Bet1Irftn State and Wabuh)B�CKSTONE I------IIIIIiII_dOPERA.HOUSERi_L__' It is' hard to pick out any particu-�� Carle-Hattie wuu.. .THE GIR& FROIlIiONTMARTRI lar. man who starred for Ch�ago.IncludiDc.' J .... Barrie.'. Barlaqae The backfield played well at tlm�s,and the men showed Hashes of brll·problem plaT. I' 'L I h I' D J d·lant 10rm. n t e me, es ar lenA SI.;JCB OJl' LIPB and Captain Carpenter played the bestgames. These men frequently brokethrough the line and broke up thePurdue plays. The ground was gainedthrough it.Klaw & Erlan&eI' preseaatzllo·IIILESTONES 185;� ;"� II.:If '.! 't:..[I,Il, SHOE REPAIRINGY 011 can not makea mistake in Sendiqyour work ·here. Onlythe most 8IdIled work-men 'emplo,e4OTIS SKINNERiii KISIIET" .SMITBeGOODYEAR1134 Eat 6JrcI' . Street. PREPARE VARSITY FORCONTEST WITH BADGERS(Conlillued from page: one)tGO I fast for his interference, however,and frequently was spilled by his ownmen. Hanna and Hutchinson alsoplayed well.No .Piil'ticuIar Stan.Divinity School Gives Show.Siudents of the Divinity school heldtheir quarterly vaudeville and socialgathering last night in Haskell...-, ,.lIRa PliO· .. fte ........ PenllSJlvania-Fifty·seven candi-Opposite POltoffice.1 1 dates have reported thus far for theuniversity swimming team at Pennsyl.vania..• - ",:>' .(:�Ii . 'f-'�-.I_'IiA'I"iiUI" ... iii it, "I, It' , 11" MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS