..........,_",..rmntVOL. xi, No. 17. UNIVEI{SITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2.1. 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.Lower Claaea WiD Vie for Honoraat Annaul Reynolds Club Aff.u­Pic £atmc Contest WiD FeatureProp-am. S.OIER DATED ·'�----__;_--"":"""-------'IPRACTICE FORMATIONSWHAT'DOYOU THINK ABOUT IT? FOR PURDUE CONTESTAn instructOr of a French clua atFIESJI.SOPHStanford announced a prOle cumin,­tion-aG rims a famous story of thatuniversity. It happened that a ccruinatudent in that claaa decided to trust'Freshmen and Sophomores will vie him.lelf to a pony. The time came,PRAISES SUPPORT OF �� for honors at the Reynolds club and the Instructor wrote the foUowing- smoker whih will be given a wcek .tory on the board to be translatedPaine Says They Pulled Iowa Game from Friday night. The pe.ntath�on that into French. .o t of Fir�ommittee Asks for will decide the championship con- "Once upon a time there was a manuSUllestioDL sists of heavy and ligh.t weight b.ox- who in his joum� up the Road ofing, heavy' and light weight wresthng., Life came to a place where the RoadDissatisfied with the showing of the.a ttig of war. Last year the Freshmen forked. Puzzled as to which way toteam in the Iowa game, Directorwon by the score of two to nothing 10 he noticed two signs. One ofStagg again gave the Varsiy a severePlunge, plunge on through the line, while three events were called a draw. which read "Dishonor," and the otherdrill in the rudiments of the gme. TheAnd fight for old Chicago's fame. "Formerly considerable trouble was "Honor:' The man hesitated andplayers show a great lack of the es-I-experienced in getting men of the then suing how smooth and even thecentials of tile game which will haveSmash into every pay;....I· hn I t challenge the Road of n:_I'ono'r look� he chose h W' .Chicago grit will win this game. • res men c ass o'�.....,cto be overcome before t e rsconsmAs we roll up the score. Sophomore gladiators. This was due to 10 that way_ He had .Dot jour- .game on November 2. Work with theThe cheers resound from high and to the fact that the F.resbmen were neyed long wlieD he met a man com-tackling dummy and new formations1 not given sufficient notice, and no inl toward him. . . . .was also given to the men .•ow.1 "h k f d fend "M f' .a " • d h t the ap-Tear through t�e line again and go, man felt equa t� � etas 0 e -y nen..., sal e 0The poor tackling was the defectCI .. . F Go, Go. Go! ing the honor of his cass, . proach1nc traveler. "Are you notthat 'the Coach' . dwelt upon the long-11 ca go -PI ti'f�-' . 1".Boxers are en ua. jcurneying the wrong wayest. He is unable to account for it in"The March of the Maroons," by President Chandler has received "No,·' answered the man with a pe-any other way that exce pt by the poorCampbell Marvin. will be sung by a the names �f several of the Sopho- culiar smile. "I am just beginning on judgement of ill(: men. However, itquartet at the "C" bench rall� to be more ligh� - weigh box.ers, among them the right way by going back on �e was shown Saturday'. that the Chica-held at 12:15 Friday. .On account of bc-ng Sevier and Fisher .. Dre�son wronl." .go men were able 'to get their handsthe lack of time for yell and song was mentioned as a erackerjack light- The aignificance of the story dawnedon their opponents with eace, butpractice at the short noon meetings it weight for the Freshman class. Iton the student. The queStion i� hiswere unable to hang onto them.has been suggested tha� �h�!'! who was reported th�t the la�ter u�ed to mind was--Which way'was he toCondition Is Good.are not familiar w�,� the songs and take exercise With. Batth�g .Ne�son. take? . He fought out his battle,The condition of the men is firstcheers learn them before Friday. If this is true he Will furnish a hvely flunked the -- examintion, but �e ques-class, none of them. being injured inThree Will Speak. argu�ent for any of the Sophomores tion ia-Was he 'not the victor af�cr the Iowa game. Pierce is in first rateDirector Stagg. Assistant Coach who t?Ok the title last year. Any \1 all?shape despite the fact that he wasPage and Captain Carpenter will Freshman who knows that so�c HE�EN :Y. GROSS.troubled with a "charley horse" lastk I: '.1 "Pat" Page has seen the member of his class has especialweek. Nortrren a .. d the other backs arespea l'Iuay.. .,. . . r 'b'Purdue tea'm in. action-this. y��.r and prowess either In boxnig �r wrest �ng TOTAQCLASS PHOTOS TODA�' Q�E$ ,QU��'S WO� also in good form. Norgren shows nowill compare its playing to that of is requested, to give the information_. _'. had effects fro_m __ the �ar� puntingChicago.__ _.' to one o�.the Re�ol�s du::officers at Maruqp..c EditDrLof CaP.I@IIII� CO�bI1I . a.ab-.�:,.-� g;;;;;;, th�t'iiecplaYcd.• _,'"If the students have nO'confidence the earliest possible d.ate. . . 'Will' Require Candida.tca �r ;I� .For .1\�0 .. ��k� . � S� Coach Page and ASSIstant Coachin themselves and their .relations to The tug of war will probably be.Positions to RePort at Offiee 'Fri- . Other . EntertainiDeDf!S-Co�ttees Sauer, who witnessed the Badger-I t " said Norman Paine yes- won by the Freshmen who have Red-A__ .Elected. Purdue game last Saturday, returnedt Ie eam.h UCQ'._ 0 •terday, "They may be interested to mon .to act as anchor. T e te�:s with stories of the prowess of both,. th t their united support in the are composed of five men on a Sl e, ·Cla s s picture ;;;-;;e Cap and!,Gown Plans were outlined for two smok- Purdue and Wisconsin .. Despite the.. now a.f hei G r h thebleachers Saturday played no small but because 0 t �Ir ouarn, will be taken today in front of Walk- ers and' SIX other entertainments to lopsided score they assert that thepart in pulling the Iowa gme out of Fre.shmen wil practically have sixer museum where the Sophomores be given by the Cosmopolitan club teams were ncarly evenly matched. Inthe fire. Every man and woman stu- men �n thei� side.will gather at 1 :15 and the iuni(,�s this quarter. The �rst affair wi�l their opinion the correct score shoulddent owes it to Chicago to come out Pi� �� CO.ntest Planned.at 1 :45 .. The idea of taking a Senior probably be a smoker �t the club have been ahout 28 to q in favor (Iffor- the rally Friday." -. A pl�-�atlOg contest for the Fresh-group has been abandoned. Proofs Oft roon_.s in Ellis on t�e Friday follow- Wisconsin i�.stead of 41 to O.Committee Has Difficulty. men �111 conclude .the smoker. Thethe Freshman group taken last F:-i-I ing Hallowe'en. Different members Purdue Is Strong.Considcral�le' difficulty has been oc- record in this event IS held by Ge,rend, day have 'been on exhibition in the of the club are to be put in charge Purdue will' be no easy victim forcasioned in respect to the holding of the. football player of I� �ho con� Cap and Gown office for two days and of each entertainment . and made r�- Chicago next Saturday. The Boiler­rallies on account of the discontinu- sumsumed a blueberry pre 10 fiftya number of orders have been receive' sponsible for its success. There IS makers were able to gain muchance of the 10:30 period. Those who eight se�onds. Lyman,. who won th: '�d from the first year students. to be a ladies' night th.is quarte.r, ground against the strong \Visconsinhave the meetings in charge have con- contest 10 1910, and �hlvers who woWork on the book has. been under when an informal entertamment WIll line, and will do the same against the"'.I·dereo' I'S impossible to get a crowd the contest in 1911 will act as referees., f t ks Chairman Stans- be given. ChicafFo line unless some material im-,.. u• 'U b . 1 d d \\ ay or. wo wee .�into Kent theater, but suggestions for Mos�c and dancmg WI e �nc u ehury held a meeting of the literary En'in Palda was �Iected chairman provement is seen this week. Thethe improvement of the methods will in the smoker program. It IS �r?b- committee Friday, and at that time of the board of directors and also of Purdue ofFense is a mixture of straightbe considcred by the chairman of the able that individual boxes contammgassigned the work to be· d()ne during the house committee, at the first club and open foothall. Among the openC('ommittee. These may be sent to five cigarettes will be passed out tothe faU quarter. Half a dozen stu- meeting this quarter, wh.He Shiro plays are many forward passes and\"'alter Foute, .�he �aily Maroon. the men as they enter.dents have b'een reporting regularly Tashiro, Lawrence Dunlap, Leandro intricat� formations. Last year Pur-In the meantime it has been sug- --- for this work. Watkins Palmer, and Fernandez and John Y. Lee are the duc came near running away from.gcsted that the students �ea� ,. the COUNCILORS' WILL MacGregor are actively engaged ;n other �lembers of the board. Chicago hy use of one formation insongs an(l yells. and espec1aUy T�e ENTERTAIN AT TEA getting up the factulty department. F.cmandtz Ia President. which all the men line up on One sideMarch of the Maroons." The fir�t.. IN FOSTER TODAY The managers plan to break up the At the eelctions last spring Leandro of the center. The same play is be-�vening mass meeting will be held ontong list of names that has character- Fernandez, from the Phillip.ine ing used again this' year.Halowe'en in preparation for the All the Upper class councilors .and ized this part of the book in former Islands. was chosen prscident for this Purdue's hackfield i� strong and\Visco�sin game. More time will thdr Freshmen will be �ntertam�d years.' year, Arthur Monasewitz, of Russia caused the nadger line much amciety.then he given to practice in singing this afternoon from 4 until 5:30 m. Koehne, supposed by many to be vice pre.�;de�t�. ��shio Ishida, J�pan, The greatest fault of the team is theand cheering. Foster hall at the Upper class �oun- one oi the best pootographers' in the recording secretary, Brent Alhnson propensity to fumMe. Indirectly thecHor tea. Margaret Rhod�s, chalrm�� country has heen appo�nted official of Chicago treasurer, and Cyril Billik loss of the \Visconsin game or at leastEI .. ECT THIRTEEN TO of tJl� �pper Class cou.ncllor comml� photographer and has begun taking from Russia, corresponding secretary the si7.e of the score may he ascrihedFRESHMAN DRAMAT.IC !��, IS. 10 charge, aSSIsted .by Ce�la pictures of the honor societies, and and business manager. to this.SOCIETY FOR WOllEN Gamble, Ruth Morse,. Jamte Terlll,certain individuals who took part in I Talks are to be given at the regular Conference Situation Clears.( Harriet Tuthill, Adehne Rossma�, student activities in the latter' part. entertainments of the clubs by mem- The conference struggle has defi-Thirteen Freshman women were Lois Sutherland, Betty Byrne,. Sara Iof the Spring quarter. His studio isl hers of the Univcrsity faculty, travel- flitdv narrowed down to Chicagtl•e1ect�ed to the Masqucrs at its tryouts Thompson, Irma Gross. and Kather-at the corner of Michigan avenue; ers who are in the cluh, and others \Yi'S�on�in. Minnesota and Illinois. :\1terday afternoon. They are Kath- ine Covert� the mem�ers of the com'and Monroe street and all groups may l who have taken great interest �n though Minnesota has played no Con-yesEll 'tt M' MechOir secretary of I .h f<:rine Colpitts, Miliam Spitz, en 1m ee. ISS .' he taken there. with thc exception of; Cosmopolitan club affairs. There are fcrence games as yet. t e ormer rec-P terson Jessie· Brown, Anna Marks, the Y. M. C. L. ,Mrss nurto�, former I thos numhering over thirty. These: f.fteen nationalities represented in' the ord of the Gophers demands they 1,ec . •,tad Virginia Hink111s pres' ',.d '1 1Julia Sheifer. �arian Jarvis, Row�na �ecre ary. n .' groups must go to the. Bush Temple i present cluh memhf'rship. considered c?nt�n ers untl t ley areWehster. Esther Hornor, Cathenne ldent of the Y. W. C. � WIU pour.studio at 800 North Clark street.' Have Impl'Oftd Rooms. defeated. Tlhn01s hy the defeat of Tn-r.os�cn, Janet Flanner. Imo�n The managing editors will require TIle club room in Ellis is being gTe�t· diana showed that the C?rang�. andG lard Liman Lonen. A reception QuadraIIa�3 .An�� PledPnC·e\'ery candidate for staff positions to Iy improved hy the addition of n(:.w ntne coac1,es ha"e succeeded m (le-oe •.. . h Q d 1 • thef 1wit lle given for the new members at T e uan rang ers anmooncereport at the office Friday. bet�een fnrnitiure, purchased at a cost of $200. velo"ing a strong team. rom t 'e. t orrow in the Neighborhood pledging of Mary Morrison of Calu·4.30 omM' h' (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) (Continued ()n page four)•. L 'ngton met, IC 19an.room ID eXI • Direct .. Staa GOa Vanity DriB iaNew Pla,a for Gaae WillaBoilenaakenQUAilTET WD.L LEADIN·PRACTICE FRIDAYliEN ARE IN GOOD CONOmONChampionship Race Narrows Down toChicago. Wisconsin, Illinois, andMinnesota.The March of the MarOODL'I'll! DAILY MAROON, \(iED��SDAY, OCT. ·2j, 1912.-'The Daily Maroon1t.i1ln.i" .f .� ... �..; ... ti_.Tlae eelUor ..... , �"1lIe lor riew, eIl­Dre .. €d Aere. Co.. .... koI... . .. " ..delarel CII GIl ed4eace 01 11004 laUI&.. ,I'Any Suit ... Overcoat .. tbeBODse lI&de to Order $18."Julius CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILORJO:ditor The Daily Maroon:'Vill it be necessary to institute aclass at the University for the studyof the Alma Mater? Few of the newstudents know the song. many of theolder students are uncertain of thewords, but miserable dietu, two mem­bers of the University choir mustneeds use the printed copies whensinging at chapel exercises.I t seems to be too simple a song towarrant a class for its study; but whatis the possible course by which newstudents may be induced to learn it?Members of the choir have sung it inpublic more than others among thestudents. Conceivably they have prac­ticed it between times. Is it, then,too much to expect that those wholead us in the singing learn the wordsto our Alma Mater? YOUR "Polycon"classes teach youthe advantages oflarge scale production.The advantages are just asgreat in large scale buying ..As evidence we offer .suits worth $25 at a ..... III!saving of five dollars. .The woolens, the linings,the making, the finishing,and the style of these $20suits equal, and in' manyinstances, excel thosethat are sold. at $25 else-. where. You will find themin an assortment . C2· 0of colors at e...": I! FormerlyThe University or Chicagc WeeklyFounded October I, 1S!.2.Published daily except Sundays. Mondays and Holidays during threequarters of the University year. Sincerely,John Smith." . THREE QUARTERS CLUB RUNSEn tercd as Second-class mall at theChicago Post Office, Chicago" Illi- Freshmen Start Nlic EmibitiODSnois, March 18, 1908, under Act of With Race-More Today.March 3, 1873-----------. ---. -.- Three Quarters club pledges beganManaging Editor • Hiram Kemw:ott hei f . . t ft err ree ,open air entertammen orNews Editor • • • • .Leon Stolz h d Aftt e year yester ay at 12:IS. erAthletic Editor • • Bernard v-� .. d. , . meetmg m front of Kent an answer-BUSiness Manager - •• Burdette Mast . II II th .I k t d to the109 ro can, ey oc s eppelarge circular driveway in the centerof the camps. A relay race �sstarted around the circle, but thisAssociate Editors.Walter Foute .•.••• Martin SteverWilliam Lyman ..•.•. John PerleSamuel Kaplan •.••.. Harry Gorga proved too slow a diversion for theHalger Lollesgard ..• George Lymau upper classmen, and a general raceClyde Watkins .. George Cottinghan was commenced around the track.Grace Hotchkiss.. Sarah Reinwald Today each member of the organiz- Will Address Chemical Society..ation is to bring a pabble made <;,f a Mr. Hedenburg will make an ad-Reporters. barrel stave. to the me.eting. From dress 'before the Kent Chemical 50-Everett Rogerson '•• Augusta Swawit� Kent the club probably will marc� to cietyon the. subject, "The Determina­Lillian Swawite • Dorothy Williston Hutchinson, where divers -faults of ti�n"of . Iodine in Small Amounts inSadi� Bonnem. the Freshmen are to be corrected. Organic Material,'.' at the meeting ofPrln .... l by llaroon Pre ... 5511 Cottage Grove. the club in Keitt tomorrow at 7:30.Phllolocical Society Meets.(fllitorial The Philological society will meet Pow Wow Wlli Meet Today.Technically �e young m� and with Professor Cutting, 5423 Green- A meeting of the Pow 'Vow willwomen who tried to dance m the wood avenue at 8 tonight. Professor hid . C bb B t' be e d to ay at 4 m 0 10 0Reynolds du� .theater Merril and Associate Professor Wood consider changing the name of theReynolds after the Christian as- ·11 k addresses the former on .1WI rna e, club An extemporaneous debate WI IClub Rules sodation's reception the subject, "Cicero to Basilus," and1 h IdF ·da • h le e .n y rug t were the latter on "The Coinage of Newbreaking Reynolds club rules. The Wotds."Daily Maoon sympathizes with the .To Speak on Child Welfare.club attendants for their action in Lectures OD StceDdam Assistant Professor Breckinridgeasking the young people to leave the Dr. Tieman de Vries, of the depart- will speak at 7:30 on the topic, '''Ch�ldclub theater-rules are rules and em- ment of Germanic languages and lit- Welfare Work," before the Educaionployees must enforce them. But The erature, lectured yesterday afternoon club in Belfield hall, IS9.Dai�y .Maroon beUevc:s. that the policy on "Jacob Steendom, the First Poet Ibehind the rule reqmnng formal per- in America. He considered at lengthmission for even the smallest gather- the life and character of Steen dam,ing or departure from custom, is and read many passages from hiswrong. Surely the donors of the works.Reynolds club intended that it be .903 East 55th Street:.A ttering etc. of Ladies and GenaGarments.Repairinc aIld � atModerate PriceaTHE TYPEWRITING OFFICEBasement of Cobb HaILis prepared to copy all kinds of manuscript; to handle correspondence b,stenography; to' furnish copies 'ofcirculars, etc.l f you are new on the campus, weshould be gJad to become acquainted;if not, you probably know us, and w�should be glad to see you again. I�# Stationery cablnetlkeep ellou.h .tatlonel')" .t hand for t'1UTflntase. Solid Qa.rte� Oak. Oland.olllely Ila­labed ....... lbp .... PaId. (See Dote,)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEbolc!. 20.000 letten or.,.pen I%xll IDche ••Solid, au'-taD Ual.Golden. Nataral arWe.thered IlDIab..... en .... duat­proof .Dd 011 rollerbearlDe.. rrelChtpaid. (See Dote.)'ISoU.Get C.t.loe aho .. -Union Made. �=:! ��::, !::We also do high grade repairing and' :!o�ca!e� ���::pre �sing at very low prices. �r.!:I��e�UeCHUOD8"NOTE.-Fftlcht orExpre.. paid .aQaoted to polnta ea.tof Mont ..... W:rom­Inc. Colorado. Okla­hom. aDd TeXAS.BUebU)" hl.her be­:rODd.combine drawcn In h.ndl'OIllC dt'1lk. TheIll .. :rOD w.nt .t ,.our ftncer UJHI. See one., )"otIr de.le.... Fftlcht Plaid tzS,.. (lilee• "ote).Millinery Importations Dreamaldnl THE �.J!II-MANUFACTURING CO.Junior Chapel-'Vomen, tomorrow,17 Union St. MONROE, MICH12:15, Mandel.Cbicaco Display-511'15 S. WabashSHOE ltEPAIRINGPhone Midway 51761126 East Fifty_Fifth Street:.The Dtellel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERSTaylor WiD Speak.Professor Graham Taylor will ad·dress the Y. \V. C. L. on "Attachingthe Detached Through a Home Cen·r ,"� .Iter," at 12:15 in Lexington.used to the utmost. The present.,. Club Membership Breaks Record.tern of prohibiting every sort of span- A total of SI6 members belongingtaneous gathering is responsible for to the Reynolds club this quarter, a Pennsylvania-Plans for a newthe failure of the club to be the lively number exceeding the previous mem- �)uilding, an addition to the presentpopulous center of undrearaduate bership record of SIO made in the fall 'museum at Pennsylvania are expectedmen's activities tl,at it should be. And quarter of 1910. The club also num- from the architects within the nextThe Daily Maroon's statement of bers 18 associate members in its roll. thirty days.facts is only the echo of complaintsheard almost daily on the campus;pianos meant to be played are underlc ck and key; doors are swanc openin such a way that various Jecitimateundergraduate org�zations cannothave legitimately private meetinp,dramatics manuers are forbidden totouch this little thing or brine thatlittle thing into the club; and thesightest and most technical violationof the rules is likely to call down uponsome innocent person's unsuapectinef:ead rebukes which are embarrasiq,not to say maddeninc. The wholefanlt lies in a mistaken attempt to pre_serve in a student's dub an air of die­nity and an atmosphere of conserva_tism that would be considered "toomuch" at a millioneire baDken' re­treat. MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS'_.-.-.-. ----------.-I,),.I:A. loseuhine Graham1329 East Fifty-Fifth IItnet.Bulletin and Announcements.Divinity Cbapel-J2:IS Haskel As­sembly room.Y. W. C. L-Address by ProfessorGraham Taylor, 12:IS, Lexington hallClus Pictures-Sophomores, 1:15; Society-Rehearsal, You can not makea mistake in SendinCyour work here. Onlythe Plost skilled, work·men employed.Pow Wow-Meeting tomorrow, 4,Cobb loB.PbilharmonicJuniors, 1:4S; Walker.tomorrow, 7:15, Mandel.Mandolin Club-Rehearsals 4:IS to6 and 8 to 9:15 tomorrow, Reynolds Kent Chemical Society-Addressesby Mr. Hedenburg "The Determina·club theater. ,tion .of Iodine in Small Amoutns in�L __ Practice-7:IS, Mandel. 0 . M . 1" T"'�u.rgamc atrela. omorrow i:30,Education Club-Add�es� by As- Kent chemical laboratory.sistant Professor Brecklnndge, 7:,30, II rab Sod M.n lfi Id - eno ety- eetmg tomor-e Ie , 1�9· CPbiloIOlica1 Societ7-Addresses by row,7:30, Qbb 6A.Professor Merill and Associate Pro- Emplo,ment Bureau-Moved tofessor Wood; 8, with Professor Cut- Press building, room I.ling,5423 Greeawoocl AyeDIIe. German Club Friday.f, Lexington. SMITB-GOODYUR1134 East 631'd Street.Oppo,site PostoRice..J .� FILING DESKS)-----_._--- ,_ -- -Jalias Is Your BarberSanitary Shop - Three Chm.One-Day Laundry Semce.Agency Sanitex BrushesShoe ShiDinc Parlor.1003 % East 55th Street.Open UDiI IlidJlicb.Fresh aulk Oysters to qrder.Cree.wood CafeJ357 Eo .ssth Street.II THE DAILY MAROON, WEDN£SD:AY,'OCT:'�j; t91�and sixty-eight men. Ten . years after .lAS. L COWBEY�raduation their average > earnings B. L. AMES BAT CO.were about thirty-eight hundred Tribune Building :: 35 W. Madisondollars a year. The fir�" )\:3r the av- 1001 and 1001� East 55th Street.erage income was only seven hundreddollars. By the third year it had risenChi III to twelve hundred, by the fifth yearc:aco,t to two thousand, and by the eighth. year to twenty-seven hundred. The- ...... � .... � I figures include no income from prop- earning a few hundred dollars, andI erty or allowances, but only individual earns only a few hundred next yearI earnings. The lawyers are now mak- If he has the right stuff in him, anrling the most money the business men, is not hopelessly a misfit in the place Open Day and Night.I,hysicians, engineers, journalists, he is trying to fill, the hundreds wil SARATOGA BAR BE R S HOP'Iteachers and clegymen follow, in the soon grow to thousands, and by the J. H. Hcpp, Prop.order named. time he goes back for his decennia 29 South Dearborn StreetNeither Princeton nor the class of reunion. he will find himself in receipt Exner- Manicurist.I '�I is exceptional. Probably similar of an income that provides amply for Scientific Mas�eursreports from corresponding classes of his needs and leaves something over Expert Chiropodistother leading colleges and universities for the graces of life. The opporwould make much the same showing. tunities : for able young men wereI The graduate of 1912, therefore, need never hetter.-The Youth's Com1I0t be discouraged if he is now only pan ion.Everyone enjoys.the coIJegepaper-and a FatimaGO F.tUouI COII$IIIM fIIilI __ •• � .... "..'-' 24 I... IGIIGIP. ""Ie" ..".. &...,__,�".,eJ fIov;cn -I:! c!ca:ru .. .I«I I_. �I�-�"'�e., .. . The Maroon uses this space today�'.! " ...; . .,i:"-:-:-r;:==+-.:-" --"·i�'lcr-;-' you to subscri�Eftry issue'. . � . '.; ., :. � : .... , d�,!e� to you before breakfastfor. $2.50 a. year�TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three MonthsEvery machine guar ..lnteed to be in fine workinc otder, and wiD bekept [0 durinC term of rental: . We deliver' the machine ad can for it at the end of the rental term.We also have . for sale a fine _of �actOf7' Rebuilt machines of anmakes' on which you QIt". � 5C to 75 per ceat.Telepbooe Ham!:On 6�11-6399AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COpp'ANYOHCORPORATED) .437 South Dearborn St. . Statistics announced at the com­FOR RENT-Beautiful large newlymencement exercises of the Carlisle H � S BANfurnished room. Suitable for one YDE u nIl TA"'E K) ndian School are especially interest-__i :t-U_U_\. I_J.fi_"_l __ing at this time when the value of a or two students. Everything mod- cO .... c. 0" "3V aT ... � ..... c ",veern. Very reasonable. Call aftercollege graduate is under discussionand some educators have ventured the 4 p. m. 6106 Ellis avenue, Flat C4-1 T topinion that they cannot earn a living. -. IJ USor h· d t f th C 1· I LOST-A tan leather bill folder, con- C! Me 0t e 514 gra ua es 0 e ar IS e I <!ItSchool 93 are now employed by the raining about ten dollars. Finder You Want MARKplease return to, 29 Foster hall, forGovernment, 71 are merchants, doc- identification.-'SOIIETIIING TO � CLASSIFIED.. ADVERTlStlBTSAUTUIIN.Oh the year is dying, dying,­Golden, brown, and russet leavesFrom the trees are gently falling,As earth its mantle weaves. WANTED-The Daily Maroon de­sires copies of its issue of OctoberI, 1912, to complete its files.Now the sun is waning, waning,-­Wasting paler day by day;Wanly on the ivied gablesThe flickering sunbeams play. FOR RENT-One large front roomin prival� home. Suitable for eith­er one or two students. All modernconveniences. 5752 Washington ave­nue.So the rays are fading, fading,-Shortening with the fleeting hours; FOR RE NT-Resonable, sunnyAnd the snow-flakes downward' steal- quiet room in private family of two.ing,. adults. Modern. Open for inspec-Soon will wrap the sleeping flowers. tion at any time. 6110 Ellis Ave.J. V. N., '16.) 4th apartment.- --Itors, lawyers, journalists, lecturers,and engineers, 50 are farmers andranchers, 86 follow trades,' and 142are housewives. I t is apparent fromthese figures that the Carlisle gradu ..nates seldom return to th ecustoms oftheir forefathers, Of the 4,000 'sudents. FOR RENT-Room 24 North Hall.wo remained in the school- longenough to complete parts' of' terms,more than 3,000 are sucessfully earn­ing their living.. It has been said that the' only good I tI ndian is the dead Indian. This can- Inot he true of the Carlisie"graduates, � Iwho are shown by, statistics .to h�ve I Iutilized their education to become Iuseful citizens, and most of them are I Ifilling' better than humble positions in I Isociety. These wards of Uncle Sa� .DEPOSITORY FOR , "� t.frequently make betttr use of �heir I t"'UNITED STATES ·POSTAV· L ..advantages than the white man. T;lere I t SAVINGS FUNDSis a broad field for the activities of I WANTED-Monograming and ini-tialing on linen; also mending andplain sewing for lades or gentlemen.Phone Midway' 4635.Very reasonable for remainder ofquarter. See Gieselman.Woodlawn Trust I�• Sannes Bank I1204 E. 631li Street, Chicago. I. --- IIA STATE BANK I-- � I Ithe educated Indian. I I . The largest and' old�· bank IThere are. 21 graduates from the I nearest to the University_ Ac-I II Carlisle Schoo. this year and others t counts of professors' and stu- I twill receive certificates showing that I dents solicited. '.they have completed courses in vari-_ Ious lines ranging from blacksmithing I Checking Accounts. of $so.oo I Ito stenography and typewriting.�The I and Savings Accounts of $1.00 I tRed Man, Carlisle Indian School, I t accepted• . I•.•••. � ••• -. __ 4:,Before most of the new graduates --- __' ._._from college and the professional "Come and insPect the largest lineschools the question of income looms of fOl'eicn and domestic woolens dis­large and imminent. However high played in Hyde Park.' Our clothes aremay be their ideals, however un- perfection . in material. style, andselfish their aims, the need of an in- workmanship.cxnne is the great pressing necessity.For the graduates of 1912, who arenow confronting the problem with al1the resourcefulness and confidence MAKER OF SUF�R10R CLOTHESthey can muster, there is cheer andencouragement in the recently issued 1445 E. 55th Street.decennial report of the Princeton Tel Hrie Park 2160class of 19o1.The class members two hundred BENEDICT W AL DS. E. Comer Ellis A vc. The nearest bank to the Uni­versity and the only Bank be­tween 43rd and 63rd street eastof Cottage Grove ave. under StateGovernment supervision.CAPITAL $200,0003 PER CENT ON SAVINGSThe kind all Champions U5e­Spalding's Trade-Marked imple­ments. Best material and work­manship.SPALDING'S NO. J5OFFiCIAL FOOT BALLThe official Foot Ball of thegame. U sed in all important,matches played throughout thecountry. Everything necessaryfor the game •Send for our Fall and WinterCatalogue.Spalding's Official Foot BallGuide, 1912. Edited by WalterCamp. Containing the officialrules, records, pictures of thous­ands of players,· etc. Price, 10 cts,A. G. Sp8Jding & Bros28·30 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IIIHATS THAT SHOW:your taste andthe distinctive­ness of t.he shapesand styles wesell-huts in end­less variety butof uniform highquality. Collegemen welcomed.t' ,,:----- -,C URKISY:,. 'BATHS .MAROON ADSBRI KG RESULTS.THE DAILY MAROON, WED�ESDAY, OCT. 23t 1912.AMUSEMENTS •.EMPRESSit.i. 7:30 and 9:15PRICESlOc-20c-30cMAJESTICDaniel Frohman's"DIAMOND NECKLACE"MOUNT "_IN ASH MALE CHOIRFrom Wales.DINKELSPIEL'S CHRISTMASA Humorous ClassicHoward & Snow; Six Idanias; HarryLester; Herbert & Goldsmith; RalphErrolle; EIDIIla O'Neil_..._..., .------------ORCHESTRA BALLBURTON HOLMES"" Wed. Eve., Oct 23, at 8:15-Fri. Eve., Oct. 2S, at 8:15Sat. Mat., Oct. �, at 2:15-:,i': .pALACE MUSIC BALLClark & Hamilton; Great Lester;Sherman, Van & HYlDan; Wmslow "Stryker; Harry Breen; KlutiDc's En­tertainers.Engagement Extended-Final WeekTEE ETERNAL WALTZGARRICKTHE BLUE BIRDMats. Wed. Fri. and Saturda7.AUDITORIU�THE GARDEN OF ALLAH"The Eighth Wonder of the Wodd."COBAN'S CillORaymond Hitchcock illTHE RED WIDOW�j!..I.jI,\•!!. COLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReal Ice Skatiq.CORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic Sensation. I--��------------------��------�----��------- ------ IJEFFER.SON 'VARSITY DE�ATE TRYOUnl�dI Street aDd Laa A�: . SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAYHotel Camberlud. NOVELTY PHOTOPLAY Coach �oul�on ProPoses New PlpFive Reels nightly of 'the btest 'mov- Under Which Team WiDing pictures. High class sOngs. BestTHEATER of music by high class orchestra.63rd Street and Cottace Groft Aft C ome and hear the new $7,500 pipe. Preliminary tryouts for the VarsityWeek Starting $DD.II�t.OGt 28 organ. debating team will be held Friday atSULLIVAN &: CONSIDINE TONIGHT 8. It is expected that there will bePRODUCING DEPARTMENT The UprisinC (Indian drama) thirty in the contest. All those whoANNOUNCE wish to enter are requested to giveHer Father's Hat (comedy)LEW FIELDS' Ihmmoth Life Savers (comedy) their names to Mr. H. G. Moulton,N L bin d M • The V:n"-e Vi••• '" (drama) Box (i3, Faculty' Exchange, before 1ewest aug g an USlcal ....... ---Triumph. A Ship Boy's .Grit. (drama) tomorrow.FUN ON THE O�EAN SINGING NOW. Each man will be allowed five min-With Five Comedians and Ten Weber Mort LiviDptone utes for opening speech and three&. F�elds. Broadway Girls. A DUcal Chicqo's Foremost C�er Enter. minutes for rebuttal. The contestantsComedy Containing Over a Hundred tamer will be judged on stage rfesence,Laughs and Twenty Song Hits. Direct from his U S. tour on the ahil.i1y 1:0 convince, and preparation ofTHE (3) ALEX Western Vaudeville Circuit. argument. Those who are pickedfrom this ',TOUP will meet in a secondGymnastic Experts From Abroad Pathe Weekly Every FridayHARRY SAUBER �urrent Ev.ents. preliminary in three weeeks. By this"weeding out" process, nine men willThe Genteel Singing Comedian ADMISSIONINEZ LAWSON Main Floor, all seats • • • • • • 1 be chosen to debate against MichiganCh . Bal all oc and Northwestern. This year thearnung Trumpet Soloist cony, seats.. •••••••• r.�-- . t M' hiFarcial Comedy Playle.t. negative earn goes to IC ligan and"1 DIED" the affirmative meets Nortliwestern inWith Mr. James Rennie & Co. WOODLAWN 'TBEATD� Mandel on January 17·IlEr The question, "Resolved: that theCOMING 55t1lSt. ... W��A ..."THE WOW WOW'S The only 5c ShoW' in Hyde Park plan o'f banking reform proposed byA Night in a London C' zb, Good Music and GO:Od Pictures the National monetary commissionSfecIaI' week should be adopted by Congress:' isMATINEE DAILY 2�5 GAUllOIIT·WEE .. ··y _ ...c.r-::., .� .."� TllURSDAY practically new, although Colgate de-TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY I.ARD OTilEll PlCTUIl£a bated on thi same question last year,and the University teams have con­sidered a similar question before.BLACKSTONE Coach Moulton has proposed a newplan under which the team will work.All Faculty Membt-.rs and StudentsWill Be Given Opportunity tc! lDdi- Director Stagg will preside at thecate Preferences. I cross cOt.ntry team's dinners tonight-- at 6:!O in tbe private dining room ofFaculty members and students the comDl0u.. Frc:d Caldwell, captainAIlElK:AlIIIJSI£':1IU. .�ar�on ··.root����h�t;-�re ;;-t -:��11-: probapJy· ,will be .gjv�n·�9P.��r1UD.i!r. .01 �th�,. � in-. l��- and' Bjorne.!ng as rapidly, as was expected by the tomorrow and Friday to indi�te_th,eir Lunde, .JUt. ��s G��,'"T�f"alioLJ;:A� AND HqLBROOK ��mmitt'e'!' in .charge. ',of .the : sale. preferences for president of the bepresent," Alrinen in the U�ivcrsity�� ��I��� .��l.l:L 1here. are sril] a great nunilier of the United States. If the necessary ar- who are or have been active in con-_-.-.... hats on" hand. These .will be .for �ale rangements can be made in time, a nection with the cross country teamsTravelogues, Colored VIeWS ·and 110- . 1--- straw ballot WI'II be taken on these are m' vl·ted. 'PRlINC�.:::::::!.:::::::! . at the massmeeting before the Pur-tion Pictures. . � two days by Mr. Bramhall of the �due game, and in the Reynolds dubINDIA; Bombay to Delhi W A. B d 'D---_...._. m. � y �&"� all Saturday morning, as well as atTh.e First Chicago Performance of the game in the afternoon.BOUGHT AND PAID FOR The same people who sold the hatsBy Geo. Broadh1ll"St. last week will be in charge of theAn American Play of To-day sale this week. Dorothy Llewellynwill have the women's hats, while. men's hats may be obtained from. Duane Mann, Nelson Norgren, RudyMathews, 'Villard Dickerson, Rollin: Harger,· Earle Shilton, Howell Mur-Richard Carle-Hattie WiDiamaTHE GIRL FROIlIiONTIlARTRBIncludinc J. II. Barrie's Burlesque PRACTICE' FORMATIONSproblem play. FOR PURDUE COTESTA SLICE OF LD'BfOl" two and four. This enables the edi­tors to keep a check upon the workdone in the week, gives them time toence victories and has shown general Menorah society will meet tonight put it in' shape over Sunday, and facil­ability better than the rest of the: at 7:30 in Cobb 6A to perfect its or- itates further assignment of· work.Conference teams. If Chicago beats ganization, elect officers, and arrange Tbe business department has spentPurdue on Saturday in all probability for a smoker. All members of the most of its time gelting contracts forthe Chicago-Wisconsin game on No- University who are' interested in the mechanical work to be done forvcmbcr :2 will decide the "Big Nine" Jewish topics are invited. Benjamin the annual In the near future thechampionsip, Blumberg' is the retiring president, work of getting advertisements andANDREW McADAMS Max Sasuly, the vice_president, and subscrip.tions will begin. Baker,Florist and D�or.tor �LUB OUTLINES ITS WORK 1(la Gordon, the secretary-treasurer. Bohnen, Byerly, Crowl,. and DelanyLast sumeer the society entertained have signified their intention of tryingContinued from page I.) I'rofessor Deutch of .the Hebrew (out for this department.Tela. H7de Park IL Cbic:aco, ID Union college of Cincinnati at � din-Telephone H,.te Park .IS7 An order has just been forwarded for ncr. At some time this year another lIartha Greea CbotleD CbairmaD.the new "Corda Frateres" pins, which general convention of the society will Martha Green was elected chairmanwere approved last year. A complete prohably be held at the University. of the house committee of Greenwoodprogram of Cosmopolitan activities is hall. for this quarter. Mona Quayleto be made up at the next meeting of Senior Women WiD lleet. wJ1l be chai�n of the eocial com-the board of directors, called for �cnior women will' meet Thursday mittee, while Gena Thompson will act!�onday. at 1:2:15 in Cobb 9B to discuss plans as secretary, E� Hyde as treasur-Ifor the coming year. Mona Ouayl� cr, Blanche Muon, recorder, MarthaPatronize our advertisers. They are �ecretary of the Junior class last year, Whittamore �s librarian, and Dorothythe most progressive basiacss men. will praide. , Strachan as c:astodiaa of properties..1' � ., .' '..�Klaw " Erlanaer prese .. t. . x8IioMILESTONESLASALLE.THE GIRL AT THE GATECHICAGO. OPERA HOUSEILLINOISOTIS SKINNERin KlSIIET-----------------------------j o LVIMPIClIatintees Wed. and Sat.THE MAN HIGHER UPHas Climbed to Popalarit7.sa5C to'I·SOYdt7-third St. and Kimbark Aft.JOSEPH SCIIMIDTStationery, Toilet ArtidesFine Line of Candiests6 Eo 55th Street. Cbicaco, mImported an4 DomestIc Liae of.,a ...... aa-eaa Work. NEW YORK"Broadway" can from Grand CentralDepot.Seventh AftIlIle Cars from Peanql­vania Statioa.Kept by a Collqe lIan from V�tHeadquarters for CoJlqe St1ld�tsI Special Rates for CoUece Teams.Ten Minutes' Walk to Thirty TheatresRooms with Bath. $2.50 and up. '.'.New. Modem and Firepl'oofH/.. RRY P. STIMSON. MANAGER.Headquarters for Chicaco Men I·__________ � lJERREMS·MADE clothes mean more comfort style, and aenerat sat·isfaction than you will Cet from the ordinary kind.That's' because we put all our Imowlec!ae into buyinc the richt sort offabrics and aU our � into makinc them properly •.Other grades $30.00 to $60.00Three Stores:7 N. La Salle St.:2S E. Jackson Blvd.71 E. Madison St. �.A. N. JERREMS, lIanqer.TAILOR FORYOUNG MENAll nine men, alternates as well asteam men, will prepare on both sidesof the question and the two teams will TO HOLD PRESIDENTIALnot be chosen until the Thursday be-fore the dabates. STRAW BALLOT TOMORROW CROSS COUNTRY liENWILL HAVE DINNER;STAGG TO PRESIDE'MAROON HATS S�LL SLOWLY�ce Number' Still on Hand for,Purdue G� Saturday.j • .;Political Science department.Separate ballots will be furnishedray, or Thomas Coleman. UNIVERSITY CHORUSSINOS AT IIEETINGfor men and for women. Students OF BULL IIOOSERSwill be asked to vote. only on the _Presidential candidates, but members' ·The Uniyer�'ty seetion of thc Janeof the faculty may be asked to 'vote Addams chorus sang last night at theupon the Governor also. The polls Progressive massmeeting in Grandwill be open at a number of eonven- Boulevard hall Professor Merriamient hours each days. and it is hoped' was one of the speakers .. Others whothat in this way everybody will be made addresses we�e Frank H. Funk,given a chance to vote. The polling candidate for governor; Thomas D.place probably will be in Cobb, Knight, candidate for Congressman,Exact information in all probabilHy' John -H. Passmore candiadte for as­will he given out today, no more def- semblyman, and Mrs. A Funk.inite arrangements having been made ...TO TAKE CLASS PICTURES..(Continued from paJl� one)green material that presented itself at l'IENORAH SOCIETY TO IIEETthe beginning of the year.Chicago and Wisconsin, however, .WiD Elect Oflicera and Arranaeare the most important contenders for Smoker ToDiaht.the titlf. Each has won two Confer- (Continued from pace one)